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updated: 2017-03-28
"Neither House, during the Session of congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than 3 days, nor to any other Place than that in which the 2 Houses shall be sitting." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 4 |
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"When the Creator does a favor, He doesn't boast about it." --- Jewish saying (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Heiner Kiesel _Deutsche Welle_
Germany's H-1B visa (which they called a "green card" in 2000, now supplanted by the "blue card") for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign "IT" labor with flexible ethics turns 15
Note that just as in the USA, a "skills shortage" or "talent shortage" was merely asserted, with no evidence to support the assertion. Mention is made of German STEM and health workers leaving Germany for greener pastures. A degree or pay level was required, but no objective specification of skill level. The emphasis was on quick rubber-stamping of applications, not background investigations to help ensure good people were admitted, and bad people were not.
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
incompetent fraud picked up by USCIS on EB-5 applications
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Mica Rosenberg, Rya McNeill, Megan Twohey & Michelle Conlin _AM New York_/_Reuters_
Donald Trump's companies have applied to sponsor at least 1,100 guest-workers since 2000
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
David Jackson: USA Today/Gannett
News Max
Grand Forks ND Herald
Waikato NZ Times
Town Hall
"...9 companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs administered by the Labor Department... assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a banquet manager... Trump Model Management and Trump Management Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models... In a speech on July 11, Trump distinguished between those working legally and illegally in the United States, saying thousands of 'legal' Mexicans -- 'incredible people' -- have worked for him over the years... Reuters examined records of applications for three categories of temporary work visas -- the H-2A, H-2B and H-1B programs -- submitted by employers to the Labor Department... Mexicans made up more than 80 percent of the 104,993 admissions to the United States on H-2B visas in 2013. The Trump companies have sought at least 850 H-2B visa workers..."
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
US government to issue more green cards than the populations of IA + NH + SC over the next 10 years -- 10.5M
Breitbart (with graph)
"...The post-World War 2 boom decades of the 1950s and 1960s averaged together less than 3M green cards per decade—or about 285K annually. Due to lower immigration rates, the total foreign-born population in the United States dropped from about 10.8M in 1945 to 9.7M in 1960 and 9.6M in 1970. These lower midcentury immigration levels were the product of a federal policy change: after the last period of large-scale immigration that had begun in roughly 1880, immigration rates were lowered to reduce admissions. The foreign-born share of the U.S. population fell for six consecutive decades, from 1910 through 1960. Legislation enacted in 1965, among other factors, substantially increased low-skilled immigration. Since 1970, the foreign-born population in the United States has increased more than four-fold—to a record 42.1M today. The foreign-born share of the population has risen from fewer than 1 in 21 in 1970, to presently approaching 1 in 7. As the supply of available labor has increased, so too has downward pressure on wages. Georgetown and Hebrew University economics professor Eric Gould has observed that 'the last 4 decades have witnessed a dramatic change in the wage and employment structure in the United States... The overall evidence suggests that the manufacturing and immigration trends have hollowed-out the overall demand for middle-skilled workers in all sectors, while increasing the supply of workers in lower skilled jobs. Both phenomena are producing downward pressure on the relative wages of workers at the low end of the income distribution.' During the low-immigration period from 1948-1973, real median compensation for U.S. workers increased more than 90%. By contrast, real average hourly wages were lower in 2014 than they were in 1973, four decades earlier. Harvard Economist George Borjas also documented the effects of high immigration rates on African-American workers, writing that 'a 10% immigration-induced increase in the supply of workers in a particular skill group reduced the black wage of that group by 2.5%'... Polling from Gallup and Fox shows that Americans want lawmakers to reduce, not increase, immigration rates by a stark 2:1 margin. Reuters puts it at a 3:1 margin. And polling from GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway shows that by the huge margin of nearly 10:1 people of all backgrounds are united in their belief that U.S. companies seeking workers should raise wages for those already living here instead of bringing in new labor from abroad."
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Pamela Geller _WND_
stop Obummer's flood of Muslim "refugees"
"...Babin explained: 'It is extremely unsettling that the [Obummer regime] would continue to expand the USA resettlement program at such an irresponsible pace in light of our economic and national security challenges. While this program may be warranted in certain situations, it is continuing at an unchecked pace. For the past decade the USA has been admitting roughly 70K new refugees a year, with little understanding of the economic and social costs on our communities.' The social costs are incalculable. [Obummer] has been importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims under the Refugee Resettlement Program. Despite the spike in jihad plots and attacks in the U.S.A. and the genocide of non-Muslims under Shariah, [Obummer] remains unmoved. Under [the hateful, race-obsesse, anti-USA, anti-US constitution Obummer], it's a world where arrogance rules..."
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Steve Peacock _WND_
"Obummer giving illegal aliens massive health-care plan": On tap: 5.5M hours from workers trained to deal with "intersex, gender non-conforming"
"...According to a solicitation for bids that WND discovered through routine database research, the purpose of this initiative is 'to provide on-site medical staffing services to provide a continuum of health care services to US ICE residents/detainees 24 hours a day, seven (7) days per week, and 365 calendar days per year' at various clinic sites..."
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
illegal aliens arrested, complain about ankle monitors
"Sister Norma Pimentel, who runs Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley near the Texas-Mexico border, protested on behalf of the illegal immigrants, telling the Los Angeles Times, 'They feel like a criminal...'... Jeh Johnson said in June that immigrants who could prove they faced persecution in their native countries could be released on reasonable bonds and with ankle monitors. He added that ICE would double the number of ankle monitors monitored from 23,000 in 2014 to 53,000 in 2016. Children under the age of 18, pregnant mothers, and illegal immigrants with 'significant medical issues' [would not] be issued ankle monitors..."
Imagine making criminals feel like criminals.
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Danny de Gracia _Communities Digital News_
TEA Parties vs GOP losership
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
few aged lions like Cecil are killed in hunts, but 1.3G babies were slaughtered worldwide since 1980
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Gina Loudon _WND_
7 reasons Planned Parenthood's days are numbered
"...1) It's not the crime; it's the cover-up... 2) The left does not control the flow of information any longer... 3) The cat is already out of the bag. I interviewed Dr. Gary Cass, a board member of Operation Rescue. He told me the videos have been dispersed all over the country and the world. Therefore, Planned Parenthood's tactic of judge shopping until they find a judge to block the Center for Medical Progress' videos won't work. The videos are in the hands of too many, already, and as Dr. Cass told me, there is 'no stopping it now'. 4) The disturbing images are seared into our minds... 5) The left can't deny science any longer... 6) Plausible deniability of humanity excuse: Gone... 7) Democrats are about to ditch Planned Parenthood..."
Wellll, that did not happen.
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Joseph Farah _WND_
it's about time the American people learned the truth about Planned Parenthood and brethren outfits
"...people who believe life begins before a baby leaves the hospital, didn't just release edited videos. They've made available the videos in their entirety, knowing just such ludicrous claims would be made by gutless, lying sycophants like Earnest. But the White House is counting on most Americans not bothering to watch for themselves. And, let's face it: How many people have the stomach for it?... It's a case of see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil -- about Planned Parenthood, one of the foundational institutions of the 'progressive' left... Clinton, by the way, won Planned Parenthood's highest award, named after founder Margaret Sanger, who created the group because of her desire to eliminate as many black babies as possible. She was a favorite speaker on the Ku Klux Klan circuit in her day. Should Planned Parenthood be defunded? It should never have been funded by tax dollars in the first place. Now the real question should be whether Planned Parenthood officials go to jail for trading in and profiting off of the sale of human baby parts. It's about time the American people have been made aware of just what a despicable, degenerate, depraved, debased, debauched organization they've been subsidizing for so many years..."
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Ken Blackwell _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood abuses are helping drive a cultural shift against abortion
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
has the USA been defeated? has the USA been conquered?
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
last week John Boehner couldn't find votes to get himself re-elected speaker
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
Sunday morning in the Shenandoah Valley; the "Natty B"
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
more than just an ad: Mary Pegram's school, Richmond
2015-08-02 (5775 Ab 17)
Bill Federer _WND_
in 1482, Columbus sailed the ocean blue: Muslims blocked trade routes, so Europeans sought alternate routes... but Spanish also banished Jews
"...Though his predictions were off, Columbus revealed his motivation for setting sail 1492 Aug. 3, with the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria on his first voyage to find a sea route to India and China, as an alternative to traveling by land through Muslim territories. Muslims, called 'Moors' [or Saracens], had invaded Spain in 711CE. With a cavalry of 80K, wielding curved scimitar swords, they 'went through all places like a desolating storm'. The 'Mozarabic Chronicle', 754CE, recorded that thousands of churches were burned and: 'God alone knows the number of the slain.' In 846CE, 11K Muslims sacked Rome, Italy, and looted the Basilica of St. Peter, desecrating his grave. They then did the same to remains of St. Paul which were in San Paolo fuori le Mura (St Paul's outside the Walls). Following this raid, Pope Leo iv decided to build a wall around the Vatican City. In 1011, Muslims killed 2K in Cordoba, Spain. In 1066, Muslims massacred every one of the 5K Jews in Granada, Spain. In 1189, Muslims raided Libson, Portugal, and enslaved 3K women and children. In 1191, Muslims attacked Silves, Portugal, enslaving another 3K. The Catholic Orders of Montjoie, and Calatrava, were organized to ransom back Christian slaves. It took over 700 years to drive Muslims out of Spain in what was called the 'reconquista' or re-conquest. In 1085, the kingdom of Castile freed Toledo from Muslim control. The Spanish knight Rodrigo Diaz, known as 'El Cid', drove Muslims out of Valencia in 1094. (Charlton Heston starred in the movie, 'El Cid', in 1961. [el Cid/Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar/el campeador b: c. 1040 d: 1099-07-10 in Valencia was an ancestor of prince Charles of Wales & lord of the Isles, lady Diana Spencer, duke William of Cambridge, prince Georgie Alexander Louis of Cambridge and princess Charlotte.]) In 1119, the kingdom of Aragon fought and freed the city of Zaragoza from Muslim control..."
This Date in History
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On This Day
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"The worst thief: He who steals one's confidence." --- Mechilta (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Ian Tuttle _National Review_
H-1B visas: great for company executives and boards, terrible for US citizen STEM professionals
"Qualcomm, the San Diego-based cellphone smart-chip producer, announced last week that it plans to lay off 4,500 employees. But just 4 months ago, Qualcomm was 'scrambling' to hire H-1B applicants [while refusing to interview highly-skilled US citizen workers right at their door, whom the university extension office was employing to teach their cheap, young, pliant H-1B guest-workers]. Likewise with MSFT, which announced last year that it would be laying off 18K workers and introduced plans for another 7,800 cuts three weeks ago, even as it remains an enthusiastic supporter of the resurrected I-Squared bill co-authored by Marco Rubio earlier this year. That bill would triple the number of H-1B visas to 195K. It's not hard to imagine that Qualcomm, MSFT, and others [have, for some 15 years, been honing the model Disney recently adopted]. Late last year, Disney, a company with significant 'IT' interests, laid off 250 workers. They were replaced by H-1B recipients. And, like some 400 workers laid off from Southern California Edison last year, the Disney employees were required to participate in a 'knowledge transfer' -- i.e., they were forced to train the foreign workers who took their jobs..."
153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports. Over 57,600 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 68,102 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Altogether, over 385,051 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 431,001 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 66,700 L-1 guest-work visas were issued via consular offices in FY2013, and over 71,513 were issued in FY2015, according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 3,946 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2013, and 4,492 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 12,359 O work visas for individuals with "extraordinary" abilities were issued in FY2013, and 12,706 O work visas were issued in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 534,320 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2013, and over 595,569 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports.
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
**** another path-way to codswallop ****
"In a thoughtful review of Ann Coulter's splendid new book, iconoclastic Democrat Mickey Kaus lists the open-borders advocates in American politics: '...the entire [Dem/Red/leftist] party, half the Republican party, half (secretly) of the politicians who claim to represent the other half of the Republican party, virtually the entire press (including Fox), virtually all of business, and virtually all big money political donors (including the Kochs!).' The bit I've bolded helps explain the Trump bump in the GOP polls. A significant part of the Republican base thinks half their candidates are just schmoozing them to get through primary season, genuflecting toward 'concerns' about border 'enforcement' and huffing and puffing a bit about fences and E-verify. For example, Marco Rubio sponsored an amnestypalooza in the US senate, but now says he wouldn't vote for his own bill. Rick Perry gave the in-state tuition rate to illegals and said if you disagree with him 'I don't think you have a heart' (i.e., you're a racist), but he's now withdrawn the charge and says that the difference between him and Trump is that the latter talks the talk and he walks the walk -- because when the [Obummer regime] dissolved the southern border the only guy standing between you and Trump's Mexican rape horde on their flat-bottomed skiffs is the tough-as-nails governor on the north bank of the Rio Grande with his posse of Texas Rangers..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
"Lord Darth"
Protocol H-1B
"I am here to put you back on schedule. In the search for new ways to motivate you, management has decided to replace American technical staff with cheaper H-1B foreign workers. Some have expressed concern that this move may not be legal. I find their lack of faith disturbing; our immigration lawyers have assured us that replacing Americans with H-1Bs is lawful. And many of the Republican presidential candidates want to admit even more H-1Bs in the future. I expect you to double your efforts to complete this project. I hope so, for your sake; as the American programmers have discovered, Disney CEO Bob Iger is not as forgiving as I am..."
Jon Feere: Center for Immigration Studies: Disney Death Star: A Satirical Look Disney's H-1B Lay-Offs
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
illegal aliens through a leftist looking-glass
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
DoJ: grantees of Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties are not a "protected class"
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Laura Ingraham
border jails facing struggles as Obummer regime releases illegal aliens
"Jails built to profit from an illegal immigration boom are weighing down the finances of rural counties in the U.S. sun-belt as border apprehensions slow and the federal government orders the release of more migrants. In Texas, the heart of a jail-building boom over the past decade, nine of 21 counties that created agencies to issue about $1.3G in municipal bonds to build privately run correctional facilities largely for migrants have defaulted on their debt. A dozen other facilities from Florida to Louisiana to Arizona, many that housed immigrants, have also defaulted, according to figures from Municipal Market Analytics, a bond-research firm based in Concord, MA. The slow-down in border detentions is putting a fiscal strain on counties that rushed to build jails in anticipation that a two-decade boom in immigrant in-mates would continue. Municipalities that banked on those facilities for revenue and jobs are desperate to keep them afloat as a glut of beds goes empty and walls gather dust. 'My fear's always been that this would happen.', said Joel Rodriguez ii, judge of La Salle County, Texas, about 67 miles (107 kilometers) north of the U.S.A.-Mexico border, who is overseeing the fate of a distressed detention center. 'When this facility was sold to the county, they sold it as a money-making facility that was going to be a great economic boon.'..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
illegal alien beat, tried to rape woman at knife-point
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
mothers whose children were killed by illegal aliens petition for Luis Gutierrez to be censured in senate
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
illegal alien accused of child molestation kept Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty despite egregious public safety risk
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
16-year-old illegal aliens set Texas police car on fire
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Newt Gingrich & Sean Kennedy _Jewish World Review_
saving the American dream
Washington DC Times
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
hunting animals vs. Planned Parenthood murdering millions of babies and selling the body-parts and tissues
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood and other barbarians in the USA
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
the tipping point on Planned Parenthood
"...a Senate bill to defund Planned Parenthood, co-authored by Rand Paul (R-KY) and Joni Ernst (R-IA), stipulates that all of its public funding be reallocated to federally qualified community health centers, which provide all women's health-care services except abortion, without regard to a person's ability to pay..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Laura Ingraham
US senate to vote on bill to eliminate federal government funding for Planned Parenthood
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer: killing to harvest body parts is a "foolish tradition" in Africa, slavery is a foolish tradition in Africa
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Rand Paul: fund community health centers, not Planned Parenthood
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
senate Dems/Reds/leftists block bill to stop government funding of Planned Parenthood
Steven Ertelt: Life News
"The senate voted 53-46 on the cloture motion -- failing to get the 60 votes needed to stop the Democratic filibuster against the de-funding measure. Had the cloture vote been approved and the bill passed, and should the House pass its own bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] said he would veto the measure."
So, make them filibuster, already. Wear them down. Make them stay in the chamber for hours and hours and hours, while we keep a quorum tag-team moving in and out of the chamber. And when you get the chance, grill them on why they want to murder babies. Let Obummer veto it, and then rag on him relentlessly for the next 15 months.
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
governor Bobby Jindal announced end to Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: I would shut down parts of the federal government if that were necessary to end government funding of Planned Parenthood
"...Trump continued, 'And I was also in support -- if the Republicans stuck together [and the losership stopped undermining them], you could have done it with [ObummerDoesn'tCare] also. But the Republicans decided not to stick together. And they [the losership] left a few people out there, like senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). You know, they left a lot of the people that really went in, and wanted to do the job. And you know what, if they stuck together, they would have won that battle. I think you have to in this case also, yes.'"
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
5th video on Planned Parenthood discussed boosting re-imbursements
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
poll: over two-thirds of ObummerDoesn'tCare enrollees are unsatisfied with coverage
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
governor Bobby Jindal: mayors of "sanctuary cities" should be arrested as accessories
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
California legislature continues to try to deny reality
"...AB-69 details the terms which can no longer as stated in the law be used to 'create a hostile work environment'. As codified in the law, the terms ;supervisor, manager, overseer, team leader, leader, producer, director, controller, chair, boss, captain, head person, head honcho, authority, chief, chairperson, chairman, partner, inspector or any other term that may create a perception of inequity that an employee may perceive as harmful to their employment individuality'. Speaker Atkins stated, 'This legislation in co-ordination with our recent law regarding bullying in the work-place will successfully create a harmonious environment for our residents which will enhance their life experience.'... The bill provides guidelines as to proper language. Some of the suggestions are buddy, comrade, crony, compatriot, chum, confidante, friend, mate, colleague, or the ubiquitous guys..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
A. Barton Hinkle _Jewish World Review_
"saving" our way to the poor-house
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Red China has its own horrors to atone for
"...No force in history has shed more innocent Chinese blood than the Communist regime that has ruled since 1949, when Mao Zedong seized power and officially proclaimed the People's Republic of China. The Japanese occupation had been ruthless, as had the massive civil war between Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists and the forces commanded by Mao. But with the reign of the Communist Party came violence and terror on a scale China had never before known. In the first decades of Mao's rule, wrote Jean-Louis Margolin in the acclaimed _Black Book of Communism_, a 1999 survey of the world's Communist regimes, 'there were between 6M and 10M deaths' that were directly caused by government action. But that's only where the tally begins. To those victims add the 'tens of millions of counter-revolutionaries' swept into Mao's prisons and labor camps, 'with perhaps 20M dying there'. Add as well the appalling death toll during the Great Leap Forward, Mao's calamitous campaign of forced collectivization and abolition of private agriculture, which caused a famine of more than biblical proportions, starving more than 40M Chinese in less than three years... All told, [Red China's] ruling Communist Party has annihilated an estimated 65M Chinese men, women, children, and babies. Japan's enormities, unspeakable as they were, don't come close. The recitation of dry casualty statistics cannot begin to convey what [Red China's] victims suffered..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
Boy Scouts' decisions isn't about the children
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Jay Baggett _WND_
lieutenant-colonel Allen B. West: Navy to prosecute Chattanooga hero
Allen B. West
Jim Webb: twitchy
"...Department of Defense regulations prohibit most service members from being armed on U.S. soil, including most personnel at reserves and recruiting centers like the ones in Chattanooga. Only law enforcement or service members who are acting as military police are allowed to carry weapons on such properties...""
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Tim Brown _Freedom Outpost_
Obummer Navy to prosecute Chattanooga hero who fired at Islamic terrorist who attacked military facilities in Chattanooga
"...So, let me get this straight, lieutenant-commander White utilized his God-given right to carry a firearm in violation of the tyrants in Washington's violation of the US Constitution's Second Amendment, engaged the enemy that was out to kill his brothers and the Navy wants to charge him with a crime? Everything in me wants to demand that the American people flood the city of Chattanooga, and openly protest and demand that whoever is pushing for this man to be charged be immediately dishonorably discharged and charged with crimes against the people of the united States. It is absolutely ridiculous that a man who risked his life to save others in the service of his country is even remotely being considered to be charged with a crime. This, my friends, is the kind of mentality that the [Obummer regime] and the Marxists, Communists and the Islamists have brought with them into our country, and I can tell you, it is part of God's judgment (Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 30)..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
_Conservative HQ_
Obummer's Navy torpedoes Chattanooga hero
"...nothing that [Obummer] or his underlings do should surprise us, but a report from our friend lieutenant-colonel Allen West left us absolutely astonished, and as West put it 'dog fighting mad and seriously pissed off'. It appears that during Muslim terrorist Mohammod Abdulazeez's assault on two separate military facilities, including the Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga where 4 Marines and 1 active-duty Navy reservist were killed, some of Abdulazeez's targets returned fire. Our friends at the Western Journalism Center reported early on that the Navy Operational Support Center's commanding officer, lieutenant-commander Timothy White, used his personal firearm to engage the shooter during the attack, according to sources quoted in the Navy Times. A report from The Washington Post said that one of the Marines killed in the shooting might have been carrying a 9 mm Glock [or, more likely, had it locked in his vehicle] and possibly returned fire on Abdulazeez as well. Western Journalism's James Beattie reported back on July 22 that lieutenant-commander White could face disciplinary action for violating policy about possessing a weapon on a federal facility that was supposed to be a gun-free zone. And on Saturday, August 1, Allen West confirmed that the United States Navy is indeed bringing charges against lieutenant-commander Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property, and apparently an intermediary was checking to see if it would be possible for lieutenant-commander White to reach out to lieutenant-colonel West. West is apparently on board -- and so are we -- to do anything he can to help rally support for lieutenant-commander Timothy White. Here's what lieutenant-colonel West said about the situation lieutenant-commander White is facing: 'What kind of freaking idiots are in charge of our Armed Forces -- pardon me, our unArmed Forces? What would they prefer that Abdulazeez had been able to kill all the Marines and Sailors at the Naval Support Reserve Center? Let me draw an interesting contrast: Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus is more concerned about lifting the ban on transgendered Sailors. Mabus has a problem in that for the first time since 2007 the US Navy will not have a Carrier Battle Group operating in the Persian Gulf. But this knucklehead has no problem with the Navy seeking to destroy the career of a Sailor, a commander of an installation, returning fire against an Islamic jihadist attack. I do not care if it was his personal weapon, he deserves a medal for facing the enemy. Folks, this has become the [Obummer] military that will not implement policies for our men and women in uniform to be protected -- but will punish them if they do protect themselves. What ever happened to the Navy of John Paul Jones, Farragut, Halsey, and Nimitz? What has happened in our America where we believe that our men and women in uniform -- especially the commanders -- are just targets for these damn Islamic jihadists?' Anyone who figured if White broke any rules the Navy would want that inconvenience to go away in the aftermath of Abdulazeez's successful terrorist attack against the American homeland must have been suffering a serious bout of amnesia and forgotten what [Barack Hussein Obummer] is all about -- normalizing the abnormal and fundamentally transforming America. Here's what needs to happen says Allen West, and we agree: Flood the phone of SecNav Ray Mabus and SecDef Carter and ask them whose side they're. Demand the charges being brought against lieutenant-commender White be immediately dropped. They probably won't like real live citizens actually calling them, but to make it easy, here are some handy Pentagon phone numbers: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter: (703) 692-7100. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus: (703) 695-3131. Defense Department Public Affairs Office: (703) 697-9312. Lieutenant-colonel Allen West's SitRep on the charges against lieutenant-commander Timothy White. James Beatty's report for the Western Journalism Center where the story of the potential charges against White first broke."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, John Kasich... just be yourselves
"Much of this past week's political news has involved a pundit of some sort addressing some version of the following question: 'How will the other Republican presidential candidates prepare for the first debate with Donald Trump on the stage?' Leave it to the inside the Beltway political class and their consultants and 'strategists' to reduce the preparation for the first Republican presidential debate to the equivalent of a freshman biology exam -- all cramming of facts and formulas and no actual understanding of the principles involved. Trump isn't running at the head of the pack because he knows who the President of Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan is, as Herman Cain put it so memorably back in 2011 in the lead-up to the 2012 presidential primary season. He's leading in the polls because he's speaking for millions of country class Americans who want their country back, and are furious at the 'fundamental change' a lawless president has imposed upon it in the face of feckless -- no make that cowardly -- Republican failure to execute their constitutional duty to rein-in a usurping executive..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina criticized Yebbie Booosh & Hitlery Rotten Clinton at Koch summit
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
5 reasons Hitlery Rotten Clinton is in trouble over private e-mail server
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages worry intelligence officials over security breaches
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's ticking time-bomb: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime anticipates "difficult transition" to "clean power" (with video)
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
drones came dangerously within 100 feet to 2 passenger jets landing at JFK
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: I pay as little as possible in taxes because I hate how the government spends (video)
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: Trump's rise in polls means fewer people are carpig about my lack of political experience (video)
"...'And certainly the life that you have led, you know, in my case, solving complex problems, being involved in corporate America, starting a national non-profit, you get an enormous amount of experience doing these things, particularly in solving problems. And, you know, it's an erroneous thought that only political experience is expedient.'..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Garth Kant _WND_
senator Ted Cruz: Barack Hussein Obummer has a massive hostility to religious liberty
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
documentary film-maker Edward Watts told congress about ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate brutality, rape of girls as young as 9, trading women like cattle
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
James Carafano _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems complicates Israel's defense against Iran, but Israel is duty-bound to protect its citizens, just as USA is duty-bound to protect USA citizens
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Pete Hoekstra _News Max_
Iran treaty should have been modeled on earlier efforts which persuaded Moammar Gadhafi to reduce backing of terrorist, stop development toward nuclear weapons
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
2 retired US Army colonels: Obummer regime is breaking promise to protect dissidents against Iran regime
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
_Cybercast News Service_
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz still can't articulate the differences between Dems and other leftists/ Reds/ socialists/ communists/ collectivists/ fascists (video)
Eric Scheiner2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
when pressed on "Meet the Depressed" to choose whether government should be guided by Bible or US constitution, Ben Carson answers that it's not so simple
"...'I think probably what you have to do is ask a specific question about a specific passage of the Bible and a specific portion of the constitution.', he said. 'I don't think you can answer that question other than out of very specific context.'"
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Terry Tang _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
explosions shock congregants at 2 Las Cruces NM churches: Calvary Baptist & Holy Cross Roman Catholic
"...Several agencies including the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [BATFE] and New Mexico State Police are assisting with the investigation."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Matthew Balan _Media Research Center News Busters_
CBS & NBC minimize coverage of Las Cruces NM church bombings (with video)
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
co-operative Israeli+British project makes 1K year old Hebrew texts available on-line
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
USA is due for a day of reckoning
"...what the government practices is not actually charity, but patronage... I'm fed up with the bogus disability claims and men who father scores of children and are never held accountable for their welfare... They leave behind whole families of underprivileged kids who will never have a decent chance at life, raised in a hard scrabble, hand-to-mouth existence, in an environment where dodging bullets is a way of life and the local drug dealer is the most respected person in the neighborhood. People say that we've gone so far into the entitlement direction that there is no way to rectify it, but actually, there is a very simple way to fix this problem. To qualify for public assistance, the mother of the child should be required to identify the father, a simple task in this era of DNA testing. The father then either supports his children, all his children, or goes to jail until they all reach the age of majority. If he has fathered multiple children, then he should have multiple jobs. No cop-outs, and no exceptions..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Texas attorney-general indicted on felony charges: securities fraud, failure to register with state securities board
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
another arms dealer bans sales to "radical Muslims"
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Brennan Weiss _Washington DC Times_
USA poised to become leading exporter of natural gas
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Brent crude oil price dipped back below $50/barrel, contrary to Obummer's schems to drive up energy prices beyond what Americans can bear
William L. Watts: Fox
Timothy Puko & Georgi Kantchev: Wall Street Journal
William L. Watts & Biman Mikherji: MarketWatch
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
CDCP director Thomas Frieden in Sierra Leone as ebola concerns grow
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: leftist/Red Obummer seeks to cut the connection from one generation to the next
Media Research Center
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Rush Limbaugh: Trump may "blow up" the establishment debate formula
"Radio commentator Rush Limbaugh said he wouldn't be surprised if top-polling Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump intends to 'blow up' the 'predictable' and 'stale' televised debate Thursday night. 'The formula's everything to the establishment, because they control it.', Limbaugh said... 'And that's one thing Trump is not: Controllable. Particularly when it comes to the establishment. So there could be fireworks.' Limbaugh said the fireworks are inevitable 'since everybody's gonna watch it, and...the way it's reported afterwards.'..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Tom deLay: most GOP candidates don't understand why the voters like Trump (with video)
"'What the others are not getting, [former Arkansas governor Mike] Huckabee's the only one that's really getting it, is that people are dying for and demanding leadership, number one, and Donald Trump is providing that.', DeLay said Monday on 'The Steve Malzberg Show'. 'Secondly, they want a fighter. They want someone that will stop what's going on in Washington, DC and he's proven that.'..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
political alliance of Sarah Palin with Donald trump is smart politics
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Pete Hoekstra _News Max_
Iran treaty should have been modeled on earlier efforts which persuaded Moammar Gadhafi to reduce backing of terrorist, stop development toward nuclear weapons
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
the haughty John Kerry in Qatar to sell Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Red China demands USA turn over high-level defector
"Ling Wancheng, who has owned properties in the United States since late 2013 is the brother of Ling Jihua, who for years held a post in the [Red Chinese] government equivalent to the White House chief of staff. As a result Ling Wancheng is believed to have information that might be embarrassing to Beijing..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
socialist president of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro blames USA conspiracy for supermarket warehouse riot in San Felix, Bolivar
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
American huntress fights leftist culture, posts pictures from her giraffe hunt
Laura Ingraham
Aislinn Laing: London Telegraph
"Corgatelli also posted photos in which she poses with 'a kudu, an impala, a wart hog, a wildebeest and a crocodile'."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate attacks generate concern across Western Civilization & Asia
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
the madness of leftist crowds
"I was forced to watch CNN Monday morning while sitting in a professional's waiting room. The subject of discussion was the explosion in murders in New York, Los Angeles and other cities in the last year. I laughed as the pundits agreed that throwing more money at the problem was the answer, while discussing how these inner-city police departments are 'under-resourced'. The problem may be resources to some extent. However, the real problem is belief in [leftist] policies, which essentially remove accountability from one's actions. It's no secret that New York mayor Bill de Blasio has significantly reversed former mayor Rudy Giuliani's policies of community policing. It is no secret that the Left has been on [a racist] 'anti-racist' jihad against police in general. Do Democrats really believe that this agenda will lead to less crime and to a safer society? I think not. This is because at its core, Marxism is simply extreme irresponsibility..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Emery A. Popoloski _Washington DC Times_
give veterans real health-care choices, not the run-around
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Deborah Simmons _Washington DC Times_
returning to school is not always an easy time for children of military personnel
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
interview of Mike Huckabee & panel discussion tomorrow (Tuesday) 2015-08-04 18:30CST
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
_News Max_
a Puerto Rico government agency was unable to make a full payment due on bond
"The Caribbean island paid just $628K of what was due on securities sold by its Public Finance Corp. because the legislature didn't provide enough money, Melba Acosta, the president of its Government Development Bank, said in a statement. About $58M of interest and principal was due..."
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
"Freedom Partners Policy Leaders": Scott Walker
Ted Cruz
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Amazon's production based on Philip K. Dick's alternate history novel "Man in the High Castle" explored differences between Nazis and Americans
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
*** Mark Levin: we need a real, new civil rights movement where we advance liberty, prosperity, private property rights, capitalism, American sovereignty, and individual sovereignty ***
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Avaneesh Pandey _International Business Times_
Ted Cruz: the data show global warning "aint happenin'"
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Jonathan Lesser _Cybercast News Service_
California's "green energy" policies are driving increasing numbers into energy poverty...
...just as Obummer said he wants (video)
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Larry Bell _News Max_
wind subsidies cost tax-victims big
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
David Hunt _Washington DC Times_
USA is playing catch-up to check Russian domination of Arctic, while Obummer fumes about non-existent global warming
"..As the United States has dithered in the Arctic, Russia has deployed an array of fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missile systems, and state-of-the-art radar systems to islands off the Russian coast in the Arctic. Russia's Northern Fleet will also conduct a large exercise focused on the defense of Russia’s economic assets in the Arctic..."
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Bill Federer _WND_
US Coast Guard established 1790-08-04
2015-08-03 (5775 Ab 18)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
John Pendleton Kennedy and Washington Irving on slavery encountered in the Shenandoah Valley
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"I am HaShem your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make a carved image, or any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I HaShem your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate Me, and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments" --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:6-9 |
1730-08-04: John Peter Zenger acquitted of sedition.
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
crazy California: Huntington Park city council appointed 2 illegal aliens to city commissions
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
illegal aliens under age 21 granted "asylum" up more than 4,100% in 2 years
"In FY2013, USCIS granted approval for 58 unaccompanied minors' applications for asylum. By FY2015 up to May 5, USCIS had granted asylum for 2,458 of applications, an increase of more than 4,100%. FY2014 saw 271 unaccompanied minors granted asylum... In FY2013 USCIS received 718 applications for asylum. In FY2013 that number increased to 2,797, and by FY2015 (through May 5) there were 7,712 applications... last fiscal year Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] removed just 1,379 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras..."
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
update: China City theme park proposal dropped EB-5 references, changed name
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
ICANN chief Fadi Chehade warns of potential major problems with USA relinquishing oversight
"...Less than a year ago, law-makers in Washington warned that having the U.S.A. give up its ties to ICANN could let a nation with more restrictive Internet laws commandeer ownership over critical functions of the web. 'The likes of Russian president Vladimir Putin, Iran's ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Chinese president Xi Jinping should not dictate what can be read, written, distributed, bought and sold on the Internet.', senator Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, said at the time. 'Countries that do not give their own people the right to speak freely deserve no say in what Americans can say and do on the Internet.' Mr. Chehade said he faced similar concerns from Capitol Hill..."
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists prefer to suppress rather than engage opposing views
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Jay Ambrose _Jewish World Review_
shutting up disliked opinions
David French: National Review: Surprise: Wisconsin's shame: a victim fights back
David French: National Review: Surprise: Lois Lerner had "friends" in Wisconsin
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
no second thoughts about using nuclear bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Washington DC Times
"The pointless debate continues. As reliable as the arrival of the scorching heat and drenching humidity of August, comes the debate (mostly by academics) over whether the United States is guilty of moral outrage for having dropped the atomic bombs on Japan on 1945 Aug. 6 and 9, to put an end to the carnage of World War 2... But for the majority, then and now, the Bomb was a gift of Providence, developed to stop the slaughter of the most horrific war of history. Hiroshima was payback, too, for Pearl Harbor, Wake Island, the Bataan death march, the rape of China, the ravenous plunder of the Philippines, Korea and the islands that suffered in the heat, disease and squalid butchery of the South Pacific. The plunderers and butchers had it coming... History, unrevised and served without side dishes, reveals that President Truman, a man with a tutored Christian conscience, did the right thing. Until the end of a long life, he never repented of his decision to drop the bomb. Nor should he have."
And since then, Japanese have become friends, and relatives.
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
Mugabe is no friend to lion- nor man-kind
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Ronald Kessler _Jewish World Review_
the 2 Donald Trumps: brash in public, kind in private
Washington DC Times
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
the Muslim invasion of the UK
Washington DC Times
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is reminiscent of ObummerDoesn'tCare: duplicitous, secretive, destructive and legacy-driven, and he's going to have to go full "community organizer" to get it passed
Cybercast News Service
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Benjamin Netanyahu: Iran is building nuclear weapons and ICBMs to hit the USA
Jerusalem Israel Post
NY Post
Todd Beamon: News Max
Christian Today
Kieran Corcoran: London Daily Mail
Amy Miller: Legal Insurrection
Israel HaYom/Israel Today
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
governor Bobby Jindal: Obummer declared war against trans fats and a cease-fire with the largest state sponsor of Muslim terrorism; Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is bad (with video)
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Joe Kovacs _WND_
Rush Limbaugh: Iran may release 4 Americans in secret side deal to Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
John R. Bolton _Washington DC Times_
debating Obummer's rotten treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"...[President Obummer's] spokesmen have repeatedly declared the [treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons] to be his second term's signature achievement, comparable to [ObummerDoesn'tCare] in the first term. They have a point: Neither the Iran [treaty] nor [ObummerDoesn'tCare] should survive a 2016 Republican presidential victory..."
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Thomas G. del Beccaro _Washington DC Times_
Obummers rotten treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems... and fund them to buy, and allow them to buy copious amounts of armaments for their terrorists and "conventional" military
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
one-footed cheer-leader never lost her smile
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
_News Max_/_AP_
Israeli arrested after arson in eastern Israel that killed a Palestinian toddler and injured his older brother and parents
Robert Tait: London Telegraph
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Clifford D. May _Washington DC Times_
mounting a defense against economic warfare
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
legalistic and acamedic equality is non-sense
Jewish World Review
"A particular act or policy might not have a discriminatory intent, but that doesn't let you off the hook. If it has a disproportionately negative impact on so-called protected classes, it is said to have a disparate impact and risks being prohibited by law. The uninformed assumption made by judges, lawyers and academics is that but for the fact of racial and sex discrimination, we all would be distributed across occupations, educational backgrounds and other socio-economic characteristics according to our percentages in the population. Such a vision is absolute nonsense. There is no evidence, anywhere, at any time, that but for the fact of discrimination, there would be proportional representation among various socio-economic characteristics. Let's look at some disproportionalities, with an eye toward discovering the causes and then deciding what to do about them. If one were to list the world's top 30 violinists of the 20th century, at least 25 of them would be of Jewish ancestry. Another disparity is that despite the fact that Jews are less than 3% of the U.S. population and a mere 0.2% of the world's population, during the 20th century, Jews were 35% of American and 22% of the world's Nobel Prize winners. Are Jews taking violin excellence and Nobel Prizes that belong to other ethnicities? If America's diversity worshippers see under-representation as probative of racial discrimination, what do they propose be done about over-representation?... Not a single player in the NHL's history can boast of having been born and raised in Hawaii, Louisiana or Mississippi..."
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: Hitlery Rotten Clinton lied about Benghazi, e-mail messages; these go to the core of her character
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Michael Hayden _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages containing classified info are scary, her denial is incoherent
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: I intend to make 2016 a referendum on repealing ObummerDoesn'tCare
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
the plot to destroy Richard M. Nixon
"In his new biography _Being Nixon: A Man Divided_, Evan Thomas concedes a point. Richard Nixon, he writes, 'was not paranoid; the press and the Georgetown set really were out to get him'... "
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
HR3314 could save USA from the next Muslim terrorist attack
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
_Conservative HQ_
"Voters First Forum": 2 winners and a bunch of losers
"The 'Voters First Forum' Republican presidential candidate 'debate' last night had 2 clear winners and a bunch of losers -- with Donald Trump, who wasn't even there, and Ted Cruz being the winners, and most of the other candidates, who appeared to be scripted phonies, coming up way short in comparison. Of course it is a rare person who can take 6 or 7 minutes of TV air-time and make a lasting favorable impression, but that's an important part of the winnowing process in this large Republican field. And while there was no actual 'debate' give the organizers some credit; the one-on-one format of questions from a moderator with no give and take among the candidates did allow each candidate to put their best foot forward. But what it also showed is that most of them are Lilliputians compared to Trump and Cruz. First, a quick look at the highlights and low points of the program: [Senator Lindsey Grahamnesty's] decision to hit [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] with Bill Clinton's Monica Lewinsky scandal was the most egregious example of a bottom-tier candidate desperate to find a break-through moment. We keep saying that campaigning against Clinton scandals will not win the election -- it is [Hitlery Rotten Clinton's] policies that are the scariest thing about her -- and the zero on the applause meter for Graham's comment showed we are right. Governor John Kasich of Ohio coopting George H.W. Bush's legacy of 'compassionate conservatism' and subtly hitting [Yebbie Booosh] was a high point that many probably missed. Kasich is clearly angling to be, as Politico's Eli Stokols put it, [Yebbie Booosh] without baggage, and he's going out of his way to emphasize his own blue-collar background -- an implied contrast to the Bush dynasty. Another low point was Marco Rubio's flip-flop (again) on illegal immigration and his support for amnesty for illegal aliens. 'Legal immigration must be based on merit... on whether you are coming to be an American, rather than just to live in America.', Rubio said, trying his best to gloss over his infamous 'Gang of Eight' [8 gangsters] amnesty bill which had no mention in it of 'merit' and would have allowed millions of unvetted illegal aliens to stay in the country, and qualify for welfare and other taxpayer-funded benefits. [Yebbie Booosh's] performance was strangely flat for the Republican establishment's preferred candidate -- but then again content-free is how the Republican political class prefers their nominee. Bush was about as exciting as a bowl of oatmeal. His bland characterization of the failures of [Obummer's] policies against Muslim expansionism that, 'We let our guard down a little bit in the fight against terrorism in recent years', walked right into Ted Cruz's hay-maker Ronald Reagan allusion that 'We'll win by painting in bold colors...' There was nothing bold or colorful in [Yebbie Booosh's] plodding performance last night. There were some other good quips and quotes; from Bobby Jindal about Bernie Sanders at least being honest enough to call himself a socialist; from Carly Fiorina about having met more world leaders than any other presidential candidate, With the possible exception of Hillary Clinton, although I didn't just do photo ops., and Rick Perry poking fun at himself while listing what federal agencies he'd eliminate. But Cruz and Trump dominated the show -- Cruz by standing head-and-shoulders above the rest as a communicator and Trump by being the elephant in the room no one would talk about. One of the advantages of the Voters First Forum format was that it allowed more than a quick one-liner -- the candidates had to actually string together a coherent paragraph -- and in that regard Ted Cruz shown. Even POLITICO, not normally Cruz-friendly territory said: 'And then there was Cruz: calm, crisp and comfortable. The former Princeton debate champion fired away in a hohum, folksy twang. I believe this [Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons] is the gravest threat facing America., he said. And he defended his rhetoric, which some have panned for being overheated in just as a calm a tone. Let me tell you something., he said quietly. Speaking the truth is not rhetoric. At the outset of the official debate season, it's clear that Cruz is head and shoulders above his rivals as a communicator, promising the audience, We'll win by painting in bold colors and we’ll reignite the promise of America and blasting the Washington cartel. He promises to make 2016 a referendum on [ObummerDoesn'tCare]. The only question is whether he's too good -- whether his practiced cadences, dramatic pauses and innate theatricality add to his authenticity or undermine it.' Our take is they add to Cruz's authenticity and make him arguably the best Republican communicator since Ronald Reagan. But the real winner was Donald Trump -- who now holds twice the market share of his nearest rival in New Hampshire and who won last night by winning the comparison with the rest of the candidates. Where the Republican establishment and the political media see bombast, country class voters see passion for the core issues, especially illegal immigration, that concern them. Where was the passion in the rest of the candidates, save Cruz? Where the Republican establishment and the political media see abrasiveness, country class voters see truth-telling, especially on the cost in lives and quality of life in Democrat 'sanctuary cities' and from [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] policies [to give amnesty to illegal aliens]. Where was that kind of truth-telling in the rest of the candidates, save Cruz? And where the Republican establishment and the political media see a 'shoot from the lip' unguided missile in Trump, country class voters see integrity, and a willingness to challenge the establishment policies that are wrecking the country. Where was that kind of integrity in the rest of the candidates, save Cruz?..."
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
_News Max_
"Voters First Forum": illegal aliens, border security
"Senator [Lindsey Grahamnesty] of South Carolina got in what was arguably the zinger of the night when he declared himself uniquely qualified to take on [Dem/Red/leftist Hitlery Rotten Clinton] in a general election match-up in 2016 November. Clinton is currently the front-runner among Dems/leftists/Reds seeking the presidential nomination. 'I am fluent in Clinton-speak', [Grahamnesty] said, proceeding to bring up the Monica Lewinsky scandal that jeopardized Bill Clinton's presidency in 1996 and [Hitlery Rotten Clinton's illegal] use of a private e-mail server while conducting official business as secretary of state. 'When Bill says he didn't have sex with that woman, he did.', [Grahamnesty] said. 'When (Hillary Clinton) tells us: Trust me, you have all the e-mails you need., we haven't even scratched the surface... I understand this crowd.' Trump, who leads polls of Republican voters in the 2016 race for a presidential nominee, declined to appear at the event out of pique over an editorial written about him by the New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper, one of the sponsors of the event. But the issue he has repeatedly railed about, illegal immigration, was one of the most talked-about at the forum, and all the candidates who addressed the issue said a solution must be found. All stressed the need for ensuring the U.S.A. border is secure before taking other steps to deal with the issue, which most agreed should lead to a legal guest-worker program. While Democratic [president Barack Obummer] says great strides have been made in securing the border, former Texas governor Rick Perry begged to differ. 'It's like a serious wound. You want to staunch the flow.', said Perry, whose state shares a long border with Mexico... Former senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania said it would have helped Trump and 2 other no-show candidates, Mike Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, and Jim Gilmore, a former Virginia governor, if they had been there..."
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
"Voters First Forum": immigration dominates
"Immigration as a whole -- both legal and illegal immigration, high numbers of which concern Americans -- dominated the first GOP presidential candidate forum in Manchester, New Hampshire, at Saint Anselm College... immigration is the number one issue on Americans' minds heading into the 2016 presidential primary process. Moderator Jack Heath, of WGIR-AM and the host of 'New Hampshire Today', opened the forum with former Texas governor Rick Perry by asking three questions of Perry about immigration. He noted before he did so that after surveying voters in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, on the most important issues to them, 'topping the list' were 2: a main-stay issue, the economy, and an issue that usually isn't as high a priority in presidential campaigns, immigration. After Perry stumbled through answers to them making the first of a couple major gaffes, Heath moved on to the second candidate: Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum. Santorum, who supports a 25% reduction in ['low-skill'] immigration until the economy is under control, made sure to bring that up when he was asked about the issue..."
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
"Voters First Forum": Scott Walker's populist appeal shines
Charlie Spiering: Rand Paul stumbled
Ian Hanchett: Marco Rubio: immigration can't be repaired with comprehensive bill
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
"Voters First Forum": some GOP candidate consensus on immigration & Planned Parenthood
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Planned Parenthood: abortion has always been at least partly about the money
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Sandy FitzGerald _News Max_
Donald Trump: people are responding to my success and brain power (with video)
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
Newt Gingrich worries about "oligarchs": Kochs, Yebbie Boosh's super-PAC, Bloomberg, Soros, Steyer, Buffett, Zuckerman, Adelson...
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
senate GOP bill (S1836) protects opponents of ObummerDoesntCare contraceptive/abortifacient rules
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
John Boehner should have been removed from speakership 2012-11-07, right after he said he was not going to work for the Republican agenda but for the Red/Dem/leftist agenda
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Nigerian on Africa and USA presidents' legacies: Shrub fought AIDS, Obummer is promoting homosexual agenda (with video)
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Margaret Knapp _Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity: USA will be bankrupt: USA is becoming fiscally like Greece
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
student suspended for insulting Islam, Mexicans, and Baltimore rioters; so much for academic freedom
"...'I'm thinking about enlisting in the Marines.', he said, adding that he's not going to quit his case, Fox News reported. 'I'm not going to stand down and watch an institution throw away the Constitution and throw away basic God-given rights.'"
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Star Parker _WND_
mega-rich Hitlery Rotten Clinton's "solutions" hurt the poor
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Linda Harvey _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton & Barack Hussein Obummer trying to push homosexuality on Africans
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Barry Farber _WND_
Cecil shines light on Mugabe and Zimbabwe
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
inspector-general: Huma Abedin may have delivered favors for friends
Sarah Westwood: Washington DC Examiner
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
there were more instances of Muslim terrorism in 2015 than any year since 2001/09/11
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
380 Americans sickened from Mexican cilantro contaminated with human feces: CDCP + FDA continuing investigation
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
CRS study show no evidence of "mass public shooting epidemic"
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
religious liberty and freedom of speech (video)
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
is Russia preparing to send troops to Syria?
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Bruce Fein _Washington DC Times_
Obummer leftists & neo-cons are useful idiots for al-Qaeda and ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Rebecca Riffkin _Gallup_
USA economic confidence index dropped to -12 in July
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard _London Telegraph_
day of reckoning postponed as global economic recovery every so slowly builds, but inflation races ahead
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
God ordered total eradication of most Canaanite kingdoms; why?; Bible scholars say the world should heed the warnings
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
This afternoon, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Tom Tacredo, (5) Ann Coulter, (6) Rick Santorum, (7) Scott Walker, (8) Ted Cruz, (9) Mike Huckabee, (10) Donald Trump, (11) Rand Paul, (12) Tom Cotton, (13) Rick Perry, (14) Ben S. Carson, (15) John Kasich, (16) Carly Fiorina, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime granting eco-fascists unprecedented power in crafting "climate policy"
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Margaret Knapp _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin on Obummer's climate hysteria: this is war against capitalism, liberty, & private property (with video)
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Russia re-submits claim to UN for energy-rich Arctic shelf; prospect has attracted USA, Canada, Norway, Denmark
Maria Stainer: Washington DC Times
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
history in context: the American Colonization Society, "national racism" in the early 19th century, and our path forward
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Bill Federer _WND_
John Eliot: "The Word of God is the perfect System of Laws to guide all moral actions of man"
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"Inspiration means breathing in. Breathing in God." --- Natalie Goldberg (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Laura Ingraham
illegal alien with 4 prior arrests charged with burglary, attacking & sexually assaulting a 64-year-old California whom who died as a result
Cheryl K. Chumley: World Net Daily
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
leftist racist media foofraw sheds more light on illegal immigration and excessive student, guest-work, green card visas aimed at supply cheap, young, pliant labor with flexible ethics
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
mayor of Rome Ignazio Marino: we're too crowded to allow more immigrants
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
claim: "migrant camp" near Calais is controlled by human traffickers, many of them British
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
a record 1 in 5 people in Germany are recent immigrants or descendants of recent immigrants
German Federal Statistical Office
Deutsche Welle
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
3 stabbings in 3 hours in immigrant city of Malmoe, Sweden, where violence is the norm
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Paul Wiseman _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
some economists criticize Donald Trump's promise to bring jobs back from Red China
"Since the beginning of 2000, the U.S. economy has lost 5M manufacturing jobs. A study published last year by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that between 2M and 2.4M jobs were lost to competition from [Red China] from 1999 to 2011. Announcing his presidential bid June 16, Trump declared: 'I'll bring back our jobs from [Red China], from Mexico, from Japan, from so many places. I'll bring back our jobs, and I'll bring back our money.' [But he did not say how he would go about doing so.] Economists were unimpressed. 'It's completely implausible.', says former Federal Reserve vice-chairman Alan Blinder, a Princeton University economist who has studied the off-shoring of American jobs. Companies shifted low-skill [and high-skill] jobs to [Red China from the late 1980s through] the 2000s because American workers couldn't compete with Chinese workers earning around $1 an hour. Now [Red China] itself is losing low-wage manufacturing jobs to poorer countries such as Bangladesh and VietNam. If America tried to block foreign-made products and make everything at home, prices would sky-rocket [though they certainly did not fall when the work was off-shored] and foreign countries would likely retaliate... But there's an even bigger problem for those who want to restore U.S. manufacturing employment (now 12.3M) to its 1979 peak of 19.6M. Technology has taken many of those jobs for good. Today's high-tech factories employ a fraction of the workers they used to [though they decreased capital/automation and increased labor when the work was off-shored]. General Motors, for example, employed 600K in the 1970s. It has 216K now -- and sells more cars than ever... That's especially true with U.S. unemployment at a 7-year low 5.3%, a rate close to what economists consider full employment [though, historically it was thought to be about 4% overall, and 0.6% in fields like law and software product engineering; historial USA employment/population ratios suggest we have an aggregate jobs dearth of some 25M to 31M; and we've been losing not only manufacturing jobs, but high-tech product and services jobs]... Prasad says U.S. policy-makers should focus more on investing in things that will improve America's competitiveness over the long haul -- schools, roads and airports, for example. And Blinder says the U.S.A. should do more to re-train American workers who lose their jobs to foreign competition. Companies often decide where to locate factories and hire people on factors that can change: labor costs, energy bills, transportation expenses, proximity to customers..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
some GOP candidates blast "sanctuary cities" but did not crack down on them as governors
"...NumbersUSA, which demands stricter limits on immigration, announced plans to run an ad urging the candidates to rein in legal immigration, which adds about 1M permanent residents to the country every year..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions lays out USA's mandate for GOP debates on immigration & trade
"Sessions, who's widely viewed as the intellectual leader of the Republican Party, told Breitbart News that if Republicans first hash out immigration correctly, they will be able to run the tables and drive the Democrats from the White House. 'There's no issue that will bring in more new voters to the Republican side than immigration.', Sessions said. 'Our nominee needs to be crystal clear that we will end the illegality and we will produce an immigration system that serves the interest of the American citizens and that we can be proud of. The American people want to hear that. They have a right to hear that. Politicians have been promising that for decades and it's time for somebody to deliver on that. So I think that will attract new voters.' High [vastly excessive] immigration levels and 'unwise trade policies', Sessions said, have contributed directly to the severely lowered wages and workforce participation rates—perhaps the worst since the 1970s. It's up to the next Republican nominee -- and the GOP as a whole -- to convince Americans they will actually fix this problem rather than kicking the can down the road again. 'Wages are down over $3K from the recession in 2008 [while retail prices have continued to soar], we've got the lowest percentage of Americans working since the 1970s, wages are stuck at 1970s levels, we've had this huge flow of immigrants and we've had unwise trade policies.', Sessions said. 'Those things, the American people instinctively know, have been adverse to their financial well-being. They want to see their leaders speak up on them. I think that the Republican nominee should say something like We are looking at these numbers too, and they're bad. I understand your concerns. We can get a trade policy that ensures fairness and reciprocity and that are not one-way agreements and that we can and will establish an immigration policy that serves your interest and is honorable and we can be proud of.' If Republicans succeed in clearly articulating what Sessions is talking about—and campaigning aggressively on it, like now representative Dave Brat (R-VA) did against now former House majority-leader Eric Cantor -- Sessions expects that the Republican Party can cut substantially into the Democratic Party's voting base, and easily win elections like the White House and other races in landslides like haven't been seen in a very long time... When American high-tech companies like Southern California Edison, Disney, Infosys and more keep laying off American workers to replace them with lower-paid foreigners brought in by the American government on H-1B visas, Sessions said that's a travesty. What makes it worse, he noted, is that new technological advances in robotics and automation have replaced American workers in manufacturing nationwide—more proof there's no need for any more importing of cheap foreign labor..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
ICANN prepares for USA to give up oversight of Internet
"However, a decision that could potentially allow [president Barack Hussein Obummer] to flip the Internet and its 'address book' to international control or to foreign governments is getting huge Republican push-back. ICANN, under a contract with the U.S. Commerce Department, has operated as the non-government-organization (NGO) that manages the Internet master data-base of such top-level domain names as '.com' and '.net'. Despite reassurances not to rush a government plan to relinquish oversight over Internet infrastructure management, the [corrupt Obummer regime] in March set 2015 September as a deadline for determining whether ICANN is 'ready for greater independence'..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime endorsed Cyber Intelligence Sharing Act (CISA), but many privacy flaws remain to be corrected
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
in Obummer's Washington DC it is open season on Israel... and its supporters
"It was obvious the fight over [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] nuclear deal with Iran would get very ugly, very quickly. And so it has. It was obvious that it would be ugly because the fight over [Obummer's] appeasement policy toward Iran has been going on since he took office [over 6.5] years ago. And it has always been ugly. Every time [Obummer] has sided with the mullahs against domestic opponents he has played the Jew card in one way or another. He has blown more anti-Semitic dog whistles than many in Washington even realized existed. Now the stakes are far higher than a mere sanctions bill. [Obummer] has gotten his [treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems]. And he'll be damned if he allows it to go down. So it is open season on Israel and its supporters..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
as GOP losership introduced fake bill "disapproving of" Obummer's treaty helping Iran develop nuclear weapons, focus is on Reds/Dems/leftists
Stop playing patty-cake and focus on getting 34 senators to vote against it, already!
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons: DoD confirmed Iranian war-ship targeted USA helicopter and coalition ship
Jennifer Griffin: Fox
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime refuses to disclose to US senate secret side deals to treaty to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons could increase their terrorism-linked military spending by $5G
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
one of Obummer's negotiators, Wendy Sherman: I didn't see final side-deals of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Greg Corombos _WND_
Dems are starting to join in on criticism of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, fund terrorists
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
photographic evidence that Iran is already sanitizing nuclear weapons development site (Potemkin village) at Parchin, intelligence agencies warn
John Sexton: Breitbart
Jerusalem Israel Post
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Pat Boone _WND_
the Muslim principle that makes Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons suicide: Muhammad on Taqiyya, the virtue of lying to non-Muslims
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
eliminating government funding of Planned Parenthood is not the same as repealing the "right to abortion"
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood's 3% dodge, 3% fraud
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Conservative HQ_
Phyllis Schlafly: we must terminate government funding of the horrific Planned Parenthood now
2015-08-04 (5775 Ab 19)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood: 5th video
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Cybercast News Service_
networks refusing to release 5th video of Planned Parenthood criminal activities
Curtis Houck: Media Research Center News Busters; lions and tigers and murderers (with video)
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Laura Ingraham
Planned Parenthood: 5th video
"Yesterday a Center for Medical Progress released a fifth video showing Planned Parenthood selling intact fetuses, fetal tissue and organs of aborted babies. This comes just one day after the Senate failed to pass legislation stripping the organization of federal funding. This video shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, discussing the sale of fetal body parts, elaborating on the pricing for specimens, which range from intact fetuses to tissue. This video again confirms speculation about PPFA's actions, as Farrell states, 'If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget, that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. I mean it's all just a matter of line items.' On the senate floor Monday evening, Elizabeth Warren flipped..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_London Daily Mail_
Planned Parenthood: 5th video
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Susan Stamper Brown _Jewish World Review_
answering the question Debbie Wasserman-Schultz couldn't or wouldn't: the differences among Dems and other leftists
"...Author and former politician Upton Sinclair sure thought at least democrats were that gullible. In 1951, referring to his own experience running for public office after switching from the Socialist Party to the Democrat Party he said, 'The American people will take socialism, but they won't take the label. I certainly proved it... Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60K votes, and running on the slogan to End Poverty in California I got 879K.' Sinclair tricked 819K people, err, democrats into voting for him simply by switching labels and tweaking his message..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
lies about firearms, guns, and other arms
"...Lott replies that accidental shooting deaths are relatively rare: 'about 500 a year'. That sounds bad, but about 400 Americans are killed by overdosing on acetaminophen each year (most of them suicides), and almost as many Americans drown in swimming pools. 'It would be nice if it was zero (but) consider that 120M Americans own guns.', Lott says... Add politics to the mix and the anti-gun statistics get even more misleading. Gang members in their late teens or early adulthood killing each other get called 'children'. Fights between gangs near schools get called school 'mass shootings'... The number of people holding permits to carry concealed weapons has sky-rocketed to 12.8M, up from 4.6M just before [president Barack Hussein Obummer] took office. Since 40% of American households now own guns, anyone who wants to take them away will have a fight on his hands... 'In 1991, the murder rate was about 9.8 (people) per 100K. (Now) it's down to about 4.2.'"
2014-08-16: Jaymi Heimbudh: Care 2
"Mosquitoes: 655K people killed each year... Hippopotami: 2,900... Deer: 130 people killed across the USA... Bees: 53 people die each year in the USA... Dogs: 30-35 people are killed each year in the USA... Ants: 20-50 people are killed each year in Africa... Jellyfish: 20-40 people/year die in the Philippines alone... Cows: 22 people are killed in the USA every year... Horses: 20 people die each year... Spiders: 6.5 people die in the USA every year... Rattlesnakes: 5.5 people die from rattlesnake bites each year in the USA... Sharks: more than 1 in USA, fewer than 6 worldwide"
2015-06-16: Christopher Ingraham: Washington DC Compost
"...leading causes of death heart disease kills 611K people a year, Cancer: 584,881... Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 149,205... Accidents (unintentional injuries): 130,557... Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,978... Alzheimer's disease: 84,767... Diabetes: 75,578... Influenza and Pneumonia: 56,979... Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 47,112... Intentional self-harm (suicide): 41,149 [and
CDCP tells us for 2013 (pdf)] 5.9/100K pneumonitis due to solids & liquids... 40 Salmonella; 6 Shigellosis & amebiasis; 10,590 other intestinal infections=3.3/100K; 555 tuberculosis=0.2/100K; 408 respiratory tuberculosis=0.1/100K; 12 whooping cough; 1 scarlet fever & erysipelas; 59 meningococcal infections; 38,156 septicemia=12.1/100K; 49 syphilis; 4 arthropod-borne viral encephalitis; 8,157 viral hepatitis=2.6/100K; 6,955 HIV/AIDS; 10 malaria=2.2/100K; 6,007 other infectious & parasitic diseases;
584,881 malignant neoplasms/cancers=185/100K (8,850 lip, mouth, and pharynx=2.8/100K; 14,690 esophagus=4.6/100K; 11,261 stomach=3.6/100K; 52,252 colon, rectum, anus=16.5/100K; 24,032 liver & intra-hepatic bile ducts=76/100K; 38,996 pancreas=12.3/100K; 3,729 larynx=1.2/100K; 156,252 trachea, bronchus & lung=49.4/100K; 9,394 skin=3/100K; 41,325 breast=13.1/100K; 4,217 cervix uteri=1.3/100K; 9,325 corpus uteri, uterus; 14,272 ovary=4.5/100K; 27,682 prostate=8.8/100K; 13,906 kidney & renal pelvis; 15,757 bladder=5/100K; 15,345 nervous system=4.9/100K; 56,936 lymphoid, hematopoietic & related tissues=18/100K; 1,090 Hodgkin's lymphoma=0.3/100K; 23,428 leukemia=7.4/100K...);
4,894 anemias=1.5/100K; 75,578 diabetes mellitus=23.9/100K; 3,382 nutritional deficiencies=1.1/100K; 3,224 malnutrition=1/100K; 584 meningitis=02/100K; 25,196 Parkinson's=8/100K; 84,767 Alzheimer's=26.8/100K; 796,494 cardio-vascular=252/100K (611,105 heart diseases=193.3/100K; 3,260 acute rheumatic fever & chronic rheumatic heart diseases=1/100K; 37,144 hyper-tensive heart disease=11.7/100K; 4,028 hyper-tensive heart & renal disease=1.3/100K; 370,213 ischemic heart diseases=117.1/100K; [116,793 acute myo-cardial infarction=36.9/100K; 3,936 other acute ischemic heart diseases=1.2/100K; 249,484 other ischemic heart disease=78.9/100K {59,474 atherosclerosis=18.8/100K; 190,009 other=60.1/100K}; 196,460 other heart diseases=62.1/100K]); 30,770 essential hyper-tension & hyper-tensive renal disease=9.7/100K; 128,978 cerebro-vascular disease=40.8/100K; 6,685 atherosclerosis=2.1/100K; 9,846 aortic aneurysm & dissection=3.1/100K;
56,979 influenza & pneumonia=18/100K (3,697 influenza=1.2/100K; 53,282 pneumonia=16.9/100K);... 2,988 peptic ulcer=0.9/100K; 371 diseases of appendix=0.1/100K; 1,932 hernia=0.6/100K; 36,427 chronic liver disease & cirrhosis=11.5/100K (18,146 alcoholic liver disease=5.7/100K; 18,281 other=5.8/100K); 3,377 Cholelithiasis & other disorders of gall-bladder=11/100K; 47,112 nephritis, nephrotic syndrome & nephrotic syndrome=14.9/100K; 641 kidney infections=0.2/100K; 558 hyper-plasia of prostate=0.2/100K; 129 inflammation of female pelvic organs; 1,138 pregnancy, child-birth & puerperium;... 9,583 congenital malformations, deformations & chromosomal abnormalities; 320,065 all other diseases;
130,557 accidents=41.3/100K (37,938 transportation=12/100K {35,369 motor vehicle=11.2/100K; 1,000 other land transport=0.3/100K; 1,569 water, air, space, other & unspecified=0.5/100K}; 92,619 non-transport=29.3/100K {30,208 falls=9.6/100K; 505 accidental discharge of fire-arms=0.2/100K; 3,391 drowning & submersion=1.1/100K; 2,760 smoke, fire & flames=0.9/100K; 38,851 poisoning & noxious substances=12.3/100K; 16,904 other=5.3/100Ks};
41,149 suicide=13/100K {21,175 suicide using fire-arm=6.7/100K; 19,974 other=6.3/100K}; 16,121 battery/homicide=5.1/100K {11,208 homicide using fire-arm=3.5/100K; 4,913 homicide by other means=1.6/100K}); 516 legal intervention=0.2/100K; 4,587 events of undetermined intent=1.5/100K {281 discharge of fire-arms of undetermined intent=0.1/100K; 4,306 other of undetermined intent=1.4/100K};
15 war; 2,768 complications of medical & surgical care=0.9/100K; 7,665 Clostridium difficile=2.4/100K; 46,471 drug-induced deaths=14.7/100K; 29,001 alcohol-induced deaths=9.2/100K; 33,636 all injury by fire-arms including separate categories above=10.6/100K..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
your washing-machine can steal computer files
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Dick Meyer _Jewish World Review_
artificial intelligence (AI), artificial stupidity (AS), and real stupidity: our future?
"...We recently installed what was billed as the simplest of all the smart thermostats. The instruction booklet was terrific unless you require pictures that match the actual thermostat and sentences that use words in some type of syntax..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
an experiment in cruelty: "The Stanford Prison Experiment"
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Abigail Jones _Jewish World Review_
photographing the ruins of the "borscht belt" in the Catskills
2014-09-26: NewsWeek
Marisa Scheinfeld
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
what Jeffrey Toobin ignores
"...In the manner described so well by Jonathan Haidt in his land-mark book _The Righteous Mind_, Toobin appears to be blind to much larger realities in our immigration debate, which unfolds against the turbulent background of 5 decades of [vastly excessive legal and] illegal immigration..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
senator Chuck Schumer's (and his cousin Amy's) empathy for some victims of violence, but not others
"...Accompanying Ms. Schumer at the press conference was her distant cousin, Chuck, the [leftist] Dem senator from New York. My moral and intellectual dissonance alarms began wailing like banshees when I saw the senator take the podium. This is the same man who, along with another senator, fellow Democrat Dick Durbin of Illinois, chose to absent himself from a senate Judiciary committee hearing on July 21 for victims of violence perpetrated by criminal aliens. It appears that the senator's empathy for victims of violence is remote, abstract, and only applicable when it serves a pet cause; one that includes gun control, but unambiguously does not go so far as disapproval for state and local governments that, rather than surrender alien criminals to federal immigration authorities for deportation, choose to release them to the streets to reoffend with a wide variety of crimes including murder, rape, and pedophilic abuse. The moral and intellectual disconnect of such a position is huge. Does the good senator think that guns fire themselves?"
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
new bill HR3151 might shed light on immigrants, illegal aliens, and crime
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter: candidates who oppose building a fence are not serious about border security
"...'The question should be, Does this help America? And I'd like to ask them how many immigrants are enough? We already have 42M immigrants in this country. These guys all talk about how they want to go back to the era of Reagan, and they'd be Reagan. Well, in the 1980s, when Reagan was elected, 1 of every 16 people residing in America was foreign born. Today, it's 1 in 7, 1 in 7. At what point -- okay, we have 42M now. 100M? 200M? How many are enough?'..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Ian de Silva _Washington DC Times_
the consequences of excessive, low-standards/no-standards, uncontrolled immigration
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Michael Lucchese _Breitbart_
man died in suit-case trying to smuggle himself into Spain
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
illegal aliens are clogging UK courts with "human rights" claims
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
3 things the media are pushing that are not true about the 1st GOP presidential debate
"Going into the August 6 Fox News Republican presidential debate the media is already pushing three lines that are demonstrably false: 1. Everyone on the stage is a 'conservative'. 2. The candidates must abide by 'the 11th Commandment' (and the media and Republican establishment [and RINOs] will be the self-appointed enforcers of it). 3. The debate is all about Donald Trump, who is bound to make a 'gaffe'. Let's dispense with the first un-truth -- not everyone on the stage is a 'conservative'. The reality is that many of the candidates on the stage, like [Yebbie Booosh] and Marco Rubio, are what political commentator Stu Rothenberg once called 'pragmatic conservatives'. A 'pragmatic conservative' is a typical establishment Republican [or RINO] who talks a good game, but when it comes to actually delivering on the conservative agenda, particularly in the areas of the growth of government and spending, their so-called 'pragmatism' always results in more spending and more government [and more depredations by the left]. Despite the claims of most of the candidates who will be on the stage Thursday, there are only 2 or 3 candidates with legitimate roots in the conservative and liberty movements; senator Ted Cruz, senator Rand Paul and arguably governor Scott Walker..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Conservative HQ_
who the candidates walk with tells us where they stand on issues
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: take budget questions straight to the American people every week from the Oval Office: "I'd ask them to take our their smart phones, and I would say to them, please vote -- do you belive we need to know where every dollar is being spent? Press 1 for yes, 2 for no." (with video)
"...'The Kurds have asked us to arm them for three years, we haven't done it. The Egyptians have asked us to share intelligence. The Saudis, the Egyptians, the Kurds, the Jordanians all are fighting ISIS on the ground as we speak. The Kuwaitis, the Qataris, the Emiratis also know this is their fight. So, do we need probably more Special Forces, yes; do we need bombing runs that are more effective, yes; but what we need first and foremost is to stand behind our allies give them what they have asked us for, and let them fight this fight. It's important to remember they have lost more citizens at the hands of ISIS than anyone else.'..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin to rising generation: will you choose freedom?
"'Among the least acknowledged facts of American modernity', he writes, 'is the extent to which parents, acting in their familial capacity, naturally and tenaciously guard their young children from threat and peril, to the point of risking their own physical and economic security in extreme cases; however, as part of the political and governing community -- that is, the ruling generation -- many of these same parents wittingly and unwittingly join with other parents in tolerating, if not enthusiastically championing, disadvantageous and even grievous public policies that jeopardize not only their children's future but the welfare of successive generations.'..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin worries about the young
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Mike Fuljenz _Cybercast News Service_
enough already with the softball questions: it's time we start really questioning Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Connor Williams _Media Research Center News Busters_
Larry Wilmore dishonestly misrepresents eliminating government funding of Planned Parenthood
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
NH state government de-funds Planned Parenthood
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood official: dissecting aborted babies is "sickening on some level, but it's fun"
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer is infuriated, not at the abuses by Planned Parenthood in the USA -- killing babies and selling body parts and tissues -- but that it was brought to the public's attention, and that others are doing the same as PP in Africa
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Gabrielle Cintorino _Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity on Planned Parenthood videos: no nation of people with consciences and souls should allow this abuse
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Bob Unruh _WND_
reverend Franklin Graham "launches into" Harry Reid: "one day you will stand before God"
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
NH cancelled $650K contract with Planned Parenthood
Valerie Richardson: Washington DC Times
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
US government's NIH made "humanized" mice using tissue from babies 17- to 22-weeks from conception, to be used in research on host response to retro-viral infections
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: since when is it "pro-woman" to support partial-birth abortion? (video)
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Kenneth Kopf _Cybercast News Service_
forces without uniforms waging war against USA and Western Civilization, terrorism, "violent extremism", the violent right, violent left, and the brain-washing of our fighting forces
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin to rising generation: will you choose freedom?
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup: more blacks report what they perceive to be negative discrimination while shopping... than at hands of police...
Frank Newport: Gallup
... but blacks' satisfaction with their lives is the highest on record
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Catholic diocese of Bismark, ND severed all ties with Boy Scouts over homosexual adult troop leaders
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Margaret Knapp _Cybercast News Service_
TEA partiers want candidates to address over-spending, power-mad, run-away federal government
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Laura Ingraham
inside Red China's "Concentration Rehabilitation Camp"/"China Young Mental Development Base" for net-junkie youths
Jamie Fullerton: London Daily Mail
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Flora Drury _London Daily Mail_
Hiroshima then and now
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Kate Pickles _London Daily Mail_
9 people being monitored at U of AL-Birmingham Hospital for ebola after patient had visited West Africa
World Net Daily: home quarantined
Adam Ganucheau: AL.com: lab tests show no virus
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
US military families on alert as FBI warns of odd Middle-Eastern men knocking on doors, asking questions, making veiled threats
John Hayward: Breitbart
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
media try to spin FBI investigation of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail server
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Bob Unruh _WND_
motion filed to confiscate Hitlery Rotten Clinton's data-storage fob
"A lawyer who has filed a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [RICO] case against Bill and Hillary Clinton and their family foundation, alleging it is more or less a criminal enterprise to benefit the Clintons, has renewed his request for a federal court to take control of a thumb drive reportedly held by the Clintons' lawyer. That thumb drive and its contents all of a sudden have been in the news, with reports on Wednesday that the FBI has kicked off an investigation into the type of security Hillary Clinton used to safeguard the private email system she set up in her New York home while serving as U.S. secretary of state. The move came after two inspectors general in the government noted there was classified information in the e-mails that had been run through the extra-governmental computer system..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Washington DC Times_
senator Charles Grassley to block Obummer's State Dept. nominee until questions about Huma Abedin have been satisfactorily answered
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
San Francisco CA mayor named in FBI investigation of gangsters: bribery, pay-to-play, campaign-fund "laundering"
San Francisco CA Examiner
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Hitlery's and Yebbie's mega-donor lists have a lot of names in common: more than 60 ultra-rich Americans bank-rolling both politicians' careers
"Among the dual-sided donors are racetrack owners, bankers, media giants, chicken-industry executives, and hedge fund players, along with their wives..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz is #1 with grass-roots TEA party activists, but Scott Walker and Donald Trump (and Mark Levin and Jeff Sessions and Michelle Malkin) are well regarded
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
shots fired in Nashville-area movie theater, suspect found dead
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
5th circuit rejected Texas voter identification law; laissez les voting fraud roller
Paul J. Weber: Cybercast News Service
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime stone-walling investigation of SEAL team 6 "Extortion 17" helicopter crash, in violation of judge Richard J. Leon's order to turn over documents
"...They [family members] believe SEAL Team 6 had a target on its back and that persons inside the Afghan National Security Forces may have tipped off the Taliban that night in Tangi Valley. That is why, they say, a fighter just happened to be stationed in a turret within 150 yards of a landing zone that had never been used before..."
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime struggles to white-wash restrictions on inspectors-general
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Joseph Farah _WND_
where is the outrage over Farrakhan's incendiary call for racist violence?
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Erik Rush _WND_
Obummer: the great black hope who threw the fight
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Monica Crowley _Washington DC Times_
big questions for GOP debate
"In 2008, then-candidate [Barack Hussein Obummer] promised to deliver the 'fundamental transformation of the nation'. Has he (and the left) succeeded in changing the very nature of America, away from a self-reliant society built on individual freedom and toward a government-dependency society built on class warfare and radical wealth redistribution? The left controls all levers of power in American culture: movies, television, music, academia, literature, news and the media. Currently, it also controls much of the federal government. How do we even begin to counter its overwhelming influence? Many Americans think that the most significant split in the country is not between Republicans and Democrats, right and left, but between the elite ruling class and the rest of us. How would you restore the power back to the American people? Do you believe that the majority of the [losership] class -- of both parties -- is more interested in gaining and preserving power than actually solving the nation's problems? If elected, how can we trust that you will resist that temptation? How is the break-down of respect for authority endangering the country? This has been the worst economic recovery since World War 2. During the Reagan recovery, growth rates were between 6% and 9%, with hundreds of thousands of jobs created each month. In fact, there was one month during which 1M jobs were created. Is that kind of recovery still possible? If so, how? Given the gravitational pull of the federal Leviathan, how can we bring government spending under control? U.S.A. policy used to require periods of time to elapse between immigrant waves to allow for assimilation, ie., Americanization. Over the past 50 years, that policy has ceased. Would you resurrect it, and if so, how? Do you believe it's better for a great power to be feared than loved? Upon becoming president, you will inherit an Iran that will either possess nuclear weapons or be close to it. How would you manage that threat? Iran has allies and proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Hamas and Hezbollah. It is working with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. It is making mischief in Bahrain in an attempt to topple the government and remove the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet. How would you halt Iranian expansionism? The threats to our electrical grid -- from an electromagnetic pulse attack launched by Iran or other capable enemy to a natural occurrence from sun flares -- are particularly dangerous, and yet congress will not commit to spending the relatively modest amount (and estimated $3G) to safeguard our electrical grid. Will you? Our Islamic jihadi enemies -- from the regime in Tehran to the Islamic State to al Qaeda to Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood -- say they are engaged in a holy war against the West in general and the United States and Israel in particular. Do you believe we are in a holy war? If so, how would you fight it, both militarily and ideologically? Jihad comes in several different forms: the violent jihad, an immediate threat, and the stealth jihad, the longer-term threat of Western infiltration by Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood that operate largely through front groups. How would you counter the growing stealth jihad here at home? Our Constitution is not built to deal with this kind of threat: a religiously-driven enemy which uses our rights and freedoms against us. How would you reconcile defending the Constitution while fighting an enemy using it to destroy us? Given Vladimir Putin's successes in rebuilding Mother Russia, do you believe we are in a new Cold War, and if so, how would you wage it?"
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
10 of the dozens of TEA Party groups still being stone-walled by corrupt Obummer IRS on non-profit status
Washington DC Times
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Ted Nugent _WND_
lion: the other white meat
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Steve Deace _Washington DC Times_
Mark Levin book _Plunder and Deceit_ is a conservative rosetta stone for rescuing the next generation
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
deranged, power-mad eco-fascist: "clean power" scheme is "a great start", but "I think we can do more"
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
NASA DSCOVR satellite imagery shows sun illuminating part of the moon not visible from earth
London Telegraph
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
_Cybercast News Service_
senator John Barasso (R-WY): "clean power" scheme is a national energy tax (video)
Susan Jones (with video)
cartoon from 7Prod, King Features, Media Research Center/Cybercast News Service: criminal assault and battery on a miner
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Marlo Lewis ii _Washington DC Times_
congress must stop power-mad EPA's climate coup
Proposed Bills 2015
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tacredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Ken Blackwell, (8) Rick Santorum, (9) Scott Walker, (10) Ted Cruz, (10) Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Rick Perry, Ben S. Carson, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-08-05 (5775 Ab 20)
Bill Federer _WND_
Alfred, lord Tennyson: "Bible reading is an education in itself"
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1945-08-06: Hiroshima Peace Day -- atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima from B-29 "Enola Gay".
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump is still correct about illegal alien Mexican criminal rapists
World Net Daily
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
will new aide at US ICE help or hinder enforcement of immigration laws?: corruption and crony socialism at work
"Three months ago, I blogged about the appointment of a new principal legal officer at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): an attorney from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who had gotten involved in a cover-up of sexual harassment and scandal at EPA, but who apparently still had enough 'mentors' in the administration that the decision was made to launder her to another organization in lieu of discipline or pushing her out of government -- even though she possessed no experience whatsoever in the practice of immigration law. I noted that this dearth of experience extended to the new head of ICE herself, Sarah Saldana. Well, it seems the White House also was concerned, although clearly their concerns took a different direction than mine. In mid-July, the media reported that another attorney has now been hired as an aide to Saldana, one with plenty of immigration experience. She is Mary Elizabeth Cedillo-Pereira, a 'Dallas immigration lawyer known for vigorous defense of immigrants [who is] well-known in the immigration bar for championing initiatives aimed at young immigrants who call themselves dreamers.' (To get a sense of Cedillo-Pereira's views, see this op-ed for the Dallas Morning News.) Under any other presidential administration, appointing an advocate for illegal immigrants into a senior adviser's position at an enforcement agency might seem like a curious choice. But not this one; clearly the intent is to put the foxes in charge of the hen house. According to the Dallas newspaper, one justification for the appointment is that 'Saldana has been criticized by activists for not being compassionate enough in her agency's dealings with unauthorized immigrants who have U.S. citizen children.' I find that particularly amusing; the US ICE director has proven herself so thoroughly domesticated that when she made a verbal 'misstep' in front of a congressional subcommittee by actually admitting the agency needed legislative help in sustaining its critical use of detainers to hold criminal aliens, she was forced to withdraw the statement with a 'clarification' less than 24 hours later. Of course we know what the result of state and local governments' refusal to honor ICE detainers is: murder and mayhem. But meanwhile, as to Ms. Cedillo-Pereira's exact duties? I just checked the official ICE website a few minutes ago and she is not to be found anywhere on the 'Who We Are' leadership board of the agency. One assumes her official duties will be as whisperer-in-chief and go-between for Saldana with the White House's immigration wizard behind the scenes, Cecilia Munoz, formerly of the National Council of [the Racists]."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Yebbie Booosh's immigration plan, brought to you by Chuck Schumer (zombie S744 back from the grave)
National Review
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
dysfunctional job markets, soaring prices, lagging wages have made non-mortgage debt a necessity for 69% of Americans
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
confession: I bought stock in an off-shoring and cross-border bodyshopping company -- and its price doubled
"In order to keep track of one of the patterns in the immigration field a couple of years ago, I bought 100 shares of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation (CTSH). It is a U.S.A.-based [& India-based off-shoring and cross-border bodyshopping] firm, best known for hiring large numbers of H-1Bs and then re-selling their services to other companies -- at a nice mark-up -- to do computer-related work. My notion was that I might learn something about the H-1B program by simply looking at the CTSH stock price from time to time, and by reading its annual reports. It would be both effortless and, seemingly, perfectly innocent. Cognizant is a big player in the out-sourcing business, but neither the largest nor the worst. In the 4 years 2011-2014 it ranked as the ninth-largest H-1B employer in the nation by filing 8,657 labor certification attestations for H-1Bs (probably using only a fraction of them as is the industry pattern) according to the myvisajobs website. The same source, for the same years, indicates that CTSH sought 3,945 green cards, far more than the other outsourcing firms, such as Infosys, Tata, and Wipro. (Let's give the firm half a cheer for that.) Back to the stock: On 2013 May 10, I bought 100 shares of CTSH at $68.10 for a total of a little over $6,800; it became a subset of my modest collection of stocks and bonds. The stock price rocked along over the last year or so, generally getting higher as time passed, and then the firm decided to split its stock, usually a sign of corporate prosperity. For me it meant that I now had, without effort or cost on my part, 200 shares of CTSH. At publication time this morning the (once-split) stock traded at just over $68, meaning that my little academic exercise had produced a 100% profit. I had doubled my money in a tad more than two years. My shares in the firm are now worth about $13,600. I felt a little like I had put my money, deliberately, into a munitions/tobacco corporation that traded extensively with North Korea, or that I had bought into a successful casino. It was an uncomfortable feeling. This little story, although anecdotal in nature, suggests that we should listen to the pleas of Silicon Valley and the out-sourcing firms with a jaundiced ear. They, like Walt Disney & Company (which hired Cognizant to bring in the H-1Bs that replaced Americans earlier this year), claim they need even more H-1Bs than the 85K-plus we take each year, because of a 'shortage' of Americans willing and able to do programming. But Cognizant seems to be doing just fine with the current level of admissions, thank you very much."
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total New/Initial H-1B Visas Issued |
1996 | 58,327 | - - - | 58,327 |
1997 | 80,547 | - - - | 80,547 |
1998 | 91,360 | - - - | 91,360 |
1999 | 116,513 | - - - | 116,513 |
2000 | 133,290 | - - - | 133,290 |
2001 | 161,643 | - - - | 161,643 |
2002 | 118,352 | - - - | 118,352 |
2003 | 107,196 | - - - | 107,196 |
2004 | 138,965 | 72 | 139,037 |
2005 | 124,099 | 275 | 124,374 |
2006 | 135,421 | 440 | 135,861 |
2007 | 154,053 | 639 | 154,692 |
2008 | 129,464 | 719 | 130,183 |
2009 | 110,367 | 621 | 110,988 |
2010 | 117,409 | 419 | 117,828 |
2011 | 129,134 | 418 | 129,552 |
2012 | 135,530 | 461 | 135,991 |
2013 | 153,223 | 571 | 153,794 |
2014 | 161,369 | 870 | 162,239 |
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total New/Initial H-1B Visas Issued |
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
concerns about Obummer's new "Priority Enforcement Program" (PEP)
"The implementation of ICE's new Priority Enforcement Program (PEP) is a major setback to rule of law in our country. It further scales back immigration enforcement by ICE and it explicitly facilitates sanctuary jurisdictions in obstructing ICE efforts to take custody of criminal aliens. This has enormous implications for public safety in Texas. PEP has been described as a program to focus on criminal aliens. But in fact, PEP will result in the release of even more criminal aliens back to the streets, with local communities -- and especially law enforcement agencies -- left to deal with the consequences. While the official roll out started July 2, ICE actually started implementing the program shortly after the president's announcement of the program as part of his sweeping and controversial [unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions of 2014 November. Already ICE arrests in Texas are down 28% over last year. Criminal alien arrests are also down 25% since this program was implemented. It cannot fairly be described as an over-zealous dragnet of enforcement as some opponents have alleged. The changes that PEP brings are significant, and Texas sheriffs and government officials are right to be concerned. We are already dealing with the fall-out from suppressed enforcement. Even though the successful Secure Communities program gave ICE the capability to identify more criminal aliens than ever before, still the prioritization policies resulted in the release of 80K convicted criminal aliens since 2013, 170K cases of criminal aliens encountered but not charged by ICE since 2013, and 10K criminal aliens released by sanctuary jurisdictions since last year..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
mixed messages from US ICE on immigration enforcement
"Univision, the most-watched network in July, broadcast a report yesterday on US ICE's new Priority Enforcement Program (PEP). The Univision segment (in Spanish) opens with the anchor's introduction to US ICE's new alert to immigrants on the dangers of crossing the U.S.A.-Mexico border. According to the newscaster, ICE’s forewarning resulted from a slight increase in arrests at the border. The segment then moves on to US ICE spokeswoman Gail Montenegro. In Spanish, she relays a warning to immigrants: 'immigration laws, here, have not changed'. As Montenegro continues, her message becomes clear: ICE wants to ensure that prospective illegal immigrants know it is not loosening enforcement efforts and they will suffer the consequences of breaking the law. The warning goes further as Montenegro cautions her audience to be wary of the lies told by 'coyotes' (the colloquial term for individuals smuggling aliens into the U.S.A.). Montenegro reiterates that the law applies to all: families, women, and children. Unfortunately, US ICE's message is contradicted by US ICE's actions in implementing PEP, a program that focuses almost exclusively on criminal aliens -- a distinction Montenegro failed to mention and was only briefly mentioned by the reporter. In reality, PEP doesn't even do that very well; it 'further scales back immigration enforcement by US ICE', according to the Center's Jessica Vaughan, 'and it explicitly facilitates sanctuary jurisdictions in obstructing US ICE efforts to take custody of criminal aliens'. At best, the segment painted a muddled image of U.S.A. immigration policy, sending the message that the [United States of America] itself is un-clear about what is lawful and what is not."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Polish UK newspaper editor encourages general strike of Polish ex-patriots, guest-workers, and immigrants
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
claim: extreme anarcho-leftist groups are manipulating, agitating, co-ordinating, and "organizing" illegal aliens in Calais, encouraging clashes with police
"Migrants rather suddenly changed their tactics last week, on the 29th of June, when together 2K stormed the channel tunnel in Calais. Police were overwhelmed, and said at the time they thought the attack was planned in the camp. Since then, 200 migrants coordinated to attempt to walk through the tunnel, hundreds then performed a sit-in style protest, and some have taken to shouting familiar slogans like 'open the borders' and 'we are all human' [yes, illegal alien humans]. Others have become more violent, attacking French police. This weekend far-left activists held a demonstration called 'No More Migrant Deaths' in Folkestone, England, when many may also be encouraging migrants to take dangerous and illegal measures to enter the country..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
hate crimes against Christians triple in 5 years in "multi-cultural paradise" Sweden
"Religious, racist, and xenophobic 'hate crimes' are at their highest ever level in Sweden, with 'Christianophobic' crimes seeing the fastest growth..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
US ICE is losing illegal aliens released from Texas family detention centers and jails... because they're hardly trying
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
illegal alien pled guilty to murdering co-worker
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senate majority loser Mitch McConnell: no immigration reform this congress, maybe in 2017
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
who will stop the madness of sanctuary for illegal aliens?
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ian Smith _National Review_
Texas law-suit to restore 1 citizen, 1 vote in districting: Evenwel v. Abbott
"...The plaintiffs in Evenwel v. Abbott are challenging the traditional way of drawing electoral districts, which they argue has been unconstitutionally cutting off the political power of rural and suburban voters for decades... Because Texas, like most states, draws its districts around residents and not voters, more districts get created in urban areas where non-citizens tend to cluster. The effect is that urban districts, which are generally more liberal, get more representative seats than they deserve and the votes of citizens in those districts have more 'weight' than votes in districts elsewhere. As the Immigration Reform Law Institute shows in its friend-of-the-court brief supporting the plaintiffs, a look at the census figures in Texas's senate districts seems to confirm this. The Republican-controlled first senate district, where Sue Evenwel lives, has a citizen voting-age population (CVAP) of 568,780. By contrast, districts 6 and 27, both largely Hispanic and [leftist], have respective CVAPs of only 372,420 and 376,495. This means that the people who actually vote in the latter districts are getting the same amount of representation as the voters of District 1 even though their numbers are far fewer. This also means there's less competition in these Hispanic- and [leftist-dominated] districts. In the 2012 state-senate election in Evenwel's district, 294,353 votes were cast. But in districts 6 and 27, only 245,032 voters combined showed up. As the Cato Institute summarizes in its friend-of-the-court brief supporting the plaintiffs, 'a relatively small constituency of eligible Hispanic voters in other districts have their votes over-weighted and over-valuated, effectively diluting the votes of eligible voters in districts like 1 and 4'... Will such suits become commonplace in states across the country? If current mass-immigration rates continue, maybe so."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
history's complexity makes retroactive morality difficult
"Ivy League enrollment figures suggest that some of these universities have capped the number of Asian students. Is this really much different than the effort to curtail Jewish enrollment at Ivy League schools in the 1920s?... Under the new morality, should we not also condemn the Aztec king Montezuma as a Hitler-like war criminal? No society prior to the Nazi Third Reich had so carefully organized and institutionalized the machinery of mass death that each year executed tens of thousands of sacrificial human captives from conquered neighboring tribes. Perhaps San Diego State University should stop using the nickname 'Aztecs' for its sports teams, given the fact that the Aztecs practiced slave-owning, human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism. The Zulus are often portrayed as saintly indigenous people, brutally colonized by rapacious British imperialists. That's not quite the whole story. Earlier in their pre-British history, the Zulus' king Shaka adopted the sort of military imperialism and internal police state that would have made Josef Stalin proud. By the time of his death in 1828, Shaka's army had killed more than 1M Africans through systematic imperial conquest and mass executions..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Dems: they're all collectivist leftists now
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
a disturbing primer on the worldwide war on some drugs -- in fiction and fact
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood: the slaughter of babies
Washington DC Times
"...The cavalier demeanor of those who profit from this slaughter is chilling, and the moral punch in the nose to the Democratic Party is excruciating. That's because Planned Parenthood is virtually a branch of the Democratic Party. It has a lock on the federal treasury to the tune of $500M per year. It pays for or performs more than 325K abortions a year, which is about one-third of all abortions in America. It contributes heavily to the campaigns of Democratic office seekers. You can see the cycle. Even though federal law has prohibited the use of federal funds for abortions for nearly 18 years, money is fungible. The Planned Parenthood folks may be baby killers, but they are not dumb. They know how to dedicate federal funds for maternal health and free up maternal health funds for the slaughter of babies -- and make it all look legal..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
what's the cost of avoiding the Planned Parenthood videos?
"...One myth about America is that we're a direct people, that we confront what's out there. We tell ourselves that we're bold, that we see things as they are, and that once we understand what it is, we deal with it. But as a culture, with our fixation on entertainment, with America the great market-place for recreational narcotics, as we bury ourselves in amusing videos on our phones, I wonder if we've become experts at one thing: Avoiding pain. We're adept at avoiding pain..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
the Bible/Torah and our resposes to Planned Parenthood
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood approval falling despite media attempts to cover-up
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal: DoJ and IRS will be going into Planned Parenthood
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
senate majority loser Mitch McConnell: I want to give Planned Parenthood tax-victim funds
More evidence the GOP losership needs to be replaced with people willing to act for the good, and to combat evil; instead of promoting evil and weakening the good.
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: the greatest threat the USA faces right now is Barack Hussein Obummer (video)
Gabrielle Cintorino
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Bobby Jindal: Planned Parenthood had better hope Clinton is elected
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: I would temporarily shut down the federal government to de-fund Planned Parenthood and ObummerDoesn'tCare
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Rick Perry: I would rather have Carly Fiorina negotiating with the Iranians than let the haughty John Kerry do it (with video)
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Obummer keeps his promise to artificially make energy prices soar
Washington DC Times
But what is the cost the citizenry is paying: being too cold in winter, too hot and humid in summer; being less mobile, less able to take advantage of job opportunities throughout the USA, less able to travel when we want from where we are directly to where we want to arrive, less able to travel to DC to petition federal government for redress of our grievances, more likely to have our transportation controlled by crony socialists instead of by us; less privacy and more intrusiveness as power-mad government pokes its nose into our energy use.s
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Clarence Thomas
"...Here is what one of Justice Thomas' admirers -- Dan McLaughlin in The Weekly Standard -- had to say about him, 'unfashionable' as it may be in 'sophisticated' circles to give this Doubting Thomas his due: 'Thomas is not so far removed from his upbringing in segregated Georgia that he cannot remember what it was like to live in a place and time in which the government was staffed and run by people who had no intention of treating you fairly. Two strategies are available to a citizen confronted by such a government. One is to keep for himself as large a space as possible free of the government, in which to exercise true liberty. The other is to insist on the punctilious observance of the letter of the law. The whims of administrative agencies and the discretion of judges to fashion new rights and rules according to their own policy preferences threaten both of these strategies... It is perhaps a supreme irony, but a fitting one, that the man most concerned with keeping alight the flame of these old concepts of liberty and dignity is the justice of the Supreme Court who grew up under a government that wished to accord him neither liberty nor dignity.'"
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
the age of the leftist demagogue
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Conservative HQ_
the poll you won't hear debated tonight
"You won't hear about this from the establishment media, but Pat Caddell recently conducted a national survey to get a flavor of opinions following the recent Supreme Court decision on same-sex 'marriage'. The poll was a solid national survey of 800 respondents with an overall margin of error of + or - 3.46 percentage points and it yielded some very surprising results -- which is probably why it has been ignored by the establishment media who have already pronounced all matters related to same-sex 'marriage' to be settled now that the Supreme Court has mandated the practice in all 50 states. What Caddell found was that there is an overwhelming sense on the part of American voters that they want to find common ground in order to protect both the expression of religious freedom and the rights of homosexuals. What is clearly being signaled according to Caddell is an aversion to having an all-out political and cultural war between these competing interests. That being said, when push comes to shove, the American people, in vast majorities, come down on the side of protecting religious freedom. When Caddell asked if there can be a commonsense solution that both protects religious freedom and gay and lesbian couples from discrimination, 71% agreed and 20% disagreed. However, when asked which was more important, by a 4 to 1 ratio, voters said protecting religious liberty (31%) over protecting gay and lesbian rights (8%). But over half of respondents said BOTH were important (53%). Two questions were asked in relation to the role of government in regulating these issues. More than two-thirds (68%) disagreed that the federal and state government should be able to require by law a private citizen to provide a service or their property for an event that is contrary to their religious beliefs. Only 18% agreed. Indeed, 51% strongly disagreed with this. When asked whether it should be up to the federal government to determine what constitutes legitimate religious beliefs only 11% agreed and a massive 79% disagreed. Indeed, even two-thirds of those on the left of the segmentation disagreed. The following question was asked on the poll: 'Suppose a Christian wedding photographer has deeply held religious beliefs opposing same-sex marriage. If a same-sex couple wanted to hire the photographer for their wedding, should the photographer have the right to say no?' Overall 82%, the highest percentage on the poll, said, yes, the photographer had the right to say no. Among the segmented 'center' 84%, and among the right 97% said the photographer had the right to say no. Even among those on the left, 40% said the photographer had the right to say no, 10% were undecided with the other half saying the photographer did not have the right to say no. Further, we found a majority believing that the military has no right to regulate the religious actions of military chaplains. The second part of the poll dealt with spirituality, belief in God, church attendance, and religious affiliation. The results actually were illuminating and countered some general perceptions in the media. If Caddell had followed what most polls do by asking major denominations the poll would have had 24% in the category of none/no preference. This category has been rising in recent years leading to a superficial, but understandable, conclusion that close to one-fifth of the people are non-religious or non-believing. However, in this survey Caddell specifically asked all religious denominations as well as Agnostic, Atheist and 'no preference'. He found that 7% answered Agnostic (4.9%) or Atheist (2.6%). Thus, that 7% of those that were not sure whether God exists or believe there is no God is a lot less than normally assumed. Of those 13% who were 'no preference' over three-fifths are spiritual and express a belief in God. Indeed, in a follow up question to them, 71% identify as Christian. Therefore, the vast majority of the growing category of none/no preference are Christians who are religious, but reject any specific organized denomination of the Christian religion. On the issue of the wedding photographer an amazing 80% of Agnostic/Atheists said the photographer had the right to say no. So, if 82% of Americans believe the religious liberty of individuals to follow their beliefs should be protected and Christian wedding photographers and others with scruples against participating in same-sex 'marriages' should have the right to say 'NO', why is it that religious freedom has suddenly become the new 'third rail' in establishment Republican politics?..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Conservative HQ_
the big government, over-spending 4: Booosh, Rubio, Huckabee & Kasich
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Fox "happy hour" debate: Fiorina won convincingly
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Conservative HQ_
Carly Fiorina and Bobby Jindal did well, but how can they break into the "top tier"?
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
senator Mitch McConnell criticized Obummer for his bizarre remarks about his treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Robert Menendez (D-NJ): Obummer's treaty won't end Iran's program to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
former Netanyahu adviser Yaakov Amidror says Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons guarantees war
Yaakov Lappin: Jerusalem Israel Post
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
after meeting with Obummer, Clinton mega-donor Haim Saban opposes Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Iran is blocking access of UN inspectors to personnel developoing nuclear weapons
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Chuck Schumer opposing Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Rick Santorum: Obummer's treaty will let Iran develop nuclear weapons, and they WILL use them
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Marisa Martin _WND_
Obummer regime has added to the torment of artists in Iran
"While U.S. secretary of state [the haughty] John Kerry [who served in VietNam, a.k.a. Lurch] was being thoroughly duped, doped and honeyed up by his Iranian counterpart foreign-minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in 2014 July, Atena Farghadani was still free -- but being carefully watched. Little more than a month later, Atena was arrested in Iran for the high crime of 'insulting members of parliament through paintings' or offending their shaky masculinity and rigid pride. Specifically, the artist drew Iranian Parliamentarians as a herd of animals to protest their restrictions on birth control and other issues. There were no names or distinguishing features, although some of the animals are not too popular in Islamic lore (swine, monkeys). But rulers were frothing in their beards. Let this kind of thing happen and they may be out of the running for 12th Madhi opening (if the old Ayatollah shuffles off). Can't afford the image tarnished by justice before launching all those nukes, crushing the people and putting down women. Thanks to Kerry's aid, they are already prepping for beta-Armageddon, posing for photos and gloating over American stupidity all the while..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Jerusalem Post_/_Reuters_
watch: thousands of Gazan=Palestinian children graduate from Hamas summer terrorist training camp
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Yasser Okbi _Jerusalem Post_/_Maariv HaShavua_
4 Palestinians killed, 30 injured in explosion in Rafah, Palestine=Gaza; possibly previously unexploded bomb from last summer's war
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
US House divided over whether ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate or al-Qaeda poses the bigger threat
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
S.A. Miller & Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
senator Charles Grassley has put block on more of Obummer's State Dept. nominees until questions about Hitlery Rotten Clinton's time as secretary have been satisfactorily answered
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Matthew Boyle & Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Rick Perry details plan to save America workers
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ann Coulter _Breitbart_
Donald Trump & Ted Cruz understand the Immigration Primary
"The issues he represents cannot be subordinated to party. One wishes he had hammered the immigration point in that first question, by saying: 'Any candidate who doesn't respond to the threat of uncontrolled immigration cannot represent me.' He'd better understand that's his signature issue. Other than that, he sounds informed, smart, and presidential. Brilliant on [ObummerDoesn'tCare]. Brilliant on giving money to politicians. Brilliant on immigration. Cruz did the best after Trump, including pointing out that he was the only one to vote against Rubio's amnesty, which he called 'Schumer's amnesty'. Walker was good, but his best moment came after the debate when he made a point with Hannity of saying he wanted to do something about our uncontrolled legal immigration, too. After that, the rest of them were hapless..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
candidate report-card on the debate
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Garth Kant _WND_
** senator Ted Cruz: with this election it is now or never to save the USA; we risk doing permanent damage to the greatest nation in history **
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Cheryl K. Chumley _WND_
Bernie Sanders to bring his socialist rhetoric to Liberty U
Caroline May: Breitbart
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Breitbart_/_Citizens United_
Citizens United renews calls for special counsel to investigate and possibly prosecute Hitlery Rotten Clinton over violation of law in using private e-mail server for State Dept. and classified e-mail
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer State Dept. says it's OK for Clinton's lawyer to have 30K department e-mail messages, but not inspector-general of national intelligence Charles McCullough (with video)
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Rand Paul plans to "mix it up", "stand my ground"
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
Hollyweird and other celebrities react to GOP candidate debate
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Rick Perry still struggling
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal: Obummer refuses to say "radical Islamic extremist" or "Muslim terrorist" or "violence-initiating Muslims"
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Breitbart_/_Ferenstein Wire_
which Republican are Americans most curious about?
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Chris Wallace: Carly Fiorina stood above other candidates in tonight's debate
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Charles Krauthammer: Carly Fiorina "won" first debate
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
_Cybercast News Service_
report: within IRS, union exerts extreme influence on employes, rendering it political
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
SEC: firms must compute and report ratio of CEO pay to median employee pay, as part of Dodd-Frank rules
"'[I]t is the latest example of the SEC squandering its resources on rule-makings that do nothing to help small business startups and will instead harm U.S. companies and investors.', Financial Services committee chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) said in a statement. 'The SEC has devoted thousands of man-hours and millions of dollars to finish rules mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act that neither address the causes of the financial crisis nor advance the SEC's statutory mission.' Hensarling said the rule was adopted to appease those who want the economy to be controlled by government regulators..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
crazy Obummer/Lynch DoJ claims it is "unconstitutional" to roust people sleeping in parks or blocking sidewalks
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Garrett Reno _Breitbart_
louisiana police officer shot to death while responding to call in Shreveport
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Russian hack into Pentagon systems took down e-mail of joint chiefs of staff
"The Pentagon took down the Joint Staff unclassified e-mail system after Russian hackers attacked the e-mails of 4K military and civilian personnel. The e-mail has been offline for the past 11 days. US officials called the hack the 'most sophisticated cyberbreach in U.S. military history'. In fact, the level of sophistication is so high the officials did not rule out is a 'state entity' took part in the hack..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Jeff Knox _WND_
carrying arms in "gun-free zones" is patriotic civil disobedience
"When former representative/colonel Allen West reported that the Navy planned to bring charges against lieutenant-commander Timothy White for possessing and using his personal firearm against the terrorist who attacked his Chattanooga, Tennessee, Naval Reserve Center last month, the story went viral. On Monday, the Navy denied the story, first insisting that no charges had been filed, then allowing 'unnamed officials' to make statements that charges are unlikely in the case. Whether the Navy ever planned to bring charges, or if their apparent decision not to do so was motivated by the public outrage to the idea, will probably never be known. In either case, West's raising of the issue, and the public loudly weighing in on it, was useful and productive. It serves as a good reminder to the Washington elites that there are some lines that they had better not even think about crossing. Unfortunately, it will take years to know how lieutenant-commander White's brave choice -- to be [have arms close by] in defiance of regulations -- and bold action -- exchanging gun-fire with the terrorist -- will affect his military career. Odds are that even if the Navy doesn’t prosecute or even issues some sort of commendation for his actions that day, there will also likely be some official reprimand that will derail his naval career... Reports say that one of the Marines killed by the terrorist was also armed with a Glock 9mm. Whether either White or the Marine actually hit the terrorist with their shots is unknown... But whether White or the Marine hit the terrorist or not, their actions almost certainly disrupted and slowed the terrorist, very probably saving lives... Exactly how many Americans routinely carry guns in places where they are prohibited is unknown, but all indications are that it's a substantial number. In this group of 20-something, at least 2 were carrying. That's almost 10%. While it is unlikely that number could be extrapolated to the general population, my personal experience and observations support the idea that a significant and growing number of Americans are not only carrying, but are also refusing to comply with signage -- signage that often carries the force of law -- that calls for their disarmament. According to John Lott and the Crime Prevention Research Center, the verifiable number of people licensed by the states to carry concealed firearms was about 11.1M last year, or just under 5% of the adult population, but, Lott says, that number is low because some states won’t share their licensing numbers. Then there are the seven states where legal concealed carry does not require a license of any kind. Of course, not everyone who is licensed or legal to carry does so on a routine basis, but many do, and a growing number of them are refusing to disarm at the whim of congress, the president or a hoplophobic business owner. As might be imagined, I travel in circles where a very high percentage of the people around me routinely carry a gun. Most of us make an effort to simply avoid doing business with establishments that are posted 'No Guns'. We even offer a 'Merchant Education Card' to leave with posted businesses to let them know why they lost our business. But more and more of the people I know are just saying No. They simply disregard signs, policies and laws that demand that they disarm. They are harming no one and would never use their guns except under the most extreme circumstances, but they are willfully breaking laws and violating policies. They have decided that the risk of being caught and punished for having a gun does not outweigh the possible consequences of being unarmed when they need it. To them, laws against carrying a gun are as inane as would be a law prohibiting fire extinguishers in one's car..."
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Leila Morsy & Richard Rothstein _EPI_
parents' dynamically changing, on-demand work schedules wreak havoc with children's cognitive abilities & behavior
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tacredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Ken Blackwell, (8) Rick Santorum, (9) Scott Walker, (10) Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Ben S. Carson, Carly Fiorina, Alan Keyes, John Kasich, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
Hiroshima, a just end to WW2, 70 years later
2015-08-06 (5775 Ab 21)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Hiroshima: be grateful Harry Truman ordered use of nuclear weapons
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
record 93.77M Americans are not in the labor force (NILF); labor force participation rate (LFPR) at 38-year low
Caroline May: Breitbart
"...In July, according to BLS, the nation's civilian non-institutional population, consisting of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, reached 250,876,000. Of those, 157,106,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or actively seeking one. The 157,106,000 who participated in the labor force equaled only 62.6 percent of the 250,876,000 civilian noninstitutional population -- the same as it was in June. Not since 1977 October, when the participation rate dropped to 62.4%, has the percentage been this low..."
updated graphs
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
56.209M women are not in the labor force
updated graphs
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
24.71M foreign-born people (exchange workers + students on OPT + guest-workers + green-card holders + naturalized citizens + illegal aliens) are employed in the USA
updated graphs
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Curtis Ellis _WND_
vastly excessive legal immigration threatens our culture
"...'Department of Homeland Security [DHS] statistics show that the U.S.A. issued 5.25M green cards in the last 5 years, for an average of 1.05M new legal permanent immigrants annually.', the report says. This in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, when 21M Americans are un-employed or under-employed, work-force participation is at the lowest and long-term unemployment the highest in living memory. All the border security in the world would do nothing to stop this flood of legal immigration that shows no sign of abating. If current policy continues, the U.S.A. will add some 10M new permanent legal immigrants in the next decade -- greater than the populations of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina combined. By comparison, the government issued about 285K green cards annually in the 1950s and 1960s. The total foreign-born population in the United States dropped from about 10.8M in 1945 to 9.6M in 1970. Today's massive influx of people has been devastating to the middle class. 'During the low-immigration period from 1948-1973, real median compensation for U.S. workers increased more than 90%. By contrast, real average hourly wages were lower in 2014 than they were in 1973, 4 decades earlier', the report says. And the number of green cards doesn't tell the whole story. In addition to permanent resident green cards, Washington has been handing out 'temporary' work permits, such as H-1B and L-1 visas, referred to as 'non-immigrant' visas. Immigration reform legislation supported by senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz would triple the number of guest-worker visas. Unrestricted immigration is the holy grail sought by the corporate elite that funds both political parties. They want cheap labor, any place, any time and to get it, they will move factories from Canton, Ohio, to Canton, China. Barring that, they will bring 'temporary' workers to toil here. Their vision and goal is a universal economic order in which 'people, goods and capital flow freely'. This is precisely the language used to describe both the European Union and the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP and TISA] proposed by [president Obummer, and in the earlier GATT and GATS]. Its proponents idealize such a borderless world as a formula for world peace as John Lennon would imagine. But it is the peace of slaves. Deracinated rootless labor has been the scourge of mankind since time immemorial. Today's Rohingya refugees harvesting palm oil on plantations in Malaysia and Filipina domestics scrubbing palace floors in the Persian Gulf are in [the same] league with the migrant labor Cecil Rhodes connived to dig diamonds from the fields of Kimberley... a 'guest-worker' is a stateless person with no ties to any community, only to the pay-master that sponsors him. That is whom our citizens must now compete with for jobs."
updated graphs
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Peter Morici _Washington DC Times_
quicker GDP increase is not improving employment prospects
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina is closer to Donald Trump than to Yebbie Booosh on immigation (audio + transcript)
Still no detailed signs of reform when it comes to student and guest-work visas.
Breitbart: Carly Fiorina answers a selection of Breitbart readers' questions
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
more bromides on immigration
"Thursday night's Republican debate was the most entertaining I've seen, but there was no additional light shed on the candidates' views on immigration. The issue came up early, but both the questions and the answers were predictable. Everybody's against illegal immigration. Everybody wants better border enforcement. Everybody's against 'sanctuary cities' and pretty young women being killed by illegal-alien felons protected by commies in San Francisco... All well and good. But what about something that everyone doesn't agree about. The moderators' questions overall were outstanding – actual reporters asking politicians actual questions -- which is why it was so disappointing that none of them simply asked, 'Do you think legal immigration should be increased, decreased, or kept the same, and why?' Ultimately, legal immigration is more important than illegal immigration, because most of the consequences are the same and there's just a lot more of it. Because they weren't pressed, the candidates only alluded to the issue. In the jayvee debate, Santorum eloquently emphasized his support for legal immigration cuts. But in the main debate, [Scott Walker] was the only one to sort-of deviate from the K Street line that we need more immigration. But even he merely said 'go forward with the legal immigration system that gives priority to American working families and wages'. A direct question on numbers might have usefully elicited a more specific answer... So we still don't have explicit statements from any of the leading candidates on one of the central policy issues of our day. The debate was better than most, but was still disappointing."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
John Wahala _Center for Immigration Studies_
superficial by design: immigration in the debates of candidates for president
"A number of the candidates on center stage were asked what they would do to fix the system. Their canned answers were carefully packaged soundbites that promised quick and easy solutions conveyed in euphemisms to mask the candidates' desire to continue the status quo while not offending the party's base. To the casual observer, the responses sounded reasonable, and after a few minutes the moderators looked relieved to move on to another topic. The responses, however, were transparently superficial to those who study immigration. They contained no context, no statistics, and very few specifics on our complex immigration system. Some of this is understandable. The debate format leaves no time to provide much detail about anything. A candidate must speak in broad strokes. Besides, he or she cannot be an expert on everything (which is why one must be self-confident to the point of near insanity to want to govern a nation of 320M people). But it is one thing to delegate specifics and another not to have the vaguest clue of what they are. And watching the exchanges on immigration, year after year, one gets the impression that most politicians have no understanding of the size and scope of immigration or how it is over-seen. This impression was reinforced by a prominent magazine editor, who once told us that he asks senators and congressmen the most basic questions on immigration every time he gets a chance. The vast majority do not know how many immigrants enter the United States annually or the overall size of the foreign-born population. Many of the estimates he has received are comically off the mark. This ignorance is coupled with a near universal belief that immigration is an absolute good that should not be restricted. This is a serious problem given the enormity of the issue. There are now more than 41M foreign-born residents in the United States. More than 1M legal permanent residents are admitted each year. The federal immigration program issues more green cards every year 'than the collective population of the 13 colonies the year Virginia's Patrick Henry was born'. Over the next 10 years, we are on pace to welcome more newcomers than the combined populations of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. And by 2060, the nation's population is projected to grow to 417M -- an increase roughly equivalent to adding the combined populations of California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Massachusetts. Needless to say, this demographic transformation has profound social, economic, and fiscal ramifications. It is not merely a defining narrative of modern politics or even of American history. It is a transformation that is unprecedented in the history of the world. That is why the superficial way in which this issue is addressed is so confounding. Overall immigration numbers are never even mentioned, much less debated. Candidates simply recite the 'illegal bad, legal good' mantra, usually suggesting that we double the current level of immigration, whatever that level may be. This model is unsustainable. As president Ronald Reagan correctly stated, 'A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.' It is an aphorism as true for open-ended legal immigration as it is for illegal crossers or visa overstayers. A self-governing republic is not compatible with an ever-expanding and rapidly changing electorate. Among the many things that immigration does is give elected officials more power, which is why sheer ignorance does not account entirely for the superficiality of the debates. While candidates may not know all of the numbers, they know that exponentially increasing the size of the electorate makes them more important, and less accountable. This is the allure of politics. Immigration gives the Washington class more authority and prestige. That is one of the reasons why politicians and the media will not debate the impacts of this unprecedented transformation."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Laura Ingraham
NJ governor Chris Christie criticized "Chamber of Commerce crowd" over immigration in speech to True Blue Republican State gathering
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's enemies list
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
senator Chuck Schumer _Jewish World Review_
why I'm voting to disapprove Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Charles Schumer's statement about Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons is a game-changer
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is the new ObummerDoesn'tCare... because he thinks the harm to the USA and Israel is a positive
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is the new ObummerDoesn'tCare... because he thinks the harm to the USA and Israel is a positive as he waxes wroth against the good, and is helpful and friendly to evil-doers
"It 'continues to work with an array of violent substate groups that use terrorism among other violent tactics', Daniel Byman, director of research and a senior fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, told congress earlier this year. 'Iran's regime sees itself as a regional and even a world power, and working with terrorists is a way for Iran to influence events far from its borders.', Mr. Byman said. Its 'support for Lebanese Hezbollah, Palestine Islamic Jihad, and Hamas make Iran a player in the Israeli-Palestinian and Israel-Arab disputes, and Iran's backing of Houthis in Yemen give it influence on Saudi Arabia's southern border', he said. Iran has ambitious global goals as a military power, one that it has not abandoned and never will. 'At the creation of the Islamic Republic, Iran's leaders made no secret of their desire to extend Iran's revolution throughout the Muslim world.', Mr. Byman testified. Iran's first supreme leader and founding ideologue, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, declared that Iran 'should try hard to export our revolution to the world'. It continues to finance a wide range of terrorist groups and has allied its country 'at times' with al Qaeda and the Taliban -- the kind of people who engage in beheadings and burning their enemies alive..."
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to help Iran hard-liners develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"...New York restaurants, observed Jackie Mason, get more intrusive inspections than the Iranian nuclear program..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is falsly advertising his treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Cybercast News Service
"...You can always tell when [Obummer] is nervous about a policy proposal, because he won't stop talking about it. As disturbing as [Obummer's] militant partisanship is, what's worse is his delusional perception that anyone who disagrees with him is automatically unreasonable and corrupt..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
2 Dems signal they will vote against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
Barack Hussein Obummer vs. Benjamin Netanyahu -- a fight to the finish
You can't veto of the senate's rejection of the treaty by a mere 34 votes or less.
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
R' Aryeh Spero _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems supplies Iran with the rope to hang us
"...Make no mistake about it: a deal that quickly provides Iran with $150G to purchase conventional weapons and soldiers to immediately invade Israel, allows for the continuation and build-up of spinning centrifuges, pledges to defend Iran from any defensive acts coming from Israel, and insists on teaching Tehran and implementing for it the latest nuclear technology is an undeniable threat to Israel’s people and her children. Iran has not changed from its stated Number One Goal of destroying Israel...with One Bomb. It remains a monstrous regime. Would [Obummer] have signed a nuclear and trade deal with a country if its most infamous and consistent pronouncement was the annihilation of Blacks and the destruction of a Black African country? No way!..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump is an unlikely man with a good message
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
collectivists by any other name
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
15 leftist hypocrisies
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood and the core dishonesty of abortion defenders
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Kevin Yoder (R-KS) _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood's "shipping and handling" loop-hole
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
black pastors ask Smithsonian to remove bust of Planned Parenthood's racist/eugenicist founder, Margaret Sanger
"'Perhaps the Gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies, an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as the feeble minded; speaking at a rally of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers.', the letter from Ministers Taking a Stand states..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Abigail Wilkinson _Cybercast News Service_
3 more states end tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Margaret Knapp _Cybercast News Service_
pollsters conclude Planned Parenthood videos have not been seen by many people, and so have not moved many
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Madison Gesiotto _Washington DC Times_
it is time for justice for Planned Parenthood
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Grazie Pozo Christie _Cybercast News Service_
lifting the curtain on Planned Parenthood and the whole abortio industry -- a Musculoskeletal Radiologist's perspective
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Sadie Robertson asks fans to "storm the gates of Heaven" in prayer for Katie Joyce
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
media pass up the red meat of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's corruption
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: the USA military is not a social engineering experiment
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
Katie Couric's Islamophilia
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Scott Whitlock _Media Research Center News Busters_
abc had no time for Marco Rubio or Scott Walker
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Jeffrey Meyer _Media Research Center News Busters_
CBS's O'Donell repatedly badgered Scott Walker about another candidate
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Kyle Drennen _Media Research Center News Busters_
NBC's Matt Wauwer spent interview pestering Marco Rubio about another candidate
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Sarah Stites _Media Research Center News Busters_
comedian: politically correct peopel do not have a right to bully others
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Laura Ingraham _LifeZette_
tone deafness, "civility" when it is convenient
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Laura Ingraham
8 things to remember from last night's GOP candidate debate
Jeremy Diamond: CNN (with video)
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
high viewership for GOP primary debate
"Everyone expected solid, even record ratings for last night's debate. No one, however, could have predicted just how big the number would end up being. It wasn't just a blow-out, the first Republican primary debate of the 2016 season earned a 16.0. For context, the highest rating for a debate in 2015 [2014?, 2012?] was a 5.0. According to TV By The Numbers, the GOP debate even scored a higher share than the phenom that was the Women's World Cup Finals, which earned a 15.2... UPDATE: The Hill's math says 10M viewers, compared to just 3.2M in 2012. UPDATE: Whoa. Strike that. A WHOPPING 24M tuned in last night..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina Shone in first GOP debate
Mark Preston: CNN (with video)
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz & Maro Rubio did well in largest on-line poll on GOP candidate debate
Drudge Report
Poll Daddy
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Laura Ingraham
Huckabee: "The people that give money to Yebbie & Hitlery are big Wall Street establishment donors, those are not my supporters" (mp3)
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Fox couldn't kill Trump's momentum, may have made it stronger
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Trump won post-debate spin
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina lamented that there were no questions about the economy
"'Three things.', Fiorina responded. 'One. We have to know what the engine of economic growth is. You know what it is? Small businesses, new businesses, family-owned businesses.' Fiorina said she started her career in a small real estate firm, while her husband Frank started out driving a tow-truck at a family-owned body shop. 'The truth is, most people start out the way we did. Small businesses create two-thirds of the new jobs, they employ half the people. We are crushing them. So when we crush small business, we are now destroying more than we're creating for the first time in U.S.A. history. We're crushing opportunity.'... 'Point two: crony [socialism] is alive and well. And guess what, the bigger government gets, the more crony [socialism] succeeds... And finally, we need to understand in the 21st Century, we've got to compete for every job, because any job, any money, any person can go anywhere. We're not competing for jobs any more. We have the highest tax rates in the world -- that's insanity. We have a regulatory environment that is crushing.'..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
5 worst foreign policy statements in last night's debate
This is a very old military expression, intended, in part, to make clear the difference between the civilian government and military. The civilian government declares wars, and the military carries out those wars. I vaguely recall reading it in a book written some time between 1940 & 1980, and hearing it (again) in the late 1980s. General Colin Powell said it in 2013. The purpose of the military is kill people who are attacking us, and break the things they are using to attack us, and break the things they hide behind, and break the things they are using to sustain themselves in their efforts to attack us. I really think Frances Martel failed to do his home-work.
2012-05-29: John Hawkins: Free Republic: 25 military quotes
2013-04-09: Jacksonville Florida Times-Union: 16 military quotes from retiring general James Mattis
2012-07-21: Regia Bahten: Veterans Administration Office of Rural Health: 10 things your combat veteran wants you to know
2012-05-29: John Hawkins: Town Hall: 25 military quotes
2005-01-29: "John": The Donovan
2003-08-27: "mnotr2": Snopes
2003-10-08 or 2008-10-03: Jonathan Franklin: rense
Eric Lewan: collection of military quotes (part 1)
John Carl Roat 2000 _Class-29: The Making of U.S. Navy SEALs_
1999-06-22: CFR: Humanitarian Intervention (pdf)
SF author L. Neil Smith said it
1993-07-02: Rush Limbaugh: _See, I Told You So_ pg290 (quoted here at On the Issues)
1992 February: Bob Wilson: Ethical Spectacle: the purpose of a military is to kill people and break things
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
the Republican Party won last night's debate, and Hitlery Rotten Clinton lost
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
would you pledge to vote for Yebbie Booosh if he got the Republican nomination? Hardly!
"...Every other candidate on the stage cares a lot about favorability ratings -- the 'beauty contest' element of politics. Trump doesn't. He appeared gleeful in saying that 'politicians are stupid' when he was talking about border security. Corrupt, maybe...but stupid?... Cruz was initially asked about his penchant for taking on party leaders – and the fact he called Mitch McConnell a liar (which elicited some boos -- who are these people? [They were booing the questioner, not Cruz.]). His answer: 'I believe the American people are looking for someone to speak the truth... I ain't your guy if you're looking for someone to get in bed with the lobbyists and special interests... I will always tell the truth and do what I say I'm going to do.' Cruz has the record to back up his claims. You just sense that the other candidates don't like him, see him as an outlier and are hoping against hope that he'll just shut up..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Bush News Network (Fox) tried to take out Trump
"...Trump's answer that 'It was only Rosie O'Donnell' got the audience on his side, but Kelly assumed the prosecutorial tone that has now become her trademark and refused to let it go until she made her intended point that according to the rules the establishment media imposes upon political candidates Donald Trump is an unelectable male chauvinist. Likewise, Chris Wallace's insistence on 'proof' that the government of Mexico is 'sending criminals -- rapists, drug dealers, across the border' was an insistence on factual corroboration that was required of no other candidate during the debate, especially [Yebbie Booosh]. Bush was given a free pass on his claims about being a fiscally conservative governor as he touted his record of cutting taxes with no mention that on [Yebbie Booosh's] watch Florida state spending ballooned by 52%, from $48.6G in 1999 to $73.9G in 2006. And state expenditures per capita rose from $2,809 in 1999, to $3,942 in fiscal year 2006-2007... The Trump campaign, and Trump's meteoric rise in the polls, is as CHQ chairman Richard A. Viguerie said, not so much about Donald Trump as it is about 'sending THEM a message'. And THEM is the Republican establishment and the Washington political class in general..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
things to remember from the debate
"...Going after Trump is not the way to get his supporters – going after the duplicity, lying, weak Republican leaders and being a credible alternative deliverer of his message is the only way to get his voters and, although Cruz gave it a good try, in my view no one broke through last night... Another surprise was that Scott Walker did not really rise to the occasion last night. Conservatives are looking for a fighter -- which is why Carly Fiorina shined in the first debate -- and Walker's performance lacked any evidence of the zest for combat or fire that conservatives are looking for in their candidate for president. And much the same thing could be said for Dr. Ben Carson. He came across as very smart, likable, a nice guy, but zest for combat? No way. Smart and funny, sure; but Dr. Carson often looked a little lost, like he -- a neurosurgeon -- had suddenly found himself on stage with a group of violinists or some other group to which he didn't belong, but he gamely played along. The big losers last night were [Obummer and Hitlery]... The debate had a big audience that does not normally watch Fox; 3 hours of strong articulate attacks on Obama and Hillary are bound to hurt their numbers and I expect them to go down in the polls after last night. Carly Fiorina looked closer to Reagan than anyone else... My bottom line [item to remember] from the early debate was that Carly Fiorina clearly deserves to be considered to be a top-tier candidate. She looked closer to Reagan than anyone else in terms of clarity and drawing clear lines in the sand, especially on her answer to Trump. Ted Cruz did well, but... We can stipulate that Ted Cruz is the most articulate and consistent conservative, but his number one problem is convincing voters he can win both the nomination and the presidency. Above all else we conservatives want to win the 2016 election and conservative voters will accept their second or third choice..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
debate question: have any of you gotten a word from God?
"...'I would also note that the scripture tells us, You shall know them by their fruit. We see lots of campaign conservatives. But if we're going to win in 2016, we need a consistent conservative, someone who has been a fiscal conservative, a social conservative, a national security conservative.'..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
_Cybercast News Service_
Obummer thinks requiring photo-ID to cash a check, enter a federal government document depository, enter an NAACP gathering, board a commercial aircraft is fine, but not to vote, because it would inhibit so many vote-rigging schemes he loves, just pay no attention to those areas where more people voted than the census reported live there (video)
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Ed Lasky _American Thinker_
Obummer and the flippancy of fools
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Daniel John Sobieski _American Thinker_
agents of influence: Huma Abedin and Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
R' Moshe Grylak _Jewish World Review_
co-operation for mutual benefit over the long-run vs. abuse; it takes all kinds to make the world operate
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Susan Swann _Jewish World Review_
4 ways to say what you really think without people hating you
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
inspector-general accuses OPM of hindering investigation into hack of personnel records
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Kathy Shaidle _WND_
Michael Savage: Obummer's pure malevolence has demoralized the USA
"...That 'one radio show host' was, of course, Rush Limbaugh -- who quickly responded on the air. 'We have just learned that I, your host, am the reason the Republican House feels trapped and unable to do what they would really like to do.', Limbaugh joked to his audience... Plus: [Aaron Klein] featured a special interview with retired talk show host and Watergate architect G. Gordon Liddy, who told Klein that Hillary Clinton's many scandals are 'much larger' that anything Richard Nixon was ever accused of doing. 'Bear in mind that nobody even caught a cold at the Watergate office building. But 4 devoted American citizens, including an ambassador, were left to die in Benghazi.', Liddy said... Mark Levin... Steve Deace... Glenn Beck..."
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
_Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: congress has tools to save the USA's future, but they refuse
Margaret Knapp
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-08-07 (5775 Ab 22)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
American Colonization Society: growth of auxiliaries 1823-1828
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Mike Rogoway _Oregonian_
Intel ends show of meritocracy; giving bonuses to young workers in stock shares, to older workers in cash, then dumping those owning fewer stock-shares
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
sheriff Joe Arpaio asked 9th circus for change of venue due to judge Murray Snow's personal animus
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
UK econ professor and government advisor: immigrants are bringing dysfunctional cultures to developed countries
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Tom Tancredo _Breitbart_
illegal aliens account for 30% of murders in many states
"...Between 2008 and 2014, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida were criminal aliens. In New York it was 34% and Arizona 17.8%. During those years, criminal aliens accounted for 38% of all murder convictions in the 5 states of California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and New York, while illegal aliens constitute only 5.6% of the total population in those states. That 38% represents 7,085 murders out of the total of 18,643... over 90% of incarcerated criminal aliens are illegal aliens [i.e. few of the foreign-born who are in the USA legally commit crimes, just as few citizens commit crimes]..."
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Hamza Hendawi & Qassim Abdul-Zahra _Cybercast News Service_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate top command dominated by former officers from Saddam Hussein's army
"While attending the Iraqi army's artillery school nearly 20 years ago, Ali Omran remembers one major well. An Islamic hard-liner, he once chided Omran for wearing an Iraqi flag pin into the bath-room because it included the words 'God is great'. 'It is forbidden by religion to bring the name of the Almighty into a defiled place like this.', Omran recalled being told by major Taha Taher al-Ani. Omran didn't see al-Ani again until years later, in 2003. The Americans had invaded Iraq and were storming toward Baghdad. Saddam Hussein's fall was imminent. At a sprawling military base north of the capital, al-Ani was directing the loading of weapons, ammunition and ordnance into trucks to spirit away. He took those weapons with him when he joined Tawhid wa'l-Jihad, a forerunner of al-Qaida's branch in Iraq. Now al-Ani is a commander in [ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate]..."
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Stephen Bryen & Shoshana Bryen _American Thinker_
the writing is on the wall for USA military in the Persian Gulf
"...Without actually fighting, Israel proved to be a key security asset that allowed American troops to operate with relative freedom against Iraq. Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, on the other hand, will similarly constrain American military planning, but this time Israel will not be able to offer a counter-threat. In the simplest terms, the U.S. facing a nuclear Iran will either have to significantly change how it deploys to the Middle East and Persian Gulf, or get out of harm's way. The weakening of the overall American military posture under sequestration makes the latter most likely. There are a number of factors that need explication: (1) Prior to the Israeli strike on Osirak, Iran had sent its own Phantom jets to try to knock out Iraq's centrifuge facility adjoining the reactor; reports have it that the Iranians also shared photo reconnaissance with Israel of their raid to help Israel pinpoint the right targets and finish the job...
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Shoula Romano Horing _American Thinker_
American Jews must get the "never again" message through to Obummer
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
"climate change": the hoax that costs us $4G/day
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
2015-08-08 (5775 Ab 23)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
opposing another form of ignorance?: finding value in the ante-bellum South
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1306-08-08: good king Wenceslas of Poland was murdered at the behest of his brother, cruel king Boleslaw.
1570-08-08: king Charles ix of France signed Treaty of St. Germain giving freedom of religion to Huguenots and ending 3rd war of religion.
1648-08-08: Ibrahim, sultan of Istanbul, was imprisoned and assassinated.
1844-08-08: Brigham Young succeeded Joseph Smith as head of Mormonite church.
1876-08-08: Thomas A. Edison patented mimeograph.
1896-08-08: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings born.
1899-08-08: first household refrigerator patented.
1901-08-08: Ernest Orlando Lawrence born at 15 Monk Road in Bishopston, Bristol, England.
1902-08-08: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac birth-day.
1908-08-08: Wilbur Wright made first public flight at a race-course at Le Mans, France.
1911-08-08: president William Howard Taft signed a measure raising the number of members in the U.S. House of Representatives from 391 to 433, effective with the next congress, with a proviso to add 2 more members when New Mexico and Arizona became states. (The number of House seats has remained at 435 ever since, except for a temporary increase to 437 after Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the Union, while it should have long since been increased to over 1K. Originally, the founders were aiming for 1 representative for every 30K to 50K US citizens, now it's 1 congress-critter for every 600K-700K residents (citizens + legal residents + illegal aliens).)
1911-08-08: The news-reel became a standard feature at U.S. movie screenings when the French film company Pathe began releasing weekly black-and-white features to theaters.
1937-08-08: Japan occupied Beijing.
1940-08-08: Nazi Luftwaffe attacked Great Britain, beginning Battle of Britain.
1942-08-08: US Marines captured Japanese air-strip on Guadalcanal.
1942-08-08: 6 convicted Nazi saboteurs who'd landed in the U.S.A. were executed in Washington, DC; 2 others were spared.
1944-08-08: US forces completed capture of Marianas Islands.
1945-08-08: Soviet Union declared war on Japan (2 days after atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima).
1950-08-08: US troops repelled 1st attack at 10-day battle of Naktong Bulge.
Proposed Bills 2015
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
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