2015 August, week 5

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-09-09

  "Neither House, during the Session of congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than 3 days, nor to any other Place than that in which the 2 Houses shall be sitting." --- article 1 section 5 paragraph 4  

2015 August
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2015 August, week 1 (1)
2015 August, week 2 (2-8)
2015 August, week 3 (9-15)
2015 August, week 4 (16-22)
2015 August, week 5 (23-29)
2015 August, week 6 (30-31)




captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 August

2nd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
_Restoring Freedom_
National Government Debt Relief Amendment

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Pamela Geller _WND_
the on-going invasion of Europe and the USA

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Benjamin Carlson _WND_
maternity tourism, birth-right citizenship, and anchor babies
Rolling Stone
Tea Party.org
"...It's enough to make them the envy of many.   But when Ellie found out she was pregnant in 2014, Peter said he wanted to have their second child in America.   'It's for him to get a good education.', Peter says.   'But it's also for us -- to find business opportunities and to make friends.   Chinese who do this tend to be well-connected.'   Peter began researching maternity hotels that operate within the underground birth tourism industry.   He chatted with sales agents and scanned large photos on forums like LA Fat Dad, USA Baby DIY and America Baby Home...

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
another brave sheriff skewers the Obummer regime
"...Babeu says the U.S.A. has no control over this area, part of which is just 30 miles from Phoenix.   When I last talked with him about it, he was explicit that the situation has only gotten worse as the cartels move billions of dollars in drugs and thousands of people across the border.   He's also furious the feds are releasing violent criminal immigrants onto U.S.A. streets, and he named 3, none of which are from Mexico.   A Russian and an Iraqi, each guilty of murder and a Sudanese with multiple arrests for assault and parole violations in two states, all released in Arizona in the last month..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Latin American reaction to Donald Trump's reasonable immigration proposals (which we may or may not be able to count on him carrying through)

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Hans A. von Spakovsky _National Interest_
USA's "sanctuary city" nightmare
"A litigation battle is raging between the states and [president Barack Hussein Obummer] over his attempt to impose a nationwide 'sanctuary' policy for illegal aliens.   Yet, there is no question that existing sanctuary policies implemented by numerous towns and cities have victimized innocent Americans.   Those sanctuary policies have enabled illegal aliens to commit thousands of crimes -- crimes that would not have occurred had their perpetrators been deported in keeping with existing law.   In 2011, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a study on approximately 250K illegal aliens locked up in our federal, state, and local prisons.   They represent more than a quarter of all of the prisoners in the federal prison system alone.   The GAO's 'study population' had been arrested nearly 1.7M times and committed 3M offenses, averaging about seven arrests and 12 offenses per criminal alien.   The incarcerated aliens had been arrested for a vast array of crimes..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
un-checked immigration is a greater threat to the USA than ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Karine G. Barzegar _Washington DC Times_
"New Jungle" "refugees" in Calais establish "community", scheme to enter UK

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Rachel Raskin-Zrihen _Political Mavens_
Iran, and Obummer's treaty to let them develop nuclear weapons, is a threat to more than moose and squirrel

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Kelli Serio _Breitbart_
comedian Jackie Mason calls Hollywood Jews morons for supporting Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Rouhani channels Obummer: "only" "war-mongers" and "Zionists" oppose Obummer's treaty to let war-mongering Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer already scheming to drop sanctions against Iran regardless of whether the senate rejects the treaty

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
John Bosma _American Thinker_
could Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems start an Iran-Israel nuclear war

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
cognitive dissonance among the leftists

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Joseph Farah _WND_
several candidates have at least partially addressed the immigration nexus of issues, the Stalinesque political correctness; next should be taming federal government over-spending and debt

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Scott Lively _WND_
LGBTs' secret weapon to destroy 1st amendment
"...Now, in the wake of the Obergefell 'gay marriage' disaster, comes the LGBTs' secret weapon to destroy our First Amendment protections.   It is called the Federal Equality Act, and it already has alarmingly strong support in both houses of congress.   The 'Equality Act' [if it were titled truthfully] should be called the 'Gaystapo Empowerment Act', because if passed it will give homosexual activists and their allies the legal power to attack and punish Christians and other pro-family advocates in virtually every sphere of American life..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
what drives so many celebrities (including politicians) to self-destruct?
"...One of the worst things a person can do is rejoice when their fellow man stumbles.   Should he fall and you rejoice, you'll regret it.   Your fall will be greater.   We should pray for one another instead...   From my 25 years of counseling men and families, I can tell you that some spiritual trauma happened in their lives that they resented and never let go of.   Now they're attracted to the very thing they hate, but they cannot help themselves, because they don't realize what's driving them...   Do you yell at your children, or spoil them? If so, you are destroying them.   And you are not in control.   The more you try to stop what you're doing, the deeper you will get into it...   We must realize that, of ourselves, we cannot fight this spirit.   If we see that we cannot defeat this power on our own, then God will replace this spirit with His spirit.   But if we hate what is happening to us, we will get worse -- because we are giving life to the evil spirit that has made a home inside of us.   Society perverts us from the time we are children, and then beats us up for being perverted!   As an adult, especially if you are a role model, you should expect this...   God has made it clear that we should seek first the Kingdom within and His right way; then all things will be added.   When you truly put God first, you will overcome whatever dark spirits have made a home in you.   You will be born again with a new nature.   The spirit that causes celebrities to self-destruct is the same spirit that causes us to self-destruct.   If we can understand this simple principle, we will have compassion on our neighbor, and God will set us free."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Chuck Norris _WND_
dying requests/words
"Composer Ludwig van Beethoven's last words were, 'Friends applaud, the comedy is finished.'   Actor Errol Flynn said near his dying breath: 'I've had a hell of a lot of fun and I've enjoyed every minute of it.'   After a priest told Charlie Chaplin, 'May the Lord have mercy on your soul.', [Chaplin] replied, 'Why not?   After all, it belongs to him.'   Roughly a week ago on Aug. 13, a former long-term actress at the Broadway Theatre in Pitman, Pennsylvania, Elaine Fydrych, died after a tough battle with lung cancer..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's silent manipulation: on Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages containing classified info, Benghazi...s

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
US military depot 25 miles SW of Tokyo, Japan has been rocked by a series of explosions
Martin Pengelly: Manchester Guardian
"..The Sagami General Depot is home to the U.S. Army's 35th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB), Defense Commissary Agency Central Distribution Center, Defense Logistics Agency for U.S. forces stationed in Japan.   The base has been the subject of negotiations between U.S. and Japanese diplomats.   In 2006, the Army agreed to eventually return 128 acres of the facility to Japanese control.   The initial blasts occurred shortly before 01:00 local time, according to eyewitnesses..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
protests against Planned Parenthood Inc. reach Los Angeles

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood videos energize pro-life movement, fuel protests nationwide

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
beyond the sordid reach of leftist media, traditional USA is still out here
"...The other America is the one that's been there all along and somehow perseveres.   On a recent trip to Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, we saw real life going on -- families, churches, communities, schools, high school football games, county fairs, regular postal delivery, businesses and baseball.   Plus an Amish buggy or two.   Even in the nation's capital, where cynicism runs like water, you can see down-home America at any Washington Nationals game.   It starts with community groups feted and awards presented.   Then, a live rendition of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' [the Defence of Fort McHenry].   A few innings later, the 10-foot-tall contestants in the Presidents Race make their way from center field to the Nationals' dugout, where comic trickery aids the winner.   It's good, clean fun, and you can hear children asking their parents while pointing at 'Teddy' or 'Abe', 'Who are these guys?'   The most moving part of an afternoon or evening at Nationals Park is when the announcer asks the crowd to express appreciation to America's military veterans..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
mortgage woes of the middle class
merger of Pittsburgh National Corporation with Provident National Corporation

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
real true blue Republicans vs. RINO/neo-con losership
"In early 2009, the Republican Party was on the political endangered-species list.   It had lost the White House, the House of Representatives and the senate.   Things were so bad that the Democrats were on their way to a super-majority in the Senate.   Judging by the actions of the Washington Republican establishment, the [RINO losership] wants to go back to the bad old days.   The Establishment is going crazy because the two hottest names in the presidential race now days are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.   Both men oppose amnesty, illegal immigration and birth right citizenship.   In the deluded world of Washington Republicans, Jeb Bush should be sweeping toward his coronation, with adoring mobs demanding amnesty, [more guest-work visas for cheap, young, pliant labor with questionable ethics, crony socialism] and that big corporations cut their wages...   Conservatives have long complained about how out of touch the Republican establishment and their consultant class have been.   After [the Republican grass-roots took] the senate back from the Democrats this year, what was new senate majority-leader Mitch McConnell's first priority? It wasn't repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare] as the GOP had promised repeatedly.   It was rescuing [Barack Hussein Obummer's] legacy and passing Trade Promotional Authority for the really bad Trans-Pacific Partnership 'free' trade treaty.   The real problem the Republican Party [losership] has is that it despises its base.   The base now despises the GOP [losership] as well.   This is a situation that is not going to end well for the party [losership]...   Either [Cruz or Trump or Walker or Santorum] will win the Republican nomination or a moderate acceptable to the party [losership] will.   If the nominee is someone other than [Trump or Cruz or Walker or Santorum...], the base will be finished...."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
escaping the black victimization mind-set: My late mom would simply say, "Stop acting stupid"

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
what if blacks stopped letting the left/Reds/Dems use and abuse them?
Jewish World Review

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Scott S. Powell _American Thinker_
the quiet revolution: how the "new left" took over the Democratic party

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
take down the fascist, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian "gay-pride" flag

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Dan Joppich _American Thinker_
USA the place vs. USA the idea
"On [the National Socialist Radio propaganda-cast] last week there were 2 reports coming out of Greece that I had trouble reconciling.   The first was Greece's $85G bail-out resulting in the Greek PM stepping down.   Greece isn't just broke, it's broken.   And yet, the second story was about immigrants risking death on the seas to leave Turkey and other places to come to Greece.   Obviously they are leaving broken countries where they risk death and injury at the hands of their government on a daily basis, to take a boat ride risking death and injury on the high seas, to go to another country which is not just broke but broken...   Are the current immigrants coming ashore in Greece there because they want to be Greeks, or is it just the next stop over where they can get free things without the hassle?   Are the immigrants to America crossing the southern border illegally, doing so because they want to be Americans, or are they just looking for free stuff promised by [Obummer] for themselves and their children?   Do the Muslims in Minnesota long to be Americans and live the American dream, or do they dream of returning to the Middle East and fighting the western Satan when they realize they can't make America more like the Middle East?   A Muslim family can raise a son and daughters in the dress, religion, and traditions of the country they left and then be shocked when their son performs atrocities, as happened in Tennessee.   Why?   How could this happen?   The answer is that the family adopted America the place but never America the idea..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
the climate is dooming the profiteers of climate doom
"...the increasing temperature of the debate between the true-believers in climate doom and the hard-headed skeptics is not matched by global mean temperature, which has not risen for 18 years and seven months, even though fully one-third of man's effect on the climate since 1750 has occurred in the same period..."

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Tom Harris _Washington DC Times_
deceptive warmist claims

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
EPA knew of blow-out risk at Gold King mine in Colorado
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-08-23 (5775 Alul 08)
_Popular Archaeology_
Jerusalem dig hit Herodian (and several other) era pay-dirt

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Ian Smith _Tea Party.org_
work in tech: Americans need not apply; extension of OPT is a de facto expansion of H-1B
National Review
"...In a rule promulgated by DHS in 2008, foreigners graduating in a STEM field at a U.S. school had these authorizations extended to nearly two and a half years after their graduation.   U.S. employers love this because, on top of the longer work period, they have a greater chance to transition them into the H-1B program, a 'professional specialty worker' visa that can last up to an additional 6 years [or more].   Also, employers receive a tax benefit for hiring OPT participants over Americans, as they do not have to pay Medicare and [Socialist Insecurity] taxes for aliens on student visas...   Unlike other visas, the fees for H-1B applications are refundable; there is no penalty for oversubscribing.   As a consequence, heavy H-1B users, such as the out-sourcing firms [cross-border bodyshops and off-shore out-sourcing] that supply BigTech companies as well as BigTech companies themselves, always apply for more visas than they really want in order to get close to their target...   Like H-1B holders, OPTs are younger than most American technology workers, and therefore cheaper.   Citing the 'prevailing wage' rules that technically exist for H-1Bs, Matloff notes that 'the legal wage floors for H-1Bs depend on experience' (the worker's age, IOW), 'so hiring young H-1Bs in lieu of older Americans is legal'.   As he says with cases such as SoCal Edison and Disney, 'age was the key factor underlying the wage savings accrued by hiring H-1Bs'..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
doctor Ben S. Carson: at some point I hope we have some responsible media focus on immigration problems
"...'It was quite clear what I was talking about.', he explained.   'I said that drones are excellent for surveillance.   You know, along that border, we have miles and miles of fences.   And, you know, I went there last week and didn't see any Border Patrol people.   And those fences are so easy to scale.   It is almost like not having a fence there.   So, drones can help with the surveillance.   In no way did I suggest that drones be used to kill people.   And I said that to the media at the time.   I said, you guys are -- some of you are going to go out and say Carson wants to use drones to kill people on the borders.   How ridiculous.   At some point, I hope we have some responsible media which actually focuses on the problem.   We have a huge security risk there.   And talking to some of the sheriffs down there on the border -- [Pinal county AZ sheriff Paul Babeu, Cochise county AZ sheriff Mark Dannels], and some of the other law enforcement agencies -- listen to the frustration.   You should have them on your show, and let them talk about what is actually going on down there.   And it seems like we have not only the cartels to deal with, the drug smugglers, the people smugglers, but we have the federal government, which is not being helpful.   Over the last couple of years, they have released 67K of those people...   And I hope you have some of the sheriffs in.   They can show you the pictures.   They can show you what is going on there.   We are not getting support from the federal government to deal with these people.   They're being out-gunned.   You know, 56% of that border is not under our control...   And I also made it very clear that we have excellent military people and military strategists.   We need to get them involved.   We have National Guard.   Why are they called the National Guard? Because they guard the nation.   Let's put them on the border.   That is where they need to be.'..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
an audacious would-be immigration double-play: EB-5 to bring in both funds and cheap labor

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
FB blocking employment reports related to immigration
"disturbing that FB, owned by immigration-expansionist Mark Zuckerberg, has banned four reports published by the Center for Immigration Studies pertaining to jobs and immigration.   The Center became aware a week ago that these 4 reports were blocked: 'Still No Evidence of a Labor Shortage', 'Despite Recent Job Growth, Native Employment Still Below 2007', 'For Every New Job, Two New Immigrants', 'All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants'.   When a RB user attempts to post or message these reports, a message appears stating, 'Your message could not be sent because it includes content that other people on [evil, abusive, privacy-violating] FB have reported as abusive.'..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
FB claims they didn't censor content that was contrary to Zuckerberg's immigration agenda, that it was due to an error
"...Every year the United States admits 1M+ foreign nationals on green cards, 1M guest workers, dependents and refugees, and 500K foreign youths sought by college administrators.   Mark Zuckerberg and his lobbying firm have argued for increasing the issuances of H-1B visas—a visa which is popular with corporations because it allows companies to replace American workers with foreign laborers at lower salaries.   This recently happened at Disney, Southern California Edison, and Fossil Inc.   The H-1B visa also presents a pipe-line for large-scale immigration from Muslim countries..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
is Huma Abedin Hitlery Rotten Clinton's Alger Hiss?
"Hillary Clinton's long-time aide Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood are well documented and well known to Clinton and to other Washington insiders, such as Republican senator John McCain, who defended Abedin in a speech on the senate floor when 5 conservative Members of the House of Representatives called for the State Department Inspector-General to look into Abedin's fitness to hold a high level security clearance while she served as Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the State Department.   Some observers have called the Clinton e-mail scandal [a mere sub-sector of the Clinton Benghazi scandal] an unprecedented breach of national security.   But now that it has been revealed that Huma Abedin is a central figure in the national security disaster wrought by the compromise of military and diplomatic intelligence sent and received through Hillary Clinton's unsecured private e-mail server, is there really no precedent for Abedin's role in this disaster? &bsp; Actually there is, but it lies shrouded in the murk of the lies that the liberal media have constructed to obscure the truth about the penetration of the United States government by another anti-constitutional totalitarian political movement -- world Communism.   Like Islam, totalitarian Communism posited the overthrow of American constitutional government and the subsequent substitution of a system that would regulate the minutest details of human existence.   And like Islam, totalitarian Communism had its active agents, 'fellow travelers' and sympathizers who found their way into positions of power and influence in the United States government with the intention of undermining our constitutional system of government.   Among the most influential of those individuals whose Communist associations were revealed was Alger Hiss.   Hiss held a variety of sensitive diplomatic posts during World War 2 and ultimately headed the San Francisco Conference that organized the United Nations.   After the end of the war and the organization of the United Nations he became president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.   In that capacity Hiss was a leading advocate of the United Nations and a major internationalist influence on the United States government and our policies toward the Soviet Union, an enemy state that had the goal of burying the United States, as Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev once put it.   A goal we should point out that was not dissimilar to the goal expressed by various Islamist leaders from the late Al Qaida founder and leader Osama bin Laden, to our 'partner' in the Iran nuclear weapons deal, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei.   (See Khamenei's latest comments about the political goals to be accomplished during this year's Islamic 'religious' pilgrimage to Mecca.)..."
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
did a hacked Clinton e-mail message set up the ambush of ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi?

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
_Conservative HQ_
thank you, Rich Lowry
"we think NR has too often become the mouth-piece for 'establishment conservatives' who are unwilling to call the Republican Party to account for its failure to deliver on its promises to govern according to conservative principles.   And we think that leads NR to put itself too often on the wrong side of the great divide in conservative politics between country class voters outside the DC Beltway and those among Washington [DC's] 'elite' who claim to be conservatives.   But in his recent article 'Yes, Pander To Trump On Immigration', Lowry has gotten it right on Donald Trump and the immigration issue and for that we thank him and join him in recognizing that, 'Amid the barstool bombast about deporting all illegal immigrants already, here is the core of a program that is more sensible than the comprehensive solution offered by the political establishment.'...   And most importantly he joins us in our view that the Trump plan is so uncontroversial that it should qualify as pablum: 'Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first -- not wealthy globe-trotting donors.'   Who could disagree?...   Conservatives outside the Beltway shouldn't under-estimate the risk in Lowry's article; as he noted 'invoking the interests of America's workers is a faux pas that leads to a black-balling by whatever is the [Chamber of Crony Socialists's] equivalent of Skull and Bones'.   And while he put it terms that are equal parts sarcasm and humor he's not wrong -- we can think of at least 2 long-time political 'friends' that seem to have lost our phone number after we started writing that senator Jeff Sessions was right and what America needs is less, not more immigration, due to the impact the open borders policies of the past two decades have had on the quality of life of American workers and their families.   But country class voters who were losing faith that the old line Washington 'establishment conservatives' would ever listen to anyone outside the Beltway can take heart that Lowry recognizes the common sense in Trump's written plan, which calls for allowing 'record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages'.   There is no reason why we should we blithely accept historically high levels of legal immigration with almost no discussion says Lowry and we agree wholeheartedly.   Of course Rich can't quite bring himself to endorse Trump's ideas without trashing Trump's delivery..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Laura Ingraham
senator Ted Cruz out-shining Boosh at Americans for Prosperity summit

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
corrupt Obummer appointee, judge Dolly Gee insists that illegal aliens must be released into the USA beginning October 24

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Frosty Wooldridge _News with Views_
post-USA culture: divided into tribes
"Part 10: Becoming a tribal civilization.   Importing cultures to the degradation of American society.   Angry, dysfunctional and at odds.   If you look at Ferguson, New York, Baltimore, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Los Angeles -- you see the ramifications of multi-culturalism.   Angry, dysfuctional and disjuctive.   Notice the racial makeup of those cities.   Notice that Americans flee those cities by the hundreds of thousands.   One look at Detroit, Michigan shows you a new tribal separation in the form of Islam within America.   Historian Andre Servier said, 'The deadening influence of Islam is well demonstrated by the way in which the Muslim comports himself at different stages of life.   In early childhood, when the religion has not yet impregnated itself in his brain, he shows lively intelligence and remarkably open mindedness, accessible to ideas of every kind; but in proportion as he grows up, and as, through the system of Islam's education, Islam lays hold of him and envelops him, his brain shuts up, his judgment becomes atrophied and his intelligence are stricken by paralysis and irremediable degeneration.'   You see that level of degeneration occuring in Philadelphia and Detroit where you see women wearing burkas that make them 'non-beings' who cannot be seen, heard or recognized—even though they live in America.   Islam creates fear beyond our wildest understandings and women's rights do not exist in Islam.   As I interviewed Mr. Warren, I couldn't help but connect the dots at our current predicament.   Realistically, it can only become worse as we import more Muslims.   They grow as the 'change-agents' from Western freedoms to Islamic domination.   The same holds true with Mexican immigration.   They take over by sheer birth rate numbers as in California.   Victor Davis Hanson's book _Mexifornia_ clearly stated immigration's impact on that state..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Ricardo R. Galvan _American Thinker_
Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump: who is stronger on immigration?
Ted Cruz has border/visa/immigration weaknesses that include a willingness to increase numbers and decrease already far too low standards to bring in more cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with questionable ethics.   I haven't been hearing any candidate talking about the need to run proper background investigations on visa applicants (including those from visa waiver countries).   I haven't heard them suggesting skill-level standards.   I haven't heard them suggesting visa numbers low enough to have a remote chance of proper supervision.

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Pedro Gonzales _American Thinker_
has Scott walker destroyed himself with 3 positions on birth-right citizenship within a week?
News Machete

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
2 threads of the immigration debate come togetehr on C-SPAN
"Two threads of the national immigration debate came together Saturday morning on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' program.   First, as one caller demonstrated, many black Americans are upset at the federal government's failure to keep illegal immigrants from getting jobs.   Second, as Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian observed as a guest on the program, the political alignment of immigration policy is best seen as a matter of top/down rather than left/right alignments.   Elites favor expansive immigration and lax enforcement, said Krikorian, while working people want less immigration and more enforcement of immigration laws intended to protect American workers.   The caller identified herself as a black woman who was 'livid' about illegal immigrants in the work-place.   'If we would fine employers $1M for each illegal, or person who should not be [working], it would be taken care of.', she said.   'We just don't have the will.   And we don't care enough about American workers.   Here in the black community, you have our young people from age 16 to 24, 50% unemployment.   How are you going to bring in other people and you ain't even satisfied with American people?'   Otis Graham, a historian and one of the founders of the Center for Immigration Studies, noted the silence of many black leaders about this problem.   In his 2006 book _Unguarded Gates: A History of America's Immigration Crisis_, Graham wrote that, in the 1970s, 'black political leadership was persuaded by Hispanics to shun the immigration issue in order to hold 'the civil rights coalition' together'.   But there have been some black leaders who have taken a stand on behalf of American workers.   Most prominent among them was Barbara Jordan, a former congresswoman and civil rights icon, who during the Clinton administration directed the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform.   Said Jordan: 'Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: Those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.'"

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Lawrence Solomon _Jewish World Review_
the Jewish turn to the right

"...A century ago, Jews flocked to the Communist ideal, believing that a world government in which all were equal would protect them from being seen by their fellow countrymen as an ethnic other.   The rise of Nazi Germany and hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan cemented the belief that the right-wing would always be anathema to Jews.   But now it is the left that has become the standard-bearer for anti-Semitism, with liberals seen as winking at if not encouraging a hateful atmosphere toward Jews.   On campuses, this is seen in the boycott movement against Israel and discrimination against Jewish students as well as faculty members, who are increasingly harassed, assaulted and intimidated.   At UCLA and Stanford, Jews running for office faced accusations that their 'strong Jewish identity' made them unfit to run for student government.   According to a 2013-2014 survey by the Louis D. Brandeis Center in Washington, 'more than half of Jewish American college students [have] personally experienced or witnessed anti-Semitism'.   Jewish parents, most of whom aspire to send their children to top schools, virtually all of which are left-leaning, are understandably concerned...."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
take it from a teacher: Johnny needs a job
"After more than 30 years of teaching, here's what I know: Students perform better if they do something else in addition to being a student.   Want to help your child succeed in high school and college?   Make sure your kid has a job.   Not an unpaid internship.   Not a volunteer position.   Not a three-week trip to an exotic but depressed locale where he or she will be inoculated against the pervasive geopolitical and historical debasement of third-world nations and believe that if only 'they' had organic farms and dental floss everything would be cool. Insist your offspring get a paying job..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
under-estimating Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum or Scott Walker or Carly Fiorina or Jeff Sessions or Mike Huckabee or Ben Carson... would be a mistake

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Robert Fulford _Jewish World Review_
why Europe "conquered" the world
National Post

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Bill Schneider _Jewish World Review_
will the real un-Obummer please stand forth

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Mitch Ginsburg _Jewish World Review_
meet a nuclear-fall-out tester who uses herself as a test subject
Times of Israel
I doubt the proposed theory will pan out.   I mean, radiodurans bacteria do exist, but they only do so by adopting an especially stable, inflexible genome.   Humans, horses, cattle, dogs, cats, mice, fish, frogs... are much to complex to fit into that tight mold.   The photographic examples were those who suffered marginal damage, who were marginally shielded, who had just enough of the right nutrients to survive exposure to radiation for many years.

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Dana Dovey _Jewish World Review_
learning, plasticity and myelination
Medical Daily
"...Results showed that subjects were able to produce some neural activity patterns more easily than others because the foundations for these patterns already existed in their brains.   This suggests that learning is largely shaped by connectivity among neurons..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
president of France hails 3 Americans & Brit who stopped terrorist attack on train: an example for all, and a source of inspiration
Sylvie Corbet: Washington DC Times/AP
"Three Americans and a Briton who tackled an attacker loaded with guns and ammunition prevented carnage on the high-speed train carrying 500 passengers to Paris, France's president said Monday as he presented the men with the Legion of Honor and praised them as an example of the need for action when faced with terrorism.   President Francois Hollande said the 2 Americans who first tackled the gunman were soldiers, 'but on Friday you were simply passengers.   You behaved as soldiers but also as responsible men.'   Hollande then pinned the Legion of Honor medal on U.S. Airman Spencer Stone, National Guardsman Alek Skarlatos, and their long-time friend Anthony Sadler, who subdued the gunman as he moved through the train with an assault rifle strapped to his bare chest.   British businessman, Chris Norman, who also jumped into the fray, also received the medal..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
hero's father: we need to recognize terrorism
"...'It's better to die like a lion that be slaughtered like sheep.   And this terrorist coward deserved what he got, and the PC crowd needs to recognize terrorism for what it is.   And I thank you for having me on.'"

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iran rulers say no one will stop them from developing missiles

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
_Cybercast News Service_
ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khameneis: "USA is our enemy... we will confront them with all our power... These are arrogant powers"

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Hitler: it's only Jews who object to their extermination; Obummer: it's only Israelis who object to my treaty letting Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"It's a flat-out, bald-faced lie that Israel is the only nation on record as opposing the effective approval -- even the funding -- of Iran's nuclear arms program.   Saudi Arabia and other Arab Persian Gulf states are every bit as alarmed about this deal as Israel -- and with good reason.   Saudi Arabia is the most likely first target of Iran's nuclear weapons -- even more so than Israel and the United States.   It betrays an eagerness on the part of [Obummer] and his [regime] to vilify and further isolate the one and only Jewish state in the world, one that lives precariously in the most explosive and dangerous neighborhood in the world and one that has remarkably few dependable friends and allies in the world..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Don Feer _WND_
10 reasons Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is worse than Chamberlain's 1938 agreement with Hitler
GrassTops USA

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Nicholas Hanlon _Washington DC Times_
African angle on Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and deliverey systems

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
the corrupt Harry Reid endorsed Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
global stock and bond market plunge intensifies on fears over Red China
Breitbart: alarm bells ring as FTSE tanks, Red China sinks, USA dollar tumbles
Sam Ro & Myles Udland: Breitbart: stock, bond market mayhem
John Nolte: Breitbart: as stocks melt Trump twits that USA is too tied to Red China
Sam Ro & Myles Udland: Business Insider: market mayhem
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart: Carly Fiorina notes that stock markets have been way too high due to Federal Reserve (and other countries' central banks) policies which warrant correction

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Trump: decouple from Red China; seems to be still thinking about which way to jump on tax reform

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Steve Golstein _MarketWatch_
stock market fall caused $1.8T in paper "wealth" vanish
"...As of March 31, households and nonprofits held $24.1T in stocks..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
David R. Sands _Washington DC Times_
USA markets claw back after sharp sell-off on Wall street

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
global trust deficit crushes stock markets
Jewish World Review

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
North Korea has deployed troops and other military assets toward South, South in defensive posture
"North Korea ratcheted up tensions with its U.S.-backed neighbor on Monday, moving special forces on amphibious landing craft closer to the frontline, one day after reports that most of its submarines eveidently had been forward deployed..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Laura Ingraham
unconstitutionally, without warrants police secretly track cellular phones to solve minor crimes
Brad Heath: USA Today/Gannett
"...The suit-case-size tracking systems, which can cost as much as $400K, allow the police to pinpoint a phone's location within a few yards by posing as a cell tower.   In the process, they can intercept information from the phones of nearly everyone else who happens to be nearby, including innocent bystanders.   They do not intercept the content of any communications...

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Frank Pavone _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood's collision course

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Fay Voshell _American Thinker_
Planned Parenthood and USA's loss of morality

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina campaign responds to leftist media o vaccinations
"...In context, Carly was actually objecting to states mandating vaccines like those that prevent HPV.   She then discussed other vaccines.   Here's what Carly actually said about common communicable diseases: 'When you have highly communicable diseases where you have a vaccine that's proven, like measles or mumps, then I think a parent can make that choice.'   This is, of course, the only part that made the headlines...   '...but then I think a school district is well within their rights to say: I'm sorry, your child cannot then attend public school.   So a parent has to make that trade-off.'

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
3 American contractors, 9 others killed in Kabul car-bomb attack
"A suicide car bomber attacked a NATO convoy traveling through a crowded neighborhood in Afghanistan's capital Saturday, killing at least 12 people, including 3 American civilian contractors for the international military force, authorities said..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
as expected, ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate destroyed temple of Baal Shamin in Palymra, Syria
Bassem Mroue: Washington DC Times/AP

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
new freshmen, in-coming at Duke U, boycott summer reading assignment, graphic novel _Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic_, due to their Christian moral beliefs

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Yes! specialized ammunition to bring down privacy-violating drones
"...'Drone Munition was created to provide defense against the danger caused when drones are misused.   Drone Munition is lead free, safe for the environment and provides a very high quality load that will effectively disable a drone encroaching your property's airspace.   As a side note, the round also makes for a very high end hunting load for ducks, geese or turkeys.', Snake River Shooting Products notes in their description..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
the left's/Reds'/Dems' war against women and men

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Efrem lukatsky _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Ukraine vows to increase troops to fend off rebel/Russian attacks

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Karl Ushanka _American Thinker_
race problems in Cincinnati

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
James Longstreet _American Thinker_
Federal Reserve foolishness is coming due for bad consequences

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Rand Paul _Breitbart_
real conservatives defend private property; Trump was on wrong side in bundle of cases including Kelo
"...Where was Donald Trump during this debate? He was busy using eminent domain to take a little old lady's home [a block of combined street-level store-fronts and upper-floor living quarters] and flatten it for a parking lot [and drive-through] to park limos at his casino..."
Institute for Justice

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Tennessee school district bans flags on trucks

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
senator Dianne Feinstein wants Obummer to seize government control over 1M acres of desert and forest land between Palm Springs and the Nevada border... but the real effort is to ban off-roaders, hunters and miners

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
DoJ: allegations that Bob Menendez solicited under-age prostitutes in the Dominican Republic are backed by corroborating evidence

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
the rise of cultural libertarians
"...But a growing number of commentators, media personalities and academics reject the arguments that under-pin these assaults on free expression, in particular the idea that people are either too emotionally fragile to deal with 'offence' or too corruptible to be exposed to dangerous ideas..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
a big dose of leftist propaganda in schools
"Schools are expected to be institutions for teaching math, science, reading and writing.   But activists see them as another venue to peddle their platforms on labor unions, animal liberation, vegan diets and leftist environmental policy.   Last month, Big Labor had a huge win.   After several failed attempts, Connecticut unions pushed a bill through the state's legislature that directs public schools to provide curriculum on labor history and law, organized labor and collective bargaining -- to be taught by unionized teachers, of course.   The bill likely passed due to its phony provision to include 'the history of economics of free market capitalism and entrepreneurialism'.   Despite this feigned attempt at balance, the law will no doubt produce corrupted curriculum.   Evidence comes from Delaware, where a task force made entirely of labor bosses ensures the 'fair and balanced instruction' of mandated union propaganda..."

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Charles Cervantes _Washington DC Times_
access to wireless internet is essential for many small businesses

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
HS marching band benched from playing "How Great Thou Art", but a lone voice sings in defiance of corrupt courts

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Emery A. Popolski _Washington DC Times_
unique stories of caring for military families

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
fire EPA employees, says geologist [I add, fine and/or imprison them just the anyone else would be]

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
John Hinderaker _Power Line web-log_
the left's plot to impoverish America's "middle class" and enrich left-wing billionaires

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
will 2016 election reprise 1836 election?

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Nell Galloway _Washington DC Times_
recalling the heroics of the Flying Tigers when USA was allied with China

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)

This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Rick Santorum, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Donald Trump, (10) Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee, Allen West, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-08-24 (5775 Alul 09)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
activist NY judge trying to prevent illegal alien who committed additional crimes from being deported

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
could Donald Trump's immigration plan work?

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
sounds like a step or 2 backward on e-filings for USCIS

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
another EB-5 scam: the Dalai Lama's revenge?

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
_Conservative HQ_
the Andrew Jackson approach to "sanctuary cities" and "sanctuary states"
"The news that another illegal alien has committed a series of horrific crimes after being deported and returning should really surprise no one by now. But the fact that illegal alien Guaymar Cabrera-Hernandez carjacked a woman in our old neighborhood, after committing the same crime a few days earlier in Montgomery county, Maryland, did sort of get our attention. According to reporting by Emily Miller of Washington DC's Fox News 5, illegal alien and repeat felon Cabrera-Hernandez was released on Monday from the Montgomery county (Maryland) Detention Center where he had been since June."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Laura Ingraham
senator David Vitter (R-LA): evil Mitch McConnell wants to block legislation to clarify birth-right citizenship

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter: we would have less terrorism in the USA if we would stop importing terrorists
"Coulter addressed H-1B guest worker visas saying, 'Immigration policies should serve the interest of the people who already live here.'   She went on to criticize questions over how Mr. Trump plans to deport illegal aliens before calling out 2016 presidential candidates senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Jeb Bush for failing to provide the public with sufficient immigration plans.   Boyle reminded listeners of the Gang of Eight [8 Gangsters] immigration bill [S744] and those that pushed the de facto amnesty plan..."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
illegal alien arrested in NC for raping a child

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Charles Hurt _Breitbart_
Donald Trump's immigration plan is the most substantive policy proposal of the 2016 election campaign to date

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Jeffrey Lord _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Yebbie Booosh is wrong about anchor babies
American Spectator

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
UK to crack down on illegal alien employment

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
history and law agree: no birth-right citizenship for children not subject to the jurisdiction of the USA

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
birth tourism is a worsening problem

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
EU president Jean-Claude Juncker waxes enthusiastic about borderless Europe, as massive invasion continues

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Serbia is over-run with 23K immigrants en route to Western Europe

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
poll: Swedish Democrats for controlled immigration have record support

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Arizona ramps up biometric programs in misguided effort to discourage fraud, eliminate privacy
"...Through its NeoFace facial-recognition software, NEC Corp. says transportation department officials will be able to instantly query a remote data-base existing in the cloud that contains roughly 16M digital images, including about 7.7M driver's license and identification photos..."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Cener News Busters_
Donald Trump clashed with the disreputable Jorge Ramos on illegal immigration

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Ann Coulter: I don't think God has given up on USA and Americans yet

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
census bureau + Pew: another baby was born to an illegal alien every 93 seconds on average in 2008

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Nicole Haas _Tea Party.org_
census bureau + Pew: another baby was born to an illegal alien every 93 seconds on average in 2008
Biz PAC Review

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
more than 700 illegal aliens from Africa were allowed to travel through Panama en route to USA this year

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why do too many Jews support Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems?

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Daniel Greenfield _Cybercast News Service_
** senators traitorous against USA back Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems... after having received bri... er, campaign contributions from agents of Iran **
Front Page Magazine

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
Dem/Red/leftist congressman Jerrold Nadler who sold out to support Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons gets an earful of outrage

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Daniel Greenfield _Front Page Magazine_
UK foreign minister: "Iran is nuanced on Israel"; Iran: "destroy Israel"

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons erases his "red lines"

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Paul Vallely & Denny Haney _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons: nuclear break-out imminent due to help from Red China, North Korea and Russia

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Clifford D. May _Washington DC Times_
the premise behind Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is "trust, don't verify"

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Froma Harrop _Jewish World Review_
heroism American-style

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
corrupt ESPN suspended Curt Schilling for comparing force-initiating, mass-murdering Muslims to force-initiating, mass-murdering Nazis

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Spain warns that about 800 violence-initiating Muslims are ready to strike across Europe

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
those mysterious flag-poles near the US embassy in Havana, Cuba

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Sidney Powell _Jewish World Review_
judges blast Obummer/Lynch DoJ over shocking prosecutorial misconduct

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
GOP should worry less about Donald Trump and more about how far it has strayed
News Max
"Those living outside the Beltway wonder why there isn't universal horror over the $18T debt and $100T of unfunded liabilities threatening our kids' future, the gutting of our military, the government's destruction of the world's best health care system, the assault on American businesses and the energy industry, [Obummer's] runaway Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], his managed invasion of our borders, his war on Christians' religious liberty, his mistreatment of Israel, the Iran [treaty], and the government's funding a notorious abortion factory.   It's true; Republicans don't have control of the executive branch.   But that doesn't mean they have no power.   They have the power of the purse.   They didn't have to forfeit their constitutional power on the nuclear arms [treaty] with Iran.   [Obummer] hasn't had the power to do many of the things he's done, either -- from granting selective exemptions on [ObummerDoesn'tCare] to granting amnesty to [illegal alien] 'Dreamers' [NIGHTMAREs] -- but nothing has stopped him..."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
sorting the candidates

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Michael Reagan _News Max_
Carly Fiorina deserves media's respect

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
the end of China-envy

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
London Telegraph: full-blown contagion engulfs world stock markets

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
Ron Paul: Federal Reserve System and congress are 99% to blame for market bubble
Tea Party.org

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
Sili Valley is headed for disaster as stock prices are corrected, and no one can save it; then again, what with all of the corrupt firms & executives, maybe it should NOT be saved

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
mortgage market's still dysfunctional... and still due to federal government meddling
Washington DC Times
Against Crony Socialism

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Laura Ingraham
former attorney-general Michael Mukasey: Hitlery Rotten Clinton in jeopardy for obstruction of justice

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's excuses make no sense

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
intelligence agencies confirm that Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages were classified by Obummer when they were sent

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Victor Morton _Washington DC Times_
you can't choose... genealogists find that Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Donald Trump are 19th cousins
Philadelphia PA Inquirer
Christopher Brennan: London Daily Mail
Dick Eastman
"Citing MyHeritage.com's genealogy site Geni.com, the common ancestors are John of Gaunt, the duke of Lancaster, and third wife Katherine Swynford at the end of the 14th century -- a century before Columbus sailed the ocean blue.   One of their children was Joan Beaufort, whose descendants include Mrs. Clinton.   Her brother John Beaufort is an ancestor of Mr. Trump.   Their descendants included several kings of England and centuries of Scottish kings.   'Their 19th great-grand-father is king Edward iii [John's father] so there is precedent for ruling a country, it's in their genes.', A.J. Jacobs, who teamed up with MyHeritage.com and studied the research done by Geni, told Extra TV."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
ask Ted Cruz

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood business partner caught laughing about whole baby heads

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
StemExpress CEO suggests "another 50 livers a week" in 8th under-cover video

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Steve Deace _Washington DC Times_
data proves being pro-life is a political winner

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
Diane Black (R-TN): Planned Parenthood videos show USA that they recognize they're harvesting organs from babies

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
the corrupt Lois Lerner's abuse of private e-mail account for government monkey-business
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
American Airlines to terminate "unprofitable" flights to Israel

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
Caroline Kennedy's oversight of USA embassy in Japan criticized in inspector-general's report

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer UN ambassador Samantha Power: we're injecting LGBT "rights" into the DNA of the corrupt UN, and casting aside genuine individual rights

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Denver city council discriminates against opening of anew Chick-fil-A store, citing "discriminating"

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
John Gizzi _News Max_
Rick Santorum struggles to gain support

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
obsessed TV networks devote 72% of all GOP candidate air-time to Donald Trump

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Cathy Burke _News Max_
another family of American warriors join Kurds to fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
London Daily Mail

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Yonah Jeremy Bob _Tea Party.org_
Muslim terror plot to attack Jews at Joseph's tomb in Nablus
Jerusalem Israel Post

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
senator Tim Scott (R-SC): bringing non-uniformed enemy terrorists who have initiated force against USA onto US soil puts lives in dangers

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Bill Gertz _Tea Party.org_
Ted Cruz expressed concern about Russia's violations of missile treaty, Obummer regime suppression of report
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Dave Williams _Tea Party.org_
senator David Perdue (R-GA): rips Obummer regime at Americans for Prosperity summit in Columbus, Ohio
Atlanta GA Business Chronicle

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
_News Max_
CBO: soaring federal government debt is unsustainable
Rick Moran: American Thinker

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
the corruption of USA: historical context
Jewish World Review
"...'When the American Whigs described the English nation and government as eaten away by corruption, they were in fact using a technical term of political science, rooted in the writings of classical antiquity, made famous by Machiavelli, developed by the classical republicans of seventeenth-century England, and carried into the eighteenth century by nearly everyone who laid claim to knowing anything about politics.   And for England it was a pervasive corruption, not only dissolving the original political principles by which the constitution was balanced, but, more alarming, sapping the very spirit of the people by which the constitution was ultimately sustained.'   The growing sentiment in colonial America was that its mother country was corrupt.   Despite the reforms of the Glorious Revolution [of 1688], the crown had still found a way to 'corrupt' the supposedly balanced English government..."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Star Parker _WND_
no lives matter when life is not treated as sacred

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Donald Trump rally in Iowa

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump vs. the Dem/Red/leftist septuagenarians
Jewish World Review

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Danile Pipes _Washington DC Times_
Sweden's "populist" surge

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Linda Harvey _WND_
everywhere we look, "progressive" means exactly the opposite

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
7th circuit: even though they have violated USA laws, illegal aliens have the right to own and carry arms

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Chicagoland store clerk feigned reaching for safe, picked up firearm and skilled masked robber

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
HHS spending $4.2M to preserve Amerindian languages; a fine goal, which should be privately and voluntarily funded

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
poll: only 40% of Hispanics/Latinos can identify Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Conference Board: consumer confidence idex increased from 91 in July to 101.5 in August
"..Those saying business conditions are good decreased marginally from 23.4% in July to 23.2% in August.   Those claiming business conditions are bad declined modestly from 182% to 176%...   Those stating jobs are plentiful increase from 19.9% to 21.9%, while those claiming jobs are hard to get decreased from 27.4% to 21.9%..."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Nat Hentoff _WND_
FBI is one of the most persistent and unpunished present violators of individual human rights

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
David C. Reardon _WND_
all 3 branches are supposed to adhere to and interpret the USA constititution, and stop the other 2 from roaming outside its boundaries
"Ironically, the idea that the supreme court has the final word on interpreting the Constitution is not in the Constitution.   Instead, all 3 branches of government have equal authority to interpret the Constitution.   This was argued by president Andrew Jackson in 1832: 'Each public officer who takes an oath to support the Constitution swears that he will support it as he understands it, and not as it is understood by others...   The opinion of judges has no more authority over Congress than the opinion of congress has over the judges, and on that point the president is independent of both.'   Similarly, [Thomas Jefferson's cousin and political opponent] chief-justice John Marshall in 1804 argued that congress could and should exercise its authority to reverse 'legal opinions deemed unsound' through legislative powers rather than impeaching wayward justices.   In our system of checks and balances, the Constitution explicitly provides congress the authority to limit the jurisdiction of the courts.   This means that with sufficient congressional will, nearly every constitutional issue taken up by federal courts could be reversed by a statute that includes a prohibition against federal courts hearing challenges of that statute.   Alternatively, congress can set up courts with special jurisdiction specifically to enforce that statute.   Wisely, congress has rarely restricted the jurisdiction of the courts..."

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
EPA rebuked for refusing to comply with House investigation of mine-waste spill by EPA

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer enlists his crony socialist billionaires to impose costly, draconian "climate" regulations on the rest of USA

2015-08-25 (5775 Alul 10)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
interpreting logic out of the 14th amendment where birth-right citizenship is concerned

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Don Bauder _San Diego CA Reader_
how will Qualcomm lay-offs of 15% affect San Diego area; ripple effects
"...Ripple effects are often exaggerated for propaganda purposes, but let's assume that 'Every job created at Qualcomm generates about 2.3 jobs in the region', as the San Diego WorkForce Partnership and the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation stated in a study that examined the company's impact on the local economy through 2010.   In 2010, Qualcomm directly accounted for a bit more than 1% of the county's total annual output of goods and services...   Indirectly, taking the ripple effect into account, Qualcomm contributed 3% to the local economy..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
birth tourists come from around the globe

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexico in a twist over the invasions of their southern border
"Mexico's southern border is an increasing concern for that country's government as more Central Americans enter the country illegally.   A UN official has warned Mexico that it may become the new destination for Central American migrants, rather than merely a stop on the way to the United States.   This warning came from the Mexico representative of 'UN Women', Monica Corona.   According to Corona, the increasing illegal immigration is a result of continued instability in Central America, where Mexico is perceived as a safe country.   She adds that the United States' 'tightening of immigration policies' makes Mexico a more appealing destination.   Participating in a conference on Gender and Migration at the Ibero-American University, Corona indicated that although Mexico's southern border state of Chiapas does not offer economic conditions much more favorable than in the migrants' home countries -- Central American women in particular earn very little money -- they migrate anyway because of the suffering back home: economic crises, a precarious social situation, and natural disasters.   The job market is also very limited; most women take jobs as domestic or agricultural workers in the informal job market -- i.e., off the books..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
the struggle for economic liberty: Uber, Lyft, etc.
World Net Daily

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
leftist hypocrisy on the subject of constitutional tinkering and "interpretation"

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
the Donald went down to 'Bama
Washington DC Times

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz priorities border security, visas, immigration nexus
"Cruz, who supports much of Trump's immigration agenda... immigration issues should be approached in stages:   'We should start with focusing on areas of bipartisan agreement.   Where is their bipartisan agreement on two major areas?   Number 1, that we should do everything possible to secure the border and stop illegal immigration.   And number 2, to improve and stream-line legal immigration.'"

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer State Dept.: we expect to bring in 1K to 2K Syrian refugees in FY2015, and 5K to 8K in FY2016
John Hayward: Breitbart
"As CNSNews.com reported earlier this year, House Homeland Security committee chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) warned that an influx of refugees from Syria could endanger Americans:   'This is a very dangerous and reckless policy, in my judgment.', McCaul told Fox News's Sean Hannity on Feb. 19.   According to McCaul, 'ISIS has telegraphed that they want to exploit the refugee process to gain entrance into the West and United States.   And we need to stop that.'   He said the FBI doesn't have the resources to properly vet all the refugees."
I'd correct that to "Neither DHS nor FBI nor CIA have the will to make a properly vigorous attempt to investigate any visa applicants, and even less to make the additional effort to do a proper job of background investigations of refuge applicants."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
president closes border, orders 1K illegal aliens deportd... from Venezuela

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Lloyd Marcus _American Thinker_
the parable of the invaders

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
sheriff Joe Arpaio: Donald Trump (and Scott Walker, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, Tom Cotton, Carly Fiorina, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz) should go to Mexico with me
"...'I'm tired of them trying to keep me from going to Mexico because I am an elected sheriff and I do have more experience than any of these people have when you look at my record.'   Arpaio is right about his level of experience.   Before he was elected sheriff of Maricopa County in 1992 -- he's been re-elected in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012 -- he served in the U.S. Army's Medical Detachment Division, stationed partially in France, from 1950 to 1954.   Upon discharge, Arpaio became a police officer in Washington, DC, then in Las Vegas, Nevada, before his appointment as a special agent with the then Federal Bureau of Narcotics—which would later become the DEA.   In that position, he served in Argentina, Turkey, and in Mexico.   He eventually rose through the ranks to head the DEA's Arizona branch..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Texas is the top destination for refugee tax-victims in 2013, NY is most-fled state

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Laura Ingraham
Chicago schools struggle to support 66K non-English speaking students
Kalyn Belsha: Chicago IL Catalyst
Tea Party.org
Burst Updates
Drudge Report

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Ian Tuttle _National Review_
Jorge Ramos is an immigration activist posing as a reporter

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jane Chastain _WND_
the anchor baby scam is offensive to USA tax-victims

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
EU developing list of countries considered "safe" to which to return rejected applicants for asylum

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Texas top criminal court has stayed execution of illegal alien convicted of murdering school-teacher
"The man, Bernardo Tercero, was set to die by lethal ejection for the 1997 murder of a Houston school teacher.   This is Tercero's fourth application to the court for a stay.   According to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), Bernardo Aban Tercero, born 1976 August 20, hails from Chinadega, Nicaragua.   He was 20-years-old when he committed murder during an armed robbery.   On 1997 March 31, Tercero and co-defendant Jorge Becencil Gonzalez, were committing an armed robbery when the victim, Robert Berger, entered the Park Avenue Cleaners in Houston, Texas..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
DHS Jeh Johnson asks Central Americans to stop sending their children to the USA illegally

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Katie McHugh _Breitbart_
illegal alien charged with DUI after injuring 5 in wreck

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Gabe Friedman _Jewish World Review_
tradition-minded Reform Jews will be getting one h377 of a surprise this High Holiday season
Jewish Telegraphic Agency

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
why isn't terrorist-run Palestine=Gaza being re-built?

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
anti-1st-amendment ACLU wants to force Catholic hospitals to abandon Catholicism

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
UN IAEA seeks more funding for observations while Iran develops its nuclear weapons and delivery systems under Obummer's treaty
"...U.S. [tax-victims] already account for 25% of the [UN] IAEA's regular budget..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: radical Muslim extremists, Muslim terrorist, Muslim jihadis are like the Nazis
Trent Baker: Breitbart
"'Are there Muslim groups or Muslims who disagree with Curt Schilling?   Are they defending the terrorists, their conduct, their slaughter of other Muslims and their slaughter of Christians, Yazidees and Kurds and Jews?   What exactly is the protest here?...   Radical Muslim Extremists, Muslim Terrorists, Muslim Jihadis are like the Nazis.   They say things like the Nazis.   They do things like the Nazis.   It's controversial to point that out?'..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas compared Jewish people to Nazis
"Abbas, who leads the Palestinians in the West Bank [i.e. occupying Eastern Israel], has a long history of promoting anti-Semitic activity.   In 2014, he pledged 'never' to 'recognize the Jewishness of the state of Israel'..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
*** congress, you've betrayed the USA and should be ashamed of yourselves ***
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Harris poll: 90% of Americans give congress negative ratings, 53% give Obummer negative ratings... but for different reasons

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
_Cybercast News Service_
Catholic bishop John Poprocki: USA should have a day of humility, fasting and prayer to ask God to forgive USA for giving $500K/year to Planned Parenthood

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
black pastors, pro-life advocates to rally against Smithsonian statue of Planned Parenthood founder
"Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger does not belong beside Martin Luther King ii and Rosa Parks in the 'Struggle for Justice' exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery in the nation's capital.   So say Ministers Taking a Stand, a group of black pastors who have asked the gallery to remove a portrait bust of Sanger, and will rally for the cause outside the facility on Thursday.   The group has drawn support from Texas Republicans senator Ted Cruz and representative Louis Gohmert, who have circulated a letter among Congressional colleagues supporting the pastors' request..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
DoD skewing intelligence on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate to make them seem weaker, easier to defeat
Francesca Chambers: London Daily Mail
Francesca Chambers: London Daily Mail

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Thomas Lifson _American Thinker_
is Hitlery Rotten Clinton campaign positioning Huma Abedin to take all the blame for Hitlery's transgressions?
Discover the Networks: Huma Abedin
Discover the Networks: Muslim World League (MWL)
Discover the Networks: Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Valerie Jarrett
Discover the Networks: violence-advocating Muslims connected with the Obummer regime

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Colin Flaherty _American Thinker_
Tampa Bay Times trying to blame chaos, violence, danger, low academic achievement in predominantly "black" schools on "white" people

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Ken Dilanian _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Ahmed al-Mughassil/Abu Omran -- suspect in 1996 Khobar Towers bombing -- arrested in Lebanon, extradited back to Saudi Arabia

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Jack Clark _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Intel invested $60M in Red Chinese munitions-maker Yuneec to make better UAVs for the Red Chinese military to use against the USA
The good news is that Intel wouldn't know an elegant technological break-through if it flew right into their heads through their eye-sockets.

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump: taking serious measures for lowering the federal government debt limit is worth the fight

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Kevin Freking _Cybercast News Service_
report: Solyndra misrepresented facts to get $535M federal government loan guarantee
"Solyndra was the first company to get federal loan guarantees under a program that was created in 2005 and expanded by [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] 2009 economic [porkulus] package..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: we should out-law teleprompters for candidates for president (and House and senate)

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
_Tea Party.org_
the haughty John Kerry signed unconstitutional UN small-arms ban

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
_Tea Party.org_
almost 200 retired generals and admirals tell congress to stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons
News Max
Guy Taylor: Washington DC Times

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
Kellogg-Briand treaty hollow, like Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Phil Elmore _WND_
neutralizing the "social-justice" bullies

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
A. Barton Hinkle _WND_
strangling the poor with red tape: Richmond, VA mayor says he wants to "promote economic parity and social justice", then sends code-Nazis to evict the poor from their homes

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Joseph Farah _WND_
we are all war correspondents now

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Ted Nugent _WND_
how to deal with violent, evil nut-jobs
"Evil stalks our world.   I am absolutely convinced that good people everywhere must embrace this discomforting and life-threatening reality, and like U.S. Marine Corps warriors, do everything in our power to improvise, adapt and overcome...   I am well aware, according to the recent FBI Uniform Crime Report and the Crime Prevention Research Center updates, that statistically, American streets are safer these days than in many years, mostly because we have locked up as many bad guys as possible so they cannot access their next victims.   Unfortunately, all of these violent, murderous perpetrators in so many of these incidents were known to be dangerous, or at the very least 'off-center' by everyone around them.   I'm just a guitar player, but when I'm performing my husband, parental, grand-parenting and neighborly duties, or just cruising America rockin' and a rollin' with my band, I am convinced more and more all the time that my Boy Scout mantra of 'always be prepared' isn't just a matter of convenience, but ultimately a very real potential matter of life and death..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Erik Rush _WND_
communism: new and disproved for 21st century
"...Recently, investigative journalists Alan Jones and Mary Fanning published an article based upon their investigation into the origins narrative, identity and eligibility questions that have swirled around [Barack Hussein Obummer]...   While their investigation did corroborate some things we know to be true regarding [Obummer's] identity fraud and lifelong subversive associations, it provided much more information pertaining to the extent of communist infiltration in America 50 years ago.   The fact that [Obummer's] parents and extended family had ties to prominent individuals involved in this pursuit became almost incidental.   One chilling detail revealed by Jones and Fanning involved a Soviet double agent who secretly transported Soviet spies and Nazis into the United States during the late 1940s and 1950s; under the pretext of humanitarianism, these operatives were designated as 'refugees'.   Of course, this is eerily similar to the comprehensive program of 'refugee resettlement' initiated by [Obummer] and involving tens of thousands of unvetted individuals from destabilized Muslim nations like Syria and Somalia being spirited into the U.S.A.   Marxists are fond of arguing that capitalism and democratic republics don't work.   In America, dedicated leftists have put forth a great deal of effort in sabotaging the mechanisms thereof, then citing the results of their sabotage as validating their criticism.   It's akin to claiming a particular brand of automobile is inferior, then surreptitiously adding water to its gas tank in order to ensure its poor performance, thus 'proving' your point..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
black, gay reporter murdered straight, white journalists -- media blame firearm
"On Wednesday, America met a deeply evil human being: Vester Lee Flanagan ii, also known as reporter Bryce Williams.   Williams murdered 2 people while they were live on air on WDBJ in Virginia: reporter Alison Parker, and cameraman Adam Ward.   After the murders, he went on the run -- and while he was on the run, he tweeted out his rationale for the killings, accusing Parker of making 'racist comments' and Ward of going 'to hr on me after working with me one time!!!'   He then posted video to his Facebook and Twitter pages of himself shooting both at point-blank range.   Williams is black.   Parker and Ward were white.   Williams is gay.   Parker and Ward were straight.   None of which would be relevant, except that Williams specifically cited his identity as a factor in the killings.   In a 23-page rambling letter sent to ABC News, Williams wrote that the Charleston church shooting in June should have provoked a race war...   According to ABC News, he claimed he had 'suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work', that he had 'been attacked by black men and white females', and that he had been 'attacked for being a gay, black man'..."
John Nolte: LGBT rainbow hate-flag found in WDBJ killer's Virginia apartment
had been chastised for wearing Obummer pin on air
Andrea Noble: Washington DC Times: he was a powder keg of racial discord

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
man wearing Afghan security force uniform killed 2 American soldiers

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina ranks in top 10 across 12 state polls

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
George Soros, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, Koch brothers, Bill Gates use wealth to try to influence colleges

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
the rise of "multi-culturalism" and top-down enforced "diversity" is playing havoc with this local community in the UK
"...But it is unsurprising that the brick-hurler used [Enoch Powell's] caution over mass migration, which was delivered in 1968 when net migration stood at around 75K across the decade.   Today, it stands at around 320K, not withstanding illegal immigration that the government has no handle on.   As local councillor Paul Canal explained to me, it wasn't so long ago that the British National Party were within 80 votes of winning a council by-election in the area.   Community tensions were heavily exploited by the nationalist party.   But these weren't tensions they had cooked up.   These were genuine public concerns.   It is unsurprising that immigration is still the number one priority for the majority of British voters: it is out of control.   And Canal is right to 'oppose violence in all forms' as he told the Ilford Recorder.   Issues such as this will not be solved with street violence, or bricks through windows.   They will however be solved by following the rule of law, the democratic wishes of local people, and by bringing net migration down to a level that communities can handle..."

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
UKIP mayoral candidates

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Nasimi Aghayev _Washington DC Times_
Caspian natural gas pipe-lines

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Nasimi Aghayev _Washington DC Times_
10 most expensive places in the USA to raise a family

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
January Rutherford _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Boy Scout honors memory of Tuskegee Airmen at Seymour Indiana's Freeman field

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
what is Obummer's top power-mad population-control freak hiding?
Cybercast News Service

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Ari H.
the cult of climate change (nee global warming)

2015-08-26 (5775 Alul 11)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

  "A country's prosperity can be seen in how its elderly are treated." --- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (source: Jewish World Review)  



2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
H-1Bs create jobs -- for H-1Bs
Jeff Swiatek, Chris Sikich & Ryan Martin : Indianapolis Star: Carmel "IT" bodyshop GyanSys plans 246 hires in next 5 years
"About half of the new workers would start out at pay of $60K a year, sayd Raj Una, the company president and CEO, and the remainder would earn $100K or more...   Even the lower-paying jobs are more than twide the [industry-wide, occupation-wide] median wage of $35,318 in the Indianapolis-Carmel statistical area...   The company is a heavy user of the federal H-1B visa program that allows US employers to hire foreign tech workers [and fashion models of outstanding ability].   From 2011 to 2013, GyanSys filed for 86 H-1B visas, according to the web-site immihelp.com that tracks the H-1B filings.   The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered GyanSys up to $4.45M in performance-based state tax credits and up to $250K in training grants based on the company's job creation plans [not US citizen employing performance].   So long as the [employees] pay Indiana income [extortions] the company will qualify for the grants...   The IEDC says more than 5K tech jobs have been added in Central Indiana since 2009.   Kurt Rankin, the regional economist for Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank, said Indiana's job gains are largely in professional 'services', a catch-all category that includes low-pay temporary positions and tech [bodyshops and lawyer bodyshops] like those at GyanSys...   The company currently has about 100 workers locally, and about 500 globally...   also has offices in India and the Philippines.   The [cross-border bodyshop] helps 75 companies install and support SAP [privacy-violation software], MSFT, and Salesforce [privacy-violation software, but does not develop software nor software/hardware products]..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
small but honest columnist again forced to correct highly-rated show on cable TV
"If one were being a stickler, one might recall the 2 centuries during which the children of slaves were not deemed citizens despite being born here -- in fact, despite their parents, their grand-parents and their great-grand-parents being born here [not to mention the non-citizen Amerindians]...   An impartial observer might contest whether the amendment is 'clear' on that.   'Clear' would be: 'All persons born in the United States are citizens.'   What the amendment actually says is: 'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.'   The framers of the 14th Amendment weren't putting a secret trap door in the Constitution for fun.   The 'jurisdiction thereof' and 'state wherein they reside' language means something...   the cases in the first few decades following the adoption of the 14th Amendment leave the strong impression that it had something to do with freed slaves, and freed slaves alone: Supreme Court opinion in the Slaughterhouse cases (1873): '(N)o one can fail to be impressed with the one pervading purpose found in (the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments), lying at the foundation of each, and without which none of them would have been even suggested; we mean the freedom of the slave race, the security and firm establishment of that freedom, and the protection of the newly-made freeman and citizen from the oppressions of those who had formerly exercised unlimited dominion over him.'   Supreme Court opinion in Ex Parte Virginia (1879): '[The 14th Amendment was] primarily designed to give freedom to persons of the African race, prevent their future enslavement, make them citizens, prevent discriminating State legislation against their rights as freemen, and secure to them the ballot.'   Supreme Court opinion in Strauder v. West Virginia (1880): 'The 14th Amendment was framed and adopted... to assure to the colored race the enjoyment of all the civil rights that, under the law, are enjoyed by white persons, and to give to that race the protection of the general government in that enjoyment whenever it should be denied by the States.'   Supreme Court opinion in Neal v. Delaware (1880) (majority opinion written by justice John Marshall Harlan, who was the only dissenting vote in Plessy v. Ferguson): 'The right secured to the colored man under the 14th Amendment and the civil rights laws is that he shall not be discriminated against solely on account of his race or color.'   Supreme Court opinion in Elk v. Wilkins (1884): 'The main object of the opening sentence of the 14th Amendment was... to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens of the United States...   The evident meaning of (the words, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof) is, not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction, and owing them direct and immediate allegiance...   Persons not thus subject to the jurisdiction of the United States at the time of birth cannot become so afterward, except by being naturalized...'   One has to leap forward 200 years from "the founding of the republic" to find the first claim that kids born to illegal immigrants are citizens: To wit, in dicta (irrelevant chitchat) by Justice William Brennan, slipped into the footnote of a 5-4 decision in 1982.   So to be precise, what Yoo means by the 'founding of the republic', and Rivkin means by 'the original public meaning' of the 14th Amendment, is: 'Brennan dicta from a 1982 opinion.'   ['Dicta' is non-essential, non-precedent-setting, non-binding dithering around an issue; 'holding' is precedent-setting.]   Perhaps, if asked, the Supreme Court would discover a 'constitutional' right for illegal aliens to sneak into the country, drop a baby, and win citizenship for the kid and welfare benefits for the whole family.   (71% of illegal immigrant households with children are on government assistance.)   But it is a fact that the citizenship of illegal alien kids has never been argued, briefed or ruled on by the Supreme Court."
Josh Blackman: Social Sciences Research Network: Much Ado About Dictum; or, How to Evade Precedent without Really Trying: The Distinction between Holding and Dictum

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Paul Elias _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
shot that killed Kate Steinle at San Francisco pier was ricochet
"The shot that killed a young San Francisco woman and touched off a heated immigration debate ricocheted off pavement before striking her in the back, which defense attorneys say show the killing was an accident...   Evans testified Wednesday that investigators found a spot on Pier 14 where a bullet left a mark on July 1 before striking Steinle in the back as she walked with her father.   San Francisco medical examiner Michael Hunter also testified Wednesday that the bullet made a rectangular-shaped wound rather than a typical oval-shaped wound, indicating too that the bullet had ricocheted before striking Steinle...   Lopez-Sanchez said he found the Sig Sauer .40-caliber pistol wrapped in a T-shirt under a bench on San Francisco's Pier 14.   The gun belonged to a Bureau of Land Management ranger, who reported that his service weapon was stolen from his car in downtown San Francisco in June.   Divers plucked the gun from San Francisco Bay next to the pier the day after the shooting.   San Francisco Police ballistics expert Andy Smith testified that the gun was in good, working condition and that the weapon probably didn't malfunction.   'Pulling the trigger, however that trigger was pulled, was the only way for that gun to discharge.', Smith said.   'This gun could not just be sitting on a table and all of a sudden, due to some malfunction, go off.'   Gonzalez suggested that his client 'mishandled' the gun, which needs about 5 pounds of pressure to pull the trigger [which is toward the heavy range of common trigger pressure] and successfully fire..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
attack on French train again reveals idiotic undermining of security by visa waiver program
"I may be in a minority on this point, but I'm uncomfortable with [horrified by] the visa waiver program.   It seems all too easy for something to go horribly wrong and result in the admission of one person, perhaps a group of people, not on anyone's list (despite the proliferation of such lists since 2001/09/11) who could wreak terrible havoc in a very short period of time...   By now nearly all of America must know the story of the heroic Americans and Briton who stopped cold the Morocco-born, would-be terrorist Ayoub El Khazzani, literally knocking him unconscious and preventing a train massacre in the process.   During initial post-arrest interrogation, he initially made the preposterous claim that it was just going to be a train robbery, a la the Old West I suppose, and that he'd found his large cache of weaponry and ammo abandoned in a park.   But more sobering facts have hemorrhaged into the public arena in the days since: jihadist videos, extensive foreign travel, possible connections with a French ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate cell operating in Turkey, and the fact that he was on the terror lists of several European countries.   All of this, and yet at the time he wasn't under surveillance.   Worse, it appears that U.S. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies knew nothing about the intended terrorist, despite his existence on all those lists, including the French 'Fiche S' used to alert fellow European Union nations.   What happened to all of the vaunted cooperation and impenetrable electronic nets touted at the congressional hearings as evidence of the security of our visa waiver program (which the senate voted to expand in June)?   Just that quickly, at least in my mind, all of those assurances have turned to dust..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
former Vermont state EB-5 director stirred controversy when he was hired by an EB-5 project

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
Rent-Boy.com case reveals lack of enforcement in US ICE's Homeland Security Investigations division
"...Honestly, I vacillate between laughing out loud and boiling with outrage.   It's not that there is anything wrong with the take-down; almost certainly it should have happened.   But why the US ICE presence?   I'm not going to say they don't have statutory authority to participate -- most assuredly they do.   But how does investigating a male prostitution service make the homeland safer?   Are they going to tell us that the call-boys and their bosses were tithing a portion of their laundered proceeds to radicals sworn to wage jihad on America?   The take-down reveals the fundamental dysfunction of US ICE:   Literally half of its officer corps and support staff -- those assigned to the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) division, who are charged with most of the duties associated with enforcing the immigration laws -- are sitting on their thumbs because, through a series of deliberately damaging policies mandating 'prosecutorial discretion' [which is to say 'non-feasance'] and skewing priorities, the administration has rendered their work impossible...."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
27% of children born in UK have non-UK mothers
Nick Hallett: more than 1 in 4 Londoners in 2014 was born outside the UK, while 1 in 5 has been identified as being "non-British" by the Office for National Statistics

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
over 160 police under investigation for ignoring victims of rape and sex-slavery by Rotherham immigrant gangs

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Jack Moore _NewsWeek_
man from Birmingham England became ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate's leading hacker

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
UK immigration fiures burst past the record 330K mark

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Jeff Knox _WND_
illegal-alien licensing loop-hole
"...Illegal aliens, or undocumented migrants, are people who reside in this country illegally, whether they sneak across the border in the dark of night or overstay a student or tourist visa.   There are an estimated 11M to 12M [to 30M] unauthorized immigrants in this country, and that's a conservative estimate.   Among the many things these people are not supposed to be able to do here is purchase or possess firearms or ammunition.   They also are not supposed to vote in our elections.   In recent years, several states have attempted to enact laws requiring voters to provide a government-issued photo ID in order to register or vote as a way to prevent illegal multiple votes, votes from dead people and voting by people who do not have the right to vote, such as unauthorized immigrants.   These voter ID laws have been [dishonestly smeared as] 'voter supression' laws and met with lawsuits alleging that they are the equivalent of the Jim Crow era poll tax because, detractors say, the underprivileged and elderly, especially within minority communities, might have problems obtaining a government ID, thus preventing them from voting.   At the same time, the same groups -- Reds/Dems/leftists/regressives -- see nothing wrong with requiring government-issued ID, a raft of intrusive questions, paperwork and a criminal background investigation every time a person wishes to exercise his or her constitutionally guaranteed right to purchase a firearm...

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
US CBP Office of Air and Marine (OAM) sued for ramming illegal aliens' boat off southern California north of San Diego

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
some reasons why Republicans and Libertarians are frustrated with leftists/Reds/Dems and the GOP RINO losership blunt, uncivil, abusive, dishonest, race-obsessed, anti-USA verbal bomb-throwers
World Net Daily

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
what if Hitlery Rotten Clinton doesn't care?
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Laura Ingraham
Rick Santorum: there is "radical confusion" in Hitlery Rotten Clinton's mind

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the modern conception of malleability of race, ethnicity, and sex
Washington DC Times
"In the present postmodern world, we are told that there is no such thing as a biologically distinct [sex].   Instead, [sex] is now socially constructed.   It can be defined by the individual in almost any way he or she sees fit...   Racial identity is becoming no more biologically based than sexual identity..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
de-fund regressivism

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
the problem is not arms, the problem is lack of respect for individual rights

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
vatican withdraws from "battle of flags" at the UN
"The Palestinian Authority's ongoing campaign to extend its international standing hit an unexpected snag this week when the Vatican dissociated itself from a P.A. initiative to have the 'State of Palestine' and Holy See flags fly at U.N. headquarters next month..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
arrest in Khobar Towers bombing renews focus on Iran's anti-USA terrorism

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Red Chinese officials are detaining Christians who oppose orders to remove crosses from Christian churches
"A well-known Chinese Christian lawyer had been out of contact for almost 2 days after being taken away by government [thugs] in an eastern province where local authorities are under a deadline to remove the Christian symbol, the cross, from church roofs, his colleague said Thursday.   The Beijing law firm had received no word on Zhang Kai, and neither had his family, said Yang Xingquan.   Zhang has been providing legal counsel for churches in Zhejiang province in their resistance to the government order, which has been criticized as unconstitutional and infringing upon the right of religious freedom.   Zhang and his assistant were in a church in the city of Wenzhou on Tuesday night when they were taken away by government [thugs], Yang said...."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
the secret of Ben Carson's success

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
has Glenn Beck lost it again?
"Well, we would agree that Donald Trump is not a movement conservative, but he's acting as the message carrier for millions of country class conservative voters who want their country back, which is why he's at the top of the polls right now.   Senator Rubio on the other hand went to Washington as a candidate of Tea Party movement change and quickly became part of the problem.   He was the public face and most vociferous advocate of the hated 'Gang of Eight' [8 Gangsters] amnesty for illegal aliens bill [S744], he used the language of the Left and Alinskyite tactics to trash conservative opponents of amnesty for illegal aliens, he's for vastly expanding legal immigration [and student and guest-work visas] at the expense of American workers -- like those Disney workers in his home state of Florida who were fired and had to train their foreign worker replacements before they left.   Rubio voted for the anti-constitutional Corker bill to guarantee the passage of [Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons], he voted for the anti-constitutional TPA and supports the anti-constitutional Trans-Pacific Partnership, and he's done nothing to repeal and replace Obamacare except to engage in Mitch McConnell's show votes.   So if Glenn is looking for a constitutional conservative alternative to Donald Trump, Marco Rubio is -- along with Jeb Bush and John Kasich -- pretty much last on the current list of 17 Republican presidential contenders.   To be fair Beck said up front he's not a Republican; 'I'm not a Republican.', Beck said.   'I don't care what happens to the Republican Party.   I'm a Constitutionalist.'   And he later said he also liked Carly Fiorina, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, senator Ted Cruz and senator Rand Paul...   Glenn Beck may indeed consider himself to be a 'Constitutionalist' not a Republican, that's certainly his right.   But Beck's near-endorsement of establishment senator Marco Rubio over country class message carrier Donald Trump shows a strange disconnect from the millions of constitutional conservatives who were appalled at Rubio's abandonment of conservative principles once he got to Washington, and who would run, not walk, from the Republican Party if a candidate like Rubio, [Yebbie Booosh] or John Kasich becomes the GOP's 2016 presidential nominee."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
_Tea Party.org_
Michael Savage: I wouldn't put it past Obummer to deputize and arm gangsters for purposes of carrying out race war
World Net Daily
American Thinker

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
_Tea Party.org_
Obummer agenda and legacy in the hands of federal judges
Washington DC Times

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
_Tea Party.org_
Iran may have extended nuclear weapons plant while working on treaty with Obummer to allow them to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
News Max

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Nimisha Jaiswal _Global Post_
India's insane civil service exam

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Mike Huckabee _Breitbart_
the political class failed on Red China; it's time to get tough
"At least one conclusion can be drawn from the [Red Chinese] economic melt-down and resulting whip-lash on Wall Street: Our political class has failed on [Red China].   In the 1992 campaign, the Clinton machine railed against the 'butchers of Beijing'.   Once in office, the [Bill Clinton regime] changed course and granted [Red China] 'permanent normal' trade relations.   Clinton's successors weren't much different.   [Shrub] and [Obummer] talked tough on the campaign trail, only to settle for a weak policy with [Red China].   The verdict on this approach is now clear.   The [U.S.A.-Red China] partnership has produced handsome profits for the donor class.   In 2013, Goldman Sachs -- whose CEO served as George W. Bush's [Shrub's] Treasury secretary -- earned a profit of over $7G from its stake in the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.   General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt -- the head of [Obummer's] Council on Jobs and Competitiveness -- called [Red China's] state-run communism, 'the one thing that actually works'.   But the overall balance sheet is not as rosy.   In 1992, [Red China] overtook Japan as the world's second largest economy, but was still miles behind the United States.   The U.S.A. GDP at the time was over 13 times the size of [Red China's].   Not anymore.   Today, [Red China] is the biggest holder of U.S. debt, at over $1.2T.   [Red China's] economic rise has not brought democracy, as the Washington/Wall Street axis assured us it would.   In fact, the [Red Chinese regime] is waging a campaign of growing repression.   Christians are bearing the brunt.   According to a recent report by Freedom House, [Red China] is escalating its 'harassment of underground and state-sanctioned churches' and 'demolition of many church buildings'.   Last year, a pastor was sentenced to 12 years in prison for defending the church's property rights.   Nor have [U.S.A.-Red China] relations improved.   The hallmark of the [Obummer-Hitlery] 'pivot' to Asia was the Trans-Pacific Partnership.   [Obummer] sold the secret trade deal as a way to stand up to [Red China].   Now, the president admits that talks are underway for [Red China] to join [ObummerTrade -- the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)].   [Red China] has reciprocated by:   Launching cyberattacks against the United States, which may have compromised the personal data of 4M federal employees this year alone;   Spying on the free world, stealing industrial and military secrets on an unprecedented scale;   Covering for North Korea and cashing in on lifted Iranian sanctions; and   Pushing territorial claims to the brink of armed conflict in the South China Sea, where the U.S. Navy has protected sea lanes since WW2..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
radical American professors line up to endorse Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
"National Iranian American Council (NIAC)...   quite a few of the 'prominent' professors share radical views pertaining to issues of concern to everyday Americans.   This list includes terror group sympathizers, Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers, Iranian regime apologists, Islamist supremacists, anti-Israel conspiracy theorists, overt anti-Semites, and other deplorable characters..."
Phyllis Chesler: Iranians and Israel-haters dominate
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Jenny Beth Martin _Breitbart_
how grass-roots activists can stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons
"Americans steadfastly oppose this deal by a 2-1 margin, and believe this deal will make the world less safe.   Tea Party Patriots, the country's largest tea party activist group, is opposed to the Iran Deal.   While we have historically always steered clear of foreign policy issues, instead focusing on pressing domestic issues such as out-of-control federal spending, the Iran [treaty] is such an egregious example of executive over-reach and recklessness that we have decided to fully engage on this fight.   Through [Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons], billions of [tax-victim] dollars would be awarded to Iran.   Additionally, the deal lifts the arms embargo for Iran, allowing the country to export weapons, and, perhaps most distressingly, Iran would be allowed to dictate when and where international inspections of its facilities occur.   It defies logic to allow a state-sponsor of terrorism that repeatedly has reneged on its promises to dictate the terms of inspections..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
AP sues FBI over ploy involving fake news story to get target to install malware on his computer
Andrew Blake: Washington DC Times

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Russia's dirty war in Ukraine

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Edwin Meese -- Reagan's attorney-general -- joins fight against patent-law perversion
"...Opponents of the bills say they impose overreaching standards that patent litigation that would make it hard for small innovators to protect their property rights.   They argue the legislation favors major tech companies like Google and Apple.   Congress passed a patent reform act in 2011 -- the America Invents Act -- and in recent years the courts have issued multiple rulings that have addresses many of the problems innovators face in dealing with patent trolls..."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
arch-bishop Anthony Sablan Apuron of Agana, Guam: true intention behind push for same-sex "marriage" is destruction of families and imposition of totalitarianism

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Bob Unruh _WND_
James Dobson: same-sex "marriage" is not only about marriage, it's war against USA culture
"the supreme court's Obergefell decision is 'an expression of hostility toward people who take their [Judaism and Christianity] seriously'...."

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
L. Brent Bozell iii _Cybercast News Service_
Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery should remove statue of racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger (video)

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
Donald Trump's restoration of Anglo-American civility to press conferences

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Joseph Farah _WND_
will Obummer say anything about this racist, sexist murder?

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Jo Leinen & Andreas Bummel _WND_
does the UN need a parliament? would it do any good?

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Laura Hollis _WND_
death always results from leftism/regressivism

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
John Boehner again admits he's a RINO jerk
Alex Pappas: Daily Caller

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Robert Davi _Breitbart_
agree with him or not Donald Trump continues to be the candidate of authenticity

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Anthony Watts
5 failed global warming driven hurricane predictions 10 years after Katrina

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Anthony Watts
5 failed global warming driven hurricane predictions 10 years after Katrina

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Kimberley A. Strassel _Wall Street Journal_
another Obummer regime agency with mysterious e-mail abuse and disappearing embarrassing e-mail messages: EPA

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Claire Maldarelli _Popular Science_
attempts to re-do pcychology "science" experiments succeeded only 39% of the time
Roni Jacobson: Scientific American
Brian Handwerk: Smithsonian: only 39% of the results of psychological "science" experiments held up under rigorous re-testing; "surprising" results were the hardest to re-produce and the experience or expertise of the "scientists" who conducted the original experiments had little to do with successful replication
Open Science Collaboration: AAAS Science: estimating reproducibility
John Bohannon: AAAS Science: many psychology experiment results fail replication test
Cathleen O'Grady: Ars Technica
Bec Crew: Science Alert: these disaffirmations are the scientific method in action
Chris Matyszczyk: CNET: 64% of psychology experiment results were not replicated; 75% of "social psychology" experiment results were not replicated; about half of "cognitive psychology" experiment results were very different

2015-08-27 (5775 Alul 12)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History

1776-08-27: the Battle of Long Island: in what is now Brooklyn, Long Island, NY, British forces under general William Howe defeated Americans under general George Washington.
1858-08-27: the second debate between senatorial candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas took place in Freeport, IL.
1859-08-27: colonel Edwin L. Drake drilled the first successful oil well in the United States, near Titusville, PA.
1889-08-27: Charles G. Conn of Elkhart, IN patented the metal clarinet. More than 100 years later the name, Conn, still represents one of the most popular musical instrument names -- especially for clarinets (Conn also makes the Selmer brand.)
1894-08-27: congress passed the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act, which contained a provision for a socialistic graduated income extortion that was later struck down by the Supreme Court.
Proposed Bills 2015




2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
learn the lessons of immigration crisis from history and other parts of the world
"The European Union, for example, is now beset with a flood of 'migrants', mostly from Africa and the Middle East.   Some of them are fleeing war and civil strife; others are heading for a place with more economic opportunity -- or, at least, with welfare benefits that dwarf what they could earn at home through hard work.   Most of Europe operates under what's called the Schengen Agreement, which abolished border controls among 26 European nations.   Once within the Schengen Area, 'any person, irrespective of nationality, may cross the internal borders without being subjected to border checks'.   This worked tolerably well for a while, but now, with hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of migrants in Europe or on the way [and Muslim terrorist actions and gross criminality], some European nations are beginning to have second thoughts..."

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Conor Gaffey _NewsWeek_
4 arrested after 71 dead "migrants" were found in abandoned truck
"Hungarian police have arrested 4 men, including the driver of a lorry in which 71 dead migrants were found on Thursday.   Three Bulgarians and one Afghanistani have been arrested, the police confirmed in a statement published on their web-site on Friday.   They also revealed that they have conducted house searches and questioned more than 20 witnesses..."

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
GOP losership avoid immigration entirely in "town hall" talking points

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Nigel Farage member of European parliament _Breitbart_
immigration debate is changing before our eyes, and it's how we win the EU referendum

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
date-line Miami: Kenyan man in USA, Mohamed Said, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to supporting terrorism

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
MMM MMMMM _Jewish World Review_

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Conor Gaffey _Jewish World Review_
Mahmoud Abbas constructing $13M palace in Eastern Israel

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
perhaps Barack Hussein Obummer should explain why he is doing the bidding of crazy war-mongering Iranian regime, why is he aiding them to develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and to fund the activities of their several terrorist organizations
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Trump & planning big rally in DC against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
George Rasley: Conservative HQ: this is Big

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer/Kerry DoS: Iran's Parchin base is "conventional military site", so we will let them develop nuclear weapons there with no oversight or ristrictions

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Aaron Klein _WND_
Iran renews full funding of Islamic Jihad terrorists
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
what 6 years of "reset" have wrought
"On 2014 September 5, two days after [president Barack Hussein Obummer] visited Estonia to symbolize America's commitment to its security, Russian agents crossed into Estonia and kidnapped an Estonian security official.   Last week, after a closed trial, Russia sentenced him to 15 years..."

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
R' Ron Yitzchok Eisenman _Jewish World Review_
paid in full

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a very late almost apology in clintonspeak

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Milwaukee county sheriff David Clarke challenges Obummer's insane push to render US citizens defenseless; he should forego his secret service detail
"'I am done asking people in my community to out-source their personal safety to the government.', Milwaukee county sheriff David Clarke told Fox News's Sean Hannity Thursday night.   The sheriff accuses Democrats of exploiting misery and tragedy to pursue a political, anti-gun agenda.   'But here's my challenge to the president of the United States, you think this is so easy.   Forego your Secret Service protection, for you, for the first lady, and your children, and see what it is like to have to fend for yourself.   And then we'll sit down and have a conversation so you know what we here at ground level have to deal with on a daily base in terms of self-defense.'...   Clarke said the way to reduce 'gun violence' and crime is to identify the bad guys, arrest them, adjudicate them, 'and once they've convicted, you lock them up for the longest period allowed by law'.   Clarke noted that [president Obummer] is doing the opposite -- letting convicted felons out the back door..."

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
unconstitutionally appointed NLRB members pushing to increase union membership and bodyshopping
"the unelected National Labor Relations Board has found a way to potentially unionize millions of 'non-standard' employees -- including fast-food workers and those temporary or contract workers who supply labor to bigger companies.   The 3-2 decision issued Thursday involves Browning-Ferris Industries of California and Leadpoint, the company that supplies workers to BFI to clean and sort recycled trash...   House Education and the Workforce committee chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions sub-committee chairman Phil Roe (R-TN) agreed that the re-definition of 'joint employer' will have far-reaching consequences for entrepreneurs, working families, and small business owners..."

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Red China's ownership of US government debt peaked in 2013

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
dis-integrating USA: murders by black homosexuals were a hateful racist atrocity
World Net Daily
"But it is hard to see how and when we come together as a people.   For racial crimes and race conflict have become 'the story' that everyone seizes upon -- since Ferguson in the summer of 2014...   As the incidents pile up, with white cops shooting black suspects, and black criminals killing white cops, the news goes viral and America divides along the lines of race and color, and between black and blue...   First, violent crime, declining since the early 1990s, is rising again.   And violent crime in black communities is many times higher than in the white communities of America.   Collisions between black suspects and criminals and white cops are going to increase, and some of these collisions are going to involve shootings.   And such shootings trigger fixed, deep-seated beliefs about cops, criminals and injustice, they also cause an instantaneous taking of sides.   Moreover, this is the sort of news that instantly goes viral.."

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
racist activists call for lynchings of white people and police

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Michelle Malkin _Cybercast News Service_
Denver corruptocrats's Chick-fil-A smoke-screen
"...the politically correct storm over same-sex marriage (which Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy personally opposes) is convenient cover for the local government's serial mismanagement, bloated spending and shady contracting practices..."

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
governor Scott Walker on-the-job (video)

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Melissa Mullins _Media Research Center News Busters_
Atlanta Journal-Constitution PolitiFact mangles truth on criticism of Planned Parenthood

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump likes what you see... but what are US citizens not seeing?
W. James Antle iii: Washington DC Examiner: what Trump knows that you don't

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Brad Schaeffer _Breitbart_
Donald Trump sparks GOP soul-searching

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Becky Gerritson _Conservative HQ_
no fake losership show-votes on de-funding Planned Parenthood; pull the plug!

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
bishop E.W. Jackson: if Planned Parenthood founder had her way, Martin Luther King ii and Rosa Parks wouldn't have been alive

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
Brent Bozell: Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels thought the exact same things as Margaret Sanger

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
Brent Bozell: put Margaret Sanger statue in a hole and apologize to the dirt

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Sarah Palin _Breitbart_
ESPN is a media embarrassment

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio: tyranny is the source of world "instability" (with video)

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
new EU tax laws destroy thousands of small businesses in first 6 months

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
David Middleton
on NASA's recent sea-level claim: science isn't broken (except when it is)

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Sheldon Walker
is the earth warming, and if so how fast?

2015-08-28 (5775 Alul 13)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
California's Fresno State U encouraging illegal aliens to pursue degrees there

2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)
Bob Unruh _WND_
Obummer regime planning yet another violation of USA constitution
"It's no secret that [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and the [Dem/Red/leftist party] want to [infringe on Americans' right to own and carry arms].   In addition, first amendment religious-freedoms-protections have been challenged by [ObummerDoesn'tCare].   And freedom of speech?   That's just fine as long as it lines up with the 'same-sex marriage' [and the rest of the leftist] social agenda.   Now, a case is posing a challenge to the fifth amendment's property rights and due process protections along with the sixth amendment's assurance of counsel for those accused of crimes.   The US supreme court now is posed with the question: Does the government have the [power] to charge you with a crime and then seize your bank accounts, check-book, savings and other assets so that you cannot afford to hire a lawyer to defend yourself?..."

2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)
Joseph Weber _Fox_
corrupt federal government fighting to keep cash seized from people who were never charged with a crime
This has been a lucrative scam for corrupt governments for decades.   The doctrine is that they can seize ill-gotten gains, and then, turning normal rules on their head, demand that the victim prove that they were legitimately obtained funds, with lots of squirming and changing of the detailes of what is required to prove that along the way.   But they really should have to prove that they are illegitimately-gotten funds, and in order to do that, they should have to prove that a crime was committed (force, fraud, theft, whatever); i.e. the burden fo proof should be on the government.

2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)

2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)
Tim Ball
where is the top of the atmosphere?

2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)
Willis Eschenbach
the Hood Robin syndrome: stealing from the poor to subsidize the rich

2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-08-29 (5775 Alul 14)
_Popular Archaeology_
Philistines introduced key plants into Israel during Iron Age: poppies, sycamores, cumin

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History


Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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World Atlas: states by population density


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