2023 October

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 33rd year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer/BiteMe-Trump-BiteMe/Harass economic mega-depression

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updated: 2023-11-28


* require "None of Those Listed" (NoTL) or "None of the Above" (NOTA) as a candidate for every elective office (magistrate, judge, dog-catcher, city council, county commission, governor, state legislature, congress, president); if NoTL gets a plurality of the votes, hold a new election a week, fortnight, month later with none of the previously listed candidates eligible to appear on the ballot or have votes counted

* repeal, extirpate, eradicate vile, hateful, unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare + Ryan&McConnellDon'tCare (do NOT replace it/them) & the 2009 Obummer mega-porkulus requiring privacy violation of every patient

* reform regulation and taxation of charities (differentiate genuine charities from political campaign organizations and crony socialist cabals) and encourage, without subsidizing, mutual benefit associations

* cut immigration/green cards/LPR visas to no more than 175K/year (about what John F. Kennedy thought was reasonable when the USA was significantly less over-crowded)

* cut O + L + H guest-work visas to no more than 5K/year (total)

* cut F student visas to no more than 10K/year (total) and eliminate CPT & OPT (encourage more apprenticeships/internships, co-ops for USA citizens)

* end visa waivers (everyone must pass a conscientious background investigation, regardless of country of birth or citizenship or most recent residence)

* fence/wall the borders

* terminate/eliminate permission to work from exchange / student exchange / cultural exchange visa programs (you can put on plays, pageants, dance, music, local craftsmanship & industry demonstrations, but not settle in to jobs in hotels, resorts, USA industries, craftsmanship, agriculture, etc.)

* phase out unconstitutional Medicaid & Medicare over 3 years

* phase out the unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity Abomination over 5 years; start by increasing benefit eligibility age;

* end government subsidies for hospitals (and the attached strings)

* end government subsidies for scientific research (except for defense which should cover defense against biological warfare & epidemics)

* repeal regressive income extortion (i.e. repeal 16th amendment; replace with national retail sales tax with hard-cap constitutional top rate of 9.875% structured as a levy on the states)

* revoke the charter of the CFPB and repeal the rest of Dodd-Frank

* revoke the charter of the Federal Reserve System and establish a stable, hard money

* repeal direct election of senators (repeal 17th amendment)

* repeal the unconstitutional National Firearms Act and its amendments

* cut federal extortion by at least 2%, cut spending by at least 10% ("mandatory", "discretionary", "on-budget", "off-budget"), & each super-function, function, micro-function, object, etc.)

* de-fund and repeal the charters of CPB/NPR/PBS

* de-fund the national endowments for arts and humanities and AFI

* de-fund the racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood

* de-fund SBA

* de-fund Export-Import Bank, World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank, USAID

* cut foreign aid

* repudiate biased, injust WTO, GATS/TiSA

* re-negotiate or statutorily repudiate/reset GATT & NAFTA

* totally de-fund UN, withdraw membership, and evict them and all their evil spawn from NY and the USA

* cut federal Department of Educationism back to statistical reporting of graduations, diplomas, degrees, and rates thereof (NCES)

* cut Department of Energy by one-third to one-half

* set normal import tariff/duties/taxes to a maximum cap of 9.875%, and MFN to a cap of 8%, dumping penalties to at most 50%, and fraud penalties to at most 120%, eliminate exemptions to bring back burden to between 40% & 65% of all goods and services imported into USA with the aim of reaching an overall weighted average rate of 8%-12.5%

* adopt honest Country of Origin Label requirement for all imports to USA, requiring readable percentage of origin content for up to top 10 places of origin of parts & materials

* beef up export bans and restrictions for national security and to fight intellectual property robbery and fraud

* cut or eliminate HUD, HHS, NIH, CDCP, NSF; limit and focus their funding and work on constitutional functions & objectives

* cut or eliminate federal highway trust funds & DoT FHA Intelligent Transportation Systems & Amtrak

* repeal Anti-Impoundment Act

So, let us join the chorus in calling for immediate resignations of:

Robert B. Aderholt, Pete Aguilar, Lamar Alexander, Mark E. Amodei, »Kelly Ayotte,

Don Bacon, »Xavier Becerra, Michael Bennett, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Corry Bliss, Richard Blumenthal, Cory Booker, John Boozman, »Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown,

Ken Calvert, Maria Cantwell, Andre Carson, Bill Cassidy, Joaquin Castro, »Jason Chaffetz, Liz Cheney, Jim Clyburn, »Cochran, »Mike Coffman, Tom Cole, »Chris Collins, Susan M. Collins, »Conyers, Chris Coons, »Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Ryan A. Costello, Mike Crapo, »John Abney Culberson, »Carlos Curbelo, John Curtis,

Danny K. Davis, de Blasio, Diana de Gette, Rosa de Lauro, »Jeff Denham, »Charles Dent, Ted Deutch, Mark de Saulnier, Mario Diaz-Balart, Sean Duffy, Dick Durbin,

Mark S. Earley, »Keith Ellison, »Emanuel, Joni Ernst, Anna Eshoo, Adriano Espaillat, »Esty,

»John Faso, Diane Feinstein, Brian FitzPatrick, »Jeff Flake, Charles J. Fleischmann, Jeff Fortenberry, »Al Franken, »Rodney P. Frelinghuysen,

Andrew Gabarino, Cory Gardner, George Gascon, »Dolly Gee, ?? Gonzalez (OH), Lindsey Grahamnesty, Kay Granger, Charles Grassley, Tom Graves, Al Green, »Gene Green, Michelle Lujan Grisham, »Luis Gutierrez,

Andy Harris, Kamala Harris, Alcee Hastings, »Orrin D. Hatch, »Dean Heller, Jim Himes, »Ruben Hinojosa, Steny Hoyer, Will Hurd,

Johnny Isakson, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Pramila Jayapal, Hakeem Jeffries, »Evan H. Jenkins, Ron Johnson, David P. Joyce,

Tim Kaine, Marcie Kaptur, »John Kasich, John Katko, Robin Kelly, Ro Khanna, Peter T. King, Amy Klobuchar, »Stephen/Steve Knight,

»Leonard Lance, James Lankford, Al Lawson, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, Zoe Lofgren, »Mia Love, »Michelle Lujan-Grisham,

Nancy Mace, »Michael Madigan, Nicole R. Malliotakis (NY), Thomas Massie, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, David McKinley, Jerry McNerney, Gregory W. Meeks, »Mikulski, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, John R. Moolenaar, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski, Chris Murphy,

Gerrold Nadler, Grace Napolitano, »Bill Nelson, Dan Newhouse,

Ocrazio, Ilhan Omar, Ossof,

Steven Palazzo, »Erik Paulsen, Nasty Pelosi, Mark Pocan, Rob Portman, David Price,

Mike Quigley,

Tom Reed, »David Reichert, James Risch, John Roberts, Pat Roberts, Martha Roby, Harold/Hal Rogers, »Thomas J. Rooney, »Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mike Rounds, Marco Rubio, John Rutherford, »Paul Ryan,

Adam B. Schiff/Shifftless, Schmutzie Schumer, »Pete Sessions, Donna Shalala, Michael K. Simpson, Chris Smith, Sotomayor, Elise Stefanik, Chris Stewart, Steve Stivers, Dan Sullivan, Eric Swalwell,

»Scott Taylor, Bennie Thompson, John Thune, Thom Tillis (with staffer Daniel Keylin), »David Trott,

Fred Upton,

David G. Valadao, Jefferson H. van Drew,

Mark Warner, Raphael Gamaliel Warnoff, Elizabeth Herring Warren Mann, Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, Steve Womack, »Rob Woodhall,

»Kevin Yoder, »David Young, Don Young, Todd Young;

Zuckerberg, Young, Weaver, Wasson, Vestberg, Tesija, Steyer, Soros, Smith, Slater, Schulman, Rometty, Robbins, Otis, O'Rourke, Northam, Nooyi, Murdoch, Muilenburg, McAdam, Laguarta, Keeth, Hinojosa, Healey, Haythornthwaite, Larry Ellison, Cook, Dorsey, Carrion, Bloomberg, Bezos, Bertolini, Banga, Archambeau, Adamczyk, all Alphabet/Google/YouTube executives (Bock, Brin, Hogue, Murillo, Naughton, Page, Pichai, Porat, Schmidt, Walker...), the whole 9th circus... and they should move in shame into remote caves smaller than 200 square feet each for an ascetic life of repentance.


2023 October
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2023 October, week 1 (1-7) (16KB)
2023 October, week 2 (8-14) (16KB)
2023 October, week 3 (15-21) (16KB)
2023 October, week 4 (22-28) (16KB)
2023 October, week 5 (29-31) (16KB)
  Increase liberty. Increase wealth. Increase prosperity. Increase privacy. Increase life. Repeat...  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2023 October

1st month of the 4th quarter of the 33rd year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer/BiteMe-Trump-BiteMe/Harass economic mega-depression


MSFT JavaScript is still evil malware.



Yom Rishon


2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)

449 days until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)
_Patriot Post_
He Who watches over Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)
Madeleine Hubbard _Just the News_
17 ocean-going Chinese invaders arrested by Florida HighWay patrol & DHS Customs & Border Patrol in Key West

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)
_Center Square_/_Just the News_
the usual extreme Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists sue against election integrity measures; state & national Republican parties file to intervene (a formal legalistic term) against attempts to facilitate & hide election corruption & fraud, non-citizen voting included

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)
Steven Richards & John Solomon _Just the News_
Hunter BiteMe got $250K "loan" from Red Chinese executive (Bohai Harvest RST/Rosemont Seneca Thornton) in 2020 during election campaigning, then debt shifted to Kevin Morris, one of the Hollyweird BiteMe Crime Family sheisters (see links to source docs, etc. in article)

"[Hunter Biden's] friend and partner Devon Archer... Jonathan Li, CEO of Bohai Capital, had engineered a partnership with the [Red] Chinese state that Hunter believed would make him very rich, without having to do much more than glad-hand a conga-line of powerful bosses, as he had done in Beijing on a quick trip [in 2010]... They had reason to be optimistic. The Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund (BHR), in which Hunter would become a director and share-holder, would be backed by [Red] Chinese state-owned enterprises worth a combined $8T, including the Bank of China, the Postal Savings Bank, China Life, and the National Council of Social Security...
The BHR partnership was struck between [among] 4 parties: On the [Red] Chinese side were Bohai, which was controlled by the country's most powerful financial institution, the Bank of China, and another big asset manager, Harvest Fund Management.
On the [USA] side were Hunter's Rosemont Seneca and the Boston-based Thornton Group, which joined forces to form Rosemont Seneca Thornton, LLC, the RST in Bohai Harvest RST.
Hunter would own 10% as 1 of 9 directors of the new USA-RedChina joint venture, known as BHR Partners. As his father closed in on the White House, Hunter removed himself as a director of BHR in 2019 Autumn, but he still owned 10%, through his firm Skaneateles, LLC, in 2021 July, according to [Red] China's National Enterprise Credit Information data-base...
Hunter's partners in the BHR [Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership] deal had a bigger appetite for risk. He credits Archer -- who will later become vice chairman of BHR with an equal 10% stake -- with the fortuitous daisy chain of introductions that culminated in the deal: «I clearly would never had met SC [Super Chairman] if I hadn't met Jonathan [Li] through Michael [Lin] through Jimmy [Bulger, nephew of gangster murderer Whitey Bulger] through you through Chris [Heinz, Christopher Drake Heinz, son of senator Henry John Heinz & Teresa Heinz Kerry, step-son of John Heinz Kerry, a.k.a. Lurch, ggs of Henry J. Heinz, {Chris is} co-founder of Rosemont Capital named for the family's property near the Fox Chapel borough, Allegheny county sub-urb NE of Pittsburgh]. {Continuing quote of Hunter BiteMe...} Anyway, my point is whatever comes out of this or anything going forward I consider 50/50 between you and me.»
Thornton co-founder Jimmy Bulger was the son of former Massachusetts state senate president William Bulger and the name-sake nephew of notorious South Boston mob boss James «Whitey» Bulger...
Bulger and Hunter hit it off straight away. «I love Bulger.», Hunter writes to Archer. «He writes just like he talks.»" --- Miranda Devine 2021-11-30 _LapTop from 7734_ pp110-113

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)
Madeleine Hubbard _Just the News_
Republicans seek more deportations of illegal aliens & anti-Semites in USA on visas, while Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists fight delaying action to allow hostile forces more room for escape, evasion & preparations for hostile actions

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)
Mathew Holding Eagle iii _U of Minnesota_
collaboration with AmerIndians on plan to control prion-linked chronic wasting disease in deer, elk, moose
NY Agriculture: selecting for resistance
Mississippi State U: detecting CWD in antler scraping residues
2021-06-10: Denkers, Hoover et al.: PLOS ONE: very low oral exposure to prions can transmit chronic wasting disease correction

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)

2023-10-29 (5784 Cheshvan 14)
Proposed Bills 2023

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2023





Yom Sheni


2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)

448 days until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
_Patriot Post_
another TV personality detached from reality
Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist caucus in House chamber

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Madeleine Hubbard _Just the News_
Cornell U execs & administrators advise students to avoid kosher dining hall due to threats of violence by Mohammedans & supporters of Mohammedan terrorism

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Victor Davis Hanson & Jack Fowler _Just the News_
Iran/ Hizballah/ Hamas war agaist Israel brings out anti-Semites in USA & Europe & Red China (pod-cast)
Just the News: Rumble

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Alicia Powe _GateWay Pundit_
blatant violation of USA constitution, oaths of office: Empower Oversight reports FOIA discovery that corrupt Department of Injustice, without probable cause, without warrants, sub-poenaed immoral tech tyrants for e-mail logs & messages, voice commuications records, etc. of congressional over-sight (House OverSight, Judiciary committee, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) staffers (and their families) who were/are investigating DoJ malfeasance including "Crossfire Hurriicane", Trump-Russia hoax

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Armando Garcia _abc_
judge temporarily bars Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime DHS from violating USA constitution by cutting holes in USA & state border fences/ barriers/ walls;   chiefBorderNoPatrol Jason Owens claims that despite USA constitution's mandate, & constitutional laws requiring that they defend against invasion, they won't/can't prevent invasion
Bob Price: Breitbart

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
retired immigration judge Andrew R. Arthur _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime funneled nearly 1.4M invaders into the USA in fiscal year 2023 [2022 October 01 through 2023 September 30] alone;   a completely separate illegal immigration system that dwarfs legal/lawful system

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Todd Bensman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime secretly let in thousands of un-screened (not even token background investigations) from "countries of national security concern"
data-base of national security screening failures

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Katie Kindelan _GMA_/_abc_
FDA: eye drops sold at a number of store chains are contaminated, could cause blindess, death
2023-10-23: FDA
2023-05-11: American Society for MicroBiology
2023-03-23: Meghan Bartels: Scientific American: CDCP reports eye drops recalled after deaths & blindess

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Dan Bongino, M.B.A. _Rumble_
#2120:   must-see video sums it all up; tough guys don't tolerate suppporters of Hamas;   crime;   invaders;   Chicagoland invaders & other crime;   UN mal-feasance;   the enemies, force initiators, fraud initiators are already here;   anti-Semitic Soros outfits;   suicidal LBGTQIP+;   Gaza strip is Palestine; "West Bank" is part of Israel (Judea, Samaria)
Bongino.com: news-letter
"Police State" movie by Dinesh d'Souza; opened 2023-10-23: Debbie d'Souza, Bruce Schooley, Dan Bongino, Julie Kelly, Peter Schweizer (get tickets via web site; not available at theaters showing at Cinemark, 5870 Harrison avenue/pike, in Green township, North of Bridgetown, across from Christ hospital out-patient between Wesselman road & Westwood-Northern boulevard, East of MiamiTown, South of I-74;   7737 Waynetowne boulevard, Huber Heights, NE Dayton;   500 Rivers Edge drive, Milford;   6284 Dressler road NW, North Canton;   9415 Civic Center boulevard, West Chester;   2111 East University drive, Auburn, Alabama;   321 Summit boulevard, Birmingham, Alabama;  4883 Montgomery high-way, Dothan, Alabama;   1485 Four Mile road SE, Huntsville, Alabama;   7925 Vaughn road, Montgomery, Alabama;   6200 20th street #600, Very Beach, Florida;   2415 North Monroe street, Tallahassee,Florida;   112 Theater drive, St. Augustine, Florida;   8201 South Tamiami trail, Sarasota, Florida; 1900 NW Courtyard circle, Port St. Lucie, Florida;  2315 North Federal highway, Pompano Beach, Florida;   6595 North W street, Pensacola, Florida;   1910 Wells road, Orange Park, Florida;   3128 Tampa road, Oldsmar, Florida;   15201 N Cleveland avenue, North Fort Myers, Florida;   2241 Town Center avenue, Melbourne, Florida....

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Paul Bois _Breitbart_
Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists continue efforts/actions to steal 2024 elections as they did in 2020

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
AWR Hawkins _Breitbart_
34+ shot, at least 3 fatally this past week-end in mayor Brandon Johnson's power-mad hoplophobic, rights-violating Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist subjugated Chicagoland
Chicato IL Sun-Times: 444+ homicides in Chicagoland from 2023-01-01 through 2023-10-01
CrimeGrade: crime rates in/around Chicagoland, IL/WI/IN
CrimeGrade: crime rates in/around Atlanta, GA
CrimeGrade: crime rates in/around Baltimore, MD
CrimeGrade: crime rates in/around San FranSicko, CA
CrimeGrade: crime rates in/around Cincinnati, OH
CrimeGrade: crime rates in/around Minneapolis, MN

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Haley Strack _National Review_
yes, Hamas committed vicious, loathsome, disgusting atrocities

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Hamas spokes-clone: we built tunnels for ourselves, not for Palestinian civilians

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Natalia Mittelstadt _Just the News_
anti-USA-constitution Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists continue election corruption & fraud operations, attempting to take non-leftist candidates off of ballots

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)
Ben Whedon _Just the News_ senator Ron Johnson backs "damage assessment" of harm against USA national security caused by BiteMe Crime Family deals

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)

Lock the congress-critters in, without idiot-phones, without network access, without hard-line telephones, without semaphore flags.   Censure Mitch McConnell. Censure the RINOs. Censure the neo-cons. Censure the crony socialists wanting to dip into the "leadership funds".   Censure the Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists. Ridicule & critique them on the floor. Ridicule & critique them in the media. (You know who they are & WE know who they are).   Censure them again.

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)

USA citizes have been extremely patient, excessively patient.   After WW2,   USA citizens said, "Cut federal government spending.", but after an insignificant microscopic dip, and failure to pay off federal government debts, it accelerated. In the 1950s & 1960s & 1970s & 1980s & 1990s & the noughties (2000s) & 2010s, USA citizens said, "Cut federal government spending.   Cut the influx of guest-workers & students & immigrants & certainly stop the illegal alien invaders.", but instead, it continued to worsen geometrically because of nefarious, crony socialist constitution-hating forces within all 3 branches of the government.  
Cut federal government spending.   Constrain -- in accordance with the USA constitution's (i.e. the super-majority USA citizens') grants and withholdings of powers and assignment of duties -- the super-functions, functions, objects, purposes on/for which the funds are spent & stop the export of USA tech, especially natioal security-related tech, the intellectual property, the software, hardware, chips & designs for them.   Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut.   If it requires a few days (or weeks) of "shutting down" 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 60%, 80% of what the feral federal government has recently been doing, so be it, with applause👏.   Let the tourists to DC pick up after themselves & each other for a while.   Let the congress-critters & bureaubums pay for their own transportation out of their wages or salaries, not extra expense accounts.   Let them fly coach and stand in line bare-foot along with/ beside/ amongst the people they are supposed to be "representing" and defending against initiations of force & fraud (and supposed to be allowing to effectively defend themselves from initiations of force & fraud).   Let them, like all USA citizens, be appropriately armed.   Restore the constitutional; dismantle the anti-constitutional & unconstitutional that have been foisted on us since at least 1910.  
If you must enact a continuing resolution or other temporary appropriations bill, limit its term to only 2-4 months, at spending rates 10%-75% below the current mal-spending/over-spending rates... and invest those 2 months or 3 months or 4 months in OPEN debates, OPEN "town hall meetings", facilitating OPEN public feed-back from the citizenry, discussions in LTE pages, on television, on radio, and on web sites, on Rumble, Gab, Twit, UseNet NewsGroups, etc. (OK, maybe not FB, Disqusting Disqus, Reddit, TikTok...), about detailed currrent spending on each of the many super-functions, functions, sub-functions, super-objects, objects, sub-objects, departments, agencies, bureaux, offices, citing specific constitution clause(s) permitting the activity.   Post actual figures, and aggregate the actual feed-back.   Then post/publish the clusters, averages, medians, standard-deviations, skewness, quintiles, top 1 percentile and bottom 1 percentile: aggregate, by function, object, department, agency, office...

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)

censure. Censure. CENSURE!   impeach. Impeach. IMPEACH! &bsp; Remove. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.   Repeat as necessary:   Joe BiteMe, Hunter BiteMe, John Heinz Kerry & the whole extensive paper-corporations BiteMe Crime Family operations, Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick/Meritless Garland, Christopher Wray, K. Word Salad Harass, Mitch McConnell & Elaine Chao/Zhou, Schmutzie Schumer, Adam Schifftless, Jerrold Nadler, Ocrazio, Pressley, Omar, Tlaib, Jayapal, Nasty Pelosi, HitleryRottenClinton, BillClinton & the Clinton Crime Family criminal operations, Chris Magnus, Ur M. Jaddou, Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan/Jake Sullivan & Mrs. Sullivan, Lloyd Austin, Mark Milley, Jennifer Granholm, Xavier Becerra, "Rachel" Levine, Julie Su, Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Marty Walsh, Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Brian Deese, Gina McCarthy, Samantha POWER, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey, Ray Dalio, Robert Mueller, John Brennan, John P. Carlin, Justin Cooper, Eric Holder, David Weiss...  
for violating their oaths of office, for violating inherent rights of USA citizens,   for refusing to faithfully defend USA borders,   for refusing to faithfully enforce constitutional laws,   for obstructing justice,   for engaging in influence peddling/crony socialist bribery/pay-for-play operations,   for fleecing/ thieving/ robbing/ extorting tax-victims to subsidize cronies,   murder, rape, mayhem, fraud, theft, robbery, extortion, human trafficking, violating USA health & security,   for giving USA defense tech to hostile foreign powers, for aiding hostile foreign powers to develop nuclear weapons & delivery systems,   for encouraging and supporting violent rioting & murder & destruction of other people's property, for encouraging racism, including racist critical theory, power-mad climate hysteria,   for facilitating & helping to hide/ deflect responsibility for & encouraging & funding blatant & widespread election corruption & fraud,   for mal-feasance & non-feasance,   for active sedition & revolt against the USA;   for repeatedly terrorizing peaceable USA citizens;   for actively, intentionally destroying the USA economy, impoverishing & endangering thousands of USA citizens, for rendering tens of millions of USA citizens unemployed... for conspiring to do such (obviously, some individuals did/are doing more of one than another offense, committing more serious or less serious offenses and the prison sentences & fines should be proportional).
If you can't cobble together a 67% nor a 60% super-majority, even if you can't cobble together a 50% + 1 simple majority, then at least report to the citizenry the clusters & numbers out of each committee of the House & the senate, and then, only because you have been behaving so extremely badly for a century & worse with each passing week, report the names & votes along with each function, object, etc.

2023-10-30 (5784 Cheshvan 15)

jgo rankings of candidates for president of the USA... as of today (from +100 best but not perfect, to negative numbers of lower character who are worse threats against the inherent rights of USA citizens & against the USA & against the USA constitution & against the USA economy over the last 140 years & today): (+88) governor Ron de Santis/Ron the magnificent, (+84) Donald J. Trump the great, (+65) Mike ter Maat, (+65) Tim Scott, (+62) Larry Elder, (+56) Mark Robinson, (+54) Chase Oliver, (+53) Vivek Ramaswamy, (-5) Nikki Haley, (-5) Doug Bergum, (-134) Robert F. Kennedy ii, (-330) RINO Francis Suarez, (-515) Chris Christy, (-5,650) incoherent, incompetent, malevolent, oath-breaking, USA-constitution-violating, corrupt Joe BiteMe of the BiteMe-Kerry Crime Family & corrupt, rights-violating, oath-breaking, USA prosperity-depressing, USA constitution-violating, USA-endangering, USA-harming Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime

Proposed Bills 2023

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2023





Yom Shlishi


2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)

447 days until freedom from corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime.

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
_Patriot Post_
found in candy apple

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Mike Martin _Rumble_
foreign born population approaches 50M, accelerating over-population, over-crowding, inflation of land & home prices

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
archaeologists identify remains of those slaughtered by Hamas

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Michael Brendan Dougherty _National Review_
Hamas's atrocities are being buried by collectivist media, already forgotten, interred under a barrage of false equivalencies
anti-Semitism is clearly spiritual in nature... but also planned, incited; signage laid out and printed; costumes designed, cut, assembled; recording & dissemination teams equipped, supplied, transported, choreographed

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Houston Keene & Thomas Phippen _Fox_
Anna Paulina Luna proposes federal law de-funding UN "Human Rights Council" until UN officially disparages Hamas attacks on Israel (of course one would expect an actual human rights council to also criticize Hizballah, Houthis, PLO, PLA, Iran, Red China, Venezuela, North Korea... for their numerous violations of inherent rights, but this what you get when you put some of the worst rights violators an the council)

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Ron Dermer: Hamas are Nazis with GoPro cameras

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
John Binder _Breitbart_
Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime SecDHS Alejandro Mayorkas will not commit to deporting foreign students who support terrorist Hamas, incite violence against Israelis & Jews

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Madeleine Hubbard _Just the News_
RAND Corporation, a defense & security & manufacturing consultancy was ordered by corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime SecDHS Alejandro Mayorkas DHS not to call illegal alien invaders by the term written into law ("illegal alien"), nor the euphemism abused by some reporters ("illegal immigrant"), nor the even weaker euphemism abused by some reporters ("un-documented immigrant"), but "un-documented non-citizen"; never clearly & honestly refer to Mohammedan terrorists as "jihadist", nor "jihadi", nor by the euphemism "extremist", nor refer to terrorists as terrorists, nor violent rioters as rioters, nor loters, nor trespassers, replace "immigrant" with "person", "prisoner" with "detained person" or "incarcerated person", "riot" with "protest", "rioter" with "protester"... wash all precision out of communications

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Noah Rothman _National Review_
now, Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists supporting the corrupt Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime are stone-walling & making stories up

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Hannah Nightingale _Post Millennial_
report: Fauci-run lab in Montana conducted coronavirus experiments on bats using virus shipped from Wuhan city, Hubei province, Red China in 2018

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Sean Moran _Breitbart_
Will Hild of Consumer' Research: "asset managers", thrift plans, banks (like Bank of India), protection racketeers are leading push for extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist racist critical theory; "gender" critical theory; Wuhan critical theory; legal critical theory; Lat-crit; "social emotional learning" (SEL); "social identity theory"; diversity barring, equality opposing, exclusionary, segregating "diversity, equity, inclusion"; ESG/ESCG; critical theory; "machine learning «fairness»"; socialist war against justice; oppositional riot theory

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
David Ng _Breitbart_
Michael Rapaport criticized extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist push to prohibit Israel from defending against Hamas, Hizballah, Iran attackers... right after Mohammedan terrorists attack, while they are still firing missiles into Israel, they claim Israel must cease-fire/ "humanitarian pause"...   meanwhile Israel continues trying to free hostages, neutralize force initiators;   "Hamas doesn't give a f about anything except for the destruction of Israel"

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Wendell Husebo/Wendell Husebø _Breitbart_
USA National Archives & Records Administration discovered 82K pages of Joe BiteMe alias e-mail messages
Josh Christenson: NYPost: while VP to Obummer, Joe BiteMe exchanged 82K pages of personal e-mail messages under pseudonyms
Josh Christenson: NYPost: while VP to Obummer, Joe BiteMe exchanged 82K pages of e-mail messages under pseudonyms

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
Federalist Society: extreme Illiberal Leftist/ Dem/ Red/ Regressive/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Nazi/ Marxist/ Communist/ Bolshevik/ Stalinist/ Maoist/ Collectivist warriors against justice seek to "recuse" non-collectivist judges from issues to push anti-inheret rights, anti-constitution agenda

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
Cal Thomas _Patriot Post_
federal government mal-spending & over-spending

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)
N. Vieux, Q. Perrier, P. Bedouch, O. Epaulard _PubMed NIH_
Much ado about nothing? Discrepancy between the available data on the antiviral effect of hydroxychloroquine in 2020 March and its inclusion in COVID-19 clinical trials and out-patient prescriptions; studies before 2020 April were too small

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)

Lock the congress-critters in, without idiot-phones, without network access, without hard-line telephones, without semaphore flags.   Censure Mitch McConnell. Censure the RINOs. Censure the neo-cons. Censure the crony socialists wanting to dip into the "leadership funds".   Censure the Illiberal Leftists/ Dems/ Reds/ Regressives/ Socialists/ Fascists/ Nazis/ Marxists/ Communists/ Bolsheviks/ Stalinists/ Maoists/ Collectivists. Ridicule & critique them on the floor. Ridicule & critique them in the media. (You know who they are & WE know who they are).   Censure them again.

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)

USA citizes have been extremely patient, excessively patient.   After WW2,   USA citizens said, "Cut federal government spending.", but after an insignificant microscopic dip, and failure to pay off federal government debts, it accelerated. In the 1950s & 1960s & 1970s & 1980s & 1990s & the noughties (2000s) & 2010s, USA citizens said, "Cut federal government spending.   Cut the influx of guest-workers & students & immigrants & certainly stop the illegal alien invaders.", but instead, it continued to worsen geometrically because of nefarious, crony socialist constitution-hating forces within all 3 branches of the government.  
Cut federal government spending.   Constrain -- in accordance with the USA constitution's (i.e. the super-majority USA citizens') grants and withholdings of powers and assignment of duties -- the super-functions, functions, objects, purposes on/for which the funds are spent & stop the export of USA tech, especially natioal security-related tech, the intellectual property, the software, hardware, chips & designs for them.   Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut.   If it requires a few days (or weeks) of "shutting down" 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 60%, 80% of what the feral federal government has recently been doing, so be it, with applause👏.   Let the tourists to DC pick up after themselves & each other for a while.   Let the congress-critters & bureaubums pay for their own transportation out of their wages or salaries, not extra expense accounts.   Let them fly coach and stand in line bare-foot along with/ beside/ amongst the people they are supposed to be "representing" and defending against initiations of force & fraud (and supposed to be allowing to effectively defend themselves from initiations of force & fraud).   Let them, like all USA citizens, be appropriately armed.   Restore the constitutional; dismantle the anti-constitutional & unconstitutional that have been foisted on us since at least 1910.  
If you must enact a continuing resolution or other temporary appropriations bill, limit its term to only 2-4 months, at spending rates 10%-75% below the current mal-spending/over-spending rates... and invest those 2 months or 3 months or 4 months in OPEN debates, OPEN "town hall meetings", facilitating OPEN public feed-back from the citizenry, discussions in LTE pages, on television, on radio, and on web sites, on Rumble, Gab, Twit, UseNet NewsGroups, etc. (OK, maybe not FB, Disqusting Disqus, Reddit, TikTok...), about detailed currrent spending on each of the many super-functions, functions, sub-functions, super-objects, objects, sub-objects, departments, agencies, bureaux, offices, citing specific constitution clause(s) permitting the activity.   Post actual figures, and aggregate the actual feed-back.   Then post/publish the clusters, averages, medians, standard-deviations, skewness, quintiles, top 1 percentile and bottom 1 percentile: aggregate, by function, object, department, agency, office...

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)

censure. Censure. CENSURE!   impeach. Impeach. IMPEACH! &bsp; Remove. Prosecute. Convict. Imprison.   Repeat as necessary:   Joe BiteMe, Hunter BiteMe, John Heinz Kerry & the whole extensive paper-corporations BiteMe Crime Family operations, Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick/Meritless Garland, Christopher Wray, K. Word Salad Harass, Mitch McConnell & Elaine Chao/Zhou, Schmutzie Schumer, Adam Schifftless, Jerrold Nadler, Ocrazio, Pressley, Omar, Tlaib, Jayapal, Nasty Pelosi, HitleryRottenClinton, BillClinton & the Clinton Crime Family criminal operations, Chris Magnus, Ur M. Jaddou, Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan/Jake Sullivan & Mrs. Sullivan, Lloyd Austin, Mark Milley, Jennifer Granholm, Xavier Becerra, "Rachel" Levine, Julie Su, Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Marty Walsh, Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Brian Deese, Gina McCarthy, Samantha POWER, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey, Ray Dalio, Robert Mueller, John Brennan, John P. Carlin, Justin Cooper, Eric Holder, David Weiss...  
for violating their oaths of office, for violating inherent rights of USA citizens,   for refusing to faithfully defend USA borders,   for refusing to faithfully enforce constitutional laws,   for obstructing justice,   for engaging in influence peddling/crony socialist bribery/pay-for-play operations,   for fleecing/ thieving/ robbing/ extorting tax-victims to subsidize cronies,   murder, rape, mayhem, fraud, theft, robbery, extortion, human trafficking, violating USA health & security,   for giving USA defense tech to hostile foreign powers, for aiding hostile foreign powers to develop nuclear weapons & delivery systems,   for encouraging and supporting violent rioting & murder & destruction of other people's property, for encouraging racism, including racist critical theory, power-mad climate hysteria,   for facilitating & helping to hide/ deflect responsibility for & encouraging & funding blatant & widespread election corruption & fraud,   for mal-feasance & non-feasance,   for active sedition & revolt against the USA;   for repeatedly terrorizing peaceable USA citizens;   for actively, intentionally destroying the USA economy, impoverishing & endangering thousands of USA citizens, for rendering tens of millions of USA citizens unemployed... for conspiring to do such (obviously, some individuals did/are doing more of one than another offense, committing more serious or less serious offenses and the prison sentences & fines should be proportional).
If you can't cobble together a 67% nor a 60% super-majority, even if you can't cobble together a 50% + 1 simple majority, then at least report to the citizenry the clusters & numbers out of each committee of the House & the senate, and then, only because you have been behaving so extremely badly for a century & worse with each passing week, report the names & votes along with each function, object, etc.

2023-10-31 (5784 Cheshvan 16)

jgo rankings of candidates for president of the USA... as of today (from +100 best but not perfect, to negative numbers of lower character who are worse threats against the inherent rights of USA citizens & against the USA & against the USA constitution & against the USA economy over the last 140 years & today): (+88) governor Ron de Santis/Ron the magnificent, (+84) Donald J. Trump the great, (+65) Mike ter Maat, (+65) Tim Scott, (+62) Larry Elder, (+56) Mark Robinson, (+54) Chase Oliver, (+53) Vivek Ramaswamy, (-6) Nikki Haley, (-6) Doug Bergum, (-134) Robert F. Kennedy ii, (-330) RINO Francis Suarez, (-515) Chris Christy, (-5,650) incoherent, incompetent, malevolent, oath-breaking, USA-constitution-violating, corrupt Joe BiteMe of the BiteMe-Kerry Crime Family & corrupt, rights-violating, oath-breaking, USA prosperity-depressing, USA constitution-violating, USA-endangering, USA-harming Clinton-Shrub-Obummer-BiteMe-Harass regime

Proposed Bills 2023

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Proposed Bills 2023



2023 October, week 1 (1-7) (16KB)
2023 October, week 2 (8-14) (16KB)
2023 October, week 3 (15-21) (16KB)
2023 October, week 4 (22-28) (16KB)
2023 October, week 5 (29-31) (16KB)

Proposed Bills 2023

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt
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Jimbo Wales's WickedPedia on World Over-Population
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