2015 September, week 4

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-04-13

  "The senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and pad out of the Treasury of the United States.   They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to an returning from the same; for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place." --- article 1 section 6 paragraph 1  

2015 September
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2015 September, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 September, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 September, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 September, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 September, week 5 (27-30) (15KB)





captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 September

3rd month of the 3rd quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression



2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
more on San Francisco CA/Beacon Reader H-1B project funded by tech executives
"...Actually, upon a second reading of their announcement, I see their focus will be totally on H-1Bs [i.e. people who have been granted H-1B guest-work visas] and would-be H-1Bs (the latter being those who are not [able] to secure a visa), rather than also covering the adversely impacted US citizens and permanent residents.   That's fine (though disappointing), but there is something much more important -- Beacon has strong ties to the tech industry.   Its initial funding is from Y Combinator a famous incubator for tech start-ups.   Y Combinator incubated Dropbox, one of the major driving forces in [Zuckerberg's lobbying outfit].   IN addition, Beacon co-founder Dan Fletcher was formerly managing editor at FB.   Small world, eh?   IOW, to some degree, the tech industry [executives are] determining what Chronicle readers see.   The situation is just as troubling as the Washington Monthly project I mentioned in my last posting..."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
USA, the camel is in the tent!
"There is a very interesting Middle Eastern proverb America would do well to observe.   I learned it during four United States Air Force tours in the Middle East:   'Never let a camel get his nose in the tent, if he gets his nose in he will get his head in, if he gets his head in, he will get his hump in, and if he gets his hump in then he will get his rump in and you will have a camel in your tent.'   This is happening at the borders of many European countries and America's border with Mexico.   We must stop the camel at the tent entrance.   The question is how?   First, we must understand the nature of our adversaries.   Unlike us, they see compassion, understanding, forbearance and restraint not as humanitarian but as weakness.   The ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate terrorists and other jihadis have little regard for human life and Western culture.   Women, children and even their own kind (Sunni versus Shiite) are targeted without hesitation by the radicals who launch cowardly attacks against unarmed citizens.   They have a standard modus operandi: They negotiate cease-fires, armistices and treaties until they are prepared to launch their attacks.   This cycle will continue until they achieve their oft-stated goal -- the subjugation of all unbelievers.   America and European countries should beware that many even so-called 'moderates' hate us.   We must recognize that regardless of their present leadership (and the leftist media's expressed desire for acceptance), most non-democratic forms of government and practically all Islamic dictatorships hate the U.S.A. and Western Europe precisely because of who and what we are.   Our freedoms threaten their very existence..."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Rob Milford _Breitbart_
37 illegal aliens were left baking in truck trailer in South Texas

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
DEA official willing to work with whatever tools the policy-makers permit and provide
"...El Chapo's Sinaloa cartel is reportedly the source of much of the heroin trafficked into the United States...   'I'm all for anything that would make a difference in stopping criminals and the flow of drugs.   I'm a cop.   Whatever the policy-makers decide, I'll work with.', responded Riley...   Riley recently told U.S. law-makers that heroin seizures along the Southwest border had more than doubled in the last 5 years.   The DEA official also said that the loads of heroin pouring into the U.S.A. had increased significantly...   The DEA is [now] a component of the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ)."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Muslim Chechen woman "refugee" who had been living in Graz, Austria was sentenced to 2 months in prison for scheming to join ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/IS/caliphate
"The woman and her family had fled to Austria to escape Chechnya's civil war when she was 4 years old.   Her family found work, and she was educated in Austrian system in Graz.   However, 2 years ago she became more religious and came into contact with a German radical who had converted to Islam several years before.   They decided to travel to Syria and get married there, with the man planning to join the terror group while the woman looked after their home.   She flew to Istanbul to meet him in March, from where they travelled to the city of Gaziantep.   They then planned to take a taxi across the Syrian border, but were detained by police before they could leave the city..."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Barbara Boland _Washinton DC Examiner_
Dave Brat, Rand Paul, Justin Amash: GOP losership has losts its "teeth", "nails", "fight" for what is right and good

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Leah Barkoukis _Town Hall_
leftists' classes trying to indoctrinate university students with the notion that the USA was to blame for the actions of the 19 Muslim terrorists being partially countered by mobile exhibit

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Bruce Bialosky _Town Hall_
what will Republicans and AIPAC do now that the losership has gone along with the anti-constitutional charade to unconstitutionally "pass" withuot the required 67% super-majorty required by the US constitution, Obummer's treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems?

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Christopher Bodeen _Cybercast News Service_
Red China's hacking attacks, claims to Japanese islands and the international waters and shipping routes in the South China Sea cast a shadow over Xi's visit to USA

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Cotton: if Obummer had lived in Red China, he would likely be in prison... or much, much worse
"[President Obummer] is welcoming Xi to the United States in the grandest diplomatic fashion.', Cotton said during a Congressional-Executive Commission on [Red China] hearing on Friday, which saw dissidents and law-makers slam [Red China's] human rights record and urge Obama to tackle the subject with his guest.   'But as they sit next to each other in that state dinner', Cotton continued, 'I hope [president Obummer] recognizes what is perhaps the starkest irony of Xi's trip to the United States:   If [president Obummer] had lived his life not in the United States but in [Red China] -- as a Christian, a community organizer, a civil rights lawyer, and a constitutional law professor -- he wouldn't be enjoying a grand fete with Xi Jingping.'...   Xi is expected to meet with [executives] from U.S. technology giants in Seattle, while in [Red China] those same companies were unable to deliver uncensored information to the Chinese people, and authorities deprive journalists and civil-rights activists access to Internet technology for fear they would use it to organize, share information and undermine the regime, he said.   Cotton contrasted a scheduled visit to Boeing's factory in Washington state [where his entourage can engage in industrial espionage and] where skilled American adult workers enjoy 'labor rights', with violent abuses against labor 'organizers' and child labor practices in [Red China]..."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
cowards joined forces to attack the alleged "bully" in last Wednesday's debate
"...The CNN moderators reminded me of the really scared kids who -- too afraid to even talk about the bully -- get others to do the talking for them...   A real man doesn't need to say much.   Three hours? Hardly.   Three minutes would be more than enough time.   He doesn't need a lot of fancy words, either.   His spirit speaks for itself...   And God bless Ben Carson, a good and decent man.   Unfortunately, he was raised without a father.   As good a job as I'm sure his mother did with him, she just couldn't replace the presence of a good father.   I'm not fighting here for Trump.   I'm fighting for you to see how politicians have used and deceived us for years.   I'm not saying that Trump will do everything he's promised.   I don't know.   I do believe that he would build a wall, increase job opportunities for Americans of every race, cut taxes, increase gun rights and deal strongly with our enemies.   I know how it feels to be attacked the way Trump was in the two debates.   For the last 25 years, I've been set up in the same manner.   Many years ago, I was invited to be a panelist at the National Association of Black Journalists' Conference.   The audience was stacked against me, as were all of my fellow panelists – Michael Eric Dyson and other extreme racist [leftists].   I was called a 'white man's boy' and worse.   Thank God, I was able to blow them out of the water with simple truth.   If you are on the side of truth, you can endure things you would not have imagined.   Evil must bring a lot of little demons to the fight -- but God only needs one on His side.   Seeing the way Donald Trump is handling the media, other candidates, and the Republican Party leadership is refreshing, and has already given Americans a shot in the arm.   I don't know how far Trump will go.   But in giving confidence to the American people and exposing establishment hypocrisy -- much like a certain past president from California -- he has already done a great service for our country."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Chuck Norris _WND_
the best disagreement of last Wednesday's debate
"While many have debated the winner of the last presidential, I've been focused on the 'best fight'.   As a 6-time world karate champion, I know fighting and what makes up a good match, and this one tops them all.   The reason I call the moment I'm about to detail as 'the best fight' is because it turned away from the media-orchestrated sparring between candidates and addressed advocacy for others and issues too often overlooked or shelved by political correctness.   My choice for 'best fight' was Carly Fiorina's fight for the character of our nation and against the callousing of the American conscience via the harvesting of baby organs through abortion...   As the Declaration of Independence affirms: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.   -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...'   Debate over de-funding Planned Parenthood started on Friday in the U.S. congress.   Write your representatives today, and let them know where you stand."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
US House passe bill to make it a crime to kill live-born babies when attempting abortion

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the truth about "Ahmed the clock-maker"

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Pamela Geller _WND_
"Ahmed the clock-maker" and an "Islamophobia" scam

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
"Ahmed the clock-maker" implied he knew his "clock" could seem suspicious

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Gina Loudon _WND_
do black lives really matter to Reds/Dems/leftists?
"...I was confounded that they could not understand that conservatism, at its base, is about getting government out of the lives of people, and re-establishing the family.   To me, that would solve the problems...   Further, I believe the evidence is there in that Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson all prove that minority Americans can find a big welcome in conservative circles.   When I made that assertion, I was told it was 'offensive' for me to speak to that issue..."

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Stephen K. Bannon & Ezra Dulis _Breitbart_
a prayer from Matt Drudge, for those locked up in cruel Cuba for dissent

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
Reds/leftists/Dems on-going efforts to rig elections
World Net Daily

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: USA should not elect a Muslim president because Islam is incompatible with the USA constitution
Jeff Poor

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Ben Carson & Donald Trump take a stand against sharia because it is incompatible with the USA constitution

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump gets it correct on claims about Obummer being Muslim in his leftist Muslim-favoring approach

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Richard Maggi _Washington DC Examiner_
true blue Republican voters in rebellion against the GOP losership and other RINOs

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Ginni Thomas _Daily Caller_
meet the patriotic Republican who is kind of, sort of, in a half-hearted, lack-luster way standing up to John Boehner

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)

2015-09-20 (5776 Tishri 07)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
$85K salary for someone with 7 years of Java experience, in Sili Valley? Really!?!
"...My reader considered this $85K figure fishy, an impression that was worsened by the ad's statement, 'H-1B transfers welcome'...   To put this into perspective, consider the current Quora discussion as to whether a salary of $120K-$130K is enough to live on in Sili Valley.   Almost all of the respondents say No (unless one is extremely frugal).   They give grim dollars-and-cents expense break-downs, and some note that the situation drove them out of the Valley, indeed out of the state, so that they could own a home and raise a family.   And again remember, careers tend to be short.   So, what is going on with that $85K figure?   Could be lots of things, since there are loop-holes in the statutes and regs, both for H-1B and green cards.   I suspect, actually, that this is a 'green card ad'.   Whatever the route taken, it certainly shows the huge incentives employers have to hire foreign workers.   Meanwhile, the US citizens and permanent residents are getting squeezed.   The influx of foreign workers (a) holds down salaries and (b) raises real estate prices to exorbitant levels.   Ouch!   I've made public suggestions before for economists to address this issue (b).   As a Bay Area home-owner, I'm a major beneficiary, but it is making life tough for those -- Americans and others -- who want to live the American Dream of a house and family.   So, (b) is something that is crying out for quantification, a sadly over-looked issue in the immigration debate."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
get lost, you palace-guard creeps
"As the week ended, [Obummer's] palace guard in the American media were demanding that every other Republican candidate distance himself from Donald Trump's failure to correct, among thousands of attendees at his events, one who apparently is under the reprehensible illusion that the president is a Muslim.   Any candidate who plays this game with the Obamamedia is a fool.   Assuming for the sake of argument that the questioner is genuine and not a plant (like, say, the 14-year old all-American school-boy clock-maker who didn't make a clock at all and is the son of a belligerent Muslim activist and perennial Sudanese presidential candidate whose brother runs a trucking company amusingly called 'Twin Towers Transportation'), putting all of that to one side, there are several entirely reasonable responses one could make to the gentlemen of the press..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Jack Cashill _American Thinker_
so, is Barack Hussein Obummer a Muslim or what?
"...Strange but true, reporters pride themselves on knowing nothing about [Obummer's] roots.   Last month, for instance, Catherine Thompson of the popular [leftist web-log], Talking Points Memo, interviewed me about an article I had written on the subject of Republican presidential eligibility.   Weary of her obvious condescension, I asked her where [Obummer] spent the first year of his life.   'Indonesia?', she answered.   'No', I said, 'Seattle'.   I asked her to survey her colleagues on the same question.   Not surprisingly, this was the one exchange she edited out of the interview.   [Obummer's] word, whether on his birth or his faith, is good enough for the [left] media.   Although they have chosen to know as little as possible about [Obummer's] Muslim legacy, the legacy is real.   'Barry was a Muslim', his third grade teacher told the Los Angeles Times in 2007, and he did, in fact, register in school in Indonesia as one.   In his 1995 memoir, _Dreams from My Father_, [Obummer] gratuitously used the Arabic 'Andalusia' when referring to Spain.   In 2008 September, in a conversation with George Stephanopoulos set up to quell such rumors, [Obummer] slipped up and referred to 'my Muslim faith' before Stephanopoulos quickly intervened to correct him.   Slip up or no, [Obumer claimed to find] it 'deeply offensive' that the Republican camp was suggesting 'that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith'..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Frank J. Gaffney ii
Ben Carson spoke the truth about shariah

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
George Santayana was correct
"A recent article in American Thinker caught my eye but only because the headline contained a word I feel many Americans younger than I may not recognize.   The headline, Ted Cruz Fighting Vichy Republicans on Planned Parenthood was clever but I venture to guess that Vichy went over the heads of the low info voter.   I did an impersonal poll of my own children who went to private school and others who did not.   I was disappointed that while mine recalled hearing that name, they didn't remember its importance.   Those who went to public school, never remember studying much about WW2 and I was not surprised by that at all.   It is therefore necessary to paraphrase Santanaya's quote to, 'Those who are never taught the past are condemned to repeat it.'   While historical facts are easily available through multiple sources on the Internet, the thirst for knowledge among the young is limited to cheat sheets of popular video games or social apps for iphones.   That this ignorance in academia is deliberate should alarm us but this inertia to undo the damage has real consequences.   The Vichy government In France during the Nazi occupation surrendered to the Germans and collaborated with the Nazi rule over the French citizens.   This term is a symbol of cowardice and betrayal and this American Thinker article was correct in comparing it to what the GOP establishment is doing in congress.   Remaining in congress appears to these RINOs to be more important than to keeping the promises made to the electorate who voted them in.   Those of my advanced age, regardless of where they were educated, are aware of important historical facts.   Whether we remember all the details is beside the point.   Ask a senior citizen if they know that Spain was once invaded by the Islamic Moors of Arab and Berber descent and they may not know the specifics or how long the occupation lasted but they will know that it did.   We also know the meaning of the word Caliphate and because we do, we can recognize that Europe is being invaded by a very different kind of Muslim.   This time, they are invading and are being welcomed by pretending to be Syrian war 'refugees'..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
GAO highlights USCIS's "need" for more H-1B fees
"Two unconnected recent events remind us of USCIS's desperate 'need' for more fees:   The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a 'watch b log' calling attention to a May GAO report that said USCIS's new electronic decision-making system has been delayed and will cost 6 times as much as once predicted, for a new total of $3.1G.   A pro-H1-B web-site, MyVisaJobs.com, announced that, as of October 1, the $2K and $2,250 extra fees for H-1B and L-1 petitions filed by employers will no longer apply.   The GAO report said that the new USCIS system will also take years longer to be implemented than planned.   Meanwhile, the extra fees for firms addicted to foreign workers ('H-1B and L-1 dependent' is the formal term) are producing $100M to $250M a year.   Those fees could go a long way to finance the agency's new Electronic Immigration System (or ELIS, a play on Ellis Island).   I have seen nothing in the general or specialized media that links those two subjects.   While I must admit that I missed the GAO report when it emerged in May, a couple of weeks ago CIS published a [web-log] of mine reporting on a USCIS decision to move backward from electronic filings to paper ones, which made me think the electronic system was in trouble.   The MyVisaJobs announcement said that the special fees (created largely by senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) 5 years ago) would end on the last day of this month.   That may indeed happen, but Congress has an opportunity to fix that in the next dozen days and, presumably, it could do so retroactively later this fall.   MyVisaJobs did not report on this possibility.   I am not terribly enthusiastic about providing a lot more funding to USCIS, but if it does not get more fees from aliens and employers it will go the taxpayers for relief.   USCIS is about 95% funded by fees.   Better that corporations who get bargain-rate professional talent from the H-1B program should pay rather than sticking the rest of us with the bill.   The immigration agencies, first the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and then its successor USCIS, have long been behind the rest of the government in the use of electronic application and decision-making systems.   The matter of many thousands of lost (or misplaced) paper files has been gumming up decision-making for decades.   This delays both the provision of benefits to aliens (and their employers) and the referral of problem cases to law enforcement...   [Move to 'agile' software development is giving them some trouble.]   Government does a lot of things pretty well, but buying comprehensive electronic systems is apparently not one of them."
Over 153,794 new/initial H-1B visas were actually issued through consular offices in Fiscal Year 2013, and 162,239 new/initial H-1B visas were issued in FY2014.   Over 2,589,226 H-1B visas have been issued from FY1990 to FY2014 according to the State Department annual reports.   Over 57,600 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 68,102 H-2B visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports.     Altogether, over 385,051 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013, and 431,001 H guest-work visas were issued through consular offices in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports.   Over 66,700 L-1 guest-work visas were issued via consular offices in FY2013, and over 71,513 were issued in FY2015, according to State Dept. annual reports.   Over 3,946 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2013, and 4,492 E-3 guest-work visas were issued in FY2014, according to State Dept. annual reports.     Over 12,359 O work visas for individuals with "extraordinary" abilities were issued in FY2013, and 12,706 O work visas were issued in FY2014 according to State Dept. annual reports.   Over 534,320 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2013, and over 595,569 F-1 visas for students were issued in FY2014, according to State Department annual reports.

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
the cynical use of citizenship
" September 17, the [Obummer regime] celebrated Constitution Day by administering the naturalization oath to more than 36K newly minted citizens in 200 events throughout all 50 states.   The president used the occasion to kick off the new Stand Stronger Citizenship Awareness Campaign.   I would like to say I found this heart-warming evidence of 36K people fulfilling their aspirations to share in the American Dream.   I didn't. Instead, I found myself thinking, 'On Constitution Day of all days? You're kidding! How cynical can you get?'   The officials of this White House have consistently used, abused, misused, and ignored the Constitution in every way possible...   Whatever they choose to call this naturalization initiative, it's the same cynical power play we've seen used by Democratic administrations previously in run-ups to presidential elections -- stuff the voter rolls with new, presumably Democratic-leaning, citizens in time to cast their ballots.   Last time it was called 'Citizenship USA', a scandal-plagued naturalization mill with few internal controls that churned out 1.2M new citizens, including thousands of convicted criminals and other ineligible applicants..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 mainly helps Dems/Reds/leftists, sho why is the GOP losership pushing through extension of it?

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
report: USA immigrant population hit record 42.4M, 13.3% in 2014 July
Mark Antonio Wright: National Review (with terrifying graph)
Karen Zeigler & Steven A. Camarota: Center for Immigration Studies

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
imams from South Asia claim they are unaware of UK laws against rape, freedom of religion
"...The news comes shortly after a glowing reference by a UK Imam for a rapist who is said to have taken advantage of young girls.   As reported by Breitbart London, letters of reference were written on rapist Adbul Fulat's behalf by an imam, family members and friends were presented to Leeds Crown Court.   The new research was carried out across England and Wales, and the findings included that a lack of awareness about what constitutes criminal behaviour was endemic among first generation immigrant families from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India...   In 2007, researchers found that many British Muslims held intolerant views at odds with Western society, including 36% of 16 to 24-year-olds believing that if a Muslim converted to another religion they should be punished by death.   Shockingly, 74% of 16 to 24-year-olds said they would prefer Muslim women to choose to wear the veil..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Hungarian parliament grants army authorization to use force against "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
"Golden Dawn" surges in Greek islands amid "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist crisis

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
"immigrants" from Mexico and Central America are slower to assimilate into USA culture

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Center for Security Policy_
sharia is re-shaping Europe

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
have a great alibi? you're kidding yourself

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
George Jonas _Jewish World Review_
the poor man's golden ticket

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
the "money question" during the GOP "debate" last Wednesday

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
at Orwellian UN Human Rights Council, Saudi Arabia chairs panel vetting applicants for "violence against women" post

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Mychal Massie _WND_
Carly Fiorina's sterling record of failure

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: if Obummer vetoes budget bills to de-fund Planned Parenthood, the blood of butchered children will be on his hands

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
don't back down, Ben; Islam is incompatible with the USA constitution and civil/political credo

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
atheist-in-chief Richard Dawkins has been attacked by the left for citing Breitbart article on "Ahmed the clock-maker"
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times
"Renowned scientist and notable atheist commentator Richard Dawkins has rounded on 'clock boy' Ahmed Mohamed, the now infamous Muslim teen who disassembled and reassembled a clock and was subsequently invited to the White House after being taken into police custody for possessing a 'hoax bomb'.   Dawkins took to Twitter to pull apart the facts of the case before finally posting a spoof video of an 'inventor' doing precisely what Mohamed had done -- remove the casing from a retail clock and placing it, wires protruding, inside a metallic brief-case..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Kyle Shideler _Town Hall_
more evidence of set-up: Obummer twitted support even before "Ahmed the clock-maker" device images were released

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Laura Ingraham
Gallup poll: 75% see widespread government corruption in USA

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
states should end ban on charter pre-K programs

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Drew Johnson _Washington DC Times_
NFL team owners sack tax-victims, line their own pockets in a perverse crony socialist scheme that amounts to illfare for billionaires
"...Between 1995 and 2013 (the most recent year for which data are available), the median household income decreased, in constant dollars, in 65% of the counties that spent tax dollars on NFL stadiums.   During the same time, median income rose nationally.   Over the same time, the national poverty rate rose 0.7%.   In counties that housed [tax-victim]-funded NFL stadiums, however, poverty increased at a rate 26.3% greater than the national average.   In Cincinnati, for example, home of one of the most irresponsible stadium deals in history, the Bengals stadium devoured 16% of the Hamilton county, Ohio, budget, leading to a financial crisis and a rise in property taxes.   [Corrupt politicians and bureaubums chose to spend tax-victims'] $425M on the stadium, and have little to show for it besides massive debt and a 60% increase in the county's poverty rate..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Laura Ingraham
the haughty John Kerry wants 200K more "refugees"/"migrants"/terrorists admitted to USA from Middle East and Northern Africa

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Laura Ingraham
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate message for "refugees"/ "migrants"/ terrorists hoping to go to Europe: stay in sharia-land
Nabih Bulos: Los Angeles CA Times/AP

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Rod Eccles _Cybercast News Service_
"refugee"/ "migrant"/ terrorist crisis is modern version of Trojan Horse
"Currently, there is a 'crisis' in Syria [and Iraq and Afghanistan and Lebanon and Jordan and Yemen], and the people are fleeing the multi-faceted civil war going on in that small Middle East nation.   There are at least 3 major factions fighting each other, and it is creating havoc for the people of that nation, so much so that the men, women, and children are fleeing for their lives.   They are flooding European nations that are near to Syria.   Or are they really?   Some studies have suggested that, in many groups of refugees, the make-up of the people include women and children and elderly but that 80% are men between the ages of 18 and 30.   That just so happens to be the age of a soldier.   In fact, we have reason to believe that some of those young men are indeed members of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, al-Qaeda, and other Muslim extremist groups that are bent on the West's destruction.   The problem is, we don't know which of them are or how many there are.   The media has portrayed this as a mass human exodus with unimaginable suffering.   What we hear from people on the ground in the areas affected is that this is not true..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Oliver J. Melnick _WND_
how Islam motivates "refugees"/ "migrants"/ terrorists; lethal cocktail of jihads could overshelm Europe

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Raymond Ibrahim _Human Events_
USA must observe and listen to those in nations which have experienced mass influxes of Muslim "refugees"/ "migrants"/ terrorists

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
in Aleppo, Syria, doctors saved un-born baby after mother was wounded in missile strike

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
March of Dimes are hiding their own dark secrets on baby parts
"A top fund-raiser for the March of Dimes in 2 Southern states has been ousted after questioning her employer on whether it has ties to Planned Parenthood's business of supplying aborted babies for scientific research...   But she discovered the group, founded in 1938 to support healthy newborns, is hiding dark secrets from the public and its donors.   Barr's job was to recruit donors of all sizes, including a large Catholic hospital, Trinity Hospital of Augusta, which has a strict rule against donating to any groups with ties to abortion...   IOW, very few women who use Planned Parenthood for prenatal health screenings end up leaving the clinic with a baby in their arms.   In 2013, Planned Parenthood was granted $24,900 for its Richmond, Virginia, chapter office, and MoD has awarded 5 similar grants to Planned Parenthood since 2007..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Dave Brat (R-VA): we're not winning; I'd give all of the GOP losership Fs; they will not fight; they will not win
"Brat noted the Republican-controlled congress' failure to de-fund Planned Parenthood in the wake of graphic under-cover videos released by the Centers for Medical Progress showing the harvesting of fetal organs by the nation's largest abortion provider as just one example of the GOP [losership's] failure to make an impact.   'Our [losership] has said we're going to fight, we're going to fight, we're going to fight.   And then Planned Parenthood, we've got these horrendous videos now that everybody is…nobody can even watch them and think through what that is.   The human mind just recoils from having to picture that.'..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Stephen A. Smith: if you're a human being, you are one of God's creatures in His image

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Obummer to welcome Indonesian president Joko Widodo

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Susan Ferrechio _Washinton DC Examiner_
even the real Republicans wimp out
"...House Republicans appear instead to be shifting their anger to the Senate and its majority leader, Mitch McConnell, R-KY, who has been [actively opposing] key GOP legislation sent from the House [instead of leveraging the rules to pass it]..."
There's some verbiage about changing the rules about what can be filibustered, but no one has filibustered for decades.   Why not require the Dems/Reds/leftists in the senate to actually filibuster, instead of simply accepting lack of cloture.   Demand that the bill either be voted on or they have to hold the floor for days on end to block votes?   But the current GOP losership lacks the brains, the will, and the back-bone to so much as attempt to do anything good and effective.

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
GOP losership's refusal to exercise the power of the purse
Town Hall

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Joseph Farah _WND_
RINO losership's new rules to attempt to rig the nomination back-fired
"After the disastrous 2012 election, in which establishment Republican nominee Mitt Romney tanked, fairing worse even than John McCain in 2008, the powers that be within the Republican National Committee knew they would face significant challenges from non-establishment candidates in 2016.   So they hatched a devious plan to ensure they could continue to nominate establishment 'losers', as Donald Trump would say -- the kind of candidates that have been selected consistently by the party since 1988.   While not all of those nominees ultimately lost the presidential race, they were still 'losers' because they betrayed Republican principles.   They had one other common denominator: They were both named Bush.   The Republican establishment correctly figured there would be many challengers in the 2016 campaign.   The plan was to select one establishment candidate with high name recognition and a huge political war chest who would do well enough to sew up the nomination under new rules to speed up the process.   It would help, of course, if the candidate's name was Bush.   The new rules crafted by the Republican elite would enable their pick to win the nomination by only getting 30% of the vote in early primaries.   What they weren't counting on, however, were 2 things -- the Donald Trump factor and the shocking popularity of another anti-establishment candidate, Dr. Ben Carson..."
Dump Yebbie!   Dump Christie!   Dump Hitlery!   Dump Sanders!   Dump Joe Biteme!

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Dan Hannan _WND_
USA's election primaries and the wiscom of crowds
Washington DC Examiner

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iran: IAEA inspectors did not collect samples we gave them from locations they could not know

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Patrick J. Buchanan _WND_
both USA and Catholicism are in crisis

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Ken Allard _Washington DC Times_
when people adhere to political correctness instead of morality

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Daniel Gallington _Washington DC Times_
Red Chinese hack into OPM data-base is a new version of a very old spy gambit
"...The [Red Chinese] have done this same thing electronically -- and hit the 'mother-load' of sensitive personal information: The 21.5M U.S.A. persons who have ever [since such records were stored on computers] applied for security clearances -- that's 21.5M.   Specifically, 'the most sensitive information stolen in the OPM breach was lifted from what is known as the Standard Form 86, or SF-86.   The 127-page security clearance application is essentially a road map to your life.   It contains highly detailed information on everything from where an applicant lived and worked, to personal references, family members, friends and associates, as well as drug history and intimate health information.'..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Richard Berman _Washington DC Times_
productivity is a real key to higher compensation (reduction of initiated force and fraud is another)

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Alvin Clay _Cybercast News Service_
strengthen the family with culture and policy

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Jenn Jacques _Bearing Arms_
protecting USA's children

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Border Patrol agent killed with "Fast and Furious" weapon; suspects going to trial
"2 men charged with murder in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent that revealed the bungled gun-smuggling investigation [under Obummer's first contemptible attorney-general Eric Holder] known as 'Fast and Furious' go on trial Wednesday.   The men were charged in the killing of Brian Terry during the Fast and Furious operation in which federal agents allowed criminals to buy guns with the intention of tracking them.   Instead, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [BATFE] lost track of 1,400 of the 2K guns involved in the sting operation, including two weapons found at the scene of Terry's killing.   2 suspects have already pleaded guilty, and 2 others remain fugitives.   Jesus Leonel Sanchez-Meza, also known as Lionel Portillo-Meza, and Ivan Soto-Barraza will be the first to face trial..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Andrea Shea King _WND_
remember when this was taught in school? black-boards from 1917 with drawings and writings intact, recovered from Oklahoma school
Full Train

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Anthony Watts & Roger Stritmatter
national socialist radio station WYPR in Baltimore MD got an ear-full on climate change from an educated listener

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Paul Driessen
climate insanity on steroids
"The Middle East is imploding.   ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate butchers are annihilating Christian and other comunities.   Putin is sending arms to Assad.   Under [Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons] the mullahs will get $100G+ to expand their proxy terror war [against] Israel and the West.   Saudi Arabia has 100K empty air-conditioned tents but won't take any fo the millions who have been driven from their homes.   Neither will most of the other 22 Arab League nations or 57 Organization of Islamic CoOperation member countries.   Instead, millions of mostly Muslim 'migrants', 'militants' and 'refugees' are heading to Europe -- with limited money, education, job skills, or desire to assimilate.   They demand entry into EU countries whose energy, economic, employment and welfare systems are already foundering or nearing collapse.   EU nations have hobbled their nuclear and carbon-based energy systems so completely that un-subsidized German and Danish electricity prices are almost 10 times [as high as] in USA states that still rely on coal-fired generation.   Industrial giant Siemens is cutting 1,600 jobs in its power and gas division, companies are hard-pressed to compete internationally, and 0.5% annual [GDP increases are] deemed 'robust'.   So naturally, [president Obummer], pope Francis, the European Commission, UN, and many poor countries are obsessed with -- climate change!   It's insanity on steriods.   The alarmist assertions are absurd..."

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Bob Tisdale
ENSO update for 2015 September: sea surface temperatures continue to rise in central equatorial Pacific Ocean

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
E. Calvin Beisner _Cybercast News Service_
real-world, observational evidence contradicts model-driven global warming assertions

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
copy of Magna Carta made in 1217, on loan from Hereford Cathedral, to go on display at NY Historical Society

2015-09-21 (5776 Tishri 08)
Daniel Estrin _News Max_/_AP_
what may be the tomb of the Hasmoneans/Maccabees is being examined west of Jerusalem

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Thomas Sowell, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ben S. Carson, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ted Cruz, (10) Ken Blackwell, (12) Ann Coulter, (13) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (20) Alan Keyes, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (210,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (300,000,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
** differences between left and right (part 9): is "national identity" necessary? **
World Net Daily
"...The rejection of national identities began with the founder of Leftism, Karl Marx.   He ends his major work, _Das Kapital_, with the famous left-wing motto, 'Proletariat of the world, unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains'.   [The similarly collectivist leftist 'Wobblies' (IWW) changed it to 'workers of the world, unite'.   The word 'proletariat' derives from from Latin words meaning, progeny or children, since the proletariat were not self-responsible like adult US citizens, but more like irresponsible children.]   Marx regarded national identities as backward and useless.   In his view, the only identities that mattered were class identities -- the working class and the ruling class.   If a worker thought of himself first as a German or Englishman, rather than as a worker, Communism would never be achieved.   The rejection of nationalism in Europe became main-stream after World War 1.   Many Europeans, especially among the intellectuals, concluded that the unprecedented loss of life caused by the Great War was a result, first and foremost, of nationalism.   They concluded that Europeans slaughtered each other for nothing more than a flag and a national identity.   Therefore, the argument went, by abolishing nationalism, war could be abolished.   That is the belief that led to the creation of the European Union: The more Europeans identified with Europe rather than with a particular country the less likely were the chances of war between European countries.   In the United States, however, a national American identity has always been a major part of what it means to be an American.   The 3 [or 4] pillars of Americanism, constituting what I have called the 'American Trinity' ['USA quaternity'] -- are found on every American coin and bank-note: 'Liberty, 'In God We Trust', 'e pluribus unum' [and 'Mind Your Business'].   The latter is Latin for 'out of many, one'.   Because America has always been a nation of immigrants, it has no ethnic identity.   Therefore, unlike almost all other nations, America could not depend on an ethnic identity to keep its people together.   In fact, if all Americans retained their ethnic identities, America would simply splinter.   So a non-ethnic American national identity had to be forged and preserved.   To this day, foreigners in the United States are struck by how patriotic Americans are in comparison to whatever country they come from.   They marvel, for example, at the fact that before almost every sporting event -- from professional down to high school -- the American National Anthem is played and/or sung.   'Conservatives' [in the USA] wish to conserve all these manifestations of American patriotism and nationalism because they believe a sense of national unity is essential to the political and social health of the country.   On the other hand, the American Left, like the Left in Europe, is opposed to nationalism, and it generally finds patriotic expressions corny at best and dangerous at worst.   [Whereas in Europe, 'conservatism' is seen as conserving monarchy or feudalism and the 'divine right of kings' (which developed rather late, around the 1600s through the 1800s).]   This is easily seen.   Just visit 'conservative' and [leftist] areas on July Fourth, America's Independence Day.   You will see American flags displayed throughout 'conservative' areas and virtually none displayed in [leftist] areas such as Manhattan, NY, or Santa Monica or Berkeley, CA.   Left-wing opposition to American nationalism is exemplified by the Left's embrace of 'multiculturalism' -- the cultivation of all ethnic and racial identities except American.   It has even reached the point wherein some American colleges no longer display the American flag.   In lieu of an American national identity, the Left prefers an international identity.   Thus, ideally, United Nations authority would supersede American authority, and the World Court [and WTO court] would supersede American courts..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Scott Walker called it quits

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Scott Walker called it quits: no principles + no base + no differentiation = no political campaign
"...While Scott Walker never said publicly, 'I'm shooting to be the guy who can unite conservatives, Tea Partiers and the establishment business community.', it's pretty clear that was the position he chose as his hole in the market.   And although he had some good conservative advisors, such as our friends Michael Grebe, Craig Shirley and Diana Bannister, the day-to-day management of his campaign was in the hands of establishment Republican consultants, who were steeped in the inside the Beltway Republican strategy of running a content-free campaign.   These consultants, such as campaign manager Rick Wiley and Super-PAC senior adviser Brad Dayspring, had no clue how to appeal to conservatives and consequently Walker found himself unprepared to go on a multi-candidate stage and make a compelling case for his candidacy..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Scott Walker's strategy of ambiguity and inconsistency on immigration

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
the pope and USA immigration policy

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
triple-play will bring in still more L-1 guest-workers
"The most recent admissions data (for FY2013) show more than 500K entries of such workers and more than 200K admissions of L-1 dependents, who also may work in the United States.   [149,621 L visas were issued through consular offices in FY2013; 71,513 L-1 visas for guest-workers, and 78,108 L-2 visas for family members, but they can enter and leave the USA multiple times in a year.]   The workers are supposed to have been employed over-seas before their transfer here.   The 3 elements that are combining to expand the already large program are these:   Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has reported that the [Obummer regime] is contemplating policy changes that could, to quote an earlier statement by the president, 'benefit hundreds of thousands of non-immigrant workers'.   Unless congress acts by September 30, the extra fee of $2,250 per L-1 worker will disappear, making these workers that much more attractive to employers.   And, as we noted in another posting, an L-1 employer faced with violations can demand that a government inspector come back to the work site on another day.   The L-1 [perversion] (without any change in law) that senator Grassley warned of relates to the definition of the 'specialized knowledge' that these workers must have.   The already loose interpretation of this phrase may become even looser, allowing virtually all requested L-1 foreign workers' applications to be approved.   What often happens is that big, multi-national firms with offices in, say, India and the United States will bring in computer programmers and pay them at Indian rates rather than at U.S.A. rates, thus squeezing resident workers out of their jobs.   Like many other recent changes in immigration policy, loosening the definition of 'specialized knowledge' would be done through White House edict alone, without any congressional authorization.   [As with H-1B visas, there is no skill level requirement for L visas.]"

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
more previously deported convicted sexual predators arrested at USA-Mexico border in Texas

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Gatestone Institute: more women and girls in "refugee" centers being raped & forced into prostitution by alleged "asylum seeking men"
"A growing number of women and young girls housed in refugee shelters in Germany are being raped, sexually assaulted and even forced into prostitution by male 'asylum seekers', according to German social work organizations with first-hand knowledge of the situation...   A police raid on the Munich refugee facility found that guards hired to provide security at the site were trafficking drugs and weapons and were turning a blind eye to the prostitution.   Meanwhile, the raping of German women by asylum seekers is becoming commonplace..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Labour member of parliamant says it is bigoted to so much as debate the excessive immigration of Muslims, and taking advantage of illfare system
"...The petition titled 'stop allowing immigrants into the UK', on the official Commons petition website has now been signed by 185,560 people.   It reads:   'The UK government need to prevent immigrants from entering the UK immediately!   We MUST close all borders, and prevent more immigrants from entering Britain.   Foreign citizens are taking all our benefits, costing the government millions!   Many of them are trying to change UK into a Muslim country!'   The petition's entry also includes an explanation written by the person who started it.   It reads:   'If the Government does not do anything, then Britain may take in 12M more immigrants by 2060 [fewer than the USA government admits in a decade].   There is footage of foreigners destroying British soldiers graves, which is a huge disrespect to us.   Sign this petition to show the government what they need to do!...'..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
send "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ terrorists back, says Christian Democrat minister Thomas de Maiziere

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Finland is latest nation to establish border controls as "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ terrorists find even Sweden isn't generous enough to please them

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
8 raids in Berlin, 1 on mosque in search of "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate recruiters
"...police continue to hunt for an 'asylum seeker' who boasted on camera of being an IS killer...   Over 600 German nationals are known to have travelled to Iraq and Syria to join ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, and the country is expected to absorb over 1M migrants this year alone, many from countries where ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and other militant Islamist groups are active..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Rich Lowry _National Review_
USA should not feel guilt over "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ terrorists from the Middle East

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer nominee Susan Coppedge Amato told senators she wouldn't pplay politics with corrupt Obummer/Kerry State Department's human trafficking report
"...The confirmation hearing for Amato, an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Georgia who has prosecuted trafficking-related cases, comes at a time when the administration is under fire over claims that it upgraded certain countries in this year's human trafficking report for political reasons.   The annual TIP report ranks each country according to its progress in the fight against modern slavery.   Those given the lowest ranking, 'tier 3', can face sanctions.   In the preparation of this year's report, senior U.S. diplomats were reported to have over-ruled the State Department's TIP office in more than a dozen cases.   According to the claims, Malaysia and Cuba were among countries that received better rankings for their compliance with anti-trafficking efforts than the TIP office felt they deserved.   Malaysia is a partner in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade negotiations, while 'normalization' of diplomatic relations with Cuba is another administration foreign policy priority.   Malaysia's upgrading -- months after the discovery there of mass graves of suspected human trafficking victims -- was especially controversial, since a Menendez-authored amendment to trade promotion authority legislation that became law this year prohibits 'tier 3' countries from getting preferential access into the U.S.A. market.   Had Malaysia remained 'tier 3' that could have placed hurdles in the way of the TPP process..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Daniel Horowitz _Cybercast News Service_
USA seeing a steep increase in immigration from the Middle East: "immigration"? "invasion"? "occupation"? "colonization"?
Julia Hahn: Breitbart: Muslims are fastest-increasing immigrant demographic

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Jacques Billeaud _Cybercast News Service_
how much do tax-victims need to spend fighting corrupt judges and executive branch functionaries before the huge and increasing public outcry causes genuine reform?

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Barry Farber _WND_
history of mass migrations

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Bradley Burne (R-AL): safety of USA and US citizens is the priority when considering accepting visitors, foreign students, guest-workers, immigrants, refugees, asylees

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
an average of 149 "youths" invaded USA each day in August
"The number of Latin American migrants crossing the southern border increased this August compared to last August, boosting the total migrant inflow to more than 240K since 2011.   According to Border Patrol's apprehension data, a cross-border flow of 4,632 'unaccompanied minors' and 5,158 people in 'family units' was recorded arrested last month.   The Associated Press notes that is a 52% increase over last August's total of 6,424 people.   The flow of migrants had, until the late summer, been lower than the 2014 surge when Border Patrol tracked the arrival of 62,977 youths -- some of whom likely are adults older than 18 -- plus 62,848 people in 'family units' -- largely from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.   [President Barack Hussein Obummer] allowed his deputies to release the vast majority of the migrants into the United States to join their extended families, file for work permits, and enter U.S. schools.   The total for the 2 years -- not counting the September 2015 in-flow -- will be 203,319 migrants.   In 2011, 2012, and 2013 an additional 34,984 Central American 'youths' crossed the border.   That's a 5-year total of at least 243,303 migrants...   By the end of August in 2015, another 35,494 'youths' and 34,565 people in family groups -- mostly women and girls -- had successfully crossed into the United States.   That adds up to 70,059 additional migrants, or more than half the 2014 in-flow of 135,825 migrants..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Richard Rives _WND_
many immigrants bring the worship of strange gods (video)

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
French police fire tear gas at "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists, bull-doze Calais camps

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Vaclav Klaus: politicians inviting "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists into Europe want disintegration
"...He warned that the purpose of the welcoming policy is the disintegration of Europe as it is known, and the creation of a new society.   Vaclav Klaus was writing in German newspaper, Die Welt, taking aim at 'irresponsible' European politicians such as Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel and president Joachim Gauck.   He lays the blame on them for 'hundreds dead in the Mediterranean' as migrants, their children and family members heed their call to come to Europe and pay exorbitant sums to smugglers unaware of the risks and threats of such journeys...   'Befuddled by the ideology of multiculturalism.', Klaus warns 'today's debate on immigration ignores these elementary facts'.   Instead, migration's proponents believe individual European states can 'replenish' the work-force without problems.   They therefore seek to welcome and accommodate migrants with the promise of a 'new, better life'...   Klaus also identifies the 'fatal mistake' of believing that short term problems caused by migration are out-weighed by long-term effects.   He says that Germany's own experiences to date with immigrants and guest workers stands in 'stark contrast' to the idea.   Klaus refers to comments made by economist Wolfgang Kasper, a German who has lived in Australia for half a century.   He believes acculturation -- the process of cultural and psychological change when cultures meet -- tales several generations.   In addition, Klaus says Kasper 'draws attention to the fact that the second generation of immigrants rejects their integration into European society, and very often the entire Western community of values.'...   'I have deep concerns about the future of European civilisation.'"

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
R' Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo _Jewish World Review_
are we worthy?

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Michael Freund _Jewish World Review_
Yom Kippur: Sandy Koufax's "sermon on the mound"

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
CNN "debate" strayed from USA's top concerns to personal squabbling

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Galllup poll: 49% say federal government poses immediate threat to rights & freedoms of US citizens
Frank Newport: Gallup

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
our familiar political alignments have been changing
Barone's POV is far far too short-term, downright myopic.   Political shifts have been going on since the 1750s throughout what has been the USA for most of this time.

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer's "faith" is not the issue, but his political principles and actions are
World Net Daily
"...Why do the irreligious media believe they can credibly lecture anyone about faith?   Why should they take umbrage at a lone questioner's calling [Obummer] a Muslim?   They act as though calling someone a Muslim is slander per se.   By their lights, it ought to be a compliment.   If they believed that [Obummer] is a Bible-believing Christian, they'd be hammering him themselves.   And if his religion is so important to them, why didn't they probe it when it would have mattered -- the 2008 campaign?   Oh, that's right.   They were too busy denying the spiritual bond with his pastor-mentor, the reverend Jeremiah Wright... Wright's church was more race- and Marxist-oriented than Christ-centered..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
why Ben Carson is correct -- no Muslim should be president of the United States of America

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Star Parker _WND_
Ben Carson is correct about Islam; we shouldn't put people in office whose values are contrary to the US constitution

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Glenn Kessler refuses to recognize the full meaning of the Muslim doctrine of taqiyya

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Laura Ingraham
Larry J. Sabato: no law of the universe requires a RINO loser get the nomination

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Laura Ingraham
6 "gotcha" questions for leftists
LifeZette: 7 "gotcha" questions for leftists

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
wake up, GOP; you have the winning hand
"...Republican elites, listen up!   Take some advice from young Dorothy and realize that for decades you have been buying into the Democratic propaganda that you need to change your values and the ideals that you stand for in order to win elections.   You have been conned..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the left has its pope
World Net Daily
Human Events
Real Clear Politics

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
pope Francis and religious liberty

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Laura Ingraham
senate Dems/Reds/leftists blocked bill that would prohibit abortions after the 20th week of gestation; Hitlery Rotten Clinton opposes any limits

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Stephen Dinan _Jewish World Review_
Obummer FBI not only refuses to investigate Hitlery Rotten Clinton's criminality, they refuse to co-operate in investigation
Washington DC Times

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery's server ISP & admin firms were hacked from abroad during her term at DoSs
"Hillary Clinton used the company Internap as the internet service provider for her private email account during her tenure as Secretary of State.   Internap, based in Atlanta, has a facility in Manhattan, near the the physical location of the IP address for clintonemail.com.   In 2011 March, the security company RSA was hacked.   The hackers got into the company's system through a malware-infested e-mail sent to an employee, then installed a 'back-door' and stole data.   RSA called it 'an extremely sophisticated cyber attack'.   RSA was not the only victim of the attack.   A victim list showed that more than 760 other organizations were also 'compromised'.   Internap appeared 5 times on the full victim list...   [Red China] was the home source of 299 of the 338 command and control networks that the hackers used to carry out the attacks, according to an analysis at the time by cyber security expert Brian Krebbs...   Clinton's e-mail domain clintonemail.com is managed by a company called Network Solutions, which manages domains and provides a service that Clinton uses to protect the anonymity of the people running her server from mandatory disclosures on databases.   In 2010, potentially 500K Network Solutions domains hosted malware on their sites as part of a hack involving a Ukranian 'attack server'."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
sexual assault survivor says Hitlery Rotten Clinton is a hypocrite

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton campaign workers run from questions about election law violations (video)

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Kent G. Bailey _WND_
genteel ladies vs. stone-age venuses: the troublesome extinction of God-respecting women

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Linda Harvey _WND_
the bath-room door is a healthy boundary: why it's bad to "normalize" mental illness

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
a vast sea of debt
Eric Scheiner: Cybercast News Service: Bernie Sanders admits he will worsen over-spending and over-taxing

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Perry Chiramonte _Fox_
Obummer regime's extreme leftist "college score-card" tried to shut out non-leftists schools
"...Left off the list were such well-known conservative schools as Michigan's Hillsdale College -- ranked in the top 75 by U.S. News & World Report -- and Pennsylvania's Grove City College.   Also omitted were Wyoming Catholic College, Idaho's New Saint Andrews College and Christendom College in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley...   Department of Education spokeswoman Denise Horn told FoxNews.com in a statement that some schools were left out because they did not take [unconstitutional] federal funding, which comes with a requirement that they provide data used in crafting the score-card...   Title IV participating institution is a school that accepts [unconstitutional] funding from federal sources including the Stafford, Perkins and Federal Supplemental loans, the Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students and grants from the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity and Pell programs...   'Hillsdale issues only 4-year under-graduate degrees as well as master's degrees, and does not issue certificates of any kind for academic credit'...   'Such a scorecard designed by statists will naturally cast independent private institutions in a negative light.', Olson said.   'That's either intentional or is byproduct of the schools' unwillingness to play by the statists' rules.   Parents and prospective students don't need any seal of approval from [president Barack Hussein Obummer] or some DoE bureaucrat to decide whether a school is good or not.   The prospective student and his or her parents can make that determination just fine.'"

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Joseph Farah _WND_
why a Muslim president would be unacceptable
"Islam is not just a religious faith, like Catholicism or Judaism.   It's a way of life that guides every aspect of a true believer's values and actions -- political, legal, economic.   For those Muslims who take their faith seriously, their commitment to the Quranic tenets comes first, even when it conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, which it does frequently.   For instance, in Islam forced conversions are not just acceptable but appropriate.   Not so for Jews and Christians.   Lying for the purpose of furthering the strategic goal of advancing the spread of Islam is not only acceptable but appropriate.   Not so for Christians and Jews.   Subjugation of women is not only acceptable but appropriate.   Not so for Christians and Jews..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
leftist media attack Trump... but ignore violence-initiating Islam

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
France to prosecute Marine le Pen for merely criticizing Muslims

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Ralph Z. Hallow _Washington DC Times_
Scott Walker's campaign clobbered by $40K paid to SC GOP to secure spot on primary ballot
"...When Mr. Perry dropped from the race earlier this month, his team cited, among other things, the expense of competing in South Carolina, where $20K must be paid to the State Election Commission and another $20K to the state GOP just to get on the ballot..."
Whatta racket!

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Times_
Red Chinese interceptor buzzed USAF surveillance plane over East China Sea near Japan's Senkaku Islands
Washington DC Free Beacon

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
David Petraeus to congress: Syria is like a geo-political nuclear disaster spewing instability and extremism over the region and around the world

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
American Airlines blocked wounded vetern USMC captain and his service-dog from flight
"...Marine Corps captain Jason Haag and his dog Axel had flown American Airlines from Fredericksburg, Virginia, to Los Angles on Thursday for the American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards -- where Axel had been recognized as the National Service Dog of the Year, a local ABC affiliate reported.   But on Sunday, captain Haag says the same airline didn't let them fly back...   The marine served two tours of duty in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.   A bullet to the leg earned him a Purple Heart.   An IED explosion left him with PTSD and a traumatic brain injury, ABC reported.   In 2014, he told 'The Today Show' that there's 'no doubt in my mind that if it wasn't for Axel, I'd be 6 feet underground now.', The Daily Caller reported..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Daniel Mitchell _Cybercast News Service_
honest leftist says he thinks your earnings are the rightful property of the government

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
audit: contracter on ObumerDoesntCare web-site was paid $4M to correct their own mistakes

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina will trim federal pay-rolls by not replacing retiring federal employees
"...According to the Government Accountability Office, 30% of the approximately 2M federal workers who were employed in 2012 September will be able to retire by 2017 September..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Marc E. Fitch _WND_
why the "experts" don't understand the politial support for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump: our personal defense is ultimately up to us

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump is more in touch with the Republican base than the establishment "egg-heads" are
Jewish World Review

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
emphasizing core Republican themes; candidates need to start talking about the economy, jobs, immigration, guest-workers, jobs, excessive taxes, jobs, excessive government spending, jobs, encouraging competition in utilities (electricity, natural gas, telecommunications), jobs

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Bob Owens _Bearing Arms_
evil anti-US-constitution BATFE says beverage-tossing can launcher is verboten
"The same federal agency that once determined that a piece of shoe-string is a machine gun has now brilliantly determined than a device to launch soda cans and tennis balls is in violation of the National Firearms Act of 1934."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Bob Owens _Bearing Arms_
armed citizen shot bank robber near Warren, MI

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
senator Chuck Grassley _Washington DC Times_
why legislators rely on inspectors-general
"...To assist in oversight, law-makers rely on inspectors-general (IGs), the independent agency watch-dogs who are uniquely positioned within the executive branch to report problems to Congress.   Congress passed laws explicitly allowing IGs to have 'timely access to all records' in order to fully and independently review the agency's work.   This authority was granted by the Inspector General Act of 1978 and reaffirmed in subsequent bipartisan government funding measures.   However, in the last 5 years, a handful of agencies, led by the FBI General Counsel's office, have taken issue with the definition of the word 'all', and have refused to provide timely access to records requested by the IG.   In February alone, the Justice Department's IG notified Congress on three separate occasions in which the FBI failed to provide access to records requested for oversight investigations.   IGs for the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Commerce and the Peace Corps have experienced similar stone-walling.   In a July memo, the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel suggested that IGs need the permission from the agency to obtain documents from that agency.   The OLC claims that congress didn't really mean IGs have access to all records, even though the statute specifically states 'all records'.   The law was written this way to ensure that agencies can't pick and choose when to cooperate with IGs and when to withhold inconvenient or potentially embarrassing records.   For these watch-dogs to truly provide the independent oversight that the law intended, they need unfettered access to agency documents..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Edward Woodson _Washington DC Times_
the power to set royalties is the power to destroy: government setting fees instead of the market

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Jessica Ivins _Jewish World Review_
new-born cry stirred dying mother from coma

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Steny Hoyer refused to say whether he though an un-born baby with a human heart is a human being

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
bishops in Africa oppose contraception and abortion agenda as "a new type of slavery" and "colonialist spirit"

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
religious freedom is under attack in USA, Cuba, Iraq, Mexico, Syria, Columbia

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Charles Martel _Breitbart_
Miami priest Alberto Cutie asked why pope does not criticize communism

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Charles Martel _Breitbart_
Paul Gosar (R-AZ): why I am boycotting pope Francis's visit to congress
Town Hall
Drew Johnson: Washington DC Times: why congress should boycott pope Francis

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
cholera epidemic threatens Baghdad as ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate ravages Iraq

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
George J. Marlin _Washington DC Times_
chopping up Christians in the Middle East; if they kill us all, would the West do something then?

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Tori Richards _Town Hall_
Veterans Administration officials are abusing medical records to violate privacy and smear those who call attention to abuses

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Rowan Scarborough _Breitbart_
DoD indifference to Afghan sex abuse led boy to kill 3 US Marines
"A law-suit charges that the U.S. military's indifference to the crime of Afghanistan officials sexually abusing boys led to the killings of 3 Marines in 2012 by the youthful 'companion' of a corrupt Afghan police chief.   Despite warnings that the chief, Sarwan Jan, and his boy entourage should be expelled from Forward Operating Base Delhi, Marine Corps commanders let him stay.   On Aug. 10, one of his 'tea boys' walked into the base gym and gunned down the 3 Marines, including lance-corporal Gregory Buckley ii of Long Island, whose parents are fighting out a law-suit in U.S. district court..."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Rick Santorum vindicated: leftist media, Obummer regime are soft on pedophilia
"Courtesy of The New York Times we also learned Monday that 'American soldiers and Marines have been instructed not to intervene -- in some cases, not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases...'. Yes, you read that correctly: On our own military bases, as though Western Civilization is no longer a thing, our troops are being ordered to look the other way as Afghan police officers rape and sodomize under-age Afghan boys."

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Austin Ruse _Breitbart_
AAU study on sexual assault classifies casual sex as "a relationship" and kissing as "sexual battery"

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Willis Eschenbach
23 new papers support the theory that the sun drives the world climate

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
plotter in anti-science, anti-free-speech letter to Obummer (trying to get him to attack others under RICO) has some serious questions to answer

2015-09-22 (5776 Tishri 09)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" World_/_IDG_
$2K fee for H-1B & L-1 visas set to expire
"The fee raises between $70M and $80M annuyally... The money initially went to improve border secuirty, but is now use dto help pay the medical needs of 2001/09/11 first responders... '...companies are making tens of thousands of dollard, per visa, per year, off this thing.', said [Russ Harrison of IEEE-USA], who would like to see the fee raised...

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
another cynical corrupt Dem/Red/leftist "Citizenship USA" voter drive
Town Hall
"There's only one time when you can depend on the chronically backlogged, recklessly inefficient Department of Homeland Security to perform smoothly: election season. While hundreds of thousands of visa over-stayers and deportation fugitives remain on the loose, federal bureaucrats at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are hastily recruiting tens of thousands of foreigners for the [corrupt Obummer regime's] new 'U.S. citizenship and immigrant civic integration' campaign. For the past week, the agency has staged more than 200 naturalization ceremonies for more than 36K new citizens. In partnership with the Interior Department (the same one that blocked American veterans from visiting war memorials during the 2013 federal government stand-off over spending), the feds hosted camera-ready events at national parks -- and encouraged their new political pawns to post propaganda photos across 'social media'. Local law enforcement agencies have a hell of a time getting hold of federal agents to help screen and detain criminal aliens. Finger-print data-bases spread across DHS, the State Department and the Justice Department still don't talk to each other. There's still no comprehensive data-base to track the exits and entries of temporary visa holders -- let alone any functional system to kick out over-stayers and keep them out..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
"Civil Rights Commission" issued hatchet job masquerading as an illegal alien detention report
"To equate the plight of aliens who choose to cross our borders unlawfully with the civil rights issues raised by slavery and its aftermath bears the same kind of tone-deafness [not to say outright corruption] people exhibit when comparing lesser modern social or political ills with the evils of the Holocaust.   For this reason, I am suspicious of the 'U.S. Civil Rights Commission''s motives in tackling a controversial issue such as detention of aliens in pursuit of border control in recent report, 'With Liberty and Justice for All: The State of Civil Rights and Immigration Detention Facilities'.   Why not leave this subject to other government entities better poised to examine the matter in-depth and with dispassion -- for instance, watch-dog agencies such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) or the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG)?   The answer, I fear, is in pursuing agendas, in the most pejorative sense of the word.   The report is a nasty piece of work; the words 'deceptive' and 'sleazy' leap to mind because it is replete with innuendo, unproven allegations, allegations that were in fact determined to be unfounded by the DHS OIG when investigated, and specious arguments masquerading as 'fact'.   It is also a hefty tome at 124 pages, not counting appendices and commissioner statements..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
David Wagner _Information Week_/_UBM_
IT free-lancing
"[Non-STEM firms' demands for overly-specific skill-sets, constantly changing buzz-words, constantly changing priorities (other than the demand for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled, disposable labor with flexible ethics), are contributing to a scrabbling 'IT' free-lance culture.]   According to a survey conducted by Daniel J. Edelman and sponsored by Upwork and the FreeLancers Union, 53M Americans, a total of about a third of our work-force, are part of a $715G free-lancing economy...   32% of respondents reported increased demand...   53% said demand had remained the same [leaving 15% who reported a drop in demand]...   80% of full-time worker [with real jobs]...said they'd happily free-lance on the side if offered a chance.   [But no word on the millions of STEM professionals who remain unemployed and under-employed.]...   Only 41.7% get all of their income from free-lancing.   Another quarter say free-lancing accounts for at least 75% of their income...   More than two-thirds said they worked between 20 and 40 hours per week...   One-fifth of responedents (21.6%) said advertising the lowest hourly rate was most important to getting hired [i.e. it's become a race to the bottom]...   42.4% said their track record as [a body shopped] was the most important thing to have on a profile.   Proof of other work experience was cited by 228%...   18.3% said the most important thing was experience working with a specific skill or tool...   [Not mentioned in the article are the costs of having to pay for your own training, buying and upgrading your own hardware and other tools, rainy day fund, insurance/security, transportation, retirement, etc.]"

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina: Shame on Disney for displacing US citizen STEM professionals, shame on congress for laws and policies which discourage job creation; we have to fight for every job

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Ann Coulter _WND_
GOP losership and RINOs are useless idiots, actively harmful idiots
"...A true admirer might have recalled that the front-runner terrifying Republican insiders in the summer of 1979 -- was one Ronald Reagan.   (And surely, everyone remembers how Reagan's constant droning on about Dwight Eisenhower propelled Dutch to victory and allowed him to crush the Soviet War machine and usher in 20 years of peace and prosperity.)   Which reminds me: Perhaps Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are soaring in the polls not because they're 'outsiders', but because they're not dumb.   I notice that, other than Ted Cruz, they're the only GOP candidates for president who went to top schools...   This is the problem with using the word 'elites' to refer to Republican Party apparatchiks: They're all such utter mediocrities.   I don't mean to be unkind.   It's simply a fact.   Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Business and went on to make $11G.   Carson went from Yale to the University of Michigan Medical School and was the first man to separate twins conjoined at the brain.   Fiorina graduated from Stanford University and then earned $80M in business.   By contrast, look up the educational achievement of the average pundit sneering..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists stream through europe as EU executives demand that member countries let them ins

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
is leftist reasoning idiotic or dishonest?
World Net Daily
Town Hall
Human Events

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Cliff May _Town Hall_
why Republican candidates for president support Israel

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Susan Stamper Brown _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's regressive Muslim over-reach on "Ahmed the clock-maker" who is better at taking clocks apart then making them

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Allen West _Town Hall_
the purpose of vacuums
"Back in 2011 August I was part of a congressional delegation visiting Israel and we had the pleasure of meeting with prime-minister Benyamin Netanyahu.   I will always remember his warning about vacuums, he advised us to not withdraw our military force footprint from Iraq.   PM Netanyahu stated that if you create a vacuum it will be filled.   And so it is, when we get away from the real purpose of a vacuum, cleaning up dirt, and create your own via a short-sighted foreign policy -- you create dirt, mess and a disaster that will eventually have to be cleaned up.   The [corrupt Obummer regime] thought it more important to adhere to campaign promises, rhetoric, and rigid ideology and created a huge vacuum in the Middle East..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Jonah Goldberg _Town Hall_
it is not Carly Fiorina who is wrong in the Planned Parenthood fight
National Review
Town Hall

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
_Conservative HQ_
Phyllis Schlafly, Ted Cruz, Bridenstein, Gohmert, Meadows, Brat and others battle surrender-monkeys McConnell & Boehner on tax-victim funding for Planned Parenthood
"All we limited government constitutional conservatives want (really) is for Republican leaders to fulfill the constitutional role the Framers envisioned for congress to act as a check on an over-ambitious and overweening president through the power of the purse.   Phyllis Schlafly spoke for that simple demand in a recent column -- senator Ted Cruz gets it, so do representatives Jim Bridenstine, Louie Gohmert, Mark Meadows and a few others.   Why is it so hard for the 'sophisticated' insiders of the Republican establishment to understand this?   Our long-time friend Phyllis Schlafly, the First Lady of the Conservative Movement, has issued an inspiring challenge to Capitol Hill Republicans to step-up and fulfill their constitutional duty to exercise the power of the purse and use it to defund baby body parts trafficker Planned Parenthood.   The moral case for defunding Planned Parenthood is overwhelming, and Mrs. Schalfly states it succinctly, but to us the most interesting part of her column was her stinging rebuke of the current Republican [losership] on Capitol Hill and the lies by which they maintain their increasingly tenuous grip on power.   Our system is built on checks and balances, said Phyllis Schlafly, yet congress is standing by while the president and the supreme court are encroaching on congress' powers.   Congress should use its spending power to push back against overreaching by the other branches.   Mrs. Schlafly also reminded readers that most Republicans ran on a promise to return our government to the Constitution.   Our founding document clearly vests in congress the power of the purse by providing that 'the congress shall have power to... provide for the... general welfare of the United States' and that 'no money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law'.   But the key point in the article from our perspective was her indictment of the Republican Party's Capitol Hill [losership] and their tactics on Planned Parenthood and many other issues where they would have to actually fight [Obummer] and the Dems/Reds/leftists...   it takes just 41 votes in the U.S. senate to block any bill that funds Planned Parenthood [and only 34 votes to block bad treaties], and the American people elected 54 Republicans to the U.S. senate.   So Republicans have the votes to block Planned Parenthood [and Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons]...   Memo to Mitch McConnell [and John Boehner]: Grass-roots limited government constitutional conservatives really don't want much from the GOP's Capitol Hill establishment.   All we want (really) is for Republican 'leaders' to fulfill the constitutional role the Framers envisioned for congress -- especially the House -- to act as a check on an over-ambitious and overweening president through the power of the purse..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Russia impairs Israel's ability to defend itself

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Commerce Department has settled with 2 from UAE who helped Syrian government obtain Internet surveillance tools that were invented in the USA
"...Aiman Ammar and Rashid Albuni have been banned from exporting U.S.A. products for the next 5 and 6 years, respectively, and ordered to pay the department $250K, the agency said this week..."
The USA government obviously doesn't take espionage or national security, nor the privacy and security of US citizens the least bit seriously.

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
corrupt Obummer/Kerry State Department: we would welcome having Saudi Arabia in a leadership role at the UN "rights council"

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
more DoS e-mail messages surface in Hitlery Rotten Clinton Benghazi investigation

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Charles Hurt _Breitbart_
dear Donald Trump, please focus on the issues rather than spending so much time and effort criticizing other Republican candidates

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
corrupt congressional losership moves quickly on shut-down... to ake sure they don't spend any less of tax-victims' earnings

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Michael Brown _Town Hall_
pedophilia seems to be the next cause the left are pushing

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
Green Beret sergeant-1st-class defended boys against rapists in Afghanistan being persecuted, discharged by corrupt Obummer regime
"Yesterday we found out that the White House is claiming to really not know much about the whole Afghanistan boy raping thing except what they find out by watching Morning Joe.   But now that the news has broken, will they be doing anything about it?   If they plan to they'll need to move quickly because The Daily Caller reveals that Charles Martland, one of the soldiers accused of beating down a child rapist, has had an appeal of the decision to kick him out of the service denied..."
Jonah Bennett: Daily Caller
"According to representative Duncan Hunter's spokesman, Joe Kasper, the denial 'sends a loud and clear message to all soldiers and military personnel that if you do intervene...because it's morally the right thing to do, it could be at the risk of your career'.   Hunter wants GOP senator John McCain, chairman of the senate Armed Services committee, to delay any hearings for [Obummer's] nomination of a new Army secretary, until [the situation has been remedied]."
Katie Pavlich: Town Hall

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump: God is the ultimate

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Carleton Bryant _Washington DC Times_
Kim Davis & Donald Trump to speak at Values Voter Summit

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
why aren't the GOP losership and RINOs thanking Donald Trump?
"...Mr. Walker went from the top of the pack in the Republican presidential race to barely registering in polls in an amazingly short time.   Mr. Walker quickly identified the problem: It was Donald Trump.   It was not the Walker campaign's amazingly poor management skills.   It could not have been his flip-flopping on major issues.   It could not have been his incredibly poor debate performances or his unbelievably bad political strategy...   The early Republican debates are drawing record audiences.   Both the Fox News and CNN debates set ratings records.   The obvious question is why and the equally obvious answer is Donald Trump.   Mr. Trump is fueling interest in the debates and, by extension, exposing the Republican presidential candidates to a greater audience.   The Republicans should be thrilled about this.   But they aren't.   The fact that Donald Trump is driving viewers to the debates is far less important to the Grand Old Party elites than the fact he is not one of their anointed candidates.   Instead of being grateful for this opportunity to expose the Republican Party and its beliefs to new people, the GOP just wants to complain about Trump...   Mr. Trump isn't under the control of the establishment.   He also is against the top priority of the Republican Party.   He is for protecting America against illegal aliens.   The Republican establishment takes its orders from the [Chamber of Crony Socialists] and they want amnesty [and 'infinite' cheap, young, pliant guest-workers with flexible ethics]..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Bob Christie & Terry Tang _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
AZ state police SWAT team arrested a man suspected in some of the I-10 shootings

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
a 69-year-old former Oklahoma City police officer, was sentenced Tuesday to 2 years in prison for coaching people in how to pass a polygraph test
"...Williams had worked for the Oklahoma City Police Department for about a decade, quitting in 1979 after he decided that the polygraphs tests he administered in the department were a fraud.   He went on to claim through his web-site that he could teach anyone to pass such a test 'nervous or not -- lying or not -- no matter what!'..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
DoD, DoE, OPM allowed finger-print files of about 5.6M US citizens to be grabbed by hackers; no criminal trial dates set
"...The finger-print data was stolen in the massive breach that saw the government lose the most sensitive information on [the] 21.5M [or more] Americans.   [Red Chinese] hackers have been blamed for the breach...   'Today's blatant news dump is the clearest sign yet that the administration still acts like the OPM hack is a PR crisis instead of a national security threat.', [senator Ben Sasse (R-NB)] said.   'The American people have no reason to believe that they've heard the full story and every reason to believe that Washington assumes they are too stupid or pre-occupied to care about cyber security.'   Hackers managed to gain access to the background [investigation] files of more than 21M Americans, which included the most sensitive personal information on health, family relationships and finances..."

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Rob Nikolewski _Town Hall_
government employees caught using government expense cards to fill up their own vehicles

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: the Obummer regime will go down a the most anti-Christian, anti-Jewish in USA history

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
UNWatch: Obummer/Kerry support for Saudis on UN's so-called "Human Rights Council" is the absolute worst notion in USA history

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Rod Eccles _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer has not failed; he has succeeded in his evil, destructive schemes -- but we want the USA back

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Family Foundation: KY governor Steve Beshear is one of the real culprits in the same-sex "marriage" conflict

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Laura Ingraham
Mark Halperin: Yebbie Boosh has no support; and other candidates should get specific on their policy positions and plans

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Phil Elmore _WND_
Leftist Hate 101: the double-standard in "social media"; FB rules & punishment are not applied even-handedly

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Joseph Farah _WND_
it is time for CAIR to withdraw
"...CAIR is not only a Muslim Brotherhood front group and a darling of the USA media establishment.   It is also joined at the hip with the terrorist group Hamas.   In fact, in the biggest trial in American history on the funding of terrorist groups, CAIR was shown to be a wholly owned subsidiary of Hamas.   As WND has reported and documented, more than a dozen staffers, officials and board members of CAIR have been indicted or convicted of terrorist-related crimes..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
al-Qaeda claims Obummer's "moderate" "vetted" Syrians have joined the jihadis

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Ted Nugent _WND_
vegans, there's blood on your hands

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Michael Brown _WND_
where I stand on "blood moons" and shemitah: if God is trying to get our attention, what, exactly is His message?

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Jack Cashill _WND_
scarlet letter summer ends on "I" note: 3 charges of "Islamophobia" that fell flat

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Marilyn Penn _Political Mavens_
religion, employment, rights vs. privileges, ecclesiastical vs. government laws

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: an attack on capitalism is an attack on human liberty

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Willis Eschenbach
when messaging collides with science: the "hottest year ever" inside a global warning pause

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-09-23 (5776 Tishri 10)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
when a better pope explained the blessings of private property
"In 1818, when only 8 years old, Gioacchino Pecci began his studies with the Jesuits at a school in Italy.   73 years later, as Pope Leo 13, he published Rerum Novarum, an encyclical letter simultaneously defending the rights of working people and private property.   As this pope saw it, they were inseparable.   'It is surely undeniable that, when a man engages in remunerative labor, the impelling reason and motive for his work is to obtain property, and thereafter to hold it as his own.', he wrote..."

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History




2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the sleeping dogs of Europe
"The bailed-out Greeks are still broke.   Now their islands are flooded with a horde of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.   Spain, Portugal and Italy are almost in the same boat.   Their shared Mediterranean traditions -- and vulnerabilities -- are far different from those of northern Europe's more affluent nations..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
it is continuing resolution season in the USA capital
"It's that time of year; CR season has arrived in Washington and that has immigration policy implications.   No, the initials do not stand for Crisp, Refreshing weather, which is welcome.   Rather, they stand for Continuing Resolution, which is not welcome, as it has become a near-annual symbol of political dead-lock.   If congress neglects its duty and fails to pass budget bills for the various parts of government before the fiscal year ends on September 30, then the solution -- other than closing the government, which happens from time to time -- is to pass an omnibus continuing resolution to keep the government going for a stated period of time, with expenditures running at the current levels.   The budget bills have not been passed and September 30 is almost upon us, so a CR seems highly likely.   It so happens that five different segments of the immigration system are also due to sunset (a terrible Washington verb) on the same date.   Each of the five should be considered separately on its merits and either be allowed to die, become a permanent part of government, or be extended for another period of time.   As with the budget bills, no action has been taken on these sunsetting provisions of the immigration law.   What is likely to happen is that some (or maybe all) of the 5 elements will be simply extended for the duration of the CR -- now expected to expire on December 11.   The extensions will be riders on that big spending bill and will get little public attention.   The 5 program elements that will sunset on September 30 are:   E-Verify.   This is the electronic data system that employers may use to check on the legal status of people they hire, an extremely useful part of the law.   EB-5 Regional Centers.   This issue is a key part of the current, broader immigrant investor program that allows conditional green cards to be granted to rich aliens.   It is the segment that allows the mandatory creation of 10 jobs for each investment to be satisfied in part by estimates of the indirect creation of jobs, a hazy and controversial matter that has been heavily exploited by some business interests.   Non-minister Religious Worker Visa Program.   This allows a thousand or so alien church workers to convert from nonimmigrant to permanent legal status each year.   Conrad-30 Waiver.   This allows several hundred foreign medical graduates working as nonimmigrant physicians in under-served areas to become legal residents each year.   Higher H-1B and L-1 Fees.   This levies extra fees ($2K and $2,250, respectively) on employers whose work-force consists primarily of these workers, and thus it applies mainly to foreign-owned or international corporations [but though they were touted, in part, as being to fund re-training of US citizens displaced by cheap, young, pliant guest-workers with flexible ethics, the funds were diverted in typical crony socialist fashion]..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
"Wanted: terrific, classy foreign workers. Americans need not apply"
"The CBS affiliate in Miami reports that Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago estate & resort in Palm Beach has requested hundreds of foreign worker visas for jobs such as cooks, waitresses, and housekeepers.   This would appear to conflict with his boast that 'I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.', and with the assertion in his immigration policy paper that 'we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed'.   I'd guess that Trump's reply (his people didn't respond to the TV reporter) would be a version of what he said about bankruptcy laws in the first debate: 'I've used immigration laws to do a great job for my companies.'   The reporter notes that since airing the story, Mar-A-Lago has reached out to a local job-placement service.   Now that we've all got that thrill up our leg about Trump's hypocrisy, it might be worth asking which of his rivals is in a position to call him on it?   Cruz?   He favors quintupling H-1B visas, which are the same kind of indentured-servitude visas Trump used, but for run-of-the-mill tech workers (not the best-and-brightest workers lobbyists claim) rather than waitresses.   Rubio? He still supports his Gang of Eight [the 8 gangsters] bill's [S744's] doubling of guest-worker visas, which included a detailed schedule of wage rates for unskilled workers — negotiated, corporatist-style, between lobbyists for Big Business and Big Labor.   And since then he's signed onto a bill that would triple H-1B visas.   Hillary or Biden? The shamelessness of administration apparatchiks attacking Trump for not putting American workers first might be too much even for Obama's semi-official spokesmen in the MSM.   (For more on all the candidates, see Numbers USA's immigration grade cards, specifically the row on work visas.)   The candidates would do well to heed a woman in the story who just got a waitressing job through the job-placement office in Palm Beach county: 'Why are you going to bring other people from a foreign country, take care of them, when you're not even going to take care of people that are here?'   Of course, we don't need the government to 'take care' of us, but it would be nice if it would stop screwing us over quite so much."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Fahmida Y. Rashid _"IT" News_/_IDG_
privacy groups call for boycott of SalesForce, Heroku, Google, Yahoo!, MSFT, Oracle, Adobe, Siemens, IBM, SAS, FB and other STEM firms whose executives hate privacy

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Laura Ingraham
pope Francis wants more immigration into USA, more "refugees" and "asylees", decried lack of family formation and family break-ups, wants ban on abortions and same-sex "marriage"
J. Taylor Rushing & David Martosko: London Daily Mail

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
at least 6 illegal aliens died car crash in Edna Texas; 15 crammed into SUV

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Peter King: I have a moral obligation to make sure children are not blown apart by a terrorist in a stadium or at a parade in the USA by some terrorist who came in posing as a "migrant" or "refugee"

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
top Bank of England official says cheap immigrant labor suppresses citizen workers' pay

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Kelli Serio _Breitbart_
Liv Tyler, 38, says age makes her a second-class citizen in Hollywood (just as 35-year-old US citizens are second-class citizens in Sili Valley)
"...Tyler joins the growing list of A-list actresses who have highlighted the entertainment industry's one-sided hiring practices this year. Other stars who have recently joined the ageism and sexism conversation in Hollywood include Anne Hathaway, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Emma Thompson..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
trial of suspects in murder of Border Patrolman Brian Terry proves heart-breaking for his family
"Brian Terry was murdered on the night of 2010 December 14th, near the Arizona/Mexico border when he and members of his BORTAC team came upon a 'rip crew' they had been dispatched to find.   Rip crews are groups of Mexican bandits that roam the mountains of southern Arizona.   Their objective is to find cartel drug or human smuggling convoys and rob them.   Upon finding the rip crew, a gun battle ensued and agent Terry was shot.   He died from his wounds before reaching the hospital...   Breitbart Texas's Ildefonso Ortiz previously reported the judge in the case ordered that the governments failed 'Fast and Furious' operation not be mentioned during the trial.   Two of the guns found at the scene of the gun-fight were eventually tied to the 'Fast and Furious' operation..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
off-shoring early-adopter Caterpillar says it may cut 10K jobs to reduce costs
"That could amount to more than 8 percent of the 126,800 employees it had globally as of June.   The Peoria, Illinois, company said Thursday that it will cut as many as 5K people mostly by the end of this year from its salaried and management workforce.   It then could cut thousands more, raising the total above 10K, as it figures out which factories and manufacturing sites to close through 2018.   Caterpillar also said Thursday that it was dropping its 2015 revenue outlook by $1G, and its profit forecast will take a hit as well...   Caterpillar has trimmed its total work-force by more than 31K since the middle of 2012.   It also has closed or laid out plans to close more than 20 manufacturing locations since 2013..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
pope Francis, tear down the Vatican wall!
"Nevertheless, until I learned this morning that Francis visited with the Little Sisters of the Poor, the nuns suing the [Obummer regime] for relief from the persecution of a law ([ObummerDoesn'tCare]) that forces Catholics to violate their conscience, I was beyond frustrated with this pope.   As our own government gives hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, an organization that butchers millions of innocent babies and sells off their body parts, the pope ignoring that issue (and I hope the 'Holy Father' will eventually address it) in favor of the unicorn of Global Warming is an abomination...   this is coming from a man who lives in a city-state completely surrounded, literally, by giant walls.   Vatican City is a literal fortress.   What would happen to Vatican City if it was to do what Francis is asking [the USA] to do?   I'm assuming pope Francis could order such a thing tomorrow, and after the walls came down he could also choose to greet the wave of 'pilgrims' with the 'warmth of the love of Christ'.   Of course pope Francis would never do such a thing because he knows what would happen: Vatican City would be no more, everyone's security and well-being would be compromised, and the standard of living for close to a thousand residents would be destroyed.   Chaos would completely destroy the home of St. Peter.   Just as the loss of Vatican City would be detrimental to the world, so too will the loss of an America as we know it if our culture and free enterprise system is exploded into a giant welfare state by waves of immigrants embraced by mercenary, power-hungry Dems/Reds/leftists desperate to use them to increase the power of the State..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Douglas Murray _Breitbart_
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist crisis?: Europe hasn't seen anything yet
StandPoint Magazine

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Lech Walesa: if Europe opens its gates to Muslims there will be beheadings here
"...While Walesa understood that in many European nations Poles are also immigrants, he articulated the widely held view in Poland and amongst its expatriates around the world that wherever Poles go, they respect local cultures and laws.   This was not the case with the migrants who have been coming to Europe for the past few decades he argued, remarking:   'These immigrants are different.   Even second or third generations -- look at France, for example -- who got good education and made money still turned against the host countries'.   Walesa also wasn't afraid to have a sly dig at the young men who have left their homelands at a time when, in reality, they are needed there most.   Asked whether he had any sympathy for those coming to Europe, he spoke of his own experience of being a political undesirable in Communist Poland:   'I was offered by the Communist regime to leave Poland and become a refugee.   I declined.   I stayed on to fight for what I believed in.   It's true that part of the new refugees and immigrants leave because they fear for their life.   But many also immigrate to improve their standards of living and quality of life.'   After he led an illegal protest against food prices in 1970, Walesa became a marked man in the eyes of the Communist puppet government and was under constant threat of intimidation, arrest, and exile by the secret police..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
19 European nations investigated by EU executives for alleged "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist violations
"...The Commission alleges that member states infringe laws regarding the recognition of refugees, minimum standards for asylum procedures and conditions for receiving refugees, reports The Local..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
EU summit divided; allegations of "German moral imperialism"

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz: Obummer regime is giving greater priority to foreigners than safety of US citizens

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
St. Thomas Aquinas and the Bible hold keys to common-sense immigration plicy

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
Los Angeles county to allow US ICE to check jails for illegal aliens

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
why Europe is losing the "refugee"/ "migrant"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist war

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
why GOP candidates for president support Israel

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
is pope Francis a false prophet?
World Net Daily

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer touts religious liberty to pope, while litigating to force 15 dioceses to co-operate in/fund abortion

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Deirdre Reilly _LifeZette_
American family by the numbers: demographic data paint a grim picture

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
when did thinking that Barack Hussein Obummer is Muslim become a slur?
World Net Daily
"During Q&A at a Donald Trump town hall event in New Hampshire, a man [referred to Obummer as] a 'Muslim'.   When Trump failed to 'correct' him, David Goodfriend, a Dem/Red/leftist strategist and ex-president Bill Clinton staffer, appeared on News Max TV calling Trump 'a racist bastard'.   Memo to the strategist: Islam is a religion, not a race.   But Dem/Red/leftist standard operating procedure is as follows: Whenever possible, convert any issue some-way, some-how, into an accusation that Republicans are 'racist'.   The tepid economic recovery continues, most Americans believe our foreign policy is on the wrong track and only 21% of Americans support [Obummer's] Iran deal.   But hey, Republicans are racist.   BTW, when did calling someone a Muslim, whether [correctly or incorrectly or falsely], become a slur?   After all, isn't Islam a 'great religion of peace', that's been 'hijacked by a minority of extremists'?   If so, how does calling someone a Muslim become the moral equivalent of hate speech?..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Ken Blackwell _Cybercast News Service_
USA should withdraw the welcome mat for Iran's Rouhani at UN

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
corrupt Sili Valley execs and employees with flexible ethics are not offended by Red China's many violations of human rights
"tech barons including FB founder Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon boss Jeff Bezos and Apple CEO Tim Cook, descended on Seattle yesterday to pay their respects to the leader of a country notorious for imprisoning dissidents and censoring the internet.   Joining them were MSFT CEO Satya Nadella, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, former Cisco CEO John Chambers, the founder of Alibaba, the founder of LinkedIn and the co-founders of Yahoo! and Airbnb.   Business Insider has the full list...   It's also odd given that [Red China] is responsible for the most high-profile breaches of data security in recent U.S.A. history.   According to former NSA Director Mike McConnell, [Red China] has hacked 'every major corporation' in the U.S.A.   That would presumably include the corporations whose CEOs just posed for a photo op with the [Red Chinese ruler]..."
Adelle Nazarian: Breitbart: bed bugs forced closing of Palo Alto's new Mitchell Park library
"...Last month, the location of the annual Burning Man festival became infested with swarms of bugs which included bed bugs..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Bob Dole _Washington DC Times_
how Obummer's favoritism to Red China is coming apart

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Greeks go back to barter

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Laura Ingraham
poll: 72% of Americans say USA isn't as great as it once was

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
soaring tuition and fees being thrown into frills like fancy recreational pools, statues, gyms, restaurants

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Eric Grover _Washington DC Times_
Dodd-Frank merely ads non-productive burdens without ameliorating causes of 2007-2008 financial industry "crisis"

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
NSA director Michael Rogers: if Iran's or Russia's foreign-minister had a private e-mail server, it would be an intelligence opportunity

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
Dallas free speech ban declared unconstitutional, Overpasses for America won law-suit

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
the abusive Google's "Google Ideas" project invited great on-line counter-harasser "Randi Harper" and harassers to confer about on-line harassment
"...Google Ideas is a PR exercise...   Visit its web-site and you're quickly met with messages about how they're going to defend free speech, help investigate corruption, and generally save the world.   It's a distraction from Google's less utopian purpose, which is the harvesting of data [i.e. violating privacy] and the sale of on-line ads...   the messages it sends about Google's priorities aren't good.   [The always evil] Google gave up 'Don't be evil' long ago..."
Google employees try to distance themselves from counter-abusers, but not from abuse initiators

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Eric Metaxas _Cybercast News Service_
the drop in quality of journalism since the 1950s
"Back in the day, the iconic Walter Cronkite closed his nightly CBS newscast with the reassuring words, 'And that's the way it is.'   And [until the Tet Offensive] at least, [most] Americans believed him..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
MSLSD opinionator whose wife works for Planned Parenthood challenges Carly Fiorina

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
_Conservative HQ_
rebutting Planned Parenthood's clumsy attempt at a cover-up
"...As our friend Phyllis Schlafly put it, while other candidates resorted to Inside-the-Beltway jargon about de-funding Planned Parenthood, Fiorina cut to the chase with her vivid declaration:   'I dare [Hitlery Rotten Clinton] and [Barack Hussein Obummer] to watch these tapes.   Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.   This is about the character of our nation.'   The element of her remarks that Planned Parenthood and those Democrats and [leftists] in the media who support killing babies and ghoulishly 'harvesting' their organs are saying is a lie is the claim that the Planned Parenthood video shows 'a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain'.   As Inside the Beltway journalist Sarah Ferris writing for The Hill put it, 'Fiorina has ignored criticism by Planned Parenthood supporters -- as well as independent fact-checkers -- since the debate, standing by her comments.'   After the [leftist] media attacks began in earnest Fiorina released her own counter-attack video that includes 'several graphic images of aborted fetuses'....   To see for yourself the truth of what Fiorina said, Phyllis Schlafly suggests you just point your computer to the seventh video released by the Center for Medical Progress and advance to the 5:56 mark.   There you can watch as Holly O'Donnell, a former employee of Planned Parenthood's body-parts customer StemExpress, explains what her job required her to do.   So who is lying now Mr. Ferrero?   Here's a link to the Center for Medical Progress web-page that has links to all the videos.   We urge you to watch the videos if you haven't seen them and then demand -- as Carly Fiorina did -- that those who defend Planned Parenthood and trafficking in human baby parts see them too.   We also urge you call your senators and representative, the Capitol Switchboard is 1-866-220-0044, to demand they see the Planned Parenthood videos.  Then, please sign our letter to congress demanding that the Republican leadership actually follow through and conduct an investigation of Planned Parenthood's human organ and tissue trafficking rather than engage in their usual 'go nowhere' political posturing and tell them to stop funding for Planned Parenthood in the upcoming Continuing Resolution."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
why Mitch McConnell is already in the process of betraying non-leftists and helping Obummer fund Planned Parenthood
"Senator Ted Cruz made a powerful case against the Republican Party's Capitol Hill [losership] in an op-ed in yesterday's Politico, '[President Barack Hussein Obummer] fights relentlessly for his [extreme leftist] priorities.   Like the Terminator, he never gives up, he never stops.   And Republican [losership] responds to every challenge by surrendering at the outset.'...   The observation that we found powerful -- and completely ignored by the [leftist] media -- was Ted Cruz's point about who would actually be responsible for the shutdown if Republicans pass a Continuing Resolution that defunded Planned Parenthood and Obama vetoed it.   It wouldn't be Republicans, it would be [Obummer].   As senator Cruz outlined in a proposed strategy to beat [president Barack Hussein Obummer] and defund Planned Parenthood, 'On the upcoming continuing resolution, we should fund the entire federal government, but we should decline to fund Planned Parenthood...'   Cruz went on to explain that many [GOP losership and RINOs] fear we could never win this fight.   The premise of that belief is that [Obummer] will never, ever give in, so it must be Republicans who ultimately surrender.   But, if we cannot win on these issues, with the facts overwhelmingly in our favor, then what possibly can we win?   Nothing? Ever? Asked senator Cruz.   Pro-life conservatives can win said senator Cruz if we take the case to the American people.   Show the Planned Parenthood videos.   Stand united.   If [Obummer] follows through on his threat to veto funding for the federal government, senator Cruz said Republicans should force him to defend that radical position.   After all, Planned Parenthood is a private organization, not even part of the government...   Or, as Ken Cuccinelli, president of 'Senate Conservatives Action' put it, McConnell wants you to think he's surrendering because his hands are tied, but it's really because he supports funding for the abortion industry -- and he always has..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Tom Tillison _Biz PAC Review_
senator Ted Cruz's scathing criticism of GOP losership and why Obummer has been winning

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
5 judges on 10th circuit: forcing contraception & abortifacient funding on Catholic nuns is like providing only non-kosher food to Jewish prisoners

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Catholic bishops: Joe Biteme should not be invited to speak at Catholic schools, should not receive communion

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
"forcible sex crimes" on USA college & university campuses increased from 2,200 in 2001 to 3,900 in 2012

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
is Obummer blocking 13-year-old critic C.J. Pearson on twit?
"Pearson left the comment 'Unreal' when he shared a purported screen capture of the president's twit profile, marked by the notification, 'You are blocked from following @POTUS and viewing @POTUS's tweets.'   'I am truly apologetic for hurting the feelings of the leader of the free world.', Pearson told Breitbart News.   A White House spokesman denied Pearson's accusation, claiming that the @POTUS account has not blocked anyone..."
CJPearson channel

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
Brookings: Obummer using bad data tp push pre-school for all
"...There are already state-level free voluntary pre-school programs in Oklahoma and Florida that cost less than $3K per-child-per-year.   But the [Obummer regime] and its union allies want an entitlement that would be similar to the over $17K per-child-per-year program in Boston's public schools..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Uzbek jihadi wept before committing suicide attack in Syria

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Nigeria bans cars in an effort to prevent attacks by Boko Haram

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Ahmed the clock-disassembler's sister admits she was suspended from school for alleged bomb threat in 2009 ago
"...Lesley Weaver, a spokeswoman for the district, said school officials can't release any information about the 18-year-old sister's episode because the Sudanese parents won't sign the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [FERPA] waiver..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Muslims erupt after Jersey City school board refused to close schools for Islamic holidays

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
at least 717 Muslims died, at least 863 injured in pilgrimage stampede at Mina near Mecca

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
report: USA soldiers ordered to ignore child sex slavery and rape by Afghan military and police

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Alveda King _Cybercast News Service_
MLK ii, ADK, and "Daddy King" did not believe abortion was a civil right; LIFE is a human right

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz seeks Values Summit 3-peat in straw poll

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
live video of Value Voters Summit

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
over 250 Cuban opponents of Castro dictatorship were arrested during pope Francis's visit

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Laura Hollis _WND_
regressives mistakenly believe Christians and Jews are fools: leftists have little respect for religion

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
R' Jonathan Cahn _WND_
the shemitah that was, and the shaking to come
"I have given warning concerning judgment.   I have said that I believe America is rapidly advancing toward calamity -- that we have crossed the line in our apostasy and defiance of God.   I've warned that if [the USA] continues in its present course, if there's no return to God, its crown as head of nations will be removed and that I believe a great shaking is coming to this nation and the world..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
EnChroma announces glasses to correct color-blindness
"...L-cones absorb mainly red light, M-cones absorb green light, and S-cones absorb blue light.   EnChroma uses a class of lens filters that contain one or more sharp 'cut-outs' in the visible light spectrum where the maximum overlap occurs between the red and green photo-pigments.   Cx lenses drive a wedge between the L-cone and M-cone signals to the brain, improving the separation of their brain signals to improve color recognition..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
Asian Tiger mosquitoes appear in San Diego, CA
"The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, normally found in Southeast Asia, was discovered in Southern California in 2001, but eradicated, according to San Diego county officials.   However, according to ABC 10 San Diego, the mosquito has been found in Los Angeles county and has diffused there in the last 18 months.   A similar mosquito, the Aedes aegypti, or yellow fever mosquito, was discovered in San Diego in 2014.   Both mosquitoes feature distinctive black and white markings and are capable of transmitting yellow fever, chikungunya and dengue fever to human beings."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
NOAA: no major hurricanes for 119 months

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
"Moby": magically everyone on the planet stopped using animals for food -- because according to the UN animal farming causes climate warming

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Willis Eschenbach
Purdue U: another attempt to cook up a non-existent consensus on climate

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Larry Kummer
climate scientists can re-start the climate change debate & win: test the models!

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
EPA's fondness for expensive furniture costs tax-victims $92M
"The Environmental Protection Agency over the past decade has spent a whopping $92.4M to purchase, rent, install and store office furniture ranging from fancy hickory chairs and a hexagonal wooden table, worth thousands of dollars each, to a simple drawer to store pencils that cost $813.57.   The furniture shopping sprees equaled about $6K for every one of the agency's 15,492 employees, according to federal spending data made public by the government watchdog OpenTheBooks.com..."

2015-09-24 (5776 Tishri 11)
Proposed Bills 2015

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1789-09-25: Bill of Rights proposed by congress to the states.

This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Thomas Sowell, (6) Tom Tancredo, (7) Ben S. Carson, (8) Donald Trump, (9) Ted Cruz, (10) Ken Blackwell, (12) Ann Coulter, (13) Mike Huckabee, (14) Allen West, (15) Tom Cotton, (16) Carly Fiorina, (18) Rand Paul, (20) Alan Keyes, (200) Marco Rubio, (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) anyone chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory, (210,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (300,000,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.   Christie, Grahamnesty, Booosh and Rubio should drop out of the primary in favor of better candidates.

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Laura Ingraham
professor Ron Hira warns that Carly Fiorina and HP moved early and aggressively to off-shore American jobs, bring in guest-workers; all to lower labor cost (mp3)

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
3 different flavors of Florida immigration/marriage fraud

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
supremes to consider whether state arson convictions are "aggravated felonies"
"A case involving an alien ordered removed after being convicted of an aggravated felony (arson) will be heard by the supreme court after the federal 2nd circuit court of appeals upheld the order of the presiding immigration judge and affirmance of the order by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).   The alien's petition for certiorari was most probably granted by the court because circuit courts are split on whether the definition of 'aggravated felony' encompasses the crime for which the alien was convicted in New York -- attempted arson.   Section 101(a)(43) of the Immigration & Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(43), defines the crimes that constitute an aggravated felony, including '(U) an attempt or conspiracy to commit an offense described in this paragraph'.   The section also says 'The term [aggravated felony] applies to an offense described in this paragraph whether in violation of Federal or State law.'   That is the crux of the appeal -- the portion of the aggravated felony definition dealing with arson cites to a federal statute (18 U.S.C. 844(i)), which says, 'Whoever maliciously damages or destroys, or attempts to damage or destroy, by means of fire or an explosive, any building, vehicle, or other real or personal property used in inter-state or foreign commerce or in any activity affecting interstate or foreign commerce'..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
5-year-old who lobbied pope and Obummer for illegal aliens was trained for a full year by extremist "immigrant rights" group, flown to DC, led through barricades and crowd by police

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Sarah Kessler _Fast Company_
what if rich people funded journalism, but didn't ruin it... for a change
"Audrey Cooper, the editor-in-chief [idioter-in-chief] of the San Francisco CA Chronicle, has been thinking a lot about H-1B visas [but mainly what STEM executives tell her to think].   The visa type allows [employers] to hire [guest-workers] in specialty occupations like engineering, and it is especially relevant to the tech-heavy business population of Sili Valley.   But Cooper's job is to tell the story of Northern California, and sending reporters abroad to talk with would-be [guest-workers] and their families [nor talking with displaced US citizen STEM workers] doesn't quite fall into the priority list...   Earlier this month, The Chronicl launched a crowd-funding campaign to raise the $15K budget for [biased] multi-media reporting on H-1B visas.   The campaign is part of an experiment, run by a platform called Beacon, that will match up to $3M of crowd-funded contributions for reporting projects about immigration...   Beacon co-founder Adrian Sanders '[But] I think people are waking up and realixing they don't feel connected to the content and journalism out there...   It's that there's no enough about what they're interested in particularly.'...   Asking individuals and companies to fund journalism is an ethical mine-field...   'in general the quality of journalism about immigration will go up if there's $3M available to journalists.', Sanders says [though experience says otherwise].   [...a bunch of leftist propaganda campaigns...] It has raised about 25% of its goal...   [To which 'Jake Leone' responded:] 'Not so easy to get the major news orgs to write an unbiased piece on the H-1b visa.   Many have ties to big-tech interests that have, for decades, squashed the truth about how the H-1b is actually used [and abused].   The lobbyists filled the reporters and politicians with sound-bites and talking points.   Like the lie, repeated by Joe Biden, that companies have to look for local workers before getting [guest-workers] in on an H-1b.   If that were true, the massive replacement of local workers by workers on an H-1b visa at Disney, SCE [GE, MSFT, Apple, John Deere, Siemens], and countless other companies would not have happened.   And the lie that H-1b workers create jobs.   We know, from publicly available data, that most H-1b workers are employed at [cross-border bodyshops and off-shoring firms], that have, as their business model, the planned removal of entire departments to India [Red China, VietNam...]...'"

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Mexican cartel "Sicarios" (daggers) crossed into Texas and kidnapped a US citizen
"...Mexican Federal Police officers raided a cartel stash house in the Arboledas neighborhood from where they rescued the unidentified U.S.A. citizen.   The kidnappers had been demanding a ransom for the man's safe return.   Authorities identified one of the kidnappers as Jose Guadalupe Hernandez, who has since been sent to a federal detention center in Durango where he is expected to face kidnapping and other charges..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Stephen Dinan & Anjali Shastry _Washington DC Times_
John A. Boehner tendered resignation from congress effective 2015-10-31
Cheryl Wetzstein: Values Voter Summit erupts into applause
Pam Key: Breitbart: cheers, standing ovation

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Boehner out -- (at least) one more to go
"...As majority-leader Kevin McCarthy now owns whatever happens in congress and conservatives must hold him accountable for what happens on de-funding Planned Parenthood, stopping Obama's illegal immigration and amnesty schemes and other assaults on constitutional government.   With John Boehner's resignation as speaker that ringing sound coming from Washington is not the echo of the bells from the pope's visit.   It is the bell tolling for the end of a Congress run by K Street, the [Chamber of Crony Socialists] and the special interests whose addiction to unlimited spending and Big Government have been destroying this country."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Laura Ingraham
Boehner will resign

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
John A. Boehner's departure increases uncertainty for the corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer
"The resignation of speaker John A. Boehner is sure to complicate life for [president Obummer], who was able to [pressure Boehner and McConnell to repeatedly surrender without trying on issue after issue]."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Mark Levin warns: do not make Kevin McCarthy speaker of the House (nor Jeff Flake)
"'Kevin McCarthy is Eric Cantor with 10 less IQ points.', Levin declares in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.   The radio star adds Republicans must learn their lesson and not repeat the mistakes they made following Eric Cantor's historic fall from power—namely that Republicans must replace Boehner with a 'principled conservative'.   Levin explained that with the resounding defeat of the former-House Majority Leader, conservative voters made their voices heard and sent a clear message to the Republican establishment.   Washington Republicans, however, refused to get the message.   'The Republican establishment never learned their lesson after Cantor...   They replaced Cantor with McCarthy, who is a wheeler and dealer—he is not a principled conservative...   My concern now is that they will do the same thing again.', Levin said...   'Those 30 or so Republicans need to remain united' to elect a principled conservative leader who represents the interest of Republican voters, Levin explained.   'Republicans could make a real difference now for the party and for the country if we elect a speaker or a majority-leader who's a conservative -- such as representative Jim Jordan (R-OH).   But he's just one example.   We need leaders who are solid, who are intelligent, who are strategic, who are constitutionalists, who can bring in -- not just the main-stay of the party -- but demonstrate to millions of us in the grass-roots that the message has finally been received.   [We need to see that] there is a serious effort—not just a PR effort—but a serious effort to try to govern and keep the President in check—that they are prepared to fight, prepared to show courage, and that they're going to stop cutting deals with the inside the beltway crowd.'   Levin explained that House conservatives should not squander the opportunity this new leadership election affords them..."
Josh Richman: San Jose CA Mercury News: so, as one might expect, corrupt Sili Valley execs would welcome Kevin McCarthy as new speaker

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Citizens United president David Bossie: John Boehner finally saw the writing on the wall

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Eliza Newlin Carney & Kate Ackley _Roll Call_
K Street lobbyists crushed, non-leftists elated over Boehner departure
"For tea party organizers at the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and Heritage Action for America, Boehner's announced resignation from both his leadership post and his House seat caps a multi-year ideological war with the speaker and his allies over issues ranging from the debt ceiling to immigration, health care, the Export-Import Bank and most recently Planned Parenthood...""

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Leon H. Wolf _True Blue Republican State_
you can help Mitch McConnell get lei'd

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Louie Gohmert _Daily Caller_
** Republicans need bold leadership more than ever **

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Sarah Palin tells Boehner to enjoy golf
"...'Here's the deal: grass-roots conservatives' commitment to adhering to the Constitution and to restoring America's freedom and free enterprise is very real.   You can only thwart the will of the people for so long.'..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Craige McMillan _WND_
we need a new House speaker and senate majority-leader who will use the power of the purse, and the ability to bring up bills or table them, to reject bad treaties as called for in the constitution

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
the process for electing a new speaker of the House
"It is the full House that elects a new speaker.   Once Boehner resigns, the total number of members in the [whole] House will be 434.   An absolute majority of the [whole] House is required to elect a new speaker, not a simple majority -- meaning the magic number of votes that a candidate must get is 218.   Democrats will [select] one candidate, and Republicans will [select] another.   However, technically anyone can be nominated or voted on on the floor of the House..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
UN sees "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylee"/ invader/ terrorist flow into Europe increasing

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Angela Merkel wants USA to admit huge numbers of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylees"/ invaders/ terrorists
"...[Obummer] has [admitted] 160K Muslim legal immigrants and 'refugees' in 2013, and has allowed more than 240K border-crossing Latin American [illegal aliens] to apply for residency since 2011.   However, most of the Muslim 'migrants' are unskilled and unwilling to integrate into the United State's free-wheeling, individualist society.   More than 90% of recent 'refugees' from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70% receive cash assistance, according to government data.   So far, [Obummer] and his [conspirators] have suggested they will increase the annual in-flow of 'refugees' -- most of whom are Muslim -- from 70K to 100K a year...

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Rick Santorum mistakenly accused Ted Cruz of supporing amensty for illegal aliens
But Cruz does support the equally irrational notion of worsening the flood of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled guest-workers with flexible ethics on H-1B and L-1 visas, despite widespread unemployment, under-employment, mal-employment and generally dysfunctional STEM job markets since the H-1B visa was hatched.

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz brought Values Voter Summit attendees to their feet repeatedly by ribbing Dems/Reds/leftists
Pam Key

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
18 "Los Zetas" cartel members operating in Texas pled guilty

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
violence-initiating Muslims who went from Germany to join ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate analyzed by age, nationality, education

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_
Apple expansion in North San Jose could mean 18K additional employees (no word on housing expansion in the area)

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
degrees and facets of evil

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Michael Makovsky _Jewish World Review_
what next on Obummer's evil treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems?

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
"latch-key children" suddenly illegal?
Such trespassers and privacy violators are another excellent argument for owning and carrying arms.

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
"bacha bazi": the corrupt Obummer's silence on punishment of US soldiers for defending children against rape in Afghanistan
Human Events
"American soldiers are being punished for blowing the whistle on the systematic rape and enslavement of young boys at the hands of brutal Afghan Muslim military officials.   Honorable men in uniform risked their careers and lives to stop the abuse.   Yet, the White House -- which was busy tweeting about its new feminism-pandering 'It's On Us' campaign against an alleged college rape crisis based on debunked statistics -- is AWOL on the actual pedophilia epidemic known as 'bacha bazi'.   On Thursday, [Obummer regime] flacks went out of their way to down-play Afghan child rape as 'abhorrent', but 'fundamentally' a local 'law enforcement matter'.   This is the price the innocents pay for blind multi-culturalism...   The United Nations has known and done nothing as Taliban warlords and Afghan police groomed, sodomized and sexually trafficked generations of young boys.   The U.S. State Department acknowledged last year that 'there were reports security officials and those connected to the ANP (Afghan National Police) raped children with impunity'...   A White House bent on whitewashing away radical Islam's sins against Christians, Jews, gays, apostates, cartoonists, genitally mutilated women and child brides would rather celebrate 'diversity' than lift a finger to protect the victims of political correctness run amok."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Matt Barber _WND_
Obummer regime enables rapes in Afghanistan

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Joseph Farah _WND_
multi-culturalists claim rapes in Afghanistan are OK

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
a solution to the Veterans Administration corruption and inefficiency problem
"There is only one guaranteed way to get fired from the Department of Veterans Affairs.   Falsifying records won't do it.   Prescribing obsolete drugs won't do it.   Cutting all manner of corners on health and safety is, at worst, going to get you a reprimand.   No, the only sure-fire way to get canned at the VA is to report any of these matters to authorities who might do something about it.   That, at least, is what the U.S. Office of Special Counsel recently reported to the president of the United States.   The Special Counsel's office is the agency to which government whistle-blowers go to report wrong-doing..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
Lois Lerner's "partners"
"On October 5, the same day the Supreme Court opens its term, across town at the Washington Marriott Georgetown a group of bureaucrats that has lost 4 times before that court will huddle in a three-day meeting open only one day to the public or the people and entities they regulate.   Unless you are a lawyer representing nonprofit organizations, it's unlikely you've ever heard of NASCO, which is the National Association of State Charity Officials.   These are state officials who work together and even collaborate with federal officials to regulate your favorite charities or nonprofit groups advocating for your constitutional rights.   A 2007 letter from NASCO's then-president Hugh Jones to Lois Lerner describes NASCO as Lerner's 'partner in the regulation of charities'.   Especially in retrospect, that's some admission against interest, as lawyers might say.   Lois Lerner, of course, is the now-former IRS official held in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about how her Tax Exempt Division targeted and abused conservative nonprofit organizations, and illegally disclosed the names and addresses of donors to at least one.   NASCO members wield influence over citizens' right of private association with causes, the importance of which was described in 1831 by Alexis de Toqueville, and constitutional protections of which were emphasized in the 1958 land-mark decision NAACP v. Alabama.   They enforce charitable solicitation laws, which are a 'prior restraint' on First Amendment rights requiring non-profits to obtain 'solicitation licenses' in about four-fifths of the states.   Prior restraints are the most dangerous form of regulation of First Amendment rights, and indeed some argue are the most important reason why we have the First Amendment protection of the press.   Going back to Blackstone's 1769 Commentaries, we know prior restraints are dangerous because they are a method for censorship.   To know NASCO is to understand why Mr. Jones' 2007 letter to Lois Lerner, in which he discusses a 'sentiment' for charities to become more transparent, is so typical of NASCO's hypocrisy about transparency, honesty and ethics.   Their annual conference was once completely closed off from representatives of non-profit organizations because NASCO did not like being criticized for their questionable and over-bearing tactics.   Indeed, in his 2007 letter to Ms. Lerner, Jones criticizes 'push-back from the non-profit sector'. These bureaucrats do not like criticism from those they regulate, and they are effective at chastening their critics..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Philip Hawley ii _Cybercast News Service_
on abortion, medical science is still waiting to be heard

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
evil redistribution

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
Iowa rebels

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
pope Francis -- exploiter/abuser in chief

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Laura Ingraham
Yebbie Booosh came in 5th place in New Hampshre; that's the good news

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Larry Klayman _WND_
the hypocrisy and deceit of Marco Rubio

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Laura Ingraham
Georgetown professor Arthur Dong warns: don't be so quick to give up valuable property and considerations for a promises of the Red Chinese of eventual ability to make big bux selling to consumers there

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Patrick Henry: give me liberty or give me death

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
governor Sam Brownback: the problem with welfare (and charity) is the cost to those who receive it

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
"white" teacher sueing school for racial discrimination after she received sexual assault threat

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
bicycle in a stream-lined faring reached up to 86.55 miles per hour to break world human-powered speed record

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Saudi prince Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud was arrested in Beverly Hills for alleged sex crimes, battery
"...The 29-year-old is currently free on $300K bail... Majed Hassan Ashoor, first-secretary at the Saudi Arabia embassy in India, escaped into the night only days after he was accused of using 2 Nepali maids as sex slaves..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Raymond Ibrahim _Human Events_
Ben Carson exposed taqiyya, and the media attacks him for it

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Kathy Shaidle _WND_
this week's talk radio summary/high-lights: Rush Limbaugh asked whether Jesus supported big governments

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
why the California GOP is self-destructing, melding with the Reds/Dems/leftists

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Eric Worrall
Asia's coal-power climate joke
"As [previously reported at WUWT], there is currently a coal-energy rush occurring in Asia -- both [Red China] and Japan are competing to finance massive industrialization and increased coal-generator capacity in poor countries...   As Japan helpfully explained, they consider building coal plants in poor countries to be 'climate finance', when the coal plants in question are high-efficiency super-critical coal generators..."

2015-09-25 (5776 Tishri 12)
Proposed Bills 2015

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2015-09-26 (5776 Tishri 13)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Carly Fiorina, HP, foreign labor, and all that

2015-09-26 (5776 Tishri 13)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: non-leftists are sick and tired of GOP losership backing the leftist Obummer agenda

2015-09-26 (5776 Tishri 13)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
major-general Robert Dees (US Army retired): "social experimentation" is degrading our military readiness

2015-09-26 (5776 Tishri 13)
_Cybercast News Service_
pope Francis: end the marketing of human organs and tissues
Proposed Bills 2015

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Kkilo-thousand 10^31,000
Mmega-millionone thousand thousand10^61,000,000
Ggiga-billionone thousand million10^91,000,000,000
Ttera-trillionone million million10^121,000,000,000,000
Ppeta-quadrillionone million billion10^151,000,000,000,000,000
Eexa-quintillionone billion billion10^181,000,000,000,000,000,000
Zzetta-sextillionone billion trillion10^211,000,000,000,000,000,000
Yyotta-septillionone trillion trillion10^241,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Except that computer people use 2 as a base raised to multiples of powers of 10, instead of 10 raised to multiples of powers of 3 because powers of 2 are handier for them, but they also want to stay somewhat close to the values of 10 most folks are used to.
1,024Kkilo- (kibi-)2^10
1,048,576Mmega- (mebi-)2^20
1,073,741,824Ggiga- (gibi-)2^30
1,099,511,627,776Ttera- (tebi-)2^40
1,125,899,906,842,624Ppeta- (pebi-)2^50
1,152,921,504,606,846,976Eexa- (exbi-)2^60
1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424Zzetta- (zebi-)2^70
1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176Yyotta- (yobi-)2^80

An alternate set of prefixes has been proposed.


Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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