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updated: 2023-03-24
"No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken." --- article 1 section 9 paragraph 4 |
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"We have legitimate, idiosyncratic reasons for continuing our linguistic habit of identifying 'individuals' with bodies, & for granting a primacy to bodies among the objects of nature. I can't, for example, imagine any acceptable politics that does not focus upon the primacy of individual bodies -- & we weep for the inhumanity of those that did not, but flourished for a time none the less. Nature, however, acknowledges many kinds of individuals, both great & small." --- Stephen Jay Gould 1983 _Hen's Teeth & Horse's Toes_ pg 176 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
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2016-04-10: 285 days (40 weeks, 5 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
open USA borders are killing USA citizens: bloodshed, destruction at hands of illegal aliens
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
one-third of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens in Vienna are criminals
Kronen Zeitung
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
secret scheme to fly 250K "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens per year into EU from Turkey; Eastern European governments oppose excessive in-flux
Die Welt am Sonntag
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
UK "Equalities and Human Rights Commission" head Trevor Phillips has admitted that he was wrong, Muslims won't assimilate/integrate to UK laws and mores
Raheem Kassam: Trevor Phillips says, "I should have known better"
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
UK: Muslim, Luton Borough Council member from Labour Party suspended over claims she called Adolf Hitler "greatest man in history", twitted anti-Semitic messages
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Australia: teen Muslim convict beat up 40-year-old army veteran cell-mate, scalded him with water, carved ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate motto into his fore-head; prison officials plan investigation of their own procedures
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
soldiers fighting evil, corruption, yetzer ha raa
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Gina Loudon _WND_
Donald Trump is not Ronald Reagan; he's Teddy Roosevelt
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Chuck Norris _WND_
** Thomas Jefferson's 4 birth-day wishes **
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate used mustard gas in attack on Syria's Deir al-Zor/Dayr az Zawr air-base along the Euphrates (EESE of Lattakia)
News Max
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Peter Stone _Manchester Guardian_
Ted Cruz woos Republican Jewish Coalition
Right Scoop
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Eric Worrall
eco-system trans-location: the latest climate hysterics' engineering brain-storm
Watts Up With That
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
David R. Legates
deep-sixing another climate myth
Watts Up With That
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Eric Worrall
retired magistrate-judge Thomas Coffin of the Eugene division of the Oregon district of the federal 9th circus, in one of his last cases, decreed that children and climate hysteric propagandists can bring suit over possible future CO2 harm, to force USA and foreign governments to initiate force with the intent of reducing CO2
Watts Up With That
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Proposed Bills 2016
2016-04-10 (5776 Nisan 02)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
in the news 100 years ago today: general Lee's testimony to the re-construction committee
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"Time, which measures everything in our idea, & is often deficient to our schemes, is to nature endless & as nothing." --- James Hutton (quoted in Stephen Jay Gould 1983 _Hen's Teeth & Horse's Toes_ pg 86) |
Monday |
Montag |
Yom Sheni |
Lunedi |
2016-04-11: 284 days (40 weeks, 4 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Sonia Sotomayor's perversion of vocabulary for political purposes (part 1 of 2)
"In 2009, when...Sonia Sotomayor wrote her first opinion as a member of the high court, she used the term 'undocumented immigrant' to refer to persons who are in the USA illegally. It is believed to have been the first such usage in the history of the court, where the term 'illegal immigrant' had previously been used. In an interview for last week's [National Socialist Radio] program 'Latino USA'... Sotomayor explained her decision. She told host Maria Hinojosa: 'Illegal immigrant has a sense, I think, in people's minds, that immigrants are all criminals and criminals in a negative sense of drug addicts, thieves, and murderers [and burglars and con artists and barbarian invaders and visa over-stayers]. And I felt that it was time to change the conversation from the public perception of undocumented aliens as being that kind of criminal. When you litter, you break the law, when you cross the street on a red light, you break the law. When you get a speeding ticket, you break the law. There are countless ways in which people break the law and there are gradations of how serious those violations are. I thought that it was time to be talking about what kind of violation it was.' [Sonia Sotomayor's] comments show how connotations of words and ethnic sensibilities play a role in our fraught national immigration debate. Claiming that illegal immigrant carries harsh connotations of extreme criminality, she is responding, I think, to the fact that for many Latinos, the term a very personal issue because it refers to a population that is so large and so predominantly Latino. America's Voice, the organization of immigration activists, reported in 2013 that a poll it had commissioned along with the 'National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials' showed that among 'undocumented immigrants... 85% have USA citizen family members'. We have a case of human nature in competition with linguistic precision. Nobody likes to think of an aunt or cousin or other relative as a criminal. So there is a natural tendency to look for a term that identifies them as compassionately as possible. Euphemism is a means of softening the edges of unpleasant [reality]. The problem, of course, is that what one side of the debate sees as a gesture of kindness and compassion seems to the other side to be a tactic of distortion and evasion. One is advancing inclusiveness. The other insists on identifying the illegality they find so harmful..."
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration bonds: economic circumstances, paying for what you get, public safety, and flight
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Brandon Darby & Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
National Border Patrol Council demands free, fair, open, honest elections -- primaries and general
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Virginia Hale _Breitbart_
twisted: 90% of 17-18-year-old Muslim students in Molenbeek & Schaerbeek tell teachers they think terrorist murderers are heroes
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Virginia Hale _Breitbart_
Die Welt: Berlin's under-world lost to Arab clan-based gangs recruiting physically strong young "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens
Die Welt
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
like 1984 in Sweden: "Social Democrat" politician admits bussing "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens to schools to "guilt" students away from respect for immigration laws, secure borders, standards for visa applicants
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien from Romania yelled "sex!" while attempting to rape Suffolk woman
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
elderly woman was among 5 murdered in civil among Los Zetas gangs
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Gulf Cartel gangsters used heavy equipment to remove police camera network near border as competition between government and gang surveillance networks escalates
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Oliver J.J. Lane & Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens rioted in Macedonia, police deployed tear-gas to fend off invasion from Greece
"...Now the Greek minister for citizen protection, Nikos Toskas, has warned the body of angry migrants apparently willing to go to any length to force their way into Europe will likely [become Muslim terrorists]..."
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
anti-Semitic incidents increased 82% in Austria from 2014 to 2015; if the proportion of Muslims in Austria continues to rise due to "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens it will become more dangerous
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Paul Nuttall member of European parliament _Breitbart_
there is no avoiding the conflict caused by refusal of Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens to integrate/assimilate with Western legal and general ethical standards
"...'The data collected by the respected research firm ICM shows what the polling experts call a chasm opening between Muslims and non-Muslims on such fundamentals as marriage, relations between men and women, schooling, freedom of expression and even the validity of violence in defence of religion...'..."
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
DHS has low expectations for itself: turn back 81% of those *detected* illegally crossing border -- between ports -- into USA, let 19% of those detected loose inside USA... along with the 60%-80% of all invaders who go undetected
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Jose R. Gonzalez _Cybercast News Service_
Dave Brat: "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens have not passed proper background investigations
"...CNSNews has reported that of the 1,075 Syrian refugees admitted to the USA since the Paris terror attack last November, 1,070 are Muslims and just 4 are Christians. Last summer, Brat, a first-term congressman who beat former House Republican majority-leader Eric Cantor in the GOP's 2014 primary, co-sponsored the 'Resettlement Accountability National Security Act of 2015'. That bill, introduced by representative Brian Babin (R-TX), called for a moratorium on admitting refugees pending a Government Accountability Office [GAO] report to congress on how many refugees already in the country are receiving welfare benefits... Following the Paris terror attacks last November, representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) introduced the 'American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015'. The bill, which passed in the House but was voted down in the senate, required that the FBI, Dept. of Homeland Security [DHS] and the director of National Intelligence [DNI] would have to [merely] declare that each potential entrant was not a security threat before they would be admitted to the USA [but even such a token gesture was defeated in the supposedly Republican-majority senate as too stringent]..."
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Kansas to Sedgwick county: don't ask socialist illfare applicants whether they are citizens, legal residents, or illegal aliens
The citizens of Kansas should cancel the contracts and pensions of the bureaubums in the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Joseph Farah _WND_
all-out-war against individual rights would continue under a president Clinton or Sanders
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
"bowing" to Baal is idolatry & blasphemy: Institute for Digital Archaeology's temples honoring false god in New York, London
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Jerome R. Corsi _WND_
Eagle Forum holding board meeting this afternoon as some object to founder, CEO, and chairman Phyllis Schlafly's support for Donald Trump
"...Along with her support of Trump, her six opponents on the board have cited her opposition to the so-called 'Con-Con Movement', a push to get 34 states to vote for an Article 5 constitutional convention with the aim of adding a balanced budget amendment to the USA Constitution..."
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Peter Wayner _"IT" News_/_IDG_
** flame-wars in the bug-tracking feed-back system might be exactly what your software products need **
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Jen A. Miller _"IT" News_/_IDG_
are B-school bozos willfully deaf, dumb, & blind to privacy, security, and individual rights of others?
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Sarah K. White _"IT" News_/_IDG_
biggest misconceptions about hiring "data scientists"
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
_KGO abc San Francisco CA_/_AP_
cousin William and his wife Kate tour India, met with cross-border bodyshoppers in Mumbai/Bombay, to meet with prime-minister Narendra Modi tomorrow
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Sergio Quintana _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
Esteban Nunez, son of former state speaker Fabian Nunez, released from prison after serving only 40% of sentence for manslaughter for gang-stabbing murder of Luis Santos in 2008
Christopher Goffard: Los Angeles CA Times
Kyung Lah & Jason Kravarik: CNN
Christine Pelisek: LA Weekly
Denny Walsh: Sacramento CA Bee
Hannah Parry: London Daily Mail
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Jillian Berman _MarketWatch_
why big state university student-bodies are more predominantly from families in the top 40% of incomes
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
Obummer could attempt phony "recess appointment" as he did with NLRB appointments, but McConnell has the means to prevent that in the 284 days (40 weeks, 4 days) or less that remains in Obummer's term
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
media's pro-Trans-Pacific Partnership/anti-honest trade op-eds are nearly identical to drafts from foreign government lobbyists
"...Fang reports, 'Much of the language in Sanders' op-ed also appears in a San Diego Draft op-ed distributed by Southwest Strategies, a consulting firm paid by the Japanese government to promote the TPP.'... Sanders is now president and CEO of the San Diego Regional Chamber of [Crony Socialists]..."
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
EU conspirators rush Trans-Atlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TATIP) as hope blossoms that such crooked deals are becoming a bad memory
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Matt Palumbo: Cleveland police forced to give up leave to baby-sit George Soros's professional rioters during GOP convention
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Sebastian Gorka: we will lose this winnable war against Muslim initiators of force if we refuse to talk about them as they are
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked _Breitbart_
1 Beirut airport employees arrested in connection with terrorism
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
taliban claims they targeted the haughty John Kerry with rockets at Kabul
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Argentina's Iran-friendly former president may be indicted for money laundering
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Owen Bennett-Jones _Breitbart_
Christian militia formed in Iraq after having been attacked, is combatting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: embracing sin and leftist political correctness is not progress
Mark Judge: Springsteen refusing business with North Carolina is similar to bakers refusing gay "wedding" clients based on deeply held religious convictions
Ryan T. Anderson: leftists' perverted, reality-denying standards on bath-rooms, boycotts, and opposition to the free and peaceful exercise of religion
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
_Conservative HQ_
yes, an out-of-touch, oath-breaking power-mad president Hitlery Rotten Clinton would try to take your arms
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Bob Tisdale
headlines: what climate hysterics write versus what the rest of us see
Watts Up With That
"...What did I see? Less than 1% of forecast USA [over-population in over-populated, over-crowded coastal h377-holes] by 2100 might be, or might no be, displaced by projected sea level rise of 3 feet that might, or might not [probably won't] happen..."
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Anthony Watts
NSIDC: more satellite problems with Arctic sea ice measurement
Watts Up With That
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
UK's watermelon-/EU-mandated artificially high energy prices really are destroying UK steel industry
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Anthony Watts
NASA Goddard: black hole with mass of 17G suns discovered... so THAT is where they've been sending all the STEM professionals' resumes!
Watts Up With That
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Anthony Watts
NOAA/NWS to stop "yelling" (in all caps) at readers of their forecasts
Watts Up With That
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Eric Worrall
has UK steel blood-bath ended union support for draconian climate dictates?
Watts Up With That
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Anthony Watts
Hadley climate data has been "corrected" thanks to alert climate skeptic
Watts Up With That
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
World Bank announced scheme to impose climate penalties on those who don't buy into hysteria... another reason to terminate the power-mad whack-job Keynesian World Bank and IMF
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Hans von Spakovsky _Cybercast News Service_
the left's hate-filled power-mad climate inquisitors have taken aim at CEI
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
Proposed Bills 2016
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
_Popular Archaeology_
ancient inscriptions testify to widespread literacy in Judah/Yahudah/Judea by 600BCE
2016-04-11 (5776 Nisan 03)
_Popular Archaeology_
a crucified king of Jews found in Jerusalem tomb?
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"[E]very man of spirit wants to ride a white horse." --- William Strunk & E.B. White 1979 _The Elements of Style_ pg 83 |
Tuesday |
Dienstag |
Yom Shlishi |
Martedi |
2016-04-12: 283 days (40 weeks, 3 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
where are the "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens now?
"...While the agency says 1.82M people made illegal border crossings last year -- a 6-fold increase over 2014 -- that's only the number they were able to count. Frontex said it has no idea how many actual illegal crossings there have been. Furthermore it has been unable to trace their movements since they arrived and has no way of tracking them..."
UK Daily Mail: excessive immigration is allowing terrorists to pour into and throughout Europe; no proper thorough background investigations
Stand with US: Islamic front groups
Andrew C. McCarthy: Imprimis: Islam: facts or dreams
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
Discover the Networks: al-Qaeda
Discover the Networks: al-Fatah/Fatah
Discover the Networks: PFLP & PLO
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Sonia Sotomayor's perversion of vocabulary for political purposes (part 2 of 2): showing why generous non-leftists repeatedly let the left get away with it
"...Our language has produced the words litterer, litterbug, and jaywalker to describe those who commit the offenses she describes. We have not come up with a single word that in a straightforward, non-prejudicial way describes those who enter the USA without following the rules with which our country seeks to control its border and regulate the flow of outsiders into our nation. Wet-back is now...condemned as a slur [by leftist media], even though it wasn't regarded that way for decades in Mexican and USA borderlands. When I was a reporter in Mexico, I often heard that someone who had gone to the USA 'se fue de mojado' -- went as a wet-back. The term 'illegals", now scorned in [impolite, illiberal, leftist USA] circles, continues in wide circulation south of the border..."
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
why did Ted Cruz endorse Utah's pro-amnesty for illegal aliens, sanctuary state governor, Gary Herbert, for re-election?
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
federal, Ohio, Montgomery county officials re-unite illegal alien family... in jail for smuggling meth-amphetamine
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
3 illegal aliens charged with rapes in Indiana
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Greek government tries to coax "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens into shelters/centers as tourist season begins
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
treaty trader (E-1) and treaty investor (E-2) visas
"...the Treaty Trader (E-1) and Treaty Investor (E-2) program...provided non-immigrant visas for more than 42K aliens in 2013, the last year for which we have statistics... The only management of the program comes through the visa renewal process. Every 2 years the visas have to be renewed, but as long as the State Department regards the business as 'substantial' there is no limit on the number of renewals. There are three obvious areas of concern with these E visas: 1) there is absolutely no oversight of the aliens involved within the United States; 2) there is no numerical ceiling on the number of visas that can be granted; and 3) there is no floor on the appropriate amount of money to be invested. In contrast, the fraud-bedeviled EB-5 program looks almost responsible in comparison..."
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Morgan Watkins _Gainesville FL Sun_
chair of U of FL religion department and director of "Program for Immigration, Religion, and Social Change (PIRSC)" pled "nolo contendere", sentenced to 5 years probation + at least 30 months counseling on video-peeping-tom charges
Florida Sun Sentinel
Sarasota FL Herald Tribune/AP
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
_U of Pennsylvania Wharton B-School_
what & how lay-offs/ down-sizings/ RIFs cost companies
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
a battle to save the Princeton battle-field
"...On 1777 Jan. 2, British general Charles Cornwallis [Washington's distant cousin] began marching 5,500 troops from Princeton to attack Washington's slightly outnumbered forces at Trenton. Washington, leaving a few hundred soldiers to tend fires that tricked Cornwallis into thinking the patriot army was encamped, made a stealthy 14-mile night march to attack 3 British regiments remaining at Princeton. They collided on this field... In today's academia there are many 'scholars' against scholarship, including historians hostile to history -- post-modernists who think the past is merely a «social construct» reflecting the present's preoccupations, or power structures, or something. They partake of academia's preference for a multi-cultural future of diluted, if not extinguished, nationhood, and they dislike commemorating history made by white men with guns. The IAS engaged a historian who wrote a report clotted with today's impenetrable academic patois. He says we should not «fetishize space», and he drapes disparaging quotation marks around the words «hallowed ground»..."
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
mad vs. crazy: Obummer's unratified treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
landlords against criminals vs. the racist Barack Hussein Obummer regime (HUD's Julian Castro in particular)
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Mark Goldblatt _Jewish World Review_
statistics vs. race hustlers
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Ed O'Keefe _Jewish World Review_
Trump is ahead, but Cruz keeps winning the trickier delegate contests
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
most calls for unity in the USA are either dishonest or naive
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
1,301,239 homeless students in USA public schools in academic year 2013-2014, up 38% since AY2009-2010
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
** leftists attacking USA constitution, USA, and all of our founders **
Jewish World Review
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
_Conservative HQ_
unity restored at Eagle Forum
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
_Conservative HQ_
Andrew C. McCarthy's Kansas case study shows that violence-advocating & violence-initiating Muslims are the problem, not so-called "Islamophobia"
Muslims try to have "Islam Bloody Islam" bill-boards taken down
"...Worked with the government to do what? End constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and prohibit telling the truth about Islam and Muslim culture is what it sounds like to us. Consider that in the aftermath of the Garland, Texas Islamist terrorist attack, and a subsequent 'fatwa' or Muslim religious order pronouncing a death sentence against Pamela Geller, an organizer of the Garland cartoon event, [USA's] major media spent weeks trying to establish moral equivalence between telling the truth about Islam, and its political ideology Islamism, and so-called 'hate speech'. 'Hate speech' is an extra-constitutional term that has been invented by the Left to silence anyone who defends Western Judeo-Christian values and culture. Our friend Diana West calls this 'The Islamization of the Mind', and she's right; it is here and it is spreading through the self-imposed Sharia compliance of the establishment media. West says this is a low-ebb marker reflecting the extent to which their fellow-citizens in media and politics prefer to embrace 'dhimmitude' (non-Muslim [subservience to Muslims and] compliance with Sharia) rather than support the defenders of their own God-given liberties..."
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Ken Blackwell & Thomas F. Farr _Cybercast News Service_
designation of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate as genocidal is a call to solidarity among Christians
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
James P. Pinkerton _Breitbart_
under the Obummer regime, there will be no victory over ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate through air power
"most of them were killed. And we can immediately observe that, over the last few years, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has engaged in a lot of outdoor activity; in its own showy fashion, it has murdered hundreds, if not thousands, of people -- including [USA citizens]. Yes, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, being the media whore that it is, has typically chosen to commit its murders in fetishistic mass-ceremonies, recorded in broad daylight, so that the whole world can see. It has also defiantly bulldozed or otherwise demolished priceless monuments and archaeological artifacts. By definition, that too, is visible outdoor work. Which is to say, if the USA had really wanted to, it could have been observing, and interdicting, every ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate action, using drones and other aircraft. More specifically, and desirably, [the USA] could have annihilated ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate fighters wherever and whenever they appeared. Yes, if the [Obummer regime] had cared, we could have filled the skies over Syria with drones, ready to fire off a rocket or cruise missile every time an ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate member made a move. Drones are, after all, cheap: In the USA today, we have millions of them. In 2015 alone, hobbyists bought 700K drones. And so, if ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has about 30K members, well, it would have been easy for America to put forth a new military doctrine: For each and every ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate fighter, one watchful drone, one shot -- and one kill [or even 3 or 4 surveillance drones and 1 armed for every ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate adherent]..."
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Rex Crum _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Symantec: 500M IDs stolen/hacked in 2015
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Burgess Everett _Politico_
grass-roots non-leftists back challengers to unseat RINO & leftist incumbents; corrupt incumbents irked
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
students around the country have signed an open letter calling on the USA House & senate not to increase the budget of Dept. of Educationism, Office for Civil Rights, that has been at the forefront of efforts to promote censorship, speech codes, and the whittling down of due process
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
lower-income whites, blacks, Asians, & Hispanics/Latinos unite in defense against racist violence, robberies, vandalism encouraged by the corrupt Obummer regime
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
lawyer notes that new insanely hoplophobic U of GA decree in violation of right to own and carry arms bans straws, potato-cannon, BB-guns, rubber-band sling-shots, paring- & steak-knives, sticks
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Ali Meyer _Washington DC Free Beacon_
federal government collected record $1.48T in first half of FY2016, still ran $461G deficit
Mary Louise Hoffman: ExecutiveGov
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Barack Hussein Obummer opposing freedom & justice
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
congress prepares to sneak through massive bail-out of over-spending Puerto Rico government as PR governor suspends debt payments
Alex Swoyer: RINO losership tells representatives to remain silent
"...told members of the Natural Resources committee 'to remain silent, refrain from asking for a recorded vote, or leave the room when the time came for a vote regarding the upcoming Puerto Rico debt restructuring bill' during a meeting held last night... 'To be asked to walk away—to be told to miss a vote—is a request that flies in the face of every member's conscience...'..."
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Eric Worrall
EU watermelon: people should not be allowed to directly vote on some issues (like violating people's rights as the watermelons have been doing?)
Watts Up With That
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Eric Worrall
blind flying-pig test from climate model asserts islands will lack precipitation... while being submerged by sea level rise
Watts Up With That
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Kim Holmes _Cybercast News Service_
leftist attorneys-general are waging war against the USA constitution & natural rights
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Anthony Watts
repeatedly refuted, John Cook is cooking up more consensus claims
Watts Up With That
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
James Wanliss
environmentalists are going nuts over Pluto
Watts Up With That
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Eric Worrall
watermelons in growing panic as Brazil sets aside their schemes to cope with more pressing problems
Watts Up With That
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Eric Worrall
Stephen Hawking backs $100M Russian effort to build relativistic space probe: aiming for 0.2*c
Watts Up With That
Malcolm Ritter: San Jose CA Mercury News/AP
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
Proposed Bills 2016
2016-04-12 (5776 Nisan 04)
_Popular Archaeology_
more on widespread literacy in Judah/Yahudah/Judea by 600BCE
"...'...in a kingdom of some 100K people, at least several numdred were literate. Following the fall of Judah, there was a large gap in production of hebrew inscriptions until the second century BCE, the next period [for which we have discovered] evidence for widespread literacy. This reduces the odds for a compilation of substantial Biblical literature in Jerusalem between c. 586BCE and 200BCE."
ancient inscriptions testify to widespread literacy in Judah/Yahudah/Judea by 600BCE
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"If a person doesn't recognize [his] own worth --- how can [he] ever appreciate the worth of others?" --- Rebbe Yaakov Yosef of Polnoye (source: Jewish World Review) |
Wednesday |
Mittwoch |
Yom Rebiai |
Mercoledi |
2016-04-13: 282 days (40 weeks, 2 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
USA citizen workers matter; a Chicago wake... and wake-up call, part memorial and part protest
Cybercast News Service
"If you are a so-called American 'STEM worker' in science, technology, engineering or math, if you have college-age children studying in the STEM fields, or if you have younger children who aspire to work in STEM industries and you are concerned for their future, you should do everything you can to join us. April 22 is the last day of work for nearly 200 American workers at Abbott Laboratories, the pharmaceutical giant founded by Chicago doctor Wallace C. Abbott in 1888. The company sacked some of its most high-skilled workers in February to make way for H-1B and L-1 visa replacements from Indian off-shore out-sourcing [off-shoring and cross-border bodyshopping] firm Wipro. One Abbott worker, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, told me: 'We were given an agreement which basically says that in order to get compensation you must sign away your rights to sue or disparage the company. I have 3 small children and a wife to provide for -- I have nowhere to go because of the H1-B visa loop-holes' that 'every major company' is [abusing]. Intimidation. Lay-offs. 'Dig your own grave' severance agreements contingent on training foreign replacements before getting the boot on 60 days' notice. Promises from Washington to 'end H-1B abuse' that is entirely legal because it was baked into the gargantuan immigration law cake crafted by self-serving lobbyists for Big Business [executives, board members] working on both sides of the political aisle. Sara Blackwell, a Florida lawyer and mom of three, knows this pattern well. She's representing American tech workers at Disney who suffered the same fate and are fighting back with a law-suit against the entertainment conglomerate and its Indian off-shore out-sourcing conspirators, HCL and Cognizant. It was Blackwell's brilliant idea to hold a memorial for the terminated Abbott workers..."
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
another libertarian moment
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
technology vs. Border Patrol
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Doug Collins (R-GA): speeding up "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien screening is a grave threat to our national and personal security
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Laura Ingraham
Charlie le Duff: RINO "elite" saying "die, whitey. die"
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
17 illegal aliens rescued off California coast (video)
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
UK: 18-year-old charges she was repeatedly raped by 2 Middle Eastern "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens in Kent
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Frank J. Gaffney: Obummer, Bono, Zuckerberg are truly blind to ethics and the nature of those who have declared war against Western Civilization
"...'A Marshall Plan for what?', Gaffney asked. 'Are we talking about essentially enabling Europe to be repopulated by non-Europeans, who will transform it from a part of the free world, Western civilization, into something that is almost certainly hostile to the free world?' Gaffney doubted Bono, or most current Western leaders, understood the Islamist theory of 'civilizational jihad', which calls for the transformation of 'soft' Western states into Islamic states through mass migration and the subversion of institutions such as the court system... One aspect of civilizational jihad involves using more respectable organizations to establish networks of support for violent extremists. 'The network that these jihadis have been able to use -- in Europe most especially, but also here -- to wield their violent kind of jihad is one that's been put into place by the Muslim Brotherhood.', Gaffney charged. 'That's in mosques; that's in Islamic societies and [Islamic] cultural centers, front groups of various kinds, influence operations. Those are the things I think we've got to attend to before we start throwing money at Europe.' Gaffney compared Bono, a man of the Left, to the 'useful idiots' of the Cold War -- those whose ideology made them unwittingly useful to the cause of global totalitarian communism..."
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Sebastian Gorka: "lone wolf", "violent extremism" are intentionally vague terms designed to keep the citizenry ignorant about Muslim terrorism
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
European Council president Donald Tusk: "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien crisis is never-ending; there is no ideal solution
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Obummer SEC filed suit against Texas attorney-general just days before oral arguments in United States v. Texas as part of challenge to Obummer's blatantly unconstitutional and illegal amnesties of illegal aliens
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
campaign lies
"...Apparently it all depends on whose ox is gored — and who yells the loudest, with the most irresponsible charges. It also depends on how conscientious the media are and how gullible the voters are... Some years ago, I was shocked when my research turned up the fact that young male physicians earned substantially more than young female physicians. But, when my research also turned up the fact that young male physicians work hundreds of hours more per year than young female physicians, it was not shocking any more. Other researchers, many of them female, have found the same pattern in other fields where there are income differences between the sexes. Women work fewer hours annually than men, and do not work full-time and continuously over the years as often as men do. Among college graduates, women receive more than three-quarters of the degrees in education, while men receive more than three-quarters of the degrees in engineering. When engineers are paid more than teachers -- partly because engineers work year round, while teachers work 9 months -- do not be surprised by sex differences in earnings among college graduates. None of this is news for people who have checked out the facts. Researchers -- including female researchers -- have repeatedly turned up such facts for decades. But the politicians, and much of the media, prefer a moral melodrama, starring themselves on the side of the angels against the forces of evil. That wins votes, helps TV ratings and lets lots of people feel good about themselves. But this also requires a gullible public..."
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Tara Bahrampour _Jewish World Review_
how much did USA media report as holocaust unfolded? how prominently did they report it? how aware were USA Jews? how aware were the USA citizenry at large?
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Joe Scarborough _Jewish World Review_
don't cry for us, we aren't Argentina: despite some leftists', RINOs', and true blue Republicans' fears about Donald Trump, the sky is not about to fall on the USA... at least not from that quarter
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Megan McArdle _Jewish World Review_
motivations for creation of tax loop-holes (deductions, credits) are good, evil, and misguided
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
repeat offender Clintons admit no evil; feel entitled to immunity
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Karin Brulliard _Jewish World Review_
analysis and modeling of whale anatomy suggests Moby Dick could have sunk the Pequod by ramming, and survive
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Megan Shauri _Jewish World Review_
5 millennial parenting mistakes
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
R' Yonason Goldson _Jewish World Review_
pride, prejudice, reasonable argumentation, and remaining open to evidence
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Jose R. Gonzalez _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: force-initiating Hamas & Fatah are not equals to defensive Israel
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
admonitions from George Washington
"...Pay down the federal debt. Obey the constitutional limits on the federal government and each of its branches. Defend the moral and religious tradition that made this nation free in the first place. Be an educated and well-informed people. These principles were on target more than two centuries ago. They remain on target today."
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime considering release of documents related to possible direct or indirect connections between Saudi Arabian government and the Muslim terrorists who attacked USA on 2001-09-11
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Paul Ryan's & Mitch McConnell's "budget" makes a major contribution to the popularity of Donald Trump
"Establishment Republicans [a.k.a. the RINO losership], increasingly desperate to de-rail Trump's candidacy, seem completely unable to understand how they have made Trump's rise possible. To simplify it for speaker Ryan (and Mitch McConnell and all the lobbyists on DC's K Street) Trump is winning because he's running against you, not [only] Hillary Clinton; he's running against your failure to put so much as speed bump in the road of [Barack Hussein Obummer's] fundamental transformation [i.e. destruction] of [the USA]... According to the Heritage Foundation's analysis the House Budget committee now proposes to hike spending by $30G above the level established by the Budget Control Act and $57G above last year's budget [rather than $1.2T below last year's spending levels as it should be]. Last year's budget you may recall was so bad that it sparked the conservative rebellion that led to then-Speaker John Boehner's eventual resignation. And grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives are already outraged at this year's spending plans..."
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
"...Watch-dog group HonestReporting.com slammed the writer for claiming that Palestinians lost a homeland with Israel's establishment. 'If he wishes to argue that homeland and statehood are so intrinsically connected, then Palestinians never had a homeland to lose. Throughout history there has never been a sovereign Palestinian state. By Traub's own definitions, it was the Jews who lost a homeland having been dispersed from their biblical kingdom by the Romans in 70CE, only to regain [some of] it later.'..."
The Israelis regained some of their home-land in 1947 and 1967, and then over-generously gave much of it away; the Palestinians regained theirs in 1950 & 2005, but continue to occupy Eastern Israel.
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked _Breitbart_
Palestinian official takes Breitbart Jerusalem inside campaign at UN to target Israeli settlements in Palestinian-occuped Eastern Israel
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
whacked-out leftist teacher association in Bavaria wants mandatory "Islamic studies" classes in all public schools
Yah, sure, right after the mandatory Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Coptic, Hindu, Hebrew/Judaic studies programs have been well established. But then those will be in abeyance until the mandatory scientific method, Scottish enlightenment, Reformation... classes have been re-built.
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
"Teaching Intolerance in Pakistan: Religious Bias in Public School TextBooks": Pakistani public school text-books indoctrinate children that Christians and other non-Muslims are "nefarious, violent, and tyrannical by nature"
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Muslim Scout Association spreads through Northern Italy, claims "Mohammed, peace be upon him, also lived a scouting life" (ironic illustration features crowd around Frankish/Scouting fleur-de-lis flag)
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
LevinTV assured through at least 2022
Conservative Review
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate urges supporters to murder Muslim "infidels", "moderates", even Muslim Brotherhood and rival terrorists
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
CDCP director of division of STD prevention: syphilis rates among homosexuals highest in 35 years
1.4M cases of chlamydia in 2014
how much & what kinds of blackmail material does the FBI have on the rest of the Obummer regime?: Rod Blagojevich
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Nat Hentoff & Nick Hentoff _WND_
Barack Hussein Obummer's destruction of children's lives
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Erik Rush _WND_
what really drives the power-mad LGBTQ... agenda
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
William J. Murray _WND_
how long will it be before assassin and bomber drones/UAVs target USA citizens on USA soil?
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Jack Cashill _WND_
the unholy, hate-filled left
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton threatens 10-year, $1T government extortion increase
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
RINOs & leftists intent on undermining criminal justice scheme for political cover
"...Horton's actions, and Dukakis's 'punishment', are a garish warning to the politicians who are trying to reduce the...federal penalties that have helped reverse the dramatic 1970s spike in crime and murder. Those politicians now include [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and House speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), both of whom support the proposed legislation to roll-back federal criminal penalties. Supporters of the bill are having a tough time persuading other politicians to risk their own Willie Horton trauma -- especially because the national crime rate is rising, public alarm about crime is spiking, and crime may become a big issue in the 2016 election... That job of persuasion is also being made difficult by determined opposition from some [non-leftist, non-RINO] GOP politicians, including senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Arkansas senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has been adamant in opposition... According to the Examiner, the updated bill is being shopped by [RINO senator] John Cornyn (R-TX), [wishy-washy] senate Judiciary committee chairman Chuck Grassley, and senator Mike Lee (R-UT)..."
Caroline May: bill would release many illegal aliens convicted of additional crimes
Improving the match between severity of crime and penalty is good. & This wholesale gutting is not.
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
soaring lithium carbonate prices could dent profits of firms whose products use lithium-ion batteries
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Boeing peddles their Red China/Russia/USA jets and replacement parts to Iran... cheap
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Red China moves more fighter jets to South China sea
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Obummer-regime-trained Afghan troops join taliban... as was to be expected (what? you expected them to pass up free training, equipment, clothing and ammunition for weeks or monnths?)
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Rand Paul _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer's biggest series of mistakes was refusal to ask congress for required permission to use military force in LIbya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan...; biggest mistake of fellow congressmen was failure to demand it, and follow up with spending cuts and other penalties against the executive
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Ian Hatchett _Breitbart_
Ron Fournier: Barack Hussein Obummer's has been the least honest & transparent administration in history, certainly in modern times
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
ISIL destroyed 2K-year-old Mashqi gate of Nineveh (now part of Mosul) which had been rebuilt by Saddam Hussein
Carey Lodge: Christian Today
Jonathan Zhou: Epoch Times
World Net Daily
CyArk (this is a set of images from the late 1980s forward of excavation, etc., of Nineveh)
Genesis/be Rashith 10:11
Jonah 1:2
Isaiah/Yeshaayahu 37:37
Zephaniah/Tzefaniah 2:13
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Bob Tisdale
climate hysteria drum-beater James Hansen admits it was warmer and sea levels were 20-30 feet higher in many places between previous 2 glaciation periods
Watts Up With That
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Paul Dorian
globally, sea ice has increased again
Watts Up With That
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Anthony Watts
WSJ confirmed collusion behind attacks on ExxonMobil
Watts Up With That
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Anthony Watts
problems with satellite sea ice monitoring confirmed by NSIDC... no estimate on how long it will take to correct
Watts Up With That
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Wednesday wimsey: the 97% climate fakery (warning: graphic content)
Watts Up With That
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Anthony Watts
methane mendacity... and madness
Watts Up With That
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Nicolas Loris _Cybercast News Service_
power-mad Dept. of Energy launching additional regulation of air conditioners, fans next
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Phil Elmore _WND_
UN climate hysteria cultists: How can leftists be so absurdly, suicidally stupid?
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Steve Milloy _Breitbart_
it appears that the evil Barack Hussein Obummer has "broken" USA's coal industry... for now: Peabody Energy filed for bankruptcy
2016-04-13 (5776 Nisan 05)
Proposed Bills 2016
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1743-04-13: Thomas Jefferson's birth-day.
1902-04-13: James C. Penney opened his first store in Kemmerer, Wyoming.
Proposed Bills 2016
"Today choosing policy advisers is insignificant compared to lining up the right pollster, media advisers, direct mail operator, fund-raiser & make-up artist. Today policy positions are not comprehensively articulated but condensed into bumper-sticker slogans & clever TV debate ripostes that will please every one & offend no one. Today experience & intellect are no more crucial to the multimedia campaign than the candidate's hair, teeth, smile & dog. Today volunteers have been replaced by computerized mail, automated telephone banks & other marvels of technology in an industry that has shifted from labor intensive to capital intensive. Today the news media rarely report what the candidates are saying on the issues. They report instead on a horse race -- which horse is ahead, which one has the most physical stamina, which one is lame & which one is attracting the big money." --- Theodore Sorenson 1984 _A Different Kind of Presidency" pp 46-47 (quoted in Hedrick Smith 1988 _The Power Game_ pg 681) |
Thursday |
Donnerstag |
Yom Chamishi |
Giovedi |
2016-04-14: 281 days (40 weeks, 1 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
FAA bill rider could speed development of exit-tracking infrastructure
"...In 2015, the FAA gave out $3.2G for airport projects in [50 states and 8 territories]. These grants typically cover 75% to 95% of the cost of airport improvements. The source of the money is primarily user fees from airline tickets and fuel taxes, i.e. the traveling public..."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
implications of United States v. Texas
"On Monday [2016-04-18] the supreme court will hear oral argument in a case that has the potential to be the most important in the nation's history. It is no exaggeration to say that United States v. Texas will determine whether America is a nation of laws or whether it has become a banana republic. This case involves [Barack Hussein Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal mass amnesties of illegal aliens]... The states alleged that the [amnesty] program (1) violates [eirectly contradicts] the president's constitutional duty to 'take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed'; (2) [the amnesty] was promulgated without public notice and comment; and (3) [the amnesty] is in excess of agency authority. The outcome of United States v. Texas will determine whether congress is the constitutional master of the immigration system or whether the president now has shared authority with congress to create immigration policy through regulation. Along with filing the complaint to start the case, the states also filed a motion for a preliminary injunction that the district court granted... The government appealed the district court's grant of the preliminary injunction to the 5th circuit... Because this is a preliminary injunction, most of the issues in the case have not yet been decided by the lower courts. This is why it is odd that the supreme court decided to hear this case at all. The supreme court normally reviews final judgments. If the supreme court is to be a court of law rather than a court of politics, the only thing it would be reviewing in this case is whether the 5th circuit incorrectly decided that the district court did not abuse its discretion in granting a preliminary injunction. Nonetheless, it is clear from its petition, opening brief, and reply brief to the court that the government seeks to have the supreme court decide the merits of the case in the context of a preliminary injunction motion. The government's opening brief to the supreme court does not argue that the Fifth circuit did not properly apply the standards for a preliminary injunction. In fact, the government does not mention the rules for granting a preliminary injunction at all. Instead, the government argues the merits of the case before the supreme court before those issues have been decided in the lower court. In other words, the government seeks to have the supreme court take the political step of inserting itself as the trial court in this case. The cart is now before the horse..."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Laura Ingraham
Boston-based New Balance shoe company: Obummer regime pressured us to not talk about Trans-Pacific Partnership
"The Boston Globe is reporting that USA-based shoe manufacturer New Balance has come out hard against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. The odd thing, though, is that 'the Boston company had gone quiet [on TPP] last year'. Now, apparently, we know why: New Balance officials say one big reason is that they were told the Department of Defense would give them serious consideration for a contract to outfit recruits with athletic shoes. But no order has been placed, and New Balance officials say the Pentagon is intentionally delaying any purchase... 'the chances of the Department of Defense buying shoes that are made in the USA are slim to none while [Obummer] is president.'..."
Neil Munro: Breitbart
Jim Swift: Weekly Standard
MSFT JavaScript is still evil.
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
CDCP: louse-born bacterial relapsing fever out-break in Vienna
"...long thought exterminated in Europe, carried back to the continent by a great migratory movement of millions of people from Africa and Asia. Particularly associated with Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Somalia, the extremely contagious bacteria causes severe illness and can be fatal in 30% to 70% of cases... If untreated, the disease has a similar fatality rate to that of the 2015 West African Ebola out-break... Now all migrants living at the hotel will be required to wash their clothes at 60 degrees [C = 140 degrees F] for the next 6 weeks, 2 weeks beyond the approximate life span of an infected louse... Borrelia recurrentis, the bacteria transferred from infected lice to humans which causes Relapsing Fever was a global disease a century ago until it was eradicated in Europe. It ravaged eastern Europe in the immediate aftermath of the Great War [WW1] and during the Russian revolution, killing 5M people from 13M known cases between 1919 and 1923... European hospitals have seen Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, and Malaria cases in historic numbers in the past year."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
1 of ever 6 people employed in the USA is foreign-born
"In an analysis of USA Census Bureau data, the Migration Policy Institute reveals that between 1970 and 2014 the percentage of foreign-born workers participating in the USA civilian labor force grew from 5% to 17%..."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
John Bolton: it is only a matter of time before some of those "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens getting into Europe get into & launch terrorist attacks inside USA
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Border Patrol caught another previously deported sex offender sneaking back into California
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
former UK Labour Party Equalities Commissioner: multi-culturalism and lack of integration/assimilation enables and fuels violent jihad
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Austria's defense-minister prepared to close Brenner pass if Italy does not control flow of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens from northern Africa and Middle East
Swiss may post tanks along border with Italy, if Austria closes Brenner and other passes and does not stop, but merely diverts "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens coming through Italy
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Chris Tomlinson _Breitbart_
"asylum seeker" from Algeria charged with burglary, threatened to murder 2 prosecutors in Austrian court, counter-charged robbery by police
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Chris Tomlinson _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens in Germany turn down free meals, want cash
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
"Sweden Democrats" propose negative immigration, i.e. re-emigration, i.e. re-patriation of immigrants, to counter excessive population increase
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
senate committee hears about gerrymandering in the EB-5 visa program
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
body-blow against EB-5 visa program -- $millions stolen from projects in NY
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
previously deported illegal alien charged with kidnapping & murder in NJ
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Christopher Manion _Breitbart_
border fences and walls (properly defended and with ports) work
"...media elites seem desperate to avoid the chaos caused by the breakdown of the rule of law on our own southern border. Whatever the motivation of our elites, their purpose is clear: bury the issue... Trump's...unprecedented popularity flows directly from his unflinching demand that USA immigration law be not only enforced, but strengthened, and that a wall protecting the southern border of the United States is indispensable to that goal..."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Link Daniel _Medium_
FDR's raw deal succeeded... in turning recession into Great Depression, stretching it out, distorting incomes & prices, causing a "trade-war", reducing liberty, reducing vehicle purchases, reducing small business creation, creating artificial barriers to competition, driving talent into activities which produced less value, worsened economic uncertainty which discouraged investment
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
stop me before I twit again
World Net Daily
"1) 'Political correctness' is just a fancy term for not telling the truth. 2) [Obummer] says he wants 'mandatory' voting, as it is in Australia. Voter ID is 'unduly burdensome' -- but forcing people to vote is not?!..."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
is NATO worth preserving?
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Charles Lane _Jewish World Review_
the slightly twisted Sanders-pope Francis not-so-"moral economy" actually reveals socialist selfishness
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
congress still wasting tax-victims' earnings
Jose R. Gonzalez: Cybercast News Service
Pig Book 2016
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
50th anniversary of Beatles classic "TaxMan"
"The song was written by George Harrison and released in 1966 on the album 'Revolver'. In 'The Beatles Anthology' documentary, Harrison explained the origin of the song: 'In those days we paid 19 shillings and sixpence [96p] out of every pound, and with supertax and surtax and tax-tax it was ridiculous -- a heavy penalty to pay for making money. That was a big turn-off for Britain. Anybody who ever made any money moved to America or somewhere else.'..."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
William Wilson _Cybercast News Service_
search engines based in Red China are blocking "Panama Papers"
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Russia rejects criticism of buzzing of USA Navy destroyer; USA citizenry longs for return of "Top Gun" fortitude
Pam Key: Breitbart
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Allatheia Larsen _Media Research Center News Busters_
Tax Freedom Day gets later... leftist media squelch the news
"Six years ago, Tax Freedom Day fell on April 12, five days before tax day. In 2016, Tax Freedom Day isn't until April 24; an astonishing 12 days later than in 2011, thanks to tax hikes including [ObummerDoesn'tCare]. Despite the fact that Tax Freedom Day has moved almost two weeks later into the year, the evening news shows on ABC, NBC, and CBS never covered it between 2011 April 5 and 2016 April 13. It's as if the information didn't exist -- except that The Tax Foundation has released a report on Tax Freedom Day since 2006. They also retroactively calculated Tax Freedom Day going back to 1900... Since at least [1980], the news networks have negatively covered [and exaggerated] tax cuts while simultaneously defending tax increases. The media also gave the IRS a pass when they were caught targeting [non-leftist] groups in 2014..."
Tax Foundation
1900 to 2013
Tax Freedom Day: 2016 April 24
2015-02-18: Obummer tax hikes
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
leftist "organizers": hate-filled leftists set on disuption swarm to their home-land... Manhattan, NY
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Kerry Washington: HBO propaganda attempt to smear Clarence Thomas is not a propaganda attempt to smear Clarence Thomas
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
CIA: Muslim terrorists may have & use man-portable aerial defense rockets
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
power-mad UN thug: pregnancy is torture, abortion is freedom
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Chris Tomlinson _Breitbart_
Salafi founder of "sharia police" in Germany, Sven Lau, charged with aiding ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate terrorists by supplying them with night-vision goggles
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
top 5 myths about minimum wage
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
armed good guy stopped home invasion robber in Texas
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
ObummerDoesn'tCare office yanked license of blood/disease-testing firm, Theranos, after accuracy & effectiveness are challenged
"...Breitbart News reported last October that just three months after the FDA approved the company for a new, dramatically inexpensive finger-prick blood test for thousands of different diseases, and only days before going public at a $9G valuation, an 'unnamed' former employee leaked to the Wall Street Journal data revealing that Theranos' testing effectiveness reported to the FDA and CMS had been massively inflated. Theranos at the time was seen as threatening to bankrupt multi-billion-dollar industry leaders, such as Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, with 'unparalleled transparency' regarding its ability to test minute amounts of blood for a spectrum of medical issues; charge below-industry prices; and deliver highly accurate results in hours, versus days..."
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
twisted: Harvard law school hosted Muslim Brotherhood propaganda-fest they dishonestly claimed was a "human rights conference"
"...The April 13 event, titled 'As Goes Egypt, So Goes the Middle East: Changes Begin with Me', was organized by Egyptians Abroad for Democracy, the over-seas branch of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt's current government and many other governments consider to be a violent Islamist movement intent on implementing shariah law. The conference featured four panels discussing Egypt's role in the Middle East and 'human rights violations' in Egypt today under president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, whose government kicked out the previous Muslim Brotherhood-backed regime of Mohammad Morsi, who was supported by [president Barack Hussein Obummer]. Dr. Mark Christian, executive director of the Global Faith Institute and a former imam who left Egypt and his Muslim Brotherhood-connected family 11 years ago to live in [the USA], told WND that Harvard long ago sold its soul to the Brotherhood..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Students Association (MSA)
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the fall of Christian academia
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Veronique de Rugy _WND_
crony socialist RINOs and contact-lens regulations
American Spectator
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
the curious case of WND's vanishing paleo-libertarian
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Jeff Knox _WND_
armed worship: God and arms: doctrinal and practical issues of packing heat in sacred places
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Bradlee Dean _WND_
don't ban arms, get rid of the criminal, force and fraud initiating politicians
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Eric Worrall
ExxonMobil strikes back against the ecofascist witch-hunt
Watts Up With That
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Tom D. Tamarkin
global warming won't kill you; lack of electricity will
Watts Up With That
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Anthony Watts
energy advocate Alex Epstein told leftist Rhode Island senator Sheldon Whitehouse he should apologize to companies he tried to vilify or silence, or he should resign
Watts Up With That
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Anthony Watts
American GeoPhysical Union defies #Exxonknew critics, votes to continue relationship with ExxonMobil
Watts Up With That
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Anthony Watts
Japan earth-quake 6.4 Richter, Tambora scale VEI-7 volcano alert
Watts Up With That
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Anthony Watts
U of CA Berkeley & CMU: Esquimaux'/Eskimos' "50 words for snow" challenged
Watts Up With That
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
David Middleton
"smoke & fumes"... the stupidest attack against ExxonMobil
Watts Up With That
2016-04-14 (5776 Nisan 06)
Proposed Bills 2016
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt... If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessities and comforts, in our labors and in our amusements, for our callings and our creeds... our people... must come to labor 16 hours in the 24, give the earnings of 15 of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; and the 16th being insufficient to afford us bread... We have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account; but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow sufferers. Our land holders, too... retaining indeed the title and stewardship of estates called theirs, but held really in trust for the treasury... This is the tendency of all human gov'ts. A departure from principle becomes a precedent for a 2nd; that 2nd for a 3rd; and so on, 'til the bulk of society is reduced to mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering... And the fore horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in it's train, wretchedness and oppression." --- Thomas Jefferson |
Friday |
Freitag |
Yom Shishi |
Venerdi |
2016-04-15: 280 days (40 weeks) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Clint Boulton _"IT" News_/_IDG_
execs continue to cut investments in training: from 2 weeks in 1980s to 2 days in 2015 to 2 hours... with eager buy-in from ignorant millennials
"...Lindsey Pollak...who serves as 'millennial work-place expert' for The Hartford [protection racket, i.e. neither a software nor hardware product firm], has heard before. 'What millennials invite us to do is take every practice -- training being a huge example -- and say what really works? [As though employees hadn't been demanding the same since WW2, though it is not surprising the B-school bozos have remained clueless all along.] Maybe it is time to re-think things we've been doing for 30 years.', says Pollak... But the training, previously conducted in 2-day sessions, required an over-haul after one of his millennial 'IT' workers recommended offering training in 10-minute sessions monthly [a mere 120 minutes annually, down from the earlier common 80 hours per year], Pickett says. 'They just don't have the tolerance, the patience, or the time to be able to do longer training.', Pickett says... 'If you move too quickly or try to introduce too many technologies [tools] at once, you get push-back.', Pickett says... At consultancy [i.e. cross-border bodyshop] PwC, a whopping 80% of the work-force is under the age of 33. [Yes, age discrimination among bodyshops is widespread and somewhat extreme considering USA life expectancies of adults being 80 or more years.] The average age of its 200K employees worldwide is 27, says CIO Sigal Zarmi..."
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Jim Hoagland _Jewish World Review_
Obummer actively ignores Europe at USA's perils, but since he's never liked the USA and our constitution, and our closest allies, that is to be expected
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Chicago case under-lines the 2 iron rules of immigration-related fraud
"There are 2 iron rules of immigration-related fraud: 1. If someone violates the immigration law they are likely to violate other laws, too. 2. Fraud is often inflicted on later arrivals by earlier arrivals from the same country. A recent case in Chicago was exactly in line with these 2 rules. Richard and Maribel Tinimbang, descendants of Filipino immigrants, charged with swindling $45M in Medicare funds, were also charged with immigration fraud in connection with their effort to obtain forced household labor from a new arrival from the Philippines.Three companies owned by Richard Tinimbang's mother, Josephine, according to a story in the Chicago Sun-Times, 'paid bribes and kick-backs in exchange for referring elderly and disabled patients for treatment that was funded by Medicare; ignored doctors who refused to certify beneficiaries as being in need of in-home treatment; and falsified medical records to make patients appear sicker than they actually were'. With all that money floating around, you would think that the Tinimbangs would have been able to pay the household help a living wage, but no, they opted instead for one of the more outrageous uses of the H-1B program in recent history. They secured an H-1B visa for a woman from the Philippines a few years ago, saying that she would work as business analyst at one of their 3 companies, but when she arrived they put her to work as a maid and nanny at the home of the younger Tinimbangs. They threatened to send her back to the islands if she did not surrender her passport and sign a '7-year servitude contract'..."
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
one more portrait for the Naturalization Hall of Shame
"I have written before about the naturalization 'hall of shame', filled by a surprising cast of characters to whom our country has accorded citizenship, only to discover later that they have been human rights abusers, war criminals, spies, traitors, and terrorists. It bespeaks a vetting process and a numbers-oriented end-game that is every bit as flawed as those involving asylees and refugees, the corrupt EB-5 investor program, and 'schools' authorized to admit foreign students that are in fact nothing but visa mills. Unlike those programs, though, it has garnered little public attention and concern, despite the fact that it is the one benefit that trumps all others, hands down, because in according citizenship our government removes the capacity to deport an individual for heinous crimes since the individual is, by definition, no longer an alien. What's more, our government affords these newly naturalized individuals a path into the country's most closely guarded defense and national security secrets because they become eligible for military and civil service jobs with security clearances giving them access to highly classified materials. I don't suggest that the native-born aren't sometimes susceptible to the temptations and motives that lead to spying; history and common sense show that isn't so. But our government has no control over the citizenship of the native-born; that's a constitutional prerogative. It does have the ability to control naturalization, and there are many signs that it does so with the same kinds of assurances that have papered over the flaws in the programs I mentioned earlier, flaws that have worked their way to the forefront in those programs, but which haven't gained much traction in the citizenship arena. The most recent evidence comes to us courtesy of USA Navy lieutenant-commander Edward Lin, whose arrest for espionage a while ago has only recently come to light... Who Lin was working for is interesting in a theoretical kind of way, but even if he was spying on behalf of Taiwan, a so-called 'friendly' nation, the damage would be considerable because Taiwan's military and government have been successfully penetrated by PRC [Red Chinese] spies for years... Astoundingly his path from newly minted naturalized citizen to naval officer in possession of hyper-sensitive defense secrets to detained spy all played out over the relatively short span of 9 years..."
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
nearly 1 in 14 children in USA reside with an illegal alien parent
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Vaclav Klaus: Europe is full
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
man arrested in connection with terrorist attacks in Brussels had been featured in 2005 documentary "Without Borders: A Film About Sport And Integration" as success story for integration/assimilation
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
previously deported illegal alien charged with criminally negligent homicide after death of Texas fire-fighter & 2 of his children
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Chris Tomlinson _Breitbart_
Muslim immigrants who convert to Christianity fear murderous attack from Muslims in Europe
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien crisis fuels Macedonia - Greece discord
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
NY business owner says he will vote for Donald Trump, because the current system is rigged to reward visa/immigration illegality
"...'Many law-abiding businesses are being adversely affected, many forced to close, because of our government's refusal to punish unethical employers for their illegal hiring practices.', Reindl of Great Neck, NY, told the House sub-committee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims in May of 2005. Along with his father, Fred, Reindl owns and operates Stylecraft Interiors, a wood-working business that designs and manufactures custom cabinetry for medical and dental offices. It has about 10 employees, he said. 'We have competition that hire illegals, and I would it just leave it at that.', Fred said this week in a telephone interview. Like his son, Fred said he will vote for Trump because of the brash businessman's vow to stop illegal immigration..."
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
how many foreign students are enough? how many guest-workers are enough? how many refugees are enough? how many asylees are enough? how many illegal aliens are enough? how many immigrants (legal permanent residents/green card grantees) are enough?
"...But the majority of legal immigrants are not admitted through so-called employment-based preferences; they are admitted through chain-migration or the so-called family re-unification policies that led to the admission of 1,976,122 immigrants to America during those 3 years... Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has also studied the views of new immigrants and concluded that, 'It is not immigration policy that creates the strong bond between Hispanics and the Democrat Party, but the core [Red/Dem/leftist] principles of a more generous safety net, strong government intervention in the economy, and [regressive] taxation.' The current level of immigration, even without amnesty, will add nearly 15M new potential voters by 2036, a large share of whom will favor the left. To allow this to happen will make Republicans and conservatives a permanent political minority. Since 1970 the foreign-born population of the USA has increased 324.5% and American incomes have declined... in 2015 the...Congressional Research Service has just released a study showing 'Wages Declined As Immigration Surged' and what the study shows is wages and share of income for the bottom 90% of American wage-earners declined over the past 40 years, as the foreign-born population increased dramatically..."
Daniel Horowitz: Conservative Review: another million immigrants were admitted in 2014
Phyllis Schlafly: Town Hall: amnesty for illegal aliens would be Republican and USA suicide
Breitbart: since 1970, foreign-born population increased 324.5%, incomes declined
CRS: income and the foreign-born population
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
rolling coverage of Europe's "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien crisis; a few of the headlines follow...
2016-04-15: Leibnitz, Austria -- Girls molested in "broad daylight"
2016-04-15: Boden, Sweden -- Staff forced to flee as "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens riot
2016-04-15: Norrland, Sweden -- "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals/ illegal aliens convicted after "action movie" style robbery
2016-04-15: Cologne/Koeln, Germany -- Nightclubs struggling to keep open after "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien attacks
2016-04-14: Saxony-Anhalt/Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany -- Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) member elected vice president of region
2016-04-14: Gavle, Sweden -- Soviet cruise ship to become "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal/ illegal alien housing
2016-04-14: Sofia, Bulgaria -- vigilante border guard got medal for bravery for turning in invaders
2016-04-13: Stockholm, Sweden -- Terrorist Arrested at Airport...
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
profound peddlers and life-giving potions
"...the character named Riah in Dickens's last completed novel, _Our Mutual Friend_. Riah is portrayed as a proud Jew, honest, wise, compassionate, and courageous. Pinkus always reminded me of Riah. He was a Holocaust survivor with no family, who eked out a livelihood by peddling his wares from door-to-door in Jewish neighborhoods. Such street peddlers were commonplace several generations ago and he was among the last of them. He occasionally visited the Brooklyn neighborhood in which I grew up, but I knew him best from the Lower East Side where I went to yeshiva. I no longer recall his real name, but we called him Pinkus because of a then-popular but now long-forgotten Yiddish song about Pinkus the Peddler. We would buy our school supplies and other amenities from him, mostly out of sympathy. But those of us who had the patience to listen to his tales were more intrigued by his conversation than by the quality or price of his wares. Like Riah, the Dickens character, he was proud, honest, wise, compassionate, and courageous. He discussed neither his Holocaust experiences nor his ultimate rescue. Rather, he plied us with riddles about the Bible and Talmud and was a treasure trove of anecdotes about the people he knew from what he called 'my world which is no more'. Much later, I discovered another peddler in our own tradition, so that I no longer needed to identify just Pinkus with Riah. This peddler of old was one from whom not I, but none other than the talmudic sage Rabbi Yannai, learned a great deal. And that brings us to this week's Torah reading, Metzora..."
Leviticus/ויקרא/va yiqra/and He called 14:1 et seq./ Torah ha metzora/תורת המצרע/Torah ha me tzeraa/law of the leper
10 commandments/ asereth ha dibrot
613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot
ChaBaD: 613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot
7 laws of Noah
Natural Law
Golden Rule and similar brief ethical rules of thumb
Natural Rights vs. legal privileges
The Libertarian Principle: No individual or group of individuals may morally initiate physical force or fraud against others. Anyone who does initiate the use of physical force or fraud is unethical and criminal.
Existence | ||||||
Consciousness | Identity | |||||
Reason | Purpose | Self-Esteem | ||||
Rationality | Independence | Integrity | Honesty | Justice | Productiveness | Pride |
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
o understand what Obummer has wrought, a good place to start is with the man trying to run to his left, senator Bernie Sanders
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
leftist brain-washing on campus
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
natural individual rights
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
the under-water archaeologist
"In May of 2015, I visited New York City with my girl-friend, Lisa. Our purpose was to see the city before Mayor Wilhelm 'CP Time' de Blasio turned it over to racists, sidewalk urinaters, drug-dealers, thugs and cop haters. We barely made it in time. Amongst the many things we did when we were there was to visit Ellis Island, via a sail-by pic-op of the Statue of Liberty. I traced my grand-father, Michael Weinbaum, in the Ellis Island Research Lab. He came over from Akkerman, Russia, a suburb of Odessa Russia. Michael sailed to the USA in 1909; four years after Jews were first murdered in Akkerman. Some Jews escaped to Odessa. Most were killed in Pogroms and the Holocaust of WW2. All of the 800 Jews remaining in my grand-father's town were shot to death on the banks of the Leman River. He settled in Chicago, where an enclave of other relatives had recently arrived..."
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Europe's willful collective amnesia over the rise of anti-Semitism
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
7.1 Richter earth-quake in southern Japan follows yesterday's 6.5; epicenter in Kumamoto
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
RINO Paul Ryan pushing bail-out of over-spending Puerto Rico government
Charlie Spiering: hallucinatory Obummer regime insists bail-out of Puerto Rico government is not a bail-out
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Rachel Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
delusional BBC claims freedom-supporting, limited government, low tax voters are "authoritarians"
"...Finding that that they are united by a desire to cut taxes and reduce the state, a belief that Britain should play a leading role on the global stage, cynicism towards large-scale immigration and the European Union, and distrust of [natural rights violating] human rights legislation..."
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Oliver J.J. Lane _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate recruited the unemployed at government employment office in Malmo, Sweden
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
gang fire-fight caught on video as civil war within Los Zetas claims 3 more lives
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
getting to know Ted Cruz is learning to like him even more
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Friday funny: climate chat-bot in evidence
Watts Up With That
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the climate hysteric assault against science and free speech
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
leftist oath-breaking attorneys-general wage court-house war against science, freedom, and truth: punishment by law-suit
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Anthony Watts
Purdue U claim: global warming may eventually starve bees
Watts Up With That
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
watermelon blob feeling the heat
Watts Up With That
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Anthony Watts
Obummer/Ryan insist bail-out of over-spending watermelon fanatic Puerto Rico government is not a bail-out
Watts Up With That
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Proposed Bills 2016
2016-04-15 (5776 Nisan 07)
Patrick O'Donnell _Breitbart_
the American Way of War: the battle of Cowpens -- leadership and adaptability
"Casting an imposing shadow, general Daniel Morgan strode with confidence and determination beside the rows of blazing camp-fires at Cowpens -- a cow pasture, near present-day Spartanburg, South Carolina. It was the eve of one of the most decisive battles of the [War for Independence], one that was won through a combination of leadership and adaptability that is typical of a unique American way of war..."
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"We have no poor houses in the Colonies, and if we had, we would have no one to put in them, as in the Colonies there is not a single unemployed man, no poor and no vagabonds." --- Benjamin Franklin |
Saturday |
Samstag |
Yom Shabbat |
Sabato |
2016-04-16: 279 days (39 weeks, 6 days) or less until Barack Hussein Obummer is out of office
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
federal district judge in San Antonio temporarily enjoins enforcement of law against harboring illegal aliens
"The judge issued the preliminary injunction in MALDEF's (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) law-suit challenging Texas House Bill 11, a law which open border advocates are fighting because they say it improperly targets illegal alien shelters and those who rent to illegal aliens. The plaintiffs in the law-suit are David Cruz of San Antonio and Valentin Reyes of Farmers Branch, Texas, and Jonathan Ryan. Cruz and Reyes are both landlords who do not check whether their tenants are legally in the country. Jonathan Ryan is the executive-director of the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)..."
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
Tim Hains _Real Clear Politics_
Laura Ingraham to GOP: "maybe it's time for party elders to listen to what the people want"
"...Who is going to write the platform?... The party has to get closer to where the people are on these issues, and be less concerned about who the vehicle for those issues are going to be."
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
Bob Tisdale
2016 March update of global surface (land+ocean) & lower troposphere temperature anomalies
Watts Up With That
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
Bob Tisdale
how do adjustments to land surface temperature anomalies data affect trends
Watts Up With That
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
Ric Werme
Citizen Science 2016 May 16-21
Watts Up With That
2016-04-16 (5776 Nisan 08)
Proposed Bills 2016
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2016
"A lone rider, sitting easily in the saddle of his dusty horse, travels across the plains toward a small, new town with muddy streets & lively saloons. He wears a tattered, wide-brimmed hat, a loose-hanging vest, a bandanna around his neck, & 1 gun rests naturally at his side in a smooth, well-worn holster. Behind him, the empty plains rolly gently until they end abruptly in the rocks & forests that punctuate the sudden rise of towering mountain peaks... The scene literally tells a story, for it recreates the setting of the American West, a time & a history which, as someone said, if it did not really happen, it should have. Certainly the West was wild, but even at its wildest, the actual events could not possibly have included the many stories of glory & suffering, heroism & savagery, love & sacrifice, that the Western myth has produced... The result has been one of the richest narrative traditions of modern times." --- Will Wright 1975 _SixGuns & Society_ pg 4 |
2016 April, week 1 (April 01 - April 05)
2016 April, week 2 (April 06 - April 12)
2016 April, week 3 (April 13 - April 19)
2016 April, week 4 (April 20 - April 26)
2016 April, week 5 (April 27 - April 31)
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population
"[T]he difference between man & beast is not subjective but objective. Hence the moral judgments consequent upon the recognition of this difference are not subjective but objective... 'Thou shalt not kill' has never been understood to refer to beef cattle... 'Thou shalt not steal' has never referred to the goods produced by the labor of horses or of oxen. It is because it is an objective & self-evident truth, & not a 'value judgment', that no man is by nature a beast, that none may arbitrarily be excluded from the class of those whose consent is necessary for the powers of gov't to be just." --- Harry V. Jaffa 1994 _Original Intent & the Framers of the Constitution_ pp 272-273 |
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