2015 November, week 2

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2016-10-12

  "All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills." --- article 1 section 7 paragraph 1  

2015 November
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2015 November, week 1 (1-7) (15KB)
2015 November, week 2 (8-14) (15KB)
2015 November, week 3 (15-21) (15KB)
2015 November, week 4 (22-28) (15KB)
2015 November, week 5 (29-30) (15KB)

  "No one is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to.   The only way in which any one can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance." --- Henry Miller (quoted in Martin Edelston & Mary Buhagiar 1992 _I Power_)  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 November

2nd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression




Yom Rishon



2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: Marco Rubio conspired with Hitlery Rotten Clinton & Chuck Schumer against immigration reform, for amnesty for illegal aliens and excessive guest-work visas, and continues to do wo by backing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio tries to distance himself from the anti-constitution Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty... whose passage he enable by co-sponsoring anti-constitutional bill

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Ben Wolfgang _Washington DC Times_
Obummer angers Dems' labor unions as well as Republicans with ban on Keystone XL pipe-line and promotion of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Amy Clark _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime's blocking of Keystone XL pipe-line under-cuts blue-collar constituency

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Thomas V. di Bacco _Washington DC Times_
first Armistice Day 1919-11-11
"...For example, in one critical battle beginning in September 1918, for 47 days 1.2M American soldiers pushed toward the German lines under heavy enemy fire and casualties.   In one month more ammunition was used than in the entire Civil War under excruciating conditions, as revealed by a letter from participant Harry S. Truman, the future president: 'There were some three or four weeks, from September 10 to October 6, that I did nothing but march at night and shoot or sleep in daylight...   The infantry -- our infantry -- are the heroes of the war.   There's nothing -- machine guns, artillery, rifles, bayonets, mines, or anything else -- that can stop them when they start.'...   To be sure, [USA's] military role was critical in that short time period, with 4.3M men mobilized, more than 116K killed, 204K wounded and 4500 missing in action..."

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
David Walker _Washington DC Times_
homeless wounded women veterans

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
Obummer earns a "D" on the USA economy

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Gil Gutknecht _Washington DC Times_
addressing high prices for medicines
"...the underlying fact is that pharmaceutical companies charge outrageous prices here in the United States because our policymakers let them.   It's an example of pure crony [socialism]...

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Soeren Kern _Gatestone Institute_
Germany: "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis becomes public health crisis
"German hospitals are increasing security to protect doctors and nurses from violent attacks by 'migrants' who are unhappy with the medical treatment they are receiving.   Critics are warning that German [tax-victims] will end up paying billions of euros to provide health-care for a never-ending wave of 'asylum seekers'.   This is in addition to the billioins of euros already being spent to provide new-comers with food, clothing, and shelter.   In addition to the massive economic... costs, as well as the burden of increased crime, including a rape epidemic, Germans are now facing the risk of being exposed to exotic diseases -- MM and tuberculosis.   Roughly 5% of 'asylum seekers' are carrying [antibiotic-]resistant germs.   In real numbers that works out to around 75K new-comers with highly infectious diseases..."

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Chuck Norris _WND_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Guantanamo, and Obummer's neglect of USA's veterans

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Barbara Simpson _WND_
did Muslims break, bomb Russian planes above Sinai and Sudan?
"...Think about it: Have you ever heard [Barack Hussein Obummer] or David Cameron, or any other Western leader speak out in sympathy for this loss of life or speak out against the mindset of people who do such things because of religion?   No, you haven't, and it's because the perpetrators are Muslim.   And it appears that nothing negative can be spoken about Muslims...

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Drew Zahn _WND_
at the movies, James Bond fights against Big Brither and the New World Order

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Joseph Farah _WND_
will 2017 be a jubilee year?

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Jason Benham & David Benham _WND_
it is not hateful to be a Jew or Christian

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
Ben Carson's fiery ordeal, a golden opportunity to grow
"...In a press conference Friday evening, Carson faced a roomful of rabid reporters who grilled him mercilessly about the story.   But to his credit, the normally soft-spoken man took them on with gusto, even turning the tables on them, asking why they never cared to ask [Barack Hussein Obummer] about his questionable associations or sealed college records..."

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Mollie Hemingway _WND_
Politico admitted fabricating hit-piece against Ben Carson
John Nolte: Breitbart: attacks crumble under scrutiny

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Pamela Geller _WND_
Muslim group tied to terrorism has float in Veterans Day parade in Tulsa OK
"The U.S.A. front group for a UAE-designated Islamic terrorist group will have a float in one of the largest Veterans Day parades in the country.   Surrender in installments.   The subversive organization known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, continues to try to burnish its unsavory image and obscure knowledge of its true nature.   Adam Soltani, executive director of CAIR Oklahoma, insists that his organization is pure as the driven snow: 'Any claim that CAIR is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, or any other terrorist organization is absolutely preposterous.   CAIR was founded in 1994 in Washington, DC, as a national organization to be a civil rights advocate for American Muslims, to stand up for constitutional rights, for religious freedom, for pluralism, and for every right that we value as American citizens.'   Soltani's words are far from the truth.   The reality is that 'CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case -- so named by the Justice Department.   CAIR operatives have repeatedly refusedtodenounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups.   Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror.   CAIR's co-founder and long-time Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements.   Its California chapter distributed a poster telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI.   CAIR has opposed every anti-terror measure that has ever been proposed or implemented.'   According to a captured internal document entered into evidence in the largest terrorist funding trial in our nation's history, the Islamic Association of Palestine, which is the parent organization of Hamas-tied CAIR, was a Muslim Brotherhood entity, working toward 'eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house...' CAIR operatives attack and dismantle America's greatest freedoms through litigation jihad.   They smear and destroy the voices of freedom via their well-paid hacks in the media.   Over the past decades, they have expended untold amounts of money to buy influence among media and elected officials.   A Muslim nation with ties to [the terrorist attacks on] 2001/09/11 (Qatar) made a major endowment to the Council on American-Islamic Relations.   The Saudis have funded them with at least $50M.   Post-2001/09/11, they worked furiously to defeat the Patriot Act, and they continue to undermine counter-terror programs here at home.   Terror-tied CAIR has actively sought to smear, defame and destroy counter jihadist activists and anyone who opposes jihad terror, but we hear no condemnation from CAIR of devout Muslims who, in the run-up to Veterans Day, have tweeted out their delight at the wounding and maiming of American soldiers in the service of their country..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
alphabetical list of associations in Discover the Networks

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
William A. Jacobson _Legal Insurrection_
Arab woman caught on video attempting to stab Israeli man

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
only non-leftists can save USA's college & university campuses.. but should we?

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Valerie Richardson _Washington DC Times_
admins at Yale, Cornell, Syracuse, Vassar, Oberlin willing to shred USA constitution

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Knoxville, Iowa: city council voted to remove veteran memorial, voters removed them from office in election the next day

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
Roman Catholic schools teach some Judaism with their Christianity, but not Islam: Muslim Council of Britain rages (how many classes do the Muslim madrassas have taught by Catholic priests and nuns, Calvinist pastors, and Rabbis, I wonder?)

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Kurdish Peshmerga battle ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate... and swarms of bugs

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
"Muslim scholar" at USC scams Oprah about jihad

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed and police chief George Turner conspire to sit on 10K confiscated arms in defiance of state sell-back law

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Oklahoma U professor David Deming: self-defense is a basic individual human right that does not end where a college or university campus begins

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Maryland ends ballistic finger-printing data-base after 15 years, $5M... and no crimes solved
Andrew Blake: Washington DC Times

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer says USA government is taking murder of 2 USA and 1 South African officers by someone dressed in a military uniform at a police training facility in Jordan

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Greg Richter _News Max_
USA tax-victims extorted of $27.8M through Maryland Department of Transportation and Maryland Economic Development Corporation for boondoggle train between leftist bastions NY & DC

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Mike Jonas
inside the climate computer models

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Willis Eschenbach
plankton redux

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Gina Loudon _WND_
Obummer's Keystone XL crony socialism

2015-11-08 (5776 Cheshvan 26)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "One who desire the attention of others has not yet found himself." --- R' Shlomo Wolbe (source: Jewish World Review)  




Yom Sheni



2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_
fury and fear in Ohio as "IT" jobs go to India: "IT" workers are training their replacement
American Renaissance
Free Republic
"The 'IT' workers a t Cengage Learning in the company's Mason, OH offices learned of their fates game-show style. First, they were told to gather in a large conference room. there were vague remarks from an 'IT' executive about a 'transition'. Slides were shown that listed employee names, directing them to 1 of 3 rooms where they would be told specifically what was happening to them. Some employees were cold with worry The biggest group, those getting pink slips, were told to remain in the large conference room. Workers directed to go through what we'll call Door #2, were offered employment with 'IT' out-sourcing firm [USA- & Idia-based cross-border bodyshop and off-shoring firm] Cognizant. That was the smallest group. And those sent through Door #3 remained employed in Cengage's 'IT' department... Cengage, a major producer of educational content and services, had out-sourced accounting services earlier in the year... The employees were warned [intimidated/threatened] that speaking to the news media meant loss of severance. Despite their fears, they want their story told. They want people to know what's happening to 'IT' jobs in the heartland. They don't want the off-shoring of their livelihoods to pass in silence. The employees remaining at cengage have begun training their replacements [knowledge-transfer] in person and via the web. Their work is being 'shadowed' and recorded... Cognizant, [founded by immigrants from India and] based in Teaneck, NJ [and India], employs about 219K people, most of them in off-shore locations. It's not clear how many people Cognizant employs in the USA [nor how many are US citizens], but in 2013, David Amsden, the firm's vice president of human resources, put that number at 27K. Overall, Cognizant employed more than 171K at that point..."

H-1B Visas Issued Through Consular Offices
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total H-1B Visas Issued

State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;     FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;     FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;     FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
manifest destiny in the new Wild West as the "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals pour in

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
convicted Muslim terrorism boss discovered on "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal boat; government officials tried to hide the news
Vijeta Uniyal: Legal Insurrection

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
senior EU-backers warn "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis could break up EU, lead to actual war... or reasonable border controls

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
poll: 84% of Austrians scared by "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis; 60% want to reduce the flow of migration to their country, or stop it altogether

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Germany to lower educational standards for benefit of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
in Croatia, backers of immigration reform won election

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Christians and Muslim Iranians brawl in immigration center in Bad FAllingbostel (46 miles SE of Bremen; 38 miles N of Hanover), a nd Siegen (63 miles SSE of Dortmund; 58 miles ESE of Cologne/Koeln; 50 miles ENE of Bonn; 85 miles SW of Kassel)

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Sylvia Longmire _Breitbart_
prison gangs with cartel ties hanged corpses in Mexico City

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
DHS has spent $1G to digitize... only 1 immigration form (out of about 100) is available for use on-line
"...Only 3 forms were ever digitized, but 2 needed to be taken down after problems.   The only available on-line form is an application for renewing or replacing a lost green card... even that system has had problems and delays..."

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
_San Jose CA Mercury News_
2 Sunnyvale bodyshops ordered to pay back wages for under-paying software engineers on H-1B visas
Mountain View CA Patch
"Scopus Consulting Group and Orian Engineers, both owned by Kishore Kumar, were ordered to pay 21 workers $84K in back wages and $103K in fines, Department of Labor officials said.   The firms provided software engineers to big-name companies like Apple Inc., Cisco Systems Inc, and eBay Inc...   failing to pay the 'prevailing wage' and by paying experienced workers with master's degrees as entry-level employees...   failed to post a notice about their applications to hire foreign workers under the H-1B visa program, preventing local workers from learning about and applying for job openings...   banned from participating in the H-1B program for 1 year..."

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Hispanica/Latinos love USA, Arabs love Israel
"Over the last 30 years, as all Americans know, the Hispanic population of the United States has exploded.   Immigration laws have been largely ignored.   The huge border separating the U.S.A. and Mexico is virtually unpatrolled.   And the illegal population of recent immigrants has been offered a series of amnesties forgiving past trespasses.   Yet, some within the Hispanic community -- and it is certainly a small minority of the population -- are actually resentful about life in America.   Some, a distinct minority, are even promoting the idea of creating a separate Spanish-speaking state of Aztlan in the southwestern United States.   This raises an obvious question: If life in America is so bad for Spanish-speaking immigrants, why do they continue to flock to the United States in violation of our laws?   Why do I ask this question today?   Not because I am writing about immigration in America, but because I want to make a point about immigration in the Middle East.   Conventional wisdom suggests a huge Arab population was displaced by the creation of Israel in 1948.   It suggests the remaining Arab population in Israel has been mistreated.   And it further suggests the solution to this problem is the creation of an Arab Palestinian state on Israeli land.   There are several glaring misconceptions in this view:   The Arab population displaced by the 1948 war has been greatly exaggerated.   The actual figure is no more than 500K.   Even more important is the cause of that displacement.   The 1948 war was declared against Israel by all of its Arab neighbors.   The refugees left Israel at the urging of those Arab states.   They were told to leave because their homeland was about to be liberated by Arab forces.   Of course, we all know Israel survived.   Who is morally and legally culpable for creating those refugees?   I would suggest it is the Arab states, not Israel.   Far from being mistreated, the Arab population in Israel and in the territories administered by Israel has been freer than the population in any Arab state.   Arabs in Israel vote.   They elect leaders to the Knesset.   They have their own political parties.   They have their own newspapers.   They have full rights to citizenship.   They are free to speak their minds.   As an Arab-American journalist who has spent a good deal of time covering the region, I can tell you there is more freedom for Arabs in Israel than in any Arab state.   Land cannot possibly be the contentious issue as the Arab and Muslim states in the region already have 800 times as much territory as Israel.   The Arabs have 50 times the population of Israel.   The Arabs have all of the oil reserves of the region.   They have 21 states of their own -- all varying shades of police states.   It's difficult to imagine how one more will bring peace to a region that has known some of the most devastating and costly wars of the last century.   But, to top it all off, I -- an Arab-American -- seem to be the only observer asking pointed questions about the Arab-Israeli conflict:   If conditions for Arabs are so bad in Israel, why is the Arab population exploding -- and I don't mean because of suicide bombers?   Why do Arabs continue to flock to the tiny Jewish state from virtually every Arab and Muslim land in the world?   In 1949, the Arab population of Israel was about 160K.   Today, it is over 1.2M...   This trend, of course, doesn't include Arab Jewish migration to Israel.   No one talks about the staggering number of Arab Jewish refugees -- as many as 1M -- who fled the Muslim world with little more than the clothes on their backs to reach the safety and security of the Jewish state in the last 50 years..."

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Kemberlee Kaye _College Insurrection_
why some graduates of some expensive colleges are intentionally under-employed
So, she moved out of hideously over-populated, over-crowded, over-taxed, over-regulated north-east for an easier, more relaxing job in less-crowded, less-over-populated, less over-taxed, less over-regulated Montana... and these guys think that's a bad thing?

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Mexican citizen arrested for voting fraud in Texas
"...Rosa Maria Ortega has been charged in Tarrant County with two counts of illegal voting.   The charge is a second degree felony in Texas..."

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
is Obummer capable of acknowledging his errors and learning from them?

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Eli Lake & Josh Rogin _Jewish World Review_
Egyptian presiden Abdel Fattah el-Sisi seen as target of jihad

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Jackson Diehl _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's life-lines for authoritarian regimes

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Ashton Carter: USA does not seek conflict with Russia, but will defend its interests and its allies

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Russia grumbles UNESCO has been politicized over membership for Kosovo, but has no qualms about admitting Palestine=Gaza Strip

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Charles Lane _Jewish World Review_
congress finds yet another slush fund... one of thousands
"Americans in 2014 were 75% less likely to be victims of violent crime than in 1993, and 66% less likely to be victims of property crime.   These figures, from a Justice Department survey, do not include homicide -- but murder, too, is down significantly despite a recent uptick in some cities.   So if there are fewer and fewer victims [and the fund is helping smaller and smaller proportions of them], why is the Justice Department setting aside more and more money for their exclusive benefit?   Between 2000 and 2014, the Crime Victims Fund's balance grew from zero to $11.8G, about equal to Nicaragua's entire economic outputlast year..."

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
loud and belligerent... the "it's not fair" party makes it official

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
Gavin Newsom focuses on keeping citizens from owning and carrying arms for the defense of themselves, their families, neighbors, and the state, and does not focus on the state and federal governments' waste of water

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
federal judge ruled against NSA phone-snooping program

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
get big government out of school locker rooms

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
why do we sometimes care so much about fictional characters?

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
when autism is treated as a crime

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Megan Shauri _Jewish World Review_
personality flaws you may actually want in your significant other

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
why does the leftist media hate Ben Carson (and Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump, and Tom Tancredo, and sheriff Joe Arpaio) so much?

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
_Conservative HQ_
can Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert, and Greg Abbott save the USA and the GOP?
"Three Texans, limited government constitutional conservative Republicans; senator Ted Cruz, representative Louie Gohmert and governor Greg Abbott are demonstrating how governing according to conservative principle is not only good policy, but good politics.   As our friend Rick Manning observed in an excellent article for NetRight Daily, in just one day last week, Ted Cruz took on Operation Choke Point through an [Obummer] nominee for justice who should be rejected, Chinese human rights abuses, sanctuary cities that release violent illegal alien offenders, and led a hearing giving voice to U.S. victims of Palestinian and Iranian terrorism.   Cruz followed this one-day blitz of policy entrepreneurship with a bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization (it is as we've said many times and this recent article in National Review by our friend Andy McCarthy reiterates).   AND Cruz sent a letter to attorney-general Loretta Lynch requesting that the Department of Justice (DoJ) preserve all Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents and information for investigation under the next administration.   Senator Cruz's letter comes after the DOJ recently closed its investigation into improper targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.   Cruz accomplished all of these conservative policy objectives despite the fact that Mitch McConnell, the senate's Republican majority-loser, has admitted that he and his staff regularly 'box out' Cruz and help [Obummer].   As Ted Cruz does on the senate side, on the House side of Capitol Hill, one man, Texan Louie Gohmert (TX-1), stands almost alone in holding the Big Government Republican establishment's feet to the fire and demanding they adhere to conservative policy prescriptions.   Gohmert was a leading figure in the conservative rebellion that led to the resignation of the feckless John Boehner as speaker of the House -- and he was one of the few who stood for conservative principle to oppose the back-room deals that led to the election of Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan as speaker to replace his mentor John Boehner.   Gohmert introduced H.Res.410 to derail the disastrous [treaty to help Iran develop nuclear weapons an ddelivery systems] and the 'Parental Notification and Intervention Act of 2015' to restore the judge-eliminated rights of parental notification and intervention in the case of an unemancipated minor seeking an abortion.   But Gohmert's real contribution to the future of America isn't introducing bills; it is shining the light of day on government abuse and establishment Republican perfidy.   There is no Republican who takes to the floor of the House more regularly than representative Gohmert does to rally conservative votes or hold the GOP leadership's feet to the fire.   From de-funding Planned Parenthood, to the IRS targeting of conservatives, to border security and sanctuary cities, more often than not the leading conservative spokesman is Texas representative Louie Gohmert.   Texas governor Greg Abbott recently earned our kudos for his strong stand against the purported 'sanctuary city' policies of Dallas county sheriff Lupe Valdez and his clear statement to all Texas elected officials who might be considering following Valdez’s unconstitutional example that they would lose state funding if they did so.   But governor Abbott's greatest contribution to the people of Texas -- and the conservative brand—has been to continue to build on the conservative policy successes of his predecessor -- governor Rick Perry.   At the end of last year, when Abbott took office, employment in the Lone Star State reached a new record high of 12.45M workers (11.783M non-farm pay-roll jobs and another 667K self-employed and farm workers), which was above the December 2007 level by 1,444,290 jobs (and by 13.1%).   In contrast, total employment at the end of the year in the rest of the country (US minus Texas) still remained 275,290 jobs below the pre-recession, 2007 December level.   To give you some idea of the impact of Texas' low tax -- low regulation economic policies have on employment, one need only look at the construction boom in Texas.   There were more permits for single-family homes issued last year through November in just 1 Texas city -- Houston (34,566) -- than in the entire state of California (34,035) over the same period.   Unlike president George H.W. Bush, who inherited the Reagan economic revolution and immediately began to dismantle it, since taking over the governor's office from Rick Perry, Abbott has worked with Texas legislative leaders to continue Perry's successful model -- particularly in the cutting the business franchise tax and reducing regulations -- and investing in infrastructure and education.   Earlier this year Abbott took his show on the road, meeting with than 30 New York business leaders who represent more than 22 corporations.   Abbott said this could realize and additional 11,500 jobs for Texas and Texans.   He also met with corporate real estate advisors to give them information for their clients that could bring even more jobs to Texas..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
crony socialist Export-Import Bank brought back from the dead by GOP losership -- both Boehner and Ryan -- as part of $325G transportation bill and reform is blocked

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
economic liberty vs big government illusions
"...Tamney found it difficult to embrace a bill such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership as an exercise in 'free trade', because the bill is so enormous and incomprehensible.   6K pages of regulations, kept hidden from the public until the final hours, are not an expression of economic liberty.   Tamney finds the size and scope of the TPP 'bothersome' from this perspective, and said it was a shame free trade had become so politicized.   'Trade should be free by nature, because we as individuals are free.', Tamney explained.   'It should be one page: You're free to trade with whomever you want, and they're free to sell to you whatever they want [but not trade in stolen goods, not use dishonest weights and measures, not transfer national security secrets to a foreign power].   It's a voluntary arrangement.'..."

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Tammy Bruce _Washington DC Times_
warning to leftists: 68% of Americans believe the government is on the wrong track
Jewish World Review

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
_Conservative HQ_
Marco Rubio's (and Barack Hussein Obummer's) cynical ploy to undermine USA immigration law via the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Laura Ingraham
only 7% of "journalists" are Republican
Kelly RiddellWashington DC Times

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Seung Min Kim _Politico_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has opponents right, center and left

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: the anti-constitution Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty is a mess full of crony socialism

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: Obummer's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty is insanity

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty, printed out and stacked on senator Jeff Sessions's desk, is about 2-feet high, about 100 pounds

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Joe Cobb _Washington DC Times_
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty promises net gain for USA, but have Reagan, GHWBush, Clinton, Shrub and Obummer regimes been making a series of concessions harmful to USA citizens?

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: the anti-constitution Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty would allow Obummer to take us on the fast track to h377
"...He said 'what the senate should say is, we say it's a treaty... we made a terrible mistake with this phony fast track stuff.'"

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Obummer meet with Netanyahu, naively/disingenuously calls treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems a "narrow issue of disagreement"

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
majority Muslim city council elected in Hamtramck Michigan

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Ben Carson is correct; leftist media did ignore more than 30 lies in Obummer's autobiographies
Seth Barrett Tillman: Legal Insurrection: legal scholar syas his West Point offer was just like what Ben Carson described

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
poll: Dems/Reds/leftists face challenges in 2016 senate elections

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
presiding Travis county Texas judge attacked in attempted ambush at her home
person of interest being questioned by police

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
children fighting in Shiite militias against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in Iraq

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
SecDef Ashton Carter: USA needs much more than occasional air-strikes to defeat ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Arab allies have vanished from anti-ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate air-war

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
GOP senators criticize Obummer's scheme to turn lose terrorists, close Guantanamo maximum security prison

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
convicted Muslim terrorist on cover of Maclean's magazine

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
school district admin bans pictures of religious leaders

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
Christian day-care workers challenge being fired for calling a girl a girl, a boy a boy
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Jennifer Chambers _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
foundation to expand Chaldean out-reach in Detroit area

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Yale students protest against & disrupt Fifth Annual Conference on the Future of Free Speech
"Fuzzy Slippers": Legal Insurrection: Yale students go berserk defending their "right" not to be offended: "stop instigating more debate"
Susan Berry: Breitbart: hundreds of Yale students mentally unstable?

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
U of Oklahoma professor David Deming seeking government blessing on individuals' right to own and carry arms for the security of themselves and others

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
5 killed last week-end in Baltimore, violence there at 20-year high

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
insane: Muslim beer-truck drivers, fired for refusing to deliver beer, awarded $240K by EEOC and Peoria IL jury

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
James Zumwalt _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz seeks to remove Muslim Brotherhood's veil
"Imagine the existence of a group involved in covertly formulating a plan on how to subvert the U.S. Constitution, distributing that plan among its leadership and agents within the U.S.A., quietly supporting terrorism to further this agenda, declaring war against America, and brazenly recognizing U.S.A. [government] indifference by boasting about its terrorist activities.   A rational mind would conclude this group be identified as a domestic threat with every effort made to minimize its influence.   Yet [president Barack Hussein Obummer] has not only embraced the group, but welcomed its leaders to the White House.   In numerous other countries -- Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the UAE, Bahrain and Russia -- this group, known as the Muslim Brotherhood, has been banned due to its well-known destructive intentions and terrorist acts.   The [Obummer regime] has yet to do the same.   Legislation to pull back the Muslim Brotherhood's veil, exposing its telltale terrorist heart, has been introduced—again.   On November 3, legislation was filed to have the Muslim Brotherhood designated a 'Foreign Terrorist Organization' (FTO) -- introduced by senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the senate and representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) in the House..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
advanced Russian weaponry now flowing into Iran

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Mike McCaul (R-TX): it is difficult to stop the corrupt Obummer regime from bringing terrorists from Guantanamo into the USA

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Michele Bachmann: we're seeing the fulfillment of scripture in front of our eyes; moshiach is coming soon
Andrew Blake: Washington DC Times: Michele Bachmann ends Israel trip with plea for Jews to convert to Christianity

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Scott Lively _WND_
Marxists' plan to incite the right, and then attack the right for having responded

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Shemane Nugent _Washington DC Times_
the dangers of toxic mold, and what you can do about it

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
_Daily Surge_
federal bureaubums regularly violate 4th & 5th amendments
"EEOC officials recently [abused] a warrant-less sub-poena on a Texas-based grocery chain that fired an employee who failed a post-maternity-leave physical fitness test, demanding home addresses and [Socialist Insecurity numbers (SINs)] of every company employee...   warrant-less demands -- formally known as 'administative sub-poenas' or 'civil enforcement demands' -- that are rapidly replacing judge-issued warrants...   Such sub-poenas [violate] personal privacy and indiviual liberty at the very least and are...certainly unconstitutional, legal scholars say..."

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Rick Berman _Washington DC Times_
'tis the season for scamming

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
David Keene _Washington DC Times_
"hang 'em all" meets "free 'em all", as reform meets perversion

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
global extortionists are after you

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
2 questions Mark Levin would ask candidates in debate, about USA constitution, individual liberty, and astronomical federal government liabilities

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Anthony Watts
climate & energy news round-up #204

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Anthony Watts
back to basics part 1: what is global warming?

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Anthony Watts
I am presenting at the AGU's Autumn meeting (in December?!?) -- assistance requested from WUWT readers

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Eric Worrall
Bolivia climate proposal: we want to abolish capitalism, so hand over all your stuff

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Anthony Watts
U of CA at Riverside claim: a warmer world will be a hazier one

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Nicolas Loris _Cybercast News Service_
absurd and embarrassing Obummer catering to eco-fascists, rejected Keystone XL pipe-line

2015-11-09 (5776 Cheshvan 27)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "on 1966-02-09 the Dow hit 1K for the 1st time..." --- David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pg 232  




Yom Shlishi



This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Rick Santorum, (5) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Donald Trump, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Thomas Sowell, (10) Ann Coulter, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Bobby Jindal, (16) Ken Blackwell, (18) Allen West, (20) Tom Cotton, (22) Carly Fiorina, (24) Rand Paul, (26) Gary Johnson, (28) Jim Gilmore, (30) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
_Cybercast News Service_
5th circuit appeals court: the constitution and laws do not allow Obummer regime to unilaterally legalize millions of illegal aliens: injunction stands
Sarah Rumpf: Legal Insurrection
Bob Price: Breitbart
Laura Ingraham
Ken Klukowski: Breitbart
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times: judges used Obummer's own words to stop amnesty
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times: doggedly corrupt Obummer regime persists

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
can Europe survive these latest waves of the on-going invasion from Africa, the Middle East, Persia, Pakistan...?
World Net Daily
"Optimists point to how America absorbed the [already vastly excessive] 15M that arrived in the Great Wave of immigration from 1890 to 1920.   But they ignore the differences.   America's immigrants were Europeans from Christian nations coming to a country with a history of assimilation.   And the Great Wave stopped in 1924, for 40 years.   Unlike America, Europe has never known mass immigration.   And those pouring into Europe are Arab, African and Muslim, not European Christians or Jews.   They come from other civilizations and cultures.   And they are not all assimilating but rather creating enclaves in Europe that replicate [and dynamically inter-connect with] the lands whence they came..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
you might regard this bill (HR3918) as a compliment to the Labor Department
"The let's-exploit-foreign-workers-even-more bunch on Capitol Hill has just introduced a piece of legislation that might be regarded as a compliment to the U.S. Department of Labor (DoL).   (Disclosure: I worked there more than three decades ago.)   Three Republican congressmen have introduced what they call the SEASON Act to ease the minimal existing regulations on the H-2B program for unskilled, non-agricultural foreign workers, and to expand the numbers of be admitted each year, without actually saying so.   The SEASON Act would also make it possible for these 'seasonal' workers to stay in the country for up to three years at a time if their employers so desire.   That's a long season!   While I was grumpy the other day about how the DoL treated another group of temporary workers, shepherds, I must say that this bill is a back-handed compliment to DoL.   This is the case because the bill would transfer the administration of H-2B away from those nasty, demanding folks at DoL and give it to the presumably less rigorous ones at the Department of Homeland Security [DHS]..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
former CIA director James Woolsey says there are baggage handlers at USA airports who are "unvetted" foreign workers
"In the wake of a probable smuggled-on bomb causing the latest airplane disaster (over the Sinai), former CIA Director James Woolsey has pointed out the problem of using lightly screened foreign workers as baggage handlers at airports.   Further, it was noted by others that an airport contractor with the unfortunate initials ISS has hired Somali refugees to work on planes at the Sky Harbor airport in Phoenix.   One account stated: 'They used to be vetted., Woolsey, who served in president Bill Clinton's administration, told Fox News' America's NewsRoom about the airport workers Now, quite a few of them are foreign nationals who have just worker visas.   They're treated like agricultural workers.'   ISS turns out to be a Danish firm that handles airport maintenance around the world.   The baggage handlers, if nonimmigrants, are likely to be in the H-2B program.   Woolsey's reference to the screening of agricultural and non-agricultural alien workers is right on target, at least as far as the 'screening' of H-2A farmworkers from the former British colonies in the Caribbean is concerned.   H-2A workers from Jamaica who are new to the program are 'screened' by an unlikely group of security officials -- members of the Jamaican Parliament.   Through a by-now ancient arrangement, new H-2 farm-workers are nominated by Jamaican MPs as a sort of low-level patronage.   They are never seen by a U.S.A. official prior to their arrival at an international airport in the United States.   This is an arrangement that cries out for reform.   H-2Bs are screened [far far too casually, IMO], by consular officers prior to their arrival in the United States.   Woolsey makes a good point that more care should be given to this process -- or, as he apparently did not say to the press -- there is no need given the extent of unemployment in the United States to import any airport workers at all.   The first of the 2 cited news accounts, while probably correctly quoting Woolsey, managed to insert a trifecta of errors in a single sentence: 'That revealed award of contracts to ISS as the high bidder who relied heavily on employment of refugees under the H-1B program.'   Usually it is the lowest bidder that gets the contract, and refugees are admitted through other channels than the H-1B program.   While there have been plenty of abuses in the badly designed H-1B program, there are few suggestions that it is used for alien manual workers (among other things, the fees are high enough to discourage such an arrangement) [and H-1Bs are not refugee visas, but guest-work visas]."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
will GOP candidates for president debate Paul Ryan's bill to lower the already through-the-cellar standards and open the immigration flood-gates?
"Last week representatives Steve Chabot (OH-1), Bob Goodlatte (VA-6), Andy Harris, (MD-1), and Charles W. Boustany ii (LA-3) introduced the Strengthen Employment and Seasonal Opportunities Now (Season) Act or HR3918.   HR3918 would bypass the annual 66K cap on H-2B work visas by allowing foreigners admitted in any of the three previous years to remain and not be subject to the cap.   As our friend Leo Hohmann of WND observed, the H-2B is considered a 'seasonal' work permit for lower-skilled workers such as cooks, construction workers, hospitality, theme park employment, maintenance, forestry, seafood processing, cruise ship employees and truck driving among many other jobs.   It differs from the H-1B, which is for [cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled] guest-workers [with flexible ethics] and also is the subject of pending legislation sponsored by senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), who wants to triple the number of [H-1B visas] each year.   The H-2B visa program, notes Hohmann, though referred to as a 'seasonal' guest worker program it is not an agricultural guest worker program.   These are explicitly non-farm jobs, often for lower-skilled work says Hohman; the kind of jobs that have traditionally been the stepping stone to the middle class for millions of Americans who do not have a college or technical education...   Classical economic theory, and the American social contract, would dictate that as the economy recovers wages would rise, but that's not what is happening today.   Under speaker Ryan and the [Chamber of Crony Socialists-controlled congress] what is happening is that cheaper foreign labor is allowed to enter the U.S.A. work-force, thereby increasing the labor supply and driving down wages for truck drivers.   As The New York Times article notes, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers were paid 6% less, on average, in 2013 than a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation.   It takes a peculiar form of logic to cut pay steadily and then be shocked that fewer people want to do the job..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio told Sean Hannity: I still support green cards for illegal aliens

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Michelle Malkin & John Miano: questions about H-1B guest-workers should be center-piece of GOP debate
"...Malkin, who was writing about all things immigration long before the mainstream media and even the conservative press started to cover the issues, mentioned that [Barack Hussein Obummer] stumbled when answering the question, 'doing exactly what these Beltway crapweasels have done and deny the massive, glaring reality right in front of the their face and then lie' about how America's guest-worker laws are betraying the best and the brightest in America.   Malkin said she would ask the GOP candidates the same question Weddel asked [Obummer] and would love to see the Fox Business Network's moderators and the Wall Street Journal questioner (Malkin pointed out that the Wall Street Journal is the 'notorious home of the editorial page that declared that there shall be open borders') bring up the issue in tonight's debate.   'We're trying to force this issue and help facilitate its rise at the forefront of all of these debates.', Malkin said.   'I definitely hope it is not only going to come up in a cursory way, or a grudging, reluctant way.   It ought to be a centerpiece.'   Malkin asked, 'How can we have these debates about jobs, [the] economy without talking about the deleterious effect that these kinds of foreign guest-worker rackets have on the best and brightest of America?'   Miano asked if there really was a shortage of American workers, how come 250-300 American workers at Disney got replaced by foreign workers?   Miano further added that the notion that there is such a shortage, which has been debunked by numerous nonpartisan studies and scholars, is 'complete baloney'.   Miano, a [lawyer and] former computer programmer, said that 'I've worked with these H-1B workers for many years, and the very best among them were average and most were completely incompetent.'   He said it is also ironic that 'the companies don't end up saving money in the long term' because American workers are more productive...   Malkin emphasized that the wages in the tech sector -- the primary indicator of whether there is an employment shortage -- have been stagnant since the Clinton era, largely because major U.S.A. companies have used H-1B visa laws to import cheap foreign workers who are no better qualified than the Americans they are replacing.   She praised scholars Norm Matloff, Ron Hira, and Hal Salzman for 'for doing the yeoman's work [that] completely blows out of the water that there is a STEM worker shortage', and she mentioned that her book traces much of the propaganda regarding the so-called shortage of American workers to some of the government science foundations that had every incentive to create the myth in the first place during the 1990s..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
George Soros admits Europe cannot take 1M or more "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals... but opposes limits

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
tear-gas used to quell violence at Australia's Christmas Island immigration center
"Australian police used tear gas to put down a 2-day riot at a migrant detention centre Tuesday, where detainees, reportedly armed with machetes, chainsaws and petrol bombs, were running amok...   Five detainees were being treated for non-life-threatening injuries, while immigration-minister Peter Dutton said the damage bill would be well over Aus$1M (US$700K)..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
"Alternative fuer Deutschland" (AfD) -- Germany's UKIP -- sees surge in popularity amidst "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
senators Grassley, Durbin, Nelson, Blumenthal, Brown propose weak reforms of L-1 and H-1B visas
"...'[For 25 years, there has been] a sense of urgency here for Americans who are losing their jobs to [less] skilled workers who are coming in at lower wages [and other compensation] on a visa program that has gotten away from its [publicly stated] original intent.   Reform of the H-1B visa program must be a priority.', said Grassley...   'The H-1B and L-1 Visa Reform Act' will require all employers who seek to hire an H-1b worker 'to first make a good faith effort to recruit American workers'.   This bill 'explicitly prohibits the replacement of American workers by H-1B and L-1 visa holders.', said the senators in a joint statement...   would be prohibited from hiring H-1B workers if more than 50% [it should be 5%] of their employees are on H-1B or L-1 visas.   The Department of Labor would also get more authority to investigate and audit employers, and users will be required to provide 'extensive statistical data' about the H-1B program...

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
senator Ted Cruz changes his tone on H-1B visas
"[Despite 25 years of reports of H-1B and L-1 visa abuses], Cruz, who is seeking the GOP presidential nomination, said he is 'very, very concerned at the growing reports of abuse of the programs, of companies laying off American workers and replacing them with foreign workers'...   Cruz said the H-1B program 'was designed to bring in engineers and computer scientists who could generate jobs and add to our economic growth, and if companies are abusing it and laying off American workers they need to be investigated, they need to be audited, and if they broke the law then they need to be prosecuted.' [He, and other politicians, ignore the designed-in-from-the-beginning loop-holes which allow displacement of US citizen STEM professionals.   He ignores the US citizen STEM professionals whose careers died aborning, or were cut short because of the vast supply of cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign STEM labor with flexible ethics made readily available by F-1 + OPT visas, by H-1B visas, by L-1 visas, and by E-3 visas.]...   It's hard to know what these candidates mean by 'abuse'.   Using temporary visa workers to replace US workers, who must train replacements as a condition of severance, has been a long-standing feature of the H-1B program.   The US [government] has never said, through Republican and Democrat administrations, that replacing US workers with foreign workers is ilegal, despite a [general statement in the law] that the H-1B program not adversely affect [US] workers.   It may be that the [direct, overt, in-your-face] replacement of US workers by visa-holding workers at places such as [the high-profile] Disney and Southern California Edison has made it impossible for candidates to support a cap increase without acknowledging [some of] the H-1B visa's negative impacts.   [Certainly, the low hiring rate of new STEM grads into STEM jobs;   the low retention rates of experienced STEM professionals and their difficulty landing a new job amongst the last several decades of massive lay-offs;   the reluctance of STEM employers to fly candidates in from around the USA for interviews;   the interminable trivial pursuit/human compiler telephone screenings, aimed at finding pretexts on which to reject all USA applicants;   the worsening reluctance to invest in new-hire training which, before H-1B, was commonly 2-16 weeks (and retained employee training was commonly 2-4 weeks per year);   the extreme reluctance to provide relocation assistance to employees (new and retained) within the USA;   the low average and median age of employed STEM workers as compared with that of the available talent pool;   the many unemployed STEM professionals who gained knowledge of new tools, only to be told that they were still 'unqualified' or 'over-qualified';   and the flat compensation suggest the existence of a glut rather than a shortage of STEM talent.   The politicians refer to "skills" and "highly-skilled", but refuse to clearly define what they have in mind, or they substitute academic credentials for "skills" when one tries to pin them down.]"

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
Europe's only hope to survive Muslim invasion is Christian revival
"Many demographers have noted the increase in the Islamic population in a number of European nations, and mass-Muslim immigration comes with the importation of rigid Islamic customs and, often, shariah law.   Some are predicting that if the [trends of the last 60 years] continue, Europe will be Islamic in about 1 or 2 generations.   Now, it seems to be coming at an accelerating pace.   What the forces of Islam could not accomplish at Tours, France, in 732 or Granada, Spain, in 1492 or in Vienna in 1683 they may be able to accomplish without firing a shot.   Geert Wilders, a controversial statesman from Holland, told me in 2009: 'Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi said...we have 50M Muslims in Europe.   We don't need 1 gun; we don't need 1 bullet; we will rule this continent in 10, 20, 30 years' time, by the Al-Hijra [Arabic for the notion of conquest via migration].   Europe will be ours, in the near future.'..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
USA cities surrendering to Islam

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Jon Feere _Center for Immigration Studies_
5th circuit upheld injunction against Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesty of illegal aliens
"[President Barack Hussein Obummer's] controversial and lawless amnesty agenda was dealt another setback as the 5th circuit court of appeals refused to remove an injunction put in place by a district court earlier this year.   Texas and 25 other states sued to block the [Obummer regime's scheme] to extend [his unconstitutional and illegal amnesty to 'child arrivals'] to more illegal aliens and to grant similar benefits to illegal aliens who have a U.S. citizen or legal resident child...   The full decision is available on-line (pdf).   With this ruling, a good portion of the [Obummer regime's] controversial amnesty agenda has been blocked and the district court's decision to block it has been upheld.   The [corrupt Obummer regime] has announced that it will appeal this ruling to the supreme court, which may or may not take the case.   It appears the court must decide to take the case by mid-January if it wants to ensure that a decision is made in the current term.   There are many variables, however, and South Texas College of Law professor Josh Blackman notes that there is a very tight schedule for filing documents that could determine the supreme court's time-frame and that it may depend on how Texas responds...[The Obummer regime's schemes are] an abrogation of [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] constitutional duty to 'take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed'.   The 5th circuit reviewed whether the lower court's ruling on the temporary injunction was rightly decided, and found that it was.   The court noted that Obama's amnesty 'would have a major effect on the states' fiscs [sic], causing millions of dollars of losses in Texas alone'.   The court also noted that the program affects the states 'interests by imposing substantial pressure on them to change their laws, which provide for issuing driver's licenses to some aliens and subsidizing those licenses'.   The court was not persuaded by the [Obummer regime's] argument that the costs would be off-set by benefits to the state of Texas.   The court noted that the analysis on standing should not be an accounting exercise and that ultimately Texas had shown injury...   After walking through the [Obummer regime's] arguments, the court held 'The states have standing'.   The court also took issue with the [Obummer regime's] claim that the president has prosecutorial discretion on immigration enforcement and that the states and the courts have no right to intervene.   The court rightfully noted that 'the states have not challenged the priority levels' created by the administration, and then pointed out that deferred action 'is much more than [selective] non-enforcement' because it would confer eligibility for both state and federal benefits...   'Declining to prosecute does not transform presence deemed unlawful by Congress into lawful presence and confer eligibility for otherwise unavailable benefits based on that change...'...   prioritization scheme was not the issue before the court..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Mexican cartels made examples out of other criminals (warning: graphic image)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
attacking USA's founders
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why I am in Israel -- and why you should be
World Net Daily
"I am in here with 450 American (and a German and a Canadian) listeners to my radio show.   About 400 are non-Jews.   We are here on a 'Stand with Israel' tour organized by the syndicator of my radio show, the Salem Radio Network, and I am accompanied by my wife, my producer Allen Estrin and his wife, and my radio colleague Mike Gallagher.   People frustrated with the direction of America and the direction of the world regularly ask: 'What can I do to make any difference?'   Here is one of the best answers I know: Visit Israel.   And do so especially when there are terror attacks.   If every time there were a spate of attacks on Israel, few people canceled their trips to Israel.   Or, if I may imagine a much better world than we live in, tourism to Israel actually increased, three huge things would be achieved.   First, Palestinians would get the message that there are many people outside of Israel who find the stabbings of Israeli Jews morally repulsive...

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
courts can't mend a parent's broken heart

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
click to "like" Ben Carson

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
leftist media hype over Ben Carson
World Net Daily
American Spectator

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
leftist media tried to "put Ben Carson in what they think is his place"... but failed
Washington DC Times

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
his son says Ben Carson "isn't perfect", but has lived an "exemplary life"

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
A.F. Branco _WND_
trashing Dr. Carson (cartoon)
Legal Insurrection

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Mizzou melt-down

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
congrats Mizzou, you've managed to trivialize racism

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Heather Mac Donald _WND_
race-obsession on campus
City Journal

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
$944.143G: Socialist Insecurity Abomination spending hit record in FY2015; $6,345 per employed American

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
new effort to list Iran's "Revolutionary Guard" as a terrorist group recalls' Clinton-Obummer split in 2007
"A renewed legislative push to have Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) designated as a 'foreign terrorist organization' (FTO) returns a spotlight onto an issue which 8 years ago split Hillary Clinton from her then-senate colleagues [Barack Hussein Obummer], Joe Biden and [the haughty John Kerry]. Legislation has been introduced in the House by representative Michael McCaul (R-TX), and in the senate by senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), calling on the secretary of state to designate the IRGC as an FTO under U.S.A. law -- or provide the legal justification for not doing so. The [Obummer regime] opposes the move..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
congress must re-claim article 1

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
_Conservative HQ_
RINO establishent thinks the fix is in... here is how True Blue Republicans can spoil their schemes
"Wasserman writes: 'Only 11 of 54 GOP senators and 26 of 247 GOP representatives hail from [Obummer-won] locales, but there are 1,247 delegates at stake in [Obummer-won] states, compared with just 1,166 in Romney states.'   What's more: 'A total of 832 delegates (about 34% of all 2,472 delegates) spanning 23 states will be awarded based on results at the congressional district level.'   Here's the catch, says Weingarten: According to the RNC's allotment rules, three delegates are at stake in each district, regardless of the partisan lopsidedness of the seat.   This creates a 'rotten boroughs' phenomenon in which [True Blue Republicans'] votes can be disproportionately valuable.   'For example, 3 delegates are up for grabs in New York's heavily Latino, Bronx-based 15th District, which cast just 5,315 votes for Romney in 2012.   But there are also 3 delegates at stake in Alabama's 6th District, which covers Birmingham's whitest suburbs and gave Romney 233,803 votes.   IOW, a GOP primary vote cast in the [reddest] part of the Bronx could be worth 43 times [as much as] a vote cast in the [truest-bluest-Republican] part of Alabama.'   Stated differently, says Weingarten, the GOP is in effect systematically disenfranchising the strongest 'R' partisans by virtue of its state-by-state electoral rules.   It should come as no surprise that the allotment of delegates to the Republican National Convention is not the only place where the GOP establishment is 'cooking the books', or engaging in a system of 'rotten boroughs' that advantage the status quo and incumbent Republican Party Barons.   The precinct committeeman is the person who is elected by Republican voters to represent them on the local GOP Committee.   The precinct committeeman then elects the local Republican Party Chairman and other officers, they in turn elect the State Republican Party Chairman and National Committeeman and Committeewoman..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
horse-race: hoping and searching for substance in tonight's debate of Republican candidates for president: Trump, Carson, Cruz, Fiorina, Paul, Huckabee, Santorum, Jindal

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Laura Ingraham
Quinnipiac U poll: NJ voters want Chris Christie out of 2016 running for president
Eric Bradner: CNN

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Laura Ingraham
McClatchy-Marist poll: the more Republican voters learn about Yebbie Booosh, the less they like him

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Benjamin Netanyahu at AEI: the neighborhood bullies -- Saddam Hussein, Moamar Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad -- constitute less of a threat than the militant Muslims: Their goal is not merely the conquest of the Middle East, it's the conquest of the world

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
2 Boko Haram female suicide bombers killed 3 civilians in a truck full of refugees in Fotokol, Cameroon

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
UK-based Muslim "charity" trustee claims "F*ing Jews" secretly track Samsung idiot-phones (while showing he doesn't know the difference between a battery, SIM-chip, plastic protector sheet)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Ben Carson signals openness to considering Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Donald Trump "nukes" Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Lizzy Finegan _Breitbart_
CISA and the war against privacy
Andrea Castillo: Washington DC Times

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
House Government OverSight committee requests SingRay surveillance details from 24 agencies

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
both houses of congress have passed bill to ban transfer Guantanamo terrorists/non-uniformed enemy combatants into USA
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
veterans' graves vandalized in Massachusetts

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
about 10% of those on death rows are veterans with PTSD; mental health is no factor in sentencing
"...About 300 of the roughly 3K in-mates on death row in state and federal prisons are military veterans, the majority of whom suffer from PTSD after serving in the Korean, VietNam and Gulf wars, according to the study from the Death Penalty Information Center.   Many veterans with PTSD have already been executed.   Over 800K VietNam veterans suffered from PTSD, according to the report.   At least 175K veterans of Operation Desert Storm were affected by 'Gulf War Illness', which has been linked to brain cancer and other mental deficits.   Over 300K veterans from the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts have PTSD.   In one study, only about half had received treatment in the prior year..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Louie Gohmert (R-TX): put gays on one island (with a fence all around), straights on another island; we'll see which one nature and nature's God favors

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Chris Christie's response to Red China's cyber-warfare: hack back, expose the regime to the Chinese people

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Star Parker _WND_
why do working Americans support job-killing Dems/leftists/Reds?

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Joseph Farah _WND_
imagine a world without Israel

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Linda Harvey _WND_
they're creating "gays" by corrupting our children; aberrant sexual conduct is not the key to a bright future

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Debby Efurd _WND_
link between abortion and breast cancer
Bound 4 Life

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
_Conservative HQ_
Bobby Jindal shines
"the debate between Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, New Jersey governor Chris Christie, former senator Rick Santorum and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee produced a series of maturely presented economic policy proposals that could have not just survived, but competed strongly on the main stage.   As usual, the Gold Medal for cutting straight to the heart of the difference between conservative policy and Big Government Republican progressivism went to Bobby Jindal.   As others started the debate touting the down in the weeds details of their tax and economic policies Jindal said: 'I think, the most important issue here tonight.   You're going to have several hours of debate on the economy and we're going to have a great discussion about energy plans and tax rates.   And that's all great.   The most important thing we have to do, we have a fundamental choice to make, folks.   Are we willing to cut the government economy so we can grow the American economy?   That is the most fundamental question we've got to answer.   We are on the path to socialism right now.   (applause)   These are mutually exclusive.   The hour is late, but it is not too late for America.   Though under [president Barack Hussein Obummer], you asked about his economy.   We've got record dependents, a record number of Americans on food stamps, record low participation rate in the work force.   This is a fundamental choice.   Sending a big government Republican to DC is not enough to fix this problem.   It's not enough just to beat Hillary Clinton.   We've got to change the direction of our country.   What that means is let's shrink the government, not slow its growth rate, but actually shrink the government so we can grow the American economy.   That is the fundamental issue we should be debating here tonight.'   Where could the others go after that? &nnbsp; Jindal also nailed Mike Huckabee, whose record as a Big Government Republican is often obscured by his good humor and his passion for the social conservative agenda.   When Huckabee claimed he cut government as governor of Arkansas, Jindal spoke for many conservatives who are familiar with Huckabee's Big Government ways when he quickly hit his northern neighbor with a series of facts about his record: 'Mike, with all due respect, I admire your social views, I share many of those views, your record as governor tells a different story.   Was -- your time as governor spending in Arkansas went up 65%, number of state workers went up 20%, the taxes for the average citizen went up 47%.   That's not a record of cutting.   I'm saying we've actually cut.   We reduced the size of our budget.   So wanting to cut is one thing, actually cutting is a different thing.   Facts don't lie.'..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
judge: DoS has not been conscientious or industrious in processing Hitlery Rotten Clinton's files for reporters and for the investigation of the terrorist attack on the USA consulate at Benghazi

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
W. James Antle iii _Washington DC Examiner_
Frank Luntz: focus group didn't like Kasich's intrusions

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Gayle Trotter _Daily Caller_
Republicans agree that we need tax reform, but I believe senator Cruz's plan holds the most promise
"Cruz's plan would eliminate 6 categories of taxes: pay-roll taxes, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] taxes, alternative minimum tax, over-seas profit tax, the corporate tax, and the death tax.   To replace these taxes, Cruz suggests a flat tax of 10%, raising the standard deduction to $10K per filer [about one sixth of the standard cut-in level for the 1% tax bracket in 1913]..."

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Laura Ingraham
Mark Halperin: I could make the case today that Ted Cruz will be the nominee, the RINOs would dislike him more than they dislike Donald Trump (mp3)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Laura Ingraham
Tucker Carlson: Yebbie Booosh knows he will not be the nominee; now he's moving to a kamikaze approach on Marco Rubio & it [helps] the party [by eliminating 2 bad candidates at once] (mp3)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
veterans' graves vandalized before Veterans Day

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
PTSD service dog now comforts family of veteran who had owned him

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Chhristian army fighting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate pleads for USA support

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
attacker at U of CA at Merced had print-out of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate flag
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Cindy Cooke _Washington DC Times_
honoring veterans by improving Veterans Administration health care

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
if we had no veterans we would have no freedom

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
those calling for investigation of ExxonMobil threaten free speech

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Anthony Watts
McGill U: missing factors in climate models suggest Antarctic melt may not be so bad after all

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Anthony Watts
Bjorn Lomborg: Paris proposal might reduce temperature 0.05C by 2100

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Anthony Watts
350.org's "fossil fuel divestment" scam exposed as pointless political puppetry by National Association of Scholars

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Willis Eschenbach
the height of temperature folly

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Willis Eschenbach
rapture of the deep

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-11-10 (5776 Cheshvan 28)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
George S. Patton ii: the very idea of losing is hateful to an American

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "We have no one to thank for this sedition save ye princes & lords... Moreover in your worldly pursuits ye do naught otherwise than to flay & extort taxes that ye may satisfy your pomp & vanity, 'til the poor peasant cannot & may not bear it any longer." --- Martin Luther (quoted in Preserved Smith 1911 _The Life & Letters of Martin Luther_; quoted in Charles Adams 1993 _For Good & Evil_)  




Yom Rebiai


2015-11-11: USA Veteran's Day

This morning, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Tom Tancredo, (5) Ted Cruz, (6) Donald Trump, (7) Rick Santorum, (8) Ben S. Carson, (9) Thomas Sowell, (10) Ann Coulter, (12) Mike Huckabee, (14) Bobby Jindal, (16) Ken Blackwell, (18) Allen West, (20) Rand Paul, (22) Tom Cotton, (24) Carly Fiorina, (26) Gary Johnson, (27) Steve King, (28) Jim Gilmore, (30) Alan Keyes, (20,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (100,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (230,500,000) Chris Christie, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Chuck Grassley bill disappointing
MarketWatch: IEEE*USA commends senators Grassley and Durbin for introducing lame H-1B, L-1 visa reform legislation
Tom Roche: "[If we were 'organized' we would be] Voting and 'donating' as a named bloc, preferably with hired lobbyists."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
Obamnesty falls apart; American workers win
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
"...By a 2-1 decision, the federal judges handed a landmark victory to 26 states, led by Texas, that forcefully challenged the legality of [Obummer's] executive amnesty over-reach.   The 5th circuit majority ruled that the states' case was 'likely to succeed on its merits' and that a lower court's injunction against the White House was 'impressive and thorough'.   Judge Jerry Smith summed up: 'At its core, this case is about the (Department of Homeland Security) xecretary's decision to change the immigration classification of millions of illegal aliens on a class-wide basis.'...   Current immigration law, the majority concluded, 'flatly does not permit the reclassification of millions of illegal aliens as lawfully present and thereby make them newly eligible for a host of federal and state benefits, including work authorization'...   Under the Constitution, congress defines the classes of immigrants eligible to work in the United States, and the executive branch has the broad authority to determine the individual immigrants within those classes who are authorized to work.   [Obummer's] Department of Homeland Security [DHS] flipped this around and usurped the authority to allow any alien -- legally or illegally in the country -- to work unless congress explicitly prohibits it..."
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
sealing their dooms: Booosh, Kasich, Clinton pandering to illegal aliens (and cheap, young, foreign labor with flexible ethics)... and Cruz & Rubio are making some of the same errors
Laura Ingraham
Washington DC Times
"As if Jeb Bush's campaign were not already finished, the candidate drilled several additional screws into his own coffin during Tuesday night's debate here.   'Even having this conversation sends a powerful signal.', he whined as real estate mogul and presidential frontrunner Donald Trump tangled with the Democratic wing of the Republican Party over the insanity of allowing 12M illegal aliens to roam free in America without the slightest concern that our country's laws might just apply to them.   Outside the debate hall, protesters beat drums and screamed for amnesty -- One man with a bullhorn kept repeating over and over again that justice is not possible in America.   And every third time or so he accused [Donald Trump] of being a 'racist' for vowing to enforce America's immigration laws.   No word on whether he was a plant, paid for by the Bush campaign.   On stage inside the debate hall, [Donald Trump] stuck to his guns and said that immigration laws passed by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and approved by presidents from both parties should simply be enforced.   That is all he is saying.   Yet [Yebbie Booosh] not only thinks these laws should be summarily dismissed, he said during the debate that even having a discussion about enforcing our immigration laws is a terrible thing.   We should dismiss these laws and there should not even be a debate about it...   Wow.   Truly astonishing.   Not only does [Yebbie Booosh] not belong in the White House or the Republican Party, he should just be deported.   Perhaps to Mexico, where he might be happier and find greater success in politics..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
representative Steve King (R-IA-4) has introduced bill to end informal "sanctuary" policy for illegal aliens on Capitol Hill

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
will 5 judges give 1 man control of USA immigration law?

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Yebbie Boosh: it is not embracing American values to enforce constitutional and long-standing laws by deporting illegal aliens
Who said we have to deport 500K/month or even 250K/month; deporting 100K per month or even a mere 50K per month, while preventing the vast majority of new invaders from entering would be step in the right direction.   Even having the conversation sends a powerful and positive message that if you want to enter the USA, you'd better be among the best and you'd better follow our laws, both in entering and once you've been admitted.

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Donald Trump: illegal aliens are going to have to go

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz: the immigration debate would be very different if a bunch of people were entering and displacing bankers and lawyers, or if a bunch of people with journalism degrees were coming over and driving down the wages in the media

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: the media would freak out if illegal aliens took journalists' jobs

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
conspiracies and theories about them; keeping the H-1B visa program out of the election campaign

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Laura Ingraham
Maria Bartiromo: it is unfortunate that Rubio was not asked about the 8 Gangsters (S744)

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
new Muslim majority city council member in Hamtramk Michigan issues warning
"...it didn't take long for the Islamic supremacist aggression and hostility to surface -- did it? It never does.   Always conflict and strife.   A cell phone video, taken moments after Muslims received the word that they took over the city council, has surfaced of one of the organizers of the Muslim city council effort saying, 'Today we show the Polish and everybody else...'   The town has a large but shrinking Polish community.   How ugly.   How fast.   They won -- are they incapable of being gracious? Don't answer that.   The message is clear: non-Muslims move or else.   Yet when the Muslims gained control of the city council last week, a local reporter, Will Jones, summarized how immigrants had 'dramatically changed the face and culture of this community', and said exultantly, 'Now, the Hamtramck city council is going to reflect that diversity.'   What's diverse about a Muslim majority?   Is there anything less diverse and more oppressive than Islamic law?   What Muslim countries are diverse?   Muslims won't even let Jews pray at the most holy of Jewish sites.   Muslim countries under the sharia subjugate their religious minorities...   Cathie Lisinki-Gordon, a former council member and one of the candidates who lost her bid for the council last week, expressed surprise at Ibrahim Algahim's supremacist language.   'I'm shocked that he said that.', she exclaimed.   'I'm a very good friend of his.   I cannot believe that he would ever profile any select group.   Especially when his community has felt ostracized and profiled for many years.'   Cathie Lisinski-Gordon is a perfect metaphor for the West and its approach to the Islamization of the West..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: we will have a deportation force
"...'...It's going to be a Trump wall.   It going to be a real wall.   It's going to stop people and it's going to be good.'   He continued, 'There's going to be a big beautiful nice door.   People are going to come in and they are come in legally.   We have no choice.   otherwise, we don't have a country...'..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Antonio Bronic, Sasa Kavic, Marja Novak, Igor Ilic, Ivana Sekularac & Marja Novak _Breitbart_/_Reuters_
Slovenia erects border fence to control "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal flow
"Slovenia started erecting a razor wire fence along parts of its border with Croatia amid heavy security...   Around 180K people, many [alegedly] fleeing war in Syria and Afghanistan, have entered Slovenia since mid October, most of them heading north to Austria and then Germany...   Army trucks carrying wire fencing arrived..early on Wednesday.   By 11:30 GMT, about 2km (1.2 miles) of wire had been erected, a Reuters photographer there said..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
345 "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals found on luxury yacht off Greek coast

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
"With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations" the pro-immigration reform video going viral across Europe

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Sweden Democrats issuing fliers to "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals in Greece: "no money.   no jobs.   no homes...   our wealth is gone...   we can currently only offer tents and camp beds.   And you will eventually be sent back home.   Sweden is a modern country.   Here, women and men are equal.   Forced marriages and polygamy will never be accepted..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Mexican ranch-worker beat wife to death near Texas border, then took a nap (warning: graphic images part-way down)

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Sylvia Longmire _Breitbart_
rural Indiana north of Muncie: murder investigation, international pot operation

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Stephan Dinan _Washington DC Times_
guest-work, immigration, border policies divide Republican candidates for president: Kasich, Booosh, Clinton, O'Malley are silly
"...On the GOP side, meanwhile, the battle between Donald Trump and Ohio governor John Kasich over immigration, which surfaced in Tuesday nights debate, continued, with Mr. Trump vowing to form a 'deportation force' to kick out more [illegal aliens], just as he said president Eisenhower was able to do in the 1950s with the [uncontroversial] 'Operation Wetback'..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Washington DC Times_
Barach Hussein Obummer must comply with the USA constitution
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
"Earlier this week, a federal appeals court in New Orleans upheld an injunction issued by a federal district court in Texas against the federal government, thereby preventing it from implementing [president Obummer's] executive orders on immigration.   Critics had argued and 2 federal courts have now agreed that the orders effectively circumvented federal law and were essentially unconstitutional.   Though the injunction on its face restrains officials in the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], it is really a restraint on the president himself.   Here is the back story.   [President Obummer] has long wished to overhaul the nation's immigration laws to make it easier for people who are here illegally to remain here and to make it easier for them eventually to acquire the attributes of citizenship.   He may have a big-hearted moral motivation, or he may have a partisan political motivation.   I don't know which it is, but his motivation has driven him to use extraconstitutional means to achieve his ends..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD _WND_
illegal aliens (and many jet-setters) endanger our health
"Invisible travelers coming across the border with the people: bacteria like tuberculosis (TB), viruses such as EVD-68 that killed so many U.S. children in 2014, Ebola, West Nile, dengue fever, parasites and fungal illnesses.   Delays in access to medical services for Americans with longer waits to see doctors, especially for Medicaid patients.   Long waits in emergency rooms jammed with illegals waiting for care at U.S. [tax-victim] expense.   The vastly higher costs for states to cover Medicaid services designed to provide medical care for low-income American citizens, but now expanded to serve those here illegally as well.   Legal immigrants are medically screened [but only in a cursory way].   Adequate testing is the cornerstone of protecting our citizens from devastating diseases previously eradicated or unknown in the U.S.A.   Because of our outstanding public health and medical systems, most Americans do not worry much about infectious diseases.   But infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death worldwide and are in the top 10 causes of U.S.A. deaths.   TB [tuberculosis] in the U.S.A. is mostly an 'imported' [re-imported] disease brought by people coming from countries where it is widespread, unlike the U.S.A.   CDCP data for 2013 showed that 64% of the TB cases and 91% of all MDR-TB cases in the U.S.A. occurred in foreign-born people, whose TB rate is 11 times [as high as] people born in the U.S.A.   TB is the most serious disease threat -- both from medical and economic impact.   TB is highly contagious -- you catch it anywhere around infected people: schools, malls, buses [aircraft, trains, meeting rooms, class-rooms, cafeterias, restaurants, coffee shops], etc.   Worse, the multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) that is increasing across our borders requires a complex, extremely expensive treatment regimen that has serious side effects and a low cure rate.   The staggering cost impact of MDR TB is shown in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) data:   TB Treatment Period: 6-9 months, cost $17K.   TB Multi-drug Resistant: 20-26 months, cost $134K.   TB Extreme Multi-drug Resistant: 32 months, cost $430K..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Ann Coulter _WND_
leftists and RINOs: "don't ask Rubio (or Clinton or Kasich or Booosh...) that! it would be too obvious"
Town Hall
"...Rubio was senator Chuck Schumer's [eager accomplice] on the job-killing amnesty bill.   He voted for the job-killing -- and widely hated -- Trans-Pacific Partnership trade [treaty].   In a debate on economics, he did not get a question on either one.   Having actually asked Rubio a tough question once, Jorge Ramos remains the only immigrant willing to do a job Americans just won't do: Ask Marco Rubio a serious question.   Rubio was practically taunting the moderators to bring up immigration with him...   Given his record, it's too late for Rubio to take America's side on immigration.   But it's still amazing that only Ted Cruz is smart enough to adopt [parts of] Trump's run-away, most popular position...   Trump replied that president Eisenhower -- 'you don't get nicer, you don't get friendlier' -- managed to deport more than a million illegals back in the 1950s.   I would add that: For every illegal Ike deported, 10 more self-deported.   That was the single best part of the debate -- other than the Numbers USA ad showing civil rights hero Barbara Jordan's stirring call for a restriction on immigration: 'Many American workers do not have adequate job prospects.   We should make their task easier to find employment, not harder.'   We need to have at least one GOP debate where the only topics allowed for discussion are: immigration, trade and crime -- i.e.,   1) the only domestic policies Republicans disagree on, and   2) the only policies that directly affect most people's lives."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
John T. Bennett _WND_
where will USA refugees go?
American Thinker
"If immigration completely transforms America, where can Americans go to preserve our national identity? Nowhere.   This land is our one chance.   There is nowhere else to turn for Americans who want limited government, truly free speech, the norm of personal responsibility, and Judeo-Christian Enlightenment culture.   Americans don't have the option of moving to another nation and replacing that nation's culture with our own.   The countries within Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia proudly preserve their national cultures.   Plus, their immigrants come here and change American culture, and attempt to do the same to Europe.   The immigrant is entitled to do so under the bipartisan doctrine of multi-culturalism.   The total lack of reciprocity is noteworthy; this imbalance is unsustainable.   If America maintains multi-cultural dogma while non-Western nations remain culturally intact, the eventual outcome will be an inhospitable America..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
"AllahPundit" _Hot Air_
is Rubio correct that welders are paid more than philosophers?
"...Exit question via Postrel: What if thousands of high-school students took Rubio's advice and skipped college to train as welders instead? What would happen to wages in the welding field with a fresh glut of labor?"
For that matter, there's nothing about being a philosopher or philosophy major that makes one incapable of being a great welder, engineer, scientist, musician, software architect, carpenter, architect, surveyor, brick-mason, screen-writer, stone-mason, or general.

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Katherine Noyes _"IT" News_/_IDG_
a tale of 2 women: nearly the same name, same birth-day, same Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN), same big-data privacy violation mess...
...simple, effective and appropriate solution: eliminate big-data privacy violations, eliminate Socialist Insecurity Numbers and the whole unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity Abomination.

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
growing support for Donald Trump among Hispanics/Latinos

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
a suggestion for the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate book club

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
campus commotions show we're raising fragile, mentally unstable young adults

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
David Shribman _Jewish World Review_
Lake Superior, it's said, never gives up her dead
"...This disaster at the distended thumb of Lake Superior permitted the phrase 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald' to replace 'The Wreck of the Hesperus' in North American seafaring folk-lore.   Indeed, the displacement of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Gordon Lightfoot, and the disappearance from the American canon of Longfellow's 1842 Hesperus poem ('Colder and louder blew the wind, / A gale from the NorthEast, / The snow fell hissing in the brine, / And the billows frothed like yeast', lines once memorized by American school-children) are only 2 indications of the immense cultural power possessed by the destruction, in Canadian waters 17 miles north-north-west of Whitefish Point, MI, of a lake bulk freighter with 29 souls aboard.   The wonder is that the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald has persisted in our culture.   There have been more than 8K ship-wrecks on the Great Lakes -- an average of 1 every 11 days -- in the last 250 years, many with far greater losses of life than the vessel known as the Mighty Fitz or, because of its favored route, the Toledo Express.   But the Great Lakes themselves have a special romance, and a special place in our history.   Created in the glacial ice age [about] 12K years ago, they were the setting for great dramas in American and Canadian history..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Nat Hentoff & Nick Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
congressional oversight of national security intelligence has been a joke for decades
World Net Daily
"...'There is no accountability.', Hagel told Hamilton, the MFR reported. 'Hagel said that oversight of the intelligence community is a joke.'   Three years later, Hamilton testified before the SSCI, explaining that the road to accountability in congressional oversight of the IC was paved with gold. 'All of us have to live by the Golden Rule: That is, he who controls the gold makes the rules.', he said. Hamilton also testified that one of the most important recommendations of the 2001/09/11 commission -- the centralization of the IC appropriation process in the Intelligence committees -- had yet to be implemented..."
The problem is that those on the committees and commissions seem to be naive.   They go along with anything they're told in the briefings with what, from this POV, seems to be very little critical digging or analysis.   They have little means to investigate.   And, even if they were to get key information, many of them are just as likely to leak it -- directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly -- to those who mean to do harm to the USA.   The intelligence services should be held to account; they should be as effective and efficient as possible at defending the USA, and should not be wasting funds or living high on the hog at tax-victim expense.   They should be adhering to the USA constitution and respecting US citizens rights, but they should also be thoroughly investigating where warranted.   They should be spying deep into the networks and lands of those who have declared themselves USA's enemies, and should be ready and able to act to thwart those enemies' efforts at a moment's need.

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Sarah K. White _"IT" News_/_IDG_
7 thoroughly corrupted tech giants share what passes for "core values": a white-washing
"arcurtis": MidAmerica Nazarene U

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Charlie Daniels _Cybercast News Service_
these things protect the USA -- the grace of Almighty God, the USA military (and the unorganized militia)

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
leftist media lovefests with the Reds/Dems/leftists

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson on minimum wage: I would not raise it; raising it would increase the number of unemployed

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Rand Paul sparred with Marco Rubio about over-spending

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Fox Business delivered on promise for substantive, meaningful debate
"...Carly Fiorina did criticize Rand Paul on foreign policy, though it was a respectful disagreement rather than a desperate attempt to damage him...   Ben did well to answer the challenge.   We'll see if the people see it the same way...   Cruz turned in another strong showing on Tuesday night, making salient points on immigration and cutting the size of government.   On immigration, Cruz steered the conversation away from whether it's practical to deport millions of people.   Instead, Ted talked about who's hurt most by illegal immigration -- the people who work in jobs threatened by the newcomers [are hurt the most].   'If a bunch of lawyers or bankers were crossing the Rio Grande, you wouldn't have all the out-cry against illegal immigration.' [Wrong!   The bar associations and the leftists' trial lawyers associations would be screaming bloody murder.]   The audience laughed.   'We're tired of being told that enforcing the laws of our country are anti-immigrant.', Cruz added.   The onlookers exploded in agreement.   Later on, Cruz talked about the parts of government that he'd cut, naming specifics and referring people to his campaign web-site for further details.   And then came a moment of brilliance -- 'I would eliminate sugar subsidies to pay for the military.'   This was a direct poke at Marco Rubio who's enjoyed a very cozy relationship with sugar growers in Florida.   They contribute to his campaign and he supports price controls and protectionism on sugar.   Once again, Cruz is a very smart guy.   When he says he's against cronyism and corruption, he means it.   I think he'll only continue to grow in popularity as the race goes on..."
Laura Ingraham
Ian Hanchett: Breitbart: GOP will lose if it's the party of amnesty

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
_Conservative HQ_
** Veterans Day gives meaning to Independence Day **

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
the language of the left keeps invading GOP debates: crony capitalism, crony socialism, or crony government?

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Erick Erickson
Rand Paul put Marco Rubio on defense regarding child tax plan, and attempt to slip over to defense plan

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Ed Straker _American Thinker_
*** Ted Cruz proposed eliminating departments of Energy, HUD, Commerce, Education, IRS ***
National Review

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
when Ted Cruz made this remark the focus group dials soared
"Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz struck gold with his comments on immigration at Tuesday night's debate, delivering remarks that resonated well with a Fox News focus group composed of New Hampshire primary voters.   'The Democrats are laughing, because if Republicans join Democrats as the party of amnesty, we will lose.', Cruz said.   'And, you know, I understand that when the main-stream [leftist] media covers immigration, it doesn't often see it as an economic issue.', he continued.   'But, I can tell you for millions of Americans at home watching this, it is a very personal economic issue.   And, I will say the politics of it will be very, very different if a bunch of lawyers or bankers were crossing the Rio Grande.   Or if a bunch of people with journalism degrees were coming over and driving down the wages in the press.'   Cruz then hit things home with a line that drew loud applause from the crowd.   'And, I will say for those of us who believe people ought to come to this country legally, and we should enforce the law, we're tired of being told 'it's anti-immigrant.', he said.   'It's offensive.'   Those remarks, and that final line in particular, performed well with the Fox News focus group.   'Watch how high the lines climb.', pollster Frank Luntz commented as he showed the dials.   Watch the focus group (relevant portion around 3:00 minute mark).

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Rich Lowry _National Review_
Ted Cruz won the night

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Jarrett Stepman _Breitbart_
Veterans Day: the American devotion to military service
"It is a long-term and striking characteristic of the American people to show particular devotion to their soldiers and veterans.   The famed French observer of American life, Alexis de Tocqueville, understood in the 1830s how the people of a participatory republic like [the United States of America] would be both fierce in war and show an uncommon fidelity to those who had served in the military.   Tocqueville described the conditions which would draw Americans into war, certainly applicable to World War 1: 'When war has at length, by its long continuance, roused the whole community from their peaceful occupations, and ruined their minor undertakings, the same passions which made them attach so much importance to the maintenance of peace will be turned to arms...'   Historian Erick L. McKitrick described Tocqueville's observation of the kind of patriotism that would become a hallmark of the American republic in relation to an 'Austrian peasant of 1914 being conscripted into the imperial army': 'The powers above, he might have said, tell me that I must go and do my duty; therefore, of course, I must.   This is the tradition of authority, acceptance, and obedience.   The same tradition can also be one of revolution and mutiny: there is something removed from the community scene, yet something focused and personified in the heads of the state, that can specifically be resisted...   Yet in our own military tradition, such as it is, there are no such themes, either of implicit acquiescence or revolt.   The conviction that our military enterprises are just and righteous does not flow automatically from on high...   They emanate, in a special sense, from ourselves.   Nobody, for instance, wants very much to be drafted for military service, but the sanctions are hard to mutiny against; they come not so much from the president as from a local board composed of your neighbors.'..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
last night's debate would not have been possible without a GOP revolt against the leftist media

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Rush Limbaugh: John Kasich & Yebbie Booosh are running as Dems/leftists/Reds

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
photos of Americans celebrating Veterans Day from coast to coast

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
3 Red Chinese Navy ships dock in Cuba for the first time

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
insane Obummer DoD mulls moving terrorists and non-uniformed combatant prisoners at Guantanamo into Colorado or South Carolina or Ft. Leavenworth Kansas USA

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Pat Caddell: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz are rising because Americans have had it with the establishment, the statist quo

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Brett M. Decker on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
"...'There is so much stuff in there, and how dangerous a lot of it is -- not only for our relationship with [Red China], but giving up sovereignty, things where congress and the president give up power to international organizations on trade and laws that apply inside our country.', Decker said during a Wednesday morning appearance on Breitbart News Daily.   'Anything that's that big, and isn't read first, is just going to be a wish list for people that want to weaken our international position...   There are a ton of different stipulations in there related to emissions and different global standards on environmental things.', Decker continued.   'Well, there's no way to implement that kind of thing without a mechanism outside of U.S.A. control, so it just puts the camel's nose under the tent...   and as we've seen, once you do that, there's really no way of reeling it back.'...

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Trump is committed to bilateral re-negotiations and seeking the constitutionally required two-thirds vote in the USA senate

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Peter Schweizer _Breitbart_
crony socialism gets crushed in GOP debate
"...Increasingly the GOP candidates are positioning themselves as being 'pro-market' and not 'pro-business'.   And that is a good thing."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
"Persecuted & Forgotten": Christianity likely to be driven out of Middle East within a decade

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
French government arrested man in ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate-linked plot to attack naval base

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Bill Devlin _Washington DC Times_
3 Iraqi girls keep the faith, survive ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate kidnapping and rape, and escaped
"...The Yazidis are an ancient ethnic group, the original inhabitants of Iraq for 6K years.   They are pre-Jewish, pre-Christian and pre-Islamic monotheistic worshipers.   Brutally persecuted over hundreds of years by Muslims who believe that the Yazidis are 'infidels', this ethnic group was over-run by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in 2014 August, when the terrorists came to Iraq's Sinjar Province and many Yazidis fled to Sinjar Mountain..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Barbara Boland _Washington DC Times_
Christians in fight against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate are being blocked by DC lobbyists from obtaining weapons & equipment

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
are Afghans ready to defeat the taliban?

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Russia developing nuclear weapons to overwhelm USA defenses

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Bill Gertz _Washington DC Times_
DoD studying new mobile ICBMs
"...The new missiles are needed to replace the arsenal of [only] 450 Minuteman 3s [down from some 1500] and would put [the United States of America] in the same league with [Red China] and Russia.   Both countries are deploying new and more advanced road-mobile missiles with multiple warheads..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"white" school-girl raped and abused by 15 Muslim men in Keighley, West Yorkshire in connection with drug trafficking

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
French president Francois Hollande cancels lunch with Iran's Hassan Rouhani over menu differences
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
"...hard-line Muslim leader demanded halal meat and a wine-free table...   Officials at the presidential Elysee Palace said making the food and drink 'Iran-friendly' was contrary to France's secular republican values and was non-negotiable, it has been reported.   The Elysee instead suggested a breakfast meeting as a counter-offer, but this was then reportedly rebuffed by the Iranians as being 'too cheap'..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Muslim official at Heathrow tried to enforce mosque rules on rabbi in "multi-faith prayer room"

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Amy Clark _Washington DC Times_
a Veterans Day story

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
news-flash to MY: non-leftist have embraced, been, reached-out to gamers

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
David V. Anderson _Washington DC Times_
Communist Corpse's double whammy

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Matt Kaiser _Washington DC Times_
being an executive is not, in and of itself, immoral nor a crime
"Here's a quiz: Which of the following is a federal crime: (a) A hamster dealer needlessly tilting a hamster's cage while in transit; (b) subliminally advertising wine; or (c) selling a fresh steak with paprika on it? Give up? The answer: all of the above.   Right now, there are approximately 4,500 federal criminal statutes and 300K administrative regulations that can be punished with imprisonment -- and the list keeps growing..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Victor Davis Hanson _Washington DC Times_
the fictional movie "Truth"
Jewish World Review

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Marc Bennetts _Washington DC Times_
Vladimir Putin finds an ally in resurgent Russian Orthodox church

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Douglas Burton _Washington DC Times_
Yazidis in Iraq turn to russia for help against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Paws & Effect gives service dogs to veterans with PTSD

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Suzanne Fields _Washington DC Times_
professors are trying to brain-wash students to only think in limited ruts
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
"College kids do the darndest things.   You send them away to open up their minds and they learn to close them, for themselves and for others.   The tantrum generation just managed a left-wing coup at the University of Missouri, stifling freedom of expression and forcing out the president and chancellor of the university.   In his 1987 book, _The Closing of the American Mind_, Allan Bloom wrote a surprising bestseller demonstrating how college students are no longer exposed to the great books and that higher education impoverishes rather than enhances the intellect.   Someone could write a sequel called _The Closing of the American Mouth_, where political correctness silences dissent on campus, revealing a deep ignorance of many things, including the classic essays on behalf of free speech from John Milton and John Stuart Mill to the Bill of Rights..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Barbara Boland _Washington DC Times_
81% of military want to carry arms on base, for the defense of themselves and the state

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
4 of the 9 supremes will be 82 or older by the end of the next administration 2021-01-20

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
senator Mike Lee defends resolution to "honor" "crisis pregnancy centers" with remark "if that's divisive, we've got significant problems"
"Senate Dems/leftists/Reds [in another skirmish in their war against women] blocked a resolution Tuesday that would have designated the second week of November as 'National Pregnancy Center Week' to 'recognize the vital role' community-supported pregnancy centers serve in helping women..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
Christians launch "buycott" to favor businesses and brands which embrace Christians and their values
"...To date the leading 2016 companies, according to FDC, are:   Chick-fil-A: 63.   Hobby Lobby: 62.   Interstate Batteries: 61.   Tyson Foods: 60.   Cracker Barrel: 53.   Walmart: 51.   Thrivent Financial: 50...   some 41M Christians in the United States spend $2T annually, and the index allows them to make informed purchases."
Faith Driven Consumer

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
trailer for up-coming movie "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" directed by Michael Bay and written by Chuck Hogan, based on Zuckoff's book, aired during GOP debate

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Ronald Reagan on deceased veterans' ultimate sacrifice: "they belong now to God"

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Erik Rush _WND_
Islam is a treatable malignancy

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Joseph Farah _WND_
why do leftists/Reds/regressives hate Israel: a war against God
"...if you travel to the Middle East and visit the Arab 'Palestinians' in Judea and Samaria and Gaza and then visit Israel, you will be hard-pressed to see any significant difference in the skin complexion of Arabs and Jews.   While many Israelis emigrated from Europe and the former Soviet Union, they also came in big numbers from the Arab world where they were visibly indistinguishable from their Muslim and Christian neighbors.   As well, Arabs run the gamut in skin color from very light to very dark.   Many even have sandy hair and blue eyes.   So this whole racial dynamic makes little sense.   Arabs and Jews are ethnic cousins -- all genetically children of Abraham...   the only ethnic cleansing and genocide being espoused in the Middle East comes from the Muslim Arabs, who insist the Jewish state needs to be destroyed and demands that no Jews be permitted to live in their 'liberated' [i.e. occupied] territories..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Jane Chastain _WND_
celebrating victories by the outsiders, real Americans in fly-over country, outside the DC belt-way, and hoping the trend spreads nationally and internationally

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Marjorie Dannenfelser _National Review_
reconciliation bill de-funding Planned Parenthood will set a good precendent (just as NR's unreadable web page provides more good evidence that MSFT JavaScript is evil)
"The Center for Medical Progress's under-cover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's barbaric trade in the body parts of aborted babies have pricked the conscience of the nation.   As more Americans -- both pro-life and pro-choice -- watch the videos and witness the callous disregard for human life and dignity they display, the calls to defund the organization at the center of the controversy have grown louder and more urgent.   The House of Representatives passed legislation in September to strip Planned Parenthood of the millions of dollars in federal funding it receives each year.   But opponents of the measure in the Senate have vowed to block it.   Without 60 votes to break their filibuster, a defunding bill cannot be brought to the senate floor for an up-or-down vote.   [Sure it can; right after the extreme leftists have exhausted themselves and yielded the floor... if only the non-leftists had a lick of sense and a shred of back-bone!   For that matter, they could repeatedly bring cloture motions up for votes in the interim... and then vote on the bill once cloture succeeded.]   As the saying goes, when a door closes, a window often opens.   In this case the window comes in the form of the budget-reconciliation process.   Taking advantage of this once-a-year opportunity, the House passed a bill to redirect the bulk of the federal [tax-victim] funding that goes to Planned Parenthood -- about $400M from Medicaid and other [unconstitutional] 'mandatory' programs -- to community health centers around the country that provide a wider range of health-care services to women, at more accessible locations, but do not perform abortions.   The senate parliamentarian gave Republicans the green light on Tuesday evening to include the de-funding-Planned Parenthood provision in the up-coming reconciliation package.   More than 30 pro-life organizations, meanwhile, have joined together to urge the senate to pass this bill, which also repeals significant portions of [similarly unconstitutionl ObummerDoesn'tCare], without delay.   Unlike an appropriations bill, the reconciliation bill cannot be filibustered [well, it could be, but they simply don't want to]; it will pass or fail by majority vote.   Senators will have to decide whether to support spending the hard-earned tax dollars of their constituents to subsidize an organization that performs 330K abortions per year, up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, a time when many babies can survive outside the womb.   Senators will have to choose whether to support an organization that alters its abortion procedures -- without the mother's consent -- in order to obtain intact organ specimens for sale.   Senators will have to vote -- and be held accountable.   If the senate passes a reconciliation bill that de-funds Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers, what then?   [President Barack Hussein Obummer], given his ideology and his political debt to the pro-abortion movement, will undoubtedly veto the bill..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Christian Datoc _Daily Caller_
James O'Keefe detained by Yale U police (with video)

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
CNN's Marc Lamont Hill "celebrates" USA's Veterans Day with image of Cuba dicatatorship's army

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
MO agitator linked to Barack Hussein Obummer

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
David Keene _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime as a RICO (racketeering, influence, corrupt organization): treating ordinary US citizens as enemies
"Although the rot has been visible for some time, recent actions by [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] Department of Justice [DoJ] and director of national intelligence [DNI] make it possible to say definitively that [the United States of America] we once extolled as a nation of laws and not of men no longer exists.   Our federal laws are today being manipulated by political operatives in ways that would have made those running the old Daley machine in the president's home-town blush..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Virgil _Breitbart_
the 9th circle: the h377ish view from inside the belt-way #2

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Eric Worrall
claim: global warming good for champagne

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Anthony Watts
Southern Methodist U prefers denigration in their science press releases

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Laura Anthony _KGO abc San Francisco CA_
snow gear in demand as California resorts prepare to open early
"...Alpine Meadows announced it is opening on Thursday.   Squaw, Heavenly, and several other resorts are opening Saturday.   That's more than a week ahead of schedule..."

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Anthony Watts
U of AK Dept. of the Obvious: fire can melt permafrost

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Willis Eschenbach
tropical evaporative cooling

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Eric Worrall
climate hysterics are bracing for failure at Paris

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
JOhn Ratcliffe _Washington DC Times_
the dirty, power-mad, crony socialist business of "clean power": Obummer's war against coal

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
more contradictory non-sense from the left: CT delegation opposes Keystone XL pipe-line, thus driving up energy costs, while applauding a tax-victim funded crony socialist subsidy of $72M for "heating funds"

2015-11-11 (5776 Cheshvan 29)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "One is never wounded by the love one gives, only by the love one expects." --- Marty Rubin (source: Jewish World Review)  




Yom Chamishi



2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
panel at National Press Club: the betrayal of USA's best and brightest: Michelle Malkin discusses new book, joined by dumped Disney STEM professional and guest-work expert

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
NYTimes finally gets it partially correct on the H-1B visa program
"You know it's going to be a good day when the New York Times, on the front page and above the fold, runs an article that is critical of the H-1B program, as it did Wednesday.   Then the sun shines and you find lots of even more damning material, and excellent graphics, on the jump page (with a full page devoted to this story.)   The writer is the normally pro-open-borders Julia Preston, which is a pleasant surprise, but one of her takes on the situation is that the big Indian outsourcing firms' domination of the H-1B program is hard on -- get this -- smaller firms owned by aliens.   You might think that in such a story there would be some mention of Disney and other firms laying off citizen workers so that they can be replaced by H-1Bs, and then forcing the about-to-be-laid-off workers to train their replacements.   But not today, not in the Times.   (Though, to be fair, the Times did cover the 2014 Disney firings earlier this year.)   Ms. Preston confirms something I have long suspected, that the big Indian firms have been filing many more applications for H-1B slots than they need so that in the resulting lottery for slots they get what they really want.   In recent years, the H-1B filings have been in excess of the 85K ceiling, and all applications are then placed in a pool, each presumably with an equal chance of winning the draw [and then twice the 'ceiling' are given out, due to the numerous exemptions].   On this point she writes: 'Together the top five outsourcing companies had prepared as many as 55K applications.   TCS [Tata Consultancy Services]...prepared applications for at least 14K visas [and got] 5,650 of them.'   The Times story presents the gaming of the H-1B program as an account of how the big Indian firms are acting, but without noting that what the firms are doing is aided and abetted by the [Obummer regime].   Given too many applications the government could simply approve applications from those offering the highest salaries, but it does not do so.   This would be helpful to the aliens hired and would run up the costs of the program, which might ultimately force the employers to reach out to the American work force.   Further, though the story mentioned that H-1B fees cost up to $4K, Ms. Preston missed the fact that firms filing applications, but losing, get their money back.   I pointed out in a posting last year that USCIS denied itself a third of a billion dollars [about $333M] in fee income by this decision.   I suggested that some firms might become less enthralled with the H1-B program if they were charged for every application they filed, whether used or not.   In that blog, I wrote that an individual alien seeking to be naturalized, and failing the test, does not get his or her fees back.   But the big, exploitative H-1B firms get their refunds when their applications are denied.   The graphics accompanying the article present a really damning piece of evidence that is not mentioned in the text of the story.   There are bar charts showing what portion of the H-1B slots were filled by people from India in the years 2005 to 2012.   The big American firms, such as Apple, Google, and IBM, reported hiring Indian [guest-workers] at levels ranging from about 20% to about 90% of H-1Bs.   In contrast, the charts show that all seven of the big out-sourcing [i.e. cross-border bodyshopping and off-shoring] firms (such as Tata and Infosys) hired 100% of their H1-Bs from India.   Were a bigoted white American factory owner in the South to hire a 100% white work force, he would be in big trouble with the EEOC and the Justice Department.   But this blatant form of ethnic preference by the Indian firms is OK in the current immigration program.   The Ironic [Anti-Hero] of the Story.   A skilled [highly-skilled or low-skilled, skilled in this or that, none are willing to investigate or say] French citizen, who wanted an H-1B visa and whose potential employer wanted to hire him, lost out in the lottery.   Theo Negri, the article said, did not take this 'rebuff' lightly.   He did what a good computer nerd should do.   He examined the system, found the data described above, and took his story to the Times.   That's an irony that the article did not miss.   Negri has since started up his own company in France [doing good or ill, no one has said]."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
major obvious Newt Gingrich: I think controlling the borders is going to be a real issue in 2016 elections (as it has been in elections of 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 & 2015)

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump says wages (compensation) are too high. Do you agree or disagree?

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
_Conservative HQ_
has Ben Carson blown it by supporting amnesty for illegal aliens?

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Laura Ingraham
poll: the Trump way on immigration suits most Americans

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
Economist/YouGov poll: Donald Trump and GOP voters back each other on visas, immigration, securing borders

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
invasion!: Europe should expect 10M "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals by 2020 warn Angela Merkel's allies

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Ted Cruz: nominating someone who advocates amnesty for illegal aliens is a guarantee Republicans will lose election
"...'I'll say this: If Republicans nominate a candidate who has embraced amnesty, it means we give up that issue in 2016.', he said.   'It means both candidates, the [Republican] and the Democrat, will be supporters of amnesty -- that is a ticket to losing this general election.'..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Marco Rubio: people don't trust the federal government (neither the Clinton, nor Shrub, nor Obummer regimes, and certainly not Rubio) to enforce immigration laws

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Rick Moran _American Thinker_
as the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues, 36.4% of young women still live at parents' home or with close relatives: economy setting young women back 75 years
Ed Morrissey: Hot Air
Claire Groden: Fortune
Lydia Ramsey: Business Insider
Kate Daidson: WSJ

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Jeffry Bartash _MarketWatch_
immigration destinations (graphical map)

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
as Angela Merkel plots to over-throw Germany, the shell-shocked German giant is awakening

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
in airports, "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals, and security and communicable disease vetting

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Paul Bedard _Washington DC Examiner_
poll: Republicans trust Donald Trump most on immigration -- 4 to 1 over Yebbie Booosh & Marco Rubio

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
Ted Cruz opposes amnesty for illegal aliens, Marco Rubio opposes immigration reform

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Laura Ingraham
candidates warn: don't trust Rubio on immigration (partial transcripts and audio)

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Laura Ingraham
Carly Fiorina & Ted Cruz agree: no Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) between election and new congress and president (partial transcript & audio)
Fiorina: How can this TPP treaty possibly be good? (mp3)

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: my immigration reform plan ensures USA's prosperity, security & sovereignty

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
RINOs worry Donald Trump's immigration reform campaign is unstoppable

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
another TSA debacle; is anyone surprised

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Jim Perskie _Jewish World Review_
ambition? who needs it?
"When I was young and people would ask about me, my father, who knew me all too well, would say: 'Jimmy suffers from a distinct lack of ambition.'   Ouch.   I loved him dearly, but I couldn't argue with his assessment then, and I can't argue with it now.   I've been hearing some version of it my whole life.   An eighth-grade teacher told me, 'You do nice work.   But you should do more of it.'   I remember my instant reaction: Huh? Why?   Indeed, a former boss once told me I was a 'why do?' guy as opposed to a 'can do' guy.   He didn't mean it as a compliment, but I took it as one..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Josh Rogin _Jewish World Review_
DoD's lonely war against Russia, Red China, terrorists, as the Obummer regime engages in social experiments and expands unconstitutional activities
"...[Ashton Carter's] top Russia policy official, Evelyn Farkas, who resigned recently, said this month the Pentagon was still pushing for arming the Ukrainians but had been repeatedly over-ruled by the [Obummer] White House [who apparently considers Soviets and Red Chinese and Muslim terrorists as allies against what they consider to be the Great Satan USA]..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Noah Smith _Jewish World Review_
driverless cars: beyond the draconian Big Brother abuses, as lovers of collectivism/ haters of individual liberty and privacy grow ever more excited

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
the supremes' bizarre biases: ambulance-chasers, government-backed protection racketeers, the power-mad

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
the gifts to this friend are the stories of a life-time

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
*** grievance versus gratitude ***

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
"When it comes to changing a state, which is only a political union [of individuals], into a people [a cultural union of individuals], there is nothing like defeat.   Not just losing a great war or enduring a great depression, but a definitive defeat that changes everything from then on, and spells The End of everything that has come before.   For Southerners, that single Event was The War (1861-65).   Accepting the National Book Award for _The Moviegoer_, which was published in 1962, a century after The War was fought, Walker Percy was asked why the Southern view of history was so different from that of the rest of the country.   He had a simple explanation: 'We lost.'   For a generation of Arabs, the pivotal Event occurred in 1967.   That was the year a small, beleaguered Israel struck back at the Arab armies Gamal Abdel Nasser had amassed from the Sinai desert to the Golan Heights, first to encircle the Jewish state and then wipe it off the map.   And defeated all of them, one by one, within six days.   Talk about a shock.   Arab intellectuals reacted by going off in all directions, some taking refuge in unconvincing excuses, others by joining radical movements.   But one of them, Fouad Ajami, was different.   For he realized that here was not just another defeat but a defining one.   To quote Samuel Tadros' tribute to Ajami in the current Hoover Digest: 'For Ajami, 1967 was not just a setback, nor was it a military defeat; it was an embodiment of something rotten and fundamentally wrong, deeply rooted in Arab culture and society.   Ajami was brave enough to bring this thing out to the open.   It was like revealing a family secret kept in the dark for so long.   No wonder that the family rejected him as an outcast.'..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Goldie Blumenstyk _Chronicle of Higher Education_
model for accreditation reform
"The model, from Entangled Solutions, calls for evaluating traditional institutions and other education providers based on students' opinions of the programs once they've left, and on 'valid, reliable, and appropriate' tests of student learning. It would also require the providers to measure specific outcomes, such as how attending a program changed students' earnings and job prospects..."
There might be problems with extraneous factors affecting those outcomes.   Say, for instance, racial or nationality or sex bias might make a simplistic analysis seem to show that US citizen grads are less competent, despite intelligence, industry, creativity, regardless of GPA, simply because the guest-manager refused to hire anyone not of his own nationality, with knowledge of his own obscure dialect, and that, from his point of view, only his cousins (closer or more distant) are "qualified" to do the job...   or vice versa, perhaps the native American refuses to hire anyone from Germany.   An outcome-based scale would be deceptive in such cases.   And what is the "outcomes" measure for people who studied a particular set of subjects because she wanted to learn those things, regardless of the job market.   Further, let's say that said person is brilliant, industrious, creative, and learned those things well, but there's no job market for that specific combination of knowledge (no, I'm not talking only about, e.g. early 18th century French literature majors).

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Paul Ryan: veterans fought to preserve our heritage, our liberty, respect for our rights, but it is up to us to pass on that heritage (or destroy it through excessive immigration, unconstitutional activities like ObummerDoesn'tCare, tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood, income extortion, Socialist Insecurity Abomination, Medicare, Medicaid, government accessing of personal private medical and telecommunications...)

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
pro-lifers take fight against Planned Parenthood to Times Square

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry: I am determined to restore USA tax-victim funding to Muslim terrorists

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer/Kerry DoS refuses to criticize EU move to label products from "Israeli settlements" in Eastern Israel
"...The West Bank (Judea-Samaria) and eastern Jerusalem were [re-captured] from Jordan and the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War, and [whack-job leftists and Muslim terrorists] them as illegally occupied [even though they are well within the traditional and historical boundaries of the Promised Land, which extended some miles west of the Jordan river, and north well into what are now Syria and Lebanon].   Hundreds of thousands of Israelis live in towns and villages in the [Eastern Israel] and eastern Jerusalem, and another 20K-plus on the Golan Heights...   Israeli companies in those areas employ some 30K Palestinians...   Goods originating in settlements in [Eastern Israel], East Jerusalem and Golan Heights [dont' get] benefit from preferential tariff treatment under an EU-Israel association agreement..."
I heard Mark Levin talking about this some time in the last few days, and I don't "get it".   The corrupt WTO has decreed that consumers are not permitted to know where their food comes from, their meat in particular, that truth in labeling is anathema.   But, to harm Israel, they're eager for country of origin labeling.   Why not be honest and let purchasers exercise their rights?   Why not honestly label products of every kind with the weight, or mass or volume, and the percentage origin of constituents?   Why not honestly report the birth-place of cattle, sheept, goats, etc., and the place where it was raised, where it was prepared for market, where it was "processed"?   Why not honestly report that x% of your CPU came from Red China or VietNam or Singapore or whatever, and y% of your SSD and/or disk drive was designed in Kansas City or Arden Hills, and manufactured in China or Hong Kong or Guangdong Red China or whatever?   What is it that people oppose honesty in this commerce situation, but not in that commerce situation?   Why not report that z% of MSFT's and Oracle's and Apple's and Gannett's and McClatchy's software product coders, and w% of designers are from Kolkata or Sopchoppy or Massapequa or Ghana as the case may be?   And, in the spirit of reciprocating the EU's biases, that should include clearly noting areas of Israel occupied by Palestinians.

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
_Washington DC Examiner_
political correctness foofraw show that college is over-rated

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _American Thinker_
how the USA failed to keep the republic
"The story, whether true or not, is that after the Constitution was adopted in closed proceedings at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Ben Franklin was asked on the street what form of government was created.   He replied, 'A republic -- if you can keep it.'   Through the creation of the 'Administrative State', with vast bureaucracies violating the separation of powers in ways unaccountable to the people and the Constitution itself, America has failed to keep the republican form of government created by the Founders.   Former Reagan administration lawyer Charles Cooper has penned a must-read essay, 'Confronting the Administrative State', which in terms of brilliance in describing the root causes plaguing [the USA's] governance, ranks with Angelo Codevilla's 'America's Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution'.   Cooper's essay describes how America has failed to keep the republic because the constitutional structure created by Franklin and his fellow Founders is no longer the law of the land.   The Administrative State 'has become a sovereign power unto itself, an imperium in imperio regulating virtually every dimension of our lives.   Its nearly 450 agencies are manned by legions of bureaucrats, now numbering almost 2.7M.', [wrote] Cooper.   Unlike the frequent violations of the Constitution through legislation or executive orders that may be reversed by future congresses or presidents, the Administrative State has become an institutionalized violation of the constitutional structure itself..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
MO lieutenant-governor Peter Kinder blames decades of leftist domination of schools and universities for appalling actions

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
13-year-old, using his mother's shot-gun, shot one home-invader, fended off another
"...Both men have extensive criminal histories including assault with intent to kill, third-degree burglary, and manufacturing and distributing a controlled substance, Fox reported..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Norway: Russians using sex and vodka to blackmail politicians
"Norwegian authorities claim Russian spies have been blackmailing politicians, including members of parliament, into revealing state secrets by enticing them with vodka and sex.   Norway's Police Intelligence Service (PST) said Russian agents have been reverting to Cold War tactics..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Lolita C. Baldor _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
DoD secretary Ashton Carter's top aide lieutenant-general Ron Lewis is under investigation

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
USA Holocaust Museum report: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate targeting of Yezidis is genocide

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson to faculty, staff & students at Liberty U: trust in the Lord with all your heart

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Ben Carson: everybody called me a dummy in school...
"'In fact I was a horrible student, and everybody called me dummy.   That was my nickname, and I believed it too.   I didn't think I was very smart, and I remember once we were having an argument in the schoolyard about who was the dumbest kid in the class.   It wasn't a big argument, because they all agreed it was me.', said Carson, 'But then someone had to extend the argument to who was the dumbest in the world, and I said, Wait a minute.   There are billions of people in the world.   And they said, Yep, and you're the dumbest one....   'There was one person who didn't think that I was dumb, and that was my mother.   She always thought that there was something there, and she would always say, Benjamin, you're much too smart to bring home grades like this., Carson said.   'I brought them home anyway, but she was always saying that, and she just didn't know what to do, and she prayed, and she asked God for wisdom to know what to do to get her sons to understand the importance of intellectual development.'..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the grandest miracle in Israel's history

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Alan Keyes _WND_
what has become of the USA and our constitution

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
John Knox _WND_
senseless in Seattle

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Christians, Muslims, troops of Bahar al-Assad join togetehr to defend Biblical town Sadad/Zedad from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Akron, Ohio man arrested for supporting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, leaking USA military personnel information

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Andrea Noble & John Solomon _Washington DC Times_
Los Angeles cops burglarized Dan Bilzerian's West Hollywood home and took my firearms without a warrant, continue to engage in punishment by bureaucracy without trial
"For 2 months after the break-in, Mr. Bilzerian, a professional poker player and gun rights champion, says police inexplicably continued to keep the nine firearms under lock and key without a warrant.   When the eight pistols and one rifle were returned to their owner about a week ago, all the ammunition for the firearms was missing, raising questions about the LAPD's protocol for seizing firearms.   'All of my ammunition and the magazines were gone.   And they couldn't explain what happened to the magazines, but that ammo couldn't be released with a firearm and that I'd have to schedule a separate three-hour visit for the ammo.', Mr. Bilzerian told The Washington Times.   'If they are gonna take the guns and make me wait for 3 hours at the police station, they should at the very least return what came with them.'..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
corrupt Obummer regime added record $339G to federal government debt in 1 day

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
members of select committee to investigate terrorist attack on USA consulate in Benghazi argue over planned trip to Europe and North Africa

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
Kurds seized Sinjar, northern Iraq

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Abraham Cooper & Yitzchok Adlerstein _Washington DC Times_
MSLSD tries to deceive with maps misrepresenting historical boundaries of Israel and Palestine=Gaza Strip
"...What the maps called 'Palestine' was the name the British, who conquered it from the [Ottoman] Turks in WW1, called until [the UK] left the Holy Land in 1948.   Indeed, the hundreds of thousands of Jews living there during that period were called Palestinian Jews.   The English language newspaper of the Jews was called The Palestine Post.   It would only be renamed The Jerusalem Post in 1950.   Local Arabs didn't emerge as a distinct national group called Palestinians until the 1970s.   As for the land depicted in pre-1948 maps, it included large parcels bought by Jews..."

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
James Borton _Washington DC Times_
meanwhile, the Red Chinese are attempting empirical expansion

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Donald Lambro _Washington DC Times_
GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression continues

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Ralph Z. Hallow _Washington DC Times_
David Lane of the "American Renewal Project" has recruitd 500 pastors to run for office -- with eventual aim of 1K -- to restore values in USA

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
Neil Cavuto gives economics lesson to student Keely Mullen who wants college education without paying for it

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Caleb Shaw
micro-critters rule!

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Drieu Godefridi
"the UN IPCC does not make recommendations"

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Anthony Watts
climate pseudo-science jumps the shark: sharks' ability to hunt is "destroyed" due to higher CO2

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Willis Eschenbach
a tale of 2 convergences

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Willis Eschenbach
one of the longest-running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the internet

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
union boss on Keystone XL pipe-line: Obummer's disdain for working people is evident; he's a pompous, pandering job killer

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
EPA kept sex-offender employees on staff on administrative leave at cost of $1M

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Matt Vespa _Town Hall_
EPA ozone regulations cost Americans $56.6G in wages, 242K jobs between 2008 & 2013

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-11-12 (5776 Cheshvan 30)
Talmud 101
a time-line of transmission of Torah
the 3 "orders" of the Mishnah (sheshah sederi mishnah)
Yosef Eisen: Babylonian Talmud
Tzvi Freeman: is it really the Torah, or is it just the rabbis' opinions?
Tzvi Freeman: God in the Talmud
the history of the Talmud
Nissan Mindel: the sages of the Mishnaic Age -- the Tannaim (3488-3950 == 273BCE-190BCE)
Nissan Mindel: the sages of the Talmudic Age -- the Amoraim

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "To truly love the Divine, one must first love man.   And if one tells you that he loves the Divine but does not love his fellow man, he is lying." --- Chassidic proverb (Jewish World Review)  




Yom Shishi



2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the myth of H-1B job creation
Town Hall
Human Events
Cybercast News Service
National Review
"Every day brings new headlines, ignored by the Washington press corps [leftist media], of U.S. workers losing their livelihoods to cheap H1-B visa replacements.   Just this week, ComputerWorld reported: 'Fury and fear in Ohio as IT jobs go to India'.   Yet, it remains an article of faith among Big Business flacks and Beltway hacks that H-1B not only protects American jobs, but also fuels miraculous job growth.   The myths are recycled and regurgitated by the likes of senator Orrin Hatch (R=UT)...   Standard research practice is to formulate a research hypothesis and specify a study sample before the analysis has been completed.   The practice of 'data dredging' -- that is, tweaking the sample data until one gets rid of 'anomalous results' -- is frowned upon.   To her credit, Zavodny provided her data to a curious software developer in Silicon Valley who was interested in immigration policy.   The blogger, R. Davis, discovered a number of serious methodological deficiencies in Zavodny's work.   Most importantly, he documented that Zavodny's results are highly sensitive to the date range selected.   When she studied the years 2000-2007, she found 100 foreign-born workers in STEM fields with advanced degrees from U.S.A. universities were associated with 262 additional jobs for native-born Americans.   But change the date range a little bit to 2002-2008, and the exact same regression model shows the destruction of 110 jobs for natives, according to the independent researcher.   Also, Zavodny's '262 additional jobs' factoid deals not with H-1B visa holders but with foreign-born workers in so-called STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math) who have advanced degrees (that is, a master's or doctorate) from U.S. universities.   About 45% of H-1B visa holders do not have advanced degrees (as noted above), let alone advanced degrees from U.S.A. universities.   According to public policy professor Ron Hira of Howard University, only 1 in 206 of H-1B workers at off-shore outsourcing giant Infosys holds an advanced degree from a U.S.A. university.   Even fewer of Tata Consultancy Services H-1B workers do -- just 1 in 222.   So there is almost no overlap between the highly-educated workers in Zavodny's '262 additional jobs' analysis and the mostly entry-level workers who actually come to the U.S.A. on H-1B visas.   While industry lobbyists have to employ dubious and convoluted means to show H-1B creates jobs, it is brutally simple to show that H-1B workers take American jobs.   Just ask the folks who trained their H-1B replacements at Disney, Southern California Edison, Toys R Us, Fossil and countless other companies across the nation..."
Slash Dot discussion
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Katie Zezima & David Weigel _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz challenges Marco Rubio on immigration
"...Cruz blasted Rubio for his support of a failed immigration reform bill [or, more honestly descriptive: immigration law perversion bills, S744 and I-squared] that would have granted a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, telling conservative radio host Laura Ingraham that Rubio had opposed adding provisions to the bill that would have strengthened border security.   'He opposed every single one of them.   Every single amendment.', said Cruz, who had introduced some of those amendments.   'It's not like people were quiet in sharing their concerns at the time.   It's not like one had to engage...   It's not like this was rocket science.'..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Lorne Cook & Frances d'Emilio _Cybercast News Service/_AP_
EU borders tighten, fences going up (and it only took them 50-60 years to realize the necessity after the massive waves of invasion had begun)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
much media coverage for a single "administrative law judge" in the immigration field
"...The Louisiana Crane Company was charged not for hiring illegal aliens, but for asking too many questions of its workers about their legal status..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexican government considers what to do about Central American "migration"

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Laura Ingraham
Marco Rubio's immigration muddle; after being smacked down, he's sponsored more bad, anti-reform bills
Manu Raju: CNN

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Laura Ingraham
Ted Cruz vs. Marco Rubio on immigration reform
National Review

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
_Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are correct: Marco Rubio (and Luis Gutierrez) have been working hard against immigration reform

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Rick Santorum: Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have both backed amnesty for illegal aliens, humongous increase in corrupt guest-work visa programs

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Laura Ingraham
candidates realize immigration reform is a litmus test in election of president

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal: stand up for reform against special interests pushing amnesty for illegal aliens, and Communist Corpse

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Hungary's prime-minister Viktor Orban: "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal invasion is a European & USA leftist/Red/Dem plot to import left-wing voters

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Hungary's prime-minister Viktor Orban & 3 other nations are sending 300 border police to Greece to slow the invasion

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
UK poll: most Brits want to leave EU

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Angela Merkel's approval rating down 26 points

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Nigel Farage member of European parliament _Breitbart_
Europe can't put the "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal champagne cork back in the open-borders bottle

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Christian girls beaten, locked up for using "Muslim toilets" in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan (so, where's the senator from Punjab, Hitlery Rotten Clinton?)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Benjamin Netanyahu's description of the Middle East situation os right on the mark
Town Hall
"...The Islamic State believes the Muslim world took a wrong turn more than a thousand years ago.   The Taliban, the Wahhabis, al-Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood and all the other Islamists share this same worldview to one extent or another.   Not every Islamist believes in crucifying Christians or throwing acid in the face of little girls going to school.   But they all reject modernity, pluralism, secularism, democracy and, in many cases, even science..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Yanan Wang _Jewish World Review_
holocaust twins: Jack Yufe, raised as a Jew and separated for years from his ex-Nazi twin brother, died at age 82

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
why Ted Cruz gets no respect from RINOs, Reds/leftists/Dems, and the leftist media

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Humberto Fontova _Town Hall_
NYTimes partnering with Castro regime in attempt to smear Ted Cruz

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
assessing the Republican + RINO field
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily
Town Hall

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
"hurt feelings", "unsafe spaces" and other Israeli "crimes"

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Rick McKee _WND_
stay out of my "safe space": infantile college students (cartoon)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
snow-flakes or fascists?
Town Hall

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Glenn Harlan Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
after the recent idiocy at Yale and Mizzou, maybe we should raise the voting age to 25
World Net Daily
USA Today/Gannett
Mary Chastain: Breitbart: USMC veteran shows the idiocy of the spoiled students in 3 brief twits

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Alan Dershowitz on college/university political correctness ru amuck: "the fog of fascism is descending"

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
David Harsanyi _Town Hall_
the 1st amendment is under constant attack

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton tells it to the Marines: revelling in tall tales badly told

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Scott Rasmussen _Town Hall_
of course we should let the incompetently managed big banks fail

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
the mighty meek: Toldos/תּוֹלְדֹת/Tuldeth
"...One biblical figure stands out as a 'non-shtarker', a gentle soul, perhaps even a pacifist.   I refer, of course, to Isaac, the hero of the Torah portion we read this week, Toldos (Genesis 25:19-28:9).   Isaac commits no aggressive acts, however legitimate they might be, and never even asserts himself verbally.   I have long been conscious of the contrast between Isaac and the other major characters of the Bible.   But only recently was I made aware of a fascinating problem.   It was brought to my attention by Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv in his excellent Hebrew-language book on the weekly Torah portions, titled MiSinai Ba (He Came From Sinai).   Rabbi Shaviv concurs with my view of Isaac as a decidedly non-militant personality.   But he is troubled by the fact that in the Jewish mystical tradition, the trait of gevurah, strength, is assigned to Isaac and not to the other Patriarchs.   Thus, in Kabbalistic terminology, Abraham represents chesed, compassion, and Jacob stands for tiferes, harmony.   It is gentle Isaac who carries the banner of gevurah.   How are we to understand this perplexing attribution of strength to that patriarch who seems to least exemplify it?..."
Bereishis/Genesis/בראשית/Brashith/be rashith 25:19 - 28:9
Malachi/מלאכי/Melaki 1:1 - 2:7
613 Mitzvoth
Aseret ha Dibrot/the 10 commandments

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
R' Label Lam _Torah.org_
What a Terrible Mistake
"...It is entitled ALL EUROPEAN LIFE DIED IN AUSCHWITZ under a pseudonym Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez in 2008:   'I walked down the street in Barcelona and suddenly discovered a terrible truth -- Europe died in Auschwitz...   We killed 6M Jews and replaced them with 20M Muslims.   In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent.   We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world...   The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world.   These are the people we burned.   And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20M Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride.   They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime.   Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.   And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.   We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.   What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe...'   What a terrible mistake!"
American Clarion
Free Republic
MMO Champion

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
#1 Sunni terrorists, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, targets #1 shiite terrorists Hezbollah in Beirut, Lebanon
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Randall Chase _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Secret Service officer accused of trying to solicit a 14-year-old on-line while on duty at the White House

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Tom de Weese _Conservative HQ_
compassion? or hateful theft and robbery?
"...First, if government would stop dragging people down by their wallets, then those poor victims might just be able to pull themselves up by the boot straps.   For example, liberals viciously attack employers as greedy for not paying their workers enough as they demand that government enforce a higher minimum wage...   However, if employees actually received 100% of the pay-check the employers provide [and the federal debt and Fed fabrication of currency weren't repeatedly driving up prices], then most workers could live quite well on their wages.   Instead, before the employer can actually write the pay check and hand it to the employee, the government has already taken 35% to 50%.   On top of that, the employer also has to match the employee's [socialist insecurity] tax payment.   That's part of the employee expense.   [Liberal] Conservatives oppose this [hateful leftism].   Today, falling gas prices are finally giving consumers a small break for their pocket-book.   The extra $15 to $25 saved on a fill up as the nation recovers from the crush of the $4.00 per gallon costs of just a year ago, can help buy food, school supplies, maybe even a movie night where families can spend time together.   Not happy to allow people to actually find a useful purpose for their own money, [hateful leftists] are rushing to pressure state legislatures and city councils to increase gas taxes to put those savings into government pockets instead, so bankrupt governments can continue to pay for all of the massive spending programs..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
why it is good that Rand Paul remains in the primary

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Jason Russell _Washington DC Examiner_
where are the cuts in federal government's over-spending?

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Laura Ingraham
it is heartening to see the RINOs panic over the possibility that Donald Trump or Ben Carson might win

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Israelis -- father & son -- murdered by Palestinian Muslim terrorist in Otniel Junction, Eastern Israel... 5 other children survive with minor injuries

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Israel should maintain control of Temple Mount, let Muslims have the 2 plazas immediately surrounding their mosques
"The first Temple of Solomon is written in the Bible to have been built around 3K years ago and was destroyed by the Babylonians about 500 years later.   The exact location is disputed but most historians place it somewhere on what is currently called the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.   The second temple is written to have been constructed less than 100 years later on the same spot, [was remodeled and refurbished, and the new Western Wall built in the time of the Roman-appointed culturally Greek, Idumaean/Edomite Herod,] only to be destroyed by the Romans around 70CE when the Jews rebelled against Caesar.   Islam entered the picture hundreds of years later when Muslims conquered Jerusalem in 637CE.   Jerusalem is the third holiest site in Islam.   Muslims believe Mohammed ascended to heaven from the Temple Mount where Muslim caliphates built several religious structures, including the Dome of the Rock, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.   Muslim kings ruled Jerusalem until the fall of the city to the Crusaders in 1091CE, only to recapture it a few centuries later..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
Islamic honor murders in USA on the rise
"There are approximately 25-27 Islamic [honor murders] in [the United States of America] each year, around the world there are more than 5K.   If you aren't familiar, an [honor murder] is typically carried out by a father against his daughter when he believes she has dishonored the family by somehow violating shariah law.   Wives are also often the victims of [honor murders].   'Crimes' include dating non-Muslim men, wearing western clothing, going against the wishes of the men in the house and more..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
left pays tribute to "kind and gentle", soccer-loving, murdering ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate terrorist

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Russia has embarrassed Obummer into getting a little more serious about combatting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Bill Clinton DoD paid "psychics" to gather "intelligence" via ESP; experiments continue

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Bradlee Dean _American Clarion_
USA, is it a foreign enemy attacking you?
"...Since 2001 September 11, who has been creating un-constitutional bureaucracies to further control and oppress the American people?   Has it been a Third World foreign dictator?   Was the un-constitutional Patriot Act enacted by a foreign government? The Patriot Act was not read by one representative and was pushed through at 03:45!...   Or what of the un-constitutional Department of Homeland Security [DHS], which is premised on a pretended authority, stacking oversight and control over to those who are known Muslim Brotherhood operatives (Fox in the chicken coop)? &nbp; Is this done by a foreign dictator?   The Transportation Security Administration [TSA] is another pretended authority and created office to violate Americans while traveling to and fro.   Remember, this does not apply to illegal immigrants.   They are there to harass Americans, a clear violation of the 4th amendment [and 2nd amendment] of the Bill of Rights.   Is it a foreign Third World dictator that is labeling American Christians and patriots as the enemies of the state?   Is it a foreign Third World dictator that is covering up for terrorists?   Is it a foreign Third World dictator that is being sued by governors on the southern borders who were magnifying the laws of our constitutional republic against illegal immigrants?   Is it a foreign government attempting to divide and conquer the America people in hopes of domestic insurrection?   Or was it a foreign Third World dictator that released 179,027 illegal felonies onto the streets, endangering the lives of Americans last week?   Is it a foreign Third World dictator that seeks to strip Americans from the RIGHT to bear arms?   Is it a foreign Third World dictator trying to demoralize America..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Robert R. Owens _American Clarion_
now many nails does it take to seal a coffin? How many lopsided trade deals does it take to teach a nation they are being sold down the river?

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Dustin Howard _American Clarion_
Obummer DoJ secures crony socialist plunder for leftists

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Jason Snead _Cybercast News Service_
data show no gun violence epidemic
"In 2013, the number of violent crimes perpetrated was 37% [of what] it was just 2 decades earlier.   In 1994, there were 23,326 murders in the United States; by 2013, that number had fallen to 14,196, an incredible 39% decline.   More specifically, according to the Department of Justice [DoJ], the number of firearm-related homicides declined from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.   The Department of Justice [DoJ] further concludes that even non-fatal gun-related crimes are declining, dropping 69% between 1993 and 2011..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
chairman of the House Intelligence committee Devin Nunes (R-CA): the West is at an extremely high terror threat alert level in wake of Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Muslim terrorists attack in Paris: will capitol hill GOP stop Obummer from importing them here?

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
France under siege: Muslim terrorists attack in Paris: possibly more than 150 dead, hundreds wounded, president declares borders closed: live updates from about 16:45EST to 00:43EST

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Curtis Ellis _WND_
Obummer and the UN's radical MidEast misdiagnosis
"...The president did not explain why young people from Western countries that offer freedom of religion, rule of law, opportunity and dignity are leaving to join a totalitarian cult opposed to all these things..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Liberty Institute president Kelly Shackelford: if Americans don't fight for religious liberty, they will lose it

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
perverse U of MN student government rejected resolution of respect for USA citizens killed in Muslim terrorist attacks of 2001-09-11

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Akin Oyedele _Business Insider_
UMich consumer sentiment index for mid-November was 93.1
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Eric Worrall
congress passed "space mining" act; there are no limits to growth

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Anthony Watts & Joe Wallach
censorship used to promote the notion of anthropogenic global warming

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Anthony Watts & Joe Wallach
Friday funny: Paul Ehrlich's review of Mark Steyn's book on Michael Mann's work

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Eric Worrall
half-way to 3C warming... and all is well

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Eric Worrall
breaking news: major terrorist atrocities in Paris, just weeks until COP21

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Anthony Watts
Heartland Institute leading contingent of climate realists to Paris for UN's COP21 conference
"December 7 events with CFACT and CEI include 'Day of Examining the Data', world premiere of 'Climate Hustle' documentary..."

2015-11-13 (5776 Kislev 01)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "The electoral system of the colonies was capable of giving a very real representation to a multiplicity of local interests.   It is not, for that reason, to be considered as the kind of system that would in later centuries be called a 'democracy'.   The election laws... disqualified it from such a description, which, significantly, the colonists themselves would have indignantly rejected.   To the (rather limited) extent that the colonies needed to be governed, the system was capable of giving adequate gov't; when their interests, upon the consensus of colonial opinion, required opposition or resistance to Britain, the same system was capable of formulating that resistance.   It was an age, not of democracy, but of political capability.   The later democracy of equal political rights & equal access or eligibility, at all levels of the State, could not have developed without this foundation of capable self-gov't.   the capacity for responsible self-government requires a subtle fusion of laws & habits -- of respect for law with respect for custom.   Societies can acquire these characteristics & learn these values gradually, by diffused experience & in all probability not otherwise.   That is the fundamental significance of the history of the Anglo-American Whig republic.   The contrast between the transformation of American gov't from capability to democracy & the transformation which followed the over-throw of the ancien regime in France & revolutionary Europe, is infinitely greater & more impassable than the contrast between the comparable process in America & Britain.   Americans, building for the future after 1776, were committed to the belief that their heirs ought to be under republican forms of gov't.   They were not committed to any belief in the advent of democracy.   The sense in which [the founders] understood their own words committed them to giving permanent security to the interests of property, when necessary at the expense of those... who owned no property or too little...   it was one of the legacies of the 18th century that, in America, rights were facts too." --- J.R. Pole 1966 _Political Representation in England & the Origins of the American Republic_  




Yom Shabbat



2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
UN plan estimates up to 600K new Middle East "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals will enter Europe in the next 4 months (with map)
"...as many as 5K Middle Eastern refugees and migrants could pass from Turkey into Europe each day over the next four months—with a total of 600K moving into Europe from November through February..."

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
_Cybercast News Service_
witnesses say Muslim terrorists in Paris were silent and calm, firing AK-47s into crowds for 10 minutes

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
USA DoD secretary Ashton Carter hails France's "vibrant, multi-cultural democracy"
"...In fact, [Obummer] never used the word multi-culturalism in his first remarks on the terror attacks.   [Obummer] instead described the situation as a clash of cultures -- 'human progress' vs. 'a hateful vision'.   Typically, Obummer avoided any mention of radical Islam.   At least 127 people were killed by 8 terrorists, armed with rifles and suicide vests.   President Hollande of France on Saturday blamed the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, and called the attacks 'an act of war'..."

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
flash-back 2014 July: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate terrorist threatened to "fill the streets of Paris with dead bodies"

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
immigration has always been a national security issue; the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris merely pile on more evidence

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
British prime-minister David Cameron: it is clear that the threat from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is evolving

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Christopher Hull _US News & World Report_
Obummer is dead wrong about the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris
"...Specifically, though the president painfully and repeatedly refuses to say so, Islamic jihadis do not share Western values...   Of course, he would also have you believe that climate change is a bigger threat than (Islamic) terror.   He insists, 'There's no greater threat to our planet than climate change.'   Well, Paris -- and New York on 2001/09/11 and Beirut in 1983 and well, New York in 1993 and Beirut last week and Paris earlier this year -- are trying over and over to teach us different.   The truth is, and the Western world is united in believing it, there's no greater threat to our planet than Islamic jihad...   Unfortunately, [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] own FBI director, James Comey, says the U.S.A. can't properly vet Syrians for ties to Islamic jihad.   Likewise, the assistant director for the FBI, Michael Steinback, has told congress that when it comes to Syrian refugees, 'We don't have it under control.'   'Absolutely, we're doing the best we can," he testified in February before the House.   'If I were to say that we had it under control, then I would say I know of every single individual traveling.   I don't.   And I don't know every person there and I don't know everyone coming back.   So it's not even close to being under control.'   Alabama GOP senator Jeff Sessions, who chairs the Senate Immigration and the National Interest subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, repeatedly asked Matthew Emrich, associate director of the Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS], to confirm or deny Mr. Steinback's claim that Syrian refugees were 'clearly a population of concern' and that U.S. data-bases don't have information on them.   Emmrich eventually fell silent.   But you don't have to.   This is where we are not yet helpless.   'Refugees' -- amusingly called 'migrants' by sympathetic news outlets trying to finesse that they are generally both illegal and immigrants -- have swept through Europe and permeated the national media, as well...   In fact, refugees and asylees have played key roles in terror activities from the 1993 World Trade Center bombing to the ongoing flow of al-Shabab recruits from Minnesota.   And it will get worse if we ignore the threat..."

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Donald Trump embraces families of children murdered by illegal aliens

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Bob Ellis _American Clarion_
the electable Ted Cruz

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
saturated with leftism USA campuses "celebrate" "diversity" in everything but thought

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
politicize the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris
"On 2015 Oct. 1, a [murderer] shot people at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon.   The next day, [Barack Hussein Obummer] announced he would politicize the event and push for gun control [to spread the killing-zone to all of the USA].   Friday evening, as most real Americans were heading home after a long week at work, word came from Paris, France, of a horrible terrorist attack.   The well-coordinated assaults resulted in 158 people being massacred in the City of Lights.   It is time to politicize the Paris attacks.   The left, which had no objection to Obama politicizing the Umpqua shootings, will scream in feigned horror at the idea of politicizing a tragedy.   The truth is, politics created this tragedy and either real Americans stand up now and politicize Paris or we will see blood run in the streets of American cities.   European politicians, led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, decided they would open their borders to the so-called 'Syrian refugees'.   Amazingly enough, many of these refugees were not from Syria and about 90% were military aged males..."

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
James P. Pinkerton _Breitbart_
reflections on Muslim terrorist attack in Paris: part 1 can we learn from the past?
"...Once again, French cops don't lack for skill, nor for hard-nosedness.   Instead, what they lack are numbers relative to the size of the problem.   That is, the 2 main police forces in France are the 'Police nationale' and 'Gendarmerie'; they total about 240K.   Meanwhile, France has a population of some 66M, of which probably more than 10% are Muslim.   So that's 6M or 7M people—nobody really knows, and the number is increasing all the time—who constitute the huge 'sea' in which [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate/ al-Qaeda/ Hamas/ Fatah/ Hizbollah-type] terrorists can swim.   And of course, worldwide, in this era of jet airplanes and open borders, the Muslim Ummah -- including an unknown number of supporters, cheer-leaders, and financiers -- totals more than 1.5G..."
part 2 what we can learn from Napoleon Bonaparte, Arnold Toynbee, and other dead white european men
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
beyond e-mail messages: embassy classified information was unprotected under Hitlery Rotten Clinton
"...There is a largely unknown security scandal emerging, which centers not on the doomed U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, but on the American Embassy in Tripoli about 400 miles away...   It was known in the State Department and at the highest levels that neither facility in Libya -- the one in Tripoli or the one in Benghazi -- met the minimum physical security standards set after our embassy was attacked in Kenya in 1998...   But the former head of Africa Command, general Carter Ham, testified before congress on 2013 June 26 that 'There was no Marine security detachment in Tripoli.'   Breitbart Jerusalem has confirmed with the press office of the U.S. Marines that no marine contingent was deployed in Tripoli on 2012 September 11..."

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Anthony Watts
claim: Arctic sea ice plays a pivotal role in the Arctic methane cycle

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
David Seigel
follow up: how a leftist ade the switch from warmist hysteric to skeptic

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Bob Fernley Jones
corrupted Australian surface temperature records

2015-11-14 (5776 Kislev 02)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "This fierce spirit of Liberty is stronger in the English Colonies probably than in any other people on earth...   They are therefore not only devoted to Liberty, but to Liberty according to English ideas, & on English principles.   Abstract liberty, like other mere abstractions, is not to be found.   Liberty inheres in some sensible object...   It happened, you know, Sir, that the great contests for freedom in this country were from the earliest times chiefly upon the question of Taxing.   Most of the contests in the ancient common-wealths turned primarily on the right of election of magistrates...   The question of money was not with them so immediate. But in England it was otherwise...   The Colonies draw from you, as with their life-blood, these ideas & principles.   Their love of liberty, as with you, fixed & attached on this specific point of taxing.   Liberty might be safe, or might be endangered, in 20 other particulars, without their being much pleased or alarmed. Here they felt its pulse, & as they found that beat, they thought themselves sick or sound." --- Edmund Burke 1775-03-22"Thoughts on the Present Discontents: 2 Speeches on America" (E.J. Payne 1881 _Burke Selected Works_ quoted in Charles Adams 1993 _For Good & Evil_)  



Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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