The Bahá'í Faith's global scope is reflected in the composition of its
membership, which represents a cross section of humanity. Bahá'ís come
from nearly every
country, ethnicity, culture, profession, social class, and economic
class. Over 2,100
ethnic and tribal groups are represented.
The Bahá'ís of the world form a single united community,
which is free
of schism or factions, and comprise what is very likely "the most
diverse and
widespread organized body of people on earth."
The Founder of Bahá'í Faith's was Bahá'u'lláh (which is
a title
meaning "The Glory of God"). He was Persian nobleman
from Teheran who,
in the 1800's, forsook a princely existence of comfort and security for
a life of
persecution and deprivation because of His teachings.
Bahá'u'lláh proclaimed to be a new Messenger from God,
and established a
fully independent religion called the Bahá'í Faith. His life, work, and
parallel that of other Messengers of God, including Abraham, Krishna,
Moses, Zoroaster,
Buddha, Christ, and Muhammad. His followers, Bahá'ís, believe that
Bahá'u'lláh is the
most recent in a succession of Divine Messengers.
The essential message that Bahá'u'lláh brought is that
of unity. Among
the principles that He taught are that there is only one God, that there
is only one human
race, and that all the world's major religions have been stages in the
revelation of God's
will and purpose for humanity.