2022 August

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 32nd year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer/BiteMe-Trump-BiteMe/Harass economic mega-depression

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updated: 2022-09-08


* repeal vile, hateful, unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare + Ryan&McConnellDon'tCare (do NOT replace it/them) & the 2009 Obummer mega-porkulus requiring privacy violation of every patient

* reform regulation and taxation of charities (differentiate genuine charities from political campaign organizations and crony socialist cabals) and encourage, without subsidizing, mutual benefit associations

* cut immigration/green cards/LPR visas to no more than 175K/year (about what John F. Kennedy thought was reasonable when the USA was significantly less over-crowded)

* cut O + L + H guest-work visas to no more than 5K/year (total)

* cut F student visas to no more than 10K/year (total) and eliminate CPT & OPT (encourage more apprenticeships/internships, co-ops for USA citizens)

* end visa waivers (everyone must pass a conscientious background investigation, regardless of country of birth or citizenship or most recent residence)

* fence/wall the borders

* terminate/eliminate permission to work from exchange / student exchange / cultural exchange visa programs (you can put on plays, pageants, dance, music, local craftsmanship & industry demonstrations, but not settle in to jobs in hotels, resorts, USA industries, craftsmanship, agriculture, etc.)

* phase out unconstitutional Medicaid & Medicare over 3 years

* phase out the unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity Abomination over 5 years

* end government subsidies for hospitals (and the attached strings)

* end government subsidies for scientific research (except for defense which should cover defense against biological warfare & epidemics)

* repeal regressive income extortion (i.e. repeal 16th amendment; replace with national retail sales tax with hard-cap constitutional top rate of 9.875% structured as a levy on the states)

* revoke the charter of the CFPB and repeal the rest of Dodd-Frank

* revoke the charter of the Federal Reserve System and establish a stable, hard money

* repeal direct election of senators (repeal 17th amendment)

* repeal the unconstitutional National Firearms Act and its amendments

* cut federal extortion by at least 2%, cut spending by at least 10% ("mandatory", "discretionary", "on-budget", "off-budget"), & each super-function, function, micro-function, object, etc.)

* de-fund and repeal the charters of CPB/NPR/PBS

* de-fund the national endowments for arts and humanities and AFI

* de-fund the racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood

* de-fund SBA

* de-fund Export-Import Bank, World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank, USAID

* cut foreign aid

* repudiate biased, injust WTO, GATS/TiSA

* re-negotiate or statutorily repudiate/reset GATT & NAFTA

* totally de-fund UN, withdraw membership, and evict them and all their evil spawn from NY and the USA

* cut federal Department of Educationism back to statistical reporting of graduations, diplomas, degrees, and rates thereof (NCES)

* cut Department of Energy by one-third to one-half

* set normal import tariff/duties/taxes to a maximum cap of 9.875%, and MFN to a cap of 8%, dumping penalties to at most 50%, and fraud penalties to at most 120%, eliminate exemptions to bring back burden to between 40% & 65% of all goods and services imported into USA with the aim of reaching an overall weighted average rate of 8%-12.5%

* adopt honest Country of Origin Label requirement for all imports to USA, requiring readable percentage of origin content for up to top 10 places of origin of parts & materials

* beef up export bans and restrictions for national security and to fight intellectual property robbery and fraud

* cut or eliminate HUD, HHS, NIH, CDCP, NSF; limit and focus their funding and work on constitutional functions & objectives

* cut or eliminate federal highway trust funds & DoT FHA Intelligent Transportation Systems & Amtrak

* repeal Anti-Impoundment Act

So, let us join the chorus in calling for immediate resignations of:

Robert B. Aderholt, Pete Aguilar, Lamar Alexander, Mark E. Amodei, »Kelly Ayotte,

Don Bacon, »Xavier Becerra, Michael Bennett, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Corry Bliss, Richard Blumenthal, Cory Booker, John Boozman, »Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown,

Ken Calvert, Maria Cantwell, Andre Carson, Bill Cassidy, Joaquin Castro, »Jason Chaffetz, Liz Cheney, Jim Clyburn, »Cochran, »Mike Coffman, Tom Cole, »Chris Collins, Susan M. Collins, »Conyers, Chris Coons, »Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Ryan A. Costello, Mike Crapo, »John Abney Culberson, »Carlos Curbelo, John Curtis,

Danny K. Davis, de Blasio, Diana de Gette, Rosa de Lauro, »Jeff Denham, »Charles Dent, Ted Deutch, Mark de Saulnier, Mario Diaz-Balart, Sean Duffy, Dick Durbin,

Mark S. Earley, »Keith Ellison, »Emanuel, Joni Ernst, Anna Eshoo, Adriano Espaillat, »Esty,

»John Faso, Diane Feinstein, Brian FitzPatrick, »Jeff Flake, Charles J. Fleischmann, Jeff Fortenberry, »Al Franken, »Rodney P. Frelinghuysen,

Andrew Gabarino, Cory Gardner, George Gascon, »Dolly Gee, ?? Gonzalez (OH), Lindsey Grahamnesty, Kay Granger, Charles Grassley, Tom Graves, Al Green, »Gene Green, Michelle Lujan Grisham, »Luis Gutierrez,

Andy Harris, Kamala Harris, Alcee Hastings, »Orrin D. Hatch, »Dean Heller, Jim Himes, »Ruben Hinojosa, Steny Hoyer, Will Hurd,

Johnny Isakson, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Pramila Jayapal, Hakeem Jeffries, »Evan H. Jenkins, Ron Johnson, David P. Joyce,

Tim Kaine, Marcie Kaptur, »John Kasich, John Katko, Robin Kelly, Ro Khanna, Peter T. King, Amy Klobuchar, »Stephen/Steve Knight,

»Leonard Lance, James Lankford, Al Lawson, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, Zoe Lofgren, »Mia Love, »Michelle Lujan-Grisham,

Nancy Mace, »Michael Madigan, Nicole R. Malliotakis (NY), Thomas Massie, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, David McKinley, Jerry McNerney, Gregory W. Meeks, »Mikulski, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, John R. Moolenaar, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Chris Murphy,

Gerrold Nadler, Grace Napolitano, »Bill Nelson, Dan Newhouse,

Ocrazio, Ilhan Omar, Ossof,

Steven Palazzo, »Erik Paulsen, Nasty Pelosi, Mark Pocan, Rob Portman, David Price,

Mike Quigley,

Tom Reed, »David Reichert, James Risch, John Roberts, Pat Roberts, Martha Roby, Harold/Hal Rogers, »Thomas J. Rooney, »Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mike Rounds, Marco Rubio, John Rutherford, »Paul Ryan,

Adam B. Schiff/Shifftless, Schmutzie Schumer, »Pete Sessions, Donna Shalala, Michael K. Simpson, Chris Smith, Sotomayor, Elise Stefanik, Chris Stewart, Steve Stivers, Dan Sullivan, Eric Swalwell,

»Scott Taylor, Bennie Thompson, John Thune, Thom Tillis (with staffer Daniel Keylin), »David Trott,

Fred Upton,

David G. Valadao, Jefferson H. van Drew,

Mark Warner, Warnoff, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, Steve Womack, »Rob Woodhall,

»Kevin Yoder, »David Young, Don Young, Todd Young;

Zuckerberg, Young, Weaver, Wasson, Vestberg, Tesija, Steyer, Soros, Smith, Slater, Schulman, Rometty, Robbins, Otis, O'Rourke, Northam, Nooyi, Murdoch, Muilenburg, McAdam, Laguarta, Keeth, Hinojosa, Healey, Haythornthwaite, Larry Ellison, Cook, Dorsey, Carrion, Bloomberg, Bezos, Bertolini, Banga, Archambeau, Adamczyk, all Alphabet/Google/YouTube executives (Bock, Brin, Hogue, Murillo, Naughton, Page, Pichai, Porat, Schmidt, Walker...), the whole 9th circus... and they should move in shame into remote caves smaller than 200 square feet each for an ascetic life of repentance.


2022 August
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2022 August, week 1 (1-6) (16KB)
2022 August, week 2 (7-13) (16KB)
2022 August, week 3 (14-20) (16KB)
2022 August, week 4 (21-27) (16KB)
2022 August, week 5 (28-31) (16KB)
  "Science is not democratic. Votes do not matter." --- John M. Barry 2004, 2014 _The Great Influenza_ pg78  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2022 August

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 32nd year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer/BiteMe-Trump-BiteMe/Harass economic mega-depression


MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.




Yom Sheni


2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)

903 days (or less) until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
AWR Hawkins _Breitbart_
at least 48 shot, 5 fatally so far over week-end, over 379 killed 2022-01-01 through 2022-07-31 in mayor Lori Lightfoot's power-mad hoplophobic Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist subjugated Chicagoland
articles by AWR Hawkins

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Thomas Gallatin _Patriot Post_
elitist globalists' fantasy threatens humankind
index to articles by Thomas Gallatin at Patriot Post

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Douglas Andrews _Patriot Post_
USMC lieutenant-colonel Stuart Scheller speaks out about Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, SecDef Lloyd Austin, chairJointChiefs Mark Milley, general Kenneth McKenzie, James Mattis misdeeds & other evidence of deep rot in USA DoD;   I'm merely telling them the truth...and they think I'm giving them 7734!
index to articles by Douglas Andrews at Patriot Post

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Michael Reagan _Patriot Post_
who got the USA into this mess? Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, the Clinton Crime Family, Obummer, BiteMe Crime Family
index to articles by Michael Reagan at Patriot Post

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist brain-washing pushes aside reading, writing, arithmetic, mathematics, science, engineering, electronics, electricity, paving, plumbing, roofing, construction, carpentry in brain-washer training at colleges & universities

Racist critical theory, "general will theory", "identity" theory, "gender" critical theory, LGBTQIP+ Mafia, "collective identities theory", Wuhan critical theory, "Systematic Demolition/DeConstruction Theory", legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, "social movement theory", critical theory, "critical pedagogy", "machine learning «fairness»", "justice/injustice frames theory", "social consciousness theory", "social construction theory", "meaning construction theory", "collective belief theory", grooming children to accept sexual abuse/"child sexualization", "class consciousness theory", "critical consciousness theory", "popular consciousness theory", "herd-mind/grex-mind theory", "hive-mind theory", "social activism theory", "social reality theory", "social engineering theory", "communicative force theory", "Critical Environmental InJustice"/watermelon climate hysteria, "Mass Disruption Theory", "Dissensus Politics Theory", "oppositional consciousness theory", "social protest theory", "collective indignation theory", "resistance movement theory", "collective action theory", "collective defiance theory", "grievance ideology", socialist war against justice, criminal justice deform, oppositional riot theory, "incendiarism theory", anti-USA-constitution hate speech, inter-sectionality brain-washing.

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Jeffrey A. Tucker _BrownStone Institute.org_
the lock-downs kicked off this economic depression

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
elitist globalist magazine bewails USA citizens' (& UK citizens') continuing opposition to legislation to legalize invasion of the USA (& UK);     executives desire even more cheap, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics;     citizens want compensation (pay/wages + benefits) & working condition that keep up with productivity & costs of living;     the USA already has 25M-29M too many skilled, knowledgeable workers for available jobs, nearly 3 times as many STEM grads as STEM jobs to employ them, including computer hardware engineers, software architects, computer chip designers
articles by Neil Munro

The jobs dearth for men is about 28.575M;   for women there was about 3.6M surplus (a subjective matter depending more on women's preferences);   total net jobs dearth (m + f) about 24.9M-28.6M;   for "blacks" the jobs dearth is about 2.45M;   for "Asians" about 435K;   for "whites" 10.4M;   for "Hispanics"/"Latinos" 14.1M below full employment.

The jobs dearth for men is about 28.6M;   for "black" men about 3.7M;   for "Asian" men about 1.3M;   for "white" men about 19.7M;   for "Hispanic"/"Latino" men about 2.9M below full employment.

The aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 60.2%,   down from the record best of 64.9%,   & up from the previous record worst of 51.3%.

For men, the aggregate employed ÷ population ratio (the work rate or employment rate) is at about 65.9%,   down from the record best of about 88.2%,   & up from the record worst of about 57.1%.

For "blacks", the aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 58.9%,   down from the record best of 61.4%,   but up from the record worst of 47.8%.

For "Asians", the aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 62.7%,   down from the record best of 65.6%,   & up from the previous record worst of 51.6%.

For "whites", aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 60%,   down from the record best of 65.5%,   & up from the record worst of 51.8%.

For "Hispanics"/"Latinos", aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 63.8%,   down from the record best of 66.4%,   & up from the record worst of 51.5%.

Jobs Dearth (insufficiency/ lack/ paucity/ shortfall/ shortage) graphs

For "black" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 62.142%,   down from the record best of about 70.248%,   & up from the record worst of about 50.237%.

For "Asian" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 69.442%,   down from the record best of about 75.061%,   & up from the previous record worst of about 59.397%.

For "white" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 66.124%,   down from the record best of about 84.791%,   & up from the record worst of about 58.227%.

For "Hispanic"/"Latino" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 73.363%,   down from the record best of about 78.945%,   & up from the record worst of about 60.341%.

For veterans, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 45.6% (was 54.1% in 2006 May; maximum since then was 54.1%; minimum was 42.6%).

The per-centage of 1850 (the year before the American Party, later called the Know Nothings) was founded, USA population foreign-born was 9.68%;   in 1860, 13.16%;   in 1870, 14.44%;   in 1880, 13.3%, by which time the USA frontiers were no more & we had begun to "in-fill", i.e. crowd;   in 1890, 14.77%;     in 1900, the percentage of population foreign-born was 13.6%;   in 1910, 14.7%;   in 1920, 13.2%;   in 1930, 11.6%;   in 1940, 8.8%;   in 1950, 6.9%;   in 1960, 5.4%;   in 1970, 4.7%;   in 1980, 6.2%;   in 1990, 7.9%;   in 2000, 11.1%;   in 2001, 11.38%;   in 2002, 11.5%;   in 2003, 11.7%;   in 2004, 11.8%;   in 2005, 12.1%;   in 2006, 12.1%;   in 2007, 12.6%;   in 2008, 12.5%;   in 2009, 12.2%;   in 2010, 12.9%;   in 2011, 13%;   in 2012, 13.1%... 14.3% (47M) in 2022 April... projected by census bureau to be 15.2% by 2030, 16.1% by 2040.

The employed ÷ civilian-non-institutionalized-population per-centages for USA natives are 59.4%;   and for the foreign-born (who comprise 17% of the civilian, non-institutionalized population 16 years old & older) is 63.5%.

It is also interesting that the employed ÷ population per-centages for those with at least the equivalent of bachelor's degrees, those with some college, & those with HS diplomas or equivalent have been falling for several decades, while the employed÷population per-centages for those without a HS diploma have been generally rising.   This is another case where it would have been nice to have such data going back to, e.g. 1900 to have a decent base-lines, but what older statistics exist are incommensurable. (Employed ÷ population per-centages
for those with at least the equivalent of bachelor's degrees were 78.8% in 1992, 70.8% in 2022 June;  
for those with some college were 71.0% in 1992, 60.7% in 2022 June;  
for those with a HS diploma were 60.9% in 1992, 54.3% in 2022 June;  
for those without a HS diploma were 36.1% in 1992, 43.3% in 2022 June.)

386K want employment, searched for work, but no available work was found, and thus are discouraged;     6.1M want employment now but are not employed, 1.541M are classified by BLS as "want a job now, available to work now, marginally attached to the labor-force, searched for employment in the previous year (believe no employment is available)";   & 243K are classified by BLS as "want a job now, marginally attached, discouraged over employment prospects (believe no employment is available), Men"... so even some people who ARE "actively seeking work" are classified by BLS as "not in the labor force" (NILF) and "NOT actively seeking work", thus muddying the waters, ambiguating, fogging, blowing smoke, obfuscating, misleading, disinforming, deceiving.

The USA civilian, non-institutionalized population 16 years or older is about 263.835M;
the "civilian labor force" 16 years or older is about 165.012M;
about 158.678M are employed (temp/gig or long-term, full-time or part-time), employment increased by about 618K;
98.822M are considered by BLS to be NOT currently in the "labor force";
6.344M are considered by BLS to be unemployed and "actively seeking work";
1.103M are considered by BLS to be unemployed and "actively seeking part-time work";
5.231M are considered by BLS to be unemployed and "actively seeking full-time work";
3.838M are "employed part-time for economic reasons" and would prefer full-time employment &/or higher pay to make ends meet;
10.885 are employed part-time for non-economic reasons;
uncounted millions more are being gigged/ temped/ bodyshopped/ contracted/ consultanted, contingently employed, etc. (it sometimes seems they hatch another euphemism, another dodge, another deception every month), but are seeking real employment.

Average duration of unemployment while actively seeking work is 20.8 weeks (more than 4.8 months), as compared with the best on record since 1948 of 6.6 weeks; while the Median duration of unemployment is 5.8 weeks (about 1.3 months), as compared with the best on record since 1967 of 3.6 weeks.   From what I've read (news articles, "human resources" professionals discussions, etc.) bodyshops/ staffing services/ PEOs/ and employment agencies categorize everyone unemployed longer than 4 weeks as "hard core unemployed" or "unemployable", refuse to consider placing them, but have their screening software send such resumes directly to the trash-bin.

Average duration of unemployment while actively seeking full-time work (gigs/temp/contingent/contract or long-term) is 22 weeks (about 5 months), as compared with the best on record since 1977 of 8.5 weeks;   while the current Median is 7.3 weeks (about 1.6 months), as compared with the best on record since 1977 of 4 weeks.

Current U-1 unemployment rate was 1.2%;   5.1 percentage points better than worst (6.3%) & equal to the best.

Current U-2 unemployment rate was 1.6%;   11.6 percentage points better than worst & 0.6 percentage point worse than the best (1.6 times as bad as the best).

Current U-3 unemployment rate was 3.8%;   24.9 percentage points better than worst & 2.6 percentage points worse than the best (3.2 times as bad as the best).

Current U-4 unemployment rate was 4.1%;   10.7 percentage points better than worst & 0.6 percentage point worse than the best.

Current U-5 unemployment rate was 4.7%;   10.9 percentage points better than worst & 0.7 percentage points worse than the best.

Current U-6 unemployment rate was 7%;   15.4 percentage points better than worst & 0.7 percentage points worse than the best (1.1 times as bad as the best).

Neither the USA Department of Labor nor the Bureau of Labor Statistics track, & they seem not to be interested in, employer investment in training & relocation of talent within the USA (neither current nor changes over time), nor the intensity, effort, time, investment, etc. for recruiting vs. filtering out job-seekers... as employers try less to recruit USA citizens & lobby more for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled (untested, unmeasured) foreign labor with flexible ethics.

Unemployment rates by occupation in the 2nd quarter of 2022 were roughly 10% above what they have been at periods of near "full employment" over-all since 1983 (and slightly worse than the best period since the late 1940s).

The overall average unemployment for 2022 Q1 managerial occupations was 10% worse than it has been been at periods of near "full employment" over-all since 1983.

unemployment rates for law-related occupations were 230% (2.3 times) as bad as their "full employment" level since 1983.

10% worse than what architects & engineers would experience at "full employment" levels.

170% of what those in computer sciences & mathematics would experience at "full employment" levels (1.7 times as much unemployment).

20% worse than the unemployment rates that people in the sciences would experience at "full employment" levels.

30% worse than historic "full employment" unemployment rates for education.

60% worse than post-1982 "full employment" unemployment rates for the arts, technical writers, news, & PR.

60% worse than (1.6 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for health-care.

50% of (1.5 times) worse than "full employment" unemployment rates for police, security, fire-fighters, etc.

right at "full employment" unemployment rates for food preparers.

420% of (4.2 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for building & grounds cleaning & maintenance.

120% of (1.2 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for personal care & services.

130% of "full employment" unemployment rates for sales.

1.4 times "full employment" unemployment rates for office & administrative support.

right at "full employment" unemployment rates for natural resources & farming occupations.

10% worse than (1.1 times as bad as) "full employment" unemployment rates for construction, mining, petroleum, production & transportation occupations.

Unemployment rates for construction workers were about 7.4%,     for masons 7.2%,     for roofers 5.6%,     for construction laborers 6.6%,     for tool & die makers about 3.3%, for machinists 3.8%. The small sample size means that estimates for these sub-categories are unreliable.

About 30% worse than (1.3 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for transportation occupations (truck drivers, taxi, school omnibus, municipal omnibus, locomotive...).

Unemployment rates for school omnibus drivers were about 4.4%,     for municipal omnibus drivers 7.1%,     for truck drivers 3.3%,     for taxi drivers 4.9%,     for other transportation workers 4.9%. Once again, the sample sizes for taxi drivers & bus drivers are a bit too small to be highly-reliable.

employment/unemployment graphs 📈

by industry ⚙ ⚖ 👷 🗞 📚 🎥 🏗 🏭

by occupation 👨‍💻 👨‍⚖️ 👩‍🌾 👨‍🍳 👨‍🔧 👨‍🏭 ☤

graphs of education statistics 👨‍🎓

graphs of visa statistics 🛂

jobs dearth (based on historical employed/population ratios) 📈🥺🏚

more graphs of economic indicators 📈🏚🤵🎩💰💎

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Gary Varvel _Patriot Post_

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
_Patriot Post_
the loon-battery of climate hysterics buying electric vehicles makes zero sense
feeling stupid
it is true
who pays the price of being wrong

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Dan Bongino, M.B.A.

#1820:     George Soros announced his next disgusting scheme;    

Nasty Pelosi;

latest Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist, RINO, neo-con, crony socialist sheme for mal-spending, over-spending, soaring strong-arm extortion... and continually worsening price inflation;

Red China ruling criminal gangsters, immoral tech tyrant TikTok, & the BiteMe Crime Family;

Rumble anti-trust/restraint of trade law-suit against immoral tech tyrants proceeding to "discovery".

episode #1820 video on Rumble.com: Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime & leftist media got caught gas-lighting & hilarity ensued

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 18 USC 1507: defending judges from initiation of force

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

25 years ago: Thomas Sowell on the corrupt, power-mad, elitist, crony socialist DC swamp: Rumble.com

BonginoReport.com news head-line index
Classical Liberal Review.com: Liberty Scores of congress-critters
Bongino.com/LLS: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
My Patriot Supply
Fast-Growing Trees
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
Keep the USA USA
A Smart Nashville
ETS Mags
All Form furniture
Prepare with Dan

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Defend Florida
Ohio Stands Up


Forces of Evil

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Gary McNamara & Eric Harley _Red Eye Radio_
part 1:   Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, DC insanity;     Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime continues driving worsening price inflation;     continuing worsening mutant insanity, actor insanity
part 1 alternate link
part 2:   Hershey warns of looming Halloween candy shortage       long incoherent & incompetent, 4-times vaccinated, then infected, then Paxlovidized, BiteMe (& other Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime anti-USA insurrectionists) infected again;       today's news & audio
part 2 alternate link
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Scott Fisher & David Lambert _Extreme Genes_
#430:   DNA test revealed more Nigerian connections;     DNA sequences being weaponized;     the shift from hunter-gatherer to agriculturalists & foresters to megalith monument builders
Your DNA Guide
centi-Morgan estimator on/in DNA Painter

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Daniel Horowitz
if it is now questioned & tested, re-tested, it is not science; it is propaganda from power-mad elitists/ authoritarians
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
USA Freedom Flyers
Our Amazing Grace.net
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.
USA FrontLine Nurses
Bit Chute: "vaccine passports", open borders, tyranny, & corruption
Blaze: play-list/index
Stitcher: play-list/index
iHeart: play-list/index
global Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 summit
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Doctors for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 ethics
Make USA Citizens Free Again
Thomas Renz, J.D.
We the Patriots USA
My Free Doctor
Front-Line Covid Critical Care Alliance
Dr. Been
We the Patriots USA
AR500 Armor
Center for Immigration Studies
National Organization for Marriage
UnConstrained Analytics
Rational Ground: more on masks 😷
Wuhan graphs quiz
We the People Holsters
Express VPN
Rational Ground
PANDA: Pandemics Data & Analytics
Free State Project PorcupineFest
Great Barrington Declaration

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
John Solomon & Amanda Head & Madison Foglio
#601:   Tiffany Justice of Moms for Liberty attacked by hateful immoral tech tyrants for pointing out that "gender dysphoria" is a mental health issue;   we need to defend children from being perverted by predators
Just the News: Rumble
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Off the Press
SouthEastern Legal Foundation
The New Internet.com
Freedom Phone.com
USA 1st Policy Institute
Recover the USA
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Army Week.org

The Religion of Peace

Joseph Curl & Off the Press
Jason Miller & GETTR
to subscribe to Freedom Phone: JUSTTHENEWS for $50 off
Light Box Jewelry: lab-grown & colorized diamonds
Tivic Health

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D. _USA First_/_Rumble_/_NewsMax_
Jim Hanson, David Goldman, Miranda Devine & Julio Rosas: mostly-violent riots by racist Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists from 2016 through 2020; would it be cruel & unusual to the Red China ruling criminal ruling slavers, murderers, criminal gangsters to drop Nasty Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Schmutzie Schumer, Liz Cheney, Lisa Murkowski, John Heinz Kerry, Jerrold Nadler, a dozen Soros-backed non-prosecutors... on them from 100K feet?
Sebastian Gorka: Rumble

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Robert Barnes Law, LLP
Patriot Freedom Project.com
Top Doctor Magazine: Zev Zelenko
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Patriot Freedom Project 🇺🇸
No Left Turn 🇺🇸
℞ for Liberty
Freedom Square.com 🗽 🔔
Springield Armory
Seb Gorka: Rumble
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Seb Gorka

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Mark Levin, J.D.

🔆 killing avowed terrorists & Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime double-standard posing;

🔆 corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime promoting insanity & perversion at one of our oldest USAF bases & research centers: Langley (in Hampton on the Virginia peninsula near the home of founder George Wythe & colonel Wilson Cary Selden & Thomas Nelson ii; see Margot Lee Shetterly 2016 _Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the UnTold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race_ (346-360 pages; ISBN 9780062363596; OCLC 973510941; HarperCollins/William Morrow; 510.9252 LEE; Main+NE+Jax+BLPerry+Woodville; NASA/LangleyRC));

🔆 Red China ruling criminal gangsters have been infiltrating the USA, USA governments, USA tech & defense firms, & USA colleges & universities for at least 35 years, but are growing increasingly belligerent & threatening to 🇹🇼 Taiwan/Republic of China, 🇲🇾 Malaysia, 🇹🇭 Thailand, 🇻🇳 VietNam, 🇮🇩 Indonesia, 🇵🇭 Philippines, 🇯🇵 Japan... and the incoherent, incompetent Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime continues bungling & bumbling & harming the USA;

🔆 Arizona attorney-general Mark Brnovich on the importance of tomorrow's primaries;

🔆 Pennsylvania & other states violated the USA constitution & the Pennsylvania constitution by abusing drop-boxes, breaking chain-of-custody, blocking observers from oversight, accepting ballots received after the date & time designated in constitutional law, refusing to check signatures on outer envelope of dropped & mailed ballots against signatures on file from registration;

Racist critical theory, "general will theory", "identity" theory, "gender" critical theory, LGBTQIP+ Mafia, "collective identities theory", Wuhan critical theory, "Systematic Demolition/DeConstruction Theory", legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, "social movement theory", critical theory, "critical pedagogy", "machine learning «fairness»", "justice/injustice frames theory", "social consciousness theory", "social construction theory", "meaning construction theory", "collective belief theory", grooming children to accept sexual abuse/"child sexualization", "class consciousness theory", "critical consciousness theory", "popular consciousness theory", "herd-mind/grex-mind theory", "hive-mind theory", "social activism theory", "social reality theory", "social engineering theory", "communicative force theory", "Critical Environmental InJustice"/watermelon climate hysteria, "Mass Disruption Theory", "Dissensus Politics Theory", "oppositional consciousness theory", "social protest theory", "collective indignation theory", "resistance movement theory", "collective action theory", "collective defiance theory", "grievance ideology", socialist war against justice, criminal justice deform, oppositional riot theory, "incendiarism theory", anti-USA-constitution hate speech, inter-sectionality brain-washing.

Apple itunes/podcasts
Mark Levin: Audacy: episodes
Mark Levin: Rumble.com

🔆 ✺ ✩ ⚛ ❄ Mark Reed Levin 2021-07-13 _American Marxism_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; 320.973)★★★

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Tusk browser.com
Barna Research Group/Barna Group
School Board Watch-List.org
Hageman for Wyoming
Free Enterprise Project
College/University Resurrection
ending Racist Critical Theory brain-washing K-12
Parents Defending Education
State Policy Network
Non-Leftists for Property Rights
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Convention of States
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Levin TV

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-01 (5782 Ab 04)
Proposed Bills 2022

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2022





Yom Shlishi


2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)

902 days (or less) until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Ella Kietlinska & Joshua Philipp _Epoch Times_
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S.: Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo virus 🦠 vaccines 💉 hinder immune system, lead to more severe illness
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Audrey Conklin & Jeff Asher _Fox_
USA cities with high & soaring crime rates include New Orleans, Baltimore, Birmingham, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Rochester, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Kansas City, DC, Richmond, Oakland, Cincinnati, Chicagoland

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Lucas Nolan _Breitbart_
immoral tech tyrants, hospitals, EHR systems, CMS, HHS violate privacy: law-suits charge patient privacy forfeit with health, exercise tracking apps/tools
articles by Lucas Nolan

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Lucas Nolan _Breitbart_
former libertarian, Jimbo Wales, co-founder of WickedPedia (formerly WikiPedia), rages at Elon Musk for criticism of blatant Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist on vast areas of web-site:   controversy erupted over attempts of WickedPedia idiotors to change definitions of "recession", "depression" to cover for corrupt, oath-breaking, incompetent Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, and blocking corrections to bring it back to economists' long-accepted definitions
articles by Lucas Nolan

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
media critics mum on Koch Industries (Guardian Glass & other subsidiaries) sale/ withdrawal from Russia

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Rasheed Walters & David Almasi _Project 21_/_National Center for Public Policy Research_
racist eugenics at the roots of abortion/infanticide/baby-murdering business: "we need to write a new chapter that puts an end to the shameful practice of viewing human beings as weeds

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Hannah Nightingale _Post Millennial_
corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime SecInjustice Merrick Garland directorFBI Christopher Wray declare references to USA constitution, founding-era flags, etc. to be "violent" "militant" "extremist" symbols;     mum on fasces in the Lincoln memorial and framing Nasty Pelosi's perch in House, sickles & hammers, M19, & other symbols of violent collectivists
Project Veritas

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Spencer Lindquist _Breitbart_
Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist brain-washing consulting firm "Queer Mathematics Teacher" seeks to promote "queer mathematics" in K-12 schools; Conspiracy for Academic, "Social", and Emotional Brain-Washing web log sponsored by Allstate Foundation
articles by Spencer Lindquist

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
_Patriot Post_
in the USA's interest
I told you so; others told you so
always constant
getting tired of being lectured & hectored by ignorant people
what happened

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
A.F. Branco _Patriot Post_
inflation legislation
Lisa Benson: federal water management

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Dan Bongino, M.B.A.

#1821:     today could be a turning point in USA history;    

on-going, worsening Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime economic recession, price inflation, decreasing value-production...;

Taiwan cancelled leaves of defense forces to immediately prepare for defense against attack by Red China;

young voters are realizing how bad the Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, & other Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists have been & are;

corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime SecInjustice Merrick Garland cannot blame president Trump, cannot blame militia members, cannot blame veterans, cannot blame non-leftists for a handful of people who engaged in minor vandalism... and scared the bejeezus out of the power-mad, extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists members of congress & staffers & some capitol police;

Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime on-line "asylum" application is wide-open to abuse by hostile foreign spies & operatives;

Elon Musk & immoral tech tyrants.

episode #1821 video on Rumble.com: today could be a turning point in USA history

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 18 USC 1507: defending judges from initiation of force

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

25 years ago: Thomas Sowell on the corrupt, power-mad, elitist, crony socialist DC swamp: Rumble.com

BonginoReport.com news head-line index
Classical Liberal Review.com: Liberty Scores of congress-critters
Bongino.com/LLS: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
My Patriot Supply
Fast-Growing Trees
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
Keep the USA USA
A Smart Nashville
ETS Mags
All Form furniture
Prepare with Dan

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Defend Florida
Ohio Stands Up


Forces of Evil

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Gary McNamara & Eric Harley _Red Eye Radio_
part 1:   war on terrorists;     several bills proposed in congress titled "PACT act", sponsored by wide range of congress-critters, with widely different contents (VA, military, energy, commerce, transportation, foreign affairs, brain-washing, education, immigration, invasion, "sanctuary" jurisdictions, pensions, tobacco, computers, parks, Amerindians, mining, quangos), for widely different purposes; throwing enough sand to baffle the congress-critters & USA citizens... and one of them has been rammed through;     explosive worsening of price inflation
part 1 alternate link
part 2:   corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime draining strategic petroleum reserve;       today's news & audio
part 2 alternate link
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Charlie Thompson & Nate Thurston _Good Morning, Liberty_
#779⁈:   several bills proposed in congress titled "PACT act", sponsored by wide range of congress-critters, with widely different contents (VA, military, energy, commerce, transportation, foreign affairs, brain-washing, education, immigration, invasion, "sanctuary" jurisdictions, pensions, tobacco, computers, parks, Amerindians, mining, quangos), for widely different purposes; throwing enough sand to baffle the congress-critters & USA citizens... and one of them has been rammed through
Donors Trust.org
Madical Daily: severe Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 is rare in un-vaccinated individuals
Eric Brakey: Free the USA Now podcasts
Hannah D. Cox: Based Politics podcasts

Foundation for Economic Education: Algore's watermelon climate hysteria disinformation (another prediction failed to play out)


Hannah Cox at Based-Politics


Institute for Justice (IJ)

Freedom Forum

Dan for Freedom, Dan for Texas, Dan for the oceans

Lions of Liberty.locals.com

United for Privacy

Freer Future Fest

Students for Liberty.org (SFL)

Young Americans for Liberty.org (YAL)

Civics Fundamentals.org

The Gray Lady Winked

Rob McNealy

Propaganda Report.com

Monica Mixes.com

Atlas Society

The Tuttle Twins

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print

the Libertarian republic

Free to Choose Network


Sharpe Way.com

economist Antony Davies, Ph.D.: words & numbers

Rand Paul: Foundation for Economic Education: mal-spending, over-spending

Foundation for Economic Education: gasoline taxes & other government-forced energy cost increases are especially bad news for poor & middle-income, & job seekers

Up In Arms Clothing.com


Freedom Fest.com Las Vegas 2022 July 13-16

Learn Austrian Economics.org
Master My Trades
Run Your Mouth Coffee

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Alex Abernathy _Combatting Madness_
one terrorist leader kiled; more piles & piles of bad legislation;     repeat Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 after 4 vaccinations, after Paxlovid treatment...

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting/ballot-trafficking
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Save Our Allies.org
Oil Price
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com

Freedom Fest.com Las Vegas 2022 July 13-16
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Learn Austrian Economics.org

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
cardiologist Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H. _McCullough Report_
ivermectin seems to be recognized by many doctors as the most effective treatment (about 0.6mg/kg for 5-10 days), & doctors & pharmacists have gone to great lengths to legally keep supplies flowing

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Healthy Cell
Duff Kelly: Rumble: Wicked People

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Rudy Giuliani, J.D.
alert🚨: FBI has become Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime's private goon squad against political opponents
Rumble:   John Solomon: election/vote corruption & fraud (part 1)
Rumble:   John Solomon: election/vote corruption & fraud (part 2)
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
"Rigged 2020"
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
Rudy Giuliani, J.D. Common Sense
the Rudy Giuliani, J.D.: Rumble
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Moms For Liberty.org
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Daniel Horowitz
Thomas Massie: repeal of immunity against medical liability would be one of the most important, most urgent bills to pass when Republicans have majorities in congress;     right now, we must strive to slow down, or block the mal-spending, over-spending bills
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
USA Freedom Flyers
Our Amazing Grace.net
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.
USA FrontLine Nurses
Bit Chute: "vaccine passports", open borders, tyranny, & corruption
Blaze: play-list/index
Stitcher: play-list/index
iHeart: play-list/index
global Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 summit
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Doctors for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 ethics
Make USA Citizens Free Again
Thomas Renz, J.D.
We the Patriots USA
My Free Doctor
Front-Line Covid Critical Care Alliance
Dr. Been
We the Patriots USA
AR500 Armor
Center for Immigration Studies
National Organization for Marriage
UnConstrained Analytics
Rational Ground: more on masks 😷
Wuhan graphs quiz
We the People Holsters
Express VPN
Rational Ground
PANDA: Pandemics Data & Analytics
Free State Project PorcupineFest
Great Barrington Declaration

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Cheryl K. Chumley
Mark Mix: defending against union bosses... and the extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist brain-washer union bosses in particular

USA First Policy Institute (AFPI)

Institute for Justice (IJ)

Stephen K. Bannon 2004, 2005 "In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed" (DVD; OCLC 59722414)

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
John Solomon & Amanda Head & Madison Foglio
#602:   Mark Morgan: Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime violating oaths/affirmations of office,     refusing to defend against invasion,     refusing to screen, let alone conscientiously screen visa applicants,     refusing to test & quarantine people coming in at ports & those invading who have communicable diseases,     obstructing Inspector-General investigations,     encouraging slavers/human-trafickers, drug traffickers, & other international criminal gangs
Just the News: Rumble
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Off the Press
SouthEastern Legal Foundation
The New Internet.com
Freedom Phone.com
USA 1st Policy Institute
Recover the USA
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Army Week.org

The Religion of Peace

Joseph Curl & Off the Press
Jason Miller & GETTR
to subscribe to Freedom Phone: JUSTTHENEWS for $50 off
Light Box Jewelry: lab-grown & colorized diamonds
Tivic Health

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Matt Vespa & Storm Paglia _Triggered_
#389:   Nasty Pelosi;     terrorist;     primary election pre-view
Town Hall
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50

The Religion of Peace

Forces of Evil

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D. _USA First_/_Rumble_/_NewsMax_
Enrique Prado/Ric Prado: killing terrorists for the USA
Sebastian Gorka: Rumble

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Robert Barnes Law, LLP
Patriot Freedom Project.com
Top Doctor Magazine: Zev Zelenko
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Patriot Freedom Project 🇺🇸
No Left Turn 🇺🇸
℞ for Liberty
Freedom Square.com 🗽 🔔
Springield Armory
Seb Gorka: Rumble
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Seb Gorka

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Mark Levin, J.D.

🔆 Nasty Pelosi;

🔆 cardio-thoracic surgeon Mehmet Oz, M.D.;

🔆 retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2022-07-12 _We'll Be Back: The Fall & Rise of the USA_ (256-290 pages; ISBN 9781684513307; OCLC 1319752927; Regnery/Eagle).

Racist critical theory, "general will theory", "identity" theory, "gender" critical theory, LGBTQIP+ Mafia, "collective identities theory", Wuhan critical theory, "Systematic Demolition/DeConstruction Theory", legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, "social movement theory", critical theory, "critical pedagogy", "machine learning «fairness»", "justice/injustice frames theory", "social consciousness theory", "social construction theory", "meaning construction theory", "collective belief theory", grooming children to accept sexual abuse/"child sexualization", "class consciousness theory", "critical consciousness theory", "popular consciousness theory", "herd-mind/grex-mind theory", "hive-mind theory", "social activism theory", "social reality theory", "social engineering theory", "communicative force theory", "Critical Environmental InJustice"/watermelon climate hysteria, "Mass Disruption Theory", "Dissensus Politics Theory", "oppositional consciousness theory", "social protest theory", "collective indignation theory", "resistance movement theory", "collective action theory", "collective defiance theory", "grievance ideology", socialist war against justice, criminal justice deform, oppositional riot theory, "incendiarism theory", anti-USA-constitution hate speech, inter-sectionality brain-washing.

Apple itunes/podcasts
Mark Levin: Audacy: episodes
Mark Levin: Rumble.com
Heritage: 7 steps to combat racist critical theory

Forces of Evil

🔆 ✺ ✩ ⚛ ❄ Mark Reed Levin 2021-07-13 _American Marxism_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; 320.973)★★★

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Tusk browser.com
Barna Research Group/Barna Group
School Board Watch-List.org
Hageman for Wyoming
Free Enterprise Project
College/University Resurrection
ending Racist Critical Theory brain-washing K-12
Parents Defending Education
State Policy Network
Non-Leftists for Property Rights
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Convention of States
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Levin TV

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-02 (5782 Ab 05)
Proposed Bills 2022

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2022





Yom Rebiai


2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)

901 days (or less) until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
AWR Hawkins _Breitbart_
there is nothing ✡ Jewish (gives little priority to most issues of concern to Jewish people, Israel, defending against anti-Semitism & Iran & Mohammedan terrorism, no concern about attacks against Jewish people on Long Island), nothing democratic, nothing in support of 🗽 liberty, nothing in support of the 🇺🇸 USA about the extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist "Jewish Democratic Council of America" (JDCA); like Soros's anti-Israel "J-Street"
articles by AWR Hawkins

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Mark Tapscott _Epoch Times_
House Republicans tell State Department, SecState Antony Blinken to preserve all documents & files & records on grants supporting atheism

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Alana Mastrangelo _Breitbart_
in Florida, Jaguar I-Pace electric car caught fire while re-charging, burned down to bare metal; 4th reported incident for this make & model
articles by Alana Mastrangelo

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
senator John Kennedy: Hansen/Manchin/Schumer/Pelosi HR312/HR5376/HR6788 inflation explosive worsening act will result in millions of USA citizens camping out in card-board boxes, tents, shacks in abandoned lots, canyons, parking lots, alleys, behind businesses... Obummer-BiteMe-Harass-villes
articles by Pam Key
Ditch Mitch McConnell!

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Katherine Hamilton _Breitbart_
Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime recession is causing increased demand at food-banks
articles by Katherine Hamilton
Ditch Mitch McConnell!   Dump Pelosi, Schumer, Ocrazio, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, Nadler, Schifftless, McCain, Mendez, Murkowski, Cheney, Collins, Corker, Cornyn, Witmer...

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
despite Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 pandemic, federal government employees increased to 1,956,539, though more younger & health care employees resigned; 5.2% in DC area, 9% in Western states

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
USA 🇺🇸 Freedom 🗽 🔔 cheered in campaign ad of Florida governor Ron de Santis

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Jeffrey A. Tucker _BrownStone Institute.org_
immoral tech tyrants, power-mad bureaubums at CDCP, NIH, HHS, WHO are best cronies in creating & fanning pandemic hysteria... & the problem of corrupt business executives conspiring with power-mad government officials

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Roger Helle _Patriot Post_
collateral damage: Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime policy of starving USA citizens of fuel, energy, electricity in the name of extreme, power-mad watermelon climate hysteria
index to articles by Roger Helle at Patriot Post

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
_Patriot Post_
who decides?
shortage insanity; surplus of insanity
know the difference
that look on someone's face when...
new mower; squirrels beware
more or less

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Gary Varvel _Patriot Post_
the plan
Michael P. Ramirez: inflation legislation
Lisa Benson: inflation legislation

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Dan Bongino, M.B.A.

#1822:     the globalist elitists' "great reset" is not going well;    

Beyonce caves in to Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist gangsters;

cities with high murder rates;

hoplophobic politicians in Houston paid $50 apiece for non-functional, freshly-3-D-printed arms that cost $3 apiece to make;

these Nobel laureate economists were dead wrong (again) about price inflation; do not expect an apology;

Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime: high gasoline, diesel, electricity, fertilizer, food, housing... prices; worsening extortion by governments;

Nasty Pelosi wants to appoing her own pet anti-USA-constitution prosecutor.

episode #1822 video on Rumble.com: today could be a turning point in USA history

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 18 USC 1507: defending judges from initiation of force

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

25 years ago: Thomas Sowell on the corrupt, power-mad, elitist, crony socialist DC swamp: Rumble.com

BonginoReport.com news head-line index
Classical Liberal Review.com: Liberty Scores of congress-critters
Bongino.com/LLS: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
My Patriot Supply
Fast-Growing Trees
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
Keep the USA USA
A Smart Nashville
ETS Mags
All Form furniture
Prepare with Dan

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Defend Florida
Ohio Stands Up


Forces of Evil

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Gary McNamara & Eric Harley _Red Eye Radio_
part 1:   primary elections;       Nasty Pelosi;       Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime;       explosive worsening of price inflation;       terrorist;       JOLTS: job openings at 9-month low, USA jobs dearth about 24.7M-28.4M
part 1 alternate link
part 2:   peudo-Republicans in congress totally bungle on veterans bill;       Florida governor Ron de Santis;       Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime SecNoEnergy Jennifer Granholm lies about fossil fuels;       today's news & audio
part 2 alternate link
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Alex Abernathy _Combatting Madness_
senator Marsha Blackburn on immoral tech tyrants, Red China ruling criminal gangsters, Nasty Pelosi, & federal statute regarding college & university athletics funding for men & women

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting/ballot-trafficking
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Save Our Allies.org
Oil Price
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com

Freedom Fest.com Las Vegas 2022 July 13-16
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Learn Austrian Economics.org

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Daniel Horowitz
John Whitehead: the digital authoritarianism of immoral tech tyrants, surveillance state, & artificial intelligence that may spell the end of humans;       we must rid the USA of influence by the Red China ruling criminal gangsters, so that we will be able to free 🇹🇼 Taiwan/Republic of China, 🇭🇰 Hong Kong, the people of Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea, etc.
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
USA Freedom Flyers
Our Amazing Grace.net
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.
USA FrontLine Nurses
Bit Chute: "vaccine passports", open borders, tyranny, & corruption
Blaze: play-list/index
Stitcher: play-list/index
iHeart: play-list/index
global Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 summit
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Doctors for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 ethics
Make USA Citizens Free Again
Thomas Renz, J.D.
We the Patriots USA
My Free Doctor
Front-Line Covid Critical Care Alliance
Dr. Been
We the Patriots USA
AR500 Armor
Center for Immigration Studies
National Organization for Marriage
UnConstrained Analytics
Rational Ground: more on masks 😷
Wuhan graphs quiz
We the People Holsters
Express VPN
Rational Ground
PANDA: Pandemics Data & Analytics
Free State Project PorcupineFest
Great Barrington Declaration

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
John Solomon & Amanda Head & Madison Foglio
#603:   retired lieutenant-general Keith Kellogg: differences in media coverage of removing terrorists & recruiters/leaders/orchestrators of terrorism
Just the News: Rumble
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Off the Press
SouthEastern Legal Foundation
The New Internet.com
Freedom Phone.com
USA 1st Policy Institute
Recover the USA
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Army Week.org

The Religion of Peace

Joseph Curl & Off the Press
Jason Miller & GETTR
to subscribe to Freedom Phone: JUSTTHENEWS for $50 off
Light Box Jewelry: lab-grown & colorized diamonds
Tivic Health

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Newt Gingrich, Ph.D.
#443:   John Ondrasik recorded music video "Can One Man Save the World" with Ukrainian 🇺🇦 orchestra in zone being attacked by Russian military (need more Harpoon missiles to keep open sea-ways)

Sarah Verardo of Save Our Allies.org
Bernard Cornwell.net

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Citizens United
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
1776 action
Gary Sinise foundation for USA veterans
Flag Officers for the USA
1776 Action.org
USA First Legal.org (hrmph, web site appears to be dysfunctional; similar problems to Stanford/Hoover Institute; evil MSFT JavaScript malware!)
Folds of Honor
Open the Books
Fast Growing Trees

Forces of Evil

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Rudy Giuliani, J.D.
#259: Miranda Devine: BiteMe Crime Family "compromised" by deals with Red China ruling criminal gangsters
Rumble:   John Solomon: election/vote corruption & fraud (part 1)
Rumble:   John Solomon: election/vote corruption & fraud (part 2)
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
"Rigged 2020"
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
Rudy Giuliani, J.D. Common Sense
the Rudy Giuliani, J.D.: Rumble
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Moms For Liberty.org
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D. _USA First_/_Rumble_/_NewsMax_
Ashley Lucas, Ph.D., R.D.: diet & weight control;     Ashley Lucas, Ph.D., R.D. 2022-07-22 _5 Steps to ReSet the Scale: Discover Why Weight Gain Is Not Your Fault & How to Take the Weight Off for Good_ (former ballerina; 124 pages; ISBN 9788842025312; OCLC 999; ASIN B0B754GHG6)
My Ph.D. Weight Loss.com
Sebastian Gorka: Rumble

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Robert Barnes Law, LLP
Patriot Freedom Project.com
Top Doctor Magazine: Zev Zelenko
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Patriot Freedom Project 🇺🇸
No Left Turn 🇺🇸
℞ for Liberty
Freedom Square.com 🗽 🔔
Springield Armory
Seb Gorka: Rumble
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Seb Gorka

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Jeff Barke, M.D. & Mark McDonald, M.D. _Informed Dissent_
#90:   nurse Cate White: power-madness facilitated by Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠
Clarke Neurology.com
Ohio Stands Up
Defend Florida
Informed Dissent Media

Mark McDonald, M.D. 2021-11-08, 2021-11-11 _United States of Fear: How America Fell Viction to a Mass Delusional Psychosis_ (134-142 pages; ISBN 9781637583197; OCLC 1289324258; ASIN B09LRHHY2M; Bombardier; GoodReads, interviews)

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Mark Levin, J.D.

🔆 power-madness of Red China ruling criminal gangsters;

🔆 clearing out extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists from DoJ, FBI, CIA, DoD;

🔆 should we have bothered, risks to save Europe & Japan from collectivists?

🔆 Chris Smith on abuse of children in Africa to mine for rare earths (cobalt, cadmium, lithium...) for use in electric vehicle batteries while emboldening Red China ruling criminal gangsters.
Apple itunes/podcasts
Mark Levin: Audacy: episodes
Mark Levin: Rumble.com

🔆 ✺ ✩ ⚛ ❄ Mark Reed Levin 2021-07-13 _American Marxism_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; 320.973)★★★

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Tusk browser.com
Barna Research Group/Barna Group
School Board Watch-List.org
Hageman for Wyoming
Free Enterprise Project
College/University Resurrection
ending Racist Critical Theory brain-washing K-12
Parents Defending Education
State Policy Network
Non-Leftists for Property Rights
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Convention of States
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Levin TV

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-03 (5782 Ab 06)
Proposed Bills 2022

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2022





Yom Chamishi


2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)

900 days (or less) until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
neuro-scientist Matthew Schrag blows-the-whistle: 2006 study, on which most subsequent research has been based, cited about 2300 times, was fraudulent, medical images edited, some composites of multiple images
Charles Piller: AAAS Science: potential fabrication in scores of Alzheimer's articles threatens most prominent theory of the disease, phantom Aβ*56

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Emmy Griffin _Patriot Post_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists are still supporting racism in college/university admissions
index to articles by Emmy Griffin at Patriot Post

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Laura Hollis _Patriot Post_
Tea Party & Make USA Great Again are still being deceptively smeared & mischaracterized by leftist media & immoral tech tyrants
index of Laura Hollis articles at Patriot Post

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
_Patriot Post_
Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime & other Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists are waging war against women

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
_Just the News_
violent crime in DC: murder up 12% from last year, robberies up 20%; 36+ shot within 7 days

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Cal Thomas _Patriot Post_
George Soros & his corrupt, oath-breaking prosecutors are encouraging violent crime, violating rights, undermining families, denying justice
index to articles by Cal Thomas at Patriot Post

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Adriana Cohen _Patriot Post_
5 of the questions FBI director Christopher Wray must answer under oath/affirmation to House, senate, judges, USA citizens
index to articles by Adriana Cohen at Patriot Post

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Hans von Spakovsky _Patriot Post_
latest attempt of federal take-over of elections violates constitutional federal law;   Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime order is another instance of election/vote corruption, abuse of tax-victim funds for Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist campaigning, getting-out-the-vote, creating phantom voter registrations, illegal non-citizen voting...
Daily Signal
index to articles by Hans von Spakovsky at Patriot Post

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Armstrong Williams _Patriot Post_
law-abiding owners & carriers of arms will not harm you, but initiators of force & fraud, i.e. attackers or criminals, will
index to articles by Armstrong Williams at Patriot Post

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Ann Coulter _Patriot Post_
sorry you feeeel I "murdered" you with my "hate speech", but the racist & anti-Semitic & anti-Christian initiations of force & fraud are beginning to get on my nerves
index of Ann Coulter articles at Patriot Post

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, SecDHS Alejandro Mayorkas, CBPcommissioner Chris Magnus paused maintenance, repair, up-grade of border fence/wall/barrier along Border Field State Park near Pacific Ocean at San Diego
What seems weird is that the fences through there appear to have several vehicle breaks/openings without any port facility at all. No bollards, no inspection stations, no turn-stiles. Zip. (And Friendship Park is several miles North of the border.)

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Rita Li _Epoch Times_
corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, corrupt SecInjustice Merrick Garland sues advisor to president Trump, Peter W. Navarro, over de-classified Trump administration e-mail messages about deep state SpyGate;   Obummer trucked 33M pages of documents (66K reams) of his corrupt regime's documents to Chicagoland

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
_Patriot Post_
leftist media distraction
consistency of logic... or illogic
the only ones oblivious to inflation & recession...
truth & lies
you are the carbon they desire to reduce

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Michael P. Ramirez _Patriot Post_
the woman most feared by the Red China ruling criminal gangsters

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Charlie Kirk _Rumble_
Alex Jones pwned sheister in court-room

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Dan Bongino, M.B.A.

#1823:     schizophrenic Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists making another push to pervert the language, deny reality;    

GOP refusal to go along with leftist media disinformers is working;



Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists split between personal behavior... and power-mad watermelon climate hysteria dictates;

MMA fighter stops gang attack on homeless man;

brain-washing consulting firm promoting "queer mathematics".

episode #1823 video on Rumble.com: schizophrenic Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists making another push to pervert the language, deny reality

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 18 USC 1507: defending judges from initiation of force

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

25 years ago: Thomas Sowell on the corrupt, power-mad, elitist, crony socialist DC swamp: Rumble.com

BonginoReport.com news head-line index
Classical Liberal Review.com: Liberty Scores of congress-critters
Bongino.com/LLS: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
My Patriot Supply
Fast-Growing Trees
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
Keep the USA USA
A Smart Nashville
ETS Mags
All Form furniture
Prepare with Dan

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Defend Florida
Ohio Stands Up


Forces of Evil

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Charlie Thompson & Nate Thurston _Good Morning, Liberty_
#782⁈:   Bernie goes full extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist on USA senate floor;       over-blown monkey-pox hysteria;       Louisville police persecuted for warranted conflict with armed repeat felons engaged in more crime
Donors Trust.org
Madical Daily: severe Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 is rare in un-vaccinated individuals
Eric Brakey: Free the USA Now podcasts
Hannah D. Cox: Based Politics podcasts

Foundation for Economic Education: Algore's watermelon climate hysteria disinformation (another prediction failed to play out)


Hannah Cox at Based-Politics


Institute for Justice (IJ)

Freedom Forum

Dan for Freedom, Dan for Texas, Dan for the oceans

Lions of Liberty.locals.com

United for Privacy

Freer Future Fest

Students for Liberty.org (SFL)

Young Americans for Liberty.org (YAL)

Civics Fundamentals.org

The Gray Lady Winked

Rob McNealy

Propaganda Report.com

Monica Mixes.com

Atlas Society

The Tuttle Twins

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print

the Libertarian republic

Free to Choose Network


Sharpe Way.com

economist Antony Davies, Ph.D.: words & numbers

Rand Paul: Foundation for Economic Education: mal-spending, over-spending

Foundation for Economic Education: gasoline taxes & other government-forced energy cost increases are especially bad news for poor & middle-income, & job seekers

Up In Arms Clothing.com


Freedom Fest.com Las Vegas 2022 July 13-16

Learn Austrian Economics.org
Master My Trades
Run Your Mouth Coffee

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Gary McNamara & Eric Harley _Red Eye Radio_
part 1:   coal;       brain-washers pushing Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist math;       will grand juries indict Wray & Garland?       NY recidivism sky-rockets;       lying Anthony Fauci, law-suit

part 1 alternate link
part 2:   2022-11-08 elections; how much corruption & fraud are Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists carrying out this time?       Robert Francis O'Rourke cheers racist critical theory brain-washing;       today's news & audio
part 2 alternate link
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us

Racist critical theory, "race matching", "general will theory", "identity" theory, "gender" critical theory, LGBTQIP+ Mafia supremacy, "collective identities theory", Wuhan critical theory, "Systematic Demolition/DeConstruction Theory", legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, "social movement theory", critical theory, "critical pedagogy", "machine learning «fairness»", "justice/injustice frames theory", "social consciousness theory", "social construction theory", "meaning construction theory", "collective belief theory", grooming children to accept sexual abuse/"child sexualization", "class consciousness theory", "critical consciousness theory", "popular consciousness theory", "herd-mind/grex-mind theory", "hive-mind theory", "social activism theory", "social reality theory", "social engineering theory", "communicative force theory", "Critical Environmental InJustice"/watermelon climate hysteria, "Mass Disruption Theory", "Dissensus Politics Theory", "oppositional consciousness theory", "social protest theory", "collective indignation theory", "resistance movement theory", "collective action theory", "collective defiance theory", "grievance ideology", socialist war against justice, criminal justice deform, oppositional riot theory, "incendiarism theory", anti-USA-constitution hate speech, inter-sectionality brain-washing.
Heritage: 7 steps to combat racist critical theory

Forces of Evil

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Alex Abernathy _Combatting Madness_
celebrity madness, leftist media crumbles, "trans-gender" "cheer-leader" initiated violent force

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting/ballot-trafficking
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Save Our Allies.org
Oil Price
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com

Freedom Fest.com Las Vegas 2022 July 13-16
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Learn Austrian Economics.org

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Daniel Horowitz
effeminately-hawkish neo-cons suffer from power-mad, elitist pre-Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 pandemic great reset mind-set
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
USA Freedom Flyers
Our Amazing Grace.net
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.
USA FrontLine Nurses
Bit Chute: "vaccine passports", open borders, tyranny, & corruption
Blaze: play-list/index
Stitcher: play-list/index
iHeart: play-list/index
global Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 summit
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Doctors for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 ethics
Make USA Citizens Free Again
Thomas Renz, J.D.
We the Patriots USA
My Free Doctor
Front-Line Covid Critical Care Alliance
Dr. Been
We the Patriots USA
AR500 Armor
Center for Immigration Studies
National Organization for Marriage
UnConstrained Analytics
Rational Ground: more on masks 😷
Wuhan graphs quiz
We the People Holsters
Express VPN
Rational Ground
PANDA: Pandemics Data & Analytics
Free State Project PorcupineFest
Great Barrington Declaration

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Cheryl K. Chumley
you can't keep a good USA citizen down: retired lieutenant-colonel Kurt Schlichter, J.D., esq. 2022-07-12 _We'll Be Back: The Fall & Rise of the USA_ (256-290 pages; ISBN 9781684513307; OCLC 1319752927; Regnery/Eagle)

USA First Policy Institute (AFPI)

Institute for Justice (IJ)

Stephen K. Bannon 2004, 2005 "In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed" (DVD; OCLC 59722414)

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
John Solomon & Amanda Head & Madison Foglio
#604:   senator Charles Grassley says FBI "special agent" criticized by whistle-blower has been re-assigned;     Will directorFBI Christopher Wray & SecInjustice Merrick Garland reform?
Just the News: Rumble
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Off the Press
SouthEastern Legal Foundation
The New Internet.com
Freedom Phone.com
USA 1st Policy Institute
Recover the USA
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Army Week.org

The Religion of Peace

Joseph Curl & Off the Press
Jason Miller & GETTR
to subscribe to Freedom Phone: JUSTTHENEWS for $50 off
Light Box Jewelry: lab-grown & colorized diamonds
Tivic Health

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D. _USA First_/_Rumble_/_NewsMax_
Alex Marlow: will Making the USA Great resume?   leftist media
Sebastian Gorka: Rumble

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Robert Barnes Law, LLP
Patriot Freedom Project.com
Top Doctor Magazine: Zev Zelenko
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Patriot Freedom Project 🇺🇸
No Left Turn 🇺🇸
℞ for Liberty
Freedom Square.com 🗽 🔔
Springield Armory
Seb Gorka: Rumble
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Seb Gorka

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Matt Vespa & Storm Paglia _Triggered_
#390:   primary elections;     monkey-pox hysteria;     Red China threatening
Town Hall
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50

The Religion of Peace

Forces of Evil

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Mark Levin, J.D.

🔆 Red China ruling criminal gangsters continue threats of war, continue espionage & other operations within & against the USA & USA citizens; feeding the fentanyl pipe-line into the USA;

🔆 Mitch McConnell & other senate pseudo-Republicans are failing the USA, the USA constitution & USA citizens, while House minority Republicans are at least making some of the correct arguments.
Apple itunes/podcasts
Mark Levin: Audacy: episodes
Mark Levin: Rumble.com

🔆 ✺ ✩ ⚛ ❄ Mark Reed Levin 2021-07-13 _American Marxism_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; 320.973)★★★

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Tusk browser.com
Barna Research Group/Barna Group
School Board Watch-List.org
Hageman for Wyoming
Free Enterprise Project
College/University Resurrection
ending Racist Critical Theory brain-washing K-12
Parents Defending Education
State Policy Network
Non-Leftists for Property Rights
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Convention of States
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Levin TV

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-04 (5782 Ab 07)
Proposed Bills 2022

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2022





Yom Shishi


2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)

899 days (or less) until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
James Lindsay black-listed by immoral tech tyrants for criticiaing extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists for grooming children to accept sexual abuse
articles by Allum Bokhari

Racist critical theory, "general will theory", "identity" theory, "gender" critical theory, LGBTQIP+ Mafia, "collective identities theory", Wuhan critical theory, "Systematic Demolition/DeConstruction Theory", legal critical theory, Lat-crit, "social emotional learning" (SEL), "social identity theory", ESG/ESCG, "social movement theory", critical theory, "critical pedagogy", "machine learning «fairness»", "justice/injustice frames theory", "social consciousness theory", "social construction theory", "meaning construction theory", "collective belief theory", grooming children to accept sexual abuse/"child sexualization", "class consciousness theory", "critical consciousness theory", "popular consciousness theory", "herd-mind/grex-mind theory", "hive-mind theory", "social activism theory", "social reality theory", "social engineering theory", "communicative force theory", "Critical Environmental InJustice"/watermelon climate hysteria, "Mass Disruption Theory", "Dissensus Politics Theory", "oppositional consciousness theory", "social protest theory", "collective indignation theory", "resistance movement theory", "collective action theory", "collective defiance theory", "grievance ideology", socialist war against justice, criminal justice deform, oppositional riot theory, "incendiarism theory", anti-USA-constitution hate speech, inter-sectionality brain-washing.
Heritage: 7 steps to combat racist critical theory

Forces of Evil

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Luca Cacciatore _News Max_
Guy Reschenthaler: never-Trumpers are out of step with non-leftist voters;   Harriet Hageman has 28-point lead in Wyoming

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Gillian Flaccus, Claudia Lauer & Stefanie Dazio _WFSB Rocky Hill, CT_/_Gray Television_/_AP_
police struggling to deal with violent crime in cities subjugated by extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists with dwindling police forces; engaged in triage

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Glenn Beck _Blaze_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists in an up-roar in DC & NY because Florida, Texas, Arizona are forwarding the invaders the Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime is encouraging, refusing to arrest & deport, to DC & NY

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
_Patriot Post_
collectivist recipe
don't drink the kool aid
official & actual inflation illustrated
Mark Twain
6 ways monkey-pox is spread
hoplophobes trying to have it both ways

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Michael P. Ramirez _Patriot Post_
the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist, Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, Nasty Pelosi, Joe Manchin, Schmutzie Schumer inflation explosive worsening, mal-spending forever bill
A.F. Branco: the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist, Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, Nasty Pelosi, Joe Manchin, Schmutzie Schumer inflation explosive worsening, mal-spending forever bill
Gary Varvel: the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist, Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, Nasty Pelosi, Joe Manchin, Schmutzie Schumer inflation explosive worsening, mal-spending forever bill

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
CBP officers seized ladders & ammunition in remote part of Southern USA border East of Otay Mesa

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Dan Bongino, M.B.A.

#1824:     the mysterious case of the guy who left pipe-bombs at the Republican National Committee office & the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Party office in DC... Revolver video; missing video from a surveillance camera along the way;    

Aaron Rodgers credits ayahuasca for "best season of my career";

grand jury sub-poenas Pat Cipollone;

leftist media viewership, subscriptions down;

BiteMe Crime Family;

corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime SecInjustice Merrick Garland directorFBI Christopher Wray declare references to USA constitution, founding-era flags, etc. to be "violent" "militant" "extremist" symbols; mum on fasces in the Lincoln memorial and framing Nasty Pelosi's perch in House, sickles & hammers, & other symbols of violent collectivists;

career criminals rack up nearly 500 re-arrests since NY bail deform.

episode #1824 video on Rumble.com: the mysterious case of the guy who left pipe-bombs at the Republican National Committee office & the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Party office in DC... Revolver/Rumble video

Revolver/Rumble video: the mysterious case of the guy who left pipe-bombs at the Republican National Committee office & the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist Party office in DC

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 18 USC 1507: defending judges from initiation of force

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

25 years ago: Thomas Sowell on the corrupt, power-mad, elitist, crony socialist DC swamp: Rumble.com

BonginoReport.com news head-line index
Classical Liberal Review.com: Liberty Scores of congress-critters
Bongino.com/LLS: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
My Patriot Supply
Fast-Growing Trees
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
Keep the USA USA
A Smart Nashville
ETS Mags
All Form furniture
Prepare with Dan

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Defend Florida
Ohio Stands Up


Forces of Evil

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Richard A. Epstein, LL.B. & Tom Church _Libertarian_ 🗽
episode #701:   will the supremes ban disparate racism of "affirmative action"?       "same-sex marriage"?

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Gary McNamara & Eric Harley _Red Eye Radio_
part 1:   Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, congressional Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists working to build up Red China;       pot-smoking athlete Brittney Griner sentenced to 9 years in Russia prison;       Florida governor Ron de Santis opposes prosecutors with militant Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist agendas who fail to conscientiously enforce constitutional laws       Mary Kelly speaks after Blake Masters won in Arizona primary election
part 1 alternate link
part 2:   2022-11-08 Federal Reserve Board waffles all over the place;       Alex Jones ordered to pay parents of students at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT $4M? in "compensatory damages" or $49.3M? ($45.2M in "punitive damages") for claiming the reports of the 2012-12-14 attack were a hoax?       today's news & audio
part 2 alternate link
First Amendment Watch.org: Alex Jones, InfoWars, Sandy Hook, defamation law-suits
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Alex Abernathy _Combatting Madness_
loony Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists try to claim Alex Jones & president Trump are essentially one-and-the-same

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting/ballot-trafficking
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Save Our Allies.org
Oil Price
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com

Freedom Fest.com Las Vegas 2022 July 13-16
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Learn Austrian Economics.org

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Daniel Horowitz
Louisiana attorney-general Jeff Landry: law-suit against Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime & immoral tech tyrants for conspiracy to violate right to free speech & debate... and the general problem of government conspiring with business executives, boards, investors to violate rights
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
USA Freedom Flyers
Our Amazing Grace.net
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.
USA FrontLine Nurses
Bit Chute: "vaccine passports", open borders, tyranny, & corruption
Blaze: play-list/index
Stitcher: play-list/index
iHeart: play-list/index
global Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 summit
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Doctors for Wuhan coronavirus/covid-19/SARS-cov-2/ncov/novel Betacoronavirus/Pelosi/BiteMe/Cuomo disease 🦠 ethics
Make USA Citizens Free Again
Thomas Renz, J.D.
We the Patriots USA
My Free Doctor
Front-Line Covid Critical Care Alliance
Dr. Been
We the Patriots USA
AR500 Armor
Center for Immigration Studies
National Organization for Marriage
UnConstrained Analytics
Rational Ground: more on masks 😷
Wuhan graphs quiz
We the People Holsters
Express VPN
Rational Ground
PANDA: Pandemics Data & Analytics
Free State Project PorcupineFest
Great Barrington Declaration

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Dennis Prager
#249:   common sense is not very common these days;       monkey-pox panic hysteria;       excuses for government power-madness exceeding constitutional limits
Prager Fire-Side Chats

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Sharyl Attkisson
#153⁈ communications blocking by immoral tech tyrants:     finishing the Europe road-trip with investigative producer Daniel Steinberger & cameraman Bryan Barr
John Ondrasik & Ukrainian Orchestra: Rumble: "Can One Man Save the World":   performed in war-damaged hangar alongside Ukraine's destroyed largest military transport aircraft
Save Our Allies
Five for Fighting
ION Awards
"Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda"
Steve Kirsch: SubStack
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
2000 Mules.com
Rigged 2020.com; looked at substitution of immoral tech tyrant operatives over local election officials, improper bias in "get out the vote" gimmicks, ballot harvesting
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated

2022-04-07: Rumble.com: Texas governor Greg Abbott orders foreign invaders caught by DPS, county sheriffs, & police to be flown/bused to Washington, D.C., for the Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime to handle, screen, test, quarantine or be subjected to communicable diseases, detain, deport,... as is their explicit constitutionally-required & legally-required duty

Rumble.com: the story behind the documentary "PlanDemic" about planned abuse & tweaking of respiratory virus as a means to excuse power-madness

Project Exodus Relief web log

Five for Fighting (music)

hard-to-find articles about 2020 election fraud & corruption

2021-06-02: media mistakes during the Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime

2021-06-09: media mistakes during the Trump administration

Light Box Jewelry: lab-grown & colorized diamonds

Full Measure

Sharyl Attkisson

Forces of Evil

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Rudy Giuliani, J.D.
#260: Red China ruling criminal gangsters rehearsing blockade of 🇹🇼 Taiwan/Republic of China;   🇹🇼 Taiwan/Republic of China rehearsing sweeping clean the skies & seas of Red China forces
Rumble:   John Solomon: election/vote corruption & fraud (part 1)
Rumble:   John Solomon: election/vote corruption & fraud (part 2)
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
"Rigged 2020"
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
Rudy Giuliani, J.D. Common Sense
the Rudy Giuliani, J.D.: Rumble
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Moms For Liberty.org
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
John Solomon & Amanda Head & Madison Foglio
#605:   Louisiana attorney-general Jeff Landry: law-suit against Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime & immoral tech tyrants for conspiracy to violate right to free speech & debate... and the general problem of government conspiring with business executives, boards, investors to violate rights
Just the News: Rumble
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Off the Press
Veterans on Duty.org
SouthEastern Legal Foundation
The New Internet.com
Freedom Phone.com
USA 1st Policy Institute
Recover the USA
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Army Week.org

The Religion of Peace

Joseph Curl & Off the Press
Jason Miller & GETTR
to subscribe to Freedom Phone: JUSTTHENEWS for $50 off
Light Box Jewelry: lab-grown & colorized diamonds
Tivic Health

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D. _USA First_/_Rumble_/_NewsMax_
David Goldsmith: Nasty Pelosi's motives; Is she an operative of the ComIntern? of the Red China ruling criminal gangsters? a sock-puppet?     reaction to latest disgusting act of grooming children to accept abuse
Sebastian Gorka: Rumble

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Robert Barnes Law, LLP
Patriot Freedom Project.com
Top Doctor Magazine: Zev Zelenko
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Patriot Freedom Project 🇺🇸
No Left Turn 🇺🇸
℞ for Liberty
Freedom Square.com 🗽 🔔
Springield Armory
Seb Gorka: Rumble
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Seb Gorka

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Mark Levin, J.D.

🔆 parallels to the 1930s extreme non-foreign-interventionism & appeasement that are at work today as Red China, Iran, Russia, North Korea steeply increase their investments in espionage, energy 🔋 & arms💣 while the Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime is actively wrecking USA defense capabilities;

🔆 USA economy: Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime & other Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists are burning down our (USA) house ;🔥🏡🔥

🔆 Isaiah Berlin's writings/thoughts on liberty 🗽 🔔
Apple itunes/podcasts
Mark Levin: Audacy: episodes
Mark Levin: Rumble.com

🔆 ✺ ✩ ⚛ ❄ Mark Reed Levin 2021-07-13 _American Marxism_ (304 pages; ISBN 9781501135972; OCLC 1249572909; Threshold; 320.973)★★★

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Tusk browser.com
Barna Research Group/Barna Group
School Board Watch-List.org
Hageman for Wyoming
Free Enterprise Project
College/University Resurrection
ending Racist Critical Theory brain-washing K-12
Parents Defending Education
State Policy Network
Non-Leftists for Property Rights
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Convention of States
Bank of India boycott
boycott Disney.us
Levin TV

The Religion of Peace

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)
Jeffrey A. Tucker _BrownStone Institute.org_
just how healthy are USA employment/labor markets?   Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime, BLS, DoL don't really want to know ✺ ⛼

2022-08-05 (5782 Ab 08)

The jobs dearth for men is about 28.39M;   for women there was about 3.7M surplus (a subjective matter depending more on women's preferences);   total net jobs dearth (m + f) about 24.7M-28.4M;   for "blacks" the jobs dearth is about 2.527M;   for "Asians" about 313K;   for "whites" 10M;   for "Hispanics"/"Latinos" 14.4M below full employment.

The jobs dearth for men is about 28.39M;   for "black" men about 3.9M;   for "Asian" men about 1.1M;   for "white" men about 19.5M;   for "Hispanic"/"Latino" men about 3.2M below full employment.

The aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 60.2%,   down from the record best of 64.9%,   & up from the previous record worst of 51.3%.

For men, the aggregate employed ÷ population ratio (the work rate or employment rate) is at about 66%,   down from the record best of about 88.2%,   & up from the record worst of about 57.1%.

For "blacks", the aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 58.7%,   down from the record best of 61.4%,   but up from the record worst of 47.8%.

For "Asians", the aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 63.4%,   down from the record best of 65.6%,   & up from the previous record worst of 51.6%.

For "whites", aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 60.2%,   down from the record best of 65.5%,   & up from the record worst of 51.8%.

For "Hispanics"/"Latinos", aggregate employed ÷ population ratio is at 63.2%,   down from the record best of 66.4%,   & up from the record worst of 51.5%.

Jobs Dearth (insufficiency/ lack/ paucity/ shortfall/ shortage) graphs

For "black" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 61.31%,   down from the record best of about 70.248%,   & up from the record worst of about 50.237%.

For "Asian" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 71.651%,   down from the record best of about 75.061%,   & up from the previous record worst of about 59.397%.

For "white" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 66.288%,   down from the record best of about 84.791%,   & up from the record worst of about 58.227%.

For "Hispanic"/"Latino" men, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 71.886%,   down from the record best of about 78.945%,   & up from the record worst of about 60.341%.

For veterans, the employed ÷ population ratio is at about 45.6% (was 54.1% in 2006 May; maximum since then was 54.1%; minimum was 42.6%).

The per-centage of 1850 (the year before the American Party, later called the Know Nothings) was founded, USA population foreign-born was 9.68%;   in 1860, 13.16%;   in 1870, 14.44%;   in 1880, 13.3%, by which time the USA frontiers were no more & we had begun to "in-fill", i.e. crowd;   in 1890, 14.77%;     in 1900, the percentage of population foreign-born was 13.6%;   in 1910, 14.7%;   in 1920, 13.2%;   in 1930, 11.6%;   in 1940, 8.8%;   in 1950, 6.9%;   in 1960, 5.4%;   in 1970, 4.7%;   in 1980, 6.2%;   in 1990, 7.9%;   in 2000, 11.1%;   in 2001, 11.38%;   in 2002, 11.5%;   in 2003, 11.7%;   in 2004, 11.8%;   in 2005, 12.1%;   in 2006, 12.1%;   in 2007, 12.6%;   in 2008, 12.5%;   in 2009, 12.2%;   in 2010, 12.9%;   in 2011, 13%;   in 2012, 13.1%... 14.3% (47M) in 2022 April... projected by census bureau to be 15.2% by 2030, 16.1% by 2040.

The employed ÷ civilian-non-institutionalized-population per-centages for USA natives are 59.5%;   and for the foreign-born (who comprise 17% of the civilian, non-institutionalized population 16 years old & older) is 63.9%.

It is also interesting that the employed ÷ population per-centages for those with at least the equivalent of bachelor's degrees, those with some college, & those with HS diplomas or equivalent have been falling for several decades, while the employed÷population per-centages for those without a HS diploma have been generally rising.   This is another case where it would have been nice to have such data going back to, e.g. 1900 to have a decent base-lines, but what older statistics exist are incommensurable. (Employed ÷ population per-centages
for those with at least the equivalent of bachelor's degrees were 78.8% in 1992, 70.8% in 2022 July;  
for those with some college were 71.0% in 1992, 60.5% in 2022 July;  
for those with a HS diploma were 60.9% in 1992, 53.8% in 2022 July;  
for those without a HS diploma were 36.1% in 1992, 42.7% in 2022 July.)

472K want employment, searched for work, but no available work was found, and thus are discouraged;     6.2M want employment now but are not employed, 1.6M are classified by BLS as "want a job now, available to work now, marginally attached to the labor-force, searched for employment in the previous year (believe no employment is available)";   & 292K are classified by BLS as "want a job now, marginally attached, discouraged over employment prospects (believe no employment is available), Men"... so even some people who ARE "actively seeking work" are classified by BLS as "not in the labor force" (NILF) and "NOT actively seeking work", thus muddying the waters, ambiguating, fogging, blowing smoke, obfuscating, misleading, disinforming, deceiving.

The USA civilian, non-institutionalized population 16 years or older is about 264.615M;
the "civilian labor force" 16 years or older is about 165.321M;
about 159.67M are employed (temp/gig or long-term, full-time or part-time), employment increased by about 992K;
98.69M are considered by BLS to be NOT currently in the "labor force";
6.255M are considered by BLS to be unemployed and "actively seeking work";
1.229M are considered by BLS to be unemployed and "actively seeking part-time work";
5.026M are considered by BLS to be unemployed and "actively seeking full-time work";
4.084M are "employed part-time for economic reasons" and would prefer full-time employment &/or higher pay to make ends meet;
19.792M are employed part-time for non-economic reasons;
uncounted millions more are being gigged/ temped/ bodyshopped/ contracted/ consultanted, contingently employed, etc. (it sometimes seems they hatch another euphemism, another dodge, another deception every month), but are seeking real employment.

Average duration of unemployment while actively seeking work is 21 weeks (more than 4.8 months), as compared with the best on record since 1948 of 6.6 weeks; while the Median duration of unemployment is 7.5 weeks (about 1.7 months), as compared with the best on record since 1967 of 3.6 weeks.   From what I've read (news articles, "human resources" professionals discussions, etc.) bodyshops/ staffing services/ PEOs/ and employment agencies categorize everyone unemployed longer than 4 weeks as "hard core unemployed" or "unemployable", refuse to consider placing them, but have their screening software send such resumes directly to the trash-bin.

Average duration of unemployment while actively seeking full-time work (gigs/temp/contingent/contract or long-term) is 21 weeks (about 4.8 months), as compared with the best on record since 1977 of 8.5 weeks;     while the current Median is 8 weeks (about 1.8 months), as compared with the best on record since 1977 of 4 weeks.

Current U-1 unemployment rate was 1%;   5.3 percentage points better than worst (6.3%) & equal to the best.

Current U-2 unemployment rate was 1.7%;   11.5 percentage points better than worst & 0.6 percentage point worse than the best (1.6 times as bad as the best).

Current U-3 unemployment rate was 3.8%;   24.9 percentage points better than worst & 2.6 percentage points worse than the best (3.2 times as bad as the best).

Current U-4 unemployment rate was 4.1%;   10.7 percentage points better than worst & 0.6 percentage point worse than the best.

Current U-5 unemployment rate was 4.7%;   10.9 percentage points better than worst & 0.7 percentage points worse than the best.

Current U-6 unemployment rate was 7.2%;   15.4 percentage points better than worst & 0.7 percentage points worse than the best (1.1 times as bad as the best).

Neither the USA Department of Labor nor the Bureau of Labor Statistics track, & they seem not to be interested in, employer investment in training & relocation of talent within the USA (neither current nor changes over time), nor the intensity, effort, time, investment, etc. for recruiting vs. filtering out job-seekers... as employers try less to recruit USA citizens & lobby more for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled (untested, unmeasured) foreign labor with flexible ethics.

Unemployment rates by occupation in the 2nd quarter of 2022 were roughly 10% above what they have been at periods of near "full employment" over-all since 1983 (and slightly worse than the best period since the late 1940s).

The overall average unemployment for 2022 Q1 managerial occupations was 10% worse than it has been been at periods of near "full employment" over-all since 1983.

unemployment rates for law-related occupations were 230% (2.3 times) as bad as their "full employment" level since 1983.

10% worse than what architects & engineers would experience at "full employment" levels.

170% of what those in computer sciences & mathematics would experience at "full employment" levels (1.7 times as much unemployment).

20% worse than the unemployment rates that people in the sciences would experience at "full employment" levels.

30% worse than historic "full employment" unemployment rates for education.

60% worse than post-1982 "full employment" unemployment rates for the arts, technical writers, news, & PR.

60% worse than (1.6 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for health-care.

50% of (1.5 times) worse than "full employment" unemployment rates for police, security, fire-fighters, etc.

right at "full employment" unemployment rates for food preparers.

420% of (4.2 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for building & grounds cleaning & maintenance.

120% of (1.2 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for personal care & services.

130% of "full employment" unemployment rates for sales.

1.4 times "full employment" unemployment rates for office & administrative support.

right at "full employment" unemployment rates for natural resources & farming occupations.

10% worse than (1.1 times as bad as) "full employment" unemployment rates for construction, mining, petroleum, production & transportation occupations.

Unemployment rates for construction workers were about 7.4%,     for masons 7.2%,     for roofers 5.6%,     for construction laborers 6.6%,     for tool & die makers about 3.3%, for machinists 3.8%. The small sample size means that estimates for these sub-categories are unreliable.

About 30% worse than (1.3 times) "full employment" unemployment rates for transportation occupations (truck drivers, taxi, school omnibus, municipal omnibus, locomotive...).

Unemployment rates for school omnibus drivers were about 4.4%,     for municipal omnibus drivers 7.1%,     for truck drivers 3.3%,     for taxi drivers 4.9%,     for other transportation workers 4.9%. Once again, the sample sizes for taxi drivers & bus drivers are a bit too small to be highly-reliable.

employment/unemployment graphs 📈

by industry ⚙ ⚖ 👷 🗞 📚 🎥 🏗 🏭

by occupation 👨‍💻 👨‍⚖️ 👩‍🌾 👨‍🍳 👨‍🔧 👨‍🏭 ☤

graphs of education statistics 👨‍🎓

graphs of visa statistics 🛂

jobs dearth (based on historical employed/population ratios) 📈🥺🏚

more graphs of economic indicators 📈🏚🤵🎩💰💎

"And in/through you and your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed."/ו נברכו בנ כל משפחת האדמה ו בזרעך/ --- Genesis/ב ראששת /be rashith 28:14

"but HaShem has not given you a heart to know, & eyes to see, & ears to hear to this day."/ו לא נתנ ײ לכם לב לדעת ועינים לראות ואזנים ושמע עד היום הזה/ --- Deuteronomy/ד ברים /de brim 29:3

"Son of man, you reside amidst the rebellious house, that have eyes to see, & see not, that have ears to hear, & hear not..."/בנ אדם בתוך בית ומרי אתה ישב: אשר עינים להם לראות ולא ראו אזנים להם לשמע ולא שמעו/ --- Ezekiel/ יחזקאל/ Yechezqal 12:2
10 words/statements/commandments ✝/ aseret/asereth ha dibrot ✡

613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot ✡
ChaBaD: 613 mitzvoth/taryag mitzvot ✡

7 laws of Noah

Natural Law
✝ Golden Rule ✠, Hillel's Judaism while standing on one foot ✡, and similar brief ethical rules of thumb
Natural Rights vs. legal privileges

The Libertarian Principle: No individual or group of individuals may morally initiate physical force or fraud against others.   Anyone who does initiate the use of physical force or fraud is unethical and criminal.
Objectivist tree 💲
Consciousness Identity
  Rationality     Independence     Integrity     Honesty     Justice     Productiveness     Pride  

🤠 Gene Autry's CowBoy Code 🤠
1. The CowBoy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take un-fair advantage.
2. He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.
3. He must always tell the truth.
4. He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.
5. He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.
6. He must help people in distress.
7. He must be a good worker.
8. He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.
9. He must respect women, parents, and his nation's laws.
10. The CowBoy is a patriot.

13 attributes of mercy
"Thus saith the Lord GOD: Let it suffice you, O princes of Israel; remove violence and spoil, and execute justice and righteousness; take away your exactions from My people, saith the Lord GOD. Ye shall have just balances, and a just ephah..." --- Ezekiel/ יחזקאל/ Yechezqal 45:9-
"But beware and watch yourself very well, lest you forget the things that your eyes saw, and lest these things depart from your heart, all the days of your life, and you shall make them known to your children and to your children's children -- the day you stood before HaShem our God at Horeb/Choreb... Now this is the mitzvoth, the statutes, and the ordinances, which HaShem your God commanded (Moshah/Moses/Musa) to teach you, that you might comply-with/execute/carry-out/fulfill/do them in the land to which you go to possess... Hear, oh Israel; HaShem our God, HaShem is unique. And you must love HaShem your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words, which I command you this day, must be in your heart; and you must teach them diligently to your children, and must talk about them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the path, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you must bind them like a sign on your hand (so you will often see them), and as a sign on your fore-head between your eyes (so others with you will often see them). And you must write them on the door-posts of your house, and on your gates (so those who enter or pass by will see them)." --- Deuteronomy/ דברים/ deberim/debrim/words/statements 4-6
"Most men will proclaim their own goodness; but a reliable person who can find? Whoever acts with integrity is a just person, happy are his children after him... Even a child is known by what he does, whether his actions are pure, whether his actions are right. The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, God has made them. Love not sleep, lest you be impoverished; open your eyes and you will have plenty to eat." --- Proverbs/Mishlei 7:11-13
May HaShem send Michael to go at our right, Gabriel/Geburael, his strength, to go at our left, Auriel his light to go before us to show the way, Rafael to go at our backs to heal us. May HaShem's Presence shine down on us & through us & wrap all around us & be gracious to us & grant us peace, prosperity, good health, liberty, privacy, love, joy, courage, wisdom, good job, good career, good house, good spouse, good family, good home. May HaShem grant us eyes to see & ears to hear. May HaShem guide & have mercy on us all, for HaShem is our ultimate shield, sword, & salvation.
Proposed Bills 2022

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2022





Yom Shabbat


2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)

898 days (or less) until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
Jordan Dixon-Hamilton _Breitbart_
next president must remove rogue bureaubums & root out deep state
articles by Jordan Dixon-Hamilton

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
Deborah Brand _Breitbart_
Hamas rocket launched within Palestine/Gaza Strip landed on home within Palestine near mosque;   one of an on-going barrage of some 600 rockets on Israel;   4 children killed
articles by Deborah Brand

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
David Almasi, Michael Austin, Philip Clay & Derryck Green _Project 21_/_National Center for Public Policy Research_
Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime hails employment/unemployment report... despite bad news for "blacks";     BLS does not differentiate enough between full-time & part-time employment, temp/gig/contingent & long-term;     not likely to herald long-term prosperity

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
Roger Kimball _USA Treatness_
grass-hopper elitist, hive-mind/grex-mind/Borg in leftist media have been openly operating & abusing the same gimmicks since at least 1968 vs. the quieter residents of the real world

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
_Patriot Post_
yes you can
Albert Einstein: peril
secret plot
silent K
thumbs down

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
A.F. Branco _Patriot Post_
electric vehicles: incompetent CoSecTransport Beavis & BHead
Lisa Benson: the Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist, Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime inflation explosive worsening, mal-spending forever bill

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
Dan Bongino, M.B.A.

brief:     globalist elitists are still pushing "great reset" worldwide authoritarianism.

episode #1820 video on Rumble.com: George Soros's disgusting new schemes

2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com

Cornell U Legal Information Institute: 18 USC 1507: defending judges from initiation of force

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 

25 years ago: Thomas Sowell on the corrupt, power-mad, elitist, crony socialist DC swamp: Rumble.com

BonginoReport.com news head-line index
Classical Liberal Review.com: Liberty Scores of congress-critters
Bongino.com/LLS: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
My Patriot Supply
Fast-Growing Trees
Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM)
Express VPN
Keep the USA USA
A Smart Nashville
ETS Mags
All Form furniture
Prepare with Dan

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World

Mira Bernstein, Ph.D.: Made in a Free World: Slavery Foot-Print
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Defend Florida
Ohio Stands Up


Forces of Evil

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
Sebastian Gorka, Ph.D. _USA First_/_Rumble_/_NewsMax_
Troy Nehls, Dennis Prager, Dan Bishop: election/vote corruption & fraud by Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists;     the importance of multiplicity of communications tech, channels
Sebastian Gorka: Rumble

 📖 📚 jgo's Reading Room: Prioritized 📚 📖 
Robert Barnes Law, LLP
Patriot Freedom Project.com
Top Doctor Magazine: Zev Zelenko
Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. & Jill Glaspool Malone, Ph.D.
Patriot Freedom Project 🇺🇸
No Left Turn 🇺🇸
℞ for Liberty
Freedom Square.com 🗽 🔔
Springield Armory
Seb Gorka: Rumble
Job Creators Network
Job Creators Network Fight for 50
Seb Gorka

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
John Solomon & Amanda Head & Madison Foglio
#606:   Ken Blackwell, Doug Collins: election/vote corruption & fraud operations by Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists continue;     Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime corruption, SecInjustice Merrick Garland corruption, directorFBI Christopher Wray corruption
Just the News: Rumble
2022-02-21: Gorka: Rumble: Robert Barnes, J.D., esq. on "2000 Mules", election/vote corruption & fraud through drop-boxes, ballot-harvesting
Rigged 2020
"Rigged 2020" trailer
"Rigged 2020" trailer
Dinesh d'Souza: Rumble: "2000 Mules" trailer:     documentary due out 2022-05-02 shows how some of the 2020 election/vote corruption & fraud were perpetrated
2000 Mules.com
2000 Mules.locals.com
Off the Press
Veterans on Duty.org
SouthEastern Legal Foundation
The New Internet.com
Freedom Phone.com
USA 1st Policy Institute
Recover the USA
Capital Research Center: BLM Aftermath.com
Army Week.org

The Religion of Peace

Joseph Curl & Off the Press
Jason Miller & GETTR
to subscribe to Freedom Phone: JUSTTHENEWS for $50 off
Light Box Jewelry: lab-grown & colorized diamonds
Tivic Health

2022-08-06 (5782 Ab 09)
Proposed Bills 2022

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2022



2022 August, week 1 (1-6) (16KB)
2022 August, week 2 (7-13) (16KB)
2022 August, week 3 (14-20) (16KB)
2022 August, week 4 (21-27) (16KB)
2022 August, week 5 (28-31) (16KB)

Proposed Bills 2022

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WickedPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population

Kermit Rose, mathematician, math tutoring & consulting

External links may expire at any time.
Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, Bob Barr, Walter E. Williams, Wayne Allyn Root, Thomas Sowell, Warner Brothers, Gary Johnson, Peter Brimelow, president Donald Trump, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.

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