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updated: 2018-10-31
"To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than 2 Years;" --- article 1 section 8 paragraph 12 |
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"Deep inside every man there is a hero or a knight..." --- John Gray 1992 _Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus_ pg 138 |
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2016-02-28: 327 days (46 weeks, 5 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Matt Dinger _Oklahoma City Oklahoman_
Ted Cruz rallies campaign support Sunday in Chevy Bricktown Event Center
"...'I think with Marco, it's an honest mistake. He just believes in negotiating and deal-making and he has already lost his soul. When you stand with the tea party and say, This is who I am., and then you go make a deal with Chuck Schumer, and you don't think that's a problem, that shows that you've really lost your way quickly.', Beck said... 'He (Cruz) knows where his house is built, and it's not built on sand. It's built on the rock of God and the Constitution.', he said... 'All of us are here today because America is in crisis. Because we're bankrupting our kids and grand-kids. Because our Constitutional rights are under assault each and every day and because America has receded from leadership in the world.', Cruz said. 'And yet I'm here today with a word of hope and encouragement and exhortation. All across Oklahoma, all across this country, people are waking up and there is a spirit of awakening sweeping this nation... I believe this election in 2016 is going to come down to 3 key issues: jobs, freedom and security.', Cruz said..."
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
state legislators stir to top immigrant child marriage, which is often part of a green card fraud scheme
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
national USAICE union president Chris Crane at Trump rally: it is as if the criminals wrote Marco Rubio's amnesty bill of 2013 (S744) themselves
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: this election is the citizenry's chance to put a stake through the 8 gangsters' bill of 2013 (S744)
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quezada, cursed Trump's wall, ignored gang cartels while in office
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
German parliament governing coalition is split over increased funding for wider social spending on housing and government services for "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
former prime-minister Tony Blair accused of conspiracy of silence to flood UK with 2M "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
Jude Law led celebrity visit to Calais "jungle", but after the cameras were shut off, several staffers were robbed and/or physically attacked by "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the Obummer regime's new anti-sanctuary jurisdiction assurances must be policed/over-seen/verified
"The Center's director of Policy Studies, Jessica Vaughan, has written a couple of posts lately touching on the subject of criminal alien sanctuaries and federal grant funding to state and local law enforcement agencies. They first noted that representative John Culberson (R-Texas), the chairman of the House subcommittee controlling Department of Justice (DoJ) appropriations, sent a pointed letter to the attorney-general (AG) asking how such sanctuaries could legitimately claim in their grant applications that they were in compliance with all federal laws given their refusal to honor immigration detainers or fully communicate with agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (USAICE) [explicitly required in the law]. The second observed that DoJ's response, via testimony of the AG as well as an accompanying letter from one of her assistant AGs, was heartening in that, for the first time, the administration was acknowledging its obligation to monitor grant recipients and take appropriate criminal or civil action against jurisdictions that claim to be in compliance when in fact they are not. A copy of the AAG's response letter can be seen here, and the AG's testimonial remarks were carried by several media outlets (see, e.g. here, here, and here). Representative Culberson was enthused: 'We all owe a debt of gratitude to Loretta Lynch for doing the right thing. This is a big step in the right direction.' While it is indeed a step in the right direction, ultimately the proof will only be in the pudding -- if in fact that pudding is ever baked..."
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Roger Stone: Trump movement is a repudiation of 30 years of bipartison treason, as is Ted Cruz movement, Gary Johnson movement, Darryl Perry movement, Marc Feldman movement...
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood touts 7-figure advertisement purchase for Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
e-mail messages show that Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Wendy Sherman share a big chunk of the responsibility for Obummer's rotten treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
evidence suggests that Hitlery Rotten Clinton never qualified for security clearance, did not complete required form, nor was it signed by witnesses
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
actors to wear hoplophobia bracelets at Oscars... while surrounded by massive increase in armed security, ahh, but at least they're paying some people to own and carry arms
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
John O'Sullivan _WND_
if we can't have Ted Cruz as president, Trump is better than Rubio
National Review
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Impossible Objects 3-D carbon composite printer makes parts in some ways stronger than steel (video): print, bake, sand-blast
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Tim Ball
the complicity of journals in pushing flawed UN IPCC climate propaganda
Watts Up With That
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Eric Worrall
Warren Buffet, climate, and Pascal's wager
Watts Up With That
Proposed Bills 2016
2016-02-28 (5776 Adar alef 19)
Michael Bachner _Y Net_
7-year-old Israeli boy on hike at Tel Rehov/Rechov in Bet Shean valley found 3,400-year-old Canaanite clay idol & turned it over to Israel Antiquities Authority (E of Jenin, S of Tiberias, SE of Nazareth, WSW of Irbid, E of Caesarea)
Natalia Klimczak: Ancient Origins
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, & make important choices wisely." --- Edward O. Wilson 1998 _Consilience_ pg 294 |
Monday |
Montag |
Yom Sheni |
Lunedi |
** victims of Marco Rubio spoke at Trump rally, but they should also or instead speak at Ted Cruz rallies **
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Michelle Malkin _Conservative Review_
Super Tuesday (video)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
USA citizen STEM worker & father coerced to train foreign guest-workers: it was torture
"...During his testimony, Perrero revealed that corporations use the H-1B visa program to humiliate, silence, and expel American workers all across the nation: 'The situation at Disney is not an anomaly. This same abuse is happening nationwide.'..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Sean Hannity: NYT immigration piece is "a bold-faced lie"... am "getting pissed off" at the "inauthentic Rubio"
"...Hannity began by talking about the NYT article. He stated that other talk radio hosts, such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Laura Ingraham wouldn't change their principled opinions on any issue. He further said that in 20 years at FNC he had never been told what position to take on a single issue, including immigration..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Eric Trump: my father will build the border wall so fast people's heads will spin
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Eamonn Fingleton: Donald Trump will be USA's next president; immigration and trade are key
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Ben Shapiro explains in under 6 minutes why you should not back Donald Trump so long as Ted Cruz is still in the running
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Angela Merkel doubling down on her insane immigration policies; "I have no plan B" on "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien crisis
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
public swimming pool in Switzerland limits immigrants to 3 in the pool at a time to discourage gang activities
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens rioted and used battering ram to break through fence from Greece into Macedonia
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
vatican sides with Greece, pope tells northern Europe to take in even more "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
renowned economist Hernando de Soto said that both Pope Francis and Donald Trump suffer from an excessively Eurocentric worldview: "our 2nd– and 3rd-world problems require vertical ladders from the bottom to the top"
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the dismal record of all of the candidates on foreign guest-workers
"None of the major candidates for president has a commendable record on reducing the use of temporary (indentured) foreign workers. In my view the worst of this sorry lot are the candidates who personally profited from the foreign worker program. Next are the candidates with flip-flop positions on the issue; these candidates have a proven bad record on the issue with a dab of hypocritical frosting on top. And then there is a candidate who has not made money out of the aliens, and not flip-flopped, but is wrong anyway. This is how they stack up, as I see it: Worst: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The Donald's extensive use of non-immigrant workers ['temporary' guest-workers] -- when plenty of American workers were available -- at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach was front-page news in the New York Times. One element that the Times probably noticed, but did not mention, is that an employer hiring a large number of Romanian workers, as Trump did, gets a large number of white workers; most of the resident workers in the Palm Beach area that Trump did not hire presumably were not white. An employer using the foreign worker system can discriminate in favor or a skin color without running afoul of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Considerably less well known is the fact that Hillary Clinton was paid $260K for a short speech to, of all audiences, the annual convention of the American Camp Association. The fee, according to Daily Kos, represented 10 percent of the organization's annual budget. Why did they want to hear her? These camps routinely hire some 25K J-1 workers as camp counselors. For some reason I am more appalled at Hillary's acceptance of this $260K fee than her acceptance of considerably more from Goldman Sachs. She must have known that she was charging (or at least receiving) a huge hunk of the little organization's annual income, and must have known exactly why they wanted to hear her. Less Worse: Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Senator Rubio was one of the original Gang of Eight that sought to tear apart our immigration system, from sea to shining sea. More recently, he has sponsored the I-Squared bill, another attempt to expand the pool of [cheap, young, pliant] temporary alien workers. He has changed his tune a bit recently, as he faced the voters, but not in any substantive way. Ted Cruz, during committee consideration of the Gang of Eight bill, sought to quintuple the size of the H-1B ceiling to 325K, a position so extreme that senator Chuck Schumer led the opposition to his amendment. More recently he has changed his posture both in his published immigration platform and also, more substantively, by his co-sponsorship of a potentially useful bill reining in the H-1B program -- the American Jobs First Act, S2394 -- that was written by senator Jeff Sessions. To their collective credit, neither senator made any money out of the temporary worker programs. Least Worst: Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders, as a member of the senate, voted for the Gang of Eight's bill (despite his skepticism of guest-worker programs) and has not changed his stance much, if at all, since then. So he did not see any cash, nor change his posture to please the voters, unlike the others. Calling someone the least worst is not high praise, but as a Democrat living in Virginia, I will be casting my vote for Sanders on Tuesday. [Sanders did once propose a weak reform of H-1B uest-work visas.] (Our leader, Mark Krikorian, also a Virginia resident, has written that he will vote for Ted Cruz in the Republican primary)."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
USA media ignore emotional testimony of USA citizen STEM professional abusively dumped by Disney for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled, H-1B guest-worker
London Daily Mail
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
sometimes the paranoids are correct
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Linda Schrock Taylor _WND_
Rubio & Haley: 2 of the millions we should fear: what recent 1st generation Americans lack
"Earlier FGAs attended schools and grew up in closely knit families, neighborhoods and communities where respect for this country was constantly shown and expressed: by citizens in patriotic parades, by bands playing patriotic songs, by schools conducting patriotic programs, by teachers proudly giving lessons in American history, citizen rights, societal values and American geography. Families and churches expressed the benefits and joys of living in the Land of the Free. A deep love for America was bred into the bones and ingested with every meal. The rightness of America was explained in books, sermons and discussions and was witnessed by all Americans, immigrant and native, birth through death. However, in this modern, busy, compromised America, most of our young FGAs, with Nikki Haley and Marco Rubio serving as two frightening public examples, receive only an instructional smattering of 'America is good' education [and even less 'here is why' education]. Today's schools relegate the teaching of patriotism to a few, brief, content-lite classes, when it is taught at all. Marco and Nikki believe that they know about, understand and love America, but they know and feel so little compared to what they would have learned and the respect that they would have developed had they grown up in earlier times. They are but poor imitations of true citizens of this fine nation. If Nikki and Marco actually understood and valued America, they would not make the inappropriate decisions they do; they would not cause such grievous and permanent harm to our country. Had Nikki truly understood American history, the American people and especially Southerners, she never would have impetuously ordered the removal of the Confederate flag. An older and wiser leader would have instinctively known that the empty gesture would have been misinterpreted. Governor Haley's unwise decision was used as permission to begin the negation and destruction of any part of America's past that might, justly or unjustly, be blamed for any slight -- real, false, misinterpreted, or misreported. Claimants can now object to: flags, monuments, mementos, documents, textbooks, places, graves, statues, names of buildings and even the freedom of speech. Everything can now be discounted, damaged, removed, or destroyed. Nikki Haley's shortsightedness and lack of American-ness has been devastating to the historical record and to the First Amendment... Marco Rubio's big smile might fool most people, until he childishly berates others for typos we all make; until he promises one thing in Spanish to Spanish speakers, the opposite in English to English speakers; until he lies about people before cameras, then squirms in public when confronted; until he secretly meets to plot theft of American jobs, then lies when exposed..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Mychal Massie _WND_
Marco Rubio: pimping amnesty for illegal aliens, low-standards/no-standards guest-work visas for execs who want cheap, young, pliant labor with flexible ethics
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
USA citizen STEM professionals formerly employed at Disney criticized Rubio in front of thousands at Trump rally at Madison (Huntsville) Alabama stadium (with video)
"Moore and Perrero were laid off by Disney and replaced by foreign guest workers brought into the country on the wage-depressing H-1B visa. Before they were let go, however, they were informed that they'd have to suffer the humiliation of training their lesser-skilled foreign replacements in a process known as 'knowledge transfer'. While Donald Trump has called on Disney to hire back every one of its workers and has pledged to stop H-1B American job theft as president, Marco Rubio has pushed to expand the controversial program... Disney is one of senator Rubio's top financial backers..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
_Middle Georgia CEO_
survey: executives continue to decrease expectations of effort they should invest in recruiting, training, relocation of STEM professionals; complain of costs, government fees & nearly-non-existent regulations for hiring cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled H-1B guest-workers with questionable ethics; continue to block feed-back from USA citizen STEM professionals
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
USA citizen victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens urge fellow voters to reject Rubio
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Calais "jungle" burns as police evict rioting "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien squatters
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Norway: Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens form "soldiers of Allah" in counter-counter-effort against "Soldiers of Odin" formed to patrol to discourage and defend against initiation of force by Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens
2016-02-19: Soldiers of Odin patrol streets of Finland to deter crime by "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
of 478 "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens admitted into USA since 2015-12-02 Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino, 3 are Christians
"...1 'Syrian' 'refugee' identified as a 'Christian', 1 identified as a 'Greek Orthodox', and 1 identified as 'Orthodox'. Another 461 'Syrian' 'refugees' admitted in that time-frame were 'Moslem Suni', 3 were 'Moslem Shiite', 10 were 'Moslem', and 1 identified as 'other religion'. The [Obummer regime] has said it wants to 'resettle' at least 10K Syrian refugees in the USA this fiscal year, despite the national security concerns..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
immigration watch-dog ALIPAC: "establishment" ghosts haunt Ted Cruz
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Mexico on high alert again after another truck loaded with radioactive material was stolen: rod of Iridium-192
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
term limits for the judiciary
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
primary math and the map
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Sarah van der Schaaff _Jewish World Review_
hidden heart defects can be deadly even for active young people
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Heather Hale _Jewish World Review_
in defense of selfish parents
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Joe Yonan _Jewish World Review_
Guru Inc.: India's "holy men" continue to engage in big business
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Amy L. Cavendish _Chronicle of Higher Education_
data visualization with Knoema
Watts Up With That
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Greg Keizer _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Apple has spelled out what they would have to do to comply with the court order to create a way for the government to hack iPhones... and it is a lot less and a lot scarier than we'd been led to believe
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Peter Sayer _"IT" News_/_IDG_
EU and cabal of privacy violating firms netotiating over which means and varieties of international violations of your personal private info to encourage (and, yes, some of the same firms which engage in massive egregious cross-bordery bodyshopping are involved)
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Steve McCann _American Thinker_
closet statist vs. Constitutional non-letist
"...Statism is the belief that the state should either control outright or determine the course of economic and social policy for a nation. Socialism and fascism are variants of statism. Some notable examples of American presidents that were proponents of this philosophy are Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and [Barack Hussein Obummer]. In this election cycle both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are openly statist... In today's USA the power of the presidency has expanded by geometric proportions. Anyone that assumes the office has the IRS, the EPA, the Justice Department, Homeland Security and NSA, among other agencies at his or her disposal, to intimidate and control the citizenry. The USA already has fallen to a ranking of a dismal 31st among all the nations of the world in personal freedom... Ted Cruz by temperament, experience and accomplishments is well qualified to be the next president. This nation is at the point of no return and in order to avoid the abyss over the horizon it must reverse course by returning to the basis of its founding: individual liberty, opportunity and limited government as expounded in the Constitution. Ted Cruz, as Rush Limbaugh has pointed out, is the closest candidate to Ronald Reagan we will see in our lifetime and in my opinion the best candidate to oversee this course correction. Unlike previous election cycles the American people do not have to settle for the least of two evils in choosing a Republican nominee..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz vies for a Super Tuesday victory
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
reform congress with 2 votes: Gerritson in Alabama and Ramsland in Texas
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
bishop E.W. Jackson urges "blacks" to oppose anti-Christian Dem/leftist/Red party
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: vote for the least leftist candidate because that is what the USA needs to recover from over a century of leftward shift
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: this is a 2-man primary contest
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz released TV ad with Texas governor Greg Abbott
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Clarence Thomas has broken silence, asked first question in last 10 years during oral arguments in "Voisine v United States"
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
Red China has devalued the yuan as stock prices fall, capital flight accelerates
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
things Mark Zuckerberg won't be telling FB employees about racist "Black Lives Matter" gang
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
reduction in excessiveness of gasoline prices are a trickle-down tax cut of $1,500 per household per year
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Alveda King to lead pro-life campaign "Civil Rights For the UnBorn"
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Lee Edwards & Elizabeth Edwards Spalding _Breitbart_
how Ronald Reagan led us to win the Cold War
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Moscow: woman from Uzbekistan waved severed child's head screaming that she is a terrorist and "aloha snack-bar"
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Nigel Farage member of European parliament _Breitbart_
some of the political maneuvering surrounding the vote for the UK to leave the EU
wikipedia entry because he made obscure reference to the Anti-Corn Law League
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Patty Ann Malley _WND_
nun with a gun
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Brent Smith _WND_
history supports political involvement of men of faith
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch _WND_
why religious liberty is key to prosperity
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Patrick J. Buchanan _WND_
reardless of nomineee, trump surge marks the death rattle of the RINO "elite"/"establishment"
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
end favoritism for abortionists
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Warner Todd Huston _WND_
Chicago: 100th homicide since beginning of year was committed Friday
"...The last time Chicago experienced 100 homicides during the first 2 months of the year was 1997, a year that ended with 761 homicides... The last day Chicago saw without a homicide was 2015 January 28. Since that day there have been 556 citizens killed and an astonishing 2,769 wounded..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Galen Gruman _"IT" News_/_IDG_
federal judge in Brooklyn, NY, James Orenstein, ruled that government cannot force Apple to un-lock iPhones in the way demanded by FBI; would lead to absurd legal results
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Navy SEAL Edward Byers received medal of honor for shielding USA doctor from enemy fire during 2012 operation rescuing him from Afghan taliban
"...Byers praised his teammate, Chief Petty Officer Nicolas Checque, who was fatally hit by Taliban fire during the rescue mission..."
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Mark Levin on main-stream media: I don't need any middlemen
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Bob Tisdale
climate models are not simulating earth's climate (part 3)
Watts Up With That
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Anthony Watts
USA legislators expand investigation of NOAA/NCEI report that denies the pause in global warming
Watts Up With That
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Jim Steele
the Kevin Trenberth effect: pulling science back to the Dark Ages -- part 1 the big snow job
Watts Up With That
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Anthony Watts
NSF: another negative climate feed-back found, this time in grass-lands
Watts Up With That
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
we name the guilty global warming pause deniers: not only for the sake of sweet vengeance, but also for the greater cause of scientific honesty and journalistic integrity
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Larry Kummer
Milton Friedman's advice about climate models, & how to win the policy debate
Watts Up With That
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Proposed Bills 2016
2016-02-29 (5776 Adar alef 20)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
the "battle" for the eastern pan-handle (tea-pot spout) of West Virginia
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"It is in this way that the Cause of Causes gave rise to the 10 Sephiroth. The Crown is the source from which streams forth an infinite light: hence the name En Soph (aleph yod noun samehk vau phe = אינ סוף ain sof) = infinite, by which the highest cause is designated: for it then had neither form nor shape, & there is neither any means whereby to comprehend it, nor a way by which to know it... He then made a vessel, as small as a point, like the letter yod (י), which is filled from this source (i.e. the En Soph). This is the source of wisdom, wisdom itself (chet kaph mem heh [Chakmah]), after which the Supreme Cause is called 'wise God'." --- Christian D. Ginsburg 1865-07-07 _The Kabbalah_ pg13 |
2016 February, week 1 (February 01 - February 06)
2016 February, week 2 (February 07 - February 13)
2016 February, week 3 (February 14 - February 20)
2016 February, week 4 (February 21 - February 27)
2016 February, week 5 (February 28 - February 29)
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population
"Luke (6:13 & 10:1) tells that Jesus appointed 82 followers in all: 70 he sent out to preach & 12 were designated his immediate circle, his Apostles. It is no secret to Bible readers that the Apostles were armed, even though Sunday school tradition would have it otherwise. Indeed, Jesus made sure of their martial ability at the very start of his campaign, saying, 'He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, & buy one' (Luke 22:36)" --- Laurence Gardner 2000 _BloodLine of the Holy Grail_ pg 34 |
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