My Valentine gift to you May we work together to share our achievements and find our common needs. May we express our needs seeing understanding and possibly echoes without expectation of instant fulfillment. May we know the feelings in the other person when we hear what ey says. If we need to differ, may we know it's okay. May we know each other well enough to predict goals and keenly felt needs. May we both share that love that accepts eir values and respects eir thinking never judging actions. May our own righteousness never make us forget to love one another. May our own happiness always be much enhanced by the demonstration of joy in the other. May we always delight in truth and honesty. May we work to correct misleading impressions. May we share common needs. May we share other needs. May we be friends always. May our speech and actions show our basic kindness by means of gentleness in presence of each other. May we have life enriched by joy from each other. Kermit