Table of Contents
0. jgo Reading Room (updated: 2025 March 06)
1. Trees (updated: 2024 June 21)
2. Garden: clovers, alfalfa, food, etc. (updated: 2024 June 21)
3. Bugs, etc. (updated: 2024 May 22)
4. Cincy Rocks (updated: 2024 June 04)
6. Ancestors (updated: 2025 March 06)
7. snippets of Family Trees (updated: 2023 September 04)
8. USA borders (updated: 2020 April 08)
9. Deep History
Pre-History (up to 900BCE)
Antiquity, Biblical & Classical History (900BCE-400CE)
Medieval History (400CE-1500CE)
Modern History (1500CE-)
links to maps of Israel
(updated: 2025 January 23)
10. graphs & links for economic policy wonks ( updated: 2025 January 15
11. miscellany (updated: 2022 December 14)
12. Gerrymandering(updated: 2024 November 14)
8. USA borders
Center for Immigration Studies: annual border tour
DHS CBP: border wall/fence/barrier
2019-02-04 (5779 Shebet 29) 2019-02-04 (5779 Shebet 29) USA - Canada border
USA - Mexico border 2015
USA - Mexico border 2015
USA - Mexico border 2015
USA - Mexico border 2015
USA - Mexico border 2015
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border 2006
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border 2006-01-28
USA - Mexico border 2003-04-01
USA - Mexico border 2003-04-01
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border 2012
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border
USA - Mexico border Arizona (snagged 2016-06-10; photo by Ildefonso Ortiz of Breitbart)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2019-02-17)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2019-02-17)
USA - Mexico border East of Nogales (snagged 2019-04-05)
USA over-crowding, over-population
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
real walls, idiot walls, & "Normandy fences"
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
know your fences/walls/barriers
2019-01-02: Mark Alexander: Patriot Post: USA security debates: Obummer, Clinton, Pelosi, Feinstein, Ryan, Waters all live behind walls (picture)
USA - Canada border (snagged 2017-01-11 from Breitbart/AP)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2015-08-19 from AP)
USA - Mexico border vehicle barriers but no fence (snagged 2015-09-02 from AP)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2015-09-02 from AP)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2015-09-02 from Conservative HQ)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2015-11-18 from Cybercast News Service & AP)
USA - Mexico border 2012 "Tucson Situation Area" (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)
USA - Mexico border 2012 "Casa Grande Situation Area" (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2015-07-10 from Center for Investigative Journalism, who got it from Google Earth)
USA - Mexico border Coronado NM 2006 (snagged 2015-08-18 from Hot Air)
USA - Mexico border 2012 Douglas Station Area (snagged 2015-08-18 from GOA)
USA - Mexico border 2012 El Paso Sector (snagged 2015-08-18 from GOA)
USA - Mexico border fence (snagged 2015-07-10)
USA - Mexico border fence (snagged 2015-08-20 from AP)
USA - Mexico border fence 2015-08-20 (snagged 2015-08-21 from Matthew Boyle of Breitbart; Dr. Ben S. Carson visit to border)
USA - Mexico border fence 2015-08-20 (snagged 2015-08-21 from Matthew Boyle of Breitbart; Dr. Ben S. Carson visit to border near Naco, AZ)
USA - Mexico border fence (snagged 2015-07-10 from Samantha Sais & Reuters near Naco, AZ)
USA - Mexico border fence (snagged 2015-07-10 from Frederic J. Brown, AFP & Getty near San Diego, CA, looking West)
USA - Mexico border fence c. 2015-08-20 (snagged 2015-08-21 from Matthew Boyle of Breitbart; Dr. Ben S. Carson visit to border showing transition from 10-foot-high fence to 14-foot-high fence)
USA - Mexico border fence 2010 showing men stepping over border fence (snagged 2015-07-13 from Scrape TV)
USA - Mexico border gate/port (snagged 2015-08-20 from AP)
USA - Mexico border vehicle barrier 2010 (snagged 2015-08-18 from Glenn Spencer, American Border Patrol)
USA - Mexico border at Laredo, TX (snagged 2015-11-20 from Breitbart & Google Earth, accompanying article about attack in park)
USA - Mexico border 2012 "Naco Station Area" (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)
USA - Mexico border Nogales 2006-01-28 (snagged 2015-08-18 from Air Stream Life Magazine)
USA - Mexico border Nogales port & fence 2003-04-01 (snagged 2015-08-18 Global Com)
USA - Mexico border Nogales port 2003-04-01 (snagged 2015-08-18 Global Com)
USA - Mexico border 2012 "Nogales Station Area" (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)
USA - Mexico border 2012 "Rio Grande/Rio Bravo" (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)
USA - Mexico border 2012 "Sonoita Station Area" (snagged 2015-08-18 from GAO)
USA - Mexico border Texas (snagged 2015-07-10 from Center for Investigative Journalism, who got it from Google Earth)
USA - Mexico border Tohono Oodman Nation (snagged 2015-07-10 from Center for Investigative Journalism, who got it from Google Earth)
USA - Mexico border Tucson Sector vehicle barrier (snagged 2015-08-18 from Breitbart)
USA - Mexico border (snagged 2016-03-23 from Conservative HQ)
USA - Mexico border Arizona (snagged 2016-03-29 from Breitbart/AP by James Clark or Jonathan Clark)
1: snagged 2015-07-08 from AP 2: snagged 2021-06-04 from Apple/TomTom, near San Fransicko: inspiration for song "ticky-tacky boxes all the same" by Malvina Reynolds NY over-crowded metropolitan area including NJ in general including hyper-over-populated Hudson county NJ more on hyper-over-populated Hudson county NJ hyper-over-populated Guttenberg, NJ hyper-over-populated Union City, NJ hyper-over-populated West New York, NJ hyper-over-populated Hoboken, NJ hyper-over-populated Weehawken, NJ list of worst hyper-over-populated/hyper-over-crowded USA areas
9. miscellany
jgo friends, co-workers, acquaintances
UnNatural Monopoly bibliography (pdf)
moving to UnNatural Monopoly bibliography (rtf)
electromagnetic spectrum from 1 Mega-meter to 1 pico-meter: 3Hz to 300 EtaHz: 12.4 femto-eV to 1.2MeV
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Vic J. di Venere, Ph.D.: Columbia U
Geeks or
Bruce Sinclair, Ph.D.: U of St. Andrews
Marianne Breinig: U of
Quinones (WickedPedia)
co-enzyme Q10 = ubiquinone
vitamins K
phytomenadione = pylloquinone = vitamin K1
menaquinone = vitamin K2
menadione = 2-methyl-naphthalene-1,4-dione = vitamin K3
vitamins K (web MD)
Happy Feet performed by Randy Crawford, with video snippets from old dance movies alternate URL alternate URL (the alternate URLs are because I found it using a tablet device that won't let me control viewing font)
both the pineal gland and the pituitary gland are affected by light striking your skin. Anna Aulinas, M.D., Ph.D.: NIH: physiology of the pineal gland and melatonin 2017-11-01: Zawn Villines & Elaine K. Luo, M.D.: Medical News Today: pineal gland 2014-01-13: Antonio Bellastella, Annamaria de Bellis, Giuseppe Bellastella & Katherine Esposito: Frontiers In Endocrinology: the opposite influence of light and blindness on pituitary-gonadal functions NIH National Cancer Institute: Surveillance, Epidemiology, & End Results Training: pituitary & pineal glands 1998 January: NIH: Clinical Endocrinology: I. Kostoglou-Athanassiou, D.F. Treacher, M.J. Wheeler, & M.I Forsling: bright light exposure & pituitary hormone secretion 2018 May 12: NIH: Endocrinology: Andrzej T. Slominski, Michael A. Zmijewski, Przemyslaw M. Plonka, Jerzy P. Szaflarski, & Ralf Paus: how UV light touches the brain and endocrine system through skin, and why
Massive Consolidation/Concentration in Department Store Chains, and reduction in choice/options and competition
Cincinnati department stores: Pogue's, Shillito's, McAlpin's, Mabley & Carew (pinterest)
John Shillito department stores (WickedPedia)
McAlpin's department stores (WickedPedia), and George W. McAlpin department stores (The Department Store
F. & R. Lazarus department stores pictures (Ohio , and F. & R. Lazarus department stores (The Department Store , and F. & R. Lazarus department stores (WickedPedia)
Burdines department stores (WickedPedia)
Marshall Field's department stores (WickedPedia)
Rike's discount stores (WickedPedia)
Mervyn's of California department stores (WickedPedia)
Dayton-Hudson department/Target discount stores (WickedPedia)
Hudson's department stores (WickedPedia)
Bloomingdale's department stores (WickedPedia)
Federated Department Stores/Macy's department stores (WickedPedia)
Kenner Products (WickedPedia) and Cincinnati library on Kenner Toys and Cincinnati Soap Company at #301 1220 Kenner Street became Kenner Products (now the site of the Cincinnati Association for the Blind & Vision Impaired, Hornbeck enterprise center), and a certain facility at 1259-1291 Kenner Street became the Justice League's Hall of Justice (Kenner Collector) and tour (Kenner Collector) and list of toy lines (Kenner Collector) and (Girders & Gears) and Kenner Post, Girder & Panel Hydro-Dynamic Building Set (Science History Institute) and Kenner Post, Girder & Panel sets (Fab Tin Toys) and engineering toys: Tinker, Gilbert, LincolnLogs, Bayko, Kenner (The Works Museum, Bloomington, MN; about 3 miles S, 2 miles W of Mall of America, another 4-5 blocks SW of ye olde Control Data Corporation HQ towers) and co-founder Joseph Lowenbach Steiner b:1907 d:2002 (FindAGrave) and co-founder Philip Godfrey Steiner b:1901 d:1993 (FindAGrave) and co-founder Albert M. Steiner b:1895 d:1977 (FindAGrave)
Union Terminal/ Justice League Hall of Justice/ Cincinnati Museum
Super Friends/Justice League Hall of Justice Cincinnati Museum: temple to transportation Cincinnati Museum: Union Terminal: local businesses depicted in mosaic murals on lower band around rotunda 1933: Cincinnati Enquirer: facts about the terminal 1933: Cincinnati Enquirer: facts about the terminal 1933: Cincinnati Enquirer: facts about the terminal pre-history & history of the facility ("The projects" ?are/were? just to the East, though my memory of visiting some friends of the family in the seasoned citizen tower was that it was North, between the terminal & Crosley Field; looks like 2-5 storey buildings in the area now, though 2 of the towers are designated "metro housing authority" & government "J-rab". Just 3-4 blocks East is the Betts house, built in 1804 on their out-side Cincinnati, 111-acre farm, enlarged while the farm acreage was whittled away, now at 416 Clark St. Part of the terminal construction project, the Western Hills ViaDuct is just over 1 mile North, and the Hopple Street ViaDuct another mile North of there, and now the I-75/I-74 split another mile North... all well-worn paths from the West into the city center at Fountain Square, or to the Zoo, U of Cincinnati, Xavier U, & the surrounding 9-12 hospitals.)
Structo (Antique Toy World shows) and Structo (TNT Toy Trucks)
Sawyer's Stereoscopy/stereo-scopes and View-Master (WickedPedia)
Lionel Trains time-line and Joshua Lionel Cowen and model train scales & gauges and scales (National Model RailRoad Association) and rail transport modelling scales
Toy Association hall of fame inductees
I-beam (NSSCO) I-beams in structural steel construction (Swanton Welding) (US Steel Truss) (Addison Steel Truss) (Addison Steel Truss) open-web truss steel building (WorldWide Steel Buildings) the Chicago curve: steel roof trusses (Chicago Metal Rolled Products) ★ history of truss bridge designs (US Bridge) truss bridges (History of Bridges) truss bridge design & material considerations: wood, steel, composite (Arete Structures) Timber Framing 101: timber framing (stick-built) vs. post & beam (Timber Frame HQ) Joist vs. Beam vs. Girder (Homelyville)
Campbell Hausfeld: wagons, air compressors, spray painters, grinders, wrenches, drills, chain saws, pressure washers, welders, generators, nail-guns, staplers... 100 Production drive off Campbell road, Harrison, OH
Kopp Turkey, Inc.: turkey processing plant; 10964 Campbell road, Harrison, OH
Milacron (formerly Cincinnati Milacron machine tools, formerly Cincinnati Milling Machine Company, now tools for manufacturing from plastic, conveyers, medical devices, parts for electronic devices, for making pipes, siding, wood+plastic composites, bottles, plastic packaging...)
Cincinnati Incorporated: machine tools 7420 Kilby road, Harrison, OH
SDRC = Structural Dynamics Research Corporation Metaphase, UGS, Siemens Aktien-Gesselschat (IOW, it used to create great engineering analysis software, but it has become a cross-border bodyshop/gigger; 2000 Eastman drive, Milford, OH)
Akihito (from Oliver L. Austin photographs (Felonious State U digital collections))
History of Political Parties in USA & Gerrymandering
Native American Party, a.k.a. American Party, a.k.a. Know Nothing Party (ASA senator Anthony Kennedy brother of SecNav, congressman, Maryland state House speaker, consul to Cuba, John Pendleton Kennedy (sons of John Kennedy & Nancy Pendleton; cousins of Joe, JFK, Bobby, & drunken murderer, pro-USSR, anti-USA Teddy)
(538 Project) Gerrymandering USA 2022 PrincetonU Gerrymandering USA Project 2022
Florida Gerrymandering proposals 2022 (538 Project) Florida senate approved congressional districts 2022 2022-05-20: Florida appeals court re-instates districts approved by legislature & governor 2022 2022-06-03: Aaron Navarro: CBS: all 50 states have finished re-districting WTXL: Florida state supreme denied certiorari, refuses to intervene in re-districting
Ohio Gerrymandering proposals 2022 (538 Project)
Illinois Gerrymandering proposals 2022 (538 Project)
Texas Gerrymandering proposals 2022 (538 Project)
Montana Gerrymandering proposals 2022 (538 Project)
Florida gerrymander ordered by judges A (after 2010 census)
Florida gerrymander ordered by judges B (after 2010 census) (Jacksonville is about 165 miles from Tallahassee)
old c.2000 Gerrymandered 2nd congressional district, from Jacksonville to South of Orlando (WickedPedia) old 2nd district from 2013 (snagged 2016-05-19 from wikipedia in anticipation of it being updated; 2.1MB PNG) old 2nd district from 2013 (snagged 2016-05-19 from WickedPedia in anticipation of it being updated; 832KB jpg)
old Gerrymandered 5th congressional district, from Jacksonville to South of Orlando (WickedPedia) old 5th district from 2013 (snagged 2016-05-19 from wikipedia in anticipation of it being updated; 2.8MB PNG) old 5th district from 2013 (snagged 2016-05-19 from wikipedia in anticipation of it being updated; 1MB jpg)
Florida's congressional districts
old c.2000 Gerrymandered 5th congressional district, from Jacksonville to South of Orlando
more Gerrymandered Florida congressional districts c.2000
MCI Maps:Florida's congressional districts 1970s through 1980s
NOT Gerrymandered Florida congressional districts 2022 April 22
As 2024-11-05 elections approach, I continue to stumble across current examples of Gerrymandering in several states throughout the USA.
i USA Policy RoundTable (these 2 sites still in process of development as of 2024-10-16) electoral district maps
1962 USA House of "Representatives" elections
2008: GPO: "black" USA citizens in congress 1870-2007 (ISBN 9780160801945)
Charles Louis Napoleon Achille Murat/Achille Carlo Luigi Napoleone Murat, de Frohsdorf (son of Joachim Murat/Gioacchino Napoleone Murat & Caroline Bonaparte/Maria Annunziata Carolina Bonaparte/Marie Annonciade Caroline Bonaparte;
grand-son of Carlo Buonaparte & Letizia Ramolino and queen Hortense of Holland;
nephew of Joseph Bonaparte, Jerome Bonaparte; brother of Lucien, Letizia & Louise) b: 1801-01-21 at the Hotel de Brienne, in the Tuilieries, Paris, Ile-de-France, France d: 1847-04-15 in Jefferson county FL buried: St. John's Episcopal church cem., Tallahassee, Leon county FL
m: c. 1826-07-12 (date on bond) to
Catharine Daingerfield Willis (daughter of major Byrd Charles Willis & Mary Willis Lewis;
gd of Lewis Willis & Anne Carter and major George Lewis of "Marmion" & Catherine Daingerfield;
ggd of Henry Willis & Mildred Washington and colonel Fielding Lewis & Elizabeth Washington/Betty Washington/Bettie Washington and William Daingerfield & Mary Madison Willis;
2ggd of Lawrence Washington & Mildred Warner and Augustine Washington & Mary Ball and John Willis & Elizabeth Madison and Ambrose Madison & Frances Taylor and John Lewis iii & Frances Fielding;
3ggd of John Washington & Anne Pope and Lawrence Washington & Mildred Warner and John Lewis ii & Isabella Warner) b: 1803-02-05 d: 1867-08-06 (her last home which she purchased while down-sizing and trying to pay off his debts, "Bellevue", was preserved and moved several miles South to become part of the Tallahassee Museum, and most of her c. 475 acre farm is now student rental apartments. The site where they met, Mission San Luis, is now a state historical & archaeological site and museum with Apalachee Amerindian council house rebuilt on original site, Spanish church, blacksmith, period gardens, preserved small vineyard and house established by the ancestors of the family who donated the land.)
primary source: Alfred Jackson Hanna 1946 _A Prince in Their Midst_ (U of Oklahoma Press)
Louise Pecquet du Bellet 1907 _Some Prominent Virginia Families_ vol2 (911 pages in pdf)
live link
John Murray 4th earl of Dunmore and last royal governor of Virginia (son of William Murray 3rd earl of Dunmore & Catherine Murray; nephew of John Murray 2nd earl of Dunmore) b: 1730 in Taymouth (?Tymouth?), Scotland d: 1809-02-25 at Ramsgate, Kent, England m: lady Charlotte Stewart (daughter of Alexander Stewart 6th earl of Galloway & lady Catherine Cochrane)
live link
live link
John Murray 4th earl of Dunmore (son of William Murray 3rd earl of Dunmore & Catherine Murray;
gs of Charles Murray 1st earl of Dunmore/lord Charles Murray & Catherine Watts and William Murray 2nd lord Nairne & Margaret Nairne;
nephew of John Murray 2nd earl of Dunmore) b: 1730 in Taymouth (?Tymouth?), Scotland d: 1809-02-25 at Ramsgate, Kent, England
m: 1759-02-21 to
lady Charlotte Stewart (daughter of Alexander Stewart 6th earl of Galloway & lady Catherine Cochrane;
gd of James Stewart 5th earl of Galloway & lady Catherine Montgomerie;
ggd of James Stewart 3rd earl of Galloway & lady Mary Douglas;
2ggd of James Stewart 2nd earl of Galloway & Nicola Grierson;
3ggd of Alexander Stewart 1st earl of Galloway & Grizel Gordon;
4ggd of Alexander Stewart 6th earl of Garlies & Christian Douglas;
5ggd of sir Alexander Stewart of Garlies the younger & Catherine Herries;
6ggd of sir Alexander Stewart 5th of Garlies & Margaret Dunbar;
7ggd of sir Alexander Stewart 4th of Garlies & Elizabeth Kennedy;
8ggd of sir Alexander Stewart 3rd of Garlies & Elizabeth Douglas;
9ggd of sir William Stewart 2nd of Dalswinton et Garlies & Elizabeth ;
10ggd of sir John Stewart 1st of Dalswinton et Garlies & Marion Stewart;
) d: 1818-11-11
sir William Stewart 2nd earl/laird/baron of Dalswinton et Garlies (son of sir John Stewart 1st of Dalswinton et Garlies & Marion Stewart) b: 1396 at Garlies, WigtownShire d: 1479-10-31 at Trebizond/Trabzond/Trapezus on the Black Sea m1: Elizabeth ??/??Elizabeth Arnot?? (d of ?John Arnot?) m2: ?Eupemia/Eupheme Graham/Grahame? (widow of Robert Vaus/Vaux/Vance of Barnbarroch)
Paul A.M. Dirac equation (WickedPedia)
specific rotation of a molecule (WickedPedia)
sodium vapor lamp (WickedPedia)
mercury vapor lamp (WickedPedia)
Popular Science: properly/optimally charging
Watermelon Power-Madness Web Log: charging cycles
Tek/Tektronix: lithium ion battery maintenance
Renogy: lithium ion battery cycles
Battery University: how to prolong the life of lithium-based batteries
Battle Borne Batteries: specialized, longer-life lithium ion batteries
NorthEast Battery: specialized, longer-life lithium ion batteries
quora: How many times can a lithium ion battery be recharged?
UE Technologies: How long does a lithium ion battery last?
lead-acid batteries---
Get Jerry: How many times can an electric vehicle battery be recharged?
Interstate Batteries: That jump-started battery may have years of use remaining
Money Shake: How long does a car battery last without driving?
quora: How many times can you recharge a car battery before it can no longer hold a charge?
other battery--- Why can a can rechargeable battery only be recharged a certain number of times?
Chemistry Europe: rechargeable alkaline battery
Rapport Inc: How long do rechargeable batteries last in solar-lights?
Aaron Priest Photography: rechargeable batteries
Aaron Priest Photography: How long will silver-zinc rechargeable batteries last?
a might bit freaky household battery---
Scientific American: whole-house concrete battery
Felix Wankel engine
NSU Spider (later Audi)
Mazda MX-30
(Engineering Learn) (lots of interesting pages on this site)
(Mechanical Boost)
(Engineering Info)
(Alexandru Radu Chis & Tudor Serban: Auto Development: comparison of 4-cycle Wankel with 4-cycle Otto piston engine)
(Matthew Jancer: Popular Mechanics: why some car-lovers are so mad or Mazda's rotary engine revival: how do those spinning triangles work?)
(2020-01-29: My Mini Factory: 3-D Print Working Model of Mazda RX7 Wankel Rotary Engine 13B-REW)
Stirling engine
"Those who stayed were, however, the first generation of Japanese-American immigrants -- the Issei, as distinguished from the Nisei (second generation) and Sansei (third generation)... The third generation (Sansei) is just entering adulthood [around 1980], and the fourth generation (Yonsei) are still children." --- Thomas Sowell 1981 _Ethnic America: An History_ pp164, 177
"There's an old Chinese saying that 'prosperity can never last for 3 generations.' I'll bet that if someone with empirical skills conducted a longitudinal survey about inter-generational performance, they'd find a remarkably common pattern among Chinese immigrants fortunate enough to have come to the [United States of America] as graduate students or skilled workers over the last 50 years. The pattern would go something like this: The immigrant generation is the hardest working. Many will have started off in the USA almost penniless, but they will work non-stop until they become engineers, scientists, doctors, academics, or business-people. As parents, they will be extremely strict and rabidly thrifty... Everything they do and earn will go toward their children's education and future. The next generation, the first to be born in America, will typically be high-achieving. They will usually play the piano and/or violin. They will attend an Ivy League or Top 10 university. They will tend to be professionals -- lawyers, doctors, bankers, television anchors -- and surpass their parents in income, but that's partly becaus they started off with more money and because their parents invested so much in them. They will be less frugal than their parents... they will not be as strict with their children as their parents were with them. The next generation is the one I spend long nights lying awake worrying about. Because of the hard work of their parents and grand-parents, this generation will be born into the great comforts of the upper middle class. Even as children they will own many hard-cover books (an almost criminal luxury from the POV of immigrant parents). They will have wealthy friends who get paid for B-pluses. They may or may not attend private schools, but in either case they will expect expensive, brand-name clothes. Finally and most problematically, they will... be much more likely to disobey their parents and ignore career advice." --- Amy Chua 2011 _Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother_ pp20-22
"As a result of generations of miscegenation, the mestizo population had increased enormously. By the late 18th century more than four-fifths of the population were non-white, most of them constituting the lower class. There existed a small, indistinct group that could be termed middle class, but perhaps the designation lower-upper class would be more accurate, for the people were considerably above the poverty level of the masses. Around 1810 a population of about 6M included more than 3.5M Indians. Perhaps 1M were considered criollos, and only 15K were peninsulares [Spaniards]. The remainder were mestizos of various mixes." --- Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ pp260-261
"In the Fall of 1820 vice-roy [Juan Ruiz de Apodaca] invited [Augustin de Iturbide], by then a colonel, to discuss plans for a new offensive against Vicente Guerrero. Iturbide was placed in charge of 2,500 men and left Mexico City for the south in late November. After a few indecisive skirmishes he asked Guerrero to a meeting during which he proposed to make peace -- not war. Iturbide's price for the treason he was contemplating was to dictate the terms of Independence. But Guerrero was not easily convinced of either Iturbide's sincerity or his ideas for an independent Mexico. A series of conferences had to be held before the guerrilla warrior and the new convert could issue, on 1821-02-24, their Plan de Iguala. Unlike the United States Declaration of Independence, which berated the mother country in a tirade of denunciations [for violated trust and rights], the Plan de Iguala had an entirely different orientation and appeal. In order to attract conservative support it praised the Spanish endeavor in the New World and held out Spain as the most Catholic, holy, heroic, and magnanimous of nations. But after 300 years of tutelage it was time for Mexico to strike out on its own. The plan contained 23 articles but only 3 major guarantees: first, the independent Mexican nation would be organized as a constitutional monarchy, and the crown would be offered to king Ferdinand or some other appropriate European prince; second, the Roman Catholic religion would be given a monopoly on the spiritual life of the country and its clergymen would retain all the rights and privileges they currently enjoyed; and, third, criollos and peninsulares would be treated equally in the new state. In order to uphold the promises a new army, the Ejercito de las Tres Garantias (the Army of the 3 Guarantees) would be placed directly under Iturbide's command." --- Michael Meyer, William Sherman & Susan Deeds 2010 _The Course of Mexican History_ pp283-284
this is the bottom
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