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updated: 2021-02-24
"No senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in office." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 2 |
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2015 October, week 1 (1-5) (95KB)
2015 October, week 2 (6-12) (220KB)
2015 October, week 3 (13-19) (220KB)
2015 October, week 4 (20-26) (245KB)
2015 October, week 5 (27-30) (300KB)
"If progress is believed possible, it will likely be sought; & if it is looked for, there is some possibility of finding it... The assumption that continual progress can occur may also create an atmosphere which encourages uncovering ideas or recognizing them when stumbled upon... Conversely, if betterment is not believed possible, then the incentive to seek improvement is reduced, & an atmosphere of maintaining the status quo is encouraged." --- Winfred B. Hirschmann 1964-01-?? "Profit from the Learning Curve" _Harvard Business Review_ pp 134-136 (quoted in Michael Rothschild 1992 _Bionomics_ pg 197) |
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Steve King puts RINO losership on notice: most congressional Republicans oppose a speaker who favors open borders, low- or no-standards for visas, excessive visas
"A recent Pew poll found that only 7% of Republican voters want there to be more immigration into the United States. According to a poll from Kellyanne Conway, 80% of GOP voters think new immigration into the U.S.A. should be reduced by 90% or more. Across all voters -- Democrat and Republican -- Conway's poll shows that only a microscopic 4% agree with Paul Ryan that any willing employer should be able to hire any willing worker regardless of where they live—the open borders credo. As Ryan put it, we need to 'have an open system where...the work that won't be done by people who are already here can be filled by the people who want to come here and do those jobs'. 'We want an economic based immigration system where...labor and supply and demand can meet each other.', Ryan has said [leaving tacit his view that the meeting should be at an artificially depressed price]..."
Conservative HQ comments: "If the roles were reversed, and an anti-amnesty Democrat was working with Steve King to stop immigration, there is no chance anyone in the media, the Democrat establishment, or the punditry would tell progressive activists to embrace an anti-amnesty Democrat Speaker."
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Trey Gowdy: new e-mail messages connected with the 2012-09-11 terrorist attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi show a "disconnect" between DC and the security needs at the consulate
"Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC), described e-mails from ambassador Chris Stevens to the State Department requesting more security almost from the moment he arrived in Libya. The request virtually crossed paths with one Clinton's staff sent to Stevens, asking the new ambassador to read and respond to an e-mail from a Clinton confidant, according to Gowdy. At another point, Clinton aide Victoria Nuland asked Stevens for advice on 'public messaging' on the increasingly dangerous situation in the region, Gowdy said. 'He didn't need help with (public relations), and he was asking for more security.', Gowdy said on CBS's 'Face the Nation'. Gowdy refused to release the emails on Sunday. But he said they point to 'the total disconnect between what was happening in Libya with the escalation in violence -- that we were a soft target, that there was an increase in anti-Western sentiment... while Washington is asking him to read and react to a Sidney Blumenthal e-mail and help on how to message the violence'..."
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Seth Robbins _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
judge Robert Pitman: Texas may/should deny birth certificates to children of illegal aliens with Mexican IDs
"...the Department of State Health Services refused to recognize as valid certain forms of identification. The families' lawyers had asked for the judge to intervene, saying that the children's right to health care, travel, and schooling -- along with parental rights -- are being harmed. Pitman called the arguments of the families 'heartfelt, compelling and persuasive', but said that this was 'not enough without substantiating evidence to carry the burden necessary to grant relief'...
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
judge Clark Waddoups ordered Utah to keep cash flowing to Planned Parenthood
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: my immigration policies would have prevented the terrorist attacks on 2001/09/11
Ben Wolfgang: Washington DC Times
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
flash-back: Yebbie Booosh admitted the leaky immigration system led to the terrorist attacks on 2001/09/11
"...However, a review Jeb Bush's 2013 book _Immigration Wars_ reveals that Jeb Bush himself agreed with Trump's argument and admitted that our 'leaky' immigration policy was responsible for the attack. Bush wrote: 'In addition to the Mexican drug cartels, the fact that several of the 2001/09/11 terrorists entered the country lawfully under a leaky immigration system has heightened national security concerns—so much so that immigration enforcement has been placed under the Department of Homeland Security [DHS].' Indeed, all of the the nineteen September 11th hijackers were voluntarily imported into the country on visas issued to them by our federal government. Almost all of the visas were issued in the predominantly Muslim country of Saudi Arabia. 4 of the 2001 September 11th hijackers -- Zacarias Moussaoui, Satam al Suqami, Nawaf al Hamzi, and Hani Hanjour -- were visa over-stays. In a block-buster 2002 report, National Review's Joel Mowbray acquired the visa applications of 15 of the 19 hijackers and exposed how every single one of their applications should have been flatly rejected... Although four of the 2001/09/11 hijackers were visa overstays, senator Rubio authored legislation that would have legalized visa [over-stayers] and would have made them American citizens. At the same time, Rubio voted against a visa tracking system offered by his Republican colleague senator David Vitter (R-LA), which sought to prevent future foreign nationals from illegally over-staying their visas. Rubio has also expressed support for expanding the resettlement of Muslim immigrants—on top of the annual 280K Muslim 'migrants' the [United States of America] admits annually, which includes 100K Muslim immigrants who are brought in on green cards and will eventually be able to bring in their family members and vote in U.S.A. elections..."
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Pamela Geller _WND_
the leftist media's jihad against the Jews
Shany Mor: mendacious maps of Palestinian "loss"
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Jewish lives matter
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
racism is an illusion, and "black lives matter" lies: eht real battle is between good and evil
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Chuck Norris _WND_
to reduce "mass shootings"
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Paul Kengor _WND_
Arthur Miller: communist playwright
American Spectator
"...As often noted by Harvard's Richard Pipes and the Hoover Institution's Robert Conquest, few things have animated liberal animus quite like anti-communism. It's not that [squishy leftists] have been pro-communist so much as they are anti-anti-communist. They dislike anti-communists more than they dislike communists. Their preferred demon isn't Joe Stalin but Joe McCarthy. As James Burnham, the great ex-communist, put it, 'for the left, the preferred enemy is always to the right'. But this does not suffice to describe Arthur Miller. Miller was not only anti-anti-communist; he was pro-communist. More than that, Arthur Miller had been a communist. And that's something that students in their public schools and in our woeful universities had not and still will not learn as they are spoon-fed Miller's left-wing morality plays...."
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Tom Quimby _Washington DC Times_
Jon Erwin, director of "Woodlawn": USA needs more faith-based films, anti-religion movement threatens chaplain programs
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
stopping and reversing USA's race toward disaster
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Alex Leary _Tampa Bay FL Times_
Ted Yoho (R-Gainesville FL) backs Dan Webster for House speaker: "he will bring us together"
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Matthew Boyle to CSPAN: we're getting more information out to more people
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Iranian opponents of the Iranian theocracy say Obummer policies are appeasing the Iranian dictatorship
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Ben Fox _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
federal Judge may get military tribunals of 5 non-uniformed Muslim combatants being held at Guantanamo moving again
"...The possibility of criminal charges for a member of the defense team created a potential conflict of interest between Binalshibh and his civilian lawyer, James Harrington, who at least in theory was facing the prospect of criminal charges. The judge must decide how to resolve that issue. One possibility is that the judge, Army colonel James Pohl, could remove Harrington, which would require the government to find a new civilian lawyer with the required security clearance qualified to handle the death penalty case...
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
GOP must not allow Obummer and big-spenders in both parties to blow through federal government spending caps
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Obummer leaves Israelis to fend for themselves as Palestinian Muslims repeatedly attack
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Eric Worrall
climate insanity: warming blamed for kidney disease which killed 20K sugar cane workers in Central America
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Paul Driessen
Elizabeth and Sheldon Torquemada: pursuing an agenda of intolerance and retribution against critics of their extreme leftist policies
2015-10-18 (5776 Cheshvan 05)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Time, which changes people, does not alter the image we have retained of them." --- Marcel Proust (source: Jewish World Review) |
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Tom Cotton.
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
corrupt SunTrust's outrageous severance deal requires dumped "IT" workers to remain on-call for 2 years... without pay
"...SunTrust has been working for a number of years with 'IT' contractors [bodyshops] that have large India and over-seas operations -- including IBM and Infosys -- said bank employees. Employees said the 'knowledge transfer' -- the euphemism used to describe training contractors who are taking their jobs -- is well under-way and is being done both over the web a nd in person... The [bodies shopped] have access to employee systems and are shadowing them in their day-to-day work. Contractors with H-1B visas [also bodies shopped] are also being [abused] at the work-site, according to Labor Condition Applicaiton filings, which attest to wage level and work-site location. SunTrust workers have been filing Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) applications for several years, citing a shift of work to India or jobs lost as a result of foreign out-sourcing [and off-shoring]..."
Q & A
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
don't expect truthful headlines when reading DHS press releases
"The Department of Homeland Security press release that went out Friday afternoon -- the time a skilled pressie knows that readership will be low -- carried this headline: 'DHS proposes changes related to on-the-job training program for STEM students'. The word 'change' is correct, but there is no training in this program. It is just one more foreign worker program and it has nothing to do with students; it is for recent alien college graduates. A much more accurate headline would have been: 'DHS Proposes Bonuses for Employers Who Hire Aliens Rather than Citizens'. The so-called Optional Practical Training (OPT) program currently gives all recent alien college graduates a one-year-long, after-graduation work permit. If the alien student has majored in any of the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math), as many of them do, he or she gets an additional 17 months of permitted work. During these periods U.S. employers are given a substantial bonus for hiring an alien college grad rather than an American college grad with the same skills and the same salary; I figure it can be above $10K in many cases involving STEM workers. Why does the 10 grand bonus go along with the decision to hire the foreign worker? DHS, by defining a recent college grad as a student, takes both the worker and the employer out from under pay-roll taxes -- thus penalizing the [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare trust funds directly, and our elders indirectly. Congress did not make this decision, at least not directly; but since foreign students and their employers have privileges denied to citizens and green card holders alike, the bonus has been created. In the current document, DHS proposes to extend the additional 17 months for STEM workers to 24 months; thus from a total period of 29 months to 36 months, about a 20% increase. If the bonus given to employers for hiring a STEM graduate is worth $10K under the old rules, it is now worth $12K, and is that much more likely to cause an employer to hire a former F-1 student than a green card or citizen graduate. I searched the proposed rule that appears in today's Federal Register for references to payroll taxes (FICA, the Federal Insurance Contributions Act) and found none. I guess DHS does not want us to know about the generous tax break that both employers and aliens get from this program. I find it intellectually dishonest not to mention this tax break in a long, extremely detailed document on this subject. In a piece of window dressing, employers are barred from replacing U.S. citizen workers with OPT workers. That's a tiny step forward, but the problem has rarely been replacement; it is the displacement of potential citizen workers by hiring alien ones. Further, there is supposed to be a mentoring and monitoring program established to reduce abuses and to give the alien workers a better shake. That's fine, but how is the University of Maine, say, going to mentor that former physics major now working in Hawaii? Unfortunately the policing of this program is assigned to universities, which, in turn, are more or less supervised by the Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), much the sleepiest and least demanding of all the migration-control agencies."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Stephanie Overby _CIO_/_IDG_
Uganda, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco: up-and-coming cross-border bodyshopping bases
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Univision reports and comments on scuffle among pro- and anti-Trump people at rally in Richmond
"...The scuffle began when a small group of protesters, unfurling a banner that read 'No Human Life is Illegal' [but some humans do illegal things, including things involving initiation of force or fraud], sought to disrupt Trump's speech. There was pushing, shoving, and shouting for a few minutes until police intervened. The incident received little national attention... Megid noted that Trump's sustained leadership in opinion polls suggests that he has a real chance of becoming president..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
reality check on immigrant education: nearly half of all working-age high school drop-outs in the USA are foreign-born
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
it could take a whopping 40K more government employees to deal with "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
"...The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) estimates the country will need more than 20K teachers, 10K tutors, 3K police officers and 3K civil servants to help more than 1M [migrants/ refugees/ asylees/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] integrate into German society..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
candidate for mayor of London from the Labour party Sadiq Khan: half of Brits are stupid, bigoted, xenophobes for their skepticism of the EU open borders scheme; UKIP's candidate Peter Whittle: one who insults and holds a majority of the population in contempt isn't capable of leading London
"Whilst he's making sweeping accusations of bigotry, it is worth pointing out that Mr. Khan has a history of defending unsavory characters with more than controversial views. In 2001 he was the acting attorney for the Nation of Islam. Then, after becoming an MP, in 2005 and 2006, he visited Babar Ahmad in Woodhill Prison and campaigned for his release. Mr. Ahmad was later extradited to the USA where he pleaded guilty to terrorist offences..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Pat Toomey: senate voting Tuesday (tomorrow) on bill to de-fund sanctuary cities, counties, states
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
thousands of illegal aliens who were convicted of falonies, are being released from prisons: will congressional action lead to thousands more being turned loose?
"...According to the Wall Street Journal, this is the first wave in a flow that may ultimately result in the release of 40K convicts. The Journal cites officials who say that about 33% of those being released under the new sentence-reducing guidelines are alien offenders. The Marshall Project has done a profile analysis of these prisoners based on U.S. Sentencing Commission data and projects the ultimate number of releases higher (46K), but estimates the number of aliens lower, at 25%. Assuming accurate figures fall somewhere within the Marshall Project and Wall Street Journal projections, this means that between 11,500 and 13,200 serious alien drug offenders will soon be out of lock-down..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration is key to Mexico's interest in Canada's election
"...Justin Trudeau, promises, among other things, to do away with the visa requirement for Mexican tourists. Trudeau proposes that citizens of both countries should be able to move freely and without obstacles given they are both signatories of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Additionally, Trudeau recognizes Mexico as a source of legitimate refugees..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
Obummer's Halloween felon release
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
since GOP got majority in the US House, there have been immigrants equal to 4 times the population of Manhattan: "We need an immigration policy that shows compassion for Americans"
"Immigration sub-committee chairman senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and representative Dave Brat (R-VA) issued a challenge to Republican presidential hopefuls in a joint op-ed titled, 'Curb immigration or quit'..."
Jeff Sessions & Dave Brat: Roll Call
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
37.8% of Muslims in Denmark told pollsters they would like to see civil law replaced by sharia; 11.3% thought all Danish law should be swept aside
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
US ICE union head: senate sentencing "reform" bill will release illegal aliens who commit additional crimes onto USA streets
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
2001-09-11 terrorists obtained Florida ID kkkards under governor Yebbie Booosh's administration
"...But the International Business Times (IBT) reports a number of the hijackers on 2001-09-11 actually obtained Florida drivers licenses -- or ID cards -- while Jeb Bush was governor, which allowed them to blend into society...
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Mark Jonker _Market Realist_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 87.2 in late-September to 92.1 in early-October
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Ruth Eglash _Jewish World Review_
her father was stoned to death by Palestinian just weeks ago; now, she's saved a suspected stabber's life
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
desperate Israelis fight Palestinian terrorists with selfie sticks
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
the mentally unbalanced, anti-USA, anti-Israel, anti-constitution "community organizer" Obummer is increasing violence
"But, of course, the incitement to violence isn't coming from both sides. It's coming solely from a Palestinian leadership and official media that continues to spread lies about Israelis seeking to harm the mosques on the Temple Mount and treating those who seek to murder Jews as 'our boys' that are being 'executed' by Israeli forces. This was a week in which the [Obummer regime] had to dance around comments by secretary of State John Kerry about settlements causing the violence and State Department spokesman John Kirby echoed Palestinian canards about Israel using 'excessive force' against terrorists. But while Israeli prime-minister Netanyahu spent the same week repeating that Israel had no intention of altering the status quo on the Temple Mount and insisting that he would meet Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas anywhere and anytime to resume peace negotiations, the Palestinians were doubling down on hate..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
desperate Israelis fight Palestinian terrorists with selfie sticks
"'[O]nly 2.5% of the population can legally carry a firearm.', the Times of Israel reported in 2012. 'But those who are licensed to carry a weapon have proved capable of acting swiftly and effectively time and again to neutralize attackers during acts of terrorism.' Armed civilians have often stopped terror attacks. For the rest, the Times of Israel reported recently, there is pepper spray–and selfie sticks, rolling pins or frying pans. Whatever works..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
violence escalates in Jerusalem and Eastern Israel
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
David Weigel _Jewish World Review_
Ben Carson's talk about the importance of widespread ownership and carry of arms for the defense of ourselves and the state is hardly controversial in heartland USA
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Russell C. Gaede _Jewish World Review_
important tings no one warns you about before you get married
"marriate...does solve or end some of your problems. However, it brings new ones into your life... Conflict is not a sign of dysfunction..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Robert Barnes _Jewish World Review_
unsolicited text message tees up an unusual debate among the supremes... via the 9th circus
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Anne Applebaum _Jewish World Review_
Russia's new kind of friends
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Scandinavia is not a socialist utopia
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
USA political parties have been changing, not dying
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
freedom, mobility, inequality, truth
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Craig Shirley's new must-read book on Reagan _Last Act_
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican States_
RINOs would rather lose than help the non-leftists, i.e. True Blue Republicans
"I have been beating the drum for Matt Bevin for a few weeks. I did not want to indict the Republican Governors Association because from numerous people I heard they were just prodding Matt Bevin to spend his own money. But here at the end, it appears certain [RINOs] in Washington would rather lose Kentucky than see conservatives win. Multiple people close to the RGA and close to the Kentucky GOP tell me the RGA has turned its nose up at Kentucky even though it is widely considered winnable."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Oscar Raymundo _"IT" News_/_IDG_
how the Structure Sensor by Occipital for iPad could make 3-D scanning a part of every-day life for under $400
2013-09-17: Chris Velazco: TechCrunch
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Ed Klein: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's bizarre demonic disingenuous cackling about murders of Benghazi consulate personnel and her violations of national security are just part of what makes her so darn unlikeable
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton knew US government was using Libyan source suspected of terrorist involvement
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Joh Solomon _Washington DC Times_
Benghazi memos detail staff security worries
"...reaching out repeatedly to the CIA and Libyan government for extra security and dealing with landlord and guard issues that raised additional red flags, according to documents recovered from the burned-out compound. The documents, given to The Washington Times by a U.S. official, provide contemporaneous accounts of career State Department officials coping with an increasingly unstable foreign city and grasping for security help from outsiders in the absence of more action from their own department... 'They gave us nothing to work with. We had to resource everything we could with what we had in front of us, contracting with the locals, seeking the agency's help and working with meager internal resources.', said lieutenant-colonel Andrew Wood, a special forces reserve officer who tried several times to fortify the weak security at Benghazi in 2012. State Department officials in Washington [DC] 'had their minds made up. They were not going to provide additional security there, period.', he said in an interview Monday with The Times..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Donald Trump & Ben Carson to get Secret Service protection
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Texas cut off tax-victim funding to Planned Parenthood
Will Weissert: Washington DC Times/AP
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Colby B. Jubenville _Washington DC Times_
quality, honest feed-back is important for everyone
"...I asked myself, 'What if you had to do a press conference about the last 30 days of your life?' 'What if we had someone who every 30 days questions your decisions and your performance in business or life.'... feed-back is where they learn the most. And the coaches who win today know how to take it and give it. Who is giving you feed-back?..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump: I'm not blaming Shrub for the terrorist attacks on 2001-09-11
"'The only I said, well, you know, he said we were safe.', Mr. Trump said, referring to a line from former Florida governor Jeb Bush in the second GOP presidential debate last month. 'Well, the fact is, we had the worst attack in the history of our country during his reign. Jeb said we were safe during his reign. That wasn't true. And that's the only thing I pointed out. And I'm not blaming anybody... I'm not blaming George Bush.', Mr. Trump said. 'Although if you look at his three primary agencies, they hated each other. They weren't talking. It wasn't that they weren't talking by mistake. They hated each other, and a good leader would have made sure they get along and they talk and lots of other things happened. With all of that being said, I'm not blaming anybody, but the statement was made, at the debate...during my brother's reign, we were safe. Well, we weren't safe because the World Trade Center came down and [nearly 3K] lives were lost, and lots of other bad things happened.', Mr. Trump said..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Lauretta Brown _Cyberast News Service_
California churches file law-suit to fight state's dictate that they fund abortion in their insurance plans
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Melanie Hunter _Cyberast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: recent GOP losership are the most effective leaders of the Dem/Red/leftist causes we've ever seen
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
panicked RINOs prepare war against Donald Trump and the citizenry
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Nasty Pelosi wants Reds/Dems/leftists in conspiracy with RINOs and the old losership to pick speaker of the House instead of real Republicans doing so
Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times: Reid parrots from the same script
Julia Hahn: Breitbart: Reid parrots from the same script
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Reid Wilson _Morning Consult_
"budget reconciliation bill" is latest wedge between Republicans and the RINO losership
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
_Right Scoop_
Mark Levin unravels leftist media's false arguments but in a polite and thoughtful way
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Bob Unruh _WND_
DC circuit claims holding up a sign on sidewalk outside supremes, not blocking anyone, is not protected by 1st amendment
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Mark Christian _WND_
Obummer trying to establish UN, i.e. Muslim, control of Jerusalem, Israel; forcing Jerusalem into a revolution
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Joseph Farah _WND_
when the USA's lights go out for ever
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
George Noory _WND_
interview with Michael Heiser: Genesis is about theological messaging (video)
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Mychal Massie _WND_
latest bogus "research" of "white cultural Marxists"
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
FBI: legitimately or illegitimately, 48,135 police were assaulted while on the job in 2014, 28.3% were injured
"...According to the FBI, nearly one third of the assaults on officers took place during 'disturbance calls'. Those who assaulted the officers 'used personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) in 79.9% of the incidents'. Attackers used firearms four percent of the time and 'knives or other cutting instruments in 2.0% of the incidents'. Other 'dangerous' but unnamed weapons were used against officers in 14.1% of the assaults. The FBI report also showed that 45 officers died in the line of duty via accidents during 2014. Another 51 officers were killed 'in the line of duty' 'as a result of felonious acts'. 46 of the 51 officers killed were murdered with firearms in various situations..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Detroit: man who had threatened pastor and congregants before came into church raving and holding a brick; pastor shot him, and is now in custody
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
WSJ poll: Republicans want a pricipled speaker, not a deal-maker who will push through leftist legislation
"...56% of GOP voters wanted a speaker to stand on Republican principles as opposed to just 40% who would prefer compromise to get [bad] results..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
Mo Brooks (R-AL): not enough votes to get a good, principled Republican as senate majority-leader or House speaker
"'The major hurdle in respect to getting someone of the caliber of Jeff Sessions as a majority-leader in the United States senate or as a speaker in the House of Representatives is we don't have enough votes. The American people have not elected enough representatives and senators of like mind for someone like Jeff Sessions to be able to become senate majority-leader, where he now resides, or someone like Jeff Sessions to become speaker of the House... Clearly, the majority of the House Republican Conference is [RINOs, leftists, 'establishment']. They perceive conservatives and conservative values as an anathema because we tend to do things based on conservative principles, and they tend to do things based on other principles or the desire for money...'... Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), representative Tom Price (R-GA), representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC), representative Daniel Webster (R-FL), and representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) would all be 'high quality' leaders, said Brooks. Unfortunately for conservatives, all of them will be 'black-balled' by the [RINO, leftist, 'establishment'] arm of the party..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate children camps discovered in Turkey
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate videos encourage Palestinians to murder Jewish people
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Russia: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate growth in Afghanistan could expand into Red China
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
power-mad FAA leverages crisis: rather than protect airports, wants to require all RC UAVs to be registered with federal government
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Steve Sherman _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime is enabling fraud by the billions, imposing obstacles to stopping the (crony socialist) waste
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Kellyanne Conway & Heather R. Higgins _Washington DC Times_
another winning issue for Republicans; repeal exemption of congress from ObummerDoesn'tCare
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
power-mad government has been destroying the economy in alleged intention to save it
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Paul Driessen
even the Los Angeles Times recognizes that Moonbeam Brown's latest climate claim is non-sense
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee: Obummer thinks our greatest threat is sun-burn, not a beheading
"...The former governor took great issue with the country's $20T debt and with giving money to Islamic terrorists that 'want to kill you'. Huckabee said that the jihadists' goal is the destruction of the United States, but that their ultimate goal is the destruction of Western Civilization. He said, 'They want to bring us back to the seventh century.', and warned, 'You either defeat them, or they will kill us. Those are the only options.' He said that the goal of Islam is 'to bring about the Apocalypse' and to make everyone subject to Islam..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Anthony Watts
wind turbines may reduce breeding success of white-tailed eagles
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
drought? save water, buil a back-yard swimming pool
"backyard pools use 13% less water than [irrigated and] mowed grass. The average residential swimming pool contains between 18K and 20K gallons of water and will lose about 2 inches per week solely due to evaporation. This can amount to between 10K and 20K gallons of water loss per year, depending on pool size and water features that increase or decrease evaporation. But over a 3-year period, the average California pool uses about 96,575 gallons of water, versus 116,813 to maintain traditional mowed grass, according to a study by the Santa Margarita Water Distinct. If the pool owner uses a cover, the water use over 5 years will be less than if the home-owner installed drought-tolerant landscape..."
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Michella Moons _Breitbart_
flash-flood along California's SR58 in Los Angeles and Kern counties
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
federal "monument" land grab, to block energy exploration
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
heated debate over climate
2015-10-19 (5776 Cheshvan 06)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"So, if you're having a hard time getting to work on what you're supposed to be doing because something else keeps distracting you, you'd better put down your tools, quit trying to work, & start listening to the messages from your heart." --- Barbara Sher & Barbara Smith 1994 _I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was_ pg 299 |
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Tom Cotton.
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists without borders
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Susan Jones _Cyberast News Service_
USA government urged to "do more" for "displaced" "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals; 10K impossible to investigate people in FY2016 are "just not enough"
Yah, never mind the impossibility of sorting out the deserving refugees from the malefactors. Never mind our over 6 decades of vastly excessive immigration (and foreign students, and exchange workers, and guest-workers...). Never mind that our frontiers were eliminated in the 1880s and we've been over-populated and over-crowded since shortly after. Get real.
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Susan Jones _Cyberast News Service_
Durbin (a.k.a. Dick Turban): I call on the Obummer regime to accept 100K "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Rod Eccles _Cyberast News Service_
if the USA follows Europe's failed immigration policies, we, too, will be left defenseless and helpless
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
finally, USCIS zaps South Dakota's EB-5 "regional center"
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
DHS moves to expand program (OPT) encouraging hiring of foreign students over US citizens
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
victims of crimes perpetrated by illegal aliens call for end to "sanctuary" cities, counties, states
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Texas border schools on lock-down as police search for armed narco-gangsters
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Iranian converts to Christianity in "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal camp in Hamburg-Eidelstedt were beaten unconscious with baton by Afghan
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump mocked Hispanic pressure group wanting him banned from SNL
"...Trump's insistence that he will enforce America’s immigration laws has infuriated the Left and their allies in the DC media."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
UN: surge in "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal arrivals in Greece
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
wrong-headed Paul Ryan: my job as USA legislator is to put myself in the shoes of foreign people
"The video, uploaded by the Journal Times, shows Ryan at a July 2013 bilingual Hispanic Listening Session in Racine, Wisconsin. At the meeting, Paul Ryan told a predominantly Hispanic audience that the job of a U.S. law-maker is to put oneself in the shoes of foreign nationals who want to come to the United States, then work to discover solutions to make their lives better... Ryan's statement may strike some listeners as bizarre—many may think that the job of U.S. congressman ought to be to put himself in the shoes of his citizen constituents who elected him, giving their needs greater priority than the desires of someone from a foreign country. Ryan's message, however, of prioritizing the needs and desire of foreign nationals who do not reside in the [United States of America], is in line with the thought process of those who support the principles of open borders -- i.e., a policy of allowing foreign goods and labor to freely and legally cross into and out of the country without interference... In fact, the United States has the most generous immigration policy in the world. Because of its vast admissions policy, [the USA] has 4 times more immigrants living here than has any other country on the planet. As a result of our current federal policy of auto-pilot visas dispensations, each and every day the United States admits enough net immigrants to fill an over-crowded, metropolitan high school. Every week, the United States imports enough immigrants to fill the Staples Center, where the Los Angeles Lakers play. Every month, we resettle a number of immigrants that is nearly the size of the population of East Los Angeles. Every year, we receive a population the size of Dallas. Every 3 years, we add another entire city of Los Angeles made up of foreign-born immigrants. In just Muslim immigration alone, the U.S. [government] gives more visas to Muslim migrants each year than there are Mulvaney voters in his district of South Carolina. According to Pew Research, only 11% of Muslim Americans identify as Republican or leaning-Republican, making them one of the most reliable Democrat voting blocs in the country... populist Republican thought leader, senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL). The Alabama senator argues that the job of a U.S. law-maker ought to be to represent his constituents—not special interest groups, big business donors, or other nations..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
procedural vote today on senate version of bill to withhold federal funds from "sanctuary" cities, counties, states
With a vote of 54-45, the measure failed to obtain the 60 votes necessary to end debate, but Mitch McConnell refuses to require them to carry out their wish to continue debate indefinitely, because he's an evil leftist sock-puppet, and, instead, tabled the bill
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz: Des/Reds/leftists are to blame for murders if they block law to de-fund "sanctuary" cities, counties, states
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Mexico's political elites become victims of gang murders near border
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Barack Hussein Obummer/Jeh Johnson DHS unabashedly biased in its new OPT proposal
"...If the USA indeed 'needs' the foreign students (DHS's phrasing on this point verges on desperation) to remedy a STEM labor shortage, why do these students need training? The DHS/industry [executive] narrative is that the USA lacks sufficient workers with STEM training [while between one-third and two-thirds of US citizen STEM new-grads can't get STEM jobs, and] while the foreign workers are supposedly already trained. And, if workers with such training are indeed needed, why won't these special mentoring programs be open to [US citizens]? Why just offer them to foreign students? Since DHS admitted that its motivation in OPT is to circumvent the H-1B cap, does that mean that if the ap were high enough to accommodate everyone, these same foreign students wouldn't need training after all? [This is a] Very poor proposal, even by DHS standards. Hopefully the judge in the case will see through it."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Obummer regime cut 15% from drug-war funding to Mexico over "human rights violations"
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
the corrupt, race-obsessed, anti-USA, anti-constitution, oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer pushes to "main-stream" illegal alien students
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
non-RINO Republicans' efforts to de-fund ObummerDoesn'tCare and repeal major parts of it through the budget reconciliation process has extreme leftists in an uproar
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
_Conservative Review_
Ted Cruz asked if Dems/leftists/Reds stand with illegal aliens who commit additional crimes... or with US citizens
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Los Angeles county prosecutors apply "sanctuary" city notion; dropping felony sexual assault charges against Majed Abdulaziz al-Saud (son of king Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud)
Adelle Nazarian: Breitbart
"...After the prince's September 23 arrest, police said that more women had accused the prince of attacking them, with three suing Al-Saud in civil court. Prosecutors referred the case to the Los Angeles city attorney's office, which could still bring misdemeanor charges against Al-Saud. The prince has denied any wrong-doing..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Joseph Farah _WND_
fences really do work
"I'm always amazed at people who question the effectiveness of walls and fences in deterring illegal immigration, terrorist infiltration and smuggling of all kinds. It's not even a question of if they work. It's simply a question of how much. Take a look at Hungary this week and you'll get an idea of how much. This summer, as many as 10K Muslim ['migrants'/ 'refugees'/ 'asylees'/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] were streaming across the Hungarian border per day. Last week, Hungary constructed a simple, inexpensive razor-wire fence. The next day, the illegal border crossers totaled 41. Now, obviously, ['migrant'/ 'refugee'/ 'asylee'/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal] crises can't be handled exclusively by fences. They need to be addressed by other means as well, from humanitarian, diplomatic and policing aspects. You often need to address the source[s] of the problem, too..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
chairman of Judiciary committee Bob Goodlatte (R-VA): don't release illegal aliens who commit additional crimes (as new sentencing guidelines amending bill would require) -- deport and remove them
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
a brief look at the Obummer DoJ's and ACLU's war against sheriff Joe Arpaio
"...Arpaio is being sued by the ACLU, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), and a law firm that Eric H. Holder ii works for. Holder was a partner at the firm for six years prior to his appointment as U.S. attorney-general, and Holder returned to the firm after he left his post as attorney-general. The law firm has been reported as 'a key player in the opposition to Arizona's anti-illegal immigration law' [which simply told state and local police to help federal DHS functionaries find, detain, deport, and remove illegal aliens in accordance with federal immigration laws]. Arpaio has criticized Holder for among other things, how he handled 'Operation Fast and Furious', and for not being a supporter of peace officers. Holder was held in contempt of congress in 2012 June over the BATFE's 'Fast and Furious' gun-running scandal. There were 255 House members who voted to hold the sitting attorney-general in contempt, including 17 Democrats. Holder and the DoJ would not comply with an 2011 October sub-poena to turn over thousands of documents related to 'Operation Fast and Furious'. Breitbart Texas has reported extensively about Border Patrol agent Brian Terry who was slain in Arizona while on patrol. Two of the guns involved in the ambush were eventually tied to the 'Fast and Furious' operation..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
oppression by Castro dictators in Cuba fails to keep ethically-challenged USA-based business executives from desire to set up shop there
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
government investigating, intimidating, punishing Swedish artist for satirical "refugees welcome", "terrorists welcome" fliers, signs & stickers
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
illegal alien pled guilty to trafficking heroin in Idaho
"...Avila will be sentenced on October 29; prosecutors recommended he serve a minimum of 10 years in prison before facing deportation..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
academic Stalinism is still thriving
Cybercast News Service
Cybercast News Service
News Max
World Net Daily
John Sexton: Breitbart: Wesleyan U student assembly de-funded student paper after editorial critical of "black lives matter" group's actions
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Noah Smith _Jewish World Review_
who needs oil when you have a bright, skilled, creative citizenry
This is OK as far as it goes, but Smith needs to expand his economic horizons, to examine the inter-connections, the things that only work because of sufficient energy, sufficient "feed-stock" to make plastics... And read...no, make that study, a few volumes by Menger, Boehm-Bawerk, von Mises, Hayek, Holcombe...
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
results of Egypt's elections for parliament are a sign of Arab Winter
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the Dems'/left's/Reds' repeated beating the drums about "inequality", while stifling dynamic economic mobility
World Net Daily
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
open season on police
World Net Daily
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Walter E. Williams _Cyberast News Service_
the distorted leftist vision
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Michael McDonald, Peter Licari & Lia Merivaki _Jewish World Review_
the big cost of big data in elections
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cyberast News Service_
federal over-spending increased by $183.9G in FY2015, particularly on unconstitutional activities, but spending on DoD, DHS, DoJ declined
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Patrick Goodenough _Cyberast News Service_
Israel: UNESCO threat to designate the Western retaining wall of the Jewish Temple as an Islamic Holy site would distort reality and falsify historical fact
Adelle Nazarian: Breitbart
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Paul Miller _Breitbart_
anti-Israel protest in down-town Chicagostan, calls for "3rd intifada"
The posturing is interesting in light of the fact that Israel took back the Temple Mount and Eastern Israel from Trans-Jordan in 1967... and yet, Muslims continue to occupy Eastern Israel and Israelis have never tried to get Muslims to evacuate nor to ban them from the grounds of the Jewish Temple, though Muslims continue to try to ban Jewis from the Temple site.
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
Chicago food-stamp funds get used to buy drugs (video)
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
416 homicides, 2,447 shot in Chicago so far this year
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
propaganda posters document the madness of Chinese communism
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
_Conservative HQ_
opposing cultural jihad in Tennessee public schools
Michael Patrick Leahy: Breitbart: teacher of the year wants restoration
Michael Patrick Leahy: Breitbart: rebellion of parents brewing
"...Breitbart News has obtained a copy of the previous standards for seventh grade Social Studies. In contrast to the current seventh grade standards, which deal with World History and Geography exclusively during the period 400CE to the 1500s, (an approach more often associated with high school or college curriculum), the previous standards provided a very broad overview of cultural, economic, geographic, governance and civics, and historical issues that have shaped our current world. All major religions -- Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam -- were briefly summarized in the old standards. Students were introduced to the complexity of the various cultures in the world at an 'age appropriate' level of detail. In contrast, only Islam is given detailed attention in the new standards. In fact, as Breitbart News reported previously, 13% of the learning objectives of the current standards (10 out of 75) are devoted to instructing students on both the tenets and history of Islam. The problem of Islam centric bias is compounded, Mallory told Leahy, by the state's failure to provide unbiased supporting materials to the teachers charged with delivering the approved content to students..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
_Conservative HQ_
just say no to amnesty for illegal aliens and Paul Ryan as House speaker
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
House RINO losership devise plan to continue sending tax-victim funds to Planned Parenthood, continue retreat from eradicating ObummerDoesn'tCare
"...Congress has the power of the purse to deny funding to the organization through the appropriations process. Of course, this is the one route that [RINOs] in congress refuse to use because the Democrats are threatening a government shut-down over any bill that denies funding to Planned Parenthood -- and any mention of a government shut-down gives [wimpy RINO losership] night terrors [nor are they willing to force the leftists in the senate into carrying out a genuine, talkathon filibuster for weeks until they collapse and a proper floor vote can be carried out over their collapsed, exhausted, stinking bodies]. Instead of using the appropriations process with all the leverage and media spotlight necessary to force [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and senate Dems/Reds/leftists to cave on an issue, they chose a process that offers no leverage, no media spotlight, and no chance of overcoming a unified Dem/leftist/Red front. At best, reconciliation offers to 'get a bill to the president's desk' but no leverage to actually accomplish the objective of getting it signed into law. It's an exercise in high-end failure theatre that also insulates congressmen who just voted to fund Planned Parenthood from any retribution from their voters..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
A.F. Branco _WND_
which is least likely: GOP losership wins a round against the hateful, anti-USA, anti-constitution, anti-Semitic Obummer regime or the Cubs win the world series?
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Laura Ingraham
Jeremy Peters of the leftist NYTimes: we don't understand; Donald Trump breaks all of our unwritten (and written) rules of modern corrupt politics, scares the RINOs and leftists
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
Anthony Mackie -- actor in "Captain America"/"Avengers" & "Our Brand Is Crisis" -- gave off-the-cuff endorsements of Donald Trump... then was forced to pull it back by racist, leftist badgering
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Morning Consult poll: Donald Trump at 41% as first choice, 40% by those from self-identified Republicans, 50% as 1st or 2nd choice among Republicans
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
CNN poll: Ben Carson rose 7 percentage points to 22%; Donald Trump at 27%
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz warns that internet freedom and free speech are in great peril
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
support for respect of the right to own and carry arms is rising among black pastors
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
machete-wielding man hit by 2 cars in Oakland CA
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
conference-call with Rand Paul & Mick Mulvaney: if Mitch McConnell doesn't really want to do his job when it comes to budgeting, he should just quit and go home
"At issue was whether or not McConnell will advance a bill with a debt limit disapproval process, leaving the senate in position to offer little more than a perfunctory protest vote against [Obummer's] profligate spending [much of it for unconstitutional activities]."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Howard Kurtz _Fox_
leftist media finally admit Trump could be elected president
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Charles Hurt _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump should have extracted a contract requiring the RNC officials and the rest of their RINO associates to support him at the convention and the general election if he wins the primaries
Jewish World Review
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
documents show the Obummer regime first tried to blame a different youtube video for the attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi... but what are they really trying to cover up?
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Citizens United poll: most Americans want a special prosecutor to investigate Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
DoS suddenly discovered 1,300 pages of ambassador Stevens's e-mail
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
WSJ/NBC poll: Hitlery Rotten Clinton botched security, warnings of 2012-09-11 terrorist attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
John Solomon & Jeffrey Scott Shapiro _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton DoS approved weapons shipments to Libya despite UN ban
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Juliegrace Brufke _Daily Caller_
with debt-limit dead-line nearing, conservatives fight against dirty increase in limit
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Ethan Barton _Daily Caller_
Obummer backs politicized trivial nominee for "essential" inspector-general appointment he left empty for 6 years
"A senate committee chair-woman is torn between leaving the Department of the Interior's independent watch-dog post vacant, or confirming [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] nominee crippled by recurring allegations of 'playing games with congress'. 'I strongly believe that Interior needs a permanent [inspector general], and I'm disappointed the administration has let the position go unfilled for six and a half years.', said senator Lisa Murkowski. The Alaska Republican is chairwoman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. 'But I am also committed to ensuring that the individual we confirm is fully independent … The tenure that you have been involved with thus far in this position has been marked by controversy.' [Obummer] nominated Mary Kendall for the Interior Department's inspector-general on June 4. She has been both the acting and deputy IG since 2009. Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility -- a non-profit activist group -- said Kendall 'politicized' investigations, 'focused on trivial matters', 'kept IG operations secret', and should not be confirmed as a permanent head, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported last week..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Rand Paul: USA should be arming Kurds in Syria
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Christopher Ruddy _News Max_
Charles Koch's _Good Profit: How Creating Value for Others Built One of the World's Most Successful Companies_
"...careful thought, ethics and experimentation (not to mention Charles Koch's 9-hour work days) won out... The Koch plan also bestows ownership and 'decision rights' to employees enabling those with the best relevant knowledge -- 'comparative advantage' as he calls it -- to personally make and enact decisions rather than leaving them in the hands of perhaps more staid long-lived occupants of high-ranking corporate positions. Humility and respect among employees should outweigh...those who scramble to proclaim their sheer ability or performance..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Ben Carson: I'll freeze national debt (at least that's a gesture in the right direction, but I'd rather see the federal government debt paid down)
Ben Carson
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Barry Farber _WND_
anti-USA president Barack Hussein Obummer, strong pro-Russian ruler Vladimir Putin
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
Barack Hussein Obummer's USA reminiscent of communist Romania
"Every week there is a new story of Judeo-Christian values under fire. A high school football coach in trouble for saying prayers. A Christmas program at school that dares to mention the reason for the season. A Christian baker being sued for being unwilling to violate her conscience. The move to censor God from society is all too familiar to a man who grew up in an atmosphere of forced atheism. As a child, all he ever wanted was to live in 'the land of the free'. Horatio (Harry) Mihet grew up as the son of an evangelical pastor in Communist Romania. He knew firsthand what it is like to live under complete tyranny. In 1990, when he was 12, the day came when Harry and his family were able to emigrate from Romania to America. His first act in this country was to get down and kiss the ground in thanks to God. Finally, the land of the free. That was 25 years ago. Fast forward to today where Harry serves as senior litigation counsel for Mat Staver's Liberty Counsel. Harry deals with all kinds of cases where Christians are [having] their rights to practice their religion [violated] in a land which has a [constitutionally-recognized] right to religion..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Star Parker _WND_
Dems/leftists/Reds: illfare-state drug lords
"...According to the Office of Management and Budget [OMB], 70% of U.S.A. government spending in 2013 was government transfers -- direct payments of the government to individuals. Before 1960, transfer payments used less than 20% of the U.S.A. government budget. American Enterprise Institute economist Mark Perry notes that these government transfer payments in 2013 amounted to $2.6T, or 15% of our GDP -- an all-time high..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
GAO: 73% of 8th-graders don't know much about geography
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
only 2% of Fresno CA 11th-graders are ready for college in English and math
"...When CSU last conducted a similar study in 2011, Fresno trailed the results averaged around the state; 23% of the state's students were ready for college in English, but only 11% of Fresno students were ready. In addition, 15% of the state's students were math-ready in 2011, and 4% of Fresno students matched that level. Over 60% of freshmen at Fresno State wind up in remedial classes..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
_Cybercast News Service_
Catholic arch-bishop of Philadelphia Charles Chaput: large families are the hope of the Church, as multiple sects strive to out-populate others in an already over-populated over-crowded world
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan to run for speaker... if non-leftists totally surrender to corrupt RINOs
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Erick Erickson
Paul Ryan wants House non-leftists to sign their own death warrants
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Mitt Romney laments inability to control media allowing Republican views to spread and be heard; preventing non-leftists from surrendering to leftists without opposing them
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
NYTimes claims half of Yebbie Booosh's weal comes from crony socialist executives of firms he gave lucrative deals to when he was governor of Florida
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
WSJ/NBC poll: Americans see Dems/leftists/Reds outside of the main-stream on arms
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
enthusiastic supporters of the constitutionally recognized right to own and carry arms, and broad support among the general citizenry, thwart power-mad anti-constitution, anti-rights fanatics
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Gallup poll: 56% of Americans note that widespread ownership, and concealed and open carry of arms makes USA safer
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Taliban now controls 36 of 71 districts in Afghanistan
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Robert L. Deitz _Washington DC Times_
cyber-security flaws
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Daniel Gallington _Washington DC Times_
parrying Putin's new cold war, but Obummer wants USA to lose this round
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Victor Morton _Washington DC Times_
NYPD officer Randolph Holder died from wounds inflicted by suspect on bicycle, fleeing site of fire-fight between rival gangs
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Anastasia Salter _Chronicle of Higher Education_
making games for web and iOS with Stencyl
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Matt O'Brien _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Google and Yahoo! form conspiracy to violate your privacy together
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Charlotte Libov _News Max_
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) infections still rare but becoming more common among hospitalized children
"...Drawing on a nationwide data base of reports from 300 microbiology laboratories, the study assessed the presence of CRE bacteria in 316,253 cultures obtained from children in the U.S.A. from 1999 to 2012. The study found that CRE in children is still relatively uncommon, but that the rate of infection had increased significantly among children of all ages and settings, from zero percent in 1999-2000 to 0.47% in 2011-2012. The greatest increase, from zero to 4.5%, was found in cultures from children between ages 1 through 5 cared for in intensive care units. In addition, CRE isolates found in the bloodstream increased from zero to 3.2% during the study period. This is important because up to half of those who develop CRE blood-stream infection die from the infection, the CDCP said..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Orson Bean talks about new one-man play, 2016 "outsiders", Hollywood non-leftists' secret society
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
bundled cable death-watch: ESPN to cut 350
"...The scam of bundled cable is the foundation of left-wing Hollywood's money and cultural power. Were Hollywood not able to force people to pay for networks they never watch, low-rated, left-wing outlets like CNN, [MSLSD], Comedy Central, and MTV would not be able to stay on the air..."
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Andrea Shea King _WND_
imagery and videos...
Kipp Teague's Project Apollo Archive
National Geographic
Don Gutoski's' tale of 2 foxes
Ha Schult: hand-written love letters
">USGS topographical map locator
The Late Boy Scout... and more.
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Lawrence J. McQuillan _Independent Institute_
Milton Friedman's 1999 solution for the Socialist Insecurity Abomination would work for government pensions, too
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Barry Wise
all of the Remote Sensing Systems trends that are fit to plot
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Anthony Watts
claim: oxybenzone (benzophenone-3) sun-screen toxic to juvenile corals
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Anthony Watts
James Cook U: some plants do just fine in acidic oceans
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt executives of 81 major corporations -- including privacy violators Google and FB, Coca Cola, GM -- sign Obummer pledge to support climate power-madness
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Paul Driessen _Washington DC Times_
climate warmist racketeers want government to abuse RICO statutes to silence those who disagree with them
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-10-20 (5776 Cheshvan 07)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
remembering general Douglas MacArthur, who kept his promise
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"Those who place too much stock in the stock they descend from, descend." --- R' Shraga Silverstein (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
the evil Harry Reid: it is a waste of time to detain, deport, and remove illegal aliens who have been convicted of committing additional crimes
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
Central American "refugee" program admits few actual refugees
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Hungarian camera-woman Petra Laszlo who was fired for aiding police to catch "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals, is suing one of them
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
the racist/ethnist, anti-USA, anti-US-citizen Luis Gutierrez wants Hispanic/Latino cast members of networks to walk off the job rather than have people of differing views appear
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Pew: immigrants will account for 88% of USA population increase by 2065 unless reforms are implemented
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Dept. of BrainWashing urged schools to give more support to illegal aliens
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jack Cashill _WND_
Obummer's (and Pelosi's and Reid's) campus crusade for conformity
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
this is not what the future was supposed to look like
"sanctuary" cities, counties, states map
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Border Patrol agent: Obummer regime's catch-and-release policy is causing an in-flux of more illegal alien invaders
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Tory member of parliament fought off a drunken immigrant mugger
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
vast Mexican methamphetamine gang operated in Michoacán, Oregon, California and Texas
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz: felons allied with Dems/Reds/leftists against USA citizenry; Shrub is more interested in attacking challengers to Yebbie
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
terrorist Hamas splinter-group for propaganda, CAIR, criticizing Donald Trump for saying he would consider closing mosques where initiation of force and fraud were encouraged
"The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamic supremacist group that is funded by Saudi Arabia and designated as a terrorist organization in the UAE, is denouncing Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for saying that he'd consider closing down mosques that preach violent jihad..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
_News Max_/_Reuters_
Benjamin Netanyahu: Haj Amin al-Husseini had a hand in attempts to murder all Jewish people
"In a speech to the Zionist Congress late on Tuesday, Netanyahu referred to a series of attacks by Muslims against Jews in Palestine during the 1920s that he said were instigated by the then Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. Husseini famously flew to visit Hitler in Berlin in 1941, and Netanyahu said that meeting was instrumental in the Nazi leader's decision to launch a campaign to annihilate the Jews. 'Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews.', Netanyahu said in the speech. 'And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, If you expel them, they'll all come here.' 'So what should I do with them?', Netanyahu said Hitler asked the mufti, who responded: 'Burn them.' Netanyahu, whose father was an eminent historian... 'It certainly wasn't (Husseini) who invented the Final Solution.', Yaalon told Israel's Army Radio. 'That was the evil brain-child of Hitler himself.' It is not clear what sources Netanyahu was relying on for his comments. A 1947 book _The Mufti of Jerusalem_ and a newspaper report at the time said a former Hitler deputy had testified at the Nuremberg war crimes trials that Husseini had plotted with the Nazi leader to rid Europe of its Jews. Husseini was sought for war crimes but never appeared at the Nuremberg proceedings and later died in Cairo... The meeting between Husseini and Hitler in Berlin took place on 1941 November 28. More than two years earlier, in 1939 January, Hitler had addressed the Reichstag and talked clearly about his determination to exterminate the Jewish race. 'To say that the mufti was the first to mention to Hitler the idea to kill or burn the Jews is not correct.', Dina Porat, a professor at Tel Aviv University and the chief historian of Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust museum, told Israel Radio..."
So, it's agreed that Haj Amin al-Husseini was a part of the conspiracy, though probably not the initiator.
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
William A. Jacobson _Legal Insurrection_
an inconvenient history: the grand mufti, Hitler and the knife intifada
"Israeli prime-pinister Benjamin Netanyahu made a controversial statement as he was leaving for Germany on the role of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem. Netanyahu's statement suggesting that the idea of genocide against the Jews of Europe originated with the Mufti and not Hitler was overstatement, and quickly walked back by Netanyahu (but not before Netanyahu's political enemies had a field day with it). But there is a silver lining in Netanyahu's [so-called] political gaffe -- people now are talking about the role of the grand mufti in the European genocide. We have discussed the mufti's Nazi-sympathies and assistance here before, so it's not new to us. But given the current 'Knife Intifada', in which the agitation to kill Jews is pervasive in Palestinian culture, it's clear that there is a direct line from the mufti's Nazi-affiliation to the Jew hatred that motivates the current conflict. Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic tweeted out a link to this study from 2005, 'National Socialism and Anti-Semitism in the Arab World'... Here is an excerpt..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Benjamin Netanyahu: contrary to claims of Israelis building many more homes in Eastern Israel, construction has stopped
UNESCO criticizes only Israel for violence between Palestinians and Israelis in Jerusalem and other parts of Eastern Israel
Zachary Leshin: CNS: Elliott Abrams noted that UN "Human Rights" council singlig out Israel is intolerable
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
with Stephen Harper's defeat in Canada, Israel loses a friend, and UN loses a valuable critic
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
cafes and delicatessens in Israel offer discounts for Muslims and Jews dining together: hummus and falafel and kosher/halal pizza
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
stop Obummer's war against inspectors-general
Cybercast News Service
canonical Michelle Malkin.com
"In the sadistic era of fraudulent Hope and Change, inspectors-general inside the federal government have been kicked, neutered and starved of the authority and information they need to do their jobs. It's transparently clear: [president Barack Hussein Obummer] loathes and fears independent watch-dogs. Accountability is an empty talking point without whistle-blower protection and investigative autonomy. That is why Capitol Hill must do everything in its power to stop the White House war on the public's ombudsmen. Federal inspector generals across dozens of agencies are begging law-makers to grant them access to public records as guaranteed by the 1978 Inspector General Act. The call for help comes as Obama administration obstructionists and cover-up operatives impede and downplay several key investigations into government corruption and malfeasance. Last year, 47 of the nation's 73 federal IGs signed an open letter decrying the [corrupt Obummer regime's] stone-walling of their investigations. The White House, they reported, had placed 'serious limitations on access to records that have recently impeded the work' of IGs at the Peace Corps, the EPA and the Department of Justice, and jeopardized their 'ability to conduct our work thoroughly, independently, and in a timely manner'..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
politicians' words
"...Some people might wish to argue about whether that is true or not, but no rational argument can be made on either side of this issue, because the words used are completely undefined. Nor is [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] the only one who talks this way. It is one of the many signs of the mindlessness of our times that all sorts of people declare that 'the rich' are not paying their 'fair share' in taxes, without telling us concretely what they mean by either 'the rich' or 'fair share'. Whether in politics or in the media, words are increasingly used, not to convey facts or even allegations of facts, but simply to arouse emotions. Undefined words are a big handicap in logic, but they are a big plus in politics, where the goal is not clarity but victory -- and the votes of gullible people count just as much as the votes of people who have common sense..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Maayan Jaffe _Jewish World Review_
in "holy flash mob", Shabbos/Shabboth/Sabbath project rallies 5K partners across 500 cities worldwide
Shabbos/Shabboth/Sabbath project
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
David Weigel _Jewish World Review_
Republicans aim to grill Hitlery Rotten Clinton... softly, in investigation of 2012-09-11 attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
"...Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), a GOP White House hopeful who has said that the Benghazi disaster disqualifies Clinton from the presidency, said that the witness needs to explain why so many nervous cables from the ground were ignored. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), now the chairman of the senate homeland-security committee, hoped for the same thing. 'We've seen the cables asking for additional security measures.', he said. 'Where did those stop? Who saw those? We've never gotten to the bottom of that.' Johnson's view of a Clinton interrogation is unique. In 2013, both he and Paul used perches on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to ask why the State Department initially suggested that the consulate attack was spontaneous, a protest gone wrong..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
the 2012-09-11 attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi and the proven untrustable Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
John R. Bolton _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's back-footed response to Vladimir Putin's embrace of Syria's Bashar al-Assad regime
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Albert Aji & Nataliya Vasilyeva _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Bashar al-Assad bolstered by visit in Moscow with Vladimir Putin
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Bashar al-Assad bolstered by visit in Moscow with Vladimir Putin; now comes the difficult part for Russia
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Nat Hentoff & Nick Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
** in the fight against the corrupt surveillance state, the past is always prologue **
World Net Daily
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
forced silence
World Net Daily
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Paul Kengor _WND_
how the Marxists brought us same-sex "marriage"
Daily Signal
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
John Boehner: we got an awful lot of BAD things done, and only a very few good
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
Iran's phony ratification of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems mocks USA constitution
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Ali Khamenei: negotiation with the USA is forbidden, as Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems kicks in despite not being ratified by the US senate as required by the USA constitution
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Herbert London _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's capitulations to Iran, Arabian countries, Red China, Russia pave the way for a new Russian empire
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Keith B. Payne & Mark B. Scnheider _Washington DC Times_
new Obummer/Clinton START treaty and Russia's surge in manufacturing nuclear weapons; Putin's strategic force grows while USA's shrinks
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Mark Finkelstein _Media Research Center News Busters_
another leftist media figure, Mika Brzezinski finally noticed disconnect between people she talks with and the rest of the country
"It might be apocryphal, but the famous quote attributed to Pauline Kael, the late film critic of the New York Times, is along the lines of 'how could Nixon have won? Nobody I know voted for him.' Mika Brzezinski had her Pauline Kael moment on today's Morning Joe. Mika declared herself 'really surprised' by poll numbers showing there are more Americans dissatisfied with [Hitlery Rotten Clinton's] response to Benghazi than there are people who think the congressional investigation into Benghazi is too partisan. Said Mika: 'it's sort of like a disconnect I guess that I have with the people I talk to and the rest of the country'... when it comes to Benghazi 'something happened there, something serious happened there', pointing out that before Benghazi, no ambassador had been murdered since 1979. Give Mika credit for admitting to living in an elite bubble that is disconnected from the rest of the country. The next step is to escape that bubble."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Benghazi committee has yet to have whistle-blowers testify or submit affidavits or depositions; some matters likely to be dealth with in classified hearings
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Tim Constantine _Washington DC Times_
17+ questions congress should ask Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
just the facts
"An objective observer would have to conclude that former secretary of State [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] and her partisans have obstructed justice from the moment jihadists attacked U.S.A. facilities in Benghazi, killing 4 Americans [on 2012-09-11]. Such obstruction seems likely to continue, not abate, when she appears Thursday before a House select committee established to investigate what led to, happened during and flowed from that attack... The deliberate and years-long [Obummer-Clinton] policy of turning the Middle East over to Islamic supremacists not only got 4 Americans killed in Benghazi. It continues to devastate the region and our national security interests there..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Monica Crowley _Washington DC Times_
Benghazi, lies and video-tape; families and USA citizenry deserve to learn the truth
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
WikiLeaks has posted first batch of e-mail belonging to CIA director John Brennan
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Geert Wilders attends anti-Islam Party launch in Australia
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Anjali Shastry & Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
Paul Ryan demanded that rule proposed by Thomas Jefferson and in effect since then for motion to vacate the chair be eliminated; thus disqualifying himself from being speaker of the House
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
Thomas Massie notes that Paul Ryan's demands are unreasonable
I'd go with Chaffetz or Webster, instead.
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt IRS vows to reduce its facilitation of ID fraud in 2016 or something
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate recruiting in USA is faltering
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jamie Dupree, on Herman Cain show, noted that Tea partiers, Freedom Caucus and other non-leftists are ready to call it quits with corrupt RINOs who conspire with the left
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
those nutty Californians: school principal Lena van Haren withheld results of student election, because she thought the winners weren't ethnically diverse enough
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Barbara Holingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
former attorney-general sues Kansas supremes over being punished for abortion investigation
"Former Kansas attorney-general Phillip Kline, the first chief prosecutor of any state to sub-poena medical records from Planned Parenthood (PP), has filed a federal law-suit against all the justices of the Kansas supreme court and their 5 temporary replacements who suspended his law license in 2013. Kline was disciplined for allegedly violating 11 rules of professional conduct during his investigation of abortion providers even though the state's own investigators found 'no probable cause to prove that Phil Kline violated any of the rules of ethics'..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
other abortionists complain that disclosures of abuses by Planned Parenthood are also being "stigmatized", "shamed", so they launch a PR campaign
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Louie Gohmert slams leftist media for refusing to cover abuses by Planned Parenthood
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Miami-Dade Florida policeman, Mario Gutierrez, stabbed repeatedly at gas station (video)
"In October of 2013 Gutierrez stopped at a Shell Gas station where he spotted Dominique Jean tampering with the lid that accesses the station's underground gasoline storage tanks. As he approached the suspect, Officer Gutierrez realized there was a fire near the lid and Jean was attempting to ignite the two 8K-gallon tanks. Gutierrez activated the emergency shut-off valve to the fuel pumps. He then approached Jea, leading to a confrontation. Jean attacked Gutierrez with a large knife. Gutierrez was stabbed multiple times before he was able to grab his gun and shoot Jean..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
actor Jon Voight: misappropriation of the term "progressive" by leftists is very devious substitute for "communist"
"'I think the word progressive is a very devious term. It was created as a substitute for communist. What they propose is the reverse of progress. It's [something] that does taste of communism and Karl Marx's pernicious philosophy.'... 'I love my daughter, I'm very impressed with her directing...'..."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jake MacAulay _WND_
hire more coaches that pray
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Joseph Farah _WND_
open public debate over federal government over-spending, deficits, and debt should continue
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Robert Spencer _WND_
Just-in True-duh: Canada's Obummer
Front Page Magazine
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Erik Rush _WND_
prosecute Barack Hussein Obummer; a bill of indictment
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Ann Coulter _WND_
save us from Paul Ryan an the Kemp boys
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
the US House needs a speaker, not an emperor
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan sold the House "Freedom" caucus a bill of goods in private meeting on Capitol Hill
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Ted Nugent _WND_
permit to carry?!? it's called the 2nd amendment
"...Here’s a few little gun facts I don't think will get in the way of the runaway ignorance spouted constantly in the media, but I am compelled nonetheless to get them out there in hopes that someone, somewhere may actually give a damn about truth, logic, common sense and evidence. Even my otherwise accurate friend Bill O'Reilly just last night misstated that the Illinois FOID (Firearms Owners ID) card was a permit to carry. It is not. It is just a Cuba, Russia, [Red China], Japan-type government permit to purchase and own a firearm and or ammunition. A FOID card is not a permit to keep and bear arms. It is a criminal infringement by elected employees of their oath to the U.S. Constitution. Our individual American keeping, bearing and carrying permit already exists in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, just FYI...."
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Milwaukee county sheriff David Clarke: Obummer is pushign "get out of jail free" program for criminals, and low-level offenders graduate to more severe crimes
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
"non-violent" drug offender was diverted from jail to treatment... after which he killed a cop in NY
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Robert Davi _Breitbart_
Donald Trump fights against leftist media's lies and attempts at smearing in ways Mitt Romney wouldn't
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
San Gabriel Valley earth-quake over 5.0 predicted within next 30 months, based on satellite and aerial radar studies of deformation
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
is Australian prime-minister Turnbull quietly dismantlig Abbott's climate legacy?
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
5 questions to the new chairman of the UN IPCC
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
U of Copenhagen finally noticed that birds respond to changing weather and seasons
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Anthony Watts
claim: California in the year 2100 will have more frequent and more severe droughts and floods
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Eric Worrall
claim: optimum average annual temperature for humans is 13C (55F)
2015-10-21 (5776 Cheshvan 08)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"The willingness to consider possibility requires a tolerance of uncertainty." --- Rachel Naomi Remen (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
FBI director James Comey admitted DHS & DoS will have no basis on which to vet "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals... because he can't get his head out of his rear to think of any means other than data-base look-ups
"...House Homeland Security committee Wednesday... Ranking member representative Bennie Thompson (D-MS) asked Comey, '...Data-bases don't hold the information on these individuals...'... cirector of the National Counterterrorism center Nicholas Rasmussen... 'What we can do though is understand where the potential vulnerabilities are so that we're asking in the screening and vetting process the right kinds of questions [and training in reading people] to give our screeners and vetters the best possible opportunity to make an informed judgment.', said Rasmussen... '...there may also be the possibility that somebody decides to do something bad after being admitted through the process, but we do have a good system in place for the undertaking that we have made.', [DHS secretary Jeh Johnson] said."
Of course, they're not going to use polygraphs; in their minds that would be going too far, and, besides, not enough of them are trained in how to conduct an interview with those tools. They're not even going to try to find the applicants' old neighbors, employers, teachers/professors, relatives, local police, landlords..., to interview them so as to attempt to get some impression of their reputations and character. And, of course, they're not going to be keeping close enough tabs on 1K "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals, let alone 10K or 200K or 250K, to spot a lot of trouble before force has been initiated by them, because in these guys' bubble, tracking all peaceful US citizens is much more important, than tracking the millions of aliens given visitor and business visas, the hundreds of thousands of student visas (which they leave to totally incompetent people with non-security incentives at the separate schools, colleges and universities), and the nundreds of thousandso of guest-work visas, and the just over 1M green cards (LPRs) they issue each year. They're more eager to repeatedly and ever more extremely -- in direct violation of the 4th amendment -- violate the privacy of patriotic US citizens.
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer (now) and Yebbie Booosh (then) spur naturalization for political gain
"...At that time the U.S. naturalization process was more decentralized than today. Aliens were interviewed by INS staff members who decided whether citizenship should be awarded based on an interview. There were no standardized tests, as there are now. The approval rates, as a result, varied enormously from office to office. Now there is a standardized test, a very easy one. All the potential questions, together with their answers, are public. A selection of the questions then is asked of the applicants. Some aliens still fail it."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ed Straker _American Thinker_
why do 30- and 40- and 50- and 60-year-old children decide who gets to run for president or speaker of the House?
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ed Straker _American Thinker_
the corrupt, race-obsessed, anti-USA, anti-US-constitution, anti-us citizen, oath-breaker Obummer proposes that schools should "celebrate" illegal alien awareness day
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
DHS still has nearly 100 employees who have been on paid leave for more than a year
They're not investigating visa applicants. They're not repelling people attempting to illegally invade the USA. They're not critically perusing visa application forms to spot questionable and contradictory claims.
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
nearly 10K illegal alien families plus "unaccompanied" "minors" were apprehended in September
"...Border Patrol intercepted 4,476 unaccompanied minors and 5,273 family unit members. The continued run on the border brought the final tally of unaccompanied youths and family unit members apprehended illegally entering the U.S.A. in FY2015 to 39,970 and 39,838, respectively. The total represented a decrease compared to the record-busting year before, in which Border Patrol apprehended 68,541 unaccompanied minors and 68,445 family units illegally entering the U.S.A... Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera told a House panel this week that the apprehensions represent just a fraction of the entrances, with about 60% of illegals making it into the U.S.A. without being caught [a higher estimate of proportion caught than in some other years over the last 15 years]..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
Israel's fences and walls have saved lives
"Knife-wielding terrorists are proof that Israel's security fence saves thousands of both Israeli and Palestinian lives, the fence's creator, Danny Tirza, tells Breitbart News. He also remarks that [Barack Hussein Obummer] did not understand the need for Israel's security system when he spoke with him several years ago. Main-stream media sources castigate Israel for creating a security barrier between the Jewish State and the West Bank, the name for the massive area -- in one place 31 miles wide -- that Israel has relinquished to the control of the Palestinian Authority. American news reports typically refer to it as a 'wall'..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
one of the men convicted for Border agent Brian Terry's murder has been sentenced to 27 years in prison
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan's secret 2014 plan to grant amnesty to illegal aliens was halted at the last moment when Eric Cantor was defeated in the primary
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer regime praised Paul Ryan for conspiring with them against USA and US citizens on trade (TPA+TAA+TPP) and immigration law perversion
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Steve King (R-IA): Paul Ryan's promise not to bring up, during Obummer's reign, bill to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, doesn't take care of concerns in next congress
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Swedes struggle to cope with tide of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals; Hungarian prime-minister Viktor Orban warns of threat of disorder
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
France has deported and removed only 4% of its rejected asylum seekers
"As many as 96% of asylum seekers refused asylum in France are not deported, a new report has found... France rejects about 3 in every 4 asylum seekers, although that figure is up from 2013 when just 17% were accepted. But it seems that most of those aren't going home... Of 40,206 cases of rejected applications that the Accounting Court examined, just 1,432 were actually deported, the auditors found... France takes 2 years on average to give a verdict, compared to Germany's 1 year to complete the process. And it slammed the amount of money spent on social assistance and accommodation for asylum seekers, which is said to have increased by 52% from 2009 to 2014..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
"Syrian" "child brides" seeking asylum increase, as do young girls gone missing
"...Dutch asylum centres are reported to be housing 20 child brides between the ages of 13 and 15. On average 3 a week now arrive in the country, reports Die Welt, with at least 34 under-age wives seeking asylum last year (according to leaked official papers). 22 girls wanted to enter the Netherlands via 'family reunification' -- with 2 being 13 years old and another 2 only 14. They have been given legal permission to join their older partners as the country recognises marriages involving young teenagers if officially registered in their country of origin. Some argue such recognition condones pedophilia as the age of sexual consent in the Netherlands is 16. By way of contrast, since 2012 Switzerland has refused to recognise child marriage. In Germany child brides are treated as unaccompanied minors and provisionally cared for by the Youth Welfare Office. During asylum processing they can apply for marriage recognition, but that is a decision taken depending on individual circumstance... 'Save the Children' has also witnessed an 'alarming increase' in the number of Syrian child brides within refugee communities in Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
EU-funded Sicilian Catholic pedophile priest who traded asylum papers for sex with young illegal aliens faces 10 years in prison
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Slovena pleads for aid of EU police to stem invasion
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
in Slovenia "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals torched their own tents in protest for a mere 1-day wait for processing
"...More than 20K migrants have entered Slovenia since Saturday when the route through Hungary from Croatia was closed..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
top commander of Los Zetas gang surrendered at Texas border
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
police raided underground casino near Texas border
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
USA Customs and Border Protection has withdrawn from college job fair at U of CA at Irvine after complaints of "insensitivity" to illegal alien invaders and visa over-stayers (cue Dave Barry)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
can California be saved?
Washington DC Times
"Crime is back up in California. Los Angeles reported a 20.6% increase in violent crimes over the first half of 2015 and nearly an 11% increase in property crimes. Last year, cash-strapped California taxpayers voted for Proposition 47, which so far has let thousands of convicted criminals go free from prison and back onto the streets. Now the state may have to relearn what lawbreakers often do when let out of jail early. The state may be entering the fifth year of a catastrophic drought, but California has not started building any of the new reservoirs that were planned but long ago canceled under the unfinished California Water Project. Water may remain scarce, but legislators -- many of whom have their daily water needs met by the ancient reservoirs and canals that their grandparents built -- don't seem overly bothered. They prefer to designate transgender restrooms, ban plastic bags at grocery stores, and prohibit pet dogs from chasing bears and bobcats. Never has a region been so naturally rich but so poorly run by its latest generation of custodians..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Peter Levring & Nick Rigillo _Jewish World Review_
Bernie Sanders's Danish utopia girds for deeper illfare cuts
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
do blacks' opinions on their right to own and carry arms matter?
"...Even the original civil rights leadership publicly believed that, as Frederick Douglass put it [on 1867-11-15], 'a man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box' [perhaps inspired by or inspiring a speech that same month in Lexington, KY by William F. Butler, speaking at and presiding over the Negro Republican Party expressing much the same concept]..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
questions for Hitlery Rotten Clinton
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
"At long last, Hillary Clinton testifies on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and her emails as secretary of state. Here are some suggested questions. Although these suggestions are based on the public record, we need to assume that the members of the House Benghazi committee have seen far more than the public has. I have framed the questions in traditional cross-examination style, though I doubt that the politicians on the committee will have the self-discipline to adhere to it. The theory of cross-examination -- particularly of a high-profile, intelligent, belligerent or ruthless witness -- is for the questioner to tell a story by asking questions that suggest answers that challenge the witness's version of events or impeach the witness's credibility. The questioner's version of events must be based on credible evidence. In a court-room, the questioner's audience for his version of the events is the jury. In a congressional hearing, the audience is the American people. I have publicly advised members of congress that they should not ask any questions of Clinton; instead, they should have a prominent attorney who is her equal in intellect and knowledge of the law yet is a fierce, experienced cross-examiner do so. But the lure of TV cameras will probably cause the committee members to reject my advice. As well, some of the committee members are lawyers, and the committee's chairman, representative Trey Gowdy, is a former federal prosecutor..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
kneeling at the feet of Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton gets another chance to spin Benghazi committee more faerie tales
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: our "Benghazi mission" was like diplomacy from the 19th century
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: I do not believe ambassador Chris Stevens did not have my personal e-mail address
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: I did not send or receive e-mail during the day except on rare occasions
"Hillary Clinton says she did not generally send or receive emails during the daytime during her tenure as Secretary of State, despite copious evidence to the contrary..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Laura Ingraham
Sean Smith's mother: "Hillary is lying!"
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery would have us believe that 600 requests from Tripoli and Benghazi for improved security never reached her desk, but reports on Libya from her "friend" did
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: I didn't have a computer; I did not do the vast majority of my work on e-mail
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton within 24-hours of the start of the attack on the USA consular facility at Benghazi, writing to the Egyptian prime-minister: we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the "film" [videos on evil YouTube]
"One hour after releasing a statement that suggested that 'inflammatory material posted on the Internet' might have some role in the attack that was then still in progress, Clinton told her family that two Americans had been killed in Benghazi by an al-Qaeda-like group. That same night, she told the president of Libya that Ansar al Sharia was claiming responsibility. The next day, she told the Egyptian prime minister: 'We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest.'... Yet 5 days after the attack that killed 4 Americans, Susan Rice, who was then the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, went on five Sunday talk shows and gave the nation a different explanation. 'Based on the best information we have to date', Rice said on CBS's 'Face the Nation' on 2012 Sept. 16, 'what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what -- it began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo, where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video'... Jordan noted that at 10:08 on the night of the attack on the U.S.A. mission in Benghazi, Clinton released a statement saying, 'Some have sought to justify the vicious behavior (in Benghazi) as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.'... 'This e-mail's at 10:35, 27 minutes after your 10:08 statement -- 27 minutes after you told everyone it's a video, while Americans are still fighting, while the attack's going on, your top people are talking politics.'..."
And all the while they were crafting talking points and dissembling, they were not making an effort to get USA forces to the consulate.
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
_Cybercast News Service_
kind, gentle Trey Gowdy to Hitlery Rotten Clinton: you had an unusual e-mail arrangement (video)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
as predicted, Hitlery Rotten Clinton burst into fake shrieking, cackling laugh to attempt to avoid answering tough questions from Martha Roby (R-AL)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Charles Krauthammer: they knew it was a terrorist attack, but facts had become completely irrelevant to them in this age compared with positioning and building and maintaining appearances and narratives
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton says she thought Chris Stevens was joking about security concerns related to USA consular facility at Benghazi
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton says ambassador Chris Stevens did not have an e-mail address to reach her
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton admitted she broke USA law in failing to sufficiently secure the USA consular facility at Benghazi
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Adam Baldwin: real leaders don't whine
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: 9 revelations
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's 5 biggest lies in her Benghazi testimony
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Gallup poll: NRA is far more popular (58%) than Hitlery Rotten Clinton (41%) and Barack Hussein Obummer (45%)
"...Furthermore, Gallup reports the highest 'very favorable' rating for the NRA, 26%, since it began testing the organization's popularity in 1989..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
I have a dream: make re-districting better by making it blind to sex, race, ethnicity, & party
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
behind candidates' smiling faces
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
abortion abolitionists
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Simone Path _Jewish World Review_
4 times Paul Ryan broke ranks with the GOP (his move in the wrong direction on immigration is the poison pill)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
will Paul Ryan follow James K. Polk's play-book?
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
hey, Paul Ryan, do you remember what happened to Eric Cantor, and John Boehner, and Kevin McCarthy?
"One of the most shocking upsets [to some] in 2014 was the primary defeat of the powerful Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor by tea party candidate David Brat. Brat was an under-funded unknown economics professor and yet battled successfully against Cantor's multi-million dollar campaign for reelection to Congress. His young campaign managers, Gray Delany and Zach Werrell, have written a great book released this week titled _How to Bag A RINO_. If these 2 men in their mid-20s could topple a Goliath of the GOP establishment, then why should congressional conservatives settle for putting another RINO in the Speaker's seat. I am referring of course to Paul Ryan who has been crowned the designated next speaker by the GOP [losership]. When the main-stream media touts someone as an ideal Speaker who can reach across the aisle, watch out. That person is a RINO. The authors define RINO as '(n) Acronym, literally Republican in name only. While they sometimes talk a good game on free markets, in practice they are dedicated to cronyism and shady deal making [i.e. surrender to the left rather than compromise for mutual benefit]. They tend to be sickeningly beholden to the left media -- and quick to be embarrassed by Republicans deemed too aggressively conservative and/or principled.'... Republicans got elected to a majority in congress by voters who have been hoping they'd have the votes to repeal the abominable [ObummerDoesn'tCare], defund Planned Parenthood, cut taxes, increase funds for veterans and rebuild our military. Instead we have John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain and other RINOs and consequently nothing [good] has been done -- same old, same old [leftists' regressive agenda]. We voters are all to blame for this. If we bothered to take the time and a little trouble, we'd learn that RINOs are easy to spot and could have been ousted from office years ago. Their voting records are on-line. You Tube carries every remark and lie they've told in their public career. That's what the authors did to Cantor; they ran ads showing his record and his broken promises. Cantor had a conservative rating of F-minus. They did all this on a shoe-string. Imagine if the Koch brothers really wanted this country to rebound as it should, they'd be backing the most conservative tea party candidates running in all the states..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
House Republicans who support Paul Ryan will face energized challengers in primaries
"It's the Primaries, stupid! [RINOs and their losership] who have rushed headlong to support Paul Ryan for speaker of the House might want to consider exactly what the environment for their primary election will be, come February, March and April when Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz -- who between them now hold about 70% of the Republican primary vote -- are knocking on doors and are running millions of dollars of TV against the very policies that Ryan has advocated. It will be a toxic environment for the reelection of any member of congress who can be labeled [a RINO], and for many who have relatively conservative voting records, but who have failed to fight for conservative principles. And with good reason the vote for speaker will be seen by many grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives as a key litmus test as to whether or not a Republican member of congress is for conservative government, or has joined the establishment. Based on his long-espoused support for amnesty for illegal aliens, expanded guest worker visas, [the toxic Obummer Trade package: TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA] and a host of crony government deals, the election of Paul Ryan as speaker is likely to stoke, rather than assuage, the white-hot conservative anger bubbling at the grass-roots of the Republican party that has already begun to generate primary challenges for establishment Republicans who have voting records mirroring Paul Ryan's. A dozen or so principled limited government constitutional conservatives have already filed or are actively exploring congressional primaries; Becky Gerritson in Alabama-2 (against incumbent Martha Roby), Frank Roche and Jim Duncan in NC-2 (against incumbent Renee Ellmers) and Russell Ramsland in TX-32 (against incumbent Pete Sessions) to name but a few..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Oliver Darcy _Blaze_
Glenn Beck unloads on House "Freedom" causus over support for Paul Ryan
"'Gee, let's see freedom caucus- you asked us to help you kick out the speaker of the house, then you asked us to do our homework on Daniel Webster. You told me that this is who you needed and wanted. I did. I spent hours in conversations, study and prayer because YOU ASKED ME TO. The listeners did too. I put my credibility on the line for you because you asked me to. Then you just pull out and go for the ROMNEY PICK? You told US to stand up and fight. We did. Now YOU sell us out too? Really?!?! &bsp; The 'fix' the republic needs is Paul Ryan? The man who never met a bail-out he didn't like? A man who asked to be made king? 100% support and you can’t vote him out? Your solution is MORE POWER FOR THE SPEAKER?!?!?!? I am quite frankly pissed and I am guessing so is my audience. This feels like a betrayal of everything you told us you needed, wanted and asked for. Maybe you made some back room deal, (another violation of our trust) and I sure would like to hear the deal you made, but you have just jumped the shark. I hope I am wrong, I hope you have an answer, I hope that you know what you are doing. I hope your leadership has the guts to come on and face the millions of Americans that feel as I do tonight. I hope one or more of you have the spine to stand up and tell us how you didn't betray our trust. Understand, I will be the first to admit I am wrong if it works out your way, but I fear you have just lost the election, the party and any hope of holding on to the trust of those who support you. But it seems to me that you just made a deal like Paul made a deal with McConnell and you see how that is working out for him. IS THERE ANYONE THAT HAS THE BALLS TO SAY WHAT THEY MEAN AND MEAN WHAT THEY SAY? &bsp; Oh yeah. Ted Cruz, AND THE [RINO] WEASELS YOU JUST GOT IN BED WITH HATE HIM!...' Beck is not the only conservative personality to oppose Ryan's potential bid for speaker. Radio host Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and Erick Erickson have all questioned whether [Ryan] was the man best fit for the job..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Jeffrey Lord _American Spectator_
Ryan and the suicide (or treason) of the GOP losership and RINOs
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Erick Erickson
constituents are on the phones an angry at turn-coat "Liberty" caucus which folded to support Ryan for speaker
"...No, no. They are not mad at the recalcitrance of the conservative congressmen. They are mad that the congressman have dared to support Paul Ryan for speaker. I don't think a lot of folks sympathetic to [losership] in Washington understand this... They are mad at the conservatives on Capitol Hill not for standing up to Paul Ryan, but for a perception that they have cut a deal with Paul Ryan [which will come back to harm us all when issues of immigration reform vs. worsening the perversion, paying down the debt or forever over-spending... come up]."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Laura Ingraham
Mo Brooks (R-AL): Paul Ryan has the absolute worst record on border security
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Non-leftists will ease up on Paul Ryan... if he facilitates passage of immigration reforms (rather than reprehensible immigration law perversion like the 8 Gangsters' bill = S744 & 3I), and shepherds through a balanced budget which restores some constitutional spending cuts leftists' unconstitutional spending (e.g. Planned Parenthood, ObummerDoesn'tCare), cuts the debt ceiling and starts paying the debt down, stops talking about eliminating means of unseating the speaker, but, instead, makes it easier to unseat both the speaker and the majority and minority leaders of the House and senate.
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz: repealing the vile ObummerDoesn'tCare is not complicated
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Hans von Spakovsky _Cybercast News Service_
several states launch another law-suit against ObummerDoesn'tCare
"Texas, Kansas, and Louisiana are about to file a new law-suit against [ObummerDoesn'tCare], claiming that a fee being imposed by the IRS as a condition of states continuing to receive Medicaid funds is both unconstitutional and a violation of federal law. And they are in discussions with more than a dozen other states about joining this new law-suit..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
doing for yourself
Wasington DC Times
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
ayatollah Ali Khamenei: any penalties for violation of the existing treaties and for violating Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems will violate Obummer's treaty to let us develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems and end Iran's non-existent compliance with any treaty... or something
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
former defense secretary Robert Gates describes Obummer-era military morale problem
"...'First of all, I think it is due to the substantial and growing cut-backs in the number of men and women in the military, so people in the military now are less confident that they will be allowed to remain in the military -- that in the force reductions, they will be turned out, in essence, be fired, particularly for those who have some years in and probably have families -- concerns about what they will do, if because of force downsizing they end up out in the civilian world again [in a time of high unemployment]. I think there is a morale problem that derives from a lot of the budgetary uncertainty in the sense that, as I suggested earlier, people who joined the military to fly airplanes, sail on ships or drive tanks are finding they don't have the same opportunities to do that anymore. That's the stuff that made it fun, and that was one of the things that encouraged them to stay... you go from mostly young men who have been out in Iraq and Afghanistan, and on these deployments they have this great sense of camaraderie and brotherhood with their fellow soldiers and Marines. They have been given a lot of opportunity to operate independently and in an entrepreneurial way and be innovative and so on. And they're being brought back and put in cubicles and asked to do Power Points...'"
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
USA special forces rescued Kurds from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate near Hawija in Kirkuk, northern Iraq... casualties reported
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times: 70 rescued, 1 USA soldier killed, 4 peshmerga wounded
Patrick Goodenough: Cybercast News Service
John Hayward: Breitbart: Delta Force master-sergeant Joshua Wheeler was killed
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
after several attempts to smear Ben Carson, he rose 8 points in the polls
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
sure, the USA federal government has $18T in debt and over $80T in unfunded promises, but the IMF is worrying over whether Saudi Arabia might go bankrupt by 2020; both in the red for the same reason as Greece -- too much socialist illfare spending
"...The reason for Saudi Arabia's reluctance to balance its budget is that the 15K members of the 6 branches of the Saudi royal family buy national support through massive [socialist illfare] spending that requires a crude oil price of $103 a barrel to balance their budget..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Gordon Humphrey _Washington DC Times_
let's make the USA economy first in the world again
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
bill to further institutionalize privacy violations nearing senate vote as opposition increases
"...Senator Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican and a GOP presidential candidate, also said on Thursday that he thinks the bill weakens privacy protections. He attempted, unsuccessfully, to tack on an amendment that would have stripped immunity from companies that violate their own privacy agreements by participating in the info-exchange. Although tech companies can decide one by one if they want to share information with the feds through CISA, critics, including Mr. Paul, have objected because that decision ultimately comes down to corporations [executives and managers], not customers..."
: S754: sponsored by Richard Burr of NC: institutionalizing privacy violation act
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
John J. Xenakis _Breitbart_
analysis of what options may be exercised (and likelihoods for each) in case of increased/open conflict between India and Pakistan includes possibility Pakistan may use tactical nuclear weapons
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Bashar al-Assad Syrian forces have unleashed suicide UAVs (i.e. guided bomb) on rebels
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Sadie Robertson: I am thankful for the men and women who serve our amazing country
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Benjamin Netanyahu's speech didn't go far enough in showing the links between Nazis and Muslim terrorists
"...They are well-documented facts. And if you want to know more about this history -- along with al-Husseini's direct links to today's Arab-Palestinian leaders -- you can find the complete story in _The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini_ by Chuck Morse..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
cut out the "cycle of violence" trash-talk
"The Bennett family's day began with a prayer at 'the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism'. It ended in the murder of the family's father, stabbed to death in the Old City as he attempted to save wife and son from the same fate. A rabbi who rushed to the rescue was knifed to death, too. 22-year-old Odel Bennett found herself running for her life, a blade in her shoulder, as Palestinian on-lookers jeered and spat in her direction. As widow Odel Bennett convalesced with her toddler at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, another Jewish woman (an elderly Iraqi) was recovering at Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek [righteous or merciful gates] Hospital from gun and knife wounds similarly inflicted. Her husband lay in the morgue. That couple's day started on a 'Jerusalem city bus, when 2 Palestinians attacked with knives and a gun', reported National Public Radio. Surveillance camera footage uploaded to the Internet shows numerous Palestinian-on-Jew attacks in real time. Waiting at a bus stop, these Arabs are wont to turn and plunge a knife into a Jewish neighbor's back, again and again and again. Religious imprimatur for the current wave of attacks on Israelis comes from the highest authority in the Palestinian Authority and beyond. In mosques across the Gaza Strip [i.e. Palestine] and the West Bank [i.e. Eastern Israel], clerics deliver sermons brandishing scimitars [and daggers and cleavers], inciting the faithful to 'form stabbing squads and cut the Jews into body parts'..."
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Louis Rene Beres _Washington DC Times_
murders by Muslims as politics: understanding the 3rd intifada
"Even as growing numbers of Palestinian terrorists stab madly at Israeli men, women, and children, much of the world still endorses creation of 'Palestine' [which has already been fully recreated where it was; Palestine=Gaza Strip]. Such mindless support continues, moreover, despite the fact that the Palestinians themselves reject any sort of 2-state solution. Indeed, the latest such poll (2015 September), conducted by Palestinian research organizations, concluded that almost half the resident Arabs strongly favor the use of armed force and generalized violence against Israeli non-combatants. For the most part, western news reports notwithstanding, knife wielding attackers are not 'lone wolves'. Rather, they have been conspicuously spurred on by vitriolic PA incitements, and by carefully synchronized calls from the mosques to murder 'The Jews'. The Palestinian Authority [associated with Fatah] shares with Hamas the irredentist vision of a one-state solution. There is nothing hidden or ambiguous about this true plan for Israel's disappearance... Already, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is operating in parts of Syria that could bring it to the critical borders of Israel's Golan Heights. Significantly, it has also set recognizable operational sights on Jordan and [Eastern Israel]..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Donald Trump interview drew over 1.6M viewers + 471K "news-demo" viewers to "Fox News Sunday"
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Paul Bothwell _Earned Media_
National Organization for Marriage endorsed Matt Bevin for Kentucky governor, Whitney Westerfield for attorney-general
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Anthony Watts
missing component found in evaporation process, making water vapor's role even more uncertain in climate models
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Ken Cohen
Exxon hits back on ridiculous RICO allegations: "When it comes to climate change, read the documents"
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Willis Eschenbach
is the world climate chaotic?
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
David Middleton
what did ExxonMobil know, and when did they know it (part 1)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Eric Worrall
city-busting earth-grazer asteroid imminent near miss -- just discovered 2 weeks ago (and now they get around to spreading the word)
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-10-22 (5776 Cheshvan 09)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
writing history for the web... back to some theory
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"After he aborted the rescue mission , [pres. James E. Carter] reverted to his preferred tactic -- waiting. As a result of pres. Carter's failure to defend his emissaries, American diplomats suffered a rash of bombings and other assorted acts of terror. Julius Caesar, OTOH, immediately sent his legions into Gaul to battle those who had laid hands on his emissaries. After defeating the enemy, Caesar's troops methodically slaughtered all the males remaining alive and sold all of the woman and children into slavery. From that time forward, Caesar's diplomats served unmolested." --- G. Gordon Liddy 2002 _When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country_ pp86-87 |
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Laura Ingraham
Trump and Cruz proposals for immigration reform have open-borders crowd in a tizzy, plan to conspire Tuesday October 27 in Boulder CO
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
non-leftists worry about push for worsening of immigration laws from Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
in turn-about SunTrust removes contentious severance clause
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
illegal alien smuggling ring busted at Newark NJ airport
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
3 hours of terror near Texas border with Mexico as cartel fire-fight sets border city ablaze
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
"this is like war" -- mayor's plea for relief for his "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal-flooded town of 24K in Slovenia
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Croatian police get rid of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals... by showing them an un-guarded border crossing into Slovenia (with video)
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Greece gets 48K "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals in the past 5 days says "International Organisation for Migration"
"...So far this year, around 335 people have died while crossing from Turkey to Greece, the IOM said. More than 2,800 have meanwhile perished attempting the much longer and more perilous crossing from Libya to Italy, bringing the total number of deaths to 3,175, the IOM said."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
corrupt UN demands that UK pay for "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals who landed on Cyprus
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
chief of German police union has finally realized that "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals don't respect German laws
"...sectarian conflict and 'extreme criminal offences'. Rainer Wendt (above) said new arrivals lacked respect for and knowledge of German law, which was insufficient to prosecute asylum seekers, and called for extra protection for women, children and Christians... 'these are territorial conflicts, dominance struggles'..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
mass lay-offs in Honduras are likely to cause increased emigration from there
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions: Trade Promotion Authority and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) constitute a huge reduction in congress' constitutional powers
"Sessions: 'Well, I'm not aware of any [congressional input into TPP]. This was done by the [Obummer regime], number one. But, what we did do by having the fast-track [TPA] bill passed, we reduced the ability of congress to even have amendments and we've reduced the ability in the senate to have 60 votes [to approve the treaty as required by the US constitution] instead of a simple majority [and now, topsy-turvey, they're claiming Corker's TPA bill now requires 67 votes to turn down TPP]. And the bill will be filed one day, and voted on the next [before anyone can actually read and digest it]. It'll be made public before that, but it'll be on the floor one day, basically, with no amendments. Up or down, and no filibuster is appropriate or legal. So, it's a huge reduction of congress' power.' (2:58)... '[TPP is] going to weaken the ability of American businesses to compete effectively. It's going to cost jobs and reduce wages and it's going to put us in an international commission that allows the Sultan of Brunei to have the same vote as the President of the United States. We don't need any new international commissions.' (3:46 )..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Rael Jean Isaac _American Thinker_
Angela Merkel and the "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal... invasion of Germany
"...Stephens finally ended the embarrassing silence. He ignored the economic impact and focused on what is in truth the most important danger to which this migration contributes: the destruction of European civilization. Stephens treats the immigrant invasion as what he calls 'a stiff breeze' in a civilization that has already lost its moral compass. No longer believing in the sources from which their comfortable beliefs in human rights, peace, progress, spring -- Judaism, Christianity, the Enlightenment, capitalism, etc. -- they have lost the capacity for what Pope Benedict called 'self-love'. Stephens is by no means the first to make this point. Nobel Prize for Literature winner Imre Kertesz more than a decade ago identified 'suicidal liberalism' as Europe's dominant set of values, leaving it 'wide open to Islam'... [Merkel] has been seeking a small immediate favor from Turkey -- stemming the refugee flow from its shores -- in exchange for major concessions that could only aggravate the problem in the longer run: visa-free entry to Europe for 75M Turks and forwarding Turkish membership in the EU. Given that Turkey under Erdogan has become steadily more autocratic and contemptuous of the human rights the EU supposedly holds dear, and Merkel is trying to stem the Muslim tide into Europe, not pave the way for many millions more, this makes no sense..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
doctors and patients agree: Obummer electronic medical records/privacy violation mandate sucks!
Cybercast News Service
"For the past several years, medical professionals have warned that the federal crony socialist electronic medical records mandate -- buried in the trillion-dollar [Obummer porkulus] of 2009 -- would do more harm than good. Their diagnosis, unfortunately, is on the nose..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Madison Gesiotto _Washington DC Times_
the #1 killer of black Americans
"It isn't heart disease, it isn't cancer, it isn't homicide and it isn't motor vehicle accidents. In fact, the number one killer of black Americans is abortion. Despite a lack of reporting by California, New Hampshire and Maryland, a total of 730,322 abortions were reported to the CDCP in 2011, the most recently published reporting year. 405,994 of these reported abortions included cross-classified race/ethnicity data for 2011, of which 146,856 were reported to be black American abortions, equaling about 36% of the total number of abortions with reported race statistics. So, what do these numbers mean? Let's break it down. In 2011, 402 black Americans were aborted in America every single day. However, in the same year, only 187 black Americans died per day from heart disease, 183 black Americans died per day from cancer, 21 black Americans were murdered per day, and 12 black Americans died per day in motor vehicle accidents. That's a total of 403 black Americans deaths per day from heart disease, cancer, homicide and motor vehicle accidents combined, totaling 147,095 deaths that year..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
Benghazi, Watergate, and (intentionally?) muddled motivations
"...Although history barely remembers him, Butterfield is the man who told the Senate Watergate Committee about Nixon's tapes, thus ensuring the embattled president's downfall. Toward the end of the book, Woodward asks Butterfield why he did it. The answer is of considerable importance because of our habit of viewing the past through the lens of today's knowledge. As Woodward reminds us, until the tapes came to light, some two- thirds of American adults thought Nixon innocent of involvement [and even long after many still think so]... [Many in the public, and quite a few] Republican[members] of congress...believe with utmost sincerity that what happened when ambassador Christopher Stevens and the others died needs to be [vigorously] investigated..."
Why were the 2 special forces people who happened to be within a few blocks and rushed to try to defend the consular facility told to turn back? Why weren't other military personnel and Diplomatic Security and CIA from Tunisia and Italy, and air support from Italy and elsewhere immediately deployed so that at least some of them could have reached the site during the 6-9 hours the battle continued to rage? What was Clinton doing during those hours? What was Obummer doing during those hours? & What were the military liaisons on station in the White House doing?... & And where were our Retiefs (diplomats at arms), when we needed them?
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Larry Klayman _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's red prison shoes
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
no computer in Clinton's office in 2012? "e-mail's a relatively new beast" claimed DoS, though e-mail has existed since at least the late 1970s, and at least somewhat secure e-mail since at least 1993
"...E-mail became popular in the early 1990s -- 2 decades after the communication form was first developed -- with the birth of the World Wide Web. By the time Clinton became secretary of state in 2009, 247G e-mails were being sent every day, according to the Radicati Group's E-Mail Statistics Report 2009... Representative Susan Brooks (R-IN) noted that Clinton's sending and receiving of e-mails relating to Libya had dropped significantly between 2011 and 2012 -- 795 e-mails between 2011 February and December, compared to 67 e-mails between early 2012 and the Benghazi attack that September..."
By 2001, I was wading through as many as 300 e-mail messages per day related to work.
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
_Conservative HQ_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's performance
"Those optimistic Republicans who thought Hillary Clinton would come before the Benghazi committee to ask forgiveness from the families of the 4 Americans killed by her dereliction of duty during the attack on our consulate, and then break down and also cop to personally shooting Vince Foster and accepting bribes through the elaborate ruse known as Whitewater, were unfortunately shaken from that warm dream by yet another set of well-presented Clinton evasions during yesterday's hearing. Yes, Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan did an excellent job of drilling down on some of Clinton's previous lies about what went on the day ambassador Chris Stevens, information-officer Sean Smith, and 2 former Navy SEALs, CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed. Jordan did a great job pressing Clinton on the genesis of the story that the attack was a spontaneous demonstration against an obscure anti-Muslim video, instead of an intelligence failure of monumental proportion, followed by an [Obummer]-inspired attempt to obscure the fact that Islamists won another battle in the war they have declared [against the USA]. He accused Clinton of intentionally misleading the American people by trying to downplay the terrorism angle for political reasons ahead of the 2012 presidential election. 'You knew the truth, and that is not what the American people got.', Jordan said. Clinton said there was conflicting information “that we were trying to make sense of'. 'There was not conflicting information the day of the attack.', Jordan countered. 'You're the ones who muddied it up.' And representative Gowdy gave a cogent explanation of why the Benghazi committee exists and needs to continue its investigation: 'Even after an accountability review board and a half dozen Congressional investigations, these and other questions still lingered and these questions lingered because previous investigations were not thorough. These questions lingered because these previous investigations were narrow in scope and either incapable or unwilling to access the facts and evidence necessary to answer all relevant questions.' And Gowdy did a great job of drilling down on why ambassador Chris Stevens's many requests for increased security were rejected and pressing Clinton on why her long-time political advisor and confidant Sidney Blumenthal (who apparently had some business interests in Libya) somehow found his way into the middle of Libya policy discussions. But Clinton gave no answers that weren't well rehearsed talking points, and the Democrats on the committee were quick to jump in and break-up any questioning that was taking Clinton in a dangerous direction. The bottom line? Our take on Clinton's testimony is 2-fold. First, the goal of the committee is supposed to be to find out what got ambassador Chris Stevens, information-officer Sean Smith, and 2 former Navy SEALs, CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods killed. But after Clinton's testimony we appear to be no closer to pinning down the time-line and decision process that led to the decision to stand down and not send any military or para-military assistance to the besieged Americans in Benghazi..."
Which leads us to another question: Are Bill and Hitlery paid-up on their SAG dues?
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's Benghazi hearing, and her violations of public trust
"For people who say there is nothing left for the public to learn about Hillary Rodham Clinton's e-mails or her actions surrounding the Benghazi terror attacks, Dems/leftists/Reds on the House select committee spent an awful lot of time Thursday attacking colleagues who asked reasonable questions. And Mrs. Clinton spent an awful lot of time filibustering to run out the clock..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
fibs, lies, and whoppers in the Middle East
"A diplomat, as any deputy assistant associate undersecretary could tell you, is a public servant paid to lie for his country. Lies are the hard currency in the land of the girly men. The truth is rarely heard above the rattle and din of the teacups in the lounges and where the masters of the art gather to collect their strength after a long day's work in the vineyards of falsification, where Israel usually get the shaft plunged up to the hilt. The knife has become the weapon of choice in the Palestinian war against Israeli civilians, brandished as if it were a holy scimitar of the avenging Allah. The dean of a university in Gaza=Palestine characterizes this campaign of the short knives as 'military operations', and urges that it be aimed at women and children... 'There is no question', said Mr. Netanyahu, 'that this wave of attacks is driven directly by incitement by Hamas, incitement from the Islamist movement in Israel and incitement, I am sorry to say, from [president Mahmoud Abbas] and the Palestinian Authority.' This was plain and unvarnished, what everybody knows to be true, but for reasons best known to him [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and his men (and women) won't say anything like that. Perhaps they have a fear of cold steel in their ribs, too. What Mr. Kerry offers is a can of diplomatic yah-yah from the archives of claptrap at the State Department..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Andrea Peyser _WND_
tax-victims funds female, Muslim, hate-spewer Linda Sarsour
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
report: the hateful, corrupt, anti-USA, anti-Israel, anti-US-constitution oath-breaker Obummer used spy agencies to dissuade Israel from attacks on Iran facilities to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"Instead of supporting Israel in a planned raid against Iran's [program to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems], the [Obummer regime] utilized the nation's premier espionage resources to engage the regime in Tehran and keep Jerusalem in the dark, a Wall Street Journal report recounted. 'Nerves frayed at the White House after senior officials learned Israeli aircraft had flown in and out of Iran in what some believed was a dry run for a commando raid on the site.', the report said, explaining that Israel's activities in 2012 led to a 'mutual distrust' that created a divide between the [Obummer] White House and Benjamin Netanyahu's Israel..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
radio-active contaminated items missing from Los Alamos National Lab (LANL)
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in Hebrew: not one Jew will be left in Jerusalem, Israel
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Iraqi priest saved thousands from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate destroyed university at Mosul, Iraq
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Putin conquers, Obummer watches
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Vladimir Putin: Bashar al-Assad is ready to work with rebels, especially Kurds, against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
USA in search of a cause?
World Net Daily
"...Other than supporting Israel, maintaining access to Gulf oil and resisting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and al-Qaeda, upon what do Americans agree?... [The USA] is a nation divided, not only upon the means we should use to attain our ends in the world, but upon the ends themselves."
Today's "cause" is rebuilding the USA, restoring adherence to principles, restoring federalism, clarifying the proper roles of local and state and multi-state pacts and federal governments and the 3 branches (legislative, judicial, executive), mending the dysfunctional job markets, reducing corruption (including crony socialism), reducing foreign adventurism while maintaining honest trade and fending off assaults on intellectual property, paying down the federal and state government debts.
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
about a boy
"'It's about what these women will let guys get away with.' You may not expect to hear commentary like that at your garden-variety think tank panel discussion, but it got pretty lively at the American Enterprise Institute discussion on the topic 'Do Healthy Families Affect the Wealth of States?'. Megan McArdle...is author of the above comment. The question at hand was: Why are so many young women (64% of moms under the age of 30) having children out of wedlock? Nowhere is the class divide in [the USA] as wide as on the matter of marriage. College-educated men and women are sticking with the traditional order of marriage first and children second. Not only that, but they are far less likely to divorce than their parents' generation was. Those with only some college or less, by contrast, are much less likely to marry before having children, and much more likely to divorce if they do marry..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Virginia Postrel _Jewish World Review_
Hollywood gives its stock black-geek character a promotion in "The Martian"
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
Rupert Murdoch's house of horror
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump has led the polls for 100 days, Ben Carson has moved up, Ted Cruz still in the running
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Rush Limbaugh: House Freedom caucus did bidding of RINO campaign donors
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Carl Jackson _WND_
why choosing the right person to be speaker of the House matters
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Paul Ryan is part of the problem
"How do I put this delicately? By all accounts, Paul Ryan is a very nice fellow. He's a good family man. He's an impressive orator. He's smart. He's good-looking. But he would be one of the very worst choices Republicans could make for speaker of the House. Why do I say that? The way I explain it to people outside the belt-way is this: He's a more attractive version of John Boehner. He's a more articulate version of John Boehner. He's a smarter version of John Boehner. But make no mistake about it; he's every bit as much an establishment Republican as John Boehner. He's bad on immigration. He's bad on budget cuts. He's bad on the debt [going along with Dem/leftist/Red unconstitutional over-spending]. He's bad on trade deals. He's bad on confrontations with Dems/leftists/Reds that reveal their duplicity. He was an architect of NOT de-funding [ObummerDoesn'tCare]..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
here's how the election for speaker of the House is likely to play out
"The House Freedom Caucus, the much ballyhooed last line of defense for conservatives in the House of Representatives is fast crumbling. According to our inside sources, Paul Ryan, the preferred candidate for speaker of the House of [RINOs], and especially failed speaker John Boehner and his existing leadership team, as well as Democrats Harry Reid, Luis Gutierrez and a host of crony government [i.e. power-mad crony socialist] interest groups, went before the House Freedom Caucus and made a very persuasive and charming presentation during which he promised them...exactly nothing. The result of Ryan's refusal to commit to reforming the House rules that have shut conservatives out of the legislative process in the House, and made the speaker a virtual dictator, and his refusal to drop his demand that the rules be amended to give him even more power by eliminating the 'motion to vacate the chair', through which Boehner was held accountable was that 26 members of the House Freedom Caucus voted to endorse him. The vote left Ryan a few votes short of the required 80% for a formal endorsement by the Freedom Caucus, but the additional 26 votes puts him within striking distance of the 218 votes he needs to be elected -- despite his demands for near dictatorial power -- and if nothing [improves] Paul Ryan will be the next speaker. A principled group of limited government constitutional conservatives are still supporting Florida representative Daniel Webster, and one of their leaders, representative Louie Gohmert of Texas said this of the growing support for Ryan: 'Since the beginning of this contested race for speaker of the House, it has been my pledge to support congressman Daniel Webster. Dan is the only person I am aware of who has ever been a speaker anywhere and decentralized power to get it back in the hands of its members. Speaker Boehner is no longer going to be speaker because he was too powerful, and I simply cannot vote for a candidate who demands more power before he agrees to be speaker. I am a man of my word, and my support is still with Dan. He is the person who can return power to its rightful place -- members who represent the American people.' Here's what's going to happen if and when Paul Ryan is elected speaker. There will be a review of the House Rules and the 'motion to vacate the chair' that was placed there by Thomas Jefferson to assure that no speaker could become a dictator -- and that was used to hold John Boehner accountable for his failures, lies and cave-ins will be eliminated. All of the existing [RINOs] who have been behind John Boehner's misrule of the House will remain in their [losership] positions. [RINO] Kevin McCarthy will remain House majority-leader, Steve Scalise, the embarrassing political hack who was outed for cozying up to the Ku Klux Klan will remain Republican Whip, Pete Sessions, the Boehner do-boy chairman of the Rules committee (who is rumored not to even live in his Texas district anymore) will remain in place to rewrite bills in the middle of the night before the vote and rule conservative amendments out of order, and all of the other House committee chairmen who have sat on conservative bills or killed conservative amendments in committee will remain in place. In short, nothing will change. [Nothing will be reformed. Nothing will be improved.] Principled limited government constitutional conservative Louie Gohmert of Texas put it this way in the same statement in which he reiterated his support for Daniel Webster of Florida for speaker: 'Chairman Ryan was a leader in pushing the Wall Street bail-out, supported Barney Frank's same-sex agenda, voted for legislation that would have allowed the District of Columbia to have a United States Representative, even though the U.S. Constitution clearly states that representatives shall be from the several States, and he is supported by some of the most liberal Democrats because of his amnesty stance. Though chairman Ryan is smart, articulate, a great father and husband, our country is in trouble and sadly, he has been on the wrong side of extremely critical issues and indicates he requires more autonomy than even John Boehner.' Amnesty for illegal aliens will be not just on the table, but the preferred alternative of the speaker of the House; 'economically driven immigration policy', leading to a vast increase in legal immigration will be the preferred alternative of the speaker of the House, Planned Parenthood and [ObummerDoesn'tCare] will be funded, a clean debt ceiling increase will be passed and crony government deals and bail-outs like TARP [and porkulus 1 and 2] will be the norm. None of the issues that have driven grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives into the white-hot fury that is powering the campaigns of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz will be resolved favorably if Paul Ryan becomes speaker of the House. Most importantly, there will be no conservative reform of the House Republican [losership], unless you believe that making Paul Ryan speaker, and giving him more power, somehow solves the problem of John Boehner having too much power and using it to marginalize conservatives. There is only one chance left to stop this power grab by the political class, and that is for We the People speak out and demand that the House of Representatives be returned to its proper place in the constitutional order as the assembly of the peoples' representatives. Members of the Freedom Caucus, the House Liberty Caucus, the Tea Party Caucus, the Conservative Opportunity Society and other conservatives still have the votes to stop Ryan and his plan to eliminate the last vestiges of democracy in the House of Representatives. If the remaining patriots in their ranks will stand fast we can still win this fight. But they need to hear from you NOW on the phone and through 'social media' and e-mail. The easiest way to register your opinion is to call your representative's office through the House switchboard: 1-866-220-0044. You can also use this handy list from Tea Party Patriots to call key Republican members of the House. You can e-mail this video explaining Paul Ryan's background and agenda to your friends and contacts and ask them to join the battle and to contact their Representative. You can also post to the House Freedom Caucus FB page to let them know what you think of their vote to all but endorse Paul Ryan. Finally, you can sign the open letter to House Republicans signed by 55 conservative leaders demanding that the next Speaker pursue a conservative agenda and make good on the campaign promises Republicans made in 2014."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
R' Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo _Jewish World Review_
revolution through one word
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
R' Label Lam _Torah.org_
You Are Going To Get There Some Day
"And HASHEM said to Avram [Abram], 'Go for (or) to yourself from your land and from your birthplace and from your father's house to the place that I will show you!' (Breishis/be rashith/Genesis 12:1) Here's a fundamental question! Why is HASHEM suddenly speaking to Avram [Abram]? There is no explicit information in the written record indicating what he had done prior to this point that would make him any more worthy of Divine communication, more than any other person! This is not my question. It's the question of the Ramban [R. Moshe ben Nachman, Nachmanides]. We know from the Oral Torah that Avram, from his earliest days was an original thinker and a seeker of truth. There is plenty of literature and valid information to fill in the blanks but why is it conspicuously absent from the Chumash? In a small but powerful piece, the Sefas Emes provides a revolutionary answer based on a quote from the Zohar, 'Woe to those who sleep in their holes, and Avraham Avinu [Abraham Abinu] heard and accepted!' The implication of the Zohar, the Sefas Emes points out is that the those words -- that initial statement that started Avraham Avinu on his life’s mission and launched Jewish History was said to all of humanity. Avraham was the only person in the world who heard it and was responsive. It was not an exclusive message directed at one particular individual. The Torah is not focused on his prior merit because HASHEM did not address him individually. It was rather a broadcast made equally available to every soul and one man was mentally, emotionally, and spiritually fit to do anything about it. He wasn't chosen! He chose! He was ready to choose! He was ready! That's the great praise to Avraham [Abraham]!..."
Mechon Mamre: Genesis/be rashith 12
Mechon Mamre: Isaiah/yeshaayahu 40
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
R' Berel Wein _Torah.org_
The Journey Through Life
"It is reported that Rabbi Nachman of Breslov constantly stated: Every step that I take on the face of this earth is towards Jerusalem. God did not choose to inform Abraham as to how he would reach his life's destination. Human beings have elaborate plans,...maps, detailed itineraries and many ideas as how to arrive at their sought after destinations. Sometimes all of these plans do work out on schedule and successfully. But many times Heaven mocks our futile efforts at controlling our destiny. We state in our daily prayers that many are the thoughts and plans that lie in the hearts of humans, but only the wisdom and advice of God will prevail. The greatness of character of our father and mother, Abraham and Sarah, is reflected in how they dealt with the vagaries of life, the disappointments and certainly the tragedies, while not losing sight of the goal and ultimate purpose of life itself. The importance of keeping Abraham and Sarah constantly in the forefront of our minds and plans is of inestimable value in negotiating one's journey through life."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
R' Yochanan Zweig _Torah.org_
Making a Pitch for Shalom Beth (a harmonious household)
"According to the Sefer Nefesh HaChaim, the word Bracha is derived from the word 'Breicha' a pool. That is, a Bracha is merely a source from which blessings flow. HaShem, being the source of everything, causes all blessings to flow from his unending pool of benevolence. It is a well known maxim that a healthy marriage is built on genuine respect for one another. This responsibility starts with the man. What the Gemara is teaching us is that if one truly honors his wife there will be Shalom Bayis [Shelum Beth] and the presence of HaShem (whose name is Shalom) will be within the home. This is what will cause the blessings to flow. If one only honors his wife to receive a reward she will actually feel disrespected as she is being used merely as a vehicle to receive reward and there will be no Shalom Bayis [Shelum Beth] and subsequently no blessings from Hashem. It is fascinating to note that only 8 verses earlier in this week's portion (12:8) Rashi notes that Avraham pitched Sara's tent before his own, undoubtedly showing his respect for her. Consequently Avraham [Abraham] receives much wealth '[because of her' in verse 12:17..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Shlomo Katz _Torah.org_
Abraham's Journey
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
R' Pinchas Winston _Torah.org_
Going Up To Israel
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
R' Yissocher Frand _Torah.org_
To What Do You Owe Your Success?
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Laura Ingraham
81% of Republican "insiders" say likelihood of Donald Trump being nominee are increasing
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: I'm in great danger because I challenge the secular leftist movement
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
A.J. DelGado _Breitbart_
reasons why some people want Donald Trump to be president
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Des Moines IA Register poll: Ben Carson leads big over Trump, Cruz and the rest of the field
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Thomas D. Wiliams _Breitbart_
religious Americans embrace both religion and science
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Anthony Mackie says Marvel's "Black Panther" doesn't need a black director
"...Chadwick Boseman (Get On Up, 42) is set to star as T'Challa, prince of Wakanda, who becomes the super=hero Black Panther after his father is assassinated..."
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
review of Ben Shapiro's _What's Fair and Other Short Stories_
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
_Cybercast News Service_
How do you carve a pumpkin with a Henry rifle? The technique is demonstrated by YouTube creator hickok45
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Daren Jonescu _American Thinker_
arranging for confiscation of arms
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
new NOAA record: 10 years since a major hurricane has struck the USA
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Mexico braces for strong hurricane Patricia in the Pacific
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Werner Brozek
polar puzzle (now includes August data)
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
David Middleton
Tom Steyer is all wrong on the facts, economic, and morality... and all in for 2016 elections
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
David Middleton
what did ExxonMobil know, and when did they know it (part 2, the same as it ever was)
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-10-23 (5776 Cheshvan 10)
prfessor Jeffrey Miller discovered first, Samuel Ward, draft of King James Bible (video)
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"One of the biggest differences between men & women is how they cope with stress. Men become increasingly focused & withdrawn while women become increasingly overwhelmed & emotionally involved. At these times, a man's needs for feeling good are different from a woman's. He feels better by solving problems while she feels better by talking about problems." --- John Gray 1992 _Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus_ pg 29 |
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Mike Stopa _American Thinker_
illegal immigration and the "broken windows" policy of policing
"The [leftists, RINOs, and especially the GOP losership are] enraged and terrified at the prospect of Donald Trump's plan to [actually enforce current immigration laws]... the troubadours of the elite order -- including Karl Rove, Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Bret Stephens [MSLSD, CBS, abc, CNN, Bloomberg] and many others -- rarely make any reference to the vested interests of millionaire GOP donors when attacking Donald Trump. They do not discuss the financial and legal difficulties that the wealthy donor class will encounter if Trump follows through on his plans to reinstate respect for the nation's immigration laws -- both at the border and within the U.S.A. (as so many Americans have been begging and pleading the government to do for a generation). They don't even mention who these donors are, what businesses they own and how those businesses will be impacted (or, for that matter, which politicians depend on the money flowing from their coffers). Not surprisingly, the arguments which the sirens of the powerful employ against enforcing existing immigration law don't mention business disruptions of amnesty of the donor class at all... [To those people] The 1-in-4 unemployed young Black males of Detroit (for example) have not suffered any cruelty by the displacement of their jobs to foreigners who cut into the immigration line. The father who waits in line with a sick child at an emergency room filled with people who have no right to be in the country possesses no moral counter in the cruelty equation. But [to these malefactors] sending illegal aliens back to their home countries is 'cruel'."
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Bruce Walker _American Thinker_
the ultra-reactionary left
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
Benjamin Netanyahu's discussion of violence against Jews
"...Netanyahu might no doubt have formulated his remarks differently if he was not distraught by the Muslim terrorist attacks of recent weeks. But his critics ignore the reality that his argument, if an exaggeration, was not a historical distortion, but a truthful indication that the former leader of the Palestinians had been responsible for a systematic incitement for more than 40 years from 1921 until after World War 2 for the extermination of Jews. The implicit parallel with contemporary Palestinian leaders, both of Fatah and Hamas, refusing to make peace with the State of Israel is unmistakable. In view of the violence and terrorist acts against Jews in Israel [including those parts of Eastern Israel long occupied by Palestinian Muslims which they call the West Bank] it is useful to remember the influence on the activities of current Palestinian leaders, by the past Palestinian leader (internationally held to be a war criminal), and the similar rhetoric and false allegations about Israeli intentions towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem of the past and present leaders..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
BLM illegally sold thousands of wild horses for slaughter
"...1,794 federally-protected wild horses... According to the allegations and news reports, Mr. Davis also had farming and trucking connections with former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar... The wrongful sale also cost taxpayers $140K to deliver truckloads of horses to Mr. Davis. He paid $10 a piece for the horses, or less than $18K total, and made as much as $154K in profits by selling them for slaughter, according to the report... The OIG declined to investigate Mr. Davis' ties to Mr. Salazar..."
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Anthony Watts
3,652 days since last major (level 3 or worse) hurricane hit USA
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
David Middleton
what did ExxonMobil know and when did they know it (part 3)
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Tim Ball
water vapor
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Anthony Watts
NIPCC reply to Physics Today, _Climate Change ReConsidered_, Spencer Weart, Marty Hanna, UN IPCC, Algore, EDF, Joseph L. Bast, Robert M. Carter, Laurence I. Gould, Craig D. Idso, Fred Singer, Willie Soon, Lawrence Solomon, Roger Revelle, Chauncey Starr, Kristina Moore, Marlo Lewis, James B. Taylor, Frederick Seitz, et al.
2015-10-24 (5776 Cheshvan 11)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"Productivity within the software industry has improved by 3% to 5% a year, only marginally better than the steel or automobile industry." --- Tom de Marco & Timothy Lister 1999 _Peopleware_ pg 32 |
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
"Men respond much better when they are seen not as the problem but as the solution." --- John Gray 1997 _Mars & Venus on a Date_ pg 144 |
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