cousin/president William Howard Taft (#27)
Famous Kin: how president William Howard Taft (#27) and Charles Darwin are cousins through common ancestor Ralph de Neville (a descendant of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret)
empress Matilda (gd of Malcolm iii & St. Margaret)
Ela Longespee/Longepee (2ggd of empress Matilda)
Ralph de Neville (2ggs of Ela Longespee/Longepee)
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Malcolm iii mac Duncan b: 1031-03-26 d: 1093-11-13 at Malcolm's Cross near Alnwick, Northumberland, England killed by Arkil Morel/Morael & Robert de Mowbray earl of Northumbria m: St. Margaret of Wessex et Scotland
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... king Henry i of England/beauclerc (s of king William i the conqueror & Matilda/Maud Fleming/Matihilde van Vlaanderen) b: 1068 September d: 1135-12-01 m: 1100-11-11 at Westminster abbey, Westminster, London to Matilda/Edith/Eagdith/Eadgytha / Matilda Stewart the aetheling of Scotland (d of Malcolm iii MacDuncan/Kenmore/Caennmor & St. Margaret of Wessex et Scotland) b: c. 1079 at Dunfermline d: 1118-05-01 at Westminster palace buried: at Westminster abbey, Westminster, London
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. Geoffrey v comte d'Anjou / Geoffrey v Plantagenet (s of Fulk v/Foulques v d'Anjou 9th comte d'Anjou later king of Jerusalem & Aremburga de la Fleche comtesse de Maine/Eremburge/Ermengarde of Maine) b: 1113-08-24 d: 1151-09-07 m: empress Matilda / empress Mathilde/Maud/Adelaide (d of king Henry i of England/beau-clerc & Editha/Eadgyth of Scotland) b: 1102-02-07 or 1102 August at Winchester, HampShire d: 1167-09-10
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . king Henry ii of England/curt-mantle / Henry Plantagenet (s of Geoffrey v Plantagenet comte d'Anjou et Maine & Matilda) b: 1133-03-05 d: 1189-07-06 m: Ida de Tony/Tosny/Toesni/Toeni (d of Ralph v de Tosny & Margaret Beaumont) b: c. 1156 d: 1226-03-07
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... sir William Longespee/Longepee / WL/William long-sword / William Longespee/Longepee 1st/3rd earl of Salisbury (s of king Henry ii of England & Ida de Tony/Tosny/Toesni/Toeni) b: c. 1176 d: 1226-03-07 m: c. 1196 to Ela fitz William d'Evereux / Ela fitz William Devereux countess of Salisbury / Ela of Salisbury (d of William fitz Patrick d'Evereux de Salisbury & Eleanor de Vitre/Vitrie)
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... William Longespee/Longepee m: Idoine de Camville
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. sir James de Audley / James de Aldithley m: Ela Longespee/Longepee
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... . sir Hugh i de Audley / sHidA () b: c. 1267 d: c. 1326 m: c. 1290 to Iseult de Mortimer / Isolde de Mortimer (d of Edmund Mortimer & Margaret de Fiennes) b: c. 1270 d: c. 1338
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... Ralph de Neville (s of Ranulph de Neville & Euphemia de Clavering) b: c. 1291 d: 1367-08-05 m: Alice de Audley d: 1374-01-11
.... .... .... .... .... .... ... sir John de Neville b: c. 1337 d: 1388-10-17 m: Maude de Percy / Maud de Percy (d of Henry de Percy & Idoine Clifford) b: c. 1335 d: 1379-02-18
.... .... .... .... .... .... .. sir Ralph de Neville 1st earl of Westmorland / RdeN / RdeN / RdeN (s of sir John de Neville & Maude de Percy; gs of sir Ralph de Neville & Alice de Audley) b: 1364 in Raby castle, Durham (WNW of Whitby; SE of Carlisle; N of Leyburn) d: 1425-10-21 or 1425-10-24 in Staindrop, Durham
m1: c. 1382 at Stafford, StaffordShire to lady Margaret de Stafford / MdS (d of Hugh de Stafford 2nd earl of Stafford & Philippa Beauchamp) b: c. 1364 d: 1396-06-09 (1388-10-17 designated "lady Neville". ancestress of William Howard Taft.)
m2: before 1396-11-29 at chateau de Beaufort, Maine et Loire, Anjou, France to Joan Beaufort countess of Westmorland / JdeB / JdeB / JdeB (d of John of Gaunt & Katherine Roet) b: c. 1375 at Champagne-Ardenne, France d: 1440-11-13 in South YorkShire (ancestress of Charles Darwin.)
.... .... .... .... .... .... . Philippe Neville / Philippa de Neville / PN b: c. 1386 d: between 1453-07-08 & 1458-01-05 m: before 1399-07-20 to Thomas Dacre 6th baron Dacre / TD of Gilsland (s of William Dacre 5th baron Dacre of Gilsland & Joan Douglas; gs of sir William Douglas 1st earl of Douglas) b: 1387-10-27 at Naworth castle, Cumberland
.... .... .... .... .... .... Joan Dacre / JD m: 1424 March to Thomas de Clifford 8th lord Clifford / Thomas Clifford 8th baron de Clifford / sTdeC (s of sir John de Clifford 7th lord Clifford & Elizabeth Percy; gs of Henry Percy/HotSpur & Elizabeth Mortimer) b: 1414-03-25 d: 1455-05-22
.... .... .... .... .... ... sir John de Clifford 9th lord Clifford / John Clifford 9th baron de Clifford / sir John Clifford b: 1435-04-08 d: 1461-03-24 at Ferrybridge m: Margaret de Bromflete / Margaret Bromflete (d of Henry lord Vescy / Henry Bromflete 1st lord Vessy & Eleanor fitz Hugh/Eleanor fitz Henry & Elizabeth Grey; gd of Henry fitz Henry 2nd lord fitz Hugh & Joan le Scrope; ggd of sir Henry fitz Hugh & Joan de Fourneux and Henry le Scrop 1st lord Scrope of Masham) b: c. 1436 d: 1493-04-12
.... .... .... .... .... .. Henry Clifford 10th lord Clifford / Henry Clifford 10th baron de Clifford / HC / HdeC b: c. 1454 at Skipton, Craven, North YorkShire d: 1523-04-23 (1513-09-09 a leader in the British attack at Flodden field in which many of the Scottish relatives were killed.) m: Anne St. John (d of sir John St. John of Bletsoe & Alice Bradshaigh/Alice Bradshaw; gd of sir Oliver St. John of Bletso & Margaret Beauchamp of Bletsoe and sir Thomas Bradshagh of Haigh/Thomas Bradshaw of Haigh & ?Alice Sherburne?) b: c. 1452 d: c. 1506
.... .... .... .... .... . Elizabeth Clifford / EC in Cracroft part1 AND EC in Cracroft part2 m: sir Ralph Bowes of Streatlam / ?sir Ralph Bowes? b: 1482 in Northumberland
.... .... .... .... .... Margery Bowes / MB b: c. 1506 at Streatlam, Durham d: c. 1567 at Durham m: sir Ralph Eure / Ralph Eure of Foulbridge b: 1508-09-24 d: 1545-02-27
.... .... .... .... ... Anne Eure of Slirpenbeck/Skirpenbeck b: c. 1540 at Millington d: c. 1566 at Skirpenbeck m: Lancelot Mansfield / Lancelot Mirield/Lancelot Myrield (s of ??Thomas John Mansfield & Mary Bucke??) b: c. 1533 d: 1579-08-10
.... .... .... .... .. John Mansfield / JM b: c. 1553 at Exeter d: 1601-07-13 in Suffolk m: Elizabeth Leigh / Isabel Leigh (d of John Leigh & ??) b: c. 1570 at Henley on Thames, OxfordShire d: 1634 February in London
.... .... .... .... . Elizabeth Mansfield (gd of Lancelot Mansfield & Anne Eure) b: c. 1592 baptized: 1592-12-03 d: c. 1658 m: reverend John Wilson / rJW (s of reverend William Wilson & Isabel Woodhull/Isabel Woodhall) b: c. 1588 December at Windsor, BerkShire d: 1667-08-07 at Boston, MA
.... .... .... .... reverend John Wilson ii b: 1621-09-01 at Windsor d: 1691-08-23 m: Sarah Hooker (d of reverend Thomas Hooker / rTH & Susannah Harkes Garbrand; gd of Thomas Hooker & Susannah Pym) b: c. 1630 in England d: 1725-08-20
.... .... .... ... Susanna Wilson b: 1664-12-01 d: 1748-07-08 m: reverend Grindall Rawson (s of Edward Rawson & Rachel Perne) b: 1658-01-23 at Boston, MA d: 1715-02-06 at Mendon, MA
.... .... .... .. Edmund Rawson / ER / deacon Edmund Rawson b: 1689-07-08 at Mendon, MA d: 1768-11-20 at Uxbridge, MA m: Elizabeth Hayward (d of John Hayward & Sarah Mitchell) b: 1683-04-16 at Bridgewater, MA d: 1759-06-15 at Uxbridge, MA
.... .... .... . Abner Rawson b: 1721-04-21 d: 1794-11-14 m: Mary Allen (d of ??)
.... .... .... Rhoda Rawson b: 1749-10-04 at Uxbridge, MA d: 1827-06-09 at Townshend, VT m: Aaron Taft (s of Peter Taft & Elizabeth Cheney) b: 1743-05-28 at Uxbridge, MA d: 1808-03-26 at Townshend, VT
.... .... ... Peter Rawson Taft / PRT b: 1785-04-14 at Uxbridge, MA d: 1867-01-01 at Cincinnati, OH m: Sylvia Howard (d oof Levi Howard & Bethiah Chapin) b: 1793-02-01 at townshend, VT d: 1866-02-28
.... .... .. Alphonso Taft / AT / AT b: 1810-11-05 at Townshend, VT d: 1891-05-21 at San Diego, CA m: Louisa Maria Torrey / LMT (d of Samuel Davenport Torrey & Susan Holman Waters; gd of William Torrey & Ann Davenport; ggd of Joseph Torrey & Deborah Holbrook; 2ggd of William Torrey & Susanna Giddings; 3ggd of Joseph Giddings ii & Grace Wardwell; 4ggd of Uzal Wardwell & Grace ??; 5ggd of William Wardwell & Alice Pyce) b: 1827-09-11 at Boston, MA d: 1907-12-08 at Millbury, MA
.... .... . president William Howard Taft / pWHT b: 1857-09-15 at 2038 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, OH d: 1930-03-08 at Washington, DC m: Helen Herron/Nellie Herron (d of judge John Williamson Herron & Harriet Anne Collins) b: 1861-06-02 at Cincinnati, OH d: 1943-05-22 at Washington, DC
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