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Links to Miscellaneous Friends, Co-Workers,
Colleagues, Mentors, Proteges, Allies & Such-Like

(It is so difficult to remember names!   It commonly takes me 5 times to merely catch someone's name & recognize a person's appearance, and there are friends with only nick-names that stick, room-mates, academic advisors, bosses whose offices were close by mine,... for whom I still draw a blank.   E.g. Guys in the same classes for years in school.   That data-base dictionary guy who was an USAF veteran who had been stationed in Alaska.   That symphony violinist & the Monsanto rail-yard guy at the gym.   That general manager who could walk through a crowded room and remember the names of 100 or 200 people certainly comes to mind... But not his name!   And his boss, the VP... Steve something-or-other... though I have some pictures of him and certainly remember that one meeting with him and 2 other VPs in our management line [the corporation had over 200 VPs at the time], and the minor matter I mentioned that sent them all into an over-blown tizzy.)

Once upon a time, these were nicely grouped and ordered... but then individuals cannot be cubby-holed into a single group (e.g. those meteorologists/ USAF/ room-mate/ mathematician/ computer programmers/ salvagers), and additional names come to mind, realization that I've left whole categories out pops to my attention...

BC the DJ's Music Express Fugawee, historical foot-wear & accessories for re-enactments, movies, and stage performances

Print Shop Friends
Jack Levins Tony Demma, J.D. Abigail van Sickler Rayner, M.D.
Bob Bischoff Jo Ann Bischoff, OBM Florence "Grandma"

Alpha Chi Sigma/ΑΧΣ Chemistry Fratsority Friends & acquaintances
Tom Berger, Ph.D. Pete Cable Pratap Challa, M.D.  
Joe Doredant Jon G. Sorenson Tris J.J. Perry
Chrissy Delos F. DeTar, Ph.D. (chem) Penny Gilmer, Ph.D. (biochem) Tina Smith
      Konrad Bloch, Ph.D. (biochem)

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Economics Friends & acquaintances
Randall Holcombe, Ph.D. (econ) Irvin Sobel, Ph.D. OBM (econ) James Gwartney, Ph.D. (econ) Walter E. Williams, Ph.D., OBM (econ)
Peter Cappelli, Ph.D. (econ) Espensheid/Espenshaid? (population econ) Abba Lerner, Ph.D. (econ) James H. Cobbe, Ph.D. (econ)
Dean Cook, J.D. Thomas Sowell, Ph.D. (econ) Satchel, Ph.D. (econ historian) Steve Perfect, Ph.D. (finance)
those poor graduate teaching assistants I grilled & embarrassed in money & banking that poor precalc prof in the big lecture hall in Abnormal
Lew Rockwell site Ludwig von Mises Institute James Madison Institute Austrian economics links
Foundation for Economic Education Liberty Post Patriot Post Liberty Fund

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SF Friends
Brad Linaweaver Brad Linaweaver Brad Linaweaver's page on Amazon Ned Brooks (HaRoSFA)
Bill Ritch Mark L. van Name Mark L. van Name's page on Amazon Mark L. van Name

Computing Friends
Paul M. Hanna (Support/Services) Jesse Taintor (techSupp Econ/Demographics) J. Elton Jernigan &
Mrs. Caroline K. Jernigan
Steve O. Gombosi (SysGroup/ NASA Langley/ Westinghouse...)
Fred Huffer, Ph.D. (statistician) Steve Leach, Ph.D. (CS) Ted Baker, Ph.D. (CS/ NSF) Dale Brantly (CDC/ PS/ ETA, Cray)
Marge Delaney (STEM head-huntress supreme) Mark Willis (CDC Albuquerque/ZA) Ed Franks (CDC/PS/KirtlandAFB) Kevin George (CDC/CIM)
Lori Ellsworth (CDC/CIM) Bob Lindsay (CDC/CIM HamLake) David Lundquist (CDC hardware) Jerry Lundy (CDC Southfield)
Armin Wulf (CDC/CIM/ICEM/CFD) Jim Murdakes (CDC/PS/CIM Minneapolis) Chet Jankowski (CDC/PS St.Louis) Mike Parrish (FSU, CDC/Sandia/Los Alamos/Levi)
Charlie Mentesana, engineer (Bendix/Allied Signal) Eddie Crews (CDC) Don Witte, EE (Bendix/Allied Signal) Steve Piazza (CDC/CIM/ICEM)
Don Werth (CDC/CIM/ICEM Inc.) Herman Ernst (CDC/CIM) Mitch Dejong (CDC/CIM) Lisa Tran (CDC/CIM)
David A. Cahlander, Ph.D. ("Dr. Dave") (Purdue/CDC/CIM/Cray) Gerry D. Branham (CDC/CIM) Roger Miller, Ph.D. (CDC/CIM) Greg R. Mansfield, Ph.D. (Purdue/CDC/CIM)
Ware Washam (CDC) Jean Marchant (CDC/CIM swamp) Joy LeBus (CDC/CIM swamp) Doug Oliver (CDC/CIM swamp)
Joe Dudziak (CDC/CIM swamp) Michelle A. Lund (CDC/CIM) Vinij Kotrapu (CDC/CIM) Mark English (CDC/PS St.Louis)
Brian Peterson (CDC/CIM swamp) Mike Cecchini (CDC/CIM/Burroughs/Unisys swamp) Todd Carnicom (CDC) Andy Asher (CDC/PS St.Louis)
      Bob Boehme (CDC/PS St.Louis/Detroit)

Dozens, hundreds more I studied with, worked with, roomed with, whose names escape me.

NASA/Langley Research Center 1 (publicity photo from Hampton Pilot)

NASA/Langley Research Center 2

NASA/Langley Research Center 3

Margot Lee Shetterly 2016 _Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the UnTold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race_ (346-360 pages; ISBN 9780062363596; OCLC 973510941; HarperCollins/William Morrow)

FSU Computing Center (and Meteorology and Math Depts.)
Stephen O. Gombosi (SysGroup/SDCISI NASA Langley/Westinghouse) Evans (SDCISI/NASA Langley) Robert B. & Lucia L. Lee (SDCISI/NASA Langley)  
John Zimmerman (Bendix/Allied Signal KC) Geoff Golden (CDC/PS Everett WA) Indy Valters (consultant) James L. Sutherland (Supp/SysGroup/Martin)
NOS/VE performance tuning committee in Arden Hills Sandy Vasika (sp?, CDC/PS tech support Goth) Paul Grade (CDC/PS tech support)
Ken Hays (SysGroup/ micro-computer/ SCRI/ Telecomm) Sam Adams (SysGroup/ micro-computer/ SCRI/ Telecomm) Warren L. Williams (SysGroup/ BRIS/ Foundation/ Ill-Begotten Monstrosities) Lawrence E. Hughes ii/LEHii (serial entrepreneur, Myrick, Mycroft Labs, Intergraph, IE...)
Steve Stegman, mechanical engineer (CDC/PS St.Louis) John Gee (CDC/PS St.Louis) Connie & Ron Wooding (CDC/PS St.Louis; DEC St.Louis/Tallahassee) Peter Schow (memorial to William Norris, "Uncle Bill", as employees of CDC referred to him)
Jesse Poore, Ph.D. Sandy Purser (Supp) Kathy Lacher (Supp) Joe Klock
Ray Miller (SysGroup) Cindy Shavor (Supp/ armourer) Larr Stanberry (Supp) Russell Willis (Supp)
Stephanie Somerset (Supp) Eric Pepke (SCRI) Kent Olsen (PLAyTOy?) Chris Maxey, engineer (Supp)
Jeannette Sanders (Supp, communications) Sheldon sports-caster (Supp)   Greg Groce (CDC/PS)
Joe Clark Arvil Williams   Ladonna Newsome (Supp)
Weng Yigong (Supp/FLDoL) Noel Breen (CDC) Thelonious (Supp, solar eng.) Al Kent, Ph.D. (Supp/FLDoL)
  David English (ForeTec/SoftKlone) Bruce Justham (SysGroup, ForeTec/SoftKlone) Howard Huff (AssistatDir acad/research Computing Center, ForeTec/SoftKlone)
  FSU Computing Center, view from Services office on Woodward Jesse Poore becomes VP at GA Tech (party at Gaupin's marina at St. Marks)  
Ted Andresen (CFD/Public Disservice Kommissariat/Tampa Tribune) Ted Gaupin Donald F. Linton (SysGroup/CDC PS/SWBell/Canaveral) Pete Tanzy
Dave Hanson (CDC) Sue Gliesing (analyst/forester/FPSC m: Frank) Janet Schmaltz (CDC/DAI/CIM) Dumoulin brothers (Ops/Supp)
Ken Brose (CDC/PS St.Louis) John K. Harris (SysGroup/UVt?) Betty L. Brown, Ph.D. statistician B.W. Allen Ritch (Services/ Sys/ Scientific Atlanta/ Marconi Avionics/ DragonCon/ radio theater)
Janice Q. diPaolo (Supp) Wolfgang Stiller (sys analyst/magician) J.J. Everett (serial entrepreneur) Bonnie Binnie (magnificent administrator)
Scotti K. Meagher (CDC/PS St.Louis) Lyle Diercks (CDC/CIM swamp/RedWing/StCSU) Erik Sea (CDC) Dave Billings engineer (CDC/CIM swamp)
John Nall Mike Caster (Supp) Jeff T. Bauer (SCRIsupp) Corey Schou
Rob Newman (CDC/CIM swamp/Scotland) Pete Jensen (SysGroup) Steve Gompertz (CDC/PS) Dinesh Arora (CDC/CIM tech support)
Kent Struble Fatih Kinoglu (CDC/CIM tech support) Paul Effrem (CDC) Christoph von Andrian-Werburg (CDC/PS Wolfsburg)
Scott McNutt (psych/historian) Chuck Bauer (µsupp) Paul Spivey (Ponca City) Bill Petty (hardware engineer)
Steve Flohr (CDC) Mark L. van Name (DBMS pioneer/SF author) Dan I. Putzulu (SDCISI/NASA Langley) Jon Grano (CDC)
Silicon Graphics Joel Orr's time-line of CADesign/ CAManufacturing/ CAEngineering ICEM Technology,
mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE

Control Data Corporation (CDC) pictures
spin-offs of Control Data Corporation (CDC) U of Minnesota: Control Data Corporation (CDC) time-line    
Nisus Software
Dave L. Martin W. Jerzy Lewak, Ph.D. (nuclear physicist, Oxford, UCSD, founder Nisus/Paradigm) CKL, "James" Lee
Kyung C. Nam Slawek G., E.E., certified Yacht Captain Corey Lohman rabbi Mark Hurvitz
  Majciek & the Red Elvises (Warsaw+Solana Beach+Lost Angeles)   James W. Walker and at
Innoventive Software LLC

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Florida Friends
C. "Sonny" Branch H. "Danny" McDaniel (techSupp FedCourt) Ion Sancho, J.D. Bob Swanson
Tom Chapman Kermit Rose mathematician Ken Steen, OBM (police/pastor) Ralph Swanson industrial engineer
Richard Baldwin, Ph.D. Mr.USA D.F. Walker, J.D. Laura Combes, Ms.USA, ztl Sondra Turner, J.D. (legislature)
Lane Roth, Ph.D. Jim & Jan Culberson C. Nelson Easterling Richard Small/Great Rich, C.P.A., z"l
Mike Reddig (Bio) Gail deLicio, Ph.D. Charles Champion Jon Baety
Dick Bjornseth, Ph.D. Jane Bulmer Susan E. Riggs Tom Feeney (state legislature, lobbyist for AIF)
Geoff Engel Roger Fusselman David Fusselman (psych) Brent Yaciw
Eric Simpson ("Rush is God") Dan Metzen (chemist; Dixon/Abnormal Dennis "the Librettist"  
W. "Bill" Hill Paula Zimmer Tim Stewart John Cooper (JMI)
Rex Curry, J.D. Greg Cohen (serial entrepreneur) Jacob Coble Fred Hind
Mwenene Mukweso, Ed.D. Diana M. Fulford Stanley Marshall, Ph.D. (president FSU, JMI) John Smith (JMI) Fred Huffer, Ph.D. (statistician)
Small Paul (meteorologist) K the Perotista at radio station Independence Party chair Watson at radio station
"House" at radio station liberal Gary Karasik at radio station the callers (prince of Killearn, merchant-seaman, county commissioner...)
Rick Flagg Njiwi/Chui/Chewy mit savoir-faire at "Abnormal" Ronald J. Ebbens

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West Coast Friends
Gary Karasik Kat Chuck Wein, z"l
(1960s w. Andy W. at NY art factory)
Martina Altenburg (equestrian, pilot/instructor, accountant) Ian Rose Jon Owens
Daniel Morgan Claire Sherry
Sean Brittany Tom H.

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some of my Boy Scout Friends
Frank AdamsRaymond Sisson, ChemE
Frank AdamsonMike Steed
Bill Bennett (bright, electronics)James "Boomie" Thomas (musical ear)
Gary FranzBruce Peaslee
Sam DonaldsonArthur Underwood/"UnderDog"
Roger FoxBob Walton
Norvil HumphriesDon Walton
Dan NashFrank "Rusty" Wells
Bill Pitz 
 Ricky Wickman
Dennis of Secutan, z"lChui
 Espensheid of Oak Hills
Jack Levins (mentor "let me show you...")William J. Whittaker, of Cincinnati Bell

Friends from Way Back
Pam Anderson Kay Felix Ron Holtkamp Dan Montgomery Tim Seibel
Barry Arbogast Lisa Fields Ron Hon Tim Morford Danny Shotwell
Jake Ashcraft Patti Fisher Ann Humphrey Tom Mueller Jim Siegert
Kathy G. Angne Michael Fort Bev Igel Kevin Mullins Jana Simonson
Chuck Avery Susanne Fox   Nancy Jackson Dorothy Nead
Kerner Becky Sisson   Chris Sisson  
Andrew K. Sisson, OBM (mech eng) Diana L.K. Sisson T.R. Sisson (mech eng) Julianna S. Uhler, M.D. Shelley Sisson
Scott Bailey David Bailey (biochem, priest) Dan Francisco Bob James Jo Norris
  Gary Franz Greg S. Johnson, Ph.D. (black-belt, languages, cultures) Randy Norris Bob James
Karen Baird, z"l Rhonda French Jeffrey R. Johnson (black-belt, history, languages, cultures, counselor) Mike Peak
H.R. Fullerton, M.D. Dr. L?, surgeon Samuel W. Rothenberg, M.D. Joseph Albert Freiberg, M.D.
Cheryl Hollmeyer Gary Moak Dr. N Charlene Schwander
Debbie Baker Darlene Kircheiner Bruce Peaslee Cathy Skilbeck
Curtis Barnes Bob Gallo (historian) Mickey/Michelle A.S. Sweeney (musician, brilliant) Ken Peterson Linda Smed
Kim Beckham Pat Gramaglia Regina Ketter Ozzie Pieczonka Danny Stacy (mayor)
Daniel Bell-Brown Charles Greenwell Vicki Polston Karen Kammerer Paul Stock
    Bruce Kraus   Eric Probst Bev S. Hildreth
Bruce Bingle Karen Greiser Sharon Greiser Diana Pruitt David Sweeney
Bill Bingle Pam Gridley Phil Krimmer Jim Pruitt Paula Swope
Linda Gunnoe Donna Gunnoe Marcia Kuehn Steve Puckett (industrial eng) Brian Taylor
Virginia Broxterman Hank Haerring Betsy Lacey Dale Purdy Paul Theilman
Mike Burns Michael E. Hafner, z"l Linda Lammers Sandy Raines Dave Upchurch
Cheri Carr Debbie Hancock Susan Layton Susan Raines David Vollmer
Larry Cartmell Andy Hand Eric Leininger (bright) Marney Ritchie Debbie Walston
Arthur Cave Carla Hand Bonnie Lindsey Elaine Roberts Velda Weise (bright)
Chuck Harnist Mike Hanlon Kay Lohe Herschel Robinson, z"l Larry Welsh
Jay Cavendish Kessens Darrel Cavendish Paula Rogers Barbara Whitney
Scott Chisek Janet Harnist   Tom Roland Tony Wieman
Bobby Christman Tom Hauenschild (quiet wisdom) Robert Ruff Joey Rudisell, OBM Victor Willoughby
Jim Costello, OBM Hazel Ludwick Joey Ludwick Doris Ludwick James W. Ludwick (journalist, editor, playwright, trumpet, photographer, runner)
Suzetta L.J. Wilson Rob Wilson Michael A. Wilson, Ph.D. Stephen T. Wilson Sarah N.W.
mayor Red Courtney, OBM   Thom. Maltbie Kim Rullmann Rick Winterhalter
Mike Crow Tony Hayes Jennifer M. Snyder Charles Runck Don Wood
Phil Crow Hank Herget Mark E. Mason Larry Ryan Linda Yankosky
Tommy Dorsey Margaret Hobbie Pam May Michael Sandlin Glenna Yost
Tom Dozier Diana Holcomb, z"l Ruth Ann McAtee Anita Sandling Greg Yost
Larry Draper John Holland Cindy McWethy, DDS Paula Rogers Donna Schell
Jon Zimmerman i, gen mgr of Jurgens Jon Zimmerman ii of Blessing Bros. VP Jack Zimmerman (Jon iii)   David Zimmerman
Mary Margaret Evans Donna Holtkamp Beverly Mohs Karen Seibel Ladanye Paula Zimmerman
Bill Felix John Kurlas Dennis Kurlas representative Tom Pottenger, esq.
Pamela Sue Myers ("Company") Rick Gibson Dan Gibson R. Tom Grove
Dennis Grove, OBM Mike Edwards (hardware, engineering, fire-fighting) Robbie Edwards (hardware, engineering) Judy Kraus
Ralph Cave Cindy McWethy Nancy Braun (equestrian) Lee Braun
Jill Kraus George Kraus Johnny Corboy, OBM (Vern's asst mgr, guardian of Joey) Jerry deMoss
Maureen Hayes Sharon Hayes Gerald O. Hayes, OBM (machinist, father, friend, neighbor) Marjorie Braddock Hayes, OBM (keep a stiff upper lip, cheer amidst sorrows/tragedies; umptyggd of gen Edward)
Jay & Jan Thomas Puissegur Neiart Schardine
Ethan Mason Avery Kansas Jennifer
Eli Sam Kaelie Michael
Benjamin Emma Stephen Sarah
John Floyd (USAF retired) Elijah Eli Joy
Mrs. Hausfeld Victor Eugene Engle Margaret Mary Bosken Engle
Graeter's ice cream librarians Nadler's clothing
Potter's shoes Bouck's hardware Hader hardware
that guy at the coffee shop the manager at the movie theater the docs at the hospitals
those people at the gym the "bag-boy" at the grocery Will Dance the police-man/fire-fighter/pirate-hunter
William Harold Dickhoner, of CG&E Robert Roll Loos Albert Joseph Loos ii
Loos Brothers dairy Loos butcher shop Allgeier's
Herget comic books, balsa gliders the family produce stands (Wesselman+Harrison & Kilby) bakery around the bend
UDF around the bend Mack car repair Al Schubert construction
lumber yards Gieringer construction Al & Gus Frondorf construction
Fagaly feed, seed, tools, & supplies Kraus pier drilling & earth-moving Edwards foundry/ motel/ landscaping plant nursery/ Avon/ pine-straw baskets
Swofford Designs purses, bags, etc. of Cleveland, TN Walter Harrison Corson coal, feed, lumber, Farmers State Bank National Lead/Fernald Preserve Visitors Center (of which Australian songstress/actress Olivia Neutron-Bomb queried: "Is there anybody out there who can shine, anytime would be fine?... Is there anybody out there who can glow, and would like to see a little flower grow?")

Mart & Inez Kraus OBM c.3775ShadyLane-3910Quadrant-7643Bridgetown/39.1640N, 84.6698W-39.1673N,84.7070W
ambidextrous Mrs. Ethel Perkins ‖39.2593N, 84.7258W‖

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Raymond Apking (debate, critical thinking)Milton H. Dockweiler (violinist, intro instrumental)Martha Nell Poe Kraus (geography, ethics, literature, comedy, government)William D. Sell ii (science, history, curriculum design, ethics)
Edna G. Balsley (economics, grammar, ethics, management, Latin, pronunciation...)J. DunbarH. Lewis (the man with the plan, government, history)Sue Shaw (Latin, Swahili, history)
Randy Blue (key-boards, music theory, composition)S. Francis (Latin, history, Miss Hazard)Earl McBrayer (history, ethics)L. Simonton (geology)
A. Code (pre-calculus, calculus)HartzellMearsSisk (literature)
CoffmanE.L. Hearn (STEM)MeyersG. Smith
J. CruzeD. HeinrichRobinsonHarvey Weitkamp, Ph.D. (number/group theory, making math difficult & boring by abstract preparation instead of applying & reviewing as you go)
Frank Davis (science, writing, highway safety) Kegley (French)Orrin D. Roth (math, design)West (making boring study funJimmy James (music, keys/scales, theory, technique)
Helen K. Dick (geo, pre-calculus, calculus)B.A Knapp (music, history, styles, pop)  
Myers (mother of broadway "Company")Miers (literature, grammar)BlueAnderson
Praeger (ethics)GarrisonColemanSnyder

Don Ungurait, Ph.D. (mass comm/film school)Gary Kleck, Ph.D. (criminologist)Lorie Fridell, Ph.D. (criminologist)Carl Lieberherr, Ph.D. (CS)
Ted Baker, Ph.D. (CS, systematic, SW validation, Pascal, time mgmt)Larry Dennis, Ph.D. (physics, dean of info-science)Delos F. DeTar, Ph.D. (chem)Penny Gilmer, Ph.D. (biochem )
John Nall (CS) Mira Fidel, Ph.D. Tom Hofer, Ph.D., z"l (mass communications) W. Ross Ellington, Ph.D. (bio, bio-chem, lab)
DJMontomery, Ph.D. (pop-psych, communications) ?? (vectors & matrices) Abe Kandel (fuzzy sets, syntactic pattern recognition)

Friends More Difficult to Pigeon-Hole
Richard Winger Jim Lark Larry Dodge "Red" Beckman
Chris Hibbert Tim Starr Paul Crumrine Joe Dehn

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Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, Warner Brothers, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.
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