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updated: 2018-02-01
"The senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and pad out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to an returning from the same; for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 1 |
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2015 September, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 September, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 September, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 September, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 September, week 5 (27-30) (15KB)
2015-09-06 (5775 Alul 22)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
churches (and synagogues) should stand up now, else they be destroyed
"The [Obummer regime], like all totalitarian regimes, has been at odds with Christianity from the start. Now that [Obummer] is at the tail-end of his occupancy of the White House, the administration has thrown all caution to the winds and is attacking the Christian faith on every front. [Obummer] has deliberately undermined the institution of marriage by promoting so-called 'gay' so-called 'marriage'. He has not done this because 'gays' represent a persecuted minority. A minority, certainly: They represent perhaps [0.5% to 1.7%] of the population, if that. Persecuted? Certainly not. They already have the right to form civil partnerships, so as to gain the bureaucratic and tax advantages of marriage..."
2015-09-06 (5775 Alul 22)
Mark Mix _Washington DC Times_
make union dues a choice
2015-09-06 (5775 Alul 22)
Chuck Norris _WND_
how Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems funds more anti-USA, anti-Israel, anti-Europe terrorism (part 2)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
"displaced Disney employee" _Breitbart_
how Disney replaced me and other Americans with cheap foreigners on H-1B visas
"...I used to have a dream career at one of Americas most iconic and admired companies. Twenty years of hard work, technical skill building, the fostering of relationships and a bachelor's degree in Information Technology guided me to a coveted position as an Information Technology Engineer for Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. On a sunny Monday morning in late October of 2014 I drove down the interstate toward the huge 40 square mile Disney Orlando, Florida property to my office. Ten days earlier Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, had just announced that the company's earnings were up well over 20% for the quarter and this was just one among a long series of record breaking financial results for the company. About 6 months earlier, a new CIO, Tilak Mandadi, was appointed for the Parks and Resorts Division of Disney, which would result in huge changes to our lives. Little did I know what was about to happen that very same day to me and hundreds of other fellow Disney Information Technology Cast Members. Days later, as I drove to work, I ran into a bit of slow traffic and so I was able to glance at my company issued iPhone I noticed an early morning meeting invite from a prominent Disney Executive. This really sparked my interest since it is not very often that I have heard from him and even rarer when I would actually see him in person. Despite the heavy traffic I estimated that I would be on time for the important meeting. As I continued down the road I wondered what the executive meeting could be all about..."
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
with ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate advancing in their direction, Israel is fencing border with Jordan
"'Today, we are starting to build a fence on our eastern border.', Netanyahu announced. 'In the first stage, we will build it from Timna to Eilat in order to protect the airport being built there.' The 20 mile-stretch between the 2 cities encompasses the southernmost part of Israel, which is located just a handful of miles from the Sinai Peninsula and Saudi Arabia -- 2 known hot-beds for jihadist terrorism. Netanyahu said that once the southeast border construction is complete, 'we will continue the fence up to the Golan Heights (northeast Israel), where we have already built a strong security fence'..."
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
lax security, phony IDs surround flood of "migrants", "refugees" into Europe
"...Documents scattered only metres from Serbia's border with Hungary provide evidence that many of the migrants flooding Europe to escape war or poverty are scrapping their true nationalities and likely assuming new ones, just as they enter the European Union... 'You can see that something is fishy when most of those who cross into Serbia enter January first as the date of their birth.', said border police officer Miroslav Jovic. 'Guess that's the first date that comes to their mind.'..."
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
2,500 MS-13 gangsters left to run their own prison, with the prison guards and the Salvadoran army surrounding it to prevent entry and escape
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Rick McKee _WND_
unemployed and actively seeking work vs. not in labor force (cartoon)
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Laura Ingraham
senator Ted Cruz slammed Obummer's economy in Labor Day message
Kyle Balluck: Hill
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Laura Ingraham
non-leftists prepare to make a stand against tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood
Cristina Marcos: Hill
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina: GOP losership should go if they don't pass bill against tax-victim funding of abortions
John Minchillo: Time/AP
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Jonathan J. Cooper _Cybercast News Service_
Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex "marriages", telling clerks to refer such to other judges
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Phyllis Schlafly _Town Hall_
judicial tyranny
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Robert Knight _Town Hall_
who is lawless?
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Joseph Farah _WND_
is Carly Fiorina soft on Islam
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Kent G. Bailey _WND_
warrior-chieftain Trump vs. Hitlery's "mommy party" and its "maternal appeasement approach"
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Myra Adams _WND_
interview with Roger Stone: Hitlery covered up Bill's rapes, sex with under-age girls
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Mychal Massie _WND_
over-paid teachers are turning out illiterate students
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Jerome Hudson _Breitbart_
interview with Ben Carson: the ladders of opportunity are there
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Josh Blackman & Randy E. Barnett _WND_
how to select judges
Weekly Standard
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
about 150 violent Muslims throw stones at Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper offices, yelling "God is great"
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Iran-backed Houthis took several US citizens hostage in Yemen
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Abraham H. Miller _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and re-shaping the Middle East
"[President Obummer and the haughty John Kerry] are well aware that the Iran [treaty] is not enforceable. The sanctions genie is out of the bottle, and the mythical snap-back provision is over-ridden anyway by the treaty's clause that grand-fathers on-going contracts..."
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Cal Thomas _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems makes nuclear war more likely
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
American teacher who went to Nepal to provide aid after earth-quake, was beaten to death with a hammer
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
thousands donate to widow and orphans of slain deputy Darren Goforth
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's chummy visits with media executives corroborate the many other signs of media bias
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Sally C. Pipes _Washington DC Times_
health protection rackets consolidation reducing quality of health care
2015-09-07 (5775 Alul 23)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
US citizens are tired of lying, corrupt, power-mad, oath-breaking politicians
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the debate over illegal aliens and guest-workers and immigrants tapping into tax-victim-funded illfare is back
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Laura Ingraham
Disney worker details how he and his co-workers were ordered to train their lower-skilled, lower-wage H-1B replacements
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
legal immigrant households use 75% of illfare
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Armstrong Williams _Town Hall_
seeking the missing American worker
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Kathy Lynn Gray _Columbus OH Dispatch_
FBI investigating sudden resignation and disappearance of OSU star of mapping from Red China
"Professor Rongxing Li was a star at Ohio State University, attracting international attention as he helped NASA rovers explore Mars in the pat decade. Then, early last year, Li quit his post as OSU's premier mapping expert and disappeared. No news release was issued to explain his departure, and most information about his 18-year tenure at OSU was removed from the university's web-site. Now, federal search warrants filed in the US District court in Columbus reveal that the FBI was investigating Li, trying to deterine whether he shared defense secrets with the [Red Chinese government]..."
Norm Matloff: Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the past and future of the "refugee"/ "migrant"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist crisis
Real Clear Politics
World Net Daily
Town Hall
National Review
Human Events
"The 'refugee' crisis in Europe is one of those human tragedies for which there are no real solutions, despite how many shrill voices in the media may denounce those who fail to come up with a solution. Some options may be better than others, but there is nothing that can honestly be called a solution. Nevertheless many countries, including the United States, could do a lot better. The immediate problems are the masses of desperate men, women and children, fleeing from the wars and terrorism of the Middle East, who are flooding into Europe. But the present crisis cannot be dealt with as if it had no past and no future. The future is in fact one of the biggest constraints on what can be done in the present. Anyone with a sense of decency and humanity would want to help those who have been through harrowing experiences and have arrived, exhausted and desperate, on the shores of Europe. But the story will not end there, if they do. With refugees, as with all other human beings, the current generation will pass from the scene. Those who may be grateful to have found a refuge from the horrors of the Middle East will have a new generation of children in Europe, or in any other place of refuge, who will have no memory of the Middle East. All the new generation will know is that they are not doing as well as other people in the country where they live. They will also know that the values of their culture clash with the values of the Western culture around them. And there will be no lack of 'leaders' to tell them that they have been wronged, including some who will urge them to jihad..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
a few more of the many sub-issues in the immigration debate
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Washington DC Compost got an immigration issue correct -- end EB-5!
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
financial information exchange would enhance integrity in the EB-5 investor program
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
Chris Christie explains his FedEx system for tracking temporary visa holders and immigrants
"'Possible solutions might encompass ankle bracelets or perhaps a FedEx-like label?', he wrote on the CNN website. 'Just imagine the response from foreign governments if we told them that visitors to this country were to be tagged or fitted with an electronic device.'... Holding up his hands, he said. 'Here are your chips. You've got ten of them. We should be using biometrics for people we admit on visas into the United States. Give a thumb print. That thumb print should go on a separate data-base. And folks should have to, when they access services here, give a thumb print. And if you've over-stayed your visa... Listen, a visa [holder] is not an immigrant, BTW... They're coming here to visit... And when you visit, you're supposed to leave eventually.' At this point, host Joe Scarborough cracked that he has had guests that never leave. Responded Christie, 'Well that's the point, Joe. What do you do eventually? You kick them out. And that's what the United States should be doing to folks who come here for an education or come here for tourism. Stay for a period of time. We love having you. Come and visit, and then go home. And the fact that we've got [leftists] in this country -- and others -- who say, Oh somehow this is so awful. It's awful? What's awful is that 40% of the 11M people we have here illegally are overstayed visas. That's us failing our job.' No one on the program pointed out that the system wouldn't do much good if a visa over-stayer doesn't apply for a government service..."
Sure, they'd fuss at RFID chips or ankle bracelets, because it would make it much more difficult for their spies and operatives to move freely without disclosing the places they frequented, and their countryment they met. Tough. They're not citizens. They've been granted the temporary privilege of visiting, or of beginning the process to gain permanent residency, and of beginning the process of applying to become citizens.
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
_Conservative HQ_
what should congress do first? what should they table
"Congress returns from the traditional August recess with a full plate of issues that are important to the conservative agenda. Among the most pressing are defunding Planned Parenthood, defeating the [Obummer - Corker treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems], the Meadows resolution to oust speaker Boehner and the need to pass appropriations to fund the federal government for the fiscal year starting October 1. The Republican establishment [losers] who run Capitol Hill are notorious for not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time and appear to be genetically unable to deal with more than one major issue at a time. So which of these should be done first? Please vote in today's Daily Debate poll to register your top priority and then take a moment to join one of our issue petitions to let congress know that you want action NOW on the issue you think is most important. After seeing the horrific videos documenting Planned Parenthood's ghoulish trafficking in human baby parts for many conservatives de-funding Planned Parenthood is the top priority. We urge you call your senators and representative, the Capitol Switchboard is 1-866-220-0044, to demand they see the Planned Parenthood videos... As has now become the norm for the establishment Republican [losers] on Capitol Hill, appropriation have been left to the last minute and the legislation to fund the government will expire at the end of the month. But this government by crisis offers conservatives an opportunity to remake the federal government's spending priorities if they will stand firm and vote 'NO' on any spending bill that does not strictly follow conservative principles. That means no funding for Planned Parenthood, no funding for [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal] executive amnesty [for illegal aliens], no funding for crony government boondoggles like [Obummer's] 'green energy' give-aways, no funding to revive the Export-Import Bank and no breaking the existing spending caps. Please sign our petition to end the spending and fight the amazing greed of the United States congress."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Laura Ingraham
the road to crisis is paved with good intentions
Conservative Review: what the media aren't saying about the "refugee" crisis in the Middle East
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Laura Ingraham
"migrant" crisis: more troubles in Hungary as Austria & Germany near tipping point
Holly Yan & Arwa Damon: CNN
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Laura Ingraham
Angela Merkel calling for more help in "migrant" crisis
Ruth Bender & Laurence Norman: Wall Street Journal
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Laura Ingraham
Tim Aker: The EU is going to use this refugee crisis to allow more and more "migrants"; Britain is borderless at this point (mp3)
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Laura Ingraham
Maria Bartiromo: Trump is resonating with voters because he recognizes that these trade deals with Red China are hurting the average workers (mp3)
"On today's program, Fox Business anchor, Maria Bartiromo addressed the large and growing amount of uncertainty among the American people regarding the economy in the USA, as well as the global economy. According to Bartiromo, we ought to be much farther ahead in recovery in regards to job growth and wage increases. According to Bartiromo, people are not feeling the recovery from the recession because they have not seen a change in salary and, meanwhile, are seeing costs going up around them. Ingraham pointed to the recent trade deal, suggesting there are great costs to negotiating with nations who cheat and manipulate; Bartiromo agreed, and asserted most of these costs fall on the American [tax-victim] who is left wondering why they are impacted by the fall of Greece's or [Red China's] economy. According to Bartiromo, this frustration is the reason Trump is resonating with voters, 'because he recognizes that these trade deal with [Red China] is hurting the average workers'. She says, the people are sick of talking points, which is why they are gravitating towards anti-establishment candidates like Trump, Carson, and Fiorina."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
2.1995M government employees, 12.329M manufacturing workers: USA h more manufacturing jobs in 1941 August than in 2015 August
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
2.6 foreign-born get new jobs for every native who lands one
"As revealed in the most recent unadjusted figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS], the native-born population has gained 790K additional jobs since 2007 December. Meanwhile, foreign-born employment has grown by about 2.1M. In that same time-frame, the native-born population has increased more than twice as much as the foreign-born population, with the native-born non-institutional population growing by 12.7M and the foreign-born non-institutional population growing by 5.2M. Meaning that for every new job gained by native-born workers, 16 native-born Americans came of working age. On a smaller level, last month the foreign-born population gained 204K jobs and native-born population lost 698K jobs... In August, 24.914M foreign-born workers were employed in the U.S.A. as noted, up from July when 24.710M foreign born people were were employed. There were 124.314M native-born workers employed in August, down from the 125.012M native-born workers employed in July..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
"migrants" continue entering Hungary as work on fence speeds up
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
3 illegal aliens charged in murder of 17-year-old in Loudoun county VA
Andrea Noble: Washington DC Times
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
a convicted burglar captured in Texas has been deported 5 times
"A convicted burglar from Mexico with a history of repeated felony convictions and deportations is back in Texas. Arturo Oleague Martinez, 48, was arrested by federal agents last week at the county jail in this border city and taken before a U.S. magistrate-judge. He was charged with one count of illegally re-entering the country. Magistrate-judge Peter Ormsby ordered that Oleague Martinez be held without bond for his court hearings. Oleague Martinez had been last deported in November through Del Rio, Texas, after serving a 42 month prison sentence for being entering the country illegally while having a prior felony conviction, the criminal complaint filed by U.S. Border Patrol agents revealed..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
mayor in France says all schools must be vegetarian due to religious dietary disputes
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Greek islands becoming war zone as groups of "refugees" battle
"...Afghans accuse Syrians of getting preferential treatment by the authorities, leading to vicious violent clashes..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Brits call men fleeing Syria cowards for failing to fight against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate; not buying media's "refugee" narrative
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
5 awkward questions they won't answer about the drowned Syrian boy, Syria, and our moral duty
"What's the truth behind the story of the drowned boy Aylan Kurdi? There's just so much that doesn't add up. Starting with the fact that the boy's name is actually Alan Shenu. His father Abdullah claims he and his family were fleeing the fighting in his 'home town' Kobani. Yet according to the Guardian they have been living in Turkey for three years -- long before the fighting in Kobani started or indeed ISIS really existed -- and before that in Damascus. In Turkey, their rent appears to have been paid for by a sister in Canada and they had over $4,400 in cash so they were in no immediate danger. Abdullah's accounts of his motives, of his intentions and what actually happened are wildly inconsistent..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
interview: it is fashionable to pick on Hungary... economic migrants are better off than our own
"...'Europe is witnessing a flood of economic migrants, so many are young men who appear well fed, well dressed and clutching iPhones and nobody is prepared to act, stopping it at its source.' Of course 'stopping at its source' would mean countries like Italy and Greece enforcing the Dublin Agreement which means that any new landed migrant must be immediately processed on landfall. That prevents on-travel of the kind that has seen tens of thousands of migrants pass through Macedonia and Serbia and then Hungary's capital Budapest on the way to Germany...
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
petition for moratorium on immigration into UK gathers over 100K signatures, should be debated by parliament
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
a closer look at those moving through Budapest, and those who assist them
"340K have arrived so far this year alone. As Breitbart London has reported they are for the most part fit, able-bodied young men fleeing wars in Syria, Iraq and Libya looking to get a foothold in continental Europe so they can send for their families. Their journey is costing anywhere up to USD $10K each -- most of which goes into the pockets of people smugglers -- and facilitated along the way by eager helpers. At Budapest's main Keleti railway terminus you can meet them every morning; small groups of migrants with their pre-paid rail tickets for the journey to Vienna and onwards to Germany. About 20K migrants made their way through the western Balkans into Hungary and then Austria and Germany over the last weekend alone. Zohoor Asiri (pictured below right), a Saudi Arabian student in Hungary, is one of the people who make the trip possible..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Andre Walker _Town Hall_
UK caved in to pressure and agreed to take 200K Syrians
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Andre Walker _Town Hall_
most Brits want UK to leave EU due to excessive immigration, no standards, no background checks, certainly no background investigations of those wishing to immigrate
"...Despite being allowed to maintain its border, Britain is still required to allow any EU citizen to move to the country. This is a total of 500M people, and has led to net migration topping three hundred thousand this year..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Lesa Jansen _Fox_/_AP_
Obummer regime considering "resettlement" from the Middle East, Afghanistan and northern Africa
"The U.S.A. so far has accepted a limited number of Syrian refugees -- a State Department spokesman last week said they likely would admit up to 1,800 refugees for permanent resettlement by the end of the fiscal year. Without issuing any new estimates for refugee resettlement, White House officials on Tuesday stressed that the U.S.A. has provided over $4G in humanitarian assistance since the Syrian crisis began, and over $1G in assistance this year... for fiscal year 2015, which began Oct. 1, the U.S. government authorized 70K refugees to be resettled in the United States..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Ralph Sidway _Front Page Magazine_
former arch-bishop of Canterbury warned against "Muslim mass immigration to Europe"
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Robert Spencer _Jihad Watch_
Spain warns of jihadist infiltration threat with avalanch of "refugees"
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Raymond Ibrahim _Jihad Watch_
Obummer regime and West victimize Christians fleeing ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
differences between left and right (part 8): why the left loves "change"
Town Hall
"...The problem therefore, is not change; it is change for the sake of change and changing what has been proven to work well -- artistically, economically, morally and in every other non-scientific [AND scientific] (medical, technological, etc.) area of life. The arts provide a clear example. Virtually all the criteria of excellence in the arts have been abandoned by the Left's love of change. For well over a century, the leftist ideal in the arts has been change -- 'innovation' as it is often called. The artistic criteria of the ages were abandoned. What came to matter most was 'new', 'different', and 'pushing the envelope'. Sure, Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart were great in their time. But that's old stuff. We need a new way of composing music. So all the bases of classical music -- melody, harmony, rhythm, and even a tonal key -- were abandoned..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
is the West doomed, or is rise and decline merely cyclical
"Look at the 30 top-ranked universities in the world; they are all American, British, or European -- albeit these rankings are based largely on the excellence of their science, engineering, medicine, and computer departments rather than their English and sociology departments... But as in mid-fifth-century Athens and late-republican Rome, there are signs that the West is eroding -- and fast. The common Western malady is age-old and cyclical. It was long ago described, over some thousand years of decline, by an array of Classical scolds, from Thucydides and Aristophanes to Tacitus, Petronius, Plutarch, Suetonius, and Procopius. In the case of modern America, Britain, and Europe, the sheer material bounty spawned by free-market capitalism and legally protected private property, combined with the freedom of the individual, creates a sort of ennui... It is not just that Westerners forget who gave them their bounty, but they tend to damn anonymous ancestors who worked so hard..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Dick Meyer _Jewish World Review_
it is OK to just like something; you don't have to be "passionate"
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
blaming "entitled" millennials (or boomers) misses the point
"...it also reflects how dismal the economy still is today. Today we have college grads -- along with working moms and 60-somethings -- flipping burgers at Wendy's and stocking the aisles at WM. Left-wing groups and union leaders are now demanding 'a living wage' for jobs that were never intended to be for heads of households. Who's against higher wages for American workers? But wasn't this what Obamanomics was supposed to deliver?... Nearly 90M Americans over the age of 16 are out of the full-time workforce...because they have given up looking for a good job. If we had experienced a normal recovery from recession, we'd have roughly 5M to 6M more of these Americans working today. With a Reagan-style recovery, more than 8M Americans would be working and collecting a pay-check. The more than 100M Americans who are working are feeling a financial crunch, too. Most of them haven't seen a pay raise that keeps pace with inflation for a decade..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
respect US citizens... and especially those who vote
"The desperation of the elites to avoid the reality of the current voter revolt is amazing... the collective rejection of traditional elected officials by a majority of the American people [should come as no surprise to those who have watched the DC elites repeatedly abuse them]... Rapidly rising into contention is former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Her first debate performance has driven her into a solid competitive position comparable to most of the traditional candidates. Finally, senator Ted Cruz is the only elected outsider in the race. Whether from personality, instinct or strategy, Mr. Cruz has managed to remain an outsider throughout his term in the senate. Analysts owe the American people respect for their choices. In some polls, [these] 4 outsiders now get 60% of the vote... Elites tend to have a lot of sophisticated ideas -- many of which prove to be stunningly foolish over time. One of the great virtues of a free society is that the people get to educate the elites by the power of their voice and their vote. Instead of a conversation about Donald Trump's next supposedly outrageous statement, let's talk about the state of the electorate and why Washington [DC] either doesn't hear its message or doesn't care."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
rigging elections
"...the system is simply not accessible for the average candidate without the big bucks. This week, several states have deadlines for candidates applying to be on the primary ballots next year. Some states may have modest eligibility requirements such as $1K fee and 500 delegate signatures but others require many thousands of dollars and signatures that will eat up whatever cash is in their campaign chests. That means that you may not be able to vote for your favorite in the primaries and you wonder why Republicans end up voting for candidates they don't even like. Does anybody really look into who's behind those ubiquitous yet influential polls?... Conservatives are sick and tired of electing those they assumed had the same principles they share who campaigned for smaller government, tax reduction, repealing [ObummerDoesn'tCare], yet even when the GOP wins control of congress, [they make no reforms, and the losership actively works for the leftists]. These voters find they've elected RINO's, Republicans in name only..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
the government has been deep-sixing our veterans, and little is being done to correct that
Washington DC Times
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
candidates should say what each government should be doing, and of those things, what governments can do best
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
_Conservative HQ_
rallies to support Kim Davis, oppose Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
generals James Conway (USMC-retired) and Charles Wald (USAF-retired): Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapos puts USA in a far worse position
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) supports Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, plans meeting with SOME Jewish constituents
"Booker had carefully cultivated the Jewish community over the years, first establishing ties with rabbi Shmuley Boteach -- who has been excluded from the invitation list after criticizing Booker's decision to support the Iran deal -- and building relationships with many Jewish and pro-Israel leaders throughout the tri-state area. The senator's decision to support [Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems] came as a shock to many, especially after former New Jersey Democrat senator Bob Menendez came out against the [treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons]. Booker's statement explaining his vote made matters worse, as it recited all of the reasons to oppose the [treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons], even citing the experience of the Holocaust, before backing the [treaty]..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
state-level push to cut funds to Iran-tied companies as Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons nears a vote
Valerie Richardson: Washington DC Times
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Dick Cheney criticizes Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons as spark for nuclear arms race and spike in terrorism
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Dick Cheney: Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is madness
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Louie Gohmert's ineffectual resolution to recognize that Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems is a treaty, because the GOP losership would fight against it and Obummer would veto it
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
opposition against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems grows, support collapses
Jennifer Harper: Washington DC Times
"Support for [president Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons] has dwindled to just 21% among the American people, according to a new poll released by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center on Tuesday. The new poll results display that 49% of Americans disapprove of the nuclear accord, while 30% remain without a well-held opinion on the matter..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
David S. Sullivan _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems grows; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Charles Hurt _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's half-answers on Iran bolster mullahs; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Clifford D. May _Washington DC Times_
awful Obummer treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons can be undone; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
If Reds/Dems/leftists in the senate filibuster, McConnell should let themselves knock themselves out. If a mere one-third of senators present vote against it, it is null and void.
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Mike Hayden _Washington DC Times_
awful Obummer treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons sparks anger and determination for self-preservation; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Lucas Tomlinson _Fox_
Russia air-lifting military hardware and personnel to Mediterranean coast of Syria, backing Bashar Assad, establishing their own presence
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
politicians have been fanning flames of racial hyper-sensitivity
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Seton Motley _Town Hall_
beware when DC politicians throw around the terms "comprehensive", "omnibus" and "reform"
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Peter King chair of House counter-terrorism sub-committee: we have to assume ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate (and al-Qaeda, and Russia, and Red China) would try to take advantage of refugee situation to infiltrate operatives across Europe, UK and USA
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
Islam's conquest of Europe
World Net Daily
Town Hall
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Hungarian camera-woman/reporter aided police to catch fleeing "migrants"/"refugees"
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
it wasn't always this way
Human Events
Jewish World Review
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Lynn Wardle _Cybercast News Service_
with Kim Davis federal court failed to respect individual rights
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ron de Santis (R-FL): bringing terrorists, enemy combatants without uniforms, from Guantanamo into the USA would create a whole host of problems
The problem is that they are not uniformed soldiers, nor are they domestic criminals. They are not covered by the conventions of war, nor are they covered by US criminal law.
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
ObummerDoesn'tCare "navigators" have been awarded $67G by HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Matthew Philbin _Cybercast News Service_
leftist professor at Tarleton State U wants to control what flags are displayed, and what words and phrases are used in discussion of the Civil War
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: to save the USA, we must become the most effective group of activists the world has ever seen
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
$187G in delinquent student loans held by 40M students
"...The Department of Education's newly released quarterly report, entitled 'Information for Financial Aid Professionals', reveals that there is a 23% delinquency rate on the 55% of the $1.47T of total student debt loans outstanding that are now in repayment status..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
USA consumer borrowing increased $19.1G in July to $3.45T
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Scott Wong _Hill_
Tea Party candidate Art Halvorson challenging corrupt incumbent for Pennsylvania's 9th district
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
mergers among health protection rackets have been harming patients, says AMA
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Amy Clark _Washington DC Times_
arms, family values, life lessons: a hunting-season homage to family and firearms
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
John Hawkins _Town Hall_
10 moments of horrendous government idiocy: the Obummer years
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Devon Herrick _Town Hall_
Obummer's free lunch fallacy: paid sick leave is not free either
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Nicholas Hanlon _Town Hall_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton breach: like Manning, Snowden, and the OPM hack, the mishandling of diplomatic communications is an intelligence breach
"...The former head of Taliban intelligence himself, Abdul Haq Wasiq was released in the Bergdahl deal. If you don't know much about Talibani intelligence, they were wily enough to penetrate the CIA with Jordanian double agent, Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi. Balawi killed 7 CIA employees at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost, Afghanistan. That attack occurred in December of 2009, right at the beginning of Secretary Clinton's tenure. The FOB Chapman attack is a true flash point in history for those outside the clandestine world to catch a glimpse of how consequential and potentially lethal a foreign intelligence entity can be..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Guy Benson _Town Hall_
CIA: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's e-mail contained TS/SCI inteligence... her campaign staff disagrees
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Andre Walker _Town Hall_
UK drone killed home-grown terrorists after threat against queen Elizabeth ii
"...Reyaad Khan a 21-year-old from Cardiff, Wales who once dreamed of becoming Britain's first Asian Prime Minister, was killed because he plotted an 'outrageous and barbaric' attack, according to Mr Cameron... Cameron went on to say it was the first time UK forces have killed terrorists in a foreign country when Britain was not at war... Two other ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate terrorists were also killed when Khan was attacked in Raqqa, Syria. One of them, 26-year-old Ruhul Amin, was also British. A third British national 21-year-old Junaid Hussain, was killed by a separate US air-strike..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Sonia Sotomayor admits she does not belong on the USA supreme court; don't hold your breath for her resignation to be released
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Bob O'Dell _WND_
financial media picking up on Shemitah & Jubilee
"...Take for instance a statistician named Thomas Pound, who just published some number crunching of the Shemitah using Robert Shiller's U.S. economic data-base that goes all the way back to 1871. Thomas Pound's conclusion? The average return in every seventh year of the stock market beginning 1875 is significantly less than in every other series of years. And he calculated this was not just an aberration: His calculated probability of those results being random is less than 0.1%! In the new book Gidon Ariel and I have just written about the Shemitah called _Israel First_, we agree with these findings, but we believe that the study and implication of the Shemitah revealed to the world so far is only the tip of the iceberg. With new research in hand, we attempt to add greater understanding and more specific prediction about God's plans and purposes in the Shemitah..."
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Joseph Farah _WND_
what is abc trying to hide WRT murderer Vester Lee Flanagan?
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Barrett Holmes Pitner _WND_
polls suggest people disagree about what constitutes racism
To me, racism is a tendency to categorize people by race, to erroneously generalized based on race, to believe that people of particular "races" have behavioral and thought patterns in common, and to erroneously believe that some "races" are inherently inferior or superior to others. These are all ways of thinking that are a sub-set of collectivist thinking, in contract with individualist thinking. IOW racists don't think about and treat each human as a sovereign individual, but as a member of some imagined collective without individual rights, and who therefore, is subject to being made the victin of initiated force or fraud.
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Linda Harvey _WND_
where are the "sanctuary cities" for marriage?
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Boehner lacks votes to hang onto speakership
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
22% of ObummerDoesn'tCare enrollees dropped it this year
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Gun Owners of America endorsed Ted Cruz for president
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
the anti-Trump establishment
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Robert Kraychik _Breitbart_
Jewish writer chronicles Muslim harassment on Temple Mount
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Robert Kraychik _Breitbart_
Candace Cameron-Bure asked for prayers to combat the meanness, hatefulness, and nastiness from leftists
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Christopher Monckton
the "pause" is driving down the long-term warming trend
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Eric Worrall
new studies express Arctic cooling fears
2015-09-08 (5775 Alul 24)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1504-09-08: Michelangelo's towering marble statue of David was unveiled to the public in Florence, Italy.
1543-09-08: Mary Stuart, at 9 months old, is crowned "Queen of Scots" in the central Scottish town of Stirling.
1565-09-08: St. Augustine, FL founded by Pedro Menéndez Marquis.
1839-09-08: John Herschel made the first glass plate photograph.
Proposed Bills 2015
1513-09-09: battle of Flodden Field.
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Rick Santorum, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Donald Trump, (10) Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee, Allen West, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
DoL said Infosys did nothing illegal in Southern California Edison displacement of US STEM professionals
Basically, they're telling us that if SCE directly displaced them, there might be some token penalties. But since they dumped their US STEM pros and contracted with Infosys to bring in the cheap, young, pliant guest-workers with questionable ethics -- even though SCE and Infosys conspired to require the US workers to train the guest-workers -- it's all perfectly acceptable to the US government. But then, we knew the corrupt buggers would.
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Laura Ingraham
employment of USA-born workers fell 698K in August
Tyler Durden: Zero Hedge
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG__
100K foreign students petition Obummer regime to re-extend OPT internship program
"...science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) graduates who are working on a student visa. Student visa holders can work in the USA for 12 months under the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program. In 2008, [Shrub's regime] approved a 17-month extension of the OPT program for STEM graduates [but not others], bringing it to 29 months, with the intent of [making it much easier for firms to have a plentiful supply of cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics, a sort of informal extension to the already orders of magnitude excessive H-1B visa program]. The [extension of OPT for STEM students] was vacated last monthy by US district court judge Ellen Huvelle, who said the government erred by not seekign public comment prior to expanding the OPT program. The court gave the government 6 months -- until 2016-02-12 -- to [correct their error]. This means publishing a new OPT extension rule and making it available for public domment [for the same amount of time as other changes in regulations]. If this doesn't happen, STEM student visa holders working under the [invalid] extension may be forced to return to their home countries [opening up a few jobs for the millions of unemployed and under-employed US citizen STEM professionals and giving them some at least temporary relief from that disaster]..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Donald Trump seeks more advice from Jeff Session on immigration reform
"It's time to 'restore a lawful system [of immigration] we can be proud of... that's essential, I think, at this point in history.', Sessions added... Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), for instance, has suggested he would make the [senator Jeff Sessions] a member of his cabinet if Cruz were elected president. 'I think Jeff Sessions would be extraordinary, to be honest, in a number of positions in the cabinet', Cruz told Cliff Sims, editor of Yellowhammer News. 'I think it would be a difficult choice which would be the ideal place for him.', Cruz said. It is not surprising that presidential candidates have sought the guidance and support of the Alabama senator, who has quickly become the leading authority in the Republican Party on appealing to the blue collar [and STEM] voters who have been abandoned by their political 'leaders'... Trump is now winning 'a huge share of the Democrats'/leftists'/Reds' non-white base -- 25% of African Americans, 31% of Hispanics and 41% of the relatively small Asian vote.', as Breitbart News has previously reported. These polls confirm the assertions of Jamelle Bouie, chief political correspondent for liberal Slate magazine, who has explained that Trump's wage-earner immigration platform could allow him win African-American voters. 'Part of [the Republican Party's ability to win back African American voters] might just be harnessing anxiety about immigration, about the fact that immigrants are typically filling low wage jobs [and driving wages and benefits down], and are in some cases...competing with African-American workers.', Bouie said..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Europe without borders invaded by Muslims and Christians
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Laura Ingraham
Catholic bishops, Lutherans, HIAS want USA to accept 100K Syrian "refugees"
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump would allow Syrian "refugees" into the USA
"'This was started by [president Obummer] when he didn't go in and do the job he should have when he drew the line in the sand, which turned out to be a very artificial line. But you know, it's a living in hell in Syria. There's no question about it. They're living in hell, and something has to be done.'... Last night, Trump didn't elaborate further on how many refugees he would allow into the country, how he would pay for such a thing, or any concerns about national security. Islamic terrorists [and Soviet Socialists and Communists] are infamous for exploiting the chaos of refugee crises as a way to sneak into other countries..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio: I'm open to acepting refugees if we can ensure they aren't terrorists
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
John Mica (R-FL) proposes closing USA consulates in Mexico, because the "place is out of control"
"'The figures are astounding.', Mica said during a House Oversight committee hearing, reiterating that last year 1 out of every 5 [about 20%] arrests at the border was a criminal alien, a statistic quoted earlier in the hearing by National Border Patrol Council president Brandon Judd. 'So to get arrested they had to be in and caught', Mica said. 'That is absolutely astounding. Simple math, that's probably 100K criminal aliens entering the United States. Basically it's out of control.'... Earlier in the year House Oversight Committee chairman representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and representative Filemon Vela (D-TX) pressed secretary of state John Kerry on recent violence in Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo and Guadalajara. They further requested information on why the consulates stay open in the wake of the violence noting that last year 100 U.S. citizens were murdered in Mexico, at least 130 were kidnapped and that the U.S. Consulate in Matamoros reported 227 separate security incidents in February."
Yet, Mica has done little for his constituents displaced by H-1B guest-workers over the last 25 years.
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
terrorist Hezbollah & Hamas & labour union & Socialist Workers Party flags outside #10 Downing Street; Palestinians get violent; arrests made; media silent
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
number of Cuban refugees intercepted at sea increased this year to 3,910
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
about 14% of Minnesota men charged with plotting to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate pleads guilty
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Angelina Jolie calls for strong response to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate for their deliberately calculated use of mass rape as "a centrepoint of their terror"
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
EU urges nations to agree to take 160K "refugees" each next week
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
German newspapers print 4-page "welcome" pamphlets in Arabic; "migrants" temporarily housed in stadium
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Jason Zengerle _Breitbart_
Sheldon Adelson thinks he can buy the USA presidency
New York Magazine
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
SMU launches institute to study Texas-Mexico relationships
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Texas DPS employee allegedly took bribes to give illegal aliens driver licenses
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Travis Bradberry _Fox_/_Entrepreneur_
things managers do to make good employees quit
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Arthur Kane _Washington DC Times_
crony socialists who receive sweet deals from Export-Import Bank shipped thousands of jobs over-seas
"...But even with Ex-Im Bank loan and financing guarantees, GE and 130 other U.S. companies are still terminating or shipping thousands of jobs over-seas, a WatchDog.org investigation found, indicating the elimination of the [tax-victim]-subsidized agency isn't the be-all and end-all for corporations making off-shore employment and investment decisions... WatchDog.org's analysis of the Ex-Im Bank and U.S. Department of Labor [DoL] data-bases show the companies who benefited from about 45% of all the bank's guarantees since 2006 eliminated or exported at least some jobs to other countries... But bank and Department of Labor records show companies that shipped $69G of products using Ex-Im loan guarantees since 2006 also shipped at least 5,600 jobs overseas in that same time period, WatchDog.org found. Actual job losses are likely to be four or five times higher for Ex-Im exporters, because only 34 of the Department of Labor petitions WatchDog.org reviewed listed specific job-loss numbers. The remaining 131 records noted jobs were sent over-seas but didn't list the specific number of positions lost..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
James Clapper: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate could infiltrate USA and the entire West through "refugees"
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Rahheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Michelle Dewberry: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate promised to infiltrate USA and the entire West; we have to be careful
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
Border Patrol agents say we would be lucky if 40% of USA-Mexico border were under any appreciable degree of control
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Loudoun VA school buses vandalized with MS-13 markings after teen was fatally shot
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Suzanne Fields _Washington DC Times_
there is more to a college/university education than a check-list of "skill" buzz-words for your job search
"...In 2007, only 5.5% of college graduates joined the jobless, and today that number is almost 9%. Graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, known as the STEM courses, think their training aimed them in the right direction for jobs, but only 1 in 5 recent STEM graduates get those jobs... A great novel engaging on moral issues with a diversity of voices provides a context very different from consensus, and opens minds. That's missing from many campuses. In a previous century, I once taught English literature to a scattering of engineering students in a sophomore survey course at Catholic University of America..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Georgie Anne Geyer _Jewish World Review_
generosity often has its down-sides, and misplaced-generosity always
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
meet Candy Carson
Cybercast News Service
"After nearly 8 years of the East Wing's politics of mope and complain, it's refreshing to see a presidential candidate's spouse who is always smiling. Candy Carson -- wife of GOP 2016 hopeful Dr. Ben Carson, mother of 3 sons, and grand-mother of 2 -- is the [anti-Michelle Obummer]. She's a quiet but confident ray of sunshine: down-to-earth, devoutly Christian and proudly patriotic. While [Mrs. Obummer] first gained notoriety carping about racism and trashing America, Mrs. Carson helped kick off her husband's 2016 bid by playing the violin with a gospel choir as they performed a joyful, rousing rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner... Mrs. Carson's own personal story is remarkable as a standalone exemplar of the American Dream achieved. The daughter of a teacher and a factory worker, Candy Carson grew up poor in inner-city Detroit with 4 siblings. She earned a scholarship to attend Yale University, where she met her future husband and fellow Detroit native. Mrs. Carson triple-majored in music, psychology and pre-med. She played violin for the Yale Symphony and Bach Society... Mrs. Carson worked in trust administration, insurance and real estate. She also found time to earn a masters degree in business from Johns Hopkins and conduct the University of Maryland Medical Center Chamber Players..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
a novel solution to racial resentment
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
cutting red tape
World Net Daily
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
R' Yaakov Rosenblatt _Jewish World Review_
a time for commitment; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
"The [treaty negotiated by president Obummer and the haughty John Kerry to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems] has filled me with a mix of emotions: anxiety and dread. That Europe abandoned principles for profit, lacking the will to call evil by name, is unsurprising. It has long hollowed disciplined religion and hallowed laissez faire Secularism, and it is unreasonable to assume it would ever sacrifice pleasure for purpose. But that America folded its hand -- when low oil prices and invigorated sanctions put Iran in an economic squeeze -- is most disconcerting. The lead for this deal didn't come from the American people; most Americans identify Iran as rogue and haven't forgotten or forgiven 1979. The motivation came from [president Obummer], whose [Regressive] ideology doesn't accept the Judeo-Christian definition of evil: if left alone it will not leave you alone; either destroy it or it will metastasize and destroy you..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
envoy from Iran: no inspectors will be permitted to any of our nuclear weapons and delivery systems development sites
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
_Conservative HQ_
rallies to oppose Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
"Conservatives will rally TODAY in Washington, DC on the West Lawn of the United States Capitol to stop the [Obummer-Corker] Iran Nuclear Weapons [treaty]. The rally featuring Donald Trump, senator Ted Cruz, governor Sarah Palin, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck will kick-off at Noon with the first of the speakers taking the stage at 1:00 p.m. You can watch the rally and speeches through the Tea Party Patriots live stream for the rally. Today (Wednesday, 2015 Sept. 9) at Noon on the West Lawn of U.S. Capitol, Donald Trump, senator Ted Cruz, governor Sarah Palin, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck will headline a powerful expression of the overwhelming opposition of the American people to the disastrous [Obummer-Corker] Iran Nuclear Weapons [treaty]. The rally has been organized by our friends senator Ted Cruz, the Tea Party Patriots, The Center for Security Policy and the Zionist Organization of America. Join these patriots in Washington, DC, to make your voices heard on this bad Iran [treaty]."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Bob Corker insults memory of 2001/09/11 victims and USA's veterans of the Middle East; shoot down the treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
"Given the Islamist penchant for marking anniversaries with some spectacular act of terrorism one might expect a replay of the Benghazi attack, or the riots across the Middle East and North Africa that cloaked it, to occur this Friday. But let's be honest -- what could be more spectacular than the United States handing $150G to the number one state sponsor of terrorism and putting the largest and most long-lived Islamist regime on the path to a nuclear weapon..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
_Conservative HQ_
is the Barack Hussein Obummer - haughty John Kerry - Bob Corker treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems falling apart?
"Peter Roskam (IL-6) may have just punched a hole in the sham vote set-up to approve the [Obummer - Kerry - Corker - Cardin] Iran nuclear weapons [treaty], and exposed the hypocrisy of the Capitol Hill Republican [losership] in the process. Roskam, co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus, raised a question of the privileges of the House of Representatives demanding access to two side agreements negotiated between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as required by the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (the Corker - Cardin bill). Pursuant to that law, the measure directs the House Parliamentarian to not recognize the 60-day congressional review period until the side agreements are transmitted to congress. It also prohibits the president from lifting statutory sanctions against Iran until congress has the opportunity to both fully review the Iran nuclear weapons treaty (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA) and related documents, including side agreements, and to vote on a disapproval resolution..."
Fuggedaboudit! It doesn't matter whether you call it an aardvark or a dog; it's a treaty. Treaties require 67% of senators present to approve them. Shut 'er down! Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979.
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
A.J. Caschetta _GateStone Institute_
money laundering: the Barack Hussein Obummer - haughty John Kerry - Bob Corker treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
House losership delayed vote on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, because he doesn't want surge of opposition to get in the way
"...'We need to pull every tool out of the toolbox to stop this bad deal.', said representative Bill Flores (R-TX), leader of a large group of conservatives in the House..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
ayatollah Ali Khamenei says Iran will destroy Israel within 25 years; Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
Until then, struggling, heroic morale will leave no moment of serenity for Muslim initiators of force and fraud.
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Matt Fuller _Breitbart_
Freedom Caucus suggests new tactic to stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons: Iran has been at war against USA and Israel since 1979
Roll Call
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
conservatives detail more path-ways to stop Obummer's insane treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, but turn-coats Boehner and McConnell once again stand in the way: Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Louis Rene Beres _Washington DC Times_
the not-so-hidden legal flaws in Obummer's insane treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems: Iran has been at war against USA & Israel since 1979
New treaties and statutes which contradict old treaties and statutes over-ride them.
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Laura Ingraham
Mike Huckabee unloaded on McConnell & Boehner: McConnell and Boehner are marching to the beat of the donor class, they are just protecting themselves, not the people
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Patrice Lewis _WND_
we will never forget the Muslim terrorist attacks on 2001/09/11... or will we?
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Jack Moore _Jewish World Review_
Palestinians/Fatah/Hamas consider annulling Oslo peace accords with Israel at UN
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Ben Sales _Jewish World Review_
Chasidic bidness/marketing consultant: over 100 clients including unrepentant privacy violators
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
is Ben Carson being ignored by pollsters?
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
if Ben Carson were a Dem/Red/leftist, the media would be filled with weepy life-stories (video)
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump challenged CNN's Jeff Zucker to donate to veterans the ad revenues from televising GOP debates
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Thomas Sowell: so far, I like Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal the most out of the GOP field
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
State Department spokesperson rear-admiral John Kirby (retired) stated that "transparency czar" Janice Jacobs's donation to the anti-transparent Hitlery Rotten Clinton is "not relevant"
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
e-mail messages show Hitlery Rotten Clinton's aides helped her be "careful" in blaming video for attack on USA consulate at Benghazi
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
in Pontiac, MI, man stabbed after finding his wife naked in bed with... her father
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
chairman of House Judiciary committee Bob Goodlatte: investigation of Planned Parenthood protects tax-victims
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
women testify to House Judiciary committee that Planned Parenthood misleads women
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz: GOP losership is also standing with Obummer and the Reds/Dems/leftists in supporting tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Susan Berrys _Breitbart_
Renee Ellmers and the GOP losership try deceptive marketing in bill to continue 90% of funding for Planned Parenthood
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
John J. Xenakis _Breitbart_
violence spreads across Turkey
"Egypt's army has begun a new operation called 'The Martyr's Right' in North Sinai, and reports that 29 terrorists were killed on Tuesday, the first day of the campaign. The target was the terror group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM [- Champions of the House of the Tabernacle or] Ansar Jerusalem -- Champions of Jerusalem), which has conducted numerous attacks in Egypt's Sinai, along the border with Israel and Gaza, and last year changed its name to 'Sinai Province', meaning 'Sinai Province of Islamic State', when it repudiated its allegiance to al-Qaeda and declared its allegiance to the so-called ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate... On Sunday, a roadside bomb attack in southeastern Turkey killed 16 Turkish soldiers, and another bombing on Tuesday killed 14 Turkish policemen. Both bombings are blamed on the separatist terror group Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Turkey and the PKK fought an off and on civil war for almost four decades, but finally agreed to a ceasefire in 2012. On July 20, there was a massive terrorist attack in the town of Suruç, and on July 23, Turkey declared war on PKK..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Macy's to close 35 to 40 stores (about 5%) in early 2016
"The company runs 770 Macy's stores and has closed 52 locations over the last 5 years while opening 12... The company reported $28.11G in revenue in 2014, up less than 1% from the year before."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Catholic church in Austria to house "migrants", "refugees" temporarily in monasteries and under-used church buildings
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Hungarian camera-woman/reporter who aided police to catch fleeing "migrants"/"refugees" has been fired: a corrupt spokes-clone for the corrupt media operation said yesterday that the journalist had shown "unacceptable behaviour"
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
contenders to become USA president weigh in on "refugee"/"migrant" "crisis"
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
USA Today reporter covering Scott Walker had signed recall petition against him; how's that for unbiased reporting?
American Mirror
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Phil Elmore _Worl Net Daily_
racists abuse "social media" to terrorize Americans
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Chris Cox _Washington DC Times_
anti-liberty hoplophobes keep on trying to leverage tragedy
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
Apple suddenly middle-aged, chickified, with bad fashion, live mistakes, price creep
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Ari Halperin
warmist hysterics trying to drown out other views on the net
2011-12-11: TechCrunch: 3 top google execs have 8 private jets, I'll believe it's a crisis when Eric Schmidt (and Algore and Obummer) act like it's a crisis
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
"Charles the moderator"
I left my UHI Insane Frannnncisco
"The disparity of temperature just a few blocks [apart] are quite stunning. In the 2 temperatures... in the downtown area yesterday there is a full 14 degrees F (-8 degrees C) differences... 'These 2 spots are about 6 blocks apart. No fog and no wind.' The no wind part is backed up by the many circles showing now wind barbs. One would expect a normal temperature gradient of sorts from the shore to the inland area, due to the influence of the bay, but this gradient is perpendicular to that expected gradient. And there are other examples. At Bush/California street we have 80 degrees F and a few blocks away at Divisidero and California we have 93 degrees F in the opposite direction of the expected natural gradient. Near Haight-Ashbury, we have an 86 degree F reading and a 94 degree F reading just 4 blocks away. IN the Richmond district, we have 80 degrees F and 94 degrees F in the Inner Richmond district. Then there's Mission Bay at 97 degrees F and Potrero hill at 80 degrees F, and these 2 stations are approximately the same distance from the water of the bay... The [captured screen image] is blow, note the 81 degrees F and the 67 degrees F near the center [within just a couple bocks, and then about twice as far in the same direction it's 74 degrees F]..."
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
the Syrian violence was not caused by climate
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Kip Hansen
Christopher Cornwall respods to ocean Ph: trying to get the science correct
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Eric Worrall
grant money panic! Rupert Murdoch bought National Geographic
2015-09-09 (5775 Alul 25)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1757-09-10: Gilbert du Motier marquis de la Fayette b: 1757-09-10 at Chavaniac d: 1834-05-20 at Paris, France.
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking
(1) Mark Levin,
(2) Jeff Sessions,
(3) Michelle Malkin,
(4) Thomas Sowell,
(5) Tom Tancredo,
(6) Ann Coulter,
(7) Rick Santorum,
(8) Ben S. Carson,
(9) Donald Trump,
(10) Scott Walker,
(11) Ted Cruz,
(12) Ken Blackwell,
(13) Mike Huckabee,
Allen West,
Tom Cotton,
Carly Fiorina,
Rick Perry,
Rand Paul,
Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
"Among the benefits of Donald Trump's proposed immigration moratorium is that we won't have to keep importing hordes of Third World 'refugees', such as the ones currently swarming across Europe. For decades, the United States has taken in far more refugees than the entire rest of the world combined. And it's worked out great! Fazliddin Kurbanov, or 'Idaho man', as he is dutifully described in the American media, was brought to the U.S.A. as a refugee in 2009, joining hundreds of other Uzbeks in Boise, Idaho. He came with his wife and young child, his sister and his two ailing parents. (What an economic powerhouse that family must be. Marco Rubio is right: We're making all kinds of money off of immigrants!) So grateful was Kurbanov to America for rescuing his entire family from 'persecution' that he spent the next few years conspiring to commit jihad against us. As he cheerfully told his terrorist buddies back in Uzbekistan: 'We are the closest ones to infidels. We have almost everything. What would you say if, with the help of God, we implement a martyrdom act?... There are military installations right here, targets, and vehicles are available as well.' Kurbanov had plenty of time on his hands to plot terrorist attacks in the U.S.A. because he was being supported by you, [tax-victim]. As the Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho) reported: He was 'struggling' to find a job -- preferably something that involved either marketing or killing all the Jews. Last month, Kurbanov was convicted of various terrorism charges, based on his possession of Tannerite, ammonium nitrate, bullets and aluminum powder, as well as his stated intention, in conversations recorded by the FBI, to bomb military bases in Idaho and Texas. For the cherry on top, the whole welfare-dependent, Islamic terrorist-nurturing family won refugee status in America by claiming they were persecuted in Uzbekistan for being Christians..."
All because the USA government -- even after the flood of Soviet spies into Europe and the USA from 1910 through 1945 -- seems to refuse to even try to investigate applicants for asylum, refuge, and every other kind of visa. To quote the inimical John Boehner, "It's toooooo haaaarrrd!" to even bother to lift a finger to try. And examiners who do merely try to cross-check a few facts in applications are berated, passed up for promotion and raises.
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
US senate's unanswered questions about H-1B replacements for US workers at Southern California Edison, Disney, etc.: federal agencies are still reviewing broader issues around the law that lead to US "IT" worker job losses
"...'Is the replacement of US workers buy foreign workers a form of [prohibited] discrimination?'..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Michael Cutler _Front Page Magazine_
educating and training foreign STEM students is bad for USA workers and national security
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
USA's descent into lawlessness
Washington DC Times
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jay Michaelson _WND_
judge in Oregon who abstains from same-sex "marriage" is correct; the left and other homosexual activists have gone off the rails
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Steven A. Camarota _National Review_
legal immigrants' use of illfare
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Oliver Lane _Cybercast News Service_
chaos in Europe: roads, rail-ways, and ferries closed as "immigrant"/"refugee" flood overwhelms transportation, housing, etc.
"...After an easy passage through soft-touch Germany, trouble flares up again on the border with Denmark, and further at the Swedish border. The European Union's Dublin agreement states that refugees are to be located in the EU nation they are first registered in, which in theory should be Hungary or Greece. But as over-worked police forces become unable to process every individual, thousands are left to travel without official recognition at all until they reach Sweden and other honeypot nations, where they want to be registered for the more generous benefits and 're-unification rights'..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Obummer wants 10K Syrian "refugees"
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Intel has stopped sponsoring science and engineering contests
"...A short summary would be, 'The Intel contest is not what you think it is, and in fact it is largely a gaming of the system by well-connected kids and their parents.' My guess is that Intel finaly realized this too, and decided to pull out. I applaud that decision...
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
unemployed ather stood outside Busch stadium in St. Louis MO, handing out resumes, wife posted pictures on-line
"...Donnie Grooms...posted that his skills include expertise as a health and wellness coordinator, human resources generalist, training specialist, and office administrator..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the welcome mat may be pulled out from under them
"...US News & World Report... A September 9 article, '50K foreign-born STEM workers may be forced home', is the first of many 'poster children' pieces we will likely see in the media in the coming months. A recent court decision found that the 2008 executive branch action extending the Optional Practical Training [OPT] part of the F-1 student visa [program from an excessive 12 months to an even more excessive 29 months] had not been put through the legally required procedures to seek public comment. The judge gave the government until next February to perform a do-over... As some of you may recall, the statistical evidence suggests that those students tend not to be so talented after all, but really the salient point is that there is no way this dooms-day will occur. The USCIS will pull out all the stops to avoid it, and indeed, I've seen immigration lawyers quoted as saying that the court decision will spur the governent on to accelerate its planned FURTHER extension of OPT to 6 years. Meanwhile, a white house 'petition' to retain [29 months of] OPT now has over 100K 'signatures'. While it is clear that most 'signers' are foreign students or others with vested interests, the government will treat the 'petition' as 'broad public support' [for lengthening the period of OPT]. This could be quite embarrassing (if the main-stream media -- or Donald Trump -- gave it good coverage), as the above 'IT' World/ComputerWorld/IDG article [by Patrick Thibodeau] points out... As with many such articles, the US News & World Report piece quotes a couple of employers as claiming they just can't find 'qualified' Americans to fill their jobs [but doesn't explore whether they're striving mightily or hardly trying to recruit US citizens, nor to go into the least detail about what constitutes 'qualified' and exactly why each of the precise 'qualifications' is absolutely necessary vs. merely a whim or prejudice]. Yet a glance at their web pages shows their current opening to be quite run-of-the-mill. They may have to offer higher pay, horror of horrors, but they could get good workers domestically if they wanted to. Well, why don't they want to? The first, and more obvious reason is to save money, and not just because OPT workers are not subject to [Socialist Insecurity] tax. Students are young, thus cheap to hire, and due to the fact that the green card serves as compensation, yes, they will work for less even aside from the age issue. Attorney Whitehill's claim in the article is absurd; even at cut-rate wages, the students are making much more money here than they would back home, not to mention gettin an extremely valuable green card in the process..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Laura Ingraham
Gallup poll: 80% say immigration will affect their vote
Jeffrey M. Jones: Gallup: 20% (27% of Republicans, 24% of non-Hispanic blacks, 25% of Hispanics) say candidate must share their position on immigration to get their vote
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Kristi Myllenbeck _San Jose CA Mercury News_
2 Sunnyvale residents + 2 Cupertino residents indicted for H-1B visa fraud
"...conspiracy involving visa fraud, mail fraud, obstruction of justice and witness tampering, among other potential charges. The 4 allegedly owned 7 business entities through which they would commit the fraud... since at least 2006...held themselves out as staffing specialists for technology firms based in Santa Clara county. The 7 businesses include Softnet Technology Solutions, Inc., Horizon Technologies, Inc., Lily 20 Haward LLC, Tulip 26 Hayward LLC, Jasmine 20 Hayward LLC, Rose Hayward LLC and Safe 20 Hayward LLC..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Burt Prelutsky _WND_
14th amendment never suggested children of illegal aliens would be US citizens
"If a few people tell enough lies, a lot of people are sure to believe them. That is certainly the case when it comes to the 14th Amendment. When it was adopted in 1868, its clear intention was to grant citizenship to black slaves, people who were captured and brought to America against their will. In the years since, it has been twisted into a defense for granting the children of those who sneaked into the country the same rights as those born to American parents. You don't have to be a constitutional scholar to understand that nowhere else are people allowed to be the beneficiaries of criminal acts. You can no more make the legal case for anchor babies by saying that the babies didn't commit a crime than you could argue that just because the children of a bank robber didn't drive the getaway car, they get to keep the money. When you get right down to it, using black slaves to justify illegal aliens is akin to pretending that a kidnap victim is the same as a cat burglar..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
federal district judge Susan Bolton's ruling on some facets of Arizona's SB10070 mostly right, some wrong
"Last week's ruling by U.S. district judge Susan Bolton was on the last of 7 challenges to Arizona's SB1070, put into law in 2010. Three provisions in SB1070 were the focus of the decision: (1) the so-called 'show me your papers' provision; (2) a provision allowing Arizona law enforcement to transport aliens to federal custody facilities; and (3) a provision prohibiting day laborers and their employers from operating on city streets. The U.S. district court for the district of Arizona upheld the first 2 provisions, but found for the pro-illegal immigration plaintiffs on the day labor provision. An explanation of the decision follows, along with an explanation of why the court arguably did not get the day labor analysis correct... Section 2(B) of SB1070 allows Arizona law enforcement to make a reasonable attempt at determining the immigration status of people they stop, detain, or arrest on other grounds..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
when an immigration matter is handled well, we should say so
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
2-engine business airplane carrying 7 illegal aliens seized at airport near Texas border
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Gallup poll: 2 out of 3 Hispanics oppose immigration increase
"...Only 34% of U.S.-born Hispanics, and 33% of foreign-born Hispanics, want to increase legal immigration, said the Gallup report. 64% of each group of Hispanics want migration to be reduced or leveled, said Gallup... 26% of self-identified Hispanics born in the United States, all of whom can vote, want legal migration to be reduced. However, the percentage of Hispanics opposing increases may be much higher, partly because a growing number of Hispanics now identify themselves as core white Americans..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
a "Palestinian" hero defended 5 students from a lynch mob, and Chebron gets a lesson in humanity
"Last week a middle-aged businessman rescued 5 students from a lynch mob. Now the lynch mob is after the businessman, threatening to kill him for his act of bravery..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
7th graders in TN made to recite and write traditional Muslim assertion: "Allah is the only god; Muhammad is his prophet"
Somehow, I don't think they're going to teach them the corresponding Jewish "HaShem is our God; HaShem is the only one".
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Olivier Melnick _WND_
Israel is wise not to accept "refugees", can't afford to have additional terrorists occupying Israel
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Yazidi witness: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate ripped out Kayla Mueller's finger-nails
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Minnesota resident Hanad Mustofe Musse pled guilty of conspiring to support ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, using federal financial aid
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime intelligence chiefs cook the books on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
"...'More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military's Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate and al-Qaeda's branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials.'..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
al-Qaeda declared war against ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
"black lives matter" movement is getting blacks killed
"Despite the lack of evidence that there is an increase in cops shooting blacks, let alone shooting blacks unlawfully, a few recent killings of blacks by cops has spawned the so-called Black Lives Matter movement. But over the past 45 years, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, police killings of blacks are down 75%. What are on the increase, year-to-year, are cop killings..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Republicans, Dems/Reds/leftists, and mushroom clouds
"The Democratic Party has been weak-minded on defense for decades, but with the Iran capitulation, they've achieved a new threshold of cowardice and treachery. While it's true that an honorable handful of Democrats have resisted the president's pressure, the overwhelming majority have chosen to go over the cliff with [Barack Hussein Obummer], a president who never met an enemy he didn't wish to conciliate or an ally he didn't seek to betray. Democrats have long tended toward appeasement of aggressors. Throughout the Cold War, they scared themselves (and everyone else) silly conjuring specters of nuclear holocaust. Then-senator John Kerry was one of many prominent Democrats who endorsed the 'nuclear freeze'..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Dems/leftists/Reds and RINO losership will have blood on their hands for supporting Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
Pam Key: Breitbart: Mark Levin says GOP losership need to get their heads right and then use some of the capitol scaffolding for prosthetic spines
"Levin said, 'We are here to tell the world that we, the American people, are more resolute than ever. We are more resolute than ever to destroy those who threaten to wage war against us, our society and our ally, Israel. This enemy makes a grave error in confusing the appeasement of a president and a Democrat party and the capitulation of a [supposedly] Republican congress with the strength and fortitude of the American people. Never before has a president of the United States, never before has a political party consented to funding or arming the enemy. Never before has a president entered into agreements with a terrorist regime that holds Americans hostage. That has killed and maimed thousands of American soldiers and that seeks nuclear weapons and ICBMs to attack his own country. [Barack Hussein Obummer] makes Neville Chamberlain look like George S. Patton. This phony deal allows the Iranian terrorist regime to inspect its own nuclear sites, to continue uranium enrichment, to build advanced centrifuges, to perfect their ICBMs, to spend $150G on terrorism and in the end, to secure nuclear warheads. And as one Democrat/Red/leftist after another, one conga line of Democrat/leftist/Red after another supports this surrender, it's clear that the Democrats no longer represent the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. It's now the Democrat/Red/leftist party of Bill Ayres and [Barack Hussein Obummer]. And the Democrat/leftist/Red party will have the [Red] blood on its hands as a result of this deal for the rest of time... The enemy is emboldened and the enemy will be well armed and seek regional and world domination. They told us so. What of the Republicans? The Republicans, the Republicans control that building behind us right now. You see that scaffolding up there? They should take some of that and use it on their damn spines. The Republican party, particularly the leadership, has abandoned the Constitution and the treaty power of the United States senate. It is recklessly and deliberately avoiding any serious confrontation with a disastrous imperial president. They can stop this. They can invoke the treaty clause right now. They can suspend the filibuster rule and vote against lifting sanctions right now. They can stand between Obama and the Iranian terrorist regime and protect our nation and our allies...'..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, at rally against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, says Israel wrote the Bible; that's why I love them
Patrick Howley: Breitbart: Phil Robertson: God became Jewish flesh
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump, at rally against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, said if he is elected president he guarantees Iran will return 4 Americans before he ever takes office
Pam Key: Breitbart
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
Sarah Palin, at rally against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, said Obummer doesn't trust US citizens to change their own light bulbs, but he says he trusts Iran
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: GOP losership should be using every rule, tool, tactic and strategy to stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
_Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz, at rally against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons, noted that McConnell and Boehner have the constitutional power and political backing to stop the treaty
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Breitbart's Sonnie Johnson addressed rally to stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems (video)
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Breitbart's Joel B. Pollak to US senate on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems (transcript + video)
"Reason #1: they won't submit it as a treaty. The Constitution of the United States -- Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 -- says a treaty has to be approved by a two-thirds majority in the senate. That's not a problem for good deals. The senate has ratified 13 treaties under [president Barack Hussein Obummer]. Two more were submitted this year. If the Iran [treaty] were a good deal, they would not fear a two-thirds vote... Reason #2: it's not bipartisan. When we as a country make big, life-or-death decisions, both parties ought to be on board. Right now, the bipartisan vote is to reject the deal. There are honorable Democrats who are standing with us..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
House Armed Services committee: Iran will continue to support rogues, terrorists, and criminals
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
NYPD says food vendors around downtown Manhattan constitute a risk of terrorism
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
bipartisan resolution introduced: persecution of Christians in Africa and the Middle East includes genocide
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
_Cybercast News Service_
Bill Johnson (R-OH-6) apologized in advance for future nuclear attack by Iran; we didn't have the brains or the will to stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems that unleashed nuclear h377 (video)
"...'During my 26-year career in the United States Air Force, America's leaders believed in mutually assured destruction, the MAD theory. We thought, if one nation such as the Soviet Union launched nuclear missiles, the other nation would do so as well and both would be destroyed. This potential of mutual destruction kept those missiles in their silos. But that theory does not apply to dealing with the leaders of Iran, who are dangerous fanatics, motivated by evil, not self-preservation. So the madness in Iran means the MAD theory doesn't apply in 2015. And that is why I am sorry that we who lead America in 2015 failed to stop [president Barack Hussein Obummer] from helping Iranian terrorists and Iranian tyrants build an intercontinental ballistic missile system...'"
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
senate Dems/leftists/Reds voted to filibuster, but they're not filibustering
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: Mitch McConnell could stop Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems if he simply followed the US constitution and existing federal laws
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Republicans thwart John Boehner's & Mitch McConnell's plan to ram through Obummer's evil treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems... or not
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood: abortion survivor told House Judiciary committee she would have been just another statistic
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
lawyer defends Planned Parenthood, claims dilation and evacuation is "a very humane procedure"
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood: Trent Franks (R-AZ): this little baby was only held by those who cut his face open and took his brain
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood: abortion survivor asks whether congress believes her life is less valuable due to her cerebral palsy
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood should be de-funded, dismantled; let it die
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood: Diane Black (R-TN) noted that you don't get human hearts and livers and brains from a "blob of tissue"; that's a baby
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
father Frank Pavone _Cybercast News Service_
what do Planned Parenthood and this Tennessee chicken farm have in common?
"Maybe you've seen or heard about them -- secretly recorded videos shot by undercover activists that reveal a business's callous disregard for life. Two giants in the American food industry, McDonald's and [friends of the Clintons] Tyson chicken have seen the videos and decided that what they saw could not be tolerated. They immediately cut all ties with the exposed company so that their good names would not be associated with it. But no, I'm not talking about the Center for Medical Progress videos that show Planned Parenthood officials and others casually discussing how to kill unborn babies so as to preserve profitable body parts. I'm referring to the images shot by the anti-animal-cruelty group Mercy for Animals -- images that recently uncovered horrible, inhumane treatment of chickens at the Tennessee farm of a former McDonald's and Tyson supplier..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
Vladimir Putin of Russia and ayatollah Ali Kahmenei of Iran conspire over Syria
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Heather Greenaway _Washington DC Times_
labor unions are making it difficult for the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company to survive
"It's a shame. The 156-year-old company was the first national supermarket chain in the country, and has survived the Great Depression, 2 world wars, and the recent Recession, but it appears the company lacked the needed flexibility to adjust its labor costs due to its high percentage of unionized employees. For example, 93% of the A&P work-force of 28,500 are represented by one of 12 different unions..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer Treasurer Jacob Lew says federal government debt has been frozen at $18.112975T for 175 days, and if you believe that, I've got this great bridge...
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
_Cybercast News Service_
that whacky Barack Hussein Obummer: middle-class values means raising taxes
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
62-year-old woman driver pulled over for speeding said to police in Palm Beach county FL: "You know what? No wonder you people get shot. You're absolute a**holes"
Denver man ticketed for broken wind-shield... at wind-shield repair shop
These illustrate both sides of the issue, but each side is blind and deaf to the offensiveness of the other side. Each thinks he was doing only what is proper, but each thinks the other is offensively initiating force and/or fraud.
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: I do not deny my faith in God
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Elaina Plott _WND_
how Ben Carson saved a 4-year-old boy's life with God's healing
National Review
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Ben Carson drew thousands in Anaheim CA Wednesday afternoon
"Much of Carson's question and answer session touched significantly on his medical experience. His speech centered around his growing up in poverty with a supportive mother, border security, the debt, corporate tax suggestions, and getting those who didn't vote in 2012 out to the polls in 2016. Carson remarked that the most rewarding thing he has done is 'when that family comes in and their three-year-old, who is the most precious thing in their life, has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and by the grace of God you have the ability to remove that tumor and give that family back hope'. He also touched on sealing the border and illegal immigration. Carson recalled his recent trip to the U.S.A.-Mexico border and the lack of effective border fencing and Border Patrol to monitor...
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
opposition to GOP losership swells: Tea Party leaders pen anti-Boehner letter to members of congress
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
James O'Keefe video seems to show Hitlery Rotten Clinton campaign violating voter-registration laws in Nevada
"...According to the video, it is a felony in the state of Nevada for anyone involved in the voter registration process to 'solicit a vote for or against a particular question or candidate; speak to a voter on the subject of marking his or her ballot for or against a particular question or candidate'. The video appears to show that numerous Hillary Clinton campaign staffers are well aware of the law. Nevertheless, the video shows them laughing at the law and repeatedly bragging about violating it by promoting Hillary Clinton verbally and with campaign literature as they attempt to register potential voters. The Project Veritas video further appears to show that the Clinton campaign staff solicits voter registration in close proximity to state offices, which may also violate Nevada law..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Sikh man battered and knocked out in Darien near Chicago (ESE of Naperville), accused of being a terrorist
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Baton Rouge: teen raped 3-year-old girl, claimed it's no big deal because she "won't remember it"
AZ Family/AFB
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Energy Dept. computers hacked 159 times since 2010
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Martyn Williams _"IT" News_/_IDG_
DARPA shows off crowd-sourced, crowd-sourcing radiation detection system, costs about $400
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Chuck Woolery: the real out-of-control assault weapon is the leftist media; they're attacking US citizens' constitutional rights (video)
"And don't forget the words of Woolery's 'philosophical guru and life-coach', Ice-T: 'The right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny.'"
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
USMC report finds women get injured more frequently and shoot less accurately than men
Mark Judge; Cybercast News Service: all-male combat units are saver, more efficient and lethal than mixed-sex units
"Women serving in an experimental Marine Corps unit created to assess how female service members perform in combat roles were injured twice as often as men, less accurate with infantry weapons and slower in completing tactical tasks such as removing wounded soldiers from the field and navigating obstacles, according to the results of a study produced by the service. The study was carried out over nine months at both Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and Twentynine Palms, California. About 400 Marines, including 100 women, volunteered to join the Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force, the co-ed unit the Marine Corps created to compare the combat performance of male and female service members..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
George Phillips _Washington DC Times_
attempts to advance human rights against Cuba's Castro dictatorship
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Sheryl Attkisson looks at report about 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks, with emphasis on the undisclosed top-secret 28 pages
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Jeff Knox _WND_
people in Maine defend their right to own and carry arms against Bloomberg agitation
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the feast of tabernacles/huts/tents
I strongly suspect that it was Saul/Paul who jettisoned the feast days and dietary laws in an effort to contrict a "bigger tent" and thus a more powerful and wealthier organization. He gave up power he didn't value for new power and money.
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
is 7-year biblical "tribulation" about to start (or did it start 7 years ago)?
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Anthony Watts
NASA Solar Dynamics: tornado of 5M degree plasma on the sun is bigger than the earth
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Anthony Watts
UN poll
"...poll of over 7.6M people... 5,115,961 want a good education; 4,319,264 want better health-care; 4,193,657 want better job opportunities; 3,520,538 want an honest and responsive government; 3,128,405 want affordable and nutritious food; 3,002,536 want protection against crime and violence; 2,849,824 want access to clean water and sanitation; 2,587,176 want support for people who can't work; 2,452,505 want better transportation and roads; 2,420,168 want equality between men and women; 2,277,314 want reliable energy at home; 2,158,764 want freedom from discrimination and persecution; 2,104,398 want political freedoms; 1,999,475 want protection of forests, rivers and oceans; 1,891,502 want telephone and internet access; 1,585,497 want action on climate change..."
2015-09-10 (5775 Alul 26)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
"Let the wise be your guide but [let them] not [be] your God." --- R' David Aaron |
This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking:
(1) Mark Levin,
(2) Jeff Sessions,
(3) Michelle Malkin,
(4) Thomas Sowell,
(5) Tom Tancredo,
(6) Ann Coulter,
(7) Rick Santorum,
(8) Ben S. Carson,
(9) Donald Trump,
(10) Scott Walker,
(11) Ted Cruz,
(12) Ken Blackwell,
(13) Mike Huckabee,
Allen West,
Tom Cotton,
Carly Fiorina,
Rick Perry,
Rand Paul,
Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
the "keep-them-here" rationalization back-fires in case of Red Chinese researcher at Ohio State U
"...Foreign STEM students can work in the USA for [12 months or 2.5 years, it's currently under legal dispute] under the OPT program, which the [Obummer] people are well aware of, since they are trying to extend that 2.5 years to 6 [years]. But tere is more to it than that, because giving the foreign students green cards and thus later enabling their naturalization doesn't mean they'll stay here. On the contrary, they may indeed 'go back home to work for our competitors' [and those at war with us] -- taking with them USA industrial and government secrets that they've acquired in the USA in the years [at university and] since graduation. Professor Rongxing Li of Ohio State University [OSU Buckeyes] is now suspected by the FBI of doing exactly that... [Professor Li] can legitimately be described as in the 'best and brightest' category... It should also be mentioned that most of Li's research co-authors, presumably largely made up of his graduate students at OSU, appear to be from China."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Josh Sweigart _Springfield OH News-Sun_
suspended Wright State U employees tied to "IT" contract
Dayton OH Daily News
"Wright State University sponsored 19 foreign workers... to work at an area information technology staffing company [bodyshop] that paid the workers less than what local graduates typically make for similar 'IT' work... the local company...Web Yoga, told Wright State who to hire and when their employment ended."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
USA's reckless refuge for jihad
"Our [current government] remains utterly incapable of [and unwilling to so much as honestly try to] screening out legitimate dreamers from destroyers, liberty-seekers from liberty-stiflers. Indiscriminate asylum and refugee policies rob the truly deserving of an opportunity for freedom -- and threaten our national security..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
ponder this on 9/11: never before in USA history has a great political party tied its identity to a foreign dictatorship that publicly asserts it wants "Death to America"; the madness of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons
Washington DC Times
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
Americans who fought back
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
reflections on the terrorist attacks of 2001/09/11: "dial 911 and die"
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
man charged in plot to bomb 2001/09/11 memorial in KCMO: "dial 911 and die"
Andrea Noble: Washington DC Times
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
former US Navy SEAL representative Ryan Zinke and senator Joni Ernst remember 2001/09/11: "dial 911 and die"
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Tyler Miles _Cumberland PA Sentinel_
US Army War College commemorates those who lost their lives in 2001/09/11 terrorist attacks
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Alen West: a time of danger and division
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Evan Sayet _Cybercast News Service_
2001/09/11: thousands would due (though 77K fewer than the terrorists expected and 117K fewer than they hoped), but one would be saved
"I must admit to some snobbery. My kind didn't become cops. My kind didn't become fireman. We went to college as simply a rite of passage and became the 'Masters of the Universe' holding meetings with others like us on the top floors of buildings like those in the World Trade Center complex. In fact, I, at the age of 23, had an office on the 106th floor of building #1 with an unquestioned entitlement to it [in our minds] for no other reason than that was the way of the world. The kids from the Bronx with the accents became fireman. The kid from Queens with the gaudy chains and the girlfriend with the big hair became cops. People who worked with their hands, people who risked their lives, I am now terribly embarrassed and ashamed to say, were thought of as just of another kind, the kind that my Leftist friends continue to deride as being from 'fly-over country', or from Kansas where the people have 'something the matter' with them. [The Muslim terrorist attacks of 2001-09-11] made that narrative impossible for me to cling to any longer. It may have taken days, weeks, months and years for all my ingrained bigotries to subside, but in those horrific moments when the Masters of the Universe were helpless, and those I had been culturally bigoted against ran up those stairs it became impossible for me to cling to them any longer. The lies of the Left would never be so clearly exposed -- except in their future defense of those lies -- as they were that day when those heroes did not call in sick as they saw the morning news, but answered the call, and did not stand by as they would have had there been any truth to Leftist dogma, clapping and shouting... They risked it all -- many gave all -- because that's what heroes do..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
have president Obummer and congress forgotten 2001/09/11?
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
US SOCOM, obscure before 2012/09/11 is on the front lines in defense against terrorism
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Catherine Herridge _Fox_
families of victims of Muslim attack on USA's consulate at Benghazi on 2012/09/11 still awaiting justice, as Obummer regime and Clinton continue to hamper investigations
"...former Navy SEAL Tyrone S. Woods... Sean Smith, ambassador Chris Stevens, and Glen Doherty, a former Navy SEAL doing security and surveillance work for the CIA..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
never again rain-bow shone over the World Trade Center the day before anniversary of 2001/09/11 terrorist attacks
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
at least 60 believed dead, 154 injured after crane collapsed at grand mosque in Mecca after heavy rain-fall and intense winds
Washington DC Times/AP
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
wide open flood gates
"...thousands of migrants, or so-called refugees, that are flooding into Europe by the week. How many thousands? It depends on which news agency you read. Some say it is in the tens of thousands, some say it's in the hundreds of thousands. But all say it's only just beginning. From everything I've read, ultimately the numbers will be in the millions. How many of those are radical Islamists, nobody knows, but there's bound to be some. And no one in the world knows what to do about it..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
putting an end to the "refugee crisis"
"...Alan Shenu whose heart-rending death was broadcast around the world was not fleeing Syria. He'd lived his whole short life in Turkey, where his parents had been living in safety... This distinction is often lost in the coverage of the European 'refugee crisis' that is in many respects a 'migrant' crisis. According to the law, never mind morality, we treat refugees differently. Refugees flee for their lives. Migrants make choices..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
will Republicans stop Obummer's next wave of Muslim "refugees"? will they require proper background investigations?
"As senator Jeff Sessions documented and Breitbart's Caroline May reported recently, more than 90% of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70% receive cash assistance. Sessions documented that in Fiscal Year 2013, 91.4% of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1% were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3% were on cash welfare. May reported that Middle Eastern refugees used a number of other assistance programs at slightly lower rates. For example, 36.7% received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 32.1% received Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 19.7% lived in public housing, 17.3% were on General Assistance (GA), and 10.9% received Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA). The Migration Policy Institute notes that the U.S. has taken in about 20% of the world's international migrants, even as it represents less than 5% of the global population, and that 1 in 4 U.S. residents is now either an immigrant or born to immigrant parents... And the Cruz - Sessions letter wasn't just a 'drive by' political point-maker or media ploy; it asks for detailed information on the immigration history, including family immigration history, of 72 individuals involved with or sentenced for terrorist activity in just the last year alone. You can read the chart of the 72 individuals through this link. And remember, this is just one year's worth of Muslim terrorists operating here in the United States. During the time the time the Tsarnaevs came to America, from 2000 to 2013 (the last year for which statistics are available) some 2,338,013 legal immigrants arrived in America from Muslim countries. Why does [the USA] need over 2.3M Muslim immigrants? What is the benefit to [the USA]?..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
"migrant" Turks and Kurds battle on Frankfurt am Main streets; Germany Army called in
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Nigel Farage member of European parliament _Breitbart_
Jean Claude Juncker is doing to Europe what Blair did to Britain and what Obummer is doing to the USA; importing anti-Europe, anti-UK, anti-USA voters
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
in east London, Muslim gangsters beat drunk for allegedly urinating outside mosque
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions, chairman of senate immigration sub-committee: USA is already taking in more than our "fair share" of students, guest-workers and immigrants: the Middle East should take the lead in resettling the current swell of "refugees"
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
is this a clue, or what!?!: Saudi Arabia refuses to take "migrants"/"refugees", but will build 200 new mosques for occupying tro... er, uh, refugees in Germany
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Hungarian officials considering declaration of state of emergency as 3,800 army troops are sent to secure border with Serbia
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon a.k.a. Tommy Robinson: I don't regret founding English League, but I do whole-heartedly regret the effect it has had
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
just say no to refugee resettlement
"The White House announced that it plans to admit 10K Syrians next year through the refugee resettlement program, on top of the 1,500 or so we've already admitted. But the number could go much higher, since the president claims the right to 'parole' into the United States anyone he wants, in any number he wants, for any reason he wants..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Carl Jackson _WND_
jobs matter (which is why Obummer prefers the job markets to remain dysfunctional to more easily fan the flames if discord)
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Curtis Ellis _WND_
Will Mexico and Donald Trump save USA jobs?
"American workers may have to thank NAFTA, Mexico and Donald Trump for saving more of their jobs from being outsourced to Asia. Here's why. Trade ministers met in Hawaii hoping to reach a final agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping international regulatory agreement that seeks to 'integrate the economies' of 12 nations on four continents. But they failed to get a deal, and it's all because of Mexico and NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. The elites pushed NAFTA back in 1994 promising to 'integrate the economies' -- that phrase -- of the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico. Ross Perot famously -- and prophetically -- warned of a giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the U.S.A. As predicted, once NAFTA was adopted, the U.S.A. auto industry decamped for the cheap labor of Mexico. Once-thriving industrial cities across the Midwest became ghost towns, and Mexico now has the second largest auto industry in the world. It's also the fourth largest exporter, with most of those cars going to the U.S.A. NAFTA requires that autos made in Mexico must have more than 60% of their parts made in Canada, the U.S.A. or Mexico to get duty-free access to the giant U.S.A. auto market. This has helped keep alive what's left of our auto parts industry. Now along comes the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP... Japan wants to use the TPP to get more Japanese autos into the U.S.A. duty-free. The U.S.A. negotiating team helpfully struck a deal with Japan that said only 30% of the parts in Japanese cars would have to be made in TPP countries. Japan relies heavily on auto parts makers in Thailand and [Red China] -- countries that are not [yet] in the TPP... Mexico wasn't about to stand by and watch an auto industry it wrested from the U.S.A. be taken away to SouthEast Asia..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Peter Brookes _Political Mavens_
Iran and North Korea are a match made in nuclear h377
"Of the myriad of mind-blowing flaws contained in the Iran nuclear deal -- a subject that has dominated the foreign policy debate across the country this summer -- there's one angle that hasn't gotten enough attention. It's the possibility that Iran could out-source its nuclear program. In other words, Tehran could play along with the P5+1 ([Red China], France, Germany, Russia, the U.K. and the United States of America) as set forth in the July Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action signed in Vienna. But at the same time, Iran could collaborate with another state to advance its nuclear weapons program -- outside the prying eyes of the International Atomic Energy Agency's inspectors operating inside the Islamic Republic. What better candidate for cooperation than Pyongyang? First, there's no doubt that North Korea [with the help of the Clintons and Red Chinese] has the bomb, having conducted three tests (2006, 2009 and 2013), possibly using both plutonium and uranium..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
the charade on Capitol Hill surrounding Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Stephen Ohlemacher _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems perversely supported by some descendants of survivors of holocaust
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Israeli ambassador notes that the UN would vote to declare the earth is flat if the Palestinians proposed it
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
disabled veteran: if you push Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems you will have the blood of USA service members on your hands... but maybe that's exactly what Obummer would revel in
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
in phony-dance, House anti-constitutionally voted 269 to 162 to "disapprove" Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; House losership strives mightily to fail
Stephen Dinan & Tom Howell ii: Washington DC Times
"...on Thursday when senate Democrats voted [in yet another anti-constitutional move] to [not disapprove] the accord with Iran... The House vote to delay sanctions was 247-186..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Corker and McConnell betray the USA (and Israel) again on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
even Marco Rubio criticizes GOP losership for supporting Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; "What's the point of having the majority?"
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Jennifer Griffin & Lucas Tomlinson _Fox_
worse by the day: Russian build-up in Syria is part of a deal with Iran's Quds-Force leader
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Obummer amid the redrawn levant
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz: if Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems goes through, Americans will die, Israelis will die, Europeans will die (and good Iranians and Pakistanis and Afghanis and Iraqis and Saudis and Ethiopians and Ukrainians and Russians and Indians will die)
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin slammed Mitch McConnell, warned of war with Iran if Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons is ratified
"'...And you Mr. McConnell, you're a quisling. You're a little man. You're a know-nothing. And this is on your head. You could have stopped this simply by following the Constitution. You claim to support the Constitution. You don't support it anymore than [Barack Hussein Obummer]. You put your hand on a Bible, your left hand, your right hand in the air, and you swore to uphold the Constitution. And you violated the Constitution! You're no better than him! As a matter of fact, you're worse than him! We know what he is, and you pretend to be something that you're not. The wrath of the nations should fall on your head Mr. McConnell and all the fools, all the lemmings, who follow you over the cliff in the Republican Party and in the senate.'"
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Art Barnes _WND_
Michele Bachmann for president in 2016: drop bombs on Iran's nuclear weapons and missile development facilities
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
stressed out HS and college students
"What shocks me, however, is that no one seems to be asking the obvious question: why are our young people suffering from mental illness in ever-greater numbers?... why are our young people suffering from 'mental illness' in ever-greater numbers?... Here are some things that have changed: The family has unraveled... Too much [wasted] school [time] and not enough 'down time'... Too much work, too much pressure, and not enough sleep... Too. Much. Sex. I don't just mean children having sex -- although that occurs, and it's bad. I mean too much exposure to sex and sexual themes, particularly adult sexual themes, and not enough time to be children..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Erica Brown _Jewish World Review_
the secret to succeeding at self-awareness and improvement
"What are you holding on to you that you need to let go of so that this season of self-awareness and improvement can do its job? It's OK if it gets a little ugly and messy inside because we believe that even when the gates of prayer are closing, the gate of tears is always open. On Rosh Hashana we re-coronate G0D as the King of Kings and see ourselves as peons in the vast, wondrous landscape of the world. Humility creates vulnerability. On Yom Kippur, we face G0D with a mountain of personal and collective transgressions. We allow our inner demons to surface so that we can make a personal reckoning and commit to change. Repentance creates vulnerability. On Sukkos, we build small, impermanent houses and dwell there, casting aside our material comforts to live in the shadow of G0D's protection. Impermanence creates vulnerability..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
expect more tyranny and thus more Kim Davises
World Net Daily
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Oath Keepers vow to keep Kim Davis out of jail
"...Mr. Rhodes said the group's actions were not based on Ms. Davis' opposition to same-sex 'marriage', but instead were focused on their belief that Ms. Davis had been jailed illegally after being found in contempt of court for refusing to issue the marriage licenses... The Oath Keepers group -- whose members are mostly former military, police and first responders -- was founded in 2004 by Mr. Rhodes, a former U.S. Army paratrooper and Yale Law School graduate. The group now claims over 30K members."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Patrick J. Buchanan _American "Conservative"_
Kim Davis and the rise of right-wing civil disobedience
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: Obumer's homosexual activism has opened wide the flood-gates of promotion of sexual immorality
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: USA is a Judeo-Christian nation
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
"social justice warriors" attack table-top gamers, get their facts hopelessly wrong
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
_Conservative HQ_
stopping tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood: the GOP losership's next self-inflicted defeat
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Planned Prenthood: Office Depot management favors persecution of babies
"Maria Goldstein, 42, said she was told to use the self-serve copy machines after employees at the Office Depot in Schaumburg refused to fulfill her order of 500 copies of 'A Prayer for the Conversion of Planned Parenthood', the Chicago Tribune reported. The handout, published by The Daily Caller, included statistics about abortion in the U.S.A. and at Planned Parenthood. Ms. Goldstein said the intention of the prayer, composed by the reverend Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, is to ask for conversion..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
representative Tim Huelskamp (R-KS): will Republican congress fund Planned Parenthood, allow them to continue their despicable, gruesome, vile, racist activities?
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Mexican government urges leftists/Reds/Dems to engage in more inhumane, anti-constitutional activities
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
_Cybercast News Service_
cardinal Burke: we have to judge each individual's actions (video)
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
San Francisco CA rent: $1,800/month for a bunk bed in a house with 30 people, after answering a questionnaire and a Skype interview
Mark Kelly: KPIX-TV CBS San Francisco
Vinyasa homes project; helping plant the 3rd world in the USA
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Craig McMillan _WND_
federal government is being run "off the books"
"Government is being run 'off the books', big time. What is 'off the books'? No records kept. No records, no evidence. No evidence, no prosecutions or convictions. 1) Citizens are being intentionally deprived of the record of why and how government does things -- things that we pay for and that are supposedly for our benefit. Historians will never be able to review the record -- because there won't be one. 2) Being able to 'hide your tracks' always draws people who want something for nothing to political office. 'What's a little deal on the side? Who's being hurt? Who's to know?' 3) The first 2 items are bad enough, but once government 'servants' find they can communicate with one another outside of official channels, make side deals and conduct official business – even international relations as in the State Department, with no record of deliberations or actions – corruption has entered the process, big time..."
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Greg Laurie _WND_
an appeal to Heaven
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
he who is unwilling to work shall not eat
But in today's dysfunctional USA job markets, many who are able and willing to work are still "not in the labor force".
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
R' Pinchas Winston _Torah.org_
Holy History!
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Shlomo Katz _Torah.org_
Ends and Beginnings
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Anthony Watts
video of EPA's epic Gold King mine blunder: "Get outta here!?... What do we do now?"
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Willis Eschenbach
the Pages2k goat-rope: flaws in 2K year multi-proxy study of ocean temperatures
2015-09-11 (5775 Alul 27)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1857-09-11: Mountain Meadows Massacre; Jimbo Wales's Wikipedia: Mountain Meadows Massacre [has an error: Christopher "Kit" Carson Fancher was one of the survivors and was raised by an uncle]; Mountain Meadows Association.
2001-09-11: failed terrorist attacks on USA by violent Muslims.
2012-09-11: violent Muslims attacked USA consulate annex at Benghazi.
2015-09-12 (5775 Alul 28)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
tech "sexism" on both sides of the Pacific Ocean
2015-09-12 (5775 Alul 28)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Office Depot back-tracks from refusal to print pro-life prayer
2015-09-12 (5775 Alul 28)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
black employee won $1.6M in racial discrimination suit, from a restaurant owned by blacks, mostly managed by Hispanics
2015-09-12 (5775 Alul 28)
Lee Strahan _Breitbart_
black state senator in Louisiana unleashed torrent of racial epithets... in video to dismantle racism
2015-09-12 (5775 Alul 28)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
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