2015 June, week 4

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-09-11

  "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of tho-thirds, expel a Member." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 2  

2015 June
  1 2 3 4 5 6
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2015 June, week 1 (June 01 - June 06
2015 June, week 2 (June 07 - June 13)
2015 June, week 3 (June 14 - June 20)
2015 June, week 4 (June 21 - June 27)
2015 June, week 5 (June 28 - June 30)
2015 June
  "Activity can be easily mistaken for productivity.   Always ask yourself, 'Is this advancing me to my goals?'" --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 June

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression


2015-06-21: Father's Day

1788-06-21: US constitution ratified.

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
_Dallas TX Morning News_
how the most direct and blatant H-1B visa abuses harm US STEM professionals
The H-1B visa program was allegedly developed to ease employers' ability to hire immigrant high-tech experts and remain competitive.   It makes little sense, for example, to bring in hundreds of thousands of foreign students when US citizen students were have difficulties getting into and paying for a degree.   It makes little sense to give foreign students first shot at on-campus work and research participation opportunities when many US citizen students were ready and available.   It makes little sense to export our latest-greatest research methods, tools, and break-throughts ("knowledge transfer" or "technology transfer") via foreign students.   It makes little sense to give newly graduated STEM foreign students first dibs on jobs in the USA while ignoring one-half to two-thirds of US citizen STEM grads and keeping them off of the first steps of the career ladder.
That's why millions of able and willing US citizen STEM professionals have long urged congress to cut the numbers of F-1 (student) visas, and shorten OPT (internship) to a more reasonable 3 months, to reduce E-3 and L-1B and J-1 visas, and for that matter green cards/LPR visas, to manageable levels (sufficient to allow DHS to actually monitor whether they leave by the time their visas expire).
These visa programs have always been intended to put US citizens out of work in favor of cheaper, younger, more pliant, even less-skilled and more ethically flexible, foreign labor.   This was known in the late 1980s; it was known in 2000, and actively promoted in 2007 among immigration lawyers, and though their training and promotion videos, their scams of diverting job applicant resumes directly to lawyers to find pretexts on which to declare all US citizen applicants "unqualified" were in the news for a few week, no penalties were levied, no incentives to the contrary were put in place.   Nothing was done to stop the abuse.
A troubling trend has been the increase in the numbers of these visas issued, when they were already being issued in great excess, holding down compenstion of US citizens, and displacing millions of US citizen STEM professionals -- both at the beginnings of careers in colleges and universities, and after they had gained a mere decade of experience facilitating age discrimination against those older US citizen STEM professionals, which have been documented since at least the late 1990s.   Yes, business executives, executives in academia and immigrtion lawyers and their lobbyists express shock, shock that there are displacements and other abuse happening in their casi, er, operations, but in reality, that's exactly what the H-1B and other guest-work programs are designed to facilitate.
There is no legal requirement for executives or hiring managers to make a sincere good-faith effort to recruit or consider US citizen job candidates; it is nowhere in the statutes and never was (with one exception applying to less than 2% of sponsor/employers who have either been caught in blatant and extreme abuses, or firms abusing H-1B visasa for more than half or their work-force in the USA).   There is a bit of dicta which suggests that US citizens should not be harmed, but there is nothing in the way of defining harmful actions, nor for penalties or other forms of incentives to discourage such abuses.
H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total New/Initial H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total New/Initial H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report
FY2014 Annual Report

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Iran's parliament affirms ayatollah's refusal to have nuclear weapons development facilities inspected: chanted "Death to America"
Elizabeth Potter: Washington DC Examiner

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
_Cybercast News Service_
OPM director Katherine Archuleta implied Red Chinese gained access to records of CIA, US military, contractor/out-source/bodyshop personnel: approximately 4.2M total, could go back to 1985
Yet another reason the records should never have been integrated at one agency, on one set of computers.

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Barbara Boland _Washington DC Examiner_
bomb-shell e-mail release confirms how closely ObummerDoesn'tCare's architect Jonathan Gruber worked with the Obummer regime
World Net Daily
"In videos that surfaced this past year, in 2013 Gruber referred to the 'stupidity of the American voter' and the 'huge political advantage' the healthcare legislation's lack of transparency would provide in getting the bill passed...   The [e-mail messages] show Gruber kept HHS abreast of his conversations with health reporters and law-makers: He let them know when a conversation went well and a story would post; when he got pushback about his undisclosed contract he revealed only their description of his activities; and that he worked to convince senator Mary Landrieu to support the bill.   'There's no doubt [Gruber] was a much more integral part of this than they've said.', said representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), chairman of the committee that released the [e-mail messages], reported the Wall Street Journal.   'He put up this facade he was an arm's length away.   It was a farce.'   Gruber received almost $400K from HHS alone for his work creating computer models that would predict how the Congressional Budget Office [CBO] would score the health-care legislation, according to public records..."

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Bill Federer _WND_
why electing immoral men betrays the USA
"...Noah Webster wrote in an article titled, 'Letters to a Young Gentleman Commencing His Education', New Haven, 1823: 'When a citizen gives his suffrage (vote) to a man of known immorality, he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor, and he betrays the interest of his country.'   In 1832, Noah Webster wrote in his _History of the United States_: 'When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God.   The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty.   If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made not for the public good so much as for the selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded.   If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.'"

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
love conquers all in SC

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Ted Baehr & Tom Snyder _WND_
Hollywood film-maker slanders non-leftists

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
restoration: a story of father and son

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Chuck Norris _WND_
prevenging more church shootings; faith is not an excuse to bypass self-defense
"A decade ago, there were roughly only 10 church violent crimes across the U.S.A.   In 2007, there were 41 incidents.   In 2009, there were 108.   In 2012, there were more than 135.   In 2013, there were 132.   In 2014, there were 176...   Violent crimes are increasing everywhere: in schools, on military bases, at government buildings and in other locations once considered relative safe zones...   Here's how your sanctuary safety measures up to other stats, according to Christianity Today: 'The chance you will die in the next 12 months from an injury are about 1 in 1,681.   In a car accident, the odds are 1 in 6,539.   In a plane crash, 1 in 502,554.   From a hornet, wasp or bee sting, 1 in 3,615,940.   From a lightning strike, 1 in 6,177,230.   From church violence, 1 in 18,393,327.'"

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
pure love overcomes vile hatred in Charleston SC

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
"commando" archaeologists to rescue threatened artifacts from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
News Corp.

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate beheaded a leader Abde al-Bara al-Iraqi of al-Qaeda off-shoot Jabhat al-Nusra Front in Raqqa, Syria
Johnlee Varghese: International Business Times of India

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Lebanese Christian village on front lines aginst ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, claim Iran-backed Hezballah are protecting them
Sulome Anderson: NY Magazine
"village of Ras Baalbek... Ras Baalbek is right on the border between what is still Lebanon -- a multi-sect country used to a relatively liberal, relaxed life-style -- and the fundamentalist, violent rule of the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS's 'Caliphate'...   there are just 2 small, sparse, overlapping mountains -- more like hills, really -- standing between Ras Baalbek and the neighboring town of Arsal, which is now in ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and al-Nusra hands...   The girl nods.   'As Christians, we're in a lot of danger, because we're like a small island in a sea of Muslims.', she explains.   'We are friends with Muslims; we don't hate them.   But these aren't Muslims, they are terrorists.'   A lady who has remained quiet as her fellow clients argue suddenly speaks up.   'If you want to know whether the women of this village will run away, we will not.', she says fiercely.   'I'm a grand-mother now, I have 3 grand-children, and I'll pick up a weapon myself and kill them.'"

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the end of Fox news is near
"...Although it is not the be-all and end-all of independent watch-dog journalism at its best, Fox News is a welcome alternative to the extreme bias of ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN.   Its overwhelming success in ratings and profits proves the theory that Americans are hungry for a real alternative.   For instance, the profits of Fox News now reach nearly $1g a year.   To put that in perspective, according to the New York Times, hardly a fan newsletter of Fox News, that is more than ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC combined..."

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
veterans' wait times for care at Veterans Admin longer than they were a year ago
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
illegal aliens traveling through Mexico attacked by armed gangs and police

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
black advocate for self-defense Kenn Blanchard challenges Obummer's rant against owning and carrying arms

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
a call to courage in the hour of evil

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
NY's ever-exanding electorate, as leftists slip more onto the rolls
Town Hall
"This is exactly the kind of grass-roots activism envisioned by billionaire George Soros, who has committed $5M to 'expand the electorate' and 'loosen' voting requirements by getting rid of photo ID laws and other recent election reforms.   Increasingly, citizenship — a prime condition for voting -- is being treated as an annoying speed bump on the way to the election booth.   President [Barack Hussein Obummer's corrupt] Justice Department has even sued Kansas and Arizona over their laws requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote...   CANY's supporters include a litany of unions, such SEIU and the UAW, the Proteus Fund, the New York state Trial Lawyers Association, Empire State Pride Agenda and other liberal pressure groups, many of whom receive funding directly or indirectly from Mr. Soros' Open Society Institute...   The former U.S. senator from New York [and, as she claimed, Punjab, Hitlery Rotten Clinton,] called for automatic voter registration, restoring part of the Voting Rights Act that the Supreme Court struck down, a mandatory minimum 20-day early voting period in all states, out-of-precinct voting, allowing more convicts to vote, and reversal of voter photo ID laws.   Former Justice Department Voting Section attorney J. Christian Adams, a member of the American Civil Rights Union's policy board, explains what's behind her demands: 'Giving Washington DC renewed power under the Voting Rights Act allows Justice Department bureaucrats with a long history of abuse to leverage power for Democrats behind closed doors.   Allowing voters to cast ballots in precincts where they don't live encourages electoral chaos and subsidizes those who cannot make their way to the correct location.   Because felons empirically vote for Democrats at a 9:1 rate, ending state qualification laws on felon voting will help Democrats win.   Not verifying the citizenship of registrants allows criminal aliens to vote for Democrats.'..."

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Uber driver used firearm to stop attacker who fired into a Chicago crowd... so Uber bans drivers from carrying arms
"This announcement comes three months after an Uber driver with a concealed carry license thwarted an attempted mass shooting by pulling his own weapon and shooting a gunman who had opened fire in Chicago's Logan Square.   On April 20, the Chicago Tribune reported the driver was watching 'a group of people' walk in front of his car on North Milwaukee Avenue just before midnight when 22-year-old Everardo Custodio allegedly 'began firing into the crowd'.   The Uber driver pulled his own gun and 'fired 6 shots at Custodio', wounding him in 'the shin, thigh, and lower back'..."

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Israeli policeman injured in terrorist attack 2 days after another Israeli was murdered in an ambush in eastern Israel near Dolev
Abraham Rabinovich: Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
over 300K rally in Rome against same-sex "marriage"

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Daniel J. Flynn _Breitbart_
Royce Gracie: my father served as an example

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Dutch broadcaster found a way to work around the laws in order to stop 3-minute TV clip of Mohammad cartoons

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
in bizarre Obummer regime attack, sub-poenas, gag orders over reader comments at Reason magazine
"A bizarre government assault on Reason Magazine has been in progress for the past 2 weeks, and in a nice Kafkaesque touch, the magazine was barred from talking about the situation with a gag order..."

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Cambodia is training an elite squad of giant rats imported from Africa to detect landmines

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Red China got free pass from Obummer regime on hack of OPM records "to preserve strategic dialogue and summit"

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
woman says, sure, my son was committing an armed robbery, but I want the person who shot him charged

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
_Free Republic_/_EIB_
GOP losership; this is not the GOP with which I grew up
Rush Limbaugh (transcript)2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Devin Nunes: USA is facing the highest threat level ever

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
me-too climate encyclical shows contempt for the poor
"...On the climate, his scientifically illiterate encyclical gets every material climatological fact wrong.   The Pontifical Academies should be ashamed of themselves for leading the pope into error by excluding from preparatory discussions all scientists and all data questioning the climate-communist party line they have inveigled him into adopting.   But the pope doesn't care...   only 0.3% of 11,944 climate papers published from 1991 to 2011 were even willing to go so far as to declare recent warming mostly man-made.   But the pope doesn't care...   the ocean, monitored reliably for only 11 years, is warming only at 1 degree in 430 years; and the air above the surface has not warmed at all for approaching 19 years.   But the pope doesn't care..."

2015-06-21 (5775 Tamuz 04)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
drought? climate change? Obummer jets to Palm Springs CA for golf

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "When you reach your birthday each year, the Divine is letting everyone know that without you, the world would be incomplete." --- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Jeff Sessions has introduced and immigration reform bill named for officers killed by illegal aliens: The Michael Davis ii and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
insane senate Appropriations committee voted to allow visa waivers for Poland, when they should not exist for anyone from anywhere
"VWP countries must have a visa refusal rate of less than 3% ([referring to] the rate at which U.S. consular officers reject visa applications from citizens of that country).   Poland's refusal rate was 6.4% in 2014, 10.8% in 2013, 9.3% in 2012, 10.2% in 2011, and 13.5% in 2009.   The refusal rates in Poland are high for a good reason.   Poland is one of the top-25 countries of origin of illegal aliens in the United States and has more illegal aliens here than any other European country.   Only one VWP country generates more illegal aliens than Poland -- South Korea, which also was awarded VWP privileges for the wrong reasons (as part of trade agreement negotiations)...   Over-stayers make up approximately 40% of the illegal population.   At last count there were more than 250K new visa over-stayers added to the illegal population each year, with more than 25% coming from visa waiver countries.   Yet overstay enforcement and visa compliance are not priorities for DHS.   A 2013 GAO report (pdf) found that fewer than 2% of US ICE resources are dedicated to over-stay enforcement..."
One must factor in the practice of inspectors at USCIS who ask questions about apparently contradictory info on visa applications, or who deny visas being penalized directly and indirectly, while the rubber-stampers tend to get more rapid advancement and bonuses.

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
vast ramifications of senate TPA & TAA vote Tuesday, which will affect how easily TPP, TATIP, TISA are rammped through
"Republican [losers], who seem curiously eager to facilitate this deal for the president, have bent over backwards to assure the many skeptical Republican members that neither Trade Promotion Authority (TPA, or 'fast-track authority') nor the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) pact, which would be the next trade agreement to be rushed through the approval process on an up or down vote without possibility of amendments, includes or allows changes to immigration or visa law...   The biggest danger lies in the other deals that the president's team is working on.   Provisions in these deals do change immigration laws, and also would prevent congress from adjusting immigration laws that are currently being abused.   That is the very goal of all trade pacts -- to lock in open access to markets under current or more favorable terms, so that it cannot be changed.   (More on the implications of trade agreements for immigration law.)...   other countries are pushing hard for open access to U.S. job markets, too, euphemistically calling it 'trade in services' and the 'movement of natural persons'.   Our current visa rules allow foreign-owned labor contractors [cross-border bodyshops] who 'trade in services' to bring in hundreds of thousands of foreign guest-workers each year.   These rules, which the president's trade negotiators would like to freeze in place [or rather ratchet ever up], have permitted employers to replace some of their U.S. workers with foreign guest-workers, not because the guestworkers have better skills, but because they are cheaper (see the testimony at a recent senate Judiciary committee hearing)...   One of the treaties being negotiated by [president Obummer's] team is known as the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).   The contents were secret until it was obtained by Wikileaks [and the Manchester Guardian].   The documents reveal that the [Obummer regime] hopes to greatly expand access for foreign workers in dozens of occupations including engineering, veterinary medicine, management consulting, construction, waste disposal, hotel and restaurant work, transportation, and recreation.   This is not just about computer programmers and nurses; TiSA would facilitate the movement of unlimited numbers of skilled and unskilled workers from participating countries.   As has been the case with past trade agreements, if congress or even state lawmakers sought to make changes in laws, for example establishing or adjusting licensing, skill, or educational requirements that effectively closed off opportunities for say, Malaysian machinists, Honduran welders, or Mauritanian dentists, that could instigate a trade dispute that would have to be decided by an international tribunal established by the treaty.   Historically, the United States has not come out on top in these disputes and can be sanctioned if the laws are not dropped.   The effect would be that control over our guest-worker programs and other occupational regulations would shift away from our representative bodies to an international tribunal of trade regulators whose mission in life is to enforce the treaty provisions allowing the international movement of people and open access for service-providing corporations."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
figures reveal scale of EU refugee/illegal alien invasion... and who lets them stay; 185K applied for asylum in 2015

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
messaging for the GOP candidates for president
"1.   Don't attack each other in the primaries...   2.   Don't pull your punches.   Once the nominees are established, the gloves come off...   3.   Find the message in the [positive and the] negative...   4.   Explain the United States Constitution.   Every conversation with the public should be a specific lesson in why the limitations on federal power are beneficial to them.   The public truly isn't stupid, and examples of the dangers of governmental overreach are everywhere.   Point them out.   5.   Emphasize the proper role of government.   Don't paint with broad brushstrokes -- give examples that people care about...   6.   Enforce our borders and simplify our immigration laws.   There is no security without an enforced border, and no nation has an obligation to take in terrorists, criminals and gang members -- even if they're only [10 years old].   A fair immigration policy is one that is clear, enforceable and easy to comply with, not Byzantine and observed largely in the breach...   7.   Be transparent in law-making...   8.   Remember the entrepreneur...   Real 'business' isn't [crony socialistic] deals between government and huge corporations that [cheat] consumers and thwart innovation and entrepreneurship.   9.   Protect Americans first.   Yes, we've all heard that out-sourcing jobs to third-world nations raises their standard of living, but at whose expense?   Large numbers of Americans [able and willing to do] high-tech jobs in the information economy, and the shrinking pool of manufacturing jobs has left them with largely minimum-wage jobs that have little upward mobility.   This has gutted the middle class.   Advance their interests for a change, and watch them flee the Democrat Party in droves.   10.   Believe in us and tell us so...   11.   Assume all voters are up for grabs...   Laura Hirschfeld Hollis is on the faculty at the University of Notre Dame, where she teaches courses in business law and entrepreneurship..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Uriel Heilman _Jewish World Review_
amid Asian influx, with Jews now a minority, Brandeis considers its "identity"
"Founded in 1948 as a top-tier alternative for Jews who faced quota restrictions at the nation's Ivy League universities...   Last year, about a quarter of incoming freshman were [foreign students] -- with the largest number of them from China (about 10% of all freshmen).   After China, the top countries of origin for foreign students at Brandeis are Korea, India, Canada and Israel, in that order.   Jews are now thought to make up a minority of Brandeis' 3,700 under-graduates -- 40%-45% according to many faculty and student estimates.   That figure was said to be upwards of 60% just 2 decades ago...   Brandeis does not ask students about religious background.   When Brandeis provost Lisa Lynch steps in as acting president in July, she will be the first non-Jew ever to occupy the university’s top job Brandeis is not alone in seeing an influx of students from China.   During the 2013-14 academic year, there were 274,439 Chinese students at American universities, including about 110K under-graduates..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
DHS clueless about security; too busy supporting Obummer's perverted anti-constitution agenda on private ownership and carry of arms and elimination of all standards when it comes to immigration and visas
"Apparently Norway and France which have very restrictive gun laws did not prevent their mass killings of innocent victims- Norway-77, France (Charlie Hebdo-11)...   Extreme ideological beliefs must not mean Islamic jihadism because the other 21 year-old arrested on Staten Island had pledged to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and if he could not was prepared to attack and kill police officers.   Fareed Mumuni was arrested by the FBI-NYPD joint terrorism task force after allegedly attacking federal agents while his home was being searched in a terrorism investigation related to the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate...   The DHS is responsible for releasing thousands of illegal immigrants awaiting deportation onto our streets, many with criminal pasts.   Several of these so-called unaccompanied alien children are in fact street gang members.   Three of these teens from El Salvador were arrested for the brutal rape of a 16- year-old teen from New York earlier this month...   the DHS are ignoring the importance of Fareed Mumuni and exploring the genesis of his radicalization by ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate.   I've discovered a lot about this young man and like many who know him, can't understand what happened to him.   From the 4th to 8th grade, he attended a parochial school that all my children attended.   I spoke to one of his teachers who described him as a very sweet, meek boy from a lovely family.   Although he was a devout Muslim, he attended the Catholic services as was required for all students.   Many Muslims sent their children to Immaculate Conception school, an inner-city elementary school which provided a superior education than the local public school which had the lowest reading scores.   This valuable oasis in the inner-city was closed by the archdiocese in a bone-headed decision by budget-crazed bureaucrats who've forgotten that the mission of catholic schools was established to educate the poor.   Fareed's teacher told me that she felt he could be easy to manipulate because of his docile nature.   A stronger personality could influence his attraction to the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and if the DHS was at all concerned about homegrown terror from foreign sources they would be trying to track down the sources that recruit the vulnerable like Fareed.   [Leftist] politicians have done whatever they could to stop the NYPD's forays into surveillance of mosques and profiling and with the election of [uber-leftist] DeBlasio, crime has soared... The harder question is what turned Fareed?   Was it someone he met in College?   Was it a radical Imam in the mosque?   Is anyone in the DHS bothering to ask why?..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
let me tell you about Charlestonians

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Steven Emerson _Jewish World Review_
new Obummer State Dept. low: minimizing Palestinian incitment/initiation of violence
"Terrorism attacks and their resulting deaths spiked last year, the report found, an increase largely driven by attacks by the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and Nigeria's Boko Haram terrorist groups... the report diminishes the fact that incitement to violence is a systematic and institutionalized Palestinian Authority phenomenon... The State Department assessment also ignores the direct participation of senior Palestinian Authority officials in praising terrorists and inciting violence against Israelis and Jews..."
2014-09-30: Investigative Project on Terrorism: Palestinian Authority Glorifies Murderers of Israeli Teens as "Martyrs"
2014-11-03: Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik: Palestinian Media Watch: Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas glorifies shooter of Rabbi Yehuda Glick
2014-11-03: I 24 News: Netanyahu denounced Mahmoud Abbas's condolence letter to family of Palestinian who murdered R' Yehuda Glick
2014-11-18: Investigative Project on Terrorism: Palestinian Incitement, Attacks, Glorification
2015-02-17: Itamar Marcus & Nan Jacques Zilberdik: Palestinian Media Watch: Palestinian Authority renews religious incitement that led to recent terror
2015-04-17: Investigative Project on Terrorism: Palestinian Authority president Abbas Honors Fatah Terrorists in Official Ceremony
Discover the Networks: Fatah

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
tweet of clay

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
the continuing back-lash against privileged CEOs
"...This makes chief executive officers among capitalism's worst advocates.   They have constituted themselves as a new economic aristocracy, but in the process they've become an engine of inequality and sacrificed much public trust...   In 1965, the ratio of CEO pay to the pay of typical workers was 20 to 1, Mishel estimates.   Now it's 300 to 1.   Next: These wage gaps may apply only to the largest companies.   A new study attributes most of the growth of wage inequality since the 1980s to differences between firms.   Pay at the most 'productive' companies (so-called 'super firms') rose much faster than average, but 'within a given firm, wage inequality increased little', says University of Minnesota economist Fatih Guvenen, a study co-author.   There are 6M U.S. businesses, he notes.   What's true of a few thousand huge firms doesn't describe highly successful small and medium-sized companies...   Finally: CEOs and finance executives (bankers, traders, hedge-fund operators) aren't the only super-rich.   By one study, they represented 43% of the wealthiest 1% in 2005.   Others included doctors (14%), lawyers (8%), engineers and computer specialists (4%), entrepreneurs (3%) and celebrities and athletes (2%)..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
California's worsening job-stifling laws
"...If you run a business today, even as small as ten employees or less, you need an attorney on retainer to educate you about the employment issues.   This is why many small companies are turning their employees over to leasing companies [bodyshops] just to get out from under the exposure to the ever-changing federal and state laws with all the related litigation..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Davison Cheney _Jewish World Review_
things every wife should tell her husband every time the opportunity arises

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Ben Kaplan _Jewish World Review_
fatherhood can actually "rewire" a man's brain to make him a better parent
National Post
"Kim, who released her data in a 2014 paper entitled 'Neural Plasticity in Fathers of Human Infants' in the journal _Social Neuroscience_...   'Gray matter increased in the hypothalamus, the area responsible for sensitivity, while simultaneously decreasing in the orbital frontal cortex -- which looks after stress regulation and cognitive processing.'...   growth in the lateral frontal cortex...   neither parent is born with the neural structure for the role -- their brains [adapt] for the function..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
Dad's advice: just don't fall for that moron

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Alberto Arce _Cybercast News Service_
gangster blood-shed in El Salvador reaching levels of 1980s civil war
"El Salvador has just experienced one of its most violent months since the end of the civil war in 1992, with 635 homicides reported in May for the country of just over 6M people.   June is on track to break that mark... Sunday when suspected gang members killed two soldiers guarding a bus terminal in the capital... "

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
French foreign minister promotes new Israeli-Palestinian talks

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
vote Mike Flynn: time to break the cycle of LaHood crony socialism
"We've been telling you about principled limited government constitutional conservative Mike Flynn, who is running for the Republican nomination for congress in the Illinois district 18 special election on July 7.   Flynn's opponent, Darin LaHood -- the son of [Obummer] Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood -- has refused to debate Flynn and has been running the usual establishment Republican content-free campaign of letting his outside special interest money do his talking for him.   Now investigative reporter Katie McHugh of Breitbart has blown the lid off why the special interests are so anxious to put Darin LaHood in Congress -- M-O-N-E-Y, millions of dollars of it -- flowing from LaHood's votes in the Illinois state senate into the pockets of LaHood campaign supporters, and to LaHood's law firm.   Katie McHugh's reporting details how on 2012 May 30, LaHood voted 'yea' on a bill which established in East Peoria a new 'Tax Increment District 3' -- a law which conveniently required the city hire to lawyers who would confirm each year that the city was in full compliance.   This was the third such zone established by the city.   TIFs, explained McHugh, are set up to help offset the costs of building businesses in blighted areas or establishing a manufacturing plant, or 'free enterprise zone'.   Property taxes are increased on businesses and homeowners for as many as 26 years to fund new developments.   Who represents East Peoria? None other than Miller, Hall, & Triggs, for which LaHood is an associate, reported McHugh.   Yet LaHood apparently did not disclose to taxpayers that his firm stood to make significant financial gains from the new TIF zone he supported; transcripts from the vote show no evidence that LaHood made public the ties his firm has to East Peoria.   McHugh's reporting documents that LaHood's firm has made $1,285,803 over the course of five years (2010-2015) from its client, East Peoria.   Since that vote, developers have also donated tens thousands of dollars to Darin LaHood's congressional campaign after being awarded businesses in the new TIF zones in what appears to be a cozy, [crony socialist] set-up.   Here are here are just 2 of the more egregious [crony socialist] ties Katie McHugh documented:   Chairman of Cullinan Properties Diane Cullinan Oberhelman (and wife of Caterpillar CEO Douglas R. Oberhelman) earned $1,759,302 from TIF zones since 2010.   Cullinan also donated $15K to LaHood's state senate campaign PAC, and $10,800 to his congressional PAC.   In total, she donated $25,800.   The Otto Baum Company, which received $4,073,797 to develop the new TIF zone since 2012, donated $5K to LaHood's state senate PAC...   Voters in Illinois congressional district 18 who are tired of being looted by the LaHoods of Washington DC and Springfield IL have a clear alternative -- vote for Mike Flynn in the Special Election on July 7."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
_Conservative HQ_
leftist roots of NSA's violations of the 4th amendment
Mark J. FitzGibbons: Washington DC Examiner

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
explosions rock Afghan parliament in Kabul, taliban claimed responsibility
"Taliban terrorists launched a brazen suicide bombing and gun attack on Afghanistan's parliamentary building in Kabul, killing a woman and child and wounding an estimated 40..."
Wall Street Journal (video)
Rahim Faiez & Amir Shah: AP
Town Hall

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
allies of GOP losership attack members of congress who oppose evil leftist anti-constitutional Obummer agenda

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Laura Ingraham
Jim Jordan on TPA/TPP/TATIP/TISA fiasco: GOP losership is pushing everyon's priorities but those of actual voting US citizens (partial transcript)
"Jordan: 'Well, they work so hard on something we frankly really didn't talk to the voters about last Fall when they all elected us to go stop the president.   So, my bigger concern here, Laura, is 65% -- you know why 65% of Republicans think Republican leadership is not doing what they said they would do.   Because we aren't doing what we said we would do.   Did we talk about this issue last Fall?   No.   We talked about stopping the [unconstitutional a nd illegal] executive amnesty.   We talked about repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   We talked about throwing out the [death] tax.   Good.   Starting with the new tax.   Good.   Reforming the tax.   Good.   A simpler fair tax.   Good.   We talked about requiring work for people who are able to [before getting benefits from] our welfare system.   We talked about all those issues.   We didn't talk about trade at all.   And yet as you rightly pointed out, we are moving heaven and earth to pass this thing.   And so a number of us conservatives say, if your going to do it, at least do it with some checks and safeguards so we can keep a better eye on this president who frankly, his history is not real good about negotiating deals, that we think, in the best interest of our constituents.   So that was the big one, but the bigger concern is what did we talk about last Fall.   Why did they give us the largest majority in the house in 80 years?   Why did they expect the United States senate to do this trade deal with [Obummer] and make a deal with the Democrats?   All the things they went through in the last 5 weeks, that's the big concern we have.' (5:23)..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions: we need to slow fast-track/trade promotion authority now, before it is too late
Jeff Sessions: Breitbart
Susan Ferrechio: Washington DC Examiner

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Laura Ingraham
Mark Meadows: 90% of my colleagues did not read TPA/TPP/TATIP/TISA; the only person that could have held the president accountable is Paul Ryan, and he's on Obummer's side on this (mp3)

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
new e-mail messages show possible Benghazi deception by Hitlery Rotten Clinton and the Obummer regime

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
faith prevails over force initiator & race hustlers

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer admits he's still not cured of racism and hatred of the individual rights of US citizens recognized in our USA constitution

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
supremes ruled in case of USDA attempted robbery of raisins in Horne v. USDA
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart
Chris Safran: Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
main-stream media reporters party at wedding of top Hitlery staffer

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Sarah Westwood _Washington DC Examiner_
e-mail messages show that Hitlery encouraged "unsolicited" information

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
unlike David Remnick, TEA Partiers never supported a man aligned with a race war terrorist

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
David Cameron should debate Nigel Farage ahead of EU referendum, says a UKIP member of European parliamant

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Aaron MacLean _Washington DC Free Beacon_
may have to deploy US Marines aboard foreign ships, because the US Navy has been cut back do much they don't have enough ships

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Emma-Jo Morris _Washington DC Free Beacon_
US general Charles Wald denounces UN "human rights council" report on Gaza=Palestine war against Israel; failed to align with laws of war, inaccurately portrayed the actions of the IDF
"Wald closed his statement by warning that this oversight of Hamas's violations of the rules of war, by using civilian human shields specifically, will provoke other non-state combatants to mimic Hamas's behavior."
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Daniel Wiser _Washington DC Free Beacon_
Russian-backed forces launched a ttacks in Ukraine

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Adam Kredo _Washington DC Free Beacon_
ADL has joined Obummer's war against Israel

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Elizabeth Harrington _Washington DC Free Beacon_
inspector-general: some Amtrak employees claimed to work 40 hours per day
World Net Daily

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Adam Kredo _Washington DC Free Beacon_
State Dept. report: Iran boosts terrorist activities around the globe
"Iran is funding and arming leading terrorist groups in the Middle East and elsewhere, according to the State Department's 2014 Country Reports on Terrorism, which thoroughly documents how Tehran continues to act as a leading sponsor terror groups that pose a direct threat to the United States..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Lachlan Markay _Washington DC Free Beacon_
documents reveal that Ecuadorian government financially backed and organized protests in USA against Chevron

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: people of sincere faith make better leaders

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
Alabama woman Krissie K. Davis is the latest to die in Afghanistan since combat mission officially ended

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Rudy Takala _Cybercast News Service_
since 1999 ethanol abuse down 7% globally, up 5.5% in USA a s politicians continue to drive USA job markets and economy down the sewer

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
* Mark Levin: sure, he was a little power-mad, a little monarchical, but keep Hamilton on the $10 bill *
"...'I really think when it comes to the $10 bill, we should put somebody on that $10 bill who opposed slavery.   We should put somebody on the $10 bill who opposed slavery -- who opposed slavery when others supported it.   And that would be Alexander Hamilton, who is currently on the $10 bill.   Did you know Alexander Hamilton was an abolitionist of sorts?   Do you know that he helped found and promote an organization in New York to help slaves who escaped or were freed from the South and the territories?   Did you know that?...   Because every year the Democrats hold their big fund-raisers in towns and counties and states across the country.   They call them Jefferson-Jackson dinners.   They have nothing in common with Jefferson.   But Jackson, well they can't remove him from a $20 bill.   How would that make them feel at their Jefferson-Jackson dinners?   So there's nobody here to defend Hamilton.   I had a lot of differences, or do, with Hamilton.   But he was a great man.   He actually opposed slavery.   He was a white man and white founder who opposed slavery.   And of course, he did more than that, didn't he?   That was just one of his great positions.   Alexander Hamilton.   We revere The Federalist Papers, don't we?   Why do we revere The Federalist Papers?   Because they are [along with the anti-Federalist Papers which prompted the drafting of the first 12 amendments] the most dispositive statements at the time explaining the new republic.   Hamilton wrote the vast majority of them...   He was also Washington's most trusted aide to camp during the Revolutionary War.   He was also the first Secretary of the Treasury, who set up the currency and insisted that we pay down the debt.   He was much more of a central government advocate than I would have liked, but so what?'..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Deneen Borelli: Charleston families have "helped rebrand to the world how black Americans are hard-working, God-fearing, Americans" (with video)

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
*** Mark Levin: congregation and family members of those murdered at Emanuel AME in Charleston represent "the best of America" ***
"Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin honored Nadine Collier and reverend Anthony Thompson, family members of the Charleston shooting victims who both forgave suspect Dylann Roof at a court hearing Friday, calling them 'wonderful human beings' who exemplify the greatness of America.   I want all these politicians beating their chests out there now who are attacking America, attacking Americans, lecturing us like we all pulled this trigger as a society when we did not -- I want you to know that Nadine Collier represents the best of America.   And she represents tens of millions of Americans.', Levin said on his Friday broadcast."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
teen invented ingenious way to top bleeding instantly, speeds healing
Chris Weller: Business Insider
Mary-Ann Russon: International Business Times of UK
Ansa Varughese: Medical Daily
Stephanie Haven: USA Today/Gannett
Matt Safford: Smithsonian
"VetiGel, an algae-based polymer created by Joe Landolina -- a 22 year-old who invented the product when he was just 17.   Landolina is now the co-founder and CEO of Suneris, a biotech company that manufactures the gel...   The first product in the rollout is a five-pack of 5ml syringes that costs $150.   Landolina says Suneris has its sights set on a USA roll-out first, followed by a release in Europe and Asia sometime early next year.   The company has partnered with VetPlus, a British company focused on animal medicine, to expand its manufacturing across the pond..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Les Kinsolving _WND_
churches should welcome heat-packing ministers/rabbis and worshippers

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
F. Michael Maloof _WND_
clean-up of Red Chinese hack of OPM making a colossal mess
"CNN reported just Monday that FBI director James Comey provided the estimate that the files, including vast reams of personal details, of 18M people had been stolen...   US senator Mark Warner (D-VA)...has written to OPM Director Katherine Archuleta taking issue with the performance of the contractor OPM hired to provide credit monitoring services and identity theft protection to the employees affected by the breach.   Warner said he has received complaints from many of them about long wait times and unreliable or inaccurate services being provided by the contractor Winvale through its subcontractor, CSID...   Warner also took issue with OPM’s approach in awarding the sole-source contract to CSID via its main contractor, Winvale Group LLC.   The Request for Quotation, or RFQ, was out for only 36 hours which Warner said would not have given enough time for companies to learn of it and evaluate its terms and submit a bid for the contract.   As it was, OPM had amended the proposal three times..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Bill Federer _WND_
when peace reigned among Amerindians and colonists from Europe
"In the Summer of 1683, Ottoman general Mustafa Pasha was laying siege to Vienna, Austria, with 200K Muslim warriors   Sultan Mehmed iv sent the message to the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor Leopold i: 'Await us in your residence city of Vienna so that we can decapitate you.'   Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, the Quaker Christian leader William Penn made a peace treaty with the Delaware Indians on 1683 June 23.   Along the Delaware River, Indians called themselves 'Lenape', meaning in Algonquin 'the people', and consisted of 3 clans: Turkey, Wolf and Turtle.   Lenape 'Turtle' clan Chief Tamanend met with William Penn, who they called 'Miquon' meaning quill, under an elm tree in what became Philadelphia, and made a peace treaty which lasted over 70 years.   In 1697, Tamanend's last message before he died was: 'We and Christians of this river have always had a free roadway to one another, and though sometimes a tree has fallen cross the road, yet we have removed it again and kept the path clear.'..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
police should have tried harder not to kill my son even though he shot into their head-quarters and planted bombs

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
some leftists are refusing to breed so they don't biologically spread "white privilege"

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Raymond Ibrahim _Human Events_
Islamic hate for the Christian cross

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
_Clinton Cash_ author Peter Schweizer demolishes Hitlery's excuses: Was she merely lying or treasonous regarding sale of 20% of USA uranium and the attendant bribery and crony socialism?
"...First, 9 investors who profited from the uranium deal collectively donated $145M to Hillary's family foundation, including Clinton Foundation mega-donor and Canadian mining billionaire Frank Giustra, who pledged $100M..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Jordan Carney _Hill_
Jeff Sessions rallies GOP senators to block TPA and TAA

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Jeff Sessions: TPP is nascent European Union and loss of USA, state, local sovereignty; TPA is surrender of constitutional congressional power and duty

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
PolitiFact blasted Obummer over mass-killing claims

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Jenny Beth Martin _Breitbart_
correcting lack of congressional accountability with grass-roots activism
"Last Wednesday, thousands of Tea Party Patriots visited the district / state offices of their representatives in congress to protest the shady special exemption from [ObummerDoesn'tCare] that congress and their staffs currently enjoy.   All told, our rallies took place all across the country at more than 500 offices..."
And while we're going that, the corrupt Dems/Reds/leftists and RINO losership are ramming through 3 more nefarious schemes.

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
corrupt Mitch McConnell aims to ram through job-killing TPA+TAA+TPP+TATIP+TISA over massive objections by the public -- both left and right

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
market-places of ideas on college campuses have been emptied out by offense-mongers

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
David W. Murray & John P. Walters _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's coming epidemic of drugs

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
distrust of Obummer promises hope of stopping disastrous trade deals (TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA)

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
_Real Clear Politics_
senator Jeff Sessions: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP), Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) cede USA sovereignty permanently; same scheme, same language was abused to launch EU

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
_Louisiana Bayou Buzz_
senator Jeff Sessions issued final warning that fast-track/trade promotion authority will destroy USA's ability to control immigration

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
_Free Republic_
early European modern human in Romania 40K years ago had close Neanderthal ancestor
Popular Archaeology
"lived in present-day Romania about 40K years ago had a Neanderthal ancestor who lived just 4 to 6 generations back in the individual's family tree.   Co-led by Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator David Reich at Harvard Medical School, along with researchers at the Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins in Beijing, China, researchers were able to tease out and analyze a small percentage of the DNA remnants found in a 37K to 42K-year-old modern human jaw bone originally found in 2002 by cavers and archaeologists in the Oase Cave in south-western Romania...   Fu, who is now a postdoctoral researcher in Reich's group, solved that problem by restricting her analysis to DNA with a kind of damage that deteriorates the molecule over tens of thousands of years.   Once they had discarded the contaminating DNA, Reich's team could then compare the fossil's genome to genetic data from other groups.   Through a series of statistical analyses, a surprising conclusion emerged...   Reich says. 'We estimate that 6% to 9% of its genome is from Neanderthals.   This is an unprecedented amount.   Europeans and East Asians today have more like 2%.'...   the researchers used 35mg of bone powder from the jaw-bone...   in a cave called Petera cu Oase..."

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
_Popular Archaeology_
13,200K-13,400 year old Clovis evidence of horse and camel hunting near Wally's Beach, Alberta, Canada

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Aliya Sternstein _Free Republic_
signs of hack using same methods as OPM break-in turn up in National Archives and Records Admin
Next Gov

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Mike Shedlock _Town Hall_
the most common job in 29 states to nearly vanish in 10 years, replaced by freedom-robbing, privacy-robbing robo-vehicles

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Jim Meyers _New Max_
75 "most influential" Jewish Republicans

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Mark Levin
conservatives across the country need to raise significant resources to target and defeat Boehner, McCarthy, and Scalise in upcoming primaries or they'll continue their war aainst conservatives in pursuit of bigger government
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart: interview with Mark Levin

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
_Tallahassee Reports_
Freedom 93 FM changing line-up

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Naomi Oreskes: climate "activist", Harvard professor, hypocrite
"...if Naomi Oreskes was bright enough to grasp this at the beginning, what possible blinding revelation can have persuaded her to change her mind? Or, to put it another way: what can have lured Naomi Oreskes from the ill-funded, vilified, and often tenure-free world of scepticism to the richly-well-paid, jet-setting, self-congratulatory, prize-abundant, professorship-guaranteeing realm of climate change alarmism?"

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
John Siciliano _Washington DC Examiner_
House expected to pass a bill against EPA's power-mad restrictions on power-plants over "green-house gas"

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Lachlan Markay _Washington DC Free Beacon_
EPA official used personal e-mail address to conspire with watermelon (red inside, green outside) organization
"...Critics have claimed that the regulations were designed to shut down coal-fired power plants, a key objective of the Sierra Club and like-minded environmental groups, by imposing carbon restrictions too stringent for such power plants to meet..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Those who place too much stock in the stock they descend from, descend." --- R' Shraga Silverstein (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
CEO of GE, which has been off-shoring and cross-border bodyshopping, and encouraging other executives to off-shore and bodyshop for decades, threatens they will off-shore and bodyshop if the crony socialist Export-Import Bank is shut down

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Fortune whines that we're losing cheap, young, pliant foreign MBAs (when the USA is turning out bazillions of US citizen MBAs)

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Laura Ingraham
Dems/Reds/leftist and GOP RINO losership unconstitutionally turn over power to Obummer to make it more difficult for you to make a living
Alexander Bolton: Hill

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
supremes provided a win to sovereignty, security, and common sense in Kerry, Secretary of State, et al. v. Din

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Marco Rubio votes for TPA/TAA to make it easier to unconstitutionally ram through TPP, TATIP and TISA to reduce US citizen employment
Fox/WALA Mobile AL
Daniel Halper: Weekly Standard: they won the vote, but lost the trust of the American people
"Yesterday's procedural vote in the Republican-controlled senate to give [Obummer] 'Trade Promotion Authority', or 'fast track' as it used to be called, passed by just one vote -- that of Florida's Republican Senator and presidential aspirant Marco Rubio.   Why would Rubio vote to give [Obummer] more power?   No one knows for certain, but senator Jeff Sessions, in a statement released after the vote gave us some insight into the dynamics of what went on on Capitol Hill prior to the vote.   'Americans increasingly believe that their country isn't serving its own citizens.   They need look no further than a bipartisan vote of Congress that will transfer congressional power to the Executive Branch and, in turn, to a transnational Pacific Union and the global interests who will help write its rules.   The same routine plays out over and again.   We are told a massive bill must be passed, all the business lobbyists and leaders tell how grand it will be, but that it must be rushed through before the voters spoil the plan.   As with [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and the [8 Gangsters bill S744], the politicians meet with the consultants to craft the talking points—not based on what the bill actually does, but what they hope people will believe it does.   And when ordinary Americans who never asked for the plan, who don't want the plan, who want no part of the plan, resist, they are scorned, mocked, and heaped with condescension.   Washington broke arms and heads to get that 60th vote—not one to spare—to impose on the American people a plan which imperils their jobs, wages, and control over their own affairs.   It is remarkable that so much energy has been expended on advancing the things Americans oppose, and preventing the things Americans want.   For instance: thousands of loyal Americans have been laid off and forced to train the foreign workers brought in to fill their jobs—at Disney, at Southern California Edison, across the country.   Does Washington [DC] rush to their defense?   No, the politicians and the lobbyists rush to move legislation that would double or triple the very program responsible for replacing them.', noted senator Sessions.   Where were those Disney workers located you might ask?   Why in Marco Rubio's home state of Florida, where some 250 Orlando-based workers were not only let go and replaced by cheaper (and younger) foreign workers -- they were also required to train their foreign worker replacements.   'I just couldn't believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly.', one former worker, who wasn't named and is now unemployed, told The New York Times.   'It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job.   I still can't grasp it.'   Neither, apparently, can Marco Rubio.   A New York Times report detailed the situation at Disney and other companies where positions are outsourced to companies that hire foreign workers who come to the United States on H-1B visas.   That particular visa is often described as a way to employ foreign workers when companies can't find enough skilled Americans to do the work.   But that's a lie.   In reality, says Beth Kassab of The Orlando Sentinel, companies have come to view workers on these visas like generic drugs -- just as effective, but a lot cheaper.   It's all about profit, says Ron Hira of the Economic Policy Institute and who testified before congress in March about the ramifications of the visa program.   Hira said he made a Freedom of Information Act request for the wages of the employees of the [cross-border bodyshop] used by Disney.   The median was about $62K.   But he says he spoke to a laid-off Disney employee who was making about $100K.   'H-1B guest workers are cheaper than American workers and don't have much bargaining power, and any company would be foolish not to take advantage of this highly lucrative business model that has been inadvertently created by congress and multiple presidential administrations.', writes Hira, who recently published a book on outsourcing and also teaches at Howard University.   Professor Hira is being much too polite or is just plain naïve about how congress works -- congress didn't 'inadvertently' create this highly lucrative business model -- it was lobbied into it and Marco Rubio just voted to expand it, no doubt at the bidding of Disney and other beneficiaries.   As senator Jeff Sessions noted in his post vote statement, 'This econometarian ideology holds that if a company can increase its bottom line -- whether by in-sourcing foreign workers [cross-border bodyshopping] or out-sourcing production [off-shoring] -- then it's always a win, never a down-side.   [President Obummer], and allies in congress, have won this fast-track vote.   But, in exchange, they may find that they are losing something far greater: the trust of the American people.   Americans have a fundamental, decent, and just demand: that the people they elect defend their interests.   And every issue to come before us in the coming months will have to pass this test: does this strengthen, or weaken, the position of the everyday, loyal American citizen?'   By providing the final vote to pass TPA Marco Rubio put himself squarely on the economentarian side and against the everyday, loyal American citizen whom, we suspect, will have no trouble remembering how he voted when their turn to vote in a Republican primary election rolls around."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Bob Goodlatte: Obummer regime releasing illegal aliens convicted of additional crimes, endangering US citizens and national security

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Calais in chaos: ferry port, tunnel closed, Eurostar trains turn back to London; illegal alien warnings from Foreign Office
"[Illegal aliens] climb in the back of a lorry on the A16 highway leading to the Eurotunnel on 2015 June 23 in Calais (photo by Philippe Huguen of AFP)"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Trump talked trade on Fox: trade deals are a disaster for jobs

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee tells senate now is the time to kill the whole rotten TPA+TAA+TPA+TATIP+TISA scam

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_Conservative HQ_
DC crony socialism costs you... big time
"Today, through government cronyism some 60% of American financial liabilities have some form of government guarantee behind them; half of all Ex-Im Bank loans go to foreign airlines and 20% go to foreign oil and gas interests.   The Rayburn House Office Building's historic Gold Room was packed with congressional staffers and journalists who came to hear presentations from economist Veronique de Rugy, The Washington Examiner's Timothy P. Carney, author of _The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money_, and Diane Katz, Senior Research Fellow in Regulatory Policy at the Heritage Foundation.   The program was moderated by William Ruger, vice-president of Research & Policy at the Charles Koch Institute.   The consensus or 'top take-aways' of the panel was that [tax-victims] have no idea what government cronyism really costs them, how pervasive it is and how it distorts the economy by using politics and political connections, instead of free markets, to pick winners and losers...   de Rugy defined it as 'the unhealthy marriage between government and business', including any favor granted by government to business, noting that it is not just Big Business, but small businesses that benefit from cronyism.   The Small Business Administration (SBA) is rife with cronyism in this formulation.   Carney distinguished cronyism from 'merely bad policy' by defining it as any active government intervention that benefits a class or individual company.   In her definition of government cronyism Heritage's Diane Katz pointed out that other interests beside business benefit from government cronyism.   Trade unions benefit from government cronyism, so she defines cronyism as 'privilege derived from government' and a 'transfer from the many to the few'.   The panel noted that the growth of cronyism has now almost completely broken down the Founder's formula of a government informed and influenced by freely competing 'interests'.   Tim Carney cited the legislation outlawing the cheap incandescent light bulb as an example.   Sponsored by 2 Republicans and signed by a Republican President, the law, which drove up costs for consumers and put American workers out of their jobs, was not opposed by the lighting industry who said 'they could live with it'.   But in Carney's view industry's failure to oppose the law was more about the fact that their margins on the old fashioned light bulbs were so narrow that the opportunity cost compared to making more expensive new technology light bulbs was a losing proposition.   By legislating themselves out of one line of business they raised their margin as workers and consumers faced the consequences of job loss and higher costs.   Diane Katz cited the Farm Bill and the IRS tax code as the 2 greatest examples of cronyism.   Although they contain almost no direct payments they are rife with special favorable treatment, protection and carve-outs that raise prices for consumers and grant government favors to special interests.   In Veronique de Rugy’s view government loan guarantees are perhaps the worst examples of cronyism.   Noting that now some 60% of the debt outstanding in the American economy has some sort of government guarantee behind it...   de Rugy said the idea that 'no one in the private sector will lend you money, but the government is here for you' distorts the economy and drives private capital away from innovation and toward the government favored business...   such political distortion results in concentrated power which attempts to keep and expand government so it can derive more crony benefits.   Citing tech guru Elon Musk's Space X as an example Katz noted that no other private space launch company can compete against Space X because of its government subsidies, thus instead of encouraging innovation the government has, based on politics not the market, picked a winner in the private space launch industry.   In de Rugy's analysis the ideal that Americans used to have and should strive for again is 'permissionless innovation' driven by markets, not by government policy..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_Conservative HQ_
** senator Ted Cruz: Obummer's TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA schemes are enmeshed in corupt, back-room dealings **
** Breitbart **

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_Conservative HQ_
GOP losership betrays US citizens again; defeating them in primaries is the cure
"From the Republican leadership's devious ploy to fund [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty through the 'CRomnibus', to their refusal to defund [ObummerDoesn'tCare or the unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty, to their treasonous adoption of the legislation to give [Obummer] a free hand to abandon U.S. opposition to Iran's nuclear weapons program, and now their phony 'free trade' argument in favor of a bill almost none of them read, the Capitol Hill Republican establishment has betrayed the principles -- and the voters -- that handed them back the majority in 2014.   But what is perhaps the worst aspect of this series of betrayals are the lies that have accompanied them.   Were it not for a few principled individual legislators -- Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul and Mike Lee in the Senate and Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Jim Bridenstine and a few others in the House, no one in America would have any idea how damaging these betrayals have been.   To senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas we owe a debt of gratitude for telling us the truth about the Corker bill and Tennessee Republican senator Bob Corker's abandonment of the principle that the United States should use every option to prevent the Islamist regime in Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons...   Senator Jeff Sessions has been an untiring defender of American sovereignty and the interests of America's working families in the face of the unceasing assault on their interests and future economic well-being by a cabal of billionaires who are intent on dissolving America's political and economic borders to reap the financial benefits they can claim from a globalized economy.   The problem is that, as senator Sessions has documented time and again, the economic benefits of globalization will accumulate in the hands of a small group of tech billionaires, while the cost of a reduced standard of living and reduced job prospects will be borne by America's families who rely on tech and manufacturing for their livelihoods...   Finally, Americans have Ted Cruz to thank for regularly shining the light of truth on the back-door deals and insider [crony socialism] that grease the betrayals we've outlined above..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
union boss Terry O'Sullivan says Obummer regime's assertion that Keystone XL pipe-line would create only temporary jobs is moronic (video & partial transcript
"...The API study found that pro-development energy policies could create 2.3M U.S.A. jobs by 2035 and add as much as $443G per year to the economy over that same time period.   Regulatory restraints could mean the loss of 830K jobs over the next 20 years and result in a $133G loss to the U.S.A. economy, according to the report, produced for API by Wood MacKenzie..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime releasing illegal aliens convicted and in jail/prison for additional crimes

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Phyllis Schlafly slams trade promotion and the rest of the package (TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA) as worst legislation congress has ever passed
"She charged, 'It's just money.   The big donors are demanding the cheap labor.   And it's a matter of jobs and what this whole free trade policy has done is kill the middle class...   When the last trade bill with South Korea went through, they promised it would create 40K jobs.   Well, it did create 40K jobs but they were all in South Korea.   Free-trade advocates are just liars.   It's destroying American jobs and making jobs over-seas.'...   'The American people voted for a change and they voted for a repudiation of [Obummer's] polices, but we didn't get it.   We were disappointed.   Of course, speaker John Boehner hasn't led the kind of revolt we expected him to do.   Instead, he just cries when he doesn't get his way.   Boehner is getting his orders from the big donors who don't really care about party [nor about the US citizenry], who are essentially globalists at heart.   And we don't want globalist busybodies running our country.', she said.   Richard Viguerie, a leading conservative strategist and the author of _Takeover: The 100 Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It_, also slammed Boehner for not just supporting the trade bill, but punishing three Republican congressmen that opposed it by removing them from the party leadership.   Yet Viguerie also saw a silver lining, because in his view, the Republican [losership's] actions show grass-roots conservatives the party [losership's] true priorities [and that they must be removed from office]...'[The GOP loserhip] share more in common with the Dems/Reds/leftists than they do with limited government, constitutional conservatives, because the big-government Republicans believe in growing government.   They just don't believe in growing it as fast as the Reds/Dems/leftists do, but they still believe in growing government, whereas limited government, constitutional conservatives want to go in a significantly different direction.   They want to reduce the power of government, so Republican [losers] are closer ideologically to leftists/Reds/Dems than they are to conservative principles.'...   Besides the economic damage Schlafly sees resulting from the trade deal, she is also sounding the alarm over the trade deal's possible implications on immigration policy.   'The trade deal just shows how determined the money people are.   There are people out there who want to destroy our country.   And the best way to do it is to bring in a lot of people who don't believe in America.   We don't need any immigration right now.   And I don't think we ought to allow any immigrants except people who want to be Americans...'"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Sasha Issenberg _Jewish World Review_
strategy to use technology in campaign reveals about the Republican top tier

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer (the quintessential divisive extreme leftist partisan) is moderate or bipartisan like I'm a Dem/Red/leftist
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
Human Events
News Max

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
the ObummerDoesn'tCare case for medical care vouchers, school vouchers, tax-free medical+education+entrepreneurial savings funds

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
too many go to emergency centers for non-emergencies
"Let's first dispel one myth.   Most who go to the ER do require prompt medical attention.   Over half need to be seen within an hour, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.   But do they need a fully staffed hospital emergency department?...   numerous ailments or injuries could be treated at a walk-in clinic or by a nurse in a drugstore health center.   Many people go to the ER because it's open after hours..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Reds letting no tragedy go to waste

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery and history
Town Hall
Human Events
"This is one of the painful but inescapable signs of our time.   There is nothing in her history that would qualify her for the presidency, and much that should disqualify her.   What is even more painful is that none of that matters politically.   Many people simply want 'a woman' to be president, and Hillary is the best-known woman in politics, though by no means the best qualified..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
amazing grace in Charleston SC
Town Hall

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
* forgiveness *
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"First, consistent with my religion, Judaism, I do not believe that anyone but the actual victim has the right to forgive someone for the evil they have inflicted.   If I steal from you, you have the right to forgive me, but your best friend doesn't.   If Jones rapes my daughter, my daughter can forgive Jones, but I cannot.   Among other reasons, I don't own my daughter, and, as pained as I would be, I wasn't the person raped.   Many Christians believe that their faith demands forgiveness of everyone for everything.   I don't know why they believe this.   Certainly that is not standard Catholic or Protestant doctrine.   Nor is Christ the model for this idea.   He forgave those who crucified him, not all those who crucified others.   Second, I am not aware of Roof having repented.   And even God Himself doesn't forgive those who never repent.   Third, regarding whites, blacks and crimes, we seem to inhabit a strange moral universe.   Great numbers of black Americans seem to be unable or unwilling to forgive America -- specifically white Americans -- for sins committed by whites who are long dead.   But many seem to support the forgiveness of a white man who murdered nine blacks last week.   The families of the murdered blacks speak eloquently and movingly about preferring forgiveness to feeling anger and hate toward a man who murdered their loved ones just days ago.   But millions of blacks seem to prefer feeling anger and hate toward a vast number of their fellow Americans who have never wronged them or any other black American.   Indeed, most American whites don't even have ancestors who ever wronged blacks.   The truth is that the vast majority of white Americans are not racist.   This is demonstrated by the lengths to which those who contend that white Americans are racist must go to 'prove' their case..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
the most interesting candidate for a portrait on the $10 bill so far
also worth considering:
Mary Brooks, MD (wife of m1: John Larue m2: Isom Enlow)
Sarah Augusta Hunt (daughter of Joab Hunt & Keziah Wentworth; grand-daughter of Joab Hunt & Sarah Adams) (1833-1835 studied medicine under doctor Valentine Mott.   1835-1840 practiced with her sister in Cambridge, MA and Boston, MA.) m: 1840 to Edmund Wright
Harriot Keziah Hunt (daughter of Joab Hunt & Keziah Wentworth; grand-daughter of Joab Hunt & Sarah Adams) b: 1805 in Boston, MA d: 1875-01-02 in Cambridge, MA (taught school until 1833.   1833-1835 studied medicine under doctor Valentine Mott.   1835-1840 practiced with her sister in Cambridge, MA and Boston, MA.   1843 founded ladies' physiological society.   lecturer.   advocate for women's suffrage.   1847 refused admission to Harvard medical lectures.   1853 MD from Philadelphia Woman's Medical college.)

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
hairy women, hairless men
Town Hall

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
media ignored the week's big story
"Hackers stole sensitive information from government databases on an estimated 4.2M federal employees and contractors, past [back to 1985] and present, who now could have their identities stolen, or worse.   One hack began last December and was discovered in April by a private contractor.   Another, larger hack apparently began in March of last year.   The hackers are believed to be [Red Chinese], senate Dem/Red/leftist leader Harry Reid said after a classified briefing.   This was a cyber Pearl Harbor which 'wrecked American espionage', said John Schindler, a former counterintelligence officer for the National Security Council.   Of foremost concern is the filching of SF86s, 120-page forms in which those seeking security clearances list sensitive information such as arrests, drug and alcohol problems, etc.   Covers of intelligence officers have been blown, making those who confessed sins on their SF86 subject to black-mail.   Armed with info from the filched files, terrorists could target military personnel and their families.   Worse, the OPM hack 'offers our adversaries the opportunity to penetrate our government and use that information to deceive it at a strategic level', Mr. Schindler said...   The hacks were facilitated by mind-boggling negligence.   OPM's management was warned repeatedly over the last eight years of glaring weaknesses in its information-security programs.   Last November, OPM's inspector general urged that a particularly vulnerable system be shut down.   Had it been, a breach would have been prevented.   But nothing was done.   The gross negligence of OPM's managers -- and the president's unwillingness to hold them accountable -- reflect poorly on the [Obummer regime].   Which is why his aides are downplaying the incident -- and is one reason reporting on the hack has been inadequate.   Many in the media think it more important to protect Dems/Reds/leftists than to inform Americans of what's going on.   They spin, down-play or ignore news that makes Dems/Reds/leftists look bad.   Most Americans are blissfully unaware that Homeland Security released thousands of illegal immigrant violent felons into our communities, of dysfunction in most federal agencies, of alarm over mounting debt -- and of the causes and catastrophic consequences of the massive cyber blow we've just suffered..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jonathan Bernstein _Jewish World Review_
the next step if ObummerDoesn'tCare loses in court

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
media again refuse to cover e-mail messages showing Jonathan Gruber's extensive role in designing and politically marketing ObummerDoesn'tCare
World Net Daily
Town Hall

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
** you are what you say you are **
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
Town Hall

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Lolita C. Baldor _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Obummer regime shipping military equipment to Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and to NATO's new rapid reaction force
World Net Daily
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
DoS: human rights will come up during annual conversations with envoys of Red Chinese government
Frank J. Gaffney ii: Washington DC Times: dialogue of the deaf, or conspiracy of the left?

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
DoS warns US citizens of threat posed by same Shiite militias that are fighting against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate in Iraq and Syria

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Americans fed up with GOP lowership plan primary challenges
Susan Ferrechio: Washington DC Examiner
"Dozens of members of the House GOP's most conservative faction plan to meet Tuesday to discuss ways to counteract the decision of House speaker John Boehner and other leaders to seek retribution against members who vote against [must-NOT-pass] measures.   The House Freedom Caucus, a GOP group made up of about 40 of the most conservative members, plans to hold the discussion some time after Tuesday's evening votes, according to law-makers familiar with the initiative.   Freedom Caucus chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), said Monday in a radio interview that many conservatives were 'fed up' with the string of punishment meted out to members who don't vote in line with the Republican [losership, and the extreme leftist Dems/Reds] on key legislation...   'There is no honor in bowing to a bully.', Meadows told the Examiner.   'There is only fighting the good fight and whether you win or lose, I am willing to do my best to represent the people who elected me.'"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Vladimir Putin behind plot to get Texas to secede from USA

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Stephen Moore _Town Hall_
Rand Paul's still excessive, but flat and fair tax plan

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Ken Blackwell & Tony Perkins _Town Hall_
impending collision of Obummer's failures and harmful, destructive successes

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
David Williams _Town Hall_
it is time to dump this Rotten Deal-era agency: crony socialist Export-Import Bank

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
finding forgiveness, repentance/teshubah and solutions from murders at Emanuel AME church in Charleston SC

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Marvin Olasky _Town Hall_
Bible shows us how to get satisfaction

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Helen Raleigh _Town Hall_
"identity politics" are ruining the USA
"...As an immigrant from China and an U.S. citizen by choice, I never feel America is a repressive place for women.   Believe me, I lived through repression and I know what it was like.   I came to the U.S.A. with less than $100 in my pocket.   Now I am a business owner and an author.   I never have any doubt that I live in a free society where I have the ownership of my own future.   Nothing and no one can stop me from living my full potential.   It never occurs to me to look for any woman's image on anything in order to find motivation, inspiration and confirmation.   I suppose it is nice to have a woman's face on something.   But it is a superficial gesture.   It does nothing to address any real issues that women are concerned about and it does nothing to improve women's lives...

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Mike Adams _Town Hall_
Mock trials at UNCCH

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Bob Owens _Bearing Arms_
rebellion in the socialist utopian nanny state of NY: 95% refused to register "assault weapons"
Eric Odom: Liberty News

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
USA unity versus racial separatism
"There are plenty of other overt racialist symbols that separate Americans.   One is the prominent use of La Raza, 'The Race' -- seen most prominently in the National Council of La Raza, an ethnic lobbying organization that has been and is currently a recipient of federal funds.   The National Council of La Raza should be free to use any title it wishes, but it should not expect the federal government to subsidize its separatist nomenclature.   The pedigree of the term La Raza is just as incendiary as that of the Confederate battle flag.   The Spanish noun raza (cf. Latin radix: 'root' or 'race') is akin to the now-discarded German use of Volk, which in the early 20th century came to denote a common German racial identity that transcended linguistic and cultural affinities: To be a real member of the Volk one had to 'appear' German, in addition to speaking German and possessing German citizenship.   La Raza is just such a racialist term.   It goes beyond a common language and country of origin, and thus transcends the more neutral puebla ('people': Latin populus) or gente ('people': Latin gens).   Raza was deliberately reintroduced in the 1960s to promote a racially superior identity of indigenous peoples and mestizos born in the Spanish-speaking countries of the New World.   That is why the National Council of La Raza once had a close affinity with MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán), the infamous racialist U.S. student group (its ironic motto is 'Unity creates strength'), some of whose various past slogans (cf. the Castroite derivative 'Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada') finally became sources of national embarrassment.   The use of the phrase La Raza reflects its illiberal modern origins.   It came into popular currency during the 1930s in Spain, when the Fascist dictatorship of Francisco Franco wished to promote a new Iberian identity that went well beyond the commonality of Spanish citizenship and fluency in the Spanish language.   Franco expropriated La Raza to promote the racist idea that the Spanish were a superior people by birth...   Symbols, flags, organizations, and phrases that emphasize racial difference and ethnic pride are no longer just fossilized notions from the 1960s; they are growing fissures in the American mosaic that now threaten to split the country apart -- fueling the suspicion of less liberal and more homogeneous nations that the great American experiment will finally unwind as expected.   That would be a great tragedy, but a catastrophe entirely predictable if citizens seek symbolic solidarity with their tribe rather than in the common idea of just being American."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
controversial TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP) scam is on the rocks as EU and USA change priorities

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
senate losership sets up crooked vote scheme for TPA, cloture locked in, debate prohibited
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
NY teens charged after throwing rocks at and threatening to beat up Jewish man

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
it is up to Republicans to stop evil corrupt trade package -- TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA -- to defend against US citizens' loss of millions more jobs and suppressed incomes

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
vile turn-coat oath-breaker Marco Rubio once again stabs US citizens, putting TPA (and thus likely the vile TPP and TATIP and TISA) over the top

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Duncan Hunter criticized Obummer's proposed change to encourage hostage-taking by enemies of USA

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Center for New American Security report: Iran could have sanctions waived by end of year

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
David Harsanyi _Free Republic_
5 times weapons of war saved Christians

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Dirk Meissner _Free Republic_
human foot-prints found on remote British Columbia island could be over 13K years old
National Post
"Archeologist Duncan McLaren said radiocarbon dating indicates the charcoal materials are 13,200 years old, and he is preparing to duplicate those tests to confirm the results...   Fossilized human footprints, especially foot-prints more than 10K years old are rare.   McLaren said the oldest human foot-prints in the Americas are 14,500 years old and were found at a site at Chile's Monte Verde.   Sites in Washington, Oregon and Alaska also confirm human activity more than 14K years ago but they do not have fossilized foot-prints, said McLaren..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Randy de Soto _Free Republic_
retired major-general Paul E. Vallely dropped bomb-shell: Barack Hussein Obummer should be arrested for his treasonous activity
Western Journalism

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Loz Blain _Free Republic_
New Zealand firm, Duke Engines, has developed an incredibly compact, light-weight, valveless axial engine
"Duke Engines' 3-liter, 5 cylinder test mule is already making a healthy 215 horsepower and 250 lb-ft of torque at 4,500rpm -- slightly out-performing 2 conventional 3 liter reference engines that weigh nearly 20% more and are nearly 3 times as big for shipping purposes.   With an innovative valveless ported design, the Duke engine appears to be on track to deliver superior performance, higher compression and increased efficiency in an extremely compact and lightweight package with far fewer moving parts than conventional engines..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_Free Republic_
10 most pervasive lies about non-leftist Americans

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
Bill O'Reilly lashed out at "some who hate this country" for "trying tear down the racial fabric...by dividing Americans along racial and economic lines"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
AP, NYTimes trying to bury Jonathan Gruber's role in design and marketing of ObummerDoesn'tCare
"Two recent NewsBusters posts have demonstrated that the major broadcast networks other than Fox News have failed to cover new information reported Sunday evening at the Wall Street Journal.   Newly available emails reveal that MIT's Jonathan Gruber 'worked more closely than previously known with the White House and top federal officials to shape' [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   Monday afternoon, NB's Scott Whitlock noted that 'All 3 network morning shows on Monday ignored' the clearly newsworthy revelations.   Very early Tuesday morning, NB's Curtis Houck observed that 'The top English and Spanish-language broadcast networks' did the same thing Monday evening.   The Associated Press and the New York Times, the nation's de facto news gate-keepers during the [Obummer] era (far more the former than the latter, in my view) were instrumental in this deliberate averted-eyes exercise.   Neither outlet has printed a word about what the Journal found..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer is destroying the foundations of the USA (video, partial transcript)

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
former FBI agent Jonathan Gilliam told Sean Hannity that many Godless people rely on a broken society for what passes for a moral code (video, partial transcript)

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham asks why Obummer allows ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate taking, selling, trading and abusing sex slaves as gambling prizes to continue

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Greg Richter _New Max_
FBI documents confirm that Valerie Jarrett's family, just like Obummer's, were hard-core leftists
Bob Uruh: World Net Daily
Eric Owens: Daily Caller
Conservative Tree House
Investor's Business Daily
Steen Ahle: DC Clothes-Line
Judicial Watch
"According to the report, Jarrett's father, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had...extensive ties to Communist organizations and individuals.   One of those was the Communist-sympathizing group Association of Interns and Medical Students.   Jarrett's [mother's father], Robert Rochon Taylor, had a business relationship with paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, according to Judicial Watch.   Stern also had a contact with Bowman.   Jarrett's [husband's father], Vernon Jarrett... 'For a period of time Vernon Jarrett appeared on the FBI's Security Index and was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)', according to Judicial Watch.   'His FBI file reveals that he was assigned to write propaganda for a Communist Party front group in Chicago that would 'disseminate the Communist Party line among...the middle class.'..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_New Max_/_AP_
CDCP tests for septicemic plague in northern Colorado after teen's death

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_New Max_
George Pataki: Barack Hussein Obummer, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton are factors in agitating racial division (with video)

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_New Max_
Mia Love and many other politicians return donations from white-supremacists, or divert them to charities

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
_New Max_
senators are skeptical of Obummer regime's grasp, appreciation of how bad is the Red Chinese hack of personnel records

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Greg Richter _New Max_
Rush Limbaugh: USA flag is next in left's cross-hairs
Joe Kovacs: World Net Daily

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Bethany Moore _WND_
boys mow lawn to protect 75-year-old woman from power-mad code-nazis who had threatened to jail her, neighbors rallied 'round

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Star Parker _WND_
government will never change the heart

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Barry Farber _WND_
omni-racial grief

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
Hollywood and the siren song of leftism
Town Hall

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Hitlery confidante Blumenfeld wanted "Mediterranean Union"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Garth Kant _WND_
Obummer has US military fighting for Iran in Iraq

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
ghosts of domestic abusers past can give legal status to some illegal aliens

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
trial begins: London convert to Islam who beheaded 82-year-old neighbor Palmira Silva and waved her head at police helicopter
BBC suppresses coverage

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer hosting haters of Israel at Ramadan dinner

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
take down the facist anti-Christian "gay-pride flag"
CNN badgered Ben Carson over whether the "gay pride flag" should come down

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
federal district judge Scott Skavdahl puts 1-week injunction on Obummer regime anti-fracking regs to allow arguments to be presented by each side

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Iran has long record of deception, violation of international agreements

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Scott Mann _Washington DC Times_
targeting individual Islamic terrorists is not a long-term solution against a non-hierarchical terrorist organization

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Mohammad Ziauddin _Washington DC Times_
Bangladesh prime-minister Sheikh Hasina's hard-won successes against terrorists

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Mike McCaul's terror threat snap-shot shows unprecedented levels of threat against USA
"The inaugural snap-shot reveals that there have been 24 ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate-linked plots or attacks against Western targets in the first half of 2015, up from 19 in all of last year.   In addition, the number of 'home-grown terror plots' since 2001/09/11 has reached 116, tripling in just the past 5 years..."

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Clifford D. May _Washington DC Times_
dead-lines worsen the Palestine-Israel conflict
"bloodier wars being waged by Sunni and Shia jihadis in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya.   The Palestinians say they want a state of their own.   They should have one in Gaza [and Fatah should get out of eastern Israel]...   a United Nations report issued this week [perversely blames] Israel as much or more than Hamas for the death and destruction suffered by the people of Gaza=Palestine last Summer [after Hamas in Palestine=Gaza stepped up firing rockets into Israel and launching squads of attackers into Israel through tunnels]...   most Israelis fear that withdrawal from the West Bank would be disastrous.   The power vacuum left behind soon would be filled by Hamas, the Islamic State, an al Qaeda affiliate or Hezbollah [Hizballah], Iran's Lebanon-based foreign legion.   From the Judean Hills in [eastern Israel] all Israel's major population centers could be targeted with mortars that no missile defense system can knock out..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
yet another nuclear weapons expert demolishes Obummer's central argument for deal with Iran to let them develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"The more we learn about the terms and reported concessions of this accord, the more Israeli prime-minister Benjamin Netanyahu's stark admonition appears to be vindicated: 'This is a bad deal. It's a very bad deal.'"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Tzvi ben Gedalyahu _Jewish Press_
corrupt Obummer DoS has been declaring that children born in north-eastern Israel of USA citizens were born in "Syria"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Bill Federer _WND_
famous explorer Jedediah Strong Smith ii (son of Jedediah Strong Smith & Sally Strong) relied on God for guidance

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
pope's warmist hysteria: "new age", "new world order"

2015-06-23 (5775 Tamuz 06)
Jason Russell _Washington DC Examiner_
NBER: electric cars may be worse for the environment than gasoline-powered cars
Savannah Saunders: Cybercast News Service
Brooke Carlucci: Town Hall

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "We have to believe in free-will. We've got no choice." --- Isaac Bashevis Singer (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
R' Yonason Goldson _Jewish World Review_

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
in the SouthEast, grace and dignity after the murderous attack on congregation of Emanual AME church in Charleston SC

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
a powerful antidote to racism
Washington DC Times

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
good bye to USA manufacturing jobs
"Manufacturing employment in the United States peaked 36 years ago in 1979 June.   That month, the U.S.A. had a civilian labor force of 104.638M and 19.553M -- or about 18.7% -- were employed in manufacturing.   Last month, the U.S.A. had a civilian labor force 157.469M, but only 12.355M -- or about 7.8% -- were employed in manufacturing.   Between those two dates, the number of Americans who held a job or actively sought one increased by 52.831M.   But manufacturing jobs declined by 7.198M.   In 1979, when manufacturing jobs peaked, households headed by Americans who had completed high school but not attended college enjoyed a median income of $54,503 in constant 2013 dollars.   In 2013, the latest year on record, those households had a median income of $40,701 in constant 2013 dollars -- a real drop of $13,802...   'Ford has 11,300 employees in Mexico.', said the statement.   'The Ford Fiesta, Fusion and Lincoln MKZ as well as the hybrid versions of both are manufactured in Mexico.   Ford also has established an Engineering Center in Mexico, which employs more than 1,100 engineers who support global projects...   $2.5G investment...new generation of engines and transmissions in the states of Chihuahua and Guanjuato...   will bring 3,800 direct new jobs plus additional indirect jobs to Mexico'...   In 2009, SA-based multi-nationals maintained 969K jobs in Mexico.   By 2012, the latest year for which BEA has published numbers, that had climbed to 1,106,700 jobs -- an increase of 137,700 in four years.   Of the 1,106,700 jobs USA-controlled multi-nationals maintained in Mexico in 2012, 546,500 -- or 49% -- were in manufacturing.   BEA reported that at least 100K of the jobs that U.S.A.-based multi-nationals had created in Mexico as of 2012 were in manufacturing 'transportation equipment'.   53,700 were in manufacturing 'computers and electronic products'...   In Malaysia, which has a population of about 30M, U.S.A.-controlled multi-nationals have already created 157,900 jobs, according to the BEA.   112K of those -- or about 71% -- are manufacturing jobs.   Of those manufacturing jobs, 83K are in manufacturing 'computers and electronic products'..."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
_Times of India_
100K H-1B visas were given to Indian applicants in FY2014
"...In the last fiscal year, Min said: 'The US government has issued a little over 1 lakh H-1B visas to Indians and people from this (India) country form majority of US work-force with H-1B visa.'..."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
GOP losership, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan continue to support evil, attack the good; hit-list exposed by Heritage
Melissa Quinn: Daily Signal
Alex Swoyer: Breitbart

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Anne Bayefsky _Jewish World Review_
UN report recognizes great efforts IDF took to avoid collateral casualties, abuse by Hamas of human shields... then insanely calls for arrest of Netanyahu and IDF
Yet another reason USA should withdraw from UN and send them packing.
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
a 2006 report on Iraq merits a fresh read

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Conrad Black _Jewish World Review_
the West is now leaderless, adrift, and under attack
National Post
Real Clear Politics

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
Mankiller money?
World Net Daily
"But none of us would have to fight about whom to put on currency if it weren't all created and printed by a central government.   Bitcoin is private currency that comes in many forms.   People who prefer dogs as the symbol of their money can even use the digital currency Dogecoin.   Private currencies aren't just a 21st-century novelty.   Numerous banks used to print their own competing currencies.   Contrary to the claims of John Kenneth Galbraith and other left-wing economists, private competition tended to prevent runaway inflation and deep [and extended] depressions.   Economist Thomas Hogan wrote, 'There were 1,600 private corporations issuing banknotes and an estimated 8,370 varieties of notes' in the 19th century, while the U.S. economy 'grew at an average rate of 4.4% per year [and] the price level remained roughly constant.'..."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
Antonin Scalia truly seeks justice, and knows his place in guaranteeing it
"He said humbly that the Supreme Court was less important in citizens' lives than state and local courts, where 90% of jurisprudence is administered.   Most important legal matters that affect us are decided locally.   If one commits murder, in the 50 states there can be 50 different burdens of proof and punishments.   Rape, robbery, divorce, child custody, etc. are all local court decisions.   The Supremes are just there to referee in case the Constitution is violated...   When justice John Paul Stevens left the Supreme Court at age 89 (he was so old they had to keep reminding him to close his robe), we no longer had a Protestant on the Supreme Court...   Justice Scalia also feels that students should read 'The Federalist Papers' and Alexis de Tocqueville (_Democracy in America_).   Public school unions would not like students reading about limited government and personal responsibility.   Kids today probably think de Tocqueville is a town in Colorado known for its killer weed.   Scalia surprised most when he said one of his best friends on the court is [leftist] justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.   She's fun and usually wins the case of Ginsburg v. Jack Daniels.   At 83, justice Ginsburg will not step down unless the NY Yankees sign her.   Justice Antonin Scalia will turn 80 soon.   I predict that, in a closely followed Supreme Court decision, the justices will vote 5 to 4 to get him a cake."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
all presidential candidates should be in debates, and there should be more debate sessions
"But they're still necessary and useful, especially to [include the bright, capable but not blessed by the political establishment, such as] pizza executive Herman Cain and Texas governor Rick Perry in 2012.   But the parties shouldn't dictate conditions and terms of debates.   They should rely on the market place, which Republicans say they revere, minimize the role of journalists or intermediaries and place a premium on getting candidates to question one another..."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Holy hypocrisy and hot air
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
how your son could be labeled a sex offender like Zach

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
Benghazi investigators ponder: is Hitlery lying?, DoS?, or both?

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Staci Zaretsky _Jewish World Review_
disgruntled grad spreading tale of insane law school debt woes... via wind-shield flyers
Above the Law
"applications have drastically declined since the end of the recession, and law schools are dealing with a 40-year low for enrollment.   Despite the fact that graduating classes are smaller, making the numbers look better, law school administrators celebrate 'great strides' in their graduates' employability, popping bottles of champagne for because 59.9% of graduates are employed as lawyers nationwide [while, according to BLS figures, the overall nationwide unemployment rates for lawyers have been running about 0.6% to 2.5%, but mostly about 1.4%, as compared to the 'full employment' unemployment rate for lawyers of about 1%; the very small sample size is the probably cause for most of the variation in estimates]...   Charlotte Law is a for-profit school that's part the evil empire that is better known as the InfiLaw System.   The school received full accreditation from the American Bar Association just four years ago, in 2011.   As of the 2013-2014 academic year, the total cost of a 3-year J.D. degree from Charlotte Law was $123,792.00, while the median loan debt per graduate was $159,208.00.   Just 34% of the class of 2014 was employed in full-time, long-term jobs where bar passage was required, but disappointing employment statistics like this have been a constant since the school was accredited.   All of this easily searchable, damning information has been posted on-line for years."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Sara McCord _Jewish World Review_
small talk

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Tim Graham _Media Research Center News Busters_
Obummer doesn't have time or interest in mourning with or showing respect for Emanuel AME church

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Afghanistan envoy to the UN: over 7K foreign terrorists (including ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate) in Afghanistan (with video)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
_New Max_/_AP_
both Republicans and Dems/Reds/leftists in congress and the citizenry are prepared to let crony socialist Export-Import Bank expire, but GOP losership is scheming to keep it alive

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
_New Max_
state governments reduce debt, Moody's Investors Service report says
"...Total net tax-supported debt among states fell 1.2% to $509.6G last year, according to a Moody's Investors Service report released Wednesday...   About two-thirds of the $206G of munis sold this year through June 18 were for refunding, rather than new projects, according to [the vile Bank of India]...   CT [has debt of] $5,491/person.   Massachusetts, Hawaii, New Jersey and New York round out the top 5, each with more than $3K of obligations per person.   Puerto Rico...$15,637 per person."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
_New Max_/_Reuters_
Red China is claiming space, deep sea, and arctic as part of its security zone

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Matthew Klynsmith _New Max_
UN & South Africa courts declare South Africa government should have captured former Sudan president Omar al-Bashir for trial

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
John Gizzi _New Max_
Obummer regime still mum on what it will try if supremes strike down ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies in King v. Burwell verdict

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
John Gizzi _New Max_
Jim de Mint: don't extend ObummerDoesn'tCare subsidies if supremes strike them down; it would be political malpractice

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Ann Coulter: ban anti-USA Dems/Reds/leftists instead of the confederate flag

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Jim Garlow _WND_
Christian leaders will be divided into 2 categories: Neville Chamberlains, that is, the groveling appeasers of evil, and Winston Churchills, the courageous champions of the good

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Karl Rove is destructive and dangerous

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Scott Walker signing state laws which better respect and better protect the citizenry
Jazz Shaw: Hot Air

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
governor of US Virgin Islands Kenneth Mapp abusing EB-5 promotion as an excuse for mainland travel
"...To my knowledge, the EB-5 program has not been used in the Virgin Islands.   Our islands, as opposed to the British Virgin Islands next door, do not operate off-shore banks and are routinely hard up for investments.   The USVI has a stagnant economy and a wasteful local government; and it will probably, in the near future, have the same kind of debt-repayment problems currently besetting Puerto Rico."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
more chaos in EU illegal alien invasion at the chunnel

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DHS creates temporary protected status for Nepalese

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
is CNN becoming the hate network? They're pushing for destruction of Jefferson Memorial; I mean, sure, he proposed several bills to terminate slaver, he defended several slaves in court, but the leftists still hate him

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
IRS inspector-general claims they're breaking law in paying contracts to "tax cheats"

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
congress considering possibility that Red China's hack into OPM data could violate the privacy of 32M Americans

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Indiana governor Mike Pence says he'll fight Obummer's power-mad, insane carbon regulations

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Ralph Z. Hallow _Washington DC Times_
senator Rand Paul to sue IRS and US Treasury over intergovernmental agreements for privacy violation

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
belligerent Russia threatens to attack Baltic States if they deploy effective defense measures

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
2 cheers for Ted Cruz
"Two cheers for Ted Cruz.   The Texas senator did yesterday something all-too-rare in Washington: He corrected a mistake.   Mr. Cruz recently decided to give [president Obummer] the authority to ram through the congress basically any international accord he chooses to describe as a 'trade agreement', encouraging others to do the same.   But, the more the Republican presidential candidate learned about what [Obummer] will do with this 'fast-track'[ / 'trade promotion' authority under the guise of a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, the more Mr. Cruz decided he had erred..."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Dan Holler _National Review_
still possible for back-room dealing and irregular procedures to re-authorize crony socialist Export-Import Bank (not to mention that TPA IS an irregular anti-constitutional procedure)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Laura Ingraham
Boehner puppets Mimi Walters & Elise Stefanik did not read TPA + TAA + TPP text, but they're attacking good Republican representatives for not going along with evil Obummer scheme (mp3 + partial transcript)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
_Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer's clumsy attempt at grubby deception about Jonathan Gruber's role in design and marketing of unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Eric Odom _Liberty News_
12-year-old CJ sends a message to Obummer that has leftist "heads exploding" (video)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: hateful, race-obsessed, extreme leftist, oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer continues to trash USA, the greatest nation on the face of the earth (video)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: we are going to get ever more police-state tactics from corrupt Obummer regime (with video)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Thomas J. Ashcraft _Cybercast News Service_
authors of US constitution never envisioned supremes enforcing unnatural, oxymoronic concept of gay "marriage" on states

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Ken Blackwell: Obummer is weakening USA families, attacking religious liberty, just as in other totalitarian regimes

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Rush Limbaugh: Obummer & RINOs & media are carrying out an all-out assault on American way of life
"American conservatives are seen as the threat, he said, while ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate militants threatening attacks on U.S. soil and [Red Chinese] hackers getting into the personnel files of 18M government employees are not.   'I'm telling you that as far as people like [Obummer] and [White House senior adviser] Valerie Jarrett and everybody in the regime and the media, the threat they face is domestic political opposition.', he said.   'ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is not threatening their power.   The ChiComs [Limbaugh's name for Chinese communists] are not threatening their power.   ChiComs are not here.   ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is not here.'   But Republicans and conservatives are here, he said, and run against them in elections, threatening their hold on power."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Obummer regime's insane and power-mad school lunch diktats have created a black market for salt, pepper and sugar

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Greg Richter _News Max_
David Horowitz book _You're Going to be Dead One Day: A Love Story_

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Laura Ingraham
Ken Buck (R-CO): losership is holding secret meetings on the TPP deal, and it's clear leadership is retaliating against anyone voting against them (mp3)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
Mark Levin, Mary Katharine Ham & Guy Benson torch the left's attempts to stop free discourse _End of Discussion_ (with audio)

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
multi-millionaires save thousands of illegal aliens crossing the Mediterranean from Africa to Europe

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Fox News reporter James Rosen asked why Obummer refuses to enforce constitutional and reasonable laws on marriage, marijuana, immigration and deportation, and private payments of money to terrorist organizations

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Flynn responds to US Chamber of Crony Socialists

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Illinois special election heats up as Mike Flynn challenges LaHood's crony socialism
Illinois Review

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Iran bullies region, broadens influence outside Persian Gulf

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Brennan Weiss _Washington DC Times_
DoD contracts out development of hover-bike, could be on market in 3-5 years

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
_Investor's Business Daily_
ObummerDoesn'tCare unleashes anti-consumer merger mania in health care

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
_Investor's Business Daily_
giving or even selling technology to Iran or Red China or India... is a strategy to ensure disaster

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Larry Elder _Investor's Business Daily_
lone racist murderer has been politicized by the left

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Rick Ansorge _News Max_
arsenic in rice
"Arsenic is found naturally in soil and water.   Most food crops don't readily absorb much of it.   But rice is an exception.   It has a natural tendency to take in and concentrate environmental arsenic...   White basmati rice from California, India, and Pakistan contains about 50% less arsenic as white basmati rice from Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana.   Overall, any type of white rice from California contains about 38% less arsenic than any other white rice...   On average, brown rice contains 80% more arsenic than does white rice of the same type...   One serving of hot rice cereal (¼ cup uncooked) and one serving of rice pasta (2 ounces uncooked) are loaded with arsenic.   Just a single serving of either food accounts for about half of the recommended weekly maximum amount of rice for adults...   amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and polenta (or grits) contain lower levels of arsenic.   So do gluten-containing grains such as bulgur, barley, and farro.   Studies suggest that you can remove 30%–50% of the arsenic in rice by cooking it like pasta.   Thoroughly rinse raw rice before cooking, boil it in a mixture of 6 cups of water to every 1 cup of rice, and then drain the excess water."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Barbara Kay _Jewish World Review_
Paul Ehrlich's failed predictions
National Post
OTOH, Hughes's law of demographics prevails: "If you want to go somewhere, people will be in your way.", and the first corollary (paraphrasing): "The more urgently you want to go somewhere, the more numerous and the slower will be the people in your way."

2015-06-24 (5775 Tamuz 07)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
Obummer sticks tax-victims with $866,615 jet fuel bill for Earth Day speech

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015




2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
House passed crony socialist Trade Adjustment Assistance as part of TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA package to further harm USA job markets
Little aid will go to US citizens displaced from jobs, or made less able to land new jobs, and much will go to politically-connected "training" outfits, which do little in the way of substantive, valuable training.   But this will let the corrupt politicians claim they're helping Americans, when they are actually harming millions of Americans to enrich their own socialist cronies.

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
DHS to release report on illegal alien families

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Patrick Thibodeau _NetworkWorld_/_IDG_
Obummer+RINO defeat of the US citizenry on TPA and TAA brings increases unease over H-1B and other trade in services: Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership he's negotiating tie the hands of visa reformers?
"But Daniel Costa, director of immigration law and policy research at the Economic Policy Institute, isn't so sure.   One aspect of the agreement that remains a secret is the Investor-State Dispute Mechanism, which might serve as a way for a foreign corporation to challenge an immigration law, policy or practice, if a firm feels that 'visa processing times, fees, or rules are too onerous and cut into profits', he said.   Froman, said Costa, 'doesn't say whether TPP would have a chilling effect on the development of future immigration rules or practices -- he just says no current law, regulation, policy, or practice will be impacted'.   Costa and Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University, argue, in an analysis for the EPI, said that the trade agreement will usurp America's immigration authority.   Some law-makers have been pushing for restrictions on the H-1B visa, particularly as it is used by off-shore out-sourcing firms.   One proposal has been to restrict H-1B usage to 50% [or, more reasonable, 2%] of a firm's work-force...   For example, said Stock, this means that even if the [Obummer regime] agreed to always make at least 65K H-1B visas available per year, it wouldn't prevent Congress from [cutting that number to 1K/year or] making other changes to the H-1B program.   In fact, even if specific commitments were made, it 'wouldn't prevent congress from making changes, it would just be possible for other states to complain to the World Trade Organization if we did, and possibly get agreement to impose reciprocal restrictions on U.S. service providers in their country'.   [But the USA could then tell them to shove it and the evil, injust WTO they rode in on.]"
OT1H, TPP, TATIP and TISA not to be treaties, but only "executive agreements". OTOH, all that is necessary to set aside an agreement or treaty is a simple majority of each house, and signature from the president... plus the political courage and respect for the US citizen electorate to do it.

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Laura Ingraham
an illegal alien who had been deported 3 times killed Oklahoma sports-caster in crash
News 9 Oklahoma City

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions insists that illegal aliens who commit additional violent crimes need to be in US prisons/jails or removed from the USA and kept out of the USA
Conservative Review
"You wouldn't know it from listening to the media and the political discourse in this country, but there is a crisis unfolding with the endless release of violent criminal aliens into our communities.   [Obummer] has released 76K criminal aliens over the past two years and there are now a total of 169K potentially violent illegal aliens walking free in our communities with almost no desire from federal authorities to monitor their whereabouts or deport them.   Meanwhile, 424 sex offenders have been released and 121 criminal aliens have been charged with homicide after being released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) custody."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
11,500 USA border crossing cards stolen in Mexico hijacking of delivery truck headed from Brownsville TX to consulates in Monterrey and Guadalajara

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
Rush Limbaugh is correct: another series of left-wing assaults on American culture at large

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
they're trying to re-define massive debt as "equality and fairness" -- in the USA and abroad

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
when angels dance...

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
and come to call

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
the meaning of Charleston
Town Hall

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
draining the budget: "mandatory" unconstitutional spending and unfunded obligations
Investor's Business Daily

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
Katherine Archuleta, OPM director, faced senators as hack damage worsens; Pentagon girds for space war with Russia and Red China; strategy on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate failing
Washington DC Times: Archuleta faced senators
Washington DC Times: DoD prepares for space war

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
racism is despicable, and so are the leftist race-hustlers who continue to try to milk it for personal and political gain

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
preserve freedom in law, criticize immorality
News Max
"...Natural rights, foremost among which after life itself is freedom of expression, are gifts from God.   They are not manmade and hence cannot be transferred to a man-made entity.   They are as natural to us as are the fingers on our hands.   We don't need a government permission slip in order to exercise them.   In the case of speech, it is especially dangerous to accord the natural rights of persons to the government because the state can use its monopoly of force to silence, drown out or intimidate the speech of any persons it hates and fears.   When the state speaks, its expressions have an aura of legitimacy and can be used for narrow, sectarian, even hateful purposes.   But the whole purpose of the First Amendment is to keep the government out of the business of speech..."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
the "micro-aggression" scam
Town Hall
Human Events

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Sean Higgins _Washington DC Examiner_
education conflict pits teachers unions against civil rights activists

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Eric Odom _Liberty News_
corrupt oath-breaking supremes oppose USA and US constitution again -- uphold illegal ObummerDoesn't federal exchange which were not written in the statute
Mark Sherman: Cybercast News Service
News Max
Laura Ingraham
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the nationwide tax subsidies under [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] health care [perversion]...   The justices said in a 6-3 ruling that the subsidies that 8.7M people currently receive to make insurance affordable do not depend on where they live, under the 2010 health care law...   Of course, Roberts is living in the twilight zone if he truly believes [ObummerDoesn'tCare] helps improve the health insurance markets.   The law has had devastating results, causing huge increases in health care costs and creating an environment where health insurance companies are consolidating into a monopoly.   The people didn't want [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   But big corporate insurers, big pharma, the president, congress and now the supreme court did. So that's that, America. They all win and we all lose. So much for 'representative' government."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
_News Max_/_AP_
Antonin Scalia: ObummerDoesn'tCare is also SCOTUSDoesn'tCare
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall
Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times
Twitchy: USA has been Grubered
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart: Supreme Court of the United States effectively rewrote the text of ObummerDoesn'tCare to save it

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
somersaults of statutory interpretation

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Roberts court tortures the law to save unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare again

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
farewell to the rule of law

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Rand Paul: diktat reduces senate leverage to reform or eradicate unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz tells rogue justices to resign and run for congress where laws are supposed to be drafted and amended

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Christine Rousselle _Town Hall_
candidate reactions to anti-constitution, anti-law King v. Burwell edict

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare decision should dispel the comforting illusion that courts will adhere to the US constitution and can save us from extreme abuses by a rogue government
"It is up to conservatives -- not the courts -- to push back against the erosion of the Constitution and restore the power of the American people, senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) argued Thursday. 'The Supreme Court's [ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare] acrobatics should dispel for good the comforting illusion that we can rely on judges to save us.', Sessions said in a statement..."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Mercy Health announced firing of 347 workers due to ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
_Conservative HQ_
American reaction to corrupt ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare diktat

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Lee Hieb _WND_
ObummerDoesn'tCare fascism in the USA

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Joseph Farah _WND_
ObummerDoesn'tCare: the un-doing of USA government

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
the left continues to strive to maintain and inflame racism

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Stephen Ohlemacher _Cybercast News Service_
House Government Oversight committee skeptical of Obummer/Lerner mysterious loss of e-mail messages related to their vicious political targeting of non-leftists

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence: IRS inspector-general says corrupt Obummer/Lerner IRS erased e-mail messages about political targeting of non-leftists even after sub-poena had been issued

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Mark Meckler _Town Hall_
if not NSA, maybe the Red Chinese government could find Lois Lerner's and Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
hateful oath-breaking turn-coat John Boehner leads attack against Americans

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
FL governor Rick Scott: Connecticut's over-taxed, over-regulated, mal-regulated firms should head to Florida

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions: There's an orthodoxy in the conservative field that all trade is good. That's not always the case. (mp3)

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Joy Overbeck _Town Hall_
why Christian Americans and leftists will never kiss and make up

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Rich Galen _Town Hall_
Office of Personnel Management and Privacy Violation (not to be confused with the many state Departments of Motorist Extortion and Privacy Violation)

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Rebecca Hagelin & Kristin Carey _Town Hall_
missing the point by being fixated on one means rather than the goal and other possible mean

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
D.W. Wilber _Town Hall_
Putin's gambit

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Steve Chapman _Town Hall_
token measures and half-measures against Putin
"If you're out for a hike and find a deep, wide chasm in your path, you have a few options.   You might give up and turn back.   You might devise a way to get over it.   You might look for a way around it.   What you would not do is jump halfway across.   Half-measures are often worse than none.   But when it comes to dealing with Vladimir Putin, they are exactly the ones most favored by both the [Obummer regime] and its congressional critics..."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Justin Haskins _Town Hall_
states are changing how they rate school effectiveness and the left is not happy about it
"...The nation's education establishment has consistently and deliberately befuddled parents for decades with evaluation systems non-experts cannot easily understand.   As a result, failing public schools often escape the criticism they deserve for delivering an inadequate service.   Under the previous system, parents were left confused about their children's school performance..."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Autry J. Pruitt _Town Hall_
blacks must refuse to accept form over substance

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Jeff Jacoby _Town Hall_
a moral world requires moral use of force
Jewish World Review

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Victor Davis Hanson _Town Hall_
why Greece won't pay

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
J.P. Moran _Town Hall_
hello, Hitlery Rotten Clinton; good bye freedom of speech and of religion

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Zachary Gappa _Town Hall_
a challenge facing our children as the family is under attack

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
WikiLeaks cable: Saudis funded group linked to Iran proxy Hezballah

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Chemi Katz _Fox_
4 signs your web traffic is being hijacked by client-side injected malware

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
countries cited in DHS's much-delayed human rights report

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
even Al Sharpton tells Obummer's New Black Panthers to get out of Charleston

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
now that the evil has been done and made much more difficult to repair on several fronts, oath-breaking turn-coat RINO Boehner relents, returns Jaxon Chaffetz (R-UT) to Government Oversight & Reform chairmanship and Mark Meadows (R-NC) to sub-committee chairmanship

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Univision on behalf of Mexican government allegedly trying to silence Donald Trump on trade deals and immigration issues

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
wait, can I see that birth certificate again, please?

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
Trail Life USA & American Heritage Girls announce formal alliance
"...The signing took place at AHG's 20th Anniversary National Convention on the campus of Anderson University in Anderson, IN...   [TLUSA] was formed 18 months ago...   TLUSA says it has nearly 25K members.   It is open to boys and youth of any age, but its leadership is all-Christian.   AHG has over 40K members..."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Texas Housing v. Inclusive Communities: another rotten leftist decision from the supremes
"in Texas Housing the 5-4 majority decided that congress had allowed claims of housing discrimination to be brought based on population statistics, when in fact it has never done so..."
John Fund: National Review: decision is another disaster

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Alex Leary in Miyami FL Herald: American fire-storm over Marco Rubio's support for TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA + vastly excessive numbers of guest-work visas

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions: representatives who oppose the GOP losership on TPA+TAA+TPP+TATIP+TISA are courageous (partial transcript)

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Laura Ingraham
House approved ineffective, crony socialist Trade Adjustment Asistance (TAA)

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer/Kerry State Dept. admits that Hitlery Rotten Clinton did not turn over all relevant e-mail messages; Trey Gowdy calls the news troubling
Byron York: Washington DC Examiner

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz: it is time to break Washington DC's crony socialist cartel

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Carly Fiorina: I would act instead of talking to Putin

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Bradlee Dean _WND_
SPLC minion who threatened churches will be held accountable

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Newt Gingrich & Pat Nolan _Washington DC Times_
how to correct the federal prison system; fiscal responsibility and accountability
"On Thursday, representative Jim Sensenbrenner, Wisconsin Republican, and representative Bobby Scott, Virginia Democrat, introduced the Safe, Accountable, Fair and Effective Justice Act of 2015 (SAFE), a bill that reforms the criminal justice system from top to bottom.   The bill applies lessons learned in the states, and combines many of the best features of congressional proposals on justice reform from the last few years.   These reforms come none too soon.   Our federal prisons are in crisis, and expanding at a rapid pace.   Between 1980 and 2013, the federal incarceration rate jumped 518% as we sent more people to prison and kept them there longer.   Naturally, costs shot up along with that growth.   [Tax-victims] will pour $6.9G into the Bureau of Prisons this year, with substantial increases each year into the foreseeable future..."

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Sylvia Van Peebles _Examiner_
those whacky leftists want to ban everything confederate, but keep tokens of mass murdering Nazis, Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Che Guevara

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Tyler Durden _Zero Hedge_
corrupt Obummer IRS obstructing justice, destroyed 24K Lois Lerner e-mail messages months after sub-poena & preservation order were issued

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the pope, the globe, and the facts

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Burt Prelutsky _WND_
the left's Hysteria Inc.

2015-06-25 (5775 Tamuz 08)
Richard L. Halferty _Washington DC Times_
1950-06-25: start of Korean War
"...Only those who have lost freedom know its true value.   All those who have served in the uniform of our country know freedom is not free.   President Bush also said, 'No American will ever forget the test of freedom our brave sons and daughters faced as they sought to stop aggression.   You see, it is right that America remember that struggle in the Pusan perimeter to the landing at Inchon to the recapture and brave defense of Seoul.   It is never too late for America to express her gratitude to all those who served under our flag in Korea -- those who made it home and those who didn't.'   I wonder."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Even if whites were to lose their racial prejudices overnight, it would make little difference in the economic position of most blacks, according to [W.E.B. du Bois]. Although 'some few would be promoted, some few would get new places' as a result of an end of discrimination, nevertheless 'the mass would remain as they are' until the younger generation began to 'try harder' as the race 'lost the omnipresent excuse for failure: prejudice'." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg232 (citing W.E.B. du Bois 1970 _The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study_ pg395; W.E.B. du Bois 1994 _The Souls of Black Folk_ pg53)  



2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the media's vile attacks on American assimilationists

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
what goes around comes around: Red Chinese workers at Foxconn being replaced by robots; executives have yet to show any signs of sharing in the suffering as the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues
Debby Wu: Nikkei Asian Review
"Chairman Terry Gou said Foxconn Technology Group will be able to replace 30% of its workers on the production lines with robots in 5 years' time...   'I am not replacing jobs with robots.', Gou said during the annual [share-owners] meeting on June 25.   'I am having workers do work that require thinking.'..."

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
bad news from the badlands -- FBI probe of EB-5 abuses ends wit no indictments

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
court statistics reveal Obummer policy on invaders is disastrous; notices to disappear strike again! (with table)
Really, JV, his scheme succeeded.   He got the flood of additional illegal aliens that he wanted, many politically beholden to him.

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
2 mis-informed mothers aim to fill STEM education gap, while millions of bright, knowledgeable, creative, industrious US citizen STEM professionals haven't gotten the time of day from recruiters for nearly 25 years
Highly-skilled US citizen STEM professionals are plentiful
Visa "limits" are vastly excessive & overly elastic
Lax recruiting in the USA shows glut of able & willing workers
DoL, immigration lawyers acknowledged that employers can (and do) bypass all able and willing US citizen STEM workers
Personal Toll: Bright, capable, well-educated US citizens, young & old

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
some in media continue to shill for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign labor with questionable ethics
Today's piece by Rajiv Rao from Ziff Davis is a case in point.   Egregious, in-your-face displacement of able and willing US citizen STEM professionals at Southern California Edison and Disney by H-1B guest-workers they're required to train, brought in via cross-border bodyshops and off-shoring outfits Tata and Infosys, are reduced to mere "alleged" and "apparently".   Kerr refuses to see direct displacement, let alone indirect displacement.   Matloff has criticized his studies and the U of CA Berkeley claim much more thoroughly (kinder, gentler, more euphemistic, and more academic though Matloff is).
There is nothing more degrading than being required to train a replacement, at the same time recognizing your own knowledge and skills, while claiming that the only reason the guest-workers were brought in were because they already had those specific skills, but you did not...   especially, as is the case here, some of the US STEM professionals had recently received recognition -- certificates, raises, promotions -- because they were doing a great job.
The India-based and Bahamas-based and German-based and USA-based bodyshops have long abused loop-holes designed and written into the laws and regulations to increase margins by paying the guest-workers (salary + total benefits) less.   A dozen or more studies have been done on pay to H-1B guest-workers, and several executives of India-based cross-border bodyshops, and trade ministers, have admitted, even boasted, that they pay the guest-workers considerably less.   Some studies concluded the increased margin (i.e. the US local market compensation minus the compensation to guest-workers) was about 10%, most about 12%, one bodyshop executive claimed it was about 35% of US local market pay.
This does not take into account the practice, frowned on even by the US DoL, of claiming the local market in which the guest-work will be done is some semi-rural, low-cost-of-living, low-pay part of the USA, while actually sending them into high-cost-of-living, generally higher-pay city (e.g. Manhattan, DC, San Francisco and Sili Valley, Los Angeels, Chicago).  
H-1B guest-workers are not required to have superior skills.   They're not required to have knowledge that just about any US citizen STEM professional would be unable to pick up in less than a month of specialized training.   But the US government has drawn the line at, e.g. claiming a laundry equipment repair person as requiring specialized STEM skills.
There are firms, who have engaged in extreme abuses, and 1 or 2 firms who have dispropotionately high numbers of guest-workers in their employ, which have been required to go through the motions of pretending to consider hiring US citizen job applicants.   They don't have to seriously consider hiring them, only to go through the motions.   And the time periods of the restrictions are typically only a few months.
Some firms, including both Boeing and India-based bodyshops, who have abused B-1 visas for bringing guest-workers.
There is a widespread recognition (except in DC and NY, NY and the board-rooms and executive suites of Sili Valley) that India-based companies, and USA-based companies, and Germany-based companies, and Bahamas-based companies, and Ghana-based companies have played fast and loose in trying to make a quick buck.   But the India-based companies have done a lot more of it, sponsored a lot more H-1B and related guest-work visas, and racked in a lot more cash.
"Along the way, American [STEM professionals] feel [resentful of individuals whom they recognize] are not skilled enough and have poor communication skills [or have shown themselves to be scammers/frauds], while Indian H-1B holders are aghast when they discover that they are being paid a fraction of a client's billed amount."   There are also resentments at US citizens being closed out of work opportunities in universities, including research opportunities of which they are capable, which before H-1B they would very likely have had open to them, but no longer.   There are resentments of knowledge being transferred out of the USA, including national defense matters and intellectual property.   There are resentments that proper background investigations are not being conducted on foreign students nor guest-workers, nor refugees, putting US citizens at higher immediate risk, and much greater long-term risk.   There are resentments of great time and other resources being diverted to foreign students and guest-workers who have little attachment to USA culture and ideals and who do not show any signs of valuing or supporting that culture or those ideals.   There is resentment of the student to OPT to guest-work to green card pipe-line "It's an ugly situation all around."
"H-1B issues always heat up the closer we get to an election year" when politicians are floating bills with more extreme extensions and lowering standards, and when US citizens have the chance to "vote their pay-checks" for non-incumbents more likely to cut the excessive visas, and set or increase standards.   But president Barack Hussein Obummer, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Grahamnesty, Orrin Hatch, Nancy Pelosi, Jeff Flake, Zoe Lofgren, Kelly Ayotte, Luis Gutierrez, Chuck Schumer, Amy Klobuchar, Harry Reid, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, and even Ted Cruz have talked and acted against US citizens' interests in this regard.
"In 2014, while 6 [of the top 10 H-1B sponsors by numbers of visas] were [based in India] (with Infosys leading the table by a huge margin, at 32,379, versus second-place TCS, at 8,785)... Deloitte, IBM [which hasn't been genuinely American since the 1930s when they were working for the Nazis], Accenture [an Andersen Consulting spin-off based in the Bahamas], and MSFT [with many employees in Red China, and always rotten software] made up the remainder of the top 10, while Ernst & Young and [massive privacy violator 'always do wrong'] Google sneaked into 11th and 12th places." Of course, a few of the top H-1B users/abusers are about as much based in India as in the USA. So, it's clear why the India-based cross-border bodyshoppers and off-shorers get more criticism, are more often caught out in blatant, in-your-face abuses, than the domestic bodyshops. A border-line case pops into mind -- that of Convergys -- a former "IT" division of Cincinnati Bell, which contracted with the state government of Florida, verbally agreeing to do most of the work in Florida, and most of the rest in the USA, but in actuality, sub-contracting it out to an off-shoring outfit based in India.
Yes, the H-1B guest-work visa is a very bad problem. The availability of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled guest-workers with questionable ethics, allows the compensation cuts, it facilitates the age discrimination (when increasing productive life expectancies increasing beyond 75 years), it facilitates the off-shore knowledge transfers, the intellectual property theft, and both industrial and political espionage and sabotage. It cuts off both the beginning rungs of career ladders, and what are typically peak earning years in the affected occupations and industries.
Ian Hathaway apparently fails to define "high-skilled", "ease" and "difficult" when it comes to recruiting. He fails to define a neutral pre-H-1B base-line. He refuses to recognize even blatant cases like Southern California Edison, Fossil, and Disney where the able and willing, skilled US citizen STEM professionals are being dumped. There are many more cases much less blatant, and many many more which are nearly invisible because of dumping a US citizen over here and failure to hire an able and willing US citizen over there; these show up only in duration of unemployment figures, and even then would need to be sorted out by individual knowledge and skill-level criteria. One issue that has generally received broad support amont the citizenry is the idea of reducing the numbers of visas to manageable levels, restricting the remaining to genuinely highly-skilled, ethical guest-workers and immigrants, and running proper background investigations to help ensure the latter. But this idea is not popular among employers who want more cheap, young, pliant workers with questionable ethics, nor with their imigration lawyers and lobbyists. However, the citizenry who desire reform, don't have the financial, travel, and old-boy connections that the anti-reform forces have.
Employment in these fields is critical to economic growth, to financial survival of the professionals in these fields, yet over the last 15+ years one-half to two-thirds of recently graduated US citizen STEM workers, and 78% or more of US citizen STEM professionals past the age of 35 are being locked out. Increasing the numbers of these low-skill, no-skill H-1B visas which have already been pushing "native-born" US citizens out of STEM occupations is insane. Such facts are certainly main-stream.
Of course, it is totally possible, using such hand-waving terminology as is common in Ian Hathaway's and Rajiv Rao's articles, to have too many employees and job candidates with set A of knowledge and skills at level B, and not enough candidates at sub-sub-sub-sub-set C of knowledge and skills at level D. But few are willing to be so precise as to allow light to pierce the fog, and the necessary data is hard to develop or find. Yes, the flood of cheap foreign guest-workers with questionable ethics has hindered recovery from the last several stock market crashes and recessions. The BLS and other statistics make clear that no job market recovery since at least 1980 has been complete before the next recession hit. Economists including Lester Thurow have pointed out the weakening definition of "full employent" having allowed for lower and lower employed/population ratios.
The cited 1999 Monthly Labor Review article by Carolyn M. Veneri fails to adequately define "tight labor market" (and the same failure has persisted in the quarterly FRB _Beige Book_ reports, nor when directly questioned). Nor is the word "qualified" defined in any remotely adequate and objective way. For example, an employer could say that no US citizen candidate is "qualified" simply because he does not wish to hire a US citizen. A demand for a particular degree from a limited list of institutions is often an exercise in irrational hyper-credentialism. Traditionally, some 50% of engineers did not have college or university degrees. More recently, NSF statistics showed that about 20% of engineers do not have degrees with engineering majors, and about 44% of software engineers and computer programmers do not have degrees with "computer science" or "information management" or "information sciences" majors (which Veneri acknowledges). Indeed, it has been known for high school students to produce high quality commercial software products. Some of the best programmers, systems administrators, systems analysts and data-base analysts and designers hae had backgrounds in music, classical languages and literature.
Veneri cites lobbying groups for executives, an early book co-authored by my academic adviser, but not Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, a similar group of Science PhDs, the Programmers Guild, EPI, the Georgetown U Immigration institute or any other neutral or differing sources. Veneri acknowledges and yet neglects compensation in her consideration of shortage vs. glut, but Hathaway is far worse. (It would have been difficult to hire Ben Carson to do an especially difficult bit of neuro-surgery on your favorite daughter at $10/hour, or to buy a 500+ HP 4-cylinder Porsche in 1990 for $200 or even $20K. So, one must acknowledge and analyze based on the specific skills, specific skill-level, specific location, AND prevailing market wage/price for the specific job. Averages, medians, comparing neuro-surgeons to street-sweepers, actors to software engineers to judges, software engineers to junior coders simply won't do. Employers may have to increase relocation assistance, increase investment in more substantive training, reduce the specificity of desires.)
Several current and former computer science professors I consulted (one, in particular, at NSF) were surprised to find the degree of specificity in "skills" demanded in today's job ads, insisting that anyone with an adequate intelligence and a solid foundation should be seriously recruited, even if he doesn't have long experience with version 5.2.7 of a brand-G tool, or has experience only with 4.8.4 or a very similar tool of brand-H. What is a reasonable skill half-life for a specific occupational niche?   Certainly 20 years would be reasonable, but in STEM fields continuous learning is nearly universal. Two years is ridiculously too short (how would the CS professors learn or develop the new skill to be able to teach it?) so something in the range of 8-15 years would seem reasonable, accompanied by a specific, substantive 2-16 week training course for new-hires and 2-4 weeks for retained employees, which, before H-1B were the norms.
Paraphrasing Veneri, if shortages in an occupation were to develop the specific occupation's employment growth would be strong; job applications would fall (e.g. from 30K/month to 100/month in the case of a Google); the occupation's wage and non-wage compensation (vacation, pension plans, expense accounts, gym memberships, preventive medicine benefits, shares of stock, stock options, etc.) would increase relative to those same occupations' base-lines (not the base-lines for judges or CEOs or school-teachers or actors or machinists; Ian Hathaway's first graph -- inflation-adjusted median wage -- is questionable for beginning in a recession rather than a more reasonable base-line year for these occupations like 1980 or 1983, before the flood of cheap H-1B labor began and for showing only rate of change rather then level; his unemployment rate graph is similarly faulty and a graph of, e.g. employed or uneployed/STEM talent pool would be more meaningful; number unemployed fails to account those drive out of STEM or who have not been actively seeking work), job advertising would increase through all media, job ads would include direct contact information for hiring managers (not immigration lawyers or HR departments), and "candidate management systems"/"applicant management systems" (a.k.a. black holes), would be set aside or eliminated as a gate-keeping mechanism, specific key-words and brand-names would be abandoned in favor of more generic terms, the gauntlet of multiple telephone and video-conference screenings (with their ridiculous "trivial pursuit"/"human compiler" quizzes) would be pared or eliminated and genuine interviews would become more common, relocation assistance would cover more of such costs, training would have increasing substance as well as duration, indicating the market response by employers to attract more able and willing workers; and the unemployment rate for that occupation would be expected to decline as compared with historical full employment levels (or some reasonable proxy) for that and closely related occupational niches (sometimes titles change while the jobs remain essentially the same, e.g. computer programmers & software engineers & computer systems analysts; other times genuine shifts occur, or different employers prefer different titles, e.g. coders, junior programmers, software architect; at some firms computer systems analysts do a totally different kind of work from software engineers while at other firms they're interchangeable, making analysis more difficult).
One should also be careful not to conflate "IT" jobs with "software product development" (people in the "software publishing" sub-industry of the information industry, who are production workers developing actual software products, while other production workers at the same firm may not be developing the software products) and "contract programming services". Though there can be overlaps, they are totally different cultures, different kinds of work, with different goals, different time constraints, though using some of the same tools.
BLS statistics by occupation and by industry, because of small sub-sample sizes, fail to compare unemployment rates and employed/population ratios for US citizens, guest-workers, and green-card grantees; they're all conflated in one big barrel.
Define "difficulty filling vacancies". How have recruiting methods for STEM occupations changed since 1970?   How have offers for relocation assistance, training and security clearance sponsorships changed?   Where is the base-line of what is reasonable?   How can we tell when the expectations are unreasonable?   How have tax policies, regulatory policies, trade policies, affected employers' willingness to invest in advertising open positions (full-page and other display print ads, general readership publications vs. trade publications, classifieds, on-line ads, bounties for referrals, public job fairs, university job fairs, other on-campus recruiting...), active recruiting, flying candidates from throughout the USA in for interviews, training, relocation assistance, training, etc.?
The direct experience of millions of US citizen STEM professionals trumps strained theories every time. Nobody in the last 90 years has suggested that all vehicles driven in the USA must be vehicles made in the USA, but it is reasonable to insist on percentage country of origin labeling (COOL) and competition. (Ditto for shoes, boots, shirts, pants, beef, fish, rice, soy beans, sorghum, wheat, blueberries, strawberrise/Erdbeeren, lemon juice, etc. And, yes, the quality of Apple products has also been falling to MSFT levels; I would not buy a share of Apple or MSFT or Oracle or Google or FB or LinkedIn or GE or Siemens stock for the reasons mentioned.) Thank you for agreeing that 90%-98% of the H-1Bs do not have especially high-level skills and are not doing especially high-level jobs; that's a good reason to increase standards and reduce numbers. I would not want to invite in people who do not defend free and honest markets, do not eagerly buy-in to the US Declaration of Independence and Constitution, or who engage in or advocate the initiation of force or fraud. In the abundant presence of evidence that excessive guest-work visas (E-3 + F-1+OPT + H-1B + J-1 + L-1B...) have been and continue to harm bright, knowledgeable, creative, industrious US citizen STEM professionals it may be more productive to stop wasting the talent of US citizen STEM professionals, and tool & die makers, and precision machinists, and stone-masons, and brick-masons, and roofers... and open up the value chain to the millions of them who are now unemployed and under-employed.
Ethical considerations have been neglected. How can abusive firms like Google, GE, Siemens, FB, LinkeIn and Oracle (not to mention local, state and federal government operations) continue their unethical privacy violations for decades?   Because, with the flood of cheap foreign labor, they have a ready supply of people with no qualms against such abuses.
Most of these abuses are not restricted to guest-workers brought into the USA, but also those brought into the UK and Western Europe.
WikiPedia: Convergys is a privacy-violation firm derived from the Cincinnati Bell local government-enforced monopoly and its privacy-violation arm, Cincinnati Bell Information Systems, together with MATRIXX/AT&T Solutions Customer Care/AT&T Transtech, DigitalThink, Intervoice, Datacom call center operations, Stream Global Services; with subsidiary operations including Infinys Rating and Billing (IRB), Dynamic Decisioning Solution (DDS), ICOMS, Customer Management Solutions

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Laura Ingraham
senator Tom Coburn: character and ethics are missing from Washington DC, while power-madness is widespread (partial transcript)

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Laura Ingraham
why cyber-war is dangerous for democracies and free republics
Moises Naim: Atlantic

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Laura Ingraham
man beheaded, several injured, explosion in Muslim terrorist attack on USA-owned Air Products factory in France
National Socialist Radio
Fred Fleitz: News Max

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate claims responsibility for suicide bombing of Shiite mosque in Kuwait; at least 13 dead
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily: terror attack
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate claims responsibility
NY Daily News/AP

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate killed 164 in assault on Kurdish town of Kobane, Syria
NY Daily News

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
terrorists killed 37 at Hotel Riu Imperial Marhaba in Sousse, Tunisia
Tom Batchelor, Rob Virtue & Rebecca Perring: Express
LAD bible: 30-year-old gas engineer Matthew James saved fiancee by throwing himself between the terrorists and her

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate minting copper, silver & gold coins
Daily Mail

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
US Army lieutenant-colonel Ralph Peters: the media are prisoners of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
remains of Catholic priest Josef Toufar tortured to death in 1950 by leftists discovered in Prague

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Ben Kamisar _Hill_
Clarence Thomas: government cannot bestow or take away dignity
"'Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved.', Thomas writes.   'Those held in internment camps did not lose their dignity because the government confined them.   And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits.   The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away...   [a person's dignity is] something to be shielded from -- not provided by -- the State.'"

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Clarence Thomas: decision threatens the religious liberty our nation has long sought to protect

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Peter Kasperowicz _Washington DC Examiner_
Antonin Scalia: supreme court has become a threat to the USA constitutional democratic union of states
News Max

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Peter Kasperowicz _Washington DC Examiner_
John Roberts: if same-sex "marriage", why not polygamy (and bestiality), too?

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Samuel Alito: defenders of marriage at risk of being attacked by rogue governments, employers, schools

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
religious, family groups slam corrupt supremes for redefining marriage through unconstitutional judicial fiat

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Ben Carson, Yebbie Booosh, Scott Walker: protect individual rights, religious liberty, state powers

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
US bishop Thomas J. Tobin: this is morally wrong and a blatant rejection of God's plan for the human family, from the father of lies

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
US Catholic bishops on same-sex "marriage" ruling: profoundly immoral and unjust

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
John Gizzi _News Max_
GOP response to judicial decree is not unified

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
hubris!: SCOTUS declare themselves God

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Garth Kant _WND_
Mike Huckabee: I will not acquiesce to a power-mad court

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
_Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: government is endorsing sin (video)

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: I pray God will spare America from his judgment

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
constitutional over-throw: John Roberts's damaging ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare rulings

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Betsy McCaughey _Investor's Business Daily_
supremes' ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare rulings empowers corrupt, power-mad, hateful IRS

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
Brian Babin: let's enslave supremes under ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare as they wish to enslave us

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Paul Bremmer _WND_
ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare is fascism
"The Supreme Court has tossed aside the interests of the American people in favor of an all-powerful government-business coalition, charges the former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons..."

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
S.E. Cupp _Jewish World Review_
the supreme court's gift to Republicans

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Jordan Fabian _Hill_
the corrupt John Boehner conspires with the corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer aboard Air Force One

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
_Conservative HQ_
which GOP presidential candidates will commit to repealing ObummerDoesn'tCare/SCOTUSDoesn'tCare?... and which are most likely to actually make a vigorous attempt to do so?
Ted Cruz response
Todd Beamon: News Max: Ted Cruz: these are some of the darkest 24 ours in our nation's history

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
it is time for Americans and their representatives to "man-up" to stop evil unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
after repeatedly refusing to make use of constitutional powers, John Boehner disingenuously claims helplessness to stop ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity: ObummerDoesn'tCare ruling claimed the statute says exactly the opposite of what it actually says

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: our constitutional system, our constitutional processes are dead

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: let's regroup, recoup and fight back

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
Obummer regime is despicable

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Jonah Goldberg _National Review_
leftists are playing a fake racial "identity" shell game
Jewish World Review

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
R' David Aaron _Jewish World Review_
to teach or preach?: the meaning of true education
"...if education is likened to a garden, then the educator is really a spiritual gardener.   A gardener interacts with a seed.   If he has a pear seed, then he wants to identify it is as a pear seed so that it will become a pear tree.   If he has a carrot seed, he will want it to become a carrot.   An educator's job is to create an environment that feeds you ideas that will nourish you in a manner in which you will grow and flourish.   An educator only wants you to be who you are.   While an educator is like a gardener, an indoctrinator is like a carpenter.   A carpenter imposes his vision on a raw material, while a gardener sets his vision according to his seed; whatever you are, he wants you to become.   To indoctrinate is to coerce.   It involves imposing the teacher's values -- aspirations, identity and character -- on the student, so that the student will become like the teacher and reflect the teacher.   In the process of indoctrination, a conflict is liable to arise between the teacher and the student because the teacher has a message he wants the student to accept, even at the expense of the student's unique identity and individuality.."

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
Obummer: world' chief vacuum salesman

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
white-washing the Dem/Red/leftist party's continuing history of slavery, Jim Crow, racism

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Baltimore state's-attorney is guilty of what she seeks to condemn
News Max

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
the amazing grace in faith and grief in Charleston SC

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
Charleston waits nervously for the hateful race-baiting oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
racist anti-American paramilitary gang New Black Panther Party came in to hold hate-fest in Charleston
Lee Stranahan: Breitbart

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
USA must halt Iran's development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems (not to mention their terrorist agents)

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
un-checked immigration pushes UK population to new high
"Rising immigration helped push the UK population up by almost half a million in just 12 months.   Net migration rose to almost 260K last year, which when added to the natural growth of births over deaths comes to just under 500K..."

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Nigel Farage _Breitbart_
directionless EU menas illegal alien invasion crisis in Calais can only get worse

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Nigel Farage _Breitbart_
directionless EU means illegal alien invasion crisis in Calais can only get worse

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
British establishment shaken by UKIP
Freddy Gray & Sebastian Payne: Spectator

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
ACLU has withdrawn support for 1st amendment

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
Judicial Watch suing Maryland over gerrymandered congressional districts

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
on the confederate flag, restraint and common sense
"The recent senseless act of slaughter in a church in Charleston, South Carolina awakened America to the ever-present lunacy and evil that walks among us, and it has also reopened some old wounds and deep feelings on both sides of a long festering situation.   Before I go any farther with this piece, I wish to express my love and admiration for the people of Charleston, who have, in the face of immense pain, shown a restraint and a common sense seldom seen in tragic situations involving race.   When I saw the pictures of the people who had been murdered, I made the statement, 'I know these people.', which I didn't mean literally, but figuratively.   They were the kind of Christian people I have been around all my life -- worked with and sat in the pews of churches with -- salt of the earth folks, who not only professed to know the Lord Jesus Christ, but lived their faith every day of their lives..."

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Kelly Shackelford & Ken Blackwell _Investor's Business Daily_
same-sex "marriage" decree starts new religious freedom war

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Anthony Kennedy & Ted Kennedy: Borking marriage and the USA

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Daniel Greenfield
be the best saboteur against evil that you can be: the GOP losership is not on USA's side
"...America is built on the simple premise that no system can be more legitimate than its natural laws and founding premises.   It does not matter how many judges or politicians try to suspend the First or Second Amendments.   All they are doing is removing their own legitimacy.   When a system acts illegally, then its dictates are not the law of the land, they are the law of force.   [ObummerDoesn'tCare] is coercion.   Forcing people to participate in gay marriages is coercion.   The FHA ruling is coercion.   We may be compelled into compliance, but compulsion is all it is.   It isn't law or justice..."

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Doug Short _Advisor Perspectives_
UMich consumer sentiment index from 94.6 in early-June to 96.1 in late June
Akin Oyedele: Business Insider
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-06-22 (5775 Tamuz 05)
Mark Levin
convention of states to amend constitution and push back abuses

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Chuck Norris _WND_
Fred Kummerow found link between trans fats, heart disease
"His diet may seem a bit old school to some, but this man, Fred Kummerow, has long been ahead of his time -- or ahead of time in general.   Kummerow turned 100 years old last October.   A professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, he was one of the first to discover a link between trans fats in processed foods and heart disease.   It's taken the scientific community a half-century to ultimately accept his findings...   'Kummerow knew about trans fats starting in 1957, but the establishment juggernaut rolled on.', Geoffrey Cannon, an international adviser at the World Cancer Research Fund...   he argued against trans fats in front of the Federal Trade Commission.   His testimony was dismissed because he was a chemist and not a cardiologist.   In 2009, he wrote a petition to the FDA, complaining that its labeling requirements, which let labels read '0' for anything containing less than a half-gram [500mg] of trans fats, gave license to food companies to essentially lie about the contents of their products.   He recommended that trans fats be banned.   The FDA did not respond..."

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
_News Max_
CDCP: Cryptosporidium parasite spreading across USA

2015-06-26 (5775 Tamuz 09)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
NOAA: record 10 years since major hurricane has struck USA mainland

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
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Proposed Bills 2015

  "North Africa's Barbary Coast pirates alone captured and enslaved at least a million Europeans from 1500 to 1800, carrying more Europeans into bondage in North Africa than there were Africans brought in bondage to the United States and the American colonies from which it was formed. Moreover, Europeans were still being bought and sold in the slave markets of the Islamic world, decades after blacks were freed in the United States." --- Thomas Sowell 2008 _Economic Facts & Fallacies_ pg161 (citing Robert C. Davis 2003 _Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters; White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy 1500-1800_ pg23; Philip D. Curtin 1969 _The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census_ pp72, 87, 91; R.W. Beachey 1976 _The Slave Trade of Eastern Africa_ pg137; Ehud R. Toledano 1982 _The Ottoman Slave Trade and Its Suppression 1840-1890_ pp66-67)  



2015-06-27 (5775 Tamuz 10)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
whacked-out left coasters -- Sili Valley (and Hollyweird) executives, producers, directors -- led the effort for same-sex "marriage"

2015-06-27 (5775 Tamuz 10)
Sarah Palin _Breitbart_
an Appeal to Heaven
"The Bradley county court-house has flown an historic flag just below our stars and stripes; it features a simple evergreen tree and the phrase 'Appeal to Heaven'.   The ATH flag has a rich history, being first commissioned by George Washington to fly over Navy schooners during the Revolutionary War.   Washington knew the colonies needed God's intervention as they battled for freedom -- they had no recourse but to call on God.   The appeal to heaven ultimately granted America freedom.   This is our foundation!   And the few who disdain this foundation want the innocent but illustrious flag removed...   the patriots of old knew America's hope for freedom was rooted in God.   And unlike any other, the idea of 'America' would be exceptional in that we would dedicate to God this land over-flowing with the blessings of liberty..."

2015-06-27 (5775 Tamuz 10)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
libertarians got it right on marriage; the government should not be in the marriage business

2015-06-27 (5775 Tamuz 10)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
conservatives, Jews, Christians can ignore same-sex "marriage" decree the same way Abraham Lincoln and the Republicanss ignored Dem Taney's Dred Scott decree

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2015 June, week 3 (June 14 - June 20)
2015 June, week 4 (June 21 - June 27)
2015 June, week 5 (June 28 - June 30)
2015 June

Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "A constitution was created for a purpose, to prescribe & restrict what power could be wielded, by whom, & within what limits... the Constitution of the US was written down to fix the limits of gov't power -- not forever, but until an authorized change was made in an authorized way." --- Thomas Sowell 1995 _The Vision of the Anointed_ pg 229  

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