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updated: 2017-03-28
"Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of tho-thirds, expel a Member." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 2 |
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"Activity can be easily mistaken for productivity. Always ask yourself, 'Is this advancing me to my goals?'" --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
R' Avi Shafran _Jewish World Review_
normal == wonderful
"...There's always a 'best thing'. It might not rate anywhere near the top of the list of our personal 'best things that ever happened to us' list. But everything's relative; there's always something we can identify as the high point of even the most dismal day... Before reciting bedtime prayers, we might look back over our day not only, as many are accustomed, to make a cheshbon hanefesh, to identify things we did that we might have done better or might have better not done, but also to identify the best thing that happened to us over the hours since we last recited Modeh Ani.//"
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Michelle R. Smith _Jewish World Review_
a bitter struggle for control of the USA's oldest synagogue: Manhattan NY vs. Newport RI
Jewish Business News
Cybercast News Service
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
disappointing paper analyzing STEM compensation in Sili Valley and possible "talent shortages"
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Jeffrey Sparshott _Wall Street Journal_
it is not simple to figure out how much excessive guest-workers and immigration (1) displaces particular US citizens, (2) how much does it depress or suppress or increase compensation of particular US citizens in each occupation, field, industry, skill-level and geographical area of the USA, (3) how much does it undermine professional ethics, and this brief article fails to dig deeply enough to come remotely close to an honest and complete and definitive set of answers
"Mr. Santorum blamed the country's stagnant wages on a different force: [guest-workers and] immigrants to the U.S.A. 'Over the last 20 years, we've brought into this country, legally and illegally, 35M mostly unskilled workers.', Mr. Santorum said in announcing his candidacy. 'And the result over that same period of time? Workers' wages and family incomes have flat-lined.' The Pennsylvania Republican is the latest in a string of politicians drawing a direct line between depressed wages and immigration. Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has drawn the connection... Immigration critics frequently cite the work of George Borjas...[who found in multiple studies over the last couple decades, for] example, immigration reduced the wage of native-born high school drop-outs by 2% to 5%..."
2013 April: George Borjas: CIS: Immigration and the American Worker: A Review of the Academic Literature
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
doing the work our media won't: clues to the immigrant crime wave
"Maybe we could do a triage: 1.) Helpful to country; 2.) Not helpful to country, but not a felon; 3.) Felon. Here's another idea: Instead of the Census Bureau collecting detailed information about how many rental units have 'broken or missing stair railings' (382K in 2010) or have had mold in their bath-rooms in the last 12 months (1.1M in 2010), how about the government tell us how many immigrants have committed crimes?... Unlike mold in private homes, criminals have come into significant contact with the government—cops, prosecutors, judges, and prison guards. And we're already paying those guys' salaries. As important as the number of carports in America is, it's also important to know how many immigrants are committing crimes..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Ann Coulter challenged Marc Andreessen to immigration debate
"Andreessen, an early investor in FB, picked a fight with Sessions last year after the Alabama senator called out FB co-founder Mark Zuckerberg on the senate floor for spending millions to push amnesty legislation and massive increases in H-1b guest-worker permits at a time when there is a proven surplus -- not a shortage -- of American high-tech workers... In _Adios, America!_, Coulter points out that 'every single elite group in America' -- including the main-stream media, ethnic activists, campaign donors, technology elites, and Wall Street -- 'is aligned against the American public' because 'they all want mass immigration from the Third World to continue'. 'Both political parties connive to grant illegal aliens citizenship and bring in millions more legally, and the media hide the evidence.', Coulter argues in her new book. 'Their game plan is: Never allow an honest debate on immigration.'"
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
will Jorge Ramos go easy on Hitlery after her full embrace of amnesty for illegal aliens?
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
boy meets girl
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker has early lead in Iowa poll
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee promotes US citizen workers, slams H-1B visa fraud and abuse by tech executives
"...Polling data, especially that from the National Republican Senatorial Committee commissioned Paragon Insights poll from before the 2014 mid-term elections and from KellyAnne Conway's the Polling Company polls from last summer, show widespread support across party lines -- higher than 70% among Democrats, Republicans and independents -- wanting to help American workers first...
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
have/will robots put you out of work?
"The cost, says a group of Oxford scholars, could be a loss of 45% of all American jobs within 2 decades, and the answer, say other academics, is big government getting bigger and ever more active in supplying solutions..."
Experiments with driverless, privacyless cars have been conducted for over 15 years.
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
illegal aliens from Eritrea and Sudan brawl at Calais leaving 24 injured
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Bernie, it is socialism, not deodorant, that starves the poor: in the socialist delusion, centralized control is always preferable to voluntary enterprise
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Reg Henry _Jewish World Review_
guys bond in a critical way over bad movies
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Ann McFeatters _Jewish World Review_
a little good news
"A 17-year-old high school student won the world's top science prize for students by developing a system to provide fresh air to each passenger on an airplane, eliminating viral pathogens that make thousands of people sick each year. The Centers for Disease Control says one sick person with the H1N1 virus can make 17 others on the same flight sick. In addition to receiving $75K, Raymond Wang of Vancouver has a patent pending and already has been contacted by airlines... car fatalities in 2011 had declined to the lowest levels in 62 years. In 2013 auto fatalities had declined 25 percent from 2004. The number of people injured in car traffic accidents also is declining steadily. The American Lung Association says our air is significantly cleaner than it was a decade and a half ago..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Douglas Quan _Jewish World Review_
girls on HS soccer team benched after complaints from Muslim boys' team... but still crushed them 6-1
National Post
Pamela Geller
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
it is small stuff that wrecks presidential campaigns
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
in congress, over-pending Dems/Reds/leftists and over-spending Republicans
Washington DC Times
"As a share of gross domestic product (GDP), federal outlays [ticked down microscopically] from 23.5% in 2010 to 20.3% in 2014... As representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, one of the fiscal hawks in the House and the leader of the new Freedom Caucus tells me, 'One of the biggest problems we face now is getting our own members to vote to control spending.' Here's the evidence. So far in this fiscal year (October through April) federal spending has exploded by another $133G, or a jackrabbit sprint of 7% growth. Admittedly, $46G of this higher spending is artificially due to less money coming into the Treasury from repayments from [quangoes/GSEs] Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Still, domestic outlays are growing about twice the 2% rate of inflation. If the trend continues through September, then federal spending will rise by $171G this year -- and that assumes no hurricanes, floods, military emergencies and so on. Spending is expected to rise by another $250G in 2016... The biggest expenditure increases are for [ObummerDoesn'tCare], including the [tax-victim-funded] exchange subsidies. Those costs are up just a shade under 30% in 1 year. Medicare costs are up 8.1%. Wait a minute. Didn't [Obummer] promise the Affordable Care Act would bend the cost curve down?..."
One Wall
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
the quiet revolutions of personal choice
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
all of the world is a stage... including the inside of San Quentin
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
another leftist disconnected from reality: as the GHWBush - Clinton - Shrub - Obummer economic depression lingers and job markets remain essentially dysfunctional, princess Chelsea doesn't see jobs as a challenge for the young
"Hasn't even one of Chelsea's many hard-working handlers ever mentioned to her that perhaps the most important challenge for young people today is FINDING A JOB! And, right after that, PAYING BACK STUDENT LOANS! Those challenges don't seem to be on Chelsea's radar..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
is a college/university education still worth the costs?
"...Certainly many professions restrict your entry into them without a college degree, but that does not mean that the person who succeeds in college succeeds in life financially because of the college degree... people who attend even superior colleges don't often need to attend college to be financially successful in life. When the population of college attendees typically includes the smartest and most motivated [best-connected] people in our country, it follows that they would have higher life-time earnings than the population as a whole... What we don't know is how many of those degrees end up being totally useless because jobs are not available in any shape or form..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Laura Ingraham
as 5 taliban officers return to battle against the West, Bergdahl deal stink increases
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Laura Ingraham
new national crime-wave driven by race-obsessed Obummer regime, "community organizers"
Heather Mac Donald: Wall Street Journal
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
30 shot, 6 killed in Chicago over the week-end: almost all of the gun-fire was gang related
"So far [this year] to date, 146 people have been shot and killed in Chicago, 844 have been shot and wounded, and another 26 were murdered on top of those killed by gun-fire."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Laura Ingraham
more than two-thirds of USA's employed suffer from work over-load
Money Tips
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
_Money Tips_
pay to production workers as % of GDP is down
"The drop has been significant since the Great Recession, sending labor's relative income share into unprecedented low territory (below 60% by most measures). However, the trend has really been persistent since 2001 when labor's income share was in the 66%-67% range. Robert Z. Lawrence of the Peterson Institute created an insightful graph showing the split between manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries... Lawrence states that the manufacturing sector accounted for 88% of the drop in labor's share between 1987 and 2011... Out-sourcing and Globalization -- Globalization draws labor from high wage toward low wage countries in general, which should not be a surprise to anyone. Even when operations do not move, the mere threat of being able to do so tends to keep wage pressures down. The fact that the falling labor share is even larger in other developed countries as defined by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) bolsters this argument... The share received by more highly paid workers has stayed stable or increased, while the share among lower-paid workers has fallen dramatically -- and the lower wage jobs are the ones more readily threatened by out-sourcing... Combine that with out-sourcing possibilities and there is plenty of available labor on the lower-wage side, and thus few pressures to raise wages..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
radical Hindus to Christians: convert or prepare to die
"Radical Hindu nationalists closely aligned to the Indian government warned Christians in Punjab state late last year to prepare to convert to Hinduism 'or get ready to die', according to a complaint before a U.S. federal court. A law-suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York calls on the U.S. government to designate as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) a radical Hindu organization with close ties to prime-minister Narendra Modi and his ruling party..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Lolita C. Baldor _Cybercast News Service_
VietNam's communist government says USA should not expect them to respect individual rights as a condition for selling them weapons
"...Ashton Carter...Carter also said that the U.S.A. will provide $18M to VietNam to buy vessels for the Coast Guard. And the 2 men signed a joint statement calling for expanded cooperation between the 2 militaries... Beijing's building program on reefs and atolls now totals more than 2K acres, according to the U.S.A..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer's lame rationalizations for granting work permits
"You may have noticed that the Constitution confers all powers over immigration to the congress. You might then expect that the way the immigration system is supposed to work is that congress defines the classes of aliens eligible work in the United States and that DHS has the broad authority to determine the individual aliens within those classes who are authorized to work. That is not how [Obummer's] DHS [and Jeh Johnson see] things..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
one of Border Patrol's balloons temporarily deflated
"They are tethered, typically fly at 10K feet, and one of their principal duties is to detect unauthorized flights across the border, often carrying drugs, according to Homeland Security... First, there are large sums of money now being spent on high-tech border protection; the politicos would rather allocate showy amounts of money on border technology than on enforcing immigration law in the nation's interior. And if some of the things being purchased and operated seem like adult toys -- such as drones and balloons -- well, that's better than facing the criticisms of the all-too-powerful mas-migration crowd for actually enforcing the immigration law on the ground. The history I am thinking about is not about the first use of balloons for military surveillance -- by the French Army in 1794 -- nor their extensive use in the U.S. Civil War, but decisions made about 40 years ago within the former Immigration and Naturalization Service..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration lawyers' web-site disses EB-5 program
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
bringing terrorists into the USA for training
"Gulmurod Khalimov, a special police forces commander from Tajikistan who disappeared from his country in April, resurfaced recently in an Islamic State propaganda video. It's unclear what triggered the defection of a man formerly charged with protecting the political leaders and government elites of tightly ruled, autocratic Tajikistan. News accounts tell us that he was well-trained, courtesy of both the American and Russian militaries. He was in the United States several times for such training; likewise with Russia... There has frequently been an uneasy tension in the ranks of immigration officers responsible for enforcing the law, at least in those field offices with geographic jurisdiction over areas where military posts host such training (including Fort Polk in Louisiana, where apparently this Tajik colonel was trained at least once). Such facilities are scattered all over the United States because the locales vary depending on the type of training being given, the military or police service being trained, and dependent on the propriety of the physical surroundings for where these trainees will be operating when they return home (mountain, desert, jungle, or whatever). The tension arises from the reality that every so often while in the United States, these trainees go missing or engage in unseemly conduct. This causes real difficulties because quite often they are issued A-2 diplomatic visas for the purpose of entering and engaging in their training. (For a quick synopsis of A-1 and A-2 visas, see here.) Fundamentally, this means that they are beyond the scope of normal enforcement processes even as the immigration officers, among others, will be charged with locating them... Imagine the damage they could do while present in our country for training or military exercises. The notion is not so far-fetched. In 2012, so-called 'green-on-blue' attacks (in which Afghan soldiers turned on their allies) constituted 15% of the combined casualties for U.S.A. and other coalition forces. In 2014, one of those green-on-blue deaths was of an American major general."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Ilan Ben Zion _Jewish World Review_
archaeological gems from Palmyra=Tadmor
Times of Israel
Mosaic Magazine
"...Because of its unique location, Palmyrene culture and art exhibited a fusion of Roman and Persian traditions. Traditional Mesopotamian mud bricks comprised the majority of the city's architecture, Jørgen Christian Meyer, an archaeologist from the University of Bergen explained, but temples to Semitic gods such as Bel, Baalshamin and Al-lat were constructed in Classical style with stout columns hewn of stone... 'we've got this mixture of Greek, Aramaic, Middle Eastern, Roman culture...'"
1884 image of inscription
2015-05-17: picture of Palmyra from SANA via AP
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's destruction and desecration in Palmyra has begun
Nour al-Rafee: International Business Times
"The god lion, or to give it its full title, the Lion of Al-Lat, dated from the first century CE. It stood at the entrance to the ancient Bel's Temple, and was built in homage to the goddess Al-Lat, a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess who was one of the 3 chief goddesses of Mecca, and is mentioned in the Quran."
related: WCPO: Hebrew Union College museum expanding collection with gift from B'nai Brith
Roger Pearse: A Christian inscription from Palmyra dated 135CE?
I 24 News
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
please, join us for some fun and Civil War history as the Stone Hill Players perform James Reston ii's "Sherman the PeaceMaker"
Sherman the PeaceMaker
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Rand Paul slams GOP losership, declares at least temporary victory over NSA abuses, thanks Matt Drudge as bulk collection of info on domestic phone calls expires
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Mike Lee promotes alternative to unpatriotic act
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
professional Muslim agitator complains of United Airlines refreshment service
"has a history rife with deep connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Imams. 31-year-old Tahera Ahmad, who serves as the Muslim chaplain at Northwestern University... Islamic supremacist groups such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic relations) have condemned United, telling Al Jazeera that they have taken an interest in filing a law-suit on behalf of Ahmad. Ahmad's claims of discrimination have not been corroborated by any passengers, and United Airlines rejects that any wrongdoing or acts of discrimination occurred... Ahmad has shown to have an affinity for radical Islamist groups that seek to employ deceptive tactics in order to advance Sharia law, Breitbart News has found. Ahmad has attended and participated in multiple conferences over the past couple years which were hosted by alleged Muslim Brotherhood front groups. She has also proudly written about, and has happily posed in photos with radical Imams. In late December, Ahmad attended the MAS-ICNA (Muslim American Society - Islamic Circle of North America) conference, which featured prominent leaders within the global Muslim Brotherhood network..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
actor Vince Vaughan: we have the right to bear arms so we can resist a corrupt and abusive government
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
poll: most Americans are comfortable with arms being carried in public
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
there is no "gender gap" in pay... but there should be
Christina Hoff Sommers: Time: 5 feminist myths that will not die
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Kim R. Holmes _Washington DC Times_
Red China pushing for regional hegemony
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Red China bets Obummer lacks the will to stop their massive grab of territory
Michael Auslin: NYPost
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Drew Johnson _Washington DC Times_
stop crony socialism in wireless spectrum sales
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
the Trans-Pacific Partnership would under-cut US citizens' interests
"...'First of all, it is the largest ever international economic treaty that has ever been negotiated, very considerably larger than NAFTA. It is mostly not about trade, only five of the 29 chapters are about traditional trade.', said Mr. Assange. 'The others are about regulating the Internet, and what information Internet service providers have to collect, they have to hand it over to companies under certain circumstances, the regulation of labor conditions, regulating the way you can favor local industry, regulating the hospital, health care system, privatization of hospitals, so essentially every aspect of a modern economy, even banking services are in the TPP.', he concluded. Surprise! Part of this 1K-page monstrosity perpetuates the regulation of the Internet, on a global scale. The method of using a treaty to accomplish this means the United States would be bound by it, and congress would be unable to change it -- just bureaucratic managers of the monster. How convenient for both parties to ultimately claim that they are as upset as we are, but alas, their hands are tied. While critics of the deal, such as senators Jeff Sessions of Alabama and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, believe the agreement will usher in more out-sourcing of jobs and lower labor standards, it is clear that is only the tip of the iceberg. The out-sourcing of American regulation effectively sets the precedent for so-called 'international treaties' to determine American law..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Ken T. Cuccinelli & Mark FitzGibbons _Washington DC Examiner_
NSA and how the 4th amendment discourages government abuses
"...In Virginia, we have participated in promoting a '21st Century Fourth Amendment' that includes these needed reforms and more, including tightening the definition of probable cause to ensure valid laws are being enforced. These originalist reforms make sense for all the states, and even for the federal government, in protecting our security from Orwellian government."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Lou Kesten _Cybercast News Service_
TSA chief Melvin Carraway re-assigned following internal investigation of airport security
"...Acting Deputy Director Mark Hatfield will lead the agency until a new administrator is appointed... ABC News first reported Monday that undercover agents were able to smuggle prohibited items, such as mock explosives or weapons, through TSA check-points in 67 out of 70 attempts..."
Caroline May: Breitbart
"...nominee to be the next TSA administrator, Coast Guard vice-admiral Pete Neffenger..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Louie Gohmert (R-TX) to BLM: keep up the arrogance and we'll cut your budget, cut your employees, and turn those powers back to the states
"...complaints about denial of access onto National Forest Service and BLM land from sportsmen and law enforcement..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
armed citizen returned fire, stopping a mass shooting in Georgia liquor store
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
the odd circumstance of Koenigsberg/Kaliningrad
"In August of last year, as [thousands of] Russian troops kept getting 'lost' in Ukraine, the government of Canada produced a map showing Russia in red, and Ukraine in blue, labeled 'Not Russia', in a snarky attempt to call, in their words, 'an invasion an invasion'. Humorously, Canada forgot to color red the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea, which sits right between the former Soviet Republics of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, which were conquered by the Red Army during World War 2, and Poland..."
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Joseph Curl _Jewish World Review_
Obummer continues to go too far in his leftist power-madness
Washington DC Times
"House Majority Whip Steve Scalise said: 'EPA's attempt to redefine navigable waterways to include every drainage ditch, backyard pond, and puddle is a radical regulatory overreach that threatens to take away the rights of property owners and will lead to costly litigation and lost jobs...'..."
follow-up: Obummer regime EPA aiming attack at farmers
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Matthew Daly _Cybercast News Service_
GOP strive to rein in rogue Obummer EPA
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
former UN IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri found guilty of sexual harassment
2015-06-01 (5775 Sivan 14)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
epic failure: "climate change voters" get weird to attempt to protest against Scott Walker
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"In my life-time, I've never seen a president as bad as this president [Barack Hussein Obummer]." --- Bill Owens of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP) |
1398-06-02: Henry Sinclair day (landed at Guysborough, Nova Scotia).
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Laura Ingraham
Ron Hira: STEM execs advocate for cheap, young, pliant guest-workers and immigrants NOT the American worker (mp3)
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
John Hockenberry _Take-Away_
STEM jobs are scarce for recent grads
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Laura Ingraham
supremes refuse to hear Arizona's appeal from 9th circus insanity
Lawrence Hurley: Yahoo!/Reuters
"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left intact an appeals court ruling from last year that struck down an Arizona law that denied bail to illegal immigrants charged with certain felonies. The justices rejected an appeal filed by Maricopa county and its sheriff, Joe Arpaio. 3 of the court's conservative justices, Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito, said they would have heard the case. 4 of the 9 justices must agree to hear a case for the court to take it up. [Denial of cert. lets stand the lower-court ruling in that circuit, but is not nationally precedent-setting, i.e. other circuit courts can make different rulings.]... Thomas wrote in an opinion joined by Scalia that the court's refusal to hear the case 'shows insufficient respect to the state of Arizona, its voters and its constitution'. The court's action 'suggests to the lower courts that they have free rein to strike down state laws on the basis of dubious constitutional analysis', Thomas added. Arizona is known for putting in place [measures for local enforcement of federal laws regarding illegal aliens]. This one was passed as a ballot measure with overwhelming support from Arizona voters. The state said it was needed due in part to [a long history] of immigrants fleeing if allowed bail... Maricopa County v. Lopez-Valenzuela, U.S. Supreme Court, #14-825."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Miriam Jordan _Wall Street Journal_
executives, hiring managers, immigration lawyers and guest-workers try to game the H-1B lottery system
"[As has always been the case,] Immigration lawyers involved in the process say they have helped companies file multiple H-1B [low-skilled-worker] visa applications for the same person. Some workers, meanwhile, are accepting offers from multiple employers, each of whom files a petition on their behalf, the lawyers say. Such practices, which aren't illegal, likely have occurred in the past without public notice..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports. Over 57,600 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 68,102 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Altogether, over 385,051 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 431,001 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 66,700 L-1 guest-work visas were issued via consular offices in FY2013, and over 71,513 were issued in FY2015, according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 3,946 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2013, and 4,492 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 12,359 O work visas for individuals with "extraordinary" abilities were issued in FY2013, and 12,706 O work visas were issued in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 534,320 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2013, and over 595,569 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports.
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Dhanya Ann Thoppil _Wall Street Journal_
new rules for H-1B holders
"[Responding to scandalous abuses investigated and reported in 2006 by Matt Wickenheiser of the Portland Maine Press Herald] employers of H-1B visa holders must now file an amended visa application along with a Labor Condition Application [LCA] if a foreign employee shifts to a work site outside the area covered by the original visa. An employer will have to pay $325 to file an amended H-1B application with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service [USCIS]. Previously, a skilled-worker visa holder only had to file a Labor Condition Application with the Department of Labor [DoL] when he or she changed job locations... 'This is an extremely troubling and expensive development for the IT-consulting firms–both Indian and U.S.A.', said Scott J. FitzGerald, a partner with U.S.A.-based law firm Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP [one of the largest immigration law practices in the USA]... Indian industry officials warned the proposed rule change could ratchet up the cost of keeping workers in the U.S.A. -- analysts estimate roughly 30K Indian H-1B visa holders work in the U.S.A. now and often change sites as they move from one project to the next."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
supporters of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties don't let facts get in the way of a good story
"...The tin-foil-hatters have come up with a great story: a grand conspiracy to undermine [Obummer]. The only problem here is that the WashTech law-suit challenges an action taken by [president Shrub], and the Immigration Reform Law Institute has been involved in this issue since 2008. In a previous post, I described how [Obummer's] DHS has claimed that the definition of unauthorized alien in 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(h)(3) gives it 'unfettered' authority to allow any alien to work in the United States. That is the justification being used for DACA, DAPA, and the H-4 work authorization. There was no mention of 8 U.S.C. § 1324a when the Bushies promulgated the OPT regulation at issue in the WashTech law-suit. In fact, DHS never mentioned §1324a in connection with OPT either until it made its summary judgment motion in March. There was no connection between Washtech and [Obummer's] own actions until his DHS created it."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
wait! the situation with that paper analyzing STEM compensation in Sili Valley is actually much worse
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Laura Ingraham
transcript of interview with Ron Hira
"On The Laura Ingraham Show, Ron Hira (a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) and professor of public policy at Howard University) discussed the impact of high-skill immigration on American workers. Hira, who previously wrote a study addressing the negative impacts of H-1B and L-1 visa programs, was quick to address the negative consequences of an expansive guestworker program. Ingraham pointed to Todd Schulte, President of FWD.us, who misinterpreted a study during today's testimony on Capitol Hill, touting the lines of the high worth individuals sponsors his organization. Hira addressed many similar organizations that, rather than train American workers, choose to use cheap, guest-worker labor..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Obummer regime lost track of illegal aliens who committed additional deportable offenses
"Some aliens, including legal immigrants who commit removable offenses, are released by the federal government into U.S. communities under the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP) while awaiting a final disposition on their removal cases. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) now admits it no longer tracks some of the foreign national in the program who have been released into U.S. communities. The program enrolls aliens, both legal and illegal, who are 'at high risk of committing criminal acts, absconding, or violating the terms of their release, such as reporting requirements', explained the inspector general (IG) for the DHS..."
I get the impression that their notion of "intensive supervision" is most people's notion of how closely a 10-year-old who had committed an extremely minor crime should be supervised.
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter on guest-worker and immigrant influx
"She explained that although she is worried about the political consequences as a Republican, the cultural impact is much more profound. She pointed to an incident in England to show how that culture there has changed, despite of the efforts of the media to camouflage such incidents that may have stemmed from such cultural changes due to immigration policy. 'The point I'm making with that, obviously that should be important to me as a Republican.', Coulter said. 'But it's the culture of America that is being changed. It's the most successful culture on earth and particularly for women, children, plants and animals. Minorities have never been treated with such respect. I mean, you go back to [Alexis] de Tocqueville talking about how women are treated in America. American women are about to find out, you never had it so good, as with American men because no other cultures are like this...'..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
differences between left and right (part 2): battling "society" vs. battling yourself
"...Conservatives not only have no interest in fundamentally transforming the United States, but they are passionately opposed to doing so. Fundamentally transforming any but the worst society -- not to mention transforming what is probably the most decent society in history -- can only make the society worse. Of course, conservatives believe that America can be improved, but not transformed, let alone fundamentally transformed. The Founders all understood that the transformation that every generation must work on is the moral transformation of each citizen. Thus, character development was at the core of both childrearing and of young people's education at school...."
differences between left and right (part 1)
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
why must the USA clean up a foreign sport (whose movers and shakers gave humongo bux to the Clintons Foundation)?
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
why non-leftists give better graduation speeches
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
is it time for civil disobedience against the power-mad, anti-constitutional, kludgeocratic bureaucracy
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Bill Kristol _Jewish World Review_
how many Paul Reveres do we have, and how many are going active in response?
"...We're ready to sound the alarm about the world around us -- about ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and Iran and Syria, about Putin and Xi Jinping. We're ready to sound the alarm about the [Obummer regime]. We're ready to sound the alarm about the fact that Hillary Clinton now leads all the Republican presidential candidates in the polls. We're alarmed for our nation; we're alarmed for our Constitution; we're alarmed for our liberty. We're alarmed for the world. In the words of the great conservative Edmund Burke, writing to William Windham on 1793 August 23: 'We must continue to be vigorous alarmists.' What does it mean to be a vigorous alarmist? Among other things, it means standing on principle and refusing to bend to the passing breezes..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Fred Barnes _Jewish World Review_
slim pickings: the Dems/Reds/leftists' weak bench
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
leftist censors strike again
Cybercast News Service
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
corrupt but unaccomplished
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's legacy in the Middle East desert
"...No one would confuse an Arab army with Marse Robert's Army of Northern Virginia, or George S. Patton's Third Army that swept across France en route to Berlin in the Autumn of 1944, but the Iraqis, who abandoned their weapons and ran to hide in the desert, didn't stumble into catastrophe by themselves. The facts continue to leak about how ISIS trucks and heavy equipment gathered on the outskirts of Ramadi, cataloged by U.S. intelligence satellites, and no air-strikes were ordered against the convoys... David Deputla, now retired as the deputy chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, tells Eli Lake of Bloomberg News that pilots flying sorties can see the targets that need immediate attention, but 'have to call back [to head-quarters] and ask, Mother, may I, before they can engage'. It's the way to engage if you're sitting on Pennsylvania Avenue or in front of a computer screen thousands of miles from the scene of battle, but it doesn't do much for soldiers pinned down and searching the skies for a sign of the promised help..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
paying the price
Town Hall
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
intellectual dishonesty
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
"To call any science settled is sheer idiocy. Had mankind acted as though any science could possibly be settled, we'd be living in caves, as opposed to having the standard of living we enjoy today. That higher standard of living stems from challenges to what might have been seen as 'scientific fact'. According to mathematician Samuel Arbesman's book, _The Half-Life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date_, many ideas taken as facts today will be shown to be wrong as early as 5 years from now. Arbesman argues that a study published in a physics journal will lose half its value in 10 years. Many academics know that to call any science settled is non-sense. But their leftist political sentiments and lack of academic integrity prevent them from criticizing public officials and the media for misleading a gullible public about global warming..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
don't compromise on the US constitution
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
_Conservative HQ_
the crony socialist Export-Import Bank and the art of picking losers
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Joe Lieberman predicts congress will reject Obummer's Iran deal
"(Although the U.S. Constitution allows the president can make treaties as long as two-thirds of the Senate approves them, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] insists the Iran deal is not a treaty. Last month, congress passed [unconstitutional] legislation setting up a 'disapproval process' for congress. The bill, as the Heritage Foundation put it, lowers the number of senators needed to approve the deal from 67 to 34, making it easier to [Obummer] to enter into what [millions of US citizens] are calling a bad deal.)"
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Jack Gillum, Eileen Sullivan & Eric Tucker _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime corruption continues to leak: FBI behind mysterious fleet of surveillance air-craft over USA cities
"The planes' surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge's approval [i.e. unconstitutionally], and the FBI said the flights are used for specific, on-going investigations. The FBI said it uses front companies to 'protect the safety of the pilots and aircraft'. It also shields the identity of the aircraft so that suspects on the ground don't know they're being watched by the FBI. In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states across the country, an AP review found... at least 13 fake companies... The FBI also has been careful not to reveal its surveillance flights in court documents..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
"cultural cleansing" of Christian men
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _Cybercast News Service_
Baltimore's descent: chaos a the left's strategy
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Humayoon Barbur & Amir Shah _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
terrorist attack in Zari district of Balkh province killed 9 Afghans working for Czech charity
"a new report by Brown University warned that almost 100K people have been killed in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S.A.-led invasion overthrew the Taliban regime and sparked an insurgency... People in Need has been in Afghanistan for 12 years, he said, and has projects in all 104 of Zari's villages. Afghan president Ashraf Ghani condemned the attack..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Lisa Leff _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
free test-preparation program for revamped SAT available on-line
SAT prep at Khan Academy
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
the global Pottersville
"Where previous presidents fostered American strength, [Obummer] revels in [USA's global] weakness [federal government power-madness over US citizens at the same time]."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
"MrCruzStar de Reynosa" _Breitbart_
mapping the shifting territories of Mexican cartels
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
Iran's anti-ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate cartoon contest blamed USA and Israel; entries from at least 40 countries
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
supremes: intentional employment discrimination no longer requires evidence of actual intent...
Taylor v. Barkes... Elonis v. United States... Mellouli v. Lynch... [Bank of India] v. Caulkett... Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., found by an 8-1 vote that employers would not have to intentionally discriminate under the Civil Rights Act in order to be held responsible for intentionally discriminating... This is silly, and the sole dissenter, justice Thomas, points that out: 'Unlike the majority, I adhere to what I had thought before today was an undisputed proposition: Mere application of a neutral policy cannot constitute intentional discrimination... the majority expands the meaning of intentional discrimination to include a refusal to give a religious applicant favored treatment... [the majority creates] an entirely new form of liability: the disparate-treatment-based-on-equal-treatment claim.' This ruling does not merely endanger employers who do not accommodate religious people. It endangers employers who have neutral policies that do not discriminate against people on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, but are found to have done so because of disparate impact. IOW, the same justices attempting to protect religious Americans from discrimination on this basis open the door to law-suits against religious business owners who have neutral policies with regard to traditional marriage and traditional child-bearing, for example..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
why would a devout Muslim want to work at Abercrombie & Fitch?
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Tom Fitton _Breitbart_
another Obummer regime corruption: improper secrecy
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
don't give up the South China Sea... and all of the countries for which it is international waters for trade
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
billionaire Leon Cooperman: _Clinton Cash_ revelations are evidence of "an unbelievable shake-down_
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
new crime-wave hits Dem/Red/leftist-run cities, as Obummer's race-obsessed "community organizers" incite violence
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Shiite forces backed by Iran burned ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate prisoner to death
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Terence P. Jefrey _Cybercast News Service_
37 straight Gallup polls over 21 years: majority believe abortion should be illegal in almost all cases
Susan Berry: Breitbart
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
at hearing on misspent telephone subsidies Dems/Reds/leftists advocate new subsidies for and government control over Internet
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: gays' assault on real marriage is driven by forces of evil
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
wife of American pastor Saeed Abedini jailed in Iran: only a relationship with God brings peace
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Joseph Farah _WND_
corrupt federal government is gradually declaring that your money is not your money
"First the U.S. Supreme Court asserts the 'right' of the U.S. government to seize private funds to 'protect consumers' from 'mismanagement', a decision that could lead directly to Washington seizing your private retirement pension and 401k. Then, a former speaker of the House is indicted for financial crimes -- but not for ear-marking hundreds of millions of tax dollars to a highway project that directly benefited him [nor for insider trading a la Pelos, Reid, Clintons, et al.]. Rather, Denny Hastert was charged with taking out his own cash from his own bank in a series of withdrawals under $10K over a long period of time... The government has [delegated and revocable] powers in America, not rights. And those powers are strictly limited by the Constitution. The government cannot be granted new powers by the Supreme Court. It's not supposed to work that way in our constitutional republic. Are we moving back to the unchecked powers of kings and rulers? Everything is upside-down in America today..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Star Parker _WND_
GOP must contiue to fight for the equal rights of minorities, for hearts and minds
Town Hall
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Molotov Mitchell _WND_
how are those leftists' violations of your right to own and carry arms working for you, Baltimore, Chicago, DC, LA, Detroit?
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
avoiding scandalous sin in the church; take a tip from Joseph
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
doctor Ben S. Carson _WND_
it is time to demonstrate resolve in the Middle East
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Aaron Klein _WND_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate supporters launch rocket attack on Israel, as they try to compete with Hamas (video)
Louis Rene Beres: Washington DC Times
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Iran's enriched-radioactives stock-pile grew by 20% over the last 18 months
Guy Benson: Town Hall
"Iran's illegitimate, terrorism-abetting, American-killing and -imprisoning regime is despotic, anti-Semitic and thoroughly untrustworthy... international inspectors have reported that Tehran's stock-pile of nuclear fuel increased about 20% over the last 18 months..."
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air: State Dept. spokes-clone Marie Harf says she's clueless why anyone is concerned about on-going Iran development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Andrew Kugle: Washington DC Free Beacon: State Dept. spokes-clone Marie Harf says she's clueless why anyone is concerned about on-going Iran development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Rachel Marsden _Town Hall_
DHS, DoD and intelligence agencies need to buckle down to steady, conscientious, well-aimed, effective work against foreign threats to the USA and knock off the fear-mongering, politicking, and ineffective rights violations
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
John Hawkins _Town Hall_
7 questions you've always wanted to ask a "white" non-leftist
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
family of American prisoners in Iran denounce Obummer's deal to allow them to develop nuclear weapons systems: either way we lose
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
US Army stopped pay for Green Beret war hero lieutenant-colonel Jason Amerine who claims whistle-blower status for working with Duncan Hunter on release of American hostages
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
the world vs. the contemptible Barack Hussein Obummer
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate captured 2,300 Humvees from Mosul, alone, as USA plans to send Baghdad more weapons
"Some experts believe that giving the Iraqis these vehicles, who then lose them, costs American [tax-victims] $579M. However, it now looks like the USA's investment is costing more than just the price tag. ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is using those Humvees in spectacular suicide attacks, including one on Monday. Last December, Congress approved a plan to replenish equipment the Iraqis had lost, including 175 tanks, worth $12.5G, 1K new Humvees, machine guns, and grenade launchers... However, only 25% of the $715M authorized would be spent arming the Kurds. The rest will go to Baghdad..."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
New Black Panther Party members who met in Ferguson admitted in court to planning to kill prosecutor & police chief, blow up police station (wow! just like the old Black Panthers)
Conservative Tree House
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
television station of Fatah occupying eastern Israel teaches children that Jews are "most evil of creations" "barbaric monkeys"; Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi claimed that Jews represent the "Devil or Satan"
Discover the Networks: Fatah
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
more people in Africa and the East are become Christian
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
freedom is the only enemy Obummer wants to obliterate
"...Defining climate change as a national-security threat is simply a rhetorical ploy to stoke alarmism, in hopes of creating support for self-sacrificial anti-carbon policies that can't survive any reasonable cost-benefit analysis. War is the health of the state, the writer Randolph Bourne once said. In this case, it is specifically the health of Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] rules and global regulations."
2015-06-02 (5775 Sivan 15)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
terrible news for climate catastrophists: the Sahara is getting greener
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"No man can consider himself truly married until he understands every word his wife is not saying." --- lord Mancroft (?Benjamin Lloyd Stormont Mancroft 3rd baron Mancroft?, or ?Stormont Mancroft Mancroft 2nd baronet Samuel of Mancroft 2nd baron Mancroft?, or ?sir Arthur Samuel 1st baron Mancroft son of Benjamin Samuel & Rosetta Haldinstein?) |
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
will the supremes really empower illegal aliens to vote?!?!?
"In the 1961 case Reynolds v. Sims, the Supreme Court announced a principle that was then referred to as 'one man, one vote'. Until then it had been up to state legislatures to allocate congressional districts according to whatever principle they wanted. There was no requirement that districts have roughly equal numbers of residents, which meant that some districts might have many fewer residents and voters than others... When the court in Reynolds announced this brand-new constitutional right, the language of its opinion -- and of some subsequent opinions -- strongly hinted that the goal was for equal numbers of voters to vote for equal numbers of representatives. Yet in the 54 years since the Reynolds decision, the court has assiduously avoided explicitly stating whether districts must have the same number of people or the same number of citizens. So long as most residents of a given state were also citizens, the court's unwillingness to answer this question didn't much matter..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime & some RINOs: open borders to foreign spies, terrorists and criminals, collect everyone's telecomm records and communications
Town Hall
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Adios, Marco Rubio: Ann Coulter's new book shreds his credibility
"If nothing else, this has eviscerated any hope Rubio had that voters would forget the misinformation campaign he led in 2013 to get the U.S. senate to pass the amnesty bill he and Schumer shepherded through that body [S744]. Over and over again, Coulter's new book, _Adios America: The Left's Plan To Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole_, notes that Rubio would have devastated the U.S. economy should he have succeeded in passing his amnesty bill into law... 'These claims refer to the size of the entire economy, which inevitably expands the more humans we have living here. So does your household budget if I move in to your extra bed-room. The cost of your electricity, cable TV, water, food, newspaper subscriptions, Netflix subscription, and overdue books will go through the roof. But don't worry, I'll be writing you a check for $250 a month. Unfortunately, I will be eating $400 worth of food every month. So the size of your household GNP has increased, but you aren't ahead of the game. I am ahead of the game. The entire benefit is captured by moi.'... For his part, Rubio and his team are trying to avoid discussing Coulter's book. When asked for comment on the various statements Coulter made about Rubio's immigration position, Rubio spokesman Alex Conant has not responded. He also hasn't responded to an offer to print any op-ed or response in full from the senator... the mainstream media and government make it nearly impossible for Americans to know true crime statistics when it comes to both legal and illegal immigrants... the Government Accountability Office (GAO) excluded legal immigrants from its study of how many immigrants are in American prisons right now—Coulter argues no immigrant should be allowed into the United States if they are a criminal, but GAO [and DoJ aren't] even counting legal immigrants who commit crimes..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
twisted priorities of the Obummer regime and DNS
"...Maybe if Johnson had spent a little more time really trying to make the country safe, such as focusing on airport security instead of aggressively pushing the [Obummer regime's] agenda of dismantling effective immigration enforcement brick-by-brick, the results of this red-team exercise would have been vastly different. But he is too much a creature of the [Obummer regime] to do such a thing..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Julia Preston _NYSlimes_
pink slips at Disney Orlando, but first, training foreign replacements
Caroline May: Breitbart
"...these workers monitored computers in industrial buildings nearby, making sure millions of Walt Disney World ticket sales, store purchases and hotel reservations went through without a hitch... about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to [foreign guest-workers] on temporary visas for [cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled] technical workers [with questionable ethics], who were brought in by an out-sourcing firm [cross-border bodyshop] based in India. Over the next 3 months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost. 'I just couldn't believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly.', said one former worker, an American in his 40s who remains unemployed since his last day at Disney on Jan. 30. 'It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job. I still can't grasp it.'... Their use, the [statutes] say, should not 'adversely affect the wages and working conditions' of Americans [but that phrase is not accompanied by any provisions for enforcement]. Because of legal loop-holes, however, in practice, companies do not have to [have never had to] recruit American workers first or guarantee that Americans will not be displaced... H-1B immigrants work for less than American tech workers, professor Hira said at a hearing in March of the senate Judiciary committee, because of weaknesses in wage regulations. The savings have been 25% to 49% in recent cases, he told law-makers [studies and admissions by bodyshop executives a decade and more ago suggested H-1B guest-workers were paid 10% to 35% below local USA market compensation levels for the same work]... Despite the company's figures, few people they knew had been hired, they said, and then often at a lower pay level. No one was offered retraining, they said. One former worker, a 57-year-old man with more than 10 years at Disney, displayed a list of 18 jobs in the company he had applied for. He had not had more than an initial conversation on any one, he said... [One former Disney employee in his 40s related that:] His supervisor, who was not aware the man was scheduled for lay-off, wrote that because of his superior skills and 'outstanding' work, he had saved the company thousands of dollars. The supervisor added that he was looking forward to another highly productive year of having the employee on the team. The employee got a raise. His severance pay had to be recalculated to include it. The former Disney employee who is 57 worked in project management and software development. His résumé lists a top-level skill certification and command of 7 operating systems, 15 program languages and more than 24 other applications and media... Former employees said many immigrants who arrived were younger technicians with limited data skills who did not speak English fluently and had to be instructed in the basics of the work..."
NYTimes is a few months late reporting this particular incident... and nearly 25 years late on reporting the events which have played out at many other firms, including Nielsen in Tampa, several years ago, but, overall, it's a better than average article. Still... there are no requirements for H-1B grantees to be "highly-skilled", no requirements for them to have "advanced science or computer skills", nor that they be "best and brightest". There are no skill-level standards at all. The vast majority are average schlubs doing average kinds of work. 153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
porous borders mean Islamic terrorists enter Europe and USA on flood tide
"A number of refugees sent to Norway under the UN's quota system have links to terrorist organisations... The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees selected 1K Syrians for relocation to Norway, but according to the PTS, between 5 and 10 of those chosen have links to the terrorist groups."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
State Dept. & DHS hammered for secrecy on Muslim refugees and "refugees"
"Spartanburg, a city in [Trey Gowdy's] home district, was selected to receive 60 to 65 refugees over the next year, mostly from Syria. Unable to answer all of the questions posed by some nervous constituents, Gowdy fired off letters to Secretary of State [the haughty] John Kerry [whose office gave several non-responses]. The State Department secretly selected Spartanburg sometime last year to be one of its designated 'receiving communities' for Syrian refugees, 92% of whom to date have been Muslim people that the FBI has said will be virtually impossible to safely screen for terrorist connections. South Carolina's governor Nikki Haley's 'refugee coordinator' then quietly approved the Spartanburg resettlement in December -- again with no public input or notice... State Department's refusal to fully answer Gowdy's 14 follow-up questions... 'our office met with World Relief in April'... Jason Lee, a local pastor hired by World Relief to be its Spartanburg director, 'is eager to detail the community consultations that have occurred to date and answer questions about refugee populations that are under consideration for resettlement, the role of Good Neighbor Teams, and refugee access to benefits and employment services'... 'From the beginning, our interest in this issue has not been to advocate for an outcome, but to ensure transparency and get answers to constituent questions.', Gowdy said Wednesday... 'As noted in our previous correspondence, all refugees...are subject to the highest level of security checks of any category of traveler to the United States.', states the latest letter to Gowdy, dated June 1. 'The specific details of these checks are classified.' [Yes, they are widely classified as extremely inadequate.]..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
CNN Poll: US citizens don't trust Obummer on visa issues, illegal immigration, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, Iran, government surveillance
"In a CNN poll published today, only 36% approve of [Obummer's] actions on illegal immigration, 32% support his fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, and 29% support his positions on government surveillance..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer IRS: illegal aliens to have easy access to EITC for illegal work
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
socialist injustice
Town Hall
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
College Board is trying to sabotage American History
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"...The 'social justice' warriors of government education have long sought, as the NAS signatories correctly diagnosed it, 'to de-center American history and subordinate it to a global and heavily social-scientific perspective'. Their mission is not to impart knowledge, but to instigate racial, social and class divisions. Their mission is not to assimilate new generations of students into the American way of life, but to turn them against capitalism, individualism and American exceptionalism in favor of left-wing 'activism' and poisonous 'identity politics'..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Christi Parsons & Michael A. Memoli _Jewish World Review_
Obummer again threatens possibility of allowing UN vote on Palestinian state (in the middle of Israel, instead of Palestine=Gaza), more
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Tamar Pileggi _Jewish World Review_
UN granted Hamas-linked group consultative status
Times of Israel
Patrick Goodenough: Cybercast News Service
"A UN committee on non-governmental organizations granted official consultative status Monday to a Palestinian advocacy group with alleged ties to the Hamas terror group. Israel's mission to the UN condemned the committee's decision to approve the UK-based Palestinian Return Center, calling it a coordinated organizational branch of Hamas in Europe. Following the decision, Israel's UN ambassador..."
ZAKA turned down by same committee
"A UN committee on non-governmental organizations that granted officia consultative status Monday to a Palestinian advocacy group with alleged ties to Hamas has rejected a similar request by ZAKA, Israel's voluntary emergency response and rescue service, to join the body. The organization is staffed by mostly ultra-Orthodox Jews and operates out of Israel's various police district. ZAKA volunteers are often on the scene of terror attacks and deadly road accidents, collecting body parts and blood for Jewish burials according to Jewish law. The group also provides first aid and search and rescue services..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Davison Cheney _Jewish World Review_
why I told my children they were weird
"I didn't come out and say it. I'm not that kind of dad. I primed my children for their being dissimilar at an early age. I used the tactic that different has an equal chance at being excellent. I didn't do this on a whim. It was clear to me from an early age that my children were not normal, and I know the signs. I come from a long line of not-normal... It was obvious to anyone with eyelashes that my children were not going to find a place to fit in and be successful on a planet of other humans unless I pulled a few strings. And I had very few strings to choose from. (And as much as we parents are trying to change things up by making nerds fit in, or reading cool, or fuzzy lime green socks acceptable, there is still a noticeable difference between a petite blond with high cheekbones and my fun-sized daughter who once tried for a week to sleep standing up.) Fortunately, my kids have the right mom and dad for what ails them. We are all odd ducks of the same different feather... That's how I got the 'weird' ball rolling. My children started to equate the word with things that were unexpected, not alike, individual or a recent word favorite trending with the youth -- divergent. Being different was not necessarily bad or good. It could be judged on its own merit..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
relax and give yourself a good talking to
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
if Hitlery Rotten Clinton became president, who would make her adhere to the US constitution, keep the oath of office, and obey the laws?
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
our biggest problem is a lying, stinking media
"the truth is that the lies of the press are nothing new. It can be traced back to the 1930's with Stalin apologist Walter Durant's lies about the Soviet Union that won him a Pulitzer Prize. Yes, he was a New York Times correspondent, of course. It has taken over 70 years for the Pulitzer Prize committee to review Durant's denial about the desperate condition of the Russian people under Stalin and to consider revoking that prize but why bother since that prize has been a joke for many years? The Pulitzer Prize was awarded to the Times-Picayune newspaper for totally fraudulent reporting of the Katrina disaster... The media elites have perfected the modus operandi of targeting any who tried to expose the encroaching Marxism in the federal government and academia... 'But in view of Mr. Welch's request that the information be given once we know of anyone who might be performing any work for the Communist Party, I think we should tell him that he has in his law firm a young man named Fisher whom he recommended, incidentally, to do the work on this Committee, who has been, for a number of years, a member of an organization which is named, oh, years and years ago, as the legal bulwark of the Communist Party, an organization which always springs to the defense of anyone who dares to expose Communists.'... In this case Joe McCarthy was the truth teller and had to be destroyed. So too, was Whittaker Chambers, editor of Time magazine, and a former communist spy who warned of the infiltration of communists in the Washington elite and one of the persons he named was Alger Hiss. He was involved in the establishment of the United Nations both as a U.S. State Department and U.N. official. In 1945 February, as a member of the U.S. delegation headed by Stettinius, Hiss attended the Yalta Conference, where the Big Three, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill. The communist spy was this close to FDR at this important conference and no one bothered to vet him because the media was probably covering for him. Just as in 1960, the MSM knew every little peccadillo that JFK was involved in and never told the public of his lascivious nature or his ill health..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
_Conservative HQ_
when few are watching, congress do their worst
"Last November, many people were jubilant at the Republican sweep of congress, assuming that when it came to fiscal issues, our job was done or at least would get far easier. These last few weeks, says our friend Jonathan Bydlak at The Coalition to Reduce Spending, show just how wrong that assumption was. While many grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives and conservative pundits have been focused on the reauthorization of the Patriot Act and the head-line grabbing battle over the NSA's domestic spying program the real work of congress -- [over-spending] your tax dollars -- grinds on. With a newly installed Republican majority that campaigned as fiscal conservatives one would expect big government Dems/Reds/leftists to be howling in pain about all the 'unfair budget cuts', but unfortunately big government Republicans are doing as much or more spending as would be expected from the Democrats. And they are using the gimmicks and tricks they all campaigned against to continue the ruinous spending..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
_Conservative HQ_
crony socialism pays big for Dem/Red/leftist donor Elon Musk
"Our friends at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) recently criticized tech entrepreneur Elon Musk for defending his [tax-victim]-subsidized businesses of SpaceX, Tesla and SolarCity. In response to a Los Angeles Times article noting Musk's $4.9G in [tax-victim] subsidies, Musk defended his subsidies to CNBC when he noted that, 'none of the incentives are necessary, but they are all helpful'. The continued subsidies of SolarCity, TPA believes, is nothing more than corporate welfare to a failing technology. In a report released in February, TPA noted that, '[Congress] spent an average of $39G a year over the past 5 years financing grants, subsidizing tax credits, guaranteeing loans, bailing out failed solar energy boondoggles.' According to one estimate by the Los Angeles Times, state and federal subsidies to SolarCity have eclipsed the $1.5G mark. Meanwhile, less than 1% of the electricity used by Americans comes from solar energy sources. Another report released by TPA in April details SolarCity's financial House of Cards, 'SolarCity reported a net loss of $141M for the 4th quarter of 2014, despite a 52% increase in revenue, strong demand, and clear dominance in the roof-top solar market.' But SolarCity isn't Musk's only corporate welfare gig..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
the media's worst leftist brain-cramps (schizophrenic delusions)
Town Hall
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Charles Babington & Laurie Kellman _Cybercast News Service_
Mitch McConnell's nefarious role in unconstitutional surveillance bull bewilders even his friends
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
cross depicted on top of Chiefland HS graduation mortar-board runs afoul of school admin's unconstitutional speech restrictions
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Boston police have arrested a 2nd man they believe is tied to the fatal shooting of an ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate suspect in the streets of Roslindale a few hours prior
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Douglas Ernst: Washington DC Times
John Hayward: Breitbart
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Art Moore _WND_
Mike Huckabee quip causes evil Google to suspend WND YouTube channel
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
"'For those who do not think that we are under threat, simply recognize that the fact that we are now in city after city watching ordinances say that your 7-year-old daughter, if she goes into the restroom cannot be offended and you can't be offended if she's greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man.'"
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Bob Barr _Town Hall_
Tory party vs. Rand Paul
"If John McCain, John Cornyn, Mitch McConnell, and the other Republican senators lashing into Rand Paul because of his efforts to force expiration of Sec. 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act had been alive and part of the debate back in 1775-1776, they would have been blasting Patrick Henry for supporting Liberty. Colonialists McCain, Cornyn and McConnell would have been firmly in the Tory camp; defending the powers of the Crown to 'protect' the colonialists through such tools as Writs of Assistance. Today, in this 21st Century, the tools may have changed, but the foundational principle on which our independence was fought -- a federal government of limited and defined powers -- remains the same; yet it is in far greater danger today than 240 years ago... All Paul has done to earn the enmity of the 'Anything-It-Takes-to-Make-Us-Safe' caucus in the Senate is to try and reform Sec. 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act to bring it in line with the law and the Fourth Amendment..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Ben Shapiro _Town Hall_
left abuses mental illness to push insane PC agenda
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Austin Bay _Town Hall_
confessios of a NATO trip-wire: why Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia want US systems and forces
"Occasionally referred to as The Three Musketeers Clause, the NATO treaty's Article 5 exemplifies the hard diplomacy that won the Cold War. The daring French musketeers promised one for all and all for one. Article 5 made a similar serious commitment. Unfortunately, in 2015, as Vladimir Putin's Kremlin attacks Ukraine, NATO's Eastern European members --particularly Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia -- are no longer certain Article 5's pledge is iron-clad... I served a year in a U.S. Army armored cavalry regiment covering the Fulda Gap invasion corridor. From one of our observation posts we could watch the Soviet tank regiment stationed in Meiningen, East Germany, exercise on a live-fire range a short seven kilometers from the border. The regiment had over 100 T-62 main battle tanks. Four Russian divisions were positioned to follow the forward regiment. Occasionally, our ready-to-go reaction force consisted of two tanks. However, if the Russians 'attacked from garrison' (a type of surprise attack), they would have to fight us. Even if this first battle was fatally brief, our resistance guaranteed Moscow faced a global war. The Russians knew the U.S. Air Force could shatter their tank divisions. The U.S. Navy would maul the Soviet fleet. Our physical presence sent 2 strategic diplomatic messages... Message One: We encouraged aggressive Kremlin war planners to avoid actualizing their aggression. Think twice; then go have a shot of vodka. Message Two: Message Two: We assured other NATO members that the U.S.A. would fulfill its Article 5 commitment. We were there to deter conflict..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Jacob Sullum _Town Hall_
needles, hay-stacks, and NSA snooping: how a metaphor helped defeat unconstitutional mass surveillancd
"...What they meant to say (I think) was that the NSA needs all the help it can get in the challenging task of identifying terrorists before they attack. What the public heard was a defense of indiscriminate and invasive yet ineffective data collection..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Marvin Olasky _Town Hall_
deathly fears
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Ken Connor _Town Hall_
the right side of history
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
relatives of American prisoners in Iran denounce Obummer's deal to allow them to develop nuclear weapons systems
Brennan Weiss: Washington DC Times
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Ed Morrissey _Hot Air_
State Dept. boosted chemical arms sales to natios underwriting Clintons Foundation?
Matthew Cunningham-Cook & David Sirota: International Business Times
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
Texas legislature approves campus-carry: my, how nice of them to keep their oaths of office to comply with the US constitution
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
_Town Hall
Daid Cameron: UK may withdraw from perverse European convention on human rights to deport illegal alien criminals (video)
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Jesica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
school kitchen manager fired for feeding hungry students...
...family members who cheered at HS graduation face charges
World Net Daily: follow-up: arrest warrants issued
Michael Quander: WREG
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate using dam to try to make it more difficult for Iraqi forces to re-take Ramadi
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Geert Wilders vows to show Muhammad cartoons on television
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Tera Dahl _Breitbart_
on the front lines in Iraq: Kurds still in need of more supplies, support against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, while corrupt Obummer regime keeps sending materiel to Baghdad
"...She continued, 'The [Obummer regime] is setting the lines... can't go on the offensive, can't advance without their permission. For example, the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate parade in Ramadi, why wouldn't you take out the parade of Daesh?', she asked, referring to a victory parade in Ramadi following the siege of that city in May. When asked about the situation in Ramadi, she said, 'It seems everything was set up to fall... The Iraqi Army just left. Now it is set-up for the Iranian militias to take it over. I don't know what's worse, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate or the Iranian militias... I think Iran is worse.', she said... 'they still need such basic weapons such as medical supplies, trained medics on the front lines, night vision and binoculars'. He said, 'They are in need of anti-armor weapons, crew served weapons and ammunition, mortars, artillery, along with trained fire support personal, helicopters for medevac, as well as to interdict targets.'"
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Sharyl Attkisson: the US government has perverted FOIA [both the public records and individual privacy sides] to intentionally obvuscate, obstruct, and delay
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
James Madison was closest to being Jewish president of USA
"[Obummer's] connections to the Jewish community date to his days in Hyde Park, that rarified elite enclave on Chicago's South Side. The [Obummer] family moved in across the road from a prominent Reform synagogue, whose rabbi, Arnold Jacob Wolf, shared [Obummer's] radical politics and was an early supporter. [Obummer's] community organizing introduced him to other left-wing Jews. In the Illinois state senate office he shared an office with Ira Silverstein, a rare Orthodox Jewish Democrat... As John Podhoretz (via Kevin Williamson) noted last time [Obummer] made a similar claim: 'James Madison and John Adams, who both read Hebrew [along with Thomas Jefferson], certainly knew more about Judaism than does [Barack Hussein Obummer]. In fact, most educated Americans in the early days of our country probably knew more about Judaism...'... Madison, who studied, spoke and read the Hebrew language. Madison not only showed great religious tolerance towards America's Jews, but also applied the lessons of ancient Jewish history–along with many other civilizations–when he devised a constitutional model that dispersed power among different branches of government, as the best Israelite kings did in circumscribing their own power, leaving religious affairs to independent priestly authorities..."
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Marco Rubio _National Review_
no more free passes for Red China on human rights violations
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Daniel Henninger _Wall Street Journal_
Barack Hussein Obummer, the de-founding father: It isn't only Obummer's power grabs, but also his attempts at revision of the Founders' original vision
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee and religious leaders defend religious liberty, cite "biblical revelation" and millennia of "Judeo-Christian tradition"
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Dawn Stefanowicz _Cybercast News Service_
warning from Canada: same-sex "marriage" erodes individual rights
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
trade promotion authority should be called "taking prosperity away" from the USA
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
alleged Saudi links to 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks: senator Rand Paul joins bipartisan call for declassifying information
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer twits about "transgenders" while blacks are being slaughtered
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Joseph Farah _WND_
homo-fascists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims and the state as "God": lessons from Canada
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Ted Nugent _WND_
respect wildlife... or expect sudden death
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Michael Brown _WND_
setting straight a gay hair-splitter
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Jack Cashill _WND_
you just might be a leftist if...
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Bob Unruh _WND_
military training "war zone" rattles Flint, Michigan
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
senator Mike Rounds (R-SD): Regulation Sensibility Through Oversight Restoration Resolution bill would end regulation without representation
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Oscar Raymundo _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Apple's Tim Cook criticized Google, FB, Yahoo!, and NSA for privacy violations
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Pamela Geller reacts to reportedly being a target of Boston Boston Muslim terrorist killed by police a few days ago
"'This is a war. This is a showdown for American freedom.', she said. 'Will we stand against the savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?'"
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
al-Shabaab has expanded in Kenya, beginning to extort the population
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
leftist UPenn poli-sci professor: my even more extreme leftist students terrify me
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Louise Boyle & Wills Robinson _London Daily Mail_
ISIL terror suspect, Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, was plotting to behead Pamela Geller
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
former Polk county Florida CAIR "community organizer" and Muslim youth co-ordinator Ahmed Saleem arrested for child sex charges
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
instead of expressing concern, Obummer regime spokes-clones defend Iran's accumulation of enriched uranium for nuclear weapons systems
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Ellen Sauerbrey _Washington DC Times_
Baltimore's (and Chicago's & Los Angeles's & NY's & DC's) broken families breed broken cities as the dreadful truth of Daniel Patrick Moynihan's prophecy becomes clear
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Norma Zager _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's actions toward allies, those who have declared themselves enemies of the USA evoke shocked disbelief
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Ernest Istook _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's socialist illfare state continues to expand through "free" internet, via corrupt FCC
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
thoughts of jihad, Chechen war keep russia up all night
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
_Sputnik News_
AFL-CIO said that opponents of Trans-Pacific Partnership were barred from entering the office of the US Trade Representative to see the full text of the deal
2015-06-03 (5775 Sivan 16)
Tori Richards _Fox_
Obummer regime pours another $32M in crony socialist hand-outs to "solar industry"
Watch Dog.org (with graph)
"This latest funding is dedicated to training a workforce of solar technicians, developing new technology and implementing a data-base to share performance data, the DOE announced in a press release last week. The training goal is 75K workers by 2020 and an undisclosed amount of 'other professionals' in other fields such as real estate, finance, insurance and fire and safety... the [Obummer regime] spent $150G on [so-called] green initiatives between 2009 and 2014..."
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"A soul may descend to earth and live 70 or 80 years for the sole purpose of doing a favor for another -- a spiritual favor, or even a material favor." --- R' Yisrael Baal Shem Tov (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
*** crossing the global border ***
Washington DC Times
Investor's Business Daily
"...Northern and central Italy are not on the southern Mediterranean. But somehow thousands of refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East are everywhere here -- as is true of much of the European Union. Some sleep on park benches. Many peddle knock-off electronic goods and counterfeit watches. Angry Italians shoo away refugee beggars from tour groups... So, what explains this constant rush of the world's poor families into the West? And why aren't China, Russia, Iran and Cuba, for example, flooded with illegal entrants? The human exodus to Western countries is not always explained by a lack of natural wealth elsewhere. Iraq and Venezuela, for example, are awash in oil. Mexico has lots of oil, minerals and fertile soil... Nor are Western economies currently booming and thus short of labor..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
advocates of open borders and excessive visas are frightened by a 99-pound blonde
World Net Daily
"Third World immigration advocates Frank Sharry, Ali Noorani and Marc Andreessen aren't shy about rushing to the press with pabulum quotes about how wonderful immigration is, but they don't want to debate me, even to lie about all those benefits. They don't want you to think about immigration at all... If an illegal alien drops a baby on American soil, the entire family can access welfare programs that were supposed to be for U.S. citizens -- in addition to the government assistance illegal aliens can collect right away, such as food stamps and housing subsidies, free medical care and free [education]. The Constitution did not make U.S. citizenship a game of 'Red Rover' with the Border Patrol. 'Haha! Too late -- I had the baby!' The 14th Amendment confirmed the citizenship rights of former American slaves -- not 21st-century freeloaders from [Red China]. Our ludicrous anchor baby policy was invented out of whole cloth by justice William Brennan and slipped into a foot-note in a Supreme Court opinion in 1982. On average, college graduates in the United States pay about $30K more in taxes each year than they get back in government services, while those without a high school degree get back about $35K more in government services than they pay in taxes. Only about 7% of Americans do not have a high school diploma, but more than a third of legal immigrants under the post-Kennedy immigration act and about 75% of illegal aliens do not have a high school diploma. Mexican immigrants send $20G back to Mexico every year -- more than the U.S. sends to that country in direct foreign aid..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Laura Ingraham
interview with Jay Palmer about abuse of H-1B visas to displace some of USA's best and brightest (mp3)
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
bits of truth about the H-1B visa program begin to appear in the main-stream media
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
$15/hour minimum wage would hurt woman and blacks the most
World Net Daily
"...'People should know what they're worth.'"
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
to keep good workers, some nefarious employers are trapping them
"In olden days, the way you kept good workers was to pay them more. That's no longer the case in many jobs. Companies have been using non-compete agreements to stop these workers from seeking better compensation at rival companies. Originally designed to stop tech whizzes from taking company secrets to higher bidders, these non-compete agreements are being forced on workers loading boxes at warehouses or assembling sandwiches so that they can't go to the warehouse or sandwich shop down the block... Hotshot execs keep telling us that their companies have to pay them a zillion dollars an hour to attract rare talent such as theirs. You know, the supply and demand thing. When brilliant execs themselves are in short supply, you have to pay more for them. But somehow, respect for the labor market's law of supply and demand fades the lower down the corporate ladder you go... Some companies are paying off former employers to get higher-skilled workers out of non-compete agreements. California has virtually banned all types of them. Over 19M workers are now covered by such contracts, according to a working paper by Evan Starr at the University of Illinois and Norman Bishara and James J. Prescott, both at the University of Michigan... over 10% of repair jobs also require non-competes, as do 11% of jobs in production (tailors, machine operators) and nearly 12% in personal services (barbers, gym instructors, manicurists). Non-compete agreements do reduce worker turn-over, an expense for businesses. But so do higher wages and superior working conditions..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Laura Ingraham
leaked Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) documents reveal privacy violations
Emma Woollacott: Forbes
World Net Daily
Ben Shapiro: Breitbart
"Under the draft provisions of the latest trade deal to be leaked by Wikileaks, countries could be barred from trying to control where their citizens' personal data is held or whether it's accessible from outside the country... currently under negotiation between the US, the European Union and 23 other nations. These negotiating texts are supposed to remain secret for 5 years after TISA is finalized and brought into force. The deal, which has been under discussion behind closed doors since early 2013, is intended to remove barriers to trade in services. It's a sort of companion piece to the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ([TATIP or] TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which cover trade in goods -- but potentially far bigger, with Wikileaks claiming that 'services' now account for nearly 80% of the US and EU economies. Like TTIP and TPP, TISA could be sped through congress using Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), also known as fast-track authority, which has been passed by the [corrupt] US cenate and may be taken up in the House this month. Under TPA, congress is barred from making amendments to the trade deals, and most simply give yes-or-no approval... Under the draft agreement, the EU would be barred from requiring the personal data of its citizens to be held within European borders, an idea currently under discussion in Germany. 'No Party may require a service supplier, as a condition for supplying a service or investing in its territory, to: (a) use computing facilities located in the Party's territory', the leaked draft stipulates. These rules could in some ways have a beneficial effect: they could, for example, be used to outlaw state censorship. However, there are clear implications for privacy -- as well as security from hacking. EU privacy regulations currently require companies to store EU citizens' personal data locally, to make sure they comply with the region's strict legal requirements for data processing. [Privacy-violating] companies like FB, Google, [Oracle, Siemens, GE], and internet advertising networks would be delighted to see such rules relaxed. It's a complicated issue, and one that should really be discussed in public, before any agreement is reached. As Maira Sutton of the Electronic Frontier Foundation has previously noted, 'Negotiators should be working to reconcile this tension between powerful private and public actors who may have conflicting stances on major human rights issues such as privacy and free expression. That in turn, will require open public participation from a variety of stake-holders. By contrast, TISA's language reflects the concerns of the internet industry, and not necessarily the interests of internet users as a whole.' Wikileaks has previously leaked parts of the TPP deal, and on Tuesday, announced plans to try and raise $100K to be used as a reward for the remaining chapters."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Jesse Jackson wants big STEM firms to invest in start-ups led by blacks and Latinos
"'Google reportedly has over $35G parked over-seas.', Jackson said. 'Would you consider re-patriating some of this off-shore money back to America to fund an Innovation Investment Development Bank? And in return, receive tax credits or a reduced tax rate on foreign profits?' Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt said Google would like to repatriate the funds and invest them in the U.S.A., but has not been able to move the 'political conversation' on it for many reasons..."
Ahhh, but when will they boost employment of US citizens? And when will they stop their massive violations of people's privacy?
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
House blocked funding for Obummer regime's lawyers to try to defend unconstitutional and illegal amnesties of illegal aliens
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
using FOIA to seek answers about DHS's priorities in enforcement of immigration laws
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
last year, DHS released 3,700 "threat level 1" illegal aliens who had committed additional crimes
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"Last fiscal year ICE released more than 30,500 criminal immigrants from custody. Of the discretionary releases, The Times reports, more than 3,700 represented top threats... 'Not all Level 1 criminal aliens are subject to mandatory detention and thus may be eligible for bond.', ICE said to The Times."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Pew poll: more Americans see illegal aliens and immigrants as a burden; more GOP want visa numbers decreased
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
union bosses get more than CEOs
"In reality, the average chief executive makes $180,700 according to compensation data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. And guess who makes more than that? According to unions’ annual financial filings with the federal government, 162 union presidents, executive presidents or international presidents -- not including those who retired and took deferred compensation -- made more than the average CEO in 2014. That's a deliberately conservative estimate of the number of union bosses who make more than the average chief executive: It doesn't include officials who carry a title other than 'president' or some other semantic weasel words. Dozens of union secretary-treasurers and other officers also make more than that amount. In our analysis, the big wage winner was John Niccollai, president of New Jersey-Local 464 of the United Food and Commercial Workers, who was paid $573,299 out of the compelled dues from the three-figure pay-checks of super-market workers. If you're counting total compensation, the top dog is Laborers' Union president Terrence O'Sullivan, whose expense account runs his tab up to $670,403..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
fantasy family could not live up to real life
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
in leftist fantasy nanny-state, there are at least 4 stages of legally becoming an adult
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Bill Gertz & Rowan Scarborough _Jewish World Review_
Obummer not-so-secretly backing Muslim Brotherhood; retired Red Chinese colonel Liu Mingfu on information warfare; who double-crossed the SEALs?
Washington DC Times
"The policy of backing the Muslim Brotherhood is outlined in a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11. The directive was produced in 2011 and outlines administration support for political reform in the Middle East and North Africa, according to officials familiar with the classified study... The directive outlines why the administration has chosen the Muslim Brotherhood, which last year was [again] labeled a terrorist organization by the governments of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as a key vehicle of U.S. backing for so-called political reform in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia in recent months appears to be moderating its opposition to the Brotherhood in a bid to gain more regional support against pro-Iran rebels in Yemen... Mr. Gaffney has said the Muslim Brotherhood is the most dangerous group promoting the totalitarian and Islamist supremacist doctrine of Shariah. Several Muslim Brotherhood supporters have been identified as key advisers to [Barack Hussein Obummer and Hitlery Rotten Clinton]... Asked about the contradiction between official claims that [Red China] seeks peace and the covert use of the so-called 3 warfares -- psychological, media and legal information operations -- against enemies, colonel Liu said: 'I don't deny it.'... The sequence of events led some family members of those killed to believe that the ambush was an inside job -- that someone in the Afghan chain of command sent word to Taliban fighters that a reinforcement of SEALS was on the way to aid Army Rangers and that the aircraft was planning to land at that specified spot. After all, on the night of 2011 August 6, the Chinook was transporting the same elite unit that killed Osama bin Laden 3 months earlier, a group that no doubt had a target on its back from al-Qaeda and its supporters. Then there is the mystery of the Afghan soldiers on board the helicopter with the 30 Americans who perished -- a U.S. Army crew, the SEALs and special warfare technicians, including a military dog handler. The 7 Afghans listed on the manifest turned out not to be the ones who died on the chopper. Their identities were not disclosed in the official censored military report..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Laura Ingraham
John Boehner-aligned conspiracy plans to spend $1M for ads to promote evil US citizen-harming Trans-Pacific Partnership
Caroline May: Breitbart
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
the future of "identity politics"
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Stuart Rothenberg _Jewish World Review_
how to correct an unfair, politically biased presidential debate system... or not
"...The 2 networks [and party losership] could end up excluding the only woman in the Republican field (businesswoman Carly Fiorina), the only African-American in the field (Ben Carson) or the only other candidate of color in the race (Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal). For a party that needs to remake its image, excluding candidates who are not white men is a novel strategy. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, Florida senator Marco Rubio, Texas senator Ted Cruz and Kentucky senator Rand Paul would all appear to have guaranteed slots in the debate. That leaves room for 5 others. Who could be excluded? Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum is the last Republican to have won the Iowa caucuses, but he could be excluded. The same goes for former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, who won those caucuses in 2008. South Carolina senator [Lindsey Grahamnesty] is about to announce his candidacy, but he doesn't yet have a campaign. He could be on the outside looking in, even though he is a sitting senator from the second primary state... Ohio governor John Kasich appears poised to enter the race, but also has no real campaign yet. He may not be able to ramp up quickly enough to make the top 10 cut. But the first debate is in Cleveland, which, the last time I looked, is still in Ohio. And Ohio remains one of the key states in 2016..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
federal government protects neither freedom nor safety of the citizenry
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
"In their continuous efforts to create the impression that the government is doing something to keep Americans safe, politicians in Washington have misled and lied to the public. They have violated their oaths to uphold the Constitution. They have created a false sense of security. And they have dispatched and re-dispatched 60K federal agents to intercept the telephone calls, text messages and e-mails of all Americans all the time..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
is the Federal Reserve System made to give hand-outs to the wealthy while driving up prices for the poor?
World Net Daily
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
NAFTA, TAFTA, Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership... dealing away USA sovereignty, and draining the prosperity of most
Washington DC Times
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
_Conservative HQ_
100 non-leftists are urging senate to abolish unconstitutional "administrative sub-poenas"
"100 conservatives from across the country sent Senator Mike Lee a letter urging him to abolish the use of judge-less administrative sub-poenas to obtain emails of Americans. Senator Lee is cosponsor of 'Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015', which represents that it 'requires the government to obtain a warrant from a court before requiring providers to disclose the content of [email] communications'. However, the bill actually does not require judges to issue warrants before government obtains our emails, but allows government agencies such as the DEA, NSA, EPA, EEOC, SEC, FTC, etc. to bypass judges and unilaterally issue their own sub-poenas, and without probable cause, in violation of the express language of the Fourth Amendment. Mark Fitzgibbons, a CHQ contributor and constitutional lawyer, said, 'Senator Lee is one of the best and brightest constitutionalists in all Congress, which is why we must rely on him to get it right on the Fourth Amendment. Just as the judge in the Wilkes case he cites in his book, _Our Lost Constitution_, over-turned bad search and seizure precedent in favor of the English constitution, we need conservative leaders who will reclaim our Constitution.'..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Mike Flynn for Illinois's 18 congressional district
"The Special Election for Congress in Illinois House District 18 provides an excellent example of how the permanent political class in Washington maintains the power they have abused to run this great country into the ground and how one candidate – Mike Flynn – a full spectrum conservative with an unshakable commitment to governing according to limited government constitutional conservative principles could change that destructive dynamic. Flynn's opponent in the Republican Primary for the seat vacated by the disgraced Aaron Schock is Darin LaHood, an Illinois state senator and the son of former congressman and [Obummer] Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. Ray LaHood, 1 of only 3 Republicans elected to the House in 1994 who did not sign the Contract with America, was one of the most reliable Big Government Republicans in Congress. The senior LaHood won the seat after serving from 1982 until 1994 as administrative assistant and ultimately the chief of staff to U.S. House minority leader Robert Michel -- one of Washington's true gentlemen, but a long time member of the House Appropriations Committee and another big spending, Big Government Republican. While we don't wish to visit the sins of the father on the son, the same political beliefs in Big Government, and support for the unbridled spending that has put America $18T dollars in debt, run in a straight line through the careers of Ray LaHood and Darin LaHood. And LaHood's Washington DC-based support is reflective of his record as a loyal foot soldier of the Republican [losership] and their big spending, Big Government ways..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
_Conservative HQ_
Dems/Reds/leftists' new target demographic: idiots, imbeciles, incompetents
"You really can't make this stuff up. Our friend J. Christian Adams writing at PJ Media reports that the Obummer Justice Department has quietly launched an effort to erode state constitutional powers over elections, and one of their primary targets is the power of states to prohibit the mentally incompetent from voting. Adams observes that given the election results of the last twenty years, it might be surprising to learn that the California constitution says that 'no idiot or insane' person shall be entitled to vote. But non-lawyers must understand that 'idiot' is a legal term used to denote someone who is literally incompetent or incoherent. Other states use the term 'imbecile' or the more modern, 'incompetent' [non compos mentis]. While the terms may be anachronisms, says Adams, the reasons behind the prohibition on voting are as valid today as they were in 1849. Allowing someone who is not competent or aware to vote corrupts elections and invites the patient to be victimized by someone effectively stealing that patient's vote. Or in the modern Dem/Red/leftist political calculus, getting rid of the prohibition would, for all intents and purposes, allow the incompetent person's care-giver -- frequently a unionized government worker -- to cast multiple votes as long as they claimed the incompetent person had expressed a desire to vote. The legal and ethical argument against allowing incompetent persons to vote is a worthy debate, but what really got our attention was Adams's research on who, exactly, was behind this effort to over-turn the Qualification Clause of the Constitution..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Laura Ingraham
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate vows to smuggle nuclear weapon(s) over Mexican border into USA
John Blosser: News Max
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Edwin Mora: Breitbart
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Laura Ingraham
Rasmussen poll: 76% support voter identification requirements
Paul Bedard: Washington DC Examiner
Warner Todd Huston: Breitbart
"Rasmussen found that 58% of Democrats believe a photo ID must be shown before voting... 92% of Republicans and 78% of voters not affiliated with either major party support photo ID rules..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Zack Colman _Washington DC Examiner_
even Obummer EPA admits that fracking does not systemically pollute water
Ben Wolfgang: Washington DC Times
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Catholic arch-bishop Thomas Wenski of Miami: Americans are increasingly being subjected to a soft despotism
"'80% of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed at Christians and that some 150K Christians are killed for the faith every year'..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Brett D. Schaefer _Cybercast News Service_
why internet freedom is being attacked
"[Red China], Russia and a number of Muslim countries in particularly have been open in their desire to limit speech on the Internet that they deem offensive or damaging to their interests. Governments are able to control Internet policies within their borders, albeit with varying degrees of success. To expand these efforts for controlling Internet content globally, however, they must control the numbering, naming and addressing functions of the Internet... nations seeking to grant the UN supervision of the Internet. At the 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), Russia, [Red China], and several other governments again sought to grant the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) greater authority and responsibility over the Internet. Countries dubious of ITU governance of the Internet, including the U.S.A., took an equally strong opposing position. This debate has been temporarily side-lined by the 2014 March announcement by the United States that it would end its contractual relationship with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to manage the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Joseph Farah _WND_
would imposition of same-sex "marriage" warrant secession? millions would relocate to a state willing to buck rogue supremes
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Clintons Foundation donors gassed their own citizens (just like Bill Clinton and Janet Reno did!)
Tyler Durden: Zero Hedge
Matthew Cunningham-Cook, David Sirota & Andrew Perez: International Business Times
"...'In 2012, a firm with an ownership stake in the company that manufactured the tear gas reportedly used by Egyptian security forces against the uprising paid $100K to $250K for another Bill Clinton speech.'... 'Clinton's State Department approved $66M worth of so-called Category 14 exports -- defined as 'toxicological agents, including chemical agents, biological agents and associated equipment' -- to 9 Middle Eastern governments that either donated to the Clinton Foundation or whose affiliated groups paid Bill Clinton speaking fees.'..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate threatens Nachum the Alqeshite (נחום, האלקשי) prophet's 2,700-year-old tomb
Sheren Khalel & Matthew Vickery: HaAretz (with images of inscriptions)
"'No one can decide what to do with the place. There were people who came a few years ago, some wealthy Jewish people who wanted to rebuild the fallen walls with the same stones.', S says, pointing to the fairly even-sized jagged stones that lay at the foot of one of the gaps in the wall. 'The government didn't like that though, they didn't want them to use the same materials because they think it isn't safe. But then Islamic State came and we are close to the fighting here...'..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Jewish protestors trying to block Christian rite at Mt. Zion site believed to be king David's tomb & "last supper" were removed by Israeli police
Roi Yanovsky: YNet News/AP
"...'there were also non-Jewish tourists there and [no one said anything to them]'... David's Tomb [on the 1st floor] is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Holy Sites and the Last Supper site [up-stairs] is under the jurisdiction of the Interior Ministry. Today Christians are allowed to visit the room, but can only pray in it on two specific days a year."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
congressmen demand answers from the haughty John Kerry on Mexican violence and risks to USA consulate
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Qatar military official in Texas indicted for forced labor
"A military official from Qatar and his wife were indicted in San Antonio Wednesday, charged with two counts of engaging in forced labor. They are accused of obtaining the labor and services of 2 persons by means of force, threats of force, physical restraint, and threats of physical restraint... court records show that Hassan Salem H.M. Al Homoud and his wife, Zainab Al Hosani and their 2 children, are living in San Antonio, Texas while Al Homoud is attending military training at Camp Bullis..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate group claims rocket fire from Gaza Strip aimed at Israel Wednesday
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
J.D. Winteregg hammered Boehner over keeping Trans-Pacific Partnership secrets, spending millions to promote "trade promotion authority" and TPP
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
CBS/NYTimes poll: 55% oppose "trade promotion authority" and Trans-Pacific Partnership
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Daniel Pipes _Washington DC Times_
Turkey's unimportant election
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Christopher Kelly _Washington DC Times_
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Jacqueline Klimas _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime signed "defense frame-work" with India this week to counter Red China
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz criticized contemptible Obummer Treasury officials for refusing to testify to senate sub-committee on government oversight
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
voters want to see candidates for president argue with each other over their platforms/programs/aims/goals
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
Iran's uranium enrichment/nuclear weapons development must end before sanctions relief
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Emma Woollacott _Free Republic_
leaked Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) documents reveal privacy threat
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
House Appropriations committee dropped funding for State Dept. climate hysteria programs
"An appropriations bill for the State Department and foreign operations, released Tuesday, excludes funding for 3 major climate initiatives -- the Green Climate Fund, the Clean Technology Fund, and the Strategic Climate Fund -- and also removes funding for the UN-backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Also in the firing line is funding for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and debt relief... in order to meet what it views as top priorities -- including 'funding for security activities around the world', support for key allies, and increased funding 'for embassy and diplomatic security to address new needs identified after the Benghazi terrorist attack'..."
2015-06-04 (5775 Sivan 17)
Steve Milloy _Breitbart_
Harvard & Syracuse "researchers" were caught conspiring with Obummer EPP, lying to boost Obummer climate hysteria regulations
PM Winston Churchill
We shall defend our island... we shall fight on the beaches...
Brainy Quote excerpt
Winston Churchill Centre
2015-06-04: Jarrett Stepman: Breitbart
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Blaming all absolves none." --- Dave Weinbaum (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
a candle of God is the soul of man: be ha aloscha/בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ/be ha aaletek
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
what the H-?!?
"Given the alphanumeric soup of the temporary alien worker programs, it may be helpful to identity the H programs, all of which have some to a lot of Department of Labor involvement. (In addition to these categories, there are more than a score of other visas that allow alien holders to work in the United States, such as F-1 and J-1). Shown below are sketches of the 6 DoL-related programs. The admissions data, which are reasonably consistent across categories, are shown as a rough proxy for the size of the programs. These numbers should not be confused with population estimates for each class; there are, for instance, probably close to 1M H-1Bs working in the United States at any given moment... Three of the larger programs (H-1B, H-2A, and H-2B) are designed to provide employers with workers at below-market wages... "
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
Barbara Jordan award presented to... Hitlery Rotten Clinton!?!?!
"The memory of civil rights leader representative [& professor] Barbara Jordan was sullied yesterday as Texas Southern University presented cheap-labor enthusiast Hillary Clinton the first-ever 'Barbara Jordan Public-Private Leadership Award'. In the mid-1990s president Bill Clinton appointed former Texas congresswoman Barbara Jordan to chair the bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, which called for a reduction in immigration to protect the interests of American workers. The Center for Immigration Studies has produced a number of reports and blogs about the commission and Jordan's work, some of which can be found here and here. A helpful outline of the Commission's conclusions is available from NumbersUSA, while the commission's reports are at the University of Texas. The award was presented to Hillary Clinton by representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), another enthusiast of open borders and never-ending streams of foreign labor..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
main-stream media finally begins to notice USA workers displaced by H-1B guest-workers
"In the 1990s, the media published such stories without restraint. However, as political correctness grew, those stories disappeared. The story the media wants the public to believe now is that foreign workers don't take American jobs -- they create them. When the facts do not fit that politically correct narrative, the media tends to ignore the story altogether. But maybe change is in the wind. As my colleague David North wrote yesterday, the latest story to break out is from Florida, where Walt Disney World replaced Americans with H-1B programmers from India. This was first reported back in January by computer trade press [ComputerWorld/IDG]. The local newspaper, the completely useless Orlando Sentinel, reported the story in January, but omitted the politically incorrect details about the replacement by foreign workers. Now, 4 months later, the New York Times has done not one, but two stories on the topic in a week..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Ron Hira _EPI_
et tu Mickey Mouse?: Disney pads profits by replacing US workers with cheaper H-1B guest-workers
articles by Ron Hira at EPI
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Sandra Pedicini _Orlando FL Sentinel_
senator Bill Nelson asked for investigation of H-1B visa program abused by Disney to displace US citizen employees
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions to Obummer: why are you keeping Trans-Pacific Partnership's new global governance provisions secret and pushing anti-constitutional "trade promotion authority"?
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Iran and their terrorist agents (Hamas, Fatah) have long been, and now ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has been, waging war against Israel, and Israel and Netanyahu have been fighting a defensive war against them: Israel's ability to defend itself and its citizens is constrained by its capacity to defend itself diplomatically
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Susan Swann _Jewish World Review_
how to improve communication in your marriage
"what we say when we disagree, as long as it is offered in a spirit of respect and civility, is really less important than what the other person thinks we said. We may be surprised that there is a difference..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Lindsay Lyon _Jewish World Review_
advances in science and technology are changing the definition of "old age"
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Lizette Borreli _Jewish World Review_
about your blood
Medical Daily
"Every two seconds someone in the U.S.A. needs blood. More than 41K blood donations are needed every day, and a total of 30M blood components are transfused each year in the U.S.A., according to the American Red Cross... 8% of your body weight is in your blood... There is 0.2mg [200micro-grams] of gold in your body, most of which is in your blood... Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Monica Crowley _Political Mavens_
the gaping hole where the commander-in-chief/president should be: D-Day
Washington DC Times
"...We took very young men from their homes, trained them, gave them some weapons, and asked them to fight the world's most fearsome war machine. And so they did, and in the process won the war and rescued the free world. That incredible feat required courageous, unwavering leadership of the kind we have been completely without in recent years. No American ever wants war. But sometimes the enemy chooses war, and we must fight it if we want to protect life and liberty..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Neil Steinberg _Political Mavens_
can you spell "labyrinthine"?
"...National Spelling Bee... Why? That's easy. It's a way for children who otherwise might not find opportunities for acclaim to win big. Any kid who can run fast or pitch hard can find fleeting glory playing sports. But the ability to focus, to study hard, for years? Who honors that? You've got science fairs, chess tournaments and the spelling bee, and that's about it... 9M kids enter. They all lose, in a public, humiliating way that gets more public and more humiliating as it goes along..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the not-so-gay guessing game
Washington DC Times
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Lori Borgman _Jewish World Review_
things teachers can't say, today (but I just did)
"It's hard to teach kids right from wrong [morality, ethics] when the adults around them are terrified of the very words. Several teacher friends say they are no longer permitted to say a student's behavior is 'wrong' or even that a student has made a 'wrong choice'. Instead, when a child makes a wrong choice, engages in bad behavior, is unruly or non-compliant, teachers are to say such behavior is 'unexpected'..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
old heroes, Old Glory, and old Dad
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the left plays fast and loose with the issue of "gender identity"
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
out-flanking Dems/Reds/leftists on college costs
"...1) Give students (i.e. consumers) more information about how much a degree from a particular institution is actually worth. A number of states including Texas, Florida and California have begun to do this. Graduation rates, jobs secured by graduates and costs should all be available like nutrition information on a granola bar. 2) Permit private financing schemes. Senator Marco Rubio has endorsed the idea of permitting employers to subsidize the education of students in exchange for the promise of some years of employment (as the armed services do). 3) Smash barriers to entry. Federal rules combined with outdated accreditation standards keep the old brick-and-mortar monopoly alive. On-line courses (as Alexander Tabarrok of the Marginal Revolution web log detailed) have the potential to revolutionize education. The benefits of online courses flow particularly to those who cannot, for family or economic reasons, afford to attend traditional colleges. Other possibilities abound, such as specialized boot camps for tech training -- typically an intense 10-15 week skill course run by a consortium of companies..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
why your doctors may be on the verge of quitting (chapter 2)
"...Physicians who responded tended to agree with my claim that doctors are being driven out of the profession by the intrusions, interferences, regulations, mandates, constraints and sundry other degradations of their vocation that are the result of the bureaucratization of medicine. Chief among them is the imposition of electronic health records (EHR) [i.e. privacy violation facilitation]..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's foreign policy delusions
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Israel matters
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
president Bashar al-Assad of Syria nears the tipping point
"...A potent new rebel coalition known as Jaish al-Fatah, or the Army of Conquest, backed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, seized the capital of Idlib province late last month. Fighting ferociously alongside this coalition is Jabhat al-Nusra, or the al-Nusra Front, which is affiliated with al-Qaeda. 'Moderate' rebels known as the 'Southern Front', backed by the [Obummer regime] and Jordan, are finally gaining some ground in southern Syria. And [Sunni] ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, the most fearsome group of all, is rampaging across northern, central and eastern Syria... Iranian [Shiite] president Hassan Rouhani seemingly doubled down this week, declaring that he stood with Assad's government 'until the end of the road'..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Don Lambro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's 2nd term continues from evil deed to evil deed, mistake to mistake, disaster to disaster as it meanders toward oblivion
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
why some candidates are skipping the Iowa Straw Poll
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
who can play a mixed-race role?
"Whatever the flick's merits or demerits, it has inadvertently helped expose the arbitrary, capricious and ridiculous demands of militant 'identity politics'..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
_Cybercast News Service_
Louie Gohmert (R-TX): God will exact a price for the Obummer regime acting this way
"the [Obummer regime] has been telling people in Africa it will help them counter radical Islam but only if they abandon their Christian views on abortion and same-sex 'marriage'. Only if you will violate your Christian beliefs will we be willing to come help you.', Gohmert said, summarizing his understanding of the [Obummer regime's] view..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: yes, it was the Red Chinese government who hacked into US government personnel records
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
_Cybercast News Service_
ads in California link excessive immigration with water shortages (video)
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
actor & LGBT advocate Patrick Stewart sides with Christian bakers who refused to make gay "marriage" cake
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Laura Ingraham
Tucker Carlson: Marco Rubio and Yebbie Booosh equally embrace excessive, low-standard, no-standards immigratio, but some conservatives seem to be giving Rubio a free pass
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
Laura Ingraham
Border Patrol agents resigning en masse; main-stream media "outright lies" about flow of invaders into USA
Border Patrol agent Shawn Moran: "Stories about the border surge decreasing is an out right lie, to say the border is more secure is false." (mp3)
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
trade promotion authority: Rep and Dem losership ravage USA's working families
"Conservatives have long considered it a given that free trade was a benefit to the American economy and that opening trade and reducing trade barriers would be a net positive for the United States. [Obummer's] Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to advance it have turned that calculus on its head and amount to a new looting of American workers by the Republican and Democratic elites who are pushing it through congress without even reading it. The fact that the document is classified and may only be accessed by members of congress after they've signed a non-disclosure agreement, and then only through a burdensome process of personal review without notes, was our first clue that something was amiss. Who, exactly, is the text of the TPP being kept secret from? It's not secret from the other countries with which we are negotiating; they're all in the room. It's probably not secret from our adversaries, like Russia and [Red China], who regularly penetrate the [Obummer regime's] web-sites and e-mail. It's only secret from American workers and voters who in the end are the parties being treated as adversaries by the treaty's advocates among [Washington DC's] ruling elite. What do we know about the TPA and TPP so far? First of all, we know that 2 of their strongest Republican advocates -- Republican whip representative Steve Scalise and Rules Committee chairman representative Pete Sessions -- refused to admit through spokespersons to Breitbart News whether they have read the text of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Pacific Rim trade deal, but they still support granting [president Barack Hussein Obummer] the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to fast track it..."
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)
William F. Jasper _Free Republic_
Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) leaks: another corrupt Obummer trade deal, more reasons to stop fast-trck/trade promotion authority
New American
2015-06-05 (5775 Sivan 18)/2015-05-07
Eytan Bakshy, Solomon Messing & Lada A. Adamic _AAAS Science_ vol348 #6239
micro-targetting creates ideological blinders on immoral tech tyrant FB
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Proposed Bills 2015
"the rate of software piracy in [Red China] is well over 90%." --- Glenn Hubbard & Peter Navarro 2011 _Seeds of Destruction: Why the Path to Economic Ruin Runs Through Washington, and How To Reclaim American Prosperity_ pg115 |
1944-06-06: D-Day.
2015-06-06 (5775 Sivan 19)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
William & Kate release pictures of cousins Charlotte... and Georgie
Washington DC Times
2015-06-06 (5775 Sivan 19)
blood test can detect every virus you've ever had
Empire State Tribune
"This breakthrough diagnostic tool can help doctors detect earlier new diseases like hepatitis B and to provide new perceptions in the origin of auto-immune diseases like cancers, the team who developed the blood test said. The test, dubbed as VirScan uses genome-charting technology to reveal the types of viruses that had invaded the body during one person's life history... Also, about 570 patients from 4 continents, were tested with the VirScan by the research team. On the average, a person's body is invaded by 10 to 260 different multiplicity of viruses, though some people have twice that number... VirScan's is approximately priced at $25 for every blood extraction, but some laboratories might charge the patient higher. It also takes 2 to 3 days to complete the test results on 100 blood samples."
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"The fact that the Reagan approach, which many among the intelligentsia saw as likely to lead to war, led instead to the end of the Cold War, while the Chamberlain approach that was supposed to lead to peace led instead to the biggest war in history, has made no dent on the vision of the anointed." --- Thomas Sowell 2010 _Intellectuals & Society_ pp260-261 |
USA Over-Population Clock
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Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
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USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
"The histories of those immigrant groups who have arrived financially destitute in many countries, and then proceeded to rise to higher levels of prosperity than the native population, is further substantiation of the role of human capital." --- Thomas Sowell 1998 _Conquests and Cultures_ pg337 |
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