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updated: 2019-12-29
"Neither House, during the Session of congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than 3 days, nor to any other Place than that in which the 2 Houses shall be sitting." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 4 |
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2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
*** Obummer's hit-squad against sheriff Joe Arpaio ***
"...The [Obummer regime] is out to destroy the man, using every accusation it can devise -- all because he has the audacity to try to [adhere to his oath of office to] enforce immigration laws that are on the books to protect the people in his jurisdiction. That man is sheriff Joe Arpaio, elected to that post by the people in Arizona's Maricopa county 6 times, after a long and successful career as a police officer and with the DEA. The people like him. The [Obummer regime] doesn't... Interestingly, the judge in the current decision, Janice Rodgers Brown, seems also to agree, saying that the situation raises the issue of what happens when the 'chief executive decides not to faithfully execute the laws'..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Donald Trump's immigration reform plan: American workers first, special interests last?
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump's immigration reform proposal is exactly the plan the USA needs
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Dems/Reds/leftists panic in response to Donald Trump's immigration reform plan
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump on immigration
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
previously deported child rapist caught sneaking into Texas
"A previously deported illegal alien who had been convicted of sexually assaulting a child earlier this year is back in the United States."
I give up. How did he commit rape. Go through trial and conviction. Serve his 30-year prison sentence. Get removed from the USA. Then try to sneak back in. All in less than 9 months?
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the real apocalyptic doom-sayers are trying to ensure Americans live in constant fear
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Pamela Geller _WND_
NYT: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate reading of Quran/Koran enshrines a theology of rape
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
Iran and the Muslim doctrine of deception
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Greg Richter _News Max_
Donald Trump: I would police Iran so they don't have a chance to develop nuclear weapons and delivery sysems, despite Obummer's treaty to let them do so
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Caroline B. Glick _WND_
Obummer is trying to set conditions for treating Jews as "disloyal" citizens
Canada Free Press
Jerusalem Israel Post
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
good and evil cannot co-exist
"Good and evil cannot co-exist. Evil hates good: Radical homosexuals and [leftist] bully Christians and force homosexual propaganda on innocent children. But good will not allow evil to spread its corruption: Christians fight against the revolting notion of same-sex 'marriage' and 'adoption'. Only evil people allow perversion to become the norm, as though homosexual sex is on equal par with real marriage and family. However, [some] black [churches are] no more 'Christian' than Louis Farrakhan's black racist Nation of Islam, or the radical atheist 'Sunday Assembly'..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
what if it had been Israel that had launched numerous rockets at Palestine=Gaza and killed 80 civilians in the market-place?
News Machete
"When HAMAS launched its latest war against Israel last year, Arabs by the millions marched in Europe and other places. Jews were attacked on the streets of Paris and other cities because, apologists told us, Arabs were angry that Israel was firing back at its Gaza attackers, and hitting some civilians in the process. (HAMAS purposely placed its rocket launchers in civilian neighborhoods to maximize civilian casualties on both sides.) Not only arabs, but European governments got involved, calling for Israel to exercise 'restraint', as if there were a way to be restrained in the face of thousands of rocket attacks. But times have changed and when we read about 20 or 30 or 40 or even 80 civilians being massacred in Syria or Iraq, the world yawns. Why, as recently as Sunday: 'Government air-strikes on a rebel-held suburb of the Syrian capital, Damascus, on Sunday killed more than 80 people and wounded about 200, according to local activists and monitoring organizations. Residents said Sunday's attack struck a crowded market area in the city of Douma, northeast of the capital, leaving streets strewn with rubble, scattered merchandise and destroyed cars. Anti-government activists in the area posted videos online of blood-covered victims being raced to local clinics and rows of dead bodies lined up for burial.' Where are the arabs marching through the streets of Europe? Where is the condemnation of the European governments? Where is the United Nations? All silent..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
some people have been striving to change the meanings of words for their own power, political, moral, and financial purposes: "a perfect gay liberal man who can do nothing to stop abortion" doesn't mean what it used to
"Have you noticed that words today don't mean what they used to? It seems every day we encounter traditional words with new, transitional meanings. Words like fair, equality, tolerance, liberal, gay and abortion are just a few. The words change because there's a dedicated agenda behind the deliberate misuse of words. Before one worldview can be replaced with another, certain key words must be redefined..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Bill Wilson _American Thinker_
victims of USA's culture war
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
John Solomon _Washington DC Times_
number of Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages flagged as containing classified info grew to 60 as review continues
Greg Richter: News Max
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Chuck Norris _WND_
single smoking-gun e-mail message should have buried Hitlery Rotten Clinton's career
"...The full title of the book that Hillary requests is: _Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better_, by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe. The book pledges to give 'essential strategies to help...manage the ever-increasing number of e-mails you receive and improve the ones you send.'..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
MIchael Benge _American Thinker_
modern slavery in VietNam and Malaysia
"In a senate committee on Foreign Relations hearing on August 6, senators from both parties accused the [Obummer regime] of putting its Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) goals ahead of Malaysia's modern-day slavery; however, this was just half of the equation. A coalition of national and international organizations in Asia has charged both VietNam and Malaysia with 'Modern Day Slavery' -- Vietnam for its 'blood cashews' and Malaysia for its oil palm industry; both are engaged in state-sponsored human-trafficking and indentured servitude. However, they are being rewarded by the US State Department that pretends these countries have 'demonstrated sufficient progress on human rights' despite the fact that both have repeatedly 'come under fire for paltry efforts' to reduce human rights abuses. In the blood cashew industry, political prisoners are forced to work 7 hours a day for $3 a month, for as long as 7 years -- often resulting in serious injuries and even blindness -- to produce cashews to export to the US and other countries, an industry that brings Vietnam $1.5G (US) per year... During his recent White House and Congressional visits, VietNamese Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong not only lobbied for the TPP, but also had the audacity to demand more money for Agent Orange reparations. The US is already giving millions of dollars for clean-up efforts in the areas most affected by Agent Orange spraying during the VietNam War. Ironically, at the same time, VietNam is spraying it or similar toxins on crops and farmland in Cambodia, in areas once known as the 'Ho Chi Minh Trail', in order to force Cambodian farmers there to leave their lands, according to a complaint recently filed with the UN..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
alleged ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate document claims Obummer is "mule of the Jews"
"As [president Obummer] pushes for his controversial [treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons], a newly discovered document in the Pakistan tribal region reveals that America's enemies are on the march. Intelligence officials were shocked to learn that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is moving into Afghanistan just as [president Obummer] is withdrawing troops there. This fits a pattern: As [Obummer] retreats from Iraq, Libya and now Afghanistan, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate takes over..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Matthew Boyle _Brietbart_
Mick Huckabee to travel to Israel as he rolls out campaign infrastructure in early states
"...'...We're organizing the old-fashioned way. There are 99 counties in Iowa. We have organized 71 of them.' Huckabee laid out how, in South Carolina, he's also organized nearly statewide. 'In South Carolina, there are 46 counties. We have organized already in 32 of them.', Huckabee said..."
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Matthew Boyle _Brietbart_
Ben Carson to tour USA border after rally in Phoenix: the year USA strikes back at DC
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
William Bigelow _Brietbart_
Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival in Spain cancelled appearance of US singer Matisyahu, for not endorsing Palestinian state
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Awr Hawkins _Brietbart_
2015-08-07 in Birmingham, AL, police detective was beaten unconscious with his own gun as he tried to avoid shooting un-armed man
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
crazed Dem operative in Queens NY wounded fire-fighter, lost fire-fight with police: media double standards hard at work again
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood videos spur 200 rallies to de-fund them
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime's attacks against election reforms
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
William C. Triplett ii _Washington DC Times_
filling a republican cabinet in 2017
Family Security Matters
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
in London, a tale of 2 Europes
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Isvari Mohan _Washington DC Times_
pirates of the holy land (part 3)
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
2015-08-16 (5775 Alul 01)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
millions die because the left is wrong about virtually everything
"The political philosophers of early imperial China called them 'legalists'. The 20th century called them fascists, socialists or communists. The 21st century calls them environmentalists. The United States, more polite abut its extremists than most, calls them 'radicals', 'liberals' and even 'Democrats'. Their defining characteristic is a ruthless hatred of their fellow men, an eagerness to kill as many as possible, an incurable, totalitarian thirst to meddle moralistically in every last pernickety detail of the lives of those few whom they permit to live, and a wilful disregard for the disastrous and usually murderous failures of all of their favorite policies. For brevity, we shall call them what the French originally called them: the left..."
Proposed Bills 2015
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On This Day
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"You must not take the name of HaShem your God in vain [don't make promises you don't intend to keep, with HaShem as your witness/surety/guarantor]; for HaShem will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:10 |
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Patrick Thiboeau _CIO_/_IDG_
Donald Trump has emerged as sharp critic of H-1B visa program
"...The key things Trump is proposing for the H-1B visa include, first, an increase in the prevailing wage, making it more expensive to use H-1B workers. Many visa holders are paid the lowest prevailing wage level set for entry-level positions. Trump doesn't spell out his specific action plan, but some have argued for eliminating lower prevailing-wage levels altogether. 'Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant [green card] workers in the U.S.A., instead of flying in cheaper workers from over-seas.', wrote Trump. Second, Trump wants a requirement that companies hire U.S. workers first. Critics says without this requirement, visa workers can be used to replace U.S. workers. 'We need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed.', wrote Trump... The intellectual roots of Trump's H-1B views can be found in its links, which includes the testimony and work of two of leading academic critics, Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at Howard University (pdf), and Hal Salzman, professor of planning and public policy at Rutgers University, who studies the science and engineering work-force..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: American kids are dreamers, too
"He described this new project as a collection of pamphlets like those distributed during the pre-revolutionary period in America. Each one provides information on a topic such as radical environmentalism, illegal immigration, social security, education, [ObummerDoes'tCare], national security and more. Each section is aimed at providing facts to equip Americans and help articulate the impact of a Leviathan-like government on the younger generation. 'We're Americans, we don't surrender our country, we don't surrender our children and our grand-children to the left and to big government and their destructive forces.', Levin told the energetic crowd... 'When is the last time...when is the first time our kids were discussed when we discussed immigration? How can it be that illegal immigrant kids are dreamers? Nobody talks about our kids as dreamers.' 'What is the impact on kids that go to college and graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)?' Levin cited U.S. Census Bureau statistics: 'Almost 30% of young people who graduated in these majors can't get jobs in those positions and yet you will hear politicians including conservatives say we need tens of thousands more of these H-1B visas to bring in more and more people who have these skills. But we have people who have these skills too.' 'Silicon Valley among others, they want to pay them at a very cheap price.', he said, backing his claim up with Census Bureau reports showing income in STEM fields having been flat since 2007..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Beckie Supiano _Chronicle of Higher Education_
good jobs for college grads?
Christi Khalaf: Tyler TX Morning Paper
Anthony P. Carnevale, Tamara Jayasundera [not Tammy Smith] & Artem Gulish [not Artie Jones]: Georgetown U: good jobs are back: recent college graduates are first in line, experieced professionals not so much (pdf)
"Anthony P. Carnevale and his colleagues submit that, of the 'good jobs' created during the economic recovery of 2010-2014, 97% have gone to workers with at least a bachelor's degree. While the group admits that there is no official definition of a good job, they considered a job as 'good' if wages are in the upper-third by median wages of occupations in which they are classified. These jobs pay more than $53K annually and the majority of them are full-time, offer health insurance and provide an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Almost 3M of these good jobs were created during the recovery, in contrast to the 1.9M middle-wage jobs and 1.8M low-wage jobs created during the same time period. 'It's very destructive for people with high school degrees or less.', Carnevale said. The number of middle-wage jobs ($32K to $53K per year) and low-wage jobs (less than $32K) have not had the same increase as good jobs. Almost 2M middle-wage jobs have been added in the recovery, but that's still 900K jobs below the pre-recession levels. Low-wage jobs have added 800K jobs above the pre-recession levels, but are still not growing as fast as good jobs. In the report they find that jobs for managers; science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workers; and healthcare professionals account for the majority of the good jobs in the recovery. And as previously stated, 2.8M of the 2.9M (97%) of these jobs went to college graduates in contrast to the 39K good jobs forfeited by workers with high school diploma or less since the beginning of the recovery... Education occupations lost 184K good jobs during the recovery..."
Do both salary/wages AND benefit packages warrant calling these "good" jobs? What do the local cost-of-living/salaries ratios look like? How many of those new-hires are "native" US citizens and how many from outside the USA? How many of these are bodyshop gigs (consulting, contract, programming services...) vs. how many are full-time and long-term? Were skill levels taken into account as well as field of work (occupation and industry)? Why the ambiguities?
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Ann Coulter is on the cutting edge again
"...This time I had a chance to interview Ms. Coulter and what one finds is that she is thoroughly authentic. What you see on TV is not a performance -- Ann is Ann. The first question I asked Ms. Coulter as I do with all authors is why she wrote this book. Her reply was 'because when researching another book I found a massive cover-up by the government and media about immigrant crime'. The central tenet of the book is the junior senator from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy, in 1965 changed the nature of our legal immigration system which purposefully reduced the quality of our immigrants and changed the geographic source of most immigrants. The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 over the next 5 decades greatly changed the demographic make-up of the American population. Immigrants entering the United States under the new legislation came increasingly from countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, as opposed to Europe. Ms. Coulter believes these immigrants -- legal or illegal -- rip at the core of the country and have distinctly different cultural bases which not only don't meet our historical standards, but have negative impact in regard to such issues as rape and crime... '...To paraphrase the line about families you can't choose your native-born Americans -- but you can choose your immigrants. Our immigration system will be working when the number of immigrants who commit crimes is zero.'..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump consultations with Jeff Sessions are a game-changer
"...The reason this is so important -- and really is a game changer -- is that no one on the national scene understands the politics of populist opposition to open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens better than senator Jeff Sessions. Senator Sessions, a principled limited government constitutional conservative giant in comparison to the establishment Lilliputians that constitute the senate's Republican [losership], is one of the senate's most insightful students of the impact of immigration, both legal and illegal, on American workers. Sessions has been one of the few opponents of amnesty for illegal aliens and opening America's borders to regularly make the case that the most important reason to oppose the [Obummer-Rubio-Bush] amnesty bill and other schemes to admit vast numbers of new immigrants, or legalize millions of illegal aliens, is the impact such policies would have on American workers..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
Trump: word games on immigration?
News Machete
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration Trump card
"...The 3 principles the paper offers wouldn't even have to be articulated in a healthier society; of course immigration policy must be based exclusively on the interests of We the People of the United States, not wealthy donors, not corporations, not union bosses, not big-city politicians, and not foreign citizens. Their articulation is nonetheless useful as a way to flush out libertarian and leftist opponents of American sovereignty. As to the specifics: When the WaPo reported that Trump called senator Jeff Sessions to talk immigration, I'd assumed the senator wouldn't have been able to get a word in edgewise. Well, that does not seem to have been the case, because there's a lot of specifics in Trump's paper, and they're mostly quite good. Among them: Nationwide E-Verify, visa-tracking for foreign visitors, cutting off aid to sanctuary cities, making overstay of a visa a criminal offense, tightening up on H-1B visas to prevent their being used to import cheap labor, ending birth-right citizenship, and more. It even addresses the excesses of refugee resettlement. The final item in the paper is a call for 'immigration moderation', a verbatim echo of senator Sessions' words from earlier this year. But while Rick Santorum has called for a 25% cut in the current immigration level of 1M per year (by eliminating the lottery and certain chain-migration categories), Trump's paper doesn't offer specifics here. OTOH, it's just a 6-page paper, so there's plenty of opportunity to elaborate. I'm less enthusiastic about the first section of the paper, on Mexico and the border. Its antagonism toward Mexico is not constructive -- Mexico is indeed obstructionist in many areas, but it has been induced to be helpful in others (for instance, by interdicting many of the Central American illegals headed north). Our approach to our neighbor to the south must be firm, but not ham-handed. OTOH, the paper makes Trump's earlier comments about making Mexico pay for the construction of a border wall seem less absurd. It proposes a number of ways to extract funds, including 'impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages' and increased visa fees on various Mexican travelers. These may or may not be good ideas, but they're not preposterous. So, while I think Ann Coulter exaggerates just a little when she calls Trump's paper, 'The greatest political document since the Magna Carta.', it does clearly advance the immigration debate. Some of these specifics will almost certainly come up in the CNN debate next month and Trump's rivals will have to respond. As someone who personally does not support Trump's nomination (though CIS takes no position on electoral contests), I sincerely hope one of the other candidates makes these ideas his own in order to 'knock Trump from his perch'. But whether or not that happens, the Overton window for immigration has moved appreciably in the direction most of the public prefers."
Trump's positions/proposals on immigration reform
Ian Tuttle: National Review
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Donald Trump's illegal alien policy has welcome details discussed by no one else
"Don't get me wrong, as a 'liberal Democrat' I think Donald Trump would be a disaster as president. OTOH, I must say that I was impressed by the level of detail in his recently released immigration policy paper. As Mark Krikorian has written, Trump's position 'clearly has advanced the immigration debate'. What I find significant, and surprising, is that his illegal alien policy paper is so detailed, and so appropriate, particularly on some of the financial specifics of immigration policy that no one else has even mentioned. His earlier, frankly ridiculous, boast that he would build a wall on the southern border and get Mexico to pay for it has morphed into a sensible approach that would get it paid for by Mexican and other illegal aliens. Among his specific suggestions: Raise money for the wall by reducing current income tax breaks for illegal aliens; Enhance fees for over-staying a visa; Put more fees on the admission of legal temporary alien workers; and Charge admissions fees for all border crossers, every time they cross the border. I am not sure, however, that it is possible or appropriate to 'impound all remittances derived from illegal wages' as proposed in the Trump document, but it certainly would be an excellent idea to tax them, as the federal government and 49 of the 50 states have not done. (Oklahoma is the one exception, as we have noted from time to time.) Trump's position against birth-right citizenship would have a useful by-product that he may not know about -- so many illegal aliens when caught in the interior argue that they should not be deported because it would be hard on their U.S. citizen baby or small child; that entire argument would be swept away if the child were not regarded as a citizen."
Donald Trump's immigration policy paper
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump's immigration reform policy in 147 words
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Stephen Braun _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: deny citizenship to babies of illegal aliens
"Trump's plan was endorsed by senator Jeff Sessions, R-AL, who chairs a Senate sub-committee on immigration. 'This is exactly the plan America needs.', Sessions said in a statement. 'Crucially, this plan includes an emphasis on lifting struggling minority communities, including our immigrant communities, out of poverty, by preventing corporations from bringing in new workers from overseas to replace them and drive down wages.'..."
Statements of the drafters of the 14th amendment make clear that the language and intent of the amendment was to make sure that nth generation descendants of slaves would be citizens, not that visitors' babies would be instant citizens. It was not until decades later that judges began interpreting it as bestowing citizenship to babies of visitors and illegal aliens.
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Ben Shapiro _Brietbart_
Donald Trump's immigration plan sets the aganda again
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
22, 35, or more years late off the starting-line, senate begins to ask for information necessary to analyze links between immigration and terrorism
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Univision's biased reporting, Maryland edition
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
_Conservative HQ_
another innocent American who was killed due to Obummer regime policies and actions
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Matthew Boyle _Brietbart_
Donald Trump is winning parise from experts with new immigration plan
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Ian Hanchett _Brietbart_
Steve King (R-IA): Trump's immigration reform proposal is not perfect, but it is bold, strong, positive
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
Trump's immigration paper is plain-spoken truth
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Ann Coulter: I don't care if Donald Trump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
border braces as number of illegal aliens increases
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
former Bush operative Dana Perino melted down over Trump's mai-stream immigration reform proposals
"After fellow panelist Jesse Watters stated, 'I love how Chuck Todd's out there, sitting, whining about where are these deported illegal aliens going to go, where are they gonna go? Hey, Chuck, why don't you put them up in your place? Right? I mean, he's got room. He's a compassionate guy. He's probably got a big mansion. So, I don't know why he's advocating for that... Here's what we do with them, maybe we send them down to the border. Maybe the illegal alien families build the wall. Then when the wall's finished, then they get amnesty. That's called earned amnesty... It's going to be a trail of tears. But here's the plan, it's a simple plan. Protect the border, protect the families, protect jobs. And I don't buy the whole crocodile tears from these liberals, oh, you know, What's going to happen? We know what they think is going to happen. We saw what Kelly Osbourne said... They think of these people as servants. And you know what? If these Mexican women were coming to this country legally, and having babies, and these babies were growing up to vote Republican, the Democrats would be building a bigger wall than Trump.'..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Rush Limbaugh: Americans are standing up and cheering for Trump's immigration reform plan
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
another previously deported convicted rapist caught sneaking into Texas
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Nick Sanchez _News Max_
USA goverment has warned Red China that their agents searching for refugees in the USA are not welcome
"The U.S. has warned [Red China] that covert agents tasked with hunting down alleged Chinese fugitives across the globe are not welcome in America, and should be called home immediately. According to The New York Times, the [Red Chinese] government has officially named the program 'Operation Fox Hunt'. As a central element of president Xi Jinping's fight against government 'corruption', it has been popular among Chinese citizens. The agents tasked with hunting down 'economic fugitives' and bringing them back to [Red China], however, have been operating covertly, and often enter the U.S.A. on tourist or trade visas. After entering and locating Chinese fugitives, they sometimes use strong-arm tactics to repatriate them to [Red China] -- including threatening family members who remain in [Red China]. The country's Ministry of Public Security reported that, since 2014, roughly 1K suspects have been repatriated, 70 of whom returned voluntarily. Director of 'Operation Fox Hunt' Liu Dong has said in the past that [Red Chinese] agents working abroad must comply with local laws, and sometimes even work with local law enforcement to locate fugitive suspects. Elsewhere, however, he has said, 'Our principle is thus: Whether or not there is an agreement in place, as long as there is information that there is a criminal suspect, we will chase them over there, we will take our work to them, anywhere.'..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Sidney Powell _Jewish World Review_
State Dept. told judge they're not even trying to find Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages
"Wednesday afternoon, moving very quickly, Washington DC federal judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered the State Department [DoS] to explain to him in writing what it is doing to work with the FBI and the Department of Justice [DoJ] to obtain the emails from Hillary Clinton's server, and where any missing emails might be found. As we reported yesterday, the conduct of Mrs. Clinton implicates countless criminal statutes. In its status report just filed, the State Department has told the judge that it is doing absolutely nothing to obtain any emails other than those Mrs. Clinton already provided. Apparently, the State Department hasn't read our prior reports on judge Emmet G. Sullivan or taken note of how similar claims have not been well-received when made by the IRS..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Clinton crime-family comix
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton classified e-mail scandal... and then there were 60
John Hayward: Breitbart
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton aides conducted government business on personal e-mail
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail message count: 305 may contain classified information
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
senator Charles Grassley prods Clinton lawyer for answers about e-mail storage
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Trey Gowdy on Hitlery Rotten Clintons October 22 testimony: you're going to stay there until all of the questions are asked and answered with respect to Benghazi and Libya
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
_News Max_
USA interrogation strategy getting scrutiny in case of attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
State Dept. "found" 17,855 "missing" e-mail messages to/from Hitlery Rotten Clinton adviser Philippe Reines
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
George Jonas _Jewish World Review_
the folly of left-wing foreign policy
National Post
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Carly Fiorina: unlike Hitlery, I didn't do photo ops with world leaders, but discussed substantive issues
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
the big battle behind Red China's recent turmoil: a dispute between 2 centers of power
"One way to think about the recent financial turmoil in [Red China] is as a parenting dispute between 'Xi Dada' and 'Yang Ma' -- meaning 'Big Daddy Xi' (the nickname for President Xi Jinping) and 'Big Mama' (a popular moniker for the People's Bank of China.)... 5 Chinese provinces are now 'thought to be in recession'..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
Red China's risky money game
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Francis Barry _Jewish World Review_
what's behind the surge in Israelis seeking citizenship in the EU?
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Francis Barry _Jewish World Review_
Andrew Jackson break-up is awkward for Jim Webb
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
J. Robert Smith _American Thinker_
battle of the Red geezers
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
John Gizzi _News Max_
Barbara Comstock (R-VA) joins constituents in opposing Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
senator Richard Blumenthal on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons: there may have been a better treaty if we had different people negotiating it
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
lieutenant-colonel Allen West _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons: the possibility of war increases when wolves sign agreements with sheep
"The National Center for Policy Analysis opposes the negotiated [treaty] with the militant Islamic regime in Iran known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The reasons we oppose this 'historic' [treaty] are many and rooted in history. First, Iran is the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism and has not evidenced any desire to curtail their activities. One could argue that Iran has been at war with the United States since their taking of 52 American hostages from our embassy in Tehran in 1979. Today, Iran holds 4 Americans hostage. Through its terrorist proxy army, Hezbollah [and Hamas and Fatah] -- a declared Islamic terrorist organization -- it is responsible for the deaths of 234 U.S. Marines, sailors, and soldiers in the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, and more recently, thanks to the deadly explosive force penetrator (EFP), an improvised explosive device developed by Iran and supplied to Islamic terrorists, 20% of the deaths in Iraq -- some 500 U.S. troops -- lost their lives. Countless others were maimed and scarred for life by these weapons developed for one single purpose -- to kill Americans. The JCPOA does not gradually relieve economic sanctions against Iran; it does so immediately to the tune of $115G in unfrozen assets released to the number one sponsor of Islamic terrorism..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Abraham H. Miller _WND_
Iran and the roots of Obummer's rage
American Spectator
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
340 leftist rabbis support Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"The word [leftist] has been omitted from media headlines, creating the impression that Jewish religious authorities support [president Barack Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems], against a plurality of American Jews and the overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews. In fact, the nation's largest rabbinical organizations oppose the Iran deal, and announced their opposition last month, though the main-stream media has chosen to focus on the dissident rabbis' support... One month ago, the Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of America issued their own statement: 'Will the proposed agreement protect the security of the United States, Israel and our other allies? By this standard, we have found the deal with Iran seriously wanting and will mobilize our member rabbis and synagogues throughout the nation to urge congress to fulfill their mandate and disapprove the agreement.'..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Obummer went along with Ahmadinejad in their treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
father of soldier killed by Iranian bomb opposes Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
more reason to oppose Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: sanctions remain against USA businesses
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Pamela Geller
Iranian regime a dmits holding 1K teachers in prison
"This is the Iranian mullahcracy. This is the regime that Barack Obama has just enriched with hundreds of billions of dollars, and enabled to obtain nuclear weapons. His legacy will be the worst of all U.S.A. presidents: he will be remembered as the one who paved the way for blood-shed and tyranny on a hitherto unimagined scale..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
Kamala Harris, Red/Dem/leftist, goes for the jugular on non-leftist non-profits
"Harris decided to push the limits by telling charities that they may not solicit contributions unless they first file a list of their top donors, which is an extortionate prior restraint on speech. Those donors are found on a confidential 'Schedule B' to the tax returns filed by non-profits with the IRS. Federal law protects confidential tax return information, and even provides civil and criminal penalties against federal and state officials who violate the confidentiality law. The IRS was ordered to pay the National Organization for Marriage for disclosing that organization's Schedule B donor information to hostile blogs..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
minorities constantly manage to milk money from majorities: dispersed costs and concentrated benefits
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
time to think: August in Washington DC
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
GOP candidates grapple with whether to send USA ground troops against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
In an above-board war, a symmetrical, non-guerrilla war, the rule of thumb was long held that one needed about 3 times as many capable troops as the other side to assure victory. So, if there are 20K of them, we should have 60K of our troops; if there are 30K of them, we should have 90K of our troops. And, no, USA-trained troops are not "our troops"; they may be good allies, or not. They may be traitors or saboteurs or merely run when things get tough (because the incentives they face don't make it worth the risks)... Or, we could go Carly Fiorina's way (maybe Ron Paul's way, too), pretending that these people don't affect us, that if we didn't have people there they would be less annoyed by us, less resentful of our culture, wealth, etc. History, and their ideology, shows that that is not the case.
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Phyllis Chesler _Breitbart_
situation in refugee camps is dire as millions of Christians, Yazidis flee ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Tera Dahl _Breitbart_
Libyan negotiator: UN arms embargo is hampering war against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Pamela Geller
27 confirmed killed in Islamic bombings of Hindu shrine popular with tourists and Thai Buddhists; 12 dead, scores injured in Bangkok
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Pamela Geller
under Islamic law, gay men are given 10 lashes with sharp metal wires in Ghana
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
female student's murder in Kagul, Afghanistan inspires fear in some and stronger opposition in others
"...27-year-old female Islamic studies student Farkhunda in Kabul. She questioned the ethics of a mullah selling 'charms' for financial gain in front of the Shah-Do Shamshera shrine in Kabul..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: stop listening to these people who tell us that we cannot talk about God, we cannot talk about our religious beliefs
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: take Iraq's oil wealth and give it to our wounded warriors
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
turning a blind eye to the truth about Planned Parenthood and abortion
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
W. Scott Lamb _Washington DC Times_
where is the Roman Catholic church on Planned Parenthood?
Robert Royal: The Catholic Thing
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Jeff Atwater _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood and the consequences of what people say
"...The callous and insensitive manner in which Planned Parenthood executives view abortion should not only strip away any pretext to claims of selfless outreach but thoroughly condemn the value structure of the organization. Our reaction as a civil society to this abhorrent and inexcusable behavior will speak volumes about our standards and values as well..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Terry Beatley _WND_
what the abortion king taught us about humanity
"In light of the Planned Parenthood videos, the question Americans must answer is how do we want our government to view us -- as creatures or as Creations? I visited with Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the former co-founder of what is known today as NARAL Pro-Choice America, and he had some strong opinions about this question and his 1970s pro-abortion propaganda campaign. He gave me his personal parting message to deliver to America, along with instructions to teach the 8-point strategy of how and why he deceived our country, especially women..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Travis Weber _Cybercast News Service_
82% of Americans agree that photographers have the right to say no to gay "weddings" (or heterosexual weddings)
"A recently released poll shows significant public support for the protection of religious liberty—especially when special rights based on sexual orientation are being advanced at its expense. The results reveal hope for the classical liberal vision of America: they indicate that most Americans still appear to want maximum freedom and individual rights protection..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump takes advice from Jeff Sessions; Carly Fiorina supports religious liberty; Ron endorsed Rand; Ben Carson let it be known he won't tolerate leftist disrupters; Ted Cruz: "If we nominate Democrat-lite, we will lose again."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Scott Walker calls for phase-out of federal fuel mandate
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Ira Stoll _News Max_
monetary policy over-looked by candidates
"...Speakers at the Jackson Hole Summit include Stephen Moore and Jim DeMint of the Heritage Foundation, Jared Meyer of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, and Mark Calabria of the Cato Institute. Even the centrist, establishment Council on Foreign Relations is sending Benn Steil, author of _The Battle of Bretton Woods_..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
_Brietbart_/_Ferenstein Wire_
drunk driving arrests down in SF, CA; some ascribe it to ease of using Uber
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Awr Hawkins _Brietbart_
public, execution-style shootings are occurring in DC
"Washington, DC, has gun control -- lots and lots of gun control -- and execution-style shootings are taking place in public..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Awr Hawkins _Brietbart_
NC pastor is arming parisioners to keep worshippers safe
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
bomb in Bangkok, Thailand killed 27, wounded 78 in bid to "destroy economy"
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Sylvia Longmire _Brietbart_
cartel violence spiraling out of control in Acapulco turf war
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
security flaw is exposing billions of cellular phones to spies
"Flaws concerning SS7, or Signaling System 7 -- the architecture that enables telecoms to route communications between carriers -- aren't exactly new. Hackers have been warning of vulnerabilities within the system as early as 2008 [1993, actually], and research revealed at a German conference in December renewed concerns about how easily the underlying protocols could be abused. But the issue was again brought to the forefront this weekend by Australia's '60 Minutes' television program, which aired a segment on hackers demonstrating how they were able to intercept voice calls and SMS messages from the other side of the globe by exploiting flaws within SS7..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Chriss W. Street _Brietbart_
next crisis: worldwide government bond crash is under way
"...Despite interest rates falling by almost by 65% since 2008, the vast majority of all that government debt around the globe is only capable of making interest and principal payments by selling more government bonds..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
senator Chuck Schumer fights budget cuts because cities came to rely on these hand-outs from the federal government
"Schumer says the 2016 THUD bill includes cuts to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant program (CDBG) by [a microscopic] $100M and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) by more than $800M [still extremely tiny]..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
$1M illfare scheme in Erie, PA
Store managers paid card-holders half-price in cash, then used the cards to buy goods for the full value.
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Ken de Vries _WND_
how conservatives can defeat "Club Republicana" losers
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Joseph Farah _WND_
multi-culturalism's 2-edged sword: Arabic HuffPo is very different from English HuffPo
"Anyone who reads the English-language version of the Huffington Puffington Post would get the idea there is no higher calling than to be gay. Not so the new Arabic version. About a year ago, Arianna Huffington, the former darling of conservatives reborn as a left-wing 'progressive' media darling, announced the company would be creating a version of her blogging website for Arabic language speakers, creating... well, a clash of values. Recently, just days after going live with the 14th international edition of the HuffPost, the audience has been shocked by the publication of views harshly criticizing homosexuals, atheists and even the practice of taking selfies. In one article, an Egyptian commentator ripped the government in his country for permitting atheists to hold 'a press conference for gays in the heart of Cairo'. In another article for the site, an Algerian columnist authored what was intended as 'an open letter to all the Islamic Ummah's youth', condemning the selfie as symptom of 'the diseases and the viruses of the Western world'. The blog post, the author claimed, was designed as a 'call to stop adopting such sick behaviors that come to destroy our traditions and the basics of human cultural identity'..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Oliver Melnick _WND_
new set of global "laws" targeting Jews on the horizon?
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Mychal Massie _WND_
the establishment vs. the citizenry
"Quoting journalist Lewis Lapham, attorney John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute wrote: 'The shaping of the will of Congress and the choosing of the American president has become a privilege reserved to the country's equestrian classes, aka the 20% of the population that holds 93% of the wealth, the happy few who run the corporations and the banks, own and operate the news and entertainment media, compose the laws and govern the universities, control the philanthropic foundations, the policy institutes...' (2015 Aug. 10: 'Don't Be Fooled by the Political Game: The Illusion of Freedom in America') Whitehead went on to say: 'Being a citizen in the American corporate state is much like playing against a stacked deck -- you're always going to lose.' Some may view Whitehead's treatise as an attack on the America we love. I, however, view his argument as frighteningly accurate. And nowhere is it more transpicuous than in the election process, specifically the current presidential election process. It's not an accident that it costs north of a billion dollars for a candidate to mount a run for president. That fact alone limits public participation and marginalizes the input of We the People. Specific to that point, how many have felt that their voices do not matter? How many feel that regardless of the number of phone calls and e-mails to those who promised that if elected they would serve you -- that attending to the interests of We the People is furthest thing from their minds? Our Founding Fathers never intended for presidents to be approachable only to those who can pay $500K to have dinners with them, or that a donation of $100K will get you a night's stay in the Lincoln Bedroom. How many of you can afford to attend a $35K-per-plate dinner? How many small-business owners can afford to buy a table for a minimum of $20K at Capitol Hill political events? Sure, it is nice to think oneself a player because for a $2K donation candidates acknowledge you, but acknowledging someone and doing the bidding of We the People are not remotely synonymous. The selection of candidates suitable to the establishment of either party is a closed process with only the illusion that we play a part. The GOP/RNC routinely destroy candidates We the People want in favor of their 'pets'. Recall what the Republican Party did to Republican representative Allen West. Recall what Karl Rove and the RNC minions did to Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain [Ron Paul] and are now attempting to do to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Myra Adams _WND_
fight for religious liberty is now a life-and-death struggle; and interview with Jay Sekulow
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
corrupt, anti-US-constitution officials seek warrantless back-door access to encrypted files, communications
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Ed Feulner _Washington DC Times_
ensuring a free and open internet; oppose any government's control
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Pamela Geller
Hamas top dog Haniyeh says Hamas will not accept the separate Palestinian state in their historical territory of Palestine=Gaza Strip
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Jewish publisher in UK to rescue 2K Christians fleeing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Amy Clark _Washington DC Times_
I am a Texan, a lover of freedom
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Larry Bell _News Max_
EPA's watermelons (red inside, green outside) attack on True Blue Republican States
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Stefan the Stork died in vain at the "hands" or wind turbines
"...That's because, as Stalin might have put it, the killing of one mammal by a white, middle-class male is a tragedy. But the massacre of millions of birds (and bats) every year by greenies who say they're doing it because they really care about the environment is a statistic..."
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Navajo Nation president Russell Begaye won't drink Animas river water after EPA's toxic spill
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
EPA's toxic adventure
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Daren Bakst _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer EPA's disastrous new unconstitutional "water" rule is not about protecting water, but about power
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
California's "Clean Energy Jobs Act" did little but enrich crony socialist consultants
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Brietbart_
EPA is hiding data from its toxic spill into Animas river in Colorado
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
Anthony Watts
study: on WikiPedia, controversial topics are vulnerable to information sabotage
2015-08-17 (5775 Alul 02)
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Rick Santorum, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"Honour your father and your mother, as HaShem your God commanded you; that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you, upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth you." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:15 |
1587-08-18: Virginia Dare (daughter of Ananias Dare & Eleanor/Elenora/Elinor/Elyonor White; gd of governor John White & Tomasyn Cooper) was born on Roanoke Island.
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
petition to stabilize OPT program drew thousands of names; court ruling creates uncertainty in STEM hiring program, prompts demand for action
"A petition at the White House 'We the People [Who Don't Value Privacy]' site urging the administration to quickly respond to the court decision attracted more than 53K 'signatures' by Tuesday afternoon. It appeared to be gaining new 'signatures' by the hundreds with each passing hour and must reach 100K 'signatures' by Sept. 13 to meet the threshhold for an official response. The petition follows a U.S. District Court ruling last week that found the government erred by not seeking public comment prior to extending the 12-month Optional Practical Training Program (OPT) in 2008 to 29 months for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) students. The court ruling vacates the 17-month extension of the program, but federal judge Ellen Huvelle gave the government until 2016 Feb. 12, to address the problem..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
*** immigration is THE issue of 2016 and of the 21st century ***
World Net Daily
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Brittany M. Hughes _Cybercast News Service_
US CBP: 135 unaccompanied illegal aliens under age 18 caught at USA border per day in July
Caroline May: Breitbart
US Customs and Border Protection: SouthWest Border Unaccompanied Alien Children
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration terminology wars (part 1 of 4)
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump called out Mark Zuckerberg on guest-work visas
William Bigelow: Breitbart
"Zuckerberg is one of the leading tech executives who has called for a 'more open' immigration policy. Specifically, he wants to make more H-1B visas available to tech employers so they can hire foreign skilled workers. Trump said he wants to require employers to pay H-1B workers much more money, which he said would discourage companies from hiring them and boost job prospects for Americans. He also wants to have tech jobs offered to unemployed Americans before they can be filled by workers with H-1B visas. 'This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg's personal senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.', Trump wrote in his immigration plan. Rubio is also seeking the Republican nomination for president. Zuckerberg started a public interest group called Fwd.us to push for immigration and lobbying reform along with Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer... Trump says that there are plenty of graduates with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, known as STEM, to fill tech jobs. That means that employers don't need H-1B visas to fill jobs, and are using them instead to keep wages low. Employers are supposed to pay a typical wage to anyone hired under a H-1B visa. But in reality, employees on these visas are typically paid 20% to 45% less than U.S. workers who they are are often replacing, said Ron Hira, a Howard University public policy professor who has studied the visa's pay scale. 'I don't think you should eliminate the H1-B program. The problem is it's being abused and it's a source of very cheap labor.', said Hira... The Census Bureau confirms that 74% of people who hold a STEM bachelor's degree have a job outside of those fields. Many of them work in other well-paying fields, such as finance, accounting, health-care or law. College graduates with a STEM degree [who are employed] earn a median income of between $69,700 and $92,900, depending on their field of study [OTOH, employment in these fields tends to cluster in high cost-of-living locations like Sili Valley and NY]. Other college graduates earn between $51K to $70,300. The Census Bureau report used 2012 figures, the most recent data available..."
They're comparing apples with aardvarks.
date | Total All Fields | Managerial & Professional | Legal | Architecture & Engineering | Computer & Mathematical | Sciences | Education | Arts, design, entertainment, news, media | Health-Care | Security, fire-fighters, guards, game wardens | Food Prep | Building and grounds cleaning & maintenance | Personal care & services | Sales | Office & admin support | Natural resources, construction & maintenance | Farming, Fishing & Forestry | Construction & mining | Production & Transportation | Transportation | date |
1983 | 8.6 | 3.3 | 1.2 | 3.1 | 1.8 | 3.7 | 2.65 | 6.0 | 1.15 | 6.7 | 13.4 | 13.2 | 7.2 | 5.4 | 6.4 | NA | 9.9 | 17.75 | 8.9 | 12.4 | 1983 |
1997 | 4.5 | 2.0 | 1.2 | 1.4 | 1.1 | 2.1 | 2.4 | 4.1 | 1.1 | 3.7 | 8.4 | 7.4 | 5.3 | 4.9 | 3.8 | NA | 7.1 | 5.45 | 4.8 | 5.4 | 1997 |
2000R | 3.7 | 1.7 | 1.2 | 1.7 | 2.2 | 1.4 | 1.8 | 3.5 | 1.2 | 2.7 | 6.6 | 5.8 | 4.4 | 4.1 | 3.5 | 5.3 | 10.2 | 6.2 | 5.1 | 5.6 | 2000R |
2012 | 7.3 | 4.1 | 2.7 | 4.2 | 3.6 | 4.0 | 4.8 | 7.4 | 3.0 | 6.2 | 10.3 | 11.0 | 7.8 | 7.9 | 7.6 | 11.5 | 14.4 | 14.4 | 9.8 | 10.3 | 2012 |
2013 | 6.6 | 3.6 | 2.9 | 3.5 | 3.6 | 3.6 | 3.9 | 7.0 | 2.3 | 4.4 | 9.7 | 10.7 | 8.1 | 7.3 | 7.1 | 9.8 | 11.4 | 12.5 | 9.1 | 9.4 | 2013 |
2015Q2 | 4.7 | 2.6 | 1.3 | 2.2 | 2.0 | 3.1 | 3.0 | 4.2 | 2.2 | 3.4 | 8.2 | 6.7 | 6.3 | 5.6 | 4.7 | 6.8 | 8.9 | 7.8 | 6.1 | 6.6 | 2015Q2 |
date | Total All Fields | Managerial & Professional | Legal | Architecture & Engineering | Computer & Mathematical | Sciences | Education | Arts, design, entertainment, news, media | Health-Care | Security, fire-fighters, guards, game wardens | Food Prep | Building and grounds cleaning & maintenance | Personal care & services | Sales | Office & admin support | Natural resources, construction & maintenance | Farming, Fishing & Forestry | Construction & mining | Production & Transportation | Transportation | date |
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total H-1B Visas Issued |
1996 | 58,327 | - - - | 58,327 |
1997 | 80,547 | - - - | 80,547 |
1998 | 91,360 | - - - | 91,360 |
1999 | 116,513 | - - - | 116,513 |
2000 | 133,290 | - - - | 133,290 |
2001 | 161,643 | - - - | 161,643 |
2002 | 118,352 | - - - | 118,352 |
2003 | 107,196 | - - - | 107,196 |
2004 | 138,965 | 72 | 139,037 |
2005 | 124,099 | 275 | 124,374 |
2006 | 135,421 | 440 | 135,861 |
2007 | 154,053 | 639 | 154,692 |
2008 | 129,464 | 719 | 130,183 |
2009 | 110,367 | 621 | 110,988 |
2010 | 117,409 | 419 | 117,828 |
2011 | 129,134 | 418 | 129,552 |
2012 | 135,530 | 461 | 135,991 |
2013 | 153,223 | 571 | 153,794 |
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total H-1B Visas Issued |
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Ay Caramba!: it took only a few days for Trump to reverse/weaken his stance
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Donald Trump aligns with Charles Grassley on H-1B visas
"...Trump's plan is directly responsive to that: 'More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than 80% for its bottom two.' What this means is that more than 80% of H-1b workers are paid less than the average wage, debunking the myth of H-1B workers as skilled workers. In effect, it is just a way for employers to fill entry-level positions at the lowest possible price..."
2013 Summer vol29 #4: Hal Salzman: Issues in Science and Technology: what shortages? the real evidence about the STEM work-force
Michael Cutler
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Marco Rubio continues to oppose immigration reform
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
black citizen born in Huntington Park lectured city council against illegal immigration
Hispanic/Latino legal immigrant lectured Huntington Park city council against illegal immigration
locals slam Huntington Park city council, praise Trump
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Sean Hannity battled Univision's Jorge Ramos over Trump's immigration reform plan
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
previously deported Mexican illegal alien skipped court appearance after allegedly smashing toddler's limbs
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Brandon Darby & Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
male illegal alien from El Salvadore was sodomized by multiple armed men
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
WSJ reporters tried and failed to get Carly Fiorina to criticize Trump's immigration reform proposals
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
towns in Austria which have not accepted "migrants" may be forced to do so under draft legislation
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
"irregular EU migrants" surpassed 100K in July
"...The European Union's border control agency Frontex said that it had detected some 107,500 people arriving outside regular channels in July, a sharp increase on the previous record set in June of over 70K, and more than three times as many as it registered in the same month last year..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Barnini Chakraborty _Fox_
states ration birth, marriage & death certificates after Sekuworks paper company in Ohio suddenly closed
"...Intaglio printing is done using ink that is below the surface of the plate. The design is etched into the printing plate, which is typically made from copper, zinc, aluminum and in some cases, coated paper. The benefit of intaglio is that it's a near-perfect way to prevent counterfeits. Minnesota employs the method for a range of sensitive documents and South Carolina -- which recently adopted new standards -- used it for death certificates..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Laura Ingraham
clarifying the 14th amendment: justice William Brennan's 1982 foot-note foisted anchor babies on us
2010-08-04: Ann Coulter: Human Events
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Laura Ingraham
clarifying the 14th amendment: justice William Brennan's 1982 foot-note foisted anchor babies on us
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
USA constitution does not mandate birth-right citizenship
"Under current immigration law—found at 8 U.S.C. § 1401(a)—a baby born on American soil to a (1) foreign ambassador, (2) head of state, or (3) foreign military prisoner is not an American citizen. How is that possible? This is from the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 (INA), as it has been amended over the years. Is this federal law unconstitutional? No. The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides: 'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.' Today's debate turns on the six words, 'and subject to the jurisdiction thereof'... In 1884, the Supreme Court in Elk v. Wilkins noted that the language of the Civil Rights Act was condensed and rephrased in the Fourteenth Amendment and that courts can therefore look to the Civil Rights Act to understand better the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court reasoned that if a person is a foreign citizen, then their children are likewise not constitutionally under the jurisdiction of the United States, and therefore not entitled to citizenship. In fact, the court specifically then added that this rule is why the children of foreign ambassadors are not American citizens..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Pamela Geller
Shrub & Obummer regimes murdering USA: number of Syrian Muslim "refugees" to USA expected to quadruple
"But Christians and Jews are personae non grata. The [corrupt Obummer regime] has not opened the doors to the Yezidis -- not even the girls who have escaped from sex slavery."
Perry Chiaramonte: Fox: Yazidi refugees flee ISIS, but find door to USA asylum closed
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
_Breitbart_/_Agence France Presse_
UK and France hold crisis summit as "migrant" invasion hits record levels
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Phyllis Schlafly to Marco Rubio: lying about amnesty for illegal aliens in Spanish disqualifies you from the presidency
"Phyllis Schlafly, architect of the modern conservative movement and tireless opponent of mass immigration, says GOP hopeful senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) should be disqualified from the race for dishonestly saying one thing about amnesty in English and another in Spanish..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Jerome Hudson _Breitbart_
why birth-right citizenship is an affront to black history
"Allowing illegal alien anchor babies instant citizenship perverts the historical intent of the 14th Amendment and disparages the history of the black slaves it was originally intended to protect... It was the senior Democratic senator from Nevada, senator Harry Reid (D-NV), who in 1993 introduced a bill that would have amended the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Reid was simply seeking passage of federal law that said children born in America would not be made 'a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth'..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Sarah Palin: Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to the permanent political class since the TEA Party
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Andrew Nachemson _Washington DC Times_
border barriers -- fences, walls -- are popular worldwide
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
John Hinderaker _Power Line web-log_
H-1B visa facts
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
differences between left and right (part 7): how do you know what is right and what is wrong?
Some base base their ethical standards -- their objective moral standards -- on unavoidable axioms and the nature of mankind, whether or not they believe in the Torah, Bible, and a creator God.
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
thoughts on the passing scene
Human Events
American Spectator
"Stupid people can cause problems, but it usually takes brilliant people to create a real catastrophe. [President Obummer's] 'agreement' with Iran looks very much like 'the emperor's new clothes'. We are supposed to pretend that there is something there, when there is nothing there that will stop, or even slow down, Iran's development of a nuclear bomb. The endlessly repeated argument that most Americans are the descendants of immigrants ignores the fact that most Americans are NOT the descendants of ILLEGAL immigrants. Millions of immigrants from Europe had to stop at Ellis Island, and had to meet medical and other criteria before being allowed to go any further. Governor Bobby Jindal: 'I realize that the best way to make news is to mention Donald Trump... So, I've decided to randomly put his name into my remarks at various points, thereby ensuring that the news media will cover what I have to say.' Governor Jindal's outstanding record in Louisiana should have gotten him far more attention from the media than Trump's bombast. In her latest book, _Adios, America!_, Ann Coulter says, 'if Romney had won 71% of the Hispanic vote in 2012, instead of 27%, he still would have lost. On the other hand, had he won just 4% more of the white vote, he would have won.' Despite an old saying that taxes are the price we pay for civilization, an absolute majority of the record-breaking tax money collected by the federal government today is simply transferred by politicians from people who are not likely to vote for them to people who are more likely to vote for them..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
after Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons it will still be an extremist, violence-prone Islamic dictatorship
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer cuts vacation short to try to drump up support for his evil treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
David Porter _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) opposes Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Pamela Geller
Iran threatened to harm top nuclear inspector to prevent disclosure of secret side deals to Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Adam Kredo: Washington DC Free Beacon
"Iranian leaders prevented a top International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) official from disclosing to U.S. officials the nature of secret side deals with the Islamic Republic by threatening harm to him, according to regional reports. Yukiya Amano, IAEA director general, purportedly remained silent about the nature of certain side deals during briefings with top U.S. officials because he feared such disclosures would lead to retaliation by Iran, according to the spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI). Amano was in Washington recently to brief members of congress and others about the recently inked nuclear accord. However, he did not discuss the nature of side deals with Iran that the [United States of America] is not permitted to know about. Iran apparently threatened Amano in a letter meant to ensure he did not reveal specific information about the nature of nuclear inspections going forward, according to Iranian AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
for how long has the unrepresented majority been at or above the boiling point as they've been under attack by hateful leftists? 7 years? 15 years? 50 years? 100 years?
World Net Daily
News Max
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
a summer of our discontent
Washington DC Times
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Sidney Powell _Jewish World Review_
a special prosecutor is needed now for the countless crimes of Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Melissa Mullins _Media Research Center News Busters_
former CIA employee Robert Baer: Hitlery Rotten Clinton should be disqualified from office
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer has been calling for removal of Bashar al-Assad from office for 4 years; death toll in Syria's civil war has reached about 250K
For the last 7 years, millions of US citizens have been calling for the removal of power-mad, hate-filled, anti-USA, anti-US-constitution, oath-breaker Barack Hussein Obummer from office, to stop his abuses of the citizenry.
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Thailand searches for suspects and motives in their worst ever terrorist attack
"...A bombing in the capital designed to maximize casualties -- and target foreigners in particular -- would be a change of tactics on the part of the Muslim separatists, whose secessionist violence, while costing some 5K lives since 2004 January, has been restricted to southern provinces near the border with Malaysia..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Scott Bauer _Cybercast News Service_
Scott Walker offers health plan with tax credits
"...would extend refundable tax credits to help pay for private health insurance based on age instead of income, restructure Medicaid and allow people to shop for insurance across state lines..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
65-year-old woman's quadruplets to leave hospital soon
"Charite hospital said Tuesday that the babies all weigh more than 2.5 kilograms (88 ounces; or 5.5 pounds) and should be able to go home this month. The quadruplets are a girl named Neeta and three boys named Dries, Bence and Fjonn, who were delivered during the 26th week of pregnancy [about 12 weeks early] by cesarean section on May 19. Mother Annegret Raunigk is believed to be the oldest woman to have ever delivered quadruplets. The retired school-teacher already has 13 other children aged 10 to 44 from five fathers."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Trump and Cruz voters hold the key to electing a non-leftist majority congress
"The Republican [losership] has made no secret of its distaste for -- wait for it -- the conservatives who handed the GOP control of the House and senate in the 2014 mid-term election. So, rather than pursue the conservative agenda they promised in the run-up to the election they've decided to join with anti-conservative organizations like the [U.S. Chamber of Crony Socialists] to attack their fellow Republicans. We will have more to say later about the unprecedented media blitz by [losership] Republican do-boys that has been taking place over the past week or so, but suffice it to say that this is a well-planned attack on conservatives and not part of the August silly season in which the Washington media, not having congress in town to furnish the entertainment, usually pursues weird political stories and scandalous goings-on amongst Washington's D-list... 'I believe they are going to continue to be involved early in candidate recruitment to find candidates that have the willingness to run, the courage to govern once they get to DC, and hopefully work in a bipartisan manner to get [bad] things done.' Of course those members of congress whom Mr. Caldeira calls 'obstructionist, isolationists' are those populist [non-interventionist] conservatives who don't think it is a good idea for millions of illegal aliens to be granted amnesty to staff his members' fast food restaurants to the detriment of the native-born Americans who might otherwise take those jobs to mount the first rung of the economic ladder, fill the gap in their stagnant family incomes or pay for a higher education. House GOP [losership] sources told Sherman and Palmer they are unaware of and don't support any attempt to target sitting GOP law-makers. But, say the Politico reporters, the Chamber's internal dialogue comes as House Republican [losers] have struggled to maintain discipline in their ranks. Recent attempts to crack down on dissenting law-makers have back-fired. But as we reported previously, the House [losership] -- in particular speaker John Boehner -- has its own stealth effort to take out conservatives... It is time grass-roots, limited government constitutional conservatives went RINO hunting..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
David Stockman _News Max_
USA continues to struggle economically; job markets remain dysfunctional
"That's right. Nearly 8 years and $3.5T of Fed money printing later, yet the vaunted American consumer is struggling to stay above the flat line, not shopping up a storm. And there is no mystery as to why. After a 40-year borrowing spree culminating in the final mortgage credit blow-off on the eve of the great financial crisis, the US household sector had reached peak debt. It was tapped out with $13% of mortgages, credit cards, auto, student and other loans -- a colossal financial burden that amounted to nearly 220% of wage and salary income or nearly triple the leverage ratio that had prevailed before 1971... Again, it wasn't just Eddie Lambert and his hedge fund pals sucking the life out of Sears. On a combined basis, J.C. Penney, Macy's and Kohl's pumped $28g into the stock market in the form of buybacks and dividends during a period when they posted cumulative net income of just $16.5G... In fact, these 4 companies raised their combined debt from the equivalent of $6G in 2005 (adjusted for sale of their credit card receivables operations to third parties) to nearly $19G in the most recent reporting period. Given the overall-trend in department stores sales versus one-line retailing shown in the graph below, this is nothing short of a death wish. Needless to say, J.C. Penney's and Sears are already on deaths door and the other two are stuck with $10G of debt and seriously eroding cash flow. In fact, during the first half of this year, Kohl's and Macy's reported operating free cash flow of negative $250M, representing nearly $1G adverse swing from the $725M of positive free cash flow reported during the first half of 2014... For example, around 1990 real median income was $56K per household and now, 25 years later, its just $53K -- meaning that main street living standards have plunged by about 6% during the last quarter century..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
HUD allowing 25K wealthy tenants to stay in public housing
Anjali Shastry: Washington DC Times
I seem to recall some articles about Chuck Rangel having managed to take control of several rent-controlled apartments and knocking out walls to establish a roomy expanse in NY, NY.
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
CNN poll: GOP losership stumbling, Trump widened lead, Carson & Fiorina rose
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Yazidi singer formed all-female brigade -- Sun Girls -- to fight ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Pamela Geller
British Muslim was the master-mind of gruesome hacking to death of American writer who criticized Islam
"Eminent Blogger and American writer Avijit Roy was savagely murdered and his wife, blogger Rafida Ahmed Bonna, severely injured (slashed on her shoulders and the fingers of her left hand were severed) when devout Muslims hacked him to death as he was leaving a book fair at Dhaka University. Muslims stopped and dragged them from the rickshaw to the pavement before striking them with machetes..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Castro regime refuses to improve "one millimeter" on human rights
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
IRS admitted that the personal, private information of another 220K tax-victims was "stolen"
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Red China & Russia to launch largest-ever joint navy exercise
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
loose tweets sink fleets: the importance of operational security
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Jim Vance: giving children participation trophies is child abuse
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Drew Johnson _Washington DC Times_
Lamar Alexander & Mike Enzi hatching e-mail tax scheme
"the average tax rate of other communication offerings like phones, at 17%, or cable, at 12% [so if you're using a phone modem or DSL or a cable-modem, your Internet usage is already being taxed]... Given that the House of Representatives passed Virginia congressman Bob Goodlatte's bill -- which would make the moratorium permanent -- by a voice vote, preserving the tax ban should be simple... Under their bill [Marketplace Fairness Act], which they expressly combined with the ban on access taxes last year, states would be able to tax consumer purchases made online through out-of-state retailers... actual conservatives in the senate oppose it. 'The people who get hurt by this bill are the little guy.', senator Ted Cruz said in 2013. 'Small on-line retailers who get hammered by this bill. Who face massive new taxes. Who face compliance costs. If you're a small on-line retailer you're suddenly subject to the jurisdiction of over 9,600 taxing jurisdictions all over the country...and the little guys, they don't have powerful lobbyists here in Washington.'... A permanent ban on Internet access taxes, a measure with 51 co-sponsors in the Upper Chamber, would pass tomorrow if it were brought to the floor..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
poll: 55% favor Trump, Fiorina, Carson or Cruz; 75% believe government corruption is widespread
Jewish World Review
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
debt and national security (video)
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Red China claims their currency is backed by gold... and $2T in foreign currencies
"As America turns the corner on $20T in sovereign debt, on the way to $30T, our fiat currency is worth only what the market thinks its worth or the paper it's printed on. The gold holdings of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States are reportedly large, around 8K metric tons; but, this figure is mostly dismissed as untrustworthy, due to the Fed's accounting practices with the blessing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). About 30 days ago, [Red China] announced its 5-year update on its holdings of the precious metal, admitting an increase of about 60% to 1,658 metric tons. Last week, in a move that looks like a change to future monthly updates, that figure rose by about 20 tons..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Dennis Byrne _Political Mavens_
vote fraud
"...As a long-time reporter in Chicago, I have first-hand evidence of voter fraud. Including the time when I personally visited homes of people who were listed as registered and voting, but–alas–found people who said, 'Yes, that's my name, but I didn't vote. Did someone vote in my place?' Chicago didn't get the reputation of a city where people 'vote early and often' [and long after death and bural] for nothing..."
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Planned Parenthood betrayed me
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
video #7: Planned Parenthood clinic cut through dead baby's face to get his intact brain
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
insane, corrupt, anti-USA, anti-US-constitution Obummer FBI closes eyes to repeated Muslim initiations of force, cast their suspicions on patriotic USA citizens
"Just 3 weeks after an ISIS-inspired attack on a Muhammad cartoonist event in Garland, Texas, the FBI began circulating an intelligence bulletin that alerts state, federal and local law enforcement about the likelihood of attacks against Muslims by 'militia extremists'. The bulletin, marked 'sensitive' and not for distribution without FBI authorization, cites evidence gathered since 2013 that American militia groups are planning attacks on mosques, Islamic centers and possibly individual Muslims. The document is dated 2015 May 28, and was leaked to Public Intelligence, an online information site committed to exposing government secrets and data. Public Intelligence posted the document on its site Aug. 18. Named in the bulletin as news sites that provide information that supposedly fuels the militia groups were WND.com, Fox News, the Blaze, Western Journalism Center, Patriot Newswire and Pamela Geller's blog, AtlasShrugs.com. These web-sites have reported 'conspiracy theories' about Islamic terror training camps across the U.S.A., providing fodder for the militias that want to attack Muslims, the bulletin states. These private Islamic enclaves are operated by Jamaat al-Fuqra, which also goes by the name Muslims of America or MOA. Interestingly, the FBI confirms in the report that 9 MOA enclaves with approximately 1,500 'dedicated members' devoted to radical Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarik Ali Gilani do exist in the following U.S.A. cities: Hancock, NY (head-quarters); Coldwater, MI; Dover, TN; Sweeney, TX; Commerce and Odum, GA; York, SC; and Red House and Meherrin, VA. But [then] the FBI states that 'assertions MOA communities provide terrorist training are unfounded'... The document is significant because it demonstrates how the modern FBI has joined forces with the hard left, including groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, said Islam expert Robert Spencer... Glazov said the FBI action is a natural result of the 'unholy alliance' between the far left and Islam... Geller, who was the target of a foiled Islamic terror attack during the Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, said the document is further proof that the FBI has seriously strayed from its role of protecting Americans from jihadists and other legitimate criminal threats..."
Jihad Watch
Glazov Gang
Atlas Shrugs
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Veterans Administration inspector-general is investigating patio in Missouri comprised of military grave-stones
Tim O'Neil: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"...some of the gravestones came from Alabama, California, and Texas..."
St. Louise Post-Dispatch: home-owner told KSPR-TV that he had found head-stones at a land-fill, and will remove them; a monument company there once made such headstones and that those that were damaged were discarded
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Clifford D. May _Washington DC Times_
reversing Obummer's military down-sizing is job 1 for the next president
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Scott Walker _USA Today_/_Gannett_
get DC out of our health and medical care
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Linda Harvey _WND_
will we perpetuate pronoun insanity, passing it to our children?
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Joseph Farah _WND_
a watchman among us: "The Harbinger Man: The Jonathan Cahn Story"
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
2M household may have terminated cable- and satellite-TV accounts by end of year
The article fails to mention from whom they purchase telecommunications service.
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
power-mad, anti-USA Obummer EPA to further restrict oil & gas drilling
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
William Perry Pendley _Washington DC Times_
restoring reason to federal seizures of property
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Paul Driessen _Washington DC Times_
rethinking the solution for poverty: pope Francis' prescriptions could perpetuate disease and premature death
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Kenneth P. Green & Taylor Jackson _Washington DC Times_
blocking Keystone XL pipe-line to favor rail makes accidents more likely
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
This evening, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Rick Santorum, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Scott Walker, (11) Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-08-18 (5775 Alul 03)
Brett Zongker _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Bible Museum in DC to display tens of thousands of ancient artifacts from Israel
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"Don't murder. Don't engage in forbidden sex. Don't steal. Don't testify falsely." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:16 |
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
USA fell to 20th in freedom index
Human Freedom Index (pdf)
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Norm Matloff
the 5-minute guide: abuse of the H-1B visa and green cards
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration and employment
"Immigrants with skill-based visas certainly bring some economic benefits, but one cost is the increased wage and employment competition faced by natives with similar skills. This is a not a trivial concern given that most 'high-skill' H-1B immigrants are not exemplary -- they're mostly run-of-the-mill college graduates who compete with middle-class natives [there are no skill-level requirements for H-1B visas]. Yet advocates claim that skilled immigration increases native employment even in the short run. Michigan governor Rick Snyder became the latest to insist that 'skilled' immigration has no costs when he told the Washington Post that immigrants 'create 2.5 jobs for every position they hold'. It's not the first time Snyder has made that claim, and he has a lot of company. Members of congress like to repeat the same talking point, though they give the more 'precise' figure of 2.62 jobs. Back in April, representatives Erik Paulsen (R-MN) and Mike Quigley (D-IL) promoted an expansion of the H-1B program by saying that each foreign-born STEM graduate in the United States creates 2.62 jobs for natives. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) cited the same number back in March. It's also a go-to talking point for the Chamber of Commerce (comprehensive list of '2.62' sightings). The 2.62 number comes from a paper written by Madeline Zavodny for the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Partnership for a New American Economy (co-chaired by high-immigration billionaires Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch) with the explicit purpose of advocating for expanded immigration. The paper examines how the native employment rate varies with the immigrant share of the work-force within states over time. The simple correlation between immigrant and native employment is positive, of course, since immigrants are attracted to high-growth states where natives are also doing well. For example, few immigrants settle in economically depressed West Virginia, whereas the nearby booming Washington, DC, area has attracted a large foreign-born population. Separating out the effect of immigration per se on native employment, independent of economic conditions that have nothing to do with immigration, requires more sophistication. One method used by economists is to find an 'instrument' for the proportion of immigrants in the work-force -- that is, another variable that is correlated with the presence of immigrant workers but is not correlated with economic conditions. The instrument can then be used to remove the bias caused by the fact that immigrants tend to move to areas of high job growth. The problem is that good instruments for immigrant workers are hard to find, and the AEI paper uses a decidedly inadequate one -- namely, the number of immigrants in the population. That's right, the authors actually try to control for the immigrant share of the work-force by using the immigrant share of the total population, which is non-sensical. The immigrant share of the population is clearly correlated with the immigrant share of the work-force (which it needs to be as an instrument), but it is still going to be correlated with economic conditions (for which it cannot be used as an instrument). IOW, the paper's attempt to control for the effect of economic conditions does not succeed. In fact, it does not even come close in my view. The 2.62 (or 2.5) native jobs figure repeatedly cited by politicians and business groups is therefore of little relevance to the policies they are pushing. Although the quality varies from paper to paper, every study we know of that attempts to link immigration and job growth across U.S.A. regions suffers from this same causality problem. Immigrants are attracted to high-growth areas, and so far no amount of statistical wrangling has been able to remove that effect. So again we have politicians citing data based on extremely questionable assumptions as if it were authoritative. That's what happens when advocates over-reach in the hope of quelling all objections. Skilled immigration brings economic benefits, but, like low-skill immigration, it imposes costs as well. We should be willing to acknowledge the trade-offs."
Of course, the employment/population ratio will be driven up by employed/sponsored work visa recipients; they're virtually all employed. (Those who are not employed are supposed to be in the process of leaving, or in a short grace period for switching to a different sponsor/employer.)
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
welcome, honored guests
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
will Obummer regime shift money away from US ICE?
"The Daily Caller recently reported that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was going to propose shifting $110M away from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) into other DHS organizations and efforts such as the Secret Service and cyber-security programs. The money targeted by the White House for 'reprogramming', which would need congressional approval given the staggering amount, would come from US ICE's immigration programs, not its customs programs. US ICE has been among the most politicized and hardest hit agencies affected by the [Obummer] White House's relentless drive to render immigration law enforcement toothless...
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration terminology wars (part 2 of 4)
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Lausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
no illegal alien left behind
"Last year, the [Obummer regime] reached a settlement that allows certain former illegal immigrants to return to the U.S.A. An agency in Mexico announced a campaign over the weekend to ensure that as many people as possible take advantage of it. In 2013 the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the government of California filed a class action law-suit on behalf of nine Mexican nationals and 3 immigrant advocacy groups. The complaint in Lopez-Venegas v. Johnson alleged 'that as a matter of regular practice, Border Patrol agents and US ICE officers pressure undocumented immigrants to sign what amount to their own expulsion documents', formally known as 'administrative voluntary departure' [or 'plea bargaining']. This is commonly referred to as 'voluntary return' and is an alternative to appearing before a judge and being formally deported. Last year the [Obummer regime] settled the law-suit, allowing illegal immigrants who had signed voluntary departures 'under coercion' to return to the U.S.A. This settlement applies to those who left the U.S.A. between 2009 June 8, and 2014 August 28. On Sunday, Mexico's National Human Rights Commission (known by the Spanish initials CNDH) announced that it will distribute informational material about the settlement to encourage as many former illegal immigrants as possible to return to the [United States of America]. It is unclear why the CNDH decided to publicize this now. The CNDH was originally an office within the Interior Ministry and has since become independent, though its head is appointed by the Mexican senate. In 2006, the commission announced a plan to distribute maps to help people sneak across the border into the U.S.A.; the plan was dropped amid the ensuing controversy..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Loren Gutentag _News Max_
Sarah Palin: Donald Trump's immigration plan puts USA first
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Loren Gutentag _News Max_
poll: majority want fence/wall built to discourage illegal immigration
Caroline May: Breitbart
"According to a Rasmussen Reports survey of 1K likely voters conducted Aug. 17 to 18, 51% of likely voters are in favor of building a wall, compared to 37% who are against it and 12% who are unsure. The figures are much higher for Republicans: 70% believe a wall should be built with just 17% saying they disagree and 13% who are undecided. 80% of voters also back Trump's plan to deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony. Just 11% are opposed. Among Republicans, support for the idea stands at a whopping 92% with only 4% in disagreement..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Edward J. Erler _National Review_
birt-right citizenship is not mandated by the US constitution
"...A correct understanding of the intent of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment and legislation passed by congress in the late 19th century and in 1923 extending citizenship to American Indians provide ample proof that Congress has constitutional power to define who is within the 'jurisdiction of the United States' and therefore eligible for citizenship... Although the Constitution of 1787 mentioned citizens, it did not define citizenship [but did refer to citizens of the states being citizens of the USA and allowing for a uniform federal law of citizenship]... there are 2 components to American citizenship: (1) birth or naturalization in the U.S.A. and (2) being subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S.A... Indeed, during debate over the amendment, senator Jacob Howard, the author of the citizenship clause, attempted to assure skeptical colleagues that the language was not intended to make Indians citizens of the United States. Indians, Howard conceded, were born within the nation's geographical limits, but he steadfastly maintained that they were not subject to its jurisdiction because they owed allegiance to their tribes and not to the U.S. senator Lyman Trumbull, chairman of the senate Judiciary committee, supported this view, arguing that 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' meant 'not owing allegiance to anybody else and being subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States'. Jurisdiction understood as allegiance, senator Howard explained, excludes not only Indians but 'persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers'... Furthermore, there has never been an explicit holding by the Supreme Court that the children of illegal aliens are automatically accorded birth-right citizenship... Both the Republican party and the Democratic party want to avoid the issue because, while both parties advocate some kind of 'reform', neither party has much interest in curbing illegal immigration: Republicans want cheap and exploitable labor and Democrats want future voters. Who will get the best of the bargain I will leave for others to decide."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jason Devaney _News Max_
Alan Dershowitz: birth-right citizenship is bizarre (with video)
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
representative Matt Salmon (R-AZ): DHS is failing by releasing illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
Chicago politicians double-down on refusal to enforce constitutional and reasonable laws, instead pushing "sanctuary cities" policies to let illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes to run amok
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Pinal county AZ sheriff Paul Babeu took Ben carson on helicopter tour of cartel sites as far as 70 miles in-land from the border
"...The lack of United States sovereignty this deep into the country is highly concerning to Carson, who told Breitbart News that this shouldn't be happening. 'We should stop them at the border.', Carson said. 'They shouldn't be 70 miles inside the border. We should stop them at the border. As the sheriff indicated, if we were to take like 6K troops and put them at the border, you wouldn’t have those people coming inside the border.'..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Rusty Humphries _Washington DC Times_
interview with Ann Coulter
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: it is completely false that children born to illegal aliens have a constitutional right to citizenship
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
H-2a visas for farm-workers allow discrimination on the basis of nationality
"Suppose you are a farmer in Belzoni, MS, and you need eight farm workers. If you look it up you will find that Mississippi is tied for 46th (with South Carolina) in the list of states' unemployment rates, with only Alaska, Nevada, and West Virginia having more joblessness. If you go a bit further, to county-by-county data, you will find that your county, Humphreys, ranks 79th out of 82 counties in your state, with an unemployment rate of 14.5%. Since Belzoni is in the highly agricultural Delta area, and farm workers always have higher rates of unemployment than workers generally, you might think that it would be relatively easy to hire your 8 workers locally. But brothers Jeremy and Willard Jack -- who are Belzoni farmers -- did something else. They had 8 workers flown in from the other side of the Atlantic and the other side of the Equator; the workers came from South Africa, and with last names like Potgleter, Maartens, and Jaarsveldt, they are presumably Afrikaaners. They came under the H-2A program for temporary foreign farm workers. I don't know the motivations of the Jacks, but I do know that if you want your farm workers to be of a particular ethnic group, all you have to do is to go to the U.S. Labor Department [DoL] and say 'I want 8 H-2As from Peru or Pretoria', and they will let you bring in the ones you want..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Christian Datoc _Daily Caller_
senator Jeff Sessions and (tens of millions of others) back Donald Trump on birth-right citizenship; it is absolutely not an extreme position
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
the sorry spectacle of Jewish people supporting Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _News Max_
Democrats bail on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Luis Fleischman _News Max_
opposition to Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Pamela Geller
new Iranian video depicts Muslim invasion of Jerusalem with cries of "Israel must be obliterated"
"The more the racist state of Iran calls for the genocide of the Jewish people and the death of the West, the further [Obummer] digs in his heels and declares unequivocally that his nuclear pact will proceed no matter congress does. His enmity towards Israel is manifest in this [treaty]."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee met with Israel's prime-minister Benjamin Netanyahu
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
law-makers rip Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times
"Capitol Hill opposition to [Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems] was stoked Wednesday by a bomb-shell report that Tehran will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect one of the country's most controversial nuclear sites. 'Allowing the Iranians to inspect their own nuclear sites, particularly a notorious military site, is like allowing the inmates to run the jail.', [senator Lindsey Grahamesty], R-SC, a presidential candidate, said in a statement..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
James Woolsey & Peter Pry _Washington DC Times_
sharia-approved nuclear attack: an EMP might accomplish "death to America"
Jewish World Review
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
academic fascism (part 2)
"Last week's column highlighted college campus absurdities and the ongoing attack on free speech and plain common sense. As parents gear up to fork over $20K to $60K for college tuition, they might benefit from knowing what greets their youngsters. Deceitful college officials, who visit high schools to recruit students and talk to parents, conceal the worst of their campus practices. Let's expose some of it. Christina Hoff Sommers is an avowed feminist and a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. She's spent a life-time visiting college campuses. Recently, upon her arrival at Oberlin College, Georgetown University and other campuses, trigger warnings were issued asserting, in her words, that her 'very presence on campus' was 'a form of violence' and that she was threatening students' mental health. At Oberlin, 30 students and the campus therapy dog retired to a "safe room" with soft music, crayons and coloring books to escape any uncomfortable facts raised by Sommers. The problem for students and some professors is that Sommers challenges the narrative, with credible statistical facts, that women are living in a violent, paternalistic rape culture. As a result, she has been 'excommunicated from the church of campus feminism' in order to protect women from her uncomfortable facts. This prompted Sommers to say, 'There's a move to get young women in combat, and yet on our campuses, they are so fragile they can't handle a speaker with dissenting views.' I wonder whether there will be demands for the military to have therapy dogs and safe rooms in combat situations... Florida State University [a.k.a. Felonious State University, not only from the minor crimes occasionally committed by sports figures, but also by the university administration's continuing, 40-years-plus felony violations of federal privacy and other laws and occasional abuses of the information thus gained as a means of mild blackmail, which violations are extremely offensive, demeaning and degrading to faculty, staff, students and their parents] has an 'Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Statement', which says, 'Behavior that may be considered offensive, demeaning, or degrading to persons or groups will not be tolerated.' That's both broad and troublesome. Say that you're a Muslim student and offended by homosexuality. Can you demand termination of campus activities that support homosexual activities?... In 2012, FIRE listed the 12 Worst Colleges for Free Speech. In no particular order, they are the University of Cincinnati, Syracuse University, Widener University, Harvard University, Yale University, Saint Augustine's College, Michigan State University, Colorado College, Johns Hopkins University, Tufts University, Bucknell University and Brandeis University..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Eugene Robinson _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton has no respect for us... nor for the truth
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jason Devaney _News Max_
e-mail messages sent by Huma Abedin and other aides triggered FBI investigation
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: the crime, the spin, the cover-ups
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
State Dept. destroyed Clinton aides' Blackberrys: can you say "obstruction of justice"? I knew you could
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Melissa Clyne _News Max_
Obummer regime is hard on low-level security leakers, but easy on insiders who leak national security info
Rowan Scarborough: Washington DC Times
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
guaranteeing Planned Parenthood's demise
"'They covered child sacrifices with loud noises of flutes and drums so the cries of the wailing would not reach the ears of the people.', wrote the Greek historian Plutarch of religious practices in ancient Carthage. For most Democrats and 'main-stream' journalists, not much has changed..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Pamela Geller
more reports of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate human-organ trafficking sounds like Planned Parenthood videos
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood suing Florida after getting caught performing illegal 2nd & 3rd trimester abortions
"...The AHCA investigation found 32 such violations, with Planned Parenthood performing illegal abortions at 3 of its 16 abortion clinics in Florida, in St. Petersburg, Fort Myers, and Naples. The agency also found that a fourth facility in Pembroke Pines did not maintain proper logs for the disposal of fetal remains..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
_Washington DC Times_
inside the beltway: pro-life groups target Planned Parenthood, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Democrats
"Another graphic undercover video has been released by the Center for Medical Progress, the 7th in a series of 12 that the pro-life group has produced about the harvest and sale of tissue from aborted fetuses, featuring Planned Parenthood officials and former technicians. Americans may not be witnessing any of it for themselves, however. Close scrutiny from the Media Research Center reveal that major broadcasters are not airing the actual videos; analyst Katie Yoder found that out of a total of 243 hours of recent morning and evening newscasts, NBC, CBS and ABC only allowed 1 minute and 13 seconds of the original footage -- [in aggregate]..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest heart, brain
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood/abortion backer Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) wants to criminalize "crushing" of animals
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
networks suppressing coverage of the real Planned Parenthood
"...Since the Planned Parenthood house of horrors videos first emerged several weeks ago, ABC, CBS, and NBC have devoted 23.5 minutes to the story on their morning and evening news shows. By contrast, the killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe by an American dentist has spurred 97.5 minutes of coverage on those same shows. (And we're not counting another 45 minutes of '20/20' and 'Nightline' coverage on ABC.)... But dig deeper into this shallow pool of 23 minutes, and the networks' agenda gets far more obvious. They have almost completely censored [bowdlerized] the actual video of the Planned Parenthood officials incriminating themselves. If you rely on the broadcast television networks for your news, here's what you've seen from the actual videos: 73 seconds. CBS has aired just one minute of damning footage, which is a lot more than NBC, which has devoted just 13 seconds to that footage, which is more than ABC, which has aired zilch, nada, nothing..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
breaking rules
"Humans need rules. Rules make life more predictable. But when the rules multiply, the world needs some rule-breakers..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
David Shamah _Jewish World Review_
Angels Nearby: app makes it easier to get and give help
Times of Israel
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Samantha Olson _Jewish World Review_
Medical Daily
"It was only in 2000 that scientists identified the gene responsible for red hair -- the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) protein. We all have this gene; however, sometimes the gene mutates, causing the characteristic reddish hue that's found atop gingers' heads, along with pale skin and light eyes. Because MC1R was only discovered 15 years ago, researchers don't know the exact amount of people with red hair throughout the world. Current estimates put that number between 1% and 2% of the global population. The same MC1R mutation that turns their hair red also releases a hormone in the brain that has the ability to mimic endorphins... more sensitive to temperature changes... [20% more sensitive to pain]... people with red hair, who don't get much sun, were able to adapt; their bodies learned to efficiently generate the vitamin D their bodies needed... nearly twice as likely to develop Parkinson's disease... redheads are at an increased risk for melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. The MC1R mutation doesn't bind to the PTEN gene, which is known to prevent tumors and safeguard against cancer... When a redhead's skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, PTEN breaks down and pigment-producing cells grow quickly, eventually developing into cancer. Redheads' hair initially turns to light copper, then blonde, and finally white, completely skipping over the gray-hair stage. They also tend to retain their pigment longer and typically have thicker hair than other people. Red hair is the most difficult shade to dye and maintain, making it the hardest hair color to fake..."
NIH: Genetics Home Reference
2015-08-16: NIH: MC1R melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor)
2000-08-23: Oxford Journal of Human Molecular Genetics vol8 #17 pp2531-2537: Pleiotropic effects of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene on human pigmentation
2001-03-28: Nature Journal of Investigative Dermatology: Melanocortin 1 Receptor (MC1R) Gene Variants are Associated with an Increased Risk for Cutaneous Melanoma Which is Largely Independent of Skin Type and Hair Color
2002-05-01: Journal of Cell Science (pdf)
MC1R variants: do they matter clinically?
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Scott Walker takes on the GOP establishment/losership
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
USA should say "no" when North Korea comes begging
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
what does it take to be an establishment/losership Republican?
"We will stipulate that when we disagree with our fellow conservatives we say so, and we say why, and that we are not bashful about calling out establishment Republicans for their regular abandonment of conservative principles and especially for the cynical lies they use to try to cover their tracks when they do so. We will further stipulate that sometimes we put those disagreements in attention-grabbing headlines... But we must also stipulate that any moron can open a Twitter account and start trashing those with whom they disagree, but that doesn't make that person a political 'strategist', it merely makes them a Twitter troll. Which is why we find it someplace between amusing and appalling that the establishment media regularly appoints trolls...as Republican 'strategists', when their qualifications to the title rest not on a long series of successful campaigns, but on their ability to pack an insult against the voters Republicans need to win into a tweet... it is success in selling the kind of content free go-along-get-along Republicanism that has been soundly defeated in presidential campaign after presidential campaign and has led to the dilution of the Republican brand as the party of Ronald Reagan's conservative principles and the breaking of the land-slide-winning Reagan coalition... we understand for whom she is actually strategizing -- and it is not America's country class voters. It is for the Big Business interests that have long footed the bill for her services. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are at the top of the polls because they have correctly made the Republican establishment the THEM in 'send THEM' a message. As we observed yesterday, there has been unprecedented media blitz by establishment Republican do-boys that has been taking place over the past week or so. This well-planned attack is occurring because what the Republican establishment and its [U.S. Chamber of Crony Socialists] allies fear beyond anything else, including the election of Hillary Clinton as president, is that those voters who support Donald Trump and Ted Cruz can be welded into a cohesive grassroots populist conservative army committed to breaking the 'Washington cartel'. These voters are such a potent threat to the DC establishment and crony government because they already realize that to save the country we must first and foremost get rid of THEM -- the establishment Republican [losers] who are, and have been, the primary impediment to governing America according to constitutional conservative principles..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Laura Ingraham
Newt Gingrich on the 2016 election campaign: Trump is a nationalist, he knows the current establishment has failed in Washington
"Today on The Laura Ingraham Show, former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich weighed in on what he calls the 'Trump hysteria'. Gingrich addressed the recent polls, which reveal Republican voters trust Donald Trump on the 4 main issue areas -- immigration, jobs, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, and 'social issues' -- above any other candidate. The CNN poll also shows Donald Trump closing the gap with Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton. Gingrich asserted that Donald's immense wealth and lack of reliance on lobbyists is working to his advantage, allowing him to tap into the deep dissatisfaction with the Republican establishment in Washington [DC]... Gingrich: 'Trump is a nationalist, he believes the current establishment has failed. So, if you're in the current establishment you are made very nervous by what he's doing. He also represents a profoundly different approach to how you get things done. He believes that you establish a position with great force and you then negotiate. That's almost the opposite of the Washington insider, lobbyist, policy paper, etc. And, so, he is going to challenge many, many things. Some of them I agree, some of them I think are just plain wrong, some of them will not be very well thought out. But, the reason he's having this huge impact and this poll came out yesterday that said, who do you think would do the best job, among Republicans, on jobs? Donald Trump by 44%, that's 20% more than he's actually getting in the poll. Who do you think would do the best job dealing with immigration? Donald Trump 44%. Who do you think would do the best job dealing with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate? Donald Trump, that one dropped to like 32%. Who would do the best job with social issues? &bsp; Donald Trump lead at 15%. In all 4 issue areas, there was a substantial block of Americans who said, you know, this guy will do a better job... Remember, his core principle is, I'm a really smart, tough negotiator. So, he's not asking you to invest in a policy, he's asking you to invest in a capability. Which makes him totally different from any candidate in my life-time. The only candidate I can think of who reminds me of Trump, who was successful, was Andrew Jackson who was equally disruptive, the elites hated him, he didn't get a good biography until author Arthur Schlesinger ii in 1945, over 100 years after he left office, because the elites just disliked him so deeply. Now, Trump is in that kind of condition. He's breaking up lots and lots of assumptions.'... you were going to shake it up, that's what I'm saying. (11:47) Gingrich: 'Well, I think that's a big part of it. And, it also goes back to the rise of the Tea Party and the whole degree to which people are fed up with the Republican Establishment in Washington. And, feel like, we elected you guys and you just had the White House announce that they're simply going to unilaterally change the law about Cuba and ignore the congress [and congressional losership ignores the citizenry]. You have a president who is imperial and you seem to have a congress who has no notion of how to deal with it [or at least no desire to stop it]. So, there's a general frustration that is at least 40% of the Republican base.' (12:35)..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
_News Max_/_AP_
Mike Huckabee: the West Bank is part of Israel, occupied by Palestinians
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Dan Weil _News Max_
bubbles Ben Bernanke: USA has limited ability to weather impending recession
"Historically, the U.S. economy suffers a recession every 5 to 8 years, so given that our recovery is more than 6 years old, we may face a down-turn soon. And with monetary policy already in heavy-easing mode and fiscal policy hamstrung by the government's massive debt burden, the government's tools to combat any downturn are limited..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
12K attend Ben Carson rally in Phoenix: if Thomas Jefferson saw the USA today, he'd have a stroke
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Dan Weil _News Max_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate beheaded 80+-year-old Syrian antiquities expert Khaled/Khalid al-Asaad in Palmyra
Pamela Geller
Mary Chastain: Breitbart
Cybercast News Service/AP
"...Al-Asaad oversaw Palmyra's antiquities for [over] 40 years before retiring 13 years ago... Syria has more than 10K archaeological sites left by the Greeks, Romans, Ottomans and other civilizations. Many have been destroyed or damaged during 4 years of fighting..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
why some people seek black privilege
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Hamas claims to have captured Israeli double-nought spy: Fein, Dol Fein (cue theme music)
"...They found that the dolphin was equipped with an arsenal of sophisticated technology, including a device that could fire arrows and an underwater camera, according to the report... Turkish officials have on multiple occasions arrested birds tagged by Israel's Park and Nature Authority as espionage agents. In 2013, a bird accused of being an 'Israeli agent'... Iranian officials have accused the Mossad of sending as many as 14 Israeli 'spy squirrels', along with 'spy pigeons'... In 2012, Sudanese officials arrested a bird on suspicion that the eagle was a Mossad spy. In 2011, Saudi Arabian officials 'detained' a vulture..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
corrupt government: thousands of government e-mail addresses registered users of oath-breakers site Ashley Madison
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DoC inspector-general: USPTO patent examiner skipped 18 weeks of work
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Carly Fiorina criticized TSA
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
"Love Gov" videos aimed at disillusioned millennials
"Within three weeks of its July 6 release, more than a million and a half viewers, three fourths of them Millennials, watched Love Gov: From First Date to Mandate -- a series of satirical videos on YouTube that portray the federal government as an obnoxiously pushy boyfriend and the average American as his long-suffering girl-friend. 'We are thrilled that our Love Gov series has found a large audience so quickly.', said David Theroux, founder and president of the Independent Institute, an Oakland, California-based think tank which produced the video series in association with Emergent Order, a digital media production firm. The short, 5-minute videos feature 3 main characters: over-bearing Scott 'Gov' Govinksy (Government), his trusting girlfriend, Alexis (Alexis de Tocqueville), and Alexis' best friend, Libby (Liberty), who vainly tries to get Alexis to ignore Gov's bad advice..."
My Gov Cost.org
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Times_
underground missile complex detected in North Korea
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Russia has been plantin new anti-aircraft missiles in the Arctic
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Steve Deace _Washington DC Times_
why I'm endorsing Ted Cruz for president
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Nina Radcliff _Washington DC Times_
health benefits of pet ownership
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
evil privacy violator and H-1B abuser FB tells Catholic monsignor Charles Pope that he can't use his job title
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Joseph Farah _WND_
attacking political correctness is now cool
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Erik Rush _WND_
"diversity" is a diabolical doctrine
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Scott Herhold _San Jose CA Mercury News_
grading Carly Fiorina's tenure at HP
Cotra Costa CA Times
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
knife-wielding robbers attacked cashier in Pittsburgh, PA; who defended himself by drawing sword; after which they fled (video)
Bob Allen: KDKA-TV CBS
"Hayitt said the thieves could have easily been shot, since he also carries a gun."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
head lice in 25 states, resistant to over-the-counter treatments
"'We are the first group to collect lice samples from a large number of populations across the U.S.A.', said Dr. Kyong Yoon, a researcher at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, in a press release. 'What we found was that 104 out of the 109 lice populations we tested had high levels of gene mutations, which have been linked to resistance to pyrethroids.'..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Andrew Angin _Daily Stormer_
virtually all leftist sites are killing reader comment features
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's toxic Environmental Pollution Agency
Cybercast News Service
"...After the EPA and officials and their contract workers accidentally spilled three million gallons of pent-up toxic sludge on August 5 from a defunct mine in San Juan county that hadn't operated since 1923, EPA apparatchiks delayed notifying residents for more than 24 hours. They vastly under-estimated the volume and spill rate of gunk. Then, while refusing to release data, EPA head Gina McCarthy flew to the glowing river to fecklessly declare that the water 'seems to be restoring itself' [from heavy metals!?!; doesn't happen the best you can do is kelate them or, if there's enough, extract the metals through electrolysis]...
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
_News Max_
having been among those pushing to restrict use of coal, George Soros has bought up over 1M shares of coal company stock
"Hedge fund legend George Soros is a major financial backer of clean energy, but his Soros Fund Management firm bought shares of the country's 2 biggest coal producers in the second quarter, according to SEC filings. The companies are Peabody Energy and Arch Coal. Soros bought more than 1M shares of Peabody and 553,200 shares of Arch Coal. At Tuesday's share prices, that puts the Peabody stake at more than $1.13M, and the Arch Coal stake at $768,810. In October, the Soros-funded Climate Policy Initiative published a report saying the world economy could save $1.8T over the next 20 years by shifting from coal to clean energy... 'George Soros spent millions of dollars and multiple years helping to driving down price of coal.', H. Sterling Burnett, research fellow and managing editor, at the Heartland Institute, told FoxNews.com..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
insane: Florida state government tells all-natural Ocheesee Creamery to label its skimmed milk "imitation" because they aren't adding vitamins
"The Institute for Justice is suing the department on behalf of the couple."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Marita noon _Breitbart_
the federal agency that contaminated the Animas river wants to regulate puddles in your back yard
"...The CWA used to apply to 'navigable waters' [as permitted by the US constitution], to now, as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently said: 'include almost any piece of land that gets wet and puddles'. Morrisey calls the rule 'regulatory lunacy'. He's hosted town-hall meetings where hes heard from citizens concerned that 'this rule would infringe on their property rights and force them to pay thousands of dollars to do basic work around their homes, farms and workplaces'. Morrisey adds: 'This rule expands a scheme whereby property owners have to ask the EPA for permission to do yard-work.' While the word 'navigable' hasn't been removed from CWA -- as that would require [a constitutional amendment AND] an act of congress -- the EPA has expanded that definition to include any water that has a 'significant nexus' with navigable waters..."
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Hans Bader _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's energy wish is comin true: coal producers are collapsing and costs of coal and electricity are rising
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Tim Ball
how does the UN IPCC explain the severe storms of history?
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Anthony Watts
peer review is broken -- Springer announced 64 papers retracted due to fake reviews
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Willis Eschenbach
is the signal detectable? (see the comments, also)
2015-08-19 (5775 Alul 04)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"Don't try to wheedle people out of what is theirs, when they don't really want to sell or trade it." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:17 |
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
why Donald Trump believes his H-1B plan is serious; ideas have been espoused by others
"...H-1B workers are paid the 'prevailing wages', which are [supposedly, but often not in practice] 'at least equal' to wages paid to workers with similar experience, according to the U.S. Department of Labor [DoL]. There are four levels of prevailing wages, and they can vary widely depending on the geography. Let's take Des Moines, Iowa, for instance. Here are prevailing annual wages for 'computer programmers' in Des Moines: Level 1 [Entry level, basic understanding]: $46K. Level 2 [Qualified, good understanding]: $58,157. Level 3 [Experienced, special skills or knowledge]: $69,534. Level 4 [Fully competent]: $80,891. (You can see what the prevailing wage rates are for your area and occupation at the Foreign Labor Certification Data Center.) Trump points out that more than half of the workers on H-1B visas receive entry-level pay, and that Level 1 and 2 salaries account for more than 80% of prevailing wage levels. Trump is correct. According to a Government Accountability Office study, 54% of all H-1B workers are paid entry level wages, or level 1, and 29% of the temporary visa work-force is paid at Level 2. Trump didn't say exactly what he would do to raise the prevailing wage, but his statement strongly implies he would set the third skill level as the wage floor. This means the minimum an H-1B visa holding computer programmer could be paid in Des Moines is $69,534..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
immigration excuses
Real Clear Politics
"One of the most lame excuses for doing nothing is that we can't do everything. Such excuses have been repeated endlessly, even by some conservatives, when it comes to illegal immigration. We can't deport millions of illegal immigrants already living in the country [within the next month, or next year], some say, so the wise thing is to just learn to live with them, according to the supposedly sophisticated crowd. This completely side-steps the plain, obvious and galling fact that we are not deporting those illegal immigrants who are arrested by the police for violating other laws -- and are then turned loose back into American society. In so-called 'sanctuary cities' across the country, local police are under orders not to report illegal immigrants to the federal authorities. Nobody has a right to obstruct justice when it comes to federal laws -- not even the president of the United States... Some legal authorities say that the 14th Amendment confers automatic citizenship on anyone born on American soil. But the very authors of that Amendment said otherwise. And some distinguished legal scholars today, including professor Lino Graglia of the University of Texas Law School, say otherwise..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
DC district court vacated 2008 extension of OPT from 12 months to 29 months
"I returned home from vacation with a cold to find that the DC District Court had issued an opinion in the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers [WashTech] v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security case. The court had vacated (i.e., invalidated) the 2008 regulations that created expansions for the Optional Practical Training Program (OPT) effective 2016 February 12. While the news has been completely ignored by the mainstream media, it has created a fire-storm in the legal and trade press. As it existed in 2007, OPT was a work program created through regulation that authorized aliens on student visas to work in the United States for up to a year after graduation (i.e., when they were no longer students). While the OPT program clearly violated the plain language of the statute authorizing student visas, it had remained under the radar -- that is until DHS decided to transform OPT into a full-fledged guest-worker program. In 2007, MSFT approached former DHS secretary Chertoff with a proposal to circumvent the limits on H-1B visas. MSFT's scam was to use student visas. If an alien could not get an H-1B visa due to the quotas, let him work on a student visa instead under the OPT program that would be extended from one year to 29 months. MSFT made that pitch to DHS at a dinner party hosted by the billionaire owner of the Washington Nationals. The [Shrub regime] worked on those regulations in absolute secrecy, only consulting business and academic groups who would support them. The only notice the public received that such regulations were being considered with when DHS put them in place, fait accompli, without notice and comment in 2008 April. The rule-making process is supposed to be public. Agencies are generally required to provide notice and comment on regulations except in very limited circumstances. Those exceptions are: The rule is interpretive (clearly not the case here); or Public notice of the rule would defeat the purpose of the rule (again, not applicable here); or Giving notice and comment was impracticable. DHS did not even identify which of the exceptions it was claiming in order to waive notice and comment. The court's opinion points out that it assumes DHS was claiming impracticability because none of the other exceptions was remotely applicable. But DHS gave no reason why holding notice and comment was impracticable. The administrative record spans over a year so there clearly was no time barrier. That is corrupt government and created a case that is as close as you get to a slam-dunk in law. The failure to give notice and comment when it is required is a major defect that normally requires the rule to be vacated... Some folks pontificating in the blog fog have interpreted the judge's delay as being designed to create an opportunity for DHS to correct procedural errors and move on (or even expand OPT further). I offer a different interpretation: The court said, 'You folks at DHS screwed up big time, but I will give you 6 months to clean up the mess you made.'..."
National Law Review
testimony to senate Judiciary committee
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
Fox News anchored in stupidity on 14th Amendment
World Net Daily
"...By my count -- so far -- Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Rick Perry and the entire Fox News commentariat are unfamiliar with a period of the nation's history known as 'the Civil War'. They seem to believe that the post-Civil War amendments were designed to ensure that the children of illegal aliens would be citizens, anchor babies, who can then bring in the whole family. ('You wouldn't want to break up families, would you?')... I cover anchor babies in about five pages of my book _Adios, America_. Still, how could anyone -- even a not-very-bright person -- imagine that granting citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is actually in our Constitution? I know the country was exuberant after the war, but I really don't think our plate was so clear that Americans were consumed with passing a constitutional amendment to make illegal aliens' kids citizens. Put differently: Give me a scenario -- just one scenario -- where guaranteeing the citizenship of children born to illegals would be important to Americans in 1868... Huh. In 1884, 16 years after the 14th Amendment was ratified, John Elk, who -- as you may have surmised by his name -- was an Indian, had to go to the Supreme Court to argue that he was an American citizen because he was born in the United States. He lost. In Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94, the Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment did not grant Indians citizenship. The 'main object of the opening sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment', the court explained -- and not for the first or last time -- 'was to settle the question, upon which there had been a difference of opinion throughout the country and in this court, as to the citizenship of free negroes and to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black...should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.'... American Indians were not made citizens until 1924. Lo those 56 years after the ratification of the 14th Amendment, Indians were not American citizens... Nonetheless, until Fox News' scholars weighed in, there was little confusion about the purpose of the 14th Amendment. It was to 'correct' the Democrats, who refused to acknowledge that they lost the Civil War and had to start treating black people like citizens... More like: ['comma, to parents born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of America and of the state wherein they reside'... The anchor baby scam was invented 30 years ago by a liberal zealot, justice William Brennan, who slipped a footnote into a 1982 Supreme Court opinion announcing that the kids born to illegals on U.S. soil are citizens. Fox News is treating Brennan's crayon scratchings on the Constitution as part of our precious national inheritance. Judge Richard Posner of the 7th Circuit court of appeals is America's most-cited federal judge -- and, BTW, no friend to conservatives. In 2003, he wrote a concurrence simply in order to demand that congress pass a law to stop 'awarding citizenship to everyone born in the United States'. The purpose of the 14th Amendment, he said, was 'to grant citizenship to the recently freed slaves.', adding that, 'Congress would not be flouting the Constitution' if it passed a law 'to put an end to the nonsense'..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
big government as the new terminator
Washington DC Times
"Social observers from Aristotle and Juvenal to James Madison and George Orwell have all warned of the dangers of out-of-control government. Lately, we have seen plenty of proof that they were frighteningly correct..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
Europe's warning to the USA on jobs
Samuelson should look at the other element of the equation -- the slowed increase in productivity and the causes for it. Compensation and employment have been less than "full" since the 1950s. Sure, we should ditch most of the racism-driven minimum wage laws, and we should ditch the debasement of the currency by the Federal Reserve System that discourages both savings and productivity, and we should ditch the socialist regressive income extortion system which discourages increases in productivity. And we should get rid of a lot of the regulatory cruft impairing -- both directly and indirectly -- interviewing and hiring and training US citizen employees (rather than cross-border and domestic bodyshopping).
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
boot camps for the poor
Sounds good, to me. Where do I board the bus and what time will it be heading to camp?
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
if they call it the "Trump Wall" it has to be beautiful
"On immigration, Trump talked about the wall he will build 'first thing', and which he says he'll make Mexico pay for. He said the current wall along the U.S.A.-Mexico border isn't a wall at all -- "It's a little fence. I'm talking about a wall.', Trump said. 'See that ceiling up there?', he asked those assembled in the large auditorium. 'A little higher. You do a beautiful nice, pre-cast [ferro-crete] plank with beautiful everything -- just perfect. I want it to be so beautiful, because maybe some day they're going to call it the Trump wall. Maybe. So I have to make sure it's beautiful, right? I'll be very proud of that wall. If they call it the Trump wall, it has to be beautiful.' Trump also discussed so-called anchor babies, children born to pregnant illegal aliens who come to this country so their children will be U.S. citizens. Trump advocates an end to birthright citizenship. 'Here's what is happening. A woman is going to have a baby. They wait on the border. Just before the baby, they come over to the border. They have the baby in the United States. We now take care of that baby. [Socialist Insecurity], Medicare, education. Give me a break. It doesn't work that way. The parents have to come in legally.' Trump said he wants people to come to the United States as long as they come in legally. 'If we don't have them come in legally, we don't have a country. We don't have borders, we don't have a country.'..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration terminology wars (part 3 of 4)
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer reached treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, now DoJ, an Iranian-American administrative immigration judge settle dispute
"I am sure that the 2 events had nothing to do with each other, but while the agreement with Iran has been published, praised, and damned, we may never know what's in the DoJ-immigration judge agreement at all. The federal court for the Central District in California has acknowledged the settlement, but no details have been forthcoming. It all started more than a year ago when DOJ issued an order that Ashley Tabaddor, one of the immigration judges in Los Angeles, was to hear no cases involving Iranian aliens; no other judge in the nation was so restricted, and Tabaddor sued her bosses, saying, among other things, that her rights to free speech were being attacked. In a blog published exactly one year ago today, I reported that the judge apparently had irked her superiors, perhaps by attending a White House gathering on her own time, which she did as a representative of an Iranian-American organization. (Would an African-American judge attending a White House meeting as a representative of the NAACP be similarly treated? I doubt it.) Whatever DoJ's motive was, she was barred from hearing cases involving Iranians. This was a virtually meaningless ruling given the very low incidence of Iranians in immigration judge court-rooms, generally, and the high rate of approvals in their asylum cases because of Iran's ill-treatment of its Baha'i religious minority, the most likely people from that nation to be in immigration court. That judge Tabaddor would hear an Iranian case that was likely to fail, and to approve such an applicant anyway, was about as likely as an American League pitcher winning the World Series for his team with a home run. We will see if the terms of the settlement are published -- they usually are not in civil cases -- but I suspect the administration has retreated from its previous, untenable position. The hundreds of hours of DoJ lawyers' time presumably spent on this non-issue would have been better spent in court, arguing for the expulsion of illegal aliens."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
on low refugee "standards" and mental filters
"What she has told the public is that the standard she evokes is exactly the mental filter that is used not only by immigration lawyers, but also by the corps of officers who adjudicate claims for asylum and refugee status by aliens, even though all of the objections leveled by Hudson in his response are just as valid when applied abroad as they are in the United States. There is no room for subtlety or nuance in a view such as Jorjani's: that one rogue cop doesn't equate to governmental persecution; or that the individual may have engaged in on-scene conduct that wittingly or unwittingly provoked a response, for instance from a nervous civil guard during a riot or period of community unrest; or that because no government anywhere, anytime can absolutely assure its citizenry they will not be on the receiving end of crime or violence and when it happens the victim shouldn't always be presumed to need shelter in the United States under our refugee/asylum laws. Rather, in Jorjani's view and experience, such aliens will almost inevitably be able to successfully meet the 'credible fear' test and ultimately avail themselves of asylum or refugee status. This, I think, is the real lesson we should take from Jorjani's article, and it is a sobering one. What is more, in her role as professor, let us make no doubt that she (and others of her view) will be fostering such a line of thought among the next generation of immigration attorneys and asylum officers as well. And in many ways it is an ironic line of thought, since the society into which these aliens will be placed has pretty much the same sets of flaws and imperfections as the one that they left, short of outright war -- flaws and imperfections that Jorjani herself clearly sees, although it isn't so clear that she perceives the irony."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Hondurans, listen to the children!
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
DHS hiding fiscal details about vast operation to "re-settle" illegal alien minors
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
follow the money!: immigration lawyers admit birth tourism is a big money business, $99K/pregnancy
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
to enter Mexico from USA, pedestrians must pay a toll and show passports
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Pietro de Cristofaro, Elena Becatoros & Dusan Stojanovic _Billings MT Gazette_
"migrants" & "refugees" flood from Africa & Middle East into & through Greece
"Greece has been overwhelmed this year by record numbers of 'migrants' reaching its eastern Aegean islands clandestinely from the nearby Turkish coast, with more than 160K arriving since January. In a bid to ease the overcrowding on the islands, the government chartered a ferry that transported about 2,500 'migrants' to the port of Piraeus... The ferry had served as a registration center on the eastern Aegean island of Kos earlier this week. It left Kos Wednesday with about 1,300 'migrants' and picked up hundreds more from the islands of Leros, Kalymnos and Lesbos. The vast majority of 'migrants' do not want to stay in Greece, a financially troubled country with unemployment at more than 26%. They head north to Greece's border with Macedonia and then through the Balkans toward the more prosperous European nations such as Germany, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries... The Macedonian government said it was proclaiming a state of emergency on its borders, and that both police and army would control the 50-kilometer (30 mile) frontier to stop the massive influx of 'migrants' from Greece. About 2K people were blocked on the Greek side Thursday evening... Germany says it could face as many as 800K 'migrants' this year -- 4 times the number from last year. It now handles 43% of all asylum applications in the 28-nation European Union and says Europe has to come up with a better way to share the burden... The Greek coast guard, meanwhile, said it had picked up 519 people in 16 search-and-rescue operations in the last 24 hours off the islands of Samos, Agathonissi, Kos and Farmakonissi. The figure does not include the hundreds of 'migrants' who made it to the islands themselves in inflatable dinghies..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the dishonesty and attempted deceptions of Hitlery Rotten Clinton
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
"...federal law defines e-mails used during the course of one's work for the federal government as the property of the federal government. She could have designated which of the government's e-mails were personal and then asked the government to send them to her and delete them from government servers. Instead she did the reverse. She decided which of her e-mails were governmental and sent them on to the State Department. Under federal law, that is not a determination she may lawfully make...
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Ted Nugent _WND_
Hoodwink Hitlery: lying as an art form
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the worst thing about HitleryRottenClinton's deception/abuse/corruption in handling e-mail and the attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi
"The establishment media has given Hillary Clinton every break and benefit of the doubt when it comes to the circumstances surrounding her private e-mail server and the growing revelations about the amount of classified data, the classification level of that data and the potential damage the loss of that data could do to U.S.A. national security...
In reality, in terms of national security law none of those things matter. Mishandling classified data, whether paper or electronic is a zero defect enterprise. Even an inadvertent mishandling, such as accidently comingling classified and unclassified papers and taking the classified material out of a secure environment is a crime and, unless they are somehow associated with Mrs. Clinton, federal employees and military personnel are routinely prosecuted for such crimes and if convicted suffer the consequences, which can include large fines and prison. But mishandling classified material by Mrs. Clinton and her close associates is not the worst part of the Clinton e-mail scandal.
The worst part of the scandal is who, along with Mrs. Clinton, is at the center of it, and that appears to be her long-time aide Huma Abedin, also known as Mrs. Anthony Weiner.
Ms. Abedin is one of Clinton's longest-serving staff members. As such she has been at the center of Mrs. Clinton's political and official activities for almost 20 years. During that time she has had access to some of America's most secret national security and diplomatic intelligence.
And during that time she has been closely associated with some of America's bitterest enemies in the war between Islam and the West -- the Muslim Brotherhood.
Back in 2012, as our friend Andrew C. McCarthy detailed in a column for National Review, Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood prompted five conservative Members of the House, then-Representative Michele Bachmann (MN), Louie Gohmert (TX), Trent Franks (AZ), Tom Rooney (FL), and Lynn Westmorland (GA), to ask the State Department Inspector General to look into the matter.
Such an investigation would hardly be unprecedented.
Indeed, government employees with high level security clearances have had their clearances reviewed (and even revoked) for being arrested for DUI, being financially over-extended and paying their bills late, marital problems and other common personal problems that affect millions of Americans [because these are the kinds of things that can make them easily blackmailed].
So why not look into the association between then-secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff and a designated terrorist organization?
As the 5 members of congress averred to the State Department's Inspector General [DoS IG], Ms. Abedin's parents and brother all have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood -- the organization itself or prominent members thereof.
For pointing this out and merely asking the State Department's Inspector General [DoS IG] to look into it and report back to congress -- which is part of the IG's duties under the statute that created his position -- the 5 conservative members of congress were smeared in the media as Islamophobes, McCarthyites and worse.
The principle public defender of Ms. Abedin, and we might add the viciously personal attacker of the 5 conservative House members, was none other than senator John McCain who called the questions regarding Ms. Abedin's family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood 'sinister accusations [that] rest solely on a few unspecified and unsubstantiated associations of members of Huma's family'.
Except as Andrew McCarthy pointed out back in 2012, the ties of Ms. Abedin's father, mother, and brother to the Muslim Brotherhood are both specific and substantiated.
Ms. Abedin's father, the late Syed Z. Abedin, was an Indian-born Islamic academic who founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs in Saudi Arabia. That institute was backed by the Muslim World League [MWL]. As the Hudson Institute's Zeyno Baran relates, the MWL was started by the Saudi government in 1962 'with Brotherhood members in key leadership positions'. It has served as the principal vehicle for the propagation of Islamic supremacism by the Saudis and the Brotherhood and is the ideology that fuels 'Islamic extremism'.
The question the 5 House conservatives were asking was, as McCarthy put it, 'whether it is reasonable to infer Islamist sympathies from her parents' allegiances -- not to make conclusive judgments about her, mind you, but to draw an inference that would merit deeper inquiry'. That is by the way, standard fare in government background checks.
McCarthy then went on to note that as it happens, the same MWL that supported Abedin père's institute also helped the Brotherhood establish the Muslim Students Association [MSA]. The MSA is the foundation of the Brotherhood's American infrastructure, the gateway through which young Muslims join the Brotherhood after being steeped in the supremacist writings of Brotherhood theorists Hassan al-Banna (who founded the Brotherhood in the 1920s) and Sayyid Qutb (the animating influence of such jihadist eminences as Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden, and the 'Blind Sheikh', Omar Abdel Rahman).
Speaking of which, it was through the MSA that Egypt’s former anti-American president, Mohammed Morsi, (overthrown in a popular uprising) joined the Muslim Brotherhood -- and he was recruited right here in America.
Morsi was studying engineering in California at the time, the early 1980s. By her own account, Morsi's wife, Nagla Ali Mahmoud, also joined. She became a leading member of a cognate outfit known as 'the Muslim Sisterhood'. And it is here, says McCarthy that we get to Huma Abedin's mother, the Pakistani-born academic Dr. Saleha Abedin.
Dr. Abedin, noted McCarthy, has been a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, 'which is essentially nothing more than the female version of the Brotherhood', according to Walid Shoebat, a former Brotherhood member who has renounced the organization. The Brotherhood is not only the font of Sunni supremacist ideology; it spearheads the international support network for Hamas, the terrorist organization that openly proclaims itself as the Brotherhood's Palestinian branch.
According to one report cited by Andrew McCarthy, Dr. Abedin has on occasion represented herself as a delegate of the MWL. Moreover, as William Jacobson documented at Legal Insurrection, Dr. Abedin has led the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC), an Islamist organization that hews to the positions of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Brotherhood's leading sharia jurist. Like Brotherhood entities, the IICWC defends such practices as female genital mutilation and child marriage, which find support in Islamic law and scripture.
Sheikh Qaradawi, of course, is the Brotherhood eminence who promises that Islam 'will conquer Europe, we will conquer America'. He is a vigorous supporter of Hamas, and his fatwas lionize suicide terrorism -- including the killing of Americans in Iraq. It is Qaradawi who brings us to Huma Abedin's brother, Dr. Hassan Abedin. He has been a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies in Great Britain. Contemporaneously, Sheikh Qaradawi was a member of the Oxford Center's board of trustees. So was Omar Naseef, one-time secretary-general of the MWL [Muslim World League] as well as the founder of the Rabita Trust -- an Islamic 'charity' notorious for funding jihadists and for having an al-Qaeda founder (Wael Hamza Julaidan) as one of its chief executives.
All of this becomes relevant and of particular urgency now that the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal has placed none other than Huma Abedin at the center of the extensive breach of national security that involved moving classified information from the secure State Department internet to Mrs. Clinton’s unsecured private server, where it was not subject to any tracking of where or to whom the information went.
Two e-mails containing classified information from Abedin and another aide, Jake Sullivan, were what jump-started the FBI investigation into Clinton's use of her private e-mail set-up; the messages were about military intelligence information a year before the 2012 Benghazi attack, and about the aftermath of the Benghazi attack. Fox News reports that it confirmed via the intelligence community inspector general the material in the emails was classified when it was sent.
And it is even more urgent now that it has been revealed that Ms. Abedin is 1 of 2 of Mrs. Clinton's associates who were ordered by a federal judge to answer under oath a set of Judicial Watch interrogatories, but who so-far have refused to comply with the judge's order.
The State Department, Andrew McCarthy observed back in 2012, is particularly wary when it comes to the category of 'foreign influence'. It is in fact a significant enough concern to warrant its own extensive category in background investigations. No criminal behavior need be shown to deny a security clearance; access to classified information is not a right, and reasonable fear of 'divided loyalties' is more than sufficient for a clearance to be denied.
Huma Abedin's role in the national security disaster that is unfolding in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal now begs the question 'why wasn't that IG investigation conducted?' It also begs the question 'was any inquiry into whether Ms. Abedin's family ties rendered her unsuitable for a position that involved access to classified information, especially about the Muslim Brotherhood, ever conducted?' Answering that question is of paramount urgency now that it has been revealed that Huma Abedin was at the heart of a breach of America's most sensitive intelligence while she was Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the State Department."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Students Association (MSA)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
Discover the Networks: International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton neeeds a special prosecutor
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Curtis Houck _Cybercast News Service_
TV networks refusing to report on Hitlery Rotten Clinton's criminality, new order from federal judge
Media Research Center News Busters
"In the on and off saga that is the [leftist] media's coverage of Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal, the 'big 3' of ABC, CBS and NBC plus Spanish-language network Telemundo largely skipped on Thursday night the latest developments regarding the investigation into her e-mail aside from a vague reference on NBC and 26 seconds on Univision. The 9 seconds that NBC Nightly News was able to fetch on Clinton... Surprisingly, the pro-Clinton Univision stepped up and provided the most (albeit still scant) Clinton coverage on Thursday's Noticiero Univision. Fill-in co-anchor Ilia Calderon informed viewers that Clinton's 'lawyer has told a congressional committee' that '[t]he e-mails and other information contained in the computer server of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, which were turned over the FBI 2 weeks ago, were deleted prior to their delivery'..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
federal judge ordered State Department to co-operate in investigation of Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
Clinton and her aides could face prosecution for mishandling classified, obstructing justice
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Rove, Bush, Boehner, McConnell, Flake... have been trashing the GOP brand
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
that's not your competition; that's your cabinet
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Scott Walker's disappointing "weather-vane" campaign
"...Walker's response to his precipitous decline in the polls has been both puzzling and disappointing to many conservatives who had been at least open to Walker, if not yet committed, because it has been such a transparent pandering to the mood of the moment.
Perhaps the most obvious example of Walker's pandering to regain some momentum has been his [weak] 'me too' response to the wave of support Donald Trump has generated by carrying the message of those country class voters who demand the simple enforcement of their country's immigration laws. [A 'me, too' now and then is acceptable, if you make it your own. Add your own reasons, your own priorities, your own implications.]
Walker, always a little vague on where he stood on the hot button immigration issues has 'evolved' from supporting amnesty, to opposing amnesty because he listened to voters, to now saying he, like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and others wants to build a wall to secure the border. Walker's 'evolution' on border security is welcome, but it begs the question, where was he when Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and a handful of House conservatives were battling [Obummer] and the Republican Party's Capitol Hill [losership] over the CRomnibus and the funding of the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] that was supposed to stop amnesty? But while governor Walker's evolution on [amnesty for illegal aliens], immigration and border security may be the most obvious example of his tendency to shift with the political winds, his recent attack on Capitol Hill Republican leaders is perhaps more telling.
Appearing on the Glenn Beck show Walker made a show of agreeing with Beck's complaint that there were people in the GOP [losership] who were 'part of the problem'. 'I hear it all the time and I share that sentiment.', Walker said. 'We were told if Republicans got the majority in the United States senate, there would be a bill on the president's desk to repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare]. It is August. Where is that bill? Where was that vote?' Governor Walker also criticized Washington Republicans for failing to stop [president Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive actions on immigration. Except Beck had to nearly put thumb-screws on governor Walker to get him to name one Washington Republican leader who is 'part of the problem'. Senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell was finally and reluctantly named, while House speaker John Boehner and Walker's fellow Wisconsinite House Ways and Means committee chairman Paul Ryan got a pass, despite their roles in some of the GOP's most egregious betrayals of conservative principles on spending, amnesty and [Obummer's] job killing fast track trade bill [TPA + TAA + TPP + TATIP + TISA]. 'I'm willing to stand up against anyone, including members of my own party.', governor Walker said Tuesday during a speech on his plan to repeal and replace [ObummerDoesn'tCare]. 'I'm willing to stand up against anyone to get the job done. We're not intimidated.' Being willing to stand up 'against anyone' is all fine and good, and a great line for Walker to use... The problem for governor Walker is that more than anything conservatives are looking for principled leadership on the issues, and being a Johnny-come-lately or staying silent until pressed on every issue from [amnesty for illegal aliens] and illegal immigration [and excessive guest-work visas, and non-exixtent, low, non-objective and/or vague standards for getting each kind of visa], to the DC Republican establishment's regular betrayal of conservative principles shows Scott Walker to be more like a weathervane following the political winds, than a compass pointing true North on the foundational principles of the conservative agenda.
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
boot camps for the poor
Washington DC Times
Sounds good, to me. Where do I board the bus and what time will it be heading to camp?
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime "confident" of IAEA's plan to let Iran inspect its own nuclear weapons development sites, as part of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery system
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Shoshana Bryen _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery system will require a restored USA military
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: Judea and Samaria are in Eastern Israel, not Palestine
"...'if you're going to visit Israel, you should visit all of Israel -- and that would include Judea and Samaria'... 'It's an important part of the security of Israel.', he added... The area is known by Israelis as Judea and Samaria, the country's biblical heartland. The village of Shiloh north of Jerusalem was established in 1978 near the archeological site of the ancient town of that name. The Old Testament refers to Shiloh as the location of the tabernacle, seat of the Ark of the Covenant, which would later be moved to Jerusalem under king David. 'Jews have a stronger connection to Shiloh than Americans do to Manhattan.', Huckabee said..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
Compton, LA, CA straight out of reasonable solutions
"...Compton doesn't lack a theater because of a feeling of victimhood. It lacks a theater because Compton overflows with crime. According to Neighborhood Scout, Compton's violent crime rate is 12.87 per 1K residents [i.e. 1287/100K]; chances of being victimized by a crime stand at 1 in 78, as opposed to 1 in 249 across California as a whole. The murder rate is reportedly 37 per 100K in Compton; the murder rate in the United States is less than 5 per 100K..."
Maybe the DNC and RNC should hold their conventions there -- criminal vs. criminal.
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
TV networks suppress coverage of 7th Planned Parenthood video
"In what's unfortunately become commonplace, the 'big 3' networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC partnered with Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision to censor from their evening newscasts on Wednesday arguably the most disturbing video yet in the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal that included a description of an abortion worker harvesting an aborted baby while their heart was still beating..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Smithsonian refused request from black pastors to remove bust of racist eugenicist Planned Parenthood founder from "Struggle for Justice" exhibit featuring 1950s & 1960s anti-racism efforts
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Rick Santorum: how can Planned Parenthood argue "those aren't human beings", when they're harvesting human organs
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Lauretta Brown & Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood video: its heart is beating... it had a face... we're going to procure a brain
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Austin Ruse _Cybercast News Service_
Bobby Jindal playing loop of Planned Parenthood videos on megatron outside governor's mansion
"...'Planned Parenthood has a right to protest today, but governor Jindal's office will ensure that anyone who shows up will have to witness first-hand the offensive actions of the organization they are supporting.', the governor's office said this morning. The most recent video, released yesterday, shows a whistleblower describing how a Planned Parenthood medical technician laughingly restarted the heart of a nearly fully developed baby boy and then proceeded to cut through his face with scissors to retrieve his intact brain, which was then sold to StemExpress for medical experimentation..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Lee Duigon _News with Views_
Geraldo Rivera and Planned Parenthood
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Rasmussen poll: 64% of blacks (and 78% of all) likely to vote agree that all human lives matter is closest to their own views
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Laura Ingraham
Rick Santorum sets his sights on Iowa
"...Santorum: 'I think we are very similar on immigration, on trade I'd say we're similar. We probably have more differences on trade than we do on immigration. But, again, I would say if you're looking at wings of the party, if you will, or the conservative movement, I'm certainly more aligned with him on those issues than I am somebody like a [Yebbie Booosh].' (10:18)... Santorum: If we don't do very well in Iowa, yes, I don't see, if we don't get a bounce out of Iowa... Look, I'm sitting at 1%, the idea that I would win Iowa would be the most outrageous thing anyone could suggest at this point in time. What I'm saying is it's all about expectations, if we blow away expectations in Iowa, whether we win, or finish second or third or a strong position, we'll get a very big bump, just like we did 4 years ago. I didn't win Iowa on caucus night, I finished second. And, that was a sufficient enough bump for us to obviously keep going and compete against Mitt Romney and win 10 other states.' (15:17)"
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Rick Santorum: Scott Walker and Ted Cruz are weak on visa/immigration; Donald Trump has it right
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
GOP candidates should focus on jobs, economy, immigration, eliminating government over-spending
Jewish World Review
"Just about all of the political polls that ask voters what are 'the most important problems' facing our country get the same answers: the [Obummer] economy, not enough well-paying jobs and for nearly 7, painful years, the federal government has stumbled from one scandal to another... 'Reducing federal government spending' draws a hefty 55% as 'very effective'... 'Providing tax cuts for lower- and middle-income families' polls 44%. 'Giving small businesses easier access to loans to start or expand their business' draws a strong 58%... 'Reducing the capital gains tax rate' polls a dismal 26%... Another sign of the American people's common sense: 'Creating more tax incentives for small businesses and entrepreneurs who start new businesses' polls 44% approval..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
comparative government corruption
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
House Government Oversight committee blasted IRS commissioner John Koskinen in press release filled with animated gifs
IRS commissioner failed (in 12 gifs)
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Donald Trump to hold rally in Jeff Sessions's home town Mobile AL football stadium
Jennifer Harper: Wasington DC Times: likely to draw record-breaking 35K fans
"Earlier this week, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump's campaign announced he would be holding a campaign event in Mobile, AL in the theater the city's civic center, a venue that holds less than 2K people. However, as ticket requests increased, the venue was changed to another room at the same venue, the arena, which holds 10K people. However, late Wednesday, that venue was determined to be insufficient and it was moved to the city's Ladd-Peebles Stadium, which has a capacity of 40K and hosts University of South Alabama football games, the Senior Bowl and the GoDaddy.com bowl..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Dave Daubenmire _News with Views_
gradually surrendering principles is costing us our country
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Gabe Friedman _Jewish Telegraphic Agency_
the haughty John Kerry connection: Heinz no longer qualifies as "ketchup" in Israel
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
another hospital in Los Angeles CA finds "super-bug" transmitted by insufficienty sterilized instruments
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
climatologist: we have a moral imperative to use fossil fuels
2015-06-22: John Christy: Alabama
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Obummer's watermelon (green outside, red inside) crony socialism is reducing the USA to be a banana republic
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
EPA drawing ire of Navajo Nation after water arrives in dirty oil tanks
"The EPA spill that contaminated rivers in Colorado and New Mexico was bad enough, but now Navajo Nation officials are fuming after a delivery of water for livestock and crops arrived in dirty oil tanks. Navajo Nation president Russell Begaye's finger came up brown and oily after he ran it inside the spigot of a water tank, one of nine delivered by an EPA contractor to Shiprock, New Mexico, in the aftermath of the accident that sent orange mining waste down the Animas and San Juan rivers. 'This is what they expect our animals to drink and to use this and pollute our farmland, our canals?', said Mr. Begaye in video posted Wednesday on his FB page. 'This is totally unacceptable...'..."
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
Vance Jochim _Fiscal Rangers_
"refugee" "re-settlement" should be investigated & reformed or terminated
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
This evening, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Rick Santorum, (9) Ben S. Carson, (10) Scott Walker, (11) Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee, Tom Cotton, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-08-20 (5775 Alul 05)
PM Winston Churchill
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few...
Winston Churchill Centre
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"And HaShem heard the voice of your words, when you spoke to me; and HaShem said to me: 'I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken to you; they have well said all that they have spoken. Oh that they had such a heart as this always, to fear Me, and keep all My laws, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!'" --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:24-25 |
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
our politicians and bureaubums are breaking our immigration laws; they're what need to be fixed
"Some laws that regulate legal immigration may need adjustment. But our immigration system is not broken. The politicians charged with enforcing it are. It is illegal to sneak across the border. It is illegal to over-stay a visa. It is illegal work in the [United States of America] unless you are a citizen, a legal permanent resident or have a visa that authorizes you to work. It is illegal to use a false or stolen [Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN)], and it is illegal to use fraudulent documents to obtain work. But the laws that illegal aliens routinely violate are [routinely not enforced]... In Washington, DC, in 2012, according to the Pew Research Center, 27% of construction workers were 'unauthorized immigrants' [i.e illegal aliens]. Next door in Maryland, 26% of construction workers were 'unauthorized immigrants'. Across the river in Virginia, 19% of construction workers were 'unauthorized immigrants'. Similarly, 12% of the service workers in DC, 13% in Maryland, and 10% in Virginia were 'unauthorized immigrants'. Construction companies and service-based employers in and around Washington, DC, hire illegal aliens with impunity. These workers do not live in the shadows. They live in the shadow of the Capitol and the White House..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
yes, defend the USA, enforce the immigration laws, and reform those laws in line with the constitutional and political demand of the last 15 years... just as Donald Trump has proposed
"...What Trump offers is an entirely different framework for considering the issue. It is populist rather than elitist, and nationalist rather than cosmopolitan. It rejects the status quo rather than attempting to codify it. It puts enforcement first and dares to ask whether current high levels of legal immigration serve the country's interest. In short, it takes a needed sledge-hammer to the lazy establishment consensus on immigration. First, at the beginning of the Trump plan is a statement so uncontroversial that it should qualify as pablum: 'Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first -- not wealthy globe-trotting donors.' Who could disagree? Yet it's rare to hear politicians say what should be a platitude. It's almost as if invoking the interests of America's workers is a faux pas that leads to a blackballing by whatever is the Chamber of Commerce's equivalent of Skull and Bones. Second, at the heart of Trump's written immigration-plan policy are enforcement measures that should be the lowest common denominator for Republicans: E-Verify, more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, an end to catch-and-release at the border, and a crack-down on sanctuary cities..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: leftists are trying to re-define the language again, don't want us to use the term "anchor baby", prefer "anchor fetus"
"'...Why is this an issue? Because we all know what anchor babies create. What? Chain migration. Chain migration has been in effect since 1965 when Ted Kennedy pushed for it -- it became part of the Great Society.'..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
doctor Ben Carson: current border fence certainly wouldn't keep me out
"The fence -- which local law enforcement from the Cochise county sheriff's office confirms could easily be cut through with a blow-torch, something illegal aliens do quite frequently -- ends a few miles up the road. 'This is a nice small impediment that certainly wouldn't keep anybody out.', Carson told reporters as both Cochise county sheriff Mark Dannels and Pinal county sheriff Paul Babeu and several local deputies and ranchers showed Carson, his wife Candy, his staff and a handful of media around. 'You need to have agents. This [a fence] will slow them down, agents will stop them. A wall or a fence is a good thing, but not in isolation.' Dannels, speaking to Carson and the group about 10 minutes after arriving at the border, explained ,'We haven't seen an agent all the way down here—and they knew we were coming today.' 'Not a single one.', rancher John Ladd, on which whose property the border tour took place, added... [US BP officers showed up after they'd been there about 30 minutes, time enough to use a cutting torch to create new openings...]"
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
illegal aliens & coyotes kidnapped and tortured other illegal aliens for ransom near Mission TX
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
illegal alien deported in 2012 sentenced to 12.5 years in prison for smuggling thousands of illegal aliens
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
should the USA be importing more or fewer farm workers?
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
how a Republican president could change birth-right citizenship
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
chutzpah-squared in immigration courts
"In this case it is an illegal alien whose marriage (or maybe 'marriage') to a citizen was ruled by USCIS to be fraudulent later claiming that he should be given legal status because he had been abused by his wife..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration terminology wars: the invasion continues (part 4 of 4)
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_
SF bay area added 24,700 jobs in July
"Santa Clara County and the East Bay each added 6,900 jobs in July, while the San Francisco-San Mateo region added 7,300 jobs [seasonally adjusted]... California gained 80,600 jobs in July and the statewide unemployment rate improved to 6.2%, compared with 6.3% in June... The tech sector alone added 7,600 jobs during July, according to an analysis of the EDD data by Beacon Economics. That equates to 31% of all the jobs added in the Bay Area. The tech sector added 2,600 jobs in Santa Clara County, 1,700 in the East Bay and 3,100 in the San Francisco-San Mateo region..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
R' Eliyahu Safran _Jewish World Review_
the value of human life
"'We're more protected from a bad tuna fish sandwich than a nuclear bomb.', Jackie Mason (commenting on [Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems]). Man is created in the 'image of G0D' and, therefore, possesses inherent [base-level of] dignity and worth. The sages teach that this inherent worth is the reason that man was created as an individual and not in the aggregate. That is, G0D created Adam and Eve, not Adam-Eve. Perhaps more significantly, by beginning the story of man with Adam and Eve rather than with Abraham and the beginning of the Jewish people, the Torah is making clear that every person, not only Jews, is worthy of this same dignity and respect, having descended from the same two individuals. We affirm this principle consistently in our rituals and practices. Our practices make clear that the value of the community is dependent on the value of the individual; that the value of the many depends on the value of the one..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
free-market system lets you notice the flaws and hides its benefits; other systems hide the flaws and show the benefits -- fast-moving bad news builds prosperity
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Iran planning ballistic-missile war-games
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Stephen K. Bannon _Breitbart_
Mark Levin's new book _Plunder and Deceit_ on best-seller list for 2nd week
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Peter Schramm: "You Americans invented freedom"
"It was an attitude he inherited from his father. During World War 2, before Peter was born, William Schramm had been conscripted by the Nazis to work in a munitions factory. The Allies dropped leaflets warning that a bombing run was imminent. The Nazis demanded that everyone report for work anyway. William refused. The Nazis were lining him up to be shot when the Allies unleashed the arsenal of democracy. Those inside the factory were killed, but the elder Schramm survived, thanks to a mixture of G0D's providence and the lethality of the U.S. armed forces. A little over a decade later, when Schramm was a boy, Hungary was torn apart by the 1956 uprising and once again providence spared Peter's father. While out getting bread, a grenade landed right beside him but failed to detonate. That did it. He told his son to pack his bags, the Schramms were moving. Where to?, Peter asked. His father replied, 'We are going to America.' 'Why America?', Peter pressed. 'Because, son. We were born Americans, but in the wrong place.'..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
on 1783-09-03 the treaty of Paris confirmed USA independence
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
leftist double-standards and Planned Parenthood
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
_Conservative HQ_
protests against Planned Parentood 2015-08-22 Saturday
"Grass-roots Pro-Life activists from across America will be protesting outside Planned Parenthood facilities, and especially at the abortion 'clinics' where babies are murdered and their organs and tissue harvested and trafficked by the ghouls of this soulless organization. The nationwide protests have risen organically from the grass-roots, so details of where the nearest location may be hard to come by except through the ProtestPP website and pro-life 'social media' using the hash-tags -- #ProtestPP and #PPSellsBabyParts. According to the #ProtestPP web-site, over 300 cities in 47 states and 5 countries will be represented in the nationwide protest, which aims to protest Planned Parenthood's 'disrespect for human life, harvesting and selling of aborted baby parts' and hopes to 'strengthen local efforts by raising their profile with the local press, the community and other pro-life activists'. The protests will take place from 09:00-11:00 and will be the largest demonstration against Planned Parenthood in its 99 year history. A #ProtestPP press release notes that the rallies will involve prayer, speakers and holding signs that read #PPSellSBabyParts. Our friends at the Family Research Council are one of over 50 co-sponsors of the nationwide protest. Other sponsors of the protest include Created Equal, Pro-Life Action League, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and 40 Days for Life..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
in 2013, Planned Parenthood did 378,692 pap smears and 327,653 abortions
"...according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDCP's) web-site, women who qualify can get free or low-cost cancer screening at various state health departments across the country through the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP). In 2013, the NBCCEDP 'screened 208,682 women for cervical cancer with the Pap test'. Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, received $528.4M in federal funding between 2013 July 1 and 2014 June 30, according to its annual report."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
professor Paul Kengor _Cybercast News Service_
if leftists genuinely cared about justice they would not revere Margaret Sanger
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz: nix bad executive orders 1st, investigate Planned Parenthood 2nd
"...'The administration of justice should be blind to party or ideology. The only fidelity of the Department of Justice should be to the laws and the Constitution of the United States of America.' Cruz said the third thing he would do is instruct the Justice Department and the IRS to respect religious liberty..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Craige McMillan _Cybercast News Service_
divine justice, USA's "crimes against humanity": Planned Parenthood
"...From 1946-49, a dozen additional trials were held. Doctors, lawyers and judges, industrialists were among those tried and sentenced. 'Of the 185 people indicted in the subsequent Nuremberg trials, 12 defendants received death sentences, 8 others were given life in prison, and an additional 77 people received prison terms of varying lengths.' The world of that day took crimes against humanity more seriously. One wonders how they would have treated America's abortionists, now found to be trafficking in aborted baby parts? Those who imagine that God will treat America differently for the genocide of the unborn simply don't know Him. Do not imagine that His justice will be reserved for those filmed by the Center for Medical Progress, laughing and joking over dismembered infants. Don't imagine that the medical community will bear his wrath alone. Don't imagine that only the employees of those organizations will be brought up on charges at America's Nuremberg. Don't imagine that politicians will bear the brunt of His wrath for putting blood on ordinary Americans' hands through taxpayer financing of such butchery. Don't imagine that anyone will escape. Perhaps I am wrong... America can't hide its sin from God. The horror is, it no longer even tries."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
senate bill would fund "parent replacement" by federal agents for 5 more years
Education Liberty Watch
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Ron Hart _Jewish World Review_
will the corrupt Obummer/Lynch DoJ indict Hitlery Rotten Clinton? will a special prosecutor even be appointed?
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton: nominee or indictee?
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
the effectiveness of Jewish defenses against abuse and vituperation
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
John Kasich is GOP losership's spare prince
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Ron Edwards _News with Views_
"we the people" or the political elite?
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Albert Aji _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate destroyed ancient monastery of St. Eliane near Qaryatain, central Syria
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate used mustard gas against Kurds
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
big win for Delta Force in Syria
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
lessons from the Bay of Pigs in the Syrian "division 30" debacle
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ashton Carter: if we don't keep non-uniformed foreign terrorists at Guantanamo, then they must be detained somewhere else
Nehhh, maybe he's right; maybe Antarctica or the Arctic would be safer places to keep them.
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
political correctness invaded SF several decades ago
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
hypocrites line up with Sesame Street: US tax-victims should not be force to subsidize National Socialist Radio and Communist Peoples Broadcasting
"...Conservatives have said it for decades: 'Sesame Street' is a commercial property that could be shopped for big bucks. There never was a need for government funding. Both broadcast and cable networks would pay a pretty penny to get their hands on this program. They knew it, too... And here's the most insulting fact: PBS refuses to release the financials showing exactly how much money Sesame Workshop has been raking in selling their merchandise. How many Americans know that 'Sesame Street' comes from a privately owned company?...
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Chris Stirewalt _Fox_
Carly Fiorina's momentum keeps growing
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
East Ukraine could be taken over by Russia soon
"..The violence comes with reports of an increased Russian military presence on the border and a heightened level of chaos within Ukraine as nationalist forces challenge the Poroshenko government for power. All the while, Ukraine struggles to avoid default and combat the rampant corruption within its society, a legacy of Soviet rule. However, one news item did not receive much attention in the main-stream press, although it was picked up by several blogs. Earlier in the week, Xinhau, the [Red Chinese] state news agency, reported that the 'rebels' in Donetsk are preparing to hold another referendum to [secede] from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. The reporting from Xinhau was curious as it comes amid close cooperation between Russia and [Red China] militarily as the two nations hold their largest ever naval drills in the South China Sea..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
popular novelist Jonathan Franzen vs. feminists: there's no way to make myself not male
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
WW2 veteran's prayer-book returned to family after 70 years
2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Chuck Norris _WND_
getting reasonable about nutrition, calories, exercise
"...Nothing quite so refreshing as a quick drink loaded with 90 nutrient-poor calories. Of course, if you were to splurge on a 12-ounce can, you'd be looking at 140 calories and roughly 10 teaspoons of sugar. To offset the effects of that, you would need to take a 3-mile walk, according to Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Popkin goes on to suggest that this messaging -- and the many millions of dollars of support for the science behind it -- is eerily reminiscent of tactics used by the tobacco industry, which enlisted experts to serve as 'merchants of doubt' about the health hazards of smoking..."
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
this is what Tourette syndrome looks like
Cybercast News Service
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
EPA chief, Gina McCarthy called by House Science, Space & Technology committee to testify on EPA's toxic spill into Animas river
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee: Obummer regime has not responded to congressional inquiries regarding EPA's toxic spill
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Rick Santorum, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Donald Trump, (10) Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee, Allen West, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-08-21 (5775 Alul 06)
R' Yissocher Frand transcribed by David Twersky _Torah.org_
the difference between Sodom (Genesis 19) and Gibeah (Judges 19)
"...Sodom legislated lack of Chessed [Kindness] into their civil code. They enacted laws that were mean, cruel, and immoral. The people of Giveah [Gibeah/גִּבְעָה/gebaaah], on the other hand, had laws on the books that called for a just and moral society. Unfortunately, however, the people did not live up to the laws [they] had set up for [themselves]..."
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"You shall observe to do therefore as HaShem your God has commanded you; ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. You shall walk in all the way which HaShem your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:28-29 |
2015-08-22 (5775 Alul 07)
Michael Barbaro, Nate Cohn & Jeremy W. Peters _NYTimes_
Donald Trump won't fold because he has wide backing from the citizenry
2015-08-22 (5775 Alul 07)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Boehner's legal health policy adviser, sister of CEO of StemExpress who discussed shipping aborted baby parts, has resigned to join health issues lobbying firm
"Tarplin, Downs & Young was established in 2006. It specializes 'in strategic consulting and policy development with a particular focus on health care', according to its web site. Among the clients of Tarplin, Downs & Young are Merck, Pfizer Inc., PhRMA, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., and the AARP."
2015-08-22 (5775 Alul 07)
Bruce Fein _Washington DC Times_
let Rand Paul be Rand Paul, Donald Trump be Donald Trump, Ted Cruz be Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina be Carly Fiorina, Scott Walker be Scott Walker, Rick Santorum be Rick Santorum... the electorate is tired of half-hearted phonies!
2015-08-22 (5775 Alul 07)
Steve Goreham
Apple and Google pour billions down a green drain (but at least that decreases their funding for new privacy violation schemes)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
565-08-22: a Gaelic Irish missionary monk, Colum Cille, reported seeing a monster in Loch Ness, Scotland.
1458-08-22: king Richard iii killed at battle of Bosworth.
1654-08-22: Jacob Barsimson arrived in New Amsterdam. He is the first known Jewish immigrant to America.
1787-08-22: inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steam-boat on the Delaware River to delegates from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.
1992-08-22: FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi murdered Vicki Weaver during an 11-day siege at her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.
Proposed Bills 2015
"Hear, O Israel: HaShem our God, HaShem is unique. And you must love HaShem your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." --- Deuteronomy/ Devarim/דברים/ debrim/ words/ decrees 6:4-5 |
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
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