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updated: 2017-08-14
"The senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and pad out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to an returning from the same; for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 1 |
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2015 September, week 1 (1-5) (130KB)
2015 September, week 2 (6-12) (200KB)
2015 September, week 3 (13-19) (220KB)
2015 September, week 4 (20-26) (215KB)
2015 September, week 5 (27-30) (160KB)
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
a revealing clue
Town Hall
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
why parents are educating their children at home
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
Human Events
"Many public primary and secondary schools are dangerous places. The Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics show that in 2012, there were about 749,200 violent assaults on students. In the 2011-2012 academic year, there were a record 209,800 primary- and secondary-school teachers who reported being physically attacked by a student. Nationally, an average of 1,175 teachers and staff were physically attacked, including being knocked out, each day of that school year..."
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Steven Liao _Princeton_
firm-level lobbying and the lowering of standards for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign guest-workers with questionable ethics, and for legal permanent residents/immigrants/green-card-grantees... contrary to USA public opinion
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Judicial Watch: Hitlery Rotten Clinton had no business using private e-mail for government business
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
the USA is now living under an anti-constitutional government -- all 3 branches: judicial, executive & legislative
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Carly Fiorina deserves to be in debates
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
murder in living color
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the left sees only white, non-leftist evil
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger was not sure whether adultery and murder are sins
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger: the greatest sin is bringing children into the world that have disease
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Alan Fram _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
GOP losership rushes to surrender before trying, continue funding of mass-murderers at Planned Parenthood
Conservative HQ: surrender-monkey Mitch McConnell caves on de-funding Planned Parenthood
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
ObummerDoesn'tCare grants to Planned Parenthood spark fury on Capitol Hill
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
House Judiciary committee to hold first hearing on Planned Parenthood in wake of videos
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Valerie Richardson & David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
9th video fuels accusations of extensive law-breaking by Planned Parenthood and its officials
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Lauretta Brown & Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
new video: fetal-tissue procurement manager at Advanced BioScience Resources: the baby, it "just fell out" although "the whole point is not to have a live birth"
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
non-leftist organizations ask supremes to stop corrupt California attorney-general's demands for names and addresses of donors
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Jan Ting _Center for Immigration Studies_
Obummer regime paid $400K to settle law-suit against them by USA DHS ICE lawyer who advised against abuse of "prosecutorial discretion"
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Laura Ingraham
Bret Baier: this is not only an anti-establishment vote, it's almost like an anti-Yebbie-Booosh vote, voters have a bad feeling about the GOP losership (mp3)
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Ronald W. Mortensen _Center for Immigration Studies_
Jorge Ramos misstates the facts (or at best he is misinformed) in an attempt to counter Trump on birth-right citizenship
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Europe's "migrant" disaster holds lessons for the USA
Don't think this hasn't been happening here for several decades.
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
the corrupt anti-USA, anti-constitution, oath-breaking Obummer wants to see US citizens defenseless
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
_Conservative HQ_
out in the real USA: Mission Barbecue sings the national anthem at lunch
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
end sanctions against Sudan
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Kate Steinle's family says the silence is deafening and nobody is being held accountable
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Germany, "migrants" from Syria rioted after man thew Koran into toilet
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iran's foreign-minister: Muslims must create a united front against Israel
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Mark Levin to speak at rally to stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and rally aims to stop Iran from doing so
If the GOP losership were honest, and real Republicans, they'd time the senate's vote to reject Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons to when they were certain at least 34 senators would reject it, sending it down in flames. IOW, if the Obummerites/leftists/Reds/Dems didn't have the votes on day 1, the majority leaders should have brought it to a vote on day 1; if we have to votes to send it down in flames today, force a vote today; if we have to votes to crush it in October 15, bring it up for a vote on October 15; if we have the votes to smash it at noon, vote on it at noon; if we have the votes to smash it at 02:00, vote on it at 02:00... Ditto with de-funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, CPB, NEAH, Dept. of Educationism, EPA, Dept. of Energy, and cutting budgets for all the rest of the leftists' other darlings.
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
why Donald Trump is right about Mexico: the art of the steal
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Nevada couple face loss of foster children by insane corrupt government because father used firearm for self-defense
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Putin puts boots on the ground in Syria, teaming with Iran
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Jim Steele
the Arctic iris effect, Dansgaard-Oeschger events, and climate model short-comings, lesson from climate past (part 1)
2015-09-01 (5775 Alul 17)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
John Ribeiro _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Google, Intel, Adobe, Intuit, LucasFilm, Pixar and Apple $415M settlement with STEM professionals got "final" court approval
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Mark Krikorian _National Review_
most immigrant households receive tax-victim funded illfare
"51% of immigrant headed households [received some sort of illfare], 30% of native headed households... three-fourths of the immigrant households using [illfare] are headed by a legal immigrant... Among those working-households headed by an immigrant who did not have a high school education, an astonishing 77% accessed [illfare], as did 64% of working households headed by an immigrant with only a high school education... even among households headed by an immigrant sho's been here more than 20 years, about half [receive illfare]
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
premature abject surrender in the war of ideas
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
leftist hysteria and the growing populist rebellion
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Pat McKim _Breitbart_
McLaughlin & McLaughlin poll: gold (and gold standard) is more popular than the Federal Reserve for good reason
"...The record of the Federal Reserve has actually been worse than the Gold Standard in all the areas that matter to run a stable, growing economy. Inflation much worse. Debt levels much worse. Unemployment worse. Recessions longer and more frequent. Volatility of prices and exchange rates much worse. Income and wealth disparity between the haves and have nots much worse. Through history the Gold Standard has been a mechanism for moderation and stable growth. It is the bedrock of a natural discipline that limits governments from ages of excess, and from engaging in wars and economic bubbles..."
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Nat Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
Linda Monk's _The Words We Live By_ is an exciting, illuminating book that makes the US constitution come alive
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Eric Cantor: poster-boy of the evil belt-way GOP excrement-weasels... who endorses Yebbie Booosh
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"... empty babble coming from the epitome of an out-of-touch, self-aggrandizing, revolving-door ruling class. BushCantor share the same smug condescension toward Americans who believe in strict [or at least consistent, industrious] immigration enforcement and putting American workers first. Cantor fecklessly lied to voters during the campaign season about his position(s). He showered his district with anti-illegal immigration flyers that fraudulently protrayed him as staning up to [president Barack Hussein Obummer] on amnesty [for illegal aliens]. But on Capitol Hill, he [and Boehner and McConnell and Reid and Pelosi and Lofgren and Gutierrez] championed the [NIGHTMARE] act for illegal alien students, huge H-1B visa increases to quench Big Tech's appetite for cheap [young, pliant] foreign tech workers [with flexible ethics], and the [US Chamber of Crony Socialists]/AFL-CIO's collaboration on massive immigration expansions. While Cantor [and Boehner and McConnell and Reid and Pelosi and Lofgren and Gutierrez] lip-synced to the limited-government TEA Party message, he boogied in back-rooms with his pork-barrel pals. He assailed [Obummer's] bloated [porkulus] and then celebrated high-speed rail boondoggles in his state funded by it. As a celebrated 'young gun' on the right, Cantor preached fiscal responsibility, while blowing nearly $170K on fancy steak-house dinners across the country in his last year in office. Like Bush (and Gang of 8 [8 Gangsters] cheer-leader senator Marco Rubio), Cantor was the beneficiary of -- and water-carrier for -- generous Sili Valley and Big Business contributors. Cantor's biggest donors included NY financial conglomerates Blackstone Group ($65,500) and Goldman Sachs ($26K), and California tech company [and privacy hater] Oracle ($25K). By contrast, the biggest donors to Cantor's successful challenger, libertarian economics professor Dave Brat, were Virginia couple Gerry and Karen Baugh of Baugh Augo Body ($5,400), Michigan writer and artist Louis McAlpin ($5,200), and retired Virginia couple Martha and Kenneth Schwenzer ($5,200). One outside group, the American Chemistry Council, spent a whopping $300K on soft-money ads to protect [the evil, back-stabbing] Cantor -- an amount that exceeded Brat's entire campaign fund..."
Where can I get Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Kathleen Supercilious, Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Anthony Kennedy, Barack Hussein Obummer, Bill Gates, Zoe Lofgren, Nasty Pelosi, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Jorge Ramos, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, John Roberts, Orrin Hatch, Luis Gutierrez, Craig R. Barrett... pinatas? They suddenly sound like they'd be such good, clean, uplifting fun!
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Stephen K. Bannon _Breitbart_
Mark Levin's book _Plunder and Deceit_ at #1 for 4th consecutive week
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Guatemalan sisters -- ages 4 & 7 -- called 911 when abandoned at USA-Mexico border
Laura Ingraham
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Washington DC Times_
immigration and freedom: US constitution does not delegate to the federal government power over immigration
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
The constitution does recognize that the states have power to inspect goods coming in through their ports, and to charge for the reasonable costs of doing so; and that they have the right and power to defend against invasion, while the US government has the duty to aid them in their defense.
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
poll: Donald Trump's immigration reform plan gets 66% support
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
court ruled parents don't have to be someone else's notion of perfect
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
market magic
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
_Cybercast News Service_
Iran's "supreme leader" discusses Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, says Americans are Iran government's enemies; if it does not get at least 67 votes in the US senate, it's toast
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iranian general: military build-up won't stop until "full annihilation and destruction of Israel"
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
retired top military: Obummer's treaty to let iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems make Iran initiation of war more likely
If the GOP losership were honest, and real Republicans, they'd time the senate's vote to reject Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons to when they were certain at least 34 senators would reject it, sending it down in flames. IOW, if the Obummerites/leftists/Reds/Dems didn't have the votes on day 1, the majority leaders should have brought it to a vote on day 1; if we have to votes to send it down in flames today, force a vote today; if we have to votes to crush it in October 15, bring it up for a vote on October 15; if we have the votes to smash it at noon, vote on it at noon; if we have the votes to smash it at 02:00, vote on it at 02:00... Ditto with de-funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, CPB, NEAH, Dept. of Educationism, EPA, Dept. of Energy, and cutting budgets for all the rest of the leftists' other darlings.
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
poll: 66% of the national security community oppose Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
_Investor's Business Daily_
senate Dems/Reds/leftists favoring Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons have blood on their hands
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: it is not appropriate for Christian county clerks not to issue same-sex "marriage" licenses
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Terene P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
can a Christian be a county clerk in the USA, now?
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
J. Matt Barber _Cybercast News Service_
the USA is now living under an anti-constitutional government -- all 3 branches: judicial, executive & legislative
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
PORK ALERT: Lost Nation airport in Willoughby Ohio has received $787,612 in federal funding for runway, wildlife assessment
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Qassim Abdul-Zahra _Cybercast News Service_
masked men kidnapped 18 Turkish workers in Baghdad
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Alatheia Larsen _Media Research Center News Busters_
87% of donations made by Univision went to Dems/Reds/leftists
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Laura Ingraham
new study from the Center for Immigration studies found 51% of immigrant households are on welfare
Caroline May: Breitbart
Steven A. Camarota: welfare use by immigrant and native households: an analysis of Medicaid, cash, food, and housing programs
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
compensation paid to "migrant" workers in the USA are being supplemented by USA tax-victims to boost firms', executives', boards', stock-owners' bottom lines
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump has met with the CEO of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
M.J. Lee: CNN
2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19) 2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19) 2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18) 2015-09-02 (5775 Alul 18)
Laura Ingraham
Hitlery Rotten Clinton WROTE e-mail messages containing classified information and sent them via her private e-mail server
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton paid to hide identity of peopel running her e-mail server
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail messages exposed classified satellite intelligence on North Korean nuclear weapons
John Solomon: Washington DC Times
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Joe Scarborough: you have to be really, really stupid to believe Hitlery Rotten Clinton's excuses for her e-mail violations
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
meet Hitlery Rotten Clinton's team from h377
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
3 more lies from Hitlery Rotten Clinton about her e-mails have been exposed in latest document dump
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexican Indians who can't get into USA settle in Mexico City
"The Indians migrating to the capital are largely from the southern states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Guerrero and belong to the Zapotec, Mixtec, and Trique tribes. These states are characterized by high levels of poverty and have historically been a source of emigration to the [United States of America]. Indians have also migrated to Mexico City as a result of security issues in their mountainous regions, where drug traffickers are based..."
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the changing immigration labor landscape
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Judicial Watch wants criminal investigation into Red/Dem National Committee for hiring illegal alien
John Hayward _Breitbart_
"migrants" attempt to invade UK by riding on roof
John Hall, Sara Smyth & Claire Duffin: London Daily Mail
"...'...migrants climbed on to the roof of an 186m/h train and attempted to break into train carriages...'..."
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Spanish border guards found "migrant" hidden in car's engine compartment
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
EU tells members to take "migrants" or lose grants; member states say "stuff your grants"
"migrants" defiant as Hungary blocks train links for 2nd day
German vice-chancellor Sigmar Gabriel: Europe is embarrassing itself with "refugee" crisis
Charlotte Collins _Daily Illini_
Federal Reserve Bank of NY: increased federal government aid linked to rise in tuition + fees
"...The report focuses on 3 specific federal aid prorams: Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct UnSubsidized Loans, and Pell Grants. Each of the programs...raise the credit supply for University attendees to use to enroll... Pell Grants are awarded through institutions to low-income under-graduates. Direct Subsidized Loans are awarded based on need; the government pays the interest while the student is in school. Direct UnSubsidized Loans are not given based on need; they are given, 'where the student is responsible for paying interest during all periods', according to the report... Direct Subsidized Loans and Pell Grants were found to have generated 65 and 55 cent-on-the-dollar increases to college tuition, respectively, while the Direct UnSubsidized Laons were not found to have had a notable effect on price. State aid to schools has been on the decline in recent years, and budget cut plans introduced by [Illinois] governor Bruce Rauner means the [U of IL] could see $209M cut from its budget... between 2001 and 2012, the average under-graduate student tuition almost doubled, going from $6,950 to more than $10K; it corresponded to an average real rate increase of 35% per year. [But no word on other fees and charges.]"
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Dems are correct about Boehner and Booosh
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Breitbart primary: 4 in 5 first-place votes went to non-politicians & anti-establishment candidates
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Rush Limbaugh: backing for Trump exposes low regard ordinary Americans have for RINO losership and their consultants
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Ian Fleming never mentioned James Bond's ethnicity, but he did offer a few clues...
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
the media's political double-standard
Greg Gutfield _Breitbart_
when no lives matter
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
Muslim flight attendant refused to serve ethanol, then played the victim
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Christian lawyer who fought Red China's government faces secretive detention
Maayan Jaffe _Washington DC Times_
misrepresenting Azerbaijan: corrupt Obummer commission on international religious freedom misses the mark
"...Apparently, somewhat confused about its mandate, the commission issues statements about political issues, which have nothing to with religion and religious freedom, refers to places within Azerbaijan by Armenian names revealing, inadvertently perhaps, its sources of information. Also, in its criticism of the country it follows the lines used frequently by the Iranian mullahs..."
Anjali Shastry _Washington DC Times_
more than 300K dead veterans are still on Veterans Administration's active health-care enrollment list
Matt Vespa: Town Hall
Suzanne Fields _Washington DC Times_
the insufferable return of radical chic
Jewish World Review
Joab Jackson _"IT" News_/_IDG_
ACLU urges court to block NSA's continued unconstitutional warrantless phone records collection
I keep expecting a head-line to the effect that ACLU execs have been diagnosed with multiple-personality disorder -- alternately fighting for the best and the very worst, defending and subverting the 1st amendment.
Sylvan Lane _Dallas TX Morning News_
Ted Cruz's measured defense of clerks who won't issue marriage licenses, if required to issue some to homosexual couples
Al Weaver _Washington DC Examiner_
Rand Paul is very much sympathetic to county clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses, if required to issue some to homosexual couples
Michael W. Chapman: Cybercast News Service: it is absurd to put someone in jail for exercising religious liberty
corrupt judge violates 1st amendment and his oath of office
Arthur Schaper _Town Hall_
Kim Davis is not standing alone against corruption and tyranny
Tony Perkins _Cybercast News Service_
attack on Kim Davis proves corrupt judiciary's violations of oaths of office and attack on constitutional and reasonable religious liberty are real
Leah Barkoukis _Town Hall_
leftist media don't understand Judaism nor Christianity... at all
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Tennessee judge dismissed divorce case, cites corrupt supremes' dictate as negating state's ability to define divorce
Steve Deace & Ted Cruz _The Iowa Republican_
why Steve Deace endorses Ted Cruz
TEA party activist Robert Hall is running for Indiana's 9th congressional district; Todd Young to run for US senate
Curt Mills _Washington DC Examiner_
CNN charging 40 times normal advertising rate for time-slots during GOP debate
"The network is asking for as much as $200K for a 30-second slot in the debate's commercial schedule, AdAge reports. That's up from the normal $5K per slot..."
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
in Rockland Maine, 67-year-old man used firearm to wound burglar, now land-lord is ordering him to get rid of it
Christine Rousselle: Town Hall
"...Gagne defended the demands that Lembo disarm himself by saying, 'This is to ensure the safety of all tenants [by making them less safe].' Gagne did not attempt to explain how safe he thought Lembo might have been Monday night if he had not had a gun... The suspect whom Lembo shot 'made his initial court appearance Wednesday afternoon in Knox county Unified Court, where he was charged with burglary, theft of medication, attempted theft and 3 counts of refusing to submit to arrest'..."
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
governor Bobby Jindal announced day of prayer for law enforcement
Robert King _Washington DC Examiner_
hospitals find loop-holes to avoid vile ObummerDoesn'tCare penalties
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Examiner_
"Employee Rights Act" sends right Labor Day message
Miles Yu _Washington DC Examiner_
Red China's Communist Party commands the gun and re-writes history
Krista Larson _Washington DC Examiner_/_AP_
young nurse, Donnell Tholley, adopted 2-week-old after his mother died from ebola
Richard Locker _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
Tennessee state officials promise "low-cost labor-force" to lure foreign industries here
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
Alaska legislators plan to sue governor Bill Walker over Medicaid expansion
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
some in DoD want to hold terrorist -- non-uniformed combatants -- in South Carolina, many others believe they'd be more at home in Chicago or San Fransicko
Jim Steele
AGI: 77.7% of college admins think "climate science studies" is a science course
"...While I find it horrigying that over 77% of US colleges [have administrators who] think learning a bit of dogma qualifies as 'science' education, I believe the day will come when [the USA] attempts to re-build her damaged scientific institutions. On that day, [the USA] will discover she owes a huge debt of gratitude to the handful of courageous college and high school administrators who held the line against officially sanctioned superstition, who fought to keep the memory of the scientific method alive, who did everything in their power to protect their students from being indoctrinated with politically convenient pseudo-science..."
Anthony Watts
U of TX at Austin: cold period 12K-11K years ago could provide clues about future climate change
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's extremist climate agenda blasted
"Representative Lamar Smith, chairman of the Science, Space and Technology committee, threw cold water Wednesday on [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] Alaska climate-change tour, saying the president's proposed regulatory fixes have put him on 'thin ice'..."
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service
Mark Levin on Obummer's extremist climate agenda: it's not about the environment but a power-madness aimed at destroying the USA and Western way of life
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1898-09-02: Herbert Kitchener defeated the khalifa Abdallahi al-Taashi ibn Muhammad outside Omdurman helping stop slavery in Sudan.
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the quiet little struggle over terminating the EB-5 visa program
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
changing one country (or more) into another
Town Hall
"...At first the liquid in the beaker was diluted, but as I kept pouring, the poured liquid eventually overtook the liquid in the beaker, creating an entirely new substance. That's what is happening in Europe [and the USA and Australia] as thousands of 'migrants' flee their home countries, seeking refuge in the European Union. Germany, alone, is expected to have received 800K migrants by the end of the year, 4 times last year's number..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
how to write a NYTimes (or National Socialist Radio or Corporation for Socialist Television...) propaganda piece in 3 steps, 45 minutes or less
Town Hall
Human Events
"The main point to keep in mind is that your op-ed is not intended to elucidate, educate or amuse. These are status pieces meant to strike a pose, signaling that you are a good person. After reading your op-ed, readers should feel the warm sensation of being superior to other people -- those who don't agree with you. The idea is to be in fashion. It's all about attitude, heavy on eye-rolling..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Laura Ingraham
stories of Mexican mothers having anchor babies in USA are "complex" say Texas doctors... and leftist propagandists
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker waffling and wavering on crucial aspects of bordera/visa/immigration knot of issues; promises to support a RINO nominee
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
easy and difficult ways to round up illegal aliens who commit additional crimes
"Last week, US ICE officers in California took to the streets for four days to round up 244 criminal aliens in six southern California counties. Billed by ICE as a "fugitive operation", as if these criminal aliens had fled from the law, in fact this was really a mop-up action necessitated by the release of these offenders under California's sanctuary policy. If the number of non-cooperative jurisdictions continues to grow (there are now more than 310), and Congress does not take action, US ICE increasingly will be obliged to do its important work in this manner. And that's the way the Obama administration wants immigration enforcement to be: inefficient, expensive, and frightening to immigrants. But it doesn't have to be this way. Until recently, the combination of universal finger-print-sharing made possible through the Secure Communities program and generally cooperative local agencies meant that ICE officers had the ability (if not the mandate) to apprehend almost every illegal alien who was arrested by local authorities. 'It was almost a perfect system.', one ICE officer told me. 'Almost no illegal aliens went through the jails [in our area] without us knowing about them.' Upon learning that an illegal alien had been booked into a local jail, ICE officers could issue a detainer notifying the jail that they intended to initiate deportation, and the locals would hold the alien in custody, as per federal regulations that are still in effect (8 CFR 287.7). Contrary to the claims of enforcement opponents, US ICE doesn't need a judicial warrant to make an administrative arrest of an illegal alien, and there's no such thing in immigration enforcement anyway..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration in Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto's state of the union address
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
a blood-stained law
"'It is a sordid business, this divvying us up by race.' --- supreme court chief-justice John Roberts. Sordid, always. And sometimes lethal, as some Native American children could attest, were they not, like Declan Stewart and Laurynn Whiteshield, dead. They were victims of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), which as construed and applied demonstrates how identity politics can leave a trail of broken bodies and broken hearts. The 1978 act's advocates say it is not about race but about the rights of sovereign tribes, as though that distinction is meaningful. The act empowers tribes to abort adoption proceedings, or even take children from foster homes, solely because the children have even a minuscule quantum of American Indian blood. Although, remember, this act is supposedly not about race. The most recent case to reach the U.S. Supreme Court concerned a child who was 1.2% [about 1/800] Cherokee. The Goldwater Institute, the Phoenix think tank whose litigators are challenging the ICWA's constitutionality, says 'her nearest full-blooded Indian ancestor lived in the time of George Washington's father'. Children's welfare, which is paramount under all 50 states' laws, is sacrificed to abstractions such as tribal 'integrity' or 'coherence'..."
1 of 2 parents would be 50%. 1 of 4 grand-parents 25%. 1 of 8 great-grand-parents 12.5%. 1 of 16 2g-gps 6.25%. 1 of 32 3g-gps 3.125%. 1 of 64 4g-gps 1.56%. 1 of 128 5g-gps would be 0.78%.
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
president Obummer's peculiarity
"...There is no shadow there. Our 44th president will go down in history as the first American president who left the White House leaving nothing but a vast diapasonal sigh of relief across the nation. Even some of his supporters will be relieved when he is gone. Oh, there will be wreckage. Our health care system, once the ideal of the world, is in ruins. Fragments of legislation clutter the landscape, such as Dodd-Frank. The national debt was dangerously high when he entered office; now it has more than doubled -- if not tripled, according to Rand Paul. Yet nothing substantial or constructive has been achieved. A year after [Obummer] vacates the White House, almost any Republican president working with the Republican congress will have cleaned up the mess -- except for the debt. That will take longer. In foreign policy, things may be even worse. A nuclear Iran will have to be dealt with. When the president without a shadow leaves office after withdrawing American power from every corner of the world, Americans will see how dangerous a community activist can be in the White House..."
If the GOP losership were honest, and real Republicans, they'd time the senate's vote to reject Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons to when they were certain at least 34 senators would reject it, sending it down in flames. IOW, if the Obummerites/leftists/Reds/Dems didn't have the votes on day 1, the majority leaders should have brought it to a vote on day 1; if we have to votes to send it down in flames today, force a vote today; if we have to votes to crush it in October 15, bring it up for a vote on October 15; if we have the votes to smash it at noon, vote on it at noon; if we have the votes to smash it at 02:00, vote on it at 02:00... Ditto with de-funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, CPB, NEAH, Dept. of Educationism, EPA, Dept. of Energy, and cutting budgets for all the rest of the leftists' other darlings.
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
reducing our "outrage foot-print"
Town Hall
World Net Daily
Through effective reform?
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
John Kass _Jewish World Review_
police families (and STEM professionals) are averse to and thus not very good at angry identity politics
Town Hall
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Randolph J. May & Seth L. Cooper _Washington DC Times_
why intellectual property rights matter; the ownership of one's creativity is a natural right
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the exhausting Clintons
Town Hall
Investor's Business Daily
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
RINOs hatch 4 schemes to stop conservatives and Trump
Dana Milbank: RINO tries to bully Trump and conservatives
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Becky Gerritson _Conservative HQ_
babies or bureaubums?: an open letter to congress
"In my life-time I have watched America go to extraordinary lengths to fight global injustice: homicide, genocide, infanticide and terrorism. The images of that injustice are horrific. The lengths to which men's minds will take them to inflict anguish on the helpless makes our skin crawl. Often, in response to such evil, we send our brave men and women to topple dictators, snatch up murderers and keep the undefended safe in nations where life is considered cheap. To your credit, many of you have cast votes to stop murder around the globe, but when America's defenseless need you most, you sit indifferently in the most powerful seats in the world and do NOTHING! YouTube is flooded with pithy video clips and sound bites of some of you telling your constituents how outraged you are at the horrific images of helpless babies being dissected for cash as if separating paper from plastic at a recycling center. In my ears I hear a resounding cadence for 'Planned Parenthood must be defunded!' Yet, we see no action. King Solomon said, 'Like clouds [vapors] and wind without rain, [so] is a man who boasts of a gift he does not give.' [נשיאים ורוח, וגשם אין -- איש מתהלל, במתת-שקֶר] (proverbs/משלי/mishlei 25:14) How many more videos must you see? Please watch this one. WARNING: it graphically makes the point in 60 seconds. How many more unborn babies have to die a ghastly death... 1M, 10M, 56M more before you take action to end the genocide, not in the Balkans, Asia or Africa, but in the tax-payer funded cold, sterile slaughterhouses called Planned Parenthood?..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards says federal government should fund abortions, but not abstinence counseling
The government has no business funding either.
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
_Cybercast News Service_
pro-life activists discuss Margaret Sanger's dark history, as the conflict between "women enslavers" and "baby murderers" continues
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz severely criticized corrupt judge who is violating 1st amendment
Kim Davis should tell corrupt Obummer regime and judges: No one is above the law and the USA constitution
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
if Republicans won't fight for what's right, destroy them politically
"...What we are learning now is that [the RINO losership] have no inclination to fight this evil. They have for years been protected by a Washington [DC] pro-life establishment that has worked damn hard to keep Bart Stupak listed as a pro-life warrior as he sold out the cause on [ObummerDoesn'tCare]. The pro-life establishment in Washington [DC] puts their Republican affiliation ahead of children who are being ripped apart [and every other legitimate Republican cause]. Even now parts of the pro-life movement in Washington [DC] is collaborating with Republican leaders to come up with a way -- any way -- to avoid having to fight for the principles in which they claim to believe. They think they can fight smarter. They think they can fight better. They and the [RINO losership] have burning contempt for any who demand they actually break a sweat and keep a promise... Republicans in Washington have spent more time avoiding their constituents over the August recess than they have fighting for anything in the past several years. Now here is a perfect opportunity to stand up for smaller government, fight evil, and put the left on defense..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
why Americans are angry at politicians and bureaubums
"Our colleague, and constitutional lawyer, Mark J. FitzGibbons has been working with a coalition of organizations, mostly -- but not all -- conservatives who are concerned another Lois Lerner-style attack on free speech is in the works in California. Regular readers of CHQ will know that California's far-left attorney-general Kamala Harris (who is also running for the U.S. senate) has demanded any organization soliciting funds in California submit an un-redacted copy of the their IRS form 990 to her -- thus publicly disclosing their donors names and addresses. Federal regulations forbid states from requiring nonprofits to reveal their donors, however, if non-profits don't comply with Harriss demands, they could lose their license to solicit [!?!?!?!?] in California. There is already a federal process in place for the state to obtain the donor list of nonprofits they are investigating for wrongdoing, by-the-way. The [reasonable expectation] is that if these donors are revealed, the government can target them similar to the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, where conservative groups were systematically discriminated against [and threatened] by the agency. And, as FitzGibbons recently told Casey Harper of the Daily Caller News Foundation, holding the non-profit's right to solicit hostage is a Constitutional issue, since courts have ruled that the right of solicitation is protected under the First Amendment. Nearly 60 groups filed a brief in Center for Competitive Politics v. Kamala Harris, attorney-general of California calling on the supreme court to take up their case [in the misguided hope that they might make a non-partisan decision]. FitzGibbons compares the case to NAACP v. Alabama where the state's attorney-general worked to reveal NAACP donors as a way to quell the civil rights movement. 'What we are doing is explaining the dangers to this Toquevillian democracy we have where people can associate and it's none of the government's business who they associate with, and that's at stake.', FitzGibbons told Harper... In a society where the law was still respected and applied without political bias or intent Kamala Harris wouldn't even think of undertaking this blatant attempt to intimidate conservatives. And if she did, based on the plain meaning of the applicable federal law, a court would stop her. But we Americans no longer live in a society where the law is applied equally and without political bias or intent -- we now live in a strange oligarchy in which a self-appointed elite, starting with the president and going right down to judges, a state attorney-general and even local zoning officials, decides which laws apply to them and which laws they will follow. 'You've got an attorney general breaking federal law and you've got judges upholding her breaking the law and you wonder why Americans are pissed off.', FitzGibbons told Casey Harper of the Daily Caller News Foundation..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
distraught "migrant" Syrian family laid down on train tracks near Bicske Hungary
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Mark Nuckols _Town Hall_
who really killed this 3-year-old child "migrant"?
"...the time to worry about little Aylan would have been before he and his 5 year old brother Galip, who also drowned, set off in a small over-crowded boat in dangerous seas... I blame Aylan's parents, all his other adult relatives, and the government and people of Syria. I've been to Syria, and it's a nasty little miserable excuse of a country. Its government and society are riddled with corruption and incompetence, different ethnic clans and religious fanatics seethe with hatred for one another, and the only thing that held the country was the dictatorship of the al-Assad family and a common insanely fierce hatred of Israel."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
National Council of the Racists back Yebbie Booosh, object to Donald Trump because's a patriotic USA citizen: Yebbie confessed in Spanish that he's not a conservative
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Peter Schweizer: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages confirm that she had intertwining relationships between Clintons Foundation and official State Department work
Stephen Dinan & S.A. Miller: Washigton DC Times
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Roger Stone's & Robert Morrow's new book _The Clintons' War on Women_
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail server had a web-mail portal that allowed un-restricted access to hackers
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail court cases: corrupt Obummer State Dept. trying to block litigation
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Nicholas Hanlon _Town Hall_
lessons from the Libyan quagmire
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
_Investor's Business Daily_
Re: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail messages and the attack on the US consulate at Benghazi: what did Obummer know and when did he know it?
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
William C. Triplett ii _Washington DC Times_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton's "ownership" of Libya fiasco "from start to finish"
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Kyle Shideler _Town Hall_
David Petraeus is wrong: you can't "peel" violent Muslims away from jihad
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer DHS granting "Temporary" Protected Status (TPS) to citizens of Yemen, without background investigations, without monitoring, as Houthis over-run the country
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
German immigration hit 20-year high; "asylum" benefits up 61% to nearly 1M (with graph)
"...nearly 1.5M people entering the country, and nearly 1M people leaving. The number of people claiming asylum seeker benefits jumped by a staggering 61%, the German Statistics Office (GSO) said on Thursday... According to the GSO figures, net migration stood at 550K, meaning that many more people moved to Germany in 2014 than left. The majority were from Europe, mostly from Poland. Liberal asylum laws and generous benefits make Germany the EU's biggest recipient of people seeking asylum. Overall a total of 1.465M people immigrated to Germany in 2014. This was an increase of 238K, or 19%, from 2013. Based on provisional figures, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that such a high level of immigration was last recorded in 1992 (1.502M people). Meanwhile a total of 914K people departed from Germany in 2014 -- 116K (or 15%) more than in the previous year. The resulting migration surplus of 550K people, the balance of arrivals and departures across Germany's borders, is also the highest since 1992... more foreigners immigrated to Germany: 1.343M of the 1.465M immigrants held a foreign passport -- 234K (or 21%) more than in 2013... In the first 6 months of 2015, Germany registered 44,417 applications from Syrian asylum-seekers."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Michael Gerson _Investor's Business Daily_
Obummer turned Syria into a grave-yard of USA's credibility
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Raheem Kassam: the UK can't take more "refugees" at cost to the public
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
1 in 25 (4%) who board boats to cross Mediterranean are dying
"....Since the journalists have come back from holiday, the frame of the debate seems to be changing. They're not 'migrants' now, they're 'refugees'. No more should we talk about the biblical-scale exodus we're seeing, and the illegality of the boats, the people smugglers, and the impact on the United Kingdom. Now it's all about big, emotional pictures... Britain's net migration figure, as we found out just last week, is already at an unpredented 330K people per year. 700K people came to this country in 2014/2015. This is simply too many for our infrastucture, and too many for our communities to deal with. I'm not against immigration absolutely. But I am against open borders. When you scratch a libertarian on this point, they will cite the economic contributions that immigrants make. But no one can answer the questions about how Britain's towns and cities are being inexorably altered by such massive demographic shifts. You only have to look as far as Tower Hamlets in East London to see what such numbers can lead to: segregation, deprivation, corruption, radicalisation, you name it. Unchecked, mass migration has quantifiable, negative impacts on Britain's communities. It has had similar impacts in Sweden, in Austria, and in Germany too... In the twentieth century, the number of foreign-born people living in Britain increased by 20% over some decades. By less than 10% during others. But from 2001 to 2011, the number of foreign-born people living in the United Kingdom increased by over 50%. We opened our borders to millions of people from Europe in 2004, and laterly, extended this to countries that previously didn't enjoy this privilege. And now they're coming in droves. Tell me, how our NHS, how our schools, how our communities will cope if we allow another 120K people in a year -- minimum? The truth is they can't, and won't..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Hungarian prime-minister Viktor Orban: "migrants" are mostly Muslims, adn this threatens Christianity in Europe
"...'...Europe and Europeanism have Christian roots... Or is it not already a cause for concern in itself, that the Christian culture of Europe is already hardly still able to hold Europe in their own Christian value system? If we lose sight of the European idea, [Christianity] can become, on its own continent, a minority.' His comments come just a few days after the British, conservative columnist Peter Hitchens wrote for the Daily Mail: 'These people are not (as I am) the children of British subjects born while overseas. They are people who have grown up in a different culture. Never before in our history have we faced the task of integrating a minority so large. Never before have we had such a feeble idea of what being British is...'..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Europe's leftists are to blame for high "migrant" death toll
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
in the era of Obummer, low-income workers (and former mid-income earners) see greatest declines in compensation
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Michael Lind asserted that Trump's TEA party, GOP base is populist and nationalist
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Brian Dooley _Washington DC Times_
confronting Saudi Repression; Obummer should, but will not, tell king Salman that respect for human rights nurtures stability
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
40-year-old veteran and father of 5 ready to fight ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate because the "British government is not doing enough"
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Greek government has seized ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate-linked weapons shipment
"...Local media claims the ship is linked to Islamic State (IS) and to companies who have previously smuggled goods to Syria -- the Turkish foreign minister denies this. The ship had come from Alexandretta in Egypt on to the Turkish port of Iskenderun, and was bound for the Libyan port of Misrata -- a stronghold of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked group 'Libya Dawn'. It was raided on Tuesday 20 nautical miles off Create and has now been escorted to the port of Heraklion where searches began on Wednesday. The ship flies under a Bolivian flag, but its 7-member crew are thought to be from Syria, Egypt and India... A Turkish foreign ministry spokesman confirmed the cargo included weapons but said it was fully documented and was destined for the Sudanese police force..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Obummer regime relying on statistical data obtained from Iran on numbers of Afghani refugees in managing aid
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Norwegian bank is issuing anti-semitic cartoon on custom credit kard instead of the image ordered, quickly withdrew it, removed the image from their data-base, and publicly apologized
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
hate-filled Iranians continue burning USA, Israel and British flags
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems losing support with USA public
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
representative Jeff Duncan demands full record of negotiations over Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons to be sent to congress
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Blaise Ingoglia _Town Hall_
crazy Uncle Joe Biteme: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is a rotten deal
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
senator John Barrasso _Investor's Business Daily_
senate Reds/Dems/leftists hide behind pseudo-filibuster on Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
_Investor's Business Daily_
corrupt, hateful, anti-USA, anti-constitution, oath-breaker Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems means the US government helping Iran destroy Israel
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Alan Keyes _WND_
the pols are murdering the liberty and well-being of the citizenry, as the procedural maneuvering on Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems shows
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Lucas Tomlinson _Fox_
Russian spy ship spotted near USA submarine base off Georgia
Bill Gertz: Washington DC Free beacon: US Navy shadowing Russian spy ship in Atlantic near USA submarine base
"...In January, another Russian spy ship was spotted moored in Havana harbor in Cuba. Russian intel ships have been spotted in Cuba on a number of occasions in the past year..."
elsewhere: Red Chinese ships spotted off Alaska.
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Ed Marcum _Knoxville TN News Sentinel_
off-shored manufacturing is coming back to the SouthEast
"the mantra now is, 'Build it where you sell it.', [Mike Randle] said..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Larry Elder _Town Hall_
Jorge Ramos is an activist masquerading as a journalist
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Matt Towery _Town Hall_
political pundits are wrong about the general election
"...What would likely win the Republicans the presidency in 2016 would be a surge of voters who view the current ruling class -- be that a Republican congress or the [Obummer] presidency [or Yebbie Booosh or Lindsey Grahamnesty or Marco Rubio] -- as out of touch and ineffective..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Michael Brown _Town Hall_
to homosexual journalists: let's have a civil debate
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: Kim Davis is following Kentucky law, and the US constitution's 1st amendment
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Patrik Jonsson _Christian Science Monitor_
will federal judge's contemptible jailing of county clerk Kim Davis move the needle on the debate over religious liberty?
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Bradlee Dean _WND_
god's law, war, and a jailed county clerk
"...If you fail to recognize the problem at hand, then know that the tyrant your forefathers warned you about will rule the day and all will be lost. We are all in this together. But I ask, whose side are you on?"
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Marisa Martin _WND_
must students deny/abandon their religion to get a college/university degree?: deliberate suppression of religion in art history
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
governor Nikki Haley (RINO?-SC): voter ID laws are not racist
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Marvin Olasky _Town Hall_
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Jerry Newcombe _Town Hall_
is work a curse or a gift?
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Michael Reagan _Town Hall_
school days
Jewish World Review
"...The San Francisco board's vote was a response to the high-handed decision from the California Department of Education that suddenly canceled the required high school exit exam. Those 107 students from San Francisco International High arrived at the testing center only to find there was no test and no way to get their diploma, since state law requires passing the test before a diploma is issued. High school students can try to pass the test beginning as early as their sophomore year and continue to attempt to pass for the rest of their high school career. The fact the vast majority of students taking the test fail it is a damning commentary of the state of education here. KQED reports, 'According to state data, last summer 4,847 math tests were given with 1,286 (26.5%) students passing and 5,826 English Language Arts tests were given with 1,248 (21.4%) students passing.'..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Jeff Knox _WND_
more paper-work is not a solution to evil initiators of force and fraud
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
goon violence
"...Ambush assaults on police are, indubitably, up. And so is Orwellian newspeak... Let us speak, then, of 'goon violence'. For to grasp the distinction between goons with moral agency, on the one hand, and inanimate guns with no such thing, on the other, is to come to grips with reality. (Of course, it would help a lot if stupid [illiberal leftists] quit their litany of lies about eternal, never-ending black oppression.) We've covered the catalysts. Let us address the causes: Guns are not the root cause of man's evil actions. Neither are the multiplying categories of the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Evil is part of the human condition, always has been, always will be. Evil can't be wished away, treated away, medicated away or legislated away. Evil is here to stay. Bad people do bad things. Deal, as they say in the hood."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
poll: Trump supporters cross education-level groupings
"'When you look at the college [leftist indoctrination centers] [versus] no college [support], Trump is at [24% overall] as an aggregate. He's at 30% no college, he's at 21% attended college. That's a 9-point difference.', he said. 'But you look at [Yebbie Booosh] and you can make the same argument. He's at 13% [overall], he's at 17% no college, 10% college. That's a 7 point difference.', Innocenzi said. 'You can't say that Trump is only attracting low information voters… because it's not true.', he added. 'He's 2 to 1 over [Booosh] on those that attended college.'..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
yet another study confirms that sex hormones account for much, not all, of differences between the brains of males and females
"A recent study by researchers at the European College Of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) [confirms] that sex hormones [, particulary at 2 or 3 specific periods of development, along with genes] create a 'genuine difference' in brain structure between men and women..."
Something that we've known for decades, but it never hurts to try to make honest efforts to refute such things. That's all part of the scientific method.
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Veterans Administration's record of waste, fraud and abuse keeps piling up
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
John Droz ii
letter to Jeff Bezos and Amazon about the "NC Desert Wind" project
similar insanity from Apple
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Anthony Watts & P. Wilson
3.04T trees
Jonathan Amos: BBC
Mark Armao: Wall Street Journal
Rachel Ehrenberg: Nature
Kerry Jackson: Investor's Business Daily
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz teaches leftists about climate
"...Fiorina told Ingraham her debate strategy won't change -- she intends to refrain from attacking her fellow Republicans and stick to clawing at Hillary and the Democrats... In a separate interview, Fiorina also addressed the subject of same-sex marriage, specifically in reference to the Kentucky clerk who's been in the news lately for refusing to issue licenses. Melanie Hunter of CNS News reports Carly called the clerk's action 'inappropriate'. 'Given the role that she's playing, given the fact that the government is paying her salary, I think that is not appropriate. Now that's my personal opinion.', Carly told radio host Hugh Hewitt. One caveat, however. The clerk, Rowan county's Kim Davis, is refusing to issue any licenses in keeping with her religious beliefs to deny them to same-sex couples. Fiorina elaborated. 'When you are a government employee as opposed to say, an employee of another kind of organization, then in essence, you are agreeing to act as an arm of the government [and uphold the USA constitution, state constitution, and constitutional federal and state laws], and while I disagree with this court's decision, their actions are clear.' [Yes, the courts' actions and decrees are clearly unconstitutional.]... Mostly self-funding his campaign provides The Donald the opportunity to be free with his words, but there are other good things that come with having money in politics, writes Dan McLaughlin in [True Blue Republican State]... If the other candidates are to have a chance, they'll need money to get their own information out there -- and plenty of it. 'But like democracy and the free market, it's (the current system) better than any alternative because it keeps the process decentralized -- free of government, out of the control of the handful of media gate-keepers who could decide by themselves to give 30 or 300 or 3000 times as much coverage to a guy like Trump as a guy like Rubio or Cruz. It gives the best candidates a chance of fighting back against celebrity billionaires who don't even need to advertise, and gives rich people who aren't good at politics and don't belong in public service the ability to finance people who are.', McLaughlin argues. I'm guessing even Trump would agree with that principle. Because people know a lot about The Donald, it's easier to decide on whether to support him. Iowa Republicans, for example, know plenty about his immigration plan -- and nearly half of them back his idea to deport illegal aliens. 73% of Trump's supporters favor deportation. For those who don't favor him, the percentage is much lower..."
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer regime EPA director refuses to appear at House Science, Space and Technology committee hearing on EPAs toxic waste spill
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Anthony Watts
an inconvenient bit of research from Stanford: sea levels may not rise as high as warmist hysterics assumed
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Anthony Watts
editorial in Nature on the state of robust reproducibility of scientific experiments
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
_Investor's Business Daily_
while military monsters rattle their sabres, Obummer chases pseudo-science chimera
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
in Arctic town that gets little sun in winter, and low-energy sun-shine year-round, the hatefully power-mad Obummer touts solar power
2015-09-03 (5775 Alul 19)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
"WildEarth Guardians" attack fended off by Colorado coal mine
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
301-09-03: San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world's oldest republic still in existence, was founded by Saint Marinus in the Apennine Mountains -- completely surrounded by Italy. It has the the 3rd-highest GDP per capita in the world.
1189-09-03: Richard i of England (a.k.a. Richard "the Lionheart"/coeur de lion) was crowned at Westminster.
1260-09-03: the Mamluks defeat the Mongols at the battle of Ain Jalut in the Holy Land, marking their first decisive defeat and the point of maximum expansion of the Mongol Empire.
1777-09-03: the skirmish of American Revolutionary war in New Castle county, Delaware where the Flag of the United States was flown in battle for the first time.
1783-09-03: the American Revolutionary/War for Independence ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris by the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain. America is officially free from Britain.
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Patrick Thibodeau _CIO_/_IDG_
older "IT" professionals have been being pushed by cheaper, younger, more pliant H-1B guest-workers with more flexible ethics
"...Of all the H-1B applications approved by [USCIS] last year, nearly 75% were for people who were 34 years old or younger. Of that group, 38% were 29 years old or younger.."
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
record 94.031M people in USA not in labor force; LFPR stuck at 38-year low for 3rd straight month
Jeffry Bartash: MarketWatch: seasonally adjusted, unemployment rate 5.1%, information (including software publishing) lost 7K jobs, bodyshopping (professional and business services) gained 33K jobs
Jeffry Bartash: MarketWatch: diffusion of employment across industries fell to 56.3; fewer industries are hiring
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Bureau of Labor Market Statistics (pdf)
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Peter Morici _Breitbart_
weak employment report lessens prospects of Federal Reserve increasing interest rates
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
August unemployment numbers miss, putting pressure on the Federal Reserve and Obummer regime
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Texas (and 25 other states) ask judge to rescind 108K 3-year amnesties for NIGHTMARE illegal aliens in order to save Americans' Dreams
"...Texas said it doesn't see a need to go out and collect all 108K 3-year permits still out there, saying instead that Homeland Security [DHS] can instead change its computers and notify states that it's reduced the legal time to two years [or 6 months]."
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
_Conservative HQ_
anchor babies and Yebbie Booosh on trial in Texas
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Laura Ingraham
corrupt judge says illegal alien who was convicted for additional felonies can't be deported... because it's "trans-gendered"
Blake Neff: Daily Caller
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 round-up: visas, currency controls, and rich kids
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
responding to a critic of CIS's illfare study
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexico's latest illegal-alien amnesty
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Ritika Trikha _TechCrunch_
the inter-dependency of Stanford U and Sili Valley
"There was a time when Stanford University was considered a second-rate enginering school. It was the early 1940s, and the Department of Defense [DoD] was pressed to assemble a top-secret team to uderstand and attack Germany's radar system during World War 2... Just look at the increasing number of H-1B visa applicants each year, most of whom work in tech. There were more than 230K applicants in 2015, up from 170K in 2014. 4 out of the top 11 cities that house the most H-1B visa holders are all in Sili Valley..."
H-1B visa recipients by city 1. NY, NY. 2. Houston, TX. 3. San Francisco, CA. 4. San Jose, CA. 5. Atlanta, GA. 6. Chicago, IL. 7. Sunnyvale, CA. 8. Dallas, TX. 9. Mountain View, CA. 10. Boston, MA. 11. Santa Clara, CA. 12. Redmond, CA. 13. Irving, TX. 14. Charlotte, NC. 15. San Diego, CA. 16. Jersey City, NJ. 17. Seattle, WA. 18. Austin, TX. 19. Philadelphia, PA...
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
_Jewish World Review_
Caroline B. Glick and the GOP losership are too quick to surrender (even aid the attackers), before the arms are loaded, as the first skirmish begins over Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
the war-mongering Obummer and Kerry and their treaty to help the vicious Iran regime develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
hate-filled ayatollah's deleted "undeveloped" twit: USA must always be aware of enemies' plots
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
pro-Israel Christians and Jews are representing tens of millions in futile (because it will be ignored inside DC) on-line petition to Obummer regime and congress against Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iranian dictator Ali Khamenei: no treaty unless USA ends sanctions/penalties immediately... while we continue developing nuclear weapons and delivery systems, even though Obummer and Europe have already ended some sanctions/penalties
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Iran's defense-minister asserts they will continue to support terrorist groups, regardless
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Iran is working with North Korea to deceive UN inspectors of their nuclear weapons development facilities
"...Similar NCRI claims in the early 2000s exposed the existence of Iran's Natanz uranium enrichment facility and the Arak heavy-water plutonium facility -- 2 operations that have been at the center of international scrutiny and distrust of Tehran during the years since then... The North Korean visitors 'have expertise in ballistic missile and nuclear work areas, particularly in the field of warheads and missile guidance', the report reads..."
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Red Chinese navy ships off the coast of Alaska
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
corrupt, anti-USA, anti-constitution oath-breaker Obummer makes excuses for Red China's ships of war being in USA waters
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
another dictate from our Marxist, arrogant, oath-breaking, anti-USA narcissist-in-chief
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Ben Carson, one of several superior outsiders
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Dave Weinbaum _Jewish World Review_
nice guy doc Carson
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2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20) David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_ more campus fascism Cybercast News Service World Net Daily |
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2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Donald Lambro _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton redacted
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton stacked conflicts of interest
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton has created an arsenal of smoking guns (as have Obummer, Holder, Lynch, Kathleen Supercilious, Lerner, McCarthy...)
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
2K Dem/Red/leftist congressional staffers were invited to see Planned Parenthood videos; less than 10 dared in a "don't confuse me with the facts" population
"The pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List invited some 2K Democrat staffers to attend a screening Thursday of the nine undercover videos that have been released by the Center for Medical Progress showing top medical officials with Planned Parenthood Federation of America discussing the sale of body parts of aborted babies... 'Horror is hard to look at.', SBA president Marjorie Dannenfelser said..."
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Lindsey Grahamnesty: we -- congress-critters, judges, police and other executive-branch functionaries -- cannot pick and choose which constitutional laws to enforce and obey (but, of course, unconstitutional laws and judicial decrees like same-sex "marriage" are another matter)
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
who will join Kim Davis?
"Every Sunday Christians across America are challenged by their ministers and priests to follow Jesus to the cross [an Jews around the world are similarly challenged to walk in God's ways and keep his laws, ordinances, decrees, and mitzvot], but we wonder exactly how far many of those giving their 'Amen' to that message would be willing to go to stand for their beliefs. Write a bigger check to the church? No problem. Give more volunteer time to the church's youth program? No problem. Go on a mission trip? No problem. Stand for the biblical message and confront the full power of the federal government? Definite Problem. But that's exactly what Rowan county, Kentucky's elected county clerk Kim Davis has done and it has landed her in jail at the order of unelected U.S. District judge David Bunning. What Kim Davis did to land herself in jail -- indefinitely we might add -- is to break what our friend Matt Walsh of The Blaze called 'an illegitimate, evil law'. And that would be the entirely judge-made law mandating that every jurisdiction in the United States grant same-sex 'marriages'. Gay 'marriage' is itself nothing but the will of the elites says Matt Walsh and we couldn't agree more... Many Americans look at what is happening to freedom of religion and freedom of conscience under [Barack Hussein Obummer's] unholy alliance with a far-Left majority on the supreme court and they fear that through this unapologetic breach of the Constitution they will be next..."
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz: what is being done to Christian and Jewish court clerks is an outrage; this is not the way the USA should work
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Laura Ingraham
county clerk Kim Davis offers remedy to same-sex "marriage" conflict
"...wants her name removed from the marriage certificates, her attorney Matthew Staver told ABC News. 'She has a very strong conscience and she's just asking for a simple remedy, and that is, remove her name from the certificate and all will be well.', Staver said. 'That simple remedy has simply been ignored by the court and by the governor and that's what should have been done... I think it's reprehensible that she's in jail for this when a simple fix could have been easily handled.'"
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
stand with Kim Davis
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: what a world where Hitlery Rotten Clinton is not in jail, but Kim Davis is
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: get tax code down to about 3 pages, lower every rate, and close every loop-hole
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Kathy Shaidle _WND_
Michael Savage: Obummer is the most racist president you can imagine
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
news-stand and subscription prices of magazines are at all-time highs; sales (and content quality and quantity) at all-time lows as Fed- and congress-driven inflation continues
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Bruce Fein _Washington DC Times_
a wise and virtuous citizenry
"...The secret of wisdom is a mastery of human nature. And the secret of acquiring that mastery is a 24-7 devotion to the pursuit of knowledge -- especially an understanding of power -- without ulterior motives. Self-esteem and self-identity must pivot on that unflagging dedication. Wisdom is elusive because human actions and motivations are riddled with contradictions or self-destructive narratives that defy Aristotelian logic. Discovering a general theory of man requires a trenchant survey of political societies from the beginning of recorded history to detect recurring themes. They are there to be found. As elaborated in Ecclesiastes, 'What has been will be again, what has been done with be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.' The DNA and chromosome pairs never change..."
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
R' Label Lam _Torah.org_
A Whole Life with Joy
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
R' Berel Wein _Torah.org_
Prophetic Writings
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Shlomo Katz _Torah.org_
Let's Go
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
R' Pinchas Winston _Torah.org_
The Need To Be Forgiven
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
R' Yissocher Frand _Torah.org_
The Dual Significance of Bowing in Both Bikkurim and Tefillah
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Tom D. Tamarkin & Barrie Lawson
going solar: system requirements for 100% USA solar generated utility base-load electricity
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Christopher Monckton
the pause in warming continues to lengthen: 18 years 8 months and counting
"The least-squares linear-regression trend on the [Remote Sensing Systems] satellite monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly data-set shows no global warming for 18 years 8 months, since 1997 January, though one-third of all anthropogenic [factors thought by many to increase warming] occurred during the period of the Pause... The U of Alabama at Huntsvill data-set shows a Pause almost as long as the RSS data-set. However, the much-altered surface temperature data-sets show a small warming rate. The least-squares linear-regression trend o the mean of the GISS, HadCRUT4 and NCDC terrestrial monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly data-sets shows global warming at a rage equivalent to a little over 1 C per century during the period of the Pause from 1997 January to 2015 July. Bearing in mind that one-third of the 2.4W/(m^2) radiative 'forcing' from all man-made sources since 1750 has occurred during the period of the Pause, a warming rate equivalent to a little more than 1 C/century is not exactly alarming... one may not draw the conclusion that warming has ended forever. The trend-lines [illustrate] what has occurred; they do not predict what will occur..."
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Kip Hansen
ocean Ph: trying to get the science correct
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-09-04 (5775 Alul 20)
_Cybercast News Service_
Martin Luther King ii cited Boston Tea Party: we are in good company when we break un-just laws (video)
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
2015-09-05 (5775 Alul 21)
Deena Zaru _CNN_
8 political gotcha questions
2015-09-05 (5775 Alul 21)
2015-09-05 (5775 Alul 21)
Kip Hansen
weakest winds in 40 years make wind-turbine economics less tenable
2015-09-05 (5775 Alul 21)
Eric Worrall
claim from Institute for Policy Studies: paying CEOs to do their jobs accelerates "climate change"
2015-09-05 (5775 Alul 21)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
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