2015 February

2nd month of the 1st quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-10-30

  "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the Unted States; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law." --- article 1 section 3 paragraph 7  

2015 February
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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  "Mental toughness is even more important than physical strength. Everywhere you jgo, others are seeking power over you -- individuals, corporations, nations (including your won government). The easiest way to exert power over someone else is to intimidate him. Those who prevail are not intimidated. Instead, the prevailer pays close attention to his would-be intimidator, studying his method and technique... Because the would-be intimidator invariably uses a technique by which he himself can be intimidated. By studying the tactics of his antagonist, the prevailer can apply psychological jujitsu and turn that technique back upon his opponent." --- G. Gordon Liddy 2002 _When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country_ pg149  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 February

2nd month of the 1st quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Scott Rasmussen _Covington GA News_
federal budget deceit

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Laura Ingraham
GOP losership silent as Obummer's illegal aliens launch a crime wave
Neil Munro: Daily Caller
"GOP senators kept the list secret until after [Obummer's] nominee for attorney-general, Loretta Lynch, completed her confirmation hearing on Wednesday, Jan. 28."

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
Greeks vote against Europ, for democracy
"Most important, Syriza promised international debt renegotiation. Current debt runs a crushing $270G, or 175% of GDP (up from 109% in 2008)."

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Tom Davis & Martin Frost _Politico_
much politics is not local
Many voters are more aware of application of principles to national and international issues, key votes.   This disturbs many corrupt politicians...jgo

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
the search for a commander-in-chief begins: election 2016
"1.   Someone with a real strategy for how to win...   2.   The will to carry out this strategy...   3.   The communication skills to bring the country with him... or her..."

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Claudia Rosett _PJMedia_
shoulder to shoulder watching ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate murder hostages

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
schizo Obummer says USA tax-victims "can afford" $74G in additional over-spending
"The president used his weekly radio address to tout his new [over-spending] package for FY2016.   To do so, he channeled Obi-Wan Kenobi: 'You don't need to look at our $18T national debt.   This isn't the deficit you're looking for.   You can go about your business without worrying about the deficit.   Move along.   Move along.'"

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Robert Gates: USA is a long way from winning war against even one faction of Muslim terrorists

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
Obummer's 10-year "budget" would add $6T to the federal government debt

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Megan Fox _PJMedia_
10 dangerous things every kid should do
Free-Range Kids

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Andrew F. Quinlan _Washington DC Times_
ICC joins Hamas, Hizbullah, Fatah, and Iran in waging war against Israel
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Stephan Moore _Washington DC Times_
capital gains tax is one of the reasons wages are not rising as fast as inflation
"This isn't [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] first assault on investment income.   When [Obummer] entered office the capital gains and dividend tax was 15%.   Then he raised it to 20% and then he added a 3.8% investment surtax, bringing the rate to 23.8%.   The tax rose by more than 50%.   If the president has his way with his new proposals, the tax on investment income will be nearly twice as high when he leaves office as when he entered office...   [Charlie Gibson]: 'In each instance, when the [capital gains tax] rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased; the government took in more money.   And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28%, the revenues went down.'..."

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Clarice Feldman _American Thinker_
the Obummer regime's epidemic speech tic

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
James G. Long _American Thinker_
psychopathic behavior and "leaders"
"Statistically, about one-half of all workers will work for a psychopath within their life-times...   Psychopathy is usually associated with genetic, traumatic, psychological, or sociological damage or disruption to the brain and nervous system.   Psychopaths can often be identified by neurological tests that reveal unique patterns as shown by electroencephalograms (EEGs), functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRIs [a.k.a. functional nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, fNMRs]), and Computer Tomography (CT) scans...   When the PCL-R is administered by a trained expert, it is quite accurate in identifying psychopaths and sociopaths, and it is used extensively by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.   Unfortunately, knowledge of psychopathy is largely unknown and is under-utilized within the general population, who are the primary victims of financial and political psychopaths in the USA.   Psychopathy has been identified as a prime factor in serial murder cases, mass murders, wars, and financial and organizational disasters and failures, in addition to the more mundane family and community dysfunctional behaviors and crimes.   A psychopath has no conscience and therefore has few internal restraints on his own behaviors.   A psychopath does, however, create a fake personality (Dr. Cleckley's 'mask') to conceal his crimes and his manipulative and self-serving activities.   Psychopaths want to control you, and they use their fake personality to exercise that control...   About 1% of all people are psychopathic, which amounts to something over 3M psychopaths in the USA and perhaps 16M among Muslims."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
James Kirkpatrick _VDare_
corrupt attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch supports unconstitutional and illegal Obamnesty; but will senators have the fortitude to block her appointment?

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
_What Did You Say?_
a wave of outrage at Obummer/Miller IRS corruption

2015-02-01 (5775 Shebet 12)
Kip Hansen
uncertainty ranges, error bars, and confidence intervals

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1765-02-01: Benjamin d'Israeli (son of Isaac Israeli & Rica Rossi/Eurichetta Rossi; descendant of the Min-HaAdumin) b: 1730-09-22 in Cento near Ferrara, Italy d: 1816-11-28 at Stoke, Newington, London m1: 1756-04-02 to Rebecca Mendez Furtado d: 1765-02-01 m2: 1765-05-28 to Sarah Siprut de Gabay Villareal (descended from Hasday ibn Xaprut)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "By the time the Europeans discovered the Western Hemisphere at the end of the 15th century, Moslem merchants already dominated the slave trade in West Africa, as they did in East Africa and North Africa. The Islamic jihads of the 18th and 19th centuries created new Moslem states in West Africa, which in turn proomoted enslavement on a larger scale. Altogether, between 1650 and 1850, at least 5M slaves were shipped from West Africa alone... over the centuries, soemwhere in the neighborhood of 11M people were shipped across the Atlantic [ocean] as slaves, and another 14M African slaves were sent to the Islamic nations of the Middle East and North Africa. On both routes many died in transit. Moreover, these 25M people were not the only African victims of slavery, for Africa itself used large numbers of slaves in many agricultural, domestic, military, and even commercial and government enterprises... The ending of the slave trade was one of many European policies imposed on Africa by the conquerors." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pp111-112 (citing Paul E. Lovejoy & Jan S. Hogendorn 1979 "Slave Marketing in West Africa" in Henry A. Genery & Jan S. Hogendorn _The Uncommon Market: Essays in the Economic History of the Atlantic Slave Trade_ pp217, 218, 220-223; Harold D. Nelson et al. 1982 _Nigeria: A Country Study_ pg16; Joseph C. Miller "Some Aspects of the Commercial Organization of Slaving at Luanda, Angola -- 1760-1830" in Henry A. Genery & Jan S. Hogendorn _The Uncommon Market: Essays in the Economic History of the Atlantic Slave Trade_ pp80-81; John Thornton 1995 _Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1680_ pp43,107-112; Ralph A. Austen "The Trans-Saharan Slave Trade: A Tentative Census" in Henry A. Genery & Jan S. Hogendorn _The Uncommon Market: Essays in the Economic History of the Atlantic Slave Trade_ pp68-69; Philip D. Curtin 1968 June "Epidemology and the Slave Trade" _Political Science Quarterly_ pp190-216; Beverly B. Mack "Women and Slavery in 19th-Century Hausaland" in Elizabeth Savage _The Human Commodity_ pg97; Reginald Coupland 1967 _The Exploitation of East Africa 1865-1890: The Slave Trade and the Scramble_ pg148; Allan G.B. Fisher & Humphrey J. Fisher 1970 _Slavery and Muslim Society in Africa: The Institution in Saharan and Sudanic Afica and the Trans-Saharan Trade_ pp97-148; William Gervase Clarence-Smith _The Economics of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade in the 19th Century_ pg14; Lewis H. Gann & Peter Duignan _The Burden of Empire_ pg154)  



2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Ryan Lovelace _National Review_
Obummer regime issued about 5.46M "work permits" to foreign nationals since 2009
James Fulford: VDare
"The remarkable number of work permits granted by the federal government to law-breaking aliens better explains how all net jobs growth since 2007 has gone to immigrants.   The government issued approximately 1.7M work permits since 2009 to aliens whose status was not known, not recorded, or not disclosed by USCIS, according to the report.   The report says employment is not authorized by law for approximately 1.2M immigrants who collected work permits while having a temporary visa status.   And the data show that approximately 1,200 new work permits went to unlawful entrants who were denied asylum, were suspected of using fraudulent documentation, were stowaways, or were refused at a port of entry.   Approximately 1.1M legal immigrants and 700K guest-workers enter the country every year [through several different visa programs] along with the millions of foreign nationals that have received work permits from the federal government, according to a statement from CIS..."
Jessica Vaughan: Center for Immigration Studies (with table)
"Approximately 1.8M new work permits were issued to aliens with temporary visas or those who entered under the Visa Waiver Program.   Of these, about 1.2M (67%) had a visa status for which employment is not authorized by law.   For example, more than 470K work permits were issued to aliens on tourist visas and 532K were issued to foreign students.   More than 156K were issued to dependents of students and guest-workers, all in categories not authorized for employment by law.   In addition, 963K new work permits were issued to aliens who have been granted permanent status or have a status that will lead to a green card.   These are primarily refugees (418K), fiancés of U.S. citizens (164K), and approved asylum applicants (174K).   About 982K new work permits were issued in this time period to illegal aliens or aliens unqualified for admission.   Of these, 957K were aliens who crossed the border illegally (Entered Without Inspection).   Inexplicably, 1,200 new work permits were issued to aliens who were denied asylum, were suspected of using fraudulent documents, were stowaways, or were refused at a port of entry."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
27 police chiefs and sheriffs have surrendered to illegal immigration
"Burbank has long been an apologist and facilitator for illegal aliens.   He was filmed laughing about the sale of [doubly fraudulent Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] in spite of the fact that an estimated 80K Utah children are victims of illegal alien-driven [SIN] identity theft.   He has turned Salt Lake City into a sanctuary city for illegal aliens and he has failed to control a flourishing cartel-driven drug trade..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
one family of visa lottery winners from Ghana ran up $1.3M in bad debts
"The migrants have managed to live for more than six years in a McMansion in the suburbs without making a single mortgage payment.   It is a 3,292 square foot building, close to double the size of most suburban houses..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
1K new crimes, and how many more to come?

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
after US ICE released in 2013 illegal aliens who had committed additional crimes, 1K more have been convicted of more crimes

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
_Conservative HQ_
Ken Cuccinelli endorsed convention of the states

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer's budget and the Capitol Hill GOP's over-spending problem

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer's proposed budget creates a second death tax
Ryan Ellis: American for Tax Reform
"The [Obummer] budget calls for a stealth increase in the death tax rate from 40% to nearly 60%...   Example: Dad buys a house for $10K.   He dies and leaves it to you.   The fair market value on the date of death is $100K.   You sell it for $120K.   Under current law, you have a capital gain of $20K (sales price of $120K less step up in basis of $100K).   Under the [Obummer] plan, you have a capital gain of $110K (sales price of $120K less original basis of $10K)."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer's proposed budget would fund "public works" with an additional tax on over-seas profits

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer's envy economics

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Laura Ingraham
singing favorite songs can stave off Alzheimer's dementia
David Harding: NY Daily News

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Carl Tate _Waynesboro News Virginian_/_Daily Progress_
blacks have a long, rich history with non-leftists
"recently I've really started to contemplate some of my political positions and consider once again why I believe the things I believe, especially in light of issues that are important to me as an attorney and a young African-American, such as criminal justice reform and the like, which made me look at the conservative movement and the black community.   For instance, consider conservatives and criminal justice reform.   For conservatives the fight for reforming the criminal justice reform should be a no-brainer, it's a fight to limit the scope and authority of government at all levels.   Those on the right should be the first ones agitating against the imprisonment of millions of fellow citizens for non-violent offenses.   And for the record many are, the much maligned Koch brothers have spent millions over the years fighting for reform, as have figures such as Rand Paul and his father, former congressman Ron Paul.   To conservatives like them it makes no sense to argue for small government but a large out of control judicial system that ensnares far too many of our black and brown citizens...   In fact, the original tea party, in Boston, the one where revolutionaries dressed as Native Americans and snuck on a boat to dump British tea, centered around product smuggling and avoiding taxes...   Conservatives, classical liberals, fighting for the individual rights and economic freedom, regardless of race was once the norm.   By all accounts, black civil rights activists should be marching [arm-in-arm] with those in the conservative movement.   Perhaps one day they will be once again."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
how extremely is Obummer giving in to Iran?

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Valerie Richardson _Jewish World Review_
corrupt Obummer regime illegally meddling in Israel elections
Investor Village
Washington DC Times

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Philip Ross _Jewish World Review_
Mike Huckabee cited Bible, Torah, Jewish observance in position against gay "marriage"
International Business Times

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
standing on the world's platform waiting for the fame-train to arrive?
"He wasn't necessarily a fool, this young man, but he was either ignorant or innocent -- or both.   And I thought about how his family, his college and his culture had all failed him..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
freedom is the best way to help low-income students

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
lost words, lost worlds

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's anti-Israel attitude

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Obummer still dithers as the terrorist violence escalates
"[Mohammedans] were responsible for 80% of 17,958 deaths from terrorism worldwide in 2013, according to the Global Terrorism Index of the Institute for Economics and Peace, an Australian think tank. Deaths from terrorism have risen 500% since 2001/09/11, with the major players being the so-called [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] in the Middle East, Boko Haram in Africa and al-Qaida.   [Mohammedans] kill someone somewhere every 5 hours, on average, says the Religion of Peace web-site..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Ramesh Ponnuru _Jewish World Review_
Republicans should plan for post-ObummerDoesn'tCare world (post-Medicare world, post-Medicaid world, post-Socialist Insecurity Abomination world)

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Anthony Rivas _Jewish World Review_
hoppy, bitter, anti-oxidant-rich beer may save your brain from dementia
Medical Daily
"Researchers from the University of Lanzhou, China, however, found in their new study that the flavonoid xanthohumol (Xn) may delay or even prevent the onset of dementia and other cognitive decline.   The anti-oxidant, which is found in beer's hops -- those flowers that are added to beer for flavor, giving it its bitterness and tanginess (think most new, dark craft beers) -- has been shown to have anti-cancer, anti-oxidation, and heart-protective properties, as well as the ability to prevent inflammation, Healthline reported..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
no more "ruling class" culture: legislation would eliminate pensions for congress-critters

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Mike Dennison _Billings MT Gazette_
young, tech-savvy legislators are making Montana a leader in digital privacy
"The 28-year-old Zolnikov plans to sponsor several of these bills, including one to require law enforcement to get a warrant before acquiring any personal information held by an 'electronic communication service', such as a social media or Internet data firm, like FB or Google.   Other such measures include House bill 343, which would prohibit employers from requiring job applicants or workers to provide passwords to personal social media accounts...   HB333, sponsored by Schwaderer, which limits the use of government surveillance cameras in 'public places'...   Sen. Matt Rosendale, R-Glendive, also is sponsoring senate bill 209, which says information on a motor vehicle-event recorder belongs to the vehicle owner and can't be accessed without his or her consent or a court order..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
resident evil: NOAA's next Cray super-computer will be infected with evil Ill-Begotten Monstrosities
"The model that got the storm track right -- the updated U.S. Global Forecast System (GFS) model -- now runs on a relatively small 213-teraflop supercomputer (with each teraflop representing one trillion floating point operations per second).   Ahead of the big storm, that hardware was running at near capacity.   Now, that system is about to get a serious upgrade to 776 teraflops.   The new system is now in acceptance testing and by October, the National Weather Service (NWS), which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), expects to have two 2.5-petaflop systems up and running.   The Weather Service actually runs 2 GFS systems, one in Virginia and the other in Florida, with one serving as a potential back-up..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
John Phillips _PJMedia_
poll: Obummer is good, incompetent, intelligent, dictatorial, untrustworthy, dishonest
Conservative News 24/7
Radal M. Bundy/Quinnipac U

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Laura Ingraham
poll: 54% prefer a budget that cuts federal government spending
Jennifer Harper: Washington DC Times
"'Only [resident Obummer] would call an $18T debt mindless austerity' [said] representative Richard Hudson (R-NC)...   'The president's budget is nothing more than another false promise that the government can provide anything and everything with no fiscal consequences.   The solution to our fiscal crisis is to cut spending, not to increase it and add more tax burdens to compensate.   This budget is a joke.', FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe.   'The White House knows this budget is dead on arrival.   This administration is more interested in dividing Americans and redistributing wealth than pursuing policies of personal freedom, economic freedom and a debt-free future.', Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots."
Stephen Dinan & Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times: Obummer vows to veto any budget that doesn't continue to increase federal government spending and taxation at accelerating rate
oath-breaker Obummer to demand amnesties for illegal aliens be funded

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Times_/_Washington DC Free Beacon_
Red China working through 100-year plan to deceive West into funding their rise to world domination

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Laura Dean _Global Post_
Philistines respect borders of neither Egypt nor Israel: Egypt threatens to demolish Rafah to move residents off of border
"The drastic measures are aimed at preventing the smuggling of weapons and other contraband, as well as the movement of persons, to and from the blockaded Gaza strip.   A crack-down on jihadi and extremist activity in Sinai has intensified since mid-2013, what was once a low level conflict has bloomed into a fully-fledged insurgency.   Hundreds of security forces have been killed in the last 18 months.   The largest attack in October of 2014 left more than 30 dead.   Just this Thursday, 27 Egyptian soldiers were killed in a series of attacks targeting military facilities in North Sinai and Suez.   The State of Sinai, formerly Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, that pledged allegiance to the [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] in November, took responsibility for the Sinai-based attacks on their Twitter account..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Matt Drudge presidential poll

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Paul Hsieh _PJMedia_
"herd immunity" applies to arms as well as vaccinations

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Nicholas Ballasy _PJMedia_
Sharyl Attkisson: White HOuse using tax-victim dollars for studio-grade "pure propaganda": hair-stylists, make-up artists and ward-robe consultants
"By cutting out the news media, Attkisson said the White House has figured out how to avoid questions and accountability.   She also revealed that the Department of Agriculture has more than 1,200 'media relations employees' nationwide."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Roger Kimball _PJMedia_
what are the things that make Barack Hussein Obummer such a bad president; what is an "existential threat"?
"People really can be, as Wittgenstein said, 'captivated by a picture' of the world, blinded by their attachment to what we have come to call 'the Narrative'.   According to the narrative, Great Society welfare programs are a good thing.   They are framed (weren't they?) to help poor people (and, not incidentally, to make the people framing them feel better about themselves) ergo they cannot be a failure, not really.   Do they, as a matter of fact, institutionalize rather than abolish poverty?   Do they make an entire class of people more and more dependent on government?   Do they encourage a range of social pathology, from teen pregnancy and single-mother households?   Do they nurture a Janus-faced culture of dependency that involves a huge government bureaucracy, captive politicians, as well as official 'clients'?   None of that matters to The Narrative..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
leftism is a jealous god wannabe, which brooks no dissent from its narrow orthodoxy

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Andrew Klavan _PJMedia_
the Klavan Rule

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
"Publius Libertas" _Conservative HQ_
Virginia amendment adds needed clarity to "reasonable search and seizure"

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Shoula Romano Horing _American Thinker_
the left's obnoxious attacks on Netanyahu and Israel

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
J. Matt Barber _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer aiding enemies of the USA
"We now learn from a reluctant [Obummer] media that at least one of the 'Taliban 5' -- one of these faithful followers of Muhammad -- intends to kill more American citizens...   According to a September congressional report, 'about 17% of detainees transferred out of Guantanamo Bay are confirmed by the U.S.A. to have returned to militant activity.   About 12% are in the suspected category.', noted CNN."
Barbara Starr: CNN: detainee swapped for Bergdahl suspected of violent activities

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
"Federale" _VDare_
how GOP congress can reform immigration: enable patriotic bureaucrats
"This is where the real battle begins.   What is to be done when the House receives the DHS funding bill?   The key: write in precise language that is designed to use the bureaucracy against itself and make implementing the Obamnesty impossible.   The restrictive language needs to be both specific, to cover the precise legal rationales that the [Obummer regime] is using to defend [its unconstitutional and illegal], and broad enough to cover any new strategy the Administration might come up with to enable its plans.   One of the most important pillars of the [Obummer regime's unconstitutional and illegal] Administrative Amnesty: the claim that any illegal alien in the United States could be allowed to remain in the United States illegally and issued a work permit (Employment Authorization Document, EAD) at the whim of the Federal government.   This claim originated during the [Clintoon regime] under the tenure of then-Immigration and Customs Enforcement Commissioner Doris Meissner... Therefore, any specific legislation needs to target 'prosecutorial discretion' and also outline penalties for 'non-feasance', or the refusal of a federal employee to perform a lawful duty [and mal-feasance]..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Lydia Brimelow _VDare_
celebrate Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo Day with VDare.com
"What we won was a largely empty desert.   What our people built was an economic and technological powerhouse that is the envy of the world..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Patrick Cleburne _VDare_
Loretta Lynch nomination for attorney-general is an acid test for respectable non-leftist web-zines, too

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Bob Tisdale
about claims that NE USA blizzards have been amplified by human-induced global warming

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
oops, 2014 was not the "warmest year in history"
"As both government agencies made clear in their briefing materials, the likelihood that 2014 was the planet's warmest year is far from a slam-dunk.   Indeed, the probability that 2014 set a record is not 99% or 95%, but less than 50%.   NOAA's number-crunchers put the probability at 48%; NASA's analysis came in at 38%..."

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Bob Tisdale
the end of Tabloid Climatology? U of Toronto study says global warming won't mean more stormy weather

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Bob Tisdale
U of IA: researchers allege link between smoke from fires and tornado intensity

2015-02-02 (5775 Shebet 13)
Eric Worrall
will warmists ever be willing to engage in rational debate?
Toronto Star
"I suspect there may be problems other than communication which need to be addressed, before a common understanding can be achieved."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1653-02-02: New Amsterdam -- now New York City -- was incorporated.
1709-02-02: Alexander Selkirk is rescued from shipwreck on a desert island, inspiring the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "[Interviewee ‷Leisl‴:] ‷...My father always took the time to explain monuments and things like that as we traveled. We had a large Lego® set, and each week-end, my father would assign us a structure to build; once it was a spiral stair-case! My parents always encouraged discussion at the dinner table. Now that we're older, we have great arguments.‴   Word-play, argument, verbal wit, jokes, games, puzzles -- they are among the least expensive toys a child can have. They also represent the kinds of skills which are crucial for the nurturing of lively minds." --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg65  



2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Jim Clifton _Gallup_
5.6% unemployment rate is a "big lie"
"If you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job -- if you are so hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past 4 weeks [i.e. if you are not employed, but also not actively seeking work] -- the Department of Labor doesn't count you as unemployed.   That's right.   While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure we see relentlessly in the news -- currently 5.6%.   Right now, as many as 30M Americans are either out of work or severely under-employed.   Trust me, the vast majority of them aren't throwing parties to toast 'falling' unemployment.   There's another reason why the official rate is misleading.   Say you're an out-of-work engineer or health-care worker or construction worker or retail manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 -- maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn -- you're not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Laura Ingraham
Austin TX's "advanced" industry growth is most rapid in the USA
Dan Zehr: Austin Mexican Statesman
Ed Marcum: Knoxville TN News Sentinel: Knoxville leads TN in "advanced" jobs

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
House Judiciary committee examines deliberate dismantling of USA immigration enforcement
"Vaughan's testimony emphasizes the tremendous decrease in the number of deportations; the number of ICE deportations from the interior has dropped 58% since the peak in 2009, and the number of criminal alien deportations has declined by 43%.   She also cites the large increase (43% since 2011) in attempted border crossings and the enormous number of illegal aliens being allowed to stay and work in the country...   'One of the most urgent tasks now before congress is to restore integrity to our immigration laws by ending the massive catch and release scheme put in place by the [Obummer regime], implementing more effective deterrents to illegal settlement, and providing the tools for more efficient enforcement.'" Jessica Vaughan's statement Jan Ting's statement

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Kenric Ward _Human Events_
aliens committing more crimes at Obummer's discretion

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
Red politicians considering whether to de-fund DHS or end unconstitutional and illegal amnesties for illegal aliens

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Jorge Ramos and immigration linguistics

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Daniel Newhauser _National Journal_
Boehner, McConnell, Rogers continue to refuse to get in line with citizenry, Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee on visas, immigration and border security; cling to leftist/crony socialist agenda

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Boehner calls on Dems to join measure to fund DHS, defund Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Laura Ingraham
10 cities where blacks are doing best
Atlanta GA Journal-Constitution

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Cheryl K. Chumley _Washington DC Times_
Christian bakers may be fined $75K for refusing to make "wedding" cake for homosexuals
TEA Party.org: Oregon government continues persection of Christian bakers
"The owners of the Portland-area bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa say they declined to bake the wedding cake in 2013 because it would have violated their religious beliefs, which reject same-sex 'marriage'..."
Kyle Wingfield: district-attorney, David Cooke, critical of religious liberty bill, has ties to leftist group opposing it

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Douglas Ernst & Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Jordanian pilot burned to death by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-01-31: Kellan Howell: if pilot is executed, Jordan will execute all ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorists captured
"Jordan had agreed to free Ms. Al-Rishawi who failed an al-Qaeda suicide bombing mission.   In return, [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] militants said they would not execute the 26-year-old pilot, who was captured in Decembers after crashing near the group's head-quarters in Raqqa, Syria."
UK Daily Mail
UK Daily Mail
TEA Party.org
Asa Fitch, Suha Ma'ayeh & Maria Abi-Habib: MarketWatch

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Soeren Kern _GateStone Institute_
no-go zones in Britain: neighborhoods with high concentrations of Muslims, high rates of sexual harassment & assaults of non-Muslims, robberies... some police are afraid to enter except in groups

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
New Orleans and the graft-rich EB-5 program are made for each other
"A few years ago the (now-jailed) Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, signed a 30-year exclusive agreement with NobleOutreach NOLA LLC, a USCIS-recognized EB-5 regional center.   It was to be the city's sole connection to EB-5 financing, with a cluster of half-million dollar investments from largely Chinese aliens designed to continue the post-Katrina re-building process.   It has been all down-hill since then, similar to the state government's designation of a regional center in South Dakota has been in that state, as we have reported from time to time.   (Al Jazeera says that the New Orleans designation of an EB-5 regional center is the only municipal one in the nation; my research indicates there is a similar arrangement in Miami/Dade County, but that one has not attracted the criticism that has hit the South Dakota and New Orleans entities.)..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's mad dash to the extreme left finish line
Cybercast News Service
"[President Obummer] has no intention of heeding the call of American voters to curb his statist agenda.   That's not what extreme ideologues do, and that's not what he did after his party's shellacking in the 2010 congressional elections...   This isn't speculation, for [Obummer] has already reaffirmed his commitment to accelerate his quest to fundamentally change America by expanding the power and scope of the federal government more than he already has...   Last week in Philadelphia, he began to fulfill his promise to stump for socialism.   He spoke to the House Democratic Caucus, and he pulled no punches in laying down the markers for the next 2 years.   He didn't call on his colleagues to join him in working with the newly elected Republican congressional majority.   He didn't acknowledge they had gone too far left and pledge to rein in his transformational ambitions...   We need to pay special attention to his words when he is with like-minded people, around whom he is comfortable to say things that wouldn't resonate with the majority of Americans..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
why unemployed men don't do house-work
"The number of men between the ages of 25 and 54 who are unemployed is at all-time high: 16 of every 100 men in that age range have not been able to find jobs -- compared to the 1960s, when only about 5 of every 100 men were without work...   So, rather than focus on house-work imperfections of unemployed males, wouldn't we all be better off if we focused on getting these fellows back to work? &nnbsp; Work is good for the soul, for happy marriages and households, and we certainly need more tax receipts to cover our country's bills."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
it's time to replace today's socialist income extortion with flat 9% tax, 9-9-9, or retail sales tax

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
public opinion disregarded by Obummer regime drive to increase both illegal and legal immigration far beyond today's vastly excessive levels
Washington DC Examiner
TEA Party.org
Freedom Fighters of America

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the rape of Ukraine

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Jackson Diehl _Jewish World Review_
Obummer in conflict with other USA Reds/leftists/Dems over foreign policy
Charleston SC Post and Courier
NorthWest Arkansas Democrat Gazette
Stephen Green: PJMedia

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Robert D. Kaplan & Daphna H. Rand _Jewish World Review_
dictatorship is different now: post-modern autocrat's hand-book
Bloomberg, who should know
Chicago IL Tribune, which should also know from Obummer and Rahm
Litchfield CT Register Citizen

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Richard W. Rahn _Jewish World Review_
Vladimir Putin is funding "environmental groups" (watermelons) to block USA oil, natural gas, and coal production
Washington DC Times
B efore It's News

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
the rats also known as teen-agers
"Turns out, maybe all it took was an over-active hormone receptor.   That's what a professor named Sheryl Smith is explaining to a country hanging on her every don't-worry-it's-not-your-fault-your-children-hate-you word.   Her work with lab rats seems to show that in the two years (or, in the case of lab rats, four days) it takes to go through puberty, the brain reacts to stress differently than it does in childhood or again in adulthood.   But maybe the same as it does during PMS.   Stress usually causes the body to release a Valium-like hormone that calms a person down.   During puberty, that same hormone has the opposite effect: It makes the person (or at least the rat) more anxious, more moody, more ready to slam the bath-room door, lock oneself in and bang one's head on the toilet seat because one's hair looks 'too wavy'.   (The rat behavior equivalent is cowering in the dark part of a maze.)..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
tragic school stories
Human Events

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Thomas Sowell _Human Events_
stormy weather and politics
Jewish World Review

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
_TEA Party.org_
corrupt race-obsessed oath-breakers Barack Hussein Obummer & Eric Holder are obviously in revenge mode
"If you want to spend your life nursing grievances, you will never run out of grievances to nurse, regardless of what color your skin is."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
_TEA Party.org_
Barack Hussein Obummer should be scorned for sympathizing with violence-initiating Muslims
TEA Party News Network

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
_TEA Party.org_
sheriff Paul Babeu: up to 30% of the roughly 120K illegal aliens apprehended every year at the SW U.S. border around his county have some kind of criminal record in the USA
Cybercast News Service
"According to Babeu, between 88K and 123K illegal aliens are apprehended each year at the Tuscon Sector -- 1 of 9 border patrol zones along the U.S.A.-Mexico border.   Among those illegal aliens, between 17% and 30% have a criminal record in the country, Babeu testified...   Babeu also detailed the drug-running and smuggling operations that have become more and more prevalent in his county.   In one day alone, law enforcement officials arrested 78 members of a notorious cartel and seized 108 illegal weapons, all during a single drug bust.   '[These are] not just handguns.', Babeu explained.   'These are scoped rifles and AK-47s, 2 of which were traced back to the Fast and Furious operation.   This is in my county.'...   hundreds of illegal alien criminals have been released from custody by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] and sent back into the local community.   At one point in 2013, around 400 illegal alien criminals were set free from local jails and back into Pinal county.   Another 30 to 50 illegal alien criminals are released every day, Babeu stated before Congress."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
_TEA Party.org_
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL): terrorists in Guantanamo are treated better than the average inmate in the USA
Cybercast News Service
"'And by the way, they don't deserve Geneva Convention protections [because they are not uniformed soldiers but covert spies, saboteurs, and terrorists].   It's out of the kindness of our heart...that we give them that.'"

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Andrew Griffin _UK Independent_
lengthening telomeres on ends of chromosomes might lengthen life
"The new process allows scientists to lengthen the telomeres, effectively turning back the biological clock and making the chromosomes -- and the people that are made out of them -- younger.   When the cells have been treated, they behave as if they are younger and multiply quickly rather than stagnating or dying..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
president Obummer's latest oath-breaking and lawlessness demands impeachment
Thomas Lifson: American Thinker
"U.S. senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Chairman of the senate sub-committee on Immigration and the National Interest, issued a statement regarding new data, unearthed in a Freedom of Information Act request, which revealed the operation of a shadow immigration system, that since 2009 has issued [nearly] 5.5M [correction: 7.4M] foreign worker permits above the yearly flow of 1M green cards and 700K guest workers, a massive surplus beyond existing legal numerical limitations.   This drastic expansion of foreign workers, which includes many illegal workers, undermines jobs and incomes for all residents, including recent immigrants.   In his statement senator Sessions said: 'This Freedom of Information Act request has unearthed the operation of a shadow immigration system previously unknown to the American public.   A full investigation is warranted.   In addition to the widespread non-enforcement of existing immigration law—such as the public charge rule—we know now the Administration has been issuing millions of additional work permits beyond what Congress has authorized.   Since 2009, the Administration has issued [nearly] 5.5M [correction: 7.4M] new work permits in excess of the regular immigration flow.   This massive increase in the labor supply has occurred simultaneously with a steep drop in family incomes and a sharp rise in the number of Americans pushed out of the workforce.   All jobs gains since the recession have gone to foreign workers, while the slack labor market has depressed median family incomes almost $5K in that time.   This exposé comes as congress prepares to vote tomorrow on whether to begin debate on the House-passed bill to stop the president's unlawful issuance of another 5M work permits to illegal immigrants.   The House bill on the floor fully funds every lawful activity of DHS; what it does not fund is outlaw behavior.   Any senator who votes to block debate is voting to deny their constituents the protections of their own laws.   Blocking debate on this bill is to block your own constituents' voice in the affairs of their government.   Congress passed limitations on immigration and rules for residing in the United States, in order to protect the economic interests of all U.S. workers—both immigrant and native-born.   Month after month, the [Obummer regime] has systemically dismantled U.S. immigration laws without evoking a word of protest from members of the president's party.   The coming days will test whether congressional Democrats can claim to represent American workers, or whether they will complete their transformation into the party of open borders.'   You can read the Center for Immigration Studies paper on the Freedom of information documents...   For information on the record pace of immigration and the quadrupling of the foreign-born population...   Andrew C. McCarthy...went on to make the point that, '[Obummer] is guided only by his political calculations, not the law or his oath of office.'...   this is the president defying [the US constitution and] the law and not doing what the congress has specifically directed him to do -- namely issue no more than a very specific number of work permits [guest-work visas] and 'green cards'."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
needed: leaders to speak the truth about force-initiating Islam

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Chris Miles _MarketWatch_
leftists getting one of their wishes: illustrative story of Detroit man's 21 mile commute afoot went viral
We don't need even more wasteful mass transit; we need our personal, private vehicles back...jgo

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
_Many Faces of Spaces_/_The Other News_
Jewish fraternity house at the U of California at Davis spray-painted with anti-semitic graffiti, swastikas
Michael Morris: Cybercast News Service
alpha epsilon pi

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
10 worst additional taxes in Obummer's proposed "budget"

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Sally Zelikovksy _American Thinker_
Republican losership blew it on response to Obummer's proposed "budget"
"[President Obummer's] budget is an attack on all hard-working Americans and saddles middle class families with higher taxes.   America's working families cannot afford [Obummer's] proposed budget.   Already under [Obummer], median family income has plummeted by $2,900.   The projected 2015 budget deficit is $583G and will saddle each household with $47K in additional debt.   Families might not feel the pain today, but their children will certainly feel the pain tomorrow.   [Obummer] also wants to siphon more tax revenue from the middle class by changing the way homes, stocks, businesses, and farms are valued when they pass upon death from parent to child.   This affects Americans of all incomes who have worked hard to acquire property, invest in stocks, or build successful businesses and farms..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Laura Ingraham
Jeff Sessions to Obummer "budget" director Shaun Donovan: "Your ideas will not work... They will never work" endanger the USA's future
Ryan Lovelace: National Review
"Sessions decried declining median income for families over the last decade as 'catastrophic', and noted that it happened under [president Obummer's] watch.   'The problem is your policies: tax more, spend more, borrow more, [and] regulate more...   that's what's caused this problem.', Sessions said.   'We got a problem, but your ideas will not work, they will never work.'   Sessions said that the spending proposed in the president's 'budget' endangered the future of the country, and asked whether the president's budget would spend more than was agreed to in the Budget Control Act of 2011..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Laura Ingraham
Dave Brat: Obummer, Reid, Pelosi, Gutierrez other Dems/Reds/leftists are the party of no border security (mp3)

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Obummer State Dept. admits they lied about Muslim Brotherhood visit
Adam Kredo: Washington DC Free Beacon
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
David Vitter (R-LA): Lynch's comments about rights and privileges of illegal aliens, and Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
"CNSNews.com asked Vitter, 'Do illegal aliens have the right to work in the United States?'   'No, they do not, and more importantly, the law is very clear on the fact that they do not have the right to work in the United States.', Vitter answered.   'Ms. Lynch basically said illegal aliens have the same right to work in the United States as citizens and green card holders, which is just absolutely crazy and just not true.   The law is very clear on that.   And for her to say that is just...   I was absolutely astounded...   We're going to pass a Homeland Security funding bill, in my mind with that language [forbidding use of funds for amnesty of illegal aliens].   We're going to pass a funding bill.   We don't want that department shut down.   Now if it passes, the president has a chance to veto it.   So it would be him [Obummer] shutting down that department, if that happens.   But we're going to pass a bill.', he added."
Rudy Takala: Cybercast News Service: John McCain concurs: they should not be in the USA illegally, let alone be employed here

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Norwegian founder of Islam Net: every Muslim wants death penalty for homosexuals, stoning for adultery
"These are general views that every Muslim actually has...   To emphasize his view that the points raised about punishment under Islam were held by Muslims in general and not just 'radical extremists', Fahed Qureshi then said, 'How many of you go to the normal Sunni mosques in Norway?   Please raise your hands.   Allahu Akbar.   What are the politicians going to say now?   What is the media going to say now?   That we are all extremists?   That we are all radicals?   That we need to deport all of us from this country?'"

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Samantha Madison _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
"mumps" and the 2 kinds of "measles"
"measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine...   'the chances of a vaccinated child getting measles is extremely low, and even if they do, it's usually very benign.'...   Those most at risk are infants -- who cannot get the vaccine until they are 1 year old -- as well as those who were given an inactive vaccine from 1963-1967, and those born after 1957 who have only received one dose...   more than 100 people in 14 states so far, including one in Pennsylvania, was considered eliminated from the United States in 2000 because of the vaccine.   However, the contagious illness exists in other countries, with more than 340K cases reported in 2014, according to the World Health Organization [WHO].   In 2010, there were 63 cases of measles reported in the United States.   In 2011, there were 220 cases, and in 2014 there were 644 cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP]...   'The measles, as it exists, has about a 1-in-100 chance that it can lead to encephalitis and, of course, epilepsy.', she said during a conference call Tuesday.   'The rates of having that from the vaccine is higher than 1 dose in 1M doses.   So you can see epilepsy in 1 per million cases from the vaccine compared to one in a hundred in natural measles.'...   The rate of students vaccinated with both doses in Pennsylvania by kindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year is about 86%, whereas in seventh grade, the rate is about 96%.   In Cumberland county, the number of kindergartners in public schools with both doses of the vaccine was about 85%, and in seventh grade, it was nearly 99% for the same school year..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Dems/Reds/leftists block funding of DHS over Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer IRS giving extra tax refunds to illegal aliens

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Phillip Swarts _Washington DC Times_
lack of comprehensive background investigations of airport job-applicants alarms law-makers
But air-line employees carrying loaded arms on flights generally ease passengers' fears.

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
James Fulford _VDare_
Grover Norquist wants targeted immigration law perversion, excessive visas and lax border security; what the USA needs is border security, reduced visas, and targeted deportation

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Peter Brimelow _VDare_
senator Jeff Sessions's statement on Dems/Reds/leftists' choosing unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens over funding proper functions and actions of DHS

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Brenda Walker _VDare_
another covert scheme by Obummer to hurt-Americans: millions of unconstitutional and illegal "work permits" for aliens during tough economic depression

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Dan Peleschuk _Global Post_
Svetlana Davydova alerted Ukrainian authorities there might be non-uniformed Russian soldiers covertly operating in their midst; Russias arrest her, charge treason
"Davydova also allegedly told embassy officials she overheard a local soldier in a minibus discussing apparent plans to take part in a plain-clothes mission...   While Moscow has repeatedly denied sending regular Russian troops there to aid separatists, evidence to the contrary -- particularly accounts from soldiers' family members -- has steadily mounted in recent months...   Opposition law-maker Dmitry Gudkov, a rare dissenting voice in parliament, pointed to the apparent discrepancy between the military's denial of its presence in Ukraine and the charge that Davydova's information on troop movements constitutes giving away state secrets...   Liya Akhedzhakova, a renowned Russian actress since the Soviet era, told a Moscow radio station Tuesday the Kremlin's methods to clamp down on dissent reminds her of the worst years of Soviet repression."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Tom Lutey _Billings MT Gazette_
Western Sugar Co-op beet-sugar extraction plant will continue to operate through February
"Sugar beet farmers supplying the Billings factory had a larger than normal harvest in 2014.   The waiting line of semi trucks hauling double trailers of beets was more than five deep at the South Side on Monday night.   About 80 employees are involved in hauling the beets to Billings and Lovell from storage piles, some more than 30 miles away from the factory.   Roughly 320 workers are involved in the sugar process, which began last September...   Montana farmers harvested roughly 1.43M tons of sugar beets from 44K acres in 2014..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
outrage follows Palestinian Authority/Fatah daily publication of Muhammad cartoon
Discover the Networks: Fatah

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
senators Rubio and Menendez criticize Obummer State Dept. over deal to open embassy in Cuba: Obummer plunges forward with a bad new policy

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Michael Ledeen _PJMedia_
we still don't fully know why Obummer wants to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and long-range missile systems

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
Turkey deported Moussa Coulibaly less than a week ago; he attacked French police guarding Jewish center in Nice

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Curtis Kalin _Cybercast News Service_
ObummerDoesn'tCare web-site is giving personal private data to advertising sites
"Following up on a January 20 Associated Press report, a congressional analysis confirmed that in many instances, personal data collected by Healthcare.gov is shared with companies like Google, Yahoo, Twitter, and Advertising.com...   The type of information acquired by these companies includes age, income, zip code, use of tobacco, and pregnancy."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
how do we stop the infiltration of the USA by violence-initiating Muslims?
Frosty Wooldridge article index

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
abc news broadcast reports critical of the EB-5 visa program
"ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross will lower the boom on fraudsters and other criminals using the immigrant investor (EB-5) program in tonight's broadcast of 'World News Tonight' and later on 'Nightline'.   Armed with a fistful of reports from whistle-blowers within USCIS, Ross reports that the United States 'Gave visas to suspected forgers, fraudsters, [and] criminals'..."

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Theodore Dalrymple _Salisbury Review_
guilty until proved innocent

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Hollie Thrasher _Redstone AL WAAY TV_
what your senators are saying about Obummer's over-spending scheme

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Betsy McCaughey
for his next promise Obummer's deal-breaking budget

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Werner Brozek & "Just The Facts"
only satellites show pause, WUWT? (now includes December data)

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Jim Steele
sea ice climate schizophrenia

2015-02-03 (5775 Shebet 14)
Eric Worrall
U of MD nutty claim: our ability to think inhibits our response to climate variations

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In East Africa, some of the more geographically favored areas included harbors, such as the large natural harbor on the off-shore island of Zanzibar and such mainland ports as Mombasa and Kilwa. All 3 became major centers for the trading and shipment of slaves, usually captured from less fortunate inland ribes. Here the enslavers were typically either Arabs or people of mixed Arab and African ancestry and culture, known as Swahilis." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg109 (citing Francois Renault "The Structures of the Slave Trade in Central Africa in the 19th Century" in Edward A. Alpers _Ivory and Slaves_ pp 148, 191-193)  



2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Orrin Hatch has become a problem
Human Events
Town Hall
National Review
Cybercast News Service
Michelle Malkin
"In the interest of 'comity', Hatch and 16 other senate Republicans backed Holder, despite his long, sordid history of questionable ethics and national security-undermining politicking in the [Clintoon regime] -- from the Marc Rich pardon scheme with former White House counsel Jack Quinn to the clemency deal for 16 members of the violent terrorist groups Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional (FALN) and Los Macheteros, which the FBI had linked to more than 130 bombings and 6 murders.   With the blessing of senate Republican enablers, Holder went on to preside over the bloody malfeasance of the Fast and Furious scandal; the Gitmo jihad evacuations and recidivist release program; installment of far-left lawyers who had represented our worst enemies; and the establishment of a 'culture of hostility' ['hostile working environment'] toward Justice Department employees committed to election integrity, immigration enforcement and equal treatment under the law.   Now, Holder's senate GOP hand-maidens are shocked and dismayed at the cess-pool Holder is leaving behind.   Their solution? Replacing him with a woman who explicitly championed and defended [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive power grabs on illegal immigration, crusaded for the manufactured 'right' of illegal aliens to work in the U.S.A., and refused to answer GOP senator Ted Cruz's questions last week about whether any limits on a president's executive discretion to choose or ignore laws (Tax law? Labor law? Environmental law?) exist at all...   In addition to supporting Holder and now Lynch, Hatch embraced tax cheat treasury-secretary Tim Geithner and the TARP bailout, lavished praise on Joe Biden's manhood and spoke kindly of [ObummerDoesn'tCare] implementer [Kathleen Supercilious] upon her departure.   In case you'd forgotten, Hatch co-sponsored the $6G national service boondoggle and dedicated it to his good friend Teddy Kennedy, with whom he also joined hands to create the ever-expanding SCHIP entitlement.   That program is now an $8G-a-year entitlement and growing.   At a time when [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty measures are wreaking havoc on the border, public schools, public safety and the American work-force, don't forget: Hatch was an original sponsor of the open-borders [NIGHTMARE Act] illegal alien student bail-out and voted to fully fund the [Obummer] amnesty during the lame-duck session.   Hatch was joined by GOP senators Jeff Flake of Arizona and [Lindsey Grahamnesty] of South Carolina in announcing support for Lynch last week..."
please help find Marizela

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Obummer versus the USA
Human Events
Town Hall

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Laura Ingraham
Tuck Beckstoffer: small businesses are being held up by tariffs, while a string of US executives sign oxymoronic "free trade" agreements (mp3)

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Laura Ingraham
king Abdullah of Jordan quotes Clint Eastwood movie-lines
Byron York: Washington DC Examiner

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer discusses unconstitutional and illegal plans for amnesty for illegal aliens, economic destruction
Terence P. Jeffrey: Cybercast News Service

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer confers with illegal alien NIGHTMAREs in Oval Office
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: Obummer asserts that illegal aliens "belong here"
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Nevada GOP senator Dean Heller's bizarre betrayal of the citizenry, voting with Harry Reid to allow Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens go continue for a time, and to delay funding of DHS for it legitimate functions and activities

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Mark FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
after 240 years, "general warrants" -- this time aimed at computer and network service providers -- appear to be returning to Virginia

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the corrupt oath-breakers Barack Hussein Obummer and Jeh Johnson threaten "consequences" if his unconstitutional and illegal amnesties for illegal aliens are not funded
"[senate Dems/Reds/leftists] reiterating the [Obummer regime's] position that they will not accept anything less than a bill with no limits on [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty.   The GOP House passed bill bans any fee or fines that would be collected from immigrants intended to pay for [Obummer's extra-legal] executive immigration order, and to halt funding for the president's 2012 executive order, known as DACA, which allowed more than 500K young illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as 'children' [including 17-, 18-, and 20-year-olds] to stay in the country [extra-legally because the Obummer regime refuses to faithfully enforce the law].   According to reporting by Kerry Picket of the Daily Caller, even moderate Republican senator Susan Collins of Maine told reporters [Obummer's] executive order is one step too far.   'The 2014 order is not even a close call.', she said.   'It is so broad in its reach that the president himself said, more than 20 times, that he didn't have the authority to take the kind of action that is included in the 2014 order.'...   '[Jeh Johnson's] letter made it clear that if congress didn't send [president Obummer] the DHS funding bill that he wanted (rubber-stamping the president's [unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty [of illegal aliens]), local and state public safety agencies would not receive federal grants they were counting on because the president would veto the DHS funding bill.'...   While those familiar with the appropriations process might argue that [Jeh Johnson's] letters and statement are a violation of the Anti-Lobbying Act, 18 USC 1913, that says federal agencies or officials can't lobby for money we have a more fundamental concern.   What does it say about the separation of powers and the constitutional structure of three co-equal branches of government when one branch threatens another?..."
Barbara Hollingsworth: Cybercast News Service
"Larimer county, Colorado sheriff Justin Smith, who calls [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty 'a slow way of erasing the border', took to FB to criticize what he called a 'veiled threat' by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary Jeh Johnson.   In a Feb. 3 DHS press release, Johnson warned of 'consequences' to local public safety agencies if Congress does not pass a bill 'unburdened by politically charged amendments that attempt to defund our [unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions on immigration [law perversion]'.   Smith told CNSNews.com that he was 'offended' by the press release, which was forwarded to him and other sheriffs and chiefs of police...   'Let me get this straight -- the president believes he has the authority to nullify federal laws that don't serve his personal agenda, but if congress dares to exercise it's responsibility of controlling the purse strings, he will willingly hold public safety grants hostage just to get his way?   Mr. President, you don't have to love the Congress we elected, but you do have to respect their role as established under the Constitution...   stop with the threats.   Sheriffs don't take kindly to them...   I was very offended by the tactics...'"

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Tevi Troy _Jewish World Review_
Tu Be Shebet, classically known as the New Year for Trees

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Jeff Neumann _Jewish World Review_
Joe Miller: Restoring Liberty
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
force initiators posing as victims: specious claims of having been wronged give evil-doers cover for their malice
Washington DC Times

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: I made a mistake; you pay for it

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
Human Events
"Politicians and lawyers pretend that they are important people doing important work.   But often they're important because they are parasites.   They feed off others, while creating no wealth of their own.   We all complain about businesses we don't like, but because business is voluntary, every merchant must offer us something we want in order to get our money.   But that's not true for politicians and their businessman cronies.   They get to use government force to grab our money..."

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Phillip Swarts _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer/Holder DoJ nepotism

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
David Vitter investigating how congress became a "small business" under ObummerDoesn'tCare, and thus exempted from some of the burdens it imposed on the average US citizen

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Steven Greenhut _Human Events_
police should strive for justice, not unwarranted forfeiture
"In 2008, the [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE)] received bad publicity after it handed out to employees pocketknives engraved with 'ATF' spelled out: Always Think Forfeiture.   The agency was, in essence, caught encouraging its employees to seize as much property as possible under controversial civil asset-forfeiture programs.   ATF stopped giving out the pocketknives, but federal, state and local agencies have come to depend increasingly on seized assets to bolster their budgets.   Many new toys departments buy -- fancy new vehicles, military style equipment, weaponry and gadgets -- are funded this way...   'The whole asset-forfeiture program is a direct affront on the Fifth Amendment that gave Americans the right to be secure in their property.', said representative Tom McClintock, R-Roseville, in an interview Wednesday.   It reminds him of the scene from 'Alice and Wonderland' where the queen declares, 'Sentence first, verdict afterwards.'"

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Moriah Costa _Human Events_
DC charter school under fire; over 1,600 students to be affected

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Brenda Walker _VDare_
House committee examines immigration and the lack thereof under the Obummer regime

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Caitlin Huston _MarketWatch_
over 32.4% of Sili Valley 18-34 year olds, and 34.5% of all in California, living with parents
"A full 25% of the population in the area is under 18 years old, and 28% are aged 20 to 39...   The average salary in Silicon Valley was $116,033 as of the second quarter of 2014, well above the national average of $61,489, according to the report.   The majority of Silicon Valley workers, at 67.3%, were employed in [allegedly] 'high-skill', high-wage jobs and 'mid-skill', mid-wage jobs, the report found.   However, those numbers must be weighed against housing costs in the area.   A median home cost $757,585 in 2014 and rents were $645 a month higher than average rents in California, and $1,198 a month higher than average rents in the U.S.A...   start-up workers in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco area are 'hacking' their housing, by living in a 50-person communal tech house or sub-letting a 4-person room in a tech house for $1K/month."

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
$6,099,996,642,000: federal government spent more per earner ($38,806) than median earnings ($31,921)

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
Raul Labrador: Obummer is absolutely refusing to uphold the US constitution and his oath of office

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
all senate Reds/Dems/leftists and 1 Republican voted against debating funding of DHS and de-funding Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
"The House-passed bill would provide $40G in funding for the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], but it also would block any funding to implement [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] unilateral action to defer deportation and issue work permits for millions of people who came to the country illegally.   Republicans needed 60 votes [to fend off cloture], but no Democrats and only 51 of the 54 senate Republicans voted to advance the bill...   Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said Democrats, in refusing to advance the bill, are putting their party ahead of their constitutional duty: 'Senate Democrats, following their party leaders, blocked debate on this bill -- a bill which fully funds every lawful activity of DHS.   What the bill does not fund are actions that violate the law.   Senate Democrats are voting to protect an imperial overreach and to deny citizens control over their own government.   They are advancing an open-borders agenda against the will of the American people.'   Sessions noted that even [president Obummer] has acknowledged many times he did not have the authority to do what he did...   [Senate minority-leader Harry Reid insists on pushing through a dirty, unconstitutional bill, instead.]...   McConnell said. 'This is a bill that funds the Department of Homeland Security.   We're going to take it up.   If the senate wants to change it, it'll have to get on it.'"

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Ron Ewart _News with Views_
collusion, if not outright criminality at the DoJ of oath-breakers Obummer & Eric Holder
"Anyone who has been paying attention to the news is aware that U.S. attorney-general Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress for failing to produce documents related to [BATFE's] 'Fast and Furious' gun running operation that got one of our border agents and a bunch of Mexicans killed.   The U.S. House Oversight and Government Affairs committee requested the documents from Holder in its investigation of 'Fast and Furious'.   Instead of producing the documents, Holder called on the White House ([Obummer]) to cover for him by [asserting] presidential executive privilege, thereby burying the evidence.   If any citizen did this, it would be called obstruction of justice for which the perpetrator could face considerable jail time..."

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
_Billings MT Gazette_/_AP_
Montana Senate approved only limited self-defense on college and university campuses
"Seven states -- Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin -- [deign to recognize individuals' inherent right to carry] concealed weapons on public postsecondary campuses, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures."

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
readers excoriate Yebbie Boooosh for his ridiculous, disgusting immigration law perversion agenda

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
have Obummer attempts to distort election in Israel had any effect?
"Bibi Netanyahu is the overwhelming favorite to remain prime minister...   HaMachane haTziyoni, Yesh 'Atid, and Meretz may be characterized as parties of the secular Left; Likud and HaBayit haYehudi as parties of the secular Right; Kulanu and Yisra’el Beytenu are vying for the secular 'center', if such can be said to exist.   Shas and Yahadut ha-Torah represent the non-Zionist religious community, and Yachad is making a strong bid to represent the Zionist 'national religious' community.   HaMachane haTziyoni is a joint list consisting of the fused Labor Party and HaTenu'a (the latter had been a junior coalition partner in the now-dissolved previous Knesset); the new list's co-chairs are Yitzhak Herzog (Labor) and Tzipi Livni (HaTenu'a).   The United Arab List is a joint list, fusing two previous parties representing the anti-Zionist, somewhat subversive (if not openly treasonous) Arab point of view, and Chadash, as the Israeli Communist Party, which mostly attracts Arab voters.   This by no means represents all ethnic Arabs in the country: Labor, Likud, and even Shas all attract significant numbers of Israeli Arab voters (these include not only Muslims, the largest component, but also Christians and Druze, most of whom speak Arabic)...   The synthesis suggests that the Leftist [Obummer], anti-Netanyahu campaign is beginning to have some effect, since in the previous synthesis Likud had been leading by two seats.   However, most of the polls in the digest were taken before the full impact of the [Obummer] intervention on behalf of the Left.   On February 1, several Likud politicians held a dramatic press conference in which they alleged that Labor had accepted improper financial support from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) partially or entirely funded by foreign interests.   This was an obvious reference to the V15 group, whose 'partnership' with OneVoice International, an American NGO whose web-site boasts that it is a partner of the U.S. [Obummer] State Department, has now been widely reported in the Israeli press.   Yitzhak Herzog has responded to these allegations with the Israeli equivalent of pleading the fifth.   He also offered lame allegations of equivalence with the support Likud enjoys from the popular Israeli daily Yisra'el Hayom, which is owned by Sheldon Adelson...   Binyamin Netanyahu is still the likely next prime minister."

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate death cult

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Stephan Kruiser _PJMedia_
uh-oh: FCC chairman Tom Wheeler wants to regulate broad-band like a government-enforced monopoly utility

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
naturalization hall of shame keeps growing
"Once again the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) -- the folks who are supposed to keep us safe -- have shown that they can't distinguish wheat from chaff.   A few days ago, the FBI announced that its newest most-wanted suspect is one Liban Haji Mohamed, a Somali-born naturalized citizen who was brought to the United States as a refugee.   When Mohamed took the required oath of allegiance at the time he was granted citizenship...   As is obvious, he wasn't terribly serious about that oath, but then apparently neither is our government [nor president Obummer, nor former presidents Shrub, Clintoon, GHWBush, and Carter], given its dismal record in granting citizenship to a variety of terrorists, war criminals, and the like; almost never terminating citizenship when that step would seem like a given to most reasonable people; and taking so long to go about it that it becomes clear that the step is only taken when the force of public opinion becomes too great to ignore.   One might understand if DHS and its subordinate agencies, in this case U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) -- which shares responsibilities for refugee matters with State and HHS, as well as handling naturalization and a host of other immigration benefits -- occasionally got it wrong.   But the granting of citizenship to people who manifestly do not deserve it keeps happening again and again and again, which prompts the question: Why are such people admitted to begin with?..."
Because DHS is not running, absolutely refuses to run, proper background investigations on visa applicants...jgo

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Reihan Salam _National Review_
spend smarter on R&D before spending more: large corporations are investing fewer resources in basic research

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Pedro Gonzales _News Machete_
Yebbie Booosh: we will lose our liberties if we secure and control our borders
"[Yebbie Booosh] made a series of astonishing remarks about immigration today.   Actually, his comments were not so much about immigration as they were about illegal aliens.   First he said he wanted to repopulate Detroit with illegal aliens.   'It just seems to me that maybe if you open up our doors in a fair way and unleashed the spirit of peoples' hard work, Detroit could become in really short order, one of the great American cities again.', Bush said then.   'Now it would look different, it wouldn't be Polish...   But it would be just as powerful, just as exciting, just as dynamic.   And that's what immigration does and to be fearful of this, it just seems bizarre to me.'   Now, if we were talking about legal immigration [and if legal immigration were not already orders of magnitude excessive], I would probably agree.   But I think you and I both know who [Yebbie] was talking about 'opening the doors' for.   Illegal aliens are already roosting in our inner cities in the millions.   [Yebbie] simply wants to accelerate the process.   But wait, there's more.   He said, during a discussion with Univision, that it was 'ridiculous' to think that [NIGHTMARErs], children brought to the U.S.A. by their parents illegally, shouldn't have [yet another] 'accelerated path' to citizenship...   Don't all the violent gangs and drug dealers coming across the border cause us to lose liberty?   Don't all the people coming across the border and then going on welfare cause us to lose our economic liberty?   [Didn't] all the terrorists over-staying their visas and crashing planes into the World Trade Center cause 3K people to lose their liberty, as well as their lives?   Don't all the people coming across the border to take jobs that would otherwise go to Americans, also cost us liberty?   Don't all the people who come across the border, refuse to assimilate, and create pockets of foreign culture in a foreign language in our cities cost us our liberty?   Don't all the people who come across our border and then illegally vote in our elections, and/or demand citizenship so they can do that, also cost us our liberty?"

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer OMB director Shaun Donovan won't say he supports a balanced budget

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer HHS secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell won't consider what to do when court nixes ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Treasury secretary Jack Lew won't consider what to do when court guts ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Anthony Watts
U of AL at Huntsville: global temperature report: 2015 January not much change from December

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Anthony Watts
satellite animation shows February return of the "Pineapple Express" to California

2015-02-04 (5775 Shebet 15)
Jim Steele
climate horror stories that won't die: the case of the Pika (Stewart, 2015)

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
211-02-04: Roman emperor Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus (son of Publius Septimius Geta & Fulvia Pia; gs of Lucius Septimius Severus & Vitoria and Fulvius Pius & Laelia Major; ggs of Marcus Septimius Aper & Octavia and Marcus Vitorius Marcellus & Hosidia; 2ggs of Gaius Hosidius Geta/Gnaeus Hosidius Geta) died at Eboracum/York, YorkShire, England, leaving the Roman empire in the hands of his 2 quarrelsome sons, Caracalla and Geta.
960-02-04: the coronation of Zhao Kuangyin as Emperor Taizu of Song, initiated the Song Dynasty period of China that would last more than 3 centuries.
1454-02-04: in the Thirteen Years' War, the Secret Council of the Prussian Confederation sends a formal act of disobedience to the Grand Master.
1783-02-04: Britain declared a formal cessation of hostilities with its former colonies, the United States of America.
1789-02-04: electors chose George Washington to be the first president of the United States. (However, the results of the balloting were not counted in the U.S. senate until 2 months later.)
1825-02-04: the Ohio Legislature authorized the construction of the Ohio and Erie canal and the Miami and Erie canal.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Although the assumption that professors are busily at work on the frontiers of knowledge is the justification for their feather-weight teaching loads, 60% of all college faculty members have never written or edited a book & one-third have never even published a single journal article." --- Charles J. Sykes pg 102 (quoted in George Roche 1994 February _The Fall of the Ivory Tower_ pg 218; citing Robert Isoue 1987-01-27 "How Colleges Can Cut Costs" _WSJ_)  



2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Laura Ingraham
Southern California Edison "IT" workers are "beyond furious" over H-1B replacements
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
90 Miles from Tyranny
From the Trenches World Report
Californians for Population Stabilization
Numbers USA
One Political Plaza
Before It's News
Conservative Political Forum
Drudge Report archives
"about 400 lay-offs, with 'another 100 or so employees leaving voluntarily'... began in August, will be completed by the end of March...   SCE, Southern California's largest utility, has confirmed the layoffs and the hiring of Infosys, based in Bangalore, and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in Mumbai.   They are 2 of the largest users of H-1B visas.   The utility has a large IT department.   In 2012, before any lay-offs, it had about 1,800 employees, plus an additional 1,500 contract workers...   The H-1B program 'was supposed to be for projects and jobs that American workers could not fill', this worker said.   'But we're doing our job.   It's not like they are bringing in these guys for new positions that nobody can fill.'...   The SCE out-sourcing 'is one more case, in a long line of them, of injustice where American workers are being replaced by H-1Bs.', said Ron Hira, a public policy professor at Howard University, and a researcher on off-shore out-sourcing.   'Adding to the injustice, American workers are being forced to do knowledge transfer, an ugly euphemism for being forced to train their foreign replacements.   Americans should be outraged that most of our politicians have sat idly by while out-sourcing firms have hijacked the guest worker programs.   The majority of the H-1B program is now being used to replace Americans and facilitate the offshoring of high wage jobs.', Hira said...   In Irwindale, California, where SCE runs a major part of its IT operations, the 2 off-shore companies had as many as 180 LCAs, and in a random check of these applications, every address matched an SCE location.   Displaced IT workers have long protested and complained about the use of H-1B workers, but they are overshadowed by large tech companies that lead H-1B lobbying efforts in Washington.   IT workers are also effectively silenced through severance agreements that include non-disparagement clauses and confidentiality provisions, as well as fears that public complaining may hurt re-employment prospects.   Replacing U.S. workers with H-1B workers violates the spirit if not the letter of the law.   Hira pointed out that as a part of the application process to obtain H-1B approval from the Labor Department, an employer is required to attest to the following: 'Working Conditions: The employer attests that H-1B, H-1B1 or E-3 foreign workers in the named occupation will not adversely affect the working conditions of workers similarly employed.'   This statement is in Form 9035CP of the LCA.   Further, Hira noted that the Labor Department states, 'The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) requires that the hiring of a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers comparably employed.   The SCE case is clearly one where the hiring of the H-1B is adversely affecting the wages and working conditions of American workers.', Hira said.   'There isn't a clearer cut case of adverse impacts -- the American worker is losing his job to an H-1B.'...   The national median wage for an Infosys worker over a recent three-year period was $60K per year and for Tata it was $64,900, he said.   These are figures that are lower than what appear in salary surveys, including Computerworld's annual survey...   Infosys sponsored only 2% of its workers for permanent U.S. residency over a three-year period and Tata, none, he said.   Northeast Utilities in Connecticut last year...More than 200 U.S. 'IT' workers lost their jobs.   Some of the SCE employees say the out-sourcing move is linked to a 2012 report that found fault with the 'IT' management culture.   The report, by a consulting firm's incident management team, followed a 2011 December shooting, where an employee fatally shot 2 'IT' managers and wounded 2 other workers before taking his own life.   The [force initiator] worked in the 'IT' department.   The consultants interviewed 'IT' workers who told them that some managers were 'autocratic, authoritarian and draconian in their approach'.   Full-time employees complained of working excessive hours, including weekends and holidays.   The report said that 'these difficult and exhausting conditions are reportedly having adverse consequences on employees health, including increased stress and irritability'.   Prior to the out-sourcing agreements, the SCE employees said there were a series of lay-offs, including managers..."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
how the Obummer Times got it wrong on STEM and the ambitions of US citizen students

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
defining failure down: some pols want us to believe slow growth, low employment/population ratios are acceptable
"In medicine, an iatrogenic ailment is inadvertently induced by a physician or medicine; in social policy, iatrogenic problems are caused by government. When [GDP] grew by just 2.6% in 2014's fourth quarter... In the 1960s, there were 9 months of 300K-plus job creation -- and at its highest, in 1969, the nation's population was nearly 118M smaller than today's. In the 1980s, there were 23 months of 300K-plus jobs, and the nation's population in 1989 was 73M smaller than today's 320M... Nicole Gelinas writes in the Manhattan Institute's City Journal: 'A healthy economy should add 200K new jobs every month, even when it's not recovering from a recession. By that standard, America should have 133M people working in the private sector right now, not 118.4M.'..."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Laura Ingraham
illegal alien Luis Enrique Monroy Bracamontes who killed 2 sheriff's deputies in Northern California has confessed in court
Hayley Guenthner: News10/Gannett
Sarah Parvini: Los Angeles CA Times
Stephen Magagnini, Phillip Reese & Sam Stanton: Sacramento CA Bee
Cybercast News Service

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Laura Ingraham
senate GOP losership refuses to so much as delay confirmation of appointment of intended oath-breaker and constitution-violator Loretta Lynch for attorney-general, despite the efforts of true non-leftists like Ted Cruz

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
appeasement as narcissism

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
prominent leftist economists sometimes battle their own positions
"...The late Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan is attributed with the following quote: 'You're entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.'   In the case of Gruber and Krugman's current support for [regressive] policies they once opposed, what changed? The facts -- or the politics?"

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
college/university is no panacea for unemployment

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
3 generations of imbeciles in the presidency are enough
"Most candidates for office at least wait to get elected before betraying voters on immigration, because who doesn't like surprises?   Senator Marco Rubio, for example, has spent his entire Washington [DC] career pushing amnesty, after saying repeatedly when he was running: 'I will never support -- never have and never will support -- any effort to grant blanket legalization, amnesty, to folks who have entered this country illegally.'   It's almost refreshing that [Yebbie Boooosh] doesn't even bother to lie.   To the contrary, he's remarkably frank about his intention to pass amnesty, calling illegal immigration 'an act of love'.   Well, sure -- in the sense that someone's getting screwed.   I wonder if amnesty operates as a magnet for illegal immigrants...   hey, does anyone know if there have there been any measles out-breaks lately?...   former New York governor Eliot Spitzer...   New Jersey governor Chris Christie...   governor Rick Perry [of Texas]...   governor Mike Huckabee [of Arkansas]...   Rick Santorum...   Newt Gingrich...   The donors want cheap labor, and the media hate Republicans who push ideas that are wildly popular with voters...   Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker -- all of them lined up to take Sheldon Adelson's loyalty oath, swearing that, as far as they were concerned, illegal aliens should be treated as honored guests...   Zeppo McCain."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
give Ukraine the military aid it needs to defend itself against Russian operatives and military

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Dana Milbank _Jewish World Review_
Ashton Carter's sweet nothings
"...Bob Gates.   Leon Panetta.   Chuck Hagel.   Each time, lawmakers hoped that the defense secretary would be a forceful voice for the military's interests within the administration.   And each man wound up getting rolled by whippersnappers at the White House who took a more docile view of American power but were closer to [Obummer].   And the problem is broader than the Pentagon: Hillary Clinton at the State Department and David Petraeus at the CIA had hawkish views but were no match for the insiders in the White House's National Security Council..."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
nothing in the US constitution gives any government ownership of our bodies

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Hans Bader _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer "budget" perversely aims to give big raises to those in most abusive, power-mad departments, agencies, offices

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_
secondary privacy-violators broke into Anthem, a firm which was violating the privacy of some 40M
Cybercast News Service
"The attack on Blue Cross Blue Shield insurer Anthem...   The nation's second-largest insurer...   But the hackers did gain access to names, birthdates, email address, employment details, [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)], incomes and street addresses of people who are currently covered or have had coverage in the past...   hackers have multiple ways to get into a health care system that links insurers, care providers, labs and other businesses that handle sensitive patient information.   Medical records can be sold to criminals who could construct billing and insurance scams involving fake medical centers or target patients for phone scams [or simply raid credit and other bank accounts]...   Medical data also can be used to extort patients...   installing malware that steals data.   The insurer said all of its product lines were affected.   It sells mainly private individual and group health insurance, plans on the health care overhaul's public insurance exchanges and Medicare and Medicaid coverage.   It also offers life insurance and dental and vision coverage.   Affected brands include Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Amerigroup...   Anthem Inc., which recently changed its name from WellPoint, covers more than 37M people in states that include California, New York and Georgia."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
corrupt Obummer IRS handing out specialized extra benefits to some illegal aliens

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Brittany M. Hughes & Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Pete Sessions & Bob Goodlatte mum on GOP losership plan to ensure illegal aliens are not deported as they should be
"Despite House Rules chairman Pete Sessions' (R-TX) statement on Dec. 3 that he and Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) were [conspiring] to 'push a bill' on immigration that would not 'remove any person that might be here unless they were dangerous to this country and committed a crime'... [Pete Sessions] also said he personally would use all his 'assets and resources' in 2015 to work out a deal whereby illegal immigrants can 'be in this country and work, and where not one person is quote thrown out or deported.'"

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: ObummerDoesn'tCare was rammed through via a perverse "reconciliation" process, and it can be repealed through a reconciliation process
"CNSNews.com asked Cruz, 'Given that the senate enacted [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in a reconciliation measure that required only 51 votes, would you support repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare] with only 51 votes?'   'Absolutely.', Cruz responded.   'If it can be passed with reconciliation, it can be repealed with reconciliation.   And we need to use every procedural means possible to fight to stop the train wreck that is [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   I believe in 2017 a Republican president will sign legislation repealing every word of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].', Cruz said.   '[ObummerDoesn'tCare] has caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs to be forced into part time work, to lose their health care, to lose their doctors, to see their health insurance premiums sky-rocket.   This last election was a referendum on [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and the American people overwhelmingly said this isn't working [for the citizenry], let's start over.   That's what congress needs to do.'"

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Larimer county Colorado sheriff Justin Smith says Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens is a "slow way of erasing the borders"

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
2 Cumberland county PA schools were in the top-50 highest SAT scores in the state
"In the new data Thursday, Camp Hill Senior High School ranked 22nd in the state with an average SAT score of 1660.   A perfect score is 2400 with 800 in each of the three categories: reading, math and writing.   Cumberland Valley High School was close behind at #27, with an average composite score of 1647.   Both schools have had high SAT scores in the past, with 2013 averages of 1621 at Camp Hill and 1629 at Cumberland Valley..."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Theodore Dalrymple _Skeptical Doctor_
compliance with untruth: NHS's tactics to udermine free speech

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Theodore Dalrymple
guest-workers are better than British workers in every way
2012-11-27: Liberty Law site: UK's policy of truth vs. existential failure
"An important question for the country is the following: why did it import a large number of foreign unskilled labourers while maintaining an almost equal number of the native population in a condition of state-subsidised unemployment?   IOW, why mass immigration and mass unemployment at the same time?   The reasons are not straight-forward and no doubt resistant to political change, at least not without very considerable courage and a willingness to accept conflict.   The reasons go deep to the heart of the social policies followed by the political class, including Mrs Thatcher, for the past 60 or more years.   The first reason is that the foreign workers are better than the British.   They have a better attitude to work than British workers, they are often better educated than British workers, and before long will even speak better English than the British workers.   If I were an employer and knew only of two 24-year-old applicants for an unskilled job that one was a product of the British educational system and the other was Polish, I would unhesitatingly opt for the Pole.   This very fact raises very unsettling questions about the nature of what we have done to ourselves, via our political class, for many decades...   No wonder the political class does not want such matters to be even raised, why UKIP seems such a threat.   It must therefore be declared beyond the pale, unclean, like a mediaeval leper.   In the mean-time, children are indoctrinated in schools..."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Lecia Bushak _Medical Daily_
USA measles out-break
Medical Daily/Reuters: 5 babies at Palatine (suburban Chicago) day-care have measles

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Samantha Olson _Medical Daily_
intelligent students pick smart college majors
"It turns out there are decades of research proving the degree you choose is most likely influenced by your intelligence.   Duke University researcher Jonathan Wai, compiled data from five independent measures of American students' academic abilities.   Between 1946 and 2014, he found an invariably predictable order in how each college major was ranked from highest aptitude to lowest...   In 1946, researchers began collecting standardized test scores from the Army General Classification Test, which included 10K college graduates from 40 universities.   The test was designed to assess general learning ability in the military, and the results were analyzed and published.   Students with the highest scores had a degree in the physical sciences, engineering, humanities, biological sciences, and the lower scores held social sciences, business and commerce, agriculture, and education degrees, respectively.   Between 1951 and 1967, researchers collected mathematics and verbal ability scores from 38,420 college seniors.   The general test ran through 150 questions, and found those studying physical sciences, engineering, humanities, and biological sciences were the smartest of the group, while social sciences, business and commerce, agriculture, and education were the low scorers...   Graduate Record Examination (the dreaded GRE, basically the SATs on steroids) between 2002 and 2005.   The 1.2M student scores they analyzed were from students who were either just graduating college or finished and were applying to graduate schools.   This was arguably the smarter set of students who were trying to achieve a higher level of education.   But the system stayed true to its pattern, and those who majored in engineering, physical science, mathematics or computer science, and biological science had scored the highest.   Meanwhile the humanities, arts, social science, business, and education majors fell in the lowest groups.   The final study analyzed the infamous Scholastic Assessment Test, better known as the SAT.   Researchers took the average math and verbal aptitude scores of 1.6M high school seniors who indicated plans for college in 2014.   Those who planned on studying mathematics or statistics, physical sciences, social sciences, engineering biological or biomedical sciences, computer or information sciences, and liberal arts or humanities, scored the highest.   Students who wanted to major in history, business, communication or journalism, visual or performing arts, psychology, health professions, education, and agriculture scored the lowest on the SAT."

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Rich Baehr _PJMedia_
is science a "trap" for non-leftist candidates... or only the leftist religion of pseudo-science and spin?

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
a Jew examines why Obummer never names violence-initiation advocating Islam

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
the corrupt Obummer and Holder continue to attack voting rights and privileges

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Boehner and Pelosi fighting over Netanyahu, but "over-joyed" by similar visit by pope

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Thomas E. Brewton
Obummer's unconstitutional decrees are null and void
"[Some of] England's Stuart kings' repeated efforts to bypass parliament and to proclaim laws unilaterally led to the Glorious Revolution of 1689 deposing James ii and to parliament's enacting the English Bill of Rights, the precursor to our own first [12] amendments to the Constitution. Is [Obummer] Charles i or James ii redux?"
Adam White: City Journal: on the oaths and obligations of presidents

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Betsy McCaughey
when is a budget deal not a budget deal? Obummer regime trying to move the goal-posts

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Phillip Swarts _Washington DC Times_
HUD spent millions lobbying instead of helping people obtain/retain housing

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
_Investor's Business Daily_
IRS earned-income-tax-credits to illegal aliens show Obummer amnesty fraud

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Bob Tisdale
many mixed signals in the UK meteorology office's latest 5-year global surface temperature forecast

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Eric Worrall
government lunacy at work: Melbourne Australia has hired people to answer e-mail messages addressed to individual trees in the city

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Anthony Watts
inconvenient study from Columbia U: sea-floor volcano pulses may alter climate -- models may be wrong

2015-02-05 (5775 Shebet 16)
Willis Eschenbach
there is something fishy about reports of mercury levels in tuna

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The head of a Silicon Valley technology firm, Henry Nothhaft, argues that domestic manufacturing is essential not only because of the jobs and security it providees to workers, but also because it is crucial to innovation.   'R&D de-coupled from manufacturing eventually results in the loss of incremental innovation which occurs on the factory floor.', Nothhaft [and several others have] written.   Because of America's obsession with down-sizing and short-term profits, he says, 'we have gutted our ability to build the most advanced high-tech products of tomorrow'.   Similarly, Nothhaft says, 'for every manufacturing job lost, ripple effects of job destruction and income erosion spread like a lague through out the economy.'" --- Donald L. Barlett & James B. Steele 2011 _Betrayal of the American Dream_ pg254  



2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
update on Zavodny "job-creation" research
"I ask the reader's patience, as the issues are as subtle as they are important to the H-1B debate.   The details matter.   But in outline form, my points will be: R. Davis has been able to replicate Zavodny's findings.   Zavodny's findings do not make economic sense.   Zavodny's results have serious methodological and statistical issues..."
Beryl Lieff Benderly: AAAS Science
do foreign STEM workers, with advanced degrees, create more jobs than they take?
2011-06-03: Beryl Lieff Benderly: AAAS Science: taken for granted: immigrants and "entrepreneurship"

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Stephan Lawson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
legislators question Obummer regime's influence on FCC's perverse notion of network neutrality through less competition and more government interference

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
R' Eliyahu Safran _Jewish World Review_
who can legislate morality?

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
for Israel and US citizens, the corupt Obummer regime is now a force to be worked around rather than with
"On Wednesday, Hamas leader in Gaza Mahmoud Zahar called on Hamas terrorists in Lebanon and Syria to attack Israel 'to help us liberate Palestine'...   Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, has been a major player, indeed, arguably the key player in the jihadist insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula that threatens to destroy the political, economic and military viability of the Egyptian state.   The declared purpose of the insurgency is to overthrow the regime of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and integrate Egypt into ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate 'caliphate'..."
But Gaza=Palestine is already liberated...jgo
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's sermon to the leftist choir
"He took his text from the first chapter of the Book of Moral Equivalence and let the choir have both barrels..."

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
lack of persistence, resistance of the left to opposing them, allowed the return of violence-initiating Islam

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
Crosby is slightly off the mark. The reason Obummer doesn't want to be quick and industrious and persistent in whacking demons is that he is at least sympathetic to the demons, and shares some of elements of their aims.

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
the modern left cut its teeth defaming the USA
"...The best penance [the media and other leftists like the Clintons, Obummer, Ayers, Dohrn, the Emanuels, Holder, Soros, the haughty John Kerry, Pelosi, Fonda, Reid...] could do for their flagrant deceit would be to defend the Chris Kyles of the world against their own friends, colleagues and donors.   And if Kerry would like to apologize to the men who sacrificed for this country in VietNam, it's not too late."

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
blood on the Obummer regime's hands

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
the USA should think and act like a super-power

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
those noises are the Obummer regime's ideological roots slamming up against reality, and staffers leaving
Town Hall
Israel Herald

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
does the Muslim barbarism have an element of logic?

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's comparison off Christianity with violence-initiating Islam defies logic

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
patient thoughts in the age of ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Laura Ingraham
we don't really need more guest-workers, foreign students, a nd immigrants
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Laura Ingraham
Jeff Sessions: Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty is a vicious attack, a kick in the teeth of US citizens
Tony Lee: Breitbart

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
400 Americans lose jobs to lower-paid ($40K each) H-1B guest-workers at Southern California Edison

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Laura Ingraham
Red China continues to hack the USA: Anthem
Michael A. Riley & Jordan Robertson: Bloomberg
"The breach, which exposed [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] and other sensitive details of 80M customers...   The attack appears to follow a pattern of thefts of medical data by foreigners seeking a pathway into the personal lives and computers of a select group -- defense contractors, government workers and others, according to a U.S. government official familiar with a more than year-long investigation into the evidence of a broader campaign..."

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Laura Ingraham
Yebbie Booosh doesn't like Americans or the USA in its current form; wants to replace the population by bringing in many more aliens

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the depravity of Obummer's "prayer breakfast" remarks

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
_Conservative HQ_
senate GOP should follow Mike Lee's lead on DHS funding
"In remarks on the senate floor on Thursday, senator Mike Lee of Utah called out the senate Democrats for blocking the funding of the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to force [Obummer's] unconstitutional executive amnesty on the American people.   Lee's remarks (presented below in their entirety) provide a sharp contrast to the position of the senate's [GOP losership] who seem frozen and unable to plot a path forward in the face of united Democrat support for amnesty and Republican senator Dean Heller's (R-NV) bizarre refusal to join his Republican colleagues in blocking [Obummer's] unconstitutional actions...   'Republicans are ready to begin debating the DHS Funding Bill.   But in order to do that, we must vote to proceed to the bill, and Democrats have blocked us from doing that.   This is simply a procedural vote.   It doesn't mean you support or oppose the bill; it doesn't mean you support this or that amendment; it simply means you are willing to engage in an open, transparent, and public debate about the future of Homeland Security.   Now why would our friends across the aisle be afraid of that?   They'll tell you that this is about who truly supports funding Homeland Security, but that's not true and they know it.   As many of my colleagues have shown over the past 3 days, our bill funds Homeland Security.   The difference is that the Democrats also support the president's incredibly unpopular and controversial action to grant amnesty to 5M individuals here illegally who will now be eligible for work permits and entitlement benefits.   But the American people don't support that.   They oppose the way [oath-breaking president Obummer] went around congress.   They oppose the damage this policy will do to American workers.   And they oppose the crisis it is creating at our border -- as we saw last summer with so many children making that dangerous trip to get to this country.   And now that the American people have put Republicans in charge, we are trying to keep our promise to them, do what they sent us here to do, and hold a vote on the president's action.   But the Democrats are afraid of taking that vote.   That's why they refuse to even begin consideration of the bill -- plain and simple.   This effort to try to hide from the American people is embarrassing...   That may have been the way the Senate worked under the previous majority -- writing bills in back rooms, waiting until the last minute to make them public, filling the tree, no amendments, no debate, and ramming the bill through without any input from the American people.   But that's is not the way the senate is supposed to work, and it's not the way the senate will work in a Republican majority...   It's time to stop delaying democracy; it's time to stop hiding from the American people.   Let's have a vote.   Then let's have a debate.   Thank You.'"
Mike Lee (video)

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Hugh FitzGerald _New English Review_
Obummer and Islam's non-existent "golden rule"

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Hugh FitzGerald _New English Review_
Erdogan's men: Guelen is so bad he can't even get to the level of Friedman and Kristof
Today's Zaman: Gueles so bad he's not qualified to write op-eds for the NYTimes

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Hugh FitzGerald _New English Review_
Khaled Abu Toameh: "press freedom" among Palestinian Arabs
GateStone Institute: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate joins Hamas, Fatah/Palestinian Authority in threatening Palestinian journalists
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Hugh FitzGerald _New English Review_
Qassam brigades have been involved in everything that happens in the Sinai
al-Ahram: security imperatives in Sinai

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
individuals who practiced a musical instrument during their adolescence and kept it up for at least a decade exhibited better cognitive functions in older age
Medical Daily
"Researchers from the Rotman Research Institute in Canada... previous studies have noted that children who play a musical instrument do considerably better in school than children who do not...   'Musical activities are an engaging form of cognitive brain training, and we are now seeing robust evidence of brain plasticity from musical training not just in younger brains, but in older brains, too.', lead author Dr. Gavin Bidelman said in a press release.   Bidelman and his team took two groups of healthy adults aged between 55 and 75 who were identical in every aspect except one: One group had been musically trained during childhood, while the other had not.   The team tested the group's speech identification abilities, a skill which has been linked to both spoken and written linguistic abilities..."

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Susa Scutti _Jewish World Review_
bis-phenol A disrupts the delicate DNA interactions needed for male fertility say the Washington State U researchers
Pat Hunt, Lisa Vrooman, Jon Oatley, Jodi Griswold & Terry Hassold: AAAS EurekAlert
Brian Bienkowski: Scientific American
2010-02-09: S. Salien, T. Doshi & G. Vanage: Environmental Health News
2010-10-28: Richard Alleyne: London Telegraph
2011-06-06: Science Daily
2007 - 2013: Jackey Peretz, Lisa Vrooman, William A. Ricke, Patricia A. Hunt, Shelley Ehrlich, Russ Hauser, Vasantha Padmanabhan, Hugh S. Tayor, Shanna H. Swan, Catherine A. van de Voort & Jodi A. Flaws: NIH

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Anthony Watts
climate scientists should take some basic courses in statistics

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Anthony Watts
FAIL: WildFlower School anti-frackers vandalized park trees

2015-02-06 (5775 Shebet 17)
Anthony Watts
methane has been seeping from the Arctic sea-bed for millions of years

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1778-02-06: during the American Revolutionary War: In Paris the Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce are signed by the United States and France signaling official recognition of the new republic.
1815-02-06: New Jersey grants the first American railroad charter to John Stevens.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "It is extraordinarily easy to find pro-eugenic quotes from Fabians of the day. H.G. Wells, John Maynard Keynes, George Bernard Shaw, Havelock Ellis, Harold Laski, Sidney and Beatrice Webb -- all said creepy things about «the urgent need to stop stupid or disabled people from breeding»." --- Matt Ridley 1999, 2010 _Genome_ pg292  



2015-02-07 (5775 Shebet 18)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Darrell Issa (R-CA) calls Southern California Edison tech lay-offs, displacement of US citizens by guest-workers and off-shoring, "deeply disturbing"

2015-02-07 (5775 Shebet 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer and congress are destroying the American quality of life, thousands of cheap, young, pliant foreign workers with questionable ethics at a time
"the most important finding from the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS].   And that finding was that, since the start of the recession in 2007 (which allegedly ended in 2009 June) the number of foreign workers employed in the United States rose by 1.7M, while the number of American-born workers employed decreased by 1.5M.   About the only one in Washington talking about this astonishing number was our friend principled limited government constitutional conservative senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Immigration sub-committee chairman...   Miller highlighted to May that in addition to the annual flow of over 1.7M permanent legal immigrants and nonimmigrant workers, as the Center for Immigration Studies recently exposed, since 2009 the administration has also provided another 5.5M [correction: 7.4M] immigrants with employment authorization documents (EAD)...   We checked for statements from senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell and speaker john Boehner as well as other 'top' Republicans and we couldn't get or find one statement regarding the human toll these cheap labor policies are having on American families.   And that makes us wonder exactly who do Capitol Hill Republicans represent?...   As Karen Zeigler and Steven A. Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies noted earlier this summer, 'Government data show that since 2000 all of the net gain in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal)...   there were still fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7M above the 2000 level...   Since 2009, the [Obummer regime] has issued 5.5M [correction: 7.5M] new work permits in excess of the regular immigration flow.   This massive increase in the labor supply has occurred simultaneously with a steep drop in family incomes and a sharp rise in the number of Americans pushed out of the workforce.   All jobs gains since the recession have gone to foreign workers, while the slack labor market has depressed median family incomes almost $5K in that time.'..."

2015-02-07 (5775 Shebet 18)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
Obummer's drones have killed more people than the Spanish Inquisition

2015-02-07 (5775 Shebet 18)
Willis Eschenbach
tides, earth-quakes, and volcanoes

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "These opinions were created by a trained professional. Do not attempt to duplicate these thought processes in your home." --- Marty Albini  



2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
which is Obummer's biggest lie, and what does it mean?
"Bizarre as it sounds, a deal with Iran would prove to [Barack Hussein Obummer] that Islam -- at least in its Iranian shiite form -- is capable of modernity.   To the rest of us, it means they're capable of nuclear war.   (I guess that's sort of modernity.)   In any case, [Obummer's] greatest lie is designed to include Iran and its leaders in the good 99.9%.   I can't imagine a scarier thought."

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
many path-ways for illegal alien invaders and visa over-stayers to legal status will keep illegal aliens flooding in, senate panel has been told repeatedly
"A San Diego-based Border Patrol officer told law-makers that the only way to halt the influx of undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border is to make it a 'losing proposition' for them.   Shawn Moran, vice president and spokesperson for the National Border Patrol Council, a 17-year veteran, told the senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee that those endeavoring to illegally cross the Rio Grande into the U.S.A. 'weigh the risks and potential rewards' before making their move.   'These individuals are risking not only a lifetime of savings to pay the smugglers but literally their own lives in the process.', Moran said.   'They know the border is a dangerous place.   They know that they are opening themselves up to predation from smugglers in addition to the physical hazards of crossing the Rio Grande River, the Arizona desert, or even the Montana wilderness.'   But those entering also maintain the perception that 'if you can get over the border and can hide in the shadows long enough, eventually there will be a pathway to legal status', he said..."

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
Obummer's "secret Iran strategy" -- of abject appeasement until they get nuclear weapons and delivery systems -- began in 2006 with Robert Gates

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
leftists, while they learn to shave, are slicing our faces

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
power-madness continues: Jonathan Gruber wants to tax body-weight

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
does American Jewish survival rely on the holocaust?

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Pierre Comtois _PJMedia_
Roman Catholic church: history's first global organization

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Beth McMurtrie _Chronicle of Higher Education_
wealthy man's drop-out club

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
Japan needs an effective defense against Red China, North Korea, and Russia

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Jesse Byrnes _Hill_
former general blasts Obummer on his "national security" "strategy"
"Former Army lieutenant-general Michael Flynn...who retired last year as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA]...   'We're facing a growing, expanding threat around the world.', Flynn said, noting that terrorist threats have doubled in the Middle East and Africa...   'We are facing a form of cancerous component of the [Mohammedan] religion which has a fanaticism that has everything that is against our way of life and they in fact have declared war on us and I think we have to recognize that.', he said."

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Jerome Corsi _TEA Party.org_
Obummer's shadow government unconstitutionally and illegally opens borders and grants amnesty to illegal aliens

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Eric Worrall
why/how reducing CO2 emissions is like the prisoners dilemma

2015-02-08 (5775 Shebet 19)
Tim Ball
thanks to the UN IPCC, the public is not being informed that water vapor is an important green-house gas

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Any government, like any family, can for a year spend a little more than it earns, but you and I know that a continuation of that habit means the poor house." --- FDR 1932-07-30  



2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
Southern California Edison workers are just more H-1B road-kill
"Over the years it has become so common for companies to replace Americans with H-1B workers that the practice makes little news now.   A few days ago we learned that Disney was H-1B-ing American programmers and it only made the local news in Orlando.   That has not been the case at Southern California Edison, where the story got picked up by the Drudge Report...   Here there is yet another level of indirection.   We find that the non-displacement requirement of 8 U.S.C. § 1182(n)(1) only applies when the employer is H-1B-dependent and the worker is not an 'exempt H-1B non-immigrant'.   So now we have to travel to 8 U.S.C. § 1182(n)(3)...   That means that if the H-1B worker has any master's degree or higher or is paid more than $60K, then American workers can be displaced at will.   That is no hurdle to overcome.   In Los Angeles, the average wage for a computer programmer is $91,624.   The lowest an employer is allowed to pay an H-1B programmer in Los Angeles is $55,245.   Jack that up a bit to $60K and Americans can be replaced.   Or simply hire someone with one of the notorious Masters in Computer Applications degrees dished out by Indian diploma mills.   Either method makes it is perfectly legal to replace Americans.   You can see from the text above that the law is deliberately convoluted to conceal from the casual reader what it is actually doing.   It was written by immigration lawyers for immigration lawyers.   The only reason for the faux outrage from immigration lawyers (and H-1B cheer-leaders) is that this story about a routine practice has made them news...   This garbage has been going on since at least since 1994.   Yet congress has done nothing about H-1B abuse other than to make it easier to do."
2015-01-30: Greg Fox: WESH TV Orlando FL

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Yebbie Boosh, Harry Reid, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Luis Gutierrez, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt...: the peasants are revolting... so, let's get new ones
"In the Morning Jolt yesterday (you should subscribe), Brother Geraghty asked whether Jeb is too enthusiastic about immigration.   The question is prompted by David Frum's piece in The Atlantic that Geraghty calls 'the single toughest critique of Jeb Bush'.   Frum sat through hours of Jeb's speeches and interviews and wrote that 'it quickly becomes overwhelmingly apparent that this [immigration] is the public policy issue he cares about by far the most'.   He continues: 'Bush seems to have something more in mind than just the familiar (if over-stated) claim that immigration can counter the aging of the population.   He seems to think that there is some quality in the immigrants themselves that is more enterprising -- more dynamic to use his favorite term -- than native-born Americans.   This is not only a positive judgment on the immigrants themselves.   It is also a negative judgment on native-born Americans.'   In an interview with Laura Ingraham, Frum was more explicit: '[Jeb] is not satisfied with America as he inherited it, and he talks a lot about how we can't achieve prosperity merely with our existing demographics...   He seems to think that native-born Americans aren't enterprising enough, aren't energetic enough, don't love their families enough.   The solution, the way to repair the troubles of America is to change America through immigration by importing people who are somehow better than native-born.'   Jeb genuinely disagrees with [Obummer] on many policy issues, but in this respect they're two peas in a pod.   As Frum writes in the Atlantic piece: 'Both have built their campaign for president upon a deep commitment to fundamental transformation of their nation into what they believe it should be.'   They are both Amerophobes, if you will..."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
correction: number of "work permits" issued by USCIS from 2009 to 2014 was actually 7.4M

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
vaccination rates among immigrants, guest-workers, exchange visitors, tourists, foreign students, and illegal aliens are a legitimate concern

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
I see parchment burning, but the letters and the words and the memes are soaring free
"The Associated Press reported on Monday that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate fanatics have ravaged the Central Library of Mosul, the largest repository of learning in that ancient city.   [Violence-initiating Muslims] smashed the library's locks and over-ran its collections, removing thousands of volumes on philosophy, science, and law, along with books of poetry and children's stories.   Only [Mohammedan] texts were left behind.   'These books promote infidelity and call for disobeying Allah.', one of the [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] jihadists announced as the library's holdings were emptied into sacks and loaded onto pickup trucks.   'So they will be burned.'   There was more book-burning soon afterward, when [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] vandals sacked the library at the University of Mosul.   'They made a bonfire out of hundreds of books on science and culture, destroying them in front of students.', AP reported.   Lost in the libricide were newspapers, maps, and texts dating back to the Ottoman Empire..."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
the glamour of evil

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Jack Moore _Jewish World Review_
violence-initiating Muslims believe they have found the Achille's heel leaving Europe vulnerable: lack of border control and co-ordination

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Catherine Phillips _Jewish World Review_
bringing Anne Frank home, to Germany

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
the corrupt Eric Holder's perverted sense of "justice"

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
don't let Obummer plan your car purchase, or control how your car is made, nor what features it has

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
raising another risk-averse, regulation- and tax-crushed generation
"Recently released statistics show that the percentage of adults younger than 30 who own a private business is the lowest in a generation. Today, only 3.6% own a stake in a private company, compared with 6.1% in 2010. Even more troubling, this number was 10.6% in 1989..."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
countering the federal government's power-grab over education

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
the horror of violence-initiating Muslims, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, and the generational apathy

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
IRS, another corrupt, power-mad federal government agency
"unfortunately, as with many laws, the IRS (like other agencies -- FDA,FCC, SEC and EPA) decides what they want to do without legislative [nor public] oversight..."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
IRS, another corrupt, power-mad federal government agency

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
_Jewish World Review_
US tax-victim funded DHS whine-line for illegal aliens... instead of securing the home-land, capturing and deporting and removing illegal aliens
Free Republic
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
MinuteMen News
Catholic Forums
"The National Border Control Council said that this is a 'slap in the face' to those who risk their lives to enforce the laws."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
measles out-break is ignorance in action

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Rick Klein _abc_
Bobby Jindal criticized race-obsessed leftists

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Joseph Weber _Fox_
House Republicans claim pay-out for big-bank settlements are being steered toward political special interests, short-changing the people originally harmed
"The separate deals were reached with the Justice Department in summer 2014, with Citigroup agreeing to pay $7G for misleading investors over mortgage-backed securities and [Bank of India] paying $16.65G for similar actions.   But of the $24G, roughly $150M is tabbed for financial-counseling agencies -- a category that includes [leftist]-leaning groups such as the National Council of [the Racists... and NeighborWorks America... National Urban League...]... La Raza's non-profit 501(c)4 group, the NCLR Action Fund, spent $147,521 exclusively on Democratic candidates during the 2014 election cycle..."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Enjoli Francis _abc_
51 of 67 Alabama counties decline to issue licenses for gay "marriage"

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Simran Khosla _Global Post_
how much does the US federal government owe to whom?
"Nearly two-thirds of US debt is held by domestic entities (65.6%) and the rest is held by foreign owners (34.4%). The biggest shares are owned by [Socialist Insecurity] (16%), other federal government entities (13%), and Federal Reserve banks (12%)... Red China $1.25T; Japan 1.24T; Belgium $335.7G; Caribbean Banks (Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Netherlands Antilles, Panama, British VI...) $331.5G; oil exporters (Ecuador, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Gabon, Libya, Nigeria...) $278.9G; Brazil $264.2G; Switzerland $183.8G; UK $174.5G; Taiwan $170.6G; Luxembourg $167.3G; Hong Kong $165.6G; Ireland $127.4G; Singapore $110.1G; Russia $108.1G; Mexico $80.7G; India $80.5G; Turkey $80.5G..."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
Obummer cohorts' intervention into Israel elections appears to have back-fired
"Israeli polling published Friday seems to indicate that the [Obummer regime's] push to remove Binyamin Netanyahu from power and to replace him with the more pliable Yitzhak ('Buji') Herzog is backfiring."

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
Obummer lamely tried to dub Muslim attack on Jewish SuperMarket in Paris a "random shooting" (video)

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
armed and fabulous in Nebraska

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
student resistance hand-book, to resist oppressive schools

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
is the Obummer regime finally seeing the glimmer of reality in foreign relations... or are things going the way they intended all along?

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Willis Eschenbach
volcanoes and sun-spots

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Susan Crockford
polar bears out on the sea ice eat few seals in Summer and early Fall

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Robert A. Cook
Sea Ice 101: insolated, isolated, insulated ic-ebergs in space -- a mid-term exam

2015-02-09 (5775 Shebet 20)
Christopher Monckton
global warming remains on the great shelf: 18 years 2 months

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Professor Oded Shenkar at Ohio University's Fisher School of Business estimates that intellectual property theft contributes anywhere from 10% to 30% of [Red China's] total GDP growth." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg114  



2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
NFIB: small-business sentiment index fell 2.5 points to 97.9

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
corrupt Obummer tries to assert moral equivalence of force-initiating Muslim terrorists and Christian crusaders who took back Europe and parts of the Middle East from Muslim invaders

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Obummer preys

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the perverse Barack Hussein Obummer

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
tell-tale Obummer "budget": extreme leftists may love its priorities, but citizens/voters do no

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
economic recovery? where?
"From 1820 through 2000, real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product grew at an average annual rate of 3.6%.   Last year was the ninth consecutive year in which the economy grew less than 3%.   Real GDP has grown 13.6% since the recovery officially began in 2009 June.   The average rate of growth at this point in the recoveries from the four recessions since 1975 was 21.9%...   10M fewer are working now than when [Barack Hussein Obummer] became president.   It took until last March to create as many new jobs as were lost during the Great Recession.   For every person who's found a job, 2 have left the labor force.   Few new jobs are as good as those lost.   In 2012, men working full-time year round earned less (in inflation-adjusted dollars) than they did in 1973, Businessweek said..."

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's myopic Muslim crusade
Washington DC Times
Brazil Sun

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
we can't count on luck to give us good leaders

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
tapping a helmet is not sexual harassment

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
another disgraceful bout of insanity in academia

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
when facts take a drubbing

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
measles, vaccines, and autism
"Why the resurgence of this disease now?   The short answer is that false claims, based on other false claims, led many parents to stop getting their children vaccinated against measles...   Fortunately, others took the claim seriously in a very different sense.   They did massive studies involving half a million children in Denmark and two million children in Sweden.   These studies showed that there was no higher incidence of autism among children who had been vaccinated than among children who had not been vaccinated.   Incidentally, the 'evidence' on which the original claim that vaccines caused autism was based was just 12 children.   But the campaign to convince the public was a master-piece of propaganda..."

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
_Conservative HQ_
Judicial Watch: battle to secure election integrity moves to supremes
"Our friend Tom Fitton and his colleagues at Judicial Watch are among the most effective defenders of freedom and opponents of corruption (no matter which Party is behind it) at work in Washington today.   While their Freedom of Information requests and law-suits cover the entire range of government secrecy and corruption, 3 areas in which they have been especially effective that we referenced in the past are the IRS targeting of conservatives, the Benghazi investigation and [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   But there's another area they have done very important work, perhaps more important than all the others, and that is election integrity. Judicial Watch is one of the few organizations working to stop [Obummer] and attorney-general Eric Holder from institutionalizing the corrupt election practices that would guarantee their brand of far-left [regressivism] holds power for generations, despite the will of America's legitimate voters..."

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
_Conservative HQ_
Tom DeWeese and the American Policy Center challenge Southern Poverty Law Center

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Dan Murphy _Christian Science Monitor_
Obummer has closed US embassy in Yemen

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Chris Miles _MarketWatch_
many benighted states pay legislators over $10K/year base salary... plus lakes of gravy
"In New Mexico, state legislators make zero dollars in annual salary.   The state is the only one in the nation that doesn't pay state law-makers an income, providing only a daily $159 per diem when the legislature is in session...   9 states pay law-makers [a base salary of] over $50K...   Susan Westrom, a Kentucky Democrat...[gets] a base salary of $1,788.51 per month plus $188.22 per diem when Kentucky's state assembly is in session, which is only one or two months out of the year.   She said she made $42K last year after working the time the legislature was in session, plus time during special committee sessions...   [OTOH, to illustrate a way that produces lots of power-madness and corruption...] In New York, the base pay for state legislators is listed at $79,500.   But as the Syracuse Post-Standard reports, legislators can add to that base: $172 per diem plus milage costs; 'lulus', or extra pay for committee assignments; and double-dipping of pensions and state salaries for older legislators who retired and then came back to work.   Everything added, a New York law-maker could earn over $200K."
Jake Grovum: Pew

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Allen West & Pamela Villarreal _Washington DC Times_
"Great Society" is still taking a terrible toll on black Americans

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
Jewish lives matter, human lives matter

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
Mohammedan "no-go" zones must not happen here

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
things that can go wrong from the operation of a "sharia court" in Texas

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
old media despise their customers

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
the skull beneath the skin of ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
gasps of disbelief as "Live with Kelly and Michael" top teacher winner resigned over Communist Corpse testing

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
letting it all hang out DHS inspector-general style

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
CDCP: 44M blacks were killed by abortion since 1990; 11% of current black population
"...On average, 200,069 black children were aborted every year between 1990 and 2011.   For comparison, 6,329 blacks were killed by homicide in the United States in 2011, according to the FBI..."

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Laura Ingraham
representative Walter Jones criticized Obummer, Boehner, McConnell on "fast track authority" for TPP (mp3)

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Laura Ingraham
representative Johnson critiques "fast track authority" for TPP, unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens (mp3)

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Youkyung Lee _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_/_Scripps_
Samsung & LG "smart TVs" eavesdrop on viewers' conversations
John Ribeiro: "IT" News/IDG

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Kendall Breitman _Politico_
Ted Cruz introduced bill to return issues of marriage to the states

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Eugene Kiely & Robert Farley _USA Today_
fact check: left/Reds/Dems are over-stating impact of DHS funding disagreement

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Matt Fuller _Roll Call_
Jim Jordan chosen as House Freedom Caucus chairman
Free Republic
Conservative HQ
Ohio News

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
_Conservative Review_
will GOP demand that Obumemr apologize for slavery?
"...Columbia U historian Eric Foner describes as 'a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party'...   U of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease calls 'the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party'..."

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Christopher Monckton
failed climate predictions get a web-site

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Anthony Watts
Queen's U claim: evidence of global warming in high Ecuadorian lakes?

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Anthony Watts
transformation of the science of climatology, in like a lamb, out like a lion

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Christopher Monckton
environmental policy not so much enviro as mental

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Anthony Watts
big bang theory still being challenged

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
Willis Eschenbach
early sun-spots and volcanoes

2015-02-10 (5775 Shebet 21)
_Investor's Business Daily_
UN official reveals real reason behind warmist hysteria
"At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of UN's 'Framework Convention on Climate Change', admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.   'This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.', she said.   Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: 'This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.'   The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism.   The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept work-days long and life-spans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.   Figueres is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming 'the economic development model' because she's really never seen it work.   'If you look at Ms. Figueres' Wikipedia page.', notes Cato economist Dan Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left."

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
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Proposed Bills 2015

  "I'm a pragmatist, & sort of a libertarian, & sort of, I guess, a hedonistic square. I guess I'm a bit of a contrarian -- I will vote for the Perots, & anybody who's running in the 3rd party, because I think the 2-party system sucks & politics doesn't work & there's no way it's going to work until it collapses. I'm a pretty conservative guy who believes anybody should be able to do anything they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. I have no interest, for example, in saving people who want to do heroin; that's their business. I don't believe in abortion but I think that people should be able to get abortions if they want; that's their business -- if it's wrong with God, he'll take care of it somewhere down the line. I'm pro death penalty; not for any deep reason, other than law of the jungle: exacting a little revenge for the people who are left. Thunderdome, you know, eye-for-an-eye; all that sort of basic math. Cave-man stuff. I don't think we should stray too far from our cave-man side. I think 1st instincts are often the best instincts. If somebody is randomly dispatching other members of the tribe, they should be done away with." --- Dennis Miller 1995-03-12 interview by Bob Frost _San Jose Mercury News_ "West"  



2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Center for Immigration Studies: since 2000, for every new job in the USA, twice as many new immigrants
"The report, using government data from 2014 December, shows that 18M immigrants who have arrived in the United States since 2000 are now living here (legal and illegal) and that only 9.8M jobs were added over those 14 years (2000-2014)...   'If immigration is the great job creator for natives that advocates argue, the record number of new arrivals in the last 14 years should have created a jobs bonanza for natives.', [Steven Camarota] said.   'Instead, job growth did not come close to matching new immigration and natural population increase; and the labor force participation of natives shows a long-term decline, even before the Great Recession.'...   89% of the 18M legal and illegal immigrants who are potential workers are 16 and older...   In addition to the 18M new immigrants, the native-born adult population 16 and older grew by 25.2M since 2000...   During the period after the Great Recession began, 7.8M new immigrants arrived from 2008 to 2014, yet net job growth was just 2M.   During the period before the Great Recession, from 2000 January to 2007 December, 11.1M immigrants arrived and job growth was still only 7.3M."

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
fairness and justice

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
how Obummer and his mouth-pieces are encouraging anti-Jewish behavior
"The day after such a glaring misstatement of fact, one might expect the White House to walk back this remark in some way.   But, instead, both White House spokesman Josh Earnest and State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki doubled down on the president's tortured logic in a stunning display of Orwellian doubletalk..."

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Matt Fuller _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Reds/Dems are choosing between Netanyahu and Obummer
So, why are Obummer operatives in Israel actively campaigning against Netanyahu?...jgo

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Catherine Phillips _Jewish World Review_
why are there no Jews on the German anti-semitism commission?
One News Page
Kosher Press
24 News Canada
Alberta Canada Meridian Booster
Alberta Canada Meridian Booster
Sudbury Ontario Canada Star
Jerusalem Post
Manchester Guardian

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Yonah Jeremy Bob _Jerusalem Post_
Likud charge Zionist Union with illegally accepting campaign funds from non-Israel citizens and foreign-funded organizations and governments via Obummer-linked V15: Israel's a-g says the central elections commission that they have no authority to block that political advertising

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Samantha Olson _Jewish World Review_
penicillin allergies can abate over time, so re-testing is a good idea
Medical Daily
Allergy & Asthma Clinic

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Anthony Rivas _Jewish World Review_
synasthenia: how our ears can help us "see" things before our eyes do
Medical Daily

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
spontaneous order
"Most of life happens without a central planner.   Yet [many] people think we need one...   80 years ago, it took workers only 15 months to build the Empire State Building.   But this century, using vastly superior construction equipment, building the new World Trade Center took 10 times as long.   80 years ago, some trains ran faster than 100 miles per hour, but now even the 'high-speed' Acela train averages only 90 miles per hour..."

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Meghan Daum _Jewish World Review_
political correctness has been getting worse

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_
political correctness has been getting worse
Washington DC Times
Ruthfully Yours
San Diego CA Sun
Arizona Herald

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
unlawful combatants
"...Tom Cotton wasn't swallowing any of this guff about some urgent need to close Gitmo and find some other way to detain its current guests -- or just to let them go.   Senator Cotton's response was concise and to the point: 'IMO, the only problem with Guantanamo Bay is there are too many empty beds and cells there right now.   We should be sending more terrorists there for further interrogation to keep this country safe.   As far as I'm concerned, every last one of them can rot in hell.   But as long as they can't do that, they can rot in Guantanamo Bay.'   The facilities in the Nether Regions may be fully booked these days, as always, and not as comfortable as those at Gitmo, but until lodging there is available, beautiful Guantanamo Bay will do just fine for these murderous types for now.   And for as long as it takes for the last killer there to die of old age.   Till then, they can rot there.   There was a time when this country recognized that unlawful combatants -- like Hitler's sadists or Tojo's torturers -- needed to be held at least for the duration of hostilities, if not promptly executed by order of a duly convened court-martial in accordance with established military law.   Not to mention the Geneva Conventions, which recognize that unlawful combatants are not to be considered prisoners of war with all rights and privileges appertaining thereto, but outlaws -- and dealt with accordingly..."

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Moochelle Obummer's gains from and now disdain for powdered foods
Cybercast News Service

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
when does a threat to the USA become "existential"?
"What has this to do with American immigration policy?   Pretty much everything.   A government incapable of recognizing existential threats abroad is ill-prepared to keep us safe at home."

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer is "trying to protect" Islam, and "is seeking to destroy Israel"

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer regime Federal Elections Commission considering unconstitutional restrictions on political speech on-line

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
federal government had record revenues through January... still ran $194G deficit (with graph)
Laura Ingraham

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Laura Ingraham
David Vitter blasts GOP lowership for lack of resistance to Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens, foot-dragging on cutting excessive visas

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
cigarette taxes are burning up tax dollars trying to stop smuggling of untaxed cigarettes

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
are main-stream media terrified of Scott Walker?
Michael Walsh

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Bill Whittle _PJMedia_
measles out-break high-lights leftist stupidity and ignorance of science (video)

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Obummer budget cuts compromise USA security

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
conflict heightens a gain along Israel's Golan heights border
"Elements of the Syrian army's Ninth Division and 121st Brigade, spear-headed by 50 T-72 tanks and supported by auxiliary infantry estimated at some 4K Iraqi Shi'ite fighters and several hundred Hezbollah fighters, both under Iranian command, launched a major offensive in southern Syria on Sunday against Sunni Jihadi rebels.   Though hampered by severe winter storms raising massive clouds of sand and dust which have grounded the Syrian air force, the Iranian-led contingent is engaged in its initial objective, cleaning out rebel-held positions in the southern town of Dara'a; the rebels are generally being driven southwest of the town, toward the Israeli border.   The Syrian government force is apparently headed toward the junction of the Syrian, Jordanian, and Israeli frontiers, east of Kinneret [Kinnereth/ Chinnereth/ Gennesaret/ Ginosar] and northwest of Daraa [Deraa].   As of February 10th, Israeli surveillance assets report the force's location some five kilometers southeast of Quneitra [al-Qunaytirah/ Kuneitra/ Qunaitira], taking up positions possibly preparatory to occupying the town (cf. map here).   The offensive has been dubbed 'Operation 'Ali Allahdadi', after the Iranian general killed in the January 18 drone strike..."
more on Kinneret [Kinnereth/ Chinnereth/ Gennesaret/ Ginosar]
Lake Kinneret/Galilee/Tiberias
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Ron Radosh _PJMedia_
the sad death of Kayla Mueller, who worked for Hamas, Fatah, and Hezballah, and was killed in what appeared to be an ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate weapons cache
"We must, of course, mourn the loss of any American who, for whatever reason, finds himself or herself a captive of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate.   In this case, Kayla Mueller was leaving Syria and was abducted as she was boarding a bus with a man she knew, possibly a boyfriend or colleague.   When Mueller had first arrived at the Doctors Without Borders office in Aleppo, their staff was 'flabbergasted' since, according to the New York Times report, she was in a 'no-go zone' for most international aid workers.   The problem with the tributes, especially that made by [president Barack Hussein Obummer], is that Mueller was not a simple human rights worker.   Nor was she, as Mr. Turnbull said, 'the best of the good'.   The truth is that Kayla worked in Israel and the Palestinian territories with the International Solidarity Movement, the same group that the late Rachel Corrie was part of.   The ISM placed Corrie in a dangerous situation, and falsely told the world that Israel's IDF had purposefully killed her in order to scare off foreigners coming to aid the Palestinian people.   The ISM, as anyone can easily find out, supports Israel's enemies, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and those in the Palestinian Authority who work for Israel's destruction.   Like Corrie, Ms. Mueller's work in the Middle East was not that of a humanitarian and non-partisan aid person, but rather, as the ISM statement put it, she 'worked with Palestinians non-violently resisting the confiscation and demolitions of their homes and lands'.   She bragged in her internet posts of working in anti-Israel demonstrations in East Jerusalem, in an area which an Israeli court decision recognized as one in which Israelis had a legal right to build homes in.   She also supported the throwing of rocks by Palestinians at Israelis, viewing that as a just tactic of the 'oppressed' [occupiers of Israel]..."
Only Simchas
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Erin Kelly _USA Today_/_Gannett_
John Boehner: Dems/Reds/leftists must "get off their a**" to debate, amend, pass DHS funding bill

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Nick Dranias _HeartLand Institute_
how the states can make ceiling on federal government debt real

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
_Washington DC Times_
US citizenship test

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Victor Davis Hanson
how to make sense of a seemingly incoherent USA

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
"be kind"

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Bob Tisdale
recent paper ends abstract with "...model might be too sensitive to the prescribed radiative forcings"

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Bob Tisdale
nutty claim from Yale U and the "we had to burn the village to save it" department: advent of geo-engineering may help lower temperature of debate over climate change

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Eric Worrall
National Academy of Science demands equal access to the climate trough for geo-engineering

2015-02-11 (5775 Shebet 22)
Paul Driessen
villifying realist science... and scientists

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1752-02-11: Pennsylvania Hospital, the first hospital in the United States, was opened by Benjamin Franklin.
1794-02-11: the first session of United States senate was open to the public.
1808-02-11: Jesse Fell burned anthracite on an open grate as an experiment in heating homes with coal.
1809-02-11: Robert Fulton patented the steamboat (though James Rumsey [(son of Edward Rumsey ii & Anna Cowan; grand-son of Edward Rumsey & UNKNOWN Douglas; g-grand-son of Charles Rumsey & Catherine UNKNOWN) b: 1742/3 March in Cecil county MD d: 1792-12-20 in London buried: St. Margaret's church, London m1: Mary Morrow (daughter of captain Charles Morrow)] had previously built and publicly tested steam-boats in 1783 October near Bath (now Berkeley Springs), received a patent from Virginia in 1784, demonstrated/tested later models 1786-03-14, 1787-12-03 and 1787-12-11 along the Potomac river, and 1790 Spring on the Thames river, where Robert Fulton saw it and was inspired to develop his own).
1812-02-11: Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry signed a redistricting law favoring his party -- giving rise to the term "gerrymandering".
2013-02-11: the Medal of Honor was awarded to former U.S. Army staff-sergeant Clinton Romesha, who led an Alamo-like defense of an out-post against 300 Taliban attackers in Afghanistan.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In the panic of 1873 the modern welfare state was born.   A hundred years later it had run its course, almost everyone now knows.   It may survive despite the demographic challenges of an aging population and a shrinking birth-rate.   But it will survive only if the entrepreneurial economy succeeds in greatly raising productivities." --- Peter F. Drucker 1996 _The Executive in Action_ pg516  



2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Southern California Edison's path to the center of the H-1B debate
"The IEEE-USA, which has 200K members, sent a letter to lawmakers Wednesday raising its own concerns.   'Nobody can claim Americans could not be found to do these jobs -- Americans were doing these jobs.', wrote Jim Jefferies, the president of the IEEE-USA, about the SCE lay-offs.   The IEEE-USA represents engineers, including those in IT.   'This is the true face of the H-1B temporary visa program.', Jefferies said.   'There are 500 American citizens in California who will have lost their middle-class jobs by the end of March because of the H-1B program.'   SCE said, in a statement, that it is 'in full compliance with immigration laws, including H1-B visa requirements'.   SCE also said that any H-1B visa workers SCE hires 'for its own work-force are paid a wage comparable to SCE's domestic work-force, consistent with legal requirements' [which John Miano and professor Norm Matloff agree is probably true, an indicator of the corruption involved in the drafting of the legislation].   But there is a distinction here.   The H-1B workers that are replacing SCE employees were brought in as contractors from off-shore out-sourcing [and cross-border bodyshopping] companies Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services."

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Sera Wilson _Liberty News_
Southern California Edison to lay off hundreds of US citizen employees and replace them with guest-workers
"Representative Darrell Issa, a Republican from Vista, CA [just north of San Diego], said Edison is 'merely replacing current workers with lower-paid counterparts'.   'This appears to be an example of precisely what the H-1B visa is not intended to be: a program to simply replace American workers en masse with cheap labor from over-seas.', he said in a statement.   Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said the Edison lay-offs are part of a growing trend of companies that use H-1B visas to bring in foreign workers for jobs that could be filled by Americans...   John and Ken of KFI AM 640, a local talk radio station in Los Angeles, California spoke about the issue on yesterday's program.   During the program the pair interviewed IEEE USA Director of Government Relations Russ Harrison, who stated that SCE is not the only company to utilize the visa program in this manner.   Harrison stated that this is actually happening all over the US and that Disney 'Just announced it is doing basically the exact same thing in Orlando'.   Harrison went on to state that 'What is surprising about this case is not that it is happening, but that we found out about it.'..."

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Alex Nowrasteh's personal attacks on senator Jeff Sessions and others backing immigration reform are hurting Cato Institute

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
over 1G personal private records -- the vast majority of which should not have been in the hands of those whose systems were hacked -- were grabbed by others in 2014

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
give me your sleek, your athletic, yearning to jet ski

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Laura Ingraham
Bad Ruth Ginsburg's astounding indiscretion
Greg Stohr & Matthew A. Winkler: Bloomberg
Ed Whelan: National Review

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Laura Ingraham
corrupt Obummer IRS handing out subsidies to illegal aliens
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Charles Hurt: Jewish World Review: big, bad IRS gets warm and fuzzy for illegal aliens
Washington DC Times
Jewish World Review
Defending the Truth

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer regime violating their own ObummerDoesn'tCare
James Taranto: Wall Street Journal

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
a worthless piece of paper?
"President George W. Bush was fond of saying that '[the Muslim terrorist attacks on] 2001/09/11 changed everything'.   He used that one-liner often as a purported moral basis to justify the radical restructuring of federal law and the federal assault on personal liberties over which he presided.   He cast aside his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution; he rejected his oath to enforce all federal laws faithfully; and he moved the government decidedly in the direction of secret laws, secret procedures and secret courts.   During his presidency, Congress enacted the Patriot Act.   This legislation permits federal agents to write their own search warrants when those warrants are served on custodians of records -- like doctors, lawyers, telecoms, computer servers, banks and even the U.S. Postal Service.   Such purported statutory authority directly violates the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees the right to privacy in our 'persons, houses, papers and effects'.   That includes just about everything held by the custodians of our records.   Privacy is not only a constitutional right protected by the document; it is also a natural right.   We possess the right to privacy by virtue of our humanity.   Our rights come from within us -- whether you believe we are the highest progression of biological forces or the intended creations of an Almighty God -- they do not come from the government.   This is not an academic argument.   If our rights come from within us, the government cannot take them away, whether by executive fiat, popular legislation or judicial ruling, unless we individually have waived them.   If our rights come from the government, then they are not rights, but permission slips.   [Privileges.]...   Last week, we learned how deep the disrespect for the Constitution runs in the government and how tortured is the logic that underlies it.   In a little-noted speech at Washington and Lee School of Law, general Michael Hayden, the former director of both the CIA and the NSA, told us.   In a remarkable public confession, he revealed that somehow he received from some source he did not name the authority to reinterpret the Fourth Amendment's protection of privacy so as to obliterate it.   He argued that the line between privacy and unbridled government surveillance is a flexible and movable one, and that he -- as the head of the NSA -- could move it..."

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Davi Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
the Kurds need weapons, now

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Bryan Cranston: from meth cook to Hitler apologist
"I'm guessing the movie skips over [Dalton Trumbo's] aggressive efforts to prevent America from joining the fight against Hitler.   To that end, Trumbo wrote two of the most ghastly anti-war films ever made, 'Johnny Got His Gun', released as a novel in 1939, and _The Remarkable Andrew_, published in 1941.   To place this in context for Hollywood half-brights, in 1938 Hitler invaded Austria and seized the Sudetenland -- sweeping through the rest of Czechoslovakia the following year.   On 1939 Sept. 1, the Fuhrer invaded Poland, finally forcing France and England to go to war with Germany.   As Ryskind notes in his magnificent insider's account of such monstrous treacheries as Trumbo's, by 1939, Hitler's persecution of the Jews was not a secret.   He had attempted to exclude Jews and blacks from the 1936 Olympics.   Jews had been banned from government, journalism, farming, teaching and the theater, among other professions in Germany.   They were prohibited from purchasing most food or medicine.   In 1938, the Gestapo staged Kristallnacht, looting and burning thousands of Jewish businesses across Germany, incinerating about a thousand synagogues and murdering scores of Jews...   All that, in addition to Hitler's sweep through Western Europe, was well known.   But the very month that Hitler marched into Poland, Trumbo published _Johnny Got His Gun_, a pure propaganda piece designed to squelch American ardor for helping Hitler's victims...   In the next year, Hitler would sweep through Europe, taking Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.   England stood virtually alone in opposing the Nazi war machine.   At that point, Trumbo produced another screenplay designed to convince Americans not to fight that harmless gentleman in Germany: _The Remarkable Andrew_, published as a novel in 1941.   The hero of the story, general Andrew Jackson, reappears from the dead to warn Americans not to get involved in England's war...   This from the man who printed tributes to renowned anti-Semite Theodore Dreiser in his magazine _The Screen Writer_ in 1946.   Trumbo's honored author Dreiser had, for example, called New York a 'kike's dream of a ghetto'... He said he was 'pacifist' until ... 1941 June 22: The day Hitler attacked Russia. Suddenly, Ryskind writes: 'Trumbo was no longer opposed to policies that could fling American cobblers and the man who works into harm's way.'..."
Allan Ryskind 2015 _Hollywood Traitors: BlackListed ScreenWriters -- Agents of Stalin, Allies of Hitler_

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer is living in his own dream world

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
_Conservative HQ_
the Ted Cruz speech on violence-initiating Islam that the main-stream media will never show you
30-minute video of Ted Cruz speaking at the Center for Security Policy's "Defeat Jihad Summit"
David Sherfinski: Washington DC Times
"'This is an important gathering.', stressed senator Cruz.   'This is a comprehensive, serious strategy in addressing the threat of radical [force & fraud initiating Mohammedanism].', the senator said in complementing the Center for Security Policy's Secure Freedom Strategy.   'If you're not aware of what you're fighting, you're not going to defeat it.', said Cruz.   What brings together jihadists groups, such as al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Boko Haram, is the ideology of 'radical Islam', explained Cruz.   'What do you intend to do and how do you intend to do it?', Cruz then rhetorically asked [Obummer].   'With regard to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, we have not seen a seriousness of purpose.   We have seen, instead, photo op foreign policy -- a bomb here, a missile there...   The solution to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is to hunt down and kill the terrorist leaders.', Cruz said later.   'But when you have an administration that will not utter the words radical Islamic terrorist, you have an administration that is unwilling to effectively design and implement a strategy to defeat radical Islamic terrorists.'   Cruz later added that immediately arming the Kurds and stripping U.S. citizenship from people who join the fight with the [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] should also be part of the US strategy to defeat radical Islam...   Cruz said that the nation also needs to recognize the threat posed by Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, which is the 'gravest threat' facing the United States.   'We are repeating the mistakes of the 1990s with regard to North Korea...   But here the dangers are qualitatively greater.'..."

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
US government sent $12.3M in aid to Red China, which owns $1.3T in US federal government debt

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Rob Longley _PJMedia_
House and senate Republicans criticize EPA over power-grab... but will they do anything effective to turn it around?... EPA says "trust us"

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
Equal Voting Rights Institute sues against racial gerrymandering in Texas

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Obummer still partying with unrepentant terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn
"AllahPundit": Hot Air

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
2K "Syrian rebels" have crossed into Israel "for medical treatment"

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Spencer Klavan _PJMedia_
how to apologize for your thought-crimes against the power-mad leftist regime

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
an adult conversation about Communist Corpse (part 1)

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Grant Gross _"IT" News_/_IDG_
congress-critters introduced 2 bills related to e-mail privacy
"Both the Law Enforcement Access to Data Stored Abroad Act, called the LEADS Act, and the Electronic Communications Privacy Amendments Act [ECPA] would require law enforcement agencies to get court-ordered warrants to search data that's been stored on Web-based or cloud-based services for more than 180 days..."

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Anthony Watts
claim: East coast "monster hurricanes" linked to previous warm periods, current data suggests otherwise

2015-02-12 (5775 Shebet 23)
Anthony Watts
brief UN "climate agreement" balloons into a carbon-sequestration manifesto: "It's like 195 authors trying to write a book together"

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1809-02-12: pres. Abraham Lincoln (son of Thomas Lincoln & Nancy Hanks; grand-son of Abraham Lincoln & Bathsheba Herring; ggs of John Lincoln & Rebecca Flowers) b: 1809-02-12 at Sinking Spring, Hodgenville, KY d: 1865-04-15 at Peterson House, Washington, DC
Proposed Bills 2015

  "She rejoiced that the deposits of the Freedmen's Savings Bank had climbed to more than $31M -- a sum that reflected the hard work and industry of African Americans. This institution failed in 1874, however, under-cutting her message and countless Americans who had sought to help blacks. In spite of the bank's obvious linkage to the federal government and the Freedmen's Bureau, Congress did not rescue it. The 1870s became a time of economic depression; the boom that began in the Civil War ended when the noted financier Jay Cooke over-speculated in railroad bonds. Panic swept away banks and many lost fortunes. [Harriet Beecher Stowe's] biographer observes, 'In the first year of the depression alone, 5K businesses filed.' When a recovery began a few years later, yet another panic cut it down. In 1878, the famous author wrote that a third of her investments were no longer productive. According to Stowe, her family lived by 'sailing close to the wind and making expenses as small as possible'. While she found comfort in the fact that the principal had not been lost, economic trouble affected other family members. Stowe's sister-in-law reported that Henry Ward Beecher was 'dreadfully depressed', feelings his niece's husband accentuated. Beset with financial woes, the husband had created a $30K cetificate by adding a zero to a $3K note. The discovery of this fraud led to bankruptcy and a prison sentence." --- John T. Foster & Sarah Whitmer 1999 _Beechers, Stowes and Yankee Strangers: The Transformation of Florida_ pp92-93  



2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
attention San Fran Nan; government-dependency kills jobs... and so does subsidizing cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics
Michelle Malkin
That's all fine as far as it goes, but have you heard of what chemists refer to as le Chatelier's principle? It's also why economists are always dropping the phrases "ceteris paribus" and "mutatis mutandis", to focus on a single variable or set of variables. On the other side of the equation is low and falling recruitment intensity, and erection of artificial barriers to able and willing US citizens seeking employment.
Simply put, if you have a "full employment economy" then extending unemployment insurance will only encourage malingering. But we don't have a full employment economy.
The problem is a lack of eagerness to hire, and a lot of that is due to over-regulation and over-taxation by people like Nasty Pelosi, but also due to the subsidies (Milton Friedman's usage) in the form of a flood of cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics, to which execs like Schmidt, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Ellison... have become accustomed to over the last 25 years.
For years we have had a jobs dearth running 25M to 31M (based on BLS employment/population ratios), with unemployment rates in some occupations running 2 to 3 times historical full employment levels. It has become common for STEM professionals to send out thousands... even tens of thousands of resumes in response to job ads before getting a single serious and appropriate nibble.
summary analysis

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Stephen Dinan _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty creates loop-hole for illegal aliens to vote in USA
Washington DC Times
US Message Board
Investment Watch
Before It's News
Free Republic

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
_Conservative HQ_
political leaders urge significant tax reform now

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
300 Marines cut off in Ramadi, so yes, Hillary, Benghazi matters
map of Iraq
Stephen Kruiser: PJMedia
"Unconfirmed reports in from the Iraqi city of Ramadi, where 300 US Marines are stationed training Iraqi forces, claim that the Marines are cut off and that the Iraqis have lost contact with Al-Asad Airbase where the Marines are stationed.   The news service Reuters contradicts those reports alleging that it is the city of al-Baghdadi that was taken by ISIS on Thursday.   Al-Baghdadi is not far from an air base with U.S. Marines, according to Reuters, but not close enough to 'cut off' the Marines..."

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
cui bono (who benefits)?   US Marines evacuating Sanaa, Yemen

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer is main-streaming hatred of Jews in the USA
"[Obummer] referred to the jihadists who committed last month's massacres in Paris as 'a bunch of violent vicious zealots', who 'randomly shot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris'.   IOW, Ahmedy Coulibaly, the terrorist at Hyper Cacher, the kosher supermarket he targeted, was just some zealot.   The Jews he murdered while they were shopping for Shabbat were just 'a bunch of folks in a deli', presumably shot down while ordering their turkey and cheese sandwiches.   No matter that Coulibaly called a French TV station from the kosher supermarket and said he was an al-Qaida terrorist and that he chose the kosher supermarket because he wanted to kill Jews..."

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is in the mood for drawing more ineffectual, meaningless "red lines"
Well, meaningless except for their use as a tactic to delay any effective actions...jgo

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
England's bewildering ineffectuality

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's cynical web of deceit

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
leftists' high-tech suckering on restricting open competition in telecomm and violations of freedom of speech

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's quest for more grand concessions to make Iran a nuclear "super-power"

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
crusaders and appeasers

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
David Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
"The Mystery of the Jews"
YouTube video
Simple to Remember
Patriot Action
"Who are the Jews?   What impact have the Jews had on the world?   A powerful short film that reveals the real story behind 'The Mystery of the Jews'.   With remarkable insights by renowned historians, world leaders and perceptive authors.   'The Mystery of the Jews' challenges the normative conception of human history."

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
odd Vivek Wadhwa controversy

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Terry McGlynn _Chronicle of Higher Education_
apportioning credit for production of a scientific paper: current system is crude, ambiguous, out-dated

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Bob Tisdale
drought risk in USA SouthWest and Central plains

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Tim Ball
North and South poles... important climate differences

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1258-02-13: Baghdad fell to the Mongols, and the Abbasid Caliphate was destroyed.
1635-02-13: the first public school in the U.S.A., Boston Latin School, is founded.
1741-02-13: Andrew Bradford of Pennsylvania published the first American magazine, titled "The American Magazine, or A Monthly View of the Political State of the British Colonies", it lasted 3 issues.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The Northern Pacific went bankrupt, and, as the mountain of imaginary money invested in it collapsed back into nothing, [Jay Cooke's] giant investment firm disappeared along with it, triggering the panic of 1873 as it went.   Matthew Josephson [wrote]: 'All about the failure of Jay Cooke!, news-boys hawked throughout the country...   The largest and most pious bank in the Western world had fallen with the effect of a thunder-clap.   Soon allied brokers and national banks and 5K commercial houses followed it into the abyss of bankruptcy.   All day long, in Wall Street, one suspension after another was announced; railroads failed; leading stocks lost 30 to 40 points, or half their value, within the hour; immeasurable waves of fear altered the movement of greed; the exchanges were closed; the stampede, the greatest crisis in American history, was on.'" --- G. Edward Griffin 1994, 2010 _The Creature from Jekyll Island_ pg408 (citing Matthew Josephson 1934 _The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists 1861-1901_ pg170)  



2015-02-14 (5775 Shebet 25)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
not all software developers -- US or non-US -- are of good quality; not all are highly-skilled

2015-02-14 (5775 Shebet 25)
Anthony Watts
study shows "climate skeptics" have more knowledge of climate science than do "climate hysterics"
Maxim Lott: Foxs

2015-02-14 (5775 Shebet 25)
Anthony Watts
Watts has chapter in new book _Climate Change: The Facts_
"_Climate Change: The Facts_ has been put together by our friends at the Institute of Public Affairs in Australia, edited by Alan Moran, and features 22 essays on the science, politics and economics of 'climate change'.   [It features Mark Steyn on the Mann Hockey Stick debacle,] Joanne Nova on the climate-change gravy train; Britain's former chancellor Nigel Lawson on the economic consequences of abandoning fossil fuels; Patrick Michaels on the growing chasm between the predictions of the IPCC and real-world temperatures, Garth Paltridge on the damage such failed forecasts are doing to science, and Donna Laframboise on the damage the Big Climate alarmists have done to the IPCC; professors Richard Lindzen, Bob Carter and Willie Soon on climate sensitivity and factors such as green-house gases, natural variability, and the role of the sun..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "You can be in the upper 50% of your field if you just show up at work, the upper 30% if you show up on time, & the upper 10% if you show up on time with your eyes open." --- Marilyn Miller (quoted in Paul Edwards & Sarah Edwards 1985 _Working from Home_ pg 57)  



2015-02-15 (5775 Shebet 26)
Denise Dick _Youngstown OH Vindicator_
immigration lawyer messed up, temporary guest-worker arrested, imprisoned for a year, got green card the next year after release, now a US citizen

2015-02-15 (5775 Shebet 26)
Erik Olson _Billings MT Gazette_
2 Billings franchise Radio Shack stores to remain open despite corporate bankruptcy, re-organization
"The company has agreed to sell between 1,500 and 2,400 of its 4K [corporate-owned] stores to Sprint, which plans to open its own mini-store inside the RadioShack shell."

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
who are these "violent extremists" Obummer keeps obfuscating about?
"This week [president Obummer] will host in Washington a summit conference on 'violent extremism'. However, exactly what the violence is all about and who is an 'extremist' about what remains a question the White House, the U.S. State Department or everyone else in [Democrat/Red/leftist] politics has yet to answer. Indeed, about a month ago FOX News reporter Martha MacCallum was grilling State Department deputy-spokesperson Marie Harf on the [Obummer regime's] refusal to use the term 'Islamic extremism' and had this remarkable exchange..."

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index slipped from 98.1 in late-January to a 3-month low of 93.6 in mid-February
Sam Ro: Business Insider
Bill McBride: Calculated Risk
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Naomi Creason _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
bakeries prepare fasnachts for Shrove Tuesday
"This year, bakeries have the added challenge of trying to fit this into a schedule after Valentine's Day chocolates and cakes and President's Day cherry pies... Beeman explained that the traditional item on Shrove Tuesday -- also known as Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday -- is meant to use up the food that families wouldn't have otherwise eaten over the Lenten season... Since the tradition started, the doughnuts have changed. Instead of plain fasnachts, many bakeries will offer different types to appeal to a variety of customers. Saylor’s will offer regular, powdered, sugared and glazed fasnachts with holes and without holes. Beeman said they will offer regular, powdered and glazed fasnachts."
National Geographic: Fasnacht photos/video
Fasnacht im Luzerne
Fasnacht im Basel
Wikipedia: Basel Carnival

2015-02-13 (5775 Shebet 24)
Richard Gray _UK Daily Mail_
Neanderthals inter-bred for longer with East Asian humans
Morgan Winsor: International Business Times
"Analysis of the traces of Neanderthal DNA found in the genomes of modern humans has shown that people in East Asia carry between 15% to 30% more of their DNA than Europeans...   Scientists now say there appears to be 2 distinct occasions when Neanderthal mixed with modern humans in East Asia compared to just 1 occasion in Europe."

2015-02-15 (5775 Shebet 26)
Anthony Watts
advances in research of electric car batteries presented at AAAS
"'Lithium–sulfur batteries may succeed lithium-ion cells because of their higher energy density and reduced cost from the use of sulfur.   Currently the best Li-S batteries offer energy densities on the order of 500 W·h/kg, significantly better than most lithium-ion batteries which are in the 150 to 200 range.   Li-S batteries with up to 1,500 charge and discharge cycles have been demonstrated, yet are not commercially available (as of early 2014). (Wikipedia)'...   Linda Nazar, professor of chemistry from the Faculty of Science at the University of Waterloo...   Professor Nazar and her research group are best known for reigniting interest in the lithium-sulphur battery by proving that such a battery, once considered impossible, could be a reality.   Recently, her group resolved a major technical hurdle by developing the first high-performance sulphur cathode with the use of manganese dioxide nano-sheets.   Nazar is Canada Research Chair in Solid State Energy Materials and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.   She is a member of BASF's Research Network on Electrochemistry and Batteries, and serves as a lead scientist on the U.S. Department of Energy's Joint Center for Energy Storage Research."

2015-02-15 (5775 Shebet 26)
Anthony Watts & David Archibald
solar cycle update for 2015 February

2015-02-15 (5775 Shebet 26)
Ralph Park
Theory on the Pause -- "climate science" has "exhausted adjustment rationales"

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "[A] system for the support of indigent persons... was never contemplated by the authors of the Constitution." --- Andrew Johnson (quoted in Benjamin Klebaner 1964-12 "Poverty & its Relief in American Thought 1815-1861" _Social Science Review_ vol 38 #4 pg 287, quoted in Marvin Olasky 1992 _The Tragedy of American Compassion_ pp 57-58)  



2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
technological innovations don't pay off the way they used to
"Disturbingly, this may no longer be true -- or is less true than in the past.   In a recent essay, economic historian John Komlos of the University of Munich argues that the economic value of new technologies has declined over time.   A century or so ago, 'the incandescent bulb replaced the kerosene lamp, and the value added [to national income] as well as to welfare in terms of reliability, convenience, health and safety [was] humongous', he writes.   Similar transformations stemmed from many 19th- and 20th-century technologies: steel-making, the telephone, automobiles, airplanes, antibiotics, and radio and television.   The same is not true of much information technology, Komlos argues...   The technology may be astonishing; its social and economic value is less so.   Examples abound.   Though digital photography is fantastic, it's an evolution of Kodak's box cameras of a century ago.   They were the real breakthrough.   In addition, some innovations -- including the Internet -- impose [personal] and economic costs that transcend what Schumpeter imagined...   Economists measure overall efficiency by labor productivity — the output per hour of the average worker.   After World War 2, productivity grew about 3% annually for about two decades.   Since 2004, annual growth has been about 1%; since 2010, it been half that.   This matters, because higher productivity is the ultimate source of higher wages and fringe benefits.   (To some economists, productivity is poorly measured..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
"More than once before in my blogs for the Center, I have spoken about the great importance of assimilating individuals who come to the United States to reside, whether as refugees, resident aliens, or in any other long-term status.   Last week, three young Muslim American students were killed in Chapel Hill, NC -- Razan Abu-Salha Mohammad; her sister, Yusor Abu-Salha; and her husband, Deah Barakat.   They appear to me to have represented a model of the kind of assimilation I contemplate when I think of a vibrant and prosperous society.   They were, as the saying goes, 'comfortable in their skins', seeing no conflict whatever in being Muslim and in being American..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
government of American Samoa: don't let our people be US citizens
"Though there are strong indications that many alien residents of the Mainland, (legal and illegal) want to become US citizens, there is a small, native-born, legally present population who should be denied that citizenship, according to their own elected leaders...   [They] include the democratically elected territorial government of American Samoa and the brand new congressional delegate from that place, Amata Radewagen.   They have filed papers in federal court opposing the concept that residents of American Samoa, America's only territory on the other side of the Equator, change their odd status from that of US nationals, to that of US citizens.   The territorial government agrees with the federal government on this matter...   the Samoan establishment's position on this citizenship/migration question is quite comparable to that of other power groups' stands on similar issues.   For example, the Mainland's economic establishment (the Chamber of Commerce and Silicon Valley) says that it is totally convinced -- despite strong evidence to the contrary -- that there is a shortage of American high-tech graduates available for jobs in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields.   Those business forces may not be able to acknowledge reality when they see it, but they are being coldly rational -- more foreign high-tech workers are needed to drive down wages; it is that simple.   So while the business establishment's immigration posture on this issue defies the facts, it is totally rational from its point of view, and its motivation is almost hidden from view.   Similarly largely hidden, and similarly rational, is the century-old posture of the Democratic Party -- from Tammany Hall days of old to the [Obummer regime] -- calling for easy migration and naturalization rules so that there will be more Democrat voters...   So both Silicon Valley, which wants more H-1Bs right now, and the White House, which is looking ahead a generation or so for more voter support, want the rules shaped to maintain their power, though neither is talking about it in those terms...   the tribal chiefs of American Samoa.   They, like Silicon Valley and the White House, want to retain their current powers...   In the case of American Samoa -- a coaling station for Navy ships that we were hot for 115 years ago -- we agreed with the tribal chiefs at the time that were they to accede to American control, which they did; we would preserve their traditional 'Matai' system of governance and communal land ownership by hereditary chiefs.   Condensing various arrangements made over time, this ultimately led to the local governor and the lower house of the territorial legislature being elected by popular vote, but with the equally powerful upper house being elected by chiefs only...   You cannot climb a ladder to get to be a matai — you are only born into this condition; maybe you can move up inside this structure, perhaps as a result of deaths of others, but you cannot pierce the circle from the outside.   Some of them are high chiefs and some of them are 'talking chiefs'.   They are distinctly not equal with one another.   I think that there are cultural powers or traditions that go with matai status, over and above their political powers.   It is all very deep-seated.   All carved in very old stone.   There are 18 seats in the Samoan Senate; one district or county has 3 senators, 3 districts have 2 members each, and 9 districts have 1 each.   The election process involves no ballots.   The village matais gather in a single room.   The least of them, prestige-wise, speaks first, then the rest, in ascending order of prestige speak (presumably about the candidates, if there is more than one), and then the senior chief of the district declares who will be the next senator or senators..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
awaiting... searching for our next George Washington
Well, TP blew it on the constitution, which took MORE power from the states and "us little folks" to a centralized and more and more power-mad and corrupt government.

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
"Travelor" _Benton Gun Club_
Obumer regime BATFE wants to unconstitutionally ban common 5.56 x 45mm ammunition
NY FireArms
Guns America
Iowa FireArmes Coalition
High Road
Perfect Union
Old Glory GunSmith Shoppe
Daily Caller: want to restrict gun-smithing

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Star Parker _Jewish World Review_
race-obsessed get hysterical because non-leftists oppose Loretta Lynch's nomination to be a-g... because she avowed she would break her oath of office and engage in unconstitutional activities
"...Paul earlier issued a press release stating 3 reasons for his opposition to Lynch.   The caucus ignored 2 and called the third, her support for civil asset forfeiture, '...nothing but an excuse to keep an African American legal scholar from holding this high position...'   Those that wonder why race consciousness remains at high pitch in America, a half century after enactment of the Civil Rights Act and other laws associated with the civil rights movement, need look no further than the Congressional Black Caucus and understand that they want it this way.   They want to keep color rather than ideas and character to be the measure of people.   Calling Rand Paul a racist is particularly, and pathetically, ironic in that he has probably been the most aggressive Republican office holder in reaching out to black groups and proposing innovative ideas for reform that would empower black Americans...   These five million illegals, now legal by the simple wave of a presidential wand, overwhelmingly work in low-income jobs.   So they now will legally compete for work opportunities with the many low-income black workers, whose unemployment remains twice the national average..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
in Iraq, Kirkuk remains a question mark

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
David Weigel _Jewish World Review_
how Rand Paul is trying to win over Dems/Reds/leftists

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Lawrence Solomon _Jewish World Review_
Russia is winning friends and trading partners, invading peaceful neighbors
Financial Post
"...India inked 20 agreements with Russia last year, including December deals worth $100G...   Trade with [Red China], Russia's largest trading partner, rose 6.8% last year to almost $100G, a trend likely to continue given the high-profile signing by Putin and [Red Chinese] president Xi of a $400G deal to export Russian gas to [Red China] over a 30-year period..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
few doctors were consulted in planning, designing ObummerDoesn'tCare
"...the AMA had just 17% of doctors as members prior to the [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and has now crashed to 11%...   Gerry Gianoli, a neuro-otologist...spoke of how the 'mass media has derided doctors and medicine in the United States for the past 20 years'.   Instead of celebrating the accomplishments and advancements brought to us by doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and device manufacturers, there has been a concerted effort to deride all for the purpose of creating a single-payer national system [i.e. a monopoly of corrupt government thugs over medical care]...   the law is 'causing consolidation and impacting patient care'.   If doctors are not consolidating their practices with others they are becoming employees of hospitals.   Singer stated 'Doctors have to become employees to protect themselves because of regulatory requirements.'   All the docs agreed with that..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Michael Bender & Julie Bykowicz _Jewish World Review_
the tactical giving of Yebbie Boooosh's fund-raising machine
"his finance committee has given $122,800 to Republican officials and state parties in the first 5 weeks of its existence..."
...in a blatant attempt to pervert the losership, to undermine the citizenry...jgo

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
why candidates and government officials frequently get away with lying, but reporters do not

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
_Global Post_/_Reuters_
Muslim terrorist attacked "free speech" event at cafe, then attacked synagogue in Copenhagen, Denmark
"Danish media said El-Hussein had been jailed for stabbing a 19-year-old man in the leg on a Copenhagen train in 2013, and was freed a few weeks ago."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Ole Mikkelsen, Sabrina Zawadzki & Balazs Koranyi _Euro News_/_Reuters_
tens of thousands of Danes gathered at quiet torch-lit memorials after violence-initiating Muslim Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein attacked cafe, then synagogue in Copenhagen; 2 more arrested on suspicion of aiding attack

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
_Global Post_/_Reuters_
Egypt targeted ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate in Libya after beheadings of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians
Voice of America

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
_St. Louis Today_/_AP_
Boehner: we've passed a bill to fund DHS, it's up to the Dems/Reds/leftists whether they want to fund it or shut it down

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Mark Z. Barabak & Noam N. Levey _Los Angeles CA Times_
Republican legislators hold the line against the unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare at the state level

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
_Conservative HQ_
is Boehner joining with non-leftists for a change?
"Echoing conservative arguments in favor of the House-passed appropriation that prohibits money being spent on [Obummer's] unconstitutional 'executive amnesty' Boehner said, 'The House has done its job under the Constitution.', he said.   'It's time for the Senate to do their job.'   After those of us watch the program picked ourselves up off the floor and cleaned up the coffee we spilled in our astonishment that the Speaker was actually arguing the case against [Obummer] from a constitutional perspective, Boehner got even better..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
_Conservative HQ_
what should Mitch McConnell be doing?
"Senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell is allegedly a master of senate procedure, distinguished by his legendary skill and subtlety -- so why is it that, with a majority in the senate, McConnell has not been able to move much of anything against a united and determined [Dem/Red/leftist] minority?   One reason of course is that senate Republicans are not united on much of anything, witness Nevada Republican Dean Heller's betrayal on defunding [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty and Utah's Orrin Hatch announcing he would support Loretta Lynch for attorney-general after she expressed support for a petty piece of special interest legislation he is sponsoring.   But more important is McConnell's complete lack of determination to pursue anything of substance on the conservative agenda or to fight [Obummer] and the [Dems/Reds/leftists' with the tools the Constitution gives him to fight with.   Instead he wants to 'govern' from Capitol Hill.   This is an arrogant folly that is promoted by the media and many on Capitol Hill that have apparently never read the Constitution, or let the media interpretation of it go to their heads.   Congress does not 'govern', it legislates, or as an old Washington saying goes: the cresident proposes, congress disposes.   So, when the establishment media and politicians talk about 'governing' what they really mean is spending money and growing government.   The powers that the Constitution bestows upon congress to rein-in an overambitious, or in the case of [Barack Hussein Obummer], lawless, president are almost entirely defensive in nature.   Congress can't compel the president to enforce the border, nor can it compel him to adopt a winning strategy against [violence-initiating] Islam -- those are the exclusive domain of the executive or 'governing' branch of the 3 branches of our government.   But congress, in theory, can compel the president not to do certain things.   It can prohibit the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] from processing grants of amnesty to illegal aliens by prohibiting the executive from spending funds on the process, and it can stop a lawless president by impeaching him..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Raymond Ibrahim _PJMedia_
Saudia Arabia is builing 600-mile fence to defend against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
"The irony here is that those Muslims that Saudi Arabia is trying to keep out are the very same Muslims most nurtured and influenced by a Saudi -- or Wahabbi, or Salafi -- worldview.   Put differently, Saudi Arabia is again appreciating how jihad is a volatile instrument of war that can easily backfire on those who support it.   'Holy war' is hardly limited to fighting and subjugating 'infidels -- whether the West in general, Israel in particular, or the millions of non-Muslim minorities under Islam -- but also justifies fighting apostates, that is, Muslims accused of not being Islamic enough.   Indeed, the first grand jihad was against Muslim apostates -- the Ridda [apostasy] Wars.   After Muhammad died in 632, many Arab tribes were willing to remain Muslim but without paying zakat (charity [taxes, tribute, extortion]) money to the first caliph, Abu Bakr.   That was enough to declare jihad on them as apostates; tens of thousands of Arabs were burned, beheaded, dismembered, or crucified, according to Islamic history.   Accordingly, the [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] justifies burning people [to death], such as the Jordanian pilot, precisely because the first caliph and his Muslim lieutenants burned apostates [to death], and is even on record saying that 'false Muslims' are its first target, then Israel.   This is the problem all Muslim nations and rulers risk: no one — not even Sharia-advocating Islamist leaders -- are immune to the all-accusing sword tip of the jihad.   If non-Muslims are, as 'infidels', de facto enemies, any Muslim can be accused of apostasy [or heresy], instantly becoming an enemy of Allah and his prophet..."

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
the only thing the extreme leftists' "reform" (i.e. perversion) needs is more "reform" (i.e. even more extreme perversion, viciousness, destruction)

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
James Jay Carafano _PJMedia_
what will you do when worse happens? and even worse, and worse, and worse? _Surviving the End_
find out if you are prepared to survive a major disaster (video)

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Alfonzo Rachel _PJMedia_
many atheists are anti-free speech, anti-free exercise of religion bullies (video)

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Andrew C. McCarthy _PJMedia_
Egypt battles ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and sharia supremacism

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
al-Jazeera caught recycling images of dead children to slander Egypt after bombing of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate bases in Libya
"Several sharp-eyed watchers picked up on al-Jazeera's image recycling: 'Kids not killed in airstrikes in Derna but rather suffocation due to smoke inhalation in albayda Libya months ago.'"

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Greg Corombos _WND_
retired U.S. Air Force general Tom McInerney: violence-initiation-advocating Muslims are embedded in the Obummer White House
"McInerney added, 'Let's get serious on this.   The president has elected not to get serious.   The Pentagon wants to do this, but the White House is holding back...   We need to put a Global Hawk or a Reaper (drone) overhead between Al-Asad and the town that they captured, al Baghdadi.', he said.   'Anything that moves out of al-Baghdadi toward Al-Asad should be destroyed.   In addition, we ought to continuously attack al-Baghdadi...'   the rise and expansion of ISIS the result of 'what happens when good people do nothing to fight evil'...   'The [ISIL/ ISIS/ IS/ Daesh/ caliphate] is a radical Islamic organization.', McInerney said.   'Al-Qaida, which attacked us on 2001/09/11, is a radical Islamic organization.   Hamas in the Gaza Strip is a radical Islamic organization.   All these organizations that people hear about are radical Islamists.   The Iranian government is a radical Islamic organization.'..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Alabama chief justice Roy Moore once again gives the supremes and Obummer a civics lesson

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Bob Tisdale
global surface (land+ocean) and lower troposphere temperature anomaly & model vs. data difference update for 2015 January

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Paul Driessen
divestment ethics and realities

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Bob Tisdale
climate propaganda from the Australian Academy of "Science"

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Indur M. Goklany
from AAAS why some (many?) scientists tend to hype their findings

2015-02-16 (5775 Shebet 27)
Bob Tisdale
new paper claims the giatus in warming is not occurring at the poles, undermining the efforts of Cowtan and Way

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "No act of Parliament can establish such a writ.   Even though made in the very language of the petition, it would be a nullity.   An act of Parliament against the Constitution is void.   An act against natural equity is void.   The courts must pass such acts into disuse." --- James Otis 1761-02-24 (recorded by John Adams; quoted in Alfred H. Knight 1996 _The Life of the Law_ pg 120)  



2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions has released lengthy time-line of Obummer regime's immigration corruption
Caroline May: Breitbart

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Laura Ingraham
tax credits, voting rights, and a first-rate education: rolling out the red carpet for illegal aliens
"Last week, we found out that illegal immigrants could receive up to $24K in kick-backs from the IRS and vote in the next presidential election.   But, the buck doesn't stop here.   It is increasingly common for noncitizens to have the red carpet rolled out for them upon reaching the United States.   Nowhere was this more evident than at Rutgers-Newark University this past week-end..."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
damaging admissions

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
in order to say certain things that are so obviously foolish, one has to be taught them
"In order to be labeled a 'gender scholar' -- especially at a prestigious university -- one must have internalized every falsehood our universities teach about men and women."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
at every cross-roads, Republican losership proceeds with much reluctance to do anything but go along with the leftists/Reds/Dems
Non-leftists want to recover and move forward the Englightenment, while the leftists want to roll us back to an idealized, neo-feudal era.

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
the Joneses win; their neighbors simply can't keep up the over-spending
"Many Americans of more modest means, however, are dispensing with the mansions altogether.   You don't feel behind in a race you don't enter.   And if these weakened material aspirations are here to stay, things won't be looking good for the consumer economy."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
the leftist Obummer regime FCC & FEC lift their boots to eliminate free speech
Free Republic
JLA Forums
Before It's News
Washington DC Times

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
the big lie of Obummer's presidency

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
president Obummer, USA's Nero

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a year that smells like 1938
"...The West in 2015, like the West in 1938, invites by default the approaching storm.   America has always led the way against the destroyers of the civilized life, but [president Obummer] either can't or won't see the threat of radical Islam.   He chokes on the word 'Islamic' and when denouncing the beheading massacre of Coptic Christians he wouldn't say 'Christian'.   [Obummer] is proud of his education (he knows all about the Crusades), his Harvard law degree and the adoration of the intellectual elites, but he's the last man in the West who can't see the terrorists for who and what they are.   He wants congress to give him a bigger gun to shoot at ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, but congress can't be sure he knows which is the business end of a gun, and how and where to aim it..."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
when network lies kill
"...it wasn't until the VietNam War that Cronkite revealed his true leftwing anti-war agenda and he did it by lying.   Reporting on the Tet offensive which claimed heavy military casualties, Cronkite reported the massive attack on South VietNam as a loss for the U.S.   The VietNam War was a quagmire and intimated that the war was lost militarily.   In actuality, the Viet Cong loss was devastating and when U.S. Marines crushed the last North VietNamese pockets of resistance in the northern city of Hue, the VC had lost 80K-100K killed or wounded without capturing a single province.   The Tet offensive was a last gasp for the Communists and the U.S.A. had won every single battle.   According to one former North VietNamese leader, Bui Tin, collapse of [USA citizenry's] political will was 'essential to our strategy'.   The war could not be won militarily but it could be won at home with the help of anti-war activists and a hostile media...   Cronkite tried to manipulate the nation again during the Iraq War..."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
will a federal judge in Texas save wimpy DC GOP losership on Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens?
Bob Price
Laura Ingraham
"U.S. District judge Andrew Hanen wrote that 26 states that filed a law-suit against the action would 'suffer irreparable harm', without a preliminary injunction, The Associated Press reported.   'The genie would be impossible to put back into the bottle.', the judge Hansen wrote.   That order had been set to go into effect on Wednesday.   As our friend Matt Boyle of Breitbart noted, the judge ruled that 'at least one plaintiff has satisfied all the necessary elements to maintain a lawsuit and to obtain a temporary injunction'.   This means that, not only can the law-suit continue, but the judge has ordered that the president or the secretary of Homeland Security cannot take action on the DAPA program.   'The United States of America, its departments, agencies, officers, agents and employees and Jeh Johnson, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS]; R. Gil Kerlikowske, commissioner of United States customs and Border Protection [USCBP]; Ronald D. Vitiello, deputy chief of United States Border Patrol [US BP], United States Customs and Border Protection; Thomas S. Winkowski, acting director of United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE]; and Leon Rodriguez, director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] are hereby enjoined from implementing any and all aspects or phases of the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents', Boyle reports the injunction read."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
scofflaw Obummer takes a legal hit

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Laura Ingraham
what it is like to be a Jew in Paris these days
Khaleda Rahman: UK Daily Mail

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Nasty Pelosi leads junket of House leftists/Reds/Dems to visit communist dictatorship of Cuba

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Obummer/Kerry State Dept. spokes-clone says violence-initiating Muslims worldwide would be peaceful if only we got them great-paying jobs
Chris Stirewalt: Fox: shovel-ready

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
5 Middle-East blunders

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Carson Holloway _National Review_
the perverse, power-mad Alexander Hamilton; statutory construction; ObummerDoesn'tCare; and King v. Burwell
"...Suppositions about the general intentions of the law, apart from the operative words in it, can never be a safe basis for interpreting it, because they cannot be known with certainty.   Besides, having judges correct errors in statutory language effectively makes them legislators, which is certainly not what they are supposed to be..."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer White House partnering with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate-linked group
Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Laura Ingraham
Mohammedan groups: we want exemption from investigation and prosecution when we initiate force or fraud
Neil Munro: Daily Caller

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
indiscretion: Obummer admitted personally attempting to unconstitutionally and illegally change immigration law

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Roger L. Simon _PJMedia_
is Barack Hussein Obummer a "Manchurian candidate"?
"No, I still don't believe it.   It's simply not true.   [Barack Hussein Obummer] is not the Manchurian candidate.   That's just an excuse.   The only problem is...   He's worse.   He's far worse.   [Barack Hussein Obummer] doesn't have to be a Manchurian candidate.   He can and is doing more damage without being one.   A Manchurian candidate could be exposed (yes, and possibly could not).   [Barack Hussein Obummer] doesn't need that.   He and the media and the brainwashed public that elected him are destroying our country (and the West) all by themselves.   They don't need any secret conspirators in the back room.   They're all there in public view.   And how..."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
David Solway _PJMedia_
which should we worry more about: natural disasters or Mohammedan terror attacks?

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Avner Zarmi _PJMedia_
Likud lead narrows amidst high drama in Israeli elections as friends of Obummer pour millions into defeating Netanyahu and Israel
"...At issue was the eligibility of current [member of keneset] Hanin Zoabi to form the United Arab List.   Zuabi is currently associated with the Balad ('home-land) party, which recently merged with Ra'am-Ta'al and the Chadash ('new') party, as the Israeli Communist party calls itself.   Zoabi has engaged in many acts of incitement to violence against Jews in Israel.   Speaking at a pro-Hamas rally in northern Israel last August...
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Rod Kackley _PJMedia_
Texas legislature discussing arming professors and teachers, spanking students

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _PJMedia_
"Anybody but Bibi" funded by more than Obummer's State Dept.
"Adi Ben Hur reports that there is more than one foreign government funding the 'Anybody but Bibi' V15 campaign in Israel...   Is anyone bothering to ask why Bibi poses such a threat to these various factions?   Or why no single Labor candidate is strong enough to combat him face-to-face in a clean election that doesn't dance around ideology with 'anybody but' and 'hope and change' lingo?   What is it that the [Obummer] U.S. State Department, European Union, and British Labour and Conservative Parties fear the most about Netanyahu's potential re-election?"

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
_Conservative HQ_
Diana West nails the reality about Islam that Obummer's "summit" on "violent extremism" will never confront
"In our view the key one line summary of her article is this quote from the Netherlands' Geert Wilders: 'The more Islam there is in a society, the less freedom there is.'..."
Diana West

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Rob Jenkins _Chronicle of Higher Education_
cross-training for the brain
2015-01-20: Casey Fabris: college students think they're ready for employment, but employers are not so sure
"The report is based on an on-line survey of 400 executives at private-sector and non-profit organizations and of 613 college students (455 seniors at four-year institutions and 158 community-college students who expect to either receive an associate degree or transfer to a four-year institution within the next year). The survey was conducted in November and December by Hart Research Associates... while 59% of students said they were well prepared to analyze and solve complex problems, just 24% of employers said they had found that to be true of recent college graduates... And Northeastern University's Innovation Imperative survey, released last April, found that 54% of 'c-suite executives' think higher education in the United States lags behind that of other countries in preparing students for the work force. Anthony P. Carnevale, director of Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce, traces employers' complaints about the quality of recent college graduates to 1983, when a recession ended and the economy changed rapidly [and bodyshopping began to soar]... After 4 or 5 years of higher education [over a period of 4 or 5 or 6 or 10 or 20 years], graduates want to believe they're going to get a return on their investment... Everyone expects to be among the group of graduates who do land good jobs, Mr. Kelly said... Students take a class, do the problem sets or papers, take the examinations, and then get the grade. And when students receive A's, they take it as a sign that they're ready for what's next—even though that may not be true."

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Anthony Watts
do satellite scans reveal ocean acidification... or not

2015-02-17 (5775 Shebet 28)
Viv Forbes
strange allies in the war against carbon-containing fuels

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Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "There are 2 sorts of tyranny: a real one, which consists in the violence of the government, and one of opinion, which is felt when those who govern establish things that run counter to a nation's way of thinking." --- Charles Montesquieu (quoted in Charles Montesquieu, Anne M. Cohler, Basia C. Miller & Harold S. Stone 17??, 2009 _The Spirit of the Laws_ part 3 book 19 chapter 3; quoted in Mark R. Levin 2012 _Ameritopia: The UnMaking of America_ pg135)  



2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Michelle Malkin _National Review_
Obummer's "jobs for violence-initiating Muslims" program
Cybercast News Service
Jewish World Review
"At the White House Summit on Extremism That Shall Remain Unspecified Because Violent Followers Belonging To Unnamed Extremist Movement Might Take Extreme Offense And Act Extremely, the feds are touting a ground-breaking new strategy to fight terrorists.   Just kidding.   It's actually the same old futile strategy that big-government [leftists] use to cure everything: mo' money, mo' money, mo' money..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer regime expects to quadruple the number of Syrian "refugees" brought into USA
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Laura Ingraham
FBI, Michael McCaul & John Katko: Syrian "refugee" program is another "back-door for jihadists"
Leo Hohmann: World Net Daily
"'We learned our lessons with the Iraqi refugee population [and the Eastern Europe refugee population in the 1940s without running proper and thorough background investigations].   We put in place a USIK-wide background and vetting process that we found to be effective.', Steinbach told the committee Wednesday...   'in Syria, the lack of our footprint on the ground in Syria, the databases won't have the information we need.   So it's not that we have a lack of a process, it's that there is a lack the information.'"

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Have a nice day. Be on your way, and can you please throw your beer/joint away?
"Judicial Watch has obtained a government memorandum for Border Patrol Agents telling them to let impaired motorists go on their way.   But the agents are supposed to take succor from the hypothetical question posed and answered by the green-eyeshade legal types who prepared the memo, by assuring them that they aren't, as a matter of law, liable if someone gets killed as a result.   Nice to know ... but there's that small thing called conscience.   The [Obummer regime] keeps telling us that it is interested in immigration enforcement that involves 'felons, not families', but many DUI/DWI offenses can in fact be felonies in some states, depending on prior offenses by the driver and other factors.   In any case, it's clear that the administration isn't really interested in any kind of effective law enforcement by immigration and border officers.   It's all about appearances and lip-gloss..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
budgetary rules are stacked against proponents of reasonable immigration levels
"Every time the federal government declines to enforce immigration law -- as with [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] 'executive amnesties' -- new unfunded mandates are inflicted on the states.   The Federation for American Immigration Reform [FAIR] recently published a report that quantifies some of the mandates' costs in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.   Its ball-park estimate is that public schools in Montgomery county MD, must pay $25K per unaccompanied alien child (UAC) with limited English proficiency.   In Arlington county VA, the cost could be more than $33K...   the unfunded costs of immigration enforcement are immediately flagged by the CBO, while the unfunded costs of immigration itself are passed over."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
"something is rotten in the state of Denmark"
"That line came to mind with the recent, tragic terrorist attacks in Copenhagen directed toward a free-speech conference and then a synagogue hosting a bat mitzvah by a hate-spewing Islamist who is purported to have sworn allegiance to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate on the Internet.   Unlike the play, though, I don't think Denmark today is simmering in a stew of corruption and misrule; rather, like many Western countries (including ours), it has been the victim of its own tolerance in the face of [initiators of force and fraud]...   Toward the middle of December, Honduran newspapers reported the apprehension, by border police, of 3 Danish citizens who had entered the southern part of the country illegally.   According to the report, the Danes were Mohamed Shykh Abdullah, 34; Abdifatah Daud Sheikhdair, 32; and Abduldahi Abdi Jumbar, 38...   Why would Danes feel the need to enter Honduras illegally when they are entitled to legitimate visa-free travel to that country for up to 3 months?   Why would Danish citizens go to Honduras, awash in crime and poverty and an unlikely tourist spot, when in their own country they are entitled to a host of social benefits, including free education, etc.?   The answer might be that they were merely in transit through Honduras, en route to a more likely location: the United States.   But why travel that way, which smacks of smuggling and illegitimacy, when, as in Honduras, Danes may enter the United States without a visa, courtesy of the Visa Waiver Program?   Could the answer to that question be: In order to enter our country undetected?..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt Eric Holder: there is little to be gained by calling Mohammedan terrorism "Islamic terrorism"

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: senate Reds/Dems/leftists are blocking funding for DHS at a time of growing threats

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz warns Obumer to stop spending on unconstitutional and illegal amnesty schemes for illegal aliens

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer is trying to ignore and hide that these are violence-initiating Mohammedan extremists who are bent on destroying the West

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Hans von Spakovsky _Cybercast News Service_
federal judge: Obummer and DHS are not merely trying to rewrite laws, they are trying to create new laws unilaterally, unconstitutionally
Laura Ingraham (video)

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Israel unveils largest find of medieval gold coins from c. 1000CE

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
We must never accept the premises put forth by Barack Hussein Obummer, because history has shown that 9999 times out of 10,000, they're lies...jgo

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Nick Givas _Daily Caller_
Star Parker compares black "leadership" to "plantation over-seers"
"'The Democrat machine has built up this plantation.', Parker said.   'Then, they gerrymander the plantation in order to keep getting re-elected.   When an African-American tries to stand up and challenges this system, they are quickly silenced, and treated like an escaped slave.'"

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Alex Griswold _Daily Caller_
Krauthammer: when Obummer talks about ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate he "sounds like a community organizer doing out-reach to 'aggrieved communities'" (video)
"'If you listen to the president today and his emphasis on [Mohammedan] grievances, on reaching out and making the Muslims feel comfortable and not excluded, you would think that we are responding to the execution and the beheading of 21 Muslims on behalf of 21 extreme Christians somewhere in the world.   It is so divorced from reality, as if the problem is the lack of understanding of the Muslim grievances, particularly in the Middle East.   We talk about root causes, as if that's going to make any difference whatsoever.   There are rich people in ISIS [and al-Qaeda, Hamas, Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Hezballah], there are poor.   There are educated, there are uneducated.   The idea that if you can attack and you can eradicate poverty -- which in and of itself is an absurdity, that it would make a difference -- is sort of a fantasy.   It's a way to avoid the issue, as is the president's language.'"
Yes, that's just it; as with many of the "communities" Obummer "organized", the violence-initiating Muslims have no legitimate grievances.   They want the land in Israel that they have been occupying.   That sub-set call themselves "Palestinians", but after Israel gave them back Palestine=the Gaza Strip, they remained violent, and made violent incursions into Israel and Egypt.   They want to restore their occupation of northern Africa and Europe; and many Muslims were allowed to settle in those places and more, but that did not satisfy them.   They want to force everyone to be a Muslim or, at best, a subject, a slave, a tributary, to Muslims, and they certainly do not want to allow any Muslim to convert to Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Hindu, Buddhism, etc.   They don't deserve to have those wishes granted by the USA, UK, or any European or other government by force against their citizenry.
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Derek Hunter _Daily Caller_
the haughty John Kerry says he, Obummer, VP BiteMe are "probably going to be out of town" when Netanyahu visits, "unable" to speak with American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
"[President Obummer's] former national field director for his re-election campaign is currently in Israel working to defeat Netanyahu."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Nick Tate _News Max_
USA measles out-break likely originated in Philippines
"Lab tests show the measles virus at the center of the nationwide outbreak shares the same genetic material as the type most commonly found in the Philippines...   Scientists say the findings make it likely that the virus originated in the Philippines, but they still don't know exactly how it got into the United States.   Officials emphasized that the out-break could have come from a traveler from any number of countries.   The type of measles found in the Philippines, known as B3, has been present in at least 14 other countries, including Brazil, England, and Germany as well as 6 other American states...   was contracted by at least 39 people who worked or visited the theme park between Dec. 17 and Dec. 20.   Experts say the outbreak shows how even one [traveler infected with a communicable disease] from any country can cause a significant out-break, especially at a time of declining vaccination levels in the United States...   The measles out-break has since spread to 7 other states, Mexico and Canada, involving at least 139 confirmed cases...   For about a decade, the median number of measles cases reported annually was only 60, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP]...   An estimated 20M cases of measles occur every year worldwide, causing about 145,700 deaths [a mortality rate of 0.73%, but some suffer blindness and other permanent health problems], CDCP officials said."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
_News Max_
Obummer regime is withholding from Israel details of talks with Iran about their development of nuclear weapons

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
_News Max_/_AP_
Obummer regime has "screened" 1,200 "moderate" Syrians for military training
Once the Syrian fighters are trained, they could help provide information to coalition forces conducting air-strikes against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, or they could join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate/al-Qaeda/Hamas/Fatah/Hizballah to fight against Israel and the USA...
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Peter Fricke _Daily Caller_
calls to end Export-Import Bank targets bank's crony socialist supporters
"'Americans didn't give Republicans a historic House majority to hand out favors to K Street lobbyists and well-connected special interests.', said Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham.   'If lawmakers want to honor their mandate, they'll allow the bank to expire and focus on advancing policies that create opportunity for all.'...   Overall, the group [backing continuation of the Ex-Im Bank] is somewhat less conservative than the typical House Republican, receiving an average conservatism score of 54% from Heritage Action, compared to an average score of 61% for the whole caucus, which could potentially make them vulnerable to pressure from conservative constituents."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Alex Pappas _Daily Caller_
Yebbie Booosh says NSA's unconstitutional privacy violations against all Americans is "hugely important"
"'For the life of me, I don't understand.', Bush said."
That's exactly the problem...jgo
"'There's a huge and growing swell of protest in this country of people who are outraged that their records would be taken without suspicion, without a judge's warrant, and without individualization.', Paul said at the time."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
_News Max_
NIH: multi-vitamin consumers are less likely to die from heart disease

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Laura Ingraham
Yebbie Booosh's immigration zealotry for expansion of already excessive immigration, would also produce massive surge of Muslim immigration

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
glib "happy talk" from the Obummer regime while signs of nuclear world war accumulate

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
_Shame: How America's Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country_ by Shelby Steele

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Anthony Rivas _Jewish World Review_
mis-labeled/mal-labeled herbal supplements
Medical Daily
Health Supplement Capsules

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Sue Hubbard _Jewish World Review_
earlier bed-times may fend off teen depression

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Kim Giles _Jewish World Review_
are you a conscientious human?: life as a test, life as a class-room

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
telling the truth about violence-initiating Muslims should not offend peace-loving Muslims
Washington DC Times
Clifford D. May
Foundation for the Defense of Democracy
"A rhetorical strategy that obscures rather than illuminates can only lead to public confusion and incoherent policy-making -- exactly what we have now.  Anxious not to give offense to peace-loving Muslims, we've refused to identify -- much less seriously examine -- the ideology of bellicose Muslims, those waging what they call a jihad against infidels..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Catherine Phillips _Jewish World Review_
some Danish and Swedish Jews are staying put
Elisabeth Braw: NewsWeek

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
UMich's tolerance problem
"the University of Michigan wants to be an intolerance-free zone -- so long as it's intolerance of things the administration finds intolerable...  we are teaching young people that being offended is an ideological priority.  Indeed, the coin of the campus realm today is victimhood, grievance and offense..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
no gate-keepers
"For years, people assumed encyclopedias had to be created by professionals.  Then Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales attempted to create an encyclopedia without central planners.  That sounded like a terrible idea to the old gate-keepers -- people who hired experts to carefully fact-check and edit every encyclopedia entry.  When they heard that Wales would crowd-source an encyclopedia, one Encyclopedia Britannica editor sneered, 'The user who visits Wikipedia is a visitor to a public restroom.'   But today research shows that Wikipedia is as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica...  But Wikipedia, without a central plan -- just a few simple ground rules -- flourished.  Wales likens the lesson to economist Friedrich Hayek's insights about why decentralized, free-market decisions are wiser than centralized, socialist planning: The crowd possesses 'local knowledge' that experts can't begin to replicate..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
the face of evil: we have met the enemy, and he is not us
"Undoubtedly, we in America have our faults like every other country inhabited by human beings, but it requires the suspension of knowledge of accurate American history to believe, as some do, that we are the source of much of the trouble in the world.  Conditions in the world have improved more dramatically since the advent of the United States than at any other time in human history.  Our innovation and compassion have provided one of the highest standards of living in the world while lifting conditions in many other nations.  Understanding that we are not evil makes it easier to identify evil elsewhere and to combat it effectively..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Phil Perrier _Political Mavens_
good news for those of us who like to leave the house once in a while

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Americans can choose from presidential hopefuls from across the spectrum

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
Jordan takes the lead

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Islam as a "victim" civilization
"[president Obummer's] scolding of Western civilization at the National Prayer Breakfast... was atrociously ill timed and characteristically sophomoric."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
responding to, and defending against, the atrocities of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
"it doesn't make much sense to tell the enemy our schedule...  To this point, a Libyan terrorist group has announced its goal of destroying Rome..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
lying leftists and the lies they tell
Real Clear Politics
Charles Watson
Washington DC Times
Rendevous (sic) with Destiny

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Lindsay Wise _Jewish World Review_
unconstitutional statute condones government snooping in 160-day old e-mail messages and files on servers and in the cloud; proposed reform only partially corrects it

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Lindsay Wise _Jewish World Review_
unconstitutional statute condones government snooping in 160-day old e-mail messages and files on servers and in the cloud; proposed reform only partially corrects it

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
it is time to end dangerous unconstitutional judgeless warrants
"The growth in number and size of government agencies beginning about 80 years ago has been accompanied by the expanded use of 'administrative sub poenas'.   These are warrants not signed by a judge to obtain records and other evidence by the government.   More and more Americans have come to understand that these administrative sub poenas violate the Fourth Amendment's processes needed to guard against unreasonable searches and seizures of our persons, houses, papers and effects.   These judgeless sub poenas are now especially prevalent in targeting telephone and computer records, but have been [abused] in many ways that transgress the law..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Jim Bridenstine says Obummer's request for authorization to use military force is "tying his own hands for political purposes"

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Obummer regime sees no Islamic evil, does no good
Rick Manning: Citizens for Limited Government, Net Right Daily

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has proposed bill (HR885) to impose federal Obummer DoJ control over elections in Virginia and Texas
"Sensenbrenner's bill, HR885, is co-sponsored by representative John Conyers (D-MI) and multiple members of the Congressional Black Caucus.   It revives federal control through the Voting Rights Act over every state election law change.   In 2013, the Supreme Court's Shelby County vs. Holder decision struck down this power as an outdated and unconstitutional relic from a half-century ago.   Texas would also fall under immediate federal control if Sensenbrenner's bill passes.   Other states well on their way to federal oversight include Ohio, Florida, New York, and California.   States such as Louisiana would also fall under immediate federal control...   Holder's Justice Department hasn't filed a single Voting Rights Act case in 2 years, and has only brought a handful in over 6 years, far fewer than the Bush administration brought during the same time period..."
  HR885: James Sensenbrenner of WI: give corrupt DoJ control over election laws in Virginia, Texas, Ohio, Florida, NY, California, Louisiana...

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Chris Queen _PJMedia_
congressmen jump into the fray in Georgia's religious freedom fight
"When Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed dismissed fire chief Kelvin Cochran over a book the latter wrote, he ignited a firestorm of controversy that led to a renewed call for a religious freedom law in Georgia.   And now, 6 members of the state's congressional delegation have gotten involved in the fight, siding with Cochran.   In a move that escalates the fight between Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed and supporters of Kelvin Cochran, law-makers led by representative Barry Loudermilk this week said the firing robbed the former chief of his religious freedom to speak and write his view..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Bill Straub _PJMedia_
Secret Service should focus
"For instance, the original mandate of the Secret Service, formed in 1965, was to investigate the counterfeiting of U.S. currency.   The mission remains today.   In addition, since 1984, the agency has been investigating crimes that involve financial institution fraud, computer and telecommunications fraud, false identification documents, access device fraud, advance fee fraud, electronic funds transfers and money laundering..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
Obummer: a lying in winter

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
uproar over Illinois governor Bruce Rauner's proposed fiscal sanity budget

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
allegedly "non-Islamic ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate" torched "un-Islamic" musical instruments
"Serious question: Given ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's love of propaganda photos and videos, what is it that makes Sony digital cameras, Adobe editing software and the American-created Internet as a distribution system as not being 'un-Islamic'?   What about the Soviet-designed AK-47 and the Toyota Hilux SUV?"

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
understanding this bloody truth about the Bible will save your life
"Christianity (and Judaism) have exercised violence in the past but never sacralized violence.   That is unique to Islam among the self-styled Mosaic religions...   Violence is incidental to Judaism and Christianity and fundamental to Islam...   All religion is about blood, because all religion is about life.   Shi'ite Islam, though, displays an affinity for real blood that disturbs the West.   On their holiest day, the Feast of Ashura, Shi'ites cut themselves until they bathe in their own blood..."

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
FEC wants to unconstitutionally block free political speech on the net

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Khaled Abu Toameh _GateStone Institute_
Hamas's new army of children
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: al-Fatah/Fatah
Discover the Networks: Palestinian Authority
Discover the Networks: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Global Security: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Investigative Project: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Counter-Extremism Project: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad (IJ)
Christian Broadcasting Network: what is Islamic Jihad?
2016-06-13: Benjamin Weingarten: Classical Liberal Review: how to stop Islamic jihad
2016-05-27: Tower: Iran re-news relations with Palestinian Islamic jihad, pledges $70M in aid from the billions the corrupt Obummer gave them
Jordan Schachtel: Classical Liberal Review: why Hezbollah is bad
Iran/Hezbolla threaten us right here inside USA 🇺🇸
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/ Hizbollah/ Hizbullah/ Hazballah
2016-03-31: Alexander Corbeil & Amarnath Amarasingam: Foreign Affairs: Houthi Hezbollah: Iran's train-and-equip program in Sanaa, Yemen
The Religion of Peace

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Eric Worrall
BP: CO2 reduction efforts are futile

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Willis Eschenbach
TAO and TAO again
NOAA Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
evolution and the Obummer regime's allegiance to the Church of Global Warming Hysteria
Washington DC Times
"Twelve million illegals are presently living illegally and working illegally in the United States, sir.   What is your position on evolution?   A seething cauldron of hatred is boiling over in the Middle East, threatening one of our most important allies and hellbent on destroying America, madam.   So, what do you think of evolution?   Iran is fast building a nuclear bomb.   So, you know, what do you think about evolution?   We have no money left.   The [Red Chinese] own us.   The only reason they don't kill us is because we owe them so much money that it would simply be a bad business decision to eliminate us.   Please share with us your views on evolution...   My question is, then, why is it that reporters only ask Republicans questions about Darwinism?   I mean, why don't they ask [president Obummer] if he believes in Darwinism?   Does he believe in natural selection?   Or does he believe some force larger than nature should take from the strong and give to the weak?   Does he believe that allowing your mortal enemy to obtain a weapon of mass destruction amounts to suicide?   Does he understand that such a tendency ensures that you and your lineage will be eliminated, along with the entire civilized world?"

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
Anthony Watts
UN IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri sexual harassment charges -- story then disappears from web-site

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
David Archibald
the UN climate end-game: "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"

2015-02-18 (5775 Shebet 29)
David Deming
can we stop the climate doom mongering?

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt." --- John Philpot Curran 1790-07-10 "The Right of Election of the Lord Mayor of Dublin"  



2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
Southern California Edicon's displacement of US citizen "IT" professionals by H-1B guest-workers are an abuse of the visa program says representative Judy Chu (D-CA)
"Chu, whose district includes SCE's headquarters, said it is 'a tragedy for the San Gabriel Valley that 500 loyal workers at SCE are losing their jobs...   It is of great concern to me that these workers are being replaced by H-1B visa holders, a program which is actually meant to fill a void for specialized workers but only when there is no qualified American worker for that job.', said Chu in a statement.   Chu is the third U.S. law-maker to raise concerns about SCE's action.   U.S. representative Darrell Issa (R-CA), called the lay-offs 'deeply disturbing', and U.S. senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), said the displacements represent 'a growing problem in the high-tech industry'...   By law, the H-1B visa is not supposed to have an adverse impact on U.S. workers.   In practice, what often happens is that U.S. workers, as is the case at Edison, must train their visa-holding replacements if they want a severance package...   In an open letter to Labor Secretary Tom Perez this week, Ross Eisenbrey, vice president of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote, 'Clearly, taking away the jobs, wages and benefits of the laid-off SCE employees does adversely affect their wages and working conditions.'..."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration: up vs. down, not Republican vs. Red/Dem/leftist
"whatever you might think from watching the senate battle over funding of [Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional] lawless amnesty decrees -- where every Democrat has been voting for amnesty and against enforcement -- out in the real world support for enforcing our immigration laws is not a partisan issue.   So whatever phone line people use to call in to C-SPAN, my experience from being on the show has been that most callers are pro-enforcement.   On today's show every caller was pro-enforcement..."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Derek Hunter _Daily Caller_
on book tour speech in Las Vegas, Marco Rubio shows he's slipping back into the Boosh amnesty for illegal aliens, open-borders, excessive school and guest-work visas fold
"After the remarks hit the Internet, Rubio's office offered a clarification: 'Senator Rubio does not support shutting down DHS.   But he does support stopping the new executive order on immigration and is willing to support any approach we could get passed to stop it.   But the president had made clear he will veto any effort to stop his unconstitutional order.   And senate Democrats have made clear they will not even end their filibuster on the DHS funding bill.   The result will be a DHS shut-down which would be harmful to our national security.   The answer is not for Republicans to surrender and pass a clean funding bill.   The answer is for the President and Senate Democrats to abandon the executive order and cooperate in passing a series of immigration bills beginning with real border security.'   The House of Representatives has passed a funding bill for Homeland Security that [does not fund president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive action granting temporary legal status -- including work permits, [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)], tax benefits and access to collecting benefits from [unconstitutional] entitlement programs like [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare -- to 5M illegal [aliens].   Senate Democrats have been [refusing to allow floor debate on] the bill, preventing the senate from amending it to make it palatable to some Democrats.   President [Obummer] has promised to veto the bill if it were to make it to his desk, but Democrats want to avoid that.   Unilateral executive action on amnesty is unpopular with the American public...   [Nearly all DHS employees are officially designated as 'essential' and would not be affected by any partial or total 'shut-down'.]   In spite of that fact, Democrats have been attempting to scare Americans at the prospect of a department shut down."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Elliot Jager _News Max_
Yemen's Jews are under threat by Houthis

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
James R. Hagerty _Wall Street Journal_
Caterpillar being investigated again, despite efforts to cultivate a squeaky-clean image and decades of rough relations with production workers, early adoption of off-shoring

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
Obummer, European governments are repeating the mistakes of their 1930s predecessors
Jewish World Review
"The panic from the ongoing and worldwide Depression in the 1930s had empowered extremist movements the world over.   Like-minded, violent dictators of otherwise quite different Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan, and the Communist Soviet Union all wanted to attack their neighbors.   Yet World War II could have been prevented had Western Europe united to deter Germany.   Instead, France, Britain, and the smaller European democracies appeased Hitler.   The United States turned [non-interventionist].   The Soviet Union collaborated with the Third Reich.   And Italy and Japan eventually joined it.   The 1930s saw rampant anti-Semitism...   The only safe havens for Jews from Europe were [retaken areas of Israel] and the United States..."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Laura Ingraham
Yebbie Booosh's foreign policy teem is eerily familiar; Venn diagram
high-res diagram from Washington DC Compost

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Laura Ingraham
new rules on narcotic pain-killers cause grief for veterans and Veterans Administration

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Laura Ingraham
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate link suspected in threatening messages sent to military spouses in USA
David Zucchino: Los Angeles CA Times

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
is this what Obummer meant by "perverted Islam"? "now that we have the caliphate, we can have slave-girls in the caliphate"
"Contrary to what [president Obummer] said, the most violent terrorists in today's world are Islamic.   Moreover, as Breitbart's John Sexton documented last October, while the actively fighting jihadists make up a tiny percentage of Muslims worldwide; a significant percentage of Muslims around the world, numbering well over 100M, believe practices like mutilation, stoning and the death penalty are appropriate for non-violent offenses, such as leaving the Muslim faith.   Pew did do a worldwide poll of Muslims which included their attitudes toward Sharia law.   What the poll found was that 74% of Egyptian Muslims favored making Sharia the law of the land and, among those, 86% believed the death penalty was appropriate in cases of apostasy.   If you multiply it out calculated Sexton, you get 64.5% of Egyptians who believe in killing apostates.   Another question Pew asked was about support for stoning women caught in adultery.   The response to that question was similar or higher in some cases to the apostasy question notes Sexton.   In Indonesia (the most populous Muslim nation) support was 48% of the 72% who support Sharia.   That works out to 34.5% of the population as a whole or about 70M Muslims..."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Obummers worsening imperial presidency

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
CNN anchor asserts individual rights do not come from God, nor from human nature

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
could Grover Cleveland the Good win the White House today?

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership are double-crossing Republican voters
"If a Republican majority in both houses of congress can't stop [Obummer] from issuing illegal [aliens Socialist Insecurity] cards and years of back welfare payments, there is no reason to vote Republican ever again."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
GOP losership are double-crossing Republican voters

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Howard Koplowitz _Jewish World Review_
is Italy the next target to be occupied by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate?
International Business Times
Political Rift
Wikipedia: list of EU cities by Muslim population

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Michael Reagan _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime sees no Islamic evil, does no good: stupid, stupider, and stupidest
We should all chip in to do more to defeat Obummer's extremist rhetoric on the net and in the old media...jgo

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
congress' essential but by no means easy debat on authorizing war against terrorists

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
bond prices
"When the price of a bond rises, its interest rate falls.   Consider a $1K bond that was initially issued with a 3% interest rate.   If the bond's market prices subsequently rises to $1,500, the bond's effective interest rate drops to 2%.   This is how bond interest rates can turn negative.   If a bond's price rises high enough, its original interest payments won't cover the bond's full market cost.   'I buy a bond for $1K and get back $950 -- that's a negative interest rate.', says Moody's Analytics economist Mark Zandi.   In January,as much as $3.6T worth of government bonds -- mostly European and Japanese -- had developed negative interest rates, estimate London-based analysts for JPMorgan..."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the forgotten prophetess
"The sweeping victory of an anti-euro party in Greece's parliamentary elections rocked Europe, and may prove only the first step in dismantling the continent's long experiment in currency manipulation as a substitute for solid economic policies.   Policies like frugality, which is now called austerity and despised by all those whose first and last resort to any economic crisis is to spend, spend, spend...   and, when that doesn't work, spend even more.   (Sound familiar?)..."
Greenberg's column is... odd. It is the Greeks who insist on spending more and more and more, and demanding never to pay, and the Germans and Brits who balked...jgo

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Ben Farmer _National Post_
Russians shell key Ukraine port after Ukraine troops retreat from rail-hub; fear grows Putin is sizing up the Baltics

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Mike Ferguson _Billings MT Gazette_
15 new US citizens sworn in at federal court-house

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Timothy McGrath & Simran Khosla _Global Post_
Swiss private banking penetrated, for good and bad

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
nobody willingly reports they used a firearm to stop the commission of a crime unless it really happened

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Rob Longley _PJMedia_
can congress stop unconstitutionally-appointed NLRB's rule that allows insufficient time for announcement of union elections?

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Stephen Green _PJMedia_
"mentally disturbed" Colorado man with Koran, steals from store, then stabs cop

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
Rudy Giuliani stated the obvious about Obummer, palace-guard media throw a fit

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
FBI confirmed to congress that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has spies and operatives in the USA (audio)
"Over 3K ISIS fighters are from Western nations, including the USA.   And [neither DoD nor FBI nor DHS are] tracking them as they fly back here to America."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
Conference Board Leading Economic Index (LEI) growth moderates (with graphs)

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Charles G. Battig
Fawlty Towers and ivory towers
"that 'annoying section of the general public' who insist on scientific integrity in the reports issued by the science community.   Today's 'Fawlty Towers' are the 'Faulty Ivory Towers of Science'.   A 2011 article in Scientific American titled 'An Epidemic of False Claims' [presented] evidence of this general lack of scientific integrity in the biomedical field.   More recently, the resurgence of measles illustrates the dangers to the public when medical research is taken to heart by the trusting public, and that research is later found to be a fraud..."

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Anthony Watts & Corky Boyd
4 of 5 Great Lakes may soon freeze over

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Anthony Watts & Susan Crockford
20 good reasons not to worry about polar bears and climate change

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Cameron Goodison
data, models and the Australian ABC

2015-02-19 (5775 Shebet 30)
Elena Ivanova, Audrey Bergar, Anne Scherrer, Elena Alkalaeva & Katharina Strub _Science Daily_
"junk" jumping genes turn out to have essential functions: binding with RNA to protect from stress or poisons, regulating numbers of active ribosomes

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "A study by Francis W. Gregory and Irene D. Neu on the 'social' origins of 303 business 'leaders' in textiles, rail-roads, and steel during the 1870s [found] that the overwhelming majority were born in the United States; that of those native-born executives only 3% had foreign-born fathers, the rest dating their American ancestry back to colonial times; that some 90% were raised in either a middle- or upper-class milieu; that roughly a third were college graduates; and that one-half did not go to work before age 19, adn that less than one-quarter went to work before age 16... 'American by birth, of a New England father, English in national origin, Congregational, Presbyterian or Episcopalian in religion, urban in early environment, he was rather born and bred in an atmosphere in which business and a relatively high social standing were intimately associated with his family life...'" --- Robert L. Heilbroner & Aaron Singer 1977, 1984 _The Economic TransFormation of America: 1600 to the Present_ pg149 (citing Francis W. Gregory & Irene D. Neu 1962 "The Amerian Industrial Elite in the 1870s: Their Social Origins" in William Miller 1962 _Men in Business_ pp193-211)  



2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Washington state legislature hypocritically tackles aliens and crime... with a sanctuary bill
"in fact, what the law does is shield alien criminals from identification and apprehension by federal immigration authorities.   The bill is a model of duplicity and hypocrisy, from the title onward..."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
_Conservative HQ_
the real Yebbie Booosh pushing amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Jamie Gardner _Baxley News Banner_
Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal actions could cost tax-victims big-time
"The Earned Income Tax Credit [EITC] is what's known as a [negative tax, proposed back in the 1960s by Milton Friedman to simplify income taxes and welfare programs, but later retracted], intended for working people who have low to moderate incomes.   The average credit varies based on their number of children, but can be worth over $6K per year.   'These are not tax refunds [for over-payment of taxes] but direct, free cash payments from the U.S. treasury to low-income illegal immigrants who owe no taxes.', senator Jeff Sessions, R-AL, said in a statement. 'It is a dramatic cash transfer from lawful residents to unlawful residents, required by the president's imperial amnesty. There can be no legal or moral justification for rewarding illegal entrants in this way. Not only is it unfair to strapped [tax-victims], but it will encourage countless more to enter the U.S.A. illegally or to illegally over-stay their visas.'   According to a recent news article written by Stephanie Kane for Fox News, this issue comes to light as Republicans in Congress aim to the undo [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions.   House Republicans recently passed a Department of Homeland Security [DHS] funding bill that includes a [provision blocking Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] immigration actions.   The bill is currently stuck in the senate.   The Joint Committee on Taxation, giving a sense of what these credits are worth, recently released an estimate showing the passage of the 2015 DHS funding bill [which does not fund Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties and 'work permits' for illegal aliens] would decrease government payouts for the EITC, as well as child tax credits, by $10.2G over the next 10 years.   Presuming [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] immigration actions go forward as planned, they could be adding to an already growing [tax-victim] tab for illegal immigrant credits and benefits.   A 2011 inspector general report found taxpayer money paid to illegal immigrants claiming the separate child tax credit had quadrupled over a 5-year period to $4.2G in 2010..."
Again, I am not opposed to reasonable levels of immigration, for those with genuinely high intelligence, talent, creativity, and knowledge levels, so long as they have passed a proper background investigation to ensure they are not likely to initiate force or fraud...jgo

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Bob Unruh _WND_
Obummer hustling full-throttle to set up contracts to process unconstitutional and illegal amnesties of illegal aliens, despite federal judge's temporary injunction
"Judicial Watch cited a government solicitation for companies to provide services for [Obummer's schemes] to process illegal aliens and give them many of the privileges of citizenship.   The deal is immense, Judicial Watch said, with an estimated need for between 200 and 600 contractors..."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
National Socialist Radio: Iranian mother sees her daughter's future in "the paradise of the world"... the United States of America

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
HuffPo pretends uncomfortable economic truths are "myths"

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Yebbie Booosh roll-out doesn't mention winning the economic war the Islamists declared against us

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Larry Kudlow
what Scott Walker actually said

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
bomb in Colorado Springs was aimed at tax-preparer, not NAACP

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
great Scott! What is the Florida governor thinking in giving up on efforts to remove non-citizens from voter registration rolls?
"Florida Governor Rick Scott has opened the door to illegal aliens voting in Florida elections.   He has decided that Florida will not appeal a ruling that limited the state's ability to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from Florida's voter rolls.   Even Florida attorney-general Pam Bondi opposes Scott's abandonment of the appeal.   But do non-citizens and illegal aliens actually vote in Florida elections? Yes, hundreds of times, and more.   Meet Yvonne Wigglesworth.   Wigglesworth was but one of hundreds of non-citizens found by local news media investigative reports as having voted in multiple Florida elections.   Wigglesworth is not a citizen.   John Fund writes: 'Indeed, in 2012 the NBC affiliate in Fort Myers, FL, reported that it had found at least 100 individuals in just one county who had been excused from jury duty because they were not citizens but who were registered to vote.   Many had also voted in at least one election.'   If Rick Scott doesn't appeal a lower court ruling that says illegal aliens can't be removed from the voter rolls before an election, it means illegal aliens and non-citizens will continue to vote in Florida elections.   Remember, the presidency was decided in Florida by a few hundred votes.   Florida has effectively chosen the last two Republican nominees...   Scott's decision threatens the integrity of future Florida elections, and should be reversed..."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Quentin Fottrell _MarketWatch_
unemployment rates by diploma or degree and best-paying jobs (with graph)
"Recent college graduates have a wage premium of 140% over those with only a high school diploma and that percentage has held up in the years since the recession, according to the report.   But that's not the same for everyone: Recent college graduates who major in arts, psychology, and social work earn $31K a year, only $1K more than the average high school-educated worker.   Those who majored in engineering earned $57K a year, almost twice as much as high school graduates [but down from pre-recession levels]."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu's true electoral rival
"unofficially, a far greater electoral drama is unfolding.   The choice is not between Netanyahu and Herzog/Livni.   It is between Netanyahu and US [president Barack Hussein Obummer].   As the White House sees it, if Herzog/Livni form the next government, then Jerusalem will dance to [Obummer's] tune.   If Netanyahu is re-elected, then the entire edifice of [Obummer's bizarre, even perverse] Middle East policy may topple and fall...   Indyk made his statements as an unnamed US official.   When his identity was exposed, he was forced to resign his position.   Following his departure from government service he returned to his previous position as vice president and director of the Brookings Institution and the director of its foreign policy program.   Last September, The New York Times reported that the Brookings Institute received a $14.8M, 4-year donation from Qatar, the chief financier of Hamas [, al-Jazeera] and the Muslim Brotherhood..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
Obummer, Orwell, and Alinsky: past masters of deceit would applaud the president's phony "extremism" confab

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Michael Craig Miller _Jewish World Review_
why it feels good to successfully improvise
"...During improvisation, the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), which sits in the most forward part of the brain's frontal lobe, became very active.   The MPFC is thought to integrate information in the service of complex goals that are also identified with a person's sense of self.   At the same time, the sides of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) were relatively quiet.   This part of the PFC is more involved with conforming to rules than promoting free expression -- it monitors and inhibits inappropriate behavior.   It also tends to become more active (and therefore lights up on MRI scans) during problem solving and conscious planning.   So you feel good when you improvise, in part, because you've turned on the part of your brain that is most closely aligned with your aspirations, while quieting neural centers that would otherwise hold you back.   But there's more.   Structures such as the amygdala and hippocampus, areas of the brain located beneath the cortex that register emotions, especially anxiety, are also relatively quiet...."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the willfully blind indifference of Barack Hussein Obummer

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
silly denials of Islamic terrorism bring a silver lining

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Kelly McParland _Jewish World Review_
Putin wins another round, mocking Ukraine in the bargain
National Post

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
the "slave" wears Prada: confusion on the Oscars' red carpet
"We know, of course, that actors are only acting...   That the professionals burned in our minds for the great suffering they have shown in films live lavishly off camera is a reality of Hollywood.   But it works differently for male and female actors..."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
looking for a Presidents Day bargain: learning how the federal government really works would be a start

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
I gave up my speech police badge
"...What is beyond comprehension is that college students are willingly signing pledges not to speak certain words.   I don't disagree that the words are crass.   What I disagree with is kowtowing to another human being dictating what you can and can't say.   Have these students never heard a single World War II veteran say, 'I may disagree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it'?   Freedom of speech is 1 of the 4 rights guaranteed by the First Amendment, something those pesky Founding Fathers thought would be a good idea.   And now the University of Michigan is asking students to blow their noses on the First Amendment..."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the education of Scott Walker

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer the witless recruiter of Islamic terrorists

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate hires a Hahvahd lawyer
"...My history might be a little foggy but after letting the Nazis cut a swath through Europe and our being shocked by Japan's sudden devastation of our navy in Pearl Harbor, we weren't too worried about providing Nazis and Kamikazes the classifieds to thumb through.   We and our allies declared war, simultaneously, naming our enemies.   The USA killed millions of them, including whatever leaders we could find.   We crumbled their cities, broke their weapons and eviscerated their armies.   And when the Japanese refused to surrender, killing even more GI's, we sent them 2 messages in the form of atomic bombs which changed their mind.   After WW2 we rebuilt their countries and the ones who survived the war got jobs, started businesses and became our cross-beneficial trade partners.   That has lasted for 70 years.   We still have a military presence there..."

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer's reckless disregard of the US constitution and laws

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Stuart Rothenberg _Jewish World Review_
is Ben Carson really a viable candidate for president?

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
There is a way out for the GOP.   Go bold.   Go "nuclear".   Abolish the filibuster.   Pass the bill and send it to the president.
I disagree with Krauthammer... again.   The genuine filibuster has been neutered, become a pale shade of long, determined, open, crisp, clear, public debate.   The filibuster is a thing of the past, and what remains are maneuvers over the rules over the vote for cloture.   And if the party in power doesn't get cloture, or if they don't have the votes to block the amendments they don't want, or don't have the votes to amend it the way they want, they refuse to bring the bill up for a vote.   In this case, de-funding a willfully non-functional department is almost as good as de-funding their unconstitutional and illegal activities...jgo

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
after a series of insults from Obummer, why Netanyahu more of less gave up trying to deal with him: Iran's nuclear weapons development program should have been snuffed out a 15 years ago

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Thomas E. Brewton _View from 1776_
restoring the written US constitution and the ideas on which it was founded
Myron Magnet: City Journal: what we must think about when we think about politics

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Victor Davis Hanson
class, race, and illegal immigration

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Eric Worrall
Canada: climate extremists are a credible threat

2015-02-20 (5775 Ader 01)
Chris Essex
believing in 6 impossible things before breakfast, and climate models

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1792-02-20: the Postal Service Act, establishing the United States Post Office Department, is signed by president George Washington.
1839-02-20: congress prohibited dueling in the District of Columbia.
1907-02-20: president Theodore Roosevelt signed an immigration act which excluded "idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epileptics, insane persons" from being admitted to the United States.
1962-02-20: Mercury program: While aboard Friendship 7, John Glenn orbited the earth 3 times in 4 hours, 55 minutes, becoming the first American to orbit the earth.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Dare to ask questions. Better to look like a fool than be one." --- R' David Aaron (source _Jewish World Review_)  



2015-02-21 (5775 Ader 02)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
watch the frustration as 3 HS students take a Communist Corpse math test aimed at 6th graders
"Two of the girls are seniors and the third is in 10th grade.   'We are taking the practice Math PBA [performance based assessment] PARCC test for sixth grade.   Brooke is in Calculus which is only available on the track of honors math classes meaning during freshman year she started in Geometry, although students can get on the track and double up on math classes for a year and get up to calculus.   I [Megan] took a quarter of calculus but dropped it because I did not need it for college and am taking statistics.   Melanie is in honors classes but is a sophomore, she had more of a fresher memory to middle school math since she's younger.   This test was hard for ALL 3 of us.'   'I can't do this.', the girl in the middle says at one point when the test asks students to explain why an answer is wrong.   The girl on the right says she could probably figure out the answers if she had her graphing calculator, but her friend reminds her that 6th graders aren't allowed to use the more advanced calculators...   The girls complain that with the on-line test they can't go back and check their work like they're able to do with a paper test...   Later in the video she admits, 'I can't do fractions.   I couldn't even do fractions in 6th grade.'   By the time they get to question 11 of 12 on the first section, the girls give up, completely flummoxed by the test, despite their team effort.   When they try to view their scores, they are again frustrated when they discover that they must register for an account to see how they did on the practice test...   All Ohio students in grade 3-8 are scheduled to take the tests this week -- 100K children are scheduled to take the on-line version...   Field Test Note: I asked my husband and my son -- both 'math people' -- to try the golf ball problem.   My husband, who has a background in engineering and computer programming and now works as a senior systems analyst, struggled with it because he wasn't comfortable with the assumptions being made about year 4 sales.   Students are supposed to assume that the rate of sales will increase at the average rate of the first 3 years, but that is not explained anywhere in the problem.   My son, who [was educated at home] and minored in computer science in college (he's now an IT manager), whipped out an answer in short order.   He reminded me that he had learned to do problems just like this during the years we used Singapore Math..."
So, the way the test is administered makes it more difficult than it needs to be, and the HS students are not as smart and knowledgeable as they expected.   The suggested "correct" answer to question 8 is incorrect because it fails to take account of the portion of wood removed by the chisel-teeth of the saw, the kerf (ahh, tbone0106 caught it, too).
VoiceOfReason: My first question after reading this article was, "How does a student who can't do fractions end up in advanced math classes?"

2015-02-21 (5775 Ader 02)
Patrick Poole _PJMedia_
about those "Muslim human chains" around synagogues and other staged photo-ops

2015-02-21 (5775 Ader 02)
_Red Orbit_
Osmosis is app to manage med school for you

2015-02-21 (5775 Ader 02)
Anthony Watts
record-breaking cold and snow in eastern USA, as seen from space

2015-02-21 (5775 Ader 02)
Willis Eschenbach
surface data-sets calculated from TAO buoy data
NOAA Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "[Privacy is] the beginning of all freedom... to select for himself the time and circumstances when he will share his secrets with others and decide the extent of that sharing." --- William O. Douglas 1952 Public Utilities Commission v Pollak, 343 US 451 pg 467 dissenting opinion (quoted in Arthur Raphael Miller 1971 _The Assault on Privacy_ pg 190  



2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime refusing to co-operate in congressional investigations of abuses by IRS

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Dave Boyer & Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer wants to export natural gas, drive up prices in USA

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Rob Longley _PJMedia_
government's, private firms' access to info squeezed out of victims of the unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare is reprehensible

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Ed Driscoll _PJMedia_
don't hold your breath, Rudy

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Robert Spencer _PJMedia_
if you could sit down for a heart-to-heart talk with Barack Hussein Obummer, what would you say?

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
James Kirkpatrick _VDare_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has been using the immigration weapon to conquer Europe

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Donald A. Collins _VDare_
Frank Morris speaks for many blacks on excessive immigration
"Let's face it, America's immigration control system has collapsed.   The rule of law no longer prevails.   And the least fortunate Americans are those who pay the price of our Open Borders anarchy, especially African-Americans.   While immigration patriotism is all too often characterized as a 'conservative' cause, African-Americans are sometimes forgotten even by those who fight the hardest against this scourge.   But not by everyone.   One heroic voice speaking for all American citizens: Frank L. Morris PhD, a retired Graduate Dean, Professor and Senior Foreign Service Officer.   On February 11, Dr. Morris spoke to the House sub-committee on Immigration and Border Security on the urgent need for interior immigration enforcement legislation.   More importantly, Dr. Morris spoke for the most vulnerable Americans who are too often forgotten by both Left and Right.   Dr. Morris gave his testimony, in his words, 'on behalf of many vulnerable American workers'.   He supports the various bills presented to further immigration enforcement because 'they begin to address the egregious injustice which has de facto allowed illegal migrant workers to evade the letter and intent of American immigration, labor, and criminal justice laws such as working with, cooperating with, and paying international human smugglers'..."

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Jerome Corsi _TEA Party.org_
Obummer is determined to defy the US constitution, laws, and federal courts on amnesty for illegal aliens, and grants of "work permits" for spouses of H-1B guest-workers

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
hoplophobic Houston TX Chronicle: respecting people's right to own and carry arms on college & univesity campuses... might "hurt" cancer research

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
"Just The Facts"
ice on Great Lakes in striking distance of record

2015-02-22 (5775 Ader 03)
Tim Ball
disparity between UN IPCC summary report for policy-makers and reality requires a political science solution

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

Proposed Bills 2015

  "A metallic money, the augmentation or diminution of the quantity of metal available for which is independent of deliberate human intervention, is becoming the modern monetary ideal.   The significance of adherence to a metallic-money system lies in the freedom of the value of money from state influence that such a system guarantees." --- Ludwig von Mises 1934 _The Theory of Money & Credit_ pp 269-270  



2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
_Conservative HQ_
will capitol hill GOP losership see sense this week, or continue to appease the extreme left?
"This week Capitol Hill Republicans face two showdowns with [president Obummer] and the Democrats that will either make or break their standing with grass-roots limited government constitutional conservative voters -- defunding [Obummer's] unconstitutional executive amnesty and the confirmation vote on attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch.   It is hard to decide which is the most important, and in some sense they are inextricably linked..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
_Conservative HQ_
leftist media fuss about Rudy Giuliani's comments about Obummer's extreme leftism crowded out coverage of Scott Walker's aims

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DHS has canceled contract to process illegal aliens' applications for Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Mark Krikorian _National Review_
post-Americans, left and not-so-left
"Kevin D. Williamson is self-evidently correct in endorsing Giuliani's assertion that [president Obummer] doesn't love America.   But that is likely to be misunderstood by lefties as a claim that [Obummer] is anti-American, which [IMO, may not be] correct.   Instead, he is our first post-American president.   A post-American may like his country just fine, but that feeling is akin to the attitude one might have for a suburb you might live in -- it's a nice enough place, but if you got a better job or found a more suitable house, you'd leave without too much anguish.   Love of country, on the other hand, is an emotion, and post-Americans (and post-nationals in general) simply do not experience that emotion..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
"American Sniper" and other patriotic movies snubbed at Oscars -- CHQ reader poll gets it right
"As the Hollywood Reporter noted, 'Sniper has been a run-away hit at the box office since its Dec. 25 release, becoming the most successful war film of all time.   Through Sunday, the movie has grossed $319.6M in North America and $108.6M internationally for a worldwide total of $428.1M'...   But American Sniper wasn't the only patriotic film to be snubbed at the Oscars.   Two other movies, that were associated with Hollywood golden couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt no less, were also snubbed.   'Fury' a World War 2 drama and action film starring Brad Pitt and true-life World War 2 saga 'Unbroken' directed by Jolie, garnered no mention at the Oscars and 'Unbroken' was nominated in only technical categories.   Both films had much to recommend them to conservatives, and 'Fury' in particular was a technical masterpiece of live action that included one of the only still-operating German Tiger tanks, real operating American Sherman tanks and a powered purpose-built cutaway of the Sherman tank that served as the location of most of the movie's action.   That 'American Sniper' was blanked at the Oscars was no surprise to CHQ readers, and the fact that no patriotic movie got any significant Academy recognition should have been no surprise either.   Country class Americans long ago recognized that Hollywood's self-absorbed elite don't really care about a film's audience appeal, art or message, all they care about is themselves."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
court enjoins California attorney-general Kamala Harris on 1st amendment grounds
"Stopping acts statutorily related to some of Lois Lerner's abuse of First Amendment rights of non-profit organizations, a federal judge has enjoined California attorney-general and Democrat candidate for U.S. senate Kamala Harris from obtaining donor records of 501(c)(4) organizations.   Without express state statutory authority, and allegedly in violation of federal law protecting the confidentiality of donors listed in Schedule B, Ms. Harris demanded that organizations that register with her office under California's charitable solicitation law disclose their largest donors.   She threatened fines against those who did not comply with her lawless, ultra vires demands.   Most states have charitable solicitation statutes requiring non-profit organizations to pay fees and obtain a license before asking the public for contributions.   These state statutes typically require nonprofits to file their tax return, IRS Form 990, as part of their annual licensing application, but allow Schedule B listing top donors to be redacted.   The Supreme Court has acknowledged that states may require registration of non-profits before solicitation of contributions so long as their laws do not violate the First Amendment.   The February 17 injunction against Harris noted that she threatened to suspend the solicitation license of plaintiff Americans for Prosperity unless it disclosed its largest donors.   The district court found that she could not assure that donor records would be kept confidential under her policies, which are not based in any concrete state law, and that would have a chilling effect on First Amendment rights...   [Kamala Harris] has taken the side of supporting warrantless searches of cell phones, but a unanimous Supreme Court ruled in Riley v. California that the government needs a warrant."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
living history
"...If Beirut is no longer the Paris of the east, Paris is looking a lot like the Beirut of the west..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Lawrence Solomon _Jewish World Review_
flight of Jewish capital from Europe
Financial Post
National Post

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
_Jewish World Review_
Cuomo's fracking ban has 15 towns wanting to change boundaries so that they can be part of Pennsylvania
Rusty Weiss: Liberty Unyielding
Patriot Update
Mental Recession
Zoe Schlanger: NewsWeek

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
how the Koch brothers and George Soros wasted a fortune on political campaigns
"Political scientist Alan Abramowitz at the Crystal Ball reported Thursday on his analysis of the effects of outside spending on senate races in 2014, and finds a big, fat zero.   (I'm referring to direct spending by groups other than the candidates and other formal party organizations.)   Instead, the factors that mattered, he finds, were the balance between the parties in the state, the role of incumbency and the overall tilt toward Republicans in that election year.   Some important caveats are in order..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Erin Stewart _Jewish World Review_
how to raise children with persistence
"We have a saying in our house that we use whenever one of our daughters gets frustrated or proclaims something is too mentally hard.   We say, 'What a great chance for your brain to grow!'..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
why Yemen matters

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Stav Ziv _Jewish World Review_
case against Islamic terror groups goes to NY jury: Sokolow et al. v. PLO et al.
Shurat HaDin/Israel Law Center

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Alex Perry _Jewish World Review_
the jihadi's tale
Irish Examiner
Alex Perry

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
even Obummer's top "economists" admit that inequality is not the greatest difficulty of the "middle class"
"...At every juncture in the chronology, people -- including 'experts' -- did not foresee the next major change.   In the early 1960s, they didn't anticipate high inflation; in the late 1970s, they didn't expect its demise.   In this respect, the surprise 2008-2009 financial crisis was typical..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
the revolution has passed you by

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Obummer puts Staples through the shredder
"Staples makes about 2.5% profit on its sales of office supplies.   [Obummer's] government takes 35% of the company's pre-tax profits, and sales taxes are about 8 percent.   So, Staples made $620M profit and generated taxes of at least $2.2G.   The government took 3.5 times [as much] in taxes [as] what Staples was allowed to keep.   As is the case with most businesses, government takes more from their operations than they make for themselves.   And Staples is greedy?"

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Hollywood is leaving women behind
"over the last 16 years in Hollywood. Of the major positions in Hollywood -- directors, producers, executive producers, editors and cinematographers -- women occupy only 17% of those positions in the 250 highest-grossing films despite more and more women working in Hollywood..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Samantha Olson _Jewish World Review_
men's hands show how kind they are to women
Medical Daily
"Researchers from McGill University found a link between a baby boy's exposure to hormones in the womb, their hand development, and their behavior toward women as adults...   _Personality and Individual Differences_...   Simon Young...   The smaller the ratio is between a man's index finger (pointer) and his ring finger, the nicer his behavior is toward women, according to the findings.   Finger length is determined by the levels of male hormones, particularly testosterone, a baby is exposed to while in their mother's belly.   The lower the male hormone levels are, the kinder the man is toward a woman...   'When with women, men with smaller ratios were more likely to listen attentively, smile and laugh, compromise, or compliment the other person.', said the study's lead author Debbie Moskowitz...   Researchers from Northumbria and Oxford Universities found that the length of the ring finger when compared to the index finger could also reveal infidelity...   Sexual promiscuity is linked to higher levels of testosterone..."
?So, less fertile, non-bald men are "nicer"?   Perhaps the scientists may be suffering from estrogen poisoning?

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Samantha Olson _Jewish World Review_
caramel coloring in soft drinks increase cancer risk
Medical Daily
Susie Madrak
Well, they told us that benzoates in diet soft drinks (used to inhibit mold) would turn into benzene, which we knew were carcinogenic.   And we knew from Bruce N. Ames's studies in the 1970s and 1980s ("Carcinogens and Anti-Carcinogens" in _AAAS Science_, _Clinical Toxicol_, _Biochimica Clinica_, _Risk Analysis in the Private Sector_, _Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms_...) that carmelization (including browning meats, fish, bread, cake...) produced carcinogens, so this is merely confirmation.   Responding to another person's posted comment, CO2, however, is apparently NOT a carcinogen...jgo

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Laura Ingraham
leftist media smear GOP hopefuls

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Laura Ingraham
hospitals closing, shrinking as out-patient care increases

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Laura Ingraham
Texas's 10 most-wanted fugitives
Texas Dept. of Public Safety

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Laura Ingraham
Texas governor Greg Abbott: since January 1 over 20K people have illegally entered Texas (and the USA)
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Noelle Nikpour _Washington DC Times_
hail to the inventive, innovative college drop-outs
"The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 260K Americans with college or professional degrees were making no more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in 2013... Meanwhile, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center reported in 2014 that during the previous 20 years, 31M college students had started school but not earned a degree..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Matt Hadro _Washington DC Times_/_Catholic News Agency_
R' David Saperstein: the time to increase respect for religious liberty around the world is now

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Jonathan Mattise _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
WV senate committee approved bill to eliminate unconstitutional permits for concealed carry of arms

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
S.A. Miller _Washington DC Times_
MD, dominated by Reds/leftists/Dems, joins trend to more respect of the right to own and carry arms after Republican gains last November
"...Legislation advancing in New Hampshire, Kansas, Mississippi and Montana would [recognize] concealed carry [as] a right not subject to permits.   These states are part of a growing 'constitutional carry' movement..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat tackled Islamic criminal Mohammed Said Abu-Etzbah on seeing him stab someone
Bridget Johnson: PJMedia

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Mark Hachman _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Intel researchers expect Moore's law to continue through 7nm chips around 2018

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Kurt Schrader (D-OR) says amnesty for illegal aliens would decide who controls the USA for the next 30 years
"Oregonians for Immigration Reform, which has opposed [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty, acknowledged that 'immigration built the foundation and wove the fabric of our sovereign nation', but emphasized that it 'is concerned about the utter disregard for existing United States immigration laws...   A sovereign American nation has both the right and the responsibility to limit immigration and control its borders.', the group reportedly said."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Paula Bolyard _PJMedia_
senator Ted Cruz has some advice for parents who want to stop Communist Corpse
"Cruz said that education decisions should be made at the state or local level 'where we as parents have direct control over the standards, over the mores, over the curriculum that's being taught to our kids'.   He said the standards are being used by the federal government as a 'mechanism' to force a uniform curriculum and to 'put federal bureaucrats in charge of what is taught to our kids'.   The Texas senator advised parents not to look to Washington for the solution.   He said the biggest divide we have in this country is not between Republicans and Democrats, but between career politicians -- in both parties -- and the American people.   'Part of why Common Core has gotten so much momentum is a whole bunch of Republicans joined with a whole bunch of Democrats agreeing that the federal government should stick its nose in the middle of education.', Cruz said.   'The only way to change that is a grassroots movement that’s sweeping the country.'..."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
losing the internet to power-mad, privacy-hating government and business executives
Seton Motley

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
Obummer, Clinton & Kerry sell out the West (including Israel); giving Iran nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Jordain Carney _Hill_
Dems/Reds/leftists may cause partial shut-down of government department which refuses to do its job of securing the USA rather than going along with Republicans to fund only their constitutional and legal activities

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Victor Davis Hanson
president Franklin Delano Obummer addresses the threat of 1930s violent extremism

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Lisa Maria Garza _Scientific American_/_Reuters_
ice storm slams Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas; nearly 1,400 flights canceled
"In Tennessee, at least 22 people have been killed in the past few days due to icy, winter conditions, the state's Emergency Management Agency said.   11 people have died in Kentucky due to the snow and ice that began pummeling the state on Feb. 16, officials said."

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
William M. Briggs _Breitbart_
left panics over peer-reviewed climate research paper's threat to global warming alarmism

2015-02-23 (5775 Ader 04)
Anthony Watts
Vanderbilt U: climate of western USA 21K years ago

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1455-02-23: traditional date for the publication of the Gutenberg Bible, the first Western book printed from movable type.
1836-02-23: the siege of the Alamo began in San Antonio.
1847-02-23: U.S. troops under general Zachary Taylor defeated Mexican general Santa Anna at the battle of Buena Vista in Mexico.
1861-02-23: president-elect Abraham Lincoln arrived secretly in Washington to take office, an assassination plot having been foiled in Baltimore.
1870-02-23: Mississippi was readmitted to the Union.
1883-02-23: Alabama becomes the first U.S. state to enact an anti-trust law.
1898-02-23: Émile Zola is imprisoned in France after writing "J'accuse", a letter accusing the French government of anti-Semitism and wrongfully placing captain Alfred Dreyfus in jail.
1903-02-23: Cuba leased Guantanamo Bay to the USA "in perpetuity".
1954-02-23: the first mass inoculation of children against polio with the Jonas Salk (injected, inactivated poliovirus vaccine) vaccine began in Pittsburgh (see also Sabin polio vaccine and Albert Sabin/Saperstein, and Jonas Salk).
1997-02-23: Ali Hassan Abu Kamal, a "Palestinian" English teacher born 1927-09-19 in Jaffa, Israel and living in Palestine=Gaza, and practitioner of that "religion of peace", who had come to the USA on a non-immigrant visa on 1996-12-24, opened fire on the 86th-floor observation deck of New York's Empire State Building, killing one person and wounding 6 others before shooting himself to death.
2005-02-23: official efforts to identify victims from the 2001 Sept. 11, terrorist attacks in New York ended, leaving more than 1K bodies unidentified.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Two centuries ago, the great British legal scholar William Blackstone pointed out that there are some laws so old that no one remembers why they existed or what purpose they served then or now. But the bad consequences of repealing some of these laws have often made painfully clear what purpose they served." --- Thomas Sowell 2010 _Dismantling America_ pg223  



2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
millions have unconstitutionally and illegally been spent on Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal scheme to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, so who is going to prison?
2015-02-12: Judicial Watch: violation of law
2015-02-21: Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times: DHS rushing contracts for unconstitutional amnesties for illegal aliens at "full throttle pace"

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
senator Ted Cruz pointed out that the US senate is complicit in the anti-constitutional lawlessness of the Obummer regime if Loretta Lynch is confirmed as attorney-general
"'No senator who takes his or her oath of office seriously should vote to confirm such a nominee.', he wrote in Politico.   'And Senate Republicans have all the authority we need to reject this nomination.'...   'It is altogether different for the senate to confirm a nominee who tells us ahead of time she will ignore the law [and hear oath of office].', he wrote.   'If the senate does so, we are complicit in the lawlessness.'"

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Obummer says he will fight any attempt to block his unconstitutional and illegal attempts to harm US citizens

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer DHS plans to illegally issue "work permits" to spouses of H-1B guest-workers starting in May
"U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIC), a division of DHS, estimates that as many as 179K foreigners will be [illegally declared] eligible to apply for employment authorization under the new rule in the first year -- and 55K annually in subsequent years. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is among those who have criticized the displacement of American workers by the H-1B guest worker visa program, which allows foreigners with certain expertise (often in high-tech fields [but with no minimal skill-level requirements]) to work [for up to 3 years] in the U.S. for an employer who is willing to sponsor them [with renewals for another 3 years, and year-by-year extensions after that]... DHS said...the change should reduce certain disincentives that currently lead H-1B non-immigrants to abandon efforts to remain in the United States while seeking lawful permanent residence [(which would make them 'immigrants' rather than 'non-immigrants') and worsen STEM job markets by increasing the flood of cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics]..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
how "once and for all" got a bad name in the immigrationn debate
"...[President Obummer's] promise to make it work this time rings false, especially since his top adviser on immigration policy, Cecilia Munoz, used to be the top immigration lobbyist for the National Council of La Raza [Nation Council of the Racists]. In that capacity, Munoz worked tirelessly to thwart the work-site enforcement that was -- and is -- the sine qua non of 'once and for all'."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
as expected, loser Mitch McConnell says he plans to cave in to the Reds/left/Dems on funding Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens
Conservative HQ
"...McConnell, who began his tenure as the new majority-leader by unilaterally disarming and announcing there would be 'no government shut-downs' has been trying to worm his way out of winning the fight against [Obummer's] unconstitutional 'executive amnesty' since the very beginning..."
Jonathan Strong & Caroline May: Breitbart: McConnell wants Boehner to go along

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Charles Hurt _Washington DC Times_
McConnell stabs Republicans and the majority of US citizens
Jewish World Review
"Routing [Barack Hussein Obummer] and his agenda, Republicans [won election for] control of the U.S. senate and made historic gains in the U.S. House of Representatives.   Voters clearly empowered the newly minted Republican congress to halt the left-wing lunacy that even Democratic lightning rods House minority-leader Nancy ['Nasty'] Pelosi of California and senate minority-leader Harry Reid of Nevada refused to attempt when they clearly had the power to get it done.   Instead of respecting the election and listening to voters, [Barack Hussein Obummer] doubled down.   He went from merely left wing to utter lawlessness.   The most glaring example of his autocratic extremism is the executive amnesty he has unilaterally [claimed to bestow] upon millions of illegal aliens living illegally in the U.S.A.   Many of these illegals are also illegally working illegal jobs here, too..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Patrick Cleburne _VDare_
as expected McConnell stabs Republicans and the majority of US citizens

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
s "streiff" _True Blue Republican State_
Mitch McConnell is folding like the cheap empty suit he is
"Often we are told about the importance of doing the hard right as opposed to the easy wrong.   The senate GOP, however, is confronted with the option of doing the easy right or the hard wrong.   Guess which one Mitch McConnell is opting for..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
the cancer of multi-culturalism
Jewish World Review
"[President Obummer's] vision is that of a man brain-washed through an academic vision of multi-culturalism, in which American exceptionalism has no place.   It's a vision that has been shaped by a longtime association with people who hate our country, people such as the reverend Jeremiah Wright, Weather Underground leader and Pentagon [and police-station] bomber William Ayers and Ayers' onetime fugitive wife, Bernardine Dohrn.   A vision that sees a moral equivalency between what Christians did centuries ago and today's Islamic savagery is quite prevalent in academia.   It's part of what's worshipped on most college campuses as diversity and multi-culturalism.   College campus idiots -- and that includes faculty members and administrators -- call for the celebration of and respect for all cultures...   Slavery is practiced in Sudan and Niger [and now, under ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, parts of Iraq and Syria]; is that a cultural equivalent?..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Laura Ingraham
the single issue going forward is Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens, and Republicans should stand up against it (mp3)

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer and "moderate Muslims" both fail to fight Islamic initiators of force and fraud
Peter Morici: Washington DC Times

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Laura Ingraham
Erica Snipes: Al Sharpton is "all about the money"
NY Post

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Laura Ingraham
early exposure can reduce peanut allergy risks
James Gallagher: BBC
George Du Toit, Graham Roberts, Peter H. Sayre, Henry T. Bahnson, Suzana Radulovic, Alexandra F. Santos, Helen A. Brough, Deborah Phippard, Monica Basting, Mary Feeney, Victor Turcanu, Michelle L. Sever, Margarita Gomez Lorenzo, Marshall Plaut & Gideon Lack: New England Journal of Medicine

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
senator Ted Cruz pointed out that the US senate is complicit in the anti-constitutional lawlessness of the Obummer regime if Loretta Lynch is confirmed as attorney-general
"'No senator who takes his or her oath of office seriously should vote to confirm such a nominee.', he wrote in Politico.   'And Senate Republicans have all the authority we need to reject this nomination.'...   'It is altogether different for the senate to confirm a nominee who tells us ahead of time she will ignore the law [and hear oath of office].', he wrote.   'If the senate does so, we are complicit in the lawlessness.'"

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
_Discover the Networks_
the National Organization for Mexican American Services and the National Council of the Racists

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
mother of Mexican man who attacked police in Washington state says police who shot back should go to prison

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Iran National Coalition of Resistance says Iranian government is operating a nuclear weapons development facility under-ground the Tehran suburbs

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer plans to quietly veto Keystone XL pipe-line bill

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
David Limbaugh _Cybercast News Service_
the leftist media's slimy smears against governor Scott Walker
Jewish World Review

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Robert W. Patterson _Philadelphia Inquirer_
TTP, TTIP costs far out-weigh promised possible benefits
"total U.S. exports have increased only 48% since 2009, while a 60% jump in our trade deficit with South Korea has triggered, according to one estimate, the loss of nearly 60K American jobs...   Are we better off today than we were 20 years ago? That's when the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization ushered in the globalized economy favored by Wall Street, multinational corporations, and transnational governmental bureaucracies.   And when the majority of Pennsylvania and New Jersey workers began to see their labor-force participation and employment prospects plummet, wages and benefits stagnate, and living standards decline.   Indeed, the fall-out from an $11.2T cumulative in-goods trade deficit since 1994 -- which has stunted GDP growth while gutting mostly manufacturing jobs -- has hit rank-and-file Americans the hardest.   While the government's most-recent tally counts 5,590 jobs for every $1G of exports, the bureaucrats haven't developed a multiplier to capture jobs lost to imports -- a much larger figure...   According to conservative estimates by Robert Scott of the Economic Policy Institute, granting [Red China] 'most favored nation' status drained away 3.2M American jobs, including 2.4M in manufacturing, between 2001 and 2013.   He pegs net job losses due to our trade deficit with Japan ($78.3G in 2013) at 896,600, as well as an additional 682,900 from the Mexico-U.S. trade-deficit run-up from 1994 through 2010.   The combined losses to these three nations alone are stunning: 4.8M jobs, including 320,600 jobs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, whose cumulative trade deficits since 2008 exceed $878G, according to Trading Away Jobs..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
_Conservative HQ_
is Jonathan Gruber heading to prison?
Michael Patrick Leahy: Breitbart

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
FCC delays corrupt scheme to regulate "every nut and bolt" of the internet with aim of unconstitutionally stifling political speech
Brenda Walker: VDare
Rush Limbaugh: Obummer exploits the ignoranc of young people to control the internet
The power-mad Reds/leftists/Dems are partying like it's 1907...jgo
yes, leftists are less patriotic
"The survey data are clear: There is a patriotism differential between the right and the left...   A Pew Research survey last year found that 46% of 'steadfast conservatives' believed that the U.S. stands above all other countries; only 11% of 'solid liberals' [i.e. extreme leftists/reds] believed the same.   72% of steadfast conservatives [i.e. classical liberals] said they often feel proud to be an American; only 40% of solid liberals [i.e. extreme leftists/reds] said they do.   Gallup headlined its write-up of a 2010 survey 'One in Three Americans Extremely Patriotic: Republicans, conservatives, and seniors most likely to say so.'   According to Gallup, 52% of Republicans and 48% of conservatives [i.e. classical liberals] called themselves extremely patriotic; only 20% of Democrats and 19% of liberals [i.e. leftists] did.   As a general matter, patriotic sentiment becomes more attenuated the further left you go.   The late distinguished philosopher Richard Rorty, hardly a McCarthyite, once wrote a New York Times op-ed titled 'The Unpatriotic Academy'..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
the end-run
"Who could be against submitting a nuclear deal with Iran to congress for approval? If you guessed [Barack Hussein Obummer], you're right..."
The US constitution requires that all treaties be approved by two-thirds of a quorum of the senate (article 2, section 2, clause 2)...jgo

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Leonore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
age is nothing to sniff at; women who smell like grapefruit seem younger to men

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Leonore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
NY jury has awarded victims of terrorist attack $218.5M: Sokolow et al. v. PLO et al.
Roger L. Simon: PJMedia
Jennifer Peltz & Tom Hays: Miami FL Herald/AP
San Diego CA Union-Tribune/AP
Dunkirk NY Observer Today/AP
Joseph Ax, Nate Raymond & Jonathan Stempel: Reuters
Shurat Ha Din/Israel Law Center

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
who loves the USA?

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
what really scares Obummer's sycophants?
Washington DC Times

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
president Barack Hussein Obummer and "violent extremism"
"Regarding Islamic violence -- the greatest world evil since Nazism and Communism -- the president of the United States, his [regime], and the left generally live in a make-believe world, a world of denial...   no mention is made of the far more ubiquitous (and on-going) slavery in the name of Allah or of the fact that the movement to abolish slavery in the West was due entirely to Christians..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Giuliani vs. Obummer

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Quentin Fottrell _MarketWatch_
how much income do you need to buy a house in these cities?
"On a national scale, with a 20% down payment for a 30-year mortgage, a house buyer would have needed to earn a median annual income of $48,604 to afford a median priced home in the fourth quarter of last year for a median priced home worth $208,700, the HSH.com report found.   Although the median household income was $54,417 in 2014 December -- according to Sentier Research, a group that tracks household income -- this is still not enough to buy a house in those 11 areas, including Sacramento, Miami, Portland and Denver.   HSH.com took the median home price data from the National Association of Realtors, the industry group, subtracted a 20% down payment, and calculated the amount house buyers would need to earn using the 28% and 36% mortgage qualification ratios from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the median gross income.   (Most lenders want a buyer's debts -- credit cards, student loans, alimony, child support, car loans and housing expenses -- to be less than 30% to 40% of monthly gross income.)   The Pittsburgh metro area required the lowest median income ($31,716 for a median home worth $135,000), followed by Cleveland ($32,010 income), St. Louis ($33,324 income), Cincinnati ($33,485 income) and Detroit ($33,485 income)... Atlanta ($35,800 income)... Tampa ($37,732 income)... San Francisco (142,448 median income for a median home price of $742,900)..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime trying to continue unconstitutional and illegal scheme for amnesty of illegal aliens in defiance of federal court injunction
"The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] announced it is extending eligibility to dependent spouses of H1-B visa holders to obtain work permits as part of [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] immigration action.   Starting in 90 days [the Obummer regime has asserted] about 179,600 immigrants will be eligible for the benefit in the first year...   But senator Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican, said the president was unilaterally implementing 'another policy, another program that has not been authorized by law that would add several hundred thousand new workers to our country...   There's been no sense at all by [president Barack Hussein Obummer], the Department of Homeland Security [(DHS) secretary] Jeh Johnson, the Democratic members of this congress, no concern about the employment prospects of lawful immigrants, green card holders and native-born Americans.', Mr. Sessions said.   'The first thing we should do is be focusing on getting jobs for Americans that are unemployed.   Are we going to keep Americans on welfare and benefits while we bring in more and more foreigners to take jobs when we've got [tens of millions of] Americans [able] ready and willing to take those jobs?'...   'Violating an unambiguous federal court order by defying its instructions to cease and desist a particular activity would represent a significant breach of your authority, and would be an escalation in abuse of our separation of powers.', [senator Ted Cruz] wrote.   'For a president and his cabinet to telegraph intent to violate [the US constitution, laws and] a federal court order requires additional scrutiny from congress.'...   'Most H-1B workers are never sponsored for green cards, particularly if they work for outsourcing companies.', said [IEEE's] president, Jim Jefferies.   'More than half of H-1Bs go to out-sourcing companies [cross-border bodyshops and off-shoring operations], whose business model is to replace American employees with [cheap, young] easily [abused] foreign workers [with questionable ethics].'"

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
US military decimated under corrupt Obummer regime; defense capability marginal

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
_Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime's placement of Somali "refugees" to MN has stressed welfare system, raised terrorism risks
"Among Minnesota-based Somali-Americans, American converts to Islam or Somali refugees, there have been numerous convictions for various levels of collaboration with Islamist terror groups, plus reports of fighting with al-Shabab or other Islamist groups..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
_Washington DC Times_
Obummer responsible for DHS shut-down
"He, like nearly everyone else, reasonably believed that the decisive whipping the president and his party took would make the man willing to work toward...bipartisan solutions...   After all the votes were counted the president dismissed the results and doubled down on pique and ideology.   To get his way, [Obummer] uses race, class, threats and executive powers he...doesn't have to go around and over congress.   He [unconstitutionally and illegally] made 'new law' by granting executive amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without the bother of going to congress..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Tom Coburn _Washington DC Times_
we need to call a convention of the states to bring the feral federal government back within its constitutional bounds

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate plans to sack Rome... Khorasan, Syria, Arabia and Persia

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Walter Hudson _PJMedia_
crony socialists striving to end internet freedom of speech, competition

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
David P. Goldman _PJMedia_
the bidding war to please Iranian thugs
An Corvinus Dubh wrote: Israel has had plenty of time to come up with a pretty daring plan, so I would hope, were it possible, that they take out the Iranian leadership, directly, in such a way as to not only decapitate the regime but to overthrow it.   That sounds outlandish, I know, but Iran is very unstable, and I assume it could be done -- in some way.   Certainly the Saudis would (privately) 'kiss their camels' if Israel could pull that off.   And as a massive bonus, it would utterly humiliate Pharaoh Obamses..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Laura Ingraham
former Dem tells GOP losership to stand up against Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Rebecca Shabad _Hill_
Joe Manchin (D-WV) admits Obummer actions on immigration are unconstitutional and illegel, will vote to not to fund them

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Laura Ingraham
effects of DHS partial shut-down would be difficult to spot... bu the leftist media will amplify them all out of proportion
San Francisco CA Chronicle

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Joel Gehrke _National Review_
victims of released illegal aliens to testify against Obummer policies

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Peter Brimelow _VDare_
de-fund DHS, reject Loretta Lynch... but only removal from office will stop Obummer regime... eventually

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Margaret H. Roberts _VDare_
want to stop Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens and the flood of excessive legal and illegal immigration? over-turn judicial decrees that force US tax-victims to "educate" illegal aliens

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Alana Samuels _Atlantic_
why are developers still building sprawl?
"master-planned communities such as the 1,700-acre Skye Canyon, the 2,700-acre Park Highlands, the 1,900-acre Inspirada, and 555 acres of luxury living in an area called Summerlin...   'Vegas is about as homogeneous in our housing stock as any city you'll ever be in.', Michael Montandon, the long-time mayor of North Las Vegas, who now works for a building company, told me."
D'uh!   Because most of us want privacy -- a buffer against sight, sound, and smell of the over-crowding and over-population.   Those sound like great places to build 1 or 2 homes each with different character, not thousands or even hundreds of ticky-tacky boxes.   The tiny houses with shared, i.e. unowned, commons is a tragedy we learned to avoid decades ago.   Property line definition discourages crime according to environmental criminologists.   We don't need huge homes... so long as they have room for the chem lab, the wood-working shop, the electronics shop, the vehicle tinkering and metal-working shop, the quilting room, the workout room, an adequate pantry, storage for the ThanksGiving platters and cookie sheets and pots and pans and bowls with matching lids..., bath-rooms with space to hang clothing ready at hand to don after we step out of the bath or shower, laundry-rooms with space for hand-washing and hanging and frames for shaping knit-wear so it doesn't stretch out of shape, and a little library about the size of your average circa 1970 or 1980 shopping mall.   The "get back to the small New England town" myth is fine, too, as far as it goes; sounds like a nice place to fly to in my car, and wander through the quaint shops.   UN Agenda 21 (along with most other UN agendae) is evil.   "Planned communities" are evil.   Government-controlled mass transit is evil.   Cramming people together like sardines is unsustainable; the planet can't process all that waste.   The image of "Clarke's Grove" makes me feel cramped and exposed.   Hopefully, many more will contiue to oppose idiotic over-crowding, over-regulation, over-zoning, and choose liberty and privacy, life and private property, instead.

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Paul Wiseman _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Conference Board: consumer confidence index fell from a revised 103.8 in January to 96.4 in February
Quincy IL Herald-Whig
Jeffry Bartash: MarketWatch
"The Present Situation Index decreased from 113.9 to 110.2, while the Expectations Index declined from 97.0 to 87.2 in January... Consumers were also somewhat less positive in their assessment of the job market, with the proportion stating jobs are 'plentiful' decreasing slightly from 20.7% to 20.5%, and those claiming jobs are 'hard to get' increasing from 24.6% to 26.2%."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Victor Davis Hanson
Obummer is showing us how to empower violent extremism

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Deroy Murdock _National Review_
GOP losership should have done what the voters wanted, not surrender
"First, the GOP's congressional [losership] have no sense of strategy or tactics.   Second, they never listen."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Daren Bakst _American Thinker_
protecting tax-victims from the Farm Bill's new blank-check Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Kate Sheehy _Fronteras_
under-border smuggling tunnel found near Naco, AZ & Sonora
Mexico News Daily
Sarah Rumpf: Breitbart
USA Today/Gannett (video)
Tucson AZ Daily Star (video)
"80 such tunnels have been found since 2006, according to the U.S. Border Patrol, mostly in Nogales, Arizona, and San Diego, California. 3 tunnels have been found in Sonora so far this year."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Nick Bunker _Equitable Growth_
retirement savings in the sloooowwww recovery from the Great Recession
"...According to the authors, the participation rate among working-age households -- those with a chief income earner between the ages of 25 and 59 -- was close to 80% between 1989 and 2007.   But after 2007, participation has dropped to a lower level, closer to 75%..."

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Pat Frank
are climate modelers scientists?

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Anthony Watts
UN IPCC climate head Rajendra Pachauri resigned amid sexual harassment allegations
what the UN IPCC didn't say about Pachauri's looming sex scandal
Cybercast News Service

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Anthony Watts
more bad news for warmists: EU "back-tracks" on CO2 targets in UN accounting fudge

2015-02-24 (5775 Ader 05)
Tom Fuller
the peril of "great" causes

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
303-02-24: Galerius, Roman emperor, published his edict that begins the persecution of Christians in his portion of the empire;
1803-02-24: the Supreme Court of the United States, in Marbury v. Madison, under Federalist chief justice John Marshall, established the bogus doctrine of judicial supremacy...
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Every day you wake up is a beautiful day." --- John Wayne (quoted by Lauren Bacall; quoted in Alexandra Stoddard 1995 _The Art of the Possible_ pg 111)  



2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Sacramento CA TV news report on H-1B visa program
News 10 abc Gannett: cheap, young, pliant foreign workers with questionable ethics fill hundreds of Sacramento-area "IT" jobs
"In 2013, the industry lobbied congress on the issue to the tune of almost $14M...   'The program is going unfettered, unchecked, without bounds, and it's all in the interest of profit.', computer data-base administrator Chris Brown said.   He said was displaced by one of the special visa workers in 1996, and he has been following the issue for the past 18 years...   U.S. Department of Labor data shows more than 1,100 H-1B visas were certified for workers in the Sacramento area in 2014.   The largest number was for Accenture, an IT company that is currently holding state contracts totaling more than $1G.   It has 125 H-1B visa holders in Sacramento.   Deloitte has another 28, and there are four dozen of them filling positions in state offices in the Capital City.   There's no way to say exactly how many of the visa holders are doing work directly or indirectly with the state.   Hundreds of the local H-1B visa holders were awarded to third-party contractors known as 'bodyshops'.   Bodyshops apply for the visas and then farm them out to larger IT companies looking to hire more foreign workers.   Accenture spokesman Mark Bonacci said while the company doesn't disclose the number of employees it has by city, state or region within the U.S.A., 'the vast majority of our people working in the U.S.A. are U.S. citizens and residents'.   [Accenture is a Bahamas-based spin-out from Andersen Consulting.]...   H1-B visas have been around for 25 years, and UC Davis economist Giovanni Peri says the IT industry has thrived because of the [cheap, young, pliant, ethically flexible] foreign workers...   'There is a huge demand for these workers.', Peri said...   In a class-room across campus, Professor of Computer Science Norm Matloff trains the next generation of IT professionals.   Some of them are U.S.A.-born, and others are foreign-born students who one day may need a visa to work in the U.S.A.   Matloff, like Peri, is seen as one of the leading national experts on H-1B visas.   Congress has repeatedly called upon the expertise of both men as it wrestles with the dilemma of deciding between restricting or releasing the flow of foreign workers into the IT work-force.   Matloff has been studying the cause and effect dynamics of the visa program since the 1990s.   He said big 'IT' companies are gobbling up the visas, not because they can't find Americans to fill the positions, but the H-1B visa holders allow them to lay off expensive and experienced U.S. employees and hire younger and cheaper foreign workers.   'Hiring younger H-1Bs instead of older Americans means you save money.', he said.   'It doesn't matter whether an H-1B takes the job here that you would have taken or, on the other hand, if the job is sent over-seas.   Either way, you as an American programmer or engineer, [don't] have that job.', Matloff said, comparing the visas to the controversial practice of out-sourcing American jobs to other countries [off-shoring].   'It's not any different than what illegal aliens have done to construction workers.', said Kim Berry, the web-master of 2 sites that almost exclusively address the influx of foreign workers in the U.S.A. 'IT' job market.   'Why hire an American to do the roofing when you can have a truckload of illegals do it for $30 per day each?'   Berry's Programmers Guild and Hire Americans First web-sites are filled with the comments of people who say they lost their jobs and were replaced by the holders of H-1B visas.   News10 found Chris Brown at Hire Americans First.   Berry and Brown said they worked side-by-side with very talented H-1B workers but, for the most part, they said their foreign counterparts were not as qualified as the U.S. employees they replaced.   Both men said they refuse to be silent on the issue, but feel like their voices are muffled by the lobbying dollars of America's richest billionaires.   'Who is the lobbyist for the unemployed American?', Berry [asked].   Brown added, 'Americans will continue to suffer at the expense of this program, and lobbyists and senators will continue to get more wealthy.'"

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Laura Ingraham
House non-leftists warn Boehner not to cave in to Obummer, Reid, Hatch, Pelosi, Lofgren, and Gutierrez on immigration
Scott Wong: Hill

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime files an "emergency motion" to stay the emergency restraining order against his unconstitutional and illegal actions on immigration
"In some ways, what is perhaps most interesting about the [Obummer DoJ] motion is what the government has chosen to be silent on: the displacement of U.S. workers by millions of formerly illegal aliens now 'lawfully present', each of them holding a newly minted work authorization documents.   The government's silence on that score is deafening, and it's clearly because they recognize the peril in even attempting to address that issue.   As to what it does contain, there appear to be two separate but interrelated prongs to the dressed-up illogic found in the government's motion:   A. The administration asserts that the American people will be harmed if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its immigration-related components aren't permitted to give away benefits that would provide alien registration and work authorization documents to millions of aliens unlawfully in the United States, because public safety and national security will suffer; and   B. The administration also claims that by bringing all these aliens forward and documenting them, public safety and national security are actually enhanced.   Although cloaked in different language, this appears to be a variant on the 'out of the shadows' argument made by advocates of mass amnesty -- you know, the one that congress didn't pass, that the American public doesn't seem to want, and which the administration claims that it isn't implementing administratively with its executive actions [to implement it]...   Under the guise of setting priorities, the administration has, in fact, effectively dismantled enforcement — most especially within the interior of the United States, where the great majority of the 11M-12M[-20M] illegal aliens live...   in 2014 only 143K aliens out of the 585K aliens encountered by agents (less than 1 in every 4) were put into removal proceedings...   overall, deportations resulting from ICE apprehensions in the interior are down 58% between the federal fiscal years 2009 & 2014 and, more critically, deportations of alien criminals declined by 43% between 2012 & 2014, from 153K to 87K..."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer DHS releasing so many illegal aliens that deportation facilities' 34K required holding capacity isn't filled
"As of Jan. 25, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] was averaging just 27K detainees a day for fiscal 2015, which began Oct. 1.   That means more than 20% of its capacity was going unused so far this year -- even as the administration faces questions over immigrants it has released, who have gone on to commit [additional] crimes later.   Deportations are also down dramatically...   'All of the significant metrics of enforcement activity tracked by ICE -- encounters, arrests, detainers and charging documents issued -- show declines in recent years.', Ms. Vaughan said in prepared testimony for the House oversight committee..."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Victor Morton _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu reject senate Reds/leftists/Dems' invitation to meet privately
Washington DC Times

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
oath-breaker Obummer vows to use 13th veto this year against GOP education bill

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Guy Taylor _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry defends allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, as Iranian dissidents claim proof of Tehran deception
Washington DC Times

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
why al-Jazeera's, NYTimes and the Manchester Guardian's phony story about the Mossad contradicting Netanyahu?
"By next Spring, at most by next Summer, at current enrichment rates, they will have finished the medium enrichment and move[d] on to the final stage.   From there, it's only a few months, possibly a few weeks, before they get enough enriched uranium for the first bomb.   Let's be clear about this.   Netanyahu did not [in 2012] say that Iran would have a bomb in a few months.   He just said they were enriching enough uranium to create a bomb..."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
we must stop Putin's abuses and military threats: the strong earn respect, the weak get beaten
Washington DC Times
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Israel HaYom/Israel Today

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
John Stossels _Jewish World Review_
union thugs vs. the Kochs
"If the Kochs' views were the same as George Soros', I don't think [leftists] like Dean would complain as much...   It is disgusting when big shots use their money to get handouts from government -- ethanol subsidies, limits on sugar imports, loan guarantees for Boeing or special deals from Rahm Emanuel.   That's [crony socialist] government helping well-connected rich people, handing them money that once belonged to [tax-victims].   But the Kochs aren't like that.   The brothers made their billions by growing their businesses.   That's a good thing.   That's real wealth creation, jobs for people and products people want.   The Kochs oppose subsidies, even for their own company.   They'd get rid of them if everybody else would... During the last presidential election, it was reported that the Kochs spent $60M. Tom Steyer, the big environmental activist, spent $70M a few years later. Yes, groups affiliated with the Kochs spent $400M. But the Huffington Post reports that labor unions spent much more: $1.7G..."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
CNN, DHS, SPLC, MSLSD conspire on blame-righty hit job last week during the farcical White House summit on "Don't Say Violence-Initiating Islam"
Cybercast News Service

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Laura Ingraham
foreign influence: Clintoons raking in dough from abroad

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Laura Ingraham
why Americans are wary about Obummer's religion
Byron York: Washington DC Examiner

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Laura Ingraham
17K federal government employees raked in over $200K last year
Eric Katz: National Journal
Government Executive
over 300K federal government non-defense employees raked in over $99,999 in 2014

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Laura Ingraham
wicked, back-stabbing, turn-coat GOP losership waving white flag of surrender to the Reds/leftists/Dems
Lauren Fox & Sarah Mimms: National Journal: McConnell announces vote on dirty bill to fund unconstitutional and illegal DHS activities is in the works
Michael van der Galien: PJMedia: outrageous McConnell surrender
"Lately, Cruz has become one of the most outspoken and loved Republicans in the senate.   He and his supporters have a strong presence on social media, where one after another 'Ted Cruz for president'-group is created.   These groups have attracted a large following; see for instance the FB group Ted Cruz 45: more than 10K conservatives joined that group in a mere 3 weeks' time.   This proves that conservative voters are hungry for someone who is one of them, who is willing to stand for something and who is principled to his core...   McConnell will be humiliated like never before..."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, Mike Lee and Tea Party Patriots wade in against Mitch McConnell's betrayal

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Becky Gerritson _Born Free American Woman_
will the Republican losership let us down again?

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
James Fulford _VDare_
Ann Coulter on video: What do we have to do to convince politicians that we do not want amnesty for illegal aliens?

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Steny Hoyer: during partial DHS "shut-down", 200K of 230K DHS employees would still be working

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup: only 23% of DC residents go to church/synagogue/mosque weekly; 47% seldom or never

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
_Cybercast News Service_
if immigration laws were properly enforced they would have deported Barbara Boxer's mother; such a wonderful dream

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
do you think Obummer is a Christian?
"Nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin, on his show yesterday evening, answered an oft asked question frequently posed to political candidates and potential Republican candidates for president by the main-stream media: 'Is [Obummer] a Christian?'   'I have said, long before Rudy', stated Mark Levin, 'that I don't believe [Obummer] loves America, based on his own statements, his past, his associations and this whole notion of fundamental transformation...   Since the [leftist] media keep asking political candidates', stated Levin, 'I'll answer the question: Do you think [Obummer's] a Christian?   I don't think he is.   Now, that doesn't necessarily mean he's a Muslim or anything else.   I just don't think this guy practices anything...   Well Mark, he was in, uhh, you know, Wright's church.', sarcastically stated Levin, who was acting as if someone else had made the statement.   'Well that's exactly my point.   Wright's church was all about radical, left-wing, Marxist, hate-America politics.   Now, you can call it a church.   He can wear a robe.   He can frame a certificate from wherever he got it.   But that's not a real church, in my humble opinion, and yes, I get to make these opinions too...   So no, I don't think [Obummer] really is a practicing Christian.', said Levin.   'I don't see him at church.   I see him on the golf course.   I don't see him defending Christianity...   In Syria', continued Levin, 'scores of Christians were just taken, by the Islamo-Nazis.   They specifically went after the children and the women.   Well what do you think that's about?...   Now [Obummer's] very very defensive about Islam and very very put off about Christianity, not to mention Judaism.', said Levin.   'So no, I do not think he's a Christian, in the sense of a practicing Christian.   That doesn't mean I think he's a Muslim or anything else.   I just don't think he's much of a Christian...   Mark, who are you to pass judgment?', Levin asked himself, again acting as though he was someone else.   'I don't know.   The media asks everybody.   Right Mr. Producer?   Didn't they ask Scott Walker: Well, ya think he's a Christian?   They think it's funny.   They think it's a joke -- trying to trap, trip up everybody.   Well I gave my answer...   If the [leftist] media are going to ask it, I may answer it, and I just did.', stated Levin.   He went on, again speaking as though he were someone else: 'Oh, you should avoid these things.   I don't want to avoid these things.', said Levin.   'I sit down, read what the man says, listen to what he says, study who he is.   I know almost as much about [Obummer] as [Obummer] knows about [Obummer], certainly more than most, and it's, in my view, a legitimate question, not for Republicans running for office, because it has nothing to do with them, but for you and I to noodle over it—to really think about it.   That's my opinion...   If he's a Christian, that is, a practicing Christian, he has a funny way of showing it doesn't he?', Levin asked rhetorically.   'He has a funny way of defending his religion. He has a funny way of speaking out for the Christians who are being rounded up in the Middle East, and Africa -- the little girls, raped, sold into slavery and God knows what else.   Hardly a word.   That's just my opinion...   The media running around, asking Republicans, Well, [do] you think he's a Christian?', said Levin.   'I gave you my answer.   They started it.   They want to know.   There's the answer.'"

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
many leftists (especially those in the media) are claiming that criticism of Obummer should be banned

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
Politico's partison irony
"For those not paying attention, including readers of Politico, the House passed a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] that fully funded the agency save for a small number of components that will carry out [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] unilateral immigration amnesty.   All of the important components of DHS are funded by the House.   All of the components that will implement lawlessness are defunded.   That's how the Constitution was designed to work.   The 'cliff' that Politico warns against is not millions of illegal aliens staying in the United States.   The 'cliff' [Politico editors believe] the nation is about to plunge over is [a small fraction of a] federal agency [which has adamantly been refusing to carry out its purpose] possibly closing down for a few days.   The only reason this could happen is because senate Democrats (and senate Republicans who went along with them) place greater importance on importing millions of foreigners into the United States and making sure people who should be working to deport them are paid for not deporting them...   The cliff the nation is about to plunge over is bureaucrats not being paid immediately...   Only in Washington would that nonsense fly."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
2 immigrants who plotted to kill Americans were sentenced to 25 years in prison
"will each spend 25 years in prison for conspiring to murder U.S. troops in Afghanistan and for providing material support to al-Qaeda."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Victor Davis Hanson
deranged Obummer

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Liz Sheld _PJMedia_
after nutzo's attack on "no defense allowed" Sandy Hook school, donations to NRA increased $96.4M in 2013
"'The NRA reported that its total revenue in 2013 increased by 35.8%, to $348M.   That includes $175.6M in membership dues.'"

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Bridget Johnson _PJMedia_
how Islamic terrorists hide in plain sight

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Michael Walsh _PJMedia_
odiously hateful leftist media can't stop hatin' on Scott Walker

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Helen Smith _PJMedia_
I thought the economy and popular confidence was supposed to have improved...

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Richard Fernandez _PJMedia_
among all the "best" people
"The flip side of fame is often fear.   Take the fate of Jonathan Gruber.   In 2006 [Obummer] told an audience that he had 'stolen ideas liberally' from Gruber, 'one of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles'.   Gruber once had multiple contracts worth millions to supply economic modeling to the president's signature health-care program.   He was riding high.   Then Rich Weinstein an investment adviser from Philadelphia found a series of videos taken at small forums in which Gruber confided to audiences the less than flattering inside dope on [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   It portrayed an administration laughing at ignorant voters for believing in the promises of the program.   After the videos were publicized Gruber's world began to fall apart...   '[Leftist] philanthropist George Soros and the Ford Foundation have lavished groups supporting the administration's net neutrality agenda, donating $196M and landing proponents on the White House staff, according to a new report.'   Not long now before they give the Internet the Gruber.   Maybe someone will try to talk, but I doubt he'll get far.   If you see some formerly famous media figure eating live chickens at a carny sideshow, let me know."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
_Conservative HQ_
was it terrorism? truck was not stuck on tracks near Oxnard

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
C.J. Ciaramella _Washington DC Free Beacon_
corrupt, abusive, contemptible Lois Lerner received $129K in bonuses: bonus suspended in 2012 when she exceeded $230,700, federal limit for the calendar year
"Former acting IRS commissioner Steven T. Miller recommended Lerner for a $42K retention bonus in 2009 December, when she first became eligible for retirement...   Joseph Grant, the deputy commissioner of the tax-exempt division, approved the bonus.   The second-level review of Lerner's retention bonus was approved by Miller himself.   Both officials signed off on annual renewals for Lerner's retention bonus in 2011 and 2012.   Both officials would also later resign in connection with the targeting scandal.   In 2011 and 2012, Lerner's retention bonuses were $43,050 and $44,250..."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Rebecca Shabad _Hill_
senate Dems/Reds/leftists back dirty DHS funding bill

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) reveals that corrupt Obummer regime is considering implementing unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens in 24 states that did not sue against it

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Jonathan Weisman _NYTimes_
GOP losership surrenders to left's move to strangle telecomm competition and freedom of internet

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Laura Ingraham
compare GOP losership's pro-Keystone XL pipe-line campaign with their string of surrenders on Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
Neil Munro: Daily Caller
Laura Ingraham: GOP losership fights when it cares about the issue, and they don't care about amnesty for illegal aliens and excessive visas (mp3)

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Sha'i ben Tekoa _American Thinker_
Obummer's first insult to Jewish US citizens
"In fact, although the settling of the original Thirteen Colonies was almost exclusively the handiwork of Christians from northern Europe, by the time of the American Revolution there were already 6 Jewish communities, one in each of the major colonial cities.   Jews fought and died in the Revolution, and in 1802, when the military academy at West Point opened its doors, one of the first two volunteer cadets was a Jew...   Muslims, by contrast, played no role in the making of the USA.   There is no evidence of a Muslim presence before the 20th century [and a very few in the USA beginning in the late 19th century, even by Obummer's own questionable account]...   Another feature of [Obummer's] desired transformation was on display two and one-half months later -- on April Fool's Day no less -- when he was video-taped obsequiously bowing down before the king of Saudi Arabia whose official title includes Guardian of the Two Mosques (alluding to the ones in Mecca and Medina).   This was a gesture one cannot imagine [Obummer] ever executing before any other national leader -- let alone the prime minister of Israel.   And that bow was an offense against protocol and custom -- the Revolution had been not only a war of national liberation but a rejection of the very institution of monarchy.   American presidents do not bow down to kings and thus it was doubly an insult, for this was no ordinary monarch but the potentate of the country where 15 of the 19 skyjackers on 2001 September 11 were raised and shaped by this king's religion, including [the terrorist attacks'] evil mastermind Osama bin Laden..."

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Daniel Halper _Weekly Standard_
corrupt dictator wannabe Obummer threaten he will penalize DHS officials, agents, if they enforce immigration laws conscientiously
Pirate's Cove
Right Wing News
TEA Party Digest

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Anthony Watts
U of AZ: local sea level rose 4 inches in the NE USA and Newfoundland; global warming is not the cause

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Bob Tisdale
Roger Pielke ii being investigated by "representative" Grijalva for presenting inconvenient data

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
Anthony Watts
GWPF calls on governments to reform missionary UN IPCC: IPCC has lost its scientific objectivity

2015-02-25 (5775 Ader 06)
H. Sterling Burnett _Cybercast News Service_
warmists are grasping at icicles

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1836-02-25: Samuel Colt receives an American patent for the Colt revolver.
1837-02-25: the first practical electric motor in the USA is patented by Thomas Davenport.
1870-02-25: Hiram Rhodes Revels, a REPUBLICAN from Mississippi, is sworn into the United States senate, becoming the first African American ever to sit in the U.S. congress.
1913-02-25: the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving congress the power to levy and collect income taxes, was declared in effect by secretary of state Philander Chase Knox.
1932-02-25: Adolf Hitler, ym"sh, obtains German citizenship by naturalization, which allows him to run in the 1932 election for Reichsprasident.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Imagination needs noodling -- long, inefficient, dawdling & puttering." --- Brenda Ueland (quoted in Alexandra Stoddard 1995 _The Art of the Possible_ pg 236)  



2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
****liberal approach to immigration would reduce acrimony; illiberal approach invites more acrimony****
Town Hall
Riverside CA Press-Enterprise
Right Wing News
Conservative Read
National Review
"Take liberal immigration.   It is governed by laws passed by congress and signed and executed by the president.   Nearly all Americans accept that no individual can pick and choose which federal statute he chooses to obey, depending on his own perceived self-interest.   Liberal immigration would be entirely legal, meritocratic and ethnically blind.   Skills and education would matter more than proximity to the border or political clout.   The numbers of immigrants would be balanced by liberal considerations: the need for skilled newcomers to avoid dependency on American society, and concern that their arrival not harm the economic aspirations of poor working citizens.   Liberal immigration would aim at rapidly integrating and assimilating immigrants in accordance with further classical liberal principles..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
stop the excessive immigration flood
Paul Sperry: Investor's Business Daily
"Between 2010 and 2013, the [Obummer regime] imported almost 300K new immigrants from Muslim nations -- more immigrants than the U.S.A. let in from Central America and Mexico combined over that period...   The [Obummer regime plans to] admit as many as 2K Syrian nationals by the end of fiscal year 2015 [at the end of September], up from 525 since fiscal 2011... The Brooklyn Daily Eagle reports that about half of New York City residents speak a language other than English at home and that one-fourth of city residents [about 2M] are not proficient in English, citing figures from the mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs. There are likely similar profiles in other big cities..."
map from Brooklyn Daily Eagle

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) says Southern California Edison's displacement of US "IT" workers are "heartless"
"...In the new congress, Grassley is now the chairman of the Judiciary committee, which has oversight over immigration.   Moreover, its immigration sub-committee is chaired by U.S. senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who has also criticized the Edison lay-offs and the H-1B program generally..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
follow your heart, and let it surprise you

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
**what if the government fears freedom?**

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Hollywood hypocrites demand "wage equality"

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
violent-war-wagers who shall remain nameless

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
why are the media trying to make an issue of Obummer's religion... or lack thereof

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
cold weather brings out the stupid in TV... and sometimes in children

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
USA, love it or leave it
"When former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani said he did not think that 'the president loves America', was he right? Of course he was.   The record is strewn with [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] statements of contempt for America.   In a quieter setting, I think [lecturer Obummer] would agree.   He would then go on to brag about his love for higher things: for humankind, for the world community, for the planet, the green planet...   The deeper question is: Why is he saying these anti-American things?..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
why Rudy and Walker were correct
"[Barack Hussein Obummer] doesn't love free enterprise, believes founding philosophy was fatally flawed and sees the American people as rubes with antiquated religious and racist tendencies. Sure, we can all agree that [Obummer] likely loves [some of] America's scenery; perhaps he loves America, but doesn't like her very much. But that's not what Giuliani was talking about, and everyone knows it."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Bruce Rauner is out to emancipate the land of Lincoln
"...Unfunded public employees' pension liabilities are estimated, perhaps conservatively, at $111G, the nation's largest such deficit as a percentage of state revenue.   Currently, public pensions consume nearly 25 percent of general state revenues.   The state owes vendors $6.4g in un-paid bills, and more than 1M people have left Illinois for less dysfunctional states in the last 15 years.   Debt per resident is about $24,989, compared with $7,094 in neighboring Indiana..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_Jewish World Review_
leak: top secret briefing advising Putin on take-over of Ukraine

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Damien Sharkov _Jewish World Review_
al-Jazeera reporters arrested after 2nd night of drone flights over Paris
"Flying a drone at night in Paris is against the law, while flying it at daytime requires permission from authorities...   according to Scott Schober, CEO of Berkeley Variatronic Systems, whose company specialises in developing products to track drones says detecting a drone is not as simple as it seems.   'The latest drones are easy to fly with integrated navigation (GPS).', Schober says.   'The pilot can be 1-2 miles away and fly with GPS waypoints making pilot detection difficult.'   According to Schober many drones use license-free wifi which is widely available and used by mobile phones, allowing drones to be piloted at greater distances with minimal detection and location..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Nick Sanchez _News Max_
"Jihadi John" identified as wealthy Kuwait-born West Londoner named Mohammed Emwazi
Ha Aretz
Dominic Casciani: BBC
Laura Ingraham
Jerusalem Post
Cybercast News Service
"The Washington Post reported that Emwazi, mid-20s, was born in Kuwait to a wealthy family, grew up in West London, and received a degree in computer programming from the University of Westminster.   The Post confirmed his identity through at least 2 sources: a close friend of Emwazi's and UK-based human rights group CAGE, which had contact with the Londoner from 2010 to 2012..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Trey Gowdy (R-SC) criticizes Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amensty for illegal aliens

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee: "we must use the power of the purse" to stop Obummer's flagrantly unconstitutional and illegal activities
I will not vote to fund Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens (video)

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Hans Bader _Cybercast News Service_
bipartisan task-force: US Education Dept. flooding schools, colleges and universities with new rules and regulations, flouting leagal limits

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Bill Whittle, Stephen Green & Scott Ott _PJMedia_
no books for you!: government threatens to shut down book-sharing free libraries (video)

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_Conservative HQ_
CHQ CPAC coverage starts today

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership caving early and often
"back in December they wouldn't fight for conservative principles and instead chose to worm their way out of the immediate crisis of passing the hated 'CRomnibus' [criminal over-spending bill] to fund the government, get off to their Christmas and holiday vacations, and avoid a potential government wide 'shut-down' that fighting [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] amnesty then would have entailed. The answer to worm their way out of that crisis was to [surrender again]..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Jonathan Gruber trying to get an extra $40K from Vermont with another over-billed invoice

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Laura Ingraham
5 reasons congress must de-fund Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Laura Ingraham
illegal aliens amnesty claimants may also get over $35K in the first year
Caroline May: Breitbart

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Laura Ingraham
Jeff Duncan (R-SC-3): Republicans were eleced to a majority in the US senate, but apparently Dem/Red/leftist Reid is still in charge

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Stephen Ohlemacher _Cybercast News Service_
investigators of abuses by IRS recovered nearly 33K of Lois Lerner's supposedly lost e-mail messages from back-up tapes
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"Camus said it took investigators 2 weeks to locate the computer tapes that contained Lerner's [e-mail messages].   He said it took technicians about 4 months to find Lerner's [e-mail messages] on the tapes...   The [oddly inefficient when it suits them] IRS estimated it has spent $20M responding to congressional inquiries, generating more than 1M pages of documents and providing agency officials to testify at 27 congressional hearings..."
Knowing this bunch, they probably spent that much time and money to filter out all messages which might remotely be embarrassing, let alone incriminating...jgo

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
FCC commissioner Michael O'Rielly says new regulations undermine free markets and the US constitution

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) at CPAC: abolishing the politically corrupt IRS should be a high priority
"'Number 1.', said Cruz. 'Repeal every blasted word of [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Number 2, abolish the IRS, take all 125K IRS agents and put them on our southern border.', said the senator.   'Number 3, stop the out of control regulators at the EPA and the alphabet soup of Washington.   Number 4, defend our constitutional rights -- all of them, and number 5, restore America's leadership in the world as a shining city on a hill.'"

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
DNI James Clapper says that "2014 will have been the most lethal year for global terrorism" in the last 45 years
"'In 2013, just over 11,500 terrorist attacks worldwide killed approximately 22K people.   Preliminary data for the first 9 months of 2014 reflects nearly 13K attacks which killed 31K people.', Clapper said..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Gayle Trotter _Cybercast News Service_
Barron's Advanced Placement Test Preparation Guide reveals crazy-leftist academic bias

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Gayle Trotter _Cybercast News Service_
Barron's Advanced Placement Test preparation guide for European History reveals crazy-leftist academic bias

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
leftist Obummer regime FBI director James Comey says he's "investigating" "home-grown violent extremists" "in every state"

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal: president Barack Hussein Obummer is incapable of being commander-in-chief

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
GOP losership say they think there's a role for congress to play in defending the US constitution... but not over the last century, and now, now: it's toooo haaarrrrrrrd
"'It is not a fight amongst Republicans.   All Republicans agree that we want to fund the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and we want to stop the president's executive actions with regard to immigration.'..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
David Seminara _Center for Immigration Studies_
farmers fear losing docile work-force after amnesty for illegal aliens
"...'National Socialist Radio's' 'Morning Edition' on February 26. The story focused on farmers in California's Central Valley who fear that they may lose their source of cheap labor once their workers become legal and can get jobs that actually pay them something closer to a living wage...   all of the usual complaints from farmers about how impossible it is for them to find -- let's be honest here -- slave labor.   And just like many, if not most of these kinds of pity-the-poor-farmer stories, there was no mention of the fact that we already have the H2-A seasonal guest worker program, an unlimited visa category that gives farmers the ability to import foreign agricultural workers with certain restrictions...   Charles had time to reference a defunct, largely discredited guestworker program, but no time to mention the one that already exists? As a journalist, I'm familiar with the constant demand to shorten stories to accommodate our ever-decreasing attention spans, but there is always time and space to be accurate...   immigrants with hard luck tales and struggling farmers are useful sources because they're available and they make good copy.   We can drive out to meet them, get the sound bites or quotes and be on our way.   It is much harder to get the other side to the story.   Government officials won't talk or release documents that might cast a negative light on the immigrants featured in these pieces.   And how do we find the person who might consider doing farm work if it actually paid $12 or $15 per hour with benefits instead of $8 or $9 with none? How can reporters quickly convey the fiscal burden involved with allowing millions of poorly paid people with no health insurance to live and work here?..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_Conservative HQ_
doctor Ben S. Carson at CPAC: "What I want is for people to have real freedom"

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Mike Lee talked about what makes a good candidate
"Senator Mike Lee, Utah's principled limited government constitutional conservative junior senator, and to our minds one of the 2 most important conservatives not running for president (the other being Alabama's senator Jeff Sessions) gave CPAC his formula for winnowing down any field of White House wannabes.   To earn Lee's endorsement, a candidate must be 'principled, positive and proven...   Being principled means you're being a conservative every single day, and not just on the campaign trail.', Lee said, 'It means there are no buts -- you can't say I'm pro-life, but.'...   In terms of positivity, Lee clarified this requirement by using the classic Gilbert Keith Chesterton quote, 'A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.'"

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_Conservative HQ_
CPAC audience roars for senator Ted Cruz
"'If a candidate tells you...whatever...   You ask them, when have you stood up and fought for it?', to which the audience roared its response..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_Conservative HQ_
CPAC crowd cheers Scott Walker, chants "Run, Scott. Run!"

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
threats of violence-initiating Muslims to the North American economy and to Jews
"The two malls mentioned are among the largest in the world.   The West Edmonton Mall, built in 1981, is 5.3M square feet; the Mall of America, built in 1992, is 4.87M square feet.   The latter, regarded as the world's busiest mall, attracts 40M visitors a year and employs 12K at its 500 stores, amusement parks, wedding chapel, and 50 restaurants.   The Edmonton Mall includes a water park, ice rink, and miniature golf course..."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Howard Slugh _American Thinker_
lawyers are not waifs

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
leftist media are air-brushing Jews out of the history of individual rights
"The real photos of Martin Luther King ii during the march on Selma show rabbis at either elbow, but for some reason, these have been replaced by Catholics -- a nun and a priest -- in the recent film.   Why is that? Rarely does it come up at Black History Month events or even in conversation that Jews figured prominently in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.   For some reason, the media is air-brushing the Jews out of the history of the U.S. Civil Rights movement and I'd be surprised if this isn't also true of the fight for farm worker's rights led by Cesar Chavez, which was also heavily populated with Jews.."

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
_TEA Party Digest_
murder-victim's father asks "Do black lives really matter?" or will you let the illegal alien murderer walk?
Right Wing News
One Old Vet
Before It's News
Jason Howerton: Blaze

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Anthony Watts
rockets' (Red Chinese and NASA) red glare seen in the skies over western USA

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Anthony Watts & Russell Cook
Greenpeace: the origin of climate smear

2015-02-26 (5775 Ader 07)
Anthony Watts
anatomy of a climate witch-hunt; letter from Raul M. Grijalva

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1784-02-26: in a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin expressed unhappiness over the choice of the eagle as the symbol of America, and stated his own preference: the turkey.
1788-02-26: captain Arthur Phillip guides a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the colony of New South Wales, effectively founding Australia. After overcoming a period of hardship, the fledgling colony began to celebrate the anniversary of this date with great fanfare.
1838-02-26: the first Prohibition law in the history of the United States of America was passed in Tennessee, making it a misdemeanor to sell alcoholic beverages in taverns and stores...
Proposed Bills 2015

  "scientists and engineers in general learn the discipline of learning.   If they get that skill, they can broaden their knowledge to related areas when needed to take on a new job or solve a perplexing problem...   If such a company hires a promising engineer fresh out of school, for example, the company has all the tools necessary to help that engineer learn to use nano-technology techniques for a particular position, whether that person has a degree in nano-technology or not." --- Earl Boysen & Nancy Boysen 2011 _NanoTechnology for Dummies_ pg255  



2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senator Jeff Sessions notes that funding Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal activities through DHS would set a very bad precedent
"'We cannot let this congress go down in the history books as the Congress that established a new precedent that we will fund any imperial decree that violates established American laws.', senator Jeff Sessions said on Thursday. 'Is this to be the new normal?   Congress must provide the president with the funds he wants, for any project he dreams up, no matter how illegal and unconstitutional?   Is the power of the purse now an historical concept, never to be used again when it is needed most?... There is no more basic application of congressional power than to establish where funds may and may not be spent; indeed, that is the very definition of an appropriations bill. And there could never be a more important time to exercise such a power than when our Republican heritage itself is at stake.'   Sessions said he will vote against a [dirty] funding bill -- one that does not block funding for [president Obummer's dirty, unconstitutional and illegal] immigration changes..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
courting contempt: Obummer regime scheming to go ahead with unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegal aliens despite temporary restraining order
"It's fascinating to watch the administration contemplate showing itself to be as contemptuous of the third branch of government -- the judiciary -- as it has [repeatedly] been of the second branch, our congress.   I say to the president: go for it!   Show yourself fully, completely, and nakedly as the imperious autocrat that many of the citizenry have come to believe you are.   But what the president may find is that the federal judiciary is not as pusillanimous as our legislators, who have shucked and ducked, but never really taken the chief executive to task by lawsuit despite public avowals that they would do so (leaving that avenue, instead, first to the immigration agents' union and then to 26 states).   Nor have they used their law-making authority, or even by their power over the federal purse, as is evident by ongoing events related to Department of Homeland Security [DHS] funding..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
CPAC's open-border, excessive-immigration panel
"While an important distinction, all too many conservatives are too focused on the legal/illegal issue and should expand the discussion on immigration to one of numbers and admission standards.   How much immigration should the United States welcome each year?   What type of immigration -- high-skilled or low-skilled?   [How high?   How do we measure/test skill levels?]   The congressman's co-panelists later demanded increases in immigration and unfortunately the congressman was not prepared to give a counter argument on that point...   Of course, Americans are not calling for increases in legal immigration.   A new Gallup poll found that only 7% of Americans want more immigration...   Those following the immigration debate closely know that Kris Kobach is the Kansas Secretary of State who helped popularize the idea of avoiding both mass legalization and mass deportation by encouraging illegal aliens to return home through consistent enforcement of immigration laws...   In contrast, Aguilar supports significant increases in foreign labor because some businesses simply demand it.   He confuses economic 'need' with the 'demand' [desire, craving, lust] for cheap, [young, pliant] foreign labor [with flexible ethics] from [executives of] companies like FB.   He also supports allowing illegal aliens to remain in the country indefinitely without citizenship, but nevertheless some sort of legal status that gives them work authorization and access to taxpayer benefits.   Aguilar explained that from his experience advising Republican members in the House and senate, the 'vast majority' [of corrupt GOP congress-critters] support his position...   They also don't seem to understand that taking control over immigration out of the hands of all Americans and putting it into the hands of handful of [company executives] is not appealing to most Americans...   Aguilar doesn't want average Americans to continue to have that control over our nation's future...   The economy isn't doing all that well right now and there are tens of millions of Americans at all skill levels who are unemployed.   The immigration advocates have not stopped their demands for more immigration...   if we admit all the foreigners who want to come, they won't have to enter illegally.   But that type of argument by definition eliminates any option for Americans to actually say 'no' to the entry...   The reality is that about a million people become legal permanent residents in the United States every year [about 900K too many]..."
Eagle Forum immigration information

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Laura Ingraham
Yebbie Booosh loathes blue-collar Americans
"The idea that we should be conducting any type of coronation in the Republican Party today because 50 rich families decide who they think will best represent their interests -- no way, Jose.   We need a candidate who's proud to be called a conservative, proud to stand with you, not a conservative who comes to CPAC to check a box, but a conservative who comes to CPAC because they are conservative.   When Republicans join the Democrats at the altar of big government -- and they might call it one year 'compassionate conservatism', they might call it the next year 'American greatness conservatism', they might try to rebrand it as a 'rise to conservatism'.   My friends, peel back the onion, pull back the curtain.   Make sure that when candidates are asked simple, clear questions -- a question like, 'Do you really think the American workers are lazy?   Do you really think the American workers aren't as entrepreneurial as new immigrants or illegal immigrants?   Do you really believe that we should repopulate Detroit with foreign workers in order to spur a new economic revival?'   Make the candidate answer the question -- not hide behind talking points.   The Elites said that unless conservatives embraced and passed comprehensive immigration reform ([i.e. reprehensible immigratio law perversion] i.e. amnesty [and vastly more excessive guest-work visas]) after 2012 -- remember all of those comments -- that conservatives and Republicans could not win.   The elites were spectacularly wrong...   American citizenship means something.   It's not just a piece of paper.   It's an ideal.   And it's a a belief in a system of government that our framers started, that our forefathers fought for, that men and women in uniform sacrifice for every single day.   American citizenship is not something that should be so easily bargained away"

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Laura Ingraham
squish Chris Christie slams Yebbie Booosh on wanting to replace unemployed Detroit natives with cheap foreign labor

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Todd J. Gillman _Dallas TX News_
at CPAC, Rick Perry and Marco Rubio criticize Obummer, Laura Ingraham also criticizes Yebbie Booosh

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's dirty, corrupt immigration hypocrisy
Cybercast News Service

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
R' Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
the stigma of fame

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Netanyahu has to address the US congress and the American people
"Benjamin Netanyahu today. For most of the 9 years he has served as Israel's [prime-minster], first from 1996 to 1999 and now since 2009, Netanyahu shied away from confrontations or buckled under pressure.   He signed deals with the Palestinians he knew the Palestinians would never uphold in the hopes of winning the support of hostile US administrations and a fair shake from the pathologically hateful Israeli media.   In recent years he released terrorist murderers from prison.   He abrogated Jewish property rights in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria.   He agreed to support the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River [i.e. in the middle of Israel].   He agreed to keep giving the Palestinians of Gaza free electricity while they waged war against Israel.   He did all of these things in a bid to accommodate US [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and win over the media, while keeping the leftist parties in his coalitions happy.   For his part, for the past 6 years [Obummer has tried to undermine] Israel's national security.   He has publicly [tried to insult] Netanyahu repeatedly..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Lizette Borreli _Jewish World Review_
drinking several cups of coffee per day may keep Multiple Sclerosis away
Medical Daily
Black Christian News Network 1

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Hillary's addiction to money and power

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Red China's 100-year marathon of power-madness is close to the goal-line
"...[Red China's] economy, Pillsbury argues, is still very much controlled by and directed toward the interests of its state-owned enterprises.   Capitalism maybe, but not free market capitalism.   As for democracy, Pillsbury mocks former colleagues who have hailed [Red China's] local government elections.   They're a sham, he argues.   Control is still in the hands of Communist party leaders in Beijing and with the shadowy hard-liners, especially in the military, behind them...   Hopes that [Red China] would become a cooperative force in the world have also faded.   Instead, [Red China] is threatening its neighbors over islets in the East and South China Sea and adapting U.S. technology to build asymmetric weapons to render U.S. forces ineffective."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
is leftism in the USA exhausted?

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
questions the media never ask Dems/Reds/leftists

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
USA is the ally that Egypt needs

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
media are getting the political story wrong
"Take, for instance, the story about some Republicans wanting to close down the Department of Homeland Security [DHS].   What the House voted to do was fund the department but not [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] costly, [unconstitutional,] almost surely illegal, unilateral executive order giving a bevy of new 'rights' to illegal immigrants.   Democrats said they would prevent any funding at all rather than include that provision.   News accounts mostly made it sound as if the GOP was the one threatening to shut down the department..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
for death by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate you have to go out; illegal aliens deliver!
"...By now, the public knows more about ISIS than they know about the Kardashians.   But it has no idea that the very same Senate Democrats who claimed to oppose [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] amnesty [for illegal aliens] when they were campaigning are currently filibustering a bill to defund it, and senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell is ready to cave...   [Ahhh, but exactly what color/colors is that dress he's wearing?]   Our politicians don't care.   They are obsessed with cleaning up the rest of the world, while we're getting our clock cleaned at home... With the media's Soviet-style censorship about immigrant crime, unless a member of your immediate family has been killed by an illegal alien, you might not have noticed the growing death toll, but here are some small, below-the-fold local news items just from the last 2 weeks. On Monday of this week, Jaime Balam, an illegal alien from Mexico, appeared in court in San Francisco to face charges that he shot three American college students, one fatally, because they happened to be wearing the wrong colors...   Also this week, Juan Javier Mejia was captured in Mexico and returned to the U.S. to face charges that he and his half-brother, Abram Daniel Palacios, gunned down Ivan Carrillo in San Jacinto, California.   Mejia has previous convictions in this country for rape and assault with intent to commit rape and burglary, while his half-brother Palacios has prior convictions for narcotics possession, criminal threats and spousal battery.   Also just this week, jury selection began in the trial of illegal alien Dora Ramirez, who, along with her illegal alien husband, Ulises Arturo Reyes Mercado...   Last Friday, Feb. 21, Margarita Garabito was convicted in the brutal beating death of her 10-year-old step-daughter...   The day before that, on Feb. 20, Bassel Saad, the Lebanese immigrant who killed John Bieniewicz...   Last Tuesday, Feb. 17, illegal alien Juan Ramon Garcia tried to run over a U.S. Border Patrol agent with his car, according to authorities.   Garcia had 5 more illegal aliens in his vehicle..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
USA's repeated capitulations to Iran

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
IRS inspector-general: "potential criminal activity" in missing Lois Lerner e-mail messages

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
American web-logger hacked to death in Bangladesh
"A Bangladeshi-American blogger who wrote often opposing religious extremism was hacked to death on the streets of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, as he returned home from a book fair with his wife.   Avijit Roy, whose blog Free Mind spoke out against extremism in all religions, was killed by Muslim extremists who carefully planned and executed the attack professionally..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
corrupt, anti-constitution, oath-breaking Obummer regime BATFE aims to ban ammunition; popular AR-15 rounds targeted
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
M. Catharine Evans _American Thinker_
Obummer tries to intimidate US ICE to keep them from adhering to US constitution and immigration laws
"'In the US military when you get an order, you're expected to follow it.'...   ICE and border patrol agents are bound to uphold the Constitution and the laws of this nation."
Correction: In the US military, when you get a constitutional and legal order, you're expected to follow it.

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Lauri B. Regan _American Thinker_
Obummer "brings his gun" to fight against US citizens and Israel
"6 years into [president Obummer's] 8-year tenure we are now seeing him with full guns blazing.   Unfortunately, they are not directed at Russia, Iran, North Korea, or ISIL.   The Bully-in-Chief apparently believes that the world likes 'a good brawl' and has chosen Israel and its Jewish citizens as the target of his irrational and venomous rage.   Despite clear indications well before [Obummer's] 2008 victory that he would not be a friend of Israel (articulately addressed by many conservative journalists, including AT's prolific Ed Lasky), watching [Obummer] unchained over the past several months has nonetheless been shocking and disturbing.   [Obummer] has aggressively and senselessly sicced his attack dogs on Israel's prime-minister.   And the efforts to which he is going to block a speech that is intended to prevent the world's largest purveyor of terrorism from attaining nuclear capability is astounding...   Furthermore, the detailed list of anti-Israel steps taken by [Obummer] and his [regime can be seen at] Discover the Networks.   [It] is currently 36 pages long -- and counting.   For instance, [Obummer] has leaked and directly disclosed Israeli classified information and military secrets (including Israel's involvement in developing the Stuxnet virus, outing Israel's nuclear weapons program, and disclosing a secret agreement that would allow Israel to use Saudi airspace for an Iranian strike).   [Obummer] reneged on a deal that George W. Bush [Shrub] had made to ensure safe borders in any final deal with the Palestinians..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
how to write a compelling illegal alien sob-story

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Silvio Canto ii _American Thinker_
"president Rodriguez" in the White House would be great, if he respected the US constitution, laws, and his oath of office
"Frankly, a president Rubio or president Cruz would be welcomed in my home, but a 'president Rodriguez' would be historic indeed.   My hope is that a future 'president Rodriguez' would show more respect for the U.S. Constitution than the current occupant of the Oval Office..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
when asked, DHS secretary Jeh Johnson fails to cite any constitutional or statutory authorization for Obummer to hand out Socialist Insecurity Numbers to illegal aliens

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
John Bolton: Obumer regime has the worst relationship with Israel since 1948

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
Susan Rice is choking on a gnat
"The gnat, of course, is the invitation to Netanyahu to address congress.   President [Obummer's] supporters are furious, claiming it is a deliberate attempt by the Israeli leader to stick a spoke in the wheels of the U.S.A.-Iran negotiations over [Iran's development of] nuclear weapons [and delivery systems].   And, the speech to Congress has been dismissed by [Obummer's] backers as a partisan gesture by Netanyahu just days before Israel's scheduled elections.   Campaign operatives who helped [Barack Hussein Obummer] win back-to-back victories here are known to be in Israel now, working for Netanyahu's opponents...   Messers [Obummer] and Kerry are working with an Iranian leadership that seized our embassy in Tehran in 1979.   They held our 52 embassy staff hostage for 444 days.   They subjected them to beatings and to psychological torture—like frequent mock executions before firing squads.   The mullahs hold our embassy property—sovereign U.S. territory under international law—to this day.   Messers [Obummer] and Kerry want us to trust the mullahs who murdered 241 U.S. Marines and Navy corpsmen as they slept in their Beirut barracks in 1983.   They want us to rely on the good words of mullahs who have equipped Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon with 50K missiles to fire at Israel.   Our crack negotiators want us to wave away the regular 'Death to America' rallies ginned up by the muillahs in Tehran.   Their agent, Hezbollah chief Hasan Nasrallah, welcomes the exodus of European Jews arriving in Israel because, as he says, 'it will save us the trouble of hunting them down'..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Ernest Istook _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer tries to bypass congress again, to redistribute wealth
"[Obummer's corrupt] IRS says it will send checks to Americans-in-waiting (previously known as illegal aliens), up to $35K per family according to the Congressional Research Service.   Payments begin as soon as Department of Homeland Security [DHS] underlings [who have been opposing Obummer and Jeh Johnson's abuses] declare everybody legal and issue work permits to them.   [Obummer's] Consumer Financial Protection Board requires more loans be provided to people with lousy credit (to avoid CFPB law-suits over 'disparate impact' upon minorities).   This revives the bad mortgages that crashed our economy a few years ago.   [Obummer's] Housing and Urban Development [HUD] is poised to issue regulations that essentially will require prosperous neighborhoods to subsidize poor neighborhoods.   [Obummer's] EPA regulations are described by senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) as creating re-distribution under the pretense of combating climate change...   Confiscating every penny of income from the richest 1% of Americans (those earning $380K a year or more) would yield less than $1T a year.   And, of course, then they would quit working or leave the country, John Galt-style.   If government confiscated the entire wealth from everyone in the Forbes 400 it would total only $2.3T.   And there would be nothing left to tax the following year.   Below those 400, net worth drops precipitously.   We're spending $3.5T a year now, even without adding [Obummer's] latest requests, so we would burn through the entire fortunes of the rich within just a few months..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Brent Bozell: left, Obummer regime carrying out abuses via IRS, FEC and FCC to attack free political speech
"Consider: [the contemptible] Lois Lerner and who knows what other officials in the [Obummer regime] illegally used the IRS, the most feared arm of the federal government, to harass, persecute and even prosecute conservatives.   They were illegally coordinating these illegal activities with the Department of Justice, the FEC and who knows what other federal agencies.   To cover up the evidence they destroyed government property.   They lied at the White House and committed perjury on Capitol Hill.   Watergate was a political paper cut by comparison.   The radicals have shown their fangs.   They will do anything, using any means at their disposal, legal or otherwise, to control our very freedom of speech...   As I speak these words, the [Obummer regime] is making its play for the internet.   It is quietly working to have the federal government start owning the infrastructure delivering the internet.   Through Net Neutrality it is giving government control of the internet, forcing it to comply by federal regulations..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
_Cybercast News Service_
Phil Robertson: the way to aquelch STD is one man, one women married for life
"in the United States, where the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP)] says more than 110M people are infected...   'One hundred and ten million?', he again said.   'I'm looking at it and I said, I don't want you America to get sick.   I don't want you to become ill.   I don't want you to come down with a debilitating disease.   I don't want you do die early.', Robertson said.   'If you're disease-free and she's disease-free, you marry.   You keep your sex right there.   You won't get sick from a sexually transmitted disease.'..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Kaitlyn Schallhorn & Gabriella Morrongiello _Campus Reform_
college students walked out of Yebbie Booosh's CPAC speech, and interview
Campus Reform.org

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Jamiel Shaw _Laura Ingraham_
"The victims of illegal immigrant crimes are in the shadows." #ListentoLaura

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Cory Franklin _Political Mavens_
it was Leslie Gore's party
"Leslie Gore was the country's most popular female singer, the embodiment of the wholesome all-American girl...   Qunicy Jones...   Their first, and most successful collaboration was her million-selling number one hit, 'It's My Party', about a girl whose birthday party is ruined when her boyfriend walks in with another girl.   In the summer of 1963 America was turning serious, embroiled in the civil rights struggle and entering Vietnam, but the unforgettable refrain of that song, 'I'll cry if I want to, you would cry too if it happened to you' was heard everywhere...   Ironically, her turning point came in early 1964, with a completely different type of song, 'You Don't Own Me', an emotional demand for freedom from a controlling boyfriend.   Way ahead of its time, the song has become an iconic anthem of female empowerment, covered by everyone from Joan Jett to Amy Winehouse, most notably in a memorable song-and-dance by Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, and Diane Keaton in the 1996 movie, 'First Wives Club' [at my suggestion]...   'You Don't Own Me' was a huge hit, reaching number two in the country.   The song that kept it from number one was 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', by a new quartet from Liverpool..."

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Mortimer B. Zuckerman _US News & World Report_
for Netanyahu and Israel, keeping Iran from getting nuclear weapons is a matter of survival

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Bob Unruh _WND_
sheriff Joe Arpaio warned federal judge that Obummer is defying order to stop unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
"An attorney for sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona's Maricopa county is asking the judge who ordered federal bureaucrats not to implement [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] amnesty-by-memo plan to order a hearing over the administration's apparent refusal to abide by the order.   A notice and recommendation was filed Friday in the Texas case, which was brought by 26 states, by attorney Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch on behalf of Arpaio, who has his own law-suit against [Obummer] over amnesty but joined the Texas case in a friend-of-the-court filing.   'Several reports indicate that the executive branch under the [Obummer regime] has not complied with this court's temporary injunction, but continues full-speed to implement a grant of amnesty and related benefits to approximately 5M citizens of foreign countries who are illegally in the United States under the defendants' 2014 November 20, executive action programs implemented by several memoranda issued by Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson.', the filing explains...   U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] announced the extension of [another unconstitutional and illegal] program allowing spouses of certain [H-1B] visa holders to obtain work permits.   According to the Washington Times, the move will, in 90 days, allow some 180K [spouses who have non-work visas] to be eligible for the 'benefit' 'in the first year'...   'Violating an unambiguous federal court order by defying its instructions to cease and desist a particular activity would represent a significant breach of your authority, and would be an escalation in abuse of our separation of powers.', Cruz wrote to administration officials.   'For a president and his cabinet to telegraph intent to violate a federal court order requires additional scrutiny from congress.'...   Fox News senior-judicial-analyst Andrew Napolitano has said unless an appeals court intervenes in the case, [Obummer's] amnesty program likely will fail.   He commented on the [Obummer regime's] request for that intervention.   'They basically said the government will be irreparably harmed if you don't lift this injunction because we need to provide a service to the illegal aliens we promised we would help.'   Napolitano said the government 'wants to break the law so it can help other law-breakers stay here'.   WND also reported when yet another a federal judge in Pennsylvania declared the amnesty unconstitutional.   '[President Obummer's] unilateral legislative action violates the separation of powers provided for in the United States Constitution as well as the 'take care [that the laws be faithfully executed]' clause [in article 2 section 1 paragraph 8] and, therefore, is unconstitutional.', said U.S. district-judge Arthur J. Schwab."
Giving "work permits" to grantees of non-work visas, people who did not apply for work visas, who did not pass the requirements for skill levels, proper background investigations, etc., makes no sense whatsoever...jgo

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Anora Mahmudova & Barbara Kollmeyer _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 98.1 in late-January to 95.4 in late-February
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-02-27 (5775 Ader 08)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
shameful, dishonest climate witch hunt
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." --- Carrie Fisher (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-02-28 (5775 Ader 09)
Zach Noble _Blaze_
Mark Levin: it's time for a new Republican Party
Ian Schwartz: Real Clear Politics: repeated injuries, usurpations are being committed by power-mad would-be king Obummer
Freedom's LightHouse (video)
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times: GOP losership has no guts and no worthwhile principles
Right Scoop: We are a nation of citizens.   We come to CPAC to celebrate a tradition of liberty -- a tradition [Obummer] rejects.
World Net Daily
Tony Lee: Breitbart: Levin takes on GOP losership: in order to defeat Dems/Red/leftists, we have to defeat RINOs

2015-02-28 (5775 Ader 09)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
2 reading lessons from/for the often functionally dysliterate supremes
Washington DC Post
"On Wednesday, the justices will consider this: Did congress mean what it said when, with patently coercive intent, it stipulated in [ObummerDoesn'tCare] that subsidies for persons compelled to purchase health insurance can be disbursed only through exchanges 'established by the state'?   If so, billions have been illegally disbursed through federal exchanges in the 34 states that resisted the [ObummerDoesn'tCare's] pressure to establish exchanges.   On Monday, however, the court will consider whether the Constitution's Framers meant what they said when, in the election clause, they assigned an important function to each state's 'legislature'.   This clause says: 'The times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof.'..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
A battle erupted at Mt. Carmel, about 10 miles from Waco, Texas, when Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents attacked the Branch Davidians at their church home; 4 agents and 6 Davidians were killed that day as a 51-day siege began.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Some nano-technology job projections estimate that nearly 2M workers will be needed worldwide by 2015.   The number of workers varies by country, but NNIN projections are: 80K-900K in the USA, 500K-600K in Japan, 300K-400K in Europe, 200K in Asia Pacific (excluding Japan), 100K in other regions.   The numbers are actually bigger than those in the preceding list because nano-technology will create an additional 5M jobs in support fields and industries, according to one projection...   Some studies have indicated that our economic growth is closely tied to technological advances; one study states that as much as 85% of our growth is due to technology.   A weakening science and technology work-force will weaken our economy.   As other countries are upping their contributions to the science and engineering labor pool [at USA tax-victim expense], we have to work harder to 'catch up'...   A 2006 report in NanoTechnology Law and Business reported that [after decades of the USA government lowering standards and giving out soaring numbers of student and guest-work visas] 'Now 29% of all science and engineering degree holders, and 44% of science and engineering doctorate holders, are greater than 50 years old [while US life expectancies at birth have increased to about 79 years, and from adulthood have exceeded 80 years...though, in 2022, during the Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, life expectancy at birth dropped back to 76 years]...' Richard Smalley...predicted that [if the USA government continues to undermine the education and employment opportunities for USA citizens] eventually, 90% of all PhDs in the physical sciences would be Asian, and that half of those would be working in Asia." --- Earl Boysen & Nancy Boysen 2011 _NanoTechnology for Dummies_ pg252  


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "In every human culture on the anthropological record, marriage -- whether monogamous or polygamous, permanent or temporary -- is the norm, & the family is the atom of «social» «organization». Fathers everywhere feel love for their children, & that's a lot more than you can say for chimp fathers & bonobo fathers, who don't seem to have much of a clue as to which youngsters are theirs.   This love leads fathers to help feed & defend their children, & teach them useful things.   At some point, in other words, extensive male parental investment entered our evolutionary lineage.   We are... high in MPI." --- Robert Wright 1994 _The Moral Animal_ pg 57 (referencing Murdock 1949 _Social Structure_ pp 1-3)  

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