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Forces of Evil (FoE)

updated: 2024-05-22

Patriot Post: diversity, equity, inclusion among immoral tech tyrants

Forces of Evil (FoEs) that Seem to Promote Bodyshopping (or to be or make use of Bodyshops), Guest-Worker Abuse, Off-Shoring, gigging, Privacy & Other Rights Violations, and their Disgusting Cheer-Leaders, Brain-Washers, Propagandists, Deceivers, MisLeaders, & Lobbyists... and assorted other Moochers, Frauds, Haters, and Abusers

Do teshuvah: repent; apologize to those harmed; ask them for forgiveness; make restitution to them. Reform - strive to avoid repeating initiations of fraud, deception, misinformation, privacy violations; strive not to initiate force; strive not to engage in unethical/immoral activities (e.g. spewing dishonesties about job markets, skill levels, recruiting efforts, investments in training & relocaing employees). Work WITH your employees to improve products, develop a range of products for customers of various means levels, not abuse of customers & tech-users. May we all acquire eyes to see, & ears to hear, and misbehave no more.


21st Century protection racket (formerly part of AIG, later part of Farmers/Zurich Financial Services),

65 Project for Election Corruption & Fraud (David Brock, Melissa Moss, Michael Teter),

350 (McKibbe; watermelon Luddites),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Accel Partners (Jeff Rothschild; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Accela (Maury Blackman),

Accenture (was part of Andersen Consulting, William Green, Julie Sweet, Mike Jackowski; cross-border bodyshop; medical & financial privacy violator; off-shorer; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Access Staffing (bodyshop/giggers),

Accountants On Call (bodyshop/giggers),

Accountemps (bodyshop/giggerss),


Acer Technology Ventures,

A Connect,

Acronym/Pacronym/Shadow Inc. (Tara McGowan),

ActBlue Charities (funding cut-out for violent racist, anti-family, anti-Semites);

Acxiom (major privacy violator),

Addy Inc. (Khaled Naim),

Sheldon Adelson (too much in the pocket of Red China ruling criminal gangsters through investment in Macao casino),

Adobe Systems (Shantanu Narayen; cross-border bodyshops/giggers; abuser of CPT/OPT; sketchy security),

Advanced Micro Devices/AMD (Darrell Ford, Hector de Jesus Ruiz),

AECOM (off-shorer),

Aerotek (cross-border bodyshopper/gigger; abuser of CPT/OPT),

Aetna (Mark Bertolini),

Agricultural Bank of Red China,

Airbnb (Brian Chesky, Dave Willmer, Divya Kumaraiah; privacy violations; support of worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; support of Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist racists),

AirSage (privacy violators, intellectual property robbers),

Akamai Technologies,

Akraya Inc. (Pankaj Jindal),

Alibaba (Red China ruling gangsters; privacy violators; Jack Ma, Joe Tsai, Max Baucus; Symasia foundation Limited),


Alliance for Immigration Reform 2007 [a.k.a. Alliance AGAINST Immigration Reform 2007],

Alliance of CEOs (a.k.a. Conspiracy of Corrupt Executives),

AllianceIT (cross-border bodyshop based in Hyderabad, India),

Allied Regress (Karl Frisch),

All of Us Care (a.k.a. Conspiracy of Corrupt Executives for cheap, pliant labor with flexible ethics & discrimination against USA citizens; FB, MSFT, Alphabet/Google, Koch...),

AllState (protection racket; Jerry Choate),

Alorica (off-shores),

ALOM (Hannah Kain),

Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ InSight Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google "Books"/ Google Brain/ Google Cloud/ Google Docs/ Google Health/ DoubleClick/ Android/ Play/ WAZE/ Voice/ First Draft/ Colab/ Colaboratory/ Loon/ ITA/ Insight Labs/ Android/ Android payments/ Google Cloud Platform... (offensive; violators of trust; deep into creepy territory; immoral [violating moral & legal standards]; vile, evil since day 0;   privacy violators; power-mad delusions of grandeur,   intellectual property robbers & thieves,     extreme leftist/collectivist propagandists; promoters of authoritarianism/ power-madness/ dictatorship;   abusers of CPT/OPT;   promoters of cross-border bodyshopping/gigging for cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics;   discriminate on the basis of sex, race, nationality, caste;   campaign contributors & supporters of extreme leftists;   oppose political free speech & debate,   in employment, reportedly discriminates against "blacks", merit, perfectionists, Aspergers, autistic, Dalit caste, USA citizens;   subsidizing abuse of AI against freedom/liberty, supporting "disappearance" of opponents of authoritarian regimes, increasing influence of authoritarian regimes;   actively pushes Illiberal Leftism/ Regressivism/ Socialism/ Fascism/ Nazism/ Marxism/ Communism/ Bolshevism/ Stalinism/ Maoism/ Collectivism;       Alon Altman, Irene Au, Sergey Brin, Brownstein Hyatt & Farber, Quinn Chasan, Pablo Chavez, Daniel Coats, Alan Davidson, Makan Delrahim, Dan Doctoroff, Gil Elbaz, Alan Eustace, David Feinberg, Will Fields, Jen Gennai, Diane Greene, King & Spalding, Adam Mathes, Marissa Mayer, Larry Page, Sundar Pichai, Jon Podesta Group, Keerthana Rang, Eric Schmidt, Deon Scott, Amit Singhal, Hal Varian, Kent Walker, Meredith Whittaker, Susan Wojcicki, Nicole Wong, Nick Zakrasek),

Alternative Staffing Alliance (lobbyists for bodyshopping/gigging),

Altria Group,

Amalgamated Bank/Amalgam Foundation,

Amazon/ mTurk/ AWS/ Washington DC Compost/ Echo/ Alexa/ Twitch... (privacy violators, employee abuse; abusers & promoters of abuse of cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; abusers of CPT/OPT; poor working conditions; illegal employers of illegal aliens; leftist propaganda; suppression of free speech; funder of violent racist, anti-family, anti-Semites; Jeff Bezos, Tom Sullivan),

AMC Entertainment (purchased by Red Chinese Wanda Group in 2012; wow! they lasted as a decent theater company for about 10 years before turning to the Dark Red side; Wang Jianlin),

American Action Network (Crossroads GPS/American Crossroads; Karl Rove),

American Association for the Advancement of Science (leftist politics over science/scientific method in last couple decades; shift away from defending USA citizen scientists & engineers),

American Automation & Communications, Inc. (Eric Davidson),

anti-American Bridge/anti-American Bridge 21st Century Foundation (David Brock, George Soros; ties with Clinton Crime Family, New Venture Fund, Arabella, 1630 Fund, Leftist Media Mutters against the USA),

American Broadcasting Corporation/abc (mostly less bad than MSLSD),

American Business Immigration Coalition/ABIC/ Conspiracy of Business Executives & Politicians Against Immigration Reform (promotes cross-border bodyshopping, promotes discrimination against USA citizens, promotes encouraging illegal invasion, promotes suppression of compensation to "little people" workers & opposes their prosperity, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt),

American Business for Legal Immigration/ABLI/ "Compete America" (promotes cross-border bodyshopping, promotes discrimination against USA citizens, shields employers of illegal aliens),

American Council of Engineering Companies/ACEC (David A. Raymond),

American Council on International Personnel/ACIP (Lynn Shotwell; promotes cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

American Electronics Association/AeA (William T. Archey, Ed Longanecker, Christopher Hansen; promotes bodyshopping/gigging),

American Engagement Technologies (political fraudsters/disinformation),

American Express/AmEx (Ken Chenault, Stephen J. Squeri, Jeffrey C. Campbell; privacy violator & lobbyists for worsening privacy violations),

American Immigration Lawyers Association/AILA (promotes loop-holes for discrimination against USA citizens),

American International Group Inc./AIG (protection racket; London office involved in mortgages for people who could not afford them & trade & borderline fraudulent misrepresentation of risks of derivatives created therefrom... but not so bad as many in that because they paid back their debts;  Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate),

American Action Network (US Chamber of Crony Socialists + Crossroads GPS/American Crossroads super-PAC,   Tom Donohue, Karl Rove, Norm Coleman, Fred Malek, Haley Barbour, Michael Chertoff, Vin Weber, Yebbie Booosh, Barry Jackson;   promote cross-border bodyshopping),

American Pacific International Capital/APIC,

American Solutions Inc./AMSOL,

American Staffing Association/ASA/   Institute of Temporary Services 1966/   National Association of Temporary Services/NATS 1970/   National Association of Temporary & Staffing Services 1994/   American Bodyshopping Association,

Americans for an [Anti-]Conservative Direction (FWD.us; Mark Zuckerberg; promoter of worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Americans for [Anti-]Conservative Action (Mark Zuckerberg; promoter of worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

America's Voice,

Analog Devices,

Arthur Andersen Consulting (promoted bodyshopping/gigging, pushed clients to bodyshop/gig),

Andor Capital Management (Dan Benton),

Andrew Corp.,

Anthem (bodyshops/gigs),

Anti-American Action forum (elitist neo-cons; promotes illegal alien invasion, cheap, pliant, foreign labor with flexible ethics, discrimination against USA citizens; high land & home prices, poverty for "little people"; Douglas Holtz-Eakin),

AntiDefamation League/ADL (once good, now addled & hateful; Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate),

AOL (Steve Case),

AoteA Global Services (cross-border bodyshop/giggers),

APCO (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations),

Apple (Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, John Sculley, Tim Cook; off-shored & encouraged off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; CPT/OPT abuser; gave tech to Red China, mum about rights violations by Red China ruling criminal gangsters, agreed to block apps that might allow citizens of China private communications or bypass authoritarian censors; early on made use of illegal alien labor directly & indirectly for hardware assembly; blocks reasonable political speech & debate by non-leftists; engages in & promotes several kinds of privacy violations -- including health/medical info transmission & collection -- & not others; opposes vote/election integrity, supports institutionalized vote/election corruption & fraud),

Applied Materials, Inc. (Mike Splinter),

Appvance (Kevin Surace),

ARCH Ventur Partners,


Arizona State U (abusers of CPT/OPT),

Arizona Technology Council (Steven Zylstra; lobbies for bodyshopping),

Artex Risk Solutions,


Association for Competitive Technology (Morgan Reed; lobbies for cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Associated Industries of Massachusetts (Richard Lord; lobbies for cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Association of American Universities (lobbyists for privacy violation, excessive use & low standards & little oversight for student visas),

Asteelflash USA (off-shores),

AT&T (formerly SW Bell, Randall Stephenson, Victor Millar, Richard Roscitt;   oppose competition; not always nice to sys admins/analysts; privacy violator; off-shorer; favors subsidies & other encouragements to invasion of USA; favors driving down career & employment prospects & earnings of USA citizens),

Atlantic Richfield (Wipro),



Autodesk, Inc. (Carl Bass; cheap, over-priced for the quality; low-res),

Automation Personnel Services,

Avaya Inc. (Kevin Kennedy),

AVOS (lobby for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Axcelis Technologies,

AZTech Technologies LLC (bodyshopper/giggers, abuser of CPT/OPT),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Badia (just bad; freshness expired before they are shipped to store shelves),

Baidu (tech tyrants for tyrants),

Bain Capital (Genpact; leveraged take-overs; raiding pension funds then shifting pension obligations to government which both severely cuts pensions & then adds to federal government debt which lands on tax-victims),

Bank of Red China USA (Xu Chen),

Bank of India/ MerrillLynch/ MBNA (formerly known as Bank of America, founder's grand-daughter excoriated later execs who immersed in abuse including off-shoring & bodyshopping/gigging & discrimination against USA citizens;   privacy violators; eager participants in debasing currency and crony socialist government favors;   oppose political free speech & debate; don't appear to have a clue what rights are, what inherent rights are, what constitutional rights are),

Barbour Griffith & Rogers LLC,

Bastian Solutions,

Baucus Group (Max Baucus, Melodee Hanes; selling out the USA to rights-violating Red China ruling criminal gangsters),

Bay Area Council (Jim Wunderman),

BBA Aviation Flight Support (Michael S. Scheeringa),

Beacon Global Strategies (Philippe Reines, Mike Allen, Leon Panetta, Mike Morell; lobbyists from corrupt Clinton & Shrub regimes apparently working against USA & USA citizens, for Red China ruling criminal gangsters),

Beacon Hill Bodyshopping/gigging,

Ben & Jerry's (founded by flakes; continued by flakes, unimpressive products),

BenchMark (Matt Cohler),

Benhamou Global Ventures,

Berkshire Hathaway (favors tax-victim subsidies to invaders & other illegal aliens, driving down employment & prosperity of USA citizens, worsening over-crowding),

Betasoft Systems (Rachna Jain),

Bethany-Fenwich Area Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Binance (Changpeng Zhao; Max Baucus; money laundering, crypto-currency, government-controlled digital currency/CBDC),

BlackRock/GenPact (Larry Fink, Brian Deese; power-mad elitist crony socialist; pushing racist critical theory, "gender" critical theory, Wuhan critical theory, legal critical theory, Lat-crit, critical theory, "machine learning «fairness»", socialist war against justice, oppositional riot theory, initiation of force & fraud... full-on collectivist crazy "We are here to work with rights-violating collectivist dictators."; Red Chinese Investment Corporation (CIC) sovereign wealth fund; continues pushing ever more excessive immigration & work visas to drive down compesation & prosperity of USA citizens;   2024-02-16:BlackRock allegedly partially pulling out of conspiracy to force corporations into "social emotional learning" (SEL); "socialist identity theory"; diversity barring, equality opposing, exclusionary, segregating "diversity, equity, inclusion"; ESG/ESCG),

Blackstone Group (Stephen Schwarzman; crony socialists bought by Red China ruling criminal gangsters Xi Jinping & Wang Qishan & Jim Breyer & China Investment Corporation (CIC) sovereign wealth fund... for 9.9%=$3G investment; Refinitiv censors criticism of the dictatorial, enslaving, abusing regime... BlackStone cheers on the abuses, robbery of USA intellectual property, provides scholarships to train Western students to be propagandists for Red China's ruling criminal gangsters; JD Logistics),


Bloomberg (power-mad Michael Bloomberg, Carl Thorsen; lobbies for cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Blu Solutions (bodyshop/giggers),

Boeing (Jim McNerney, Dennis Muilenburg; illegal employment of foreign engineers on non-work visas; giving foreign workers access to sensitive defense info; off-shoring; oppose political free speech & debate),

Bohai Capital (Jonathan Li, a.k.a. Li Xiangsheng; controlled by Red China ruling criminal gangsters),

Bohai Harvest Rosemont (Red China ruling criminal gangsters, Heinz-Kerry Crime Family, BiteMe Crime Family),

Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund (BHR) (BiteMe Crime Family),

Boonle (Antonio Calabrese),

Booz Allen Hamilton,

borderless (international financial transfer racket),

Boston Consulting Group (encourages privacy violation),

W.H. Brady,

BrandyOurSelf (Patrick Ambron),

Breyer Capital (Jim Breyer, brother-in-law to Mitch McConnell, congratulated Red China ruling criminal gangsters for their long-term strategic view),

Bridgelux (Brad Bullington),

Brigade (Sean Parker),

Briggs & Stratton (off-shores; another old favorite which has disappointed continuing high expectations),

Brigham & Women's Hospital (cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; discrimination against USA citizens; privacy violators),

Britton Hill Holdings, BH Logistics, BH Global Aviation, Finergy Capital (Yebbie Boooosh, Guang Yang; liaison with HNA Group, helps Red China ship & sell petroleum),

Broadcom (opposes competition),

Charles Brooks Associates,

BuildYourNightmares (Bill Gates, Warren Buffett; electric vehicles & launch vehicle tech for Red China military),


Bush China Foundation (contributors include Red China ruling criminal gangsters' CUSEF),

Business-Higher Education Forum (encourages low-standards/no-standards student visas, CPT, OPT, & hence cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; opposes conscientious oversight of student visa grantees),

Business Industry Political Action Committee/BIPAC (Bernadette Budde),

Business RoundTable (lobbies for bodyshopping/gigging),

Business Software Alliance/BSA (Matt Reid, Katherine McGuire, Robert Holleyman;   started well defending intellectual property but desire for cheap, pliant labor with flexible ethics & disregard for others' intellectual property turned them bad by supporting bodyshopping/gigging),

Business Talent Group/BTG (Jody Miller, Amelia Warren Tyagi, Elizabeth Herring Warren Mann; gigger/bodyshopper; legislate & litigate to promote gigging/ bodyshopping),

Butler Landscaping (discrimination against USA citizens),

BYD Motors (makes omnibuses),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Cabot MicroElectronics,

Cadence Design Systems,

California Chamber of Crony Socialists,

CALinnovates (Mike Montgomery),

CapGemini (cross-border bodyshop/gigger),

Capital One (Wipro cross-border bodyshopping),

CareerBuilder (adamantly refuses to distinguish between gigs/giggers, bodyshops, contracts/contractors vs. real employment),

Tony Cardone,


Carnegie Mellon U (abuser of CPT/OPT),

Carnival Cruise Line,

Case New Holland,


Caterpillar (relatively good products, but would never strive for middle ground/mutually beneficial relations with employees, always hostile interactions from both sides; off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Catoosa county Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Richard Celeste (former governor of Ohio, former ambassador to India, promoter of cross-border bodyshopping/gigging & off-shoring, last-second Y2K hysteric),

Cengage (some good books; lots of evil propaganda & financial support for evil),

Center for American Regress/ Center AGAINST USA Progress/ Think Regress (Marshall Fitz, John Podesta, Neera Tanden, Judd Legum, Todd Stern; supports extreme leftist politicians, aids Red China ruling criminal gangsters, worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; oppose USA & Hungary & Israel... border security; active in generating power-mad climate hysteria),

Center for Community Change (Deepak Bhargava),

Centers for UnConstitutional Medicare & Medicaid "Services"/CMS "Innovation" Center (Lisa Bari; opposed to medical/health privacy, options, choice, competition),

Centre for Policy Research (Pratap Mehta),

Centric Consulting (bodyshop/giggers),

Centro Civico of Amsterdam,

CEO Council,

Cerner (abusers of CPT/OPT; cross-border bodyshop/giggers; medical privacy violators),

CG Max Design,

CGI (Canada-based cross-border bodyshop),

ChargePoint (Pasquale Romano, Richard Lowenthal),

Chase Bank (have long suffered from power-madness),

Chemical Bank,

China Association for Science and Technology (Zhonggang Li; influence operation for Red China ruling criminal gangsters; operates in far South Florida including Rats Mouth, but HQ is Beijing/Peking; purpose is intellectual property theft, technology transfer, espionage),

China General Chamber of Commerce (Terry Branstad, Marcus Branstad, Eric Branstad; lobbying to give Red China ruling criminal gangsters advantages),

China State ShipBuilding Corporation/CSSC (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations),

China TechSource,

Chinese Academy of Sciences Holdings/CASH (Gary Locke, Wu Lebin; adapting civilian tech to military abuse, cyber-warfare, Red Chinese Navy, PLA, Red China State Council),

Chinese Academy of Engineering (Zhu Guangya, Zhou Ji, Bill Gates; adapting civilian tech to military abuse),

Chinese Software Industry Association,




Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Crony Socialists (promotes bodyshopping/gigging),

Cisco Systems (Paul Redifer, John Chambers, Francine Katsoudas; based in Boston area; major cross-border bodyshopper/gigger; abuser of CPT/OPT; promotes cross-border bodyshopping; heavy investments in Red China military's Inspur for subjugating populace/PoliceNet, ChinaNet, Great FireWall, Golden Shield; support of Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist racists),


CitiGroup/CitiBank/Travelers (privacy violators; abusers of CPT/OPT; promoters of corruption & perversion),


ClearStreet Inc. (Kim Polese),


Click Commerce,

Cloud Big Data (abusers of CPT/OPT),

Cloudgen LLC (cross-border bodyshoppers/giggers; fraudsters),

CNN (once OK but not since at least about 1993, & CNNHN with radio echo was useful, though they had been getting more heavy-handed & extreme with their propaganda, & still had a couple good programs even around 2003-2004),

Coalition Agaist Trump (anti-democratic superPAC allied with the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Party),

Coalition of Service Industries (lobby for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Coca Cola (Muhtar Kent; Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate; opposes vote/election integrity, supports institutionalized vote/election corruption & fraud),

Code.org (lobby for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Cognizant (Gordon J. Coburn; among worst 10-15 cross-border bodyshops/giggers for several years; abusers of CPT/OPT),

Cohen & Grigsby (sheisters; caught in 2007 May/June teaching HR people how to scam PERM process: advertising jobs where USA citizens in the occupation would be unlikely to see, creating sketchy pretexts to declare all able & employment-seeking USA citizen applicants "uninterested" or "unqualified"),

R.A. Cohen Consulting (bodyshop/gigger),

Cohen Group (William Cohen, Marc Grossman; facilitate infiltration of hostile Red Chinese spies & operatives into, and control of USA & Europe businesses & institutions... in exchange for personal gain),

College and University Professional Association for Human Resources/CUPA-HR (became addicted to adjunct abuse which expanded to all bodyshopping/gigging & privacy violation),

Color of Change (Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate),

Columbia Broadcasting System/ CBS,

Columbia U (privacy violator; incubator of freakazoid extreme leftists; CPT/OPT abuser, anti-Semitism),

Columbus Area Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Comcast (opposes competition; swaps monopoly territories to consolidate; exclusive contracts for sporting events; favors subsidizing & otherwise encouraging invasion of USA),

Compete America (Sandra Boyd; promotes cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Competitive Enterprise Institite/CEI (Daniel T. Griswold was a good guy who threw away ethics to support & promote cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Competitive Telecommunications Association,

Computer and Communications Industry Association/CCIA (Edward Black: Amazon, eBay, Google, MSFT are among members),

Computer Sciences Corp./CSC (bodyshop/gigger),

Computer Systems Policy Project/CSPP (chaired by Intel's Craig R. Barrett),

Computer Task Group/CTG (bodyshop/giggers),

Computing Technology Industry Association/CompTIA (Todd Thibodeaux, John Venator; lobbyists for off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping/gigging, discrimination against USA citizens),

Concentrix CVG Customer Management Group (privacy violator, off-shorer),

Conduent Commercial Solutions (bodyshopper/gigger, off-shorer),

Confederation of Indian Industry/CII,

Conference Board (promotes off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping/gigging, discrimination against USA citizens),


Consumer Electronics Association/CEA (Gary Shapiro),

Continental Tire the Americas (off-shores),

Convergys (Andrea Ayers, Andre S. Valentine, Claudia Cline, Michael L. Wooden, Marjorie Connelly; USA-based merged cross-border bodyshop/gigger),

Ron Conway,

Cornell U (abuser of CPT/OPT),


COSCO (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations)

Council for American Job Growth [for Guest-Workers but Not USA Citizens] (Mark Zuckerberg; promoter of worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Council for Global Immigration (formerly American Council on International Personnel, Austin Fragomen; promotes cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Council on Competitiveness,

Council of Regional Information Technology Associations/CRITA (Joan Myers),

Covetrus (bodyshop/giggers),

CREDO Mobile,

Crescendo Ventures (David Spreng),

Crossroads GPS/American Crossroads (American Action Network; Karl Rove),

Cummins (abuser of CPT/OPT; another old favorite which has disappointed continuing high expectations),

CUSEF (Tung Chee-hwa, Zhang Lei; "United Front", China United States Exchange Foundation; active lobbyists, bribe-artists in DC working for the Red China ruling criminal gangsters),

Custom Fab Solutions,

CVS (contracts with cross-border bodyshops/giggers),


Cypress Semiconductor (T.J. Rodgers: good guy gone bad from desire for cheap, pliant labor),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Dalian Wanda (of Red China owns AMC Cinemas; Wang Jianlin),

Danhua Capital (Red Chinese government),


Datamatics Ltd.,

DC/ Detective Comics (have joined the extreme loony Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist brain-washing, abandoned truth, justice, inherent rights, USA constitution, USA),

deCarta Inc. (Kim Fennell),

John Deere (early off-shorer & cross-border bodyshopper, abusing guest-work visas & using satellite communications to move CAD/CAM/CAE off-shore; another old favorite which has disappointed continuing high expectations),

Dell (Steve Price, Michael Dell; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping; abuses CPT/OPT, anything to avoid recruiting, training, relocating USA citizen talent),

Del Monte Foods (off-shores),

Deloitte (Eamonn Kelley; abusers of CPT/OPT),

Deloitte LLP (Joe Echevarria),

Deloitte & Touche USA (cross-border bodyshopper/gigger),

Delta Airlines (opposes respect for rights; opposes vote/election integrity, supports institutionalized vote/election corruption & fraud),

Digital Village (Don Means),

Discovery Communications,

Disney Corp. (Bob Iger, Bob Chapek; destroyed a great firm; Disney descendants have repeatedly demanded reforms of one kind or another; abuses cross-border bodyshopping/gigging {H-1B, J-1 summer work travel, H-2, F & M + CPT/OPT}; promoting corruption & perversion),

John Doerr (promoter of off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Domo (lobby for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

DoorDash (gigger/bodyshopper, illegal employer of illegal aliens),

DropBox (Aditya Agarwal, Drew Houston, Ruchi Sanghvi; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; campaign contributions to extreme leftists; funder of violent racist, anti-family, anti-USA, anti-Semites),

DTL Industries,

Duke U (cross-border bodyshopper/gigger),

Dulles Regional Chamber of Crony Socialists,

UNC Durham/Chapel Hill (cross-border bodyshopper/gigger),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)


eBay Inc. (John Donahoe, misanthropist Pierre Morad Omidyar),

eBusiness Application Solutions,

Echelon Corporation (Ronald Sege),

Economic Enervation Group (over-lapping membership with FWD),

Eden McCallum,

EDGEWOOD Ventures (Vishal Verma),

EDS (spun out from GM; founded by Ross Perot; bodyshop/giggers),

Elance, Inc. (Fabio Rosati),

Election Integrity Partnership/ actually, truth in advertising are some of their earlier names: Election MisInformation Project or Election DisInformation Partnership or Election Corruption Conspiracy (Alex Stamos; Stanford Internet Observatory, Atlantic Council Digital Forensics Research Lab, UWash Center for a DisInformed Public),

Electronic Industries Alliance (lobbies for bodyshopping/gigging),

Elon Musk (as over-crowding & over-population geometrically worsen, he yearns for more cheap, pliant labor, worse over-crowding, higher land & housing prices; OTOH, less biased regarding individualist vs. collectivist disputation),

Emblem Health Insurance (protection racket, privacy violator),


Engine Advocacy (Michael McGeary, Ryan Triplette),

Enterprise Business Solutions (bodshop/gigger; Rahul Khorjekar),

Equifax (major privacy violator),

Ericsson (Scandihoovia-based bodyshop),

Ernst & Young US LLP (bodyshop/gigger; abuser of CPT/OPT),

Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (promotes cross-border bodyshopping/gigging, low standards for visas, discrimination against USA citizens;   Laura Reiff),


Ever Union Capital (Che Feng, a.k.a. "Super Chairman", "SC"; associated with BiteMe Crime Family),

ExciteM (Belal Hummadi),


Expedia (contracts with cross-border bodyshops/giggers),

Experfy (Harpreet Singh),

Experian/ Hitwise (major privacy violator, intellectual property robber),

Expert360 (Paul Anderson),

Express Professionals (talk a good game, but it is apparently a bodyshop/gigger with extremely limited employment offerings; adamantly refuses to distinguish between gigs/giggers, bodyshops, contracts/contractors vs. real/ traditional/ long-term employment), ),

Exxon Mobil Corporation (oppose political free speech & debate),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

FB/ Meta/ Instagram/ WhatsApp/ Onavo/ DeepFace/ Threads/ Center for Tech & Civic Life (CTCL)/ FriendFeed (Mark Zuckerberg, Nick Clegg, Gene Alston, Roy Austin, Andrew Bosworth/ Boz, Chris Cox, Joel Kaplan, David Debartolo, Erin Egan, David Fischer, Chris Hughes, Brett Keintz, T.S. Khurana, Marne Levine, Rachel Lieber, Michael Matthews, Dustin Moskovitz, Ibrahim Okuyucu, Chamath Palihapitiya, Sean Parker, Shahriar Rabii, Guy Rosen, Ken Rudin, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Satterfield, Vaughan Smith, Colin Stretch, Anthea Strong, Chris Uperman, Michael Verdu, David Wehner, Tyler Winklevoss, Zaid Zaid;   anti-USA, anti-USA-constitution, privacy violator & major abuser & promoter of cross-border bodyshopping & abusers of CPT/OPT; racist, sexist, ageist, ethnist, nationalityist; suppressor of political debate & speech, distorter, disinformer, deceiver; supports continuing & expanding mass amnesties for NIGHTMARE invaders & other illegal aliens; conspiring with Red China ruling criminal gangsters; confessed election/vote corruption & fraud facilitators & operatives),

Factual (aggregator, reseller of personal private data others robbed/ thieved/ extorted from the owners; Gil Elbaz);

Faith in Action/ People "Improving" [i.e. harming people] Communities Through "Organizing"/ PICO/ FIA (promotes & takes USA tax-victim funding to promote invasion, undermining employment & compensation of USA citizen workers, driving up costs of housing & land & transportation & food),

Farmers protection racket/Zurich Financial Services (James Keefe, John Lynch, Michael L. Kent),

FCT US LLC (off-shores),

FedEx Express International (bodyshops via Wipro),

Federation of Indian Chambers of Communists and Industry (Ficci, Manab Majumdar; lobbies for cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Felonious State U/FSU (privacy violator & lobbyists against respect for privacy, cross-border bodyshopper/gigger; lobbyists for low-standards/no-standards & little oversight for & vastly excessive numbers of student visas),

Fidelity Investments (off-shorer, cross-border bodyshopper; privacy violators),


Finelite Inc. (Jerry Mix),

First Call Resolution (off-shores),

First Data,

First Draft (Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo..., FB, Twit, Washington Compost, NYSlimes, BuzzFeed, CNN, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg, Obummer Frontiers project to suppress free speech & debate...)

Fisker Automotive (electric vehicle firm never produced a vehicle, BiteMe Crime Family, Rosemont Seneca Partners, Wanxiang Group, Wanxiang America, Lu Guanqiu),

Fiverr (Micha Kaufman),

Flex (software to encourage illegal employment of illegal aliens as giggers/bodiesshopped),

Flextronics (Caroline Dowling),

Florida Association for the Red China Subjugation of the Republic of China on Taiwan 🇹🇼 (Xianqin Qu, Cindy Yang; tried to buy both Yebbie Boooosh & Donald J. Trump),

Florida Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Fluxtek Solutions (cross-border bodyshop; visa scamsters),

Flybridge Capital (Jeff Bussgang),

Foothills Temporary Employment (but at least they are that honest),

Ford Foundation (funder of violent racist, anti-family, anti-USA, anti-Semites),

Ford Motor Co. (Stephen Biegun; off-shores; cheer-leaders for off-shoring),

Foremost Maritine (links with Red China ruling criminal gangsters, McConnell-Chao Crime Family),

Formation 8 (lobby for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),


Founders Fund (Sean Parker; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping; campaign contributions to extreme leftists,

FourSquare (privacy violators),

Fox (Rupert Murdoch, and presumptive heirs),

Foxconn (Red China electronics factories; several contracts with Apple),

Fragomen (Austin Fragomen; sheisters; promote cross-border bodyshopping & suspected of scamming PERM process to get green cards for aliens by finding flimsy pretexts to declare all USA citizen employment applicants "unqualified"),


FUJIFILM Dimatix, Inc. (Martin Schoeppler),

Fusion GPS (Glenn Simpson, Reid Hoffman, Monica Graham, Peter Fritsch; political fraudsters/disinformationists),

FWD.us (lobby for cross-border bodyshopping for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics;   FB, MSFT...;   Mark Zuckerberg, Brian Walsh, Haley Barbour, Sally Bradshaw, Matt Cohler, Phillip Connor, Lars Dalgaard, Alida Garcia, Joe Green, Rob Jesmer, Joel Kaplan, Joe Lockhart, Scott Murphy, Eric Schmidt, Todd Schulte, Dan Senor, Eddie Taveras),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Gates Foundation/Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (subsidizing abuse of AI against freedom/liberty & privacy, supporting "disappearance" of opponents of authoritarian regimes, increasing influence of authoritarian regimes)

Gatorade (funder of violent racist, anti-family, anti-USA, anti-Semites)

GAVS Information Services Pty. Ltd. (bodyshop),

GE (spun off Genpact; off-shorer & cross-border bodyshopper & promoter of same; privacy violator),

Genentech, Inc.,

General Motors (GM; Mary Barra; off-shores & makes tech available to Red China; lobbies for unlimited cheap, pliant, low-skilled guest-workers with flexible ethics),

Genpact (spun off from GE; cross-border bodyshop; off-shorer; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Georgia-Pacific (off-shores),

Gerson Lehrman Group/GLG,

Gigster (Roger Dickey; promoter of bodyshopping),

GigWalk (promoter of bodyshopping),

Global Building Services (bodyshopper),

Global DisInformation Index/ GDI (disinformationists fueling violent extremism, power-madness, oath-breaking & rights violations by government officials & operatives; Clare Melford, Daniel Rogers, Finn Heinrich, Ben Nimmo, Cris Tardaguila),

Global Personnel Alliance (promoter of cross-border bodyshopping),

Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein, Gary Cohn, Steve Mnuchin; crony socialists; abuser of CPT/OPT; appear bought by Red China ruling criminal gangsters Xi Jinping & Wang Qishan & Fang Fenglei, CITIC; pseudo-privatizations; extreme off-shoring & guest-worker booster; underminer of USA intellectual property & security),

Goodyear (banned "blue lives matter", banned MAGA, allows extremist, violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist BLM),

Government Electronics and Information Technology Association/GEIA (Nick Paliokas),

GEICO/Government Employees Insurance Company (protection racket),

Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing (Neil Bush, Shrub's brother lobbied for; founded by Jiang Zemin's son to steal USA intellectual property),

Great Plains Regional Medical Center (privacy violator),

Greater El Paso Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Greater McLean Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Greater Sarasota Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Greater Seattle Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Greater Shreveport Chamber of Crony Socialists,

GreatPoint (crony socialist energy company; BiteMe Crime Family through Seneca Global Advisors, Xi Jinping at creation, Wanxiang Group, Lu Guanqiu, Obummer SecCommerce John Bryson),

GreyLock (Reid Hofman),

Grok (Rami Branitzky),

Groupon (Andrew Mason; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),


Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Robert Half-wit (clueless when it comes to tech, still thought the universe revolved around IBM & COBOL in 1995; abuser of CPT/OPT),


Hapyrus Inc. (Koichi Fujikawa),

Harley-Davidson (off-shores),



Harris Beach PLLC (Leonard d'Arrigo),

Harris Teeter (2022 June went full flaming Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist racist, racist critical theory, "gender" critical theory, RainBow Mafia, Wuhan critical theory, legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, critical theory, "machine learning «fairness»", socialist war against justice, oppositional riot theory insane),

Hattery (Josh Mendelsohn),

HCL (India-based cross-border bodyshop/gigger),

Health Care Cost Institute (conspiracy of protection racketeers; privacy violators though not as bad as many because it is anonymized before aggregation & analysis),




Hewlett-Packard (HP, Gary Fazzino, John Young, Carly Fiorino, Mark Hurd; once a great test-instruments firm sunk into low quality & corruption; bodyshops/gigs & promotes cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; off-shorer),

Hexaware (India-based cross-border bodyshop/giggers),

Hikvision (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations, surveillance, privacy violations),

Hill & Knowlton Strategies (Chad Wolf, lobbyist for NASSCOM promoting cross-border bodyshopping),

Hillhouse Capital (Zhang Lei; manages "investments" of Yale & other university endowments... to the benefit of the university executives, and the Red China ruling criminal gangsters, United Front...),

HNA Group (Tan Xiandong; Bushes),

Honeywell/HoneyBucket InterNational (once a good company; Darius Adamczyk; off-shores),

USA HUD (divert USA tax-victim funds to people who oppose political free speech & debate),

HPS America,

HRU Technical Resources,

Huawei (Ren Zhengfei, Tony Podesta; arm of Red China ruling gangsters; Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations; securty threat recognized by Australia, Republic of China, France, Germany, Japan, UK, USA),

Hudson Institute (Diana Furchtgott-Roth, not-entirely-honest issuer of "studies" promoting cross-border bodshopping/gigging),

Hudson IT & Telecommunications,

Humana (contracts with cross-border bodyshops),

Human Resources Policy Association (encouraging gigging),

Husqvarna (off-shores),

Hyatt (Jay Robert Pritzker),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

ICA Group,

iCIMS ("talent cloud" !*#-+$!= bodyshopper/gigger),

Iconix Brand Group Inc.,

ID³ (Sandy Pentland; privacy violation/re-selling scheme);

Ill-Begotten Monstrosities (IBM/Vallent/WatchMark) (Ginni Rometty, Samuel Palmisano; off-shorer; cross-border bodyshop that contracts with other cross-border bodyshops; abusers of CPT/OPT; history of bad operating systems; aided Nazis in eugenics & invasion preparations),

IEEE-USA (perverted by Bruce Morrison, Paul Donnelly & others),


iGate Mastech,

IDEA/TaskRabbit (bodyshop/gigger),

IDG Capital (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations),

Illinois Technology Association (Fred Hoch),

Immigration Voice (with financial backing from Qualcomm, etc.; lobby formed by bodies-shopped, promotes cross-border bodyshopping, low-standards/no-standards guest-work & rapid granting of green cards),

Import.io (aggregator, reseller of personal private info others robbed/thieved from the owners);

Indeed (adamantly refuses to distinguish between gigs/giggers, bodyshops, contracts/contractors vs. real employment),

Indiana Chamber of Crony Socialists,

IndiaPAC (promotes cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Inditex (slave labor in Xinjiang),

Industrial and Commercial Bank of Red China,

Infinera (Thomas Fallon),

Information Technology Industry Council/ITIC (promotes privacy violation, cross-border bodyshopping/gigging & off-shoring;   Accenture, Adobe, Apple, FB, Alphabet, MSFT, IBM, PWC, Tata, Cognizant...;   Jason Oxman, Dean Garfield, Andy Halataei, Ralph Hellmann, Kara Calvert, Jonathan Hoganson),

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (Robert D. Atkinson)

Infosys (Peter McLaughlin; cross-border bodyshop/gigger),

Infotree Service Inc/Infotree Global Services (cross-border bodyshop),

InfoUSA (Vinod Gupta),

Ingersoll Rand,

Inrix (privacy violators; intellectual property violators; trackers... in conspiracy with vehicle manufacturers & power-mad governments/bureaubums; tracks location, braking, speeds),

Insikt (James Gutierrez),

InSource Partners,


Instagram (Kevin Systrom; now owned by FB; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Integra Technologies (abusers of CPT/OPT; fraudulent employer/sponsor),

Intel (Bob Swan, Douglas Melamed, Craig Barrett, Peter J. Muller; over-priced, kludgy/inelegant products; historic abuser of illegal alien labor; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; abusers of CPT/OPT),

Intellective (web-weaving bodyshop),

Intellectual Ventures (Adriane Brown),



Interim Executive Association (Robert Jordan),

International Rectifier,

Internet Association (evil Alphabet/Google, Amazon, FB; ironic enemies of intellectual property, innovation, invention; privacy violators; giggers/bodyshoppers),

Intuit (Scott Cook),

iTrem (Robert Delano, Brian Parise; Georgia Tech; violating privacy of health/medical info),

ITServe Alliance (Mark Roberts; lobbyist for cross-border bodyshopping),

IT United,

ISCO International,

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

JP Morgan Chase/WePay (Jamie Dimon; contracts with cross-border bodyshops; abuser of CPT/OPT; hate-filled; oppose political free speech & debate; sequester accounts of non-leftists;   2024-02-16:JPMorgan allegedly pulling out of conspiracy to force corporations into "social emotional learning" (SEL); "social identity theory"; diversity barring, equality opposing, exclusionary, segregating "diversity, equity, inclusion"; ESG/ESCG),


Jan Medical (Paul Lovoi),

Jana (privacy violator/"reality mining"; way over the creepy line; Nathan Eagle; Massachusetts Institute of Technology/MIT),

Jaswa & Company (Rajen Jaswa),

Jawbone (Hosain Rahman; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; privacy violator; health/medical data transmitter),

JBS (over-consolidated food preppers; fraudsters oppose honest country of origin labeling),

Jenkins Peer Architects,

Johnson City/ Jonesborough/ Washington county Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Johnson & Johnson,

JumpStartUp Venture (promotes cross-border bodyshopping & privacy violation),

Juniper Networks (Kevin Johnson),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)



Keena Bodyshopping,

Kellogg Foundation (funder of violent racist, anti-family, anti-USA, anti-Semites; favors subsidies & other inducements to invasion of USA & other forms of illegal immigration; favors reducing employment & career prospects & compensation to USA citizen employees),

Kelly Services (William Kelly, Robert Fell; bodyshoppers/giggers),


Khosla Ventures (lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Kimberly Clark (off-shores),

KIZAN Technologies (bodyshop),


Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (Mary Meeker, John Doerr; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; campaign contributions to extreme leftists),

KLM Careers (bodyshop),


Kroger groceries (2022 June went full flaming Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist racist, racist critical theory, "gender" critical theory, RainBow Mafia, Wuhan critical theory, legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, critical theory, "machine learning «fairness»", socialist war against justice, oppositional riot theory insane),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Labor Policy Association (a.k.a. LPA Inc.; Michael Eastman)

Lancaster Chamber of Crony Socialists & Industry,

Larsen & Toubro InfoTech (cross-border bodyshoppers),

Lee & Hayes (Shaun Cross),

Leidos (medical privacy violators),

Levi Strauss,

Lex Machina (Josh Becker),

Lexington, NE, public schools,

Liberty Mutual protection racket (Ted Kelly),

Light Polymers (Marc McConnaughey),

LinkedIn/MSFT (privacy violators; founder Reid Hoffman, Catherine Fisher; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; campaign contributions to extreme leftists; supporter of rights violations by dictatorship of Red China),


Little Passports,

Litton (gave missile guidance tech to Red China),

LiveOps, Inc. (Marty Beard),

Liz Claiborne,

Lockheed Martin (privacy violators; oppose free speech & political debate; like to rig red-light cameras to maximize take rather than reality),

Lorex (former subsidiary of the camera maker Zhejiang Dahua Technology; slave labor),

Loudoun county Virginia public schools (2020 went full flaming Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist racist, racist critical theory, "gender" critical theory, RainBow Mafia, Wuhan critical theory, legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, critical theory, "machine learning «fairness»", socialist war against justice, oppositional riot theory brain-washing, rape-tolerating insane),

Lowe's (Robert Iblock),

Lucid Software Inc. (Karl Sun),

Lugar Hellman Group (Ralph Hellmann),

Luminix, Inc. (Geetha Vallabhaneni),

Lyft (gigger/bodyshopper; enforcers of hateful leftist agenda & suppression of those who disagree; privacy violators; Brandon Belford),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Tech Machindra (cross-border bodyshop),

Macy's (privacy violators),

Madrona Venture Group (Matt McIlwain),


MLB/Major League Baseball (government-enforced monopoly/restricted entry; oppose election/vote integrity),

Make the Road New York (FWD.us; Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt),

Elizabeth Herring Warren Mann (forked-tongue; bankruptcy scams, including those related to dodging liability; TARP bail-out scam; Business Talent Group/BTG;Jody Miller, Amelia Warren Tyagi; gigger/bodyshop; legislate & litigate to promote gigging/bodyshopping while cutting off the "little people" from benefits due by "traditional" long-term employment & in the "bankruptcy" cases due by contract; down-playing/covering up Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist politicians' responsibility for financial/mortgage melt-down 2003-2009; son-in-law with associates in India have produced propaganda videos for Iran & breweries in India & crazy California; wrote sweetheart legislation & regulations to favor clients of her daughter's gigging/bodyshopping operation, particularly medical tech outfits; on net, worse than most, slightly better than a few),

ManPOWER (Elmer Winter, father of bodyshopping/ gigging/ temping/ contingent in USA; see WEF),

Marlabs (abuser of CPT/OPT),

Marriott International (J.W. Marriott ii; privacy violators),

Roger Martin,

Marvel (have joined the extreme loony Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist brain-washing, abandoned truth, justice, inherent rights, USA constitution, USA),

Mary Lanning Hospital,

Maryland Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Mason City Area Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Mayo Clinic (Chris Ross; privacy violators),

Mass Mutual Life Insurance (protection racket; privacy violator),

Massachusetts Institute of Technology/MIT (abuser of CPT/OPT; privacy violator/"reality mining"; way over the creepy line; Sandy Pentland, Nathan Eagle),

Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council (Tom Hopcroft; promotes cross-border bodyshopping/gigging for cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics, discrimination against USA citizen STEM professionals),


MasterCard/ MasterCard Advisors (a.k.a. MasterKKKard; privacy violation; promotion of elements of leftist agenda, cross-border bodyshopping, Wipro; Ajaypal Singh Banga, Richard Haythornthwaite),

Masswell Development Group Inc. (abusers of CPT/OPT; fraudulent employer/sponsors with scams persisting for 3 years after the firm was allegedly dissolved),

MBO Partners,


McAllen Chamber of Crony Socialists,

McCalmont Engineering (Darlene McCalmont),

McClatchy (disinformation),

Marion McGovern,

McGraw-Hill Companies,

McInnis Contracting Services (bodyshopper),

McKinsey/ McKinsey Global Institute (James O. McKinsey founder 1926; Marvin Bower joined 1933, Rajat Gupta, Jeff Skilling, Ethan M. Rasiel...; since 1970s wrecked several great firms that previously had great products & great culture, reasonable prices, reasonable compensation, training, etc.;   drove Enron scamming;   encouraged protection rackets to stop being insurors, to short-change/ defraud/ engage in bad-faith denial of legitimate claims of policy-payers; &nbps; promoted off-shoring & bodyshopping, gigging/ temping/ contingent employment, & pushed them on clients;   boosted sales of addictive OxyContin AFTER Perdue pled guilty of mislabeling/fraud in 2008, increasing to $3G by 2010 as deaths increased to 14K;   encourages intellectual property/personal private info robbery & theft & re-sale),

Mean-Spirited Media Mutters against the USA/ Media Mutters Malevolent Action Conspiracy/ anti-American Bridge super-PAC/ anti-American Bridge 21st Century/ Extremely Truly Red Media/ Red Nation Review/ ShareRed/ Corrupt the Record/ Citizens Against Responsibility and Ethics in Washington DC (CREW/CAREW)/ Communist Purpose Project/ Anti-USA Priorities/ Message Mutters/ Regressive Media/ Regressive Talent Initiative/ Political Corruption Project to Attack Non-Collectivists/ Fakes First (shoddy, deceptive, bonkers, nutty, discredited, debunked, phony, tin-foil hat, conspiracy theorists David Brock, Mary Pat Bonner, Bradley Beychok, Angelo Carusoen, Paul Egerman, Karl Frisch, Mark Glaze, Barbara Lee, Jordan Libowitz, Jim Messina, Haim Saban, Stephen M. Silberstein, George Soros, Brad Woodhouse)

MedStar Washington DC Hospital Center (pioneer in medical/health privacy violation; developers of Azyxxi/Amalga)

Megvii (facial recognition to aid in abuse of Uyghurs/Uighurs, Persians, Turks, Greeks... by Red China ruling criminal gangsters),

Mercatus Center/CEI (Daniel T. Griswold; supports people being dishonest in arguing/lobbying for cross-border bodyshopping, gigging, & discrimination against USA citizens),

Mercury (Bryan Lanza; lobbying for Red China ruling criminal gangsters & their pet espionage operativ... er, uh, legitimate business executives in name only; lobbied for Red China government telecomm ZTE, China Development Research Foundation & Espionage, Hikvision),

MetroWest Chamber of Crony Socialists,

MetLife (protection racketeers; privacy violators),


MSFT/ LinkedIn/ Bing/ Xander/ Windoze Azure MarketPlace/ MSLSD/ Azyxxi/ Amalga / Farecast/ Outlook/ Access/ SQL Server/ Skype/ Azure/ Xbox/ Activision-Blizzard (Brad Smith, Fred Humphries, Bill Gates, Paul Jacobs, Steven A. Ballmer, Jack Krumholz, Satya Nadella;   PermaTemp scam; major abuser and promoter of cross-border bodyshopping/gigging for cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics, discrimination against USA citizen STEM professionals; abusers of CPT/OPT;   oppose political free speech & debate;   blocking search results which would link to non-collectivist firms & charities, suppress donations & ad revenues to such firms & charities;     consistently, systematically bad software & human interface design (have kludgy, pre-broken operating systems, wreck software of taken-over software product/software publishing firms; evil JavaScript client-side malware;   double-clicks do not select word on your systems & apps, triple-click does not select sentence nor paragraph, proper ISO date-time formats are blocked, no way to close last browser window without quitting browser so one can clear history, cookies, etc., before quitting;   evil comma-separated-values but no tab-separated-values... though some apps have at least begun to recognize NL/line-feed as line end as per UNIX variants, CR-LF line ends, CR line ends, but not LF-CR line ends, and sometimes erroneously treats CR-LF line end as two line-ends;   yammering herky-jerky tabloid/collectivist non-sense as web browser start page, ignores user-chosen search page as default;   general, system-wide preferences/ settings/ properties are not general, do not allow compatible app-level default preference settings, nor within file/document specific over-rides...   klunky kludgey broken bones software everywhere!);   massively intrusive privacy violators, thieves & robbers & aggregators & re-sellers of personal private info including health/medical info (no, you do NOT have permission to track & record my web browsing; no, you do NOT have permission to steal copies of my files; you do NOT have permission to store my files on your devices, to analyze, to copy...; NO, my birth-date and the birth-dates of my family, friends, etc. are NONE OF YOUR *!%#+! BUSINESS!);   inculcators of fear, hysteria, helplessness, & depression;   receiving funding from corrupt, rights-violating Clinton-Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime;   support/participate-in power-mad elitist globalist World Economic Forum;   on the positive side, Bill funds nets/screens to hamper speed of spread of malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, meningitis;     see also MSLSD),

Mindtree (India-based cross-border bodyshop),

Minority Business RoundTable,

MKS Instruments,

MobileCause (discrimination on basis of religion against non-denominational Family Research Coucil; Victor Limongelli),


MoneyGram (Anja Manuel; privacy violation for draconian dictatorships... and financial transactions & monitoring),

Monster (adamantly refuses to distinguish between gigs/giggers, bodyshops, contracts/contractors vs. real employment),

Morgan Stanley (abusers of CPT/OPT; under-writers or IPO of evil privacy violating, communications blocking FB; appears bought by Red China ruling criminal gangsters Xi Jinping & Wang Qishan),


MoveOn (George Soros, Eli Pariser, Tom Matzzie; power-mad elitists & Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists; advocates for rights violations),

Mphasis (India-based cross-border bodyshop),

M Squared Consulting (bodyshop/gigger; Chris Neal),

Mu Sigma,

Mydex (marketeers of personal private info they should never have had),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People/NAACP (historically good & bad; now Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate),

NAFSA: Association of International Educators/Brain-Washers (feeds cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor pipe-line, keeping standards low, minimize screening & oversight, which also facilitates placement of hostile spies & operatives),

Nanophase Technologies,

NASDAQ OMX (Robert Greifeld),

NASSCOM (lobby for ever-worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging & off-shoring & discrimination against USA citizen STEM professionals;   Gagan Sabharwal, Kiran Karnik, Ameet Nivsarkar, Deepakshi Jha, Som Mittal, Robert D. Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers International, Brookings Institution, Heritage Foundation),

Nabisco (National Biscuit Company; funder of violent racist, anti-family, anti-USA, anti-Semites)

National Committee on Immigration (Chinese Students, Scholars & Professionals; some good people, many spies & operatives hostile to USA),

National Foreign Trade Council (William Reinsch),

National Association of Manufacturers/NAM (Joe Trauger, Jay Timmons; lobby for ever-worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

National Association of Professional Employer Syndicates (bodyshoppers),

National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges and other assorted felons (promotes & defends privacy violation, excessive low-standards/no-standards student visas, CPT, OPT, discrimination against USA citizens),

NATS (bodyshoppers; Samuel Sacco),

National Broadcasting Corporation/NBC/MSLSD (Bill Gates),

National Council of Collectivist Churches/World Council of Collectivist Churches (NCC/WCC, United Against Peace & Justice; oppose border security, integration/assimilation; crony socialists heavily subsidized by tax-victims),

National Council of the Racists/Unidosus (promotes invasion, illegal immigration, violation & weakening of reasonable immigration laws;   Janet Murguia),

National Defense Industrial Association,

National Foundation for American Policy/Stuart Anderson (lobbyist/propagandist for weakening visa/immigration laws, lowering/eliminating standards, weakening screening; cross-border bodyshopping for cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics; driving down compensation & working conditions for USA citizens)

National Immigration Forum/NIF (promotes cross-border bodyshopping for cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics;   Dale Frederick Swartz/Rick Swartz, Ali Noorani),

National Independent Bodyshopping Association/NISA,

National Semiconductor (Brian Halla; once had great products),

National Venture Capital Association/NVCA (Bobby Franklin),


NeoTech Solutions (Krishna Reddy),

Netflix (Reed Hastings; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping; privacy violator; pushes Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist propaganda/brain-washing),


Network Appliance/NetApp,

NeverTrump PAC (misanthropist Pierre Morad Omidyar),

New American Economy/NAE (working to flood USA with cheap, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics; Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, J.W. Marriott),

New American Foundation/NAF/i.e.Destroy the USA Foundation (Steve Coll, Eric Schmidt, Rita Hauser, Richard Medley, Peter Beinart, Mark Schmitt; working to flood USA with cheap, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics; supports extreme leftist politicians & tries to claim they are "moderate" or "outside party politics"; ties with extreme leftist anti-Israel J Street, George Soros, Clinton Crime Family, Barack Hussein Obummer),

New England Council (James T. Brett),

New Jersey Technology Council (Maxine Ballen),

New Knowledge (political fraudsters/disinformation),

New Partnership for a New American Economy (Jeremy Robbins),

New York Life (protection racket, privacy violator),

NewsCorp (Rupert Murdoch),

nFuzion (bodyshop),


Nielsen (off-shorer & cross-border bodyshopper; promise-breakers),

Nike (Mark Parker; a brand for Red China ruling criminal gangsters),

99 Designs,



Nokia (privacy violations; favors oligopoly),

Nokia Siemens Networks (cross-border bodyshoppers/giggers),

Norfolk Area Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Norrell Corporation (bodyshopper),

Nortel (privacy violations; favors oligopoly),

North Carolina Technology Association (Joan Myers),

NorthEast Utilities/Eversource Energy (supports local monopolies, government-forced barriers to entry, opposes customer options & competition; supports privacy-violating idiot-meters),

Northern Kentucky Chamber of Crony Socialists (lobbies for cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Northern Virginia Technology Council/NVTC (Bobbie Kilberg; lobbies for cross-border bodyshopping),

nThrive Solutions (bodyshop; off-shores),

NTT Data Services (bodyshop),

nxp Semiconductors (Randell J. McMills),

NYSlimes (Ochs; disinformationists, supporters of power-mad governments, news-suppressors for nearly a century),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Object Solutions Inc. (K. Gupta),

OCZ Technology Group, Inc. (Ralph Schmitt),

Olsten (bodyshoppers),

Omaha Public Schools,

One Click Contractors (bodyshoppers),

One Kings Lane (lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Ooma (Eric Stang),

OpenCoin, Inc. (Chris Larsen),

Open Society Foundations (Make the Road, Center for Popular "Democracy", Lawyers' Committee for [against] Civil Rights Under Law; oppose natural rights & border security; oppose USA constitution bill of rights; conspired with CTCL; George Soros, Andrew Friedman, Ana Maria Archila, Javier Valdes...)


OPNET Technologies,


Oracle/Oracle Financial Services (Blue Kai, Safra Catz, Jason Mahler, Larry Ellison, Robert Hoffman, Mark Hurd; facilitate & encourage privacy violation, promoters of a single, integrated national/international data-base of info on every human: financial, medical/health, property, when you're sleeping, when awake, location & location history, what you've read, watched, eaten... or so he has openly asserted with the aim of applying AI to it; cross-border bodyshop; lobbies for unlimited cheap, pliant, low-skilled guest-workers with flexible ethics),

OutSource Partners International of New York,

OverSeas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC; subsidize with tax-victim funds the corrupt in the USA to promote elitist government/business operations in places like Red China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, while enriching the corrupt crony socialists in the USA),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Pacific Gas & Electric/PG&E (cross-border bodyshopper; privacy violator; monopolist),

Pacific Institute for Community Organization/PICO National/Faith in Action (John Baumann),

Pahrump Valley Chamber of Crony Socialists,


Panasonic Corporation of North America (Joseph Taylor),

Paparelli & Partners, LLP,

Partnership for a New [dysfunctional] American Economy/PNAE (CEOs from Amex, Disney, MSFT, Hewlett Packard, Marriott International, Fox, FB..., leftist mayors and former mayors like Julian Castro of San Antonio, Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, Annise Parker of Houston and Michael Bloomberg of New York City their full list (pdf)),

Patagonia (insane watermelon climate hysteria),

Path (?short for pathogenic?; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

PathAI (Andy Moffit, Andrew Beck, Aditya Khosla, Ryan McLoughlin, Saumya Pant, Jiayi Hao, Ilya Bass, Tiffany Freitas, Liz Storti, Joe Adu, Mike Montalto; David Fialkow of General Catalyst; Boston, Austin, NY; works for Red China ruling criminal gangsters),


Patreon (turns to the dark-side, black-listing non-leftist business-owners/businesses),

Squire Patton Boggs/ Patton Boggs LLP (leftist lobbyists; Cokehead Roberts of NPR/CPB/PBS is daughter of one of the founding partners & still promoting collectivism),

PayPal (privacy violators & enforcers of hateful leftist agenda & suppression of non-leftists; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping; backers of privacy violation, data aggregation, & abuse;   Reid Hoffman, Max Levchin, Dan Schulman: known as PayPal Mafia),


People Acting in Community Together (Mohammedan terrorist links),

People Against the USA Way (Scott Foval, Norman Lear, Tony Podesta, George Soros),


Pepsico (Indra Nooyi, Ramon Laguarta),

Pinnacle Solutions Inc. (bodyshop),

Pinterest (privacy violators; political banners; disinformationists),

Plattsburgh - North Country Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Pokeware (Maryse Thomas),

Populus Group (abusers of CPT/OPT),

Powershift Ventures,

Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education & Immigration/Presidents' Immigration Alliance (against privacy, against employment opportunities for USA citizens, against business investment in training & relocating USA citizen employees, pushing compensation & working condition depression; FWD.us; Miriam Feldblum; Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt; claim renaissance of USA citizen employment, earnings, & working conditions would be a "severe national & global" result)

PriceWaterhouseCoopers/Price Waterhouse Coopers/PWC/ Coopers & Lybrand (promoters of bodyshopping; abusers of CPT/OPT),

Principal International Inc.,

ProPublica (anti-USA-citizen, anti-USA-constitution, anti-free-speech, anti-debate; funded by extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists many from outside USA),

Protect Democracy/Assault Liberty/Assault Democracy (misanthropist Pierre Morad Omidyar),


Prudential protection racket (Thomas Crawford),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Qihoo 360 (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations),

Qualcomm (Paul Jacobs, Alice Tornquist; buddies of Bill Gates; promoters of gigging, off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping; abusers of CPT/OPT; discrimination against USA citizen STEM professionals; will let a few train cheap, young, pliant, ignorant, low-skilled guest-workers with flexible ethics on a gig/temp/contingent/consulting/contract basis, but not hire USA citizens to design & develop software or hardware),


Quinn Gillespie & Associates LLC (Nick Maduros),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Rackspace (Lanham Napier),

Rainbow Design Services (bodyshop),

Randstad (abuser of CPT/OPT),


Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications (i.e. propaganda),

Raytheon (oppose free speech & political debate),


Red China Construction Bank,

Red China General Chamber of Crony Socialists/CGCC (with espionage-centers in Chicagoland, Houston, DC, Los Angeles, & San Fransicko),

ReDefine America (Jose A. Vargas),

Red Hat,

Reddit (Steve Huffman/spez, Jessica Ashooh;   privacy violators, crowdsource abusers, suppressors of political speech & debate & petition or redress of grievances),

Reebok (fraud, significant amounts of that "leather" is painted fabric that fails, soles that de-laminate, uppers that tear loose; once reasonable but slid down the quality ramp rapidly),

Regressive Change Campaign Committee (Schmutzie Schumer, Harry Reid, Elizabeth Herring Warren Mann, Amelia Warren Tyagi),

Regressive protection racket,

Remedy (bodyshoppers/giggers franchise),

Renren (tech tyrants for tyrants),

@ReturnLogic (Peter Sobotta),

Revere Copper Products (Brian O'Shaughnessy; plummeting quality, rising prices),

Revolution LLC (Steve Case),

Rice, Hadley, Gates, & Manuel/RHGM (Condoleezza Rice, Stephen J. Hadley, Robert Gates, Anja Manuel; see also RWC Partners/RedWheel/ Red Wheel Capital)

Richardson Electronics,

RoadNet (privacy violation scheme spun off from UPS/UPS Logistics; Len Kennedy),

Roark Landscape Corporation (Alan Roark),


Rosemont Seneca Bohai (BiteMe Crime Family, Heinz-Kerry Crime Family, Red China ruling criminal gangsters)

Rosemont Seneca Partners (BiteMe Crime Family, Heinz-Kerry Crime Family),

Rosemont Seneca Thornton, LLC (BiteMe Crime Family, Heinz-Kerry Crime Family),

Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of Crony Socialists,

RWC Partners/RedWheel/ Red Wheel Capital (John M. Mallow, Tord Stallvik, Justin Craib-Cox, Davide Basile, Yasuaki Kinoshita, Nick Clay, Cressida Williams, Nigel Hill, Peter Clarke, Huan Ke; sell USA down the river, help give Western tech for privacy violation, liberty-reduction to hostile, force initiating, rights-violating foreign powers like Red China... for personal gain),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)


SalesForce.com (Marc Benioff; privacy violators, bodyshoppers, advocates of infanticide/abortion/baby-murdering),

Samsug Research America (abusers of CPT/OPT),

Sandler Foundation (anti-USA-constitution),

San Jose Evergreen/Community College District (Rita Cepeda),

Santa Rosa Chamber of Crony Socialists,

SAP Labs North America/ SAP (Barbara Holzapfel; facilitate privacy violation)

Satyam (cross-border bodyshop/gigger),

Savantis Solutions LLC (cross-border bodyshop),


Charles Schwab Investment Management/Genpact,

SCMP (slave labor in Xinjiang),

ScoreCard Research,

Systems Development Corporation Integrated Services Inc./ SDC, ISI (bodyshop/gigger/contractor),

Seagate Technology (used to make some quality products; use/abuse illegal alien labor),

Securitas (off-shorer),


Semiconductor Equipment & Materials International/SEMI (lobbies for off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; SEMI maintains offices in Austin, TX; Beijing, Red China; Brussels, Belgium; Hsinchu, Moscow, Russia; San Jose, CA; Seoul, South Korea; Shanghai, Red China; Singapore, Malaysia?; Tokyo, Japan; and Washington, DC) (Denny McGuirk, Victoria Hadfield),

Semiconductor Industry Association/SIA (Brian Toohey, Patrick Wilson; promotes tech transfer to hostile, dictatorial regimes; promotes moving more semiconductor manufacturing to Red China; promotes cross-border bodyshopping),

Sense Networks (privacy violators/ intellectual property robbers),

SenseTime (Tang Xiao'ou; Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations, slave camp supervision),

SEIU/Service Employees International Union (Eliseo Medina; UHW, started good as 9to5, but took a hard turn to the abusive left),

Shapiro Foundation (favors subsidies & other inducements to invasion of USA & other forms of illegal immigration; favors reducing employment & career prospects & compesation to USA citizen employees),

Shift Pixy (Steven Holmes),

Shopko (off-shores),

ShortList (Joey Fraser),

Siemens (Germany-based cross-border bodyshop/giggers),

Sierra Atlantic,

Silicon Valley Bank (Greg Becker),

Silicon Valley Leadership Group (Carl Guardino),

Silver Spring Networks (Scott Lang),

SingHaiyi Group Ltd, American Pacific International Capital/APIC (Neil Bush, Gordon Tang, Huaidan Chen; Red China ruling criminal gangster influence operation, real estate acquisitions, Red China Political Consultative Conerence/CPPCC),

Singing Hills, Inc. (Mike Leman),

Sitel Operating (off-shores),

Skaneateles (BiteMe Crime Family),

Skechers (slave labor in Xinjiang),


Sleeping Giants (Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate),

SnapChat (Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate),

Social Capital (Chamath Palihapitiya; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Society for Human Resource Management (i.e. bodyshops/gigging),

Sofinnova Ventures,

Software & Information Industry Association/SIIA (Ken Walsch),

Software Technology Parks of India,

Solo Project (George Gendron),


Southern California Edison/SCE (displaced/dumped USA citizens for cross-border bodyshopping/gigging for cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics; discriminate on the basis of sex, race, nationality),

SpaceX (lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

SpareHire (Vikram Ashok),

Spartanburg Area Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Specialty Technologies, LLC (Gary Yacoubian),

Spherion Staffing (bodyshop/gigger),

Springfield Area Chamber of Crony Socialists,

SPSS (once decent statistics software),

Squire Patton Boggs (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations),


Leland Stanford juior University (abusers of CPT/OPT),

Starbucks (Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, Gordon Bowker, Dervala Hanley, Howard Schultz, Kevin Johnson, Myron E. Ullman, Mellody Hobson),

State Farm protection racket: Like a Creepy Neighbor.com (Jose Soto),

Stealth Worker (Ken Baylor),

Sternhill Partners,

Stillwater Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Streck Labs,


Stuart/Martin county Chamber of Crony Socialists,

West Region, Suffolk (Andrew Ball),

Sun Microsystems (Scott McNealy, Ken Alverez; privacy violators merged with Oracle; had had some decent UNIX-based work-stations in last half of 1980s),

Sunnyvale Chamber of Crony Socialists,

SunTrust (joined the privacy violation + gigging band-wagon),

SV Angel (Ron Conway; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging; campaign contributions to extreme leftists),

Rick Swartz,

Sybase (privacy violators & promoters of privacy violation),

Sylvatex Inc. (Virginia Klausmeier),

Symantec (Steve Bennett, Kevin Richards; cross-border bodyshops/gigs; off-shores),

Synopsys, Inc. (Aart de Geus),

Syntel (bodyshop),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Tacoma-Pierce county Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Tapping America's Potential [sapping USA's potential],

Target (Dayton-Hudson spin out; used to be low quality products for proportionately low prices, but quality drop with price rises; pushing crazy illiberal leftist LGBTQIP++ agenda),

TaskRabbit (gigger/bodyshopper),

Tata Group/TCS (India-based cross-border bodyshoppers & off-shorers; discriminate against USA citizen STEM professionals, ageist, ethnist, nationalityist, sexist; intellectual privacy/crowd-sourcing thief; Mike McCabe, William S. Cohen),

Teamly Inc (Scott Allison),

TechAmerica (Shawn Osborne, Robert Callahan),

Tech Mahindra Americas,

TechNet (Alix Burns, Geoff Wurzel, Rey Ramsey, Lezlee Westine, Rick White, Jim Hock, Jim Hawley, Jeff Modisett, John Doerr, Jim Barksdale, E. Floyd Kvamme, Rick White, Wade Randlett; promoters of off-shoring & cross-border bodyshopping),

TechNexus LLC (Terry Howerton),

Technology Association of America/TechAmerica (formerly ITAA; Harris Miller, Jeff Lande, Robert Laurence, Phillip Bond, Joe Tasker, Cindy Jimenez [former Pelosi staffer]; lobbyists for off-shoring, tech transfer & cross-border bodyshopping),

Technology CEO Council (Dell, HP, Intel, IBM, Motorola...; Bruce Mehlman),

Technology First (Ann Gallagher),

Technology Industry Council,

Technology Partners International (Siddharth Pai),

TechServe Alliance (Mark Roberts),

TED (Richard Saul Wurman),

Telecommunications Industry Association/TIA (Grant Seiffert; oppose competition),

Telefonica; Telefonica Digital Insights (privacy violators; intellectual property robbers/re-sellers),

Tellon Trading,

TempNet Staffing Association (lobbyists for bodyshopping),

Tenneco Automotive Operating (off-shorer),

Tennessee Chamber of Crony Socialists & Industry (lobbyists for cross-border bodyshopping),


TerraPower (Bill Gates, Roger Reynolds; seem to be helping Red China ruling criminal gangsters develop nuclear power, nuclear powered UAVs & aircraft carriers & submarines),

Tesla (lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping/gigging, climate hysteria, crony socialism; abusers of CPT/OPT),

Texas Children's Hospital (mutilated, drugged, abused children, then retaliated against whistle-blowers)

Texas Instruments (Rich Templeton, Paula Collins, Tom Engibous),

Think Regress (Judd Legum),

Thornton Group (participants in Bohai Harvest RST with BiteMe Crime Family),

3G/Three G/3G Capital (Jorge Paulo Lemann, Carlos Brito; financial misrepresentations; Kraft Heinz/ InterBrew/ Anheuser-Busch/ Ambev/ Interbrew/ AB InBev/ SABMiller/ Oscar Mayer/ Burger King/ Restaurant Brands International/RBI/ Tim Hortons),

Tides Center (funder of violent racist, anti-family, anti-Semites);

Tides Foundation/ Tides Center/ Media Mutters Against the USA (Drummond Pike, George Soros),

TiE (Rajen Jaswa),

T-Mobile (privacy violator; opposes competition; promotes & abuses cross-border bodyshopping; supports rioting initiators of force; Mike Sievert),

TikTok/ByteDance (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations)

Time Warner/DC Warner Time (crowd-sourcing abuse; have joined the extreme loony Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist brain-washing, abandoned truth, justice, inherent rights, USA constitution, USA),

Tompkins county Chamber of Crony Socialists,



Towers Perrin (bodyshoppers),

Toys-R-Us (bodyshops, off-shores),


Translate Abroad (Ryan Rogowski),

TransPak, Inc. (Robert Lally),

TransUnion (privacy violator),

Tribune Publishing,

Trillium Bodyshopping,

Trimble Navigation (Steven Berglund),

TripAdvisor (Stephen Kaufer),

Trudeau family (Pierre Trudeau, Justin Trudeau, Alexandre Trudeau, Jacques Hebert; have expressed great admiration for collectivism, particularly the dictatorial and brutal Red Chaina dictatorship over republics & representative government & democracy and dispensing with all that respect for individual rights; pay no attention to those 20M, 40M, 50M, 55M people murdered by the regime, the extension of basic human amenities like extermination camps & slave camps & brain-washing, er, uh, re-education/ appropriat-thought camps; so, in retrospect, his violent reaction to the truckers' Freedom Caravan is consistent),

Tsai foundations, Tsai Center at Yale (Joe Tsai, Paul Gewirtz, Jamie Horsley, Jake Sullivan, Jeff Prescott, Mira Rapp-Hooper; deception, disinformation, propaganda for Red China ruling criminal gangsters, striving to influence & deceive university executives, administrators, faculties, students; La Jolla/San Diego, Guernsey, Hong Kong; socialist warriors against justice),

TwinWest Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Twit/ Square (Kayvon Beykpour, Dick Costolo, Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde, James Kelm, Trenton Kennedy, Ryan Oliver, Yoel Roth, Evan Williams, Nicole Wong, socialist warrior against justice Del Harvey, self-described "s**tty person" Olinda Hassan; privacy violator; promoter & sustainer of conversational disease; suppression of political debate & speech; promoter of immoral illiberal leftists, anti-USA, anti-USA-constitution... though improving over the last few years since Elon Musk purchased),

Tyson frankenfoods (illegal alien labor abuse to suppress compensation & working conditions, fraudsters oppose honest country of origin labeling, allied with Clinton Crime Family),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Uber (Travis Kalanick, Scott Belsky; gigger/bodyshop; illegal employer of illegal aliens; enforcers of hateful leftist agenda & suppression of those who disagree; privacy violators),

UnAmerican Express (racist, racist critical theory, "gender" critical theory, RainBow Mafia, Wuhan critical theory, legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, critical theory, "machine learning «fairness»", socialist war against justice, oppositional riot theory brain-washing)

Under Armour (Kevin Plank; botched contract with USA Olympic team; fraudulent financial reporting),

Unilever (Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate)

Union Pacific,

Union Square Ventures (lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Uniqlo (slave labor in Xinjiang),

United Technologies (a once great firm, off-shores),

UN, UNAOC, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNIOM, UNRWA, UN "Refugee Agency"... (they have certainly mastered Orwellian newspeak, doublethink, doublespeak, rape, murder, supply tools & materials, employment & protection for terrorists)


University of crazy California system (Janet Napolitano;   privacy violator & lobbyists against respect for privacy; cross-border bodyshopper; lobbyists for low-standards/no-standards & little oversight for & vastly excessive numbers of student visas, CPT, OPT; freakazoid very extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist incubator),

University of Florida at HogTown (privacy violator & lobbyist against respect for privacy; CPT/OPT abuser),

U of Illinois/UIUC (privacy violator & lobbyists against respect for privacy, cross-border bodyshopper; lobbyists for low-standards/no-standards & little oversight for & vastly excessive numbers of student visas, CPT, OPT; freakazoid extreme leftist incubator),

U of Illinois at Chicago/UIC (privacy violator & lobbyists against respect for privacy, cross-border bodyshopper; lobbyists for low-standards/no-standards & little oversight for & vastly excessive numbers of student visas, CPT/OPT abuser),

University of Michigan (mixed record),

University of Southern California (abuser of CPT/OPT),

Unum Group,

UpCounsel (Mason Blake),

UPS (privacy violator; Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist enforcers),

UpWork/ eWork/ oDesk/ Elance (Stephane Kasriel; bodyshopping cubed),


USA Chamber of Crony Socialists (Essential Worker Immigration Coalition, USA-India Strategic Conspiracy Forum; Ron Eidshaug, Jeff Lungren, Angelo I. Amador, Tom Donohue; oppose competitive markets; promote cross-border bodyshopping/gigging & discrimination against USA citizens; oppose prosecution & significant deterrence/penalties for employers of illegal aliens; subsidize & encourage invasion & other illegal immigration),

US Coalition of Service Industries (J. Robert Vastine),

USA-China Chamber of Crony Socialists (Prescott Bush 1993),

U.S. Council for International Business,

US-Fujian Chamber of Crony Socialists,

U.S.-India Business Council/USIBC (Indra Nooyi, William S. Cohen; lobbyists for cross-border bodyshopping),

USA-India Strategic Conspiracy Forum/USISP (USA Chamber of Crony Socialists, Essential Worker Immigration Coalition, Cheap WorkForce Mobility Committee; Ron Eidshaug, Jeff Lungren, Angelo I. Amador, Tom Donohue, senator Kevin Cramer)

US India Political Action Committee (Sanjay Puri; lobbyists for cross-border bodyshopping),

UST (India-based cross-border bodyshop),

US-Zhejiang General Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Forces of Evil (FoEs)


Value Consulting (Violet Thakkar, Ashish Sawhney; cross-border bodyshopping, fraud, abuse of bodies shopped),

Luis van Ahn (CAPTCHA=Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, ReCAPTCHA; individualizing/corporatizing gains & collectivizing costs while violating privacy, abusing personal private info),

Vanguard Group (cross-border bodyshops through Infosys & TCS; all in on extreme power-mad Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist agenda),

VASCO Data Security,

Venmo (enforcers of hateful leftist agenda & suppression of those who disagree),

Venrock Associates,

Veridic Solutions (abuser of CPT/OPT; fraudulent employer/sponsor),

VeriSign (a.k.a. VerySlime; privacy violator),


Verizon Communications (Shellye L. Archambeau, Mark Bertolini, Richard Carrion, Melanie Healey, M. Frances Keeth, Lowell McAdam, Clarence Otis ii, Daniel H. Schulman, Rodney E. Slater, Kathryn A. Tesija, Hans Vestberg, Gregory Wasson, Gregory G. Weaver, Rich Young; oppose competition & customer options; privacy violator; off-shores; Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists oppose free speech & debate),

Vermont Regional Test Center (RTC; David Blittersdorf et al.; solar energy testing crony socialist Bernie Sanders scam subsidized to the tune of millions taken from tax-victims),

Virgin America (David Cush),

Virginia Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Visa (kkkredit kkkards; privacy violators),

Volt (bodyshop & promoter of bodyshopping),

Volvo Group North America,

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Wal-Mart/ WM/ Jet/ Bonobos (encourages down-engineering, lowering product quality without commensurate price reductions = the quality is taken out before the name/brand/logo goes on [cutting quality 60% & price 5%]; frequent employee abuse going back decades, even abuse of managers; CPT/OPT abuser; but have donated to some non-collectivist political campaigns),

Wanda America Group (Red China; Wang Jianlin),

Wanhua Chemical (Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations),

Warburg Pincus,

Washington DC ComPost (Jeff Bezos, S. Kalita Mitra; leftist propaganda/deceit/disinformation),

Washington Technology Industry Association (Susan Sigl; promoters or tech transfer, off-shoring, cross-border bodyshopping/gigging),

Wausau Region Chamber of Crony Socialists,

Wayfair (abusers of CPT/OPT),

Weibo (tech tyrants for tyrants),

Welcome US (Clintoon, Shrub, Obummer; encourages & subsidizes invaders),

Wellcome Trust/ Wellcome-Sanger/ Wellcome Genone (racist eugenecists, transhumanists; Henry Solomon Wellcome, Eric Schmidt, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Julian Huxley; HARPA; WEF; BiteMe Crime Family),

Wells Fargo (privacy violation, imposing illiberal leftist politics; contracts with cross-border bodyshops/giggers; joined in on mortgage disaster; now part of AmEx),

Western Digital Corporation (Steve Milligan),

Western Electric,

Western Union (opposes competition),

Westly Group (Steve Westly),

Wexler & Walker (Chad Wolf, lobbyists for NASSCOM),

WhatsApp (FB),

WikiPedia/WickedPedia (distorted/ biased/ propagandizer/ disinformationist/ smearing; Jimbo Wales & Larry Sanger fallen far, but at least LS has expressed some objections),

Wipro (Vivek Paul; India-based cross-border bodyshop),

Wisconsin Association of Bodyshoppers,

Wonolo (A.J. Brustein),

Wood-Mode (off-shorer),

WorkMarket (a.k.a. SlaveMarket; Stephen deWitt),

WorldBank (distorts markets; abuser of CPT/OPT),

World Economic Forum/WEF (Klaus Schwab, Olivier M. Schwab, Nicole Schwab, Bill & Melinda Gates, Marc Benioff, John J. di Gioia, Thomas Banchoff, queen Rania al-Abdullah, Mukesh D. Ambani, Ajay S. Banga, Algore, Larry Fink, Joe Kaeser, Jim Hagermann Snabe, Borge Brende, Kiva Allgood, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Thomas Buberl, Chrystia Freeland, Fabiola Gianotti, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Andre Hoffman, Patrice Motsepe, Mel Rogers, Mark Schneider, David M. Rubenstein, Julie Sweet, Zhu Min, Matthew Blake, Feike Sybesma, Shyam Bishen, Paula Ingabire, Jeremy Jurgens, Alois Zwinggi, Sebastian Buckup, Jeff Merritt, Li-ming Chen, Pedro Gomez, Jack Hurd, Chieh Huang, Zara Inglizian, Ramya Krishnanswamy, Joo-Ok Lee, Malte Godberson, John Dutton, Cathy Li, Viraj Mehta, Yann Zopf, Orenzo Hollowell/Perry Hollowell, Freshta Karim, Paula Ingabire; our conspirators; Schwab Foundation for Socialist "Entrepreneurship" subjugating millions; ManPOWER promoting subjugation through gigging/bodyshopping; Centre for the 4th Industrial Revolution conspiratorial network to facilitate subjugation, cyberCrime perpetrators & promoters; generating climate hysteria to promote power-madness; SAP conning people into promoting subjugation/rights-violations; the value of conspiracy; power-mad oppressive global brain-washers),


World Trade Organization/WTO (dead-set against honest country of origin labels; appears bought by Red China ruling criminal gangsters Xi Jinping & Wang Qishan; see WEF),

World Wide Packets,

Wright State University, near Dayton, Ohio (abuser of CPT/OPT),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Xcent Consulting group (bodyshop),

XCG Design Corp. (abuser of CPT/OPT; fraudulent employer/sponsors),

Xtemp Consulting (bodyshop),

Yammer (lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Y Combinator (lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping),

Xilinx (Moshe Gavrielov),

Xinhua Sports and Entertainment (propaganda of, by, for the Red China ruling criminal gangsters),


Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Yahoo! (Marissa Mayer, Margaret Nagle, Carol A. Bartz; privacy violator; political speech suppressor; just another swamp-monster in the Sili Valley/San FranSicko cess-pool; major backers of extreme leftist candidates/politicians),

Yale (abuse of adjuncts, cross-border bodyshopping, discrimination against USA citizens including those of Asian ancestry; failed to report hundreds of millions of dollars of donations from over-seas, including donations from Red China ruling criminal gangsters & their agents; propagandists for Red China ruling criminal gangsters),

Yelp (Jeremy Stoppelman, Max Levchin; rigging ratings; privacy violators),

Forces of Evil (FoEs)

Zara (slave labor in Xinjiang),

Zebra Technologies,

Zinnow (Pari Natarajan),

Zintro (Stewart Lewtan),

ZipRecruiter (adamantly refuses to distinguish between gigs/giggers, temp/contingent, bodyshops, contracts/contractors vs. real/traditional/career-path employment),

ZTE (Tony Podesta; Red Chinese espionage, influence, disinformation, bribery operations; ships telecomm equipment to Mohammedan dictatorship of Iran),

Zynga (Mark Pincus; lobbies for worsening cross-border bodyshopping).

2021-01-12: Allan Miller: 100% Fed Up: Forces of Evil (FoE): corporations who support election fraud & corruption

Reported Willful H-1B law & regulation Violators
"RS": zazona: More Skunks 🦨

See also 2nd Vote for their scorings by a range of criteria.

2018-10-02: Red China File: slavers: Fortune 500 companies doing business in Xinjiang.
  Andrew Long's list of companies doing business in Russia while Russia is invading 🇺🇦 Ukraine
  Yale "Chief Executive Leadership Institute" (CETI) graded lists of companies who have curtailed doing business in/with Russia while Russia is invading 🇺🇦 Ukraine, and others which have not

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