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This is me, raising my banners high, seeking people with whom I'd like to work, live, trade, support. All flags flying!
updated: 2026-03-06

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5 smiles is excellent, 3 smiles is a middling good rating, 1 smile, on this page, means I haven't decided yet.

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2KarenArmstrong   Buddha
H4.0, E3.0, R1.2KarenArmstrong  AnHistory of God
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0 ArtScroll   Pirkei Avos/Pirqi Abot

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2MichaelBagentRichardLeighTheDead Sea Scrolls Deception
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5DaveBarryAlanZweibel & Adam Mansbach For This We Left Egypt?: A PassOver Haggadah for Jews & Those Who Love Them (126 pages; ISBN 9781250110213; FlatIron; 296.45371 Bar; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5MarkBatterson  TheCircle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears (226 pages; 248.32 Bat; Main)
H3.5, E2.0, R1.7Charlotte JokoBeck   EveryDay Zen
H3.5, E2.0, R2.2DovBer the Mittler Rebbe of LubavitchHaBachur HaTamim BenjaminWalters, HaBacnur Hatamim Mordechai Markel & Yossi Markel Kuntres Ha Hispaalus (Tract on Awakening)
H3.5, E3.0, R1.4DovBerthe Mittler Rebbe of Lubavitch  New Kabbalah Series Based on Shaar Ha Yichud (Gate of Unity)
H3.0, E2.7, R1.0YehudaBerg  TheWay of the Kabbalist (200 pages; 296.16)
H3.0, E2.7, R1.4ErichBischoff  TheKabbala
H3.0, E2.7, R2.8HaroldBloomTheBook of J
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0rabbi ShmuleyBoteach Parenting with Fire: Lighting Up the Family with Passion and Inspiration (222 pages; 296.74 Bot; Main; due 2024-05-01)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R2.3ThomasCahillTheGifts of the Jews (275 pages; 909.04924)
H3.0, E2.0, R2.4JonathanCahnTheBook of Mysteries (365 pages; hard)
H3.0, E2.0, R3.9Sephen L.Carter, J.D. God's Name in Vain: The Wrongs and Rights of Religion in Politics (200 pages; ISBN 0465008860; Basic/Perseus; 322.1 Car; Main; due 2025-03-16)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.0Gilbert KeithChesterton Orthodoxy (188 pages; ISBN 9781250828736; OCLC 1263342149; St.Martin's; on order 2023-06-23; Main; was 239; Main; due 2024-03-28)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4Yvonne PatriciaChireauNathanielDeutschBlack Zion: African American Religious Encounters with Judaism_ (225 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.4RichCohen   Israel Is Real_ (Name suggests he is descended from priestly Levites, he's been there several times, for considerable periods, but still doesn't know where it is, a little foggy on much of the history, the boundaries; repeatedly conflated Israel with Palestine; but Palestine was/is basically the Gaza Strip; 383 pages; 956.94 Coh; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.9James H.Cone   God of the Oppressed

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5Hayim HaLevyDonin   To Pray As a Jew (365 pages; 296.4)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.1Hayim HaLevyDonin   To Be a Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance in Contemporary Life_ (316 pages; 296.7; hard)
H3.0, E2.0, R1.2DianeDreher  TheTao of Peace
H3.0, E2.0, R1.1DianeDreher  TheTao of Personal Leadership

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.0, E2.0, R2.5WilliamEisen  TheEnglish Cabalah
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5Robert H.Eisenman  TheDead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians
H3.0, E2.0, R1.5MirceaEliadeTheSacred & the Profane: The Nature of Religion

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R2.2Bruce S.Feiler   Where God Was Born: A Daring Adventure Through the Bible's Greatest Stories (390 pages; 200.956 hard)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5IsraelFinkelsteinNeil AsherSilbermanTheBible UnEarthed: Archaeology's new Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts
H4.0, E3.0, R3.4IsraelFinkelsteinNeil AsherSilberman David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition (352 pages; 222.067)
H3.5, E3.0, R2.0ReuvenFirestoneReuvenFeuerstein Who Are the Real Chosen People?: The Meaning of Chosenness in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (156 pages; 202.2 Fir; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5AntonyFlewGod & Philosophy
H4.0, E3.0, R3.0HarryFreedmanTheTalmud: A Biography: Banned, Censored, and Burned: The Book They Couldn't Suppress (243-250 pages; ISBN 9781462905949; Bloomsbury; 296.125 Fre; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5StevenFurtickUnQualified: How God Uses Broken People to Do Big Things (212 pages; 248.4 Fur; NE)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H2.5, E2.5, R2.0LaurenceGardner   BloodLine of the Holy Grail
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5Christian D.Ginsburg  TheKabbalah
H4.5, E3.0, R3.7ArthurGreen   Judaism's 10 Best Ideas (100 pages; 296.3 Gre; Main+NE; due 2024-05-01)




ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.0, E2.5, R3.0KennethHanson  Kabbalah: 3K Years of Mystic Tradition (260 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5LisHarris  Holy Days: The World of a Hasidic Family (266 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9Abraham JoshuaHeschelMorris M.Faierstein & David Wolf SilvermanProphetic Inspiration After the Prophets: Maimonides and Other Medieval Authorities (157 pages; 296.311; Main)
H3.0, E3.0, R2.5John L.Hitchcock  Atoms, SnowFlakes, & God: The Convergence of Science and Religion: The Theology of Cpomplementarity (200 pages; ISBN 073560604X; Quest/Theosophical; 215 Hit; Main; due 2024-10-22)
H3.0, E3.0, R3.4RichardHolloway  ALittle History of Religion_ (term translations are often disturbingly off, suggesting an unstated agenda; 244 pages; 200.9 Hol; Main; due 2024-12-06)
ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9NinaJaffeElivia TheUnInvited Guest and other Jewish holiday tales (72 pages; Scholastic; J 296.43 Jaf; NE; due 2024-08-01)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.3ThomasJeffersonDanMarshallTheNew Jefferson Bible (137 pages)
H4.0, E3.0, R1.1DonovanJoyce  TheJesus Scroll



ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5AdamKirsch  ThePeople and the Books: 18 Classics of Jewish Literature (407 pages; ISBN 9780393241761; OCLC ; Norton; libraries; 809.88924 Kir; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.4JonathanKirsch   God against the Gods: The History of the War between MonoTheism and PolyTheism (320 pages; 291.14 Kir; Main)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0Alfred J.Kolatch  TheConcise Family Seder_/_Haggadah, English & Hebrew (49 pages; 296.437 HAG; Main; due 2024-05-01)
ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.0, E2.0, R2.5ShoniLabowitz   Miraculous Living: A Guided Journey in Kabbalah through 10 Gates of the Tree of Life (334 pages; ISBN 0684814447; Simon&Schuster; 296.7 Lab; Jax)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5AnneLamott   Help, Thanks, Wow: The 3 Essential Prayers_ (157 pages; ISBN 9781410453563; OCLC ; RiverHead; libraries; LT 242.4 Lam; Main + 242.4 Lam; Main+Jax; due 2024-06-19)
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5JohnLockeC.B.MacPherson 2nd Treatise on Government (124 pages)
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5JohnLockeGeorgeBerkeley, David Hume, Richard TaylorTheEmpiricists (1690; 1710; 1713; 1748; 1779; Enlightenment: 517 pages; ISBN 0385096224/ 9780385096225; OCLC 933078518; Anchor/Doubleday)


H4.0, E3.0, R2.8: Greg Marcus, Ph.D. 2016 _The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar_ (ethics; 243 pages; 5.2MB; ISBN 9780738748658; OCLC 951172664; Llewellyn; Leon, Hebrew Union College/Cincinnati W of Burnett Woods & S of Good Sam, Overland Park; 296.36 Mar; Main)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5MichelleMalkin   Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, And Other Foreign Menaces To Our Shores (332 pages; 672KB)
H4.0, E3.0, R2.8GregMarcus, Ph.D.  TheSpiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar (ethics; 243 pages; 5.2MB; ISBN 9780738748658; OCLC 951172664; Llewellyn; Leon, Hebrew Union College/Cincinnati W of Burnett Woods & S of Good Sam, Overland Park; 296.36 Mar; Main)
H3.0, E2.0, R2.2Menachem MendelMarkel   Kabbalah Mini-Series for the Average Person
H3.0, E2.0, R3.7S.L. MacGregorMathers  TheKabbala UnVeiled
H4.5, E3.0, R1.5JonMeacham   American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation (273 pages of text, 115 pages of end-notes and bibliography; 322.1097)
H4.5, E3.0, R3.5AlanMorinis   Climbing Jacob's Ladder: One Man's Journey to ReDiscover a Jewish Spiritual Tradition (mussar; 225 pages; 296.8 Mor; hard)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.5, R1.5AndrewNewberryEugene d'Aquili & Vince Rause  Why God Won't Go Away
H4.0, E3.0, R1.5AdamNicolson   God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible (260 pages; 220.5203 Nic)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E2.7, R1.7RudolfOtto  TheIdea of the Holy

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H3.5, E3.0, R4.2R' AaronParry  TheTalmud
H3.5, E3.0, R3.0Frances E.Peters/Frank E. Peters  TheChildren of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam (201.4)
H3.5, E3.0, R3.0DennisPrager  TheRational PassOver Haggadah (161-180 pages; ISBN 9781684512584; OCLC 1298598955; Regnery/Alperson; 296.45371 Pra; Collier/Naples)


R H4.0, E3.0, R2.8GeorgeRobinson   Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs, and Rituals (author says he is "Reform"; 600 pages; ISBN 0671034804; Pocket/Simon&Schuster; 206 Rob; Main)

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5JonathanSacks  ALetter in the Scroll (220 pages; 296)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.9DovBerSchneuriNaftaliLoewenthal Flames_/_Shaari Aura: Ki Atah Neri_/_Gates of Light_/_Gates of Radiance_ (Chanukah; 156 pages; ISBN 0826604641; Kehot; libraries; 296.435 Sch; Main; due 2024-01-17)
H4.0, E3.0, R4.0rabbi Rami M.Shapiro   Hasidic Tales (193 pages; ISBN 1893361861; OCLC ; SkyLight Paths; libraries; BM532 .S485 2003; 296.8 Sha; Main; due 2024-05-22)
H4.0, E3.0, R3.5PaulSteinbergJanet GreensteinPotter, et al.Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Fall Holidays (234 pages)
H3.0, E2.5, R1.5CarlosSuaresThe 2nd Coming of Reb YHSHWH

ScoreAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/EdAuth/Ed Title
H4.0, E3.0, R2.5Pierre Teilhard deChardin   Man's Place in Nature
H4.0, E3.5, R2.5JosephTelushkin  The10 Commandments of Character: Essential Advice for Living an Honorable, Ethical, Honest Life_ (317 pages; 296.36 Tel; Main)
H4.0, E3.5, R4.5JosephTelushkin  TheBook of Jewish Values: A Day-by-Day Guide to Ethical Living (544 pages; 296.36 Tel; Main+NE)







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