2020 April, week 5 -- jgo economic news bits

1st month of the 2nd quarter of the 31st year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-Trump economic depression

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updated: 2022-08-18


* repeal vile, hateful, unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare + Ryan&McConnellDon'tCare (do NOT replace it)

* reform regulation and taxation of charities (differentiate genuine charities from political campaign organizations and crony socialist cabals) and encourage, without subsidizing, mutual benefit associations

* cut immigration/green cards/LPR visas to no more than 175K/year (about what John F. Kennedy thought was reasonable when the USA was significantly less over-crowded)

* cut O + L + H guest-work visas to no more than 5K/year (total)

* cut F student visas to no more than 10K/year (total) and eliminate CPT & OPT (encourage more apprenticeships/internships, co-ops for USA citizens)

* end visa waivers (everyone must pass a conscientious background investigation, regardless of country of birth or citizenship or most recent residence)

* fence/wall the borders

* terminate/eliminate permission to work from exchange / student exchange / cultural exchange visa programs (you can put on plays, pageants, dance, music, local craftsmanship & industry demonstrations, but not settle in to jobs in hotels, resorts, USA industries, craftsmanship, agriculture, etc.)

* phase out unconstitutional Medicaid & Medicare over 3 years

* phase out the unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity Abomination over 5 years

* end government subsidies for hospitals (and the attached strings)

* end government subsidies for scientific research (except for defense which should cover defense against biological warfare & epidemics)

* repeal regressive income extortion (i.e. repeal 16th amendment; replace with national retail sales tax with hard-cap constitutional top rate of 9.875% structured as a levy on the states)

* revoke the charter of the CFPB and repeal the rest of Dodd-Frank

* revoke the charter of the Federal Reserve System and establish a stable, hard money

* repeal direct election of senators (repeal 17th amendment)

* repeal the unconstitutional National Firearms Act and its amendments

* de-fund and repeal the charters of CPB/NPR/PBS

* de-fund the national endowments for arts and humanities and AFI

* de-fund the racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood

* de-fund SBA

* de-fund Export-Import Bank, World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank, USAID

* cut foreign aid

* repudiate biased, injust WTO, GATS/TiSA

* re-negotiate or statutorily repudiate/reset GATT & NAFTA

* totally de-fund UN, withdraw membership, and evict them and all their evil spawn from NY and the USA

* cut federal Department of Educationism back to statistical reporting of graduations, diplomas, degrees, and rates thereof (NCES)

* cut Department of Energy by one-third to one-half

* set normal import tariff/duties/taxes to a maximum cap of 9.875%, and MFN to a cap of 8%, dumping penalties to at most 50%, and fraud penalties to at most 120%, eliminate exemptions to bring back burden to between 40% & 65% of all goods and services imported into USA with the aim of reaching an overall weighted average rate of 8%-12.5%

* adopt honest Country of Origin Label requirement for all imports to USA, requiring readable percentage of origin content for up to top 10 places of origin of parts & materials

* beef up export bans and restrictions for national security and to fight intellectual property robbery and fraud

* cut or eliminate HUD, HHS, NIH, CDCP, NSF; limit and focus their funding and work on constitutional functions & objectives

* cut or eliminate federal highway trust funds & DoT FHA Intelligent Transportation Systems & Amtrak

* repeal Anti-Impoundment Act

So, let us join the chorus in calling for immediate resignations of:

Robert B. Aderholt, Pete Aguilar, Lamar Alexander, Mark E. Amodei, »Kelly Ayotte,

Don Bacon, »Xavier Becerra, Michael Bennett, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Corry Bliss, Richard Blumenthal, Cory Booker, John Boozman, »Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown,

Ken Calvert, Maria Cantwell, Andre Carson, Bill Cassidy, Joaquin Castro, »Jason Chaffetz, Jim Clyburn, »Cochran, »Mike Coffman, Tom Cole, »Chris Collins, Susan M. Collins, »Conyers, Chris Coons, »Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Ryan A. Costello, »Carlos Curbelo, »John Abney Culberson,

Danny K. Davis, de Blasio, Diana de Gette, Rosa de Lauro, »Jeff Denham, »Charles Dent, Ted Deutch, Mark de Saulnier, Mario Diaz-Balart, Sean Duffy, Dick Durbin,

»Keith Ellison, »Emanuel, Joni Ernst, Anna Eshoo, Adriano Espaillat, »Esty,

»John Faso, Diane Feinstein, Brian FitzPatrick, »Jeff Flake, Charles J. Fleischmann, Jeff Fortenberry, »Al Franken, »Rodney P. Frelinghuysen,

Cory Gardner, »Dolly Gee, Lindsey Grahamnesty, Kay Granger, Charles Grassley, Tom Graves, Al Green, »Gene Green, Michelle Lujan Grisham, »Luis Gutierrez,

Andy Harris, Kamala Harris, Alcee Hastings, »Orrin D. Hatch, »Dean Heller, Jim Himes, »Ruben Hinojosa, Steny Hoyer, Will Hurd,

Johnny Isakson, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Pramila Jayapal, Hakeem Jeffries, »Evan H. Jenkins, Ron Johnson, David P. Joyce,

Tim Kaine, Marcie Kaptur, »John Kasich, John Katko, Robin Kelly, Ro Khanna, Peter T. King, Amy Klobuchar, »Stephen/Steve Knight,

»Leonard Lance, James Lankford, Al Lawson, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, Zoe Lofgren, »Mia Love, »Michelle Lujan-Grisham,

»Michael Madigan, Thomas Massie, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Jerry McNerney, Gregory W. Meeks, »Mikulski, John R. Moolenaar, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Chris Murphy,

Gerrold Nadler, Grace Napolitano, »Bill Nelson, Dan Newhouse,

Ocrazio, Ilhan Omar,

Steven Palazzo, »Erik Paulsen, Nasty Pelosi, Mark Pocan, Rob Portman, David Price,

Mike Quigley,

Tom Reed, »David Reichert, Pat Roberts, Martha Roby, Harold/Hal Rogers, »Thomas J. Rooney, »Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mike Rounds, Marco Rubio, John Rutherford, »Paul Ryan,

Adam B. Schiff/Shifftless, Schmutzie Schumer, »Pete Sessions, Donna Shalala, Michael K. Simpson, Chris Smith, Elise Stefanik, Chris Stewart, Steve Stivers, Eric Swalwell,

»Scott Taylor, Bennie Thompson, John Thune, Thom Tillis (with staffer Daniel Keylin), »David Trott,

Fred Upton,

David G. Valadao,

Mark Warner, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, Steve Womack, »Rob Woodhall,

»Kevin Yoder, »David Young;

Zuckerberg, Young, Weaver, Wasson, Vestberg, Tesija, Steyer, Soros, Slater, Schulman, Rometty, Robbins, Otis, O'Rourke, Northam, Nooyi, Murdoch, Muilenburg, McAdam, Laguarta, Keeth, Hinojosa, Healey, Haythornthwaite, Larry Ellison, Cook, Carrion, Bloomberg, Bezos, Bertolini, Banga, Archambeau, Adamczyk, all Alphabet/Google/YouTube executives (Bock, Brin, Hogue, Murillo, Naughton, Page, Pichai, Porat, Schmidt, Walker...), the whole 9th circus... and they should move in shame into remote caves smaller than 200 square feet each for an ascetic life of repentance.


2020 April
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26 27 28 29 30    

2020 April, week 1 (1-4) (16KB)
2020 April, week 2 (5-11) (16KB)
2020 April, week 3 (12-18) (16KB)
2020 April, week 4 (19-25) (16KB)
2020 April, week 5 (26-30) (16KB)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2020 April

1st month of the 2nd quarter of the 31st year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-Trump economic depression


MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.



Yom Rishon


2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)

It has been 1191 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
⁂ leftist media claim "only" "tens of thousands" are in USA on work visas; in reality many more are added each year ⁂
graphs of visa statistics from State Department & DHS 🛂

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Leon Caly, Julian D. Druce, Mike G. Catton, David A. Jans & Kylie M. Wagstaff _Science Direct_/_AntiViral Research_ 2020 June edition
FDA-approved ivermectin inhibits replication of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov in vitro

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Kyle Olson _Breitbart_
Scott Walker: it is time to re-open Wisconsin
serves as a lesson that should be remembered

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
supremes clarify "stop time" rule for cancellation of inadmissibility/removability, accrual of residency under form 42a
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1229b/240A: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 immigration; part 4 inspection, apprehension, examination, exclusion, & removal; section 1229b/240A(a) cancellation of removal; adjustment of status
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1229b
DoJ: Executive Office for Immigration Review: form EOIR-42A: Application for Cancellation of Removal for Certain Permanent Residents
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1227/237: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 immigration; part 4 inspection, apprehension, examination, exclusion, & removal; section 1227/237 deportable aliens
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1226/236: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2; part 4: inspection, apprehension, examination, exclusion, and removal: section 1226/236 apprehension & detention of aliens
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1226
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1252/242: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2, section 1252 judicial review of orders of removal
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1252/242
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1255/245: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2; part 5 adjustment and change of status; 1255/245 adjustment of status of non-immigrant to that of person admitted for permanent residence; (a) status as person admitted for permanent residence on application and eligibility for immigrant visa... (f) limitation on adjustment of status...
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1254a/244: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2; part 4 adjustment and change of status; 1254a/244
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1160/210: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2; part 1 selection system; 1160 special agricultural workers

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
_The Nation_ shows that facts are no longer respected in visa/immigration debate

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
Rudy Giuliani: Fauci's institute gave $3.7M to Wuhan lab in 2014

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Robert Kraychik _Breitbart_
Thomas Massie (R-KY-04): mega-porkulus bills improperly pay people not to work

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
John Binder _Breitbart_
murder, burglary, assault, robbery, vehicle theft soar in crazy NY after thousands of convicts were released, & increase of release of arrestees without bail, while those who refrain from initiation of force & fraud are locked-down by government decree during Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
John Binder _Breitbart_
Jessica Vaughan: EB-5 visas for Red China's elite should be lowest priority during Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Deborah Dinan _Breitbart_
Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic likely to spark a wave of 100K immigrants to Israel

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Tom Cotton warns against Red China trying to steal Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov vaccines & pharmaceutical treatments from USA; urges harder look at visa applications: if Chinese students want to come to the USA to learn about Shakespeare, the Federalist & anti-Federalist papers, natural rights, the Declaration of Independence, & USA constitution, that is what they need to learn, but we shouldn't be teaching them bio-chemistry, micro-biology, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, object-oriented programming, data-base design & analysis

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
Twit & Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google Cloud/ Google Health/ DoubleClick block information about pharmaceutical firm AYTU researching UV light as Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov disinfectant

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Paul Sacca _Blaze_
doctors who administered 5K Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe tests want to re-open; say it is similar to (not exactly the same as) influenza

2020-04-26 (5780 Ayr 02)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020





Yom Sheni


2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)

It has been 1192 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
financial transfers to laid-off foreign workers: a crazy-quilt

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
after 3 previous outrageous mega-porkulus bills Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists want USA tax-victims to subsidize under-funded local government pensions: corrupt deep state uber alles at all costs
There was too much pork in 1920, too much pork in 1939, too much pork in 1959, too much pork in 1965, too much pork in 1979, too much pork in 1987, too much pork in 1990, way too much pork in 2000, way way too much pork in 2008, way way way too much pork in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020. They just keep on piling on the crony socialism to benefit favored individuals & groups, and harming nearly every USA citizen in the process. And they mistakenly believe we haven't noticed or don't care.

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Matt O'Brien _Breitbart_
civic illiteracy among USA political elitists is wide & deep
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1182: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 part 2: admission qualifications for aliens; travel control of citizens and aliens; section 1182/212 in-admissible aliens
USCode: House.gov: 8 USCode 1182: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 part 2: admission qualifications for aliens: travel control of citizens & aliens; section 1182/212 in-admissible aliens

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. _Breitbart_
Italian law professor warns that Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov lock-down is a serious abuse of authority

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Patrick Hampton _Patriot Post_
Vernon Jones: he escaped from the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist plantation

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Howard Sachs, M.D. _Patriot Post_
pathological Illiberal Leftism/ Regressivism/ Socialism/ Fascism/ Marxism/ Communism/ Maoism/ Collectivism, war against justice & morality have infected even the Mayo clinic

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Ken Blackwell _Patriot Post_
Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov & international best practices for free, fair, & safe elections

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Yvonne Gougelet _Creative Loafing Tampa_
protest calling on Florida government to let us get back to work (plus a few crazy anti-vaxxers, and contagion hot-bed mass transit)

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
do we really need more foreign students now? if "distance learning" works students don't need to enter the USA, nor get CPT or OPT; some USA citizen students are suing for partial refunds for partial classes
Fewer visas, higher quality grantees, more conscientiously screened & tracked.
graphs of education statistics (degrees granted)n 👨‍🎓
graphs of visa statistics 🛂

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
John Binder _Breitbart_
Lance Gooden (R-TX-05): suspend H-1B visas & OPT until USA job markets recover

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Penny Starr _Breitbart_
executives of over-consolidated, foreign-dominated meat, fish, & poultry processors & packagers, which have repeatedly been caught engaged in crony socialist corruption & illegally employing illegal aliens (& given mere token penalties) announce that Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov is resulting in "shortages"

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Sean Moran _Breitbart_
House RINO loser Kevin McCarthy (RINO-CA-23): break Red China's domination of medical supply markets by re-building USA manufacturing

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Lucas Nolan _Breitbart_
Apple & Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google Cloud/ Google Health/ DoubleClick privacy-violation scheme to track contacts/exposure (for epidemiology of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov & other contagions) picks up backing of German government (just as IBM & Nazi Germany were early partners in the 1930s); but this time it's "voluntary" & "de-centralized"

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Susan Berry, M.D. _Breitbart_
Pioneer Institute: Communist Corpse has resulted in historic drop in both reading & math performance in USA

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Kurt Zindulka _Breitbart_
Nigel Farage criticized leftist media for failing to report on invaders arriving by boats during Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
_Tallahassee Reports_
Florida Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov death projections: graphs of numbers infected, suspected, confirmed, hospitalized

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
invader from India apprehended near Calexico tested positive for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
costs for border wall/fence/barrier exceed expectations; miles built are again a disappointing shortfall at only 177 miles
DHS CBP: border wall/fence/barrier

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Dan Bongino
episode 1237:   Nasty Pelosi caught red handed trying to alter history;   Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google Cloud/ Google Health/ DoubleClick deleting/suppressing info about UV destruction of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov...because president Trump mentioned it

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 626:   universal lock-downs are immoral, illogical, & illegal

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Mark Levin
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists want mega-porkulus subsidies to go to illegal aliens, foreign students & other non-citizens;   congress-critters want to directly fund teacher union bosses;   crazy Andrew Cuomo wants to force nursing homes for the more highly vulnerable to take in people suffering from/infected/infectious with Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov, refuses to let patients be transferred to hospital ship;   Dan Erickson estimates California mortality rate for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov as 0.03%

2020-04-27 (5780 Ayr 03)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020





Yom Shlishi


2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)

It has been 1193 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Jason Richwine _Center for Immigration Studies_
is there a correlation, or epidemiological network of entrance of aliens & spread of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov; lower over-crowding = slower spread; more in-coming = more over-crowding = faster spread; how extremely would violations of privacy have to be to construct a network data-base? (Extreme!)

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Jason Peña _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexico deports most of its detained invaders

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
impose immigration-related visa & entry sanctions to open doors of Red China's labs
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1182: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 part 2: admission qualifications for aliens; travel control of citizens and aliens; section 1182/212 in-admissible aliens
USCode: House.gov: 8 USCode 1182: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 part 2: admission qualifications for aliens: travel control of citizens & aliens; section 1182/212 in-admissible aliens
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1227/237: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 immigration; part 4 inspection, apprehension, examination, exclusion, & removal; section 1227/237 deportable aliens

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Sean Moran _Breitbart_
senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) calls for criminal investigation of Amazon for restraint of trade/ stifling competition

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Lewis Morris _Patriot Post_
government keeps increasing already-excessive power & growing bigger & more harmful, like cancer

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Thomas Gallatin _Patriot Post_
sample tests in California, NY, & Florida show many people have Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov antibodies, raise questions about lock-downs; 4%-21% of population infected; death rates 0.01%-0.2%

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Tony Perkins _Patriot Post_
defending ourselves from the torrent of tyrants

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Dennis Prager _Patriot Post_
Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic has become pretext for & dress rehearsal of tyranny

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Rich Lowry _Patriot Post_
power-mad politicians, executives, & administrators claim they have to destroy hospitals to save them

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Gary Bauer _Patriot Post_
life is not 100% safe, never risk-free, never utopia

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Robert Verbruggen _National Review_
math is difficult: socialist mysticism lessons from Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
immoral Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google Cloud/ Google Health/ DoubleClick deleted video of doctors calling for end of government lock-down of economic & other private activities; 39.5M people in CA, 11%-12% infected=4.7M, 1,227 deaths, chance of death from Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov 0.03%

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Ildefonso Ortiz & Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
Mexican government increased counts of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov infected to 15,529, withh 1,434 fatalities, 71,103 tested in hospitals

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
over-consolidated meat processors importing beef into USA, while USDA issued orders for USA ranchers to prepare to destroy & discard USA herds, in part as price support; WTO discourages country of origin labels; major processors caught illegally employing illegal aliens

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Hannah Bleau _Breitbart_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists (DNC) trying to jeopardize USA citizens' right to vote in Nevada

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Hannah Bleau _Breitbart_
governor Ron de Santis criticized leftist media over attempts to induce Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov panic in Florida by exaggerations; as of Tuesday after-noon, Florida had 31,988 confirmed infected, 5,222 hospitalizations, 1,171 related deaths; population about 21.6M; 402 people/square mile

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Kyle Morris _Breitbart_
160+ economists advise legislators to oppose medical/health care price decrees; the attempt to over-rule markets results in distortions, shortages, & other, often bizarre & un-expected harm

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Dan Bongino
episode 1238:   why developing a vaccine takes so long;   video from DoD;   deep state SpyGate;   food supply disruptions

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Tom Woods
episode 1639:   protesting against lock-downs

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 627:   Alex Berenson: media generation of panic kills more than Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Matt Vespa & Storm Paglia _Triggered_
episode #179: will leftist media investigate & report on charges of sex assault by Joe BiteMe? will police? will grand juries? will prosecutors?
Town Hall

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Mark Levin
"Republicans" in congress failing/refusing to advance non-leftist agenda; losership are among the worst

2020-04-28 (5780 Ayr 04)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020





Yom Rebiai


2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)

It has been 1194 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
moratorium interruptus: we were faked-out; stop the flood of foreign students, exchange workers, guest-workers,... so USA citizens can have a fighting chance at employment, at reasonable compensation & working conditions
USA Greatness

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Maylower Krikorians & Martin the Armenian: the fallacy that recent immigrants must support speeding immigration, while only earlier immigrants support slowing immigration
Mark Krikorian: National Review

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
meet the "OPTables", a newly recognized illegal alien labor pool

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Walter E. Williams _Patriot Post_
USA citizens, yesterday & today

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
John Stossel _Patriot Post_
let people try gelsolin... or any of about 70 other pharmaceutical treatments that show some promise against Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D. _Patriot Post_
technology against Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov makes work safer

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Star Parker _Patriot Post_
lessons learned from Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Tony Perkins _Patriot Post_
over 28.3M reasons to not trust mail-in voting

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
_Patriot Post_

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Devvy Kidd _News with Views_
break free from the chains; importing beef from Namibia, trashing USA cattle, blocking non-union processors, non-Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov deaths (e.g.illegal drugs) being recorded as caused by it...

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Michelle Malkin _UNZ Review_
notes on the coming meat, poultry, & fish shortage

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
immigration sheister bribed DHS ICE HSI & FBI officers, conspired with criminal gangsters

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
3 more points about recent supremes' decision on cancellation of removable of LPRs (green card grantee) & mistaken/deceptive media coverage of it: law, facts, & words all matter
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1229b/240A: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 immigration; part 4 inspection, apprehension, examination, exclusion, & removal; section 1229b/240A(a) cancellation of removal; adjustment of status
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1229b
DoJ: Executive Office for Immigration Review: form EOIR-42A: Application for Cancellation of Removal for Certain Permanent Residents
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1227/237: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 immigration; part 4 inspection, apprehension, examination, exclusion, & removal; section 1227/237 deportable aliens
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1227
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1182: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 part 2: admission qualifications for aliens; travel control of citizens and aliens; section 1182/212 in-admissible aliens
USCode: House.gov: 8 USCode 1182: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2 part 2: admission qualifications for aliens: travel control of citizens & aliens; section 1182/212 in-admissible aliens
DHS ICE: "Secure Communities"
DHS ICE: 8 USC 1357/287(g)
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1357/287 powers of immigration officers and employees: (g) performance of immigration officer functions by state officers and employees
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1101/101: chapter 12 immigration and nationality; sub-chapter 1 general provisions; section 1101/101 definitions
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1101/101

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
DC district judge apparently used Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov to expand "Flores settlement agreement" to cover parents: but it won't make much difference
"...Berks Family Residential Center in [SW of Leinbachs, Berks county PA, ESE of Blue Marsh Lake dam along Plum creek at County Rd & County Welfare Rd] ... the odds of them catching the disease is almost definitely lower than it would be if they were released... no detainees at those 3 facilities have tested positive for [Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov]... but really? What jail is surrounded by a split-rail fence like Berks?... the conditions at the facilities are hardly punitive. If anything, they are ameliorative, providing the detainees with services they would not otherwise receive. ..."
1997: California central district court: Jenny Lisette Flores et al. v. [confessed mass murderer] Janet Reno et al.: case # CV 85-4544-RJK(Px): stipulated settlement agreement
3-judge panel 🤡 🤡 🤡 of 9th circus 🎪: Jenny Lisette Flores v. Loretta E. Lynch, Jeh Johnson
MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.
Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google Cloud/ Google Health/ DoubleClick... are evil.

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
supremes as a court of politics, not law: look at amicus briefs in NIGHTMARE illegal aliens case; & media do not report the legal issues

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Virginia governor Ralph Northam admits criteria to begin removing lock-down have been reached; hospitals, dentists, doctor visits allowed to resume

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
NC meets criteria to begin removing lock-down; Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist governor Roy Cooper blocks deliberating until May 8 whether to begin removing lock-down

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Hannah Bleau _Breitbart_
Gaston county NC officials intend to sign order at 17:00 allowing businesses to begin reopening

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
how Red China ruling gangsters turn crony socialist globalist billionaires & STEM executives into puppet mouth-pieces & technology & sensitive national security info pipe-lines

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Michelle Malkin _USA Renaissance_
meat shortage

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Loren Balhorn _Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung_/_Pink Luxembourg Foundation_
a sketchy history of the Soviet-Communist-Anarchist violent paramilitary network Antifa/ Rollenkommandos beginning in Weimar Germany
Note the propaganda techniques used by the competing, combatting, rioting, conflicting collectivist gangs in namings & euphemisms, shifting alliances of cells & sub-networks, information left out, smoothed over...: «Our authoritarian collectivist guys were "courageous"; their authoritarian collectivist faction "bullies". Our initiation of violent force becomes "action". Our conspiracy becomes "unity"; their unity & its symbolism are "fascist" or "fash". Capitalism & private property creation, invention, and ownership are "destabilizing". Our collectivist racist thugs are kind, only acting in defense, pre-emptively. Their GeheimStaatsPolizei, our Stasi?» They may be bad, but they are still somewhat cleverish.

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Dan Bongino
episode 1239:   injustice;   myths of Great Depression economics

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 628:   data are in: lock-downs are wrong on multiple levels

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Richard Epstein & Troy Senik _Libertarian_
episode 605: reforming education, the law, & the fallacy of "positive" rights

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Mark Levin
Joe BiteMe: gaffes, sexual assault, hiding in basement;   Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists trying to claim honest elections would be unconstitutional, but they love voting fraud

2020-04-29 (5780 Ayr 05)
Proposed Bills 2020

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Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020





Yom Chamishi


2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)

It has been 1195 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Kurt Zindulka _Breitbart_
NHS contact-/proximity-tracing data to be stored in centralized government systems

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Kurt Zindulka _Breitbart_
Jim Jordan: deep state scheme to get Michael Flynn; our constituents are fed up, want this corruption eradicated

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Anthony Man & David Fleshler _South Florida Sun-Sentinel_
governor Ron de Santis announces limited release of Florida from lock-down beginning Monday 2020-05-04... except for over-crowded far Southern areas where Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov still ravages
Tampa Bay Times
executive order

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
Middle district Pennsylvania judge who earlier ordered aliens released due to Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov fears, orders them to be brought back into DHS custody, but will they show up? can they be found?

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Fortune 500 executives, Soros, Koch, Bloomberg to USA government: don't let USA job markets recover; keep USA citizens unemployed, & retain & continue bringing in vastly excessive numbers of cheap, pliant, low-skilled (unknown skill levels because there are no skill-level standards or requirements for applicants for student, exchange, guest-work visas & green cards)

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
billionaires use every perceived lever to try to defend artificially low employed/population ratios, excessive visas & immigration, including invasion & other immigration law violations, disingenuously claiming "AllofUsCare"

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
7th floor (Obummer director, assistant &/or deputy directors & White House) involved: Peter Strzok kept Flynn case open for FBI brass
Kristina Wong: Breitbart: un-sealed FBI documents show agents were plotting on 2017-01-24 to pressure Michael Flynn into saying something they could construe to be a lie or develop some other pretext to prosecute him & hamper Trump administration
Aaron Klein: Breitbart: latest revelations show it is time to investigate the investigators
Jeff Poor: Breitbart: Devin Nunes said "We knew from day one that Michael Flynn was innocent because top FBI officials told us so

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
John Binder _Breitbart_
7 high risk child-molesters were released from Orange county California jails during early phases of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov pandemic

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Sean Moran _Breitbart_
Republican senators recommend that president Trump reject blank-check that mal-spending & over-spending state governments will abuse to cover their bad behavior (even though some of them voted for such blank-check mega-porkulus spending within the last few weeks)

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Sean Moran _Breitbart_
RINO loser Kevin McCarthy: a bold deregulatory agenda is needed to bring back USA science, engineering, & manufacturing

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Hannah Bleau _Breitbart_
Wisconsin used polling place Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov testing at primary: 52 of 400K voters were infected, no fatalities

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
White House: federal guide-lines that led to state & local government locking down the citizenry are being modified to guide re-opening USA

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Charles Spiering _Breitbart_
Moochelle Obummer asked DC residents to stay home; Barack Hussein Obummer continued golfing

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Wayne Allyn Root _Breitbart_
reopen Nevada: no planning, no staff, no money, no "organizing", but thousands participated

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Ann Coulter _Breitbart_
Q & A on Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Luca Fiorillo, Gabriele Cervino, Marco Matarese, Cesare d'Amico, Giovanni Surace, Valeria Paduano, Maria Teresa Fiorillo, Antonio Moschella, Alessa la Bruna, Giovanni Luca Romano, Riccardo Laudicella, Sergio Baldari & Marco Ciccui _InterNational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health_
meta-study of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe disease surface persistence: a recent data summary & its importance for medical & dental settings:
incubation varies from 2-14 days, rarely 29 days;
aerosols 3h, plastic 72h, stainless steel 48h, copper 4h, card-board 24h;
based on SARS-Cov-1 glass possibly up to 5 days, PVC up to 5d, silicon rubber up to 5d, Teflon up to 5d, ceramic up to 5d, brass 40 min to 4h, copper-nickel alloy up to 2h, zinc up to 60m;
ethanol (78%-95%=156-190 proof) will disable, 2-propanol (70%-100%), formaldehyde (0.7%-1%), iodine (0.23%-7.5%), sodium hypochlorite=chlorine bleach (0.21%), hydrogen peroxide (0.5%);
sodium hypochlorite=chlorine bleach (0.1%) for 1 minute, ethanol (62%-71%) for 1 minute

2020-04-28: April Peng: UCLA Daily Bruin: study suggests Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe disease may remain on surfaces for days: up to 3 hours in aerosols, up to 24 hours on card-board, up to 3 days on plastic & stainless steel, up to 4 hours on copper

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Dan Bongino
episode 1240:   Mike Flynn

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 629:   lock-down & straw-men & "herd immunity" (but what of treatment improvements & vaccines?)

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Matt Vespa & Storm Paglia _Triggered_
episode #180: documents reveal plot to get something, anything on Mike Flynn
Town Hall

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Tom Woods
episode 1642:   chairman of the executive committee of the Libertarian party of Florida, Steven Nekhaila: how shut-down/lockdown has affected business owners

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Mark Levin
deep state vs. Mike Flynn;   Cuomo helped spread Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov into nursing homes;   president Trump; Ron de Santis; Dave Rubin

2020-04-30 (5780 Ayr 06)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020



2020 April, week 1 (1-4) (16KB)
2020 April, week 2 (5-11) (16KB)
2020 April, week 3 (12-18) (16KB)
2020 April, week 4 (19-25) (16KB)
2020 April, week 5 (26-30) (16KB)

Proposed Bills 2020

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population
  "[those] whose livelihoods rest not so much on the ownership of property as on the manipulation of information... the markets in which the new elites operate is now international in scope. Their fortunes are tied to enterprises that operate across national boundaries. They are more concerned with the smooth functioning of the system as a whole than with any of its parts [than with individual human beings]. Their loyalties -- if the term is not itself anachronistic in this context -- are international rather than regional, national, or local. They have more in common with their [amoral and more collectivistic] counterparts in Brussels or Hong Kong than with the [cognitively savvy STEM professionals who are active on the Net, let alone] 'masses' of Americans not yet plugged into the network of global communications... It is a question whether they think of themselves as [USA citizens] at all. Patriotism, certainly, does not rank very high in their hierarchy of virtues. 'multi-culturalism', OTOH, suits them to perfection, conjuting up the agreeable image of a global bazaar in which exotic cuisines, exotic styles of dress, exotic music, exotic tribal customs [like rape of children?, pickpockets, gangsters...] can be savored indiscriminately, with no questions asked and no commitments requried [with no moral standards]. The new elites are at home only in transit, en route to a high-level conference, to the grand opening of a new franchise, to an international film festiva or an undiscovered resort. Theirs is essentially a tourist's view of the world -- not a perspectively likely to encourage a passionate devotion to [individual natural rights or] democracy." --- Christopher Laxch 1995 _The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy_ pp6, 34-35 (quoted in James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg 1997, 1999 _The Sovereign Individual_ pg276-277)  

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Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, Bob Barr, Walter E. Williams, Wayne Allyn Root, Thomas Sowell, Warner Brothers, Gary Johnson, Peter Brimelow, president Donald Trump, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.

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