Helen opened her eyes. Without looking at the clock, she
knew the time. She flung the covers off of her, and rolled
out of bed. She made the bed perfectly by a single shake of
the covers. Helen thought, "Wow! Look at that! I never
expected them to fall so perfectly."
She walked into the kitchen. As she opened the
refrigerator, she realized that she now noticed everything in
much greater detail than usual. As she pulled out a quart
container of skim milk, and emptied it into a tall glass, She
spoke to herself. "That jig saw puzzle that we've been
working on all month is still on the table. Half of it still
needs to be placed."
She picked up a piece, and briefly noted its shape.
Immediately seeing a empty space that that piece would fit,
she placed it into the puzzle. Within a few minutes, she had
completed the jigsaw puzzle.
Helen took another gulp of milk. No, there was no more
milk to drink. It surprised her. She lifted the glass and
stared at it. "I don't remember drinking all this milk. I
know I poured a full glass! I'm not noticing as much detail
as I thought."
After she rinsed out the glass, she grabbed her purse
from its usual place. "Time to meet with Bob and Joe to go to
our beach." As she stepped outside, she marveled at all the
insect and bird sounds that she had never noticed before. She
named the creatures by their sounds. "How did I know their
The sunlight reflected glaringly off the beach sand.
The trio enjoyed their regular Sunday morning stroll. They
thought of it as their beach because they had searched for it
and found it. They wanted to find a beach where visits by
other people would not spoil its natural beauty.
They walked north, Helen in the middle, Joe on her right,
nearer the ocean, and Bob on her left. "Look at those
seagulls wading in the surf. How cute they are! Their average
size is about 30 centimeters." Her voice showed her
The trio continued to walk as they talked while enjoying
the ocean breeze. Suddenly Helen stopped walking. She pointed
to her left. "There is an old coin buried in the sand over
While Bob stared at her with a baffled expression on his
face, Joe took her right hand in his left hand. "Show me
Helen obliged by walking up hill a short distance, and
kicking the sand. The coin flew out, making a soft plop
sound as it landed by Joe's feet.
"Wow". Joe bent over and scooped up the coin. "How did
you know about the coin?"
Helen frowned. "I don't know how I knew. I just felt it."
Bob spoke then. "Alright, Helen, how did you do it? Did
you bury that coin yesterday? But how would you have
memorized this particular spot? There are no convenient
landmarks here. Did you count our steps from the entry point
to the beach? I think not. I think you could not have kept
your part of the conversation while counting. So, how did you
do it?"
Helen merely lifted both hands to shoulder level, and
shrugged her shoulders.
Bob echoed her shoulder shrug, and faced forward in the
direction they had been walking. Immediately he noticed two
tiny figures in the distance. "Looks like we'll be having
some unexpected company soon."
Joe looked in the direction Bob had indicated. "Wonder how
they found our beach."
Bob focused his attention on Helen. "Do you know those
folks? Did you tell them about our beach?"
As Helen pondered Bob's questions, she remembered how Bob
had found their beach. Bob had acquired coastal maps from the
national oceanographic institute and they had all spent
several hours scanning the map of the coastline. Finally, Bob
found this one spot that had not yet been developed and might
never be developed. Ever since, they had walked here each
Sunday morning.
Helen peered in the direction of the tiny figures.
Suddenly she saw them clearly. "A man and a woman . . . we
don't know them . . .The man's name is Victor. He's a music
agent. He has red-orange hair and is smoking a cigarette and
also wearing a nicotine patch . . . He's wearing white shorts
and . . . an extra large light green t-shirt . . . with
Maxwell's physics equations on it . . . She has short blond
hair and is wearing flower patterned . . . matching skimpy
bikini bottom and top."
Joe laughed. "Not only can she detect metal coins buried
in the sand. She also has super vision. Helen, could that
electric spark that hit you last night have made you
Bob added, "How did you know his name and what work he
"Joe, I don't think so. However, I did have a strange
dream about Sparky last night. Bob, I don't know how I knew.
I just knew it. It's as if I had read it somewhere."
Joe merely looked puzzled, while Bob spoke Joe's
question. "Who is Sparky?"
"I dreamed I talked to the electric spark that knocked me
out yesterday. I named it Sparky."
Helen pointed forward toward the approaching beach
walkers. "What do you want to do about them?"
Bob replied. "If, as you said, one of them is a music
agent, then we certainly want to meet him." He resumed
walking toward the approaching couple.
As they approached the distant couple Helen worried about
the nicotine vapors from the man's cigarette. It would be
good if the breeze from the ocean blew the smoke away.
Nicotine is bad enough. It would have been much worse if he
had been smoking raw tobacco instead of the electronic
Suddenly Helen realized that not only could she feel, at a
distance, the individual molecules of air, but that she could
influence their movement. She experimented with pushing the
air toward the couple. Perhaps she could make a stiff wind to
keep the smoke at bay.
She succeeded in making a current of air that consistently
blew in the direction of the couple walking toward them. At
the same time, the woman raised her arm and pointed toward
The man, seeing the trio, turned off his cigarette, and
put it away. He waved to them. "Hello!"
When they came sufficiently close to each other, Victor
smiled, and extended his hand for a handshake. "My name is
Victor, and this is my wife Angela."
While Bob shook hands with Victor, Joe, showing his
mischievous grin, asked Angela, "Were you always an angel?"
She laughed. "My mom certainly did not think so. She told
me that she named me Angela in hopes that an angel would
become my mentor."
Bob looked puzzled for a moment, then asked, "Does that
mean that 'Angela' is only your nickname, not a birth name?
"Oh no. Angela really is my birth name. Mom had the idea
even before she had me."
Bob laughed, then caught Victor's eye. "We are musicians.
Helen is our singer." Bob watched Victor carefully as he said
this. Will Victor react as a music agent?
Victor replied to Bob, while staring at Helen."I'm a music
agent. Would you like to audition for me?" Then addressing
Helen, he added, "Young lady, why are you staring at me?"
Helen captivated by her new ability to feel the individual
molecular interactions had been following how the nicotine
interacted inside Victor's body. At Victor's words, she
blushed. "Apologies, sir. I worried about what the nicotine
had done to you."
Victor grinned. "You put it so nicely. It almost motivates
me to quit again."
Before Helen could reply to this, Bob asked, "How did you
find our beach?"
"Your beach! I thought it was my Beach. Grant will get a
laugh out of this." Seeing Joe's smile and Bob's puzzled
look, he added, "Grant is the one who looked up this stretch
of beach for me. He is on my peer review board for any music
I send to the publisher."
Immediately, Helen asked. Did you choose Grant to be on
your peer review board?
"Very astute question, young lady; No..., Grant chose to
be on my peer review board. He and I once worked together at
the space center. I retired here, while he stayed on. He
keeps me up to date on all the space research."
Victor paused, then before anyone else could ask their
question he added, "Did you know that right here in
Eastpoint, Virginia, there is a neutrino source and it's on
or near the surface. Grant thinks it's an alien spaceship."
Excitedly, Helen asked, "Is this Grant Richardson, friend of
Melody Armstrong?"
"Aha! I bet you knew Grant and Melody through their anti-
nicotine activities. Yes. It's the same guy. They also failed
to convince me to quit." Victor smiled as he said this.
Bob asked, "Victor, when would be a good time for us to
audition for you?
Victor looked at his watch. "How about next Friday, July 7th,
at 2:00 p.m.?" He handed Bob a card. "Here is our address and
contact information.
Helen glanced at Bob, then said, "It's a date! We'll be