
dates are in ISO standard format: yyyy-mm-dd (biggest value at left, consistently lower magnitudes as you go to the right; one-thousand years is greater than 999 years, 100 years is greater than 99 years, 10 years is greater than 9 years; 1 year is greater than 12th month; 10th month is greater than 9th month; 1 month is greater than 27 days, 10 days is greater than 9 days) similarly date-time stamps are yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss zone using 00:00:00 as midnight 12:00:00 as noon, 13:59:59 in the after-noon...


Deep History

Pre-History (up to 900BCE)

Antiquity, Biblical & Classical History (900BCE-400CE)

Medieval History (400CE-1500CE)

Modern History (1500CE-)

800K BCE 300K BCE

















900 BCE

800 BCE

700 BCE

600 BCE

500 BCE

400 BCE

300 BCE

200 BCE

100 BCE

chronology of the universe (We are all made from star-dust... i.e. thermo-nuclear waste.)

(geologic history: Paleontological Research Institution
  Pre-Cambrian 4.6Gya-541Mya;
  Paleozoic 541Mya-252Mya;
  Cambrian 541Mya-485Mya;
  Ordovician 485Mya-444Mya;
    Silurian to Devonian 444Mya-359Mya;
    Carboniferous to Permian 359Mya-252Mya;
    Triassic to Jurassic 252Mya-145Mya;
    Cretaceous to Neogene 145Mya-2.6Mya;
    Western Interior SeaWay 120Mya-66Mya;
    Laramide orogeny c. 85Mya-55Mya;
    volcanic activity and basin & range 50Mya-2.6Mya
  formation of coastal plain 100.5Mya to present
  Mississippi bay 115Mya- ("Beginning 95Mya, North America passed over a hot spot in the mantle. The rising magma up-lifted a portion of the Ouachita-Appalachian mountains, reating an arch ad causing the range to be preferentially weathered [eroded/ worn down].")
  Quaternary 2.6Mya to present
  Pleistocene c. 35Kya to 18Kya or 10Kya
  Holocene c. 10Kya- (8KBCE-)

Paul F. Hoffman, Dorian S. Abbot, Yosef Ashkenazy, Douglas I. Benn et al.: AAAS Science Advances: Snow-Ball Earth climate dyanmics & Cryogenian geology-geo-biology

Snow-Ball Earth (c.775M years ago - 635M years ago)     Open Geology/Historical Geology: Snow-Ball Earth

National Parks Service: plate tectonics 750M-100M years ago; Appalachian-Ouachita-Marathon mountain range         Craig H. Jones, Ph.D.: Colorado U-Boulder: continent-continent collision along the Southern North American margin: the Ouachita-Marathon orogeny         Richard Gibson: History of the Earth Calendar: Marathon orogeny         Ouachita orogeny         William A. Thoms: Journal of Geology: evolution of the Ouachita-Appalachian continental margin         G. Randy Keller: Search & Discovery: an over-view of the structure & evolution of the Ouachita-Appalachian orogenic belt from Mississippi to Mexico         Visit Big Bend: Geology: "These events formed the Appalachian & Ouachita moutains of the Eastern USA. Rocks from this period are exposed in the Marathon Basin in an easily identifiable formation known as los Caballos..."         Geology Page: Appalachian moutain range         Texas: Big Bend Ranch State Park: the Appalachian/Ouachita/Marathon event         NASA: Ouachita mountains in SE Oklahoma: remnant of a much larger rante...that may have stretched from Texas into SouthEastern Canada

geological/geographic features of Europe (Britannica)

Cryogenian period (c.720M years ago - 635M years ago)

Paleozoic era (c.541M years ago - 252M years ago (Rex E. Crick: Britannica)

Cambrian period (c.540M years ago - 485.4M years ago)       (Berkeley)       (National Geographic)       (Live Science)

WickedPedia's definition of MidWestern USA, with map (goes farther North and not as far South as my own informal impression based on popular usage, which is to say I would have included Kentucky and parts of Oklahoma, but not North Dakota, Northern Minnesota & Wisconsin & Michigan, though certainly the Southern portions of those last 2.)

Greater Cincinnati (Cincy has absorbed Oxford, Middletown, Hamilton, several more counties in Kentucky)

Ordovician period (2 in the Paleozoic era) (c.485.4M years ago - 443.8M years ago (Thomas M. Holland: Britannica)     (Geology Page)     (Fossils, Facts, & Finds)     (James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg & Felix M. Gradstein: Science Direct)       (National Geographic)     (WikiPedia)

    Cincinnati's Fossil History (Olivia Eads: Roads, Rivers, & trails)     U of GA Stratigraphy Lab: Cincinnati Fossils     Cincinnati's official fossil: Isorophus cincinnatiensis (Dry     Cincinnati Museum Center expert, Brenda Hunda, gives tips on fossil hunting in the tri-state: trilobite is offical Ohio state fossil (WCPO) (with picture of bank of Rapid Run Creek showing typical lime-stone+schist strata of the area)     Cincinnati area fossil identification guide with B&W plus color photos (Cedarville.EDU) (pdf)    

David M. Chew & Rob A. Strachan _Geological Society of London_/_ResearchGate_
a review of the Laurentian Caledonides of Scotland & Ireland: since the Ordovician 475M-years-ago the basement with the Annagh Gneiss complex in NW Ireland & Rhinns complex in SW Scotland)

Cincinnati Arch (formed between c.470M years ago & 385M years ago)     Richard Gibson: History of the Earth Calendar: Cincinnati Arch     formation of the Cincinnati Arch     Greg Hand: Cincinnati: local bed-rock is famous

Silurian period (c.444M years ago - 416M years ago)       (Berkeley)       (National Geographic)       (Live Science)       (National Parks Service)

Nature Scotland: when Scotland collided with England 425M-years-ago     Andrew McMillan & Phil Stone: SW Scotland landscape/geology

Frasnian-Famennian/late Devonian/Kellwasser extinction c. 372.36M years ago     L.M.E. Percival, J.H.F.L. Davies, U. Schaltegger, D. de Vleeschouwer, A.-C. da Silva & K.B. Fölmi: precisely dating the Frasnian-Famennian anomaly     2020 June: Grzegorz Racki: Elsevier/Science Direct/Global & Planetary Change: a volcanic scenario for the Frasnian-Famennian major biological crisis

Western Interior SeaWay/Cretaceous sea-way/Nibraran sea/ North American InLand Sea c. 100Mya - c. 66Mya (from about 100M years-ago to about 66M years ago) about 600 miles wide, up to 2,500 feet deep     (Cretaceous Atlas of Ancient Life)     (1995: Laura N. Robinson Roberts & Mark A. Kirschbaum: paleogeography of the late cretaceous of the Western Interior of Middle North America: USGS: pdf)     (Deep Time Maps)     (The Travel)     (Fossil

Chiczulub meteorite crater on/near Yucatan peninsula corresponding with band of super-fine clays with high Iridium content around the world c. 66Mya at boundary between Cretaceous & Paleocene first identified by Walter & Luis Alvarez at Gubbio, Italy, with confirmatory finds in Denmark; Hell Creek, Montana; Romania; Pyrenees of Spain...

Fossil Butte National Monument       in 1868, while rail-road engineers were cutting through the mountains, at 6,620-8,084 feet altitude tropical fish & plant fossils from 50M-40M years ago were found at about 41.85N, 110.75W, about 12-16 miles WWNW of present-day Kemmerer, Wyoming, EENE of Sage, not far from the NE corner of Utah, 152-175 miles S of Jackson, Wyoming & SSW of Billings, Montana, 140-186 miles SE of Pocatello, Idaho

"The first mammoths emerged in Africa about 5M years ago, and moved into Europe 2M years later [3Mya], spreading from there across Asia. About 1.5Mya, the giant steppe mammoth Mammuthus trogontherii, one of the largest proboscideans of all time, crossed an early Bering land bridge and entered this hemisphere, where it traveled South and evolved into the Columbian mammoth." --- Craig Childs & Sarah Gilman 2018 _Atlas of a Lost World_ pg202


time-line of human pre-history (WickedPedia)

Levantine archaeology 1.5MBCE - 14KBCE

maps Western Asia/Near-East geological fault-lines & rivers (Stephen Batiuk: American Society of OverSeas Research)

archaeo-genetics of the Near East

genetic history of the Middle East

genetic studies of Jews

genetic history of Egypt

chronology of the Ancient Near East,     and     middle chronology of the Ancient Near East,     and     short chronology of the Ancient Near East (with estimated reigns of kings of each kingdom)

Exlorator: WordPress: links to archaeology news of the week

Michael Greshko & Alejandra Borunda: National Geographic: oldest tools outside Africa found at Shangchen, Shaanxi, central China; 2.1M-1.3M years-ago

Brian Switek: National Geographic: 1.75M-1.85M year-old Homo erectus/Homo georgicus, deer, rhinoceros remains found at Dmanisi, Georgia,     and     Reid Ferring, Oriol Oms, Jordi Agusti, Francesco Berna, Medea Nioradze, Teona Shelia, Martha Tappen, Abesalom Vekua, David Zhvania & David Lordkipanidze: U of North Texas/U of Barcelona/U of Milano/U of Minnesota: early humans at Dmanisi 1.85M-1.78M years-ago (pdf),     and     Ann Gibbons: AAAS Science: frail, small-brained people; saber-toothed cats, Etruscan wolves, hyenas the size of lions, mammoths, deer, hackberries, chestnuts, walnuts (with nice general map of sites & dates),     and     Charles Q. Choi: Live Science: species vs. varieties     and     Michigan State U: Hominid Fossil Repository: Homo georgicus

time-line of Genesis/be rashith patriarchs

H/T: I found many good maps at StudyLight: pastoral resources: Bible maps archive some of which I have added as links.

4 Holy cities of Israel (Yehuda Shurpin: ChaBaD: with map and 19th & early-20th century photos)

2016-02-02 (5776 Shebet 23)
paleolithic diet: 200K-400K years ago at Quesem cave in central Israel; fallow deer, aurochs (oxen), horse, pig, goat, roe deer, wild ass, red deer, tortoise, rhinoceros, plants
Daniel K. Eisenbud: Jerusalem Israel Post
Qesem cave
location of Qesem cave and other important Paleo-lithic sites (ResearchGate)

overview of history of Israel

Y-chromosomal most-recent-common-ancestor "Adam" 200Kya - 300Kya

2021-10-20 (5782 Cheshvan 14)
_USA Art News_
169K-226K years old (167KBCE-224KBCE) hand- & foot-imprints of a 12-year-old child & a 7-year-old child, possibly Denisovan, in travertine which lithified at Quesang on the Tibetan plateau:
Nicoletta Lanese: Live Science
Ashley Cowie: Ancient Origins
David D. Zhang, Ph.D., Matthew R. Bennett, Ph.D., Hai Cheng, Ph.D., Leibin Wang, Haiwei Zhang, Sally C. Reynolds, Shengda Zhang, Xiaoqing Wang, Teng Li, Tommy Urban, Qing Pei, Zhifeng Wu, Pu Zhang, Chunru Liu, Yafeng Wang, Cong Wang, Dongju Zhang & R. Lawrence Edwards: Elsevier Science Direct/Science Bulletin

Cerutti archaeological site found in 2017, along planned route of CA-54 extension in San Diego county CA 138KBCE - 118KBCE (140Kya - 120Kya) mastodon bones arranged in an orderly manner, some of them apparently crushed by rocks, round river rocks with abrasions on only 1 side with bone traces, not near a river site (CA-54 runs from I-8 & N Second St in El Cajon, South, then SE, then West to Pepper Park at the mouth of the SweetWater river & I-5 between National City & Chula Vista, SE of Coronado, co-designated Jamacha Rd & 94/Campo Rd & 17/Jamacha Blvd & 125 & S Bay Pkwy on various stretches.)

mitochondrial most-recent-common-ancestor "Eve" 232KBCE - 97KBCE (234Kya - 99Kya)

time-line (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Jewish history time-line (at Ohr Somaysch)

Brandon Marlon: Times of Israel: exilarchs of the Jews

exilarchs/rashim galut/heads of exile/leaders of exile (at Jewish Virtual Library) ...       Wade Cox: Christian Churches of God: from David through exilarchs to the Windsors ...       David Hughes: _Chronicle of the Kings and Queens of Britain_ ...       Peerage: the exilarchs ...       2014-03-05: Nadine Epstein: Moment: king David's genes, nesim/princes & exilarchs ...       Davidic dynasty ...       Loeb tree: Bustanai ...       wikitree: the legend of the Makhir/nasi of Narbonne... not so simple: conflations, unreliable sources... ...       Aish: Davidic line today ...       Tzora Folk: the exilarchs & the Yahya family

138KBCE-118KBCE fossilized hominid bones, horses, deer found near Tel Aviv: Homo Nesher Ramla has some Neanderthal, some Sapiens characteristics (2021-06-24: Deutsche Welle/German World)

Mt. Carmel

Yonat Eschchar & Elee Shimshoni _Davidson Institute of Science Education_ "Cave of Skulls" was populated by Homo sapiens as early as 120KBCE (Qafzeh cave near Nazareth about 90KBCE; Misliya cave at Mt. Carmel 192KBCE-175KBCE (194K years ago to 177K years ago)

Mt. Carmel near Haifa, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)
Mt. Carmel S of Haifa; 1.6-2 miles East of Neve Yam; about 1-1.25 mile SE of Ein Carmel; 1-1.25 mile NE of Geva Carmel; 3.5-4 miles NW of Kerem Maharal, 3.25-3.75 miles SW of Nir Etzion, in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Bible Walks)

map Skuhl cave
Mt. Carmel caves S of Haifa; 1.6-2 miles East of Neve Yam (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE) (This is the picture, etc. which prompted me to look up these others.) (snagged 2015-02-12 from Thomas Suddendorf 2013 _The Gap: The Science of What Separates Us from Other Animals_ (340 pages; 156))

Skhul cave (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)
Skhul cave at Mt. Carmel in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Bible Walks)

Skhul cave (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)
Skhul cave at Mt. Carmel in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Monde Juif)

2016-06-29 (5776 Sivan 23)
William Booth & Ruth Eglash _Jewish World World_ Jewish archaeologist gum-shoes rush to dig at "Cave of Skulls" before looters take everything (some remains dated from before 100KBCE to 90KBCE)

Smithsonian: Homo floresiensis/Hobbit 100K-50K years ago on Flores island, Indonesia,       (WikiPedia),       Phys.Org: where do they fit?,       Lorraine Boissoneault: Smithsonian: not closely related to modern pygmies on Flores island

Tabun/Tabur cave
Tabun/Tabur cave at Mt. Carmel in the Nahal Me'arot (caves creek) nature preserve, where Neanderthal & Sapiens co-existed (Bible Walks)

time-line of food

the Levantine corridor

2016-01-12: Lawrence Mykytiuk: Biblical Archaeology: people in the Bible corroborated archaeologically

prophets & prophecy (JewFAQ)       list of Jewish prophets (Jewish Virtual Library)       prophets of Christianity       major prophets (

Arnon stream/ wadi Mujib       Zered stream/wadi Zered tributary to Arnon (David ben Gad ha Cohen, Ph.D.:       Waheb in Suphah: the forgotten town in the stream/Khirbet el-Mudayna as-Saliya (David ben Gad ha Cohen, Ph.D.:

map Biblical Israel
Biblical Israel (snagged 2015-08-02) From the Mediterranean coast to a point on the South edge of the Sea of Galilee/ Genezereth/ Tiberias/ Kinneseret/ Chinnereth/ Kenret at the Jordan river is 50-55 miles (i.e. the distance across Galilee). From the Jordan (between the Salt/Dead Sea & the Sea of Galilee) to Easternmost Israeli lands would be about 17.5-25 miles.

map Israel: Biblical borders: Genesis/be Rashith & Exodus

map Biblical Israel
Biblical Israel (by Abraham bar Jacob c. 1695BCE) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Caleb/ Kaleb/ Keleb/ Mered/ Yesher/ Shovav/ Ardon (s of Jephunneh/Yefuneh/Yefenah/Chetzron & ???; a step-son of Kenaz/Qenaz or kinsman of Qenaz & so a Kenezite/Qenazite descendant of Esau/Aisav/Edom/Adom or maybe Hebron/Chebrun was conquered by the Edomites/Idumaeans for a time?; descendant of Judah/Yahudah) b: c. 2408AM=1353BCE       Caleb ben Chezron       (Jewish       Caleb/Kaleb's connections with Chebron/Chebrun/Hebron (rabbi Zev Farber, Ph.D. & Jacob L. Wright, Ph.D.:       (Chokhmah Binah

    ⚭1: Miriam/מרים/Mrim/Merim bat Aamram (daughter of Aamram & Yochebed; sister of Moses/ Mushe et Aaron/Aharon)

    ⚭2: Batya ha Mitzri bat Pharaoh/ Batya the Egyptian daughter of pharaoh

H/T: I found many good maps at StudyLight: pastoral resources: Bible maps archive some of which I have added as links.

Now these are the nations which G0D left to test Israel... namely, the 5 lords of the Filistines/ Philistines/ Palestinians, and all the Canaanites, and the Zidonians/ Tzidoni/ Sidonians/ Sedonians, and the Hivites/ Cheti/ Hittites (from South-Central Turkey/ Asia Minor/ Anatolia) that dwelled in mount Lebanon, from mount Baal-Hermon to the entrance of Hamath/ Chemet/ Hamah fortress (along the Orontes river; 35.133N, 36.75E; NE of Byblos & Sidon).

Othniel/Aathnial ben Kenaz/Qenaz (descendant of Judah/Yahudah; younger step-brother or nephew of Caleb/Kaleb) Judge of the Beni Israel from about 1228BCE to 1188BCE.       (Chokhmah Binah       (Bible GateWay)

StudyLight: map judges/ shoftim
StudyLight: map topographical map of the period of the judges/ shoftim/ non-king leaders

Deborah/ Bee (sometimes pronounced Devorah) nebia/navi/prophetess & shofet/ judge/ leader (as opposed to a dayan who would sit in judgement of a crime/sin or in a law-suit) of Israel some time between c. 1200BCE & 1107BCE
(Avi Lazerson: Jewish Magazine)
StudyLight: map judge Deborah's victory over the Cannanites/ ha Qanaani

Saul/Shaul & David & Solomon/Shlomo, & Palestine/Philistia some time in the period between c. 1200BCE & c. 930BCE (different archaeologists, different text interpreters, different references in carvings & clay documents in neighboring regions)

atthattimedaniel12.weebly/ map Israel in the time of Saul/Shaul & David

map guesstimate Biblical Israel: descriptions of the boundaries: Numbers/be midbar/in the wilderness 34 & Ezekiel/Yechezqal 47
tribes, princes, maps (Ree Hughes: Psalms to God)   tribe boundaries (Bible-History)   Numbers/be midbar/in the wilderness 34: commentary, chapters/portions, guesstimated time-line, tribes, maps, comparison with Be Rashith/Genesis/in the beginning 15, Joshua/Yahushaa 14 (Precept Austin)
map of the 12 tribes...  pdf (56KB)
map of the 12 tribes: 1400BCE

Israel Embassies: map of the 12 tribes: 1200BCE

Janz: World History: map of the 12 tribes: 1200BCE-1050BCE

Jewish Voice: scattered tribes map (pdf)

Israel history in maps

Sea People
Sea People (no known dates, only document c.1200BCE in Egypt; my theory is that by the time scholars decided there were "Sea People" they were long since so mixed in with the Phoenicians and Canaanites and Israelis and Arabs that no one may ever know)
StudyLight: map sea people c. 1200BCE

map Biblical Levant
map Biblical Levant (snagged 2011-09-23)

map Biblical Israel (F)
map Biblical Israel (F) (snagged 2011-09-23)

Biblical Middle East written c. 1665CE
Biblical Middle East written c. 1665CE (by Nicolaes Visscher i)

map Biblical Israel
map Biblical Israel (made 1759) (at Jewish Virtual Library)

_World Net Daily_
blue/purple tekhelet dye; like Israel, biblical snail makes a come-back     "Murex trunculus, a snail...   fringes...riband...   a mollusk that was over-harvested by Roman royalty, which adopted the color as its own.   It became a crime for Jews to wear garments dyed with the color or made in Luz, the ancient Israeli city identified with the manufacture of the fabric.   The Talmud mentions two Jews captured by the Romans for the crime of having 'items made in Luz', the Israeli city identified with the manufacture of tekhelet...   the commandment to wear tzitzit -- the ritual fringes worn on the 4-cornered prayer shawls...   Tekhelet was one of the few permanent dyes of the biblical era, made from a glandular secretion of the Murex snail called di-bromo-indi-rubin, which, after 5 to 10 minutes of exposure to air and sunlight, turns what's called 'biblical blue', say Jewish scholars." ...       Exodus/שמות/shemuth/names 35:6 and Exodus/שמות/shemuth/names 39:1 ...       Garments of Salvation ...       C. Westley & K. Benkendorff: NIH: sex-specific Tyrian purple genesis     "Intermediates tyrindoxyl, tyrindoleninone, and tyriverdin were detected in female hypobranchial glands, along with 6,6'-dibromoindigo [blue], while males contained 6-bromoisatin and 6,6'-dibromoindirubin [purple]." ...       Tyrian Purple: Turkish Cultural Foundation ...       Zvi C. Koren: Springer: archaeo-chemical analysis of royal purple on a Darius i stone jar     "The major colorants identified in the purple pigment are 6,6′-dibromoindigo, 6-monobromoindigo, and 6,6′-dibromoindirubin, with negligible contributions by indigo and 6-bromoisatin.   This analysis establishes that a marine mollusk was the source of the purple pigment, which is the famous Royal Purple or Tyrian Purple of the ancients.   A comparison with the relative dye compositions of various Muricidae species (Hexaplex trunculus, Bolinus brandaris, and Stramonita haemastoma), and with their newly formulated Di-Mono Index values, suggests that the biological provenance of this ancient pigment was probably an indigo-deficient Hexaplex trunculus sea snail." ...       1997: R.J.H. Clark & C.J. Cooksey: Wiley: bromoindirubins: the synthesis and properties of components of Tyrian purple (purple dye associated with Tyre)... ...       Tekhelet/Tekeleth/Techelles and Tyrian purple/royal purple/porphyria/purpura

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

time-line of human pre-history

archaeology of Israel

pre-historic Egypt

slavery in antiquity



2022-06-13 artificial intelligence helped find human use of fire 800K years ago - 1M - 1.8M years ago (798KBCE-998KBCE-1.798KBCE) possibly to heat-treat flint tools (Michael Price: AAAS Science)       2022-06-15 (Israel ha Yom/Israel Today) at Evron Quarry in Western Galilee, Israel

700K-year-old skull in Petralona, Greece cave not closely related to hominids out of Africa (Ancient Archaeology)

Homo sapiens remains found at Har/ Mount/ Adrar/ Jebel Irhoud/Ighud lived about 349K-280K years ago (347KBCE-278KBCE) (Cosmos)       Har/Mount/Adrar/Jebel Irhoud/Ighud near Sidi Moktar/Sid l'Mokhtar about 100Km (62 miles) W of Marrakesh, 30 miles SE of Safi in Morocco       (Ann Gibbons: AAAS Science)       (Hublin, ben Ncer, Bailey, Freidline, Neubauer, Skinner ,Bergmann, le Cabec, Benazzi, Harvati & Gunz: Nature)

2020-12-23 (5781 Tebet 08)
Alexander Freund, Ph.D. _Deutsche Welle_/_German World_
when Ireland was separated from Scotland, Great Britain from Europe, the Thames & Seine & Meuse & Scheldt & Rhine went from being forks of a single watershed to separate rivers, and then Doggerland was (mostly) submerged: 340KBCE-6150BCE ...       Doggerland (WickedPedia) ...       (WickedPedia) ...       (Michael Marshsll: New Scientist) ...       (Nora McGreevy: Smithsonian) ...       2020-12-01: Storegga tsunami (James Walker, Vincent Gaffney, Simon Fitch, Andrew Fraser, Martin Bates & Richard Bates: Antiquity/U of Cambridge)



Illinoian c. 350K years ago to c. 300K years ago (348KBCE-300KBCE)     >Illinoian glaciation in Illinois (UChicago: Journal of Geology)

Neanderthal c. 180KBCE -

Wisconsin glaciation 150K years ago - 50K years ago (148KBCE-48KBCE)     (Ice Age Trail)

"In 2017, [Steve Holen] and his colleagues analyzed bone smashing from 130K-year-old mastodon remains found at the Cerutti Mastodon site in San Diego [along the planned route of CA-54 which in 2022 runs from El Cajon at Forester Creek and I-8, where CA-54 is also called N 2nd St, then South & West to the mouth of the Sweetwater river which is between National City & Chula Vista, NE of Coronado Cays, SE of Coronado]. These came with abraded stone cobbles, and the bones are arranged in a somewhat orderly fashion. The site is hard to mistake for anything but human... The river cobbles found at this mastodon site were not near any river area... A uranium-thorium dating technique put the mastodon bones at 130K [115K-145K] years old, which, if it holds, would have humans here in the Upper PaleoLithic... It seems that the harder and deeper science peers, the older the firsts become." --- Craig Childs & Sarah Gilman 2018 _Atlas of a Lost World_ pg107

124KBCE - 9,800 BCE 126Kya - 11,800 years ago Neanderthal sites (Britannica)

100K years ago (100Kya = 98KBCE): the age of some of the Nunataks/ refuges from glaciers caused by mountain peaks blocking flow/growth of a glacier as evidenced by depth and nature of fossils, traces of wood, pollen, rock dust/flour, clay, sand, gravel of various sizes

98,500 year climate cycle (98.5K)



Brian Handwerk _Smithsonian_ oldest known (57Kya = 55KBCE), possibly Neanderthal engravings in La Roche-Cotard cave in France
Jean-Claude Marquet, Trine Holm Freiesleben, Kristina Jørkov Thomsen, Andrew Sean Murray, Morgane Calligaro, Jean-Jacques Macaire, Eric Robert, Michel Lorblanchet, Thierry Aubry et al.: PLOS One:
UK Natural History Museum
Evrim Yazgin: Cosmos Magazine
Don's Maps: We thought that we now had unequivocal evidence of Neanderthal art on the wall of a cave La Pasiega... but it ain't necessarily so

Heinrich event 6: about 62K-59K years ago (60KBCE-57KBCE)       NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger       Azimuth Project: Heinrich events



Harunar Rashid & Reinhard Hesse ≈ David J.W. Piper: MIT & McGill: proposed Heinrich event 5a=5.5: about 53Kya-52Kya (51KBCE-50KBCE) (pdf)

earliest immigrants to Europe c. 50KBCE (Human Journey)

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 50KBCE-4KBCE: Phoenicians-Greeks-Romans



Heinrich event 5: about 48K-45K years ago (46KBCE-43KBCE)       NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Aurignacian 44KBCE-24KBCE       2020-09-28: Jonathan A. Haws, Michael M. Benedetti, Sahra Talammo, Nuno Bicho, Joao Cascalheira, M. Grace Ellis, Milena M. Caralho, Lukas Friedl, Telmo Pereira, Brandon K. Zinsious & Richard G. Klein: proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences: early Aurignacian dispersal of modern humans into WesternMost EurAsia       Britannica       Archeologie.Culture.Fr: la Grotte Chauvet Pont d'Arc       2019-01-21: Nature: Aurignacian arrival in SW Europe

HST the surrealist sculptor (or associate or victim of sculptor or...) d: between 40KBCE & 35KBCE (Cosmos)       Löwenmensch/Lion-man sculpture       Hohlenstein-Stadel cave along Lone river/creek, Swabian Jura/Schwäbische Alb/Swabian Alps of eastern Baden-Würtemberg, NE of Ulm (& Constance/Konstanz), ESE of Stuttgart, SW of Nürnberg/Nuremberg, WNW of Munich/München, 150-190 miles NNW of the Venosta/Vinzgau/Vinschgau valley; 250-255 miles S of Herzberg am Harz; 330-380 miles SE of Cleves/Kleve; 280-285 miles SE of Aachen



Chatelperronian culture c. 39KBCE - c. 37KBCE

Aurignacian culture c. 38KBCE - c. 28KBCE       Aurignacian culture (AnthroPark, Czech Republic)       Lithic Casting Lab       Discover the Cave: humans of Chauvet-Pont d'Arc: Aurignacians       Visual Arts Cork/encyclopedia of art education: Aurignacian art & culture

European migrations 38KBCE-2KBCE (40K-4K BP=ya) (TIFF)
European migrations 38KBCE-2KBCE (40K-4K BP=ya) (snagged 2015-06-19)

Heinrich event 4: 41K-35K years ago (39KBCE-33KBCE)       Lopez-Garcia, Blain, Bennasar, Sanz & Daura: Climate of the Past: Heinrich event 4 characterized by terrestrial proxies in SouthWestern Europe (pdf)       NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Baradostian culture c. 36KBCE - c. 18KBCE

Nazlet Khater skeletons c. 36KBCE in upper (southern) Egypt ,       Nazlet Khater skeletons (G. Philip Rightmire: PNAS=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA)

Nazlet Khater bones in Upper Egypt (35.1 years ago-30.36ya = 37.1KBCE-28.36KBCE)       Mada Masr: Belgium to return skeleton to Egypt       Pinhasi & Semal: NIH/PubMed/MedLine: position of Nazlet Khater specimen among pre-historic & modern & Levantine populations using multi-variate analysis       Thoma: Science Direct: morphology and affinities of Nazlet Khater man       Crevecoeur: Modern Origins: the Upper Paleolithic remains of Nazlet Khater 2 and past modern human diversity

"[Dennis Stanford] was referromg to the 2 oldest human remains with archivable DNA, Naia the Yucatan girls and the Anzick Boy from Montana, both about 13K years old. Neither have European genes, at least not enough to say they carried any Solutrean stock. The only European signature in their ancestry is haplogroup X, a controversial genetic signal shared by a small percentage of both European and [AmerIndian] genomes. This haplogroup comes from about 30K years ago, probably early EurAsians around the Ural mountains or on the Russian plain. This appears to be the last time people said hello and good-bye to each other; one group drifted to the Americas, the other to Europe. [What David Reich & Eugenie Reich 2018 _Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA & the New Science of the Human Past_ pp78-82 referred to as «Ancient North Eurasians» who split with some moving East & some moving West more than 15K years ago and noted «Europeans are more closely related to ⦅AmerIndians⦆ than they are to East Asians».]" --- Craig Childs & Sarah Gilman 2018 _Atlas of a Lost World_ pg139

2020-07-22 (5780 Ab 01)
Laura Geggel _Live Science_
first human immigrants to North America arrived 30K-33K years ago (31KBCE-28KBCE), while glaciers were still stretching South; based on the thousands of tools, etc., they left in Chiquihuite cave in Mexico ...       Manchester Guardian ...       Robert Lee Holz: WSJ ...       Colin Barras: Nature ...       Colin Barras: U of Oxford ...       Ciprian F. Ardelean, Loorena Becerra-Valdivia, Mikkel Winther Pedersen, Eske Willerslev, Martin Sikora et al.: Science Daily/U of Cambridge ...       Tom Hale: IFL Science ...       Hannah C.: Science Times ...       AAAS EurekAlert ...       Heritage Daily ... ...       2023-10-09: Laura Geggel: Live Science ...       2024-05-29: Rodielon Putol: ...       Cameron Addis, Ph.D.: Austin Community College: History Hub (She has an interesting, slightly unusual map of the Fertile Crescent, an odd semi-Hieroglyphic alphabet, mitochondrial DNA/mtDNA map, Y-chromosome Q-M242 map, Page-Ladson site in Aucilla river, AmerIndian tribe/confederation/language map.) ...       human foot-prints in White Sands area of New Mexico dated 24KBCE-18KBCE ...       Robert Sanders: U of crazy California at Berserkeley: human foot-prints, seeds, pollen... ...       2020-08-22: Oxford U: earliest immigrants to Americas arrived about 30K years ago (28KBCE) based on radio-carbon ...       2020-07-22: Lorena Becerra-Valdivia & Thomas Higham: Nature: timing and effect of earliest human arrivals in North America;   probably present before, during and immediately after the Last Glacial Maximum (about 26.5K-19K years ago = 24.5K BCE - 17K BCE) ...       2020-07-22: Ruth Gruhn: evidence grows that people arrived in Americas more than 20K years ago ...       2023-02-24: Becky Raines: U of Oregon museum of natural and cultural history: Archaeological and genetic evidence suggests the first humans arrived in North America between approximately 25K and 16K years ago ...       Jamie's Fab Pedigree y-haplogroup and associated mtDNA haplogroups which he estimates at several genetic generations earlier than first AmerIndian immigrants at about 27,600 BCE ...       Jamie's Fab Pedigree: 1st speaker of some AmeriIndian dialect or proto-AmerIndian which he estimates at about 10K BCE

"Genomic sequencing reveals that the ancestral group became largely isolated from Asian populations around 36K years ago, and fully so after 20K years ago. Some time between 17,500 years ago and 14,600 years ago -- remember this is a genetic clock based on assumptions about mutation rates -- this earliest [immigrant] American population split into 2 groups. The Northern Americans remained in the Northern regions of North America and included the ancestors of modern Athabaskans, such as the Chipewyan, Cree, and Ojibwa. The Southern Americans dispersed further South and diversified, and were ancestral to the Amerindians of Southern North America, Central, and South America. For archaeologists, the genetic dating couldn't be more important, as it provides a maximum age for the first arrival of people South of the North American ice sheets. If any of those claims for much earlier human activity in North America [or South America] are to be believed, they would need to derive from a very different source population that has not yet been sampled genetically, and represent a dispersal that was ultimately unsuccessful and donated no genes to subsequent [PalaeoAmerIndians].
The picture is complemented by the genetics of the first American dogs... who split from their Siberian [or Mongolian or...] ancestors somewhere between 17K and 13,600 years ago. As they were domesticated by humans and dispersed with them, this forms an important collaborative evidence. Genetic variation among [early immigrant] South Americans reveals that one the Northern part of the continent was reached, the dispersal split into 2 branches, one down the Pacific coast and one down the Atlantic...
[PalaeoAmerIndian] specialist Mike Waters of Texas A&M University (right) and Morgan Smith examine a pre-Clovis stone knife fragment around 14,550 years old from Page-Ladsdon [site at a sink-hole along the Aucilla river] in Florida [North of Nutall Rise, SW of Cabbage Grove, S of Goose Pasture Rd, East of Hells Half Acre Rd, EENE of St. Marks, EESE of Newport, N & E of USA Route 98, 35-37 miles SE of Cascades Park state meridian origin, 36-36.2 miles SE of Florida capitol]." --- Paul Pettitt 2022 _Homo Sapiens ReDiscovered_ pp250-252
radiocarbon evidence suggests that the site dates from 14,200 to 14,550 years ago
Page-Ladson site: named after Buddy Page, a retired USA Navy SEAL, and the Ladson family who owned/owns the land
Aucilla river North of Nutall Rise, SW of Cabbage Grove, S of Goose Pasture Rd, East of Hells Half Acre Rd, EENE of St. Marks, EESE of Newport, N & E of USA Route 98, 35-37 miles SE of Cascades Park state meridian origin, 36-36.2 miles SE of Florida capitol at about 30.17N, 83.9577W
Florida Museum
World Atlas

Ukraine 32KBCE -



2021-06-02: Sci-News: 28,279-33,448 years ago (26KBCE-31.4KBCE) descendants of early immigrants occupied Cozcatlan cave in Tehuacan valley, Southern Puebla, Mexico       2020-07-22: Kristin Romey: National Geographic: Chiquihuite cave finds dates human occupation to about 30K ya       2020-07-22: Abby Olena: Scientist: Chiquihuite cave finds dates human occupation to about 31K-33K ya       2020-07-22: Paul Rincon: BBC       2020-07-22: Robert Lee Hotz: WSJ

Antelian culture c. 30KBCE - c. 18KBCE

Heinrich event 3: 31K-29K years ago (29KBCE-27KBCE)       NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

Gravettian culture c. 29KBCE - c. 20KBCE

2020-11-12 (5781 Mar-Cheshban 25)
Laura Geggel _Live Science_
archaeologists found 31K years-old (29KBCE) burial of identical twin neonatal boys at Krems-Wachtberg along the Danube, Austria; 1 died just after birth, the other after about 50 days... 3-year-old baby, a 3rd-degree male relative, probably cousin, of the twins buried about 5 feet from them

last glacial maximum c. 24,500BCE

limits of glaciation in Europe (Britannica)

Heinrich event 2: 22K-24K years ago (22KBCE-20KBCE)       NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

2021-09-23 (5782 Tishri 17)
Lizzie Wade _AAAS_ (more political than, not quite as scientific & reputable as they were 3-5 decades ago)
earliest reported fossilized human foot-prints in North America, thousands of them, in White Sands National Park, NM, date to 23K-21K years ago (21KBCE-19KBCE)



Kebaran/Kebarian culture c. 18,000BCE - c. 12,500BCE

Zarzian culture c. 18,000BCE - c. 8,000BCE (18KBCE-8KBCE)

Black Sea "deluge" hypothesis: between c. 18,000BCE & c. 5,600BCE     Black Sea (nice satellite image of the whole area toward Kiev/Kyiv to the NW; Greece, Crete, Cyprus, the Caucasus, past Anatolia/Turkey; Lebanon, Syria, Israel (down to southern edge of the Dead/Salt sea), Gaza, Jordan, Iraq/Mesopotamia, and bits of Egypt)

c. 18K years ago (c. 16KBCE): final maximum Wisconsin glaciation Science Direct   Ohio History Central: Wisconsinan glacier (and Illinoian glaciation)   Virginia Places: extent of glaciers 18K years ago (and words about other glaciations)

Great Glacial Lake Missoula 15K years ago - 13K years ago (13KBCE-11KBCE)     (Glacial Lake Missoula & the ice age floods: Montana Natural History Center)     (Huge Floods)     (National Park Service)

Magdalenian/Madelenian cultures c. 15KBCE - c. 10KBCE

Heinrich event 1: 16.8K years ago to 14K years ago (14.8KBCE-12KBCE)       NCDC/NOAA: Heinrich & Dansgaard-Oeschger

16,600-15K year old (14,400BCE-13KBCE) tools found at Cooper's Ferry, Idaho may have sailed along glacial/land coast rather than via "corridor" (Lizzie Wade: AAAS Science)


200 mile-stones of 10K years of economics (their time-line needs to be stretched and otherwise adjusted back an additional 5K years or so to match with recent archaeological findings) a c. 2600BCE edition recording Homes and Land transaction cowrie shells used for store of value and medium of exchange in China c. 1300BCE silver & gold coins c. 700-560BCE in Lydia, Western half of Anatolia/ Turkey/ Asia Minor along the Aegean sea, sea of Marmara and Black Sea (and they apparently used a right-to-left script remotely related to Hebrew & Greek... huh, spard/ sfard/ sefarad, the same word in Hebrew for those who lived in Spain)   Lydia   c. 800 monetary reforms of Karolus Magnus/Charlemagne

Trialetian culture c. 14,000BCE - c. 6,000BCE

Tell Abu Hureyra/Tell Mardikh c. 11KBCE - c. 5KBCE     K. Kris Hirst: Tell Abu Hureyra/Tell Mardikh c. 11KBCE - c. 4KBCE (RCYBP=radio-carbon years before present) (about archaeology) beginnings of agriculture

22 European soil types; food & agriculture (Britannica)

Natufian culture el-Wad cave Mt. Carmel new radio-carbon dates c. 13KBCE - c. 11KBCE (U of AZ)       Natufian economy at el-Wad terrace with special reference to patterns of use of gazelle (Science Direct)       Natufian burial at el-Wad/al-Wad       14K-year-old seeds suggest Levantine origin of lost progenitor of faba/ fava bean (Nature)

Younger Dryas c. 12,900BCE - c. 11,700BCE       Heinrich event 0

2021-07-27 (5781 Ab 18)
David Middleton _Watts Up with That_
Younger Dryas myth-busting: flash-frozen mammoths edition

Natufian culture c. 13KBCE - c. 9,500BCE,       Shuqba cave in central Israel,       Shuqba cave in central Israel on the bank of the wadi en-Natuf,       Nahal Oren site of the Mt. Carmel complex,     2010-06-11: Edward Pegler: what happened in the Natufian? (Arm-Chair Pre-History),       1990 August-October: O. bar Yosef & F. Valla: the Natufian culture and the origin of the neo-lithic in the Levant (Harvard) (pdf) ,       epi-palaeo-lithic (European meso-lithic) Natufian culture of Israel (Ancient Near East tripod)

Swiderian culture c. 11KBCE - c. 8,200BCE

Neo-Lithic c. 10,700BCE - c. 3KBCE (Human Journey)

2016-03-21: Jason Daley: Smithsonian: brown bear knee-cap reveals a bit of Irish history back to 10,500BCE

2006-10-12/2007-02-14/2008 May
George Willcox, Sandra Fornite & Linda Herveux _ResearchGate_/_Vegetation History & Archaeology_ early Holocene cultivation of grains & legumes/pulses & nuts/fruits outside their normal wild range c. 10.4KBCE-c. 8KBCE at tells at Jerf el Ahmar, Qaramel, Dja'de, Abu Hureyra, Ohalo 2, 'Abr... (Northern Syria & Anatolia/Armenia/SE Turkey) (Fig. 1 is a nice general geographical, topographical, & watershed map of the locations, mostly along the Euphrates river) beginnings of agriculture

Shepherd NeoLithic tools c. 10,200BCE - c. 8,800BCE

Khiamian/ al-Khiam culture c. 10,200BCE - c. 8,800BCE

Ain Mallaha/Eynan c. 10KBCE - c. 8KBCE

Nathan Collins _Stanford_
Stanford researchers lay out first genetic history of Rome
Margaret L. Antonio, Ziyue Gao, Hannah M. Moots, Michaela Lucci, Francesca Candilio, Susanna Sawyer et al.: AAAS Science vol366 #6466: ancient Rome: a genetic cross-roads of Europe and the Mediterranean since c. 10KBCE using DNA samples from 127 people's remains in central Italy


time-line 10th millennium BCE=10,000BCE - 9001BCE (world population between 1M & 8M)

10KBCE estimated human population 3M (John Gribbin 1998 _Q Is for Quantum: Particle Physics from A to Z_ (physics; 595 pages; ISBN 9780684855783; Free))

Tell/Tel es-Sultan archaeological site near Jericho, Arab-occupied Eastern Israel c. 10KBCE - c. 900BCE
2016-09-19: Art Ramos: World Jericho/Aricho/Iricho/Yiricho/ Tell al-Sultan/ Tell es-Sultan in Canaan/Qinaan later a part of Israel (31.870884N, 35.444093E) founded c. 10K BCE to 8K BCE, some claim it is the first walled city, built with straw-re-inforced bricks and mud-plastered about 12 feet high, 6 feet wide; and featuring a stone tower about 28 feet tall and 30 feet thick at the base, with stairs.
2010-10-27: Ryan Jones: Jerusalem Post
UK HIstory Files: Jericho, Canaan (nice artists' renderings; but Herod was Idumaean/Edomite, from farther South)
2021-04-20: Archaeologist
Bible Archaeology/Associates for Biblical Research: 670 feet below sea level; destroyed c. 1550BCE or 1400BCE c. 1400 BCE there are signs of liquefaction of the brick structures due to Rift Valley seismic activity "The cemetery outside Jericho has yielded a continuous series of Egyptian scarabs from the 18th through the early-14th centuries B.C.E., contradicting Kenyon’s claim that the city was abandoned after 1550 B.C.E." There was a mud-slide c. 1267CE.
Bible Places
Archaeologists are still periodically digging away and debating dates of various detectable events/ stages/ periods.

Pre-Pottery Neo-Lithic A c. 9,500BCE - c. 8KBCE

Michael Balter _AAAS Science_
ancient waves of wild grains stored in granaries c. 9,500BCE at Tel/Tell Gilgal/Gilgal 1 (within 8.2 miles of Jericho)     beginnings of agriculture

W. Kris Hirst _ThoughtCo_
wheat domestication c. 9,400BCE     beginnings of agriculture

fertile crescent 9KBCE-4.5KBCE
map of fertile crescent 9KBCE-4.5KBCE (Jewish Virtual Library)

_AAAS Eurekalert_
Neolithic Syrians domestication of grains c. 9KBCE at Tell Qarassa North (near Sweida, Syria)    

Tell Aswad/ Tel Aswad/ Su-uk-su/ Shuksa c. 9,300BCE - c. 7,500BCE,       Tell Aswad/ Tel Aswad/ Su-uk-su/Shuksa (ArchAtlas),       Tell Aswad/ Tel Aswad/ Su-uk-su/Shuksa (WMF Labs GeoHack),       Tell Aswad/ Tel Aswad/ Su-uk-su/ Shuksa (Ancient Near East),       obsidian from Tell Aswad/ Tel Aswad/ Su-uk-su/ Shuksa & Qdeir (Science Direct),       9,500-year-old (7500BCE) decorated skulls (Kambiz Kamrani:


time-line 9th millennium BCE=9000BCE - 8001BCE (world population less than 5M)

Baalbeq/ Baalbek/ Heliopolis, Lebanon/Phoenicia settled c. 9KBCE,   town founded between 2900BCE & 2300BCE by proto-Phoenicians;   332BCE Alexander of Macedonia renamed it Heliopolis;   c.310CE Christianized by Constantine;   635CE or 637CE conquered by Mohammedan Arabs;   Byzantines re-took it in 748CE & 975CE;   1171CE by French crusaders;   Mongols in 1260CE & 1400CE;   Turks in 1517.       (Bible Places)

Byblos/Jubayl, Lebanon founded c. 8800BCE

maps of the history of the Levant c. 8500BCE - 100CE

Cheddar Man between 8470BCE & 7990BCE
Cheddar Man's mama?
Cheddar Man I-M438 = I2 Y-haplogroup; elitist caste of Solutrean culture (European pre-Clovis) c. 10.9KBCE
I2-M436 Y-haplogroup = L181: c. 15.5BCE
I2a2 Y haplogroup in British Isles
EuPedia map of Y haplogroup I2a2 (shows high concentrations of this gene pattern in OvreBack-Robertsfors area of Sweden, NE Ireland/Eire, Southern Scotland (Galloway to Edinburgh), and an area of Germany somewhere around Erfurt or Rudolstat or Saalfeld or maybe Jena or Weimar
U5B1 mitochondrial DNA: 18K years ago = 16KBCE
(Archaeologist) modern English teacher of history is related
(2018-02-10: Robin McKie: Manchester Guardian)
Kerry Lotzof: UK Natural History Museum

8KBCE earliest discovered use of trade tokens (John Gribbin 1998 _Q Is for Quantum: Particle Physics from A to Z_ (physics; 595 pages; ISBN 9780684855783; Free))

time-line 8th millennium BCE=8000BCE - 7001BCE (world population about 5M)

8KBCE (10K years ago): end of Pleistocene/beginning of Holocene in synch with the c. 100K year Milankovitch cycle (which is a result of the complex of 3 other cycles: the c. 105K year cycle of the eccentricity of Earth's orbit, the c. 41K cycle in the tilt of Earth's axis, & the c. 21K year cycle of solar equinox precession)

common ancestor of blue-eyed people (OCA2 gene variant) lived c. 8KBCE - 4KBCE (6K-10K years ago)

Mt. Nebo Ohio archaeological district c.8KBCE-1700CE (Archaic & Woodland periods) near itersection of Mt. Nebo Rd & Lawrenceburg Rd, SE of ElizabethTown & Cincinnati-Louisville Rd inside I-275, E of the Great Miami river/River of Rocks, 1.5-1.7 miles N of Shawnee Lookout State Park, 3.5-4.4 miles N of Miami Fort Power Station, 2.5-2.8 miles WWSW of Nick Kurlas's American Cafe, 6.3-6.5 miles WSW of Miami township Community Center/Police Department/Civic Club/Fire Dept. Station 70/Civic Association baseball/softball field (& "the museum")

Mark Cartwright _World History_ copper mining c. 8KBCE - Balkans (Serbia c. 5KBCE-), Middle East, Near East, Egypt, Europe     USGS: un-discovered copper ore deposits in Middle East (from Western Pakistan through NW Turkey, site of ancient Tethys sea) estimated to contain about 180M metric tonnes

pre-pottery neolithic B culture c. 7600BCE - c. 6000BCE

German Bight... the coast of the North Sea West of Denmark/Jutland peninsula as far as the Netherlands, and to the East across the Baltic coast were areas from which amber was gathered, and traded across Europe, along various Amber roads/routes via the Vistula & Dnieper & Danube rivers, via the Rhine & Rhone rivers, to the Black Sea, Greece, Syria, Israel, Egypt, to the Alps & Venice       (Jennifer Billock: Smithsonian)       ("Rider Poster": Baltic Proud)       trade routes from Baltic & North Sea to Caspian, Black/Euxinus, Aegean, Venice...       dynamic map of trade routes using water-ways & portages (UNECE)       article on Scandihoovian Vikings, Russian & Kievan Rus, Varangians & trade routes via water-ways & portages (Jeffrey Hays: Facts & Details)

Catalhoyuk/Catal Huyuk proto-city c. 7500BCE - c. 5700BCE (neo-lithic/chalco-lithic)       Catalhoyuk/ Catal Huyuk research project history of excavations       (Tim Lambert: Local Histories)       (Ian Hodder: Science Museum of Minnesota)     M172 Y chromosomes?


time-line 7th millennium BCE=7000BCE - 6001BCE (world population about 5M)

Chalco-lithic/eneo-lithic/aeneo-lithic/Copper age c.7KBCE - 3KBCE

common ancestor of blue-eyed people, due to change in OCA2 gene, lived between 6K & 10 years ago (8KBCE & 4KBCE)

Aleksa Vuckovic _Ancient Origins_
copper age c. 7KBCE - 3KBCE smelting sites at Plocnik, (near Prokuplje) Serbia c.5.5KBCE; Yarim Tepe, Mesopotamia/Iraq c. 6KBCE; Gilgal, Israel between 7KBCE & 5KBCE; Indus valley; Pakistan between 7KBCE & 3.3KBCE; Jiangzhai, China c. 5KBCE
Gilgal i
(Zvi Koenigsberg: foot-print)
(Jewish Virtual Library)
(Holy Land Site; NNNW of Salt/Dead Sea; NE of Jerusalem)

a brief chronology of ancient bronze age European & Celtic history c. 7KBCE - c. 84CE (Hixenbaugh Ancient Art, NY)

Holocene climatic "optimum" c. 7KBCE - c. 3KBCE

2021-03-19 (5781 Nisan 06)
David Malakoff _AAAS_ (more political than, not quite as scientific & reputable as they were 3-5 decades ago)
Amerindians were among the world's first copper-smiths: Eagle Lake, Wisconsin c. 8.5Kya (6.5KBCE)       2021-03-09: David P. Pomeani, Byron A. Steinman, Mark B. Abbott, Katherine M. Pompeani, William Reardon, Seth de Pasqual & Robin H. Mueller: Cambridge RadioCarbon: Lake Superior Old Copper Complex 8.5K-3580ya       National Parks Service: copper mining on Isle Royale       2014-12-24: Julia Rosen: Eos: copper mining in Great Lakes region

c. 7KBCE-500BCE (9K years ago - 7K years ago) Hypsithermal Holocene climate optimum/ altithermal/ climatic optimum/ Holocene megathermal USA Meterological Society

Alex Imrah: migrations from/through the Black Sea/Euxin: impressions from writings, myths, artifacts, DNA 6,400BCE -

1993 August: Marija Gimbutas: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Word vol44 #2: movement of Indo-European/Kurgan/Yamna... steppe pastoralists from South Russia into Western EurAsia (date estimates since 1993 have been adjusted with additional information, making them earlier)

Munhata/Horat Minha/Khirbet Munhata (named after site 6.8 miles S of lake Tiberias/sea of Galilee/sea of Kinnereth) c. 6500BCE - c. 6000BCE

Halaf culture c. 6,500BCE - 5,100BCE     (Heilbrunn: Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Yarmukian culture (named after site along Yarmouk river near Shaar ha Golan/Gate of Golan) c. 6400BCE - c. 6000BCE

Bug, Dniester culture c. 6300BCE - c. 5000BCE

Mini Ice Age/8.2K-year event/Misox oscillation/Finse event c. 6200BCE


time-line 6th millennium BCE=6000BCE - 5001BCE (6KBCE-5001BCE)

Kongemose culture c. 6000BCE - c. 5200BCE

Ugarit/Ras Shamra/Cape Fennel in what is now Syria c. 6000BCE - c. 1200BCE       (History Files) king lists for Ugarit (with map)

Nineveh/ Ninive/ Nineve/ Nineue/ Ninua/ Ninuwa/ fish-place (on eastern side of Tigris river at Khosra river today in greater metropolitan Mosul) 6000BCE - 612BCE

Hassuna culture c. 6KBCE

pre-dynastic period in Egypt c. 6KBCE - c. 3150BCE & early dynastic period (Britannica)       pre-dynastic period in Egypt c. 6KBCE - c. 3150BCE (Joshua J. Mark: Ancient History)       (World History)       550BCE - 3100BCE (ThoughtCo)

Cucuteni, Trypillia/Tripolye, Petreste, Gumelnita, Kodzadermen, Karanovo vi, Salcuta, Krivodol, Bubanj, Tiszapolgar, Bodrogkeresztur -- ChalcoLithic/EneoLithic cultures c. 5,800BCE - 3,000BCE West & North of the Black Sea/Euxin, North of the Aegean/Egea/Thracian, East of the Adriatic       Late ChalcoLithic Cultural Collapse (2013 May: Harvey Benjamin Smith: U of Arkansas)       Kiel U Material Science: Danube cultures

Vinca/ Vinča/ Tudas/ Turdas/ Tordos/ Gradeshnitsa culture c. 5,700BCE - 3,500BCE mostly in current Bosnia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, & Macedonia       more       more       more     more

linear-band ceramic pottery culture c. 5600BCE - 4250BCE       linear-band ceramic pottery culture (EuPedia)       linear-band ceramic pottery culture (Britannica)     M172 Y chromosomes?

Samarra culture c. 5,500BCE - 4,800BCE

2016-11-17: Vintage News: Marija Beorgievska: Tartaria tablets c. 5,500BCE       1967 June/2015-01-02: M.S.F. Hood: Cambridge Antiquity: Tartaria tablets       Marco Merlini: PreHistory Knowledge: Danube script, Tartaria tablets       1968 May: M.S.F. Hood: Scientific American: Tartaria tablets

Ertebolle/kitchen-midden culture c. 5300BCE - c. 3950BCE

Hamangia culture c. 5250BCE - c. 4500BCE>/a>       Human Past: art       2014-11-30: Anahit Hovhannisya, Zaruhi Khachatryan, Marc Haber, Peter Hrechdakian, Tatiana Karafet, Pierre Zalloua & Levon Yepiskoposyan: Investigative Genetics: waves and directions of NeoLithic migrations in the Armenian highland: SNPs, STRs in E1b1, R1b1, J2, G haplogroups       EUpedia discussion on R1, J2, & G2 haplogroups

pan-European neo-lithic Butmir culture groups c. 5100BCE - c. 4500BCE       Sarajevo Times: pre-historic Butmir site must become archaeological park       2006-09-33: John Bohannon: AAAS Science: mad about pyramids; archaeology at Butmir, Sarajevo


time-line 5th millennium BCE=5000BCE - 4001BCE

map European migrations 5KBCE-2KBCE
map European migrations 5KBCE-2KBCE (7K-4K BP) (snagged 2015-06-19 from London Daily Mail; TIFF)

6600-3700 years ago (4600BCE-1700BCE) 2020 May 28: National Geographic: DNA from Bronze Age/Biblical Canaanites lives in modern Arabs & Jews       2020-05-28: Science Daily/Cell: who were the Canaanites/Qinaani? insights from 73 ancient genomes       2020-05-28: Amanda Borschel-Dan: Times of Israel: coherent genetic mix of Canaanites/Qinaani/Kinakhkhu/Phoinixi/PurplePeople       2020-06-10: Jonathan Laden: Bible History Daily: Jews & Arabs descended from Canaanites/Qinaani/Kinakhkhu/Phoinixi/PurplePeople       2017-07-27: Lizzie Wade: AAAS Science: ancient DNA reveals fate of the mysterious Canaanites/Qinaani       2017-07-27: Marc Haber, Claude Doumet-Serhal, Christiana Schneib, Yali Xue, Petr Danecek, Massimo Mezzavilla, Sonia Youhanna, Rui Martiniano, Javier Prado-Martinez, Michal Szpak, Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith, Holger Schutkowski, Richar dMikulski, Pierre Zalloua, Toomas Kivisild & Chris Tyler-Smith: Cell/American Journal of Human Genetics: continuity & admixture in the last 5K years of Levantine history from ancient Canaanite/ Qinaani/ Kinakhkhu/ Phoinixi/ PurplePeople and present-day Lebanese genome sequences       2017-07-28: Stephanie Pappas: Live Science: ancient DNA reveals fate of the mysterious Canaanites/Qinaani/Kinakhkhu/Phoinixi/PurplePeople ancient Phoenician/ Canaanite/ Qinaani/ Kinakhkhu/ Phoinixi/ PurplePeople DNA in modern Lebanese

time-line of Jerusalem 4,500BCE to recent       time-line of Jerusalem 4,500BCE to recent (Jewish Virtual Library)       time-line of Jerusalem 3,500BCE to 1994 (Century One)

Chasséen/Chassey culture c.4500BCE - 3500BCE (4.5KBCE-3.5KBCE) late neo-lithic Italy & Southern France

5K-year-old to 6500-year-old pre-Canaanite structure discovered West of Beit Shemesh/ Bet Shemesh/ Beth Shemesh at Tel Husham/ Husham mound/ Horbat Husham/ Hurvat Husham (about 31.728616N, 34.953854E, about 35-45 miels WSW of Israel's Knesset; roughly in the direction of Ascalon/ Ashkelon/ Ashqalon)
Gavriel Fiske: Times of Israel
Jewish Virtual Library: archaeology in Israel
Yehudis Litvak: ChaBaD: the archaeology of Beit Shemesh
2024-10-29: Yori Yalon: Israel Ha Yom/ Israel Today
tel Beit Shemesh
2023-02-23: Samuel McKoy: Armstrong Institue of Biblical Archaeology: Beth Shemesh
2014: Boaz Zissu, Eitan Klein: New Studies on Jerusalem vol20 pp141-183: excavation and survey of Hurbat Husham

2022-03-11 (5782 Adar2 08)
Jimmy Corsetti _Bright Insight_/_Rumble_
extreme precision of stone-workers on 4500 years ago (c.2500BCE), with complex, inter-locking polygonal 20ton-50ton rose granite & lime-stone stones
Bright Insight: Rumble

Meredith Brand _Nature Middle East_ 4.4KBCE-2.130BCE sources of copper Egyptian artifacts in European museums: Eastern Egyptian desert, Sinai peninsula, Israel, Jordan, Anatolia/Turkey/Asia Minor/Armenias


time-line 4th millennium BCE=4000BCE - 3001BCE (4KBCE-3001BCE)

4KBCE Ur founded in Southern Euphrates valley (John Gribbin 1998 _Q Is for Quantum: Particle Physics from A to Z_ (physics; 595 pages; ISBN 9780684855783; Free))

2004 October
Colette Hemingway & Sean Hemingway _Met Museum_ copper from Kupros/Cyprus since c.4KBCE

historical temperature and temperature proxy graph since 4K before present by petro-physicist Andy May as posted "climate and human civilization for the past 4K years: since the Holocene Thermal Optimum" with criticism and link to source data at Watts Up With That

some fairy/fearie tales are between 6K & 2.5K years old (4KBCE-2500BCE) (David Shultz: AAAS Science)

Arzachena culture of Sardinia & Corsica c. 4000BCE - 2500BCE (4KBCE-2.5KBCE)

Uruk period c. 4000BCE - 3100BCE (4KBCE-3.1KBCE)

Bulgar date-line c. 4000BCE - c. 336CE (Kurgan barrows to Turks, Huns, Agacheri, Shar, Ogur, Tankhu) (4KBCE-336CE)

Naqada culture c. 4000BCE - 3000BCE (4KBCE-3KBCE)

Kish civilization/culture c. 4400BCE - 2400BCE (4.4KBCE-2.4KBCE)

time-line of Lebanon pre-history & history 4KBCE-600CE: Phoenicians-Greeks-Romans

funnelbeaker/funnel-necked-beaker culture/Trichterrandbecherkultur/Trechterbekercultur/Tragtbaegerkultur c. 4300BCE - c. 2800BCE (4.3KBCE-2.8KBCE) (with picture gallery)     and     K. Kris Hirst (about archaeology)

Sumer beginning c. 4KBCE-3KBCE-     JGiotto: Bay Trail Middle School in Penfield, NY: ancient mesopotamia: the Sumerians     Thayer Watkins: economics, San Jose State U, Sili Valley, CA: Sumer

city of Gezer/ Tel Gezer/ Tell Jezr/ Tell al-Jezari/ Carmel Yosef/ Carmel Josef founded c. 3KBCE at 31.859N, 34.919E (NW of Jerusalem, E of Ashdod, SE of Tel Aviv & Jaffa/Joppa/Yaffa, E of Batya, NE of Ekron/Akron     (Bible Places)     (Times of Israel)     (Jewish Virtual Library)     (Bible Walks)

Ekron/ Akron/ Aaqron/ Eqron, Akkaron, Amqarruna, tel Miqne/Miqneh/Miqne, Khirbet al-Muqanna (about 22 miles WWNW of Jerusalem, EESE of Ashdod, ENE of Revadim, N of Lakhish/Lachish, SSE of Rehovot, NE of Ashqelon/Askelon, NW of Hebron/Chebron, East of Azotus & Iamnia at 31.77889N, 34.84992E) village occupied by humans since early Copper Age c. 5KBCE, expanded c. 1600BCE; Philistines introduced their pottery in the early Iron Age c. 1170BCE

c. 4KBCE alphabet invented by Canaanite miners on Sinai peninsula?

Cortaillod culture c. 3900BCE - c. 3500BCE

Pfyn culture c. 3900BCE - c. 3500BCE

Ghassulian culture c. 3800BCE - c. 3350BCE

Altai/Altay mountains inhabited by Denisovans c. 3800BCE       Denisova cave in Altai/Altay mountains     Denisovans

proto-Semitic language c. 3750BCE

Maykop culture c. 3700BCE - c. 3000BCE

time-line of Jewish history 3700BCE=1AM (rabbi Mattis Kantor: Chokhmah Binah

European migrations c. 3700BCE - 2500BCE
European migrations c. 3700BCE - 2500BCE (5.7K-4.5K BP) (snagged 2015-07-14 from Eupedia)

Botai culture c. 3700BCE - c. 3100BCE
2018-05-09: Michael Price: AAAS Science: these Asian hunter-gatherers may have been the first people to domesticate horses

Baden/Pecel/Ossarn group culture c. 3600BCE - c. 2800BCE

Horgen culture c. 3500BCE - c. 2850BCE     Joerg Schibler, Julia Elsner & Angela Schlumbaum: Nature: mitochondrial DNA examination of incorporation of aurochs into a cattle herd in neo-lithic Europe: a single event or long-range breeding plan between 3360BCE & 3090BCE

Yamna/Pit grave/Ochre grave culture c. 3500BCE - 2001BCE

Miletus/Miletos/Millawanda/Milawata/Milet c. 3500BCE-

Gerzeh/ Girza/ Gerzean/ Jirzah/ Jirzean/ Naqada ii/Naqadah ii culture in Egypt c. 3500BCE - c. 3200BCE       (Britannica)       (Ancient Near East/Tripod)       (Helene J. Kantor: final phase of pre-dynastic culture Gerzean or Semainean?: Journal of Near Eastern Studies)       (Helene J. Kantor: final phase of pre-dynastic culture Gerzean or Semainean?: Journal of Near Eastern Studies/UChicago)

Lower Egyptian/Ta-Mehu late pre-dynastic period c. 3600BCE - c. 3100BCE       pre-dynastic period in Egypt c. 6KBCE - c. 3150BCE (Joshua J. Mark: Ancient History)

ancient Mesopotamia time-line c. 3700BCE - c. 539BCE

Phoenician diaspora/Phoenicianism c. 3700BCE - (has a couple nice maps)     (Kristin Romey: National Geographic)     (Nature: Ibiza/Balearic Islands mitochondrial DNA)     (Nature: Ibiza/Balearic Islands mitochondrial DNA)     (NCBI/NIH: Sardinia mitochondrial DNA; Phoenician colonies/trade after c. 800BCE)     ( Phoenician DNA in modern Lebanon)     (Marc Haber, Claude Doumet-Serhal, Christiana Scheib, Pierre Zalloua, Toomas Kivisild et al.: Cell/American Journal of Human Genetics)     (WhereIG: Ibiza)

Bronze Age c. 3300BCE - c. 1200BCE

Ezero culture c. 3300BCE - 2700BCE

tzi; the Iceman/ Homo tirolensis/ Homo tyrolensis d: between 3352BCE & 3108BCE
(Summit Post) panorama & other pictures of the area where his remains were found
(Age of the Sage) photograpic map & pictures
(Age of the Sage) topographic map & pictures of Schnalstal/valley of Schnals creek/ Val Senales, Fineilspitze/ Punta di Finale/ Finail peak, Hauslabjoch/ Hauslab's yoke/ saddle, Similaun Peak, Little Similaun/ Kleiner Similaun & lodge, Vernago/ Vernagt/ Vinschgau, Meran/ Meranos, Monte Santa Caterina/ Mt. St. Katarina (from whence he had apparently set out within the last day, based on pollen in his digestive system) & surrounding area of South Tyrole
(WTV Zone) my cousin tzi; the Iceman; mitochondrial DNA haplogroup K (they figured out what he ate for breakfast, where he had stopped over the previous night, where he harvested some canes for making arrows, what materials was used to manufacture his clothing & boots... even though the border police & other severely botched the recovery of his remains)

Narmer/ Horus Narmer b: between 3290BCE & 3120BCE (son b: c. 3100BCE)       (World History)       (Ancient       (Ancient Egypt on-line Pottery with Narmer's name has been found on several sites in Southern Palestine & Israel (En Besor, Rafah/ Rafiah/ Rafia/ Raphia, Tel Erani, Arad, & Nekhen/ Hierakonpolis). Tel Erani/ Arak el Menshiyeh/ Sheikh Ahmed dl Areini is NW of Kiryat/ Qiryat Gat/Gath cemetery, Israel (c. 31.606111N, 3477166E).   En Besor/ Ein ha Besor/ Aain ha Besor/ Aain ha Beshor/ spring of Besor, Israel (4-7 miles East of Khuzaa, Palestine/Gaza, 24-27 miles West of Beer Sheba/Sheva; c. 31.282222N, 34.45278E).   Rafia/ Rafah seems to straddle the border between Palestins/Gaza Strip & Sinai, Egypt.   Arad, Israel is 27-28 miles East of Beer Sheva/Sheba & 9-9.6 miles East of Kuseife.   Nekhen/ Hierakonpolis/ Kom el-Ahmar/ Qom al-Achmar is near Edfu, Egypt (25.097222N, 32.77944E).       ResearchGate: the Egyptian presence at Tel Erani       (BibleWalks; with maps, aerial view, history, photos including panoramic image)       Tel Arad (BibleWalks; with maps, aerial view, history)       index of locations (BibleWalks)

Scorpion i/ Weha/ Serk b: c. 3250BCE at Nekhen? buried: Abydos       (Ancient Egypt on-line       Scorpion mace-head (Ancient

Menes some time between 3200BCE & 3KBCE   (Ancient.EU)       (Britannica)       (

Phoenicia 3200BCE-539BCE Phoenicia 3200BCE-539BCE, and Phoenician religion (USC)

Elam/ Haltamti/ Aailem/ Elamtu/ Susiana/ Elymaei c.3200BCE - 539BCE on the Western slopes of the Zagros mountains       map showing Elam, Susa, Medes/Midian, Parthia, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, Sumer (PNG 1184x1024 pixels)       (Jewish Virtual Library)

Ka/ Sekhen b: c. 3170BCE

Egyptian early dynastic period c. 3100BCE - c. 2686BCE

Noah/ Noach/ Nech/ Noch/ Nuch/ rest   ben Lamech/ Lemek ve Batenos   ben Methuselah/ Methuselech   ben Chenuk/ Chenok/ Enoch   ben Ired/ Jared/ Jered/ Yered   ben Mehalelal/ Mahalalel   ben Qinan/ Kenan   ben Anush/ Enosh   ben Sheth/ Seth/ Shait/ Shais   ben Adam ha Rishon ve Chavah/ Chuah/ Choah/ Eve b: c. 1056AM=2704BCE or 3080BCE d: c. 2150BCE or 1850BCE       m: Naamah bat Chenuk/ Chenok/ Enoch or Naamah bat Lamech/ Lemek ve Zillah or Emtzara bat Rakiel/Raqaaial/Reqaaial ben Methuselah/ Methuselech/ Metushlach       Nuch the chakam ve baar/wise & stupid (Jewish       (Bible       time-line of Genesis/be rashith patriarchs (WikiPedia)       time-line for the flood (Answers in
cubit (Merriam-Webster)


time-line 3rd millennium BCE=3000BCE - 2001BCE

first-stage of stone-henge c. 3KBCE - c. 2B935CE (Britannica)

grad student spotted 5000-year-old (3KBCE) sword from Kavak near Trebizond/Trabzon discovered in Armenian monastery in Venice       artnet       gigazine       Fox       artandobject       heritagedaily       youngzine

most-recent-common-human ancestor c. 3KBCE - c. 1CE

colonies of Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece, Rome in antiquity c. 3000BCE -

Mari along the Euphrates, capitol of Elamites/Tall Hariri   (   (   c.3000BCE - 300BCE (34.5494N, 40.89E; NW of al-Bukamal; SE of Dayr az-Zawr; E of Palmyra; W of Tikrit)

time-line 3000BCE - 2901BCE

over-view of Western Civilization 3000BCE - (Mark Damen: Utah State University) (pdf)   (nice outline with maps)

Wind-Mill Hill culture c. 3000BCE

Ebla 1st kingdom c. 3000BCE - c. 2300BCE     map c. 2340BCE (from Ur to Nineveh/Mosul, to modern Turkey, Lebanon, and northern Israel)

legendary kings of Magadha c. 3KBCE - c. 600BCE

map horses 3KBCE-300BCE
map horses 3KBCE-300BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

time-line 2900BCE - 2801BCE

Mesopotamia early dynastic period c. 2900BCE - c. 2350BCE

Corded-Ware culture c. 2900BCE - c. 2350BCE

early dynastic period in Mesopotamia c. 2900BCE - c. 2230BCE

1st Mariote kingdom c. 2900BCE - c. 2550BCE

time-line 2800BCE - 2701BCE

Beaker culture c. 2800BCE - c. 1800BCE

Gubal/ Gebal/ Gebra/ Gebura/ Jbeil/ Jbail/ Jubayl/ Jebeil/ Gibelet/ Gebla/ Giblet/ Kpn/ Gbl/ Gubla/ Goubala/ Gebla/ Byblos/ Byblus founded between 10KBCE & 6KBCE; built c. 2800BCE; L-shaped temple built c.2600BCE; temple of obelisks built between 1600BCE & 1200BCE (2009-09-02: Joshua J. Mark; World History)     (Britannica)     king-list/ time-line (HistoryFiles)     (360 Cities)     (Wander Lab)     Obelisks (WickedPedia)

Sidon established before 2750BCE?

Tyre settled by Phoenicians c. 2750BCE?

Kha-sekhemui/ Khasekhemwy/ Cheneres/ the 2 powerful ones appear/ Horus whose power appears/ the 2 powers appear in that the ancestors rest within him () b: c. 2720BCE d: c. 2685BCE buried: tomb 5 at Abydos/Umm el-Qaab (united Northern & Southern Egypt in civil war over followers of Horus vs. Set.)       m: Nimaethap/ Nimaat-hap/ Nimaat-hapi/ Nihap-maat/truth of Hapi/ mother of a king/mother of royal children/she who is immediately obeyed (daughter of the royal house of Northern Egypt) (parents of Djoser/Zoser, Hetephernebti, Sekhemkhet, & possibly Sanakhte/Hor-Sanakht. co-founder of 3rd dynasty.)

time-line 2700BCE - 2601BCE

list of rulers in early mesopotamia 2700BCE Gilgamesh to Darius iii 330BCE (Department of Near Eastern Art: Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Netjerikhet/ Zoser/ Djoser/ Djeser/ Tosorthros/ Sesorthos/ divine-of-body (s of possibly Khasekhemwy & probably Nimaethap/Nimaat-hap) b: c. 2700BCE d: c. 2610BCE (give or take 50 years) (possible founder of 3rd dynasty, but could be 2nd or 3rd. built pyramid complex at Saqqara/Sakkara including stepped pyramid.)       m: Hetephernebti/ one who sees Horus/ great of sceptre       Patrick Kingsley: Manchester Guardian: step pyramid       Lonely Planet: step pyramid

Old Kingdom of Egypt c. 2686BCE - c. 2181BCE

slavery in ancient Egypt     slavery in Sudan

Sneferu/ Snefru/ Snofru/ Seneferu/ Soris (son of ?Huni? & ?Meresankh i?) b: c. 2630BCE d: c. 2550BCE (1st ruler of 4th dynasty. finished step pyramid at Meidum/Maydum/Midum/North Beni Suef about 47-51 miles S of Giza, built Bent pyramid at Dahshur about 18-21 miles S of Giza, Red/North/Xa/the shining one/bat pyramid at Dahshur about 14-17 mile S of Giza which is immediately W of miles of high-rise office & apartment blocks SW of over-populated, over-crowded central Cairo)       c. 2574BCE-2465BCE (Britannica)       (     (Smithsonian)     (art & archaeology)     valley temple of Sneferu at Dahshur (     (Famous People)     m: Hetepheres i

time-line 2600BCE - 2501BCE

Minoan warm period/civilization c. 2600BCE - c. 1800BCE

Khufu/ Khnum-Khufu/ Kiaps/ Kheops/ Cheops/ Medjedu/ Souphis/ Suphis/ Sofi/ Saurid/ Salhuk (son or step-son of Sneferu & Hetepheres i) b:c. 2610BCE d: 2566BCE

great pyramid of Giza/pyramid of Khufu/ Cheops constructed c. 2580BCE - c. 2540BCE     Giza/ Gizeh pyramid & temple complex c. 2580BCE - c. 2465BCE     Giza/ Gizeh pyramid & temple complex (Discovering Egypt)     Giza/ Gizeh pyramid & temple complex (Britannica) (across from Cairo West of the Nile)

KKhafra/ Khafre/ Khaafre/ Khefen/ Chephren (son of Khufu & ?Meritites i? or ?Henutsen? or ??) b:c. 2575BCE d: c. 2540BCE

Shem   ben Noah/ Noach/ Nech/ Noch/ Nuch   ben Lamech/ Lemek   ben Methuselah/ Methuselech   ben Chenuk/ Chenok/ Enoch   ben Ired/ Jared/ Jered/ Yered   ben Mehalelal/ Mahalalel   ben Qinan/ Kenan   ben Anush/ Enosh   ben Sheth/ Seth/ Shait/ Shais   ben Adam ha Rishon ve Chavah/ Chuah/ Choah/ Eve c. 2568BCE - (with map and tree of descendants)

Joktan/ Yoktan/ Yoqtan/ Qahtan   ben Eber/Ever/Aaber   ben Shelah/Shelech/Salah/Salih   ben Arpachshad/Arpekshed/Arphaxad   ben Shem   ben Noah/Noach/Nech/Noch/Nuch   ben Lamech/Lemek (with tree of Yarubite descendants)

Uzal/ Azaal/ Azal   ben Joktan/ Yoktan/ Qahtan   ben Eber/ Ever/ Aaber   ben Shelah/ Shelech/ Salah/ Salih (with map and tree of descendants)

Y.Bogdanov: GitHub: graphical history/biography time-line/map of contemporaries

Menkaure/ Menkaura/ Mykerinos/ Menkheres (son of Khafra & Khamerernebty i) b:c. 2550BCE d: c. 2500BCE

Eannatum/ Lumma (son of Akurgal; gs of Ur-Nanshe) b:c. 2515BCE d: c. 2400BCE ensi/ governor/ king of Lagash, king of Kish waged war over plain of Gu-Edin (not to be confused with Eanna grand-son of Niall of the 9 hostages, and Gu-Edin not to be confused with Dun-Edin/ EdinBurgh, and probably not with Gan Adin/Eden)       (Cam Rea: Classical Wisdom)       was Eannatum Adam ha Rishon? (Stack Exchange)       Stela of the Vultures (Archaeology)

time-line 2500BCE - 2401BCE

2nd Mariote kingdom c. 2500BCE - c. 2290BCE ,   map (PNG)

Durrington Shafts c. 2500 BCE 1.2 miles (2Km) ring of 16-foot deep (5m), 32-feet (10m) diameter shafts around Durrington Walls; 1.9 miles NE of stone-henge; projected circle crosses a loop of Avon river; 45-47 miles SE of Bristol; 80-85 miles SW of London; 65-70 miles NW of Arundel; 148-155 miles NE of Tintagel Castle rock (Dalya Alberge: Manchester Guardian)       (N'dea Yancey-Bragg: USA Today/Gannett)       (       discovered & analyzed using ground-penetrating radar, magnetometry, radio-carbon dating, & optically stimulated luminescence (David Nield: Science Alert)       (Daisy Hernandez: Popular Mechanics)       (Science Daily)       (U of St. Andrews/Internet Archaeology; with aerial photo-map)       (DOI/Internet Archaeology)       (       (Dalya Alberge: Real Clear Science)

Amorites in what is now Syria & Mesopotamia c. 2400BCE - c. 1600BCE

time-line 2400BCE - 2301BCE

the black plague of 2400BCE near Lake Baikal

Amurru/Amorites/Amori/Martu/Amar/Tidnum   (AncientNearEast)   c.2400BCE - 2000BCE

Mesopotamian Akkadian empire c. 2350BCE - c. 2150BCE

Sargon of Akkad/Agade/Accadia/Sargon the great/Sharru Kinu/Sarru-ukin/Sarruken (son of Laibum) c. 2355BCE - 2285BCE (4,200 years ago)       m: Tashlultum?
vandalized statues of Sargon ii & Hammurabi (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))
vandalized statue of Sargon ii (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

maps Biblical world c. 2325BCE
maps Biblical world c. 2325BCE (from

Shu-Enlil/Ibarum (s of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; brother of king Manishtushu/Manistusu; brother of high-priestess En-hedu-ana; brother of Rimush) b: c. 2310BCE d: c. 2280BCE

time-line 2300BCE - 2201BCE

Arameans/ Aramaye/ Aramu/ Armi c. 2300BCE -     c.1400BCE (Jewish Virtual Library)     c.1400BCE (Biblical Archaeology)     Aram/ Arame/ Aramaea/ Aramu/ Armi (with maps of various periods)     (Christian

late Old Kingdom & First Intermediate Period of Egypt c. 2300BCE -

Rimush (s of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; brother of king Manishtushu/Manistusu; brother of high-priestess En-hedu-ana; brother of Shu-Enlil) b: c. 2300BCE d: c. 2270BCE

En-hedu-ana/Enheduanna (d of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; sister of king Manishtushu/Manistusu; sister of high-priestess Rimush; sister of Shu-Enlil) b: c. 2297 d: c. 2250BCE at Ur (briefly expelled from Ur c. 2275BCE)

Manishtushu/Manistusu (s of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; brother of king Rimush; brother of high-priestess En-hedu-ana; brother of Shu-Enlil) b: c. 2295BCE d: c. 2255BCE

Pepi/Pepy/Phiops ii Neferkare/Netchkhaw (s of Pepi i or Merenre & Ankhesenpepi ii; possibly gs of Pepi i) b: c. 2284BCE d: 2184BCE (old kingdom, dynasty 6) m1: Neith m2: Iput ii m3: Ankhesenpepi iii m4: Ankhesenpepi iv m5: Udjebten       (Ancient Egypt Fandom)       (British Museum)       (Phouka)

Naram-Sin of Akkad/Naram-Suen (s of Manishtushu; gs of Sargon of Akkad & Tashlultum; nephew of king Rimush; nephew of high-priestess En-hedu-ana) b: c. 2270BCE d: c. 2218BCE

time-line 2200BCE - 2101BCE

mega-drought in Egypt, India, Indonesia, Akkadia/Sumeria... between c. 2250BCE & c. 2150BCE     Syria, Israel, Monoan Crete, Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa... cooling in North Atlantic       drought & the Akkadian empire       climate of ancient Egypt       Sumeria       but some ancient cities survived (Tell Qarqur on the Orontes)       but some ancient cities survived (Tell Qarqur on the Orontes)

first intermediate period of Egypt c. 2181BCE - c. 2055BCE

Gutian dynasty of Sumer c. 2154BCE - c. 2112BCE

3rd Ur dynasty c. 2112BCE - c. 2004BCE

time-line 2100BCE - 2001BCE
sovereign states/city-states in 21st century BCE

Sumerian laws of Ur-Nammu c. 2100BCE - 2050BCE

China timeline c. 2100BCE-: Xia/Hsia c. 2100BCE-1600BCE; Shang c. 1600BCE-1050BCE; Zhou/Chou/Joe 1046BCE-256BCE; Xin/Chin 221BCE-206BCE; Han 206BCE-220BCE; 6dynasties 220BCE-589CE; Sui/Sway 581CE-618CE...

Middle Kingdom of Egypt c. 2055BCE - c. 1650BCE

2018-03-01: Odile Loreille, Shashikala Ratnayake, Adam L. Bazinet, Timothy B. Stockwell, Daniel D. Sommer, hadin Rohland, Swapan Mallick, Philip L.F. Johnson, Pontus Skogland, Anthony J. Onorato, Nicholas H. Bergman, David Reich & Jodi A. Irwin: MDPI/Genes: mummy of governor/nomarch Djehutynakht iv (son of Ahanakht; gs of Djehutynakht i) or Djehutynakht v (s of Nehri i/Neheri i; gs of Djehutynakht iii) c. 2010BCE - c. 1960BCE from Deir el-Bersha/Dayr al-Barsha tomb 10A identified in Harvard+FBI+Crick Institute, Ft. Detrick, MIT collabortion       governor/nomarch/over-lord of the Hare nome Djehutynakht iv (son of Ahanakht) or Djehutynakht v (s of Nehri i) from Deir el-Bersha/Dayr al-Barsha tomb 10A       2018-04-02: Rafi Letzter: Live Science       2018-04-05: Jason Daley: Smithsonian


time-line 2000BCE - 1901BCE ,   Brief history of Jerusalem & the Temple Mount 2000BCE - (Lambert Dolphin)

time-line Egypt 2000BCE - 1750BCE (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

2000BCE Kenbet of 8 jurors established in Egypt

4K-year-old (c.2KBCE) Minoan ship-wreck found in what are now Turkish waters SW of Mugla, N of Rhodes (2016-01-31: April Holloway: Ancient Origins)

Zhukaigou culture c. 2KBCE - c. 1400BCE

list of sovereign states/city-states in 20th century BCE

Amenemhat/ Wehemmesu (s of Senusret & Nefret but which ones is unknown) c. 1981BCE–1952BCE (c. 1479BCE–1425BCE mentioned festival hall of Thutmose iii; c. 1290BCE–1279BCE mentioned temple of Seti i)       (Metropolitan Museum)       (Art Institute of Chicago) stela made about 1956–1877BCE       (Wilm van den Dungen: Sofiatopia: "The Instruction of Amenemhat")

laws of Eshnunna c. 1930BCE

time-line 1900BCE - 1801BCE
sovereign states/city-states in 19th century BCE

Nuraghe on Sardinia c. 1900BCE - 730BCE,   and Nuragic civilization/culture

Amenemhat iii/ Amenemhet iii / Amun is at the forefront (s of Senusret III & ??)

Abram/ Abraham/ Avraham/ Ibrahim ben Terah/ Terach (Fab Pedigree) b: c. ?1948AM?= 2200BCE-1812BCE? at Ur of the Chaldees/lower Iraq d: c. 2123AM = c. 1637BCE in Israel buried: cave of Machpelah near Hebron/ Chebrun     m1: Shri/שרי/Sarai/שרה/Sarah b: c. 1804BCE or c. 2042BCE d: c. 1677BCE or c. 1915BCE     m2: HaGar/the foreigner/הגר המצרית/ha Mitzrith/ the Egyptian     m3: Keturah/ Qatura/ קטורה/ Cetura,   (findagrave)

cave of the patriarchs/ Machpelah/ Maareth ha Mekpelah/ Mearat ha Makhpela/ ma arat ha Machpelah/ me arat ha Machpelah/ cave of the double/ al Masjid al Ibrahimi/ mosque of Ibrahim at 31.5247N, 35.1107E in Chebron/Hebron, in the land of Judea/Yahudah (East of Gaza Strip/Palestine)       (Jewish             (Chokhmah Binah       (Bible Atlas)       (New Advent)       (Britannica)

map travels of Abram/Abraham (BibleCartoons)

maps travels of Abraham (from

Abram stopped at Shechem/ Tel Shechem/ Tel Balata/ Sichem/ Sekem/ Sykhem/ Sakem/ Nablus/ Paplouse       map (Bible History)       map (Bible History)       map (Bible Journey)       significance of Shechem (Got Questions)

Amraphel/ Amrapel/ Amarphel/ Kimta Rapashtu/ Khammurapaltu/ Hammurabi/ Chammurabi/ Hammurapi/ Aralius/ Amar-Sin/ Nimrod king of Shinar/Mesopotamia/Ur in Southern Chaldea lived some time between c. 2376BCE or 2070BCE & 1750BCE       (Jewish Encyclopedia)       (Bible Study Tools)       (Bible Hub)       (Genesis For Ordinary People)

Arioch/ Aryok/ Aryowk/ Aryuk/ Arjok/ Eriaku/ Rim-Sin/ Eriagu/ Uruki king of Ellasar/ Sellasar/ Alyiasar/ Larsa, contemporary of Amraphel & Abram/Abraham       (Jewish Encyclopedia)       (Bible Hub)       (Bible Hub)

Chedorlaomer/ Kedorlaomer/ Kederlaamer/ Kudur Lagamar king of Elam/Alam/Aailem, contemporary of Amraphel & Abram/Abraham

Tidal/ Tudhaliya/ Tudal king of nations/Cheti/Hittite-confederation? contemporary of Amraphel & Abram/Abraham

Ashteroth-Karnaim/ tel Ashtara/ ??al-Shaykh Saad??/Tell Ashtara/ near Izra (East of Bnei Yehuda & sea of Galilee/Kennesereth, NE of Irbid, North of Amman; EEESE of Haifa, WWNW of Al Suwayda, SSW of Damascus)       (Bible Atlas)       (Open Bible)

Isaac/ Ishaq/ Ishaaq/ Yitzchaq ben Abraham ben Terah/Terech/ תרח /Terach ben Nechur/Nahor (son of Abraham & Sarah) b: 2066BCE or c. 2048AM = c. 1712BCE or c. 1952BCE near Hebron/Chebron, Judea, Israel, once Canaan East of Palestine d: c. 1886BCE       (Holmes: RPI)       (FamilyPedia)       (FamilySearch)

Aram-Naharaim/ Aram-Naharayim/ Aram Nahrayn/ Nahrima/ Haran/ Harran/ Charan/ Kharran/ Padan Aram/ Aram of the 2 rivers NE of Hatay, E of Gaziantep, N of Raqqa, near Sanliurfa      

Haran/Harran/Charan       (Jewish       (Bible GateWay)

Beer Lahai Roi (Bible Atlas)       locating Beer Lahai Roi (David ben Gad ha Cohen, Ph.D.:       (Christian       (Bible Study Tools)       (Open

Gerar lodging-place/ place of pot-sherds in Nahal Gerar/ wadi Sheria, Palestine=Gaza Strip, SSE of Gaza in the Negeb/Negev/South Desert       (Jewish Virtual Library)       (Bible Atlas)

Jacob/Yaaqub/Israel ben Isaac b: between c. 2006BCE & c. 1890BCE d: c. 1855BCE & c. 1690BCE in Egypt/Mitzrim     (Holmes: RPI)       Joseph's/Yusef's tomb in Shechem/ Neapolis/ Nablus, Samaria, Israel     (     (Jewish Virtual Library)     (Bible Archaeology: Shechem/Neapolis/Nablus)     (Jewish Virtual Library: archaeological expeditions)     (Tufts U: Flavia Neapolis     (Israel and You)>     (American Numismatic Society: coinage of Neapolis in Samaria 244CE-253CE)     (Christian Answers)     (ChaBaD) "The Jews then buried Joseph's remains – which had been carried along from Egypt – in the plot of land which Jacob had bought, and designated Shechem as a City of Refuge and a Levite city."     (F.M. Loewenberg: Jewish Magazine)     (Private Tours in Israel)      
    m1: Leah bat Laban
    m2: Rachel/Raqel bat Laban     (findagrave)
Rachel's tomb; 2.5 miles SW of Ramat Rachel; about 1500 feet from Har Gilo/Mt. Gilo as the crow flies, but 6 miles by roadways; about 1 mile N from the center of Bethlehem/Bais Lechem/Beth Lechem/house of lechem (don't ask how the label got "Derech rachel grave"/i.e."the road to Rachel's grave" instead of "Qeber Rachel", as I thought I'd typed in the search, or "Rachel's grave") (image snagged 2015-12-27)     Rachel bat Laban/Leben/Lavan (findagrave) d: c. 1905BCE & 1705BCE
grave/kever/qeber of Rachel/רחל/Rochel/Rechel bat Laban/Leben/Lavan ben Bethuel/Bethual the Aramean/ה ארמי/ha Aremi/ha Armi ben Nahor/Nechur ben Terah/Terech/Terach ben Nahor/Nechur ben Serug/Shrug ben Raau ben Peleg; wife of Jacob/Yaaqeb ben Isaac/Itzchaq ben Abraham/Avraham ben Terah/Terech/Terach ben Nahor/Nechur ben Serug/Shrug     Rachel's tomb/keber/kever in the northern part of Bethlehem/ Beth Lechem, Judea/land of Yahudah, Israel 31.7193434N 35.202116E     (ChaBaD)     (Life in the Holy Land)     )(Danny the Digger)     (Torah)     (Bible Walks)     (Israel Bible: Why was Rachel buried in Bethlehem?)     (Bible Places)     (rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom: location of Rachel's tomb: land of Benjamin or Yahudah?)     (Israel Today: the new trend of Mohammedan worship at Rachel's tomb)     (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)     (ha rav Yaakov Medan & David Strauss: Etzion: the pillar at Rachel's tomb)

Abel Mizraim/ Abel Mitzrayim/ Ebel Mitzrim/ meadow of Egypt/ mourning of Egypt at the death of Jacob/Israel       (Jewish

Beth-Lechem/Bethlehem/ House of bread/grain/food       (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries)       (Hebrew Word Lessons)       (Bible Study Tools)       (En-Gedi Resource Center)       (Ohr Somayach)

Esau/ Aasu/ Aasev/ Esav/ Ademuni/ Edom/ Adum b: between c. 2006BCE & c. 1890BCE (born "ruddy" - red or yellow, high bilirubin? bruising?)       (Jewish       (Jewish Virtual Library)       (FamilyPedia)

m: Oholibamah/Aholibamah/Ahalibamah bint Anah bint Zibeon/Zebaan the Hivite/Chevite ben Seir the Horite/Cheri/Khar, possibly but not likely the Hurrians/Churri/Khurrites who lived around Mt.Hor/Chor/Jebel Harun SW of the Dead/Salt sea, E of the River of Egypt, S of Beer-Sheba, W of Petra... or not

Different analysts using differesnt methods estimate the date of writing of Deuteronomy/ ha debrim/ the words/ the commandments as about 2KBCE, 1900BCE, 1400BCE, 1280BCE, & a rediscovery and edit around 620BCE.

Hivites/ Chevim/ ha Chevi/ ha Chevvi/ tent-people/ villagers/ wicked/ middle       (Jewish       (Biblical       (Bible

Middle Kingdom, 12th dynasty of Egypt c. 1991BCE - c. 1778BCE

time-line 1900BCE

Archaeology: Babylonian tablet from some time between 1900BCE & 1600BCE shows use of Pythagorean geometry for land surveying

Mahanaim/ Mahanayim/ Mechnim/ Mechnoth/ camps (The maps are confusing because, in the sequence/migration, Jacob/Jaqob/Israel & tribe are supposedly going South from Haran/Charran in what is now far SE Turkey; they stopped when Laban caught up with him at Mt.Gilead/Gilaad at/near Irbid; then separated with Laban returning North while they went South; and then they stopped at Mechnim and split into 2 camps. But many of the maps have Mechnim being NE of Mt. Gilaad/Gilead at/near Irbid. And then he has the nightmare about struggling with his brother Esau/Aasu/Aesev or God at Face-to-Face/Penuel/Penual, still NE of Mt. Gilaad/Gilead. And only after that meeting up with Esau/Aasu/Aesev before sauntering on to Shechem near today's Nablus just North of Jerusalem, in the Samaria area about half-way between Nazareth & Jerusalem. OTOH, a few seem to think it was farther South, ESE of Shechem/Nablus, East of the Jordan river.)       (Bible Study Tools)       (Bible Atlas)


Joseph's view/ over-look/ observation point on Mt.Gerizim in region of Samaria, Israel; Tel Shechem; Mt. Ebal; Joseph's tomb; Jacob's well (BibleWalks)       index of locations (BibleWalks)

Tel Dothan/Dotan/Dutan/ Tal al ha Fireh in Samaria, Israel       (Ancient Near       (Israel Bible)       (Bible Atlas)       (BibleWalks)       region of Judah/Yahudah/Judea       Samaria/Shomron region (BibleWalks)       Samaria/Shomron region (WickedPedia)       Samaria/Shomron region (Blue Letter       Samaria/Shomron region of ISRAEL (Britannica)       Samaria/Shomron region of ISRAEL (Britannica)

laws of Lipit-Istar c. 1870BCE - c. 1860BCE

c. 1850BCE - 1700BCE: Abraham & Sarah, Isaac & Ishmael

1st Babylonian dynasty of proto-Babylonian empire c. 1830BCE - c. 1531BCE

Steve Law: Ancient Hebrew oldest alphabet? or 3rd oldest? or ??? 1842BCE
sequence of development proposed by Douglas N. Petrovich, Ph.D., M.A., Th.M., M.Div.

Levi ben Jacob/Yaaqub/Israel b: c. 1809BCE d: by 1672BCE

time-line 1800BCE - 1701BCE
Bible-History time-line 1800BCE - 1700BCE
maps Jerusalem 18th century BCE - 7th century CE from 11-12 acres & 500-700 residents in Middle Bronze Age, to 40 acres & 2K residents c. 900BCE, to 160 acres & 8K residents c.700BCE, to 5K residents after 586BCE, to about 8K residents c.100BCE, to 20K residents c.70CE, to c.15K residents between 300CE & 699CE, to c.7K residents between 900CE & 1099CE (Hershel Shanks: Bible History Daily/Biblical Archaeology Review)

Middle Bronze Age Cold Epoch c. 1800BCE - c. 1500BCE

Moses/ Mosa/ Musa/ Mushaa/ Moyses ben Amram/Imran b: between c. 1800BCE & c. 1500BCE or 1393BCE=2368AM d: between c. 1590BCE & c. 1273BCE=2488AM (There is wide disagreement between different people's estimations. One History Channel estimation, for instance, had the Exodus taking place at the time of the Minoan eruption of Santorini/Thera, which is estimated between 1645BCE & 1540BCE, and they favored the later part of this range. Hmmmm, and it is about 270-300 miles from Memphis to Hebron/ Chebrun/ Machpelah/ the field of Efrom/Afrim not far from the turpentine/ terebinth/ pistachio orchard/ managed-forest of Mamre; SW of Bethlemen & Rachel's grave & the Temple Mount.)
(Totally History: Moses time-line)
(Hebrew4Christians: the 8 aliyot (mountain-climbs) of Moses)
(Eitan Cooper: chronology in the torah)

time-line of Jewish history 3700BCE=1AM (rabbi Mattis Kantor: Chokhmah Binah

Colchian culture c. 1,800BCE - c. 600BCE (East edge of Black Sea; West of Caspian Sea)

tomb of half-brothers at Deir Rifeh 250 miles S of Cairo; Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht c. 1800BCE share M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-16: U of Manchester/PhysOrg: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-16: U of Manchester/Science Daily: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-17: Konstantina Drosou: U of Manchester/Science Tech Daily: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA
2018-01-17: U of Manchester/Science Tech Daily: half-brothers Nakht-Ankh & Khnum-Nakht M1a1 mtDNA

list of DNA-tested mummies
list of DNA-tested mummies
DNA history of Egypt

time-line 1800BCE

Zimri-Lim (s or gs of Iakhdun-Lim) b:c.1800BCE d:1761BCE or 1750BCE (king of city-state of Mari along the upper Euphrates. ordered construction of insulated ice-house along Euphrates for cool summer beverages.)

Babylonian/Akkadian laws of Hammurabi c. 1754BCE

brief history of Jerusalem 1738BCE to 1967CE (Simple to Remember)

time-line 1700BCE - 1601BCE

map Middle East c. 1700BCE
map Middle East (from Persia to Mesopotamia to Greece & Libya) c. 1700BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))
Bible-History 1700BCE - 1600BCE

map Middle East c. 1700BCE
map Middle East (from Persia to Mesopotamia to Greece & Libya) c. 1700BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

Salitis/ Salatis/ Saites b: c. 1670BCE king of Hyksos c. 1650BCE (Alfred S. Bradford & Pamela M. Bradford 2001 _With Arrow, Sword, and Spear: An History of Warare in the Ancient World_ (8KBCE-500CE; 312 pages; ISBN 0275952592; Praeger) noted that the Hyksos were believed to be a combination of Amorites, Indo-European mercenaries, & Hebrews who conquered Northern Egypt with leadership of Apophis/ Apepi/ Ipepi, adopted Egyptian customs, language, clothing, ruled Egypt or 200 years (the 2nd intermediate period) between about 1786BCE & 1575BCE. Could these "Indo-European mercenaries" be a sub-group of the «Ancient North Eurasians»?
"To our surprise, we found that at mutations not shared with sub-Saharan Africans, Europeans are more closely related to Native Americans than they are to East Asians...   we found the same pattern in every Native American population we studied, including those we could prove had no European admixture.   The scenario of Native Americans and Europeans descending from a common population that split earlier from East Asians was also contradicted by the data.   Something was deeply wrong with the tree model of population relationships...   Three Population Test...   population mixture occurred in the ancestors of Northern Europeans...   the mixture evidence was strongest when one comparison population was Southern European, especially Sardinians, and the other was Native Americans...   What we had found was evidence that people in Northern Europe, such as the French, are descended from a mixture of populations, one of which shared more ancestry with present-day Native Americans than with any other population living today.
How could we understand the results of both the Three Population Test and the Four Population Test?   We proposed that more than 15K years ago [14K BCE], there was a population living in Northern Eurasia that was not the primary ancestral population of the present-day inhabitants of the region.   Some people from this population migrated East across Siberia and contributed to the population that crossed the Bering land bridge and gave rise to Native Americans.   Others migrated West and contributed to Europeans...
We called this proposed new population the «Ancient North Eurasians»...   Although they have not left unmixed descendants, the Ancient North Eurasians have in fact been extraordinarily successful.   If we put together all the genetic material that they have contributed to present-day populations, they account for literally hundreds of millions of genomes' worth of people.   All told, more than half [of] the world's population derives between 5% and 40% of their genomes from the Ancient North Eurasians...
The Mal'ta genome had its strongest genetic affinity to Europeans and Native Americans, and far less affinity to the Siberians who live in the region today -- just as we had predicted for the «ghost population» of the Ancient North Eurasians...   The analysis of the Mal'ta genome made it clear that Native Americans derive about a third of their ancestry from the Ancient North Eurasians, and the remainder from East Asians...   What [Eske Willerslev] and colleagues found went far beyond what we had been able to do by relying on only modern populations." --- David Reich & Eugenie Reich 2018 _Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA & the New Science of the Human Past_ pp78-82

15th dynasty of Egypt 1650BCE - c. 1550BCE

2nd intermediate period of Egypt c. 1650BCE - c. 1550BCE

Hittite laws c. 1650BCE - c. 1100BCE

Khyan/ Khayan/ Hayanu/ Khian/ Seuserenre/ Apachman/ Apachnan/ Apaq-Khyran/ Iannas/ Staan of Hyksos () b:c.1650BCE d:c.1580BCE

Yanassi/ Yanassy/ Ianna/ Iannas/ Yahsas-aden/ Jinassi-Ad of Hyksos (s of Khyan/ Khayan/ Hayanu/ Khian/ Seuserenre/ Apachman/ Apachnan/ Apaq-Khyran/ Iannas/ Staan of Hyksos; father of ?Archlis/ Assis?; gf of ?Apepi/ Apopi/ Apophis?) b:c.1630BCE

Minoan/ Thera/ Santorini eruption between 1628BCE & 1450BCE
2023-08-29: Akrotiri Museum
2020-03-05: Robyn Antanovskii: Heritage Daily
Eric H. Cline: Bible Odyssey

2021-10-06: Study Finds: archaeologists estimate that several cities/towns & villages were destroyed by a 2.5 mile altitude detonation of meteorite(s) in about 1630BCE at & surrounding Tel Hammam/Tall el-Hammam/Tall al-Hammam (near route 65 on North side of present day Shaghur; SE of Kafrein; ESE of Jericho; SW of Ammon); temperatures exceeded 2K℃ (3,632℉) & 750miles/hour shock-wave, raised salt from Dead Sea/Salt Sea area & spread it for miles, decreasing fertility (the region in Jordan is called Balga/Balqa, in the Salt/as-Salt area);   ?Sodom & Gomorrah & Jericho?

Hittites/ Hittite/ Cheti empire c. 1600BCE - c. 1178BCE     2011-04-28: Joshua J. Mark: Hittites (EU Ancient History)     2017-03-12: Ellen White: who were the Hittites? (Biblical Archaeology/Bible History Daily)    
PU-Sarruma/Hismi-Sarruma (s of Tudhaliya)   c. 1600BCE
Labarna i   c. 1600BCE
Hattusili i king of Hittites king of Hattusa man of Kussara   (may be grand-son of PU-Sarruma/Hismi-Sarruma;   may be identical with Labarna i or ii, a title, taking the name Hattusili upon moving his capital from Nesa/Kanes/Kanesh/Kanis/Anisa at modern Kultepe/Kueltepe near Kayseri about 130 miles NW to the town of Hattusa/Chetoss at SE edge of modern Boghazkoy/Bogazkale)   b: probably between 1620BCE & 1590BCE d: c. 1556BCE (names, dates and genealogy are all messed up through this part of succession)

history of ancient land of Israel and Judah/Yahudah/Judea c. 1600BCE-

region of Judah/Yahudah/Judea index/gallery (BibleWalks)       region of Judah/Yahudah/Judea       index of locations (BibleWalks)

city of Jerusalem/ Herusalem/ Yerushalem/ Rushalimum/ Shalem/ Salem/ Urasalim/ Hierusalem index/gallery (BibleWalks)       index of locations (BibleWalks)

theories on development of Illyrians/Thracians c.1600BCE-1100BCE

Seqenenre/Seqenera/Sekenenra Tao/Taa/Djehuty-aa (s of ??Senakhtenre Ahmose?? & ??Tetisheri??) b:c.1585BCE d:c.1555

Israelites c. 1550BCE-

Sharuhen/ Sharuchen city c.1550BCE - 1069BCE possibly Tel al-Farah/Fariah, or Beth-Pelet ii, or Tall al Ajjut, or Tel Heror in Judea, Israel just East of Palestine=Gazas Strip       (BibleWalks; with maps, aerial view, history, photos)       (Ancient Near East: Tripod)       index of locations (BibleWalks)

map "Sea People" late bronze age c. 1550BCE-1200BCE
map "Sea People" (including Philistines/ Plishtim/ Flishtim/ Palestinians & Phoenicians) late bronze age c.1550BCE-1200BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library) (see also wikipedia on ancient Israel and Judah (particularly the Iron Age i section))
2006-05-31: Bryan G. Wood PhD: Associates for Biblical Research: the Genesis/be rashith Philistines
Caphtor (WikiPedia)
Caphtor (Jewish Virtual Library)
A. Hallen 1887 April "the Caphtorim: who were these people and where was their original home?" _The Old Testament Student_/_JStor_ vol6 #8 pp243-245

time-line 1601BCE - 1501BCE
Bible-History 1600BCE - 1500BCE
3800BCE-2001BCE (Jewish Virtual Library)
Israel time-line (

Moses/ Mosa/ Musa/ Mushaa/ Moyses lived some time between c. 1600BCE & c. 1270BCE
(Totally History: Moses time-line)
(Hebrew4Christians: the 8 aliyot (mountain-climbs) of Moses)
(Eitan Cooper: chronology in the torah)

Apepi/ Apopi/ Apopis/ Apophis/ Ipepi/ Neb-khepesh-Re/ A-qenen-Re/ A-user-Re/ Aa-user-ra     (Britannica)     (BritishMuseum)   (brother of Tani & Ziwat) b:c.1600BCE d:c.1542BCE

Kamose   (National Geographic)   (s of Seqenenre Tao & Ahhotep i) b:c.1565BCE d:c.1550BCE

Ahmose i/Amosis/Amenes/the moon is born     (National Geographic)   (s of Seqenenre Tao & Ahhotep i) b:c.1560BCE d:c.1525BCE

New Kingdom of Egypt/Egyptian Empire c. 1550BCE - c. 1077BCE

Edom/ Adom/ Idumea/ Idumaea/ Udumi/ land of descendants of Aasu/ Aasev/ Esau/ Esav/ Ademuni/ Edom/ Adum c. 1550BCE-200BCE

Kassite/ Galzu/ Kassu/ Kassi/ Kashi Mesopotamian/ Babylonian empire c. 1531BCE - c. 1155BCE

list of sieges c. 1530BCE - 2018CE (subject to insertions & extensions)

Thutmose i/Thutmosis/Thothmes/Djehutymes (s of ?Amenhotep i? & Senseneb) b:c.1526BCE d: 1493BCE m1: Ahmose m2: Mutnofret/Mutneferet/Mutnefert
  Thutmose ii

Thutmose ii/ Thutmosis/ Thothmes/ Djehutymes/ Chebron/ Chebros (s of Thutmose i & Mutnofret) b: c. 1510BCE d: 1479BCE   m1: his step-sister Hatshepsut m2: Iset

Hatshepsut   (Smithsonian)   (NationalGeographic)   (d of Thutmose i & Ahmose) b: c. 1507BCE d: 1458BCE (pharaoh c.1479BCE-1458 January) m: her step-brother Thutmose ii

time-line 1504BCE - 1401BCE

2016-02-02 (5776 Shebet 23)
_Jerusalem Israel Post_
Israeli hiker discovered 3,500-year-old (1500BCE) Egyptian seal in Galilee
Bible-History 1500BCE - 1400BCE

Tepe Gawra/ Tell Gawra/ great mound NE of Nineveh/Baghdad

list of kings of the Phoenician/phoinixos Tyre c. 1500BCE - 300BCE    Phoenicia/phoinike/Finiqiyah c. 1500BCE - 300BCE

map China c. 1500BCE-221BCE
map China c. 1500BCE-221BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

vedic period c. 1500BCE - c. 500BCE

Burnaburiash/Burna-Buryas i the Kassite lived c.1500BCE

Alluwamna king of Hittites () b: probably between 1590BCE & 1490BCE (dates and genealogy are all messed up through this part of succession)     m:   Harapseki (daughter of Telipinu)

Hantili ii king of Hittites (s of Alluwamna & possibly Harapseki) b: probably between 1575BCE & 1475BCE (dates and genealogy are all messed up through this part of succession)   m:   Yaya

Zidanta ii of Hittites (probably nephew of his predecessor Hantili ii; signed treaty in 1480) c. 1510BCE - c. 1475BCE   m:   Yaya

law of Moses/teachings of Moses/Torot Meshah between c. 1500BCE & 800BCE (10 commandments/ asereth ha dibrot,   and   613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot   /   ChaBaD: 613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot,     7 laws of Noah,   and   13 attributes of mercy)

Thutmose iii/ Thutmosis/ Thothmes (s of Thutmose ii & Iset; step-brother of Hatshepsut) b: 1481BCE d: 1425BCE

Huzziya ii of Hittites () b:c. 1480BCE d:c. 1410BCE (assassinated by Muwatalli i)   m:   Summiri

Muwatalli i of Hittites b:c. 1450BCE d:c. 1398BCE (assassinated Huzziya ii; assassinated by chief of servants Himuili & Kantuzili leader of charioteers)   m:   Walanni

map of Deuteronomy/ Debrim/ ԽԱרים/ the words/ the commandments c. 1446BCE-1406BCE (Visual Unit. WordPress)

2016-06-11: David E. Graves, Ph.D.: Biblical Archaeology.web log map of Deuteronomy/ Debrim/ ԽԱרים/ the words/ the commandments

Artatama i of the Hurrian Mitanni (s of ??Artatama i?? & ??) b:c.1450BCE d:c.1400BCE (these dates are WAGs based on family relationships & estimated dates of rule)

Thutmose iv/ Thutmosis/ Tuthmosis/ Thothmes/ Menkheperure (s of Amenhotep ii & Tiaa/Tiya/Tia'a/Tiyaa) b:c.1420 d:c.1390 m1:Nefertari m2:Iaret m3:Mutemwiya

Tudhaliya i/ii of Hittites   () b:c. 1420BCE d:c. 1390BCE   m:   Nikal-mati

Shuttarna ii/Suttarna ii of the Hurrian Mitanni (s of ??Artatama i?? & ??) b:c.1420BCE d:c.1370BCE (these dates are WAGs based on family relationships & estimated dates of rule)
  Artashumara b:c.1398
  Tushratta/Tyshratha/Thesh-ratha b:c.1395
  Kelu-Hepa/Gilukhipa b:c.1390

Amenhotep iii/Amenophis/Nibmuareya/Nibmuaria/Nimmureya/Neb-Maat-Ra   (DiscoveringEgypt)   (Smithsonian)   (KingTutExhibition)   (s of Thutmose iv & ??) b:c. 1410BCE d:c. 1350BCE   m1: Tiy m2: c.1380BCE Kelu-Hepa/Gilukhipa (sister of Tushratta the Mitanni) m3: Tadu-Hepa/Tadukhipa (daughter of Tushratta the Mitanni) m4: ??grand-daughter of Kurigalzu i/daughter of Kadashman-Enlil I??

Sherden/ Sardinians/ Sherdanu/ Sherdana/ Seertaannu/ Sirdannu/ tribe of Zebulun (one sub-set of what were referred to as "sea people")

time-line 1400BCE - 1301BCE
Bible-History 1400BCE - 1201BCE

map eastern Mediterranean 14th century BCE
Eastern Mediterranean 14th century BCE (snagged 2015-11-13)

time-line of Jerusalem 1400BCE to 2003CE (Jerusalem On My Mind)

queen Tiy, wife of Amenhotep iii c.1400BCE, reconstructed portrait based on DNA & mummified remains (InfoBAE)

Near East c.1400BCE (with map)

city of Ai/ Khirbet al-Maqatir/ Qirbet el-Maqatir in Qinaan/ Canaan/ Judea/ Yahudah c. 1406BCE-1400BCE       (Britannica)       (Aleteia)       (Bible Archaeology Report; aerial view from North looking South, nice map showing Cheshbon, Mt.Nebo, Jericho, Jerusalem, Khirbet el-Maqatir, Beth Aven, BethEl/el-Bireh/al-Bireh, Shechem/Nablus, Tirzah/Tirzach, city of Samaria, Mt.Ebal & Mt. Gerizin, Ekron/Akron, Ashdod, Ashkelon/Asqelon, Joppa/Jaffa, streams, valleys/wadis, hills, roads; nice listing of arguments)      

Shechem/ Sekem/ Sakem/ Sychem/ Sykhem/ Sichem/ back/ shoulder/ saddle at/near Nablus/Neapolis/Naples & Tel Balatah between Mt.Gerizin & Mt.Ebal/Aybal in Samaria, Israel       (Bible Places)       (Jewish Virtual Library)

region of Samaria index/gallery (BibleWalks)       region of Samaria: Har Brakha/ Har Barak/ Mount of Blessing; Luza; Mt.Gerizim; Joseph's view/ observation point; Itamar; Elon Moreh; Eben Ezer/ Izbet Zartta; Shiloh; Kida; Samaria/ Shomron; Deir Qala; Khirbet Jibeit/ Horvat Givit; Khirbet Samiya; Khirbat Marjameh; Allon road; Arumah; Tibneh; Khirbet el-Qutt/ Kfar Lakita; Shiloh altars; Horvat Aner/ Neby Annir; wadi Natuf cave/Natufian; Ein Bubin/ Ein Danny at Dolev; Halamish/ Neveh Tzuf; Zereda/ Khirbet Banat Bar; Artabba; Khirbet esh-Shuna...       index of locations (BibleWalks)

Arnuwanda i king of Hittites/ha Cheti   m:   Asmu-nikal queen of Hittites (daughter of Tudhaliya i/ii & Nikal-mati) c. 1400BCE - c. 1350BCE

Israel in time of judges/shuftim c. 1400BCE-1100BCE (from

Ammistamru/Ammistammru/Amishtammru/Ammittamru/Amttmtr/Am-my-is-tam-ru i of Ugarit   (historyfiles) (s of ??Ibaranu i? & ??; father of Niqmaddu ii) b:c.1400BCE d:c.1350BCE

Kurigalzu i/Ri-'-bi-si-i (s of ??Kadasman-Harbe/Kadashman-Harbe?? & ??) b:c.1345BCE d:c.1308BCE m: ??Ninlil??

Tushratta/Tyshratha/Thesh-ratha   (AncientEgypt)   (NationalGeographic)   (s of Shuttarna ii & ??) b:c.1395BCE d:c.1310BCE
  Tadu-Hepa/Tadukhipa (daughter of Tushratta the Mitanni)

Kadashman-Enlil i/Kadasman-Enlil (s of Kurigalzu i & ??Ninlil?) b:c.1395BCE d:c.1360BCE

2017-05-31: Business InSider/Reuters: mummies from Abusir el-Melek/Abusir el-Meleq/Abushir the king site (about 70 miles S of Cairo) c. 1388BCE had less sub-Saharan DNA than those since c. 426CE close ties to Iraq, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon/Phoenicia, great increase in sub-Saharan DNA over last 700 years
2017-06-29: Meredith Knight: Genetic Literacy Project; some Egyptian mummies are more Middle-Eastern/Semitic than today's northern African population
2017-05-30: Lizzie Wade: AAAS Science
2017-05-30: Verena J. Schuenemann, Alexander Pelter, Beatrix Welte, W. Paul van Pelt, Martyna Molak, Chuan-Chao Wang, Anja Furtwängler, Christian Urban, Ella Reiter, Kay Nieselt, Barbara Teßmann, Michael Francken, Katerina Harvati, Wolfgang Haak, Stephan Schiffels & Johannes Krause: Nature: ** c. 3250BCE - c. 1250CE signs of increasing Greek, Latin/Roman, Hebrew, sub-Saharan people in this part of Egypt as time passed
2017-05-30: Traci Watson: Nature: mummy DNA un-ravels Egyptians' ancestry
2017-06-08: Tracy Staedter: Live Science
DNA Consultants
2017-05-30: Elana Glowatz: International Business Times: closer ties to Western Asia/Middle East than Africa
2017-05-30: Ian Johnston: International Business Times: closer ties to Europeans, Near Easterners, PaleoLithic Anatolians than modern Egyptians
2017-08-01: TouchPoint Israel: Egyptian mummy DNA reveals Biblical lineage
2017-06-02: Steve Sailer: Lew Rockwell
2017-05-31: Slash Dot
2017-05-30: Andrew Follett: Daily Caller
2017-06-01: Andrew Follett: Original People: mummies tested suggest increase of sub-Saharan ancestry post-Roman
2017-06-01: Traci Watson: Nature: unraveling ancient Egyptian ancestry: closer relationships with Middle Easterners than Central Africans
2021-09-30: Leslie Katz: CNET: using mummies + DNA to reveal probable appearances, use voice-boxes to simulate voices
2021-10-01: David Kindy: Smithsonian: using mummies + DNA to reveal probable appearances
list of DNA-tested mummies
list of DNA-tested mummies
DNA history of Egypt

Assur-uballit/Ashur-uballit i   (Britannica)   (s of Eriba-Adad i & ??) b:c.1385BCE d:c.1330BCE

Tudhaliya ii/iii of Hittites (son of Tudhaliya i/ii & Asmu-nikal) b:c. 1380BCE d:c. 1344BCE

Niqmaddu ii/Niqma-haddu (s of Ammittamru/Amittamru/Amittammru i & ??; father of Niqmepa) b:c.1385BCE d:c.1315BCE

Burna-Buriash/Bur-ra-Bu-ri-ia-as ii the Kassite   (Britannica)   (British Museum)   (s of ??Kardasman-Enlil i?? & ??) b:c.1380BCE d:c.1333BCE (corresponded & exchanged gifts with Akhenaten/Naphureya but they had a falling out over perceived slights in the way of gifts, ambushed messengers/ambassadors)
    Kara-hardas d:c.1333BCE
    Kurigalzu ii b:c. 1345BCE d:c.1308

Abimilku/Abimilki/Surru/?Abimelech?/my father is king/Surru/rabisu prince of Tyre c. 1375BCE - c. 1330BCE (author of some & recipient of some of the Amarna letters)

Suppiluliuma i/Suppiluliumas i of Hittites (son of Tudhaliya ii/iii & Daduhepa; brother of Tudhaliya iii/iv) c. 1365BCE - c. 1322BCE

city Nimrud/Kelech/Calah/Kelah/Khalakh/Kalhu c. 1365BCE - c. 600BCE

Amenhotep iv/Akhenaten/Echnaton/Akhenaton/Ikhnaton/Khuenaten/Amenophis/Naphurureya/Naphureya   (Britannica)   (LiveScience)   (s of Amenhotep iii & Tiye) b:c.1362BCE d:c.1336BCE m1: Nefertiti m2: Kiya m3: ?Tadukhipa?

Hoshea ben Nun (Joshua ben Nun, Yehoshua ben Nun, Yahushaa ben Nun, Hushaa ben Nun, Hosha ben Nun, יהושע, הושע) of the tribe of Ephraim (ba midbar/Numbers 13:8 & 27:18) b: ??2406AM = c. 1354?? d: 2502AM or 2516AM = 1258BCE or 1244BCE after judging for 14 or 28 years (successor to Moses.) m: Rachav (Rachab of Jericho, Rachav ha Zonah) (ancestors of Yermiyahu/Jeremiah and Ezekiel/Yechezkiel; they had several daughters, but no sons.)
StudyLight: map limits of Israel settlement & the promised land yet to be conquered after Hosea/ Joshua/ Yahushaa

Enlil-nirari/Enlil is my helper (s of Assur-uballit i/Ashur-uballit i & ??; brother of Muballitat-Serua; uncle of Kurigalzu & of Kara-hardas) b:c.1350BCE d:c.1308BCE

Kurigalzu ii (s of Burna-Buriash/Bur-ra-Bu-ri-ia-as ii the Kassite & ??) b:c.1345BCE d:c.1308BCE

Ankhesenamun/Ankhsenamen/Ankhesenpaaten/nh-s-n-imn (d of Akhenaten & Nefertiti) b:c.1348BCE d:c.1322BCE

Tutankhamun/ Tutankhaten/ Tutankhamon/ Nibhurrereya/ living image of Aten (s of KV55/ ?Akhenaten?/ ?Echnaton?/ ?Akhenaton/ ?Ikhnaton/ ?Khuenaten/ ?Amenhotep iv??/ ?Amenophis iv?/ agent of Aten & KV35L/younger lady; gs of KV35/ Amenhotep iii & Tiye/ elder lady) c. 1341BCE - c. 1323BCE
2010-02-17: Ker Than: National Geographic: Tut was disabled, had osteo-necrosis in left foot, left thigh fracture, infested with malaria parasites, & in-bred
2010-02-27: Mathilda's Anthropology: lineage of Tut

Mursili ii (s of Suppiluliuma i & Henti) b:c.1340 m1: Gassulawiya m2: Tanuhepa

Niqmepa/ Nikemepa of Ugarit (s of Niqmaddu ii & ??; brother of Arhalba/Ar-Khalba) b:c.1340 d:c.1270BCE m: Ahatmilku

king of Assyria, Adad-Nirari i/Adad-Nerari i/Adad Zab Dah/Adad is my helper (son of Arik-den-ili or less likely Illil-Nerari) c. 1310BCE - c. 1265BCE

3,300-year-old (1300BCE; early urn-field culture) sword & axe found in NE Czech Republic/NE Bohemia     express     nerdbot     archaeologyewsnetwork

c. 1300 - 1200BCE: Mosaic period, exodus; entry into Canaan/ Qinaan/ Israel

Ramses/Rameses/Ramesses ii/Usermaatre Setepenre/Usimare Setepenre/Ozymandias (son of Seti i & Tuya) c. 1182BCE-1161BCE (date range based on Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman)   or b:c. 1303BCE d:1213BCE July or August (based on Eric Cline & others) m:c.1246 the eldest daughter of Hattusili iii to seal the "silver treaty"

time-line 1300BCE - 1201BCE
William H. Stiebling ii: Archaeology Odyssey 2001 September-October: when civilization collapsed: death of the bronze age
Bible-History 1300BCE - 1201BCE

Iron Age started between c. 1300BCE between the Black & Caspian Seas & Anatolia/ Asia Minor/ Turkey, & 750CE in Scandihoovia & the British isles
(Khan Academy)
(U of Warwick)
(2021-11-08: Wu Mingren/"DHWTY": Ancient Origins)

Urn-field culture c. 1300BCE - c. 750BCE Moab/ from the father, i.e. from Lot c. 13th century - c. 400BCE map of Ammon, Israel, Yahudah/Judah/Judea, Samaria, Sidonia/ Phoenicia/ Zidonia, Philistine/ Palestine, & neighboring polities (svg) c. 830BCE

Edom/ Adom/ Edam/ Udumi/ Udumu/ Adm c. 1300BCE - c. 125BCE       map c.830BCE (PNG 858x1024 pixels) showing Phoenicia (Byglos, Beirut, Sidon, Tyre, Acre/Akka/Akko/Aqqa), Aram Damascus (Damascus, Umomium), Aramea, Ammon, Moab (Dibon), Philistia (Ashdod, Ashkelon/Ashqelon, Gaza), Israel, Judah/Judea, Samaria, Shechem, Jaffa/Yoppa, Jerico, Jerash, Chebron/Hebron, Lachish, BeerSheba, Edom, Nabatu, Arabs       Mt. Seir/Har Saair/ Jibal ash-Sharah/Jabal ash-Sharah/ Shawbak/       (Gants Hill Mt.Seir: the importance of mountains

1300 BCE - 1100CE 11 founding fathers of Asia, with some 800M modern Y chromosome descendants (Richard Gray: tabloid London Daily Mail)     (Phys.Org)     (2005-10-24: Charlotte Schubert: Nature: Y chromosomes reveal "founding father")

time-line 1279BCE - (Balfour

Hattusili iii (s of Mursili ii & Gassulawiya) b:c.1300BCE d:c.1237BCE m: Puduhepa (d of Bentepsharri & ??) b:c.1300BCE (exchanged gifts with Nefertari/Naptera of Egypt)

Sherden/ Shardani/ Sardinian?/ se er ta an nu/ Sharana sea people c. 1230BCE - 1203BCE

Shalmaneser i/Shulmanu-asharedu of Assyria (son of Adad-nirari i) c. 1295BCE - c. 1240BCE

Merneptah/Merenptah     (Britannica)     (Met Museum)   (s of Ramesses ii & Isetnofret) b:c.1280BCE d:1203-05-02 (reigned c.1213BCE July or August. stele mentioning Israelis/Asians of Canaan & "sea people")

Ammistamru/Ammittamru ii of Ugarit (s of Niqmepa & Ahatmilku) b:c.1280BCE d:c.1235BCE or c.1210BCE

Troy in Troad/Troas = Ilios = Assuwa = Isy = Wilusa = Taruisa = Wilusiya   (Britannica) 1270BCE - c.1250BCE or c.1184BCE

StudyLight: map Levitical cities, cities of the Levites, cities of refuge for accidental killers

Tukulti Ninurta i of Assyria (son of Shalmaneser i & ??) c. 1270BCE - c.1207BCE

Ibiranu of Ugarit (s of Ammittamru ii & ??) b:c.1255BCE d:c.1223BCE

c. 1250BCE
Andrew Curry _AAAS Science_
2016-03-24: slaughter at the Tollense river bridge: archaeologists investigate colossal Bronze Age (c. 1250BCE) battle in Northern Germany might have lasted weeks
WikiPedia: Tollense river (part of the Peene+Tollense from the Kummerower See to SchadenFaehre & Zecherin & Vossberg on the Baltic; 75 miles NNW of Berlin; EENE of Hamburg)
2016-03-24: Mark Miller: Ancient Origins: gruesome battle in about 1250BCE involved about 4K men from across Europe
2016-08-29: Rebecca Coffey: Family Friendly Science: Europe's earliest professional warriors
2016-04-14: Victoria Woollaston: London Daily Mail
Eupedia: discussion
2017-10-23: Megan Gannon: Live Science
2017-10-23: Archaeology

Setnakhte b:c. 1230BCE d:c.1186BCE m: Tiy-Merenese

Tukulti Ninurta i (s of Shalmaneser i & ??) b:c.1265BCE d: c.1207 or c.1197BCE (king of Assyria, Sumer, Akkad)

Ammurapi of Ugarit (s of ?? & ??) b:c.1235BCE d:c.1180BCE

Ramesses iii/Usimare Ramses (son of Setnakhte & Tiy-Merenese) b:c. 1217BCE d:c.1155BCE     hieroglyphs over door; ankh, geese, mosquito (alamy)     hieroglyphs over door; ankh, geese, mosquito (DreamsTime)

history of Jews in Israel c. 1210BCE - present

history of Jews in Syria c. 1210BCE - present

time-line 1200BCE - 1101BCE
Bible-History 1200BCE - 1101BCE

map Middle East/ West Asia c. 1200BCE
map Middle East/ West Asia c. 1200BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

Gideon/ Gedaaon/ Gidaaun defeated Midianites/ Medin/ the stringent judgers? c. 1200BCE

c. 1200 - 1000BCE: judges rule in Israel & Judea

safety pin/fibula invented c. 1150BCE     (Museum of EveryDay Life: a visual history of the safety pin)     carved amber fibula from c. 500BCE     (New Mexico State U at Santa Cruz: Greece & Rome: including figulae from c.850BCE, 70BCE)

kingdom/empire/satrapy of Lydia/Luddu/Sfard/Saparda/Sparda/Sapardu/Isbarda c. 1200BCE - 546BCE

map India c. 1200BCE-500BCE
map India c. 1200BCE-500BCE (snagged 2013-09-08 from William Hardy McNeill 1963, 1964 _The Rise of the West_ (807 pages; 901.9))

time-line 1199BCE - 1090BCE

Troy layer 7 c. 1190BCE

time-line 1189BCE - 1080BCE

time-line 1169BCE - 1060BCE

Nebuchadrezzar i/Nebuchadnezzar i/Nabuchodonosor/Nabu-kudurri-usur (son of Ninurta-nadin-sumi) b: c. 1155BCE d: c. 1105BCE

time-line 1149BCE - 1040BCE

Marduk-nadin-ahhe/mdamar-utu-na-din-mu (son of Ninurta-nadin-sumi; brother of Nebuchadrezzar i/Nebuchadnezzar i/Nabuchodonosor/Nabu-kudurri-usur) b: c. 1145BCE d: c. 1082BCE

Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra c. 1134BCE - 1076BCE

Enlil-nadin-apli (son of Nebuchadrezzar i/Nebuchadnezzar i/Nabuchodonosor/Nabu-kudurri-usur; gs of Ninurta-nadin-sumi; nephew of Marduk-nadin-ahhe) b: c. 1120BCE d: c. 1100BCE

Assyrian/Ashurian laws c. 1110BCE -

2021-07-14: Sci-News: 3100-year-old (c.1,100BCE) inscription "Jerubbaal"/"Irbaal"/judge Gideon ben Joash, found at Khirbat ar-Rai (1.8-3.4 miles NW of Tel Lachish/Lakhish; SE of routes 6 & 35) showing perhaps fractured memories

time-line 1100BCE - 1001BCE
Bible-History 1100BCE - 1001BCE

Medes/Mada/Medoi c. 1,100BCE - c. 1000BCE,   and the region of Media/Mada/Mad/Mayda

2021-09-28 (5782 Tishri 22)
Ben Turner _Live Science_
Etruscan DNA nearly identical with other Italian peninsula neighbors...
Archaeology: origins of the Etruscans
Cosimo Posth, Valentina Zaro, Maria A. Spyrou, Stefania Vai, Guido A. Gnecchi-Ruscone, Alessandra Modi, Alexander Peltzer, Johannes Krause et al.: AAAS Science Advances: the origin & legacy of the Etruscans through a 2K-year archeogenomic time transect (c.800BCE-1100CE); they came in scattered sprinklings from a region stretching from the North of the Black Sea to the Northern periphery of the Caspian Sea (Pontic steppes, Southern steppes? Yamnaya, Scythians, Huns all came through here)... Middle-Eastern, Iranian, Anatolian, Armenian, Celtic, Africa, Greece, Franks... I think they are saying

Koban culture c. 1,100BCE - c. 400BCE     map Koban culture settlements with terraced areas (

Ashur-bel-kala/Assur-bel-kala/Assur is lord of all (s of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra) b: c. 1100BCE d: c. 1056BCE

Shamshi-Adad iv/Samshi-Adad iv (s of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra; brother of Ashur-bel-kala/Assur-bel-kala/Assur is lord of all) b: c. 1090BCE? d: c. 1050BCE

list of Jewish monarchs c. 1080BCE?? -

Eriba-Adad ii/Adad has replaced (s of Ashur-bel-kala/Assur-bel-kala/Assur is lord of all; gs of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra) b: c. 1070BCE? d: c. 1054BCE (deposed by his uncle Samsi-Adad iv)

Ashur nasir pal i/Assur nasir apli/Assurpaba/Assur is the protector of the heir (s of Samsi-Adad iv; gs of Tiglath-pileser i/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra) b: c. 1065BCE? d: c. 1031BCE (father of Salmanu-asaredu ii/Shalmaneser ii & Assur-rabi ii)

tribe of Benjamin/ben yomim up to c. 1050BCE

tribe of Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah up to c. 1050BCE

united kingdom/me meleketh/mamleket of Israel & Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah/Judea c. 1050BCE-930BCE 1050BCE - 930BCE

Salmanu-asaredu ii/Shalmaneser ii/Silim-ma-nu-massag/Salmanu is foremost (s of Samsi-Adad iv) c. 1050BCE - 1019BCE

Zhou/Chou/Joe dynasty in China c. 1050BCE - c. 256BCE     Zhou dynasty in China (Christian Violatti: Ancient

David/Deved/Dud/Dovid ha melek b: 2854 (1048BCE) d: 2924 (973BCE)
Mechon-Mamre: alef Samuel 17:14-
Mechon-Mamre: beth Samuel 2:1-
Jewish Virtual Library
My Jewish Learning
National Geographic
Totally History
2023-01-12: Jerusalem Post
2022-09-07: Marion Fischel: Israel21c (nice picture of excavations on South side of Temple Mount)
StudyLight: map David flees because he does not want to fight Saul/ Shaul the annointed/ messiach king even after David was annointed king
StudyLight: map David's conquests

Abibaal king of Tyre c. 1025BCE - c. 980BCE

map ancient trade routes
map ancient trade routes (at Jewish Virtual Library)

map Israel in time of Saul/Shaul 1020BCE
Israel in time of Saul/Shaul 1020BCE (at U of Texas)


time-line 1000BCE - 901BCE

map Israel 1000BCE
map Israel 1000BCE (snagged 2011-09-15)

brief history of Israel 1000BCE to 135CE (History to Israel)

c. 1000 - 587BCE: Israel monarchy: Saul (c. 1010BCE - 1010BCE); David (c. 1010BCE - 970BCE); Solomon (c. 970BCE - 931BCE)

3000-year-old (1KBCE) sword discovered by gravel-miners in Eastern Romania (Romania Insider)

Scottish metal-detectives found 3000-year-old (1KBCE) sword, harness hardware, harness bell, rings, chariot/cart axle caps     WildHunt     smithsonianmag

2009-01-08 (5769 Teves/Tebet 12)/2008-07-16
Christel Kucharz _abc_
2 Germans in the region share DNA found in 3K year old (1KBCE) human remains in Lichtenstein cave (4-4.5 miles W of Osterode am Harz, 9.5-10 miles NW of Herzberg am Harz, 47-49 miles NE of Frankenhausen)

3000-year-old (1KBCE) sword discovered in Denmark is still sharp     archaeologynewsnetwork     archaeology world

Hiram i king of Tyre (son of Abibaal) c. 1000BCE - c. 946BCE     and     Melqart/Melek-qart/Melechart/Milqartu/Baal Sur/master of Tyre

Zadok/Tzedeq c. 1000BCE -       (Jewish Virutal Library)       The Zaddik-idea and the Zadokite Priesthood (Robert Eisenman) (pdf)       review of Alice Hunt 2006 _Missing Priests: The Zadokites in Tradition and History_ (Adam L. Porter: Jewish Virutal Library)

Jewish towns in Israel 11th-7th centuries BCE
Jewish towns in Israel 11th-7th centuries BCE (at Jewish Virtual Library)

united kingdom/me meleketh/mamleket of Israel & Judah/Yahudah/Yehudah/Judea c. 1050BCE-930BCE (including Samaria & Galilee)

Ashur Rabi ii of Assyria (son of Assurnasirpal i/Ashurnasirpal i) c. 1035BCE - c. 972BCE

Shirikti Shuqamuna of Babylon (descendant of Bazi; 6th dynasty of Babylon/3rd king of Bit-Bazi; contemporary of Assyrian king Assur Res Isi ii) c. 1005BCE - c. 985BCE

Mar Biti Apla Usur/Sumu E A Pab of Babylon (remote descendant of Elam; 7th Elamite dynasty; contemporary of Assyrian king Assur Res Isi ii) c. 1005BCE - c. 979BCE

history of Jews in Syria c. 1000BCE - present

2020-01-12 (5780 Tebeth 15)
Ariel David _Ha Aretz_
Hebrew inscription on 3K-year-old jar at tel Abel Beth Maacah, northern Israel (near Metula; E of Tyr/Tyre; NW of Dan; 38-39 miles North of Tiberias)

tel Recheb/Rehov in NE Israel (3 miles S of Beit Shean/Beth Shaan; about 1.9 miles W of the Jordan river; 32.457125N, 35.498242E) c. 1000BCE - bee-keeping, synagogue

Nabu Mukin Apli/Ag Du A of Babylon (founder of 8th dynasty) c. 1000BCE - c. 944BCE

Ashur Res Ishi ii/Assur-res-isi ii/Assur Sag I Si ii of Assyria (son of Assur Rabi ii/Ashur Rabi ii) c. 995BCE - c. 967BCE

Tiglath-pileser ii/Tukulti apil Esarra/my trust is in the son of Esharra king of Assyria c. 990BCE - 935BCE

Jedidiah/Shlomo/Shelomah/Solomon ha melek b: c. 2912AM = c. 973BCE d: c. 2964AM = c. 933BCE (built 1st temple c. 3338AM=c. 586BCE Ziv-580BCE Bul, c. 480 years after Exodus from Egypt, making Exodus c. 1066BCE?)
StudyLight: map kingdom of David and Solomon/ Shlomo
StudyLight: map united kingdom of Israel under Solomon/ Shlomo
StudyLight: map topographical map under Solomon/ Shlomo
StudyLight: map trade with favorable terms under Solomon/ Shlomo
StudyLight: map construction of fortifications, depots, etc. under Solomon/ Shlomo

Ninurta Kudurri Usur ii/MasNigDuPap/NinIbNigDuPap of Babylon (son of Nabu Mukin Apli; elder brother of Mar Biti Ahhe Idinna) c. 970BCE - c. 944BCE

Ashur Dan ii/Assur-dan king of Assyria (son of Tiglath Pileser ii) c. 955BCE - 912BCE

Rehoboam/ Rechobaam/ Rehavam/ רחבעם/ Roboam (s of Solomon ben David & Naamah the Ammonite) c. 950BCE - c. 910BCE m: Ano the Egyptian

king Abijah/אביה/ Abiyahu/אביהו/Abijam/ Abim/אבים ben Rechebaam/ Rehoboam ben Shlomo/Solomon of Judah/Judaea (s of Rechebaam & Micaiah bat Uriel) b: c. 950BCE d: c. 911BCE

Chaldea/ Chaldaeans c. 940BCE - before 540BCE (speakers of West Semitic languages))

kingdom/me meleketh/mamleket of Israel (focused on Samaria) c. 930BCE - 720BCE

king Asa/אנא ben Abijah/ Abiyahu/ Abijam/ Abim ben Rechebaam/Rehoboam ben Shlomo/Solomon of Judah/Judaea (s of Abiyahu & Arsah) b: c. 930BCE d: c. 870BCE     2 Chronicles 14 (Mechon-Mamre)

Homeric minimum c. 950BCE - c 800BCE

Samson ben Manoah of the tribe of Dan & Hazlalphonith of the tribe of Yahudah/Judah judged for 20 years (beginning 2810AM=950BCE)
StudyLight: map Samson/ Shimshon vs. the Filistines/ Philistines/ Palestinians

Jeroboam/Jerbaam/Yerebaam/ירבעם/Hieroboam (s of Nebat & Zeruah) b: between 950BCE & 940BCE d: c. 910BCE m: Ano the Egyptian

Shishaq/שישק c. 950BCE or Shishaq/ Sheshonq/ Shishonq/ Shoshenq/ Sesonkhis c. 960BCE - c. 920BCE (founded 22nd dynasty) (1Kings/ melekim alef 11:40 et seq.)
StudyLight: map Shishak/ Shishonq vs. Rehoboam/ Rechoboam

split of Israel & Judah/Judea

Nadab ben Jeroboam/Nadab of Israel/נדב (s of Jeroboam) b: c. 930BCE d: c. 900BCE

Adad nirari ii (son of Ashur Dan ii/Assur-dan king of Assyria; gs of Tiglath Pileser ii) c. 930BCE - 891BCE

Baasha ben Ahijah/Baasa/Baasha of Israel/אשעעב/baal hears (s of Ahijah/Achiyah) b: c. 930BCE d: c. 900BCE

kings of Jerusalem & Samaria c. 930BCE Omri the only king of the 10 tribes; 928BCE Omri bought a hill from Shemer/Samar & built there his capitol calling it Samaria; Omri reigned 11 years;   c. 923BCE Ahab ben Omri was king in Samaria for 22 years
Samaria (Holy Land Site)

Omri/Amri (son of ???) c. 920BCE - c. 860BCE
StudyLight: map Omri + Arameans vs. Israel & Judea

map Israel 915BCE
map Israel 915BCE (snagged 2011-12-09)

Ithobaal i/Ethbaal i/Ithobalus king of Sidon & Tyre c. 915BCE - c. 846BCE (father of Jezebel & Baal-Eser ii/Badezorus/Balazeros/Baal-mazzer)

Tukulti Ninurta ii c. 915BCE - 884BCE

neo-Assyrian/Ashurian empire c. 911BCE - 605BCE

Ashur nasir pal ii/Assur nasir apli c. 905BCE - 859BCE

battle of Zephath at/near Maresha (near Beth Gobrin/Bet Guvrin/Beit Guvrin; about 29 miles SW of the Knesset in Jerusalem; 14-16 miles NW of Hebron/Chebrun; 37-42 miles SSE of Tel Aviv-Yafo/Jaffo/Jaffa; near Britain Park) between 911BCE & 870BCE     map of ancient Israel (Bible History)

time-line of Jewish history 3700BCE=1AM (rabbi Mattis Kantor: Chokhmah Binah

H/T: I found many good maps at StudyLight: pastoral resources: Bible maps archive some of which I have added as links.

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Antiquity, Biblical & Classical History (900BCE-400CE)