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updated: 2020-12-14
"No senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in office." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 2 |
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2015 October, week 1 (1-5) (95KB)
2015 October, week 2 (6-12) (220KB)
2015 October, week 3 (13-19) (220KB)
2015 October, week 4 (20-26) (245KB)
2015 October, week 5 (27-30) (300KB)
"No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman & a slave. He, who has nothing, & who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, & needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, & has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, & what he possesses; else he lives precariously, & at discretion." --- James Burgh 1774 _Political Disquisitions_ vol 2 pg 390 (quoted in Robert E. Shalhope 1982-12-?? "The Ideological Origins of the 2nd Amendment" _Journal of American History_ vol 69 #3 pg 604; quoted in Clayton E. Cramer 1994 _For the Defense of Themselves & the State_ pg 22) |
This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Jim Jordan, Trey Gowdy, Tom Cotton.
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer/Johnson DHS bending over backwards to accommodate employers in the Marianas
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Ian Smith _Daily Caller_
women (especially married women) are the staunchest and most effective immigration reform patriots
"Considering the routing Democrats took in last year's anti-amnesty elections, it's no surprise conservatives around the country are pushing for Tennessee congresswoman, Marsha Blackburn, to jump into the race for House speaker. Ms. Blackburn has been earning the praise of pro-restrictionist Americans for years and her voting record on immigration policy is flawless. If speaker, not only will she inspire working-class voters in despair over the GOP's weakness on immigration, she’ll have firmly cemented what's becoming a truism in America: that the staunchest and most effective immigration patriots in the country are women. Surveying NumbersUSA's report card on House members between 1989 and this year, over half of all female House reps are well above the average grade with most having top-notch marks. Why immigration softies are disproportionately male (especially among House leadership) perhaps isn't a mystery. Women (and especially married women) seem to instinctively know and understand issues like national security and job security; 2 areas that have been dissolving for years due to our open-borders policies. Women are also probably more likely to be honest and principled, putting the good of the country ahead of what's good for the donor class..."
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
cartel members tortured and executed 7 near Arizona border
"...The bodies of the 7 men were found in a creek at a Mexican ranch not far from Sasabe, Sonora, right on the border with Arizona, Mexico's El Diario Del Yaqui reported..."
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Brett French _Billings MT Gazette_
various species of Brucellosis can infect elk, reindeer, bison, cattle, goats, camels, pigs, sheep, dogs, red fox, whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, humans: controversial brucellosis plan strives to find middle ground (great picture)
2010-02-17: Ted Turner ranch to host 88 brucellosis-free bison for 5 years
2010-08-08: USDA planning to demand national ID for live-stock that cross state lines: No word on whether it will be applied to human bodies shopped across borders
2011-02-13: Federal penalties for brucellosis in livestock near Yellowstone have been eased
2011-02-15: MT governor Schweitzer temporarily blocks shipments of bison to slaughter, fears spread of brucellosis to livestock
2011-02-25: 12% of elk in Ruby Valley were positive for brucellosis in initial field tests
2011-04-05: Agreement is near to expand range of Yellowstone buffalo: About 40% of more than 600 bison captured this year have tested positive for exposure to brucellosis
2011-12-01: Federal and Montana agencies dead-locked as bison continue to roam, spreading brucellosis
2012-05-02: Montana officials considering expanded re-introduction of bison
2014-11-13: wildlife commission approved elk brucellosis management plan
2014-12-15: brucellosis detected in Carbon county MT cattle herd
2015-01-22: genetic data sheds new light on brucellosis in Montana
dealing with brucellosis is "difficult" for state government and ranchers
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia; known since the 1850s
Mayo Clinic
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
read _Scarlet Letters_ before the leftists burn every copy
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer/Johnson DHS plans to comply nationwide with one corrupt judge's order to release illegal aliens into the population contrary to the US constitution and laws
So, let's get this straight. They no longer repel invaders, but bring them in, offer them assistance with filling out forms to apply for asylum or unconstitutional and illegal amnesty. They feed them, clothe them, provide medical care, they give them transportation throughout the USA to re-join relatives -- citizens, temporary and permanent legal residents, illegal aliens -- all at tax-victims' expense. They let loose even repeat criminals, deporting and removing only the very few very worst. But to these twisted bureaubums, this is not good enough; it takes too long; the accommodations -- better than those of many citizens (notably veterans) -- aren't palatial enough for illegal aliens. Never mind US citizens' dreams and aspirations; those must be set aside for the "dreams" of the law-breaking, hence illegal, aliens.
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Chuk Norris _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: congenital liar, habitual prevaricator
smoking-gun e-mail message
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's failure to secure USA consulate at Benghazi, abuses and lies raise questions of judgement and trust
"...Handling classified information is something all of our government employees and officials are expected to treat with the utmost seriousness, and rightly so. We live in a dangerous world replete with threats to our national security, and we expect public servants to follow the same rules that we demand of members of our military and intelligence services when it comes to safeguarding our nation's secrets. Just within the past year, top generals have had their careers ended by the mishandling of classified information, and have been forced to pay steep fines and even face the prospect of prison time. Men and women who fail to adhere to the law when it comes to classified information are fired from jobs, stripped of pensions and sometimes even thrown behind bars for flouting the rules of secrecy designed to protect our country. So should anything be different just because someone happens to be running for president? The bar for adherence to the rule of law should be even higher for those who aspire to lead this country..."
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Mike Lester _WND_
from George Washington to Hitlery Rotten Clinton (cartoon)
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
the leftist war against women: working women are being crushed under the weight of Obummer policies
Jewish World Review
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
now Canada's gotten their own Obummer, and we're surrounded
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Joseph Farah _WND_
will the Obummer, the haughty John Kerry, Muslims and UN manage to make the Western Wall and Temple Mount into a no-praying zone?
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
the "establishment clause"
Even Kinchlow stumbles. It doesn't say there can be or not be an "establishment of religion". Nearly half of the colonies/states had, and kept religious establisments, i.e. state established religions, for decades after adoption of the constitution, and there was no contradiction. Congress cannot make any law -- positive or negative -- about religious establishments. Congress cannot mandate that all USA citizens or residents must pay a tax to support a particular religion, but each state could... though most, over time, decided to terminate theirs and leave them free to compete for gathering voluntary adherents. Before the constitution, some states with establishment religions (e.g. Maryland's Roman Catholic Church, or Virginia's Church of England which later became the Episcopalian, and, of course, Pennsylvania was a Quaker proprietorship, while Taxxachusetts was a Congregationalist/Puritan hegemony, with various apostates fleeing to found Rhode Island and Connecticut) specified the boundaries of parishes, and required each church to have a board of vestrymen, who had the power to collect the church tax and bring charges against those who failed to attend services. County judges would levy fines and corporal punishment. But over time, the Quakers invited in Presbyterians, German Baptists (Dunkards) and others, while some Quakers and Baptists and Presbyterians and Huguenots moved into Virginia; and there were already a scattering of Jewish people from northern New York to Savannah. There were initial conflicts. Some of the "Dissenters" were harassed, put in stocks, heavily taxed, their marriages declared null, etc. But by 1776, their numbers had increased and they'd become generally (mostly) accepted. Petitions were gathered, asking the Virginia legislature to end the Episcopalian establishment (some of my own ancesters were among those who initiated or signed such petitions). Rabbis joined parades celebrating the declaration of independence. But for decades after the constitution was adopted, at least 5 states maintained establishments. For a time, there were even cases of Presbyterian judges meting out penalties for Episcopalians who failed to attend their services, Baptists who failed to attend theirs, etc. And the federal government was not allowed to interfere. This is the meaning of the "establishment claise", not that state or local establishments were forbidden, but that the federal government could neither impose nor forbid one.
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
hateful, race-obsessed, anti-USA, anti-constitution oath-breaker Obummer opened the gates of h377 in USA cities
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: more voters are thinking I must be a good guy after leftist media attacks & badgering
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: governments find it much more difficult to subjugate people who are armed
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
30 California county sheriffs sue to stop ban of "high capacity" magazines
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
another violent week-end in Chicago: 5 dead, 17 wounded, knife attack on visiting British man
"...Year to date, 2,497 people have been shot in Chicago, with 375 shot and killed and an additional 43 citizens murdered by other means."
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer regime IRS targeting of non-leftists continues, after the corrupt Obumer/Holder/Lynch DoJ investigation was terminated without filing charges
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Russia out-guns USA in Syria as they continue to drop unguided bombs on civilians indiscriminately, intimidate "rebels", encourage Iran and ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate to run rough-shod
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Iranian aggression since Obummer's treaty to let them develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems may be a head-ache for Reds/leftists/Dems in 2016
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
discharge petition filed with intention to restore evil crony socialist Export-Import Bank that even the GOP losership does not want
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Ricki Hollander _American Thinker_
inversion of reality by Palestinians in Israel
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Jeff Lipkes _American Thinker_
Benjamin Netanyahu and the holocaust
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
murderous religious intolerance in Persia, the Middle East, and now again in Europe
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
William A. Levinson _American Thinker_
time to fight back in the holy war
"...Islamists throughout the Middle East and Central Asia are beheading and crucifying the Christians they don't use as slaves. Islamists in London meanwhile praised Osama bin Laden and said they would take European women as war booty. Europe is inexplicably importing even more Muslims who proclaim openly that their ideology gives them the Allah-given right to kill, rob, rape, and/or enslave those not like themselves, including the wrong kinds of Muslims. Germany is even evicting its own citizens from their apartments to make room for them. You can take the Muslim out of the Islamic State but you cannot take the Islamic State out of the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate Muslim, as shown by the honor killing of a rape victim in Germany..."
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Jim Penman _American Thinker_
Planned Parenthood, abortion, and birth rates
Penman neglects the issue of over-population and over-crowding, both subjective in part and objective in part. People have different notions of ideal population densities, or even whether it could ever be over-crowded. I read recently that a family of 4 hunter-gatherers needed about 10K acres just to survive, while some city-dwellers get edgy if they're not always rubbing shoulders with others. Some have the notion that, regardless of current population and density, increasing population is always a necessity, while others think we passed the reasonable limits over a century ago.
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
wake up USA, the Dems/Reds/leftists are at war against the citizenry
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Rick Wells
repeat criminal offender Lois Lerner a proxy for repeat criminal offender Hitlery Rotten Clinton: corrupt Obummer DoJ declared "innocent" (while all the evidence says "guilty! guilty! guilty!") on the day of hearings about 2012-09-11 Muslim terrorist attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Eric Worrall
Alice Bows-Larkin's plan for "green" economic ruin
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Chance Weldon _Washington DC Times_
EPA's litigation merry-go-round
2015-10-25 (5776 Cheshvan 12)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"the earliest attested precursors of ceramics are fired clay figurines made in the area of modern Czechoslovakia 27K years ago, long before the oldest known fired clay vessels (from Japan 14K years ago). The same area of Czechoslovakia at the same time has yielded the earliest evidence for weaving, otherwise not attested until the oldest known basket appears around 13K years ago and the oldest known woven cloth around 9K years ago. Despite these very early firt steps, neither pottery nor weaving took off until people became sedentary [not nomadic or migratory] and thereby escaped the problem of transporting pots and looms." --- Jared Diamond 1997 _Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies_ pg261 |
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Allen West, Mark Levin, Gary Johnson, Trey Gowdy.
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
having violated the statutory requirements for soliciting comments for proposed regulations, DHS is trying again to harm USA STEM professionals, by stretching OPT internships for foreign students to 36 months
"There are more than 100K foreign students working [in STEM fields under extended OPT internships]... increases oversight... development of formal mentoring programs, wage protection for OpT workers and [impossible to enforce] prohibitions against replacing US workers [which is a government turn of art which includes both citizens and green card grantees]... Joseph Palos, wrote that he has a STEM degree from Cornell U but has been struggling to find work. 'Companies don't want to hire Americans and they abuse [H-1B] and OPT to hire cheap immobile labor instead of hiring anyone over the age of 35, especially in software or tech areas.', he wrote... Ron Hira, a public policy professor at Howard U, said bachelor's and master's degrees in STEM disciplines 'are most commonly professional degrees, meaning that those graduates are [nearly] able to hit the ground running as professionals'. Hira said there 'is no justification to treat them as interns in need of further [extended] training. The duration of training being proposed by the [Obummer regime] has no basis in any theory, data or analysis.', Hira s aid. 'It is pure fiction that someone with a master's degree in electrical engineering needs an additional 3 years to work as an intern to be a productive professional. Instead, the duration seems to come out of thin air, based purely on what the political types in the [Obummer] White House believe that they can get through without facing significant opposition.' John Miano, the attorney representing the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers, which brought the OPT law-suit, said that one of the problems with the proposed rule is that it effectively 'requires employers and universities to engage in unlawful immigration status discrimination... there is no requirement that American graduates receive the same benefit' [extensive training and mentoring, let alone the pre-H-1B norm of new-hire and retained-employee training of 2-16 weeks for new-hires, and 2-4 weeks for retained employees]."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
bad news from those "good" unemployment data
"...The fact is that the labor force participation rate for the age group 16 to 24 is only 55.1%. That is a reduction of over 10% from 66% during the 1990's. It is also down over 5% (60.8%) from 2005. Sure myopic minimum wage increases are harming the employment of this age group with the least work experience, but that is not the total explanation... the prime working years of 25-54 years old. In 2000 the [Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR)] for this age group was almost 85%. It was down to 83% when the recession started, but has now plummeted to 80.7%... for 2015 September was 62.4%. That is 3.7% less than August, 2005 exactly ten years earlier... From the point that the recession was pronounced over the [LFPR] has steadily declined by 3.3%..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
update on EB-5 scandals in South Dakota
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
C-SPAN interview with author of _Undocumented_ shows why the NYTimes doesn't "get it" on immigration (part 1 of 4)
"Thanks to C-SPAN, I now have a new Exhibit A for the case that the New York Times is incapable of understanding why many Americans are upset about illegal immigration. C-SPAN performed this public service by inviting Times immigration reporter Liz Robbins to interview Dan-el Padilla Peralta, author of the memoir _Undocumented: A Dominican Boy's Odyssey From a Homeless Shelter to the Ivy League_. Padilla's story is indeed remarkable, in large part because it illustrates the tension between a key American myth and a core American value. The myth is the heroically upward arc of the tenacious and talented striver in a land of opportunity. The core value is the ethic of playing by the rules in a democratic country of kaleidoscopic diversity. Padilla is a brilliant scholar, but he shows no understanding of the history of U.S.A. immigration policy and another tension that underlies it. It is a tension between idealism and pragmatism, between utopian dream and human reality. As historian Arthur Schlesinger noted in _The Disuniting of America_, 'America has so long seen itself as the asylum for the oppressed and persecuted -- and has done itself and the world so much good thereby -- that any curtailment of immigration offends something in the American soul. No one wants to be a Know-Nothing. Yet uncontrolled immigration is an impossibility; so the criteria of control are questions the American democracy must confront.' One of Padilla's principal aims in his book is to denounce those who do not want [more and more and more paths] to citizenship for him and the millions of other [illegal aliens] now living in the country. He is a moral absolutist, perhaps because it is difficult for someone whose family ignored immigration laws to say that others should be required to respect it. He never explains just why [he thinks] it is unjust for the United States to set limits on immigration. That argument is his starting point. He shows no regret about his mother's decision that the family would seek free medical care for a problem pregnancy, overstay their visitor visas, and then -- because Dan-el's younger brother was a citizen by birth -- use that status to claim welfare payments and subsidized low-rent housing. Robbins raises none of these matters in the interview. That is because she, like nearly everyone else at the Times, practices the religion of 'inclusiveness' and 'equality', according to which our borders should be open to anyone because anything else is 'unfair' and 'unjust'. The most off-putting feature of Padilla's book is that despite the author's impressive credentials as an intellectual -- with degrees from Princeton and Stanford and a fellowship at Oxford -- he repeatedly engages in simplistic rants about the hidebound evil of those of us who oppose illegal immigration in the belief that it is damaging to our country. As T.A. Frank put it in the New Republic, we want a country that is 'prosperous, cohesive, harmonious, wealthy in land and resources per capita, nurturing of its skilled citizens, and most important, protective of its unskilled citizens, who deserve as much as any other Americans to live in dignity'. Frank said the problem of giving into the demand for sweeping amnesty -- which Padilla issues loudly and angrily -- 'is that it sets in motion the next waves of millions'. Padilla seethes with contempt for those who dare to hold this view. His world-view, aggressively defended in the New York Times, is that those who hold it are small-minded provincials warped by xenophobic hostility. With Olympian disdain, Padilla describes them as 'anti-immigrant zealots who invoked the law as a cover for their xenophobia' and as 'the chauvinistically minded few' and -- of course -- as 'haters'. Heaping scorn on a fellow Princeton student who fails to endorse illegal immigration, he labels her the 'immigrant-hater chick'. Robbins doesn't raise any of these intolerant and intemperate excesses, probably because she finds them perfectly understandable and right-minded. She holds true to the New York Times ethic of serving as advocate, promoter, defender, and enabler of illegal immigrants. Like many 'well-intended' [leftists], she is part of the team. Robbins reflects the views of her publisher, Arthur Sulzberger ii, who sees illegal immigrants as waging a righteous battle in the progressive crusade for expanding individual freedom. In an infamous commencement speech, Sulzberger unfurled the banner of 'fighting for fundamental human rights, whether it's the rights of immigrants to start a new life; or the rights of gays to marry; or the rights of women to choose'. He admonished the graduates about their moral duties, telling them that as they faced fateful decision points, 'You will choose at each point whether to be bold or hesitant, inclusive or elitist, generous or stingy.' Sulzberger is passionate in his defense of diversity — provided, of course, that no one should expect him to bring ideological diversity to his paper's examination of immigration. There are times when the Times simply must rise above its principles. Caveat lector. Sulzberger provides a wrinkle on John Updike's observation that the 'true New Yorker' is someone with a 'secret belief that people living anywhere else had to be, in some sense, kidding'. Sulzberger, Robbins, and company are smugly confident of their moral virtue as they inform the world that those who want to limit immigration have to be, in some sense, racists or xenophobes, or maybe just rubes from the provinces. To borrow a line from Tennyson's Ulysses, Padilla joins Robbins and Sulzberger in the self-admiration of 'one equal temper of heroic hearts' struggling nobly and determined not to recognize any legitimacy in efforts to limit immigration. And so, at the end of their hour on C-SPAN, Padilla declared that the interview had been 'delightful' and Robbins enthused that it had been 'much fun, much fun'."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
senator Jeff Flake's non-solution to EB-5 gerrymandering
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexicans react to USA sentencing "reform" measures
"The senate Judiciary committee voted last week to move the 'Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015' to the floor for a vote. This, together with criminal releases announces as a result of the U.S. Sentencing Commission's 2014 amendment to the sentencing guidelines that retroactively reduced sentences for all drug trafficking crimes, has elicited a response in Mexico. The new guidelines [might] result in the release of 6K felons at first, with an eventual total of between 40K and 46K. Many of them will be criminal aliens; my colleague Dan Cadman reports that between one-quarter and one-third are believed to be non-citizens, meaning that eventually 'between 11,500 and 13,200 serious alien drug offenders will soon be out of lock-down'. Even under [the Obummer regime], many if not most will be deported. In response, the congress of the Mexican border state of Baja California has requested the Mexican federal government to prepare for the imminent mass deportation of inmates from the [United States of America]. In a proposal directed to all 3 levels of government (federal, state, and municipal), the state legislature requested coordination mechanisms and protocols be established..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Guatemala's new president
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
_Conservative HQ_
Paul Ryan, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Yebbie Booosh, Marco Rubio, Jef Flake, Luis Gutierrez, Nasty Pelosi... united against USA citizens in a long-term drive to impose more amnesties for illegal aliens, increase already vastly excessive student, exchange, guest-work, and permanent resident (green cards) visas
"According to The Washington Post's Robert Costa, in 'Paul Ryan taps GOP power broker David Hoppe for top job' Ryan has hired lobbyist David Hoppe as chief of staff for the speaker's office. One of the objections of conservatives had to the way speaker John Boehner ran his office was the blatant revolving door between Boehner's office and the corporate lobbyists of Washington's K Street. Boehner's off-and-on chief of staff Barry Jackson moved back and forth between Capitol Hill and K Street and even formed an anti-conservative PAC -- American Action Network... Hiring a lobbyist as his chief of staff is the strongest indication yet that Ryan has no intention of changing much in the speaker's office. But some conservatives, including Ohio's representative Jim Jordan and 25 other members of the House Freedom Caucus, have been suckered by Ryan's sales pitch -- or intimidated by pressure from the [U.S. Chamber of Crony Socialists] wing of the [RINO's] Capitol Hill establishment. 'We [the super majority of the Freedom Caucus] think Paul has the kind of vision and is the kind of messenger our party needs to accomplish the things we told the voters we're going to accomplish.', group chairman Ohio Republican representative Jim Jordan said on 'Fox News Sunday'. So, does that mean Paul Ryan abandoned amnesty, [TPA+TAA+TPP+TATIP+TISA], massive increases in H-1B visas, breaking the spending caps and that he will fight to de-fund Planned Parenthood, executive amnesty and [ObummerDoesn'tCare]? Not a chance. 'The House [losership] thinks it's gonna be Jeb or Rubio.', Rush Limbaugh said last week. 'The [NIGHTMARE]: Jeb or Rubio in the White House; Ryan Speaker of the House. Then in the first 12 months of the Rubio or Jeb administration, first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda is implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want. That is the objective here. That's what I think all this adds up to.' The 'tell' that Rush is right (as usual) is a promise Ryan made first in a closed-door House GOP conference meeting then in a subsequent meeting with the House Freedom Caucus -- the meeting at which Ryan secured enough support for a likely-to-be-successful speakership bid -- that he wouldn't bring up any amnesty bill while [Barack Hussein Obummer] is still president. That promise, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, subsequently confirmed by our friend Julia Hahn of Breitbart News from various sources, including Ryan's spokesman Brendan Buck. Buck, when asked the follow-up question of whether Ryan's no amnesty bill promise doesn't extend into the time-frame after [Obummer] leaves office under a future administration, has not responded. His refusal to answer that question is telling, concluded Hahn, meaning Ryan is intentionally leaving the door open for what conservatives fear -- Ryan as speaker, with Hillary Clinton, [Yebbie Booosh] or Marco Rubio as president. And the fact that Clinton, Ryan, Bush and Rubio share exactly the same positions on amnesty for illegal aliens, increasing H-1B work visas for foreigners and other key policy items is the crucial element of the current split in the Republican Party. It isn't that John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy have been incoherent advocates of conservative policy. It is that they, and Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio favor exactly the same policies as do Hillary Clinton and far-Left Democratic congressman and advocacy advocate Luis Gutierrez. Jim Jordan may think that Paul Ryan 'has the kind of vision and is the kind of messenger our party needs', but as long as that vision is amnesty for illegal aliens, massive increases in H-1B visas, breaking the spending caps and funding of Planned Parenthood, executive amnesty and [ObummerDoesn'tCare, harming the economy & making the job markets even more dysfunctional] the grass-roots demand for [removal of] the Republican [losership] on Capitol Hill is only going to get stronger and the fissure in the GOP is only going to get deeper. Conservatives still have the votes to stop Paul Ryan and his plan to eliminate the last vestiges of democracy in the House of Representatives. .."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
it would be ridiculous for Obummer to shut-down parts of the federal government over de-funding the unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare or Planned Parenthood
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
another suit against ObummerDoesn'tCare is grinding through the courts
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
RINOs sign on: Paul Ryan prepares to become Nero, I mean speaker of the House, by bringing on a K-street lobbyist as chief-of-staff
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Texas governor Greg Abbott: "sanctuary" city policies will no longer be tolerated in Texas
"...'Sanctuary City policies like those promoted by your recent decision to implement your own case-by-case immigrant detention plan will no longer be tolerated in Texas.', Abbott began in his letter [to Dallas county sheriff Lupe Valdez] attached below. 'Your decision to not fully honor U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement's (US ICE) requests to detain criminal immigrants poses a serious danger to Texans. These detainers provide US ICE with the critical notice and time it needs to take incarcerated immigrants into federal custody.'..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
Michael Savage: stop the Muslim invasion of the USA; House Republicans in cahoots with Hitlery Rotten Clinton; a generation numbed by medications
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
national socialist television attempting to drive another wedge between Republican factions?: some of the "Freedom" caucus members have been backers of reprehensible immigration law perversion all along
"...However, what conservative activists describe as a 'betrayal' is, for several key members of the House Freedom caucus, the fulfillment of their long-time desire to implement amnesty and alter the demographics of their districts through expanded immigration. While the GOP electorate ejected Eric Cantor in large measure due to his support for Marco Rubio's amnesty drive -- followed by John Boehner (R-OH) and current House whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) -- the PBS documentary reveals that one of the founding members of the House Freedom Caucus, Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), embraces an even more [leftist, regressive] immigration [law perversion] agenda than Cantor himself. The documentary, which aired on October 20, casts Mulvaney at the center of the La Raza-backed 2013 and 2014 immigration push, alongside Paul Ryan and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). As PBS writes on its web-site, the documentary is 'a fly-on-the-wall look at the high-stakes effort to broker a deal [on immigration] in Congress–an effort led by Luis Gutierrez'. The site continues, 'In addition to Gutierrez...we meet Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) -- a Tea Party member who communicates with his Spanish-speaking constituents in their own language, and who chastises members of his party' for opposing mass amnesty. This helps explain why, after Ryan announced his candidacy for speaker, Mulvaney and Gutierrez were among those who most aggressively boosted Ryan in the media..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan silent as RINOs + leftists/Reds/Dems cook up gigantic, unconstitutional over-spending in the back-rooms; fuss about "debt ceiling", not excessive debt
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
leftist media are guarding Paul Ryan's back
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
vile Paul Ryan schedules speakership victory party for Thursday evening
Paul Ryan is neither acceptable nor appropriate. Marco Rubio is neither acceptable nor appropriate. Kevin McCarthy is neither acceptable nor appropriate. Mick Mulvaney is neither acceptable nor appropriate. Luis Gutierrez is neither acceptable nor appropriate. Zoe Lofgren is neither acceptable nor appropriate. Nasty Pelosi is neither acceptable nor appropriate. Jeff Sessions is good. Tom Tancredo is acceptable. Dave Brat is good. Steve King is acceptable.
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
RINOs + leftist/Red/Dem kooks waging war against TEA Partiers
"...Tea Partiers have moved away from their [intentionally] disorganized campaign of providing informal support to Republicans more broadly, and have instead infiltrated into grass-roots-friendly presidential campaigns from Donald Trump to Ben Carson to Ted Cruz. In the process, their population has purportedly shrunk, but their power has not waned. Look for it to wax again as the presidential race moves forward. The Tea Party was born in dissatisfaction with intransigent government and willful politicians. They may have bled away into the woodwork, but they're not gone permanently. When the time comes, the Tea Party will be back with a vengeance..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
the hateful, illogical, anti-USA immigration positions of Lindsey Grahamnesty will get Republican candidates slaughtered in the general elections for the next 5 decades
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio's hateful, illogical, anti-USA immigration plan to give endless amnesties to illegal aliens, ever more student, exchange, guest-work and permanent residence (green card) visas makes not sense
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
German warning: Salafists are recruiting "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals in "asylum shelters"
"...The head of German intelligence, Hans-Georg Maaßen [Hans-Georg Maassen], warned last month that radical Muslims in Germany are canvassing the refugee shelters looking for new recruits... The editor of the newspaper Neue Westfälische, Ansgar Mönter [Ansgar Moenter], reports that Salafists in Bielefeld, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, have already infiltrated refugee centers in the area by bringing toys, fruits and vegetables for the [migrants/ refugees/ asylees/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals]. Mönter said naïve politicians are contributing to the radicalisation of refugees by asking Muslim umbrella groups in the country to reach out to the [migrants/ refugees/ asylees/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals]..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"Army of Darkness" linked to Muslim terrorism, has been blocked from building "Europe's biggest mosque" near Olympic park in East London
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal held knife to German's throat as rival gangs brawled at Prien am Chiemsee in southern Bavaria (SE of Muenchen/Munich, WNW of Salzburg Austria
"...This past weekend there have also been reports of brawl at a migrant centre in Saxony involving some 100 'asylum seekers'. Police said around 40 Afghans and 50 to 60 people of other nationalities were involved, threatening one another with metal bars. They added there was initially little they could do due to the language barrier, and it took a while to find someone who could explain what happened. MDR says the fight started due to 'religious conflicts' after scheduled prayer times over-ran, with Syrian migrants complaining about 'loud' Afghan prayers..."
And there appears to be a little quenching/censorship being done by Googe, Yahoo! and the other search engines.
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
fascist-collectivist "violent far-left anti-fascists" in counter-demonstration, hit with water cannon at Hooligans Against Salafists (HOGESA) anti-Islamization rally in Cologne/Koeln (NNW of Bonn, SSE of Dusseldorf, ENE of Aachen, NW of Frankfurt in NW Germany)
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
pastor investigated by German police after stating that Jesus did not want predatory "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeking"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal hordes
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Slovenia's prime-minister Miro Cerar warns that EU could collapse under strain of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
twice-deported Honduran man charged with rape and kidnapping
Washington DC Times/AP
Brandon Darby: Breitbart
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Nigel Farage is more popular than ever; the only political party leader in the UK with a positive public rating with 91% support
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
narco-terror: recording of Gulf cartel members reveals talk of using car-bombs near Texas border
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
immigration into USA -- both legal and illegal -- has been adding the equivalent of the population of Los Angeles every 3 years
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
families of victims murdered by illegal aliens storm DC: American Dreams destroyed
"...Mary Ann Mendoza lost her son sergeant Brandon Mendoza on 2014 May 12, when illegal alien Raul Silva Corona, high on meth and black-out drunk, struck him while driving on the wrong side of the highway, killing them both. Corona had lived in the U.S.A. illegally for decades with a serious criminal record... National Remembrance Day takes place the first Sunday of every November and this year falls on November 1."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
the hateful Joaquin Castro (flaming Red-Texas) wants to pervert the language, not call aliens aliens
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Muslim invasion causing Europeans (especially women) to scramble to obtain arms for the defense of themselves, their relatives, friends, neighbors, and the state
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal hordes overwhelm Slovenia as prime-minister Miro Cerar warns crisis will be the end of the EU
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Iran claims it is "totally unfair" for USA to jail dual Iran-USA citizen engineer Mozaffar Khazaee for smuggling sensitive military documents to Iran
"Analyses by the USAF and victim defense contractors, cited by the DoJ in an Oct. 23 press release, revealed that the technical data that Khazaee stole would have helped Iran leap forward 10 years or more in academic and military turbine engine research and development, reducing their investment in such technology by one to two billion dollars and potentially enhancing the development and effectiveness of their weapon systems'. Various DoJ officials involved in the arrest and prosecution of Khazaee, including assistant-director of the FBI's Counterintelligence division Randall Coleman, declared that the dual citizen's actions could have put U.S. national security at risk... Khazaee, who has a PhD in mechanical engineering, denied the charges, claiming his emails amount to no more than scientific research and are in no way linked to sensitive U.S. military issues... Khazaee, 61, formerly of Manchester, CT... He was sentenced by U.S. federal judge Vanessa Bryant of the District of Connecticut for 'violating the Arms Export Control Act by attempting to send Iran highly sensitive, proprietary, trade secret and export controlled material reading to U.S. military jet engines [including those relating to the USAF's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program and the F-22 Raptor], which he had stolen from multiple U.S. defense contractors where he had previously been employed', explained the DoJ. Khazaee was arrested at the Newark Liberty International Airport as he tried to leave the country for Iran... 'Khazaee was also found in the possession of $59,945.00 in as-yet undeclared cash, which he had split up into increments of approximately $5K and secreted in multiple bank envelopes in various places in his carry-on luggage.' In addition to documents related to the F-35 JSF program and the F-22 Raptor, Khazaee also had materials relating to numerous other U.S. military engine programs, including the V-22 Osprey, the C130J Hercules and the Global Hawk engine programs..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
gang shoot-out along USA highway near San Juan TX; Gulf Cartel links
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Tom Gresham _Washington DC Times_
Google, FB, Twit, PayPal ganging up to restrict liberty, violate rights, muffle contrary voices on-line
"New, massive players entering the gun rights battle on the side of those who would restrict individual rights are changing the political playing field in stealthy, insidious and possibly effective ways. America's 100M-plus gun owners expect constant assaults on their rights from elected politicians, much of the media and the gun ban lobby. Through individual and collective lobbying (contacting their representatives as set out by the Founders of our government), and challenging the misinformation and even lies in the media, the men and women who make up the 99.9% of gun owners who do not commit crimes answer the call to fight discrimination and bigotry that labels as undesirables a third to half the adults in the [United States of America]. These people have no recourse, however, to a massive censorship campaign currently underway -- one which blocks the free exchange of information as well as stifles commerce. This isn't the government at work, but is being done by the giant companies that dominate the Internet. Google, Twitter, PayPal and FB all have established policies blocking ads and payments for guns, gun parts, gun accessories or even optics that can be attached to firearms. These massive companies have become the super-highways, the inter-states, of web commerce. Blocking access to customers using these portals impacts companies large and small the same as it would a retailer on a main thoroughfare that suddenly had its signs removed and faced a barrier shielding the view from the road. Google blocked firearms ads from Google Shopping. Twitter's ad policy blocks weapons, even when the firearms are for competition and hunting. PayPal will not allow its online payment system to be used for legal firearm purchases. FB arbitrarily shuts down pages it deems to be about weapons, even when there are no firearms being sold. One major online company that sells optics (scopes and binoculars) and flashlights had its FB page shut down without warning, and appeals have -- so far -- fallen on deaf ears. Hundreds of thousands of customers suddenly cannot see this company's FB page. The company prefers to remain anonymous to avoid endangering its appeal..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Jonathan F. Keller _American Thinker_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals and the fall of Western Civilization
"Whether a massive movement of foreign peoples is a migration, an invasion, or a conquest is a matter of perspective. To the ancient Romans and later Romance historians, the migration of Germanic tribes into the empire in the 5th and 6th centuries was a catastrophic foreign invasion. To the Germanic peoples themselves, it was known as the Volkwanderung (the migration of the people). There is a profound irony that as waves of Muslim migrants press into Germanic Europe, that the very civilization they are now undermining was created in a series of migrations seen by the civilized people they replaced as an invasion. And just as Germanic tribal movements proved inexorable against the politically, economically, and morally weakened Roman state (at least in Western Europe), it appears (barring dramatic reversals of policy and will) that the ongoing wave of Muslim migration will inevitably replace European civilization as we know it. Even more worrisome, if history is any guide, this will happen long before Muslims become a majority there..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Mario Cervantes & Dominique Guellec _OECD Observer_
the brain drain: old myths, new realities
"In 2000 the British government and the Wolfson Foundation, a research charity, launched a 5-year research award that raised little attention outside scientific circles. The £20M scheme aims to attract the return of Britain's leading expatriate scientists and the migration of top young researchers to the United Kingdom. That same year under greater media coverage, the US congress announced it was raising the annual cap on the number of temporary work visas granted to [cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled labor with flexible ethics] under its H-1B visa programme [which has no skill-level requirements], from 115K to 195K per year until 2003... the British Royal Society first coined the expression brain drain to describe the outflow of scientists and technologists to [the United States of America] and Canada in the 1950s and early 1960s... migration between OECD countries is also on the rise but appears dominated by temporary flows of advanced students, researchers, managers and 'IT' specialists, suggesting more a pattern of brain circulation than a draining of skills from one place to another. The globalisation of firms has helped fuel temporary flows; in the mid-1990s intra-company transfers accounted for 5%-10% of the total flows of...workers to [the United States of America] from Canada. The [USA] is the main pole of attraction for foreign...workers; 40% of its foreign-born adult population have tertiary level education. Since the early 1990s, some 900K [cheap, young, pliant laborers with flexible ethics], mainly 'IT' workers, from India, [Red China], Russia and a few OECD countries (including Canada, the UK and Germany) have migrated to the [USA] under the H-1B temporary visa programme. The [USA] also takes in 32% of all foreign students studying in the OECD countries. Indeed, higher education is an important channel for US firms recruiting [cheap, young, pliant laborers with flexible ethics] migrants; some 25% of H-1B visa holders in 1999 were previously students enrolled at USA universities... Survey evidence on the share of foreign PhD graduates in science and technology who stay abroad show that 79% of 1990-91 doctoral recipients from India and 88% of those from China were still working in the United States in 1995. In contrast, only 11% of Koreans and 15% of Japanese who earned science and engineering (S&E) doctorates from US universities in 1990-91 were working in the United States in 1995... In Chinese Taipei, for example, half of all the companies emerging from that economys largest science park, Hsinchu, were started by returnees from the United States. And in [Red China], the Ministry of Science and Technology estimates that returning over-seas students started most Internet-based ventures... The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) estimates that some 300K professionals from the African continent live and work in Europe and North America. By some estimates, up to a third of R&D professionals from the developing world are believed to reside in the OECD area. While there are often media reports of successful Indian entrepreneurs in the United States who establish branches or even firms in India only a small number actually return; in 2000, it was estimated that some 1,500 highly qualified Indians returned from the United States, although more than 30 times that number depart each year. The relative success of Chinese Taipei, Korea and Ireland in fostering return migration [and knowledge transfer from the USA] has been attributed to the opening of their economies and policies to foster domestic investments in innovation and R&D. Developing countries with some infrastructure in R&D, like India, are more likely to attract the return of migrants, as well as money and business contacts. Scientific diaspora and immigrant entrepreneur networks can also help sending countries capture benefits and know-how from emigrants over-seas... Indian professionals in the USA have been the primary drivers of knowledge and capital flows to India. The Indian government has contributed to the emergence of these private networks through legislative and tax rules that encourage remittances and investment from Indians abroad. The diaspora idea has been put to work by advanced countries too, like Switzerland, whose on-line network, Swiss-List.com was established to encourage networking among Swiss scientists in the USA and to foster contacts with peers in Switzerland..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists who supported Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; & AIPAC which doesn't seem to care much
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
would Yitzhak Rabin have pulled the plug on a "peace process" that failed?
"...23 passengers were murdered when a powerful bomb tore apart a crowded bus in the heart of Tel Aviv on 1994 Oct. 19. More Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists in the 24 months following the signing of the Oslo Accords than in any similar period in Israel's history -- and far worse was to come... As it became apparent that instead of land for peace, Israel had exchanged land for terror, incitement, and hatred, Inbar said Wednesday in a lecture at Boston University, there is good reason to believe he would have pulled the plug..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Hezbollah thug Hassan Nasrallah, in Lebanon, says they plan to join Shiite Muslims in take-over of Syria, then turn on Israel
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Aleppo, Syria: Russia dropped cluster-bombs over civilian areas
"...Earlier this month, Human Rights Watch reported evidence that Russia unleashed a new advanced type of cluster munition in Aleppo, noting that its finding 'coincides with a surge of video and photographic reports of air-dropped and ground-launched cluster munition attacks in the governorates of Aleppo, Hama, and Idlib since Russia started its air campaign in Syria on September 30'..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
Israel will never give up the promised land, and will never be up-rooted from it
A few Hebrews/Jews/Israelis remained in Israel all through the period of the diaspora -- a school here, a lone scholar there, a tiny village of a few families, advisors to the courts of the various occupiers, physicians...
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Daniel Pipes _Washington DC Times_
centuries of Gazan=Palestinian hatred of Jews/Hebrews/Israelis
"Palestinians are on the wrong track and will not get off it until the outside world demands better of them. News comes every year or two of a campaign of violence spurred by Palestinian political and religious leaders spreading wild-eyed conspiracy theories (the favorite: al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is under threat). A spasm of unprovoked violence against Israelis then follows: rocket attacks from Gaza=Palestine, car-rammings in Israel proper, stone-throwing in [Eastern Israel], street stabbings in Jerusalem. Eventually, the paroxysm peters out, only to start up again not too much later. True, these bouts of violence bring some gains to the Palestinians; in the United Nations, in faculty lounges, and on the streets of Western cities they win support against Israel. Each round ends, however, with the Palestinians in a worse place in terms of dead and wounded, buildings destroyed and an economy in tatters. Further, their immoral and barbaric actions harden Israeli opinion, making the prospect of concessions and compromise that much less likely. The cheery Israeli hopes of 2 decades ago for a 'partner for peace' and a 'New Middle East' long ago gave way to a despair of finding acceptance. As a result, security fences are going up all over, even in Jerusalem, to protect Israelis who increasingly believe that separation, not cooperation, is the way forward..."
It is interesting that the Jewish view, to the best of my knowledge, has always been that the Muslims were welcome to retain their 2 mosques on the Temple Mount, if they'd only, in a fair and equitable manner, let the Jewish people reach their Temple. Similarly, Israel has offered to let them have their Palestine=Gaza Strip if only they'd stop attacking people in Israel.
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
WM's really badly done IDF uniform costume for children sparking outrage
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Gaza=Palestinian couple name their baby "Knife of Jerusalem"
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
billionaire to back senator Ted Cruz, join campaign finance committee
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump's supporters send unsolicited campaign donations
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Murphy's law
"...Maybe Mike Murphy is right. He is, after all, something of an expert at picking general-election losers -- which [Yebbie] would certainly be if Murphy's donors were to drag him across the primary finish line. Neither [Yebbie] nor his bazillions of staffers have any improvisational wit, which is why Trump has amused himself all summer needling him as 'low-energy' and then, when Jeb displays a flash of anger in return, congratulating him: 'More energy! I like it.' Jeb has apparently now decided to spend the Fall talking about his brother. Whatever one feels about Trump and Carson, they have exposed how totally hollow and worthless the conventions of presidential politicking are..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
is Ben Carson's popularity in Iowa a problem for Ted Cruz?
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
what Ben Carson's increased popularity in Iowa does not mean
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: as a teen-ager, I would go after people with rocks, bricks and baseball bats
"...'There was a time when I was, you know, very volatile. But I changed.', he said... 'As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks and bricks and baseball bats and hammers and, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone. And, you know, fortunately my life has been changed and I'm a very different person now.'..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Megan McArdle _Jewish World Review_
if you like Truth, don't watch the movie "Truth"
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Josh Rogin & Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
source of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's Libya data is a mystery
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: I'd relish a general election match-up with Hitlery Rotten clinton, the poster-child of dishonesty
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's true colors on display; why she must be stopped
World Net Daily
Philadelphia PA Inquirer
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Tom Fitton _Breitbart_
Judicial Watch seeking draft of indictment of Hitlery Rotten Clinton for Whitewater scam
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Trey Gowdy gave Hitlery Rotten Clinton a choice between public hearing and private interviews
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith on MSLSD: my onwly child was murdered and no one will tell me why
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Benghazi hearing as Rorschach test
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
how to make a mess of higher education
"...Tuition over the past 4 decades has nearly quadrupled. And contrary to what college presidents would have you believe, this is not because of deep cuts in public funding. As a recent piece in The New York Times noted, government spending on higher ed 'has increased at a much faster rate than government spending in general. For example, the military's budget is about 1.8 times [as high today as] it was in 1960, while legislative appropriations to higher education are more than 10 times higher... State appropriations reached a record inflation-adjusted high of $86.6G in 2009. They declined as a consequence of the Great Recession, but have since risen to $81G.' Government financial aid also has soared. Federal spending on Pell Grants -- given to college-bound students from families making less than $60K a year -- has roughly tripled in nominal terms since 2002, and more than doubled after adjusting for inflation..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
GOP's opportunity for criminal justice reforms
"...In an article that has stirred considerable discussion since it appeared this past summer in the Georgetown Law Journal, Alex Kozinski of the [U.S. court of Appeals for the 9th Circus] provides facts and judgments that should disturb everyone, but especially African Americans, whose encounters with the criminal justice system are dismayingly frequent and frequently dismaying. Eyewitness testimony is, Kozinski says, 'highly unreliable, especially where the witness and the perpetrator are of different races'. Mistaken eyewitnesses figured in 34% of wrongful convictions in the data-base of the National Registry of Exonerations. Finger-print evidence, too, has 'a significant error rate', as does spectrographic voice identification (error rates up to 63%) and hand-writing identification (error rates average 40%). Many defendants have spent years in prison 'based on evidence by arson experts who were later shown to be little better than witch doctors'. DNA evidence is reliable when properly handled but is only as good as are the fallible testing labs. 'Much of what we do in the courtroom relies', Kozinski [wrote], 'on human memory.' But the more we learn about the way memories are 'recorded, stored and retrieved', the less confidence we can have that memories are undistorted and unembellished by the mind or external influences. And courts rarely allow expert testimony on memory..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Megan Shauri _Jewish World Review_
exhausted by your "strong-willed" child? 5 reasons to be grateful
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
DoD secretary Ashton Carter: this is combat
"Master-Sergeant Joshua Wheeler died after being shot an Oct. 22 during a joint U.S.A.-Kurdish raid on an ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate prison, where dozens of prisoners believed to have been facing execution within hours were freed. In the course of a press briefing at the Pentagon on Friday, Defense secretary Ashton Carter at one point said he envisaged more such Special Forces raids in the future, and said that that 'doesn't represent us assuming a combat role' but instead marks a 'continuation' of the mission to train and assistant Iraqi forces fighting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. Carter said he had said from the start that 'when we find opportunities to do things that will effectively prosecute the campaign, we're going to do that'..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Syrian taken prisoner by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate allegedly crush by tank
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
jihadi publication claims al-Qaeda is a moderate alternative to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
23-year-old Arab/Palestinian in Israel used para-glider to cross Syrian boder with intention to join ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
"Islam Tea House" in eastern Adiyaman, Turkey was recruiting station for ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
bureaubums & Islamic extremists conspire against parents in Tennessee for cultural jihad
"A group of parents in White county [TN], about 100 miles east of Nashville, are taking the fight to the 7 publicly elected county school board members in that county who approved the purchase of the new Islam-centric text-book that elaborates on those standards, _myWorld History and Geography: The Middle Ages to Exploration of the Americas_, published by Pearson Education. [Ah, but there is a connection. If not for the extreme muslims cutting off the trade routes to Asia, and their pirates attacking shipping in the Mediterranean and in the waters between eastern Afria and India, cousin Henry, the explorer, and others would not have been seeking alternate routes.] Our friend Michael Patrick Leahy of Breitbart has been documenting the struggle of parents across Tennessee who have risen-up to oppose the use of the public schools to sell the false narrative that Islam is a 'religion of peace', and not a political movement whose goal is a totalitarian worldwide Islamic Caliphate. The current uprising says Leahy pits Tennessee parents against Republican governor Bill Haslam, the Tennessee Department of Education, the large and powerful multi-national text-book publisher Pearson Education, the state's educational bureaucrats, unaccountable local county school directors, and their far too compliant local school boards. The involvement of Pearson Education is particularly controversial notes Leahy since its parent corporation, London based Pearson PLC, is partially owned by the Libyan Investment Authority. With 3% of Pearson's outstanding stock, the Libyan Investment Authority is one of its largest shareholders... there is an almost 30-year connection between Libya and radical anti-American Islamists like Louis Farrakhan and anti-American race baiters like [Barack Hussein Obummer's] spiritual mentor reverend Jeramiah Wright. According to Leahy's analysis of reporting by The Washington DC Times and The Financial Times, the Libyan Investment Authority was founded by Muammar Gaddafi's son, Seif al-Islam; more than five Gaddafi family members own shares. The Council on Islamic Relations [CAIR], Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Muslim Brotherhood invested in Pearson Education through the Libyan Investment Authority. CAIR was found to be a Muslim Brotherhood front group by a federal judge in the largest terrorism trials in American history and was recently designated terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates, so its involvement in the forced teaching of Islam in Tennessee's public schools should come as no surprise. Leahy points out that CAIR has inserted itself into the Tennessee 7th grade Social Studies standards political battle, even though barely 1% of the state's population self-identifies as Muslim. The group has publicly criticized the state legislator [see our article Tennessee representative Sheila Butt Might Just Save America] who has introduced legislation to prohibit the teaching of religious doctrine prior to the tenth grade in Tennessee. A number of Tennessee parents also claim that CAIR has provided supplementary materials used by some Tennessee school districts to support the new 7th grade standards. One reason for CAIR's interest in Tennessee is that it has the highest percentage of Evangelical Christians of any state in its population, according to a recent Pew Research Poll on religion in America. As a result, Tennessee may be the 'tip of the spear' in attempts to crush public opposition to Islamization..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Jim Jordan: it is flat out wrong not to bring criminal charges against Lois Lerner
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Scott Whitlock & Rich Noyes _Media Research Service News Busters_
the leftist media's outrageous attempts to smear non-leftists
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Laura Ingraham
GOP losership, RINOs don't work long and hard to do anything positive
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump vs. GOP losership, RINOs & the Dems/Reds/leftists
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
primary between RINO losers Yebbie Booosh & Marco Rubio heats up... yawwwwnnnn
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
RINO losers want Yebbie Booosh to be nominated, but the public likes Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina
"...77% of GOP respondents preferred an outsider; only 22% liked an insider for the presidency. 67% of Dems/leftists/Reds preferred an insider, while 32% liked the idea of an outsider..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
in Indianapolis, after robbery, restaurant offering discount to concealed carry "permit" holders
Washington DC Times/AP
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Christian women gang-raped by Muslims in Ganda Singh Wala, Kasur, Punjab, Pakistan
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Obummer does not like photo-IDs to vote, now Amish man challenges requirement for photo-ID to purchase arms
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Christy Stutzman _Washington DC Times_
mothers unite againsg gun-free zones
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
racist, anti-Semitic hate group's video features convicted terrorists, police murderer, leftists
Joel B. Pollak: pastor Kelvin Sauls criticizes the aforementioned racist, anti-Semitic group over tactics
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Christie Smythe _San Jose CA Mercury News_
DoJ demands Apple crack seized iPhones; Apple says they cannot
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
debt ceiling "crisis" has been great for the stock market, while the federal government over-spending and soaring debt crisis is ignored
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
RINO losership + leftist budget deal is manure... except that real manure helps growth of crops, while this budget deal will harm US citizens' wallets and well-being and dreams for decades to come
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer+Boehner over-spending deals have increased federal government debt by $3,970,023,503,348.07 (nearly $4T; $33,832.64 per household)
Laura Ingraham
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's veto of defense appropriations is right in line with his goals to bring the USA low
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
John Boehner attempting to fill the barn with excrement before retiring (and so is Barack Hussein Obummer), leaving ever-worsening devastation behind
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
House losership makes first steps to revive the crony socialist Export-Import Bank, over loud objections from the citizenry -- both right and left
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump's supporters send unsolicited campaign donations
"...His campaign collected $3.9M from July to September, according to the Federal Election Commission. And 75% of those campaign contributions came in amounts of $200 or less..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
USA Navy ship patrols international waters claimed by Red China
"The plan for the USS Lassen, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, to sail within 12 miles of the man-made islands came 6 weeks after U.S.A. law-makers urged a senior Department of Defense official to do just that, to make it clear to [Red China] that the U.S.A. does not recognize its sovereignty claims in the South China Sea... U.S.A. defense officials speaking on background told media outlets the USS Lassen, which is forward deployed at Yokosuka, Japan, would patrol near the Subi and Mischief reefs, and that a U.S. Navy surveillance plane would likely accompany it. A defense official subsequently told the Associated Press that the patrol, which had been approved by the White House, had been completed without incident. [Red China] is engaged in disputes with the Philippines, VietNam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan [the Republic of China] over resource-rich areas of the South China Sea, an area that includes some of the world's most important shipping trade corridors..."
Frances Martel: Breitbart: Red Chinese thugs express "outrage"
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
Jeff Duncan (R-SC): Russia's projections of power into the Western Hemisphere are deeply troubling
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Cam Edwards _WND_
"timeless man" vs. "cosmopolitan man"
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Robert Knight _WND_
the devastation political correctness has wrought
Washington DC Times
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Brian Russell _WND_
restore respect for private property, the right to own and carry arms, free exercise of religion, defense against initiated force and fraud; terminate the illfare state
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Mychal Massie _WND_
fear, confidence, determination, liberty
"While I am inclined to disagree in large part with the late Prussian statesman Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, the one thing I cannot disagree with are his words: 'Only a fool learns [only] from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.' Our Founding Fathers learned from the governmental tyranny they and their ancestors had lived under and determined that such governmental tyranny would not be tolerated in America. It can be empirically argued that they succeeded for a period of time. But those following the Greatest Generation, i.e., the baby boomers and the Gen Xers, have not learned from the mistakes they have made. They instead have taken replicating those mistakes to unparalleled levels. [The USA's] Founding Fathers and those Americans of the Great Depression and World War 2 eras were not without fear, but fear did not prevent them from making the right decisions based on the eras preceding them. But the baby boomers and the Gen Xers use fear as the excuse to enable evil men to destroy heretofore the greatest nation on earth. And nowhere is there a more transpicuous example than the election process. The election process since the first Kennedy-Nixon debate has evolved into an exercise not predicated upon candidates telling the truth but rather candidates saying whatever it takes to get elected. These candidates are managed by a shadowy camarilla who serve at the pleasure of an even more obscure collection of persons intent upon creating a zeitgeist of political conformity designed to retain the power of a few but not the freedom of the whole..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Rob Natelson _American Thinker_
getting a convention of the states to propose amendments to the USA constitution
"...Since the late 17th century, American states (and before them, colonies) have met in convention at least 36 times. Interstate meetings of this type are essentially negotiating sessions among sovereigns, and therefore among equals. At those meetings, the voting rule for approving proposals has, with only minor exceptions, been a simple majority of states present and voting..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Alex Alexiev _American Thinker_
IMO, GOP candidates are missing a key campaign issue: Turkey
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
"House Freedom Caucus" co-founder Mick Mulvaney was key to despicable Paul Ryan & Luis Gutierrez effort against USA border security
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Daniel Webster, though not ideal, would still be a better speaker of the House than Ryan
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
David French _National Review_
Ted Cruz makes an argument that needs to be repeated over and oer in 2016: the next president will choose supreme court nominees, and we're only 1 injustice away from losing government respect for more and more constitutionally guaranteed rights
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Steve Guest _Daily Caller_
Rush Limbaugh: senator Ted Cruz is a thoroughbred conservative (though his positions related to immigration need considerable improvement)
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Shawn Langlois _MarketWatch_
"inherited" vs. "self-made": map showing whether wealthiest man in each country was which
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Walter Starck
climate rationalization, beliefs, and denialism
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Eric Worrall
claim: climate warming disproportionately hurts women... because third world men are selfisy misogynists
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Steve Goreham
did "we" really save the ozone layer... or not?
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Paul B. Farrell _MarketWatch_
big oil investors were cheated of a great opportunity (from a warmist hysteric POV)
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
David Rothbard
senator Sheldon Whitehouse reacts to "Torquemada" essay
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Christopher Monckton
who will watch the watchman?: a reply to lord Carnwath and Philippe Sands QC on climate and the law
"Lord Denning, now merry in heaven, is celebrated for many qualities, not least his readiness to take on the legal establishment in what he rightly saw as the over-riding interest of reaching a just judgment... His lordship's judgments richly deserve to be regarded as works of literature no less than of law..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
to promote their insane, draconian climage agenda, the left, and Obummer's EPA recruit gullible, brain-washed youth
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
record 120 months without major (level 3 or above) hurricane strike on USA
"...The decade-long major 'hurricane drought' is the longest such hiatus dating back to 1851, according to records kept by NOAA's Hurricane Research Division (HRC)..."
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-10-26 (5776 Cheshvan 13)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
which has greater value -- literary product or revealed intellectual process?
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"I've worked with consultants in countries where labor costs are dramatically low, & it's still a money pit... The hidden cost of development was larger than I had expected. By hidden costs, I mean tools training, product training, & culture training. The need for over-communicating basic issues was overwhelming." --- Ken Whitaker 1994 _Managing Software Maniacs_ pp 148-149 |
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ted Cruz, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. For speaker of the House, I'm liking Newt Gingrich, Allen West, Mark Levin, Gary Johnson, Trey Gowdy.
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
more on the foreign student labor (CPT/OPT) issue
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
C-SPAN interview with author of _Undocumented_ shows why the NYTimes doesn't "get it" on immigration; book stirs intense ambivalence, but not for Liz Robbins (part 2 of 4)
"...In her interview with Padilla for C-SPAN, New York Times reporter Liz Robbins made no effort to draw him out on the exasperation that many Americans feel about entitlements that benefit people who have no right to be in the country..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
will of the people?!? common sense?!? no thanks, we're congress
"Last week, senate Dems/Reds/leftists blocked a bill introduced by senator David Vitter (R-LA) and others designed to reverse the trend of certain state and local governments toward creating 'sanctuaries' within which [illegal aliens, and especially those illegal aliens who have been convicted of committing additional crimes] are shielded from the reach of immigration enforcement agents by denying police and sheriff's offices the ability to cooperate with the agents. It was a disappointing defeat because it was a pretty good bill as such things go and, more importantly, it would have contributed to public safety because many of these criminals are recidivists who commit violent crimes, including murder, when released back to the streets by police in lieu of being handed over to the immigration authorities for removal. Worse, it was not as if the vote didn't garner a majority -- it did, 54 to 45. But under the bizarre rules permitted by senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, to 'really' pass the bill needed 60 votes, a super-majority. Why? Because absent that super-majority, the Dems/Reds/leftists could filibuster the rule [i.e. vote against any motion for cloture] and put it into perpetual spin, like an out-of-control dryer [and wear Reds/Dems/leftists down to stinking puddles on the senate chamber floor, at which point you summon all the reliable Republicans back to the chamber and bring the bill to a simple majority vote]. McConnell says, and even said prior to being elevated to majority-leader, that he doesn't favor 'turning the senate into a majoritarian institution'. What a curious suggestion in a [constitutionally limited representative] democracy. Do we need a 'super-majority' to elect our president? One suspects that by preserving the rule [what rule is that?], McConnell is looking toward the day when Republicans might once again be in the minority, but it sure looks to me like he's hastening that if the American people can't count on solid progress toward things as basic as deporting alien felons. That, after all, is why more Republicans were elected to the senate last go-round. The thinking is doubly flawed because there's no reason to believe that a future Democratic majority-leader will be so fastidious in keeping the rule. Be that as it may, Vitter's bill went down in flames almost exactly on party lines, with only 2 Dems/leftists/Reds voting yes and only one Republican voting no.
Interestingly, [senator Lindsey Grahamnesty] (R-SC), who would have us think of him as presidential material and who is such a hawk where fighting on foreign soil is concerned, opted not to vote on the bill. The defeat angered the families of deceased victims killed by alien criminals, who appeared in Washington to let their dissatisfaction be known. Meanwhile, in congress's other chamber, representative Joaquin Castro ([RINO-TX) has introduced a bill, apparently along with 50 Democratic co-sponsors, to strike the word 'alien' from all federal government references, substituting instead the less precise [and more cumbersome] phrase 'foreign national'.
One of those co-sponsors, representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), is quoted as saying, 'The term alien is dehumanizing and offensive'[, he claimed], and contributes to...prejudice and xenophobia.' Wow. Growing up as an army brat, and throughout my adult life, I've lived and traveled in other countries for both professional and personal reasons, for long periods and short. I was, without doubt, an alien in those lands and regarded myself as that way -- albeit one interested in being a polite law-abiding guest while there, something that often seems lacking here. I had no idea I was engaging in an act of such self-loathing by considering myself an 'alien'. I'm glad representative Gallego has opened my eyes to the wrong I've been doing myself and others, and it's wonderful that he intends to rectify this. I'm hoping he can go further, though, and find a way to purge the various offensive, dehumanizing, and xenophobic dictionaries that dot the landscape by listing that vile 5-letter word. Then there's that pesky phrase in the Declaration of Independence, that 'all men...are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights'. It will sound so much better when government reproductions of our cherished founding document will be translated by the magic of this bill to 'all men...are endowed by their Creator with certain unforeignnationalable rights'. The euphony is glorious. It's good to know that the steadfast men and women of this congress are going so diligently and substantively about the public's business."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Laura Ingraham
hopefully, Paul Ryan would face monumental obstacles if he were elected speaker of the House, to counter his tendencies toward open borders, over-spending, excessive work visas, etc.
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Stephen Moore _Fox_
this is the worst over-spending bill since the early 1990s calamity
"John Boehner...said he was going to 'clean out the stables' but he left a big pile of manure..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan's position against widespread ownership and bearing arms are another big reason not to make him speaker of the House
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
_Conservative HQ_
contest to select speaker of the House is still wide open -- just say NO to Paul Ryan
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
picky "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals refuse plush holiday accommodation, claim it is too rural
"...Sweden's Migration Bureau has confirmed at least 30 migrants refused to get off a government bus after they discovered their new home was to be more rural than they expected... Converted to house 50 migrants, a heated pool, sauna, and restaurants made the small village a desirable holiday retreat for native Swedes, but failed to charm the newcomers. Being surrounded by forests made them feel uncomfortable, reports TheLocal.se..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
families of dead fictims of illegal aliens: No Paul Ryan; Mick Mulvaney turns-coat
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Laura Ingraham
Mario Lopez: yes, people who are here working in the U.S.A. illegally should be deported (mp3)
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Chuck Gassley: teen's killers may have crossed the border as "unaccompanied minor" illegal aliens
"The 3 teens police believe killed a high school student in [Loudoun county VA] last month all entered the U.S.A. as illegal immigrant children, were released into society and skipped their deportation court hearings, a top senator revealed Tuesday as he demanded answers. 'Had these suspects appeared for their mandatory court date, they would have likely not had the opportunity to murder a 17-year-old high school student from Loudoun county.', senator Charles E. Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary committee, said in a letter to Homeland Security [DHS] secretary Jeh Johnson. Mr. Grassley said his committee has received information that the 3 suspects all entered the U.S.A. as part of the surge of illegal immigrant children that jumped the southwest border over the last few years, and said 2 of the 3 may have had ties to MS-13. Danny Centeno-Miranda was killed Sept. 4. One 17-year-old class-mate, a Mexican, has been charged with murder, while the 2 teens with gang ties have both been charged as accessories to the shooting and with possession of a firearm while in the country illegally. Mr. Grassley said the gang ties should have been red flags to Homeland Security, which even as it eases enforcement on most illegal immigrants has insisted it remains vigilant about deporting gang members..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
revolt brewing in Europe over EU refugee dictates
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
John Dietrich _American Thinker_
immigration -- the state vs. the people
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Laura Ingraham
Bob Costa: the RINOs, their consultants, and leftists do not "get" immigration, nor the citizenry's positions
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Lizzy Finegan _Breitbart_
efforts to push young women into STEM fields
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Connie Mack _Washington DC Times_
Europeans in "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis bull's eye
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Robert van der Voort _Washington DC Times_
toward making AmerEnglish the official tongue: profusion of languages has created a din of babble/Babel/Bavel
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Clifford D. May _Washington DC Times_
jobless and desperate Palestinians; boycotts will produce more
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
the leftist media war against public comment features
"...It's no accident that so many of the loudest voices against online comments sections are also political zealots. Jessica Valenti, Arthur Chu, Tauriq Moosa, Anita Sarkeesian: all have come out against comment sections. This isn't an accident, of course. Psychologists have long been aware that political extremists have the most negative reactions to contrary information. Combine that with a disdain for free speech, a core cultural authoritarian value, and you get a frantic rush to remove the opinions of ordinary people. But there are also more sinister, elitist motivations... when the opinions of journalists and the opinions or ordinary members of the public are placed close together, it leads readers to question the competence of the mainstream media..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Allum Bokhari & Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
why on-line anonymity frightens leftists
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton 2.0 (or maybe 4.3.3): the controversy is about issues far bigger than e-mail messages
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
who is more shameful, Hitlery Rotten Clinton or the leftist media which runs interference for her?
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily
News Max
"...It would be one thing if the main-stream [leftist] media said, 'Clinton got caught red-handed in a number of lies, and not just on insignificant matters but on very important ones, but overall she held up well under pressure, and because of her performance, the hearings may actually be a net plus for her.' At least that would be closer to honest. It wouldn't be totally forthright, though..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
looking at the terrorist attack on the USA consular facility at Benghazi with closed eyes, the left saw none of the revelations so clear to the non-leftists
Jewish World Review
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton confessed that she's a wicked witch
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Barry Farber _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton is a comfortable liar
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
David N. Bossie _Washington DC Times_
why congress needs to continue probing the Clinton cash register
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
will the Clintons ever be chastised and penalized for their bad deeds?
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
armed good guys
"...All but two 'mass' shootings since 1950 have taken place where ordinary citizens are forbidden to carry guns or are unlikely to have them, according to John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center. In its survey of mass shootings between 1982 and 2013, Mother Jones magazine found whites and blacks were 'mass shooters' in about the same proportion as their numbers in the general population... UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh found zero correlation between gun laws and homicides. A 2004 evaluation of existing research by the National Academy of Sciences failed to identify any gun control measure that had reduced violent crime... Writing in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy in 2007, criminologists Don Kates and Gary Mauser found that in both Britain and the United States, violent crime rates are lowest where legal gun ownership is highest... There were 14,249 murders in the United States last year, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report. That's a rate of 5.2 per 100K people, tops among the advanced nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD]. Ten cities, all with strict gun control laws, had 2,398 murders, a murder rate of 9.53. The murder rate in the rest of the United States was 2.71..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
_Conservative HQ_
a vote for the rule to ram through the over-spending, excessive debt federal government "budget" is a vote for a primary challenge
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
GOP losership has been conspiring with leftists/Reds/Dems again, to approve a 2-year over-spending "budget" that empowers the anti-USA Obummer
Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times: Obummer regime calls on congress to approve over-spending deal
Rick Moran: American Thinker
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Brett LoGiurato _Breitbart_
the mother of all over-spending, worsening abuse deals of the Obummer era, heaping even worse financial problems on those who follow
Laura Ingraham: dirty speaker, dirty deal
Lifezette: GOP losership over-spending sell-out
Laura Ingraham: mother of all over-spending "budget"scams in the Obummer era
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
over-spending deal finds "nickels and dimes" to misspend, put into crony socialist schemes
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Loren Gutentag _News Max_
Jeff Sessions: Obummer got everything he wished for
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
even Paul Ryan criticizes over-spending bill, process
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
John Boehner continues to misbehave: works with leftists/Reds/Dems to worsen over-spending immediately and suspend federal government debt limit through 2017 March
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Tom Cole: there are plenty of reasons for people not to like this over-spending deal
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
_News Max_
AP/GfK poll: 56% would not mind federal government shut-down if we could get spending cuts
"In the new poll, 24% say they support and 29% say they oppose raising the country's debt limit. Nearly half (44%) say they neither favor nor oppose raising it. [They don't say how many want to see the debt limit reduced.]... A large majority of Republicans (74%) say reducing government spending is worth a government shutdown, but a significant minority of Dems/leftists/Reds (44%) say so, too... Republican supporters of the tea party movement are significantly more likely than other Republicans to see a shut-down as a worthwhile tool to achieve a variety of policy goals. Three-quarters of tea party supporters would do it to block the Iran deal or to repeal the health care law, while non-tea party Republicans are divided about evenly on whether either of those goals would be worth a shut-down. 6 in 10 tea party supporters but only a third of non-tea party Republicans would shut down the government to de-fund Planned Parenthood..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Matthew Vadum _American Thinker_
Paul Ryan would be a very poor choice for speaker of the House
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Timothy P. Carney _Washington DC Examiner_
is the GOP now Paul Ryan's party? K street's party?
"...The Export-Import Bank was reauthorized in 2014 September, but only for 9 months. Most senate Republicans (31 out of 54) have voted against renewing it this year, and most House Republicans want it dead, too. The majority-leaders in both chambers -- Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell -- also favor letting Ex-Im expire. So do the relevant committee chairmen, Jeb Hensarling in the House and Richard Shelby in the senate. Given that firm opposition from the GOP's majority and [even] its [losership], Ex-Im's charter expired June 30. Monday and Tuesday, Fincher and [former] House speaker Nancy Pelosi easily won the votes to pass their bill reviving Ex-Im and extending its charter for 5 years. This is no guarantee the bill will become law. McConnell says he has no interest in bringing such a standalone Ex-Im bill to the senate floor [and similarly, a good Republican House speaker would table many such crony socialist and outright leftist/Dem/Red bills]... Ryan, for years, supported corporate welfare. Under Bush, Ryan voted for Ex-Im, the Medicare prescription drug benefit, the Wall Street bail-out and the Detroit bail-out. [But] Since the late 2008 bail-out bonanza, Ryan has had the zeal of a convert against corporate welfare... Paul Ryan is no libertarian... [What would speaker Daniel Webster, or a speaker Newt Gingrich, or a speaker Jason Chaffetz, or a speaker Trey Gowdy, or a speaker Tom Cotton, or a senate majority leader Jeff Sessions, or senate majority leader Mike Lee table it or let the crony socialist Export-Import Bank be re-born?]
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Becky Gerritson _Conservative HQ_
the myth of compromise: the case against Paul Ryan
"The Freedom Caucus will make a momentous decision this week. They will either stand up for the constituents who elected them and begin changing Washington's culture of kleptocracy OR they will elect Paul Ryan as speaker of the House. But let's begin with a bit of history. After adding $6T to the national debt under the presidency of George W. Bush [a.k.a. Shrub] and a mostly Republican congress, the Republican party had little to offer the American people. In the 2008 wave, [Barack Hussein Obummer and the Reds/leftists/Dems] campaigned on a platform of war ending and new domestic spending. Traditionally, the Republican party would counter such a platform with calls for fiscal responsibility, but, with their track record, the GOP didn't have a leg to stand on. In 2009, [president Barack Hussein Obummer and his Dem/leftist/Red] super-majority presided over the first trillion-dollar deficit. They passed [two $1T porkulus packages], then proposed [ObummerDoesn'tCare], a multi-trillion-dollar new entitlement. The Republican party, unable to credibly make a case for conservative governance, left millions of voters voiceless. So we took to the streets. Thousands of local tea party groups sprang up in cities and towns from coast to coast, renewing calls for fiscal responsibility, breathing new life into a conservative philosophy that had been abandoned by Washington Republicans and Dems/leftists/Reds alike. In 2010, scores of Republicans were sent to Washington, not because of, but in spite of Republican stewardship. The tea party movement saved the Republican Party. And for all of our tea party efforts, what was our reward? John Boehner. Saying that John Boehner was a weak leader is like saying that the Challenger experienced difficulties after take-off. [Boehner was never a weak leader; he was an eager loser, i.e. a partisan of the left in Republican clothing.] After surfing to his speakership at the crest of the largest political wave in eight decades, Boehner could have reminded [president Obummer] that elections have consequences. He could have squeezed the federal purse tight and ushered in a new era of fiscal responsibility. He could have led. But he didn't. He acquiesced almost immediately, insisting that he only controlled 'one half of one third' of the federal government. If only someone had told him that, in the federal system designed by our Founders, one half of one third is perfectly capable of wagging the dog. Consider 2 hypotheticals. The president wants to add $100G in new spending to the annual budget. Congress talks him down to an increase of only $50G. Congress wants to cut $100G from the annual budget. The president talks them into cutting just $50G. Each is an example of a compromise. The former is a compromise on progressive terms. The latter is a compromise on conservative terms. Each is equally within the realm of the possible. With roughly half of the country represented by Republicans and half by Dems/Reds/leftists, one might presume that Washington compromises are evenly split. They're not. Astoundingly and unfortunately, compromising on [leftist] terms is how the federal government has -- without exception -- conducted itself for nearly two decades. The most recent pause in progressivism’s creep was in 1997, when Speaker Newt Gingrich orchestrated a balanced budget. In 2010 and 2014, Republicans were sent to Washington in droves, in landslide elections. They were not sent to slow government growth. They were sent to stop it. They were sent to reverse [leftism's regress, that is, to let the USA progress], to reduce the size, power and reach of the federal government. Under John Boehner, they failed. And Paul Ryan was in lock-step with speaker Boehner. Ryan derided Boehner's critics, often came to his defense, and, as chairman of the Ways and Means committee, Paul Ryan enabled and facilitated government growth [over-spending]. Instead of finding common cause with the tea party and the Freedom Caucus, Ryan considers them an annoyance and an impediment. Like Boehner, he's engaged in retaliatory measures against conservatives who criticize him. Within the Washington bubble, there's an inertia toward [leftism]. Republicans and Democrats alike succumb to it. They allow ear-marks [a.k.a. pork] to replace their convictions and lobbyists to replace their constituents. The Freedom Caucus has stood against that inertia. Since 2010, the Freedom Caucus has grown in size and influence because it has gained support from those outside of the Washington bubble. The Freedom Caucus is the one bulwark within the federal government that threatens the status quo, that champions limited government, that remains loyal to the voters who sent them there in the first place. Paul Ryan cannot win the speakership without their help. If they hold true to their convictions, they will not help him. Editors' Note: With her bold and eloquent announcement and her statement demanding new conservative leadership on Capitol Hill Becky Gerritson has become the leading figure in the 2016 class of limited government constitutional conservative candidates for congress. We urge you to read her announcement speech in its entirety and then ask yourself if this is the kind of bold conservative leadership that you would like for your congressional district -- if it is we urge you to do 2 things; go to http://beckyforcongress.com/ [Becky for Congress] to support Becky Gerritson's campaign and then look for a candidate like her to run in your Republican congressional primary."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Bill Moyers & Michael Wiship
why TEA partiers are right to be wary of Paul Ryan
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
who is responsible for the rise in violent crimes in anti-arms cities?
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
"...Whether we like it or not, easily observed physical characteristics -- such as race, sex, height and age -- convey information. That's because there is often a correlation between those characteristics and other characteristics not so easily observed. Say that you're a police commander faced with the task of finding vandals responsible for slashing car tires and smashing windows. How much of the city's resources would you expend investigating 60- to 70-year-old Chinese men? You probably wouldn't spend resources on any men in that age group. So who is responsible for your decision not to investigate 60- to 70-year-old Chinese men and other men of the same age? If you said it's the behavioral reputation of that demographic as a group, you'd be absolutely right..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
sheriff David Clarke: Obummer lacks the honesty and courage to tell black people who have gone astray to look into the mirror to see the source of their difficulties
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
crazy Obummer in Chicago -- with some of the most over-the-top over-regulation of arms -- will call for more restrictions on the ownership and carrying of arms
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Marc Champion _Jewish World Review_
does Vladimir Putin have an end-game in Syria?
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Afghans are seeking aid from Russia because of Obummer's perverted foreign policies which coddle Muslim terrorists
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Bill Whalen _Jewish World Review_
supreme court may be the sleeper issue of 2016 election
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
talk about a cultural shift imposed by the left to reduce liberty, privacy, and private property ownership
"Sam Schwartz grew up a typical teen in the 1960s, desperate for a car. Finally, he got one: a Chevy Impala with huge, flat fins. Like everyone else in his Brooklyn neighborhood, he spent an inordinate amount of time waxing his beloved. Pull up next to him at a stop-light? He'd gun it. He was such a car fanatic that in between getting his physics degree at Brooklyn College and getting his master's at UPenn in -- what else? -- civil engineering with an eye toward traffic planning [what else? he could have gone straight for automotive engineering with specialization in chassis, power-plant, passenger compartment design...], he worked as a cabby. Eventually, Schwartz became New York City's chief transit commissioner, and he even wrote a book on traffic short-cuts. But these days? 'I don't think I've driven my car in 3 weeks. It's gathering a lot of dust.' We're sitting in the buzzing Manhattan office of Sam Schwartz Engineering, surrounded by brainy-looking millennials doing the work he is dedicated to today: figuring out how to get more people out of their cars and onto subways, buses, street-cars, bikes and their own 2 feet... The [open borders, soaring over-population, over-croding gang think the] future belongs to the places that can pack us in and get us around."
Sammy Schwartz should move to the Gaza Strip=Palestine, or Kolkata, or Hong Kong and leave the rest of us alone and free from such government intrusions.
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has begun tying those they hate to columns at Palmyra, Syria... and blowing them up
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
NYTimes/CBS poll: Ben Carson takes lead over Donald Trump
Laura Ingraham
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump sums up the media in 55 words... and they don't win many gold stars
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Amy L. Cavender
making a word-press sub-site multi-lingual using Polylang
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Fox kicked off of Cornell U campus for asking students about leftist bias
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
poll: 49% of college students feel intimidated/threatened by professors with differing opinios, yet many favor restrictions on opinions with which they disagree
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Rand Paul on socialism: if you don't listen and totally comply, they exterminate you
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime defies constitution and laws again; refuses to appoint independent prosecutor or call for indictment of Lois Lerner
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
senator John Thune calls for yet another "tax-victim bill of rights" as abuses by IRS continue and Obummer DoJ refuses to bring seek indictment of Lois Lerner
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
destructive ObummerDoesn'tCare: federal government re-imbursements to protection rackets are much smaller than expected, driving additional premium increases
"...The so-called 'risk corridors' that forced profitable companies to pay into a fund that would be disbursed to companies who lost money is underfunded by 88% and will almost certainly lead to big changes in premiums and consumer choice on the exchanges..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Fay Voshell _American Thinker_
forced conversions from Christian and Jewish to statist
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Jason Chaffetz & 18 other representatives introduced resolution to impeach IRS kommissar John Koskinen
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"..'Koskinen violated the public trust' and 'failed to comply with a congressionally issued sub-poena'. Also, 'documents were destroyed on his watch, and the public was consistently misled'...."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Star Parker _WND_
Ben Carson is doing well in polls because Americans long for a president who is decent and honest
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Linda Harvey _WND_
"LGBT" house of horrors for children
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
"Freedom Caucus" member Mark Meadows: I call on all candidates for speaker of the House to oppose this terrible Obummer+Boehner over-spending budget bill
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
"Freedom Caucus" surrendered to big, over-powerful, over-spending government; Rand Paul plans filibuster -- and Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell... should help him do so
Laura Ingraham
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
massive over-spending, debt budget bill introduced in the dead of night violates yet another Boehner pledge
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Michael Savage: ["New Black Panthers" &] "Black Lives Matter" are race-obsessed Obummer's shock-troops, like Hitler's brown-shirts
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood doctor says she will "strive" for intact fetal skull (video #11)
"...'My aim is usually to get the specimens out pretty intact.', says Dr. Amna Dermish of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, speaking to center investigators posing as representatives of a fetal-tissue procurement company. In the footage from 2014 Oct. 21, Dr. Dermish said she performs abortions up to 22 weeks' gestation, and that she does not use the chemical digoxin on fetuses before 20 weeks..."
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Ben Taylor _Iowa Politics Now_
which companies (their executives and boards of directors) bank-roll each party? (with table; note that the colors of the bar graph are reversed/inverted as the key indicates)
Ryan Francis: "IT" News/IDG: most tech workers' campaign donations going to leftists/Reds/Dems
Ryan Francis: Network World/IDG: examining campaign contributions by tech firm employees for only 5 of the 20 or so candidates for president
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin criticized Mitt Romney's comments that he preferred a lack of competition in propaganda spewers, that he preferred everyone to be subjected to the same censorship and spin (audio)
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Eric Worrall
claim: 170 degrees F (76C) heat waves will make Persian Gulf un-inhabitable by 2100
Ed Straker: American Thinker
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Anthony Watts
Matt Ridley: some "basic science" is not worthy of tax-victim funding
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Anthony Watts
dissent in the climate ranks over Karl's "pause buster" temperature data tweaking
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Anthony Watts
_A Sinister Charade_ by Dan Coffman
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Eric Worrall
claim: global warming is responsible for severe flooding in the Nile delta (as though Egypt wasn't founded on agriculture promoted by frequent flooding in the Nile delta)
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Nicolas Loris & Katie Tubb _Cybercast News Service_
Paris protocol amounts ot a massive transfer of wealth
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Nick Sanchez _News Max_
3,500 year old tomb of warrior found in Greece by U of Cincinnati archaeologists Jack Davis & Sharon Stocker
2015-10-27 (5776 Cheshvan 14)
Nadene Goldfoot
what are "Jewish" haplogroups?
Brit-Am: mitochondrial DNA
Eupedia: origins of haplogroups in Europe
haplogroup J2 (wikipedia)
Dienekes: haplogroup E3b and ancient Jews
m172: haplogroup J2 and Phoenician foot-prints around the Mediterranean
Jewish women's DNA
igenea: haplogroup J
archaeo-genetics of the Near East (wikipedia)
Eupedia: European Y DNA haplogroups
haplogroup K (wikipedia)
Ashkenazi Jews (wikipedia)
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Familypedia: haplogroup J
e-notes: haplogroup J
Proposed Bills 2015
"Life offers its wisdom generously. Everything teaches. Not everyone learns." --- Rachel Naomi Remen (source: Jewish World Review) |
This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Rick Santorum, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ted Cruz, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. For speaker of the House, I'm liking (1) Newt Gingrich, (3) Trey Gowdy, (4) Jason Chaffetz, (7) Tom Cotton, (150) Paul Ryan (i.e. little better than a moderate Red/leftist/Dem, but still far better than an extremist like Lofgren, or Pelosi).
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Mordechai Schiller _Jewish World Review_
un-ruly: dos, Jews, and don'ts
"My wife teaches English and was wxplaining rules and regulations to her students. When she asked for examples, they came up with things like 'Don't fight' and 'Don't steal'. Her students were mostly recent immigrants, and it took every bit of doing to explain the distinctions and subtleties of the terminology. Teaching the difference between moral principles and man-made rules and regulations is not so simple, especially because teaching Heavenly Law in public school is against the rules. My wife explained that not wearing a hat in (public) school is a rule. Not hurting people is a moral obligation. That's on a different plane. The Oxford ESL Dictionary defines rule: 'an official statement that tells you what you can or cannot do, say, etc.' Then it adds a note [a little off the mark]: 'A law is stronger. You can be officially punished if you break it.' It defines morals as 'standards or principles of good behavior'. William Safire explained why politicians no longer talk about 'principles'. They only talk about 'values'. Principles are eternal truths. Values change; principles are sacrosanct. Politicians deal in values because they are expedient -- they stand on a moving platform of self-interest, not a bed-rock foundation of eternal truth..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton has worn a closetful of costumes on immigration-related issues
Cybercast News Service
"The millions of 'law-abiding' people she's talking about legalizing, of course, are law-breaking border crossers, visa overstayers, document fraudsters and deportation fugitives who chose on their own to rip their families apart. But hey, let's not get bogged down in small details. As her more 'progressive' 2016 challengers breathe down her neck, the perpetually transmogrifying Clinton has done everything but change her name to 'Hilaria' and don an 'Aztlan Nation' T-shirt to lock up the Latino vote..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Un commissioner for refugees warns of "amputation" of "Christianity's DNA" from the Middle East
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
C-SPAN interview with author of _Undocumented_ shows why the NYTimes doesn't "get it" on immigration; "we are in the ascendant; America is ours" (part 3 of 4)
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
David Seminara _Center for Immigration Studies_
lessons from Leichtenstein: more referenda, please
"Europe is in the midst of a historic immigration crisis. But the richest country in Europe -- one that doesn't have an army or border guards -- has barely been affected by the crisis. Liechtenstein is the world's sixth smallest country, with a population of just 37,129. The country, whose name means "bright stone" in German, has the highest gross domestic product per person in the world, when adjusted by purchasing power parity, and an unemployment rate of about 2%. While Liechtenstein was once one of the poorer nations in Europe, now some 20K Swiss and Austrians commute into Liechtenstein for work each week-day. Many live outside the country because land is scarce in Liechtenstein and prices are high. Others simply cannot get residency permits, let alone citizenship..."
Yes, before the first federal immigration law in the 1790s, several states/colonies required both passing special legislation and a loyalty oath before anyone could become a citizen.
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
"Temporary Protected Status" goes far beyond blocking illegal aliens from being deported
"Newly released USCIS data on Temporary Protected Status for aliens from three West African nations shows that for every alien whose deportation is prevented, about 100 applications for TPS are received. TPS is designed to avoid the forced departure of aliens back to their home countries when those countries are in the midst of a catastrophe of some kind, such as the out-break of ebola in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea early last year. Clearly we should not be deporting people to a nation in the midst of an ebola epidemic, but TPS turns out to be a much more extensive program than simply postponing deportations for 6 months or a year, which would be a far better policy. As noted in an earlier posting, TPS grants legal status for 18 months for all persons from a troubled nation who happen to be in the United States at the time, whether they are here legally or not. The government routinely extends these 18-month periods again and again, so that these grants of legal status can run on for decades, as we described in some detail in a CIS Backgrounder last year..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
2 more former Disney workers displaced by H-1B guest-workers speak out; here's what the candidates have said about it
"This is perhaps one of the most under-discussed issues in the 2016 GOP presidential primary election. Front-runner Donald Trump’s immigration reform plan details exactly how he would fix this problem if he's elected president. He wants to 'increase' the 'prevailing wage for H-1Bs', one sub-section of his plan lays out. Trump's immigration reform plan reads: 'We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program...'... Trump also wants a 'requirement to hire American workers first'. 'Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement.', the Trump plan continues. 'In the year 2015, with 92M Americans outside the work-force and incomes collapsing, we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.' Other candidates, like former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, have been strong like Trump on the issue. Huckabee has hammered the issue many times -- even specifically calling out Disney for its practices -- on the campaign trail and in interviews with Breitbart News. Santorum has as well, laying out on the trail how he wants a 25% reduction in legal immigration. Other candidates, like senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), especially because of his work on the senate 'Gang of Eight' [a.k.a. the 8 Gangsters] amnesty bill [S744] last congress, and former Florida [governor Yebbie Boosh], Ohio governor John Kasich, and [senator Lindsey Grahamnesty (R-SC)], stand against American workers like Perrero and Powers with their policy positions of supporting an increase in H-1B levels..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Laura Ingraham
former employees continue to speak out against Disney's out-sourcing of high-tech to foreign-based cross-border bodyshops
Rebecca Vargas: WWSB abc 7/My SunCoast
"Just months before the holidays and on the heels of a great performance review, no less. A VP invites David Powers and Leo Perrero into his office, both expecting pats on the back. Instead they hear the dreaded words: You are being laid off. 'When a guillotine falls down on you, in that moment you're dead... and I was dead.', says former Disney employee David Powers. Powers and Perrero were two of the brains behind your magical Disney World experience. For the past 10 years, both worked behind the scenes in the 'IT' field, using high-tech data to ensure all points of sale -- from tickets to resort stays -- were seamless for visitors. Attaining some of the highest recognitions Disney could give, being let go was the last thing they expected... Sarasota-based employment attorney Sara Blackwell, who is representing both men. Blackwell tells us this isn't just a problem with Disney. Companies, including Toys R Us, IBM and Verizon, have been contracting with companies and outsourcing work. The reason: Loop-holes in the law that establishes the H-1B visa. 'H-1B, when done properly, is a great avenue.', she says. 'The [declared] purpose of H-1B is to bring in foreign workers, when there's no [able and willing] U.S. worker [i.e. citizen or someone who already has a green card].' Blackwell says there are about 800K H-1B workers in the U.S.A... Perrero says. 'I would never recommend this field to anybody that is a student.' These highly specialized tech fields yield average salaries in the $100K range, but for the younger, foreign workers their median salary is about 62K -- some even less, according to published reports. In response, Disney acknowledges it out-sourced Powers' and Perrero's jobs to Indian workers... 'People going into the tech field in college or in the universities, they probably won't have a job.', Blackwell says. According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, only 26% of science and engineering graduates are currently employed in a STEM occupation. 'The grand-parents in Sarasota, in Manatee county, wherever, you don't want your kids coming out of college, your grand-kids coming [out] of college, and having no jobs. The STEM programs a joke.', Powers says. On top of the job loss, the 2 men told ABC 7 that training their Indian replacements -- at their own desks, no less -- stripped them of their dignity..."
Rush Limbaugh devoted a segment to this, today, saying that only after reading news on this over the last couple days did he finally understand what was going on. He'd read about it months ago, but it didn't make sense to him. But something about these latest reports got through to him.
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Laura Ingraham
Alfonso Aguilar claims the traditional remedy for illegal immigration -- deporation -- is "excessive & off the table"
"Aguilar, who claims to be a staunch believer in the rule of law, told Ingraham he did not believe that those living in the country illegally, under false identification, should be deported. In fact, he said he believes deportation should be off the table as it is an 'excessive' penalty for the crime. One caller introduced himself saying, 'I'm a Hispanic, but I'm also an American.' He accused Aguilar of sounding 'very much like a' [leftist] and was outraged that the rights of illegals is prioritized over the rights of American citizens. The caller voiced his support for Trump and denied claims by the Hispanic community that the real estate mogul is a racist saying, 'Shame on us as Americans if we ever support that thought that just for following the laws of this country, all of a sudden we're racist.'..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
bored "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals in Calais can now spend their days learning gourmet cooking and to mix cocktails
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
AWR Hawkins _Breitbart_
concept of USA's 2nd amendment gaining adherents in Europe as "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals flood in
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
violence by "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals increasing in Germany; 30-year-old woman attacked, man hospitalised at soccer match
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
GfK poll: "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis is dampening German consumer confidence
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Austria plans to build fence along border with Slovenia to control influx of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
shot-guns have virtually sold out in Austria due to dangers of "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
as "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals flood into Belgium, government claims greatest terrorism risk is from native Belgians
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
UN warns of "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis as women flee Central America
"...'The countries of the Northern Triangle have basic structural challenges to rule of law, citizen security, and justice.', the report said. 'As a result, the women cannot rely on the police for protection and many have a lack of trust in government institutions due to police collusion. They flee north because they have no choice. It is a matter of life and death.'..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
interactive map lets you track thousands of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals flooding a cross Europe, from Finnish firm Lucify
Martin Robinson: London Daily Mail
Conservative Angle
Canada TV
Shawn Langlois: MarketWatch
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
UN refugee agency warns of looming refugee crisis in Americas
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
indicted Texas officials forged state documents for illegal aliens
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
drunken illegal alien arrested in Detroit for harassing and trying to kidnap 13-year-old girl
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
activist against sex-trafficking arrested in prostitution sting in Texas
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Classical Liberal Review senior editor Daniel Horowitz: how did open borders operative Mick Mulvaney assume the "House Freedom Caucus" mantle?
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
tuberculosis rates spike in London, higher than Iraq, Rwanda, Eritrea
"...In past investigations it was estimated that half those afflicted by tuberculosis in the borough of Newham were asylum seekers from India, Bangladesh and sub-Saharan Africa. Most were said to arrive carrying the bug in its latent form, but develop symptoms in over-crowded housing conditions..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
81% of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals to Germany are "un-skilled"; government predicts 400K new illfare claimants next year
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals to be allowed to compete in 2016 olympics in Rio de Janeiro as "stateless" UN athletes
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Gideon Rachman _Breitbart_
Financial Times: the end of the Merkel era is in sight
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
another example of bad immigration reporting
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Josh Rogin & Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is driving MidEast allies to Putin
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
imagine an end-game of Ted Cruz vs. Marco Rubio
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's non-recovery presents opportunities for Republicans who want an economic recovery (and, unfortunately, for more crony socialism if we don't keep them yoked)
Washington DC Times
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
John Boehner's enablers are now shocked at the over-spending
"There is a branch of the Republican Party that stocks most of the Republican punditry corps on television, fills the op-ed pages and editorial pages of right leaning papers, and gets together to toast themselves each year at the CPAC, among other places. They turn their nose up at the conservative grassroots. They hate the tea party. And they will defend till the death representative John Boehner (R-OH), representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) [55%], senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) [57%], and the rest of the [losership]. In the voices and writings of these pundits and enablers, the Republican leaders were dealt a bad hand. Conservative activists are new to the scene and just don't understand or don't care. We should trust the [losership] and understand that they are up against a president of the United States... They have denounced senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) [100%], senator Mike Lee (R-UT) [100%], representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) [93%], representative Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) [88%], and so many more who have fought. They have drummed up hit pieces against FreedomWorks, Heritage Action for America, the Heritage Foundation, the Senate Conservatives Fund, Club For Growth, Madison Project, and more. They have created their very own echo chamber..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
"streiff" _True Blue Republican State_
Paul Ryan embraces phony failure theater on over-spending bill
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Laura Ingrahan
evil Obummer regime expects Paul Ryan to be at least as conniving with them in ramming through evil anti-USA TPA+TAA+TPP+TATIP+TISA as John Boehner and Mitch McConnell have been
Kevin Liptak: CNN
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
John Boehner's saddest bit of oath-breaking
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
children can't take these grand-parents anywhere
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Emily Cummings _Jewish World Review_
7 ways to "be yourself" in any relationship
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
why family structure matters
"In recent weeks, a barrage of new evidence has come to light demonstrating what was once common sense. 'Family structure matters' (in the words of my American Enterprise Institute colleague Brad Wilcox, who is also the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia). Princeton University and the left-of-center Brookings Institution released a study that reported 'most scholars now agree that children raised by two biological parents in a stable marriage do better than children in other family forms across a wide range of outcomes'. Why this is so is still hotly contested. Another study, co-authored by Wilcox, found that states with more married parents do better on a broad range of economic indicators, including upward mobility for poor children and lower rates of child poverty. On most economic indicators, the Washington Post summarized, 'the share of parents who are married in a state is a better predictor of that state's economic health than the racial composition and educational attainment of the state's residents'. Boys in particular do much better when raised in a more traditional family environment, according to a new report from MIT. This is further corroboration of Daniel Patrick Moynihan's famous 1965 warning: 'From the wild Irish slums of the 19th century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows a large number of men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future -- that community asks for and gets chaos.'..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Jennifer C. Kerr _Cybercast News Service_
NAEP continuing pattern: USA's children continue to do OK (not great) in 4th and 8th grade, but achievement drops after that
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
NAEP: Detroit public school 8th graders: 93% not proficient in reading, 96% not proficient in math (with graph, table)
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
questions non-leftists want candidates to honestly answer
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
USA has had a seat on UN "Human Rights Council" for 6 years, but free, rights-respecting countries are still in the minority there
"The [Shrub regime's] low opinion of the HRC was partly due to its lack of enforceable criteria for membership. When the draft resolution establishing the HRC was being negotiated in 2006, a U.S.A. proposal that any country liable to UN sanctions for rights abuses [an extremely weak and malleable standard] should be disqualified was unsuccessful, as was another proposal calling for a candidate to secure the support of two-thirds of the General Assembly..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's "victory lap" of lies
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
unsurprisingly, Hitlery Rotten Clinton is trying to re-define work-related e-mail
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
the RNC/CNBC "debate": moderator likely to attack Trump; Trump does better when tackling issues than trying to go after other candidates
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
the RNC/CNBC "debate" moderators' history of leftist bias
Valerie Richardson: Washington DC Times: non-leftists bemoan choice of biased Harwood
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Paur Ryan promises more of the same old corruption
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz: Obummer+Boehner over-spending budget is ridiculous, deceitful, and a disgrace
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
same old RINO+leftist "budget" scam: "I splurge now, and I promise you'll save later", only we never do
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
insane, anti-USA, anti-constitution Obummer regime says horrific Obummer+Boehner over-spending bill "meets with Obummer's vision"
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Laura Ingraham
Paul Ryan to stab Republicans, support evil over-spending bill
Kelly Cohen: Washington DC Examiner
John Hayward: Breitbart
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: I'll do everything within my power to stop this rotten, disaster, budget bill... and Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, Marco Rubio... should join him to tag-team the filibuster
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Boehner/Obummer over-spending bill cuts $1.5G from crime victims
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Melissa Quinn _Daily Signal_
how your corrupt congress-critter voted on the Obummer-Boehner over-spending bill
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan nominated for speaker of the House, but failed to get 218 procedural votes needed to bring it to the floor
Anjali Shastry & Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times
"Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) won the first round of votes for the job of House speaker, but 45 Republican legislators voted against him... During the closed-door conference, Ryan won just 200 votes for the nomination. Former Florida House speaker representative Daniel Webster (R-FL) earned a whopping 43 votes. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) -- who isn't officially running for speaker—received one vote... Ryan is 'is 30 votes short of his stated goal', said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots. 'There is still significant opposition to him becoming Speaker... it is clear that inside the [GOP] conference there is no super-majority of the House Freedom Caucus voting for Ryan right now.', she told Breitbart News. The strong internal opposition 'tells me that the conservative [GOP] members are still feeling a lot of pressure from their constituents back home who want a change to business-as-usual in Washington [DC].', she said..."
Paul Ryan would be an unacceptable speaker.
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
by the numbers RINO Paul Ryan is about as non-leftist as... RINO John Boehner
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Florida Sun-Sentinel: no-show Marco Rubio should resign from senate; he's ripping us off
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
non-leftist Armstrong Williams is leading "African-American" owner of TV stations in USA
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
Texas public school apologized for pushing atheism as part of an exercise on critical thinking
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
colonel Jack Jacobs: Obummer regime is playing politics with fight against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate instead of doing the job effectively and efficiently
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
sheriff David Clarke wouldn't be surprised if "Black Lives Matter" joins with ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime entrenches Iranian hegemony in Middle East
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Dana Rohrabacher _Washington DC Times_
Obummer and Iran's human rights record: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems also gives them a green light for more and heavier oppression
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Michael Brown _WND_
NYTimes printed propaganda from Palestinian inciter of violence
"The column was posted 2014 Aug. 14, but I only discovered it this week in a link to another article commenting on the barrage of media lies and misrepresentations that attack Israel on a regular basis. Written from Ramallah, [occupied Eastern Israel], by contributing op-ed writer Ali Jarbawi, 'a political scientist at Birzeit University and a former minister of the Palestinian Authority', the piece was titled 'Israel's Colonialism Must End' and reflected the perspective of a Palestinian writer with deep-seated grievances with Israel. Jarbawi wrote: 'Over the years, Israel has used all forms of pressure to prevent the Palestinians from achieving their 'national rights and gaining independence'. It hasn't been enough for Israelis to believe their own claims about Palestinians; they have sought incessantly to impose this narrative on the world and to have it adopted by their Western allies.'... This was the charge that caught my attention, since I had just written an article contrasting the rhetoric in Israel, as hostile as it may be toward Palestinian terrorists, with the rhetoric in the mosques of [Palestine=Gaza Strip] and [occupied Eastern Israel], where the inflammatory sermons sometimes feature imams brandishing knives and suicide vests with which to slaughter and dismember the Jews... I'm quite aware that, even within their own country speaking about fellow Israeli Jews, such as during elections, the insults and invective can be quite harsh. But does it include calls to slaughter or rape the mothers of terrorists?... When it comes to Shaked, the words in question were taken from a highly criticized post in Hebrew on her FB page that concluded by saying, 'Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. Actors in the war are those who incite in mosques, who write the murderous curricula for schools, who give shelter, who provide vehicles, and all those who honor and give them their moral support. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.'... But she was not even the author of those words. Instead, as she explained, 'It was written some 12 years ago, but never published, by a dear man, the recently departed journalist Uri Elitzur. The gist of his article was that once one side in a war attacks the other side's civilians, they can no longer morally claim a special status for their own civilians.' So, Shaked did not write the words calling for the destruction of the homes of terrorists, nor did she (or Elitzur) call for the murder of the mothers of terrorists but rather wished that the mothers who praised their terrorist sons should follow them to hell..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen moves to de-fund UN agency (UNRWA) tied to terrorist groups
"U.S. representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), introduced legislation on Tuesday to defund a United Nations agency she says is 'tied to foreign terrorist organizations'. Last year, there were multiple incidents in which schools in [Gaza=Palestine] run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) were reportedly used to store and launch rockets used by Hamas and/or Palestinian Islamic Jihad to attack Israeli targets. Both groups are designated as foreign terrorist organizations by the State Department. In 2014, UNRWA received $408.7M from the U.S.A., which is its largest contributor, the congress-woman said. The UNRWA Anti-Incitement and Anti-Terrorism Act would withhold U.S.A. contributions unless the Secretary of State certifies that no UNRWA employees or recipients of UNRWA funds 'are associated with foreign terrorist organizations or are propagating anti-American, anti-Israel, or anti-Semitic rhetoric, propaganda, or incitement'..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Jane Chastain _WND_
USA is on the slippery slope to slavery; 10% flat income tax is more than enough
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
"under-card debate": Grahamnesty zingers versus Jindal policy substance
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Rocky Mountain shown-down
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Ed Meese condemns RNC losers who allowed CNBC to moderate "debate"
"With conservative leaders sharply criticizing CNBC's manner of moderating Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate—which featured multiple questions framed as personal attacks on the candidates -- former attorney-general Ed Meese said the leaders of the Republican National Committee who allowed CNBC to moderate the debate should be condemned. 'After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press.', said Meese. 'Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on.', he said. 'Whoever selected the moderators should be fired and the RNC [losers] who allowed it should be condemned.'... Media Research Center president Brent Bozell said CNBC should be embarrassed... Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring was just as critical..."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: CNBC & other media tried to get Republicans to tear into each other while the media fawn over Reds/leftists/Dems
"The main-stream media came in for scathing criticism during Wednesday night's GOP presidential debate, with senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) accusing moderators of trying to get Republican hopefuls to 'tear into each other' in contrast to 'fawning' over candidates in an earlier Dem/leftist/Red 'debate'. Cruz won enthusiastic applause when he upbraided the CNBC moderators over the nature of some of the questions being put to the 10 candidates on the platform at University of Colorado Boulder. 'The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media', he began, setting aside a question he had been asked on the debt limit. 'This is not a cage match. And if you look at the questions -- Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kasich, will you insult 2 people over here? Marco Rubio, why don't you resign [from the senate]? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?', Cruz challenged the moderators, before being drowned out by cheers from the audience...."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Paul Bremmer _WND_
senator Ted Cruz's anti-missile missile sends CNBC tumbling
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: no one has any illusion that the "moderators" would even serioiusly consider voting in a GOP primary
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Ted Cruz _Wall Street Journal_
simple flat income extortion for economic growth: 10% for families, individuals; 16% for corporations
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Joseph Farah _WND_
left tried to stir fear of Ben Carson's religious beliefs... fell flat
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: PC culture is destroying the USA
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ben Carson said he is sick and tired of media bias, noted obscure network NCBC had pre-set agenda against which people are rebelling
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
"moderator" John Harwood lied about Marco Rubio's tax plan
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
*** Rick Santorum criticized Lindsey Grahamnesty on increasing immigration that hurts US citizen workers ***
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
*** Donald Trump seemed to back away from parts of high-standards, low-immigration, high-wage plan ***
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
*** Donald Trump did note that Marco Rubio has been Zuckerberg's personal senator ***
"...Trump went on to tell Quick that he was in favor of visas that would allow the U.S.A. to retain skilled science and technology graduates from abroad, alongside his policy against illegal immigration."
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Larry Kudlow: Donald Trump's corporation tax plan is spot on
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: gun-free zones provide target practice for the sickos
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Republican candidates not happy with CNBC bias and tactics in "debate"
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
GOP candidates + audience vs. CNBC anchors
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
train-wreck for CNBC, disaster for all those in the leftist propaganda business
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Phil Elmore _WND_
how biased are the privacy-violating socialist media?
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Rod Eccles _Cybercast News Service_
where have all the "real men" gone?
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Alveda King _Cybercast News Service_
God's Love, natural law, the US constitution derived from them, state constitutions co-existent with that, trump human statutes... in that order
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
10th ObummerDoesn'tCare co-op goes bankrupt, shuts down
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
school T-shirt trouble: patriotic or gang-related?
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
eureka! CDCP reports that DC leads the USA in per capita cost of excessive ethanol consumption
"Researchers measured 26 cost components to estimate the total cost imposed by excessive alcohol consumption in 2010 for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. They found that the total cost of of excessive drinking hit $1,526 per capita in DC -- higher than any of the 50 states. The per capita cost to government of excessive drinking in Washington, DC, was $619, or 87 cents for every drink poured in the nation's capital..."
I think they left a lot of the costs out of their calculations.
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Fred Upton _Washington DC Times_
the architecture of abundance: unleashing the power of American energy
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Freedom House: internet freedom fell for 5th year in a row
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
dear Yebbie Booosh, it is time to take your campaign out back and shoot it
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Adam Beam _Washington DC Times_
Matt Bevin holds fast to his religion
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Scott Hippensteel _Chronicle of Higher Education_
memorization, cheating, and technology: stemming the abuse of phones, tablets, and lap-tops to cheat on tests
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
jets track Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor (JLENS) aerostat that has broken free of its tether at Aberdeen Maryland
Andrea Noble: Washington DC Times
MarketWatch: landed at the edge of a wooded area of central PA
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
prince Harry and his cousin's wife, Moochelle, team up for wounded warriors at Ft. Belvoir
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Philip Lloyd
trends in "extreme rain-fall" events
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Cheers, Gavin (cartoon & commentary)
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Anthony Watts
quote of the week: warmist hysteric says its insane to try to predict what's going to happen in 2100
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Anthony Watts
NCDC/NCEI's Karl and Peterson refuse congressional sub-poena on flawed "pause-buster" paper
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Anthony J. Sadar _Washington DC Times_
the Obummer crony socialist business climate
2015-10-28 (5776 Cheshvan 15)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"After he aborted the rescue mission , [pres. James E. Carter] reverted to his preferred tactic -- waiting. As a result of pres. Carter's failure to defend his emissaries, American diplomats suffered a rash of bombings and other assorted acts of terror. Julius Caesar, OTOH, immediately sent his legions into Gaul to battle those who had laid hands on his emissaries. After defeating the enemy, Caesar's troops methodically slaughtered all the males remaining alive and sold all of the woman and children into slavery. From that time forward, Caesar's diplomats served unmolested." --- G. Gordon Liddy 2002 _When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country_ pp86-87 |
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the recent decline of modern Germany
Washington DC Times
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
1M "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals to seek "asylum" in West by the end fo the year
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
UK population set to surge by 10M over next 25 years, with foreigners accounting for 51% of increase
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
watch Raheem Kassam take pro-"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal to cleaners live on Sky news
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
C-SPAN interview with author of _Undocumented_ shows why the NYTimes doesn't "get it" on immigration; author warns of demography; Theodore White saw him coming in 1981 (part 4 of 4)
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the case of Mozzafar Khazee becomes even more curious and troubling
"In January of last year, I wrote about the 'curious and troubling case' of Mozzafar Khazaee, a native of Iran, a naturalized American, and a defense contractor with access to classified materials who got caught passing some of those materials on to organs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. That blog was one of many I've written that question the gaping holes in our immigration vetting systems -- holes largely unexamined by the media, the public, and, most depressingly, our own government, perhaps because to acknowledge them would require a serious look in the dark places where this administration doesn't want to go. (See, for instance, here, here, here, and here.) Last week, an unrepentant Khazaee -- described in news reports as a 'dual citizen', something I remarked upon in my earlier blog -- was sentenced to 8 years in prison, despite his mother's plea for leniency because she depends upon him here in the USA for support. (How sadly ironic that is on so many levels.) And what has happened since sentencing? The Islamic Republic of Iran, the nation he supposedly renounced when he took his oath of naturalization -- the nation that is unambiguously not providing succor to his mother -- publicly blasted the USA: 'Arrest and imprisonment of...Iranian nationals by the U.S. government on baseless and unfounded reasons is unacceptable.' So which is Khazaee: an Iranian or a U.S.A. national? One suspects the Iranians have it right, not on the 'baseless and unfounded' part, but almost certainly about where both his heart and his head lie. Taking the oath of naturalization was no more than a sham designed to get the job and clearances he needed to send home classified information to aid the mullahs in propping up their extremist military organization. But not to worry, he got caught. No need to concern ourselves with who else might be out there, undetected, wreaking havoc on our national security after having been given the privilege of living and working here. Just another example of 'risk management' at work at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] and its subordinate agencies, including U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services [USCIS], the one that passes out immigration benefits like Halloween candy."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
increasing number of US citizens are being hurt by immigration/marriage fraud
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Laura Ingraham
vastly excessive immigration is bringing profound change to rural Arkansas
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Laura Ingraham
6 in 10 Miami residents were born in another country
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Trump's non-reversal in last night's "debate" (and Rubio's)
"...After posting the best platform on H-1B I'd ever seen by a major [party candidate for president], trump back-pedaled the very next day, saying that he hadn't been referring to the H-1Bs hired from among foreign students at USA universities. It is this group of H-1Bs...which Trump was alluding to last night in statements such as, 'I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley.' I stated at the time that Trump's sudden reversal then was apparently due to the fact that 'Someone got to him.'. Given that last night Trump referred to Mark Zuckerberg, who has been out-spoken in support of liberalized policies on H-1B and immigration in general (and of whom Trump had been critical), as 'Mark', we see that the one who 'got to him' may have in fact been 'Mark'... Rubio, OTOH, is perceived as havign changed course in the other direction in the debate, towards more caution concerning H-1B, and again that perception is probably sadly naive. Like most politicians (though unlike Trump), any statement Rubio makes on a major issue is the result of deliberate calculation [and coaching, and memorization of exact phrases to use], and on the subject of immigration, Rubio's calculations are made with the advice of a top expert -- prominent immigration attorney Enrique Gonzalez H-1B law is byzantine, and it is easy to come up with reforms that are (by design) just as loop-hole-laden as the present H-1B + green card statutes, but look good to the public... I, myself, have stated often how important it is to hire GOOD programmers, people who are really sharp. But [the comment from one of Rubio's staff] is way out of line. I know plenty of very high-quality Americans, especially those over 35, who face real challenges in the labor market, and lose jobs to H-1Bs. Even in the Disney case, it has been reported that the USA workers had gotten stellar performance reviews not long before being [dumped]. If that staffer's view reflects that of Rubio, his comments about adding worker protections are worthless."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the midwife to chaos, and her perjury
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
did Hitlery Rotten Clinton win or lose? did the USA lose or win? media vs. reality
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton, the 2012-09-11 attack on the USA consular facilities at Benghazi, and the real scandal
"...But now, with Hillary Clinton's 'wiped' e-mails retrieved, we know the truth. Within hours after the attack, Clinton had told her daughter Chelsea that the attack was 'planned' by 'an al-Qaida-like group'. Even more explicitly, Clinton told the Egyptian prime minister the next day, 'We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest.' That no security was available for the U.S. consulate in Benghazi -- notwithstanding ambassador Stevens' multiple requests for it -- is incomprehensible. That Hillary Clinton now claims that Stevens was joking about security is even more absurd. But in many ways, the aftermath of last week's testimony has the most far-reaching implications. It was proven that the [Obummer regime] had lied, for the most craven, politically expedient reasons. What response by the U.S.A. media? Crickets..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
"vetted" Muslim employee at nuclear power plant in AyrShire Scotland caught reading bomb-making manual on-line while at work
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Germaine Greer, Julie Bindle, Brendan O'Neill & Nigel Farage... all those who are not leftist extremists to be banned from appearing at many universities in the UK because those who disagree with them get so upset
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
law schools should baby neither their applicants nor their graduates... but they should be honest for a change
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
some cities that are losing population are increasing their proportion (and sometimes numbers) of the not necessarily intelligent but college educated
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Marco Rubio: Dems/Reds/leftist have the ultimate super-PAC; it's c alled the main-stream media
Susan Jones
"...'...Back in 2004, one of my predecessors to the senate by the name of Bob Graham, a Dem/Red/leftist, ran for president, missing over 30% of his votes. I don't recall them calling for his resignation. 'Later that year, in 2004, John Kerry ran for president missing close to 60% to 70% of his votes. I don't recall the Sun -- in fact, the Sun-Sentinel endorsed him. In 2008, [Barack Hussein Obummer] missed 60% or 70% of his votes, and the same newspaper endorsed him again. So this is another example of the double standard that exists in this country between the main-stream media and the conservative movement.'"
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio crushed Yebbie Booosh in "debate"
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Rush Limbaugh: Dems/Reds/leftist and RINOS are trying to render non-leftists as irrelevant as a pock-mark
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: for decades there has been a lot of talk about tax reform; the problem is that we never get it done
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
John Harwood enters Dan Blather phase of denial
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: RNC has surrendered the entire process to the leftist media
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
CNBC/leftist media, Dems/Reds & Yebbie Booosh lost Republican debate
"...I keep hoping Bobby Jindal will get a chance to debate with the polling leaders, though there wasn't anything he said that will likely earn him the opportunity. His 'everyone has skin in the game' tax plan is interesting, though I don't think it will draw much favor..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
stupid RNC invited attacks from the most biased media panel ever
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Laura Ingraham
after CNBC debacle Ben Carson campaign expresses desire to reform debates
Byron York: Washington DC Examiner
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
Ben Carson support stretches beyond evangelical non-leftist base
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
the miraculous Republican "debate"
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Laura Ingraham
Republican candidates for president turned back CNBC attacks
Alex Pappas: Daily Caller
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
_Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity: CNBC "moderation" was the single worst example of media bias in "debate" (video)
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Rush Limbaugh: the word "bias" is inadequate to describe what the CNBC "moderators" were trying to do last night
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Rush Limbaugh: one of the greatest issues of our time is how to counter damage being inflicted by corrupt media
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
C. Edmund Wright _American Thinker_
Ted Cruz changed the game by directly defending against the leftist media
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: CNBC "moderators" deserved to be booed and jeered; media is really not objective
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan brought ineffectual Mitt Romney as special guest to election of speaker of House
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
meanwhile, in a big loss for the USA, Paul Ryan was elected speaker of the House
"...The final vote had Ryan with 236 votes, [House Dem/Red/leftist leader 'representative' Nasty Pelosi (D-CA)] with 184 votes, representative Daniel Webster (R-FL) with 9 votes, representative Jim Cooper (D-TN) with 1 vote, representative John Lewis (D-GA-5) with 1 vote, and non-law-maker Colin Powell with 1 vote..."
See the CDCP press release about excessive consumption of ethanol in DC. It may explain a lot. It is interesting from an historical perspective, in that it used to be that people consumed a lot of ethanol because of microbes in the water. Even children drank beer, for instance. But we've long suspected there was some contaminant in the water in DC which caused people who went there to lose their minds after just a few weeks. Now we see that it may well be the booze.
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Christina Marcos _Hill_
the good Republicans who did not vote for Paul Ryan to be speaker of the House
"...The nine Webster supporters were representatives Dave Brat (VA), Curt Clawson (FL), Louie Gohmert (TX), Paul Gosar (AZ), Walter Jones (NC), Thomas Massie (KY), Bill Posey (FL), Randy Weber (TX) and Ted Yoho (FL)... But many prominent members of the [so-called] Freedom Caucus ultimately voted for Ryan on the floor Thursday, including chairman Jim Jordan (OH) and representatives Raúl Labrador (ID), Matt Salmon (AZ), Justin Amash (MI), Mark Meadows (NC) and Tim Huelskamp (KS)..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Timothy P. Carney _Washington DC Examiner_
will Paul Ryan tame the RINOs or attack the non-leftists?
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Iran was responsible for deadly rocket attack on Camp Liberty in Iraq
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
California: a state of death and destruction
Wasington DC Times
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
anti-abortion March for LIfe challenges Obummer appeal to mandate abortifacients
"The [Obummer regime] filed notice Thursday that it will appeal a federal ruling that blocked it from enforcing its birth control mandate on a pro-life nonprofit known for its massive DC rallies against abortion. In August, U.S. district judge Richard J. Leon said the Health and Human Services Department practiced 'regulatory favoritism' by exempting houses of worship on grounds that its employees are less likely to want the contraceptives, while rejecting pleas from March for Life, a secular group that says its employees also don't want contraceptives, particularly those they equate with abortion..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
IRS abuse of secret cellular telephone tracking systems has Charles Grassley & Patrick Leahy demanding answers
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime released another non-uniformed suspected Muslim terrorist from Guantanamo
"...A prison profile, leaked in 2008, indicated that Aziz was captured by Pakistani officials at a suspected al-Qaeda safe house in Karachi, turned over to U.S. authorities and sent to Guantanamo in 2002..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
National Socialist Radio: US Army dismissed thousands of soldiers with mental health problems for "misconduct"
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
OIG: DHS FPS leased more cars than it has officers to drive them
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
US Army misfired on pistol upgrade effort, confuses arms makers with complex requirements
"...As voluminous as the Army's requirements -- known as a request for proposal (RFP) -- are, the 350 pages lack one critical guide to gun makers: the caliber... While the RFP lacks a designated caliber, it is not shy about dictating specifics for an up-to-500K buy. These include the gun's color, whether the bore brush is compatible with existing cleaning kits and the size of the paper used to correspond with Army selectors... The Marine Corps, for example, 2 years ago began buying Colt .45-caliber Close Quarter Battle Pistols. SEAL Team 6 sailors pack the same caliber in a Heckler & Koch model. Some Army commandoes use the M9A1, an improved Baretta 9 mm and also Glocks, which are popular with police."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Drew Johnson _Washington DC Times_
USPS lies cost tax-victims billions
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
new East-West flash-point: Moldova
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverent Franklin Graham: media, courts, & Obummer regime flagrantly mock and otherwise attack Christian values and beliefs
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
anti-Semitic posters, other ranting showing up at universities in the UK
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
GOP law-makers demand action after deadly attack on group at Camp Liberty near Baghdad opposed to Iran's theocrats
"Republican law-makers on Thursday urged the administration to act to protect members of an exiled Iranian opposition group, after a deadly missile attack on an former military base in Baghdad where they are accommodated, supposedly under protection of international law. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its affiliated Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK), which are reviled by the regime in Tehran, said that as many as 23 people were killed in the attack on Camp Liberty (Hurriya), a former U.S. military base near the airport in the Iraqi capital where more than 2K MEK members live. The NCRI's Paris-based leader, Maryam Rajavi, accused Iranian agents in Iraq's Shiite-led, pro-Iranian government of responsibility for the attack. It is the latest of at least 6 serious assaults targeting Camp Liberty and the group's previous home, Camp Ashraf in Diyala province, from which they were removed by Iraqi authorities in 2012..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA): family is the corner-stone of "society" and created by God
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
anti-NRA prosecutor suspended for allegedly pulling gun to threaten to shoot spider decorations in office building
"Heavy.com reports that White 'was one of the prosecutors in the controversial case against a Logan county eighth grader Jared Marcum…2 years ago'. Marcum was arrested for 'obstruction and disturbing the education process' after wearing a NRA t-shirt to school. According to CBS Pittsburgh, Logan county prosecutor John Bennett said 'several secretaries in the office' where White allegedly pulled the gun had 'decorated for Halloween'. White 'apparently suffers from arachnophobia and became irate over the decorations' and allegedly pulled a pistol and 'threatened to shoot the spiders'..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
armed black driver supports police who pulled him over for broken head-light
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
NAEP: 8th grade girls & 4th grade boys in MA were top average scorers on math tests
"Massachusetts girls posted the highest math scores (299) in the U.S.A. on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests administered to eighth graders this year, besting their male counterparts in the state (295) by 4 points. Thanks to their strong showing, Massachusetts took the top overall slot, scoring a nationwide high of 297 on the eighth grade math assessments, which is well above the national average of 281. Massachusetts' closest competitor was Minnesota, with an overall score of 294. The District of Columbia brought up the rear, posting an overall eighth grade math score (263) that was significantly below the national average. But it was the boys in Massachusetts who scored the highest in the nation (253) on NAEP's fourth grade math tests, beating the national average (240) by more than 10 points. With assistance from fourth grade girls (248), Massachusetts also posted the top overall scores in fourth-grade math (251), edging out Minnesota (250), New Hampshire (249), Virginia and Wyoming (both 247) for the honor. Alabama, the District of Columbia and New Mexico were tied for last place (231), with their overall fourth grade math scores nearly ten points lower than the national average, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)..."
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Arno Arrak
Karl et al. do not know that we hae 2 hiatuses, not one
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Eric Worrall
insane, power-mad EPA claim Halloween pumpkins are a climate menace
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Anthony Watts
limp blimp crimps green energy pimps
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Anthony Watts
ozone hole worse than in recent years -- due to colder than normal strastosphere over Antarctica
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
French mathematicians castigate UN's costly & pointless crusade against "global warming"
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
_Cybercast News Service_
feds decide to give a treat for Halloween: help preserve "cool" bats
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-10-29 (5776 Cheshvan 16)
Bob Dole _Washington DC Times_
memorializing Dwight D. Eisenhower (and George S. Patton
PM Winston Churchill
Never never never never give up...
Winston Churchill Centre
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
A good government is one "which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread that it has earned." --- Thomas Jefferson |
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Thomas Sowell, (10) Ann Coulter, (11) Ken Blackwell, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (19) Gary Johnson, (20) Jim Gilmore, (21) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by. For speaker of the House, I'm liking (1) Newt Gingrich, (3) Trey Gowdy, (4) Jason Chaffetz, (5) Daniel Webster, (7) Tom Cotton, (150) Paul Ryan (i.e. little better than a moderate Red/leftist/Dem, but still far better than an extremist like Lofgren, or Pelosi).
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump tells Disney they should re-hire US workers displaced by cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics
Stephen K. Bannon & Alexander Marlow: Breitbart
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Laura Ingraham
hateful, malevolent Zuckerberg group calls Donald Trump's reasonable immigration reforms "absurd"
Dawn Chmielewski: ReCode
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Alicia A. Caldwell _Cybercast News Service_
poll of illegal aliens being allowed by DHS to flow into the USA shows that they have been led to believe that families can legally enter and stay in the USA and collect illfare
Laura Ingraham
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
I understand why some executives and managers hire only from their own tribe, but what I don't understand is...
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexican government responds to new North Carolina law requiring counties and cities to adhere to federal immigration law
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Laura Ingraham
FAIR urges new House speaker Paul Ryan to promote immigration reform policies that serve and protect the initerests of USA citizens
PR NewsWire/UBM (Have I reminded you lately that MSFT JavaScript is evil?)
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) _Breitbart_
congress needs transparency before it could consider resettlement of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
"The [Obummer regime] has announced its intention to resettle a minimum of ten thousand Syrian refugees in the U.S.A. I have significant compassion for refugees fleeing the Islamic State, but the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS's) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has not been transparent or accountable in the past. ORR's involvement in the resettlement of tens of thousands of illegal aliens from Central America during the summer of 2014 raised many concerns about its functioning. Before we can begin a discussion about the resettlement of Syrian refugees, we must change the culture at ORR. According to the State Department, the United States Refugees Admissions Program (USRAP) is comprised of several departments across government, including ORR. My first experience with ORR came during the summer of 2014. HHS sent representatives to Capitol Hill to brief members and staff on multiple occasions about resettlement services for Central Americans illegally surging into our country. I also visited an ORR shelter for unaccompanied alien children (UAC) at Fort Sill, Oklahoma on 2014 July 12. What I saw and heard based on these interactions was appalling and led me to initiate an investigation of ORR..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
campaign wants FB to censor anti-"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals postings, but allow pornography
"...Photographer Olli Waldhauer kicked off his campaign by posting an image on FB of a topless woman stood beside a man holding a placard with [an allegedly] racist slogan written on it..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
stage actor criticized politicians for not being willing to let UK be even worse over-run by "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee on factory floor: it is a huge mistake to displace American workers with H-1B visa hires
American Economic Alert
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
top expert on H-1B visa program criticized Marco Rubio for misrepresenting the contents of his foreign worker plan
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Madison Gesiotto _Washington DC Times_
"sanctuary" cities, counties, states are not good for the USA
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
is US ICE under-mining its own "sanctuary" jurisdiction list?
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
crooked EB-5 lawyer bit the dust west of Dodge City
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Barack Hussein Obummer to illegal aliens: do as I say, not as I do
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Maricopa county sheriff Joe Arpaio is still asking for donations for his defense against the rogue Obummer regime.
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Yitzhak Rabin's legacy: what is required is the ending of the occupation of Israel by Palestinians
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump: Barack Hussein Obummer gives the impression he hates Israel (and the UK)
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Ruth Eglash _Jewish World Review_
yes, surveillance cameras are tools for violation of privacy, a nd hence controversial... everywhere... including Jerusalem Israel's "old city"
"...Kerry said the suggestion for 24-hour video coverage came from Jordan's king Abdullah ii, who is said to be a direct descendant of the prophet Muhammad [as are Obummer's cousins, prince William and little Georgie and Charlotte]... There are about 320 security cameras around the Old City, with at least two lenses trained on the leafy plaza, home to the al-Aqsa Mosque and the golden-topped Dome of the Rock. The 24-hour feed is closely monitored in a special operations room at Israeli police headquarters in the Old City. Meitav said the cameras were introduced in 2000 during the second Palestinian intifada and help to maintain law and order in the area's narrow alleyways..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Carol Morello _Jewish World Review_
Iran has imprisoned another US citizen
"...Siamak Namazi, a businessman based in Dubai who is in his early 40s, was arrested earlier this month when he was visiting a friend in Tehran, according to a family friend who did not want to be identified. It was not clear whether any charges have been brought against him or what authorities might allege he did. Namazi, the son of a former governor in the oil-rich Iranian province of Khuzestan, comes from a prominent Iranian family. Namazi's family came to [the United States of America] in 1983 when he was a boy, and he later returned to Iran after graduating from college to serve in the Iranian military. He has consulted on business opportunities in Iran for more than a decade..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Bernard Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Republican candidates finally stood up and put the kibosh on another media hit job
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
thank you, CNBC, for a wonderful evening of seeing your leftist bias and seeing you defeated for once
Cybercast News Service
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a rowdy night with television's junior varsity
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruze: of course RNC is at fault for letting CNBC go into full leftist-media attack mode
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
RC chairman Reince Priebus: we're going to make sure CNBC doesn't host another GOP debate
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart
Richard A. Viguerie: Conservative HQ: RNC chairman Reince Preibus handed control of "debate" to leftists
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Sarah Palin on "debate": fire John Harood; GOP should watch "The UnDefeated"
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Republican candidates have had enough of the RNC working against them, not working for them
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Melissa Harris-Perry needs a trip to Hard Work U
Cybercast News Service
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
how to get away with murder in the USA
"Got a real hatred for someone? A little greedy? Covet someone else's booty? Been slighted by your boss, bank, butcher, baron, boy-friend, babe? Tired of the daily slog of honest work? Is your Uncle Vinnie unavailable to help because he's confined to a gated community? Wanna live the life of a rich slave and get hundreds of thousands in welfare via housing, disability, medical, food stamps you can party with, sell drugs with the thugs AND get away with murder? Yes, there is a price. You have to sell your soul to the Dem/Red/Leftist Crime Party. Will the FBI create its own witness protection program to hide in? Join [Obummer's] newest quest for permanent power: Join THE JUSTICE UNTOUCHABLES! You too can thrive in the Progressive world like former AG, Eric Holder. Start a gun-running business to the drug cartels in Mexico! Then sit back and rake in the dough as they murder US border guards and American tourists with their newly-gifted automatic weapons..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
being a "minority" and not a leftist is not a contradiction
"...host Joe Scarborough expressed his consternation over Carson's popularity. 'I just don't get it', Scarborough said more than once. Remarking on some Carson ad he didn't like, Scarborough said, 'This guy is up 20 points in Iowa?... It's baffling.' Co-host Mika Brzezinski kept saying, 'I just don't get the Ben Carson ...' before trailing off into in articulate exasperation. Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson took a plausible stab at why Carson is popular. 'They like him, they like him.', he repeated, referring to conservatives in Iowa and elsewhere who admire Carson's dignified and soft-spoken demeanor..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Tom de Weese _Conservative HQ_
know your enemy: the UN, agenda 21/"sustainable development", and the attack of the UN NGOs
"Americans must begin to understand that the debate over environmental issues have very little to do with clean water and air or community planning, and much more to do with the establishment of power. NGOs are gaining it as locally-elected representatives are losing their rightful position to influence and guide policy on behalf of the citizens of their community who elected them. The UN just wrapped up yet another international meeting attended by thousands of delegates and world leaders. This time they introduced and unanimously approved the '2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development'. This is the 17 Goal re-boot of Agenda 21 with plans to fully enforce it by 2030.
Many people ask me who writes these agendas and who attends these meetings. And especially people ask how they wield so much power and influence over our government. It's a vast matrix composed of both private Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) groups and representatives of the UN and representatives of a large number of US federal agencies -- all working together behind the scenes, quietly making policy for the rest of us.
They make fun of our efforts to expose and fight Agenda 21, calling it a conspiracy theory. Through their condescending chuckles they boldly claim that Agenda 21 policy has no power of enforcement and that 'there are no Blue-helmeted troops at City Hall'. The truth is the UN doesn't need troops at City Hall because they have a private army doing the job for them -- the NGOs working behind the scenes applying the pressure on elected officials.
One rarely hears of it. Few elected officials raise an eye-brow. The media makes no mention of it. But power is slowly slipping away from our elected representatives. In much the same way Mao Tse Tung had his Red Guards, so the UN has its NGOs. They may well be your masters of tomorrow, and you don't even know who or what they are.
There are, in fact, 2 parallel, complimentary forces at work in the world, working together to advance the global 'sustainable development' agenda, ultimately leading toward UN global governance. Those 2 forces are the UN itself and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Beginning with the United Nations, the infrastructure pushing the Sustainable Development agenda is a vast, international matrix. At the top of the heap is the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP).
Created in 1973 by the UN General Assembly, the UNEP is the catalyst through which the global environmental agenda is implemented. Virtually all of the international environmental programs and policy changes that have occurred globally in the past three decades are the result of UNEP efforts.
But the UNEP doesn't operate on its own. Influencing it and helping to write policy are thousands of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These are private groups which seek to implement a specific political agenda. Through the UN infrastructure, particularly through the UNEP, they have great power.
The phrase 'non-governmental organization' came into use with the establishment of the United Nations Organization in 1945 with provisions in Article 71 of Chapter 10 of the United Nations Charter [and quango -- quasi-non-governmental organization -- quickly followed]. The term describes a consultative role for organizations that are neither government nor member states of the UN.
NGOs are not just any private group hoping to influence policy. True NGOs are officially sanctioned by the United Nations. Such status was created by UN Resolution 1296 in 1948, giving NGOs official 'consultative' status to the UN. That means they can not only sit in on international meetings, but can actively participate in creating policy, right along side government representatives.
There are numerous classifications of NGO's. The 2 most common are 'operational' and 'advocacy'.
Operational NGOs are involved with designing and implementing specific projects such as feeding the hungry or organizing relief projects. These groups can be religious or secular. They can be community-based, national or international. The International Red Cross falls under the category of an operational NGO.
Advocacy NGOs are promoting a specific political agenda. They lobby government bodies, use the news media and organize activist-oriented events, all designed to raise awareness and apply pressure to promote their causes which include environmental issues, human rights, poverty, education, children, drinking water, and population control -- to name a few. Amnesty International is the largest 'human rights' advocacy NGO in the world. Organized globally, it has more than 1.8M members, supporters and subscribers in over 150 countries.
Today these NGOs have power nearly equal to member nations when it comes to writing UN policy. Just as civil service bureaucrats provide the infrastructure for government operation, so to do NGOs provide such infrastructure for the UN. In fact, most UN policy is first debated and then written by the NGOs and presented to national government officials at international meetings for approval and ratification. It is through this process that the individual political agendas of the NGO groups enter the international political arena.
The policies sometimes come in the form of international treaties or simply as policy guidelines. Once the documents are presented to and accepted by representatives of member states and world leaders, obscure political agendas of private organizations suddenly become international policy, and are then adopted as national and local laws by UN member states. Through this very system, 'sustainable development' has grown from a collection of ideas and wish lists of a wide variety of private organizations to become the most widely implemented tool in the UN's quest for global governance.
The 3 most powerful organizations influencing UNEP policy are 3 international NGOs. They are the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the International Union for Conservation and Nature (IUCN).
These 3 groups provide the philosophy, objectives and methodology for the international environmental agenda through a series of official reports and studies such as: World Conservation Strategy, published in 1980 by all three groups; Global Biodiversity Strategy, published in 1992; and Global Biodiversity Assessment, published in 1996.
These groups not only influence UNEP's agenda, they also influence a staggering array of international and national NGOs around the world. Jay Hair, former head of the National Wildlife Federation, one of the USA's largest environmental organizations, was also the president of the IUCN. Hair later turned up as co-chairman of the 'Presidents Council on Sustainable Development'.
The WWF maintains a network of national chapters around the world, which influence, if not dominate, NGO activities at the national level. It is at the national level where NGOs agitate and lobby national governments to implement the policies that the IUCN, WWF and WRI get written into the documents that are advanced by the UNEP. In this manner, the world grows ever closer to global governance.
Other than treaties, how does UNEP policy become U.S. [government] policy? Specifically, the IUCN has an incredible mix of U.S. government agencies along with major U.S.A. NGOs as members. Federal agencies include the Department of State, Department of Interior, Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Park Service (NPS) the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Fish and Wildlife service. These agencies send representatives [paid by USA tax-victims] to all meetings of the UNEP.
Also attending those meetings as active members are NGO representatives. These include activist groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund, National Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation, Zero Population growth, Planned Parenthood, the Sierra Club, the National Education Association, and hundreds more. These groups all have specific political agendas they desire to become law. Through their official contact with government agencies working side-by-side with the UNEP, their political wish lists become official government policy.
How can this be, you ask? How can private organizations control policy and share equal power to elected officials? Here's how it works.
When the dust settled over the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, 5 major documents were forced into international policy that will change forever how national policy is made. More importantly, the Rio Summit produced the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). UNCED outlined a new procedure for shaping policy. The procedure has no name, nor is it [honestly and above-board] dictatorial. It is perhaps best described as 'controlled consensus' or 'affirmative acquiescence'.
Put in simple street language, the procedure really amounts to a collection of NGOs, bureaucrats and government officials, all working together toward a predetermined outcome. They have met together in meetings, written policy statements based on international agreements, which they helped to create and now they are about to impose laws and regulations that will have dire effects on people's lives and national economies. Yet, with barely a twinge of conscience they move forward with the policy, saying nothing. No one objects. It's understood. Everyone goes along. For this is a barbaric procedure that insures their desired outcome without the ugliness of bloodshed, or even debate. It is the procedure used to advance the radical, global environmental agenda.
The UNCED procedure utilizes 4 elements of power: international government (UN); national governments; non-governmental organizations, and philanthropic institutions.
The NGOs are the key to the process. They create policy ideas from their own private agendas. The policy idea is then adopted by one or more UN organizations for consideration at a regional conference. Each conference is preceded by an NGO forum designed specifically to bring NGO activists into the debate. There they are fully briefed on the policy and then trained to prepare papers and lobby and influence the official delegates of the conference. In this way, the NGOs control the debate and assure the policy is adopted. The ultimate goal of the conference is to produce a 'convention', which is a legally-drawn policy statement on specific issues. Once the 'convention' is adopted by the delegates, it is sent to the national governments for official ratification. Once that is done, the new policy becomes international law.
Then the real work begins. Compliance must be assured. Again, the NGOs come into the picture. They are responsible for pressuring Congress to write national laws in order to comply with the treaty. One trick used to assure compliance is to write into the laws the concept of third-party law-suits.
NGOs now regularly sue the government and private citizens to force policy. They have their legal fees and even damage awards paid to them out of the government treasury. Through a coordinated process, hundreds of NGOs are at work in congress, in every state government and in every local community, advancing some component of the global environmental agenda.
However, the United States Constitution's Tenth Amendment bars the federal government from writing laws that dictate local policy. To by-pass this road-block, NGOs encourage congress to include special grants to help states and communities to fund the new policy, should they want to 'voluntarily' comply.
Should a community or state refuse to participate 'voluntarily', local chapters of the NGOs are trained to go into action. They begin to pressure city councils or county commissioners to accept the grants and implement the policy. Should they meet resistance, they begin to issue news releases telling the community their elected officials are losing millions of dollars for the community. The pressure continues until the grant is finally taken and the policy becomes local law. This practice has resulted in the NGOs gaining incredible power on the local level. Today, a great number of communities are actually run by NGO members as city and county governments are staffed by NGO members. They are routinely appointed to serve on local unelected boards and regional councils that the NGOs helped to create. In that way, local representative government is slowly relinquishing its power to the NGOs.
Americans must begin to understand that the debate over environmental issues have very little to do with clean water and air or community planning, and much more to do with the establishment of power. NGOs are gaining it as locally-elected representatives are losing their rightful position to influence and guide policy on behalf of the citizens of their community who elected them. Through the creation of the non-elected boards, councils and regional governments, fueled by the federal grants, the structure of American government is being systematically changed to a top-down, non-elected dictatorship controlled by the UN-sanctioned NGOs."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton probably didn't take Obummer-required class in handling classified information
"...Numerous State Department employees under Clinton's watch skipped the class even though doing so should have resulted in their suspension from the practice of classifying information at the State Department. Therefore Clinton, whose claim that she did not send or receive classified information on her private e-mail server has been thoroughly debunked, allowed her underlings to make determinations about what should or should not be classified even though they didn't have the legal authority to do so. [President Obummer] created the training requirement himself in an executive order, which evidently was ignored by his own State Department..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
S.A. Miller & Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail messages show she was paranoid about GOP
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
Lebanon teeters on sectarian brink
"...However, the country is a sectarian volcano. The capital is but a short drive away from the Syrian imbroglio. A fourth of Lebanon's current population is 'refugees'. Sectarian fractures are widening as the government faces paralysis..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
_Conservative HQ_
FedUp PAC debate poll results
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Obummer regime to send more commandos/special forces into Syria, but no "large-scale ground combat"
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
8-story building being demolished, collapsed at 25 West 38th street, between 5th & 6th avenues, in mid-town Manhattan: 1 dead
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Indonesia to join Trans-Pacific Partnership
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
former USA ambassador John Bolton and IDF brigadier-gneral Israel Shafir spoke about Israel's future and security
"...Bolton pointed out that he believes [Obummer] 'views Israel as just as much a problem as [the United States of America]' and is attempting to 'constrain' both nations in order to weaken them strategically on the world scale..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
_Cybercast News Service_
Egyptian TV host & historian agree: burning is the only solution for Jews
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) transcript
Tova Dvorin: Arutz Sheva/Israel National News
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Dalit HaLevi _Arutz Sheva/Israel National News_
Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah discusses expansion of intifada
Discover the Networks: Fatah
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iran threatens to send a fleet of war-ships to control the Atlantic ocean
"Iran is in the final stages of deploying a 'fleet of war-ships' to patrol the Atlantic Ocean, according to the man in charge of Tehran's Navy, reported the state-run Fars News Agency on Thursday..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
German ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate rapper killed 2015-10-16 in air-strike in Syria
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
"work-place beheading", i.e. violent Muslim attacker, found competent to stand trial in Moore, Oklahoma
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
masters of deceptive euphemism DHS secretary Jeh Johnson and counter-terrorism director Nicholas Rasmussen refused to say "Islamic terrorism" or "Muslim terrorism" during congressional testimony about primarily Muslim terrorism
"Terms he used to refer to Islamic terrorists included: 'terrorists', 'terrorist groups', 'terrorist actors', 'ISIL-inspired terrorists', 'terrorist organizations', 'foreign terrorist fighters', 'foreign fighters', 'violent extremists', 'extremists', 'extremist terrorist actors', 'violent extremist actors', and 'extremist actors'..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee (R-UT): over-spending bill is the last gasping breath of a disgraced corrupt bipartisan belt-way establishment
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Gwen Moore (D-WI) unbelievably claims that voter requirements make it difficult for "people of color" (aren't we all?!?) to vote
"...While Moore does not give specifics in her video address, Alabama, North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin all have photo ID requirements for voting at the polls [and they all offer free ID cards to people who don't have the money to get driver licenses]..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Dept. of Energy inspector-general issued safety tip: don't put highly-enriched uranium in your pocket
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
congressman's wife, a former teacher, launched "Mothers Against Gun-Free Zones"
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Craige McMillan _WND_
the spirit of the times (Zeitgeist)
"There is a natural progression in all of life: It ends in death. As it is with individuals, so it is with nations, for nations are simply collections of individuals living under the same institutions, laws and customs. At a nation's birth this is by common assent among its inhabitants. At a nation's death, anything shared in common is but a distant and faded memory. There are loud, angry voices crying everywhere that want what they want -- and those around them be damned. As you might have noticed, America no longer has shared institutions, laws and customs. We are a mass of seething emotions, embroiled in conflict with one another over institutions, laws and customs of all kinds. There is no consensus. Rebels seek to abolish our past; new-comers demand that their new host accommodate their institutions, laws and customs. The secular elitists view all this as 'a good thing', because America as it existed did not fulfill their view of its true place in the world, as one among a community of nations ruled by a benevolent and powerful dictatorship -- composed of themselves. They have made an incalculable error, because they have never correctly understood what humanity is..."
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Seth Porges _Jewish World Review_
better ways to wake up
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
UMich consumer sentiment index up from 87.2 in late-September to 92.1 in mid-September to 90.9 in late-October
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
at home in Dystopia?: va yera aliu HaShem...
Mechon-Mamre: Genesis/be rashith 18
613 mitzvoth
Aseret ha Dibrot/10 commandments
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Eric Worrall
Russian president Vladimir Putin: climate change is fraud
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Bob Tisdale
2015 October ENSO update: comparisons with the other satellite-era multi-year el Nino
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Anthony Watts
U of Edinburgh: Greenland ice melt due to "global warming" found not so bad after all
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Tim Ball
Vladimir Putin: climate and political realist?
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Tim Ball
wine makers are not concerned about "climate change"
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Ed Feulner _Cybercast News Service_
why did the EPA spend $1.4M on guns?
Stephen Moore: Open the Books: does the EPA need guns, ammo (including artillery shells?!?) & armor to "protect" the environment? (and is their ammunition lead-free?)
Stephen Moore: Investor's Business Daily
2015-10-30 (5776 Cheshvan 17)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"In pace, ut sapiens, aptarit idones bello." (In peace, like a wise man, he prepares for war.) --- Quintus Horatius Flaccus _Satires_ |
2015-10-31 (5776 Cheshvan 18)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
calling all high GPA Ivy Leaguers, not perfect, but possibly a small step in the right direction for establishing minimal standards to get H-1B visas
"After being caught flat-footed on the H-1B issue in Thursday's debate, Donald Trump gave a firm, reasonable answer to a question on the matter at his rally in Reno: If a foreign student graduates first in his class at Harvard or Princeton, then we should grant him a work visa or green card, but not the ordinary students at ordinary schools. This certainly jibes with my views (though the question then is where to draw the line; see below).
The problem, of course, is that the tech industry wants to facilitate the immigration of notonly the strongest [brightest, most industrious] students at Harvard, but also mediocre students, at, say, Wright State University (site of the recent H-1B scandals).
The industry has [and the executives of the industry have] such a positive image [only a tiny fraction of is deserved] that one would think that they want to hire the brightest possible workers they can find, but in reality most of their jobs involve ordinary work -- which they deem best filled by ordinary people [but especially, the cheapest, youngest, most pliant people with only certain specific moral scruples, but not most others]. (An exception is Google, where you'll find many really sharp people working on really mundane tasks.)
I've mentioned before the American student with a bachelor's degree from Princeton then a master's from Cornell, who right after graduating from the latter was rejected 3 times from Texas Instruments. When I told this story to a TI recruiter, she frankly told me that TI doesn't want to hire exceptionally bright people, presumably fearing they'll be prima donnas. So, ordinary is good, and cheap ordinary is even better, hence the popularity of the H-1B program among employers. &bsp;
I've mentioned before my research, which also cites that of others, that shows on average the foreign students are of somewhat weaker talent than their American peers. And even Vivek Wadhwa's 2006 survey found that employers [and managers] stated that, compared to the foreign engineers, the 'US engineers were more creative, excelled in problem solving, risk taking, networking and had strong analytical skills'.
Once again, our current policy is displacing, directly and indirectly, American workers with the higher talent and hiring instead foreign workers of lower talent. This is a net loss to our economy, our ability to maintain world leadership in tech, and so on. I can't understand why this doesn't alarm [more] people, even those who are critical of H-1B.
But as I've said so often, some foreign s tudents really are of outstanding talent. Suppose congress and the tech industry really wanted a policy that targeted this group. How could it be done?
Many years ago, maybe 1996, a staffer for senator Simpson actually tried to draft legislation based on the idea of grabbing the foreign students from [the USA]s] elite schools. His plan was to look at the rankings of the school, and then draw the line somewhere near the top. You can see why this wouldn't work, due to 'list creep', brought on in response to relentless pressure from the industry and academia; the line would be gradually lowered, first a little at a time, and finally opening the gates to just about anyone. In 2011, a group of us researchers were gold by a high-level [Obummer official] that Zoe Lofgren's 'staple a green card to their diplomas' plan would apply only to the top dozen schools, but later it became over 100 and possibly over 200.
And speaking of Simpson, one of my favorite quotes of him says it all: 'I was working with the business community...to address their concerns [about H-1B, but] each time wer resolved one, they became more creative, ore novel.' IOW, they were not working in good faith at all, and they would keep pushing a president Trump to lower the bar 'just a bit'. Would he be able to resist?
The most practical proposal for taking only 'the best and the brightest' programmers and engineers has been to rank by offered salary. All the aplications for visas would be thus ranked, and visas doled out until the cap is reached. It's a very crisp, clean solution, originally proposed by a union yet something that the free market worshipers could relate to. But as should be clear from above, this is not something of interest to employers, and the proposal never really got serious attention [in congress]. Representative Zoe Lofgren did put the provision into one of her bills to apply to H-1B, but the bill also included 'staple a green card', with NO such provision. So the top talents would come in through the front door, but the back door would be open for everyone else.
Alas, a president Trump, or for that matter a president Sanders, would do well to consult with Alan Simpson -- a renegade, just like them -- on this issue."
2015-10-31 (5776 Cheshvan 18)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio's new billionaire backer Paul Singer, who funded the push for same-sex "marriage", is a top opponent of immigration reform; major force behind Obummer-Rubio amnesty and immigration expansion push in 2013
"Goldman Sachs, MSFT... Morgan Stanley... Oracle... Enrique Gonzalez... Fragomen... Fanjul Corporation... Sheldon Adelson...
Laura Ingraham
2015-10-31 (5776 Cheshvan 18)
2015-10-31 (5776 Cheshvan 18)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
High Bridge Arms -- SF CA's last arms shop, sold last gun, a classic Colt 1911 .45 caliber to a 70-year-old customer; coming soon: Chicago on the Pacific
2015-10-31 (5776 Cheshvan 18)
2015-10-31 (5776 Cheshvan 18)
Anthony Watts & Jay Zwally
oops! new NASA study concluded Antarctica is not losing ice mass after all
2015-10-31 (5776 Cheshvan 18)
Proposed Bills 13
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"All men have an equal right to the free development of their faculties; they have an equal right to the impartial protection of the state; but it is not true, it is against all the laws of reason and equity, it is against the eternal nature of things, that the indolent man and the laborious man, the spendthrift and the economizer, the imprudent and the wise, should obtain and enjoy an equal amount of goods." --- Victor Cousin |
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
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