2020 September week 1 - jgo economic news bits

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 31st year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-Trump economic depression

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updated: 2022-09-22


* repeal vile, hateful, unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare + Ryan&McConnellDon'tCare (do NOT replace it)

* reform regulation and taxation of charities (differentiate genuine charities from political campaign organizations and crony socialist cabals) and encourage, without subsidizing, mutual benefit associations

* cut immigration/green cards/LPR visas to no more than 175K/year (about what John F. Kennedy thought was reasonable when the USA was significantly less over-crowded)

* cut O + L + H guest-work visas to no more than 5K/year (total)

* cut F student visas to no more than 10K/year (total) and eliminate CPT & OPT (encourage more apprenticeships/internships, co-ops for USA citizens)

* end visa waivers (everyone must pass a conscientious background investigation, regardless of country of birth or citizenship or most recent residence)

* fence/wall the borders

* terminate/eliminate permission to work from exchange / student exchange / cultural exchange visa programs (you can put on plays, pageants, dance, music, local craftsmanship & industry demonstrations, but not settle in to jobs in hotels, resorts, USA industries, craftsmanship, agriculture, etc.)

* phase out unconstitutional Medicaid & Medicare over 3 years

* phase out the unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity Abomination over 5 years

* end government subsidies for hospitals (and the attached strings)

* end government subsidies for scientific research (except for defense which should cover defense against biological warfare & epidemics)

* repeal regressive income extortion (i.e. repeal 16th amendment; replace with national retail sales tax with hard-cap constitutional top rate of 9.875% structured as a levy on the states)

* revoke the charter of the CFPB and repeal the rest of Dodd-Frank

* revoke the charter of the Federal Reserve System and establish a stable, hard money

* repeal direct election of senators (repeal 17th amendment)

* repeal the unconstitutional National Firearms Act and its amendments

* de-fund and repeal the charters of CPB/NPR/PBS

* de-fund the national endowments for arts and humanities and AFI

* de-fund the racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood

* de-fund SBA

* de-fund Export-Import Bank, World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank, USAID

* cut foreign aid

* repudiate biased, injust WTO, GATS/TiSA

* re-negotiate or statutorily repudiate/reset GATT & NAFTA

* totally de-fund UN, withdraw membership, and evict them and all their evil spawn from NY and the USA

* cut federal Department of Educationism back to statistical reporting of graduations, diplomas, degrees, and rates thereof (NCES)

* cut Department of Energy by one-third to one-half

* set normal import tariff/duties/taxes to a maximum cap of 9.875%, and MFN to a cap of 8%, dumping penalties to at most 50%, and fraud penalties to at most 120%, eliminate exemptions to bring back burden to between 40% & 65% of all goods and services imported into USA with the aim of reaching an overall weighted average rate of 8%-12.5%

* adopt honest Country of Origin Label requirement for all imports to USA, requiring readable percentage of origin content for up to top 10 places of origin of parts & materials

* beef up export bans and restrictions for national security and to fight intellectual property robbery and fraud

* cut or eliminate HUD, HHS, NIH, CDCP, NSF; limit and focus their funding and work on constitutional functions & objectives

* cut or eliminate federal highway trust funds & DoT FHA Intelligent Transportation Systems & Amtrak

* repeal Anti-Impoundment Act

So, let us join the chorus in calling for immediate resignations of:

Robert B. Aderholt, Pete Aguilar, Lamar Alexander, Mark E. Amodei, »Kelly Ayotte,

Don Bacon, »Xavier Becerra, Michael Bennett, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Corry Bliss, Richard Blumenthal, Cory Booker, John Boozman, »Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown,

Ken Calvert, Maria Cantwell, Andre Carson, Bill Cassidy, Joaquin Castro, »Jason Chaffetz, Jim Clyburn, »Cochran, »Mike Coffman, Tom Cole, »Chris Collins, Susan M. Collins, »Conyers, Chris Coons, »Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Ryan A. Costello, Mike Crapo, »Carlos Curbelo, »John Abney Culberson,

Danny K. Davis, de Blasio, Diana de Gette, Rosa de Lauro, »Jeff Denham, »Charles Dent, Ted Deutch, Mark de Saulnier, Mario Diaz-Balart, Sean Duffy, Dick Durbin,

Mark S. Earley, »Keith Ellison, »Emanuel, Joni Ernst, Anna Eshoo, Adriano Espaillat, »Esty,

»John Faso, Diane Feinstein, Brian FitzPatrick, »Jeff Flake, Charles J. Fleischmann, Jeff Fortenberry, »Al Franken, »Rodney P. Frelinghuysen,

Cory Gardner, »Dolly Gee, Lindsey Grahamnesty, Kay Granger, Charles Grassley, Tom Graves, Al Green, »Gene Green, Michelle Lujan Grisham, »Luis Gutierrez,

Andy Harris, Kamala Harris, Alcee Hastings, »Orrin D. Hatch, »Dean Heller, Jim Himes, »Ruben Hinojosa, Steny Hoyer, Will Hurd,

Johnny Isakson, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Pramila Jayapal, Hakeem Jeffries, »Evan H. Jenkins, Ron Johnson, David P. Joyce,

Tim Kaine, Marcie Kaptur, »John Kasich, John Katko, Robin Kelly, Ro Khanna, Peter T. King, Amy Klobuchar, »Stephen/Steve Knight,

»Leonard Lance, James Lankford, Al Lawson, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, Zoe Lofgren, »Mia Love, »Michelle Lujan-Grisham,

»Michael Madigan, Thomas Massie, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Jerry McNerney, Gregory W. Meeks, »Mikulski, John R. Moolenaar, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Chris Murphy,

Gerrold Nadler, Grace Napolitano, »Bill Nelson, Dan Newhouse,

Ocrazio, Ilhan Omar,

Steven Palazzo, »Erik Paulsen, Nasty Pelosi, Mark Pocan, Rob Portman, David Price,

Mike Quigley,

Tom Reed, »David Reichert, James Risch, Pat Roberts, Martha Roby, Harold/Hal Rogers, »Thomas J. Rooney, »Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mike Rounds, Marco Rubio, John Rutherford, »Paul Ryan,

Adam B. Schiff/Shifftless, Schmutzie Schumer, »Pete Sessions, Donna Shalala, Michael K. Simpson, Chris Smith, Elise Stefanik, Chris Stewart, Steve Stivers, Dan Sullivan, Eric Swalwell,

»Scott Taylor, Bennie Thompson, John Thune, Thom Tillis (with staffer Daniel Keylin), »David Trott,

Fred Upton,

David G. Valadao,

Mark Warner, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, Steve Womack, »Rob Woodhall,

»Kevin Yoder, »David Young, Todd Young;

Zuckerberg, Young, Weaver, Wasson, Vestberg, Tesija, Steyer, Soros, Smith, Slater, Schulman, Rometty, Robbins, Otis, O'Rourke, Northam, Nooyi, Murdoch, Muilenburg, McAdam, Laguarta, Keeth, Hinojosa, Healey, Haythornthwaite, Larry Ellison, Cook, Dorsey, Carrion, Bloomberg, Bezos, Bertolini, Banga, Archambeau, Adamczyk, all Alphabet/Google/YouTube executives (Bock, Brin, Hogue, Murillo, Naughton, Page, Pichai, Porat, Schmidt, Walker...), the whole 9th circus... and they should move in shame into remote caves smaller than 200 square feet each for an ascetic life of repentance.


2020 September
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27 28 29 30      

2020 September, week 1 (1-5) (16KB)
2020 September, week 2 (6-12) (16KB)
2020 September, week 3 (13-19) (16KB)
2020 September, week 4 (20-26) (16KB)
2020 September, week 5 (27-30) (16KB)
  "although 54% of the work-place is male, men acount for 92% of all job-related deaths." --- Diana Furchtgott-Roth & Christina Stolba 1999 _Women's Figures_ (Thomas Sowell 2000 _Basic Economics_ pg c.142)  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2020 September

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 31st year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-Trump economic depression


MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.



Yom Shlishi


2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)

It has been 1319 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
Student & Exchange Visitor Iformation System (SEVIS) report provides information on K-12 F-1s, J-1s, M-1s: together, they would be one of the largest school districts in the USA, but expect to possibly pay... a lot

in FY2019 78,366 foreign K-12 students in USA; 92% 9-12; 47% from China (Red China?), 3.4% from Mexico;

1,306,869 post-secondary (colleges & universities & vo-tech); 107,312 F-1s in associate's degree programs; 517,556 master's; 187,901 doctor's;

144,631 language literature other than English; 109,133 bidness; 77,549 computer science; 53,873 EEE; 49,041 CIS; 38,858 mechanical engineering; 32,326 "general studies"; 31,225 "liberal arts & sciences"; 22,935 "information technology"; 22,125 economics; 20,847 civil engineering; 20,808 finance; 20,604 math; 20,591 accounting; 18,829 biology; 17,832 econometrics/quantitative econ; 17,373 bidness; 17,230 airline;

140,137 CPT/OPT work, 72,168 STEM OPT work, 116,337 CPT;

474,497 in USA on student visas are from Red China; 32K from Republic of China/Taiwan; 249,221 from India; 84,071 from South Korea; 53,283 from Saudi Arabia; 41,233 from Brazil; 38,983 from Canada; 37,196 from Japan, 36,815 from VietNam; 19,517 from Mexico

19,750 at NYU, 19,741 at Columbia, 19,410 at NorthEastern, 19,063 at U of Southern California, 15,017 at U of Illinois, 14,279 at U of crazy California at crazier Berkeley, 12,364 at Purdue, 12,216 at UCLA, 10,990 at UWash, 10,975 at UMich, 10,788 at Penn State, 10,282 at U of crazy California at Irvine, 10,275 at U of Texas at Dallas, 10,259 at U of the Cumberlands, 9,664 at UPenn, 9,383 at CMU, 9,197 at Campbellsville U   Take the number at Campbellsville U, pick the very best; split them up in 1s & 2s among all institutions in USA; and ban & banish all the rest.

SEVIS By the Numbers 2019, students, schools, states & territories (pdf)

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
no one keeps a count of green card commuters at our borders... and it is my fault (because DN was the only one who used them for one project c.1968-1969 under a DoL grant)

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists scheme to worsen chain immigration

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
president Trump "curbed" Shrub & Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal CPT/OPT scheme that encourages displacing USA citizens with cheap foreign students & recent grads in internships (so they can stay in USA a couple years longer awaiting approval of H-1B visas and demanding immediate green cards)

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Donald J. Trump ii _Breitbart_
Illiberal Leftist privilege & their defense of the indefensible (h/t to Walter Block)

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
acting-secDHS Chad Wolf: DHS & DoJ are investigating extremists who incite or initiate force & fraud: "organized" agitators are moving around the country

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
immoral Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google Cloud/ Google Health/ DoubleClick/ Android/ Play/ WAZE/ Voice... blocking discovery of sites with content critical of violent Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Lucas Nolan _Breitbart_
immoral FB announced they will block/delete content that is legal & in accord with USA regulations... if they have fear that any regime in the world may take umbrage & retaliate against the firm; Australia may require FB to pay for licenses of intellectual property people post

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
at Portland mayor's condo mostly-violent rioters loot stores, vandalize dentist office, & set fires

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Charles Spiering _Breitbart_
president Trump visited Kenosha businesses burned out/destroyed by Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist rioters; met with police & business owners & minister/preacher
Thomas Gallatin: Patriot Post: president tours BiteMe's America

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
Georgia fraudulent employment/visa scheme case gets curiouser & curiouser: Micronesians in group housing & 200 supposed welders at a chicken farm tied to USA tax-victim-subsidized alleged South Korean battery manufacturing plant construction site
?North of Commerce; NE of Jefferson; E & SE of Maysville? at I-85/Georgia 403 & USA441/Georgia 15, near Ridgeway Church road, Haggard road, & Steve Reynolds Industrial park-way; with the chicken farm at Banks road.

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
AWR Hawkins _Breitbart_
in power-mad, hoplophobic NYC, over 1K shootings so far in 2020 as Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists continue to riot, rampage, burn, destroy, batter, & kill

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Joshua Caplan _Breitbart_
attorney-general William Barr: intelligence suggested violent instigators from California, Washington, & Illinois planned to attack Kenosha police

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Kyle Morris _Breitbart_
Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Bronx prosecutor aims to drop curfew charges against mostly-violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist rioters

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
senator Tom Cotton: we cannot tolerate initiations of force, rioting, looting, vandalism, & arson by anyone

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
police arrested 19 rioters at Portland; arson of apartment building
Washington DC Times: Portland riots reach new levels

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Tom Ciccotta _Breitbart_
U of Virginia researcher was arrested Friday trying to smuggle info on under-water robotics & submersible vehicles to Red China
Washington DC Examiner: biology-inspired software
DoJ: theft of trade secrets & computer intrusion
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart: secState Mike Pompeo says he is hopeful that all "Confucius Institutes" will be closed by year's end; recruiting gimmick for spies & operatives for Red China ruling gangsters

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Victoria Friedman _Breitbart_
tragedy of commons: EU demanding UK surrender sovereignty over fishing areas; EU fishermen now grabbing 60%-84% of commercial fish in UK territorial waters

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
India claims to have stopped Red Chinese troops from taking border peak

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Kristina Wong _Breitbart_
DC mayor Bowser & conspirators called for removing, re-locating, "contextualizing", de-valuing Washington monument & others; do undo others; remove, relocate, "contextualize" power-mad Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist politicians
Charles Spiering: president's office denounces schemes
Thomas Gallatin: Patriot Post: extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists target DC monuments

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Mo Brooks: the tide seems to be turning in favor of the USA, & liberty

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Alana Mastrangelo _Breitbart_
Graceland vandalized

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Stacey Lennox _PJMedia_
462K gathered for 10-day Sturgis MotorCycle Rally; post-testing for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease shows 5 died from 4 crashes; in Sturgis only 26 of 650 tested afterwards were positive; 196 cases from NH to Washington may be linked with gathering; hysterics disappointed

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Min Kang, Jianjian Wei, Jun Yuan, Juxuan Guo, Yingtao Zhang, Jian Hang, Yabin Qu, Hua Qian, Yali Zhuang, Xuguang Chen, Xin Peng, Tongxing Shi, Jun Wang, Jie Wu, Tie Song, Jianfeng He Yuguo Li & Nanshan Zhong _ACP Annals of Internal Medicine_
probable transmission of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease through over-crowded high-rise building... via fecal aerosol through vent & drain-pipes

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Dan Bongino
episode 1335:   is reporting of polls being manipulated to alter 2020-11-03 election results?   deep state SpyGate
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
A Smart Nashville
Rational Ground

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Steven Phelan _Economics for Entrepreneurs_
Keith Smith, M.D. on Free Market Medical Association bringing entrepreneurship to medical services

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
_War Room_
episode 363:   Steve Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Jack Maxey, Vish Burra, Steven Hatill, & Ralph Reed on Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease pandemic,   rioting Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists, &   Faith & Freedom

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Tom Woods
episode #1724:   James Lindsay on "post-modernism", "critical theory", & what is wrong with much of academia

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Charlie Thompson & Nate Thurston _Good Morning, Liberty_
episode 316:   looting is a bad action

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Matt Vespa & Storm Paglia _Triggered_
episode #213: Joe BiteMe came out of his basement & demonstrated his inability to function
Town Hall

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 709:   GOP, majority of GOP congress-critters have not improved during Trump administration;   child abuse by politicians continues during Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease pandemic
We the People Holsters
Rational Ground

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Mark Levin
Doc Washburn; Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists politicians encourage rioting;   CDCP reports that only 6% of all deaths attributed to Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease were primarily caused by Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease;   extreme measures to contain it have worsened numbers & severity of other medical problems

2020-09-01 (5780 Alul 12)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020

  "Face masks, which were then being worn by a large number of the general public, were no guarantee of protection. Many health officials believed they provided a false sense of security." --- Jeremy Brown 2018 _Influenza_ pp61-62  




Yom Rebiai


2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)

It has been 1320 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS report on foreign students: lots of numbers, no analysis

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
some K-12 F-1 visa grantees have likely "qualified" for Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal mass amnesty for NIGHTMARE illegal aliens, might be eligible for more: a curious glitch that just under-scores how bad this zombie scam is, and how much worse it could get

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
corrupt NJ governor, Phil Murphy, illegally "licenses" illegal aliens to work there illegally
illegal aliens are displacing delivery jobs from USA citizens via Flex, a gig/bodyshopping/temp/contingent app

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
trucker disrupted human smuggling attempt at border after discovering, on inspecting before setting out, the seal on his truck had been broken, called for cargo company to inspect, alerted county sheriff & CBP

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Walter E. Williams _Patriot Post_
"diversity", "equity", & inclusion... and academic preparation

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
in power-mad Victoria, Australia, mother (& expecting another) was arrested for FB post on grounds she was encouraging others to peacefully object to the government against Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease lock-downs
Bryan Preston: PJMedia: proves genius of USA founders
Charles Spiering: Nasty Pelosi caught without medical mask at San FranSicko hair salon, mocked for hypocrisy; salons in the area were ordered by Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist to be locked up/closed down/locked-down
Patriot Post: salon owner: she can get her stuff done while no one else can go in & I can't [am not allowed to] work
Steven Crowder
Steven Crowder: the Hodge twins absolutely annihilate Nasty Pelosi over hair salon snootiness
Tristan Justice: Federalist: joined long list of Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists blowing off lock-downs they have imposed
Scott Morefield: Daily Caller
Graham Piro: Washington DC Free Beacon
Charles Spiering: Nasty Pelosi tries to dodge responsibility

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
John Stossel _Patriot Post_
Jo Jorgensen may be a better president: we can be adults without power-mad government ordering us around; ban clowns 🤡 from the presidency... and senate... and House... and courts

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Nate Jackson _Patriot Post_
power-mad, hoplophobic Chicagoland's bloody 2020; Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists have no one to blame but themselves

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
AWR Hawkins _Breitbart_
in power-mad, hoplophobic NYC, August shootings double from 2019 to 2020

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Douglas Andrews _Patriot Post_
human lives matter: crime & race

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Star Parker _Patriot Post_
in defense of widely-held core values

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Ben Shapiro _Patriot Post_
why Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist politicians won't criticize initiation of violent force & fraud by BLM, Antifa & other Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Joshua Caplan _Breitbart_
House Republicans launch investigation into rioting, looting, arson, harassment, & assaults by Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists in DC... and Bowser/Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists mishandling

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Douglas Andrews _Patriot Post_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists un-veil their vote fraud plans expect true blue Republicans to take the field on election day, but watch for malfeasance in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Miami-Dade, Chicagoland, San FranSicko, Los Angeles, Austin... over the following weeks.

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Thomas Gallatin _Patriot Post_
watermelon Sierra Club "cancels" their founder

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Joshua Caplan _Breitbart_
12-year-old boy riding bicycle carrying Trump yard-sign was battered by woman on moped in Boulder Colorado; 639th such incident reported
Jim Treacher: PJMedia

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
John Binder _Breitbart_
numbers of new foreign-born voters, naturalized since 2014, in "swing-states" exceed 2016 margin of victory/loss

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
attorney-general William Barr: police chiefs see Antifa Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists as driving violence, traveling around the country encouraging violent riots in additional cities

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
AWR Hawkins _Breitbart_
CPB/PBS/NPR misinformation: falsely claimed Kyle Rittenhouse shot un-armed rioters

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Alfredo Ortiz _Breitbart_
rioters are looting the future

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Tyler O'Neil _PJMedia_
leftist media worry about safety of mostly-violent Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist rioters in Portland

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Robert Kraychik _Breitbart_
senator Kelly Loeffler notes BLM is a Marxist organization against the idea of Moms & Dads
Scott Walter: Capital Research Center: a terrorist's ties to a leading BLM group
Jewish Voice
Scott Walter: Lucianne
George Rasley: Classical Liberal HQ: BLM terrorist funders & founders
James Simpson: Accuracy in Media: the roots of BLM reds abusing blacks
Discover the Networks: BLM
Discover the Networks: Patrisse Cullors "Cullors herself was trained to be an «activist» by former Weather Underground [rabble-rouser] Eric Mann."
Discover the Networks: Weather Underground Organization (WU)/Discover the Networks: Weatherman
Britannica: Weathermen
All That's Interesting: Weathermen
FBI: Weather Underground Bombings
Discover the Networks: Tides/Public Welfare Foundation
Discover the Networks: George Soros
Discover the Networks: Bill Ayers

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
John Binder _Breitbart_
5 MS-13 gangsters charged for murdering 16-year-old girl in Baltimore; when charged, were already in custody for other crimes

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
John Binder _Breitbart_
NY "bail reform" turned dangerous criminals loose to prey; RINOs bear responsibility for going along

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Miyami Herald, which has been declining for several decades, criticize their own Cuba-born sports-writer for noting that the USA was not founded on racism nor racist ideas; &bsp; USA patriotism not permitted in leftist media

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Kristina Wong _Breitbart_
secState Mike Pompeo: we are making sure USA has tools to defend against Red China (& North Korea, & Iran) military threats

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Gabrielle Reyes _Breitbart_
India officials say Tibetan soldier in India army died in border clash with Red China

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Gracie Blackwell _Texas A&M U College of Medicine_
the convergence of influenza & Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease could burden hospitals

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Stacey Lennox _PJMedia_
isolating Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease pre-existing condition data after the confusing 6% statement from CDCP

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Hannah Bleau _Breitbart_
Dwayne Johnson & his family infected by Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease... and recovered

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D. _Patriot Post_
FDA chief Stephen Hahn said they might grant emergency use authorization
(for health care workers, cancer patients with impaired immune systems, elderly & others at high risk of death from Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease) once stage 3 trials indicate vaccines are safe & effective, before longer-term tests have completely ratified that conclusion;   Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists & RINOs & neo-con never-Trumpers throw hissy-fit in attempt to block availability.

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Ezra Dulis _Breitbart_
Pennsylvania reports nearly 500 Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease deaths in August... down 6.7% from July, which was down 50% from June

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Uhrs Gehringer _Weltwoche_/_Swiss World Week_
USA under siege: they don't want law & order, they desire anarcho-communism

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease
2020-09-02: CDCP: 6,047,692 cases in the USA (1.831% of pop); 184,083 dead (0.056% of pop); USA 🇺🇸 population 330,225,340 🦠
Warning: MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.
Pharmaceutical Technology: time-line of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease
Medical News Today: about Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease

CDCP: USA 🇺🇸 testing 2020-09-02: 85,578,139 tests (25.915% of population if everyone had been tested exactly once), 7,318,554 positive (0.022% of population), 9% of tests were positive; USA 🇺🇸 population 330,225,340 (from census.gov USA clock) 🦠 🦠
CDCP: weekly "surveillance": tests, results, percentages, by age, "influenza-like illnesses", hospitalizations, mortality
CDCP: situation summary
ECDPC: live updates
CDCP: map of locations with confirmed cases

Warning: MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.
Johns Hopkins U: statistics & map of locations with confirmed cases:
25,842,561 cases worldwide (0.337% of world pop); 858,552 deaths (0.011% of world pop); 188 countries/regions; world population estimate 7,677,736,500 (from census.gov world-clock)
6,096,410 "cases" in USA (1.846% of population) 🇺🇸
crazy California: 718,312 "cases" (1.816%; 1.789% in CDCP report), 13,205 deaths (0.032%), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 39,550,000
Texas: 638,306 "cases" (2.193%; 2.151% in CDCP report), 12,920 deaths (0.044%), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 29,100,000
Florida: 633,442 "cases" (2.933%; 2.93% in CDCP report), 11,501 deaths (0.053%), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 21,600,000
NY: 436,218 "cases" (2.237%; 1.804% in CDCP report), 32,971 deaths (0.169%; 0.08% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 19,500,000
GA: 274,613 "cases" (2.569%; 2.592% in CDCP report), 5,795 deaths (0.054%), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 10,690,000
IL: 240,344 "cases" (1.892%; 1.87% in CDCP report), 8,300 deaths (0.065%), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 12,700,000
AZ: 202,342 "cases" (2.772%; 2.821% in CDCP report), 5,065 deaths (0.069%), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 7,300,000
OH: 125,767 "cases" (1.076%), 4,176 deaths (0.036%), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 11,690,000
CDCP: "cases" & deaths per 100K in USA; just click on the menu atop the map, then look down and left for table

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Dan Bongino
episode 1336:   confused Joe BiteMe debates himself...   other deranged Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist politicians;   deep state SpyGate;   states with strictest lock-downs resulted in... more Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease infections
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
A Smart Nashville
Rational Ground

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
_War Room_
episode 365:   Steve Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Jack Maxey, Vish Burra, & Bill McGinley on Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease pandemic,   rioting in Kenosha by Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 710:   restoring USA normality;   shutting down Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist insurrection, using anti-KKK/anti-Jim-Crow laws;   Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease mask dysfunctionality
We the People Holsters
Rational Ground

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Charlie Thompson & Nate Thurston _Good Morning, Liberty_
episode 317:   are Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease pandemic eviction bans the end of private property?   abortifacients as threat to health;   information & misinformation about candidates' mental incapacity

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Mark Levin
Ben Ferguson; hair salons may have been ordered closed in crazy California crazier San Fransicko, but elitists like Nasty Pelosi expect exceptionalism; while salon owner has since been driven out of business;   sports pros praise abuser

2020-09-02 (5780 Alul 13)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020





Yom Chamishi


2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)

It has been 1321 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
1st circuit vacated injuction against arrests at/in Massachusetts court-houses on visa/immigration charges; 21st century immigration insurgency against immigration law meets (17th &) 18th century common non-criminal law (precedents) & 19th & 20th century statutes
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1357/287 powers of immigration officers and employees
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1357/287
Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1226/236: chapter 12, sub-chapter 2; part 4: inspection, apprehension, examination, exclusion, and removal: section 1226/236 apprehension & detention of aliens
USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1226

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Jessica M. Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS ICE Summer surge operation takes 2K criminal aliens off the streets

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists continue going extreme, in attempt to suppress other opinions; banned even their fellow leftist interviewer
Mark Krikorian: National Review

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
10 human-smuggling attempts were stopped in 6 days near Texas-Mexico border; 18 smugglers, 10 invaders arrested

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Lucas Nolan _Breitbart_
immoral FB announced they will ban political campaign ads in the last week (2020-10-28 through 2020-11-03) on pretext of discouraging "civil unrest", but will put "authoritative" biased & deceptive information at the top of users' FB & Instagram pages

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
blocking non-leftist communication is only the beginning of immoral tech's power-mad abuses

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Tom Ciccotta _Breitbart_
crazy California judge 🤡 bans merit; declares SAT & ACT verboten in admissions decisions; claims "un-fair" because some people have difficulty finding testing locations during Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease hysteria

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Don Rosenberg _Patriot Post_
whistle-blower exposes rampant vote fraud in NY, NJ, PA & all around the USA

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Thomas Gallatin _Patriot Post_
despite several mistakens appointments, reforming judiciary is still a leading reason to vote to re-elect Trump

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Armstrong Williams _Patriot Post_
the aftermath of the national political party conventions: "Democratic Socialist", Libertarian, Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist "Democratic", Republican

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Victor Davis Hanson _Patriot Post_
Basement Joe BiteMe is a prisoner of his his own paradoxes & incoherence
Joe BiteMe speaks

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Larry Elder _Patriot Post_
pro athletes rely on facts & statistics for their jobs, but emotion & propaganda when considering criminality & defending against it

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Nate Jackson _Patriot Post_
the federal government debt addiction (congress-critters, presidents, judges; RINOs, neo-cons, & illiberal leftists)

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Arnold Ahlert _Patriot Post_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists trying to defend mostly-violent rioters, looters, vandals, & batterers

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Susan Berry, M.D. _Breitbart_
crazy corrupt California legislature passed bill reducing penalties for statutory rape

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
corrupt Contra Costa California prosecutor, Diane Becton, says "looters' needs" must reduce charges & sentences (and restitution?);   what we are seeing are terrorist campaigns by Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist brown-shirts/"brute-squads"

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Douglas Andrews _Patriot Post_
violence, arms, & hypocrisy vs. equality in/under/before the law

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Steve Stewart _Tallahassee Reports_
Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist candidate for county commission, Kelly Otte, says man who was violently attacked by mostly-violent rioters, and defended himself by drawing but not firing arms, was "motivated by hate & violence"

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Victoria Taft _PJMedia_
retired police debunks misinformation floated by Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists who initiated force

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Mark Alexander _Patriot Post_
BiteMe-Harass bailing out violent rioters

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
mostly-murdering rioter died in fire-fight when police approached house to arrest SW of Seattle

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Tyler O'Neil _PJMedia_
black pastors/ministers/preachers tell Nike to drop anti-Christian, Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist BLM gangsters
Robert Spencer: BLM & Antifa rioters now screaming "death to America"

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
will USA survive another 100M immigrants?

Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 8 USC 1324a/274a: chapter 12, sub-chapter, 2 part 8: general penalty provisions: section 1324 bringing in & harboring certain aliens: (a) criminal penalties

USCode: House.gov: 8 USC 1324/274

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. _Breitbart_
Turkish Mohammedans are demolishing some churches, converting others to mosques

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Mark Alexander _Patriot Post_
how many died from Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease vs. would have died from co-morbidities anyway?: good luck finding believable statistics either way

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Rick Moran _PJMedia_
CDCP tells state health departments to be ready for roll-out of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo vaccine in October or November

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
_Tallahassee Reports_
graphs show improvements in Florida Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease "cases", hospitalizations, & fatalities
Leon county & Florida tables: county 6875 positive, 38 deaths, 80 in hospitals; Florida 637,013 positive, 11,650 deaths, 3428 currently hospitalized

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
_Rational Ground_
stay-at-home orders have not stopped spread of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease: may have made things worse

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease

2020-09-03: CDCP: 6,087,403 cases in the USA (1.843% of pop); 185,092 dead (0.056% of pop); USA 🇺🇸 population 330,230,780 🦠

Warning: MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.

Pharmaceutical Technology: time-line of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease

Medical News Today: about Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease

CDCP: USA 🇺🇸 testing 2020-09-03: 88,287,367 tests (26.735% of population if everyone had been tested exactly once), 7,547,587 positive (0.023% of population), 9% of tests were positive; USA 🇺🇸 population 330,230,780 (from census.gov USA clock) 🦠 🦠

CDCP: weekly "surveillance": tests, results, percentages, by age, "influenza-like illnesses", hospitalizations, mortality

CDCP: situation summary

ECDPC: live updates

CDCP: map of locations with confirmed cases

Warning: MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.

Johns Hopkins U: statistics & map of locations with confirmed cases:

26,123,176 cases worldwide (0.34% of world pop); 864,907 deaths (0.011% of world pop); 188 countries/regions; world population estimate 7,678,022,000 (from census.gov world-clock)

6,135,796 "cases" in USA (1.858% of population) 🇺🇸

crazy California: 723,412 "cases" (1.829%; 1.8% in CDCP report), 13,396 deaths (0.034%; 0.033% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 39,550,000

Texas: 642,366 "cases" (2.207%; 2.166% in CDCP report), 13,107 deaths (0.045%; 0.044% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 29,100,000

Florida: 637,013 "cases" (2.949%; 2.941% in CDCP report), 11,650 deaths (0.054%; 0.054% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 21,600,000

NY: 437,107 "cases" (2.242%; 1.807% in CDCP report), 32,974 deaths (0.169%; 0.08% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 19,500,000

GA: 277,288 "cases" (2.594%; 2.61% in CDCP report), 5,868 deaths (0.055%; 0.055% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 10,690,000

IL: 241,704 "cases" (1.903%; 1.886% in CDCP report), 8,324 deaths (0.066%; 0.065% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 12,700,000

AZ: 203,952 "cases" (2.794%; 2.829% in CDCP report), 5,130 deaths (0.07%; 0.07% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 7,300,000

OH: 127,112 "cases" (1.087%; 1.076% in CDCP report), 4,226 deaths (0.036%; 0.035% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 11,690,000

CDCP: "cases" & deaths per 100K in USA; just click on the menu atop the map, then look down and left for table

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Dan Bongino
episode 1337:   Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists scheming for election day, election week, and the months after;   corrupt, deranged Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist politicians in Portland, NY, Chicagoland, Seattle, San Fransicko, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Cleveland, Baltimore, DC, Virginia...; & deep state in USA State Department
NYPost: vote fraud
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
A Smart Nashville
Rational Ground

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Richard Epstein & Troy Senik _Libertarian_
episode 619: rioting Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists & racism

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
_War Room_
episode 367:   Steve Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Jack Maxey, Vish Burra on Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease pandemic,   immoral cyber-bullies Twit & FB & Alphabet & MSFT & Apple & Amazon & WikiPedia... striving to sway election results against president Trump

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 711:   the Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease math showing government tyranny likely to continue forever
We the People Holsters
Rational Ground

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Sarah Crespi _AAAS Science_
fighting Europe's alleged 2nd wave of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease;   democracy vs. liberty

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Matt Vespa & Storm Paglia _Triggered_
episode #214: salongate & incoherently babbling Joe BiteMe
Town Hall

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Tom Woods
episode #1726:   Paul Gottfried on Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist attempts to suppress non-leftist communications, employment, etc., & "conservatism"

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Mark Levin
statements & other actions show Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists hate USA, hate prosperity (for "blacks", "whites", "Asians", "Hispanics"/"Latinos", as they use long-standing propaganda gimmicks to con people into supporting enslavement;   Donald Trump ii on Illiberal Leftist privilege

2020-09-03 (5780 Alul 14)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020





Yom Shishi


2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)

It has been 1322 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)

While 113.334M 16+ year old USA residents are jobless, 13.742M unemployed & actively seeking work; & many more are under-employed (e.g. in temp gigs but seeking long-term; working fewer hours than they would prefer, seeking to return to higher-compensated work &/or work that more closely matches their skills & fulfillment).

The average duration of unemployment for the USA last month was 19.7 weeks; 22.3 weeks better than worst & 13.1 weeks worse than the best average duration of unemployment on record since 1948.

Median duration of unemployment was 16.2 weeks; 9.6 weeks better than worst median duration of unemployment & 12.6 weeks worse than the best median duration of unemployment on record since 1967 July.

The jobs dearth for men is about 31.34M; for women about 1.44M; total jobs dearth (m + f) about 32.78M; for "blacks" about 3.9M; for "Asians" about 1.173M; for "whites" 14.207M

The jobs dearth for men is about 31.34M; for "black" men about 4.7M; for "Asian" men about 1.6M; for "white" men about 21.4M; for "Hispanic"/"Latino" men about 4M

The aggregate employed/population ratio is at 56.5%, down from the record best of 64.9%, & up from the previous record worst of 51.3%, while the historical average (since 1948) is 59.2%.

For men, the aggregate employed/population ratio is at about 62.451%, down from the record best of about 86.197%, & up from the record worst of about 57.125%, while the historical average is 73.0%.

For "blacks", the aggregate employed/population ratio is at 52.6%, down from the record best of 61.4%, but up from the record worst of 47.8%, while the historical average is 55.2%.

For "Asians", the aggregate employed/population ratio is at 57.2%, down from the record best of 65.6%, & up from the previous record worst of 51.6%, while the historical average is 62%.

For "whites", aggregate employed/population ratio is at 57.2%, down from the record best of 65.5%, & up from the record worst of 51.8%, while the historical average is 60%.

For "Hispanics"/"Latinos", aggregate employed/population ratio is at 58.4%, down from the record best of 66.4%, & up from the record worst of 51.5%, while the historical average is 60.3%.

The aggregate employed/population ratio for foreign-born residents is 58.4%, while for natives it is 56.1%.

For "black" men, the employed/population ratio is at about 54.77%, down from the record best of about 70.248%, & up from the record worst of about 50.237%, while the historical average is 60.119%.

For "Asian" men, the employed/population ratio is at about 65.015%, down from the record best of about 75.061%, & up from the previous record worst of about 59.397%, while the historical average is 70.147%.

For "white" men, the employed/population ratio is at about 63.614%, down from the record best of about 84.791%, & up from the record worst of about 58.227%, while the historical average is 73.139%.

For "Hispanic"/"Latino" men, the employed/population ratio is at about 67.167%, down from the record best of about 78.945%, & up from the record worst of about 60.341%, while the historical average is 72.839%.

employment/unemployment graphs 📈

by industry ⚙ ⚖ 👷 🗞 📚 🎥 🏗 🏭

by occupation 👨‍💻 👨‍⚖️ 👩‍🌾 👨‍🍳 👨‍🔧 👨‍🏭

graphs of education statistics 👨‍🎓

graphs of visa statistics 🛂

jobs dearth (based on historical employed/population ratios) 📈🥺🏚

more graphs of economic indicators 📈🏚🤵🎩💰💎

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
John Carney _Breitbart_
recovery continues: USA economy added 1.4M jobs in August; unemployment rates fell; employed/population ratios increased
"Hispanic" women & black men saw greatest employment gains
Trent Baker: Rick Santelli noted today's employment/unemployment report is wonderful news, will lead to even more economic strength

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
lobbyists & immigration lawyers against H-1B reform warn clients that regulatory reforms are imminent, DHS sent OMB proposal;   having been disappointed repeatedly over decades, USA STEM professionals are cautiously optimistic;   Chamber of Crony Socialists, Fragomen et al. in a tizzy

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
5 MS-13 gangsters charged for murdering 16-year-old girl in Baltimore; when charged, were already in custody for other crimes; gang expanding into Northern Maryland; immigration statuses unknown

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration: numbers are of the essence
Mark Krikorian: National Review

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
latest data shows continued disparity in numbers of border crossing -- Canada vs. Mexico

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
invader arrests in August more than triple April despite Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease risks
17 felons who had been deported were arrested re-entering El Paso sector in August

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
John Binder _Breitbart_
DHS ICE arrested over 300 illegal aliens in crazy California, including abusers & rapists, battery, burglary, kidnapping...; 30% were convicted criminals turned loose by state

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
John Bolton rejects _Atlantic_ smear; I was there. I didn't hear president Trump say that
Matt Margolis: PJMedia

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
John Binder _Breitbart_
674 veterans sign letter supporting president Trump

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Amy Furr _Breitbart_
USA citizens gather donations for 39 children rescued by USA Marshals & GBI last week

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Douglas Andrews _Patriot Post_
who'd'a'thunkit: Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists lying about Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists rioting

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Jim Kouri _News with Views_
travel expenses for scofflaw Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti's LAPD security detail

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Erick Erickson _Patriot Post_
Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist initiation of violent force & fraud is not new

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Victoria Taft _PJMedia_
accommodations for Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist in Portland; tents, showers, sleeping bags, charging-stations paid for by Portland tax-victims

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
David Harsanyi _Creators Syndicate_
dangerous schemes to de-legitimize election under way by Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists & neo-cons & never-Trumpers
Patriot Post
more articles by David Harsanyi at Patriot Post
Town Hall
Daily Signal
Influence Watch: neo-cons, never-Trumpers, Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist "Transition Integrity Project": the label is not the contents/object; the name is not what they do/it does

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Is this Soros-linked group plotting a "color revolution" against president Trump? (this one is a bit suspect, a little weak on details)
Influence Watch: neo-cons, never-Trumpers, Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist "Transition Integrity Project": the label is not the contents/object; the name is not what they do/it does

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
A.F. Branco _Patriot Post_
2020 debates

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Brian Mark Weber _Patriot Post_
why the electoral college exists
Soon: citizenship explained.

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
_Patriot Post_
making more sense than Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist politicians
on-line classes are like this

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Joshua Caplan _Breitbart_
66-year-old Tennessee woman died February 16 from COPD while in hospice (& death cert. confirms); sent notice she tested positive for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease on June 20; received notice this week

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Mike Smith _Central Illinois Proud_/_Nexstar Broadcasting_
McLean county Illinois (around Bloomington/Abnormal) hits Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease warning level, along with 28 other counties; over 200 new cases, an additional death, rolling positive tests continues to rise

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
_Tallahassee Reports_
graphs show improvements in Florida Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease "cases", hospitalizations, & fatalities
cases up among recently-returned, percentage of population estimated to be over 9%
cases up among recently-returned; random testing to begin at Felonious State U: aiming for 10% tested per day

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease

2020-09-04: CDCP: 6,132,074 cases in the USA (1.857% of pop); 186,173 dead (0.056% of pop); USA 🇺🇸 population 330,236,430 🦠

Warning: MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.

Pharmaceutical Technology: time-line of Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease

Medical News Today: about Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease

CDCP: USA 🇺🇸 testing 2020-09-03: 89,362,165 tests (27.06% of population if everyone had been tested exactly once), 7,613,165 positive (2.305% of population), 9% of tests were positive; USA 🇺🇸 population 330,236,430 (from census.gov USA clock) 🦠 🦠

CDCP: weekly "surveillance": tests, results, percentages, by age, "influenza-like illnesses", hospitalizations, mortality

CDCP: situation summary

ECDPC: live updates

CDCP: map of locations with confirmed cases

Warning: MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.

Johns Hopkins U: statistics & map of locations with confirmed cases:

26,427,137 cases worldwide (0.344% of world pop); 871,182 deaths (0.011% of world pop); 188 countries/regions; world population estimate 7,678,312,000 (from census.gov world-clock)

6,187,366 "cases" in USA (1.874% of population) 🇺🇸

crazy California: 728,415 "cases" (1.842%; 1.813% in CDCP report), 13,560 deaths (0.034%; 0.033% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 39,550,000

Texas: 646,545 "cases" (2.222%; 2.179% in CDCP report), 13,300 deaths (0.046%; 0.045% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 29,100,000

Florida: 640,211 "cases" (2.964%; 2.957% in CDCP report), 11,750 deaths (0.054%; 0.054% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 21,600,000

NY: 437,971 "cases" (2.246%; 1.813% in CDCP report), 32,982 deaths (0.169%; 0.08% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 19,500,000

GA: 279,354 "cases" (2.613%; 2.636% in CDCP report), 5,931 deaths (0.055%; 0.055% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 10,690,000

IL: 247,260 "cases" (1.947%; 1.897% in CDCP report), 8,360 deaths (0.066%; 0.065% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 12,700,000

AZ: 204,681 "cases" (2.804%; 2.844% in CDCP report), 5,171 deaths (0.071%; 0.071% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 7,300,000

OH: 128,444 "cases" (1.099%; 1.087% in CDCP report), 4,248 deaths (0.036%; 0.036% in CDCP report), population (guesstimate based on 2019) 11,690,000

CDCP: "cases" & deaths per 100K in USA; just click on the menu atop the map, then look down and left for table

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Dan Bongino
episode 1338:   deep state;   worsening federal government over-spending, deficits, debt
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
A Smart Nashville
Rational Ground

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
_War Room_
episode 369:   Steve Bannon, Raheem Kassam, Jack Maxey, Vish Burra on Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease pandemic,   Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists rioting and their expressed desire for a deep state coup by military/intelligence personnel;   conflict in Red China

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Daniel Horowitz
episode 712:   Sean Kenedy on criminals (initiators of force & fraud) are now under-incarcerated & un-deterred; extreme violent criminals getting extremely light sentences & restitution, while victims are ignored
We the People Holsters
Rational Ground

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Newt Gingrich
#119: Pelosi & other Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists & their elitist, privileged attitude may secure re-election of president Trump

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Tom Woods
episode #1727:   Brad Birzer on "conservatism"

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
Mark Levin
Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease hospitalizations down, fatalities down, hundreds of treatments receiving additional testing, a dozen vaccines being tested;   Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists crank up rioting, propaganda, & efforts to suppress non-leftist communications

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)

2020-09-04 (5780 Alul 15)
"And in/through you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed."/ו נברכו בנ כל משפחת האדמה ו בזרעך/ --- Genesis/ב ראששת /be rashith 28:14
10 words/statements/commandments ✝/ aseret/asereth ha dibrot ✡

613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot ✡
ChaBaD: 613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot ✡

7 laws of Noah

Natural Law
✝ Golden Rule ✠, Hillel's Judaism while standing on one foot ✡, and similar brief ethical rules of thumb
Natural Rights vs. legal privileges

The Libertarian Principle: No individual or group of individuals may morally initiate physical force or fraud against others.   Anyone who does initiate the use of physical force or fraud is unethical and criminal.
Objectivist tree 💲
Consciousness Identity
  Rationality     Independence     Integrity     Honesty     Justice     Productiveness     Pride  

🤠 Gene Autry's CowBoy Code 🤠
1. The CowBoy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take un-fair advantage.
2. He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.
3. He must always tell the truth.
4. He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.
5. He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.
6. He must help people in distress.
7. He must be a good worker.
8. He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.
9. He must respect women, parents, and his nation's laws.
10. The CowBoy is a patriot.

13 attributes of mercy
"Thus saith the Lord GOD: Let it suffice you, O princes of Israel; remove violence and spoil, and execute justice and righteousness; take away your exactions from My people, saith the Lord GOD. Ye shall have just balances, and a just ephah..." --- Ezekiel/ יחזקאל/ Yechezqal 45:9-
"But beware and watch yourself very well, lest you forget the things that your eyes saw, and lest these things depart from your heart, all the days of your life, and you shall make them known to your children and to your children's children -- the day you stood before HaShem our God at Horeb/Choreb... Now this is the mitzvoth, the statutes, and the ordinances, which HaShem your God commanded (Moshah/Moses/Musa) to teach you, that you might comply-with/execute/carry-out/fulfill/do them in the land to which you go to possess... Hear, oh Israel; HaShem our God, HaShem is unique. And you must love HaShem your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words, which I command you this day, must be in your heart; and you must teach them diligently to your children, and must talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the path, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you must bind them like a sign on your hand (so you will often see them), and as a sign on your fore-head between your eyes (so others with you will often see them). And you must write them on the door-posts of your house, and on your gates (so those who enter or pass by will see them)." --- Deuteronomy/ דברים/ deberim/debrim/words/statements 4-6
May HaShem guide & have mercy on us all.
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020





Yom Shabbat


2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)

It has been 1323 days since president Donald J. Trump was inaugurated, and congress & oath-breaking judges are still blocking visa/immigration & border security reforms, & repeal of evil, unconstitutional, privacy-violating, national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare.   Cut student, refugee, asylum, exchange, guest-work, green card visas.   Establish standards.   Conduct conscientious background investigations on visa applicants.   Terminate visa waivers.   Fence/wall all USA 🇺🇸 land-borders (1954+5524+1538=9016 miles to 1984+5524+1538=9046 miles, whatever; encyst the towns sitting across both sides the border) and improve ports to better track who enters and exits and when.

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
India media: legal student visas, guest-work visas, green cards spur illegal immigration; networks of relatives assist (but we knew that 20-30 years ago)

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
Lucas Nolan _Breitbart_
immoral member of immoral FB censorship board warns that regulation could stifle free speech & debate... just like the FB's Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist censorship board... & Alphabet/ Google/ YouTube/ Gmail/ GMaps/ G+/ Sidewalk Labs/ Waymo/ Calico/ Verily/ Nightingale Project/ Google Cloud/ Google Health/ DoubleClick/ Android/ Play/ WAZE/ Voice... & Twit & MSFT/LinkedIn & Apple & Oracle & Amazon & WikiPedia...
Allum Bokhari: Breitbart: everything you post on-line will be scanned by software looking for what extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists falsely claim to be "hate"; while they encourage initiation of force and fraud by fellow Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists, anti-Semites, etc.
T.D. Adler: Breitbart: main author/editor of WikiPedia page on Christopher Steele's admitted phony "dossier" is a pusher of deep state SpyGate conspiracy theories against president Trump

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
Katherine Rodriguez _Breitbart_
Friday, smash & grab Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Marxist/ Communist/ Maoist/ Collectivist rioters caused $100K damage in NYC; about 150 arrested, burglary tools, smoke grenades, spray paint, stun-guns seized; conspirators tried to sheild breakers from cameras
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart: mostly-violent rioters set fellow rioter on fire with incendiary bomb thrown at Portland police
Victoria Taft: PJMedia: rioter set on fire with incendiary bomb thrown at Portland police
Bob Price: Breitbart: Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists rioters of BLM attacked participants in fore-noon "walkaway" movement "rescue America" rally in Dallas, TX; several aimed at security guards; one battered security guard arrested by Dallas police & held for several hours; as people came out of police station after checking on status of security guard, rioters threw bottles at them, stole & destroyed phone
CBS DFW 11 21: multiple people detained
WFAA: multiple people detained
2018-03-30: Christian McPhate: Dallas TX Observer: turned down plea deal in theft case
KXXV/abc/Scripps: multiple people detained
Ian Miles Cheong: Post Millennial: BLM mob violently attacked Trump supporters in Dallas; security guard & attacker detained; leftists claim non-leftist "shoved a child" starting incident
Vivek Saxena: Biz PAC Review: BLM hijacks "Walkaway" rally, stormed stage, security guard tried to remove from stage
Lizzy Murica: Law Enforcement Today: violent BLM agitators disrupt peaceful "Walkaway" rally in Dallas, punch security guard tried to remove from stage
Dana Branham, Marc Ramirez, Charles Scudder & Tom Steele: Dallas TX Morning News: violent BLM agitators disrupt peaceful "Walkaway" rally in Dallas, punch security guard tried to remove from stage; NGAW "organizer"/ "activist" was briefly held to pay off traffic/driving violation warrants, arraignment on speeding ticket scheduled for later this month; given "class C" misdemeanor citation in connection with assault & battery on security guard, pending domestic violence, pending theft case; no official "arrests"
Kanishka Singh writing from Bengaluru, Valerie Volcovici in Washington, DC, editing by Frances Kerry & Alistair Bell: USA News & World Report/Reuters: Portland police arrested 27 rioters
Steve Stewart: Tallahassee Reports: protestors crossed the line into rioting Saturday; 15 arrested, primarily in dispute over blocking main road

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
_Patriot Post_
the Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease misinformation that seems to misguide most people
freedom to choose
through leftist media goggles
what Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Marxists/ Communists/ Maoists/ Collectivists think you neeeed

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
Newt Gingrich
#120: Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease vaccines: Tal Zaks, M.D. on Moderna/NIH mRNA-1273

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
Charlie Thompson & Nate Thurston _Good Morning, Liberty_
episode 305???:   Rob Chatfield of "Free to Choose Network"
Free to Choose Network

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
_War Room_
episode 371:   Steve Bannon, Jack Maxey, Vish Burra & Miles Guo on Red China: "Take Down CCP"

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
Tom Woods
episode #1728:   how the presidency (and judges) got to be so powerful

2020-09-05 (5780 Alul 16)
Proposed Bills 2020

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2020



2020 September, week 1 (1-5) (16KB)
2020 September, week 2 (6-12) (16KB)
2020 September, week 3 (13-19) (16KB)
2020 September, week 4 (20-26) (16KB)
2020 September, week 5 (27-30) (16KB)

Proposed Bills 2020

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population

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Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, Bob Barr, Walter E. Williams, Wayne Allyn Root, Thomas Sowell, Warner Brothers, Gary Johnson, Peter Brimelow, president Donald Trump, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.

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