I am attempting to show multiple possible lines of descent, using a spread-sheet-based grid co-ordinate set. In this case, appears at both DL34 & LV47. Along the way, several branching lines (branches up, earlier) are shown by breaks in the listing, with the co-ordinates given to show how they link up. Of course, along the way, there are some suspected forays into old semi-mythological genealogy, or at least sources of questionable reliability.
They didn't have DNA testing 2K years ago, and doctors & DNA sequencers inform us that even in times of meticulous government privacy violation, the fathers listed on birth certificates are only correct about 90% of the time.
** DL34 ** Numerius Julius Caesar
** DJ40 ** Marcus Atius (s of Marcus Atius Balbus b: 148BCE d: 87BCE & Pompeia; gs of Sextus Pompeius & Lucilia; ggs of Gnaeus Pompeius) b: 105BCE m: ** DF40 ** Julia Caesaris (d of Gaius Julius Caesar iii & Aurelia Cotta)
** DI41 ** Gaius Octavius (s of Gaius Octavius; gs of Gaius Octavius) d: 59BCE m: ** DJ41 ** Atia Balba Caesonia (m1: Gaius Octavius m2: Lucius Marcius Philippus)
** DF42 ** Mark Antony/Marc Antony/Marcus Antonius triumvir (s of Marcus Antonius Creticus & Julia Antonia/Julia Caesaris b: 104BCE d: after 39BCE; gs of Marcus Antonius orator d: 87BCE and of Lucius Julius Caesar ?iii? b: c. 135BCE d: 87BCE; ggs of Lucius Julius Caesar ?ii? & Poppilia; 2ggs of Sextus Julius Caesar i; cousin of Julius Caesar) b: 83-04-20BCE in Rome d: 30-08-01CE in Alexandria (m1: Fadia m2: Antonia m3: Fulvia m4: Octavia m5: Cleopatra) m: ** DI42 ** Octavia Julia the younger (sister of Octavian) b: c. 70BCE d: c. 10BCE buried: mausoleum of Augustus (m1: Marcus Claudius Marcellus d: 40 May BCE m2: 40BCE to Mark Antony)
** DA43 ** Neron Claudius Drusus/Nero Drusus Claudius governor of Gaul (s of DA42 Tiberius Nero Claudius b: c. 65BCE d: c. 33BCE m: DB42 Livie Drusilla Julian b: c. 90BCE; gs of Lucius Claudius ) b: c. 60BCE d: c. 29BCE) b: c. 38BCE d: c. 10CE in Allemagne m: ** DF43 ** Antonia the younger (d of DF42 Mark Antony & DI42 Octavia Julia the younger) b: c. 35BCE
** DA44 ** Claudius Caesar (s of Neron & Antonia) b: c. 10BCE d: c. 55 m: ** DB44 ** Aemelia Lepida b: c. 10CE
** LV47 ** ?Numerius Julius Caesar?
** ???? ** Tiberius Claudius Nero triumvir monetalis (descendant of Appius Claudius Caecus; descendant of Tiberius Claudius Nero) b:c.105BCE d:c.c.50BCE m: a Claudian (father of Tiberius Claudius Nero praetor, Claudia; grand-father of emperor Tiberius Caesar)
** ???? ** Tiberius Claudius Nero praetor (s of Tiberius Claudius Nero & ??) b:c.85BCE d:33BCE m: Livia Drusilla/Livia Augusta (d of Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus & Alfidia/Aufidia; gd of Alfidius/Aufidius Lurco) b:58/59-01-30BCE d: 29-09-28CE in Rome (parents of emperor Tiberius/Tiberius Caesar Augustus, Nero Claudius Drusus/Decimus Claudius Drusus)
** LM56 ** Nero Claudius Drusus/Decimus Claudius Drusus (Britannica) (son of Tiberius Claudius Nero & Livia Drusilla) b: between 38-03-13BCE & 38-04-15BCE in Rome d: c.9-08-01CE in Germania buried: mausoleum of Augustus, Campus Martius, Rome m1: LN56 Antonia the younger/Antonia Minor (d of Mark Antony/Marcus Antonius iii & Octavia Minor/Octavia the younger) b:36-01-31BCE in Athens, Greece d: 37-05-01CE in Rome (parents of Germanicus, Livilla, & emperor Claudius)
** ???? ** Germanicus/Germanicus Julius Caesar (s of Nero Claudius Drusus & Antonia the younger) b: 15-05-24BCE (YMD) d: 19-10-10CE m: Agrippina the elder (parents of Nero Caesar, Drusus Caesar, Gaius Caesar/Caligula, Julia Agrippina, Julia Drusilla, Julia Livilla)
** ???? ** Livilla/Claudia Livia Julia (d of Nero Claudius Drusus & Antonia the younger) b:c.13BCE d:31CE m: Gaius Caesar/Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa (s of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Augustus & Julia the elder/Julia Caesaris filia/Julia Augusti filia; gs of emperor Octavius/Augustus Caesar & Scribonia) b:20BCE in Rome d: 4-02-21CE in Lycia, Anatolia/Asia-Minor
** ???? ** emperor Claudius/Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (s of Nero Claudius Drusus & Antonia the younger) b:10-08-01 in Lugdunum, Gaul d: 54-10-13 in Rome buried: mausoleum of Augustus, Campus Martius, Rome (father of Claudius Drusus, Claudia Antonia, Claudia Octavia, Britannicus, Nero (by adoption), Venissa (alleged)) m1: Plautia Urgulanilla m2: Aelia Paetina m3: VAleria Messalina m4: Julia Agrippina
** LL55 ** Llud Llaw Ereint the silver-haired ap Beli
** CZ47 ** Coel roi de Silurie (s of Meurig & Julia) b: c. 80 d: c. 150 m: daughter of Cyllin ap Caradec
** CX48 ** Marcomir iv the Sicambre b: c. 85 d: c. 150 m: ** CZ48 ** Athildis princesse de Brittons
** CX49 ** Chlodomir iv the Sicambre roi des Francs Ripuaires (s of Marcomir & Athildis) b: c. 105 d: c. 165 m: Haside de Rugie
** CX57 ** Chlodion i de Cologne/Koeln the Sicambre (s of Dagobert) b: c. 345 d: c. 400 m: ** CT57 ** Blesinde princesse d'Alemanie b: c. 345 d: c. 405
** CV58 ** Theodemir de Toxandrie (s of Richimir de Toxandrie b: c. 350 d: c. 385 & Ascyla de Francie b: c. 355) m: Blesinde de Cologne/Koeln b: c. 380 m: ** CX58 ** Blesinde de Cologne/Koeln (d of Chlodion) b: c. 380
** CV59 ** Clodion roi des Francs i de Chevelu de Toxandrie (son of Theodemir de Toxandrie & Blesinde de Cologne) b: c. 400 d: c. 450 m: his cousin ** CZ59 ** Hildegonde de Cologne/Koeln (d of Marcomir de Francie Sicambre roi des Francs Ripuaries b: c. 370 d: c. 400; gd of Chlodion i de Cologne & Blesinde princesse d'Alemanie) b: c. 400 d: c. 450
** CV60 ** Ragnhard roi de Cambrai (s of Clodion & Hildegonde) b: c. 430 d: c. 470
** CV61 ** Richard roi d'Arras (s of Ragnhard)
** CM62 ** Ansbert comte de Ponthieu (s of Waudebert i & Lucile) m: ** CS62 ** Mathilde de Therouanne comtesse d'Arques (d of CS61=CK59 Chlodion de Therouanne & CU61=CN59 Gania de Cornouaille Bretagne/Brittany/Armorique/Armorica; gd of Adrien Selyfa/Aldrien/Daniel de Cornouaille de Bretagne b: c. 430 d: c. 465 & UNKNOWN d'Irlande b: c. 425)
** CM64 ** Sigepert/?Sigebert? de Ponthieu (s of Richard & Richarianne) b: c. 570 d: c. 615
** CM65 ** Thierry/Theodoric de Ponthieu (s of Sigepert/?Sigebert?) b: c. 620 d: c. 640
** CK57 ** ??Chlodion roi des Francs/Franks chevelu de Toxandrie b: c. 400 d: c. 450 m: **CL57** Hildegonde de Cologne/Koeln (daughter of Marcomir de Francie Sicambre & Hildegonde de Toxandrie; g of Theodemir de Toxandrie/Theodemir of the Riparian Franks & Blesinde de Coulogne/Koeln/Blesinde of the Franks) b: c. 400 d: c. 450
** CK74 ** Herlouin i de Ponthieu b: c. 830 d: c. 880 m: CL74 Helisinde/Helissende countess of Arcis sur Aube et dame de Rameru/Ramerupt b: c. 835 d: c. 870
** CK80 ** Enguerrand/Isambart of Ponthieu et Montreuil (s of Hugh & Gisela) m: Adele/Adela/Adelaise/Adelina of Holland/Adeline de Boulogne (daughter of Arnulf & Luitgarde of Cleves/Kleve; gd of Dirk/Theodoric & Hildegarde; ggd of Dirk of Holland) widow of Baldwin ii of Boulogne) b: c. 990 d: c. 1045
** CK81 ** Hugh ii/Hugues ii of Ponthieu (s of Enguerrand/Isambart & Adele) m: Bertha of Aumale (d of Gurinfroi/Guerinfroi/Guerenfroi/Guenfroi/Guenfrid Aymard of Aumale b: c. 965 m: Hermengarde)
** CK82 ** ?Enguerrand ii count of Ponthieu d'Aumale b: c. 1020 m: ** DA82 ** Adelaide of Normandy countess of Aumale/Adeliza (daughter of Robert ii & Herleve/Arlette; gd of Richard & Judith)
** CK83 ** Piers de Valoines/Piers ii Ponthieu de Valognes/Peter Ponthieu de Valoignes (son of Piers de Valognes & Aubrey Rie/Albreda de Rie; gs of Enguerrand Ponthieu & Aleida Gant)
** CI84 ** Hubert de Munchensy (son of Hubert de Monte Caniso) b: c. 1030 m: ** CK84 ** Muriel Ponthieu de Valognes/Valoignes/Valoines (daughter of Piers) b: c. 1095
** CH85 ** ?Harold de Vaux/Harold de Vallibus/Robert de Vaux/Robert Harold de Vaux iii b: c. 1060 d: after 1086? m: ** CI85 ** Ada de Munchensy/Munchensi/Montchensey (sister of Warin de Munchensy)
** CH86 ** Robert de Vaux (?brother of Hubert de Vaux baron of GillesLand/Gillisland/Gilsland?) b: c. 1100 in Normandy m: Agnes FitzWalter (daughter of Ralph fitzWalter de Strickland & Matilda de Langetot) [ancestors of pres. George Washington]
William de Vaux (?son of Robert & Agnes FitzWalter?) b: c. 1120 d: c. 1150 [ancestors of George Washington]
Rundolph de Vaux or Robert (son of William)
** CH89 ** Philip de Vaux (?son of Rundolph or son of Robert+grand-son of William?) m: ** DR89 ** Elizabeth Comyn (d of William Comyn of Buchan sheriffoof Forfar & Sarah) b: c. 1223 d: 1267
** CH90 ** John de Vaux b: before 1155 d: before 1189
** CB90 ** Truite of Haliburton
** BW99 ** John Turnbull of Minto/Myntou or James Turnbull (s of William Turnbull & Margaret Douglas) b: c. 1315 d: 1355 m: ** CB99 ** Mary Haliburton/Mary Halyburton (d of John de Haliburton & Margaret Cameron; sister of Jean Haliburton who m Henry Sinclair) b: c. 1333
** BU100 ** sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley (son of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley d: 1374-08-26; gs of s of sir Alan Stewart of Dreghorn d: 1333-07-19 at Halidon Hill; ggs of sir John Stewart of Bonkyl et Dreghorn d: 1298-07-22 at Falkirk m: 1288 with Margaret de Bonkyl d: 1304; 2ggs of Alexander Stewart 4th high steward of Scotland b: 1214 d: 1283 m: Jean MacRory and sir Alexander de Bonkyl/ Bonkill/ Bonekil/ Bunkille/ Bonkehill/ Boukile; 3ggs of Walter Stewart 3rd high Steward of Scotland m: Beatrix of Angus) d: before 1404-05-05 m1: ** BW100 ** Marguerite Turnbull (sister of sir John Turnbull of Minto/Myntou & ??; d of John Turnbull or James Turnbull) ((he m2: c. 1381 to Janet Keith (d of sir William Keith of Galston) )
** BU101 ** sir William Stewart of Garlies et Jedworth (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull; grand-son of John Turnbull of Minto) d: 1402-09-14 after Homildon Hill m: ** CE101 ** Isabel Oliver (widow or daughter of sir Richard Oliver)
** DL35 ** Lucius Julius Caesar i
** DL36 ** Sextus Julius Caesar i
** DL37 ** Gaius Julius Caesar i
** DL38 ** Gaius Julius Caesar ii m: Marcia
** DL39 ** Gaius Julius Caesar iii m: Aurelia Cotta (d of ** DM38 ** Lucius Aurelius Cotta & Rutilia)
** CZ45 ** Gweirdd Arviragus roi de Silurie b: c. 5CE d: c. 75CE m: ** DA45 ** Genuissa Claudia/Vanessa Claudien (d of Claudius & Aemelia) b: c. 15CE d: c. 50CE (per Geoffrey of Monmouth's _Historia regum Brittaniae_ folios 38r-38v)
** LV48 ** ?Lucius Julius Caesar i?
** LV49 ** Sextus Julius Caesar i
** LV50 ** Gaius Julius Caesar i praetor
** LV51 ** Gaius Julius Caesar ii (s of Gaius Julius Caesar i praetor; gs of Sextus Julius Caesar i; ggs of ?Lucius Julius Caesar i?; 2ggs of Numerius Julius Caesar) m: Marcia (d of consul Quintus Marcius Rex; descendant of praetor Quintus Marcius Rex; descendant of Ancus Marcius)
** LV52 ** senator Gaius Julius Caesar proconsul of "Asia" (s of Gaius Julius Caesar & Marcia; gs of consul Lucius Aurelius Cotta; brother of Sextus Julius Caesar) b:c.140BCE d:85BCE m: Aurelia/Aurelia Cotta (d of probably Lucius Aurelius Cotta or possibly Marcus Aurelius Cotta & Rutilla) b:120-05-21BCE d:54-07-31BCE (parents of Julia Major/Julia the elder, Julia Minor/Julia the younger, Julius Caesar)
** LS53 ** Marcus Atius Balbus (s of ?Marcus Atius Balbus? & Pompeia) b:c.105BCE d: 51BCE m: ** LV53 ** Julia Minor/Julia Caesaris (d of Gaius Julius Caesar & Aurelia; sister of Julius Caesar) b: before 100BCE d: 51BCE
** LQ54 ** Caius Octavius/Gaius Octavius praetor/governor of Macedonia (s of Gaius Octavius municipal magistrate; gs of Gaius Octavius military tribune of Sicily) b: c. 100BCE d: c. 59BCE m1: Ancharia m2: ** LS54 ** Atia Balba Caesonia (d of Marcus Atius Balbus & Julia Minor; niece of Gius Julius Caesar) b:c.85BCE d: 43 August BCE (parents of Octavia the elder, Octavia the younger, emperor Augustus)
** LN55 ** Mark Antony/Marcus Antonius iii (s of Marcus Antonius Creticus & Julia) b: 83-01-14BCE in Rome d: 30-08-01 in Alexandria, Egypt m: ** LQ55 ** Octavia Minor/Octavia the younger (d of emperor Octavian/Gaius Octavius/Augustus & Atia Balba Caesonia) b:c.67BCE in Nola, Italian peninsula d: c.11BCE at Rome buried: mausoleum of Augustus, Campus Martius, Rome
** LN56 ** Antonia the younger/Antonia Minor (d of Mark Antony/Marcus Antonius iii & Octavia Minor/Octavia the younger) b:36-01-31BCE in Athens, Greece d: 37-05-01CE in Rome (parents of Germanicus, Livilla, & emperor Claudius) m: ** LM56 ** Nero Claudius Drusus/Decimus Claudius Drusus (Britannica) (son of Tiberius Claudius Nero & Livia Drusilla) b: between 38-03-13BCE & 38-04-15BCE in Rome d: c.9-08-01CE in Germania buried: mausoleum of Augustus, Campus Martius, Rome
** LL56 ** Tasclovanus/Tenuantius/Theomantius/Tenantius ap Lludd d: c. 25
** LL57 ** Cunobelinus/ Cymbeline/ Cynveline/ Cymbeline Trinobantes (s of Tasclovanus/ Tenuantius/ Theomantius/ Tenantius ap Lludd) b: c. 1 d: c. 50
** LN58 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin» Tiberius Claudius Germanicus/Tiberius Claudius Britannicus (son of Claudius & Valeria Messalina)
** LL58 ** Gwenivyth/ Arviragus/ Arvirargus/ Aviragun/ Gweinivyth/ Gwairydd (s of Cunobelinus/ Cymbeline/ Cynveline/ Cymbeline Trinobantes b: c. 1 d: c. 50) d: c. 75 ?=? Gweirdd Arviragus roi de Silurie b: c. 5CE d: c. 75CE m: ** LM58=?DA45? ** Genvissa/ Genuissa/ Genissa/ Venissa/ Vanessa/ Venus Julia Claudien/Claudia/Claudius (d of Claudius & Aemelia Lepida) b: c. 15CE d: c. 50CE (per Geoffrey of Monmouth's _Historia regum Brittaniae_ folios 38r-38v ; others also suggest Aemelia Lepida, though betrothed to, never married Claudius, but she did marry in 13CE to Marcus Junius Silanus Torquatus)
** CZ46=LL59 ** Meurig Marius Cyllin roi de Silurie (??step-brother of Rufus Pudens & of "St. Paul"??) b: c. 35 d: c. 125 m: Penardun ferch Bran (d of Bran Vendigald the blessed ap Llyr & Anna/Enygeus; gd of Llyr Lleddiarth half-speech/king Lear & Penarddun ferch Llud and ?Joseph of Arimethea & Anna?) or Julia Victoria ferch Prasutaus (d of Prasutaus & Boudica/ Boadicea/ Budicca of the Iceni) b: c. 30 (per Geoffrey of Monmouth's _Historia regum Brittaniae_ folios 38r-38v)
** LL60 ** Coel Godhebog of Colchester/brenin Caercolun b: c. 70 in Rome d: c. 160 ?=? CZ47 ** Coel roi de Silurie b: c. 80 d: c. 150 m: daughter of Cyllin ap Caradec
** CX50 ** Farabert the Sicambre (s of Chlodomir & Haside)
** CX51 ** Sunon the Sicambre (s of Farabert)
** CX52 ** Chilperic i the Sicambre (s of Sunon)
** CX53 ** Baltaire the Sicambre (s of Chilperic)
** CX54 ** Choldimir/Chlodomir/Clodius/Claudius iii the Sicambre (s of Baltaire)
** CX55 ** Waltaire the Sicambre (s of Choldimir)
** CX56 ** Dagobert the Sicambre roi des Francs (s of Waltaire) d: c. 380
** CV62 ** Richard comte d'Artois (s of Richard)
** CV63 ** Richarianne d'Artois (d of Richard comte d'Artois) m: ** CM63 ** Richard de Ponthieu comte de Ternois (s of Ansbert comte de Ponthieu & Mathilde de Therouanne comtesse d'Arques)
** CM63 ** Richard de Ponthieu comte de Ternois (s of Ansbert comte de Ponthieu & Mathilde de Therouanne comtesse d'Arques) m: ** CV63 ** Richarianne d'Artois (d of Richard comte d'Artois; gd of Richard roi d'Arras; ggd of Ragnhard roi de Cambrai)
** CK58 ** Landbert/Lambert roi de Therouanne b: c. 425 d: c. 460 m: Theudria de Boulogne (daughter of Walmer de Rouerge & Blesinde de Therouane; gd of Erkembert des Ruthenes and Theodemir de Toxandrie & Blesinde de Cologne)
** CK59=CS61 ** Chlodion/Clodgar de Therouanne b: c. 445 d: c. 510 m: ** CN59=CU61 ** Gania de Cornouaille, Bretagne/Brittany/Armorique/Armorica (d of Adrien Selyfa/Aldrien/Daniel de Cornouaille de Bretagne b: c. 430 d: c. 465 m: UNKNOWN d'Irlande b: c. 425; gd of Salomon d'Armorique roi des Bretons en Armorique b: c. 395 d: c. 435 & Flavie ferch Flavien; ggd of Urbien ker Uncar/Gradlon d'Armorique comte de Cornouaille b: c. 375 d: c. 440 m: Tigrida d'Irlande)
** CK60 ** Haymon de Therouanne m: Maurianne d'Aquitaine b: c. 500
** CK61 ** Chlodulphe/Chrodulphe de Therouanne comte de Boulogne b: c. 530 d: c. 560 m: UNKNOWN de Cambrai b: c. 530
** CK62 ** Chrodbert de Boulogne b: c. 560 d: c. 600
** CK63 ** Thierry/Theodoric/Theudric de Boulogne b: c. 580 d: c. 610
** CK64 ** Folkmar comte de Boulogne b: c. 600 d: c. 630
** CK65 ** Wilbert comte de Boulogne b: c. 630 d: 655 m: Ada b: c. 635
** CK66 ** Walmar de Boulogne (s of Wilbert comte de Boulogne & Ada) b: c. 655 d: c. 700 m: ** CM66 ** UNKNOWN de Ponthieu (d of CM65 Thierry/Theodoric de Ponthieu; gs of CM64 Sigepert/?Sigebert? de Ponthieu)
** CK67 ** Odwel de Boulogne (s of Walmar & ?? de Ponthieu) b: c. 680 d: c. 735 m: UNKNOWN de Lens/?Lintz?/?Linz?
** CK68 ** Fromund i de Boulogne comte de Ternois (s of Odwel) b: c. 700 d: c. 750
** CK69 ** Fromund ii de Boulogne (s of Fromund) b: c. 720 d: 780 m: Iorie/Lorie von Thuringen/of Thuringia () b: c. 715
** CK70 ** Helwin de Boulogne et Tournehem (s of Fromund & IOrie/Lorie) b: c. 750 d: c. 810
** CK71 ** Hatto de Boulogne (s of Helwin) b: c. 770 d: c. 835
** CK72 ** Oswin de Boulogne (s of Hatto) b: c. 790 d: c. 850
** CK73 ** Heligaud/Helgaud ii de Ponthieu b: c. 805 d: c. 860 m: ** CM73 ** Berthe de Ponthieu (daughter of St. Angilbert de Ponthieu & Berthe the Carolingian; gd of Nithard de Ponthieu & Richilde the Carolingian and Charlemagne & Hildegarde de Souabe/Schwabia und Vintzgau/Vintschgau/Veneto) b: c. 805 d: 860
** CK75 ** Heligaud/Helgaud iii of Montreuil et Ponthieu (d of Herlouin & Helisinde/Helissende) b: c. 860 d: c. 925
** CK76 ** Herlouin/Herluin ii count of Ponthieu et Amiens (s of Heligaud/Helgaud iii) d: 945-07-13 in Bayeux m: Noelle de Dammartin b: c. 895
** CK77 ** Rotgaire/Roger/Notgard count of Montreuil (?brother of Guillaume i de Ponthieu?) m: Herluin
** CJ77 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin» Guillaume i de Ponthieu m: Alliette de Normandie
** CK78 ** Hugh/Hildouin iii de Ponthieu/Hugo Miles (s of Roger & Herluin) d: c. 960 m: Hersende of Arcis
** CJ78 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin» Hildouin iii de Ponthieu (son of Guillaume & Alliette) m: Hersende comtesse la pieuse
** CK79 ** Hugh i de Montreuil et Abbevill (s of Hugh/Hildouin iii & Hersende) d: 1000-07-04 m: Gisela of France/Gisela Capet/Gisele Capet (daughter of Hugh Capet & Adelais of Aquitaine)
** CJ79 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin» Hilduin de Montdidier (son of Hildouin iii & Hersende) m: Halvide de Laon
** CJ80 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin» Manasses d'Omont (son of Hilduin & Halvide) m: Odelie de Castrice
** CH91 ** William de Vaux b: c. 1170 d: after 1221
** CH92 ** ????Johannes/John de Vaux/de Vallibus b: c. 1190 d: after 1251 m: Ada? or Robert de Vaux & Ada of Isbell/Ada Engayne/Ada Engaine ????
** CH93 ** Alexander de Vaux b: c. 1220 d: c. 1270 or Oliver de Vaux & Petronilla de Croun/Craon
** CH94 ** John de Vaux (?Alexander de Vaux OR Oliver de Vaux & Petronilla de Croun/Petronilla de Craon) b: before 1270 d: after 1309 m: Devorgilla nicAlan of Galloway b: c. 1220 d: 1289-01-28 at Kemstone, BedfordShire buried: New Abbey, WigtownShire or Sibilla de Longchamps/Sybilla de Langchamps
** CH95 ** William de Vaux b: before 1320 d: c. 1365
** CH96 ** William de Vaux b: before 1364 d: c. 1392 m: Catherine Douglas (daughter of ?Archibald Douglas? & ?Beatrix de Lindsay?)
** CH97 ** Agatha de Vaux b: c. 1290
** CB91 ** David Haliburton
** CB92 ** Walter Haliburton
** CB93 ** William Haliburton m: with Christian de Fawnys (d of Richard de Fawnys)
** CB94 ** Philip de Haliburton b: c. 1207 m: with Alice
** CB95 ** sir Henry de Haliburton b: c. 1232 d: 1323 m: Agnes de Mordington (d of Peter de Mordington) b: 1236
** CB96 ** sir Adam de Haliburton/Adam de Halyburton b:c.1280 d: 1337 m: with Isobel/Isabella Stewart b: 1285 April in Isleworth, Middlesex, England
** CB97 ** John Haliburton of Dirleton/John de Halyburton (s of sir Adam de Haliburton/Adam de Halyburton b:c.1280 d: 1337 & Isobel/Isabella Stewart b: 1285 April in Isleworth, Middlesex, England) b: 1313 in Haliburton, Berwick d: 1355 August in battle of Nisbet m: ** CH97 ** with Agatha de Vaux (d of ?William de Vaux of Dirleton who m Catherine Douglas? or daughter of ?Thomas de Vaux?; aunt of William de Baux & Margaret de Baux; great-aunt of John Vaus of Barnbarroch?) b: c. 1290
** CB97 ** John de Haliburton b: c. 1300? in Dirleton d: after 1402 m: Margaret Cameron b: 1315 in Perth
** BQ101 **
** BR101 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»James Stewart (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull)
** BS101 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Robert Stewart (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull)
** BT101 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Alexander Stewart (s of sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley & Marguerite Turnbull)
** BU102 ** sir John Stewart 1st of Dalswinton et Garlies d: 1419 or 1420 m: 1396-10-17 with ** DN102 ** Marion Stewart (d of sir Walter Stewart; gd sir John Stewart; ggd of sir Walter Stewart; 2ggd of sir John Stewart of Bonkyl et Dreghorn & Margaret de Bonkyl; 3ggd of Alexander Stewart 4th high steward of Scotland m: Jean MacRory) (she m2: after 1422 to sir John Forrester )
** BU103 ** sir William Stewart 2nd earl/laird/baron of Dalswinton et Garlies (son of sir John Stewart 1st of Dalswinton et Garlies & Marion Stewart) b: 1396 at Garlies, WigtownShire d: 1479-10-31 at Trebizond/Trabzond/Trabzon, Anatolia/Asia-Minor on the SouthEastern Black Sea/Karadeniz in what is now Turkey (115-125 miles West of the current Georgia border near Batumi; 555-580 miles NE of Iskenderun/Alexandria & Hatay near the Mediterranean & the Syrian border; 655-665 miles East of Istanbul) m: ** BV103 ** Elizabeth
** BU104 ** sir Alexander Stewart 3rd earl of Garlies (son of sir William Stewart 2nd earl of Dalswinton et Garlies) d: c. 1500 m: ** JO104 ** Elizabeth Douglas (d of sir Archibald Douglas 3rd of Cavers; gd of sir William Douglas 2nd of Cavers d: 1464-01-08; ggd of sir Archibald Douglas of Liddesdale et 1st of Cavers regent of Scotland b: after 1373 & Margaret; 2ggd of James Douglas 2nd earl of Douglas earl of Mar b: c. 1358 d: c. 1388-08-14 in battle of Otterburn buried: Melrose abbey, RoxburghShire m: Isabella/Isabel Stewart; 3ggd of William 1st earl of Douglas d: 1384 m: Margaret of Mar (daughter ) d: c. 1391 and king Robert Stewart ii of Scotland & Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan; 4ggd of of Donald/Domhnall ii 8th earl of Mar & Isabella Stewart)
** B105 ** John Hannay of Sorbie (son of Alexander Hannah and grand-son of Robert Hannah and g-grand-son of Odo Hannay or ?Ethe Hannay and grand-son of Odo Hannay?) d: c. 1544 m: c. 1500 ** BU105 ** Elizabth/Isobel Stewart ??or (later, derivative sources have) Margaret Stewart?? (??sister of Janet Stewart m: sir John Dunbar of Mochrum*, son of sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield & Isobel Sutherland??)
** B106 ** Patrick Hannay (son of John) b: before 1545 d: c. 1582 (built Sorbie tower?) «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»?sir Robert Hannay (son of John) b: c. 1505?
Donald Hannay of Sorbie (son of Patrick Hannay? or ?Odo A'Hannay of Sorbie?) Alexander A'Hannay 1st of Kirkdale* (son of Donald; gs of Patrick; ggs of John H & Margaret Stewart; 2ggs of Alexander; 3ggs of Robert; 4ggs of Odo) b: before 1516 (burgess of Wigtown. purchased Kirkdale 1532-11-01 from Duncan Murray burgess of Whithorn)
John A'Hannay of Kirkdale* (son of Alexander)
Patrick A'Hannay of Kirkdale* son of John; grand-son of Alexander ( John Hanna (son of ?Alexander Hannah or Patrick Hannay? & Anne McKie; gs of Donald; ggs of Patrick of Sorbie; 2ggs of Odo) b: before 1590 d: c. 1640 (baillie et burgess of Canongate, Edinburgh. held Sorbie lands and these offices from 1612 to 1620. See also Canongate Kirk.)
Alexander Hanna (?son of John?) ?b: c. 1600 in WigtownShire d: c. 1640 in Ireland?
Robert Hanna/?Robert A. Hanna? (son of Alexander Hanna) b: c. 1670 probably in county Monaghan, Ireland d: after 1710 in Ireland m: c. 1693 ?Christian Taylyeor b: c. 1675??? (common ancestor of David Hannah, senator Marcus Alonzo Hanna (and see findagrave), & Paul Hanna)
Robert Hanna b: c. 1695 in Ireland or Scotland d: 1758 in PA m: c. 1716 in Ireland to Elizabeth UNKNOWN
James Hannah b: c. 1718 in county Monaghan, Ireland d: 1798 at Ft. Harrod, Mercer county KY m: c. 1738 to Martha UNKNOWN b: c. 1720 in Ireland d: 1798 at Ft. Harrod, Mercer county KY ( William Hanna/?William Patrick Hanna? b: c. 1750 in Little Britain twp Lancaster county PA d: 1809 in Tuscarora, Berkeley county VA (now WV) m: c. 1773 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) to Sarah Jane Patterson (daughter of William Patterson & Hannah Vance) b: c. 1755 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) d: c. 1805 in VA (now WV)
David Hanna/David Hannah b: 1774 in Berkeley county VA (now WV) d: 1844-07-21 in Harrison township Logan county [?now Champaign county? between Grant Rd & Mahar Rd along the north side of the Old Columbus Rd between Bellaire & Springfield?] OH m1: 1800-09-24 to Nancy Vance (daughter of Hugh Vance & Elizabeth Park) m2: 1812-05-07 in Champaign county OH to Margaret Jane Smith
Hugh Vance Hannah b: 1801-12-24 d: 1874-09-15 buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL m: Rebecca A. Ford b: 1806-06-06 d: 1893-11-19 buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL
Nancy Vance Hannah (daughter of Hugh Vance Hannah) b: 1828-10-24 in OH d: 1924-08-04 in IL buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL m: 1850 to Samuel Sly Oulrey (s of Nicholas Oulrey & Rebecca Glaze) b: 1825-03-30 in OH d: 1890-12-11 in IL buried: Mackey cem., Piatt county, IL
Frances Minerva Oulrey b: 1856 in IL d: 1947 buried: Dundas cem., Dundas, IL m: John Anderson Grove (s of George Richard Grove & Catherine Anderson) buried: Dundas cem., Dundas, IL
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** BT104 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Thomas Stewart (son of sir William Stewart 2nd earl of Dalswinton et Garlies) d: 1500
** BV105 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Agnes Stewart (d of sir Alexander Stewart 3rd earl of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) d: after 1530-07-25 m: John Maxwell 3rd lord Maxwell d: 1513-09-09 at Flodden Field
** BW105 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»John Stewart (s of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) d: before 1500 m: Elizabeth Shaw (d of sir John Shaw of Haylie)
** BX105 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»sir Alexander Stewart 4th of Garlies (s of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) d: 1513-09-09 at Flodden Field m: Elizabeth Kennedy (d of Alexander Kennedy of Blairquhan)
** BY105 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Janet Stewart (d of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas) m: John Dunbar of Mochrum* (s of sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield & Isobel Sutherland)
** BZ105 ** «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Archibald Stewart (s of sir Alexander stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»major Robert A'Hannay (son of Patrick Hannay & Anne McKie; gs of John; ggs of Alexander; 2ggs of Donald; 3ggs of Odo) d: 1636 in Alsace (in lord Reay's regiment.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Patrick Hannay/Patrick A'Hannay of Kirkdale* (son of ?Patrick Hannay? & Anne McKie; gs of John; ggs of Alexander; 2ggs of Donald; 3ggs of Odo) d: 1629 at sea or 1640 (1624 inherited from his grand-father. 1638 MP for Wigtown.) m: Agnes Dunbar (daughter of Gavin Dunbar of Baldoon & Janet Cunninghan; gd of Archibald Dunbar of Baldoon & Janet Mure)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Andrew (son of Robert) b: c. 1690 d: 1766 in Dauphin county PA (by 1737 living in Dauphin county PA.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»captain Patrick (son of Robert) b: c. 1700 d: by 1758-11-27 in Monathan twp York county PA (1739 taxed in Newtown twp Chester county PA.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»John (son of Robert) b: c. 1700 in Ireland d: c. 1770-03-10 in PA (1731 came to Bucks county PA.) m: c. 1721 to Jane Andre d: 1774 December
????? «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»James (son of Robert) b: 1706 in county Monaghan, Ireland d: 1769 in Lancaster county PA ?????
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»William (son of Robert) d: c. 1766? (1731 came to Bucks county PA.)
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Thomas Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1720 in Lesarah Loch, county Monaghan, Ireland d: 1764 m: Elizabeth Henderson d: 1766
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»William Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1723 d: 1830
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Robert Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1725 d: in Fairfield twp Westmoreland county PA
«aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»Alexander Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1737 d: 1809 «aunt/uncle/sibling/cousin»John Hanna (son of Robert) b: 1740 d: 1800
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