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updated: 2018-11-20
"The senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and pad out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to an returning from the same; for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 1 |
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2015 September, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 September, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 September, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 September, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 September, week 5 (27-30) (15KB)
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
nature abhors an unused loop-hole: Wright State U
"'Nature abhors a vacuum.', the physicists say, so no one should be surprised by the news that Wright State University [in Fairborn, a suburb ENE of Dayton, OH] seems to have gotten into the rent-an-engineer business that firms like Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and so on dominate. Ironically, academia actually has advantages over the Indian firms, in that (a) there is no H-1B cap for university workers, and (b) prevailing wage is calculated by the academic labor market, i.e. the subsistence-level salaries of graduate assistants, post-docs, [other personnel services (OPS), adjuncts] and assistant professors. Nature abhors an un-used loop-ole, apparently, and Wright State seems to have responded. But this 'vacuum' may have been [certainly has been] filled years ago, as I've suspected for quite a while that this is actually a common path. Intel has a research center (a 'lablet', they call it) at Carnegie Mellon University [in Pittsburgh], and at several other universities as well. And i was startled a couple of years ago to find that MSFT has its own post-doc positions. Now that the Wright State situation has been exposed, hopefully journalists will check whether abuse is occurring in these other 'collaborations'..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Germany blocked all trains from Austria to stem "migrant"/"refugee" invasion over-flow
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
cousin Lizzy ii, the survivor
"On Wednesday the Queen became the longest reigning monarch in the history of her various realms, pipping her great-great-grand-mother Victoria. To mark the occasion, the Royal Air Force droned two British subjects, Reyaad Khan and Ruhul Amin, in Syria for plotting to assassinate Her Majesty at the VJ Day ceremony. Monarchy is the natural order of things -- which is why, as Ben Franklin grasped, the tricky bit about a republic is keeping it. Franklin didn't live to see how that panned out. He died in 1790, a year after the first inauguration, back when John Adams was proposing that George Washington be addressed as 'Your Most Benign Highness'. Instead, America gave a word to the world -- the now-standard designation for a non-monarchical head of state: 'president'..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Mitch Albom _Jewish World Review_
darn right, you should be outraged! it could have been you
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
CNN poll: 20% of Americans believe Obummer is a Muslim; 39% believe he's a protestant Christian; 11% think he's non-religious; 4% think he's Catholic
I wonder what percentage base that impression on his behavior.
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Jack Kelly _Jewish World Review_
"white guilt" is not helping "black" USA
"I'm glad I live in a time of automobiles, air conditioning, indoor plumbing, the Internet and great medical advances. But if I had to live in an earlier period, I'd want to be a soldier in the Union Army. I can think of no greater cause than to fight to eradicate America's original sin. Slavery isn't America's original sin because it was unique, or uniquely horrible here. If prostitution is 'the world's oldest profession', slave trading is second. Since the dawn of recorded history, slavery has been practiced in nearly every society known to man. The words 'slavery' and 'benign' ought never to appear in the same sentence, but slaves in the American South and the British Caribbean (usually) were treated less harshly than in most other places where slavery has been practiced -- especially in ancient times. Our word 'slave' is derived from 'Slav', the peoples most frequently enslaved during Roman times [though they also enslaved Germans and Picts/Scots and Britons]. Throughout history, only a relatively few slaves have been black. And for every African brought to North America on (mostly British) slave ships, dozens and possibly hundreds more were taken east by Arab slave traders. What made slavery America's original sin was its violent conflict with our founding principles. If 'all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights', what gives some men the 'right' to 'own' others?..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's economic choices are leaving his successor horrible hurdles (and Samuelson isn't aware of a tenth of it!)
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_
all peitents go to Moscow?!?
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Hitler would be proud
"Invoking Hitler usually is done by an over-the-top left-wing politician about something a Republican did which has nothing to do with the actual situation. Using the name of Hitler for a Jew in any other context than historical debates or reminiscing about Mel Brooks' The Producers should always be done with great caution. But the stifling of free speech permeating our society warrants this deviation from my long-standing policy. To me there remains nothing as sacrosanct as protecting rights under the First Amendment to the Constitution. As I often repeat, there is a reason it is the First Amendment. My first stand against suppression of free speech was in college in 1976..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Jewish World Review_
how expatriates are forging an Obummer legacy
"The State Department recently announced that a record number of Americans in 2014 gave up their citizenship and decided to live elsewhere. Last year's figure of 3,415 was a 14% increase over the previous record, 2,999, in 2013. By contrast, only 742 renounced their citizenship in 2009, a handful figure in line with previous history. Although [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has a little more than a year to serve in office, his uncompromising policies and extralegal tactics may indelibly affect the United States for many years to come, moving one in three Americans, according to recent polls, to consider an exit strategy... In the old days, the safety-value for discontent and disillusionment was for Americans to move from one state to another rather than take to the streets to protest or leave the nation. Indeed, states competed for people as the nation rounded out its continental borders, often with economic and democratic incentives. Illinois offered more of these incentives than Indiana as it emerged first as a territory before petitioning for statehood; to the west Iowa outdid Illinois; and by the time the last territory, Arizona, requested statehood in 1912 its constitution was so democratic -- providing for recall of judges, for instance -- that president William Howard Taft stopped the process, until changes were made. Once Arizona became a state, however, it went back to its divergent ways. Because [Obummer's] legacy has been to regulate areas traditionally within the purview of states -- from health insurance to voter identification requirements to even school lunch menus -- the ability of Americans to move to different states has been sorely strained. Today, only about 1 of every 10 Americans picks up stakes each year, half the usual movement and lowest percentage since statistics have been compiled in the post-World War 2 period. Lack of jobs for young people, in particular, has kept them close to the parental home [, high fuel and vehicle prices], and [ObummerDoesn'tCare] has tightened the economic umbilical cord even tighter, what with the requirement that offspring under the age of 26 are really still children and can qualify for health insurance under their parents' policies..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
bait-and-switch with Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's half-answers about his treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems continue to bolster mullahs
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Chuck Norris _WND_
Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems; there are no effective negotiations with terrorists (part 3)
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
TEA Party Patriots support end of Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
hateful and criminal ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei declared that any war will leave USA "humiliated"
Jordan Schachtel: Breitbart
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
_Conservative HQ_
CHQ under-cover: Office Depot printed Muslim hate after refusing to print Christian prayer
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Joseph Raskas _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Pamela Geller _WND_
2001/09/11: for many "never forget" has morphed into "never mind"
"...Since that fateful day, our freedoms, our very way of life has been under attack. Freedom of speech, our First Amendment, is under severe assault, as devout Muslims and their leftist lapdogs smear all those who dare to speak honestly about this threat, and work to force non-Muslims to accept Shariah blasphemy laws restricting all criticism of Islam. The enemedia have gone along readily, demonizing and marginalizing all those who note the ideology motivating the war against America. The 2001/09/11 Muslim terrorists extolled Allah no less than 90 times in their last letters. Bush declared Islam the religion of peace when it was his duty to explain what we were really up against. He declared, 'Islam is a religion of peace' when he should have spoken honestly about what motivated the jihad. The war was clumsily named the 'war on terror' and thus became the war of avoidance of the truth. [Barack Hussein Obummer] has been even worse, directly attacking the freedom of speech..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
how do free US citizens win this battle against shadowy fanatics intent on initiating force infiltrating the USA
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Yale established "Islamic Law Center", with $10M from Saudi banker Saleh Abdullah Kamel, advocate of "sharia-compliant banking" and alleged financier for Osama bin Laden
"...Noticeably left out of the press release is the fact that Mr. Kamel's Dallah Al Baraka Group, for which he is the chief executive, has been investigated by U.S. officials for bank-rolling al-Qaeda's operations worldwide. Moreover, the bank was founded by former al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden along with a group of Sudanese jihadists, the State Department has alleged, according to the Wall Street Journal. And in the 1998 New York City trials of al-Qaeda members, witnesses testified that Mr. Kamel's bank had previously transferred hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to al-Qaeda to help them buy an airplane, the report stated.."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Iran is responsible for the deaths of 500 USA troops in Iraq
"He added: 'There were rocket attacks and IRAM [improvised rocket-assisted munitions] among other tactics that also contributed to American solider deaths.' It appears that Iran introduced IRAMS into the war around 2008. Shiite extremists mounted the weapons on trucks and drove to points where they could fire the rocket-propelled explosives into an American base..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
could Iran destroy our ships in the Persian Gulf?
"Many laugh at the crude videos Iran has produced using wooden target ships and comical artistry. However, these types of naval tactics have been very effective in the past. In the 1982 Falklands War, the British Royal Navy destroyer HMS Sheffield was sunk by an Argentine, French-made Exocet missile. The threat hit much closer to home in 1987 when the same subsonic sea-skimming Exocet missile, fired from an Iraqi warplane, struck the U.S. Navy frigate USS Stark and crippled the vessel. It is a certain fact that the U.S. Navy has the ability to defend itself from these types of threats. However, the anti-ship missiles of today are of much greater speed and lethality. New Russian technology has produced weapons flying at 3 times the speed of sound with much larger warheads, and Russia is about to sell Iran a whole lot of sophisticated weapons..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Jane M. Orient _WND_
we need to continue ramping up the heat on GOP losership, candidates
"...At this point, the country is fed up with promises -- to repeal [ObummerDoesn'tCare], to restrict the torrent of illegal [and legal] immigrants, to stop ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, to repair the economy and on and on. Meanwhile, the 'fundamental transformation of America' is proceeding at a break-neck pace, and a lot [more] irreversible change (or destruction) can occur before 2017. Take [Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems]. As with [ObummerDoesn'tCare], Americans don't know what is in it. By 2017, Iran could get a nuclear warhead and the ability to detonate it 20 miles above Middle America. The electromagnetic pulse could destroy our electronics and power grid, plunging [the USA] into darkness and silence -- and chaos, famine and pestilence... Before 2017, Planned Parenthood will probably abort more than half-a-million American babies, while collecting nearly a billion [tax-victim] dollars, plus profits from organ trafficking. And how many more live-born infants will perish in its back rooms, or be vivisected to harvest 'tissue' for research? How many more young women will be molested because Planned Parenthood ignores laws requiring the reporting of sexual abuse and statutory rape? Rand Paul went to Washington, DC, to support Students for Life of America. Ben Carson has a petition to congress to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood. Ted Cruz might be willing to push the issue to the point that [Obummer] must choose between funding Planned Parenthood or the rest of the government. Where are the others in terms of action, not just words?..."
An EMP would destroy electricity control systems, idiot-cars and -trucks, idiot-meters for water and electricity, control systems for electric water pumps, control systems at citrus processing and steel-making plants and vehicle factories, emergency dispatch equipment, idiot-phones, tablets, lap-tops, radios, super-computers, idiot-ID and attendance and lock and clicker systems at colleges and universities, kkkredit and debit kkkards, ATMs, tractors and harvesters, communications and surveillance satellites...
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
things happening in USA are frightening
"A significant percentage of the problems in America today exists primarily from the usurpation of power at the national level because of the abdication of personal responsibility at the local level. We are experiencing -- because we have allowed it -- massive changes within our society and the societal mores on which the American republic rests. We must learn what this means for us and that traditional values should still be taught in an unfriendly and anti-morality society. A free society without moral underpinnings cannot continue to survive, but will, in fact, as with any structure that lacks foundational support, implode. Ask ancient Rome. Something frightening is happening in America today. More and more of the traditional foundations are being destroyed. People without moorings (a stable traditional family, a sense of personal self-worth and concrete moral values) are being swept away by a 'new wave'..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Joseph Farah _WND_
it's the head of the Jewish year: biblical significance of the blowing of the rams' horns
"It is indeed the beginning of the new year. In fact, by tradition, it represents the sixth day of Creation, when Adam breathed his first breath. So it's the first day of humankind. Spiritually, it represents renewal, a day of hope, transformation, change in a positive sense. And, since it's the Feast of Trumpets, there's the ram's horn, the shofar, the Hebrew word for trumpet. The blowing of the shofar signifies the beginning of the 10 days of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement, the holiest date on the Hebrew calendar -- also the day Moses may have received the Ten Commandments. But as I mentioned a few days ago, in my commentary on the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, these 'feasts' or appointed times are not just holidays for Jews. They are God's appointed holy days for all his people.."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Rash HaShanah, the Days of Awe: the people of Israel live
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
it is time to turn the lights back on
"...We truly believe this. The secular agenda to remove Christian influence from American life is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. It looks much bigger and stronger than it really is, like shadows in your bedroom at night.."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
Kim Davis is a modern-day Rosa Parks
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Maricopa county sheriff Joe Arpaio & Arizona DPS director Frank Milstead announced arrest of 2 copycat suspects in wake of I-10 shootings near Phoenix
armed citizen volunteers are aiding Arizona DPS in search for suspects
"the group consists of 'of former police, military and security personnel'. Bolt himself 'is a former Marine, reserve police officer, firefighter and bounty hunter'."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Jacques Billeaud _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
3rd copycat arrested
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Warer Todd Huston _Breitbart_
week-end violence in Chicago: 18 wounded, 1 dead; one man who had been hit 9 times drove himself to the hospital
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
hypocritical Terry McAuliffe brought arms-carrying guard to rally against the right to own and carry arms
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Polling Company: Carly Fiorina tops among Republican women, followed by Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Donald Trump
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
Illinois: anatomy of a failed leftist state
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
parents who educate their children in their homes sue NJ for unlawful, unconstitutional intrusion into their homes, engaged in intimidation, challenged their constitutional rights
"Nothing really changed after a New Jersey state social worker banged on Christopher and Nicole Zimmer's front door, and yet everything was different. Over the next two hours, the social worker quizzed their 15-year-old son, Chris, including questions on whether his parents fought or did drugs. She wanted to see his homeschool curriculum. She wanted to inspect their firearms. She told the Zimmers to sign papers agreeing to turn over their son’s medical records. And then she left, and the Zimmers never saw her again. But they can't let it go. They can't erase the memory of what it felt like when they thought the state might take away their son..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
MSFT purchase of Nokia device business affects/is affected by USA-South Korea trade agreement, as the corrupt, hateful, oath-breaker Obummer pushes evil, anti-USA Trans-Pacific Partnership, and South Korea protects Samsung from competition
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Timothy Harrington _Coffee and Charts_
UMich consumer sentiment index fell from 91.9 in late-August to 85.7 in mid-September
Mitchell Hartman: MarketPlace.org
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Larry Kummer
Alaska's climate scientists tell us the rest of the news, what Obummer forgot to mention
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Eric Worrall
Japan: building coal plants is "climate finance"
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
the Marx-stream news media have always been champions of every passing totalitarian fad, however murderous
"Hitler only got away with the slaughter of 6M Jews because the Western news media fawned upon him and demanded appeasement almost until the first shots were fired in the Second World War. Likewise, the totalitarian press fawned upon Communism, even as it killed 100M in the 20th century alone, to such an extent that some papers could scarcely bring themselves to cheer when the Berlin wall was torn down. Naturally, therefore, they all signed up dutifully to the climate scam, the new and ingenious but false and intrinsically genocidal pretext for the global government centered on the UN that, barring a miracle, will be established in Paris this December..."
2015-09-13 (5775 Alul 28)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
the slowly unraveling H-1B scandal at Wright State U near Dayton, Ohio
"The provost at Wright State University, near Dayton, Ohio, has lost his job as a result of an internal investigation into the institution's use of the H-1B program; a second official has been demoted and may lose his tenured teaching status; and a third has been fired. It sounds very much like the university found out about the problems before DHS did, but that's a widespread pattern. An AP story indicates that a federal investigation is ongoing, but did not name the agency doing it. Wright State is a middle-sized (17K students, $310M a year) state-run institution with some research facilities. It is now an independent entity, but it used to be a campus of Ohio State and Miami University. It is near [just SSE of] the big Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and is a few miles from the congressional district of speaker Boehner... The university's president, David Hopkins, said in a not-very-forthcoming statement that: '[T]his past Spring we were presented with credible evidence that somewhere between 2 and 5 years ago not every H-1B employee sponsored by the university was actually working for the university.' According to MyVisaJobs.com, Wright State filed 121 labor condition applications for H-1Bs in the years 2011-2015. Employers generally file 2 or 4 LCAs for every alien actually hired [or vice versa, 1 or 2 LCAs for every 3 to 20 aliens actually hired]. Wright State officials, like similarly placed executives at other universities, have the potential to access a major flow of illicit money by manipulating foreign worker programs, but this either rarely happens or it is rarely reported in the non-profit education sector. These illicit opportunities are there because universities have open access to the H-1B program and can secure as many workers as they want, while corporations have to live within the (too generous) national ceiling of 85K new H-1Bs a year... I have been paying attention to such issues for years, but have heard of only one instance in which a 'university' was using its status to bring large numbers of H-1Bs into the country who did not, in fact, work for the institution or affiliated entities. In that instance, the entity said it would employ the H-1Bs as nursing professors, but they actually worked as nurses in hospitals and nursing homes and had to pay substantial bribes to those who arranged their visas. (The exploitation of F-1 students, and the government, by for-profit visa mills is another story.) I used quotation marks above because the schemers in Colorado invented an educational institution out of whole cloth -- Adam University -- for their devious purposes and fooled the feds for years. Just what happened at Wright State, I do not know. It may be that the three officials simply used the H-1B system to bring in friends or relatives and no money changed hands. (2 of the 3 have sub-continent [=South Asian=Indian] names.) Or it could be a substantial operation along the lines of Adam University, or something in between. The former provost, Sundram Narayanan, who is currently the subject of an effort by the university to remove him from his tenured professorship, took a huge risk in this venture; he was paid at the rate of $352,642 a year in 2013 according to university records. Local reporters, not surprisingly, were unaware of the university's powers in the H-1B program and described it along predictable lines: 'The main point of the H-1B visa is to allow highly trained foreign employees the opportunity to work for a specific company in the United States for a few years.', [mistakenly] reported WDTN."
Natalie Tendall: WDTN-TV channel 2
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Jeff Sessions is correct on immigration provisions in Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Donna Rachel Edmund _Breitbart_
Denmark slashed benefits, diverting flow of "migrants"/"refugees"/invaders to Sweden: they respond "we don't like Denmark because 'refugee salaries' are too low there"
"...According to the Danish immigration authorities, the Danish parliament agreed to slash social benefits for newly arrived refugees by 50%; foreign nationals will not be able to bring family to Denmark for a year; and foreign nationals must wait at least five years for a permanent residence permit. In addition, only those who can speak and understand Danish will be granted a permit. The rules around deportation of failed asylum seekers have also been altered to ensure that they leave the country, via a new 'special return centre' to ensure that rejected asylum seekers leave Denmark as quickly as possible..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
are 10K "Syrian" "refugees" merely an opening bid by the Obummer regime?
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
no illegal alien left behind (part 2)
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump claimed the vast majority of illegal aliens could be removed within 2 years
Heather Haddon: Wall Street Journal
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Laura Ingraham
rapper Azealia Banks says Donald Trump's immigration plan will help blacks
Julia Hahn: Breitbart
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
left-libertarian comedian Bill Maher: Muslims are making Europe less "moderate" and "tolerant"
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
how many "migrants" can you fit in a van?
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
in a chain reaction Austria, Slovakia & Netherlands join Germany & Czech Republic in re-instating border controls
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
YouGov poll: British citizenry opposes letting in more "migrants"/"refugees"; contrasts with leftist media narrative
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
shortage of foster families in UK as thousands pledge to welcome "Syrian" "migrants"/"refugees" into their homes
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
drug smuggling gangs making use of toll road (SH130) through central Texas
"Higher driving speeds and a lower law enforcement presence have made the highway an attractive route for smugglers coming out of South Texas. SH130 operates with the nations highest speed limit, according to the Texas Tribune. Parts of the new toll road reach limits as high as 85 miles per hour. The company that operates the roadway appears to be in danger of going broke because of the lack of use. This is a perfect situation for drug traffickers, according to law enforcement officials along the northern portion of the road-way, Williamson county...."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Kim R. Holmes _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's "the worse, the better" tactic
"[Obummer] sees political opportunities lurking in the calamities of his own making. Every new crisis becomes an excuse to double down on the very policies that caused them in the first place... Sadly he uses every set-back to weaken America's position in the world even further..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Obummer DoJ dropped charges against Temple U professor Xi Xiaoxing who had been accused of spying for Red China
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Anton Troianovski, Manuela Mesco & Simon Clark _Wall Street Journal_
the growth of Refugee Inc.: the "refugee"/"migrant" crisis industry
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
federal tax collections set record $2.88325T through August, spent $3.41321T, 1st 11 months of FY2015; $19,346/worker... federal government still ran $529.96G FY deficit, while dishonestly claiming federal debt has been static for several months
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Stephen Ohlemacher _Cybercast News Service_
citing technology constraints, IRS declared they will no longer accept checks for more than $99,999,999
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
USA dropped to #16 in economic freedom index
report released Monday by the Fraser Institute and the Economic Freedom Network (pdf)
"As recently as 2000, the United States was [rated as being] the second-freest economy in the world... According to the report, 'countries in the top quartile of economic freedom had an average per-capita GDP of US$38,601 in 2013, compared to US$6,986 for bottom quartile nations'... The poorest 10% in economically free countries have average income of $9,881. The poorest 10% in economically repressive countries have average income of just $1,629... The U.S.A., however, is moving in the wrong direction, largely due to erosion in the rule of law and overly burdensome regulation. 'A weakened rule of law, the so-called wars on terrorism and drugs, and a confused regulatory environment have helped erode economic freedom in the United States, which has now fallen behind more economically free countries such as Qatar, Jordan and the UAE.', McMahon said... looks at 5 components of economic freedom: 1. size of government. 2. security of property rights. 3. access to sound money. 4. freedom to trade internationally. 5. regulation of credit, labor, and business. The top-10 most economically free jurisdictions are Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Mauritius, Jordan, Ireland and Canada, with the United Kingdom and Chile tied for tenth."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
ambassador John Bolton predicts Obummer-Rouhani hand-shake or high-five at UN
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Jeffrey A. Redall _Conservative HQ_
short bits about Republican primary contest: Rick Perry suspended campaign...
"...There's no doubt the media loves talking about Donald Trump and they're learning to love Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina for different reasons... Walker's main problem is no one can name anything he stands for. His political triumphs are in the past -- is there a reason to vote for him now? He's given the impression his positions are malleable and subject to the political winds of any given day. How he combats that notion moving forward, I'm not quite sure..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
_Conservative HQ_
GOA joins the call to fire Boehner
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Republican opposition against Boehner's losership reaches critical numbers
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
5 months of gaps in disclosed Hitlery Rotten Clinton State Dept. e-mail messages
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Matthew Daly _Cybercast News Service_
senators question whether Obummer attorney-general Loretta Lynch is too busy investigating soccer to prosecute Hitlery Rotten Clinton, voting fraud and intimidation, corrupt IRS...
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
John Cornyn calls for special lawyer to prosecute Hitlery Rotten Clinton
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Lee Daniels: race relations in USA are in an ugly place
"Fox television series Empire premieres later this month -- and creator Lee Daniels says the show has come along at a particularly rocky time... 'Where we are in America with race relations is an ugly place.', Daniels said at the screening, according to the New York Post. 'It's time we tear the roof off this motherf***er! It's time we see that we are all one.' Empire has been a ratings monster for Fox; the show added viewers every week during its three-month first season, and the season finale drew an estimated 21.92M viewers, including an eye-popping 8.8 rating in the all-important 18-49 [year old demographic segment]..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Russia to USA: help the Bashar al-Assad regime and "refugees" in Syria or else
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
A. Dru Kristenev _WND_
"refugee"/"migrant" flood is Muslim invasion
Canada Free Press
"...Today's Middle East inundation inverts the rationale of escape from that of the immigrants 300 years ago. Although these people have nothing with them, what they import is a backward, intransigent way of life and numbers that they expect will overwhelm the native populations. What they do not have is a will to adapt, or superior technology or philosophy. Instead, they have a pressing resolve to force their beliefs, their sharia, upon the misguided hosts who think themselves big-hearted and open-minded. This is a colonization that has already begun to push the European cultures into submission the same way the Arab invasion subjugated the North African, Turkish, Eurasian and north Mediterranean cultures for 500 years -- by violence..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Diana West _WND_
strangers in your own land: "redistribution" of "migrants"/"refugees"/invaders in Europe
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Dennis Prager _WND_
Europe is making a fatal mistake
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
stop or at least slow the flow of "migrants"/"refugees"/invaders; we've had more than enough
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Alex Marlow: immigration is #1 issue with grass-roots; Trump is growing big tent
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Jerome Hudson _Breitbart_
Stump for Trump Girls: if you love USA immigrate legally and become a citizen
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Danny Vargas (R-VA) running for 86th district of House of Delegates opposes Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties; hypocritical "Latino Victory Fund" withdraws funding
"...Mr. Vargas, a prominent Hispanic whom GOP leaders highlighted as part of their effort to field more minority candidates, says he suspects his Democratic opponent ginned up the controversy, hoping to dent the Republican in a very competitive district where Latino voters are an ever-increasing share of the population..."
2015-07-14: Cameron Kilberg: Next Generation GOP endorses Danny Vargas
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Patrick J. Buchanan _WND_
the left's on-going efforts to smear USA's heroes
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
CNN/ORC poll: registered voters continue to oppose unconstitutional infringements on the right to own and carry arms
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Anjali Shastry _Washington DC Times_
shooting sports regaining popularity in high schools
"...The SSSF has programs in 42 states and has seen participation grow from about 6K students four years ago to 13K now, Mr. Wondrash said..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Kelly Riddell _Washington DC Times_
Judicial Crisis Network: no more Robertses, Souters, or Kennedys on the supreme court
"'Demand justices with a proven record of upholding the constitution. We can't afford more surprises.', a narrator says in the first advertisement by the Judicial Crisis Network, which features the faces of justices John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy and retired justice David Souter, all Republican picks to the court..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Cuba's corrupt, Castro dictator has 50 Catholic backers of liberty and democracy arrested as pope's visit nears
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Hank Johnson (D-GA) defends Planned Parenthood but hasn't seen videos of PP officials bragging about their violations of federal law, and murders of live babies
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
EdNext poll: as retail prices continue to soar and compensation for worker-bees to fall, support for higher teacher salaries drop in light of their current compensation levels
"'People estimate that their local school districts spent $6,307 per child when we know from U.S. Department of Education statistics that it's actually twice that' -- or an average of $12,440 per child, Peterson told CNSNews.com... Americans also guessed that the 4M public school teachers in the U.S.A. receive an average yearly salary of $38,294 -- considerably lower than the actual average of $55,510, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Mychal Massie _WND_
what if a true Christian (or Jew) led the USA?: most politicians fake belief in God
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: secular regressives (leftists) want you to sit down and shut up
"Over the weekend six presidential hopefuls, including Dr. Carson, spoke at the Eagle Council's Eagle Forum in St. Louis, Missouri. The others were Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Rick Perry, who announced the end of his presidential campaign... Carson's theme was courage, both physical and moral..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Jen Kuznicki _Cybercast News Service_
USA's new status symbol: safe rooms being displaced by bomb bunkers
"...if you have an excavator just lying around, you might be 'in the money'. Giving Iran the ability to nuke up is the latest craze in Washington DC, so it may be useful to start looking into how to protect yourselves from fall-out, radiation, and utter destruction. And this being America, there are an array of options for the average family, including things like water filtration systems, digital radiation flare tracking, concrete encasements, optional rubber coating, composting toilets and even shelters above ground from when you get out of the fraidy hole..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the increasingly anti-Semitic NYTimes, reporting on Jewish congressmen who vote against Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Amy Clark _Washington DC Times_
patriotism and Obummer's anti-USA, anti-Israel, anti-Western civilization treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Cybercast News Service_
scofflaw, oath-breaking state and federal attorneys-general attack Alexis de Tocqueville's democracy and the USA and state constitutions
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Mark Thiessen _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Obummer/Lynch attorney-general charged host of Sportsman Channel "The Syndicate" with illegal hunts, under the same statute by which they attacked guitar maker
"Two production companies and another individual were cited for filming and airing video without a commercial permit [!?!?!?]... [Also attacked have been] Ted Nugent... Former Miami Dolphins running back Larry Csonka... Jim West, a hunting guide who appeared on Animal Planet... Discovery Channel..."
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Donald Trump spoke for many when he noted that former Shrub adviser Karl Rove is "terrible" but "he raises money pretty well"
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Ed Feulner _Cybercast News Service_
the double standard on tobacco vs. marijuana
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka doesn't know of any difference between other socialists and dems
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Lee Edwards _Cybercast News Service_
Sharon Document is still a clear, precise statement of 5 central themes of liberality now often mislabeled "conservatism"
"drafted by 26-year-old M. Stanton Evans and approved by Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) at its founding meeting in Sharon, Connecticut. Less than 400 words in length, the Sharon Statement is reminiscent of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in its concise language, listing such truths as, 'Foremost among the transcendent values is the individual's use of his God-given free will. Political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom. The purposes of government are to protect these freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense and the administration of justice. The market economy is the single economic system compatible with personal freedom and constitutional government. The forces of international communism [collectivism, socialism, racism, groupism, Marxism, fascism] are the greatest single threat to these liberties, and [the United States of America] should stress victory over rather than co-existence with this menace.'"
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Steve Peacock _WND_
"person of color" shot me... and I'm called a racist?!?!; near-death encounter with professional victim
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
street art associating Ted Cruz with "Hunger Games" rebels pops up around Los Angeles CA
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
church congregation prays for local police department
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
university politics get nasty, 2 dead in Mississippi at Delta State U
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart: campus on lock-down
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Larry Kummer
2015 August aggregate global surface (land+ocean) and lower troposphere temperature "anomaly" & model vs. data difference update (GISS, HadCRUT4, NCEI, Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) & U of AL at Huntsville)
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
Peter J. Ferrara _Washington DC Times_
the Obummer EPA's anti-energy crusade
2015-09-14 (5776 Tishri 01)
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1814-09-14: Francis Scott Key wrote poem "The Defence of Fort McHenry" now sung to the tune "To Anacreon in Heaven" under the title "The Star-Spangled Banner".
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
what's wrong with being a nativist? what's wrong in the USA of putting US citizens first?
"...Sessions' focus, however, isn't on just the people born in the [United States of America]. He's looking beyond ancestry and birth-place to include immigrants and their kids who've been welcomed legally into the United States. 'We [politicians] represent the people who voted for us. That's who our duty is owed to. To them... we should be doing what's in their best interest.', he stated. The mere existence of the would-be 'nativist' slur shows the deep contempt that internationalists have for ordinary Americans, said a Hill staffer. 'It should go without saying that the country exists to serve the interests of its citizens... so the fact that we have the [sneering] term nativist implies that some people think the citizens shouldn't have that priority.', the staffer said..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
some interesting details on the Wright State U case
"In yesterday's post, I discussed a scandal that emerged involving Wright State U and a local defense contractor, UES The latter apparently used WSU as a vehicle under which UES could hire a foreign worker, Satya Ganti, without worrying about the H-1B cap, with the added bonus that the legal wage requirement, being for an academic, could be lower. A fellow academic researcher called my attention to the fact that a number of documents related to the case were posted by the Dayton Daily News... I constantly point out that most abuse of H-1B and related programs is perfectly legal..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Wright State U played much the same H-1B role as an India-based bodyshop
"...Plenty of middleman organizations have made scores if not hundreds of millions out of the H-1B program, but this is the first time I have seen a university play that game. WSU is a state-run, non-profit institution. Four of the key players in the drama, incidentally, have subcontinent names. A quick sketch of the H-1B scene in Dayton shows: The university, not exactly in the top tier of U.S. educational institutions, reacting to the H-1B situation by firing/demoting/forcibly retiring four key officials, each of whom had six-figure salaries; A trustee of the university whose own for-profit organization was using the university to obtain the services of at least one tech worker at below-market rates; A middleman organization named Web Yoga was making many of the university's H1-B decisions since the H-1Bs really worked for it rather than for the university; and A slew of jobs that could have been filled by the university's own graduates went to under-paid H-1B workers. Indian out-sourcing firms ([cross-border bodyshops and off-shoring firms]) have these characteristics: They are largely Indian-managed and owned; they use the H-1B program to obtain skilled workers, usually from India, at below-market costs; and they turn around and rent those workers, at a profit of course, to other entities to do IT work. Two of the four WSU (now punished) executives have Indian names, and presumably made money for the university by obtaining H-1B visas for workers and then renting out those workers to other outfits..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
in the too-good-to-be-true department... state legislation to slow increased abuse of H-1B visas side-lined in California senate
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Louis Hansen _San Jose CA Mercury News_
HP to dump 25K to 30K more employees from 300K employee rolls, mostly in services
Patrick Thibodeau: ComputerWorld/IDG
World Net Daily
Rachel Stoltzfoos: Daily Caller
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_
imports up 15% for August at port of Oakland CA, 6th consecutive month increase; year-to-date down 48% from 2014
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
is USCIS ignoring a $100M-per-year-plus crony socialist cash cow?
"One of the federal programs that comes up for renewal -- or death -- at the end of this month levies an extra $2K per H-1B visa charge on companies that use large numbers of H-1B workers. The government carefully does not publish data on this matter, but my best guess is that it is worth rather more than $100M annually to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, which collects fees for approved H-1B petitions. If you were an executive of an enterprise with a yearly budget of $3.3G (as does USCIS for FY2015) and the company was facing a contract deadline within a month that would eliminate $100M in income, wouldn't you do everything in your power to get that contract extended? You bet you would. The agency may be quietly seeking for such an extension, but my sources on the Hill indicate that there is no visible activity toward this end, either by the administration or congressional initiatives. No member of congress, for example, has introduced such a bill, according to Interpreter Releases, the immigration bar's trade paper. The extension of these fees, however, could be attached as a rider to some other legislation, such as an appropriations bill or a continuing resolution for the general funding of the government. The extra fees program (which also extends to some L-1 employers) was set in motion in 2010 by congress as [an empty] gesture to the restrictionists -- why not charge the Indian body shops such as Tata and Infosys more for the visas and send the money off to DHS for drones and border patrol agents? The fees (in fact) would do nothing to discourage the use of the H-1B program, and would not touch the MSFTs and Googles of the world, while the concepts of the drones would indicate a desire for 21st Century enforcement techniques, as I reported at the time... The duration of the program was for 3 years; then it was extended for 2 more in 2013. Did those fees go through USCIS and then on to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (US ICE) for the drones and the agents? Or did they stay with USCIS to help fund [Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties]?... The fine print in that document shows that the extra H-1B and L-1 fees are not charged for H-1B-type workers from Chile and Singapore because of trade agreements with those countries. Fortunately we do not see many such workers, as Singapore is more prosperous than the United States and Chile produces relatively few high-tech workers. But the no-extra-fee-for-these-workers factoid is just another small reminder that we should not let our immigration policies be ruled by trade treaties."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
HR3102 alleges to improve airport security but allows illegal aliens and parolees to work at airports
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Laura Ingraham
"You people are suffering", Trump laments illegal immigration in Dallas, TX
"Trump said the United States is 'a dumping ground for the rest of the world' as he lashed out again at immigrants in the country illegally and promised Republican leaders he's just getting started."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Laura Ingraham
DoS, DHS records suggest USA has been admitting 280K Muslims per year
Julia Hahn: Breitbart
"In 2013 alone, 117,423 migrants from Muslim-majority countries were permanently resettled within the United States -- having been given lawful permanent resident status. Additionally in 2013, the United States voluntarily admitted an extra 122,921 temporary migrants from Muslim countries as foreign students and foreign workers as well as 39,932 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries. Thus, 12 years after the 2001 September 11th hijackers were invited into the country on temporary visas, the U.S. decided to admit 280,276 'migrants' from Muslim countries within a single fiscal year. To put these numbers into perspective, this means that every year the U.S.A. admits a number of Muslim 'migrants' [more numerous] than the entire population of Des Moines, Iowa; Lincoln, Nebraska; or Dayton, Ohio. The rate of Muslim immigration has been increasing since 2001 September 11. Between 2001 and 2013, the United States permanently resettled 1.5M Muslim immigrants throughout the USA. Unlike [illegal aliens], legal immigrants granted life-time resettlement privileges will be given automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens... Student visas for Middle Eastern countries have similarly grown enormously, including 16-fold increase in Saudi students since 2001/09/11. Arabic is now the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4% of recent refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Aline Kaplan _Next Phase_
Patrick Thibodeau & WGBH & Breitbart reporting on Disney's wild "IT" ride: bodyshopping, H-1B, pink slips, but first train replacements from India, & the elusive CIO, cabal of top executives un-scathed & un-reported
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Olympic bid committee in Los Angeles calls itself the "Northern Capital of Latin America", "western capital of the USA", "the eastern capital of the Pacific Rim"
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
aerospace booms in Alabama, shrivels in California
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
CNN's Sara Murray: immigration was the prevailing concern at Trump Dallas rally
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
"refugee" crisis only enhances ensuing perfect storm
"The influx of refugees from the perpetually war-torn Middle East currently flooding Europe presents a problem of immense measures right now, but the current problems it presents pales in comparison to the problems it will present in the future. Germany, for instance, is accepting eight hundred thousand in a nation of 80.62M, and the refugees will represent almost one percent of the German population in a nation that already has a prominent Muslim constituency. This flow of refugees is just the beginning of what is bound to come, as the word gets back to Syria and the ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate controlled countries that there is acceptance in the West, that there's food, shelter and safety available. The flow will turn into a raging river of humanity trying to escape the heartless tyrants and fanatic Muslim murderers that now control so much of the Middle East. And who can blame them? Who can fault a mother or father seeking asylum for their children? I certainly can't, but still. All that doesn't negate the dangers and the future shock this mass invasion represents... And how many jokers has ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate slipped into the deck? How many covert fanatics have inserted themselves into the mix, sleeper cells of suicide bombers and rabid jihadists who will bide their time and bring forth chaos when the order to activate is given..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
multi-culturalism's premises are disproved by the "refugee"/"migrant" crisis; people are not risking their lives to move to Islamic countries
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Christopher Flavelle _Bloomberg_
USA economy and job markets have been so dysunctional for so long that many have too little or no retirement savings; Hitlery campaign Teresa Ghilarducci's impossible scheme
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Thomas Sowell _WND_
_Wealth, Poverty and Politics_ and trying to explain "opportunity" to intellectuals
"_Wealth, Poverty and Politics_ does not accept inequality of opportunity. Instead, it reports such things as children raised in low-income families usually not being spoken to nearly as often as children raised in high-income families. The conclusion: 'It is painful to contemplate what that means cumulatively over the years, as poor children are handicapped from their earliest childhood.' Even if all the doors of opportunity are wide open, children raised with great amounts of parental care and attention are far more likely to be able to walk through those doors than children who have received much less attention. Why else do conscientious parents invest so much time and effort in raising their children? This is so obvious that you would have to be an intellectual to able to misconstrue it. Yet many among the intelligentsia equate differences in outcomes with differences in opportunity. A personal example may help clarify the difference..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Barry Farber _WND_
The problem is that these are not all genuine and deserving refugees. Many of these people should be in the Syrian army or the rebels' armies. Some are agents of ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate, just as many of the 'refugees' into West Germany at the end of WW2 were agents of the Soviets. This batch are demanding passage to whichever country has the cushiest illfare programs, or to whichever one they want to fundamentally transform into yet another arm of the worldwide caliphate. So, how many can the USA government properly run background investigations on? Well, even if the Obummer regime had the will to run background investigations on refuge and other visa applicants, these people don't have much in the way of trails. We can't interview their family members, their neighbors, their landlords, their employers, their co-workers, the local police, teachers, professors, class-mates. As a matter of fact, the Nazis did make use of a form of computer for tracking down targets, and for planning out their occupation of new territories. Sure, it was more primitive than even today's idiot-phones, using the sorting of punched cards and lacking "location services", but IBM (from Thomas Watson on down) was right there helping them.
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Syria's president Bashar al-Assad taunts Europe on "migrant"/"refugee"/terrorist crisis: "stop supporting terrorists"
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
a decade ago, Dem and Rep voters were united in opposing illegal immigration
"Little more than a decade ago, voters in both parties generally agreed that unchecked immigration was a significant threat to U.S.A. vital interests -- with Democrats actually topping Republicans in that belief, 63% to 58%. Now, however, the parties diverge wildly, with 63% of Republicans saying immigration is a threat, while just 29% of Democrats rate it so. Independents are spot in the middle, with 46% seeing immigration as a threat..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Danusha V Goska _Free Republic_
Western Europe vs. Eastern Europe responses to mass, unvetted Muslim immigration: don't believe the leftist media propaganda
Front Page Magazine
Dave Blount
Hannah Roberts: London Daily Mail: ISIL threatens to send 500K "migrants" to Europe as psychological weapon
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
media's usual gimmicks to manipulate people are no longer working
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Walter E. Williams _WND_
a new school year... and more physical attacks on teachers
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iran's corrupt theocrats thank corrupt UN IAEA for keeping under wraps "side deals" to Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Deb Riechmann _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt senate losership to hold another simple-majority show-vote on Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems rather than follow constitution's requirement for two-thirds of senators to approve it for it to go into effect
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
McConnell talks of the Reds/leftists/Dems "winning ugly"
Corrupt senate losership rushes to surrender in face of anti-constitutional procedures on Obummer's vile treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems. McConnell and Boehner never think of GOP winning by using all of the tools at their disposal, but only of how to let the left get their way. Surrender. Surrender. Surrender is their creed, even when the US constitution gives them a wide open path to victory against such a rotten treaty.
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
McConnell plans amendments to resolution disapproving Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons; making sanctions relief conditional on official recognition of Israel & releases of US citizen political prisoners
So, when is he going to stop his silly dancing and bring up a resolution to approve the treaty, and then, when it fails to get 67 votes as required by the US constitution, declaring that the US does not consent.
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Media Research Center News Busters_
the leftist media's weird Iran "victory" band-wagon for the Obummer treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Joseph R. de Trani _Washington DC Times_
ending the North Korean, and Iranian nuclear threat
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Tom de Weese _Conservative HQ_
patriots vs. anti-USA politicians in 2015
"Many of the younger generation must be truly bewildered over the emotions older Americans display when expressing love, devotion, respect and reverence for our country. A tear in the eye for a patriotic song... a hand over the heart as the national anthem plays... a salute to the flag as it passes in a parade. Why would we older folks do that? What frame of reference could younger Americans possibly have? Patriotism, nationalism -- even American citizenship are taboo [or even condemned] in today's school curriculum. 'Globalism', 'diversity', and political correctness trump real history, sound economics, and science. Communism is just another economic system [not that different from USA today's mixed economy]. The Founding Fathers are simply old, dead slave-owning white guys. The UN's [muddled and perverse] Declaration on Human Rights trumps the Declaration of Independence. Where are the heroes for today's young people to admire [when heroes of old are repeatedly disparaged]? Principled leaders who understood the roots of America's greatness now are replaced by blow-dried sound-byte kings whose professional campaign staffs understand only how to maneuver a special interest group or a voting block..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
while GOP losership demands party-treason, Trump and Tea Parties expand and energize GOP base
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Scott Adams: Trump using same tactics as Jesus/Yahushaa and USA's founding fathers
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
USA-South Korea alliance treats USA DoD as foreign illfare agency
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Rich Tucker _Breitbart_
"Everything we provide is fresh.", said Planned Parenthood medical advisor to under-cover camera in 10th video
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Cheryl Wetzstein _Washington DC Times_
Planned Parenthood and other abortionists try to hide policies by keeping them unwritten
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
James Arkin _Real Clear Politics_
"conservatives" in congress push to de-fund Planned Parenthood
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Star Parker _WND_
Ted Cruz is right, it would be worth temporarily shutting down a fraction of the federal government to accomplish any one or more of the following: de-fund Planned Parenthood, de-fund ObummerDoesn'tCare, de-fund Obumer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties for illegal aliens, de-fund the EPA's power-madness de-fund the H-1B visa program
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
John Bolton fills in for Scott Walker at California GOP convention in Anaheim
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
poll: large majority of GOP primary voters still oppose ObummerDoesn'tCare
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: "absolutely great" free market DonaldCare will replace ObummerDoesn'tCare
"...'We're going to something really spectacular with that [healthcare], with immigration, with the armed forces.', Trump said..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Sajeeb Wazed _Washington DC Times_
un-masking terrorists in Bangladesh
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Army CID investigation of Green Beret war hero based on assertion he may have disclosed classified information in PowerPoint presentation he made to fellow Army soldiers about then-deserter/-captive Bowe Bergdahl
"...Lieutenant-colonel Amerine worked in a unit trying to win Bergdahl's release. He contacted representative Duncan Hunter, a former Marine Corps officer, and told him about a disjointed hostage-rescue operation inside the [corrupt Obummer regime]. Mr. Hunter hooked him up with the [corrupt Obummer/Holder] FBI, which after hearing his complaints, filed an informal complaint with Army head-quarters, accusing him of discussing classified information with Mr. Hunter's office... The [corrupt Obummer regime] ultimately 'won' Mr. Bergdahl's release from Pakistan's Haqqani terror family by swapping [not 1 but] 5 Taliban commanders [who, after a brief vacation, went back to waging terrorist campaigns against Western civilization, including the USA]..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
SecNav Ray Mabus ignores results of experiment with mixed-sex combat units, forges ahead with political agenda; Marines feel betrayed
"...'Our secretary of the Navy completely rolled the Marine Corps and the entire staff that was involved in putting this [experiment] in place under the bus.', said a female anti-armor gunner with the task force, The Washington Post reported Monday... 'All the work that the task force did, the rounds that we shot, didn't mean anything if he had already made up his mind.', [another sergeant] added..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
and while the Obummer regime plays corrupt politics, North Korea threatens nuclear weapons attack against USA
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Tom Fitton _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton e-mail and Benghazi scandal continues; Judicial Watch law-suits continue in attempt to pry loose information
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Katherine Timpf _National Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton thinks you are stupid
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
Obummer's legacy of division and debt; how correctable is Obummer's "fundamental transformation" of the USA
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
many people like Donald Trump because he fights
"But the fact is, [today's] Republican [losers] don't fight. They won't fight. They are too committed to not losing that they lose [long before political battle is engaged]. They will not take risks. They are too interested in being liked [by those of the other party, and don't seem to mind being strongly disliked by those of their own party]. And they have surrounded themselves with sycophants in the [leftist media] who encourage their surrender. On 2014 November 20, senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) [58%] promised a forceful response on immigration. His response was to run to court and let a judge handle it. He did not do anything. Time and again the [Republican losership] have caved. They will not fight. So disaffected people tired of broken promises have turned to Donald Trump because, hey, he fights!"
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Laura Ingraham
Bret Baier gave advice to CNN presiders over candidate debate Wednesday
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
neo-con Bill Kristol refuses to "take the pledge" to support Republican nominee
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Jeremy Kirk _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Let's Encrypt project issues first free SSL/TLS certificate
"A project that aims to increase the use/abuse of encryption by giving away 'free' SSL/TLS certificate has issued its first one, marking the start of its beta program. The project, called Let's Encrypt, is run by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) and backed by Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Cisco, and Akamai, among others..."
The problem with certificates is the "trust hierarchy" non-sense. I only partially trust EFF and CPSR, certainly do NOT trust VerySlime, nor the designers at MSFT nor Apple nor Oracle nor SAP, TWR nor the Obummer regime nor UN. There are others I trust more, but there are probably a lot of the people they would trust I would not trust. Still, the main thing that has always inhibited adoption of end-to-end encryption is the clumsiness of setting it up and using it on a day-to-day basis.
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Joseph Farah _WND_
should Christians always obey government?
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Alabama considering bill to get the state government out of the marriage license business
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
R' Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the 850-member Rabbinical Alliance of America: Kim Davis is literally the flag- and banner-carrier for God
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Payton Davis _Washington DC Times_
Rash Ha Shanah: 8 things to know this year
"...Although the Jan. 1 New Year often means frantic gatherings at places like New York's Times Square, Jews spend a large portion of Rosh Hashanah at home or the synagogue... 'In synagogues, Jews collectively confess sin. Wrong-doing is often done in a web... Someone could have stopped it. Someone else encouraged it. So, together, congregations recite confessions.', according to The Oregonian. 'Jewish families celebrate by sharing meals at home. Foods special to the holiday include honey, apples and pomegranate.'..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Anthony Watts & Ian Wishart
this is why media coverage of climate has been corrupted: UN and Oxfam caught bribing media to write crusading climate series
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Eric Worrall
UK meteorology office: pause may continue
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
more bad news for climate hysterics: Africa's deserts are getting greener
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Paul Gosar (R-AZ) moves to impeach Obummer's corrupt EPA chief Gina McCarthy
"'McCarthy not only broke the law by lying to congress, but in doing so she also lied to the American people in order to force misguided and over-reaching regulations, which have no scientific basis...', Gosar said in a statement, adding that EPA mandates under [president Barack Hussein Obummer] 'will kill hundreds of thousands of jobs and cause untold economic harm to communities throughout the country'..."
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Anthony Watts
GEOMAR: long-term climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere linked to solar variations
2015-09-15 (5776 Tishri 02)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ann Coulter, (7) Rick Santorum, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Donald Trump, (10) Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Mike Huckabee, Allen West, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
abc touts "made in America" by Americans -- but its owner, Disney, not so much
"Monday's 'ABC Evening News' with David Muir included a feature the program airs with some regularity called 'Made in America'. The theme of this portion of the broadcast is American workers and products; this time it featured WD-40, which has been produced in San Diego since the 1950s. Watching the piece, my thoughts went into a stream of consciousness state as I reflected on what I was seeing. ABC is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company, responsible for managing and overseeing all aspects of television for the company, including specifically ABC News. Readers will recall that, not long ago, Disney was embroiled in controversy (which disappointingly subsided all too quickly) for firing a host of its American tech workers in favor of recently imported H-1B nonimmigrant workers and then added salt to their wounds by requiring them to train their replacements before leaving. In fact, news media reported at the time of the Disney kerfuffle that the same kind of terminations and replacements were in the offing at ABC, but were then cancelled without either fanfare or explanation. It makes one wonder: Was one of the reasons they changed their minds because ABC Evening News routinely airs the 'Made in America' segment showcasing the increasingly rare items still made by American workers here in this country? Imagine the hoots of derision from the likes of Stephen Colbert and other late-night television hosts, and the biting op-ed articles that would have attended replacing American workers at ABC while trying to tout American-made goods and employees on their national evening news program. As for me, I think the derision is still merited. Hypocrisy, thy name is Disney."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
debate prep on immigration
"Participants in the 2 Republican debates later today are certain to be asked about their views on illegal immigration and the Middle Eastern refugee crisis. The answers are not difficult, and yet one candidate after another flubs them. Here's a template for answering the first question, with the second to follow. Actually fixing immigration will be hard work, but explaining it isn't -- or shouldn't be. And yet, from Trump's saying whatever pops into his head, to Carson's frivolous assurance that he would seal the border within a single year, to [Yebbie Booosh's] detailed plan to enforce the rules after amnestying all the illegals, and to the clichéd boasts by the rest that they will 'secure the border', the candidates' responses to illegal immigration queries do not speak well to their political skills. At the risk of sounding like a middle-school English teacher, they need to introduce the problem, offer 3 concrete solutions that are understandable, hold together, and make sense both politically and as policy, and then conclude by showing how they point to the future: 'Well, Hugh, I'm glad you asked that question. Until we have in place an enforcement system that will prevent the settlement of another 12M illegal aliens, we're not even going to talk about what to do with the ones already here. We're not going to amnesty them and we're not going to launch a dragnet to find them. If they're arrested for something else, I'll make sure we have resources in place to deport them, but in the meantime my administration would focus on the three things we need to have in place before we even talk about the illegals already here. First, we need nationwide E-Verify, so when a company hires somebody, and is filling out the paperwork for Social Security and the IRS, they also check, using this free online system, whether the new employee is telling the truth about who they are. The system's already in place, it's used millions of times every year, including by the great folks at (insert name of company in your state), and unlike the [ObummerDoesn'tCare] web-site, it actually works. But it's optional now and needs to be rolled out nationwide, so that all our businesses and workers are playing on an even playing field. Second, we need a check-out system for foreign visitors. One thousand new illegal aliens will settle in our country today, and most of them will have come in legally on some kind of visa, but just stayed when their time was up. Better fencing at the border won't fix that. Right now, we're pretty good at checking people into our country, but after that, it's the honor system. Heck, we don't even send a text message thanking them for visiting our country and reminding them to make sure they head home on time. Finally, we need to undo the damage [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has done to law enforcement. For state and local police (insert reference to your state here), the ability to partner with immigration authorities is vital to public safety. And yet this president has dismantled the arrangements between local cops and immigration agents, winked at sanctuary cities, and even punished towns and states that have tried to do the right thing. Once those 3 goals are met -- not on paper in Washington DC, but in fact, in the real world -- then we'll take another look at the illegal immigrants already here. And there's likely to be a lot fewer of them, simply owing to attrition. In fact, of the illegals here today, fully two and a half million have moved here since [president Barack Hussein Obummer] was inaugurated. If he had just done his job, this whole problem would be much smaller and less wrenching. In a (fill in name) administration, we will finally work our way out of this mess.' It's a little long for a debate response when there are 11 people on the stage, but even in abbreviated form it's concrete, coherent, and concise."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
debate prep on "refugees"
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Kenneth Kopf _Cybercast News Service_
defining "compassion" in the wake of "refugee"/"migrant" tsunami
I see nothing here about the difficulty and necessity of running background investigations on applicants for "refugee" or "immigrant" or "guest-worker" status.
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Laura Ingraham
poll: 92% say immigration is an important problem
Media Research Center (video)
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Hungary: police fire tear-gas at rioting "refugees"/"migrants" trying to break through borders amidst "Allahu Akhbar" chants
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
poll: 22% of Syrians think ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate is good; 82% think USA created it
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Stockholm, Sweden: Turks and Kurds fight in streets, bombs are thrown
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
East Texas: pastor averts tragedy in attack by Muslim
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
HP dumping 30K USA employees, while ramping up use/abuse of H-1B guest-workers
"The new job slashing is in addition to the 54K job lay-offs already taken by HP and are expected to mostly hit workers in North America, according to Bloomberg... Despite the huge employment shrink, according to the myvisajobs.com web-site: 'Hewlett-Packard filed 2,668 labor condition applications for H1-B visa and 815 labor certifications for green card from fiscal year 2011 to 2014. Hewlett-Packard Company was ranked 30 among all visa sponsors.' Breitbart News reported the February in 'Obama Administration Just Gave Away a Million more Green Cards', that the Administration was expanding the 650K H1-B visa holders living in the US to offer 'green card' U.S. [legal permanent residence] work permits to about 600K H1-B spouses and 400K children between the ages of 14 to 20... Fiorina highlighted that there are currently at least 16 different visa programs. She acknowledged that there are some positions that can only be filed by foreign specialists, but she blames America's education system as the real culprit for any lack of technical skills in America [despite evidence that only between one-third and one-half of US citizens with bachelor's degrees in STEM fields have been getting STEM jobs over the last 15-20 years, and wide-spread unemployent and under-employment of older, more experienced US STEM professionals, firms expend much less effort on recruiting than before H-1B, invest much less in new-hire and retained-employee training, invest much less in employee relocation...]."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Steve Goldstein _MarketWatch_
the typical household makes less than it did before the last recession
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
USA has admitted 24 times as many "migrants" as pope's home country of Argentina
"...The United States has a higher foreign-born population percentage than any of the world's largest countries. Although the United States houses only 5% of the world's population, the United States takes in 20% of all the 'migrants' worldwide. No other country even approaches that number. In fact, no country in the world takes in even 5% of the global migratory flows. For instance, the pope's home country of Argentina -- which boasts a population of 41.5M -- houses less than 1% of global migrants. The United States has taken 2,328% -- or 24 times -- [as many as] Argentina has. In the United States, 1 out of every 7 residents is foreign born; in Argentina only 1 out of every 22 residents is foreign born... Mexico, for example, only 0.9% of its population is foreign born -- or 1 out of every 110 residents... In Brazil, only 0.3% of its population is foreign born -- or 1 out of every 334 residents... real average hourly wages are lower today than they were in 1973; all net job creation among working-age people went to foreign workers from 2000-2014; the number of struggling Americans forced to rely on welfare has reached a record high; over-crowded schools, which are now majority-minority, have struggled to accommodate the growing number of students that qualify for reduced lunch programs and require English language instruction; an influx of a diverse student body has sent U.S.A. test scores plummeting; and the importation of third world criminal organizations has negatively impacted the safety of, what are now, gang-beseiged communities. Importing more migrants into the country than can be absorbed violates the principle outlined by president Calvin Coolidge, who greatly reduced immigration rates the last time the foreign-born share of the population reached a record high. 'We want to keep wages and living conditions good for everyone who is now here or who may come here.', Coolidge famously said. 'As a Nation, our first duty must be to those who are already our inhabitants, whether native or immigrants. To them we owe an especial and a weighty obligation.' A plurality of Americans want a pause on all new immigration..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
"migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists riot at Hungary border
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Dusan Stojanovic _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Hungarian police repel "migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists at Serbian border
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
near Calais: women "locking themselves in tents" to avoid male "migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists attacks
"...Just 10% of the camp's 5K-strong population are female... According to the Jersey Evening Post, the ethnic make-up of the camp is about 35% Sudanese, 30% from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq, 25% from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia, 5% Syrians and 5% from North Africa, with a handful of eastern Europeans..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Stockholm Sweden: grenade attack follows Kurd-Turk "migrant"/"refugee"/terrorist clashes, echoing similar attacks in Malmo
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
German tax-victims to foot 500M Euro bill for "migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Obummer regime refusing to prosecute cross-border drug smugglers
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Obummer regime set to deport... 12 Iraqi Christian refugees
"Nearly half of the 27 Iraqi Christians the [Obummer regime] has been holding for the past 6 months at an US ICE detention center in Otay Mesa [near San Diego], California, are set to be deported in coming weeks, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Monday. An immigration judge ordered their removal in the last two weeks, US ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said. She declined to provide specific information about why the immigrants are being deported and where they will be taken. Immigrants who face deportation are typically returned to the country where they were living before entering the United States. It's likely that most of the Iraqis will be deported to such countries as Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, where many United Nations refugee camps are stationed... Chaldeans..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Myra Adams _WND_
why and how you should help persecuted Christians and Jews
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Jane Chastain _WND_
immigration solution: a 4-legged [more like 8-legged] stool
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Juliette Turner _Washington DC Times_
a new generation to defend the USA constitution
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
12 refugees from Castros' Cuban dictatorship reach Miami's South Beach amid cheers
"...4,235 Cubans have been forced back to Cuba this year. Nearly 24,000 Cubans risked the trip between 2014 October and 2015 May, with a 177% increase in the number when comparing 2013 December to 2014 December..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
captain of Iranian women's soccer team will miss international tournament because her husband took her passport
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Obummer regime to send a mere 160 soldiers to help recapture Ramadi, Anbar, Iraq from ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Mitch McConnell continues to bluster and dance ineffectually without so much as lifting a finger to do anything effective to stop Obummer agenda including his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Benjamin Netanyahu to meet with Barack Hussein Obummer on November 9
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
senator Ted Cruz vows to rip to shreds Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
North Korea says they are ready and willing to launch nuclear attack against USA
"...former UN weapons inspector David Albright produced a study earlier this year that predicted the North Koreans would try to increase their inventory from its current level of 10 to 15 nukes into an arsenal of 20 to 100 war-heads by 2020..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
after deadly crane collaps, Saudis ban Bin Laden Group contracts until investigation is completed
"...The Saudi Binladin Group's name looks familiar for a good reason: it was founded eight decades ago by Mohammed bin Laden, the father of the late al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden and is currently run by Osama's brother Bakr."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Hamas's Al-Aqsa television interview: boy wants to be an engineer so he can blow up the Jews
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
state politicians and bureaubums violate rights & attack "non-governmental democracy"
"There are plenty of politicians and bureaucrats (Lois Lerner, for example) at the federal government level who want to silence constitutional conservative activists and their organizations through unlawful assaults on the right of Americans to associate for causes in which they believe. There are also politicians and bureaucrats at the state level doing the same. One group of state officials, the National Association of State Charity Officials (NASCO), wields tremendous power over charities and activist organizations, such as the 58 organizations that recently submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in a challenge against California Attorney General Kamala Harris, describing her violations of federal law and constitutional rights. That brief also described extensive collaboration between NASCO and Lois Lerner even while she was targeting conservative groups with her unlawful deeds. Government bullies know that they can wield more power over citizens by impeding and silencing our organizations through which we take action together. As I recently wrote at CNSNews, 'It is clear that if each citizen, wrote [Alexis de] Tocqueville, as he becomes individually weaker and consequently more incapable in isolation of preserving his freedom, does not learn the art of uniting with those like him to defend it, tyranny will necessarily grow with equality.' Tocqueville was describing 'non-governmental democracy'. NASCO will soon hold its annual meeting in Washington, DC, and the following letter was sent to its president asking if NASCO would take steps to protect the rule of law against lawless, bullying state officials..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
debate pre-view
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
debate prep: asking the right questions about tax plans
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
14-year-old Muslim arrested, suspended for bringing home-made electronic clock to school; teacher said she thought it was a bomb
Ben Wolfgang: Washington DC Times
Doug Giles: Town Hall: what if a "white" Baptist boy brough a "clock" that looked like a bomb timer to school?
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart: Mark Cuban said that when he talked with Ahmed Mohamed, when asked about what happened, his sister was giving him the answers; "but when I talked to him about science, when I talked to him about magnets, when I talked to him about creating things, he was very, very engaged" (video)
Robert Spencer: PJMedia: Obummer's half-clocked tale of supposed Islamophobia
Pamela Geller: Breitbart: we've been scammed! father is Islamophilia activist
Ben Shapiro: Breitbart: the whole story stinks of leftist exploitation
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
11K joined web-cast saluting producers of videos showing Planned Parenthood's dishonesty
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
doctors misdiagnosed unborn child in Glasgow as "severely disabled" from spina bifida, advised abortion; now 3 years old he's perfectly healthy
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
ghoulish Planned Parenthood medical adviser waxed enthusiastic about market for body parts
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
House vote that matters on de-funding Planned Parenthood is budget and/or continuing resolution
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
David Daleiden: after our videos of Planned Parenthood officials you can no longer deny the violence they initiate in abortions
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina indicted Planned Parenthood, dares Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Barack Hussein Obummer, Nasty Pelosi to watch videos
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Kennedy daily briefings confirm that Soviets were trying to take over the world
"After perusing the majority the Kennedy Presidential Daily Briefs of nearly 2,500 documents, the overwhelming impression I gathered from this exercise is that the Soviet Union really was trying to take over the world. This conclusion may come as an unwelcome surprise to the legion of leftist professors in America's colleges and universities..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
FBI investigating severed fiber-optic cables in Livermore, California
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
SecDev Ashton Carter: Russia and Red China are catching up with USA on technology (in part by stealing it over the last 4 decades)
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
John FitzGerald Kennedy's cold war
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _Cybercast News Service_
like Kim Davis, every person will be tested
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Hans von Spakovsky _Cybercast News Service_
allowing non-citizens to be counted in redistricting violates the one-person, one-vote standard
"The Supreme Court is set to finally decide this issue in Evenwel v. Abbott -- something it has avoided for decades up until this year. In Evenwel, two Texas voters claim that including non-citizens in the population used to draw their legislative districts violates the Equal Protection Clause. These voters were placed by the state legislature in senate districts whose voting populations deviate anywhere from 31% to 49% from the ideal population of a Texas senate district. They argue that this disparity significantly dilutes their votes in comparison to those of voters who live in districts with large numbers of non-voters, particularly districts with a large number of non-citizens, including illegal aliens who are not eligible to vote. The basis for the one-person, one-vote standard is the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Under the supreme court's interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment in Reynolds, states must draw districts 'on a basis that will insure, as far as is practicable, that equal numbers of voters can vote for proportionally equal numbers of officials'. This past summer, the Court accepted Evenwel for review. The supreme court's 2015 term begins on October 5, although the date for oral arguments in Evenwel has not yet been set. Sue Evenwel and Edward Pfenninger claim their votes are worth roughly half those of voters in other districts. IOW, they argue that their districts were allotted the same number of senators as other districts that contained the same number of people but only half the number of eligible voters..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Robertsons: "Live Original Live"
"...'I hope that they take away a confidence in God, no longer depending on themselves but to give it up to God because that's what is going to get you really far in life.', Robertson said."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _WND_
common crook Hitlery Rotten Clinton
Washington DC Times
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the importance of jettisoning the Republican losership
"I'm talking about the unwillingness of the Republican congressional [losership] to break the Washington pattern of business-as-usual borrowing and spending no matter how many times voters give them control of the House, the senate or both. Even worse than their failure to out-vote the minority Democrats, who clearly see no problem with unsustainable, unconstitutional, unlimited government, is the Republican predilection to wave the white flag in any political fight before it starts. Let me tell you about the latest example of that. House speaker John Boehner and senate [majority-loser Mitch McConnell] are already letting the whole world know there will be no government shut-down this year -- no matter what. IOW, once again, they've already dealt [Barack Hussein Obummer] the winning hand, letting him and everyone else in Washington know that they will not play their trump card, they will not use their power of the purse, and they have no stomach for a fight that is meaningful..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Ted Nugent _WND_
culture war
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Erik Rush _WND_
and sometimes some of our better allies are naively or inimically at war with themselves and us
"...It is also indisputable that [Obummer's] allegiance is not to this nation, but to an amalgam of Marxist and Islamist ideologies and interests, including big-money Muslim concerns here and overseas who contributed in no small way to his ascendancy. [Barack Hussein Obummer] catalyzed the Arab Spring and established ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate as surely as John F. Kennedy launched the [Peace Corpse]. It has become equally clear that many high-ranking Republicans have been complicit -- not weak and ineffectual, but complicit -- with regard to [Obummer's] crimes. But the commentator and the media mogul I mentioned aren't talking about any of that. It's one thing to discuss how [Obummer] hung out with radicals and had a black militant pastor, and how the GOP [losership] has been wholly inadequate in dealing with him. But if one has a fan base of millions and he's not discussing [Obummer's] serial acts of treason, then what's the point? If such persons can't grasp and articulate that [Obummer] wants a nuclear Iran in order to further destabilize the region -- destabilization being an effort to which he has been steadfastly dedicated -- then they're utterly useless..."
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
Larry Klayman law-suit against NSA to proceed, executive branch still trying to squirm out of responsibility by challenginf plaintiffs "standing"
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Phil Elmore _WND_
beware of on-line fem-bots
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Jack Cashill _WND_
no movie will revive Dan Blather's reputation, his long history of fraud
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Justin Ellis _Nieman Lab_
after being inundated with comments which did not fall in lock-step with the opinions of idioters, what happened at 7 so-called "news" sites which shut down reader comment features?
"Recode, Reuters, Popular Science, The Week, Mic, The Verge, and USA Today's FTW have all shut off reader comments in the past year. Here's how they're [abusing] 'social media' to [control] reader discussion [and more thoroughly violate readers' privacy]..."
The problem is that the publishers, like dictators, prefer a one-way flow, to tell people what their opinions should be rather than engaging in logical argumentation. I mention the dictators because of a study done decades ago that noted that in countries that are more free, they tend to have better facilities for free-going point-to-point/individual-to-individual communications, whereas in dictatorships, they lavish more effort and resources on one-way communications from the dictator or oligarchy to the rest of the citizenry and residents.
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Jim Steele
Antarctic refrigerator effect (part 2)
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Anthony Watts
Peter Wadhams was wrong; Arctic sea ice is still there, no record low this year
2015-09-16 (5776 Tishri 03)
Willis Eschenbach
grand canyon of the mind
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
USA Constitution Day.
1730-09-17: baron Friedrich Wilhelm von steuben b: 1730-09-17 in Magdeburg.
This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Rick Santorum, (7) Ben S. Carson, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Scott Walker, (10) Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Ann Coulter, Mike Huckabee, Allen West, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
all the pro-H-1B news that's fit to crowd-fund and crowd-source; a project of the San Francisco CA Chronicle
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
*** "migration" monotony: reasons why millions are on the move ***
Washington DC Times
"There is a tragic monotony to the latest massive human 'migration', this one involving Syrians fleeing their war-torn country. Whether the 'migrants' are from Mexico, the Islamic world or elsewhere, it is always the same: 'Migrants' flock to the West..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
amateur analysis and pseudo-journalism at BuzzFeed
"...'people performing various dangerous, crude, self-injuring stunts and pranks'. That description, I think, is also perfectly descriptive of immigration analysis when undertaken by amateurs or, worse, journalists determined to write an article that conforms to their predetermined notions, no matter how hard they have to pound that square peg to fit it into a round hole..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
a sentencing win in a case of an illegal alien who committed additional crimes, in the 9th circus
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Malmo, Sweden: the ghost town of "migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists children
"Visiting Rosengård, one of the most notorious 'no-go-zone' suburbs of Malmo, where automatic weapons are used to settle gang disputes and ethnic Swedes dare not to tread, the Police station seems a logical first port of call when trying to get the full story. Newly built after the old station, an office in the estate's sports centre was found to be insufficiently bullet and bomb proof, the building is a colossal slate-grey fortress of sharp modern design. With 12-foot high security fences and bullet-proof airlock style doors, the European Union funded station is a massive sign of intent for a force that is meant to keep order on the streets. The obvious give-away that this is more an aspiration than a reality is the station is completely abandoned, save for the receptionist who apologises and explains: 'the boss is in Paris today'..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Swedish member of parliament Kent Ekeroth: we are getting Islamised
"...Starting on the subject of Sweden's hardening reputation for being the rape capital of Europe and it's declining reputation as a safe country, Ekeroth said it was good that people around the world were coming to know the uncomfortable truth about his country. When asked how Sweden had got to this stage, with the seemingly blithe acquiescence of the majority of its people, Kent was forthright. He told Breitbart London: 'This happened for one reason: immigration. People accuse the Sweden democrats of being a one issue party, but what they don't realise is that everything comes back to this one issue. When it comes to criminality, economics, health-care, schools, you name it. Hand grenades, rapes, violence, it all comes with immigration, to put it simply. It isn't immigration from Norwegians or British people -- it is from Middle Eastern and African Muslims...'... until recently the people trusted the government unquestioningly to make the right decisions..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
"migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists lash out at Hungarian police
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
"migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists overwhelm police in Croatia (gallery)
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Hungary detains 29 "migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Bangladesh prime-minister Hasina Wazed warned that violence-initiating Muslims are also spreading to the east, some being funded out of London
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's perverted Commission on Civil Rights says invaders and other immigration law violators should not only not be repelled, but should be released into USA "right away"
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
_Front Page Magazine_
Iraqi Muslim "refugee" stabbed German police-woman: it's too early to speculate that this al-Qaeda violence has anything to do with al-Qaeda
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Arab Gulf states on criticism over "refugee"/"migrant"/"invader"/terrorist crisis: we refuse to admit any of them, but the West should do more
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Ipsos poll: support for Obummer's plan to bring in 10K - 250K "refugees"/"migrants"/"invaders"/terrorists reached 22%
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Arizona man says Mexican gangsters murdered his son
"...Ronnebeck's son was killed by an illegal alien, self-proclaimed Sinaloa cartel member. The criminal alien is now facing charges for shooting Grant Ronnebeck during the 21-year-old's overnight shift at the Mesa, Arizona, QT convenience store..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
census bureau: USA's inflation-adjusted median household income peaked at end of 20th century; down 6.5% in last 7 years
"the median household income of $53,657 in 2014 was '6.5% lower than the 2007 (the year before the most recent recession) median ($57,357), and 7.2% lower than the median household income peak ($57,843) that occurred in 1999'..."
2004 November: John Ruser, Adrienne Pilot & Charles Nelson: BLS & BEA: Alternative Measures of Household Income: BEA Personal Income, CPS Money Income, and Beyond (pdf)
BLS household incomes
BLS family incomes
BLS per capita (i.e. per person) incomes
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Daniel Mitchell _Cybercast News Service_
"great" moments in socialism
"Socialism is an economic failure. International socialism didn't work in the Soviet Union. National socialism didn't work in Germany. And democratic socialism, while avoiding the horrors of its communist and Nazi cousins, also has been a flop. Socialism fails because it attempts to replace market-determined prices with various forms of central planning based on government-dictated prices. Moreover, socialism channels self-interest in a destructive direction. In a free market, people get income and improve their lot in life by satisfying and fulfilling the needs of other people. In a socialist system, by contrast, people squabble over the re-slicing of a shrinking pie... statism is very bad for ordinary people... [socialist] government elites have very comfortable lives... What a bunch of hypocrites. They denounce successful people who presumably earn money honestly, yet they amass huge fortunes by pilfering their nation... And what's been happening in Venezuela is no different, I'm sure, than what happened in the past in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and other socialist regimes. And I'm sure it's still happening today in other socialist hell holes such as North Korea and Cuba. The elite enjoy undeserved and unearned wealth while ordinary people live wretched lives of deprivation..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Sinan Salaheddin & Murtada Faraj _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate says it's behind 2 Baghdad suicide bombings that murdered 21 people
"...The violence has killed hundreds and displaced tens of thousands of Iraqis."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Ann Coulter _Jewish World Review_
the only people who like Donald Trump are the voters
World Net Daily
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
_Baltimore MD Jewish Life_
U of CA at Berkeley: possible link between bovine leukemia retro-virus and human breast cancer
U of CA at Berkeley news
2014 May: CDCP
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia
2001-05-29: NIH
Medical News Today
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Dallas Texas student suspended for wearing bunting + eagle T-shirt, underneath a sweat-shirt
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Surf City, NC police chief posted criticism of Soros's "black lives matter" rioters, dumped by corrupt politicians
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Soros's professional "black lives matter" rioters conspiring with Valerie Jarrett and Barack Hussein Obummer
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
federal air marshal misconduct being questioned at House Oversight and Government Reform committee hearing
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
inspector-general: sex, fraud, and retaliation in census bureau: $1.1M in bogus pay claims
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer military has been surrendering international waters to Red Chinese since at least 2012
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
John Sparks _Cybercast News Service_
the US constitution was indeed founded upon a Judeo-Christian world-view: that's why it endures
"...The 55 men who were delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 were, with few exceptions, Christians. They can correctly be called, the Founders. M.E. Bradford in _A Worthy Company_ summarizes their religious views. He [wrote], 'With no more than 5 exceptions (and perhaps no more than 3) they [the 55 delegates] were orthodox members of established Christian communions: Approximately 29 were Anglicans, 16 to 18 Calvinists [Presbyterians and Dutch Reformed], 2 Methodists, 2 Lutherans, 2 Roman Catholics, 1 lapsed Quaker and sometimes Anglican, and 1 open Deist -- Dr. Ben Franklin.'...
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
John Horvat ii _Cybercast News Service_
Christians and Jews must not surrender to and withdraw from those who seek to attack their religion and values
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
why have the Shrub and Obummer regimes made religious accommodations to Muslim criminals and terrorists, but not to Christian and Jewish clerks?
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom: Obummer regime sends message that religious freedom is not important
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Paul Kengor _Cybercast News Service_
how much of a racist eugenicist was Margaret Sanger?
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
18 ounce baby born 1 week shy of abortion gestation ban in UK thriving
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Bob Unruh _WND_
apocalypse? weather oddities in Israel in Rash Ha Shanah
"...Extreme heat, sandstorms and floods all have been reported. 'It felt like the apocalypse, the rain has been torrential, there were about 10 lighting strikes in seconds, and even with your windshield wipers on high, it was impossible to see anything.' That report in the Times of Israel from Mark Katz... In July in Iran, the city of Bandar Mahshahr recorded a heat index of 164 degrees..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Burt Prelutsky _WND_
the pod people in congress
"how else to explain that it appears [Obummer] will line up enough support to either filibuster [his treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems], denying [he mistakenly believes] congress the opportunity to vote it up or down, or round up enough of his partisans to over-turn a senate vote that goes against him [except a vote to approve a treaty which gets less than two-thirds is not open to a presidential veto]? Well, David Greenfield, writing for Front Page magazine has come up with a plausible alternative. He claims that the reason senators Al Franken, Ed Markey, Jeanne Shaheen and Kirsten Gillibrand, along with House members Andre Carson, Jackie Speier, Gerry Connolly and Donna Edwards, have all pledged to vote for the abominable deal is because they have all received large bribes (aka campaign contributions) from the Iranian American Political Action Committee (IAPAC)..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Alan Keyes _WND_
a constitutional paradigm for elections: the electoral college as a search committee for president and VP
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
Trump is good for the AmerEnglish language: to be vested in linguistic accuracy is to be vested in the truth
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Jeff Knox _WND_
senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) lied
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Coulter, Khamenei, Republicans, Democrats, and Jews
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Laura Hollis _WND_
Christians must abandon leftism
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Bradlee Dean _WND_
the Islamic mosqueing of public schools
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Daniel Greenfield _WND_
Clintons keep backing abusers of women instead of defending women themselves
Front Page Magazine
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
8th circuit appeals court rules in favor of those with religious objections to ObummerDoesn'tCare's mandate for providing insurance that covers contraceptives and abortifacients
Leah Barkoukis: Town Hall
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Mounzer Ahmad _Washington DC Times_
stop support for terrorists in Syria
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Saudia Arabia: court upholds death by crucifixion for teen
"arrested him in 2012 on charges of participating 'in illegal protests and of firearm offenses'... 'The case against Ali appears to be based on his familial connection to Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a 53-year old critic of the Saudi regime and a prominent religious leader in the Kingdom, who is his uncle. Mr. Al Nimr was sentenced to death by crucifixion on charges including insulting the King and delivering religious sermons that disrupt national unity'..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
Virginia school board chair-woman criticized for her criticism of Islam
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
students in Virginia punished for displaying Confederate flag
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
e-mail privacy bill (S356, HR699) violates e-mail privacy
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Marisa Martin _WND_
remembering the Armenian holocaust in art
"...they all take a bow at Istanbul's 14th Art Biennial, 2015 Sept. 5 – Nov. 1. Situated in a nation philosophically at war with civilization over their national holocaust denial, the Biennial commenced with trumpeting and international attention -- but little of that has gone to the art so far. Opening to the news of yet more war and oppression in Turkey, the massive art exhibit made a surprisingly adroit turn to face the day's troubles. New treachery and deceit from Turkey included sudden airstrikes against Kurdish militia instead of the coordinated assaults on ISIS they had promised to the U.S.A. Curator Carolyn Christov-Bakargie, artist Pelin Tan and editor Anton Vidokle responded by calling Biennial artists to 'suspend their work for 15 minutes' in support of Turkey's Kurdish community. Suspending work was symbolic, but few artists followed through, since it required them to shoot themselves in the foot by remaining silent at their own presentations. Gestures of contempt are balefully common in the West, but now the Turks are their hosts, making things dicey for native artists. Even using the forbidden term 'Armenian genocide' can land you in a cell (according to Article 301 of the Turkish penal code). This is a live political grenade where bombs, slaves and absolute terror reign within hours of Istanbul and its sophisticated art shows..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Laura Ingraham
Scott Walker: "debate" was a "cage match" designed to get ratings, increase friction among Republican candidates
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Scott Greer _Daily Caller_
Trump was correct: in book, Yebbie Booosh credits his wife for his perverse immigration positions
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Timothy Birdnow _American Thinker_
GOP losership's historic and willful failure
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Erick Erickson _True Blue Republican State_
GOP losership are hoping a supposedly pro-life group will help them continue tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood
"If you are a donor to the National Right to Life Committee, this story should really horrify you. Republicans in Washington, DC are hoping that National Right to Life will help the keep funding flowing to Planned Parenthood. For years National Right to Life ('NRLC') has claimed to be the national leader for the pro-life cause. For years. All the while, they've worked to prop up Democrats so they could claim a measure of bipartisanship. Remember Bart Stupak? Stupak helped pass [ObummerDoesn'tCare] and used his pro-life rating at NRLC as cover to help implement an expansion agenda to fund killing kids..."
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
awwwww; dog guarded trapped associate for a week waiting for rescue
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Herb Scribner _Washington DC Times_
Apple's new news app not up to expectations
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Eric Worrall
David Attenborough's "renewable" "Apollo project"
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Athony Watts
warmist hysterics in denial: claim pause never happened
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Athony Watts
Yale U: solving the mystery of sea ice thickness distribution using molecular concepts
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Mike Jonas
how reliable are climate models?
2015-09-17 (5776 Tishri 04)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Thomas Sowell, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Rick Santorum, (7) Ben S. Carson, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Scott Walker, (10) Ted Cruz, Ken Blackwell, Ann Coulter, Mike Huckabee, Allen West, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Alan Keyes, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Matt Potter _San Diego CA Reader_
the rise, fall, and re-rise of Nathan Fletcher
"...According to numbers compiled by OpenSecrets.org, [Qualcomm] has thus far this year spent a total of $4.56M on lobbying, compared with the $5.61M it paid influence peddlers in 2014. Qualcomm's all-time lobbying expense record, $7.09M, came in 2013, when the company -- run by then-CEO Paul Jacobs, son of co-founder Irwin Jacobs -- was seeking to change US immigration laws to boost the issuance of so-called H-1B visas, allowing more [cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled, guest-workers with flexible ethics] to work in this country. As part of its 2013 push, Qualcomm set up a group [deceptively] calling itself 'San Diegans United for CommonSense Immigration Reform', headed by Nathan Fletcher... Since 2004, Jacobs family members alone have anted up more than $872K for federal races, including those of [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and presidential hopeful [Hitlery Rotten Clinton], according to Federal Elections Commission data... Mounting turmoil at the San Diego Union-Tribune in the wake of thus-far failed efforts by Los Angeles billionaire Eli Broed to grab control of the paper and its sisterm Los Angeles Times from Chicago-based Tribune Publishing... As in the case of Qualcomm, lay-offs are said to be on the way for the troubled company and its West Coast branch."
How did that old saying go: "Millions for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled guest-workers, not one cent to employ US citizens."?
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Marie-Astrid Langer _Wall Street Journal_
Sili Valley executives crank up another campaign in their war for more cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled guest-workers with flexible ethics, and agains bright, industrious, creative, knowledgeable US citizen STEM professionals
Over 153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014. Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports. Over 57,600 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 68,102 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Altogether, over 385,051 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 431,001 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 66,700 L-1 guest-work visas were issued via consular offices in FY2013, and over 71,513 were issued in FY2015, according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 3,946 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2013, and 4,492 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 12,359 O work visas for individuals with "extraordinary" abilities were issued in FY2013, and 12,706 O work visas were issued in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports. Over 534,320 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2013, and over 595,569 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2014, according to State Department annual reports.
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Amanda Borschel-Dan _Jewish World Review_
in Germany, Syrian "refugees"/"migrants" are quietly receiving help from Jewish initiatives
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Europe's (and the UN's) inhumane "humanitarianism"
"The very poorest seldom migrate, because they can't afford it or, as in Syria today, can't get away. And the huge flow of immigration to America from the opening of Ellis Island in 1892 [AFTER the USA's frontiers were no more] to World War 1 -- triple, as a percentage of population, the 1982-2007 surge -- was not of the poor with economic motives. Most Ellis Island-era immigrants came from the multiethnic Russian, Austro-Hungarian and German empires, where they were second-class citizens -- Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Serbs, Croats -- in an age of surging nationalism. America's tradition of civic equality beckoned. Here, they believed, they would be equals with everyone else. They came not to oppose American culture but to partake of it. American elites from Theodore Roosevelt to Henry Ford endorsed this idea of common citizenship and pushed successfully for assimilation in schools and work-places..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Nigel Farage member of European parliament _Breitbart_
EU juggernaut abusing "migrant"/"refugee"/"invader"/terrorist crisis to expand powers
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
John J. Xenakis _Breitbart_
"migrant"/"refugee"/"invader"/terrorist crisis worsens as Hungary defends "Christian culture"
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
rival "migrant"/"refugee"/"invader"/terrorist gangs erupt into violence in Croatia
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
"migrants"/"refugees"/"invaders"/terrorists navigate through Europe using maps published by BBC
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
after he stabbed female German police officer in the neck, German police shot knife-wielding "migrant"/"refugee"/"asylum seeker"/"invader"/convicted terrorist dead who had not been deported because of EU "human rights" law
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
head of German "migrant"/"refuge"/"asylum"/"invader"/terrorist office resigned as crisis worsens
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
illegal aliens due for deportation from Portland, DorsetShire, awarded "cultural kitchen"
"...But critics have pointed out that the increased spend will take money from the already over-stretched prison budget. In July of this year the prison population of England and Wales was 84,930, nearly double the population recorded twenty years ago. While government statistics reflect a net migration figure into the United Kingdom of 330K over the last year, little can be known about the true scale of illegal immigration into the country..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
head of MI5: over 3K home-grown jihadies are currently being tracked, a 50% increase in just 7 years
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
leftist media try to blame anyone by themselves and fellow leftists and open borders extremists for "migrant"/"refugee"/"asylee"/"invader"/terrorist crisis
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Jon Fleischman _Breitbart_
at state convention, Republicans argue over immigration platform plank
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Fay Voshell _Cybercast News Service_
Europe may survive, if Christians and Jews are defended
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
transferring alien in-mates from USA to foreign prisons under international treaties
"The Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (DoJ OIG) has issued an interesting follow-up report on a subject it first studied in 2011: transfer of federal prisoners who are foreign nationals to prisons in their home countries to serve the remainder of their sentences. The OIG's first report found that less than 1% of the over 40K in-mates from treaty transfer nations in Federal Bureau of Prisons (BoP) custody in fiscal year 2010 were ultimately transferred back to their home countries. The follow-up report, 'Status Review on the Department's International Prisoner Transfer Program', can be found on the OIG's web-site, along with a podcast and a brief 2-minute overview video by DoJ's inspector general. The premise of the prisoner transfer program is that, by means of treaties with other governments, prisoners can be exchanged to serve their sentences in their home countries rather than in a foreign place. It is an interesting niche where the controversial subject of immigration and criminals is concerned. The fundamental requirements are simple: the prisoner must make a request; and the country of which he is a national must be a treaty partner. The report contains some interesting tidbits. For instance: As of 2014, almost 43K in-mates in federal prisons were from signatory nations pledged to prisoner transfer treaties. This is up from nearly 33K in 2005, a substantial increase of 31%. The 43K in-mates represented 20% of the federal in-mate population in 2014. (A cautionary note: It would be wrong to conclude that the overall percentage of aliens in federal Bureau of Prisons (BoP) custody is 20% because there are additional aliens serving time who are not from countries with which the United States has a treaty authorizing transfer of prisoners.) '[I]n FY2013 foreign national in-mates from treaty nations constituted 82% of the total BoP contract prison inmate population.' The DoJ OIG suggests that, although progress has been made in ensuring alien inmates are aware of and able to apply for transfer, not enough has been done by BOP or DoJ to bring those transfers to reality. Although applications rose from 14K in 2010 to more than 24K in 2014, only about 227 prisoners are being transferred per year. The OIG suggests that a working group of BoP, DoJ, and Department of State (DoS) officials should meet with foreign authorities of treaty nations to press the program forward..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
El Salvador's central bank: emigration out of El Salvador to the USA and elsewhere causes a "brain-drain" from El Salvador
"...According to the report, based on a survey of immigrants in the U.S.A., 4 out of 10 emigrants were professionals who met the academic requirements for the majority of companies in El Salvador. The president of the bank, Oscar Cabrera, noted the Salvadoran economy is not producing enough jobs to absorb the thousands of youth that enter the labor force each year. Cabrera added, 'Remittances received from 1980 to 2012 represent 11% of the gross domestic product (GDP), but the cost of this migration is 11.8%, so that our society is losing with this out-flow of professionals.'..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Sandra Block _Jewish World Review_
the most hostile states in the USA when it comes to taxation
"Here is our up-dated list of the 10 least-tax-friendly states in the U.S.A. Almost all of the states levy property taxes well above the national median of $1,809. In most cases, state income taxes are high, as are combined state and local sales taxes, which could cost you as much as 10% per purchase. Gas taxes are also above the national average of 30 cents per gallon. And some of these states are facing crippling deficits that could lead to future tax hikes..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
David Suissa _Jewish World Review_
what shall live and what shall die?: rethinking Rash Ha Shanah
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
time to pull the plug on ear-splitting bickerfest of elite divas who scoff and sneer at those who do not enjoy their celebrity privilege or share their left-wing ideological values
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
Obummer is at his toughest when fighting for the worst
"...The...lesson is obvious. [Obummer] never intended to stop Iran from going nuclear. The goal of his nuclear diplomacy with the mullahs was to beat Israel..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Armstrong Williams _WND_
GOP losership and leftist senators help Iran get nuclear weapons and delivery systems
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Daniel Leberfeld _Breitbart_
Obummer will help Tehran ayatollahs but not the Washington Redskins
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Syria and Iraq are more of Obummer's foreign-policy disasters
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Greg Crosby _Jewish World Review_
news flash! statistically, men do better at combat tasks than women
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
goals and aims
World Net Daily
"...we will have to come to terms with our stark choices. Do we want: A handful of blind-folded central planners flailing dizzily at 300M pinatas or the market's omniscient invisible hand, which dispassionately picks winners and losers for the good of the whole? Utopians punishing achievers and forcing equality of outcomes or constitutionalists promoting equality of opportunity? Politicians creating endless classes of victims or statesmen who will forgo demagoguery and lift everyone up? A Balkanized America whose [would-be] ruling class dehumanizes people through identity politics and soft bigotry or an America that aspires to color- and gender-blindness? To leave our borders unprotected and vulnerable to invasion or to control our immigration process and encourage assimilation? A nation where political correctness selectively smothers free speech and religion or one that fosters our essential civil liberties? An America crippled by false promises of cradle-to-grave security or one grounded in liberty for all -- one paralyzed by taxes and regulations or one poised for robust growth, which only freedom can bring? Socialized medicine, with its soaring costs and plummeting quality and choices, or free market solutions to reverse these problems? To bankrupt our country or to take the difficult steps to ensure its solvency? To surrender our sovereignty to global entities that actively oppose the American idea or to preserve our independence and remain a unique force for good throughout the world? An America in perpetual decline and conducting from the caboose or one that maintains peace through strength for our allies and ourselves? There is a breath-taking contrast between the 2 visions, and we must ultimately unite around a candidate who recognizes the gravity of our circumstances and the urgency of implementing corrective measures.
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
all GOP candidates in debate failed the 4-horsemen test for effective marketing
"Position (privately decide what is your hole in the market-place). Differentiation (publicly separate yourself from the other candidates). Benefit (how will electing you solve the voters' important issues). Brand (the combination of the above -- what makes you singular or unique)..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: debate format Wednesday was very bad: "The entire effort was intended to instigate fights between and among the candidates."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Margaret Sanger trafficking in the bodies of African-Americans
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood for 1 year approved by House
Cheryl Wetzstein: Washington DC Times
Cortney O'Brien: Town Hall
petition to de-fund Planned Parenthood
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
_Cybercast News Service_
perverted Dem on bill to save babies born alive in attempted abortions: "it may kill children"
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Comcast penalized $33M by California Public Utilities Commission for privacy breach: $25M to corrupt state government, $8.4M in partial restitution to victims
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
National Sheriff's Association president Danny Glick criticized Obummer's silence on murders of police
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
is pope Francis anti-American?
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: I'm not sure we should attack every government that declares war against us
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
I don't care that Donald Trump did not argue with a man who called Obummer a Muslim, nor should you
"I don't think [Barack Hussein Obummer] is a Muslim. There, I said it. I do however think he is deeply anti-Christian, anti-American and indeed anti-Western. These are traits, I believe, that emanate from his socialist beliefs, rather than any Islamic ones..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
"Republican" "debates" have been more like a "reality TV show" hosted by leftist Jerry Springer
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
James P. Pinkerton _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee expressed desire to find preventatives and cures to destructive, expensive diseases
"Yet Huckabee offered the most interesting idea of the evening, declaring, 'I really believe that the next president ought to declare a war on cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's, because those are the 4 things that are causing the greatest level of cost.' Huckabee is exactly right. We should declare war on devastating and costly diseases; after all, they have declared war on us. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) alone is destroying the lives of millions, and AD care is costing the US well over $200G a year, headed toward a cumulative $20T by mid-century. In the past, as Huckabee said, the United States has mobilized huge resources, public and private, to cure or eliminate such terrible diseases as polio, scarlet fever, smallpox, and AIDS. The result, in each case, was spectacular success—millions of lives saved, as well as trillions of dollars saved. How does that work? Easy: Health is a lot less expensive than illness. It's cheaper to beat than to treat..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Red Chinese to build bullet-train from Los Angeles to Las Vegas
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
who is being "lawless"?
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
11-year-old criticized California city for traffic-flow-strangling scheme: you should have seen his lecture on quantum entanglement at the science fair
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
black U of Buffalo student admitted posting "white only" and "black only" signs
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Jackie Mason _WND_
Christian genocide... and the UN does nothing to stop it
"There is a quiet genocide going on right now in almost 50 countries in the world, and its victims are Christians. Among the worst offenders are Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, China, North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Colombia (yes). But as of this moment, very few people have heard about it -- and the sad truth is that even if they have, they don't care enough to feel any sense of outrage over it..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Larry Klayman _WND_
all candidates must answer the Muslim question
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Joshua Charles _WND_
USA's founders were pragmatic idealists
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Carl Jackson _WND_
have courage; truth eventual trumps leftism
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Joseph Farah _WND_
who do you serve?
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Greg Laurie _WND_
spritual awakening is our only hope
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Craige McMillan _WND_
death by a thousand mouse clicks
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Gallup poll: trust in judicial branch dropped another 8 points from last year
Jeffrey M. Jones: Gallup (with graphs)
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
media ignores Donald Trump's policy paper on arms, fixates on off-the-cuff comment by participant in public Q&A, instead
"Breitbart News dug into the position paper, reporting Trump's contention that 'concealed carry is a right, not a privilege' and his belief that 'assault weapons' bans and 'high magazine' bans are wrong-headed moves that only reduce the firearm and self-defense options available to law-abiding citizens. But CNN is focused on the fact that a questioner at Trump's September 17 town hall meeting made a comment about Muslims..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee: it's time to rebuild USA's economy, military; cites his humble family background
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
hotel fire in Mecca, possibly caused by a faulty rice-cooker on the 16th floor; hundreds evacuated, only 2 injured
"...Just a week ago, a crane collapse at the Grand Mosque in Mecca killed at least 111 people and injured nearly 400 more."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
rapper Juaquin James Malphurs/Waka Flocka Flame: of "transgender" "God ain't put those feelings in you, that's the devil playing tricks on your mind. That's a test from God"
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Kathy Shaidle _WND_
talk radio this week: Rush Limbaugh pointed out double-standard related to Islam
"Michael Savage... Aaron Klein... Mark Levin... Laura Ingraham..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
hundreds cheer cousin Phil at 450th anniversary of St. Augustine, FL
"King Felipe vi of Spain toured St. Augustine's centuries-old Spanish-built castle and other historic sites in his country's former colony before addressing hundreds of well-wishers from a balcony downtown. The king on Friday toured the oldest city in the U.S.A. with his wife, Letizia, to celebrate St. Augustine's 450th anniversary and attend a meeting of the U.S.A.-Spain Council..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Anthony Watts
Philippe Sands says corrupt world court should dictate science conclusions, quash differing hypotheses and experimental results, thus making "climate religion"
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
if we burned all of the world's fossil fuels tomorrow, what would happen to sea levels?
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
U of GA: major USA city urban heat islands crudely mapped
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
Navajo Nation furious over refusal of EPA to correct or make restitution for their toxic spill into Animas river
"...the arsenic levels in the river are now 300 times the normal rate, with lead levels at 3,500 times what is considered healthy..."
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Steve Milloy _Breitbart_
final solution for climate scientists opposing leftist warmist hysterics
2015-09-18 (5776 Tishri 05)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
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2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Ciara Linnane _MarketWatch_
Sili Valley executives are battling the citizenry (and Trump) on H-1B visas
"A lobbying group create by [corrupt, privacy violating] FB, founder Mark Zuckerberg and others is pushing [against genuine immigration reform] on the agenda of the USA presidential campaign. [Flooding the market with cheap, young, pliant labor with questionable ethics is crucial to tech executives maintaining holding down compensation in the USA and pumping up their extravagant compensation and bonus packages.] The group is clamoring for the [federal] goverment to expand its [already vastly excessive] H-1B visa program [which has no skill level requirements, so the H-1B visa has nothing at all to do with being 'highly-skilled']. The call came a day after the latest Republican debate and just weeks after Trump [and Jeff Sessions, and millions of others] criticized FB [and other firms] for lowering wages for Americans by hiring foreign workers. Trump has proposed that all job openings be first offered to unemployed Aericans before foreigners can apply [a frequently and easily scammed gesture]. [Numbers of H-1B applicants have been increasing, but so have numbers of unemployed and under-employed US citizen STEM professionals. The government gives out just over 1M green cards each year and in fiscal year 2013 gave out over 153,794 H-1B visas. [Bar-graph made using Graphiq showing some of the most unethical, incompetent firms applied to sponsor the most H-1B visas in FY2014. link to data at findthedata Bar-graph showing STEM median salaries from 2009 through 2014 not keeping up with retail prices.]"
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total H-1B Visas Issued |
1996 | 58,327 | - - - | 58,327 |
1997 | 80,547 | - - - | 80,547 |
1998 | 91,360 | - - - | 91,360 |
1999 | 116,513 | - - - | 116,513 |
2000 | 133,290 | - - - | 133,290 |
2001 | 161,643 | - - - | 161,643 |
2002 | 118,352 | - - - | 118,352 |
2003 | 107,196 | - - - | 107,196 |
2004 | 138,965 | 72 | 139,037 |
2005 | 124,099 | 275 | 124,374 |
2006 | 135,421 | 440 | 135,861 |
2007 | 154,053 | 639 | 154,692 |
2008 | 129,464 | 719 | 130,183 |
2009 | 110,367 | 621 | 110,988 |
2010 | 117,409 | 419 | 117,828 |
2011 | 129,134 | 418 | 129,552 |
2012 | 135,530 | 461 | 135,991 |
2013 | 153,223 | 571 | 153,794 |
year | general allocation issued | H-1B1 set-aside for those from Chile and Singapore | Total H-1B Visas Issued |
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
EuroStat: 4 out of 5 "migrants"/"refugees"/terrorists trying to reach Germany, Sweden and UK from Middle East and Northern Africa are NOT from Syria
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
body-guard of mayor of Matamoros stabbed 20 times, died
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Carly for America PAC video corroborates her statement in debate that videos of Planned Parenthood show babies alive, heart beating, lets kicking before being dissected to sell organs and tissues
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Michael Brown _Town Hall_
187 House members approved of murder of babies
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
_Cybercast News Service_
abc, NBC omit videos of Planned Parenthood executives in coverage of US House vote to de-fund Planned Parenthood
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Kevin Scholla _Breitbart_
Sarah Palin cleaned Obummer's clock on Muslim teen's sketchy device (and his extremist father and uncle)
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate forced 57 schools in Nangarhar, Afganistan (along Pakistan border) to close
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
UNESCO: ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate has been destroying historical sites on an industrial scale
"...And the Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology (APSA) added that over 900 historical cities have been raided, looted, and significantly damaged or extinguished, the report adds..."
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
CAIR called FBI to investigate anti-anti-Semitic grafitti at mosque in KY
"CAIR -- which was founded by affiliates of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas -- concluded that the alleged petty crime must be dealt with by 'state and federal law enforcement authorities', who should 'investigate vandalism targeting a Kentucky mosque as a hate crime'. Mosque employees discovered during the week that the Louisville Islamic Center had been vandalized with English and Hebrew messages along with drawings of the Jewish Star of David, CAIR officials said. Messages read: 'Muslims- Leave the Jews Alone', 'Nazis Speak Arabic', and 'This is for France', likely in reference to the jihadi terrorist attack on a train destined for Paris last month..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Eric Worrall
warmist hysterics demand Obummer abuse RICO to silence critics
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
warmist hysterics demand Obummer abuse RICO to imprison and silence critics
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Eric Worrall
Obummer's legacy
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Tim Ball
UN IPCC warmist hysteria racketeers
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1796-09-19: George Washington's farewell address was printed across America as an open letter to the public (WikiPedia, Yale's Avalon project, and National Archives and Records Administration).
2015-09-19 (5776 Tishri 06)
Ann Thompson _WVXU_
anticipated since 1983, 3-D printed replicas of fossils are transforming anthropology
K | kilo- | thousand | 10^3 | 1,000 | |
M | mega- | million | one thousand thousand | 10^6 | 1,000,000 |
G | giga- | billion | one thousand million | 10^9 | 1,000,000,000 |
T | tera- | trillion | one million million | 10^12 | 1,000,000,000,000 |
P | peta- | quadrillion | one million billion | 10^15 | 1,000,000,000,000,000 |
E | exa- | quintillion | one billion billion | 10^18 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Z | zetta- | sextillion | one billion trillion | 10^21 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Y | yotta- | septillion | one trillion trillion | 10^24 | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024 | K | kilo- (kibi-) | 2^10 |
1,048,576 | M | mega- (mebi-) | 2^20 |
1,073,741,824 | G | giga- (gibi-) | 2^30 |
1,099,511,627,776 | T | tera- (tebi-) | 2^40 |
1,125,899,906,842,624 | P | peta- (pebi-) | 2^50 |
1,152,921,504,606,846,976 | E | exa- (exbi-) | 2^60 |
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 | Z | zetta- (zebi-) | 2^70 |
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 | Y | yotta- (yobi-) | 2^80 |
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