2015 June week3

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-08-12

  "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of tho-thirds, expel a Member." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 2  

2015 June
  1 2 3 4 5 6
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2015 June, week 1 (June 01 - June 06
2015 June, week 2 (June 07 - June 13)
2015 June, week 3 (June 14 - June 20)
2015 June, week 4 (June 21 - June 27)
2015 June, week 5 (June 28 - June 30)
2015 June
  "Activity can be easily mistaken for productivity.   Always ask yourself, 'Is this advancing me to my goals?'" --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 June

3rd month of the 2nd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression


2015-06-14: Flag Day

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Ellen Ratner _WND_
port of terror: Obummer regime exposing USA to new threat via Florida port contract?
"In 2006, that concern was over port security and was centered on President George W. Bush [Shrub] approving a deal with Dubai Ports World to operate shipping operations in 6 major American cities.   The media and the political establishment went ballistic over the revelation.   9 years later, however, a similar announcement is being met with relative silence.   Last year, the [Obummer regime] formally approved a 35-year contract with Gulftainer to operate out of Florida's Port Canaveral, a location that's alarmingly close to a U.S. Air Force base, a submarine base and NASA's Kennedy Space center.   This week, the terminal officially opened...   Gulftainer...is a company located in the United Arab Emirates, a confederation of nations that critics have charged is the origin for much funding for terrorist groups.   Since Gulftainer is leasing the port and not purchasing the property, the company reportedly did not have to submit to a national security review.   This may be the norm for how the federal government operates, but it is troubling.   A quick [ixquick] search reveals that conservative blogs have suggested the company may have shipped weapons through its ports to terror groups in Iraq and may have help helped Iran ship weapons to Gaza=Palestine..."

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Laura Ingraham
whacky California politicians' top concern relating to health: tax-victim coverage of medical care for illegal aliens
Debra J. Saunders

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Tzvi ben Gedalyahu _Jewish Press_
IDF vehicle over-turned during riot near Ramallah... killed Palestinian Authority/Hamas fire-bomb terrorist, 1 IDF soldier slightly injured
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Obummer's US ICE freed illegal alien sex offenders without notifying states
Boston MA Globe
"They are convicted rapists, child molesters, and kidnappers -- among 'the worst of the worst', as one law enforcement agency put it..."

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Joseph Farah _WND_
my Fox prophecy is coming true
"...The children, the Murdoch children, have said they can't wait to make Fox News more like CNN.   Now why would you want to make the successful Fox News more like the unsuccessful CNN?   Because, you get invited to better cocktail parties in Manhattan when you do that -- it's that simple...   James Murdoch gave $2,300 to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign.   He also donated between $1M and $5M to the scandal-plagued Clinton Foundation.   The elder Murdoch, meanwhile, has donated to both [RINO] and Democratic campaigns, including those of senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell, senator [Lindsey Grahamnesty], senator Cory Booker and representative Steny Hoyer.   Significantly, James Murdoch has a good relationship with Saudi Arabia's prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of Fox's top share-holders..."

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
pull your money out of Wells Fargo

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
Obummer race agitators seeing some of the results they desire

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Pamela Geller _WND_
Muslims who plotted to behead me are loyal to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Phyllis Schlafly warns Christians rightly fear persecution over "gay marriage"

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
USA is vulnerable to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate incursions via tunnels

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Gina Loudon _WND_
Pamela Geller: devout savages are at war with the USA

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
GOP losership's latest gambit for Obummer TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA scam package revealed: tax increase on small businesses that violates GOP's anti-tax pledge

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
James A Lyons & Richard Fisher _Washington DC Times_
stopping Red China's power-madness in the South China Sea

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Green Beret lieutenant-colonel Jason Amerine aiming in conjunction with representative Duncan Hunter to free USA hostages, is being attacked by evil Obummer/Lynch FBI

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
the Magna Carta's message to the supremes

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
people in Colorado Colowyo Mine coal-mining town use beer boycott to protest against closing by eco-fascists of WildEarth Guardians
"Last week, she pulled every New Belgium and Breckenridge label from the shelves at her store, A1 Liquors, after finding their names on a list of businesses that contribute to WildEarth Guardians, the anti-coal group whose lawsuit threatens to shutter the local Colowyo Mine, taking 220 jobs with it... About a dozen liquor retailers are participating in the Yampa Valley beer boycott, part of a regional uprising of residents, business owners and elected officials fighting to save the Colowyo Mine, an economic backbone of the rural community in the remote far northwestern corner of the state..."

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Jim Hoft _GateWay Pundit_
Ferguson riots were a co-ordinated astro-turf movement; it's leaders were trained in Soros-funded agitation organizations
"Professional race activists Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie (ShordeeDooWhop), pictured here in Baltimore, helped whip up the Ferguson mobs.   This year Fortune Magazine named these 2 professional activists 2 of the world's greatest leaders...   Ferguson activists admitted that fellow protesters were making MORE THAN $5K a month to disrupt cities, damage property and attack police!..."

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
_Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's long history of crony socialism

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
leftists are shocked, shocked that reverend Franklin Graham objects to immorality, and those who promote sin

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Bill Sullivn _Examiner_
TPA, TAA, TPP, Ted Cruz, Jeff Session and you (part 1)
Free Republic (part 2)
Examiner (part 2)

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Eric Odom _Liberty News_
foreign governments are running sophisticated operations and hiring former senate leadership to try to sell evil TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA
Ari Rabin-Havt: Observer: many foreign governments pay K street big money to peddle TPP to conress

2015-06-14 (5775 Sivan 27)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
environmental encyclical... like dude (satire)

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "When a motion was introduced into the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1769 to allow slave-owners to free their slaves unilaterally -- a motion seconded by Thomas Jefferson -- there was anger at such a suggestion and the motion was roundly defeated. An unlimited power to release slaves into the larger society was considered too dangerous to leave in private hands." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg145 (citing Henry Wiencek 2004 _An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America_ pg160)  



1776-06-15: Archibald Cary & committee of 34 reported a declaration of rights, drafted by George Mason, and it was adopted by the VA convention.

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
in gig/bodyshop economy no one is employed, as execs skimp on long-term benefits
"...The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics's [BLS's] latest employer compensation costs estimates that the wages and salary of a full-time worker averaged [only] $22.88 per hour in March.   But the cost of benefits adds [only] an additional $10.61, or 46%, more for a total of $31.65 an hour.   By turning employees into 'gig' workers [bodies shopped], corporations [and their executives] save 30% by eliminating the 7.65% employer portion of [Socialist Insecurity] and Medicare taxes, state unemployment compensation insurance, workers' compensation insurance, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] burdens, company's 401K and any profit sharing contribution.   'Going gig' [bodyshopping] also slashes law-suit exposure...   [Bodies shopped] lack the myriad of new employee protections against discrimination and wrongful termination, along with enhanced 'rights' to unionize, be paid over-time, and take numerous family leaves.   [Bodyshop] employment has been among the fastest-growing sectors of the USA economy for the last several [decades].   [This increase in bodyshopping has been accelerating since the early 1980s according to Monthly Labor Review articles, due to changes in tax, banking, labor and immigration laws.]   Since the recession's official end in 2009 June, the industry has added 1.24M new jobs, or about 12.3% of all new private sector jobs.   Staffing of temporary and contract workers rose 5.4% in 2014, but accelerated by 4.2% from the third to fourth quarter -- a 16.8% annualized rate.   G. Palmer and Associates predicts that temp employment [bodyshopping] will grow 10.5% in 2015...   the US census bureau estimated there were 42M in 2006.   The [census bureau] found that about one-third of the work-force was self-employed or paid as contract workers.   But the 'Third Annual Independent Workforce Report', compiled last year by management-services firm MBO Partners, suggests that by 2020 about 50% of the USA work-force will work independently as free-lancers, contractors or small business owners...   [Since the early 1990s, there has been a] huge 'transition effort' to dump American tech employees [and replace them] with cheap H-1B visa contract workers from abroad."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Aaron Bandler _Town Hall_
DoL to investigate Clinton allies for abuse of H-1B visa system
Bill McMorris: Washington DC Free Beacon
"...The two companies [Tata and Infosys] have been generous supporters of the Clintons Foundation, contributing between $35K and $50K.   Clinton's ties extend beyond foundation donations.   As a freshman senator from New York, Hillary Clinton praised TCS for setting up operations in upstate Buffalo, NY.   When confronted by talk show host Lou Dobbs about the costs of out-sourcing [cross-border bodyshopping], she defended TCS for bringing 10 new jobs to New York State [after promising to hire 1000 Americans].   They've actually brought jobs to Buffalo.   Out-sourcing does work both ways.', she said.   She later told Indian officials, 'we are not against all out-sourcing'.   TCS and Infosys aren't the only shady players in the Indian community with close ties to the Clinton family.   She received thousands of dollars for her campaign from imprisoned former Goldman Sachs honcho Rajat Gupta.   Gupta, a major player in one of the largest insider trading busts in history, hired Chelsea Clinton for a six-figure position upon her college graduation..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Ted Rall _Rasmussen Reports_
evil employers can lay you off, but you don't have to go quietly
"You've seen it in movies: Gangsters are going to kill a guy.   But before they do, they force him to dig his own grave.   Who would go along with that?   Why, during their final moments alive, doesn't the victim avail himself of the chance to die defiantly, with dignity, going to his death with the small pleasure of knowing that his assassin will at least be inconvenienced by the disposal of his body?   That was the question running through my head as I read a story that made my blood boil: Disney World in Orlando, Florida, recently laid off 250 tech workers and had an Indian outsourcing company supply their lower salary replacements with foreign recipients of H-1B visas.   This disgusting practice, which is becoming increasingly common and is the subject of a congressional investigation and at least one law-suit, is illegal.   H-1B visas are only supposed to go to highly educated foreign workers brought to the U.S. to work for employers who 'can't find American citizens to do the job' -- but with 3 out of 4 American techies un- or under-employed, that's never the case..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
_Economic Times of India_
H-1B visas: USA law's loop-holes being ruthlessly abused since 1990

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Laura Ingraham
Rosemary Jenks: Trans-Pacific Partnership, TATIP, TISA would force USA to increase immigration, take even more jobs from US citizens
"'...What he failed to tell us, and members of congress, is that this whole other agreement, that is largely about immigration, the TiSA, the Trade in Services Agreement, it's about the movement of people across borders to perform services.   And, it's all services.   It goes from garbage collectors to high skilled computer programmers.   And, this agreement, in which it is absolutely clear the United States is a part of, would force the United States to either open up its immigration laws, IOW, allow people from the partner countries, and there are 23 of them just the European Union, to come into the United States and perform services.   In other words, take jobs from Americans.   So, the U.S. trade rep apparently just flat out lied by twisting words to congress about this agreement but I will tell you how Ryan and Orrin Hatch, the House and Senate respective leaders of this push for the mantra of free trade, know full-well about TiSA because they have both mentioned it and it is by name covered by the fast-track bill.'..."

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Robert X. Cringely
the H-1B visa program is a scam
Beta News
"This is the second of 3 columns relating to the recent story of Disney replacing 250 'IT' workers with foreign workers holding H-1B visas.   Over the years I have written many columns about out-sourcing and the H-1B visa program in particular.   Not wanting to just cover again that old material, this column looks at an important misconception that underlies the whole H-1B problem, then gives the unique view of a long-time reader of this column who has H-1B program experience...   The United States right now has plenty of qualified workers to fill every available position.   If there are indeed exceptional jobs that can't be filled by ANY domestic applicant, there [are] still the [L-1B, E-3, F-1 + OPT, TN, and EB-2 visa programs], which somehow [don't] max-out every year like H-1B.   How can that be if there's a talent shortage? In truth, H-1B has always been unnecessary...   the [successful, productive] domestic 'IT' work-force of today came into their jobs without the very educational programs he suggests are so important.   There was no computer science major when I was an under-graduate, for example.   For that matter, how many non-technical majors have been working [productively and successfully] for years as programmers?   How many successful programmers never finished college or never attended college at all?...   The government administrators who manage the H-1B program, and especially the over-seers who review the cases on whether (the visa applicant) really has skills that are unique and uncommon, are not educated or experienced enough to make such determinations..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.   Over 57,600 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 68,102 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports.   Altogether, over 385,051 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 431,001 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports.   Over 66,700 L-1 guest-work visas were issued via consular offices in FY2013, and over 71,513 were issued in FY2015, according to State Dept. annual reports.   Over 3,946 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2013, and 4,492 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports.   Over 12,359 O work visas for individuals with "extraordinary" abilities were issued in FY2013, and 12,706 O work visas were issued in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports.   Over 534,320 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2013, and over 595,569 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports.

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
121 illegal aliens who had already committed crimes and were in deportation proceedings were released, and then committed murders in the USA
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Front Page Magazine

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
women drop out of STEM studies either can't cut it in highly competitive environments or they simply change their minds about what they want from life
"feminist academic Dr. Emily Grossman...   Even women who graduate with good degrees in science subjects often don't use them: they switch careers in their twenties, abandoning the hard sciences.   In some cases, they simply drop out of the workforce altogether.   This is a disaster for the men who missed out on places, and it's a criminal waste of public funds...   To be fair, plenty of boys drop out at that point as well.   But while attrition is terrible across STEM subjects -- 48% of bachelor's degree students who entered STEM fields between 2003 and 2009 left -- for women the figure is even higher.   Ladies, apparently, find the aggressively competitive nature of these subjects too 'uninviting', so they drop out.   They also, according to a White House report, say the classes are too hard.   Sadly, we're not going to get to Mars or crack commercial nuclear fusion in a nice touchy-feely environment where no one speaks out of turn and everyone's, like, really supportive and kind and no one has to spend long nights with scary textbooks hopped up on Adderall, Mountain Dew [Jolt, pizza] and Doritos.   You see, science is about results..."

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
France trying to guard borders with Italy from flood of illegal aliens from NorthEast Africa

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
many in the USA are parting ways with God

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Is that line supposedly dividing anti-Zionism from anti-Semitism just a myth?: leftist rag tried to smear Jewish NBA coach

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Ron Kampeas _Jewish World Review_
poll: after years of sneers & back-stabbing from him, Obummer's attempts to make nice with leftist Jews is falling flat
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Times of Israel

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
corrupt Obummer regime attacking innocent US citizens

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
what is wrong with academia

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
Shrub-Obummer recession of the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression is hindering saving
Washington DC Times

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
re-energized federalism might be able to fend off Obummer's evil actions

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Reg Henry _Jewish World Review_
curmudgeons unite against UAVs/UASs/drones

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Israel reports that Hamas's/Gaza's/Palestine's rejection of Egypt-brokered cease-fire increased death toll by 90%
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
cyber experts warn of voting-machine hacks; unusual activity found at Virginia polls

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
$29M in 2013 to relocate 125 HUD workers, about $23K each, something few private employers have been willing to do since the 1980s
Actually, adjusted for inflation, it is well in line.

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Red China has 1M new millionaires
Hannah Goldberg: Time, a division of Warner DC Time
"China recorded 2.378M millionaires in 2013, compared to the USA's 7.135M millionaires, according to Boston Consulting Group's 2014 Global Wealth Report.   [Red China's] millionaire growth skyrocketed last year, shooting up 82% from 2012.   To put that in perspective, the USA only grew 18% during the same period."

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
is Australia paying smugglers to stay away?

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
another high-profile advocate for illegal aliens bites the dust in Utah

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
James Simpson _American Thinker_
"refugee" resettlement is a clear and present danger to the USA

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Selwyn Duke _American Thinker_
colonization and cultural genocide... and they call it "immigration"

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Laura Ingraham
the 20 supreme court decisions we're still awaiting
Philip Klein: Washington DC Examiner

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
Magna Carta and the 800-year struggle for liberty

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
Trans-Pacific Partnership would be a new trans-national union
"Stephen Miller, one of the staff leaders for Alabama senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), joined Breitbart News Sunday and was asked by Breitbart's executive-chairman and host, Stephen K. Bannon...   Also appearning...Christopher Monckton.   Monckton, who served as a policy advisor for former UK prime-minister Margaret Thatcher, argues that a Trans Pacific Union would bear a significant resemblance to the European Union, which Monckton insists is a serious detriment to democracy and leads to dictatorship...   [Miller replied], 'One of the most important things about the fast track (Trade Promotion Authority), is it takes what is far more like a treaty than a trade deal, as senator Sessions has explained, and eliminates the [constitution's two-thirds] treaty vote [requirement], and even eliminates the senate filibuster.'..."

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
James Zumwalt _Breitbart_
Christianity under an Islamic crusader mind-set

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
as Red China grows more belligerent USA must show it's eagle's talon full of arrows

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer regime ambassadors boast that trade promotion authority, TPP, TATIP, TISA will allow them to export vicious LGBT agenda

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
admiral Nigel Essenhigh: British military is now too feeble to be effective in Middle East

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
recording caught leftists, anarchists planning to turn London into a war-zone this week-end

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Christianity under fire: Cameron's orders regarding religious extremism could criminalize basic tenets of faith

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
over 25% of UK lawyers abuse illegal drugs, 60% had done so at some time in their lives

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
massive South Texas gas pipe-line fire visible from 20 miles away

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
Ivy Taylor elected mayor of San Antonio

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Abraham H. Miller _Washington DC Times_
crazy leftist academic apologists for violence-initiating Muslims blame the USA

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
retired US Marine plans "draw Muhammad" contest in NH: the New Hampshire event has little to do with art and everything to do with fighting Shariah law and preserving the First Amendment

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
evil Obummer scheming to ram through TPA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA and other abominations

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Maria Stainer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime released 6 more terrorists from Guantanamo to Oman

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
another "procedural SNAFU" in rejection of "Trade Adjustment Assistance"

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer treasury dept. says federal government "debt subject to limit" has been frozen for 90 days at $18.112975T

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
black Chicago pastor Corey Brooks: Dems/Reds/leftists have taken advantage of us

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Laura Ingraham
Rosemary Jenks of Numbers USA: trade promotion authority guarantees passage of secret, scandalous, sovereignty-crushing Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) (mp3, transcript)

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Les Kinsolving _WND_
the hypocrisy of NYTimes regarding Christianity vs. Mohammedanism

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
"immigrant" groups are battling it out in the streets of Fargo, ND (video)

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Aaron Klein & Joshua Klein _WND_
is there a Benghazi link to the US military strike on "uncatchable" jihadi?

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Joseph Farah _WND_
it is time for leftist national socialist radio staffers to hang it up

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
D.J. Dolce _WND_
leftists to boycott my state? Woo-hoo!

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Mychal Massie _WND_
making babies does not make you a father
"...The answer is to teach personal responsibility and personal accountability.   The answer is to stop handicapping young blacks by inculcating them with a message of acrimony and immiseration.   The answer is to teach them from birth that they are more than a color -- they are Americans.   The answer is teach them that the revisionist lies being taught under the guise of Afri-centric curricula are damnable heterodoxies designed to emotionally segregate, not impart marketable skills.   The answer is for them to learn trades and to stop buying into the belief that if they do not go to college they won't be able to get a job..."

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
it is no wonder that Obummer won't let us read Trans-Pacific Partnership: deal would separate USA from Constitution and national sovereignty

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
_Rasmussen Reports_
should the US constitution still be the nation's legal bed-rock?

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Kurdish songstress "Helly Luv" released music video made less than 2 miles from front lines

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
federal government employees fears spike after Red Chinese raid on OPM records

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
Magna Carta 800 years later, and the law that governs government
American Thinker

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
John Stanton _CNN_
Magna Carta relevant 800 years later

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Seldon Richman _Reason_
if Magna Carta was a key sep in the West's advancement toward classical liberalism, the trajectory was neither straight nor smooth

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Seldon Richman _BBC_
David Cameron notes that Magna Carta changed the world

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
saluting the Magna Carta

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
government control of money transfers and addiction to inflation/devaluation/quantitative-easing create need for alternative currencies

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Drew Johnson _Washington DC Times_
power-mad Obummer EPA throws water on grills, fire-works, job markets, USA economy

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Justin Haskins _Washington DC Times_
tax-victims deserve to know how much is being taken from them, and how it has been spent

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Judaism & Christianity are under attack; David Lane's American Renewal Project is mobilizing pastors to run for office

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
scofflaw Obummer pushing even worse over-spending, will intentionally exceed legal spending limits

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
patently untrustworthy House GOP losership claims they intend to repeal ObummerDoesn'tCare tax on medical devices

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Grant Gross _"IT" News_/_IDG_
privacy experts from 9 organizations decide to leave talks with government over facial recognition, because discussions are not likely to lead to adequate privacy protections for the citizenry
The fact is that the government's positiont has always been that they should be able to unconstitutionally violate everyone else's privace at will, without probable cause, without warrants, and for whatever purpose strikes the fancy of some bureaubum, or serves his immediate convenience at the moment.

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Jon Gold _"IT" News_/_IDG_
leading economic indicator: unemployed people don't use telephones as much
"The amount of time people in a given area spend using their cell phones shrinks when the job market begins to dry up, according to a study co-authored by researchers at MIT."

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Alan W. Dowd _American Thinker_
in defense of missile defense
"3 decades ago, there were nine countries that fielded ballistic missiles.   Today, there are 32.   Several of them are unstable (Pakistan and Egypt) or unfriendly (Iran and North Korea) or both (Syria).   Because of the nature of their regimes -- adjectives like paranoid and terrorist come to mind -- North Korea and Iran are the most worrisome of the world's missile threats..."

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Gary Jason _American Thinker_
fracking: you ain't seen nothing yet!

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Eric Odom _Liberty News_
another betrayal of USA by House GOP, voted in massive small business tax increases as part of maneuvering to back evil TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA

2015-06-15 (5775 Sivan 28)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
NOAA: USA in 10-year cooling period
Michael Bastasch: Daily Caller

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The interviewees... confirmed my suspicions that a great many talented people are being under-utilized, or even wasted... such waste can be prevented." --- Marylou Kelly Streznewski 1999 _Gifted GrownUps: The Mixed Blessings of ExtraOrdinary Potential_ pg viii  



2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Yebbie Booosh not particularly sympathetic to displaced US citizen STEM workers, and still favors increasing already vastly excessive numbers of H-1B visas
"In 2002 and 2003, 'IT' workers at a Siemens unit in Lake Mary, FL had to train their temporary visa-holding replacements -- they had either an L-1 or H-1B visa through an India-based 'IT' services firm.   Mike Emmons was one of the affected [US citizen] 'IT' employees who lost his job.   In 2002 September, Emmons wrote then-governor Bush about it.   'Management has their permanent employees training these Indians to take over their jobs', wrote Emmons, who wanted help.   (The e-mail message is part of an e-mail archive released by Bush covering his years as governor from 1999 to 2007.)...   But Bush does not come across as either supportive or sympathetic to displaced 'IT' workers in a 2013 book, _Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution_, written with Clint Bolick.   The book argues that the current cap on H-1B visas...is 'hopelessly inadequate'...   Flash forward to 2015, where there has been much news of 'IT' worker displacements at Southern California Edison and Disney.   Bush was asked this week by a reporter to comment about firms using H-1B visa holders to displace U.S. workers.   According to a report in BuzzFeed, this is what Bush said: 'I've actually seen it on Fox, 3 or 4 times, this subject.   I've been curious to know what the full story is...   Sometimes you see things in the news reports, you don't get the full picture.   Maybe that's the case here.'   Asked about Bush's comment, one Disney 'IT' worker who had to train his replacement said that, based on the reactions to the layoffs at his former employer, 'it would almost seem to be political suicide to not side with the American IT worker.   (The worker asked not be identified.)...   'There are very, very few in Washington DC that care for American workers -- less than a handful', said Emmons.   'For the majority of the time politicians are lining their campaign accounts with corporate [executives'] campaign donations' and only talk about helping U.S. workers around election time...   Of Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state now seeking the Democratic nomination for president, Emmons said that at about the same time he was in touch with Clinton's staff about the outsourcing, Clinton -- then a U.S. senator from New York -- was at the 2003 grand opening of a Tata Consultancy Services office in Buffalo.   Tata was the contractor at Siemens.   'The truth is, once the election is over, they do a 180 and create laws that actually harm American workers.', said Emmons.   'Neither party will do anything to help Americans work in America.'"
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
is USA being re-made into a third-world country inevitable?
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"Thousands of U.S. troops safeguard the border of South Korea. U.S. war-ships patrol the South China Sea to stand witness to the territorial claims of Asian allies against [Red China].   U.S. troops move in and out of the Baltic States to signal our willingness to defend the frontiers of these tiny NATO allies.   Yet nothing that happens on these borders imperils America so much as what is happening on our own bleeding border with Mexico.   Over 3 decades, that border has been a causeway into the USA for millions of illegal immigrants who are changing the face of America -- to the delight of those who think the country we grew up in was ugly.   [Since 2008] All sides of this quarrel have been using the figure of 11M people here illegally.   In her new best-seller, _Adios, America!_, Ann Coulter makes a compelling case that the real figure is close to 30M..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
employers have faced little risk in employing illegal aliens; audits, under-cover investigations, enforcement have plummeted since 2013
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Laura Ingraham
Rick Moran: American Thinker
"...Through the first 5 months of this fiscal year [Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb.], U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted just 181 workplace audits and brought charges against only 27 employers, putting it on pace for fewer than 500 audits and just 65 arrests this year. That's less than 15% of the total audits conducted in 2013..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Ali Meyer & Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
advocate for illegal aliens and excessive immigration Salvador Samiento, complains that Obummer is not breaking the US constitution and laws enough (with video)

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
coalition of unions and conservatives opposing fast-track/"trade promotion authority" (TPA), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TATIP), and Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) is tipping-point event
"North American Free Trade Agreement negotiated by Clinton in 1994 promised a net gain of 200K American jobs, but is estimated to have cost 692,900 jobs;   Permanent Normal Trade Relations (a.k.a. most favored nation) for [Red China] negotiated by Clinton in 1999 was supposed to support 150K American jobs, but appears to have directly cost 3.2M jobs and contributed to the loss of 6M U.S. manufacturing jobs over the next 6 years;   U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement negotiated by [Obummer] in 2012 was supposed to add 70K jobs, but so far has lost 60K American;   Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiated by [Obummer] claims to 'boost U.S. economic growth, support American jobs, and grow Made-in-America exports'.   But the top proponents of the treaty are Hollywood moguls, multi-national corporations that off-shore jobs, and tech companies that want expanded HB-1 visas to import millions of cheap engineers from Asia to replace Americans...   Former Federal Reserve vice-chairman Alan Blinder and former chairman of [president Obummer's] Council of Economic Advisers Alan Krueger warn that 1 in every 4 American jobs are still vulnerable to being off-shored in the foreseeable future, with the most vulnerable being those holding college and professional degrees that earn over $75K..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
Patrick Buchanan on Sean Hannity show: results of previous "free trade" deals are plain to see in Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and West Baltimore
"'...I was out at the battle of Seattle, and I was with Ralph Nader then on the World Trade Organization [WTO] and the World Bank and all that.   And I fought NAFTA and GATT and most favored nation [status] for [Red China].   And I think I was right.   We see [Red China] -- a huge, monstrous power now that's got $4T in trade surpluses in the last 20 years at our expense, which provided them the military and the naval and the air force that now threaten us and our allies off the coast of Asia.   We've had $11T in trade deficits since 1992.   I mean, I said we were going to lose our manufacturing.   I never thought it would be this horrendous this fast.   We lose 5M or 6M manufacturing jobs [from old iron to high-tech] in the first decade of the [21st] century and 55K factories?...'"

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
Town Hall
World Net Daily
Investor's Business Daily

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
culture and "social pathology"
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Human Events
"A civilized society's first line of defense is not the law, police and courts but customs, traditions, rules of etiquette and moral values.   These behavioral norms -- mostly transmitted by example, word of mouth and religious teachings -- represent a body of wisdom distilled over the ages through experience and trial and error.   They include important thou-shalt-nots, such as thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not cheat.   They also include all those courtesies that have traditionally been associated with ladylike and gentlemanly conduct.   The failure to fully transmit these values and traditions to subsequent generations represents one of the failings of what journalist Tom Brokaw called _The Greatest Generation_.   People in this so-called great generation, who lived during the trauma of the Great Depression and fought World War 2, not only failed to transmit the moral values of their parents but also are responsible for government programs that will deliver economic chaos..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
you can't say that?!?
Town Hall

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
differences between left and right (part 4): the left rejects painful truths, even tries to ignore mildly discomfortable truths
Town Hall
World Net Daily

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Cathy Young _Jewish World Review_
acknowledging an aspect of reality should not kill a career

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
lingering GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression and government depredations are driving Americans to drink

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
adoption battle may not be what it seems

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
"...Here's to those who want their friends and family to make a day memorable through their true generosity, flinging open the doors wide and saying, 'Celebrate this with us!   Haven't we been fortunate to have a measure of success, a taste of love, a chance to use our talents and cross a new threshold!   Here's to raising a glass and breaking bread, to marking a day as magnificent because we have the privilege of being part of this cherished community.   Authentic joy is always increased when it's shared.   There's no better way to say to life than to cheer the living of it.'   And you don't need a pricey dress, a rented suit or PayPal account to make that work."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Red China's big hack attack
Washington DC Times

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
leftists declare open season against Christians
Town Hall
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
student loan debt: forgive and forget? you get what you pay for? to have and have not?
Town Hall
"I do feel for any adults who took out loans to pay for college courses that they expected to help land them jobs -- but didn't [like one-half to two-thirds of STEM grads over the last 25 years]..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Tom Purcell _Jewish World Review_
defaulting on personal responsibility

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
dozens of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages regarding conditions in Libya were withheld from select congressional committee investigating the attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
Victor Morton: Washington DC Times

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Darrell Issa (R-CA) former chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was ejected by chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) from closed-door deposition of Sidney Blumethal

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Mike Adams _Town Hall_
1st amendment centers

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Susan Stamper Brown _Town Hall_
let us ditch the political correctness

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Larry Kudlow _Town Hall_
Randy Richardson: USA's philanthropist

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Edward White _Town Hall_
given yet another chance will the supremes topple unconstitutional national socialist ObummerDoesn'tCare?

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Gabe Roth _Town Hall_
judges should have term limits, and "good behavior" should be clearly and appropriately defined

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Jon Schweppe _Town Hall_
the new "shut up" culture
"...All of us -- conservatives, liberals, libertarians, even socialists -- have a vested interest in a country that values the freedom of speech.   Let's make sure we protect it."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
_Town Hall_/_AP_
Kurds re-took key border town Tal Abyad, Syria

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Daniel Davis _Town Hall_
corrupt Obummer IRS won't hand over 6,500 Lois Lerner e-mail messages regarding abuse of non-leftists

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
CBO: US government debt picture has worsened dramatically, could accelerate USA economic death spiral
Joseph Lawler: Washington DC Examiner
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"...The Budget Office, a non-partisan in-house think tank for congress, projected that the federal debt is set to rise from 74% of economic output [GDP] today to 103% by 2040, driven by spending on government health-care and retirement programs and interest payments on the debt...   Spending on [Socialist Insecurity], Medicare, Medicaid, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] subsidies and other [unconstitutional] health-care programs will rise from an average 6.5% of gross domestic product over the past 50 years to 14.2% of GDP by 2040..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Sarah Westwood _Washington DC Examiner_
temporary State Dept. OIG Harold Geisel, is suing to keep Clinton documents secret
"Geisel claimed the records should be withheld under the Privacy Act [of 1974, which extremely weakly protects all natural persons from illegal demands by local, state and federal agencies for Socialist Insecurity Numbers, and weakly limits passing about personal private information] and demanded they be returned to the State Department in 2013 June...   The drafts in question showed the inspector general's office had removed damaging findings about high-level interference at the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which is tasked with investigating allegations of misconduct among diplomatic officials.   Deleted findings that appear in the drafts, but not the final report, suggested State Department officials had at times blocked investigations that might have embarrassed ambassadors or other 'rising stars' in the agency...   Geisel cited 'attorney-client privilege'..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
doctor Ben S. Carson has taken the lead in latest poll

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
the truth about "oppressed" Palestinians occupying Israel

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
after 1981 assassination attempt, Ronald Reagan carried a firearm

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
supremes reject appeal of visa denial
Steven Nelson: US News & World Report
"Justices found in Kerry v. Din that naturalized U.S. citizen Fauzia Din cannot force greater explanation about or overturn in court the rejection of her Afghan husband Kanishka Berashk's visa application.   The couple married in 2006.   A year later, Din became an American citizen and Berashk requested a U.S. visa to join her.   But his prior work in the Taliban-controlled government of Afghanistan apparently derailed the plan..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Dems/Reds/leftists seek to violate 2nd amendment at airports

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Colt Defense LLC has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection: $355M in debts
Christian Science Monitor
Matt Jarzemsky: Wall Street Journal
"Colt began making firearms in the 19th century and boasts two of the most iconic guns of American history: the Colt revolver and the Colt 1911.   The company also made a strong name for itself with the M4 -- a fully automatic military rifle on the AR-15 platform.   In 2013, Colt lost the contract to supply the Army with the M4..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
PEGIDA: Europe needs to imitate India, elect leaders who will get Islam under control

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
German man has died of complications from MERS

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Elizabeth Harrington _Fox_
HHS OIG: Obummer regime has "misplaced" $2.9G through ObummerDoesn'tCare (look in their political activism slush funds)
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Russia rattles sabre, threatens retaliation if USA continues to defend European allies

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Pamela Geller won't hide from Muslim terrorists: I'm a free person and I'm fighting for freedom

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
vile House GOP losership do the wrong thing... again
Daniel Newhauser: National Journal

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: we will make America great again, repeal ObummerDoesn'tCare, terminate Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal executive order on immigration, build wall on southern border, beef up military, return education to locals

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Catholic bishops perform great exorcism of entire Mexican nation

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
rising religious persecution: Islam threatens Christians, Jews, Hindus
"All religious faiths are victims of persecution somewhere.   Over the last year 'a horrified world has watched the results of what some have aptly called violence masquerading as religious devotion' in several nations, observed the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in its latest annual report.   However, the fact that everyone is persecuted does not mean that everyone persecutes equally, or at all.   Worst are authoritarian regimes and majority Muslim nations, which almost uniformly persecute.   The Commission highlighted 27 countries for particularly vicious treatment of religious minorities.   9 states make the first tier, 'Countries of Particular Concern', in State Department parlance: Burma, [Red China], Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
_Conservative HQ_
corrupt House GOP losership trying to sneak TAA tax increase into intelligence bill rule

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
art students wood-painting under rockets near the Gaza=Palestine border in Ashkelon/Asqelon

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
DoS OIG says Broadcasting Board of Governors exercises little oversight of spending

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Tom Howell ii & Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
patent law perversion bill under fire from left and right

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Pat Boone to appear at Heritage Foundation (streaming live tomorrow at noon EDT)

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
senator Ted Cruz _Washington DC Times_
DoS must release Iran human rights report now
"The State Department is required by law to release this report on February 25 of this year.   On April 16, the department announced a further delay but gave no indication of when it might appear.   Our letter requested the department release the report by May 15 or furnish a thorough explanation for the delay..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Stephen Dinan & Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
corrupt GOP losership giving corrupt Obummer another chance to ram through evil PTA, TAA, TPP, TATIP, TISA package deal to financially ruin USA

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
OPM audit: federal background check system is vulnerable to hacking
Don't conflate "background checks", which are mere data-base look-ups, with "background investigations", though the data related to either could, if they're especially stupid, be kept on one data-base.

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
StarWars: Russia claims it has a micro-wave beam that can knock out warheads and UAVs from 6 miles away

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
after hacking US government personnel files, Red Chinese barbarians will dine with the haughty John Kerry at Mt. Vernon

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
Marxist roots of the assult on American families
Town Hall

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Lynn Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
the American family: endangered and disappearing
"One major factor in the disintegration of families in America is the movement of young adults away from marriage...   The median age at first marriage is now 27 for women and 29 for men, up from 20 for women and 23 for men in 1960 [and the historical 18-22]...   The Pew Research Center also shows that the pool of unmarried men age 25-34 who have jobs has fallen steadily from 1960 (139M) to 2012 (only 91M)..."
I wrote it in 1996 and I'll keep on saying and writing it: Show me the jobs!   Show me the money!

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Vladimir Isachenkov _Cybercast News Service_
Russia adding 40 new intercontinental missiles this year
World Net Daily
Maria Tsvetkova: Reuters

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Emily Richards _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer is trying to lawyer his way into an imperial presidency, an autocracy
"...'You see, ladies and gentlemen, these people are not progressive in any way.   They don't believe in human progress.   They are regressive.   They are throw-backs.   Mankind has been fighting this kind of tyranny, this kind of mindset, this kind of ethos from the beginning...'"

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
Obummer's HUD scheme all part of the leftist totalitarian master plan

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
doctor Ben S. Carson _WND_
enlightened self-interest and our shared destiny

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Barrett Moore _WND_
the elitist, short-sighted bunker billionaires

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Iran is behind Hezballah scheme to attack Israeli and Jewish sites in Europe

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
African allegedly swung at cop with 6-foot metal flag-pole and was shot in Louisville KY this past Saturday

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
taliban and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate continue Afghan turf wars

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
indictment charges that men who attacked cartoon contest in Garland TX had outside help
"...Decarus Thomas, aka Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, is scheduled to appear in a Phoenix courtroom on Tuesday afternoon, facing 3 counts: conspiracy, interstate transportation of firearms with intent to commit a felony, and making a false statement..."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
former Israeli ambassador Michael Oren: Obummer has a problem/dislike for the USA

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Green Beret efforts to defeat ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate hampered by faulty intelligence system

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Sally C. Pipes _Washington DC Times_
Tom Price (R-GA) has proposed eradication of ObummerDoesn'tCare, provide free market-based reforms to expand access to care while lowering costs

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Ken Blackwell _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery, Dems/Reds/leftists are counting on voting fraud
"As a former Ohio secretary of state, I've learned a thing or two about vote fraud.   To bring it off in large enough numbers to swing a statewide election, you need two crucial elements: a heavily populated area, so you can manufacture enough votes to count; and a jurisdiction with one-party rule, so you won't be challenged.   Inner cities are the ideal environment.   During the 2012 elections, a total of 58 Philadelphia precincts registered no -- zero -- votes for Mitt Romney, and in 2008, armed thugs chased Republican poll watchers away from the polls [just as Libertarian and Republican poll wathers were ejected from re-counts in 2000]...   On-line registration would make impersonation of legitimate voters and creation of dummy voters much easier.   Automatic registration would be a vote fraud nuclear bomb.   Under the present system, voter registration constitutes a major impediment to voter fraud, because you can't cast a vote without first registering.   If everybody is registered, however, there’s no need to chase down unregistered voters.   A corrupt city administration could simply check the election records, determine who habitually does not show up to vote, and fill out fraudulent absentee ballots in their names.."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
UNRWA in the Gaza Strip=Palestine is harmful

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Israeli settlements in eastern Israel: a videoed panel discussion

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Elizabeth Potter _Washington DC Examiner_
Scott Walker says he's interested in having Marco Rubio as his VP; that could be a negative

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Sara Wilson _Liberty News_
Israel's foreign ministry takes a jab at leftist media with cartoon "Open Your Eyes About Gaza=Palestine"
"The Foreign Press Association was less than amused with a cartoon titled 'Open your eyes about Gaza' recently released on Israel's Foreign Ministry YouTube channel and has since been quick to condemn the video.   The cartoon which takes direct aim at foreign journalists who ignorantly report on the Gaza conflict depicts a clueless journalist spinning a sensationalized narrative while completely missing the larger picture.   According to the Times of Israel, the FPA stated that they were 'surprised and alarmed' by the clip mocking the foreign media's coverage of the Gaza conflict.   'At a time when Israel has serious issues to deal with in Iran and Syria, it is disconcerting that the ministry would spend its time producing a 50-second video that [ridicules reporters biased] reporting on a conflict in which 2,100 Palestinians and 72 Israelis were killed.', The FPA stated Monday.   Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon responded to the FPA criticism, explaining the video was intended as more of a lighthearted jab to highlight the fact many journalists lack the willingness to tell the truth.   'The film mocks many journalists with a gentle wink, too many of whom are blind to what is happening around them.', He stated."

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
we'll all be dead from old age long before warmist hysterics admit that they are wrong

2015-06-16 (5775 Sivan 29)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer "science" adviser/warmist hysteric Holdren: cars, trucks, planes must run on electricity, bio-fuels, or hydrogen

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a southern unionist goes home (part 1)

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "There're really only three types of people: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who say, 'What happened?'." --- Ann Landers (source: Jewish World Review)  



1775-06-17: Battle of Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill.

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
William Kristol _Jewish World Review_
keep hope alive!

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
every breath she takes
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
John Nolte: Breitbart

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
the real fast-track threat: trade in services agreement (TISA)
"It is now clear that, even as [RINO losership] have been assuring us that the free flow of labor is not covered in the TPP, it is the entire point of much of TISA.   An article by Daniel Costa and Ron Hira of the Economic Policy Institute wades through the pages of TISA documents posted on WikiLeaks to find provisions on open immigration.   Article 4, concerning 'Entry and Temporary Stay of Natural Persons', states signatories 'shall not maintain or adopt Economic Needs Tests, including labor market tests, as a requirement for a visa or work permit'.   Costa and Hira explain: 'IOW, U.S. laws or regulations limiting guestworkers only to jobs where no U.S. workers were available would violate the terms of the treaty.'   Article 5 goes further, proposing that member nations 'shall take market access and national treatment commitments for intra-corporate transferees, business visitors, and...   contractual service suppliers and independent professionals'.   The draft then goes on to require signatories to 'allow entry and temporary stay of [contractual service suppliers and independent professionals, i.e. bodies shopped]' in a long list of specific fields.   The covered occupational sectors listed include landscape architectural services, medical services, midwife and nursing, business services dealing with maintenance and repair of equipment, general construction, assembly work, refuse disposal and sanitation, hotels and restaurants, and transport services, among others -- precisely areas that use huge numbers of legal and illegal foreign workers...   Costa and Hira point out that 'foreign firms would not be required to advertise jobs to U.S. workers, or to hire U.S. workers if they were equally or better qualified for job openings in their own country'.   They note that the treaty means that 'potentially hundreds of thousands of workers could enter the United States every year... importing cheaper labor to supplant American workers'..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
DHS released dozens of convicted rapists, child molesters

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Laura Ingraham
Jessica Vaughan: Because of the corrupt Obummer regime, employers face almost zero risk of punishment for hiring illegal immigrants (mp3)

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
in cynical ploy for more cheap, young, pliant labor with flexible ethics, Mark Zuckerberg encourages and rewards illegal alien invasion
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
Mark Krikorian: National Review
"Adding to this organizational failure is the increasing attention on the tech industry's manipulation of immigration policy -- especially the H-1b program for importing cheap software drones -- when there's no shortage of tech workers.   Over the past year, hundreds of American tech workers have been fired and subjected to the further humiliation of being forced, as a condition of the severance package, to train their foreign replacements.   Southern California Edison was the first to hit the news for this conduct; Fossil also replaced its Americans with foreigners.   The most notable example happened at Disney, whose theme-parks division in October replaced some 250 American workers with cheaper foreigners on visas, whom the Americans had to train to do their jobs...   Washington [DC] also noticed, with a bipartisan group of ten senators demanding an investigation of the firings, causing the Labor Department [DoL] to reverse an earlier decision not to look into the matter.   (The probe is not likely to uncover any wrongdoing, because current law allows employers to use the H-1b program to replace U.S. workers, despite false claims to the contrary by H-1b boosters.)   What are tech billionaires looking for cheaper [more pliant, less ethically principled] imported labor to do?...   In another year or two, the Today Show will make it a regular feature and the Times will run a 6-part series on the commemoration every June.   But none of that would happen if Zuckerberg called his effort by a more accurate name: Cheap Foreign Labor Month."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime rhetoric at odds with reality on alien smuggling and other immigration-related prosecutions
"...According to internal US ICE statistical reports, in federal fiscal year (FFY) 2014, there were 1,140 convictions for alien smuggling.   US ICE was responsible for initiating only 338 of them, which is less than 30%.   US ICE reports also reflect that for the first half of FY2015 (which began last October 1), the figures are even more abysmal: There have only been 289 alien smuggling convictions through March, of which ICE initiated 77 -- less than 27%..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
NYTimes almost got it right this time on H-1Bs
"In 1998, congress explicitly made it legal to replace Americans with H-1B workers in nearly all circumstances.   In 2004, congress explicitly gave employers the ability to pay H-1B workers extremely low wages.   When the Times writes, 'A mass influx of foreigners doing the jobs of the workers they displace is clearly not what the law intended', they are completely wrong.   What happened at Southern California Edison and Walt Disney World was by careful design; not accident.   In enacting such provisions, congress hoped that the news media would continue to ignore these displacements of American workers.   With only a very few exceptions, congressmen calling for investigations are expressing outrage over gambling at Rick's.   Second, the Times claims that needed reforms were 'contained in a senate bill to overhaul the immigration system'.   WRONG.   S744 originally contained some largely symbolic provisions to address H-1B abuse.   They were stripped from the bill thanks largely to the efforts of senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).   S744 contained no provisions whatsoever to reform H-1B visas, unless you consider giving employers access to an effectively unlimited number of foreign workers 'reform'.   The Times editorial board's claim that 'worker protection has always been a core ideal of comprehensive immigration reform' is delusional.   The Times editorial board has made the first step: Recognizing abuse in the immigration system.   They need to take the next step: Read a bill before you endorse it."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Tom Hohmann _WND_
Syrian Muslim "refugees" began pouring into the USA 6 months ago
"only 4.9% of the 922 Syrians brought to the U.S.A. so far as refugees have been Christians...   The State Department insists they are 'intensely screened' even as the FBI has admitted they are impossible to screen because the U.S.A. has no 'boots on the ground in Syria' and Syria is a 'failed state' with no reliable law-enforcement data, said Michael Steinbach, deputy director of the FBI's counter-terrorism unit, in his Feb. 11 testimony before McCaul's committee..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
the anti-science left
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Human Events

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
meet the USA's point man against cyber-attacks: we're doomed!!!

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
why are some Americans ignoring a cyber Pearl Harbor?
"...Joel Brenner, America's top counterintelligence official from 2006 to 2009, says the stolen data amounts to the 'crown jewels' of USA intelligence.   'This tells the [Red Chinese] the identities of almost everybody who has got a United States security clearance.', he told the Associated Press..."
So, plug the hole and start running background investigations on and then training of a few tens of thousands of new people.   Assist some of the old people to move.   Black-mail-proof everyone.   Mix it up.   Chop chop, no dawdling!   Obsolete info does them zero good.

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
the road to historic chaos, enropy on a scale not seen in centuries
Washington DC Times
Town Hall

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Deborah Kotz _Jewish World Review_
Lysenko was not exactly right, but sort of
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Washington DC Jewish Week
"Moshe Szyf, a geneticist and molecular biologist at McGill University in Montreal...   Researchers studying the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors have found that they have higher rates of post-traumatic stress after enduring car accidents, possibly due to modifications in their stress hormone system inherited from their survivor parents.   Szyf, however, prefers to take an optimistic view of his field, called behavioral epigenetics...   [methylation of DNA in adulthood] due to changes in diet or environmental toxins.   Those epigenetic additions could be passed on to future generations, causing permanent changes in gene function...   genes controlling the production of stress hormone receptors had high levels of methyl groups attached to them compared to genes from pups raised by attentive, nurturing mothers..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
no adults allowed

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Trey Gowdy: Hitlery's confidant vicious Sid Blumenthal forwarded unvetted Libya intel, but did not originate them
Town Hall
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
FBI: 3rd man in Garland jihad attack on cartoon contest also planned to attack Super Bowl XLIX at U of Phoenix stadium in Glendale
NY Daily News wire story

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Bob Barr _Town Hall_
Hitlery vs. Hitlery

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Mark Nuckols _Town Hall_
the danger of Putin's ignorance
"...His very limited geo-political vision is to somehow try to turn third-rate Russia into the global superpower he believed it was in his youth.   And if you read his public pronouncements carefully, it is painfully obvious he is shockingly dishonest, woefully ignorant, small-minded, and a potentially mortal threat to the United States and the rest of the civilized world..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Austin Bay _Town Hall_
"Red Chinese cabbage": imperialism with Chinese characteristics

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Edward White _Town Hall_
US Army: 240 years of defending our freedom
"After the Revolutionary War, the Continental Army was disbanded because there was a distrust of standing armies based on our experiences with the British.   State militias remained...   In 1791, the army was re-established (then called the Legion of the United States), and it was renamed the United States Army in 1796.   In 1801, President Thomas Jefferson directed that the Army post at West Point, New York, be turned into the United States Military Academy.   Since its creation in 1802, the United States Military Academy has been producing junior Army officers (Second Lieutenants).   Graduates of the school include Ulysses S. Grant, John Pershing, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Norman Schwarzkopf..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Ken Connor _Town Hall_
united we stand
"Survey after survey shows that Americans are more disillusioned with politics than ever before.   They don't trust that their representatives truly have their interests or the welfare of the nation at heart, but instead their own ambitions.   How long has it been since anyone could say with confidence that the person representing them in congress or in the White House was a grounded, authentic, principled, forthright, honest person?..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
yet another proposal to "improve" presidential candidate debates

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Maggie Ybarra _Washington DC Times_
after Red Chinese hack of OPM records, federal agencies, "law enforcement officers" scurry to demand that their records be protected more than other US citizens

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
bill protecting defenders of traditional marriage re-introduced in congress

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Dave Brat (R-VA) challenged Agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack [on] Tuesday about the extent of the role he believed the federal government should have in school lunch programs
"Brat said he didn't 'want to be sitting here at the federal level, micromanaging all these micro issues' which he said 'belong to the state and local and optimally at the parent level'.   Referring to an earlier remark by representative Bobby Scott (D-VA), Brat said, 'The ranking member made a comment, it's our job to provide nutritious meals.   I think most of us agree with that statement in the short run, but I want to get your thoughts on what you'd make of that in the long run -- both on the economic front and on the ethics front.'..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Texas governor Greg Abbott signed law creating state depository to hold gold and other precious metals

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: USA is an overwhelmingly Christian nation... the most tolerant nation on earth
"'America treats minority religions, including Muslims, like no other country on the face of the earth: with respect, with due process, with certain rights under our First Amendment, under our brilliant Constitution.', Levin retorted on his June 16 broadcast...   'Why didn't she go to this school where these Muslim girls are and say, Let me tell you something: America is a majority Christian nation, an overwhelmingly Christian nation.   It's the most tolerant nation on the face of the earth.   America treats minority religions, including Muslims, like no other country on the face of the earth: with respect, with due process, with certain rights under our First Amendment, under our brilliant Constitution.   We have sent American soldiers, the vast majority of whom are Christian, to places all over the world to protect the poor, to protect victims, to protect women -- women, just like you, who wear head-scarves -- to protect your husbands and your children.   Men and women who have died on the battlefield, in Iraq and Afghanistan, in other places all over the globe, to defend your right to practice your religion and to wear your head-scarf.   'Instead, we get this claptrap from this lady!   She doesn't love this country.   She hates this country.   She doesn't love the American people.   She hates the American people.   She has a chip on her shoulder that doesn't even belong on her shoulder.   This magnificent country has treated her and her husband like no other country on the face of this earth would, or could.   People who talk like this, and not just her and not just him, the people who live in luxuriated America and take advantage of the freedoms that are unique to America -- they're ingrates.   They live in a blessed land and they are blessed people.   They're ingrates.   They don't appreciate the men and women who came before them and who built this magnificent society.'"

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Bobby Jindal to Obummer: never mind trans fats, we've known about trans fats since the late 1980s and we're grown-ups; protect us from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and the on-going invasion of illegal aliens (with video)
Hrmph, but I guess Jindal didn't see the article about too much Kale being poisonous.

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Rand Paul details plans for minor tax tweaks: flat-tax, continued excessive federal extortion and privacy violation

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Greg Richter _News Max_
House Homeland Security committee chairman Mike McCaul: expect more small-scale terror attacks as Independence Day nears

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Nick Sanchez _News Max_
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology student Munther Omar Saleh/Abu Omar al-Ramli from Queens was charged with conspiring to support ISIL, plotting to detonate pressure-cooker bomb
Jordan Schachtel: Breitbart

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Alan Dershowitz: Iran has Obummer regime on its knees (with video)
"'[The Obummer regime] has picked the wrong side here and its lost its allies, and [USA's] allies now have to make alliances among themselves in order to prevent the implementation of a deal that will give Iran a nuclear weapon within 10 years.'"
Iran rebuffed 10 major points of deal, refuses inspections, status of nuclear weapons development

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
House Intelligence committee chairman Pete Hoekstra: Obummer hung Iraqi solders out to dry with pull-out of USA troops

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Chelsea Schilling _WND_
Gallup poll: Americans lose confidence in everything: turning negative on banks, president, congress, supremes, government, churches/synagogues/mosques, police, media
"Only the military (72%) and small business (67%) have Americans' increasing confidence, both of which are now rated 4 percentage points higher than their historical norms, according to the poll.   Congress -- which plunged 16 points from its average of 24 points -- is the lowest ranking institution at just 8%."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Erik Rush _WND_
NAACP story under-scores "black privilege": Dolezal saw a myriad of benefits to "changing her race"
Jack Cashill: in what way is Dolezal less "authentic" than Barack/Barry Hussein Obummer?

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Michael Brown _WND_
Biblical Zionism vs. sentimental Zionism
"If you believe that the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and that the Jewish people have a divine right to their ancient homeland, your views will stand the test of time.   But if you simply have a sentimental attachment to the Jewish people and their state, one that is based on a superficial idealizing of the people of Israel, it won't take much to shake your views..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Israeli deputy-minister for Regional Cooperation Ayoub Kara, a Druze law-maker in prime-minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party urges acceptance of Syrian Druze refugees if Mohammedans attack
"Druze people follow a faith that incorporates elements of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and more.   They [made] up about 3% of Syria's pre-war population of 23M."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
the world is less peaceful now than it was in 2008; economic cost reached $14T in 2014

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Bob Unruh _WND_
ObummerDoesn'tCare subscribers political leanings drifting away from Dems/Reds/leftists

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Christianity could be criminalized in UK
John Bingham: London Telegraph

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Bob Unruh _WND_
magistrate-judge Joe Miller: blame judiciary for same-sex "marriage"; many judges believe the oath they have taken requires no deference to the US constitution
"'Without a doubt, there are a number of enablers, but the federal judiciary is a central driver...   The federal judiciary has largely abandoned any pretext of following the drafters' intent with respect to the Constitution and its amendments as applied to same-sex marriage.   Apparently, these judges believe the oath they have taken requires no deference to the Constitution's plain meaning.'...   'Granted, some judges believe that they are compelled to follow the dictates of [appellate and 'supreme'] courts, even if those decisions violate the written Constitution.', he continued.   'This is a poor excuse, as the judge's oath is to the Constitution, not to some twisted interpretation of it.   While indefensible, this approach stands in contrast to the illegitimacy of other members of the federal judiciary who spin dozens of pages of judicial decisions, ginning up creative and largely illogical reasons for why constitutional language -- drafted when homosexuality was criminalized throughout the United States -- somehow now compels protection of same-sex marriage and sodomy.'   His comments were made in a series of commentaries about the looming U.S. Supreme Court decision in a case organized and funded by the the United States Justice Foundation..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
love most of Donald Trump's message, but is his brand actually hurting his chances?

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
media melt-down after Donald Trump spoke honestly about immigration

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
"American Transparency" exposed crony socialist boondoggle for Export-Import insiders
"In a report that is truly shocking, even by today's standards of insider pillaging of the American Treasury, openthebooks.com, a project of American Transparency, has documented how large private banks processed more than $127G in Ex-Im supported transactions since 2007, while having an ownership stake in the private bank empowered to trade on the guaranteed loan portfolio of Ex-Im.   Here's how it works according to the openthebooks.com report: Ex-Im mitigates all credit risk to private banks by guaranteeing payments from foreign importers.   The big banks use this [tax-victim] guarantee to collect fees and profits with very limited downside.   So far, they've avoided intense scrutiny.   They include Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, New York Mellon, Deutsche, Bank of America, and many others...   The 'spun-off' private bank is the Private Export Funding Corporation (PEFCO).   It's incorporated in Delaware and chartered to trade only in products bearing a full Ex-Im guarantee (or U.S. Treasury equivalent)...   So PEFCO, is owned by some of the largest beneficiaries of Ex-Im support...   Even in Angola, where the people face malnourishment and starvation, PEFCO provided the long-term loan to the state-owned Ministry of Finance for the $256M purchase of Boeing airplanes with an Ex-Im guarantee.   How convenient that Boeing owns 17% of PEFCO...   the former Ex-Im Chief Operating Officer John McAdams recently joined the PEFCO board and Rita Rodriquez, a former Ex-Im Bank director is also a PEFCO director.   The top corporate officers at Boeing, [Bank of India], JP Morgan, Citizens Financial, Citibank, and Mellon are also directors at PEFCO..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Aaron Bandler _Town Hall_
crazy uncle Joe Biteme: we should have bombed USA's steel mills and coal mines in WW1

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
UN "peace-keepers" have been paying a price to spread genetic diversity in Haiti

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Steven Greenhut _Human Events_
water market is the best hope to ease effects of drought in crazy left-coast California

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
James Zumwalt _Breitbart_
the joint chiefs of staff are our last, best hope to stop Obummer's insane deal to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"The U.S. senate has a constitutional mandate to ratify all treaties.   However, on May 7th, the [current corrupt] senate passed [an anti-constitutional] bill relinquishing that authority as to this treaty.   The bill reversed the normal senate ratification process.   Instead of 67 votes being required for treaty approval, 67 votes are now required to block the deal.   The normal treaty process puts the onus upon a president unlikely, in this case, to amass the necessary 67 votes for approval.   However, this bill now puts that onus on a senate majority unlikely to muster the necessary 67 votes to block it.   This leaves but one authoritative body positioned to de-rail [Obummer's] runaway 'nuclear-deal-with-Iran-at-any-cost' train..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
massive media failure: citizenry are twice as confident in police as in the media

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Jim de Mint: Obummer's TPP, TATIP, TISA are not free and honest trade
National Interest: it's free trade in name only
"In the words of former senator Fritz Hollings, the entire delegation viewed [this perversion of] free trade as 'the commercial equivalent of unilateral disarmament'.   As a free-market conservative, free trade is in my DNA.   It is a trait shared by many of my former colleagues in congress today, and they are correct that perfection is usually unattainable in the legislative process.   That is why I voted in favor of granting President Bush trade promotion authority (TPA) in 2002 even though that bill contained what we now know is an egregiously ineffective welfare program [with a large dose of crony socialist political graft] -- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)...   Research by The Heritage Foundation and many others shows that TAA does not help participants get back on their feet.   An evaluation by Mathmatica found the program financially hurt not only the [tax-victims] but even the participants themselves.   The Government Accountability Office [GAO] confirmed these retrained workers make less money than their non-TAA-assisted counterparts..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: Trans-Pacific Partnership like the worst aspects of the EU, a scheme worse than any such deal USA has ever seen before (except maybe the UN)
"Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has issued yet another clarion call to House Republicans urging them to abandon GOP [losership's] desperate ploys to bring [TPP, TATIP and TISA] back to life and instead vote against Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and stop [president Obummer] from getting even more power in his final years in office...   'It is essential that there be no misunderstanding: fast-track preapproves the formation of not only the unprecedentedly large Trans-Pacific Partnership, but an unlimited number of such agreements over the next six years.', Sessions said.   'Those pacts include three of the most ambitious ever contemplated.   After TPP comes the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the United States and the European Union, followed by the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), seeking as one its goals labor mobility among more than 50 nations.   Together, these 3 international compacts encompass three-fourths of the world's GDP.   Including the nations whose membership is being courted for after enactment, the countries involved would encompass nearly 90% of global GDP.   Yet, through fast-track [TPA], congress will have authorized the president to ink these deals before a page of them has been made public.   Then, the executive sends congress implementing legislation to change U.S. law -- legislation which cannot be amended, cannot be filibustered, and will not be subjected to the Constitutional requirement for a two-thirds treaty vote.'...   'According to the European Commission, the TiSA agreement -- which most House and senate members did not know about when they voted -- will follow in the foot-steps of the WTO's [terrible] Trade in Services Provisions, which has already inhibited the U.S. from making needed immigration changes.', Sessions said.   'The European Commission says the EU wants as many countries as possible to join the agreement.   We have already seen how the EU has curtailed sovereignty in Europe; we do not want to follow in its foot-steps.'..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Tim Constantine _Washington DC Times_
USA has become a land of leftist make-believe

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Betsy McCaughey _Washington DC Times_
Obummer war against suburbia
Investor's Business Daily

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Michael Curtis _American Thinker_
Hamas war crimes in Gaza=Palestine
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Hugh Hewitt: Ted Cruz is the front-runner and he would rout Hitlery Rotten Clinton in debate

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Chris Edwards _Cato_
the need to reduce federal government debt
"...Figure 2 shows that from 1791 to 1929, the federal government balanced its budget in 68% of the years.   But from 1930 to 2015, the government balanced its budget in just 15% of the years..."

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Mark Levin
trade promotion authority boondoggle is back, and turn-coat Boehner is pushing it, with lies to congress-critters

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer warmist, anti-coal hysteria is driving up electric bills, decreasing US citizens' quality of life
Rick Moran: American Thinker

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Robert Ellison _American Thinker_
the only UN "sustainable development" goal needed is economic freedom

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
a southern unionist goes home (part 2)

2015-06-17 (5775 Sivan 30)
Bill Federer _WND_
1775-06-17: battle of Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "That no free gov't, or the blessing of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, & virtue, & by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles." --- VA Declaration of Rights article 15 (quoted in Francis N. Thorpe 1909 _The Federal & State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, & Other Organic Laws of the States, Territories, & colonies_ vol 1 pg 7; quoted in Jack N. Rakove 1996 _Original Meanings_ pg 307)  



2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
NYTimes goes off-script, but still off the mark on H-1B visa program

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
blatant HP job ad

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the new world map
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
"Adolf Hitler started World War 2 by attacking Poland on 1939 September 1.   Nazi Germany moved only after it had already remilitarized the Rhineland, absorbed Austria and dismantled Czechoslovakia.   Before the outbreak of the war, Hitler's new Third Reich had created the largest German-speaking nation in European history.   Well before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Imperial Japanese government had redrawn the map of Asia and the Pacific.   Japan had occupied or annexed Indochina, Korea, Manchuria and Taiwan, in addition to swaths of coastal China.   Attacking Hawaii, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia was merely the logical 1941 follow-up to more than a decade of Japanese aggression...   The Islamic State plans to take Baghdad to make it the capital of a radical Sunni caliphate from what is left of Syria and Iraq.   Its enemy, theocratic Iran, is forging its own Shiite empire.   Through its proxies, Iran now effectively runs much of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.   When Teheran [is ready to use] a nuclear bomb, it will urge on Shiite minorities to overthrow the Sunni monarchies in the rich, oil-exporting Persian Gulf nations...   As in the 1930s, [a non-interentionist] United States is again watching the new map unfold from the sidelines..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
first Mary Jo Kopechne, the the USA; 50 years after passage of Ted Kennedy's immigration bill it is drowning USA in left-wing immigrants
Media Research Center News Busters
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Human Events
"Senator Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration act allowed the Dems/Reds/leftists to start winning elections the same way they win recounts: by enlarging the pool of voters.   [Leftists] couldn't convince Americans to agree with them, but they happened to notice that the people of most other countries in the world already agreed with them...   One year before Clinton's re-election in 1996, the Immigration and Naturalization Service began running a 'pro-Democrat voter mill' -- as the agency itself complained -- by processing 1M citizenship applications before Election Day..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Nick Sanchez _News Max_
Disney relents very slightly, calls back 35 (out of 250) furloughed US citizen STEM professionals
NJ-based cross-border bodyshop Cognizant was one of the firms they brought in in January and were going to use to displace these additional Americans.

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer is correct on something; his father was not an "immigrant"
"[President Barack Hussein Obummer] recently recognized the so-called 'Immigrant Heritage Month' -- a phony creation of cheap labor lobbyists...   The unofficial designation is simply a facade designed to advance [Obummer's] amnesty agenda and help companies obtain cheap tech workers from abroad.   During his weekly address on the subject, Obama promised to push for more immigration despite high unemployment, but also made an admission that highlights the inaccurate language used all too often in the immigration debate.   Without realizing it, [Obummer] supported those of us who prefer use of accurate terminology when discussing immigration.   [Obummer] noted that his 'father was not an immigrant'.   This is true.   An 'immigrant' as defined by Merriam-Webster, is a person who moves to a country to take up 'permanent residence'.   As a foreigner in the United States on a temporary basis with a student visa, Barack Obama i, was an alien.   As explained in federal law, an alien is 'any person not a citizen or national of the United States'.   This is not a pejorative -- the term allows for clear and precise communication about an often convoluted and confusing topic.   Similarly, a foreigner visiting the United States as a tourist is an alien, as are temporary workers.   Foreigners in the country illegally are appropriately referred to as illegal aliens..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Disney and illusion: the great H-1B visa heist
"Now we learn that another Disney division, Disney ABC Television group, which had told about 30 of its own tech workers that they were also being replaced, has rescinded the move.   The public outcry needed to be calmed.   But no one expects Disney to back away from H-1Bs...   the story quotes University of California-Davis computer science professor Norman Matloff, who says most H-1B workers are 'ordinary people doing ordinary work'.   Part of the ordinary work of those involved in pulling off the Great H-1B Visa Heist is to circumvent the often-flimsy rules to protect the interests of American workers.   As Matloff notes [quoting a 2000-04-24 article by Joel Stewart in _Immigration Daily_], the corporations 'have an arsenal of legal means to reject all U.S. workers who apply'.   The article also draws on the work of Michael Teitelbaum, whose article last year for _The Atlantic_, 'The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage' (drawn from his latest book, _Falling Behind?: Boom, Bust, and the Global Race for Scientific Talent_), debunks the myth that American students are shunning the STEM fields.   As the NYRB reports, Teitelbaum 'makes a convincing case that even now the U.S.A. has all the high-tech brains and bodies it needs, or at least that the economy can absorb'.   Here is an excerpt from the NYRB piece that explains what's at work in the minds of corporate executives who moan that they must have foreign workers because of a dreadful shortage of Americans who can cut the tech mustard: 'Most businesses prefer having an oversupply of workers, in part to keep those on board fearful lest they be replaced.   And if less money goes to the rank and file, that often means that more money is available for the executive floors.   In Matloff's view, the dramatic warnings about scarcities of skills are actually all about an industry wanting to lower wages [and younger, more pliant, more ethically flexible employees].'"

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
PEP rallies diffuse responsibility at US ICE
"Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) director Sarah Saldana recently issued an all-hands e-mail broadcast to US ICE employees about the new Priority Enforcement Program (PEP).   She was perhaps responding to criticism that the program, announced by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary Jeh Johnson to replace the Secure Communities program he ordered dismantled in November, was amorphous and unexplained, or perhaps she was reacting to the filing of a Freedom of Information Act law-suit against the government to discover the detailed workings of PEP.   The tone of the e-mail is part PEP rally (sorry) and part encouragement to US ICE employees to embrace the program, which implicitly suggests that either they don't, or that, like the public, they can't figure out what it is; exactly the dearth of information that prompted the law-suit to begin with.   A copy of Saldana's e-mail can be seen here, but be forewarned it's written in the arcane language of 'Blatherskite', now mostly known only to politicians, political appointees, and unwillingly but of necessity, to their bureaucratic minions.   Translated, the email message seems to say this:     'The [Obummer regime] has really screwed up in the past couple of years, as a result of which US ICE's long-time law enforcement partners have abandoned us in droves, leaving you guys high and dry when it comes to getting any kind of cooperation from state and local law enforcement.   Oops.   To cap off the screw-ups, we jettisoned Secure Communities in favor of the absurdly named PEP, which secretary Johnson and I have been scrambling to persuade these former partners who abandoned us is a good program -- so good, in fact, that like a chameleon it can change colors to be anything they want it to be.   But we don't seem to have convinced a lot of people, so now we're dumping this into your laps so that there will be someone to blame when it all heads south.   Pay particular attention, you field office directors, 'cause we've got you in our sights!   We've prepared some generic and pretty useless materials to help you convince your fellow law enforcement types even though we couldn't and, oh BTW, to be sure you understand your directors aren't the only ones on the hook, we've also prepared a generic course you must take and pass on-line ASAP, as you sally forth on this Forlorn Hope.   Good luck, buena suerte, and bon chance; you're gonna need it.'"

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Laura Ingraham
the rising of the beast: Trans-Pacific Partnership is the planned Communist utopian dream, the real world's nightmare
Doug Hagmann: Canada Free Press
"In sum and substance, the TPP appears to be one of the most important end-game mechanisms necessary to usher in a state of global governance.   The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its agent of tyrannical empowerment, the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) exists today as the most overt and sinister example of the Communist utopian dream of a one world government...   There have been several leaks and allegations by those privy to the voluminous document that it extends well beyond trade and is more of an international treaty that will adversely impact our national sovereignty and individual rights...   Fast Track Negotiating Authority, as it was formerly known, prohibits congress from amending (or filibustering) any trade deal created by the President.   It was first written into the Trade Act of 1974, Section 151–154 (19 U.S.C. 2191–2194) and passed by congress.   Set to expire in 1980, it was extended for another 8 years under the Trade Agreements Act of 1979.   In 1988, the Fast Track Negotiating Authority was renewed again, this time serving as the mechanism that ushered in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and ultimately the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).   Note that this was the general time period of the George H.W. Bush administration...   An assessment of what we know suggests that some components of the TPP includes various unpopular iterations of initiatives such as SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, the SPP, NAU, internet regulation, and even [ObummerDoesn'tCare] are included within the framework of the TPP.   This secret agreement also calls for restrictions to be placed on 'intellectual property defined as trademarks, patents, copyrights and geopolitical indicators'.   It also details U.S. corporate [executive] control regarding the three most important things to mankind: health, land use, and the environment..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Laura Ingraham
representative Curt Clawson (R-FL-19): fast track is a disaster for American workers; we have plants closing down because other countries cheat on trade (mp3)
congressional losership's position on trade "Overlooks Personal Devastation to American Families from Washington DC Ivory Tower" (highlights transcript)

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Laura Ingraham
Ann Coulter: we have our own poor people to take care of (mp3)

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
_Conservative HQ_
senator Ted Cruz has introduced Immigration Slush Fund Elimination Act
"...'...The federal government should not be in the business of looting the wallets of those who followed the law and came here legally to fund the president's illegal and unconstitutional amnesty.   This bill will cut off DHS’s credit card and put Congress back in charge of funding the agencies responsible for immigration.'   Specifically the Immigration Slush Fund Elimination Act proposes the following:   End DHS's ability to fund lawlessness.   The [Obummer regime's] DHS, via U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), has admitted it uses so-called offsetting accounts (which function like agency checking accounts) to take the fees it charges legal immigrants and use them to fund amnesty and other activities that Congress has not authorized.   In recent congressional testimony, USCIS chief-financial-officer Joseph Moore confirmed that USCIS can access more than $1G in fee-based funding, and that it used those funds to pay for an unauthorized amnesty processing center in Arlington, VA.   Eliminating the ability of USCIS to use the money it collects to support amnesty and other unauthorized activities is a first step toward reining in the executive branch's lawless approach to immigration.   Restore congressional authority over DHS and immigration issues.   By eliminating the offsetting accounts under USCIS's control, congress would end USCIS's ability to self-fund.   This would reduce USCIS's ability to ignore the people's representatives and restore respect for the Constitution's separation of powers and the legislative power of the purse.   Eliminate DHS's profit incentive, which distracts from the agency's core national security mission..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
illegal alien agitators heckled Marco Rubio for not going even further out of his gourd for amnesty for ever more illegal aliens

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Deroy Murdock _News Max_
Obummer shrugs off murders by illegal aliens, focuses on power-mad schemes like ban on trans-fats
"...For starters, [Obummer's] hands are soaked with the blood of at least 64 people who were murdered by illegal-alien criminal convicts after he failed to deport them and, instead, released them onto America's streets..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
GOP senators demand US ICE answers on illegal aliens who have repeatedly committed additional crimes

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Alan Berkelhammer _Gainesville FL TEA Party_
Jeff Sessions on TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA: a new Pacific union like the EU

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
thousands of Haitian refugees becoming eligible for deportation from Dominican Republic as special path-to-citizenship program expires

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
House GOP losership again attack Americans
"The battle over granting [Obummer] Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and [Obummer's] imminent plan to agree to the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) global governance treaty has exposed just how deeply in thrall to Big Business [executives] are speaker John Boehner and his House [losership] team.   The battle over TPA and the rules for consideration and re-consideration of the trade bill package has rent the House Republican Conference and further alienated millions of populist conservative voters from the Republican Party.   But no matter, all Boehner and his allies seem to care about is granting Big Business a free hand to globalize the U.S. economy and the American workforce and in the process drive down the standard of living for America's hard-pressed working families.   To overcome the opposition of conservative House members to this attack on the voters they were elected to represent, Boehner has conducted a scorched earth campaign that would have been considered to be an outrageous breach of House GOP conference comity just a few years ago...   Several of the members who voted against the rule on Friday hold gavels, including representatives Jim Bridenstine, Louie Gohmert, Mark Meadows, and John Fleming.   In a rational world House leaders would be 'first among equals' and would build consensus among the House Republican Conference for major bills, such as TPA, TAA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.   And if they couldn't find consensus they would not proceed.   But the House Republican Conference under the [losership] of John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise is not a rational world.   Nor is it a place where the interests of the grassroots limited government constitutional conservatives who elect the majority of House Republicans are really represented.   Rather, it is a place where a small clique of oligarchs, Boehner, McCarthy, Scalise and their henchmen, such as Paul Ryan, dictate to the rest of the House Republicans what will happen, and punish them like children if they don't knuckle-under.   Sooner or later conservatives must make a stand against this kind of [losership] lest standing for principle on any issue that is at variance with the Big Business agenda becomes a firing offense and the House Republican Conference is reduced to being nothing more than a collection of toadies for the axis of Wall Street - Washington DC - [corrupt] Sili Valley billionaires who are the invisible hands behind Boehner, McCarthy, Scalise and Ryan."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Goldman Sachs restricts interns to working no more than 17 hours per day... in wake of burnout death induced by all-nighters
Rupert Neate: Manchester Guardian

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
GOP losership conspiring with Dems/Reds/leftists to sneak Export-Import Bank re-authorization into already evil TPA, TPP, TATIP, TISA package
So, when a good bill is defeated, it's defeated forever.   But when an unconstitutional or evil bill os defeated, it's merely a delay of a few hours, for the forces of evil to ram it through in opposition to the citizenry.

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
what if the Obummer regime is hiding the truth about Benghazi?...
Town Hall
Washington DC Times
Adam Dick: Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Liberty News

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Bill Gertz _Jewish World Review_
congress seeks to block USA intelligence from German probe of NSA; Pacific Command may block Red China from war games; crowd-sourced intelligence analysis: Russia threatened by Red China
Washington DC Times

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Bill Schneider _Jewish World Review_
losing our religion: not so fast Dems/Reds/leftists

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
I'm married to my favorite teacher

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
being raised without a father makes things more difficult, but it is not a death sentence
Investor's Business Daily

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
_News Max_
Reuters poll: Scott Walker is favorite of non-leftist Americans
Melanie Batley: News Max: Quinnipiac poll: no clear leader in primaries in FL, PA, OH

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Gallup poll: yes Dems confess they are even less liberal, even farther left now than they were 15 years ago
Joseph Curl: Washington DC Times

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
put aside the gadgets for a while this summer

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
_News Max_
murderer at large after killing 9 at Emanuel AME church in Charleston SC
"State House minority-leader Todd Rutherford told The Associated Press that the church's pastor, state senator Clementa Pinckney, was among those killed.   Pinckney 41, was a married father of 2 who was elected to the state house at age 23, making him the youngest member of the House at the time..."
Sandy FitzGerald: News Max: slain pastor's cousin: the shooter claimed to be targeting blacks for "raping our women" and "taking over our country"
News Max/Reuters/AP: murderer was in the church at a prayer meeting for about an hour before he started killing people
News Max/Reuters: presidential candidates react
Andrew Marszal, Jessica Winch & Rob Crilly: London Telegraph: suspect Dylann Storm Roof in custody
Daniel Doherty: Town Hall: suspect Dylann Storm Roof in custody
John Nolte: Breitbart
S.A. Miller: Washington DC Times
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily: florist who spotted, reported, tailed Dylann Storm Roof says she was guided by God
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times: Glenn Beck going to Charleston SC Emanuel AME church to show the congregation that they are loved
Leo Hohmann: World Net Daily: was murderer on powerful mind-altering drug? when arrested in February he had Suboxone which is prescribed to treat pain and opiate addictions, reportedly popped other pills
Philip Bump: World Net Daily/Washington DC Compost: why google knew about Dylann Storm Roof before you did
Bob Unruh: World Net Daily: hero who stopped 1993 attack on church calls for being armed
World Net Daily: list of drug-affected killers

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
slain pastor/senator Clementa Pinckney's healing words: God teaches us to love all

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Virginia pastor: clergy should be armed as they and church-goers were 200-275 years ago
"Jackson asserts it's a pastor's obligation to protect his congregation.   'Look, I'm a pastor.   If someone comes in to hurt my church members, I have an absolute obligation to defend them, to protect them', he said..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
_News Max_/_AP_
Obummer regime was aware of Red Chinese hack of personnel records 4 weeks before they released the info to the public
"Press guidance from the [regime] sent by e-mail to industry executives on June 2 explained vaguely that an issue with implications for the U.S. intelligence community was about to be disclosed and predicted that it would generate some minor news coverage in Washington and trade periodicals. The AP was read a copy of the guidance..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
_News Max_
GOP losership continue to push evil Obummer trade perversion package, starting with trade promotion authority (TPA) and trade adjustment assistance (TAA)

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Boy Scout testified: I killed troop leader who raped me: court-room breaks into applause
"'From the time I was 8 years old until I was 12, I was sexually assaulted and raped by Dennis Pegg.', said Clark Fredericks, a former scout who spoke in a tense Newton, New Jersey, courtroom about the reasons for his killing.   Pegg also served as a Sussex sheriff's officer, NBC New York reported.   He was killed 3 years ago...   Fredericks said he kept silent about the rapes, despite the fact his best friend, Jeff, was allegedly one of Pegg's victims, too.   Jeff committed suicide in 1983, Fredericks said...   Part of the reason Fredericks said he kept silent was because he didn't think anyone would believe him, due to Pegg's police badge, and part was due to fear.   'Dennis Pegg controlled me by torturing and killing animals in front of me, saying he would do the same to me if I told anyone about our secret.', Fredericks said...   The court-room broke into applause after Fredericks finished testifying, shocking the prosecutor...   Meanwhile, family and friends in the court-room in support of Fredericks said others had reported Pegg as an abuser years ago, but the charges never stuck."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
3-judge panel of 2nd federal circuit court of appeals rules suspected-terrorist aliens imprisoned can sue Shrub regime
"The men who filed the suit were all foreigners of Arab and South Asian descent who had over-stayed their visas in America and were picked up after the terror attacks and held between [a mere] 3 and 8 months in New York and New Jersey.   Then, feds said they were 'suspected terrorists', the Hill reported...   [In her dissent, judge Reena Raggi wrote,] 'Congress, not the judiciary, is the appropriate branch to decide whether the detained aliens should be allowed to sue executive policy-makers in their individual capacities for money damagers', she wrote, the Hill reported.   The case, Turkmen v. Ashcroft, stemmed from a 2002 class action law-suit against [then attorney-general John Ashcroft], then-FBI director Robert Mueller and various other federal agents."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Derek Hunter _Town Hall_
free us from ObummerDoesn'tCare
"...You'd think this would be a golden opportunity for Republicans to step up and offer a bold vision, a free-market vision for total repeal and replacement.   But they haven't.   In fact, they haven't done much of anything.   In between internal squabbling over what to do, what to offer, and how to do it, they've only offered tiny chips away at the Great Pyramid of Giza sized stone that is the problem..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Steve Chapman _Town Hall_
why so we do such a poor job of sorting good behavior from bad behavior and rewarding or penalizing police accordingly?
"In Police Land, every cop is a model citizen, including those who outwardly resemble criminals.   When a cop thrashes or kills someone, the ensuing investigations almost always find that what the officer did was excusable, if not commendable.   Jesus Christ would get tougher scrutiny from a band of angels than most cops do from the people who review their conduct... Over four years, The Chicago Tribune recently reported, only 4 percent of all 17,700 complaints against Chicago police were upheld. In those rare instances, the punishment was the equivalent of a disappointed sigh. Of the few cops found to have abused citizens, nearly half got off with verbal reprimands, and only a dozen were fired. Even a court finding of misconduct doesn't count for much. The Tribune uncovered several cases in which victims filed law-suits and got monetary damages -- even though the department had cleared the officers..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Rachel Marsden _Town Hall_
CIA report reveals alarming flaws in US intelligence
"...In 2000 January, an FBI officer assigned to the CTC wrote a critical travel memo about 2 of the 2001/09/11 hijackers that was intended to be sent from the CIA to the FBI.   It was never sent because it was 'in the wrong format or needed editing'...

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Paul Dykewicz _Town Hall_
private tax-victim costs from riots by Obummer regime operatives/agitators in Baltimore continue to add up

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Arthur Kane _Town Hall_
tax-victims left holding the bag on bad loans for country-clubs, boats, wineries

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Michael Hammond _Town Hall_
Boehner, McConnell working for the Dems/Reds/leftists
paraphrasing in part: "While Obummer is counting on RINOs to save his legacy, he is spitting in their faces, and trampling the US constitution on eery other issue.   Whether Obummer can recover his 'legacy' by next November will probably determine which party controls the White House in 2017...   Currently, Barack Hussein Obummer is on his face.   But, if the GOP Republican losership can pick him up by reincarnating fast-track, he may be able to replicate Reagan's singular electoral achievement.   So why would the congressional Republican leadership lead an initiative for the Dems/Reds/leftists?   And why would they push relentlessly -- punishing Republicans for voting their own conscience -- after the losership's efforts have been condemned by the citizenry?   It's time to derail fast-track.   And the first step is for every GOP congressmen to vote against the rule to enable it.   The message is clear: Congressmen: If you think fast-track is a disaster, don't support it on the critical vote -- the vote on the rule.   Handing Barack Hussein Obummer a legacy-creating victory is not worth the glowing main-stream media press which the GOP congressional losership covets.   Rest assured: That love affair will be ephemeral."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
House voted by a large margin to repeal ObummerDoesn'tCare tax on medical equipment

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
path of destruction: to ram through Obummer's harmful to USA package (TPA, TPP, TATIP, TISA) Paul Ryan hijacked bill to help fire-fighters
"The path of destruction House Ways and Means Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) is blazing to sneak [TPA, TPP, TATIP & TISA] past unsuspecting Americans is getting longer and wider.   Now it's become clear he's using fire-fighters, of all people, to get it done...   Ryan needed to gut a previous bill that has passed the House and senate and then insert [TPA] into it...   'On behalf of more than 300K professional fire fighters and emergency medical personnel, I strongly urge you to oppose HRes321 which attaches Trade Promotion Authority to HR2146, the Defending Public Safety Employees Retirement Act', Harold Schaitberger, the general president of the International Association of Fire Fighters, wrote to all members of congress on Thursday morning..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
corrupt House losership rammed through evil, anti-constitution TPA + TAA
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Herbert London _Washington DC Times_
a modern balance of power; more dictatorships, less liberty

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz: 2016 will be the religious liberty election

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Douglas Ernst _Washington DC Times_
U.S. Navy's new Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) is so powerful that it can skip a 4-ton cart across the water like a pebble

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
House repealed ObummerDoesn'tCare tax on medical devices

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
incompetent/evil Obummer backs his incompetent/evil OPM chief
Jerome Schmitt: American Thinker: Red China was given OPM network keys
John Hayward: Breitbart: OPM UNIX sys admins in Argentina and Red China: gross incompetence; antiquated early-1970s technology (COBOL was declared obsolete by experts by 1975)
Sean Gallagher: Ars Technica: encryption would not have helped because they had "valid user credentials" and the run of the network, bypassing security

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Sierra Rayne _American Thinker_
top 40 more-or-less pro-America web-sites (from Alexa)
rankrank last weekname
33Independent Journal Review
44Wall Street Journal
55Drudge Report
66Western Journalism
1011Conservative Tribune
1110World Net Daily
1212Young Conservatives
1313News Max
1414Washington DC Times
1515Daily Caller
1717National Review
2020Town Hall
2122Top Right News
2323Investor's Business Daily
2424Hot Air
2527Allen West
2725Chicks on the Right
2831Federalist Papers Project
2928Right Wing News
3026Washington DC Free Beacon
3134Weekly Standard
3232Washington DC Examiner
3438Christian Today
3535Cybercast News Service
3633Christian Post
3740Media Research Center News Busters
3826American Thinker
3926Mad World News
4026Free Republic

Honorable mention:
BizPAC Review
Cafe Hayek
Conservative HQ
Conservative Tree House
Daily Signal
Discover the Networks
First Things
Freedom OutPost
Front Page Magazine
GateWay Pundit
Laura Ingraham
Krugman in Wonderland
Libertarian Republic
Ludwig von Mises Institute
National Post
News Machete
Power Line
Right Scoop
Lew Rockwell
Tea Parth News Network
Toronto Ontario Canada Sun
True Blue Republican State

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
_Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity: federal government's ever-increasing debt is a path to USA's demise (video)

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
Belgian doctors are murdering patients

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Treasury secretary Jacob Lew: over $18T in debt and $80T in unfunded mandates is not the most pressing concern of the USA today

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
FDA regulations added during Obummer regime: 2.7M words, twice the size of the Gutenberg Bible

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Jason Devaney _News Max_
DoD builing shield to defend against Russian cruise missiles

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Anthony Kennedy over-generalizes to conclude that solitary confinement always exacts a terrible price
While many other people would see it as a relief from over-crowding, dangers of exposure to other prisoners, would provide peacefulness and time for contemplation and imagination.

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
representative John Fleming challenges John Boehner for pushing rotten Obummer agenda
"Representative John Fleming questioned why House speaker John Boehner and other top Republicans worked feverishly to resuscitate [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] trade agenda Thursday when 'this is a president who criticizes America and seeks to harm America while giving a pass to other countries'.   'What's mystifying to me is why our House [losership], speaker Boehner, want to hand [president Barack Hussein Obummer] a huge political victory and at the same time give him a huge new tool that he can use to damage Americans and damage the America economy?', the Louisiana Republican asked in an interview.   Fleming's question followed the House voting 218-208 to grant [Obummer] fast-track authority to negotiate trade agreements with foreign nations [without the constitutionally-required two-thirds approval by the senate]...   'Why would we want to do that, when this man has proven over and over again, through many of his decisions, that he's perfectly willing to harm American workers' jobs, culture and many other aspects of American life?', Fleming asked.   'And now, we're just handing him just another huge opportunity to do that.'...   Fleming was among the 50 Republicans voting against the authority.   They, like many Democrats, have argued that fast track would ship even more American jobs over-seas...   Other Republicans argued that the trade deals [violate] the U.S. Constitution, which requires that international treaties be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the senate.   'This is the only leverage that we've had.', California representative Duncan Hunter, who also opposed the fast track, told Sean Hannity on his radio program after the vote...   West Virginia representative David McKinley... 'We've seen how unfair trade has crippled industry and industry in our area: steel, chemicals, pottery, glassware, and chinaware.'...   Oklahoma representative Jim Bridenstine cited the [Obummer regime's] 'abysmal record of negotiating agreements with foreign nations' in opposing fast track...   But Alabama senator Jeff Sessions reiterated his opposition to giving [Obummer] fast track, telling Hannity that other trade agreements waiting to be negotiated could bring further harm to the U.S. economy..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Brenda Walker _American Economic Alert_/_VDare_
America's senator Jeff Sessions warns Republican senators and representatives not to back Obummer's trade power grab

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
_News Max_/_Reuters_
evil anti-constitution, anti-US citizen Mitch McConnell: senate can pass disastrous TPA, TAA bills

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Burt Prelutsky _WND_
USA had a good run while it lasted

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Bob Unruh _WND_
DC judge claims inability to "serve" law-suit against OPEC
"Klayman said that is 'illegal price fixing' and violates anti-trust laws.   Klayman, a former Justice Department lawyer, alleges 'economic terrorism' on the part of OPEC.   'Since the question has already been decided by the DC Circuit, but it not being implemented, the petitioners require an order of this court that its mandate be carried out.', the newest filing in the case explains.   In its petition for writ of mandamus to the appeals court, Freedom Watch is requesting an order that the district judge 'carry out the previous mandate'.   The filing charges the judge is not following the circuit court's ruling..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
family taking summer camping trip on their own land attacked by rogue power-mad government forces, children kidnapped
Western Journalism

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: leftists want to shut-down conversations on abortion, immigration, ethics, job markets, economy, Benghazi...

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Mexico deports more illegal aliens back to Central America than the USA does

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Jim Bridenstine (R-OK-1) _Breitbart_
maintaining USA military pre-eminence globally

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Timothy P. Carney _Washington DC Examiner_
Barney Frank on board of NY-based Signature Bank

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Emma-Jo Morris _Washington DC Free Beacon_
captain Matan Katzman to EU parliament: IDF goes out of its way to protect innocent Palestinians in Israel and Gaza=Palestine
"...Given that the Israelis have a clear policy on the preservation of innocent Palestinian life, Hamas will use this as a tactic against them. Hamas stores weapons in densely populated areas and public institutions because they know that Israel will not attack an area with civilians in the way. 'Our policy is so concrete and clear that Hamas is an expert on it and uses it to their advantage. They place snipers in schools and hospitals, they stock weapons in homes.'"
Discover the Networks: Hamas

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Bill McMorris _Washington DC Free Beacon_
union thugs withhold teacher's charitable contribution to People Concerned for the Unborn Child or National Rifle Association Foundation: teachers suing on behalf of herself and 199 other union members with religious objections to the union bosses' political actions

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Robert Davis Edelman _Washington DC Free Beacon_
representatives push to make CRS data-base and reports accessible to them and the public

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Kent Kellar & Rick Manning _American Economic Alert_
moving fast-track on blind, irrational faith in the totally untrustworthy
Conservative Republican News

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Eric Odom _Liberty News_
Obummer, Boehner, Kinzinger and other traitors blame on-line opposition for struggles to ram through evil TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA schemes

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Conference Board Leading Economic Index rose to 123.1 for May
Steve Goldstein: MarketWatch
"The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index(R) (CEI) for the U.S. increased 0.1% in May to 112.1 (2010 = 100), following a 0.2% increase in April, and no change in March.   The Conference Board Lagging Economic Index(R) (LAG) for the U.S. increased 0.2% in May to 117.0 (2010 = 100), following a 0.2% increase in April, and a 0.5% increase in March..."

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
pope Francis plays leftist politics while Europe, Middle East, and USA are in moral free-fall

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) may exercise hold privilege on consideration of EPA nominees until congress gets answers about proposed water over-regulations

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
a few choice words on pope Francis plays leftist power-mad climate insanity (video)

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
global conversation on environment

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Alan Keyes _WND_
pope's climate agenda could bring genocide

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
poverty and despotism kill the earth, not free, open and honest commerce and progress

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
what it all means

2015-06-18 (5775 Tamuz 01)
Michael Balter _AAAS Science_
DNA tests confirm 8,500 year old Kennewick skeleton was probably Amerindian, most closely related to modern Colville, Ojibwa, & Algonquin
Tia Ghose: Live Science
2016-04-28: Erin Blakemore: Smithsonian: remains to be re-buried

PM Winston Churchill
This was their finest hour
"What [general Maxime Weygand] has called the Battle of France is over.   I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin.   Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilisation.   Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire.   The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us.   Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war.   If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.   But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.   Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'..."

"The battles of the Middle East continue.   The Battle of USA has begin.   Upon this battle depends the survival of Judeo-Christian civilisation.   Upon it depends our own American life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Constitutionally Limited Federated Republic.   The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us.   Obummer knows that he will have to break us in this land or lose the war.   If we can stand up to him, all the world may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.   But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States of America, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.   Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the USA and its territories last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1778-06-18: American forces re-entered Philadelphia.
1812-06-18: USA declared war against Britain.
1815-06-18: Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated near Waterloo, Belgium.
1908-06-18: William Howard Taft was nominated for president.
1940-06-18: Winston Churchill urged people to conduct themselves in a manner that would prompt future generations to say, "This was their finest hour."
1959-06-18: Ethel Barrymore died in Los Angeles, CA.
2004-06-18: al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia beheaded American engineer Paul M. Johnson.
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Even when you give up, your soul will never let up." --- R' David Aaron (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Laura Ingraham
Ann Coulter: media ignore heinous crimes committed by both legal immigrants and illegal aliens in the USA
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart (with video)
"Ingraham: I notice that you're not getting the usual media coverage of your book.   Although, it goes to number two anyway.   So, what's going on out there in book land with this particular topic? [4:30]     Coulter: I do think it's the topic.   The main-stream media isn't wildly about interviewing me any time, but more than most the media, the left, the Republicans, and the Democrats, just don't want Americans thinking about what they're doing to the country.   And, you see with immigration how much the media culture determines what people think about and what they form opinions on.   You could walk into any bar and ask people for their opinion on gay 'marriage' or Ferguson and everybody is going to have an opinion.   But, most people don't even think about immigration until it comes to their town and suddenly their taxes are going up and there's no money for the Christmas pageant...   All the money is going to immigrant services now.   So, when it directly impacts your community, then people notice, which is why, basically, the rest of my tour will be entirely in California, which is what this entire country will be if something isn't done about legal immigration.   I mean, even Republicans, it's a silicone chip in their brain that seems to make them say, of course, we love legal immigration; no, no, other than my first chapter, which is about amnesty, because if that ever goes through the country is over within 5 years.   That's just the sword hanging above our heads, but all the cases I talk about, which are a lot of cases of child rape in particular, were bringing in very primitive cultures and child rape cases that you'll be shocked you didn't know about -- they're hidden by the media. [4:43]...   For one thing, we've gotten that promise many times before and every time it's been done it's like, 'Yes, okay, Republicans.   You raise taxes and we'll cut spending.'   And, over and over again the taxes go up, the spending cuts never come.   It's the same thing with, 'we're going to secure that border, but we just need to bring in more guest-workers and issue more H-1B [and E-3, and L-1B, and F-1+OPT...] visas and legalize the illegal immigrants already here'.   No, it's never going to happen and it's crazy to even talk about it.   It is like the old argument we have had on abortion for so long where we have to discuss all of our time discussing abortion in the case of rape and incest; no, no we want to spend an equal or more, proportional amount of time, talking about abortions that don't involve rape and incest and that's 99% of them.   Similarly, it's just tendentious to talk about what we're going to do with the illegals already here until you have a secure border.   Especially when these are the exact same people who, half the time, are saying 'Fences don't work.'   It's like being told wheels don't work.   What are you talking about? It worked for centuries! [8:34]"

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
more on rigged HP job ads

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Dick Morris _Liberty News_
TISA means open borders

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Laura Ingraham
5K illegal aliens detained in Arizona, who had criminal records, were released to roam the USA
Joel Gehrke: National Review

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Europe facing unprecedented invasion as 185K landed in just 3 months; Italy and Greece herd them and their costs on to other countries

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
1 dead in crash between Border Patrol speed-boat and illegal alien boat with 20 aboard, off the Pacific coast north of San Diego county near Encinitas

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Rajiv Rao _Ziff Davis_/_CBS_/_New Tech for Old India_
DoL investigating Infosys + Tata abuses of H-1B visa program; blatant, direct displacement of able and willing US citizen STEM professionals
They will likely continue to ignore or sweep under the rug the indirect displacements and age discrimination.
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Laura Ingraham
governor Scott Walker: why I'm considering running for president
True Blue Republican State

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Nietzsche, God, "ressentiment", and today's insane leftists

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
strategy for Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kurdistan

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Glenn Kessler _Jewish World Review_
absurd allegations about fiscal impact of Iraq and Afghanistan war and Shrub tax relief

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the creepy consequences of oppression chic
Cybercast News Service
"College campuses have been grooming a cadre of professional minority fakers and fraudsters for decades.   The notorious pretendians Ward Churchill and Elizabeth Warren faked their Native American status to bolster their faculty credentials at the University of Colorado and Harvard, respectively.   It was a mutually beneficial racket for all poseur parties involved.   Churchill and Warren basked in their tenured glory.   The schools racked up politically correct points for adding the right flavors to their employment rolls...   From the moment they apply to the nation's elite institutions of higher learning, applicants are rewarded for playing up racial division, ethnic strife and identity politics..."

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
granny, of all people, has traded places with the wolf
"...Little Red Riding Hood's basket for delivery to Granny is filled, not with cookies and cakes and pies, but [Socialist Insecurity] checks, Medicare payments, and the revenue from Granny's growing investments.   And Granny isn't finished yet, having put off [due to the lingering GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer job market depression, inflation/devaluation of the currency not keeping up with costs of living...] retirement instead of making room for Miss Riding Hood and her friends..."

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
"...I can't imagine life without libraries.   And by 'libraries' I mean actual books -- ink on paper -- to be borrowed and shared and read...   The ability to browse goes to the essence of the library experience, along with the egalitarian access that puts books in plain sight of all comers.   Happily, that experience is alive and well.   As British journalist Alex Johnson documents in a wonderful new volume, _Improbable Libraries_, even in the digital age readers yearn for printed books, and librarians go to amazing and creative lengths to supply them..."

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
avoiding the slow-motion ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate vs. Iraq+Syria+Israel+UK+USA train-wreck

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
USA-Iarael alliance won't mend without honesty... and the Obummer regime adamantly opposes honesty

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Georgia Lee _Jewish World Review_
tell-tale signs of a great father

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Susan Scutti _Jewish World Review_
how to tell if your child has a learning difficulty
Medical Daily
"According to the National Institutes of Health [NIH], the 8 most common warning signs include:   Difficulty with reading and/or writing.   Problems with math skills.   Difficulty remembering.   Problems paying attention.   Trouble following directions.   Poor coordination.   Difficulty with concepts related to time.   Problems staying organized.   Children also may show 9 other less direct signs of a learning disability, such as:   Impetuous behavior.   Inappropriate responses in school or social situations.   Difficulty staying on task (easily distracted).   Difficulty finding the right way to say something.   Inconsistent school performance.   Immature way of speaking.   Difficulty listening well.   Problems dealing with new things in life.   Problems understanding words or concepts..."

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Hans Bader _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer regime has beeen pressuring colleges and universities to adopt anti-constitutional speech codes
The Wall Street Journal: Title ix from pro-female reform to anti-male weapon
Wall Street Journal: How Title ix became a leftist political weapon
Chronicle of Higher Education: Sexual Paranoia Strikes Academe

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL): Obummer State Dept. has been hiding Iran's violations, suppressing mandated sanctions reporting to appease vicious Shiite Iranian theocracy (with video)

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Sandy FitzGerld _News Max_
Dylann Roof almost refrained from murders because at the Emanuel AME church "everyone was so nice"
John Hayward: Breitbart
Armstrong Williams: Breitbart: a call to courage in the hour of evil: Pastor Pinckney was the real deal. He was always one of the bright ones.

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Melanie Batley _News Max_
Red China began down-loads of USA federal government personnel records (including security clearance data) over a year ago

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Charles Hurt _Breitbart_
media horrified by Donald Trump platform

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Rick Perry: USA citizens don't trust Obummer, not on taxes, not on ObummerDoesn'tCare, not on Benghazi, not on race, not on trade, not on job markets, not on economy

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
tuberculosis cover-up: over 80% of cases in Western Civilization are among immigrants from Russia, Africa

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
after having posted Islamic Circle of North America bill-board ads, Clear Channel refused American Freedom Defense Initiative bill-board counter-ads
"ICNA is dedicated to 'establishing a place for Islam in America' -- which means a place for jihad and a place for Sharia.   ICNA, like the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is a terror front group whose 'Muslim advocacy' front masks their true Islamic supremacist agenda.   Despite the carefully constructed myth surrounding Muslim Brotherhood groups in America, advanced by a hostile and pro-jihadist media, the truth about these subversives is out there.   ICNA works closely with radical Islamic organizations and invites radical speakers to its conferences.   It was named in the Muslim Brotherhood document -- entitled 'An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America' -- as one of the Brotherhood's 29 likeminded 'organizations of our friends' that shared the common goal of destroying America and turning it into a Muslim nation.   These 'friends' were identified by the Brotherhood as groups that could help teach Muslims 'that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands...so that...Allah's religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.'...   'I have been made victorious through terror' came from Sahih Bukhari 2977.   'I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)' is from Sahih Bukhari 304, and 'War is deceit' comes from Sahih Bukhari 3029..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
DC meeting of Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition who were to be addressedd by GOP candidates for president were evacuated today over "credible threat", "suspicious package"

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Gary Bauer: we need a national conversation about God

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Little Sisters of the Poor know better than bureaubums at HHS

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Kathleen Brown _Cybercast News Service_
proposed budget cuts title x funding to abortionists
"Section 229 of the budget bill states that: 'None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be used to carry out Title X of the PHS [Public Health Service] Act.'...   According to Planned Parenthood’s 2013 annual report, abortions made up 94% of the group’s pregnancy services...   The report, which was released in March, found that Planned Parenthood received $1.5G in combined state and federal taxpayer dollars between 2010 and 2012.   It received $201M from the Title X family planning program..."

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer/Kerry State Dept. has missed legal February 25 dead-line for issuing Human Rights Report by 113 days

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Judson Phillips _Cybercast News Service_
defy Barack Hussein Obummer by supporting Charleston SC and the Emanual AME church congregation

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Brent Scher _Washington DC Free Beacon_
walking Marine nears DC to urge release of US citizens being held prisoner in Iran

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Blake Seitz _Washington DC Free Beacon_
DoS: terror attacks increased 35% from 2013 to 2014

2015-06-19 (5775 Tamuz 02)
Rich Lowry _News Max_
warmist hysterics are a threat to mankind
"The Industrial Revolution was a great boon to humankind.   Consider the unrelieved misery -- the disease, the poverty, the illiteracy -- before around 1800, when if you weren't an aristocrat, a general or a bishop, your life was probably nasty, brutish, and short.   'The average person in the world of 1800 was no better off than the average person of 100KBCE.', Gregory Clark wrote in his [2007] book _A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World_.   'Life expectancy was no higher in 1800 than for hunter-gatherers: 30 to 35 years.   Stature, a measure both of the quality of diet and of children's exposure to disease, was higher in the Stone Age than in 1800.'   But at least when everyone died at a much earlier age, we weren't engaging in the ravages of the planet that so exercise Francis.   This sinful assault on the earth, by the way, largely consisted in taking otherwise completely useless glop from the ground and using it to power economic and technical advances that enriched average people beyond anyone's imagining.   This is obviously a secular miracle of the highest order.   And the bounty hasn't ended.   Something like a billion people have been lifted out of poverty in places like India and [Red China] in recent decades as they have embraced markets and global trade.   The Pope should be delighted..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Against the broader background of world history, however, a very different lesson might be that no people of any color can be trusted with unbridled power over any other people, for such power has been grossly abused by whatever race, class, or political authority has held that power, whether under ancient despotism or modern totalitarianism, as well as under serfdom, slavery, or other forms of oppression." --- Thomas Sowell _Black Rednecks & White Liberals_ pg168  



2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Boehner's retaliation against Americans means open warfare, time to remove him from the House, along with all of his comrades, in the primaries

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz introduced bill to drain amnesty slush fund subsidized through fees charged to legal visa applicants

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
Madison Gesiotto _Washington DC Times_
Scott Walker wows Americans with withering attack on leftist anti-constitution Obummer

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
_Emerging Diseases_ takes on MERS, ebola and more
"Whooping cough, smallpox, measles and tuberculosis, once enough to send American communities into paroxysms of fear through their very mention, are essentially exterminated, right?   And the U.S.A. is largely protected from exotics like Ebola, Chikungunya, Chagas disease, Dengue fever and others by distance and time, correct?   Not really, as Jane Orient, MD... One of the newest is MERS, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which was first found in the Arabian Peninsula but already has spread to at least 20 other nations, including the United States..."

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
watch-dogs of college education rarely bite
Andrea Fuller & Douglas Belkin: Wall Street Journal
"Nearly 350 out of more than 1,500 4-year colleges now accredited by 1 of 6 regional commissions have a lower graduation rate or higher student-loan default rate than the average among the colleges that were banished by the same accreditors since 2000, the Journal's analysis shows...   Federal student loans and grants are for the 2013-14 award year.   Each college's total includes programs such as Stafford Loans, Parent PLUS loans, Pell Grants and Federal Work-Study.   Campus-based programs like work-study include portions of funding provided by the college.   Aid can be aimed at graduate or under-graduate students."

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
why do crazed attackers target churches and schools instead of NRA or GOA or JPFO meetings?

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
Ryan Lovelace _Washington DC Examiner_
Scott Walker plans to campaign in places some Republicans don't typically go

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
Barbara Boland _Washington DC Examiner_
Scott Walker came out in lead on Northeast Republican Leadership Conference straw poll

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
Adam Dick _Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity_
Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell on their decades promoting liberty and shared optimism for the future

2015-06-20 (5775 Tamuz 03)
_Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity_
Macedonia caves, congress slumbers, NATO moves to Russian border
"Did Congress finally discover that there were neo-Nazis fighting in Ukraine?   Did the [Obummer]/Soros coup in Macedonia succeed?   Why doesn't congress care that Obummer fights an unauthorized and illegal war in Iraq and Syria?   RPI's Daniel McAdams and Jay Taylor are back to look at the week that was...and what to expect.   YouTube below and MP3 available here."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015


2015 June, week 1 (June 01 - June 06
2015 June, week 2 (June 07 - June 13)
2015 June, week 3 (June 14 - June 20)
2015 June, week 4 (June 21 - June 27)
2015 June, week 5 (June 28 - June 30)
2015 June
Proposed Bills 13
  "London Bridge, begun in 1176 by a local chaplain named Peter of Colechurch and partly financed by a thousand-mark gift from the papal legate, became the picturesque heart of the city, its roadway loaded with a double row of structures of varying sizes and purposes.   A less sophisticated design than the Pont d'Avignon, London Bridge was supported by 19 semi-circular stone arches, no 2 quite alike, built summer after summer as money was available, until completion in 1209.   Its massive piers so constricted the tidal Thames that piloting a boat through at high water became a sporting proposition known as 'shooting the bridge'.   A small draw span, included as a defensive measure, was too narrow to allow most boats to pass.   London boat-men adopted the expedient, quidkly copied elsewhere, of removable masts for squeezing under the bridge.   But the occasional use of the draw-span to pass narrow-hulled, fixed-mast craft may have been the first application anywhere of the draw-bridge to navigation." --- Frances Gies & Joseph Gies 1994, 2010 _Cathedral, Forge, and WaterWheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages_ pp151-152 (citing Joseph Gies 1963 _Bridges and Men_ pp34-41)  


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density

  "Out of evey 100 new ideas 99 or more will probably be inferior to the traditional responses which they propose to replace. No 1 man, however brillian or well-informed, can come in 1 life-time to such fullness of understanding as to safely judge & dismiss the customs or institutions of his society, for these are the wisdom of generations after centuries of experiment in the laboratory of history." --- Will & Ariel Durant 1968 _The Lessons of History_ pg 35 (quoted in Thomas Sowell 1995 _The Vision of the Anointed_ pg 112)  

Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


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