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updated: 2019-12-29
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"It is only by saving from income, and retrenching expenditure, that the national capital can be increased; & neither the income would be increased nor the expenditure diminished by the annihilation of the national debt. It is by the profuse expenditure of gov't & of individuals, & by loans, that the country is impoverished; every measure, therefore, which is calculated to promote public & private economy will relieve the public distress; but it is error & delusion to suppose that a real national difficulty can be removed by shifting it from the shoulders of one class of the community, who justly ought to bear it, to the shoulders of another class, who, upon every principle of equity, ought to bear no more than their share... it must not be inferred that I consider the system of borrowing as the best calculated to defray the extraordinary expenses of the state. It is a system which tends to make us less thrifty -- to blind us to our real situation... A country which has accumulated a large debt is placed in a most artificial situation... it becomes the interest of every contributor to withdraw his shoulder from the burthen, & to shift this payment from himself to another; & the temptation to remove himself & his capital to another country, where he will be exempted from such burthens, becomes at last irresistible, & overcomes the natural reluctance which every man feels to quit the place of his birth & the scene of his early associations. A country which has involved itself in the difficulties attending this artificial system would act wisely by ransoming itself from them at the sacrifice of any portion of its property which might be necessary to redeem its debt. That which is wise in an individual is wise also in a nation." --- David Ricardo 1817 _The Principles of Political Economy & Taxation_ pg 162-163 |
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2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Guy Milliere _Ruthfully Yours_
false friends: the global war against Israel
GateStone Institute
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton on her "empathize with enemies" remark: it's very difficult when dealing with barbaric groups like ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Ted Cruz immigration plan is imperfect, but big step in the right direction
Ted Cruz's immigration plan
Rick Santorum's immigration plan
Donald Trump's immigration plan
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Caitlin Huey-Burns _Real Clear Politics_
Donald Trump adds fuel to the immigration debate
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Brent Wheat _Bearing Arms_
ways to avoid being killed during a terrorist attack
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Pamela Geller _WND_
Muslim terrorst murders in Paris: this is war
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Armstrong Williams _Washington DC Times_
Paris rises in defiance of terrorism
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
John Fund _National Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists and their charade of refusing to recognize violence-initiating Muslims: magical thinking that if they refuse to admit the existence of something it will cease to exist
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Christopher Monckton _WND_
is Mr. "My Muslim Faith" a terrorist sympathizer?
"...It is their silence that is leading me, among others, to wonder whether we should any longer regard Islam as a religion at all. And that is a shame: for it was the formidable scholarship of Islam, in the Damascus and Baghdad of the 9th to the 12th centuries, that kept civilization alive while Christian Europe was in the intellectual doldrums of the Dark Ages. Also, Islam upholds some of the Christian teachings -- on abortion and homosexuality, for instance -- that Christian bishops nowadays seem too politically correct to defend. However, the conclusion can no longer be avoided: Today, except perhaps in the Ahmadiyya sect, there is no such thing as moderate Islam. And even the Ahmadiyya Muslims seem not to have spoken out in condemnation of the latest atrocity perpetrated in the name of Allah..."
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
J.M. Berger _Politico_
how Politico & the left under-estimated ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Chuck Norris _WND_
World War 3? and 4 things I believe the White House and America must do to protect the USA
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Les Stranahan _Breitbart_
race-hustlers and no-borders agitators double down on hate with F*Paris twit hash-tag, jealous of media spot-light
Kellan Howell: Washington DC Times
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Christians are not grafted to a dead tree
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Gina Loudon _WND_
the mind-set of a Muslim terrorist: it thrives for 2 simple reasons -- collectivism and globalism
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
dear white people: your days are numbered
"This has been a brutal couple of weeks for those with white skin. It started with a 3-ring circus at the University of Missouri, another land-mark in the slow death of white America. And it drew to a close with the actual deaths of scores of French citizens. The circus at the University of Missouri began after campus groups started protesting what they claimed was bad treatment of 'minorities' on campus and an indifferent response to their complaints. The black student-government president, Payton Head, whined on FB that someone called him the N-word from a passing pick-up truck. A few days before the school's home-coming parade, members of the Legions of Black Collegians claimed that some unidentified person shouted racial slurs at them. No names, no evidence, no actual harm -- just petty accusations... If you stand up against the bullies -- whether they're radical black bullies on campuses, or Islamic bullies, they will go sit down. But if you act with fear, they will run over you and your children. You can't prove anything to angry people. You just have to speak up, be honest and live your life. Telling the truth and setting a living example is the only way to change anything for the better. The greatest civilizations in the world are being destroyed by the godless. The godless have not been raised by decent parents. They're looking for love in all the wrong places, and in the wrong way. And now they're destroying the free world. It's time for whites in [the USA], and in Europe, to stop the madness. If it isn't stopped, your way of life -- and possibly your life itself -- will be stopped..."
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Obummer arrives late for "moment of silence" at G-20 for victims of Muslim terrorist attack in Paris
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Peter Morici _Washington DC Times_
Muslim terrorist attacks on Paris should summon a massive Western invasion to crush ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
William C. Triplett ii _Washington DC Times_
uneasy truce among ranchers, hunters, drug traffickers
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Stephen Moore _Washington DC Times_
Donald Trump is wrong; wages are not too high
"...What they should have said is that wages are too low in America, not too high. Labor Department data tells us about half of Americans haven't had a pay raise that keeps pace with inflation in 8 years. There are many reasons for that abysmal record, but not the least of them are [Barack Hussein Obummer's] tax, regulatory, borrowing, health care and monetary policies. They have flattened the middle class and these workers deserve a raise. The problem here for the middle class isn't that the minimum wage is too low. For the umpteenth time, only about 4% or 5% of workers are paid minimum wage and most for 6 months of less. Most earning the minimum are below the age of 30 and work for restaurants or in retail. For 19 of 20 workers the minimum wage is irrelevant... The median, or middle class wage isn't rising. Since the end of 2008 through the middle of 2015 government statistics show real weekly median earnings flat... We also need businesses to invest more. More plants, more equipment and machinery, and computers and 'IT' are needed. Why aren't the businesses investing like they used to?... in the 1980s expansion, the economy grew by 4% and worker compensation rose steadily. Mr. Reagan may have only been an economist from Eureka College, but he had an instinctive understanding of how the economy works. Thankfully, Marco Rubio did get the minimum wage question right. 'Here's the real way to raise wages.', he explained. 'Make America the best country to expand a business, or start a business.' Free markets are pro-worker. Socialism is anti-worker.
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Scott Steepleton _Washington DC Times_
"International Criminal Court" has spent $1G, but managed only 2 convictions in 10 years
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
donations drop for Boy Scouts after National Executive Board approved homosexual troop leaders
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
Sarah Palin: pray for the USA
"The author has become a reflective mama grizzly with much concern over a changing nation; she advises readers to pray for America, remember the faith of founding fathers, and forget about passive whining and hand-wringing. 'I think it is so important for us to recognize that we aren’t the ones who are in control of this crazy life.', Mrs. Palin tells Inside the Beltway. 'With politicians in Washington going back and forth with their power struggles, the only way we are ever going to get answers is to recognize and appeal to the one who truly holds the power. It's not about one party or the other. I believe we must look to God for guidance to steer our great nation back on course.'..."
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Eric Worrall
Bernie Sanders: climate is still the #1 security threat
Cybercast News Service
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Anthony Watts
weekly climate and energy news round-up #205
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-11-15 (5776 Kislev 03)
_Popular Archaeology_
maybe the Jewish Temple was South of the current "Temple Mount"/"Haram al-Sharif", atop Gihon spring
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1777-11-15: 1st draft of Articles of Confederation.
Proposed Bills 2015
Proposed Bills 2015
"There is always hope for the man who is capable of being ashamed." --- Talmud (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
direct vs. indirect displacement, using H-1B visa program, of USA workers, by USA-based and foreign-based cross-border bodyshops and hardware vendors, and system vendors...
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Diana West _WND_
boots on the ground? yes, along the USA borders
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
more foreign students being recruited into USA, few US citizens study abroad
"...According to ABC News, the number of foreign students increased by 10% in 2014, the single largest gain in 35 years. Yet, the number of Americans attending foreign universities rose by a scant 5%... The number of students from India grew 30% to more than 130K students, the report says [but does not say how many passed proper background investigations]... Another country that saw a spike in students coming to [the USA] was Brazil at some 23K students. OTOH, only about 300K Americans have decided to study abroad, the report finds... According to the Wall Street Journal, parents in California are upset that foreign students are getting accepted to the state's universities seemingly at the expense of native Californians. With this growing number of foreign students and with California receiving the largest number of those applicants, some are worried that homegrown students are being shut out. 'We're shutting out California kids.', Carol Bastian, a college counselor at Mountain View High School in Silicon Valley, told WSJ on November 16. 'Undoubtedly, this is because we have a very rich new clientele, particularly Chinese.'... California was the destination for the largest number of foreign students, with some 135K enrolled. New York and Texas came second and third, with nearly 107K and 76K respectively."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Karin Fischer & Ariana Giorgi _Chronicle of Higher Education_
foreign students flood into some American campuses, but others not so badly
"The number of foreign students at [USA] colleges rose 73% during the past decade. But only 10% of colleges accounted for most of the surge... For example, the fastest-growing institution during the period examined, NorthEastern U [Boston], enrolled 1,980 foreign studnets in 2005-2006, or 3.5 of every 1K foreign students at USA colleges. By 2015-2015, the university had 10,559 international students, close to 11 of every 1K in the USA... Joseph A. Aoun, NorthEastern's president... 'our goal is not to get more international students. Our goal is to globalize the university.'... Arizona State U (#2) and NYU (#4)... All 3 have aggressive, 'entrepreneurial' 'leaders' determined to brand their institution a 'global university'... 'The pipe-line is already there.', says Fanta Aw, president of NAFSA... Graduate power-houses such as Michigan State U and the U of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana have seen sharp under-graduate [foreign student admissions]... [And some university admins worry about a sudden drop in applicants from various countries.]"
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
the barbarians are inside, and there are no gates
World Net Daily
the canonical Steyn on-line
"As I write, Paris is under curfew for the first time since the German occupation, and the death toll from the multiple attacks stands at 158, the vast majority of them slaughtered during a concert at the Bataclan theatre, a delightful bit of 19th century Chinoiserie on the boulevard Voltaire. The last time I was there, if memory serves, was to see Julie Pietri. I'm so bloody sick of these savages shooting and bombing and killing and blowing up everything I like -- whether it's the small Quebec town where my little girl's favorite fondue restaurant is or my favorite hotel in Amman or the brave free-speecher who hosted me in Copenhagen ...or a music hall where I liked to go to hear a little jazz and pop and get away from the cares of the world for a couple of hours. But look at the photographs from Paris: there's nowhere to get away from it; the barbarians who yell 'Allahu Akbar!' are there waiting for you ...when you go to a soccer match, you go to a concert, you go for a drink on a Friday night. They're there on the train... at the magazine office... in the Kosher super-market... at the museum in Brussels... outside the barracks in Woolwich... 24 hours ago, I said on the radio apropos the latest campus 'safe space' nonsense: This is what we're going to be talking about when the mullahs nuke us. Almost. When the Allahu Akbar boys opened fire, Paris was talking about the climate-change conference due to start later this month, when the world's leaders will fly in to 'solve' a 'problem' that doesn't exist rather than to [seriously] address the one that does..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Katie Zezima & Ed O'Keefe _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz unveils immigration plan
"...Cruz's plan calls for curbs on legal immigration by halting any increases in the number of people coming to the United States legally until the economy improves and temporarily stopping the issuance of visas for high-tech workers because of reported abuses in the program... Cruz did not say how much the economy must improve before he would allow increased immigration. His plan had a noticeable absence: what he would do with the 11M [10M-30M] people in the country illegally..."
But, can any of the candidates be trusted?
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
Obummer lied: "I'm the president of the United States. I'm not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed."
"During a speech about immigration in Chicago last November, President Obama was interrupted by hecklers demanding that he stop deporting illegal aliens. 'You're absolutely right that there have been significant numbers of deportations.', [Obummer] replied. 'But what you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took action to change the law.' That went over well with the audience, which applauded as [Obummer] explained that he had bypassed congress and directed federal agencies to grant legal status [and special benefits] to more than 4M illegal immigrants living in the United States. It didn't go over nearly so well with Texas and 25 other states, which challenged the initiative in federal court, arguing that the president has no power to unilaterally change US immigration policy. So far, 2 federal courts have agreed with the states..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
after the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, what next for USA "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal admissions?: sometimes things take on such a painfully self-evident nature that they can't be ignored
"...The Islamists have no problem connecting their attacks with religion... words do matter, and it certainly makes a difference to understand how and why an attack took place, and by whom. If you don't know who your enemies are, or why they wish to inflict harm, how can you combat them? Where does that leave us with this incipient influx of let's-hope-to-God-they're-really-refugees? My hope, forlorn as it may be, is that good sense will prevail and the [Obummer regime] will at least call a time-out. Count on that not being acceptable to the [regressive left], though... So let me just finish here on the admittedly low note with which I began the airport security blog: 'It sometimes seems to me that political correctness will be the death of us all.'"
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
France tightened its borders, so have Hungary, Slovenia, and Austria why hasn't the USA?
Town Hall
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Nicaragua has closed its border with Costa Rica in effort to block flood of refugees from Cuba seeking to pass through to the USA
Laura Ingraham: Cuban "migrants" paralyze Nicaragua-Costa Rica border
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
election 2016: let's teach Hitlery Rotten Clinton to say "radical Islam"
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Vermonters are clever when it comes to immigration rules
"When it comes to working with, or perhaps manipulating, the immigration rules, Vermonters are clever, and/or lucky. This is the home state, after all, of the current ranking member and former chairman of the senate Judiciary committee, Patrick Leahy (D-VT); that's the committee that handles immigration matters. We know that over the years Vermont has gotten quite substantial inputs of alien capital from the EB-5 immigrant investor program for its ski resorts, with a bare minimum of the scandals that beset that program elsewhere, such as in South Dakota. While Vermont projects garner scores of millions of dollars from EB-5 investors, those aliens, largely rich Chinese, settle elsewhere in [the United States of America]. Vermont not only does not get the rich EB-5 aliens, it does not get many of the low-income illegal aliens, either..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
_Conservative HQ_
Marco Rubio "all in" to bring more "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals to USA
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
"refugee re-settlement" is immoral
National Review
"In his Monday press conference on the latest Islamist atrocities, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] said that [the United States of America] must 'welcome refugees who are desperately seeking safety' and that 'slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values'. The Democrats vying to succeed him said the same thing in their televised debate Saturday. This isn’t due to the security threats posed by any resettlement program from the Islamic world. While it is impossible -- literally impossible -- to adequately screen refugees from Syria (or Iraq or Yemen or Afghanistan or Somalia), it would be wrong to admit them even if we could keep out the terrorists and their supporters that constitute such a significant share of those countries' populations. Sure, welcoming refugees here makes us feel good. Newspapers run heart-warming stories of overcoming adversity; churches embrace the objects of their charity; politicians can wax nostalgic about their grand-parents. But the goal of refugee assistance is not to make us feel good. It is to assist as many people as possible with the resources available. And resettling a relative handful of them here to help us bask in our own righteousness means we are sacrificing the much larger number who could have been helped with the same resources. The difference in cost is enormous. The Center for Immigration Studies, which I head, recently calculated that it costs 12 times as much to resettle a refugee in the USA as it does to care for the same refugee in a neighboring country in the Middle East. The 5-year cost to American taxpayers of resettling a single Middle Eastern refugee in the USA is conservatively estimated to be more than $64K, compared with UN figures that indicate it costs about $5,300 to provide for that same refugee for 5 years in his native region. IOW, each refugee we bring to the United States means that eleven others are not being helped with that money. Faced with 12 drowning people, only a monster would send them a luxurious one-man boat rather than 12 life jackets. And yet, with the best of intentions, that is exactly what we are doing when we choose one lucky winner to resettle here. Some will object that we can do both -- relocate some refugees here and care for others in their native region. But money is not infinite. Every dollar the government spends is borrowed and will have to be paid back by our grand-children [or great-grand-children]. What's more, the UN estimates that there are 60M refugees and internally displaced people around the world. Clearly, whatever amount we allocate to refugee protection will provide for only a fraction of the people in need. Given these limitations on resources, it is wrong -- morally wrong -- to use those resources to resettle 1 refugee here when we could help 12 closer to their home. There is little we can do to minimize the costs of resettling refugees. True, the private contractors the State Department pays to oversee the process are making a good living off of refugee resettlement, but reining them in won't make much difference. Most of the costs come from 'social services'; according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], more than 90% of refugees from the Middle East receive food stamps and nearly three-quarters are on Medicaid or some other [unconstitutional tax-victim]-funded health care. This should come as no surprise. Refugees arrive destitute and often traumatized. They have little education (those from the Middle East have an average of only 10.5 years of [education]), which means that even if they find work, it will pay little. And because they're poor -- almost all have incomes only slightly above the poverty line -- they pay little in taxes. Of course, we don't re-settle refugees for economic reasons but for humanitarian ones. And since the goal is humanitarian, a wise steward must use his resources so that they generate the greatest humanitarian return. It's also true that refugees brought here will live better than those even in well-run in refugee camps in the region [and better than many US citizens as the GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression stretches on]. But the goal of refugee protection is to provide people adequate succor until they can return home, not maximize opportunity for a select few. Even the [Obummer regime] seems aware of the trade-off between re-settlement and over-seas assistance. Last month, White House spokesman Josh Earnest answered a question about administration plans to relocate 10K Syrians to the USA this year (and about the pressure to admit many more than that) by noting that 'the most effective response to this urgent humanitarian situation is for the international community to ramp up our humanitarian efforts in the region and even in Syria'. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports a $2.5G funding short-fall in caring for Syrian refugees in the Middle East. The 5-year cost of re-settling just 39K Syrians in the USA would erase the entire current UNHCR short-fall. Security concerns aside, it is morally unjustifiable to help the few at the expense of the many."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jonathan Tobin _Jewish World Review_
Paris and the 2015 election: what won't work
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Caroline Alexander & Salma El Wardany _Jewish World Review_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate time-line
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Dennis Byrne _Political Mavens_
Obummer says he has ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate surrounded
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate groups linking up with Afghan taliban
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
at least 70 Afghan troops trained by USA have surrendered their weapons and equipment to taliban
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Greg Miller _Jewish World Review_
Islamic terrorists on "social media"
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
deputy-national-security-adviser Ben Rhodes: we're still planning to take in "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals whose backgrounds we refuse to investigate and for whom there are no records one way or the other of past criminal activities
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
Rand Paul charges that Marco Rubio voted against background investigations of refugees
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Peter King (R-NY): we don't know who these people are
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
GOP candidates for president reject Obumer's "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal plan: "Lunacy", "Huge Mistake", "Now Way to Vet"
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
GOP leaders: stop bringing Muslim terrorists to USA, or be complicit in the blood-shed they perpetrate
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Bill Maher: lots of main-stream Muslims share ideas with terrorists; leftists need to declare "no quarter" for initiators of force or fraud
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Erick Erickson
wanted for public office: grown-ups
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Raphael Satter _US News & World Report_/_AP_
many of the Muslim terrorists who attacked people in Paris had been noticed by police
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
Francois Hollande asks parliament for 3-month state of emergency
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Vanessa Gera _US News & World Report_/_AP_
opposition to excessive immigration deepens in Central Europe after terrorist attacks in Paris
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer wants 100K "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals per year
Kerry Picket: Daily Caller
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
yes, there is a Muslim 5th column in the West, and it is time to get real about it
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
"mastermind" of Muslim terrorist attack on Parisians was also behind the train attack thwarted by off-duty Airman, National Guardsman, their friend, and British businessman
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Bobby Jindal vindicated: though there was plenty of documentation over the last 26 years of Muslim-only zones across Europe, in which non-Muslims would be harassed or attacked, even NYTimes reports "Belgian Minister Says Government Lacks Control Over Neighborhood Linked to Terror Plots"
John Nolte: Breitbart: CNN owes Bobby Jindal an apology
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Obummer frees 5 more Yemeni terrorists/non-uniform-wearing combatants to UAE, so they can get back into the fight against the West
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
Alabama governor Robert Bentley: "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals can't come here
Daniel Halper: Weekly Standard
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator David Vitter, candidate for governor of Louisiana, petitions to halt flood of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
leftist candidate for governor of Louisiana wants to accommodate "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Kelly Cohen _Washington DC Examiner_
a growing number of states refuse to admit "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
Alex Swoyer: Breitbart
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
we need to investigate mosques in the USA and consider shutting down the bad ones, the ones who encourage initiation of force and fraud
Pam Key: Breitbart (with video)
"...Asked about possibility of France shutting mosques with radical ties and whether he'd do same as U.S.A. president, Trump says, 'I would hate to do it, but it's something that you're going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the absolute hatred, is coming from these areas...'..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
flash-back 2015-09-27: HBO's John Oliver mocked Europeans for resisting "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal influx
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
France launches new air-strikes against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate amid reports that terrorist attacks in Paris were directed from Syria
Henry Chu, Richard A. Serrano & Alexandra Zavis: Los Angeles CA Times
John Hayward: Breitbart
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Francois Hollande to French parliament: France is at war
"...'The acts of war of Friday were decided and planned in Syria.', he said. 'They were organized in Belgium and committed on our land.'..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: if France didn't have strict restrictions on owning and carrying arms, Paris terror attacks would have been a different story
David Sherfinski: Washington DC Times
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
French police raided 168 homes, 100 people under house arrest; it's just the beginning
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
governor Greg Abbott (R-TX): "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals are already crossing USA borders (with partial transcript and audio)
"Today on The Laura Ingraham Show, governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) discussed the decision to, in light of last week's terrorist attacks in Paris, refuse the resettlement of Syrians in Texas. Governor Abbott is 1 of 6 governors -- governors Snyder (R-MI), Bentley (R-AL), Jindal (R-LA), Hutchinson (R-AK), and Pence (R-IN) -- who have issued statements halting the resettlement of Syrian refugees in their state, seeking to prioritize the safety of American residents. Although the [Obummer regime] has repeatedly referenced a 'robust vetting' system for Syrian refugees, Abbott said these claims directly contradict the FBI director who has admitted the government does not have the ability to conduct security checks on Syrian nationals. Abbott also pointed out the FBI is well aware that 'people from Syria, people from other countries of interest, are crossing our border to a large extent'. The governor said, 'I couldn't even count the number... it's in the hundreds, of the number of Syrians who have crossed our Southern border.' He also noted the real number of crossings is drastically higher, as those who have not been apprehended are excluded in that count. More significantly, however, Abbott highlighted the scope of America’s border problems, claiming 'Syrians are crossing the Northern border as well'. Though he was unable to release evidence at this time, the governor reiterated, 'Texas is not the only location.' Though the current focus is on threats posed by Syrian refugees, governor Abbott acknowledged there is a 'broad swath' of people crossing the border, including a large and growing number of Somalians. And, while Abbott admitted the humanitarian efforts are important, he argued 'we must first and foremost be humanitarian with the people in the United States of America'..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
chairmen of senate & House Intelligence committees: Obummer regime has no strategy to defeat ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
Tim Aker: as borders lock down: Europe has a new refugee crisis (mp3)
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Laura Ingraham
governor Greg Abbott of Texas: I cannot even count the number of Syrians who have crossed our southern border in TX, we have no way of vetting refugees (mp3)
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
22 (and counting) governors rebel against Barack Hussein Obummer over "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
_Washington DC Times_
governors speeding to reject to "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Saudi-funded, terrorist-group spin-off CAIR criticized governors for refusing to import "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
alphabetical list of associations in Discover the Networks
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Rand Paul supports states not taking "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals; sponsoring legislation to halt "refugee" "re-settlement"
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee to Paul Ryan: stop the flow of terrorists
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee's challenge to Paul Ryan high-lights the exploding rift between RINOs and voters
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
House "Freedom" caucus chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH): no commitment from Paul Ryan to block import of Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Navy SEAL and representative Ryan Zinke (R-MT) urges Paul Ryan to block Obummer's scheme to admit 100K or more "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Steve King (R-IA) endorsed Ted Cruz for president to restore the soul of the USA
Seth McLaughlin: Washington DC Times: senator Ted Cruz endorsed by Steve King
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
S.A. Miller _Washington DC Times_
Rand Paul bill would close border to travelers from countries known to hold large numbers of terrorists
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
ambassador John Bolton: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and other Muslim terrorists are a direct threat to the USA and all of Western Civilization
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
ambassador John Bolton: USA has no obligation to accept "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
CIA director John Brennan: the Muslim terrorist attack on Paris is not the only operation ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate has in the pipe-line
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
UK home-secretary Theresa May: Muslim terrorist attacks on people of Paris have nothing to do with Islam
"...The Home Secretary was giving a speech to the House of Commons, just 3 days after eight terrorists, taking orders from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, murdered 129 people in Paris whilst screaming 'Allah-hu Akbar'..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
deluded or suicidal?: Angela Merkel doubles down on flood of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
first batch of an eventual 12K "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals have landed in Australia
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
deluded or suicidal?: Obummer said it would be shameful and not American to only take Christian "refugees" ors to "close our hearts" to "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals on whom the Obummer regime is not going to even seriously attempt to run background investigations
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: the shameful, corrupt, hateful, anti-USA, bellicose, anti-constitution, oath-breaker Obummer denounces critics of his policy to accept vast numbers of unvettable "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
crimes committed by "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals demonstrate the security risks
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Seth McLaughlin _Washington DC Times_
Ben Carson calls on congress to de-fund Syrian resettlement programs
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
after Muslim terrorist attacks on Paris: citizenry has a duty to be armed for the defense of themselves, neighbors, and the state
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Obummer leads from behind Donald Trump: USA planes attack ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate-controlled oil fields
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Nicolas Sarkozy: every suspected terrorist should be electronically tagged: 11,500 on France's watch-list
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Michael Savage _WND_
a dance of death: the violence-initiating Muslims are Nazis in head-scarves; this is a barbaric revolution
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
after "constructive" side-meeting at G-20 in Turkey between Obumm and Putin, Obummer regime report claims Putin wants Syria's Bashar al-Assad removed from office
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
mass grave of elderly women found in Sinjar following recovery from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
UKIP leader and member of the European parliament Nigel Farage giving speech on Muslim terrorist attacks on Paris and Islam in Europe
"Speaking live [starting 19:30GMT/14:30EST] at the Anvil in Basingstoke, United Kingdom tonight, Mr. Farage will talk about immigration into Europe and the United Kingdom, about the Paris attacks, about Islam in Europe, and about how Britain's security will be an integral part of the EU referendum campaign in Britain..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate: after Paris, Washington, DC is next
Maria Stainer: Washington DC Times
2015-05-06: Joseph Curl: Washington DC Times: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate announced 6-month terrorism campaign with targets in California, Virginia, Maryland, Illinois and Michigan
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
William Murray _WND_
Obummer tells "Syrian" Christian "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals "no, thanks", showing bias, hatred toward only certain Syrians, Iraqis
"This year [Obummer's] so-called Justice Department, along with Immigration and Customs Enforcement [DHS US ICE], has decided to wage war against Iraqi and Syrian Christian refugees seeking asylum in the United States. The indictment of Robert DeKelaita, a highly esteemed Chicago-based immigration lawyer who helps persecuted Christians enter the United States, is just one example. DeKelaita, of Iraqi heritage himself, has dedicated his career to serving Iraqi and Syrian Christians seeking asylum in the United States, but now the [Obummer regime] has brought his work to a halt. The [Obummer/Lynch] has indicted DeKelaita on charges that he falsified asylum request records by claiming Christians were 'persecuted' in Iraq and Syria!..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Los Zetas cartel gangsters crossed into Texas, disappeared ito USA
"...Acting on the intelligence, the Coahuila agents learned that certain areas along the Riverana Highway which connects the border cities of Piedras Negras and Acuna was being used as staging areas for smuggling activity. The agents were searching the area near the 32 kilometer marker when they spotted an SUV with several Los Zetas [gangsters] inside. Mexican authorities turned on their lights and sirens and began to chase the [gangsters]...
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
Obummer's campaign to fundamentally pervert and ruin the USA was launched at Mizzou
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Myra Adams _WND_
is the FBI director going to resign if justice is thwarted in investigation of Hitlery Rotten Clinton?: an interview with Ed Klein
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
arms stolen Saturday night from US Army Reserve armory in Worcester, MA; FBI zips into action to enter serial numbers into a data-base
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
here's how Reds/leftists/Dems will attack the right to own and carry arms for defense if USA has Paris-like Muslim terrorist attack
"...Two things must be noted: 1. At least 2 of the attackers in Paris are reported to have made their way into France from Syria. For example, Reuters reported that 'a Syrian passport [was] found near the body of one of the [Muslim terrorists] who died in Friday night's attacks'. 2. Yet the U.S.A. has already begun bringing Syrian refugees into the U.S.A. via New Orleans and National Review reports the [Obummer regime] is pressing 'to speed admission of more Syrian refuges'. So it is really no longer if we will be attacked but when..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
since 2001-09-11, the USA has admitted over 2M immigrants from majority-Muslim countries
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Deborah Simmons _Washington DC Times_
the cultural revolution is upon us
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
race hustlers shout profanity and berate white students studying in Dartmouth library
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jazz Shaw _Hot Air_
college snow-flake syndrome has spread to U of Kansas
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Mychal Massie _WND_
college & university students swallow the "secret racism" lie
"On Monday, Nov. 9, in an e-mail conversation with the executive director of my think tank, The Racial Policy Center, I wrote: 'I've been watching this mess in Missouri, specifically at the University of Missouri, since the early Fall. The first salvos of school unrest were from a student who claims he was called racial slurs as he walked alone one evening. And of course there was the swastika with racial invectives and feces claim as well... The college president has resigned claiming he did so out of love for the institution blah-blah. The bottom line as I see it is that this school has been beset with professional race mongers, and the school itself is not interested in doing the right thing. They are interested in appeasing the malevolents... [I believe] this Missouri situation is backed by leftist Soros-funded groups looking to make a statement. The entire thing is a rabbit hole designed to have a predisposed outcome to the benefit of the [Obummer] minions such as Eric Holder and Van Jones.' My suspicions were validated on Wednesday, Nov. 11, when Douglas Ernst, writing for WND.com, exposed the lies and fraud pursuant to the fallacious accusations of racist attacks at the University of Missouri. (See: 'Mizzou fraud fest: KKK alerts, Poo-swastika tales implode'.)..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
black ministers criticize U of MO & Yale students' hysteria, efforts to destabilize the USA
"...'We just heard about the effort to remove Carol Swain at Vanderbilt, and she is a black Christian conservative.', he states. 'The real attack is on Christians and conservatives. It is a totalitarian movement that tries to silence people with traditional values and respect for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, especially the First and Second Amendments.'..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Michael Savage _WND_
even leftist reporters are shocked by Obummer's response to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and the Muslim terrorist attack on people in Paris
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Joseph Farah _WND_
watch the leftists try to blame Israel for the Muslim terrorist attack on the people in Paris
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Susan L.M. Goldberg _WND_
violence-initiating Islam: from Russia to Paris with love
"This weekend's horrific string of co-ordinated terror attacks in Paris at the hands of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate left Russian president Vladimir Putin joining [Barack Hussein Obummer] in a vow to wipe out the radical Islamic terror group ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. It's an ironic promise given Russia's tangled involvement with radical Islam. Recently I reached out to the highest ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc, lieutenant-general Ion Mihai Pacepa, author of the book _Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism_, for his thoughts on Putin's power grab in the Middle East and what that may mean for Israel and America. As always, his insights are a refreshing, if challenging declaration of the truth of how we got into this mess and what we need to do to get out of it. The most horrifying fact of the matter is that Russia has been linked to radical Islamic terrorism for decades..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
Obummer's version of the USA is the shameful one
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
exclusive: excerpt of Dinesh d'Souza's _Stealing America_ part 2
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority approves anti-Israel ads, blocks pro-Israel ads
"...The MBTA told JTA that the ads now comply as 'viewpoint neutral standards for all advertising displayed on MBTA property'. However, the MBTA still refuses to run pro-Israel ads submitted by Breitbart contributor and free-speech activist Pamela Geller..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Robert W. Merry _Washington DC Times_
clash between the West and Islam
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
EU's open borders will be the down-fall of Western Civilization
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Kirsten Evans _Washington DC Times_
Christian and Yazidi genocide by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
congress approves Space act, to recognize property rights in space, asteroids, comets, planets
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Richard Berman _Washington DC Times_
some firms use unreasonable fear-mongering to drive sales
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Caroline B. Glick _Jerusalem Israel Post_
radical Islam - the invisible enemy
canonical Caroline B. Glick site
"Every day the [Obummer regime, the USA left] and its allies maintain their refusal to acknowledge that radical [violence-initiating] Islam exists. As the cleaning crews were mopping the dried blood from the stage and the seats of the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, a depressing act appeared on stage in distant Iowa... But of course, it is easy to understand what motivates Islamic terrorists. They tell us all the time. They want the world to be run by an Islamic empire. When they are in charge, they will kill, subjugate, convert or enslave all non-Muslims, except Jews. The Jews will be obliterated. The attacks they carry out in the Western world are viewed both as battles for the soul of Muslims worldwide and as a means to terrorize non-Muslims into accepting subjugation..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Andrea Shea King _WND_
tri-color; musical sea organ in Croatia; not-so-smart TVs tracking your viewing and web browsing; twits; Thanks Giving
"...Pilgrims... ThanksGiving feast in 1621... National Geographic.../NatGeo... For one thing, it went on for 3 days. Migratory geese and ducks were plentiful in the autumnal New England area. Roasted on a spit, the fowl made for delectable eats along with deer (venison), fish and wild turkey. Lobster and mussels were plentiful as were harvested vegetables, and when added to the meat, made flavorful stews the early settlers called 'pottage'. Add gourds of pumpkin and squash with a side of cornbread, washed down with beer...and voilà! Incidentally, NatGeo reports the Pilgrims liked their brew, which they brought with them on the Mayflower. The 1621 harvest had yielded a crop of barley, which for the first time made it possible for the colonists to make their own home beer. Learn more by watching NatGeo's 2-night special 'Saints & Strangers: The Pilgrim Story', beginning at 21:00 on Sunday, Nov. 22. View trailer here."
David Bauder: Cybercast news service: NatGeo movie tells gritty Pilgrims' tale
"...Judging from accounts from the time, the elementary-school text-book tales of pilgrims and 'Native Americans' [i.e. descendants of earlier immigrants] holding hands over a harvest are too simplistic. So are suspicions that settlers went on a murderous rampage. The truth was far more complex, said Seth Fisher, the movie's chief writer. 'There was a lot of palace intrigue.', said Grant Scharbo, an executive producer..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Paul Driessen
"green tech" and the "climate crisis" syndicate
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Christopher Monckton
memo to Paris: don't base policy on over-blown predictions
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer: terrorism is now on the G20 agenda, but so are "other critical issues like climate change"
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Bob Tisdale
back to basics part 2: what is "climate change"?
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Anthony Watts
CEI filed law-suit against George Mason U in RICO20 case, for denying records exist
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Anthony Watts
Binghamton U claim: earth's climate is even more sensitive to CO2 than previously claimed
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Eric Worrall
a new "end of snow" prediction... as ski resorts open early... and blizzard Ajax forms
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Bob Tisdale
2015 October global surface (land + ocean) and lower troposphere temperature anomaly & model-data difference update
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
_Popular Archaeology_
Trinity college & U of Cambridge genetic archaeologists have discovered a new lineage of European ancestry
"Late Upper Paleolithic... Most modern populations are mixtures of different ancestral strands that are difficult to untangle from examination of thousandsof modern human genomes... researchers were able to recover [Satsurblia cave] the genomes of 2 individuals who lived in [Western] Georgia in the Caucasus 13,300 and 9,700 years ago... Glacial Maximum some 25K years ago... led to a genetic mixture that resulted in the Yamnaya culture: horse-borne steppe herders that swept into Western Europe around 5K [to 9K] years ago... '...their genetic make-up is a mix of Eastern European hunter-gatherers and a population from this pocket of Caucasus hunter-gatherers...'... 'We knew that the Yamnaya had this big genetic component that we couldn't place, and we can now see it was this ancient lineage hiding in the Caucasus during the last Ice Age.', said Manica... 'India is a complete mix of Asian and Europea genetic components. The Caucasus...ancestry is the best match we've found for the European genetic component found right across modern Indian populations.', [Eppie Jones] said... may have flowed into [India] with the bringers of Indo-Aryan languages..."
2015-11-16 (5776 Kislev 04)
_Popular Archaeology_
findings on ancient hominin DNA shed new light: Denisova
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1093-11-16: St. Margaret of Wessex & queen of Scotland died at Edinburgh castle.
Proposed Bills 2015
"Suppose that there was no 3rd term tradition in our gov't, & none of the valid reasons (as I regard them) against a 3rd term; it would yet be true that in 1908 it would be better to have some man like [William Howard Taft] or [Elihu Root] succeed me in the Presidency, at the head of the Republican party, than to have me succeed myself. In all essentials of policy they look upon things as I do; but they have their own ways of thought & ways of expression, & what they did & said would have a freshness which what I did & said could not possibly have; & they would be free from the animosities & suspicions which I had accumulated, & would be able to make a new start & would have a much greater chance of achieving useful work. After 8 years in the Presidency, not only is it unwise for other reasons to re-elect a man, but it is inadvisable because it is almost certain that some one can be found with the same principles, who, from the mere fact that he is some one else, can better succeed in putting those principles into practice." --- Theodore Roosevelt to George Otto Trevelyan 1904-11-24 (quoted in Stephen Skowronek 1993 _The Politics Presidents Make_ pg 253) |
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
new book from Michelle Malkin & John Miano exposes the H-1B PR machine
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
first, stop the bleeding
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"There was a painful irony when France's immediate response to the terrorist attacks in Paris was to close the borders. If they had closed the borders decades ago, they might have avoided this attack. Someone once said that the First World War was the most stupid thing that European nations ever did. Countries on both sides of that war ended up worse off than before, whether they were on the winning side or the losing side. History may yet record that an even greater stupidity, with even more catastrophic consequences in the long run, was the European nations' decisions to import millions of people with a culture that was not merely very different, but hostile, to the culture, the values and the people of the Western world. Even now, people who publicly warn of the dangers can be prosecuted in various European countries under 'hate speech' laws. And what about us? When, if ever, are we going to close our borders? When will we even take control of our borders, so that we can decide who, and how many, will be admitted? Certainly not before a new president takes office in 2017 January -- and maybe not even then..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Jed Babbin _Jewish World Review_
the suicide of modern Europe
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
the left and the Muslim terrorist attack on the people of Paris
World Net Daily
Town Hall
"The left's reactions to the terror attack on Paris are in keeping with its tradition of getting almost everything wrong..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
visas and terrorists
"...At a minimum, we need to track down and deport those from the Middle East who are in the U.S.A. on expired visas. Then we have to bar any more from coming in, as the Republican governors of Michigan and Alabama have vowed to do. Other governors should do likewise if the president won't act. Additionally, to the extent that it is possible, anyone who leaves the U.S.A. for a country where there are terrorist training camps must not be allowed to return, even if they have a U.S.A. passport. This will be difficult as some travel to supposedly friendly countries like Turkey and then slip across the border into Syria without a passport stamp..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Laura Ingraham
more states and governors are banning "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
Daily Signal
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
so far "from Syria", 2,098 Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals have been admitted to USA, 53 Christian "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Marco Rubio's gang membership has become a problem for him
Jeff Flake, Marco Rubio, Dick Durbin, John McCain, Chuck Schumer, Robert Menendez, Lindsey Grahamnesty, Michael Bennett
"It seems in the world of politics today endorsements just don't carry the same significance that they used to. In the days before broadcast media and the internet, information was much harder to come by. If you learned that someone you liked just happened to favor a candidate you'd never heard of, naturally there was some weight assigned to that person. But that's not to say endorsements don't matter at all anymore. In fact, Ted Cruz just received one that could prove to be quite consequential. Ryan Lovelace of the Washington Examiner reports, 'Republican congressman Steve King of Iowa endorsed Ted Cruz for president on Monday. King, an outspoken conservative who represents the 4th District of the Hawkeye State, could play a large role in mobilizing Iowans to caucus for the Texas senator next year.' I can almost hear the cheering from Cruz's head-quarters in Houston. This is big news in Ted's effort to overtake Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the minds of Iowa's conservatives. And if Cruz can win in Iowa, that train is going to be very hard to stop. Thanks to Steve King, we now have a test case on whether endorsements still matter. Though he currently resides in third place in the polls (a full 11 points behind second-place Ben Carson in the RealClearPolitics average), the murmurs are getting louder and louder in regards to Marco Rubio being the real front-runner of the Republican presidential race... Conservatives still feel betrayed by his leading role with the Gang of Eight in trying to sell amnesty with a smile on his face. He basically argued at the time that anyone who opposed the bill was not patriotic and against the American Dream. Many predicted Rubio's Gang advocacy would shoot down any future presidential run and there's nothing to indicate conservatives are buying his new positions -- or that they've forgotten about his playing Judas and calling them names in the process. Add in the certain fury to be generated by Karl Rove and other [RINO] honks getting into the fray for Rubio after he officially supplants [Yebbie Booosh] and there's going to be a real backlash. If Rubio does end up the anointed representative of the Republican establishment, look for the others to compete for the title of 'not-Rubio'. My money's on Ted Cruz to win handsomely, ultimately with the blessings of Trump and Carson..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
_Conservative HQ_
Becky Gerritson criticizes RINOs and leftists for importing Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals without proper background investigations
"Much as the establishment, and especially the refugee resettlement industry, will want to make this out to be 'Islamophobia', or otherwise target Gerritson for being unfair to helpless 'refugees', the facts are that the vast numbers of unassimilated alleged refugees from Muslim terrorist hotspots are both a national security risk and a government created social problem of monumental proportion. As our friend James Simpson documented in a recent article for the American Thinker, [tax-victim-]funded so-called 'Voluntary Agencies', such as Catholic Charities, are paid close to $1G a year to bring UN designated refugees to America. And their leaders, who are paid in the high six figures, meet regularly with congress to lobby for more refugees to be brought to America, and more [tax-victim] spending to support them. Refugees from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere establish their own little enclaves. [They are taught NOT to integrate or assimilate]. They are however, taught how to game the system. With 74.2% of refugees on food stamps, 56% on Medicaid and 47.1% on SSI cash assistance Simpson calculates refugee 're-settlement' costs are currently running at well over $10G per year. But the vast cost of these programs isn't the worst part; some 77% of these 'refugees' are young men of military age. It is the clear and present danger these 'refugees' pose to America -- and the near-treasonous dismissal of that danger by Republicans such as Gerritson's opponent Martha Roby -- that has brought us to this national security crisis. And this national security crisis isn't theoretical. Alabama's senior zenator Jeff Sessions, along with Texas senator Ted Cruz, documented domestic terror 'incidents' attributable to Muslim refugees or refugee-related individuals -- in just the past year alone... And remember, this is just 1 year's worth of Muslim terrorists operating here in the United States..."
Caroline May: Breitbart: senator Jeff sessions released lengthy time-line of Obummer regime's dismantling of immigration law
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
senator Jeff Sessions
cancel blank check for "refugee" re-settlement in government funding bill
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Alveda King _Cybercast News Service_
cry out to God for guidance and deliverance
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
25 (now 26...now 30) governors said "NO" to "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
Jake Burman: London Express
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
update: 29 governors said "NO" to "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Ted Cruz to offer bill banning "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
Jonathan Swan & Julian Hattem: Hill
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Laura Ingraham
what Australia can teach other countries about illegal immigration
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Laura Ingraham
anti-Islam protests break out across France in wake of terrorist attacks in Paris
Selina Sykes: London Express: "Expulsons les Islamistes"
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Laura Ingraham
poll: 52% believe "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals make USA less safe
Ginger Gibson: Reuters
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
Paul Ryan: House will vote to pause "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal program
Michelle Fields: Breitbart: Paul Ryan calls for pause in "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal plan
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times: RINO losership seeks political redemption by advocating for pause in "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal plan
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Katie Pavlich _Town Hall_
House Homeland Security committee chairman Michael McCaul tells Obummer to suspend "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal schemes
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Hungarian prime-minister Viktor Orban: EU plan for massive movement of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals will spread terrorism around Europe
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Jim Hoft _WND_
Hungarian prime-minister Viktor Orban: what is more humane, to close borders to illegal "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals or risk the lives of innocent Europeans? Wow! a leader who protects his countrymen
GateWay Pundit
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Louisiana group responsible for "settling" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals admits that they don't try to track them to see where they go
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: I will build "a big beautiful safe zone" in Syria for "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Becky Gerritson (R-Wetumpka AL) opposes plan to import Muslims
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Brian Babin (R-TX): plan to bring "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals is a recipe for disaster; it must be de-funded
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Luis Gutierrez: despite the disaster of decades of doing so across Europe, refusing to bring "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals into USA would be "despicable and cowardly"
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Obummer, Hitlery have massive amounts of blood on ther hands for enabling the rise of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
Europe is obsessed with boycotting Israel, not fighting terrorists
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee: there's no responsibility to import terror into the USA
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
poll: over half of Palestinians=Gazans support terrorism against Israel
"Over 70% of Palestinians support an uprising against the Jewish people of Israel, a Palestinian polling institute found in data released Monday. For those who support an uprising, 42% are in favor of carrying it out violently, while 30% prefer a more peaceful up-rising. Just over 50% support a full-blown intifada against Israel, a long terror campaign that seeks to overthrow the Jewish state. Additionally, over 62% of Palestinians polled said that they oppose peace negotiations with the State of Israel..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
violence-initiating Muslims are just a nuisance to leftists intent on expropriating USA's wealth and power, and underemining greatness
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Pamela Geller interview on Muslim terrorist attacks in Garland TX and Paris France
"...She succinctly summed up the difference between Paris and Garland as: 'We had guns.' Her point about the self-esteem of a civilization can be demonstrated by looking at how [president Barack Hussein Obummer] defends his Syrian refugee program by saying that resistance is contrary to vital American principles – 'Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values', as he put it on Monday. OTOH, [Obummer] and the Left think the core American principle of free speech is negotiable, and as Geller witnessed first-hand, the negotiation is conducted with violent intimidation. Resisting Syrian migration is 'unpatriotic'... and so is drawing a cartoon those refugees find distasteful..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
French police conduct nationwide raids on suspected Muslim terrorists as planes bomb ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate stronghold
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
France seeks global coalition against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, launches new strikes
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
third, Algerian, "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal may be linked to Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris; arrested in German asylum center
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
decomposing body found at Villarreal neighborhood of Piedras Negras, Coahuila; believed to have been left there by Mexican human-smugglers
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
secrecy shrouds case that pitted Iranian-American immigration judge against her bosses
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Alicia Colon _Jewish World Review_
it's the Muslim ideology, stupid
"...Atheists are always mocking my religion. 'Virgin birth, resurrection on Easter Sunday? Ridiculous nonsense.' Yet you rarely hear the cowards ridicule the precepts of Islam and what jihad means. Of course, the masterminds of global terrorism manage to stay alive while recruiting the brain dead by offering them dreams of paradise and 72 virgins. One of the funniest posters I've seen show a bunch of nuns in habits with heavy duty rifles and guns and the caption asks, 'Are these the virgins awaiting the jihadists in heaven?'..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's willful pathological blindness
Cybercast News Service
World Net Daily
Human Events
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Debra J. Saunders _Jewish World Review_
the Muslim terrorist attacks on people in Paris is a "sickening set-back" for Obummer
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Czech Republic president Miloš Zeman spoke at anti-Islam rally with PEGIDA leaders & Britain's Tommy Robinson
"...Speaking on stage, the president said nobody else would be able to dictate to the Czech people, and took aim at the mainstream media, which he accused of 'massaging' the ["migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal] crisis for their own ends. He took a strong position defending free speech, remarking that everyone had the right to an opinion, but Czechs should never try to silence people with opposite views..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
not having gotten Czech Republic president Miloš Zeman's message, Anonymous took down thousands of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate twit accounts
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Russia blasts ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate using long-range missiles, bombs
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Dana Rohrabacher introduce bill aimed at stopping Christian genocide by expediting refuge applications
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
empty symbolism is a poor substitute for effective action
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
Dems/Reds/leftists refuse to be "confused" or distracted by the facts of reality...
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
...but maybe a glimmer might be breaking through
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Dan Balz _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz's winning strategy
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
judge in Spain issues arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials of Israel for interdicting weapons shipments into Palestine=Gaza
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
is there a leader in the house?
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
** education disaster **
Jewish World Review
Town Hall
I have to wonder after all these decades of reporting that students are not achieving up to standards, whether the scale of standards and priorities used in teaching might be significantly different from the scale of the NAEP, PISA, TIMSS, SAT, ACT, CLEP tests.
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
"speech codes", "civility", and the decline of academe
"Now that the adults have cleared out of their prestigious presidencies and chancellorships at the University of Missouri, the Thought Police are coming out everywhere on campus in full array, complete with fancy titles, academic regalia and the usual meaningless catchphrases of the day. For example, Mizzou is getting its first vice chancellor for inclusion, diversity and equity, whatever those words now mean. This much is clear: They don't mean what they ostensibly say. Nor for anyone of a conservative bent who hasn't yet learned to keep his mouth shut and go along with exclusion, conformity and anything but a fair hearing. The calendar may say it's 2015, but it might as well be 1984, and Big Brother is watching. It was called 'thought reform' during Red China's great 'Cultural Revolution'. Here it's being officially hailed as a 'culture of civility' by the University of Missouri's board of trustees. Doublespeak is here again..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Victor Davis Hanson _National Review_
feral university insanity
Free Republic
"The university, long exempted from «social norms» and rules, has gone wild in the 21st century -- or rather, regressed to pre-puberty. The University of Missouri campus police now request that students -- a group not known for polite vocabulary -- call law enforcement if someone disparages them with 'hurtful' names. On the same campus, a media professor shouts for students in the vicinity to strong-arm a student photographer to stop him from taking pictures in a way that she does not approve. Other staff members try to block and push away a journalist they find bothersome. Since when do thuggish faculty, in Michael Corleone fashion, call in muscle to intimidate students who are exercising their First Amendment rights? Since when do quite privileged Yale students -- in mini–Cultural Revolution style -- surround and, teary-eyed, shout obscenities at their professor? Their target was declared to be guilty of some infraction against the people by an ad hoc court of whiny elites, poorly acting the role of the 'Committee of Public Safety'. Apparently his offense was to suggest that students should not become hysterical when they see Halloween costumes they don't like. Shouting down guest speakers, disrupting events, and mobbing individuals would not be tolerated at Disney World, so why on campus?..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Linda Harvey _WND_
are American campuses ripe for ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate?
"The first tear-gas canister ever thrown at [staid little] Miami University [between Four Mile Creek, Collins Creek a nd Campus Avenue] in Oxford, Ohio, landed 10 feet in front of me on 1970 April 15. By the end of the night, 180 people had been arrested. I was not among them. Like most of the crowd, I turned and ran. I was only a curious on-looker... But the worst consequences of Ohio campus riots wouldn't come for another 3 weeks, May 4, at Kent State University, when [after hours of rock-throwing and restive shifting this way and that, individuals darting toward the militia, and some encirclement of them] 4 students were shot by the Ohio National Guard called in to bring order to protests growing more violent at Ohio colleges each week... Today's irresponsible social media, vile extremism and flat-out ignorance in 'higher' education create a dangerous Play-Doh student who can be molded by race baiters, sexual anarchists, anti-capitalists and even worse -- terrorists... The poisonous recipe for student protests over injustice, both real and imagined, was crafted in the cauldrons of 1960s extremists. Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and other radical academics were young revolutionaries then. Ayers was a son of privilege, his father a wealthy Chicago executive. Dohrn described herself as a 'revolutionary communist'. Unlike some of their peers who grew up, Ayers and Dohrn did not. Why mature when you have access to American's top revolutionary, [Barack Hussein Obummer]? Now, they and their fellow travelers are equipping the current generation and their teachers with toxic pro-Islam, anti-Christian, anti-American drivel that passes for learning. And sexual anarchy rears its ugly but predictable head again when we learn that Bill Ayers, just-retired education faculty member at the University of Illinois-Chicago, gave a glowing endorsement to a book for teachers with a foreword by Kevin Jennings: _Queering Elementary Education_..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Laura Ingraham
Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty may, hopefully, be tabled in congress
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Clintons Foundation "amends" tax forms for last 4 years, discloses $Millions in foreign government contributions
Jennifer Pompi: Washington DC Times
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Israel's policy of demolishing homes of terrorists yields arrest of terrorism suspects
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Stephen Dinan _Washington DC Times_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals being placed in 180 towns, but not in DC, Rancho Santa Fe, Brentwood, not near homes of members of the Obummer regime or their cronies
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Andrea Noble _Washington DC Times_
Obummer attorney-general Loretta Lynch: "robust screening" of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Blake Farenthold (R-TX): Obummer regime is lying to Americans that they are doing "robust vetting" of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
flash-back: London Daily Mail: Germany overwhelmed with forged "Syrian" passports: experts admit they can't spot fakes
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Washington DC Times_
no more Muslim terrorist "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
in this real war Islamic supremacy is the enemy, the center of gravity is the Internet
"Friday night's attack in Paris was another reminder that we are in a real war. It is vital that we understand what the real war is and who the real enemy is. The real war is not geographic and it is not defined by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. The real war is worldwide and the real enemy is Islamic supremacy in all its forms. The center of gravity is not Syria. The center of gravity is the internet. We are confronted by a virus that is closer to epidemiology than to traditional state-to-state warfare. We will have to eradicate this virulent religious intolerance and violence here at home and across the planet..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Obummer: here's a better option to defeat ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
John Stevens & Martin Robinson _London Daily Mail_
police in Serbia arrest "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal carrying same passport as that found close to Stade de France suicide bomber
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Joseph E. Schmitz _News Max_
congress can fight ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and other Muslim terrorists even if Obummer won't
"...The president is dead wrong on the 'terrorist problem'. Terrorism is merely a tactic. Other tactics of our enemies include political warfare and influence operations, to name a few. If we cannot even coherently define our enemies who engage in terrorism, how can we hope to win any war against those terrorists?... The good news is that our Constitution empowers congress, not the president, 'To declare War' (article 1, section 9). Congress should exercise this power by shedding light where the president refuses to shed it. That means explaining in plain English to the American people who are these ISIS jihadis -- at least one of whom reportedly was a 'refugee' from Syria -- what motivates them to wage war on us, and how are they related to the Muslim Brotherhood and its front organizations in the United States, including CAIR and ISNA (see my 2010-11-28 Breitbart article, 'U.S. Court Exposes ISNA as Apparatus of the Muslim Brotherhood (and Hamas): Questions Remain About the Department of Defense Continuing to Rely Upon ISNA to Endorse Chaplains'). In the Autumn of 2010, the Supreme Guide of the International Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, declared publicly that it is the duty of all Muslims to engage in jihad against the United States and Israel, explaining the need for 'raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life... the U.S. is now experiencing the beginning of its end, and is heading toward its demise'. Badie's declaration foreshadowed the so-called 'Arab Spring' of 2011. Why is it that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have in the meantime declared the Muslim Brotherhood a 'terrorist group', but [the United States of America] has not?..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Clarion Project: Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
SecDef Ashton Carter: we must watch our borders for operatives of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Hamas, Fatah, al-Qaeda, Hizbollah and other terrorist groups
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
USA warned by former Mossad chief: it is time for armed guards at cafes, malls, train-stations, night-clubs
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
Israelis ask France how much restraint they're insisting on, now, i defending against Muslim terrorists
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Breitbart launches Jerusalem, Israel bureau
Breitbart news network: born in the USA, conceived in Israel
Mark Levin: "Cannot Tell You How Excited I Am… This Is a Big Deal"
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Lynn Berry _Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Russia confirms that passenger plane that came apart above Sinai was destroyed by a home-made bomb
"...'According to our experts, a homemade explosive device equivalent to 1 kilogram of TNT went off onboard, which caused the plane to break up in the air, which explains why the fuselage was scattered over such a large territory. I can certainly say that this was a terrorist act.', FSB head Alexander Bortnikov said..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
3 children, 3 adults murdered while camping near Palestine, Anderson county Texas; suspect arrested
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
_Washington DC Times_/_AP_
Germany vs. Netherlands soccer game in Hannover cancelled after police found bomb-laden ambulance nearby
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
corrupt, anti-USA, anti-constitution, oath-breaker Obummer declares his top priority from now to 2017 January is war against the right to own and carry arms for the defense of ourselves, our neighbors, and our states
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Sarah Palin cites Ted Cruz & Donald Trump as strong on national security
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Sarah Palin _Washington DC Times_
winning the battle for freedom
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Peter Vincent Pry _Washington DC Times_
securing the electrical grid from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Hamas, Fatah, al-Qaeda, Hizbollah and other terrorist groups
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Shawn Langlois _MarketWatch_
map of traffic deaths
from 2004 through 2013, 370K deaths; 31% involved ethanol, 18% "distracted driving", speeding about 30%... And this article was published to try to fool Americans into giving up more of their privacy and liberty.
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, speaking about Communist Corpse: a comprehensive dumbing down of USA education at every level
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: contrary to what Shrub and Obummer have asserted, Islam is not a peaceful religion
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Morgan Brittany _WND_
please, God, send us a real leader: Obummer's "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal madness continues
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Newt Gingrich: de-fund Obummer's "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal program
"...'Now the president says, well we can bring in 20K [or 100K, or 250K] because we're going to vet them -- first of all, that's a lie, we do not have the intelligence information to vet these people.', Gingrich continued. 'Let's say we have only a 1% error rate -- that would be 200. That's 25 times the number it took to commit the Paris massacre.' Gingrich was later asked if defunding the Syrian refugee program would be worth possibly shutting down the government -- which needs a continuing resolution for funding this December. 'How could he (Obummer) assert that bringing in Syrian refugees -- at a time when we have had this massacre in Paris -- is such a high priority that he's prepared to close the government in order to bring in Syrian refugees?', Gingrich said..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: Obummer doesn't have a clue about how to defend against terrorist threats
"'This president doesn't have a clue or he does have a clue and he has evil intentions. I don't know.', Trump told radio host Howie Carr on Tuesday..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Elliott Abrams _WND_
Obummer's shameful policy toward Christians in the Middle East
Weekly Standard
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
tips from Mexican citizens led to arrest of 19 Gulf Cartel members near Texas border, release of 3 who had been kidnapped
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer's and Hitlery Rotten Clinton's behavior suggest they prefer Islam to Judaism and Christianity
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
DHS hearing reveals why admitting "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals risks USA citizens' lives; Larmar Smith (R-TX-21) calls for screeching halt to "re-settlement" scheme
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Steve Deace _Washington DC Times_
video exposes what government "leaders" refuse to see: "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
"...Mix one part European cultural guilt with one part jihad and what do you get? The willing participation of an entire continent in its own implosion. Which, by the way, too many of our leaders seem willing to import here unless the American people rise up and say 'not on our watch'. That is the grizzly picture painted by a video posted at the web-site Jews News, which catalogs in detail the brutal intentions of those who are welcomed under the banner of peace and understanding -- but have no intention to live under any flag other than Islam. And although the nearly 20-minute video never mentions America, it is an unrelenting reminder of the importance of our country's own border policies, and what could be at stake if we continue to allow our own cultural heritage to bleed out. Early on in the video, a native European woman pleads with the camera for the madness to stop as thousands of refugees -- dominated by simultaneously aggressive and lazy young men -- over-run her town. Her community is being ransacked before her very eyes. It is being devoured. But she is a voice crying out in a wilderness of self-abuse, explains a man later on in the production who saw this whole perverse drama unfolding quite some time ago..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin rebuked Obummer for "religious test" remarks; Christians have nowhere else to go, now
"...'Nobody said there should be a religious test.', Levin corrected. 'What they said is that we should allow more Christians in this country. You want to know why, pal? Because they have nowhere else to go.'..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
John Solomon _Washington DC Times_
FBI braces for holiday terrorist attacks by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
sheriff David Clarke: Obummer has incited Americans against Americans
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Jerry Newcombe _WND_
pro-lifers' free speech rights being violated
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Sean Trende & David Byler _Real Clear Politics_
bizarre party rules mean the most popular candidates don't necessarily get party nomination to run for president
"As is always the case, national polling is drawing the lion's share of the attention in discussions about the Republican primary race. As is also always the case, this emphasis is misplaced. This is, after all, a race for [convention] delegates. These delegates are awarded in a series of state contests taking place over the course of some four months, and they are awarded under convoluted rules that vary wildly from state to state. Which is a lengthy way of saying: The 2016 Republican primary campaign is heavily path dependent, rendering national polling of little value. The order of the contests, the structure of the rules, and the interplay between those two factors can play a huge role in selecting the eventual winner that national polls simply cannot illustrate. To help make this easier to visualize and understand, we've created the widget below that will allow you to walk through the GOP selection process yourself. The process is fairly simple. Beginning with Iowa in February and working through South Dakota in June, and the awarding of 'RNC delegates', you simply input the share of the vote that you think each candidate will receive. You can use the next state button to advance through the elections, and the previous state button if you feel that you've made a mistake. There's a 'reset' button at the bottom of the page if you want to start over...."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Sarah Westwood _Washington DC Examiner_
Trey Gowdy on investigation of Obummer IRS: how much more blatant evidence could you need to get dozens of indictments?
"Representative [and former prosecutor] Trey Gowdy blasted the Justice Department for stating last month that there was 'no evidence' of criminal intent in the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups. 'Never do you have direct evidence of intent.', Gowdy, a former prosecutor, said during a House Judiciary committee hearing Tuesday. The South Carolina Republican cited numerous examples of 'circumstantial evidence', all of which resulted in discrimination against Tea Party non-profits, regardless of the tax agency's intent. Gowdy noted Lois Lerner, former head of the IRS tax-exempt unit, had sent several e-mails that indicated she harbored a bias against conservatives [thus clearly establishing motive and intent]..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Timothy P. Carney _Washington DC Examiner_
the true love story of Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Wall Street
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Washington DC Times_
the 3 Dem/Red/leftist stooges: Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Bernie Sanders & Martin O'Malley reveal party in deep weeds
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Eli Watkins _CNN_
Ginni Thomas endorsed Ted Cruz
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
J. Christian Adams _PJMedia_
state 1st amendment violators demand names of donors to non-leftist groups
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Will Tucker _OpenSecrets.org_
range of net wealth of congress-critters
"...Congressional salaries remain at $174K at the least, placing members firmly in the top 10% of USA wage earners, with an enviable pension for those who stay in office for at least 5 years... The top 3: representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) again comes in at #1. We estimated his average net wealth to be $437M... car alarm business... Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) is next, with an average net wealth of $388M, and senator Mark Warner (D-VA) again posted the highest net wealth among senators with nearly $243M... Most popular assets...GE, Wells Fargo, P&G, Bank of India, Walt Disney Company, AT&T, ExxonMobil, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Qualcomm, Cisco, Schlumberger..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
climate alarmists in a huff... because they've been up-staged by the Muslim terrorists
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
climate alarmists in a huff... because they've been up-staged by the Muslim terrorists
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Bjorn Lomborg
Bjorn Lomborg pushes back a gainst Joe Romm's over the top screed about the lack of impact of COP21
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Anthony Watts
Susan Crockford's new horror-fiction book about polar bears pokes fun at wild climate claims
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
people who claim "climate change" is worse than terrorism are dangerous liars
"...Yes of course terrorism can and may destroy our civilization. And the reason it can and may do so has actually very little to do with what the terrorists may do to us. Rather it has to do with what they are helping enable us to do to ourselves. By 'we' I don't mean all of us -- and almost certainly not you. I mean people like Paul Krugman. And presidential contender senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). And Soros-funded attack dog Joe Romm. And CIA director John Brennan. And [Hitlery Rotten Clinton]. And French foreign-minister Laurent Fabius who, just a month ago, in remarks one would like to hope he now very much regrets, declared that 'climate change is a threat to peace' and a significant cause of terrorism..."
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Eric Worrall
Yellowstone claim: fungus can help plants tolerate heat
2015-11-17 (5776 Kislev 05)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"It is almost as necessary that our policy should be stable as that it should be wise. A nation like ours could not stand the ruinous policy of readjusting its business to radical changes in the tariff at short intervals... Sweeping & violent changes in such a tariff, touching so vitally the interests of all of us, embracing agriculture, labor, manufactures, & commerce, would be disasterous in any event, & they would be fatal to our present well being if approached on the theory that the principle of the protective tariff should be abandoned... Our aim should be to preserve the policy of the protective tariff, in which the Nation as a whole has acquiesced, & yet wherever & whenever necessary to change the duties in particular paragraphs or schedules as matters of legislative detail, if such change is demanded by the interests of the Nation as a whole... We cannot afford to become fossilized or to fail to recognize the fact that as the needs of the country change it may be necessary to meet these needs by changing certain features of our tariff laws. Still less can we afford to fail to recognize the further fact that these changes must not be made until the need for them out-weights the disadvantages which may result; & when it becomes necessary to make them they should be made with full recognition of the need of stability in our economic system & of keeping unchanged the principle of that system which has now become settled policy in our national life. We have prospered marvelously at home. As a nation we stand in the very forefront in the giant international industrial competition of the day. We can not afford by any freak or folly to forfeit the position to which we have thus triumphantly attained." --- Theodore Roosevelt in Minneapolis, MN (quoted in Stephen Skowronek 1993 _The Politics Presidents Make_ pg 481) |
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
** 120K foreign professionals rushing immigration back-door opened by Obummer regime via OPT **
"[President Barack Hussein Obummer] is quietly opening another immigration door just for foreign professionals -- and 120K over-seas graduates are rationally rushing in to snag U.S. white-collar jobs and the chance to win the greatest prize on the planet: American citizenship. The growing rush was highlighted Nov. 16 by the New-York-based Institute of International Education, which showed a dramatic increase in foreign professionals joining the the 'Optional Practical Training' [a special rider on the F-1, student] visa program. The OPT program allows foreign graduates of U.S. colleges to work in the United States for up to [12 months, though the Obummer regime DHS illegally extended it to] 29 months in a wide variety of white-collar business, video, journalism, art, medical and technology jobs [though this has recently been blocked by federal courts]. [Obummer's] deputies have already broadened the types of jobs that can be taken, and are now expanding the visa term up to 3 years, or up to 6 years if the foreigner gets 2 degrees from U.S. colleges, despite pushback from Iowa Republican senator Chuck Grassley. The number of OPT participants jumped from 76,031 in the 2010/2011 school year, up to 120,287 in the 2014/15 school year, according to the NY-based Institute of International Education. That is a 71% increase in four years. The OPT number grew by 13.5%, or 14K people, in the 2014/2015 school year, according to the institute's 'Fast Facts' data..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
new NACE data: slight dip in average starting salary offers for new Computer Science major grads
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Mark de Cambre _MarketWatch_
states refusing to take "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Ann Coulter _WND_
when the 3rd world attacks: stopping entry into USA of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
Human Events
Town Hall
"...The insistent demand for an endless flow of Third World immigrants to the West goes well beyond cheap labor for the rich. It has become a mass psychosis... Marco Rubio gives macho speeches about a military attack on ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate -- 'either they win or we win!' -- to distract from the fact that his immigration bill would have massively increased the number of needy immigrants pouring into our country -- including Muslim refugees. So Rubio's plan for Middle East stability is to start more wars and then import all the displaced terrorists into [the United States of America]. Brilliant! Not to be a stickler, but ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate didn't slaughter 3K Americans on 2001-09-11, blow up the Boston Marathon, murder 13 at Fort Hood [2009-11-05], or open fire on a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee [2015-07-16]. ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate didn't kill Kate Steinle [2015-07-01], commit mass murder on the Long Island Railroad [(LIRR) 1993-12-07], introduce Palo Mayombe and Santeria to our country, bring slaves and concubines from India to San Francisco, or burn down hundreds of acres of national parks to evade border agents. ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate doesn't import 90% of the illegal drugs that kill thousands of Americans every year, steal billions of dollars from [the unconstitutional Socialist Insecurity, Medicare and Medicaid], or rape little girls, nuns and dogs in our country. ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate isn't responsible for Sweden suddenly becoming the rape capital of the world, the Eritrean asylum seeker who stabbed a mother and a son to death at an Ikea store in Vasteras [2015-08-10], or the Dutch film-maker Theo van Gogh being stabbed to death on a street in Amsterdam [2004-11-02]. All that -- and more! -- is the result of Third World immigration to the First World. The West's importation of Stone Age people is a completely self-inflicted wound... Instead of imprisoning criminals, [leftist] judges in the 1960s decided that we must tackle the 'root causes' of crime by addressing PID: poverty, ignorance and disease. To fight crime, we'd deploy welfare, Head Start and school lunch programs! For the next two decades our streets ran with blood. Americans finally rose up in a blind rage and demanded that criminals be separated from the law-abiding. Similarly, we wish the best for all the barbaric, misogynistic, pedophilic, illiterate nations of the world. But the main thing we want is for our government to keep them away from us..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Clifford D. May _Jewish World Review_
Paris: will we ever learn
"[Violence-initiating Muslims were attacking peaceful Jewish people in Israel in 1907 -- mostly pilfering and robbing. In 1911, it stepped up to open armed conflict. In 1920-1921 there was a wave of anti-Jewish riots and author Y. Brenner was murdered in Jaffa. Another wave in 1929 during which an entire Jewish community was murdered, Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem were attacked, there was rioting in Chebron, Jaffa and Safed. And again in the period 1936-1939, beginning 1936 April at Jaffa, and later that month vehicles were waylaid and occupants murdered between Tulkarm and Nablus...] since Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution, self-proclaimed jihadis have [continued] fighting to re-establish Islamic supremacy and domination in the world... The ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, an al-Qaeda splinter that arose after America's withdrawal from Iraq in 2011, was quick to take responsibility for last week's carnage in Paris. This follows by less than a year its attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a French Jewish supermarket. Also attributed to the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate: a double suicide-bombing in Beirut on Thursday and, in October, a bombing in Ankara and the blowing up of a Russian passenger jet. The ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate's' rival is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which prefers to pretend it was not behind such attacks as those in Beirut in 1983, Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994, Berlin in 1992, and Burgas, Bulgaria, in 2012; not to mention the failed plots to bomb New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport in 2007 and a restaurant in Washington, DC, in 2011..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
*** where is USA's "force protection" from refujihadis? ***
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
Tony Lee: Breitbart: Michelle Malkin blasted "man-child" Obummer for refusing moratorium on "refujihadis" after attacks in Paris
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review: we should stop all additional Muslim immigration into the Western world
"this is about the Muslim ideology. 'This is an issue of Muslim immigration in the western civilization. The problem is not every Muslim per se. The problem is the ideology of Islamic supremacism that when mixed with modern day technology and the internet when you have connectivity and they're all connected throughout the world. The cyber jihad is very successful at radicalizing them, there is no way to disentangle that.' Horowitz pointed to the Paris terrorist attacks Friday that killed more than 120 people. He argued that we need to take a look at the terrorists who committed these crimes in order to prevent an attack on U.S.A. soil..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Poland's non-leftist government suggests sending military-age Syrian men back to liberate their country
London Daily Mail
Jane Chastain: World Net Daily
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's incoherence after Muslim terrorist attacks on people in Paris and Lebanon is revealing
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Monica Crowley _Washington DC Times_
the "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis is jihad by another name
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer stubbornly sticks to script on ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
John Solomon _Jewish World Review_
stretched FBI braces for holiday terrorist attacks
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
anti-liberty politicians
World Net Daily
"After a terrorist attack, it's natural to ask: What can politicians do to keep us safe? One thing they could do is actually focus on keeping us safe rather than devoting so much time, energy and hot air to the many things government does instead of protecting lives and property. My state's politicians are particularly bad..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump gathers support from riding the left's third rail, invading "safe space"
Washington DC Times
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
random thoughts
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Nat Hentoff & Nick Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
suppression of speech in academia is out of control
World Net Daily
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Jack Cashill _WND_
media failed at attempts to sell campus disruptions
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Erik Rush _WND_
leftist media nostalgic astroturf campus riots, and the involvement of large Alinskyite organizations
"...On Nov. 14, Paul Sperry, in the New York Post, penned an excellent exposé on how the radical group Organizing for Action (OFA, formerly [Obummer] for America) 'has trained more than 10K leftist organizers who, in turn, are training more than 2M youths' in the tactics of the late communist icon Saul Alinsky. ['The leftist group, which recently registered as a 501c4 non-profit eligible for unlimited contributions, holds regular organizing summits on college campuses.'] Organizing for Action, the Black Lives Matter group and the George Soros-funded Democracy Alliance have all been overtly involved in the recent spate of race-related demonstrations on university campuses, which exploited two fake racial incidents at the University of Missouri as the 'catalysts' for their protests... [Obummer] 'has trained hundreds of thousands of junior agitators through [AmeriCorpse], a Clinton youth program... All 3 of these federally sponsored [i.e. crony socialist, tax-victim-funded] projects have crossover...'"
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
"truth is a micro-aggression": live with it
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
story-tellers and movie-makers fulfilling our fantasies against the faceless, power-mad bureaubums that make our lives h377
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer attorney-general Loretta Lynch: investigating "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals "does present challenges to law enforcement"
"'However, that does not mean we will stop trying to obtain data... there are challenges to a system based upon the amount and type of data that one can obtain.'... Lynch said the vetting procedure relies on more than just data-bases. 'Every refugee from whatever country who chooses to come here or to try and [sic] come here is also subject to a robust interview process, as well as a biometric analysis of -- of the individual who is literally in front of that interviewer. Something that unfortunately, Europe does not have the ability to do at this time, placing them in a dramatically different situation than us.' Representative Steve King (R-IA) asked Lynch, '...do we have biometrics on the Syrian refugees or the migrants? Do we have finger-prints, do we have digital photographs of those? And is that part of the background check?'... King noted that you can't do a background check on information you've just gathered, because it doesn't reveal anything about a prior record. King also said he recently visited Europe to investigate the influx of migrants, and he said he's been told that European countries are not collecting finger-prints or photographs at all. 'And so I'm very troubled about the level of confidence you seem to exude here, or the president exudes, on an ability to do background checks when I see a huge hay-stack of humanity.', King said. 'And in that hay-stack are the needles that are terrorists...'..."
IOW, if it's not already in a data-base, already indexed to the name, etc., the person is using now, the Obummer regime doesn't know, won't try to find out, and doesn't much care whether the person is an habitual criminal, spy, foreign government operative, terrorist, etc. Oooh, an interview; how long are these interviewes? 2 hours? 10 hours? 20 hours? 72 hours? Do they have polygraphs and trained operators? Voice stress analyzers? Video analysis of facial tics and tells? Are DNA cheek swabs being analyzed for identification and family and other network analysis? Do they have RFID implants? Are their Twit and FB and Google... data being assembled? No, that's the sort of thing the Clinton, Shrub, and Obummer regimes reserve for targeting patriotic US citizens
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer attorney-general Loretta Lynch: current law does not allow for bringing terrorists & non-uniformed combatants from Guantanamo into the USA
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
James Woods: how exactly will the USA goernment "vet" "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals? -- the same way they "vetted" the Tsarnaevs?
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
drug and human smugglers regularly cross our borders, but Syrian Christian refugees not so much
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
_Conservative HQ_
the "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal threat the leftist media is hiding
"While the establishment media has largely ignored, down-played or ridiculed the threat that [Obummer's] Syrian 'refugee' resettlement operation poses to America, other credible news sources, including The Drudge Report and the UK Daily Mail, have begun to expose the risks. Drudge recently carried the story that one of the first Syrian 'refugees' brought to America under [Obummer's] program has already absconded from his placement in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The story, first broken by Chris Nakamoto of WBRZ TV was chilling in a number of respects, not the least of which was the information that neither state government nor the federal government track newly-arrived refugees who have just entered the country. While the U.S. establishment media were doing their best to ignore the obvious threat of a disappeared 'refugee' newly arrived from a terrorist hot-spot, they have also thrown a cone of silence over another entirely predictable, but still stunning revelation: 8 so-called refugees have got into Europe with the same papers as those found on the Paris stadium suicide bomber. According to reporting by the UK's Daily Mail, 8 'refugees' have reached Europe using documents almost identical to those carried by one of the Paris suicide bombers..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Jeff Sessions: life-time cost of "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal "re-settlement" $55G
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer got testy with media at G-20 in Turkey
"After 7 years of media adoration, President Obama was stunned and prickly. At a press conference in Antalya, Turkey, American reporters kept asking him why he was declaring his anti-ISIS strategy was working, when clearly it isn't. [Even] NBC's Chuck Todd found [Obummer] 'extremely defensive and almost not yet realizing that many of the reporters in that room, they're channeling the public in this case'. For 7 years, we've watched the White House press corps channel [Obummer] back to [Obummer]. But this time, on the heels of the Paris massacre, they were in a state of disbelief at this man's surly, arrogant, petulant performance..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Leo Hohmann _WND_
Paul Ryan is plotting meaningless show vote on "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals; refusing to use effective rules and processes
George Rasley: Conservative HQ
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
House Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte joins in calling for 1-year moratorium on "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Bobby Jindal dropped out; is Donald Trump clairvoyant? prescient?
"...'Now is the time for all those Americans who still believe in freedom and American exceptionalism to stand up and defend it. The idea of America -- the idea that my parents came here for almost a half a century ago -- that idea is slipping away from us. Freedom is under assault from both outside our borders and from within. We must act now, we do not have a moment to spare.' Jindal's exit will have little effect on the overall Republican race. Despite strong performances in all 4 'Happy Hour' debates, he was never able to catch on with Republican voters in a year where the 'outsider' candidates are dominating. Personally, I'm sad to see Bobby go. He was very solid in policy, has a good conservative record and was one of the more articulate candidates in the field. But in the end, Jindal is right -- this is not his time... the terrorist attacks in Paris may prove to be a breaking point. While foreign and military policy has come up frequently in the presidential debates, the tragic events in France offer greater context to what each of the candidates has to say..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Ben Ashford _London Daily Mail_
about 70 have been arrested in USA in connection with ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate plots
"US authorities have charged at least 66 men and women with ISIS-related terror plots on American soil -- including a handful of refugees... But 34 governors are refusing to take in any more, in case jihadi fighters slip into their states and repeat the carnage of Paris..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Laura Ingraham
police arrested 7 near Paris, 2 died; woman in apartment complex detonated suicide vest
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
grenades, suicide explosions, automatic gun-fire in Paris search for terrorism suspects
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
3 terrorism suspects killed in 100-strong Paris police raid
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
hours after Obummer raved about "widow & orphan" "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals, Muslim woman set off suicide vest in Paris apartment building as police closed in
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Laura Ingraham
8 ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate suspects posing as refugees arrested at Istanbul's Ataturk airport
Leda Reynolds: UK Express; picture+multi-lingual-word map matches one found on terrorist in Paris
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Scott Campbell _UK Express_
Putin sending 150K soldiers to Syria
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Laura Ingraham
32 dead, 80 injured in Nigeria market blast
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
in UK students ban liberal Muslim, host extremist
"An out-spoken Muslim journalist who advocates a 'sexual revolution' in the Islamic world has reportedly been 'no platformed' by a Student Union (SU). The students deny this, claiming officers were 'tired' and preferred 'dialogue' to allowing her to speak alone. Despite allegedly banning journalists Mona Eltahawy, London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) is proudly hosting Asim Qureshi of the Salafist 'human rights' group CAGE tonight at an event called 'Islamophobia and British values'. Mr. Qureshi has personally described the ISIS executioner Jihadi John as a 'beautiful', 'kind' and 'humble' man. Liberal Muslim Ms. Eltahawy is unpopular with many conservative Muslims after writing books such as _Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution_ and speaking out against sexual violence in the Islamic world and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in her native Egypt..."
CAGE director & PR executive dodged questions from UK parliament's Home Affairs committee
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
UK poll: public wants immigration cut to less than 50K per year, less than 10% of current levels
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
UK poll: public opposes new military intervention in Syria as France solicits coalition
"...The news comes as France has taken the extraordinary step of invoking a little-known article in the European Union's (EU) Lisbon Treaty. Article 42.7 asserts that if a member of the EU is the victim of 'armed aggression on its territory' other EU states have an 'obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power'..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
UK poll: Nigel Farage should lead referendum campaign; EU open borders make citizenry feel less safe
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
after 5 days of DC media campaigning for Obummer's insane scheme to flood the USA with "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals, Americans oppose it 2 to 1 (53% to 28%); 10% want to admit only Christian refugees
"...Moreover, the American people know that [Obummer] and his DC Media allies are presenting a false choice... no one is opposed to spending the money and talent required to set up and protect a refugee camp in the area [i.e. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE...]..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Margaret Carlson living in a Euro-Left dream-world, suggesting that maybe if we welcome Muslim extremists, and subjugate ourselves to them, they won't hurt us too much
Sure, it didn't work in Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Philippines or the UK... all of which had welcomed many thousands of Muslims, but maybe there will be a miracle and they'll totally change their ways.
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Ian Tuttle _National Review_
today's "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals are not analogous to 1939's Jews fleeing Hitler and Muslims aboard the SS St. Louis
"Among politicians and their clingers-on, journalists, nothing takes hold like a bad historical analogy... This is prima facie nonsense, which should be obvious from the terms being compared: Jews, an ethnic group, with Syrians, a national one. An honest, apples-to-apples comparison would line up German [and Polish] Jews and Syrian Muslims -- the relevant ethnic group within the relevant political entity. But do this, and the failure of the analogy becomes clear. The first, and most obvious, difference: There was no international conspiracy of German Jews in the 1930s attempting to carry out daily attacks on civilians on several continents. No self-identifying Jews in the early 20th century were randomly massacring European citizens in magazine offices and concert halls, and there was no Jewish State establishing sovereignty over tens of thousands of square miles of territory, and publicly slaughtering anyone who opposed its advance. Among Syrian Muslims, there is. The vast majority of Syrian Muslims are not party to these strains of radicalism and violence, but it would be dangerous to suggest that they do not exist, or that our refugee-resettlement program need not take account of them. On a related note, the sympathies of Syrian Muslims are more diverse than those of Nazi-era German Jews. A recent Arab Opinion Index poll of 900 'Syrian' 'refugees' found that 1 in 8 hold a 'to some extent'-positive view of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate (another 4% said that they did not know or refused to answer). A non-trivial minority of 'refugees' who support a murderous, metastatic caliphate is a reason for serious concern. No 13% of Jews looked favorably upon the Nazi party... Third, European Jews in the early 20th century were more amenable to assimilation than are Syrian Muslims in the early 21st. By the time of the rise of Nazism, Jews had participated in the intellectual and cultural life of Germany for a century and a half -- a life that, despite regional particularities, indisputably fell under the broad banner of Western Civilization, in which [the USA and Canada] participated, too. Moving from Munich to Miami took some getting used to, but you could hear Beethoven in both. Syria stands largely outside of that tradition. For 500 years, Syria was part of the Ottoman Empire. When it collapsed, Syria fell briefly under French rule, eventually gaining independence only to succumb to the dictatorship of the Assads, père et fils. The intellectual, cultural, and political traditions of Syria are not in concert with those of the West, and it would be foolish to think that that does not matter -- especially when combined with the uncertain sympathies noted above. Finally: Jewish refugees -- for example, those in the SS St. Louis -- were coming from Germany (or Nazi-controlled Austria or Czechoslovakia), but most Syrian refugees seeking entry into the USA have already found refuge elsewhere. Of the 18K refugee-re-settlement referrals that the [USA government] has received from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 'the vast majority', according to the State Department, are from Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, and Egypt (and Iraq, parts of which remain sanctuaries from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate). It is one thing to rescue Jews from imminent danger; it is another to offer greater safety to those who already have it."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
general David Petraeus: USA not where we should be against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
how many Westerners will die to make "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals welcome?
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
German PEGIDA marches for moratorium on "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
"...The meeting kicked off with one minute's silence for the victims of the Friday night Paris terror victims, and those killed by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in the Sinai peninsula aboard the downed Russian passenger jet. French flags were in evidence among the thousands present and speeches focussed on the link between migration and Islamist terrorism... 'The Islam is not appropriate to Germany and europe. Stop the Islam.' 'Here stand the citizens outsider parliamentarian opposition.'... Co-organiser Siegfried Daebritz was one of those who addressed the crowds yesterday. He said of the Paris terror: 'The attacks didn't come out of nowhere. They are the result of an immigration policy that invites people from completely foreign cultures with completely different values into countries and regions whose culture many of these immigrants despise… eventually, this will have to stop.'..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
planner of terrorist attack on people in Paris killed in police raid
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz challenged Obummer to debate "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals policy
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
no good answers coming from Obummer regime about alleged exhaustive investigations of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Tennessee state representative Glen Casada wants governor to call out militia to stop new "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals; those already here should be re-investigated and sent back to US ICE if they don't pass muster
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
West on high alert as bomb threats force flight landings, evacuations
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
USA citizen arms purchases and training surge after Muslim terrorist attacks on people in Paris
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Europe's example shows dangers of open borders, lack of widespread owndership, knowledge & practice in how to use, and carry of arms
"Average citizens in the USA watched from afar -- yet watched with trepidation -- as 'Syrian' 'refugees' were allowed to flood into Europe over the past [5-6 decades]. While there is no doubt that some of those fleeing war-torn Syria were actually looking for peace and a new start, there is also no way to argue against the fact that the flood of refugees provides perfect cover for terrorists in need of a way to enter Western nations [just the way Soviet operatives at the end of WW2] and strike when the opportunity arises..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: 13M "concealed carry permit holders" have a moral obligation to carry for the defense of themselves, their neighbors, and the state
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
France's 5th column: Muslims who resist integration and assimilation
"The jihad is raging in Paris. President Hollande repeatedly declares that France is at war, and press reporting has highlighted the French military's combat operations against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in Syria. But what the French are most worried about -- and what the [Obummer]-friendly media are happy to gloss over while the president is pushing to import thousands of Middle Eastern Muslims into our country -- is fifth-column activity, meaning French [violence-initiating Muslims and their supporters]. Early Wednesday morning, French police conducted a raid in Saint-Denis, on the northern edge of Paris, where operatives of the jihadist enemy were holed up in an apartment. In the ensuing shoot-out involving several jihadists, Kalashnikovs were fired at police who stormed the hide-away. A woman detonated an explosive suicide vest. Several police were wounded; the woman and a male terrorist were killed. Breaking reports [like this one from Fox] indicate that the male may be Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the 27-year-old ISIS operative believed to be the mastermind of Friday's mass-murder attacks. The woman is believed to be Abaaoud's cousin. So why did the jihadists end up in Saint-Denis? Because it is a notorious Islamic enclave [a 'settlement' casually initially created for guest-workers, migrants, and refugees by the French and local governments], though you wouldn't know it from the main-stream American media. The terrorists are in Saint-Denis because they know they have the support -- or at least the indulgence -- of a large, studiously assimilation-resistant Muslim population [concentrated there]... Saint-Denis is 'a city of 118K people... known for its melting pot population and large Muslim community, as well as a Gothic basilica where many French monarchs are buried [including some of Obummer's ancestors].'... Yet, we also discover that somehow, despite a continent-wide manhunt, Abaaoud and Salah Abdeslam, another jihadist complicit in Friday's attacks, may have been in Saint-Denis all along... [A woman] believed she had seen one of the wanted men, Salah Abdeslam, on Monday. 'She was terrified, and she looked at another woman knowing that she recognized him too.', [she] said. 'They did not dare to go to the police.' But why not go to the police like good French citizens? The Gatestone Institute's Soeren Kern provides some insight. Earlier this year, he bored into the controversy over 'no-go' zones in Europe and found academic research, directed by the highly respected political scientist Giles Kepel, which documents: 'dozens of French neighborhoods where police and gendarmerie cannot enforce the Republican order or even enter without risking confrontation, projectiles, or even fatal shootings. Some of the most notorious no-go zone areas in France are situated in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, a northeastern suburb (banlieue) of Paris that has one of the highest concentrations of Muslims in France.' Looking at the entire department of Seine-Saint-Denis (which includes the aforementioned suburb where the terrorists were staying), the research paper noted that, out of a population of 1.4M, there are 600K Muslims, mostly immigrants from North and West Africa... The torching of automobiles that grabbed public attention in 2005 has settled into a commonplace rarely covered in the press, with as many as 40K cars burned annually. Perhaps most alarmingly, more than a thousand French Muslims, more than from any other Western country, are estimated to have traveled to Syria to fight for ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate... [According to this article in the International Business Times] 16% of French citizens express some degree of support for ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate... Nearly a decade ago, when the Muslim population was significantly smaller than it is now, Pew polling indicated that 35% of French Muslims believed suicide bombings of civilian targets to defend Islam could be justified (pdf) at least some of the time (16% said often or sometimes', and 19% said 'rarely')..."
2007-05-22: David Morgan: Reuters: poll finds about 25% of young Mohammedans in USA support suicide attacks
2006-08-17: Jodie T. Allen: Pew Research: French-Mohammedan connection
2011-08-30: Pew Research: no signs among Mohammedans in USA in "alienation" or support for initiation of force & fraud
Religion of Peace: polls of opinions of Mohammedans
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Muslims in USA face suspicion after terrorist attacks on people in Paris
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate support network broken in Arab town Jaljuliya in Israel
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
7 Texas cities are on list to be attacked by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
Africa al-Qaeda link to terrorist attacks in Paris? group vowed to murder French president Hollande
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Ted Nugent _WND_
slam the door shut, USA
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
leftist Dutch, Icelandic & Swedish officials recognize link between Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris and Israel-Palestine conflict
"...Israel's ambassador to Norway, Rafi Schutz, who is also ambassador to Iceland, issued a response... 'Hamas and other Palestinian terror organizations that are bent on destroying are no different from the perpetrators of the massacre in Paris. Whoever fails to see this obvious reality, like Mr. Hannibalsson, is motivated by a distorted and immoral bias.'"
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
James P. Pinkerton _Breitbart_
reflections on Muslim terrorist attack in Paris: what we can learn from Napoleon Bonaparte, Arnold Toynbee, and other dead white european men
"...In this second piece, we can further consider ways to win. In fact, we can organize our thinking about victory into five categories: first, Inspirational/Moral; second, Strategic/Civilizational; third, Social/Legal; fourth, Geographic/Physical; and fifth, Cyber/Virtual. Each category is vital; let's look at each in turn... In the wake of such civilizational malpractice, it is thus left to the new media to tell it like it is: We learned, for example, from a site called TheRebel that a scientific opinion poll, conducted by an Arab think tank, found that 31% of 'Syrian' 'refugees' support ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. Now, even as we are under attack, migrants keep coming from the countries that are attacking us. We might ask: Don't any of our leaders know the story of the Trojan Horse? In the words of former homeland security secretary Tom Ridge, 'The barbarians are no longer at the gate. They're inside.' In the face of this onslaught, we have forgotten the erudite 3-part triptych of Toynbee, who surveyed 5K years of history to describe how civilizations disappear into dust. And we have even forgotten the plain and simple language of patriotic assimilation: The Pledge of Allegiance, Loyalty Oaths, and so on. Today, a pincer-movement of liberals, on one side, and libertarians, on the other, has converged both to open the border to non-Americans and to destroy the process of Americanization..."
part 1: can we learn from the past?
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Jessica Chasmar _Washington DC Times_
teacher at Jewish school in Marseilles stabbed by supporters of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
"...Three people on two scooters, one of them wearing an Islamic State T-shirt, approached the teacher in the street, Marseilles prosecutor Brice Robin told Reuters. During the attack, one of the suspects allegedly showed a picture on his cellphone of Mohamed Merah, a homegrown Islamist militant who killed seven people in a series of attacks in southern France in 2012, Reuters reported..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
coyote with long history, discovered near Jacumba Hot Springs, southeast of San Diego, smashed Border Patrol agent in face with rock, escaped back to Mexico
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Brandon Darby & Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Honduras caught 5 young males, possibly "Syrians", with stolen Greek passports headed to the USA
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Jennifer Harper _Washington DC Times_
how would Ronald Reagan battle ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate?
"So how would Ronald Reagan have handled the terrorist attacks on Paris and the grim aftermath? 'President Reagan would have done everything [Barack Hussein Obummer] is not doing. He would have been rational, manly, intellectual and tough. He would not have been a shameful, spoiled little man child, irrationally attacking Americans while on foreign soil.', historian Craig Shirley tells Inside the Beltway. 'Ronald Reagan will go down in history as a president who made the world safer and freer. [Obummer] will go down in history as one of the worst, most divisive, most shallow, most foolish, most immature presidents. As an historian, I am hard pressed to think of a worse president than [Obummer].', [said] Mr. Shirley, who has written three books on the 40th president, most recently _Last Act_, which covers Reagan's life after leaving the White House..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Family Research Council's Tony Perkins: Obummer and the left hate what's good about the USA
"...He also noted that while [Obummer] is 'lecturing Americans about compassion and kindness [for the Syrians] where are all the Islamic relief organizations lining up to help these people? They're not.', he said... Perkins explained the conflict between religious freedom and sharia (Islamic) law. 'We have religious freedom -- I get this question people want to give to you: Do you believe in religious freedom, then you should allow Islam in.', said Perkins. 'Well, I believe in religious freedom, as the Founders did, and religious freedom is in the context of ordered liberty. The Christian faith, the Jewish faith, the orthodox religions that have been here in this country have not sought to over-turn our government -- because it's a faith, it's religion.', he said. 'It is not a political, economic, judicial system, military system as Islam is. And, as these people themselves are saying, they see it as incompatible with the Constitution. They want -- a majority would want sharia law.', Perkin..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
_Cybercast News Service_
businessman Shlomo Rechnitz bought meals for some 400 USA soldiers in Shanon, Ireland... at about $50 apiece
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
Turkish soccer fans praised Muslim terrorists, jeered Paris victims
Ece Toksabay: London Daily Mail/Reuters
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Chuck Morse _WND_
* 3 of a kind: Islam, communism, nazism; this trio of political faiths use the same tactics *
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
ISIL is training 3-year-olds to murder
"PBS Frontline's ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in Afghanistan Monday evening reported on how children -- as young as toddler age -- are trained for jihad. According to Frontline, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate fighters 'say all local children are educated by the Islamic State from the age of 3'. A scene is shown in the documentary of an ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate fighter teaching a class of young children..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the USA's worst enemy may be Obummer
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Liz Sheld _WND_
end corporate illfare/crony socialism for big sugar
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Michael Brown _WND_
the shocking truth about an oft-quoted Quran verse, often taken out of context
"...To quote [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] words in Cairo, 'The Holy Quran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.' To quote it more fully (but still leaving out the beginning of the verse), the Quran says in 5:32, 'whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land -- it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one -- it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them [meaning the children of Israel] with clear proofs.' What, then, is the problem? Is there an issue with the translation from the Arabic? That is not the issue at all. The issue is cutting out one critically important part of the verse and then pulling the verse completely out of its context. The verse begins with these words: 'Because of that [referring back to Cain killing his brother Abel, described in the previous verses], We [meaning Allah] decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land -- it is as if he had slain mankind entirely...' Did you catch that? This is something Allah decreed for the children of Israel, not for Muslims. Allah's decree for Muslims is found in the very next verses: 'Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, Except for those who return [repenting, being rectified] before you apprehend them. And know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful'. (5:33-34) So, if 'Allah's enemies' will repent and become Muslims, they will be spared. If not, they will be killed or mutilated or exiled... What makes the misrepresentation of 5:32 all the more blatant is that the beautiful part of the verse is taken from the Mishnah, an authoritative body of Jewish teaching completed around 220CE. There it says, 'whoever destroys a single Israelite soul is deemed by Scripture as if he had destroyed a whole world. And whoever saves a single Israelite soul is deemed by Scripture as if he had saved a whole world' (Sanhedrin 4:5)... And so, the powerful call to preserve life comes from traditional Jewish sources, not the Quran, and even within the Quran, it was given to Israel, not the Muslims..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Phil Elmore _WND_
am I really worse than ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate?
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
immigration trivia: what do Andorra and Vanuatu have that Moldova lacks?
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
on establishing "migrant safe zones"
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Tim Ball
*** 1709: the disparate economic and political impact of weather and climate ***
"The [UN] InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2001 report claimed that neither the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) nor the Little Ice Age (LIA) occurred. They created the 'hockey stick' to prove their point. It wasn't produced specifically to eliminate those climate periods but to show that today was warmer than 'ever' before and thhat most of the increase occurred in the 20th century. Their nemesis was a graph presented in [their own] 1990 report... Gabriele Bella (1733-1799) painted his vision of people cavorting on a frozen lagoon [canal?] in 1708 [Venice]... England was hard hit in what they called The Great Frost. The impact was greater in France where they called it Le Grand Hiver. Estimates place related deaths in France, mostly due to famine, to 600K by the end of 1710... William Derham, a contributor to the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions, recorded a low of -12 C on the night of 1709-01-05... 'The sea froze. Lakes and rivers froze, and the soil froze to a depth of a metre or more. Livestock died from cold in their barns, chickens' combs froze and fell off, trees exploded and travellers froze to death on the roads...'... For example, in New York for 1709-04-05, 'The cold is so intense that water thrown upon the ground at noon freezes immediately in NYC... Fish froze in the rivers, game lay down in the fields and died, and small birds perished by the millions. The loss of tender herbs and exotic fruit trees was no surprise, but even hardy native oaks and ash trees succumbed...'... 'The pineapple made its way to England in the 17th and 18th century, being seen with one was an instant indicator of wealth -- a single pineapple could cost the equivalent of $8K today... consumers often rented a pineapple for the night to show off to fellow party-goers.' Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) from the West Indies, especially Jamaica, was one exotic product trying to establish itself in furniture of the houses of the powerful... Most of the furniture in Royal and aristocratic homes across Europe was made from European Walnut (Juglans regia)... Walnut, especiallu Burl Walnut with its fantastic colors and patterns, is still the wood of choice for luxury cars like a Rolls Royce... Estimates claim that the frost killed half the walnut trees. The trees 'expoded' when the sap froze and destroyed the cell structure... furniture producers [had been letting] the wood mature for up to 5 years after it was cut..."
Ole Humlum: climate and history 1900-1949
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Eric Worrall
UK officially demoted "climate change"
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Anthony Watts
spot the trend: $100K prizes to show climate & temperature data are not random
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Eric Worrall
Forbes: to save the planet avoid red lip-stick, drink local, fly direct
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Eriic Worrall
U of MN: new urban heat island study shows surprising variation in air temperatures
"From the U of MN and the 'any motorcyle or bicycle rider can tell you this' department comes this study on UHI... Some parts of the Twin Cities can spike temperatures up to 9 degrees F higher than surrounding communities thanks to the 'urban heat island' effect... using a network of 180 sensors deployed throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area in residential back-yards and city parks to paint the most detailed picture anywhere in the world of how temperature varies with time and place across pavement-filled metropolitan areas and surrounding communities. Recording surface air temperatures every 15 minutes from 2011 August through 2014 August across nearly 2K square miles, and using USGS data to 'find-tune differences at the neighborhood level', the study uncovered several surprises..."
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
US senate voted to block EPS's "clean power" scheme
2015-11-18 (5776 Kislev 06)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
1885-11-18: Gottlieb Daimler & Wilhelm Maybach reveal the world's first internal combustion motorcycle, the Reitwagen, driven by Paul Daimler, from Cannstatt to Untertuerkheim in Stuttgart, Germany.
Proposed Bills 2015
"In seeking wisdom you are wise; in imagining that you have attained it you are a fool." --- R' Shimon ben-Azzai (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
monkey-business as usual: employers' guide to working around the Durbin-Grassley bill (S2266)
"...First, even if the bill were enacted, it would first be greatly watered down during the legislative process, as happened with previous incarnations of the bill, due to pressure from [some] lobbyists. The latter would also achieve further emasculation of the bill when DoL would set up the regulations to implement the bill. Keep in mind that senator Rubio's main immigration adviser [Enrique] is from the giant Fragomen immigration law firm, which represents Infosyses. But, just for the sake of argument, suppose the bill stays completely intact. In that scenario, you still have excellent options! One solution would be to shift from [a totally India-based cross-border bodyshop and off-shoring firm like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Wipro, Syntel, Mindtree, HCL (which has a nominally-USA subsidiary named 'HCL America'); to a USA-India firm like Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation, iGate Technologies, or Convergys; a USA+UK-based cross-border bodyshop/HR/staffing firm like NorthgateArinso/NGA/Northgate Information Solutions; a Bahamas-based (wink wink) bodyshop like Accenture; or a fully USA-based bodyshop like IBM or ManPOWER Group] (or many other firms that will open rent-a-programmer [i.e. bodyshopping] departments to cash in on the clipping of the Infosyses' wings). There may be a slight wage increase, but basically it will be business as usual. Second, the bill gives work visa issuance priority over foreign students at USA colleges and universitis. The Googles and FBs [and MSFTs and Intels and Oracles and Apples] will grab the MIT grads, of course, but you'll have plenty of students left to choose from who are of quality equal or better than the H-1Bs you currently use from Indian schools. If you are a company like [Southern California Edison or Disney, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Fossil], for instance, there are no fewer than 10 California State U campuses nearby, and lots more just a day's drive away, easy to [have travel in on their own dimes] for interviews. The [Tatas, Wipros, iGate Technologies, Syntels, Mindtrees, HCLs] will be hiring the foreign students, too, either as OPTs or in a separate bill congress will enact later [to 'stable-a-green-card to every diploma'], so the firms won't violate the 50% H-1B/L-1 limit in the Durbin/Grassley bill. Remember, although the [bodyshops] are quite skilled in cost-cutting, the main reason they're currently able to supply you [the USA, UK or EU employer] with [cheap, young, pliant, laborers with flexible ethics] is that those workers are YOUNG. The new foreign grads will almost all be young, so again, [monkey-business] as usual."
WikiPedia: Convergys is a privacy-violation firm derived from the Cincinnati Bell local government-enforced monopoly and its privacy-violation arm, Cincinnati Bell Information Systems, together with MATRIXX/AT&T Solutions Customer Care/AT&T Transtech, DigitalThink, Intervoice, Datacom call center operations, Stream Global Services; with subsidiary operations including Infinys Rating and Billing (IRB), Dynamic Decisioning Solution (DDS), ICOMS, Customer Management Solutions
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Dan Berrett _Chronicle of Higher Education_
expectations about academic difficulty are far from universal
The author and those he quotes seem to conflate difficulty with learning, and with precision and extent of testing and other work. They're different, not interchangeable. Of course, part of the lesson is learning to learn more, and if the profs don't know enough to teach that, one common substitute is to require students to work long and hard rather than smart. OTOH, you can burn through properly coached 10K hours to gain expertise, or you can slog through 10K hours of improperly, erratically coached labor with little to show for it. Pages read is nowhere near as important as quality of pages read and paragraphs and chapters understood in context. And I suspect that for many students "outside" reading is more important than the texts (which tend to engage in a whole lot of re-hashing, all to often followed sudden leaps rather than building up logical progressions of implications from a reasonable base).
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Karoun Demirjian _Jewish World Review_
law-makers warn that the visa waiver program poses a terrorist threat at least equal to refugee admissions
"...But some lawmakers on Tuesday warned that the much bigger problem was the visa waiver program, which was enacted in 1986 and brings almost 20M people to the U.S.A. every year. Under the program -- which covers 38 countries, 30 of which are in Europe, including France, Belgium and Germany -- citizens of waiver countries can enter the U.S.A. with minimal screening. That makes it much harder to identify and weed out European nationals seeking to enter the U.S.A. after traveling to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate training camps in other nations and then returning to Europe [or even, e.g. 'refugees'/terrorists coming to the USA via the UK]..."
The problem is that, today, the background checks of visa applicants are cursory data-base look-ups, with a fraction merely interviewed rather than interrogated and investigated by interviewing family, neighbors, employers, teachers/professors, priests/ministers/pastors/rabbis/imams; while people coming from/through visa waiver countries get even less examination befor walzing in and presenting even fewer documents (and those, of course, possibly forged).
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Jennifer Rubin _Jewish World Review_
the haughty John Kerry's moral idiocy is of the worst type
"...At a campaign event, [even Yebbie Booosh] got fired up, reading Kerry's remarks and declaring, 'There is no rationale for barbaric Islamic fundamentalists who want to destroy Western Civilization.' The 'rationale' for killing the journalists and the Jews in the kosher market (whom the president insisted were victims of 'random' violence) is precisely the same as those who slaughtered at least 129 people in Paris last week. The idea that there is some rational grievance against the West (e.g. mockery of Islam) that fuels anti-Western jihadist terror is at the root of much of the administration's flawed and dangerous thinking. Kerry takes his cue from his boss. Tuesday evening [president Barack Hussein Obummer], under assault from Dems/leftists/Reds and Republicans for his failing policy and his unpresidential demeanor..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Katie Zezima _Jewish World Review_
while governors & mayors argue over "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals, Ted Cruz introduces doomed veto-bait without emotionalism that goes much further (if only the GOP losership had the fortitude to roll it into the relatively veto-proof 13 budget bills or "continuing resolution")
"Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill Wednesday that would prohibit refugees from any country the State Department has determined is controlled in part by a foreign terrorist organization from entering [the United States of America]. Cruz, who is running for the GOP presidential nomination, has said in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris that Muslim refugees from Syria should not be allowed in [the United States of America] because the [Obummer regime] cannot determine if refugees are aligned with [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate]. He said that Christians from the country should be given safe haven in America because they are victims of genocide. Cruz goes further with his bill, which would prohibit refugees from Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States. The State Department has said those countries are controlled in part by a 'foreign terrorist organization' [FTO, one of those legal terms of art that mean something different from and beyond the meanings of the words themselves]..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Karen de Young & Carol Morello _Jewish World Review_
quick to cite Ronald Reagan and Russia in the past, as France seeks grand-coalition, Obummer is finally wary of Putin
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Ana Swanson _Jewish World Review_
the financial savvy of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
"Weapons, vehicles, employee salaries, propaganda videos, international travel -- all of these things cost money. The recent terrorism attacks in Paris, which [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate] has claimed as its own work, suggest the terrorist organization hasn't been hurting for funding. David Cohen, the Treasury Department's Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, described [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate] last October as 'probably the best-funded terrorist organization we have confronted' -- deep pockets that have allowed the group to carry out deadly campaigns in Iraq, Syria and other countries..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
if some of us did not know, nearly everyone but the willfully ignorant knows now
"Oh, yes, the War on Terror -- remember? Or is it Terror's war on us? And against civilized humanity in general. Its object? The object of terrorism, Lenin is supposed to have said, is to terrorize. Nothing more. Terrorism requires no reason, only excuses, and there'll be plenty of time now, after the blood-bath in Paris, for the terrorists to come up with any number of them -- even if none are persuasive. It's the terror that matters to them, not the reasons for it -- or lack of them. See these still unexplained attacks last weekend when a great Western capital was terrorized. Call it terror for its own sake. The long war against terror just got longer -- and bloodier -- as the City of Light became a city of horrors. Last time we dared look, the death toll in Paris had already soared above a hundred. And we all had better look -- all around and up and down. Because we're all being hunted. Turn our backs for an instant and the enemy will strike. Suddenly, terribly, without warning or prelude. Because it's not just our freedom, precious as it is, that is his target but our very lives. Yes, now we know better -- or should -- than to ask as we once did in the long-ago opening stages of this long, long war why the enemy hates us. It doesn't matter why. He just does. Fanaticism needs no rationalizations for murder..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
Paris and freedom: government is buried in too much data about too many folks, rather than the right information about those who initiate force and fraud
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Hollis _Jewish World Review_
where there is no vision (or distorted vision) the people perish
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
the stupid Bush-hating, Obummer-protecting critics think Americans are stupid
World Net Daily
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
State Department Refugee Processing Center: 351 "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals admitted to USA since 2015-10-01:
346 (98.6%) Sunni Muslims, 5 (1.4%) Christians;
191 (54.4%) males, 160 (45.6%) females;
96 (27.4%) boys & 77 (21.9%) girls under 14 years old;
64 (18.2%) men & 68 (19.4%) women ages 14-40;
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Trey Gowdy (R-SC): what I'm really afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more US citizen widows and orphans
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup poll taken 2015-11-04 to -08 (before the 2015-11-13 Muslim terrorist attacks on people in Paris): 64% disapproved of Obummer's handling of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Michael McCaul: 60 ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate terrorist plots against Western targets, 18 off them in the USA
"...'Here at home, we have arrested more than 70 ISIS supporters over the last year. That's on average more than one per week, and the FBI says it has nearly 1K ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate-related investigations in all 50 states. If this is not a war, then I don't know what is.'..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
it is American to prefer Christian refugees to Muslim possible terrorists
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
Sharyl Attkisson: Obummer will not read intelligence reports on USA-recognized terrorist groups
"...he won't look at information he doesn't like, or which doesn't conform to his preconceived notions -- even in very serious matters relating to national security... Attkisson, on Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg Show (HT Breitbart), reported that she has been told that [Obummer] refuses to read information about recognized terorrist groups he apparently believes they shouldn't be seen as such... 'I have talked to people who have worked in the [Obummer regime] who firmly believe he has made up his mind, uh -- I would say closed his mind, they say -- to their intelligence that they've tried to bring him about various groups that he does not consider terrorists, even if they are on the U.S.A. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas, and there are those who've known him a long time who say this dates back to law school. He does not necessarily -- you may think this is a good trait you may think this is a bad trait -- he does not necessarily listen to the people with whom he disagrees. He seems to dig in. That would be, I would suppose he would say because he thinks he's right. He is facing formidable opposition on this particular point... I don't know the reason for it. I've only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him, or have been in the circle that has attempted to present him, with certain intelligence that they said he doesn't want it. He said he doesn't want it or he won't read it, in some instances.' It's one thing to listen to your advisers and overrule them. It's quite another to refuse to listen to them or read their work product because you know that they disagree with you or are presenting information you'd rather not know..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Paul Ryan: we are not satisfied with the way this "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal program is being run right now
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
James Carafano & Steven P. Bucci _Cybercast News Service_
what a responsible "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal policy looks like for USA after the Muslim terrorist attacks on people in Paris
"...Heritae Foundation... [requirements/suggestions included] Making intelligence-based risk assessments. Consulting with congress on how to alleviate those risks. Dealing with the chaos in Syria that is causing this problem. Following the law without executive overreach. Focusing refugee efforts on individuals on whom we have intelligence and information or can acquire it relatively easily... Indeed, there are individuals whom the U.S. [government] knows little or nothing about, and whom the U.S. [government] should not be looking to accept without a reasonable vetting system. There are other refugee applicants, however, where the U.S. [government] already has some information and/or can gather more information. IOW, some refugee applicants are more ideal candidates than others because we have better information with which to vet them..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
why does DHS perpetuate a business where most will lose their shirts?
"Why would a federal agency keep expanding a specific type of immigration-related business even though most participants will surely lose their shirts? Is it because the agency does not know what it is doing? Or, as I have come to believe, is it a cynical plot by some Democrats to sacrifice a bunch of small-town entrepreneurs so that the underlying immigrant investor (EB-5) program will continue, even though most of the American players will go out of business? I kick myself for not figuring this out earlier. Here is the situation: Congress decided a generation ago that there will be no more than 10K visas for immigrant investors each year. Virtually all of the investments cost $500K, plus something like $50K in fees. The aliens then get family-sized sets of green cards and with luck (and some imaginative accounting) 10 jobs will be 'created' for U.S.A. workers through each investment. The Department of Homeland Security [DHS] runs the program. Also involved are U.S.A. middlemen who run the regional centers that act as the brokers between the aliens, on one hand, and the actual developers, on the other. Most of this money goes into urban real estate, much of it on Wall Street, Park Avenue, and similar addresses. Regional centers, though they sound like government agencies, aren't. They are usually private, for-profit entities working within a specified geographic area. Each is licensed by DHS. Most are destined to be sacrificial lambs. There are now 761 of them, and more are approved every week. The problem for the centers is that there are too many of them. With each investment using up an average of 2.5 visas, there can be no more than 4K investments a year spread among 761 regional centers, or a measly 5.25 each. Since, as in all such circumstances, some of the older and more assertive regional centers will snare lots of investments, many others will get none at all. Why build a system with this kind of outcome? While competition is a good thing, generally, would it be a good idea to have 43 daily newspapers in a town of 100K? That might be useful to the paper mill owners and to [most] of the readers, but it would deadly for [30-40] of the papers....
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
House hearing on "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal "re-settlement"
Mark Krikorian's whole statement
video from House Judiciary committee
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Cuban dictatorship blames USA immigration policy for "migration crisis" in Central America
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
_Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz has introduced a bill to allegedly stop terrorists from entering the USA as "Syrian" "refugees" (S2302?)
Ted Cruz: Washington DC Times
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
_Conservative HQ_
Paul Ryan re-scheduled show vote on "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal scheme; shut out amendments from non-leftists
"...the only way to truly stop Muslim terrorists -- jihadis as they call themselves -- from being brought to the United States under [Obummer's] 'refugee re-settlement' program is to defund the program. And we are not alone in that analysis. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, chairman of the senate sub-committee on Immigration and the National Interest, expanded on our criticism of the establishment Republican approach in remarks released yesterday afternoon: 'The current proposal being considered in the House in response to the president's dangerous refugee plan -- the American SAFE Act -- fails to defend the interests of the American people. It is based on a flawed premise, as there is simply no way to vet Syrian refugees. Just over a month ago, officials from the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] admitted before the Immigration sub-committee that there is no data-base in Syria against which they can run a check. They have no way to enter Syria to verify the applicants' personal information. And we know the region is being flooded with false documents. Moreover, when the [Obummer regime] was asked if Syrian refugees could end up coming to the [USA] and joining ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate like Minnesota's Somali refugees, the answer was blunt: we can't predict the future. Each year, the [USA government] permanently re-settles more than 100K Muslim migrants inside [the United States of America]. In just the last year, refugees and migrants allowed into [the USA] from Bosnia, Somalia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Kuwait and Bangladesh have been implicated in terrorism. And, as we have seen, the U.S.A.-born children of migrants are also at risk for radicalization. Ignoring this reality, the American SAFE Act allows the President to continue to bring in as many refugees as he wants from anywhere in the world. With respect to Syria and Iraq, the American SAFE Act requires only that the president direct his secretary of Homeland Security, director of National Intelligence, and FBI director (all his appointees) to sign off on the [Obummer regime's] screening process... 91% of recent Middle Eastern refugees are on food stamps and 73% receive free health-care -- we will also be taking money directly from [USA citizens' Socialist Insecurity and Medicare Untrustworthy Funds] to provide retirement benefits for refugees.'..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
RINOs and GOP losership own Obummer's "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal scheme, because they keep funding it
"Establishment Republicans, caught out in yet another show vote, this time on stopping the 'Syrian' 'refugee' menace, have been complaining that 'there's no Syrian refugee re-settlement in the bills I voted for'. That is of course a cynical lie, since they have given Obama a blank check in the past three budget and spending votes that offered them an opportunity to stop this national suicide. Establishment Republicans now facing serious primary challenges, such as incumbent establishment Republican Martha Roby in Alabama-2, who is being challenged by Becky Gerritson, like incumbent Renee Ellmers in NC-2, who is being challenged by Frank Roche and Jim Duncan, and like incumbent Pete Sessions in TX-32, who is being challenged by Russell Ramsland are now trying desperately to run away from the 'Syrian' 'refugee' jihadi threat because they repeatedly voted to fund it. And by giving [Obummer] a blank check in the budget and spending bills that could have stopped the 'Syrian' 'refugee' madness Republicans own the 'Syrian' 'refugee' jihadi infiltration problem..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
exercising selectivity and care in refugee admissions
"In a November 17 broadcast on Fox News, Charles Krauthammer floated the possibility of exercising selectivity in admitting Syrian refugees: 'Given the new circumstances, you allow the women and the children and the men over 50', he said as a way of providing Americans some security assurances while still accepting some refugees. It's a noble sentiment, and superficially attractive, but in the end, I think, unworkable. Here's why. 1. Children are no safe bet. How do you define a child? Law and Western tradition suggest those under the age of 18. Does anyone think 15-to-17-year-olds are a safe bet? If you do, you're living in a bubble, and should immediately read a July 21 Foreign Affairs article by Mia Bloom, 'Cubs of the Caliphate: The Children of ISIS'. By that age, they are not only inculcated mentally, but physically primed and ready to kill. It is only our Western sensibilities that are taken aback by this callous use of 'children'. As 20th century wars have shown, child fighters can be among the most effective and brutal. [Certainly, USA armies have contained 14-17 year olds. If I were to make an age limit, they'd have to be orphans under 8.] 2. Neither are women... 3. Neither are men over 50... 4. The premise overlooks the law on 'follow-to-join'. Section 207(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1157(c)) governs family refugee admissions, and in the [bizarre] tradition of chain migration espoused by our laws... Under paragraph (2), even the so-called over-21 'child' of a refugee granted admission would be permitted entry under the principle of 'follow to join'. In sum, Mr. Krauthamer has put forward a noble sentiment, but, as with so many things in immigration law, the devil is in the details. In the end 'family unification' and chain migration would trump considerations of public safety and national security. Best not to go down that path."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Heater Wilhelm _Real Clear Politics_
What are the Obummerites thinking!?! And how did they become so deluded?!
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Ingraham
Refugee Settlement Watch report: 827 Somalis were "re-settled" in the last 6 weeks, only 1 Christian
Refugee Settlement Watch
"Top 5 'lucky' states [targeted by the Obummer regime] are Minnesota, Arizona, New York, Ohio and Texas. Here is a map showing where the first 827 Somalis have been resettled since October 1 (the beginning of the 2016 fiscal year). Last year the total was around 8,858 (well over 100K now). Why? Why are we still bringing in Somalis at this high rate? And, BTW, we are picking up Somalis all over the world and there is no data on them either! Tell me how you 'vet' someone [let alone conduct a proper background investigation on someone] who has 'made his way' to Indonesia or Malaysia? Or, to Malta for that matter after launching from Libya?"
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Ingraham
8 "Syrians" caught at Mexico-Texas border
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart: Ben Carson: the worst nightmare is unfolding before our eyes
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Ingraham
throngs of "migrant"/ "refugee" "children" trying to cross Mexico into USA, again
Houston TX Chronicle
Bob Price: Breitbart
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) _National Review_
new House bill doesn't protect US citizens in USA from "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
the delusional Hitlery Rotten Clinton: Muslims are "peaceful and tolerant" have nothing whatsoever to do with Muslim terrorism
And all these years we thought the PLO, Hizbollah, al-Qaeda, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, al-Shabaab, Black September, Boko Haram... were Muslims.
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
the delusional Paul Ryan: no reductions to Muslim immigration, no proper background investigations, reasonable measures are not who I am
"...'83% of voters want to see projected immigration growth reduced -- which means congress must take up and pass a bill to reduce the number of visas handed out each year.', Sessions wrote. 'Congress should immediately begin to move popular immigration reforms that would be backed by overwhelming majorities of voters, including… blocking the president from using federal funds to unilaterally expand the costly [and insanely foolhardy] refugee re-settlement program.'... Indeed, Ryan was instrumental in defeating an effort to cut visa issuances during the mid-1990s, thus derailing the effort to codify into law Civil Rights leader Barbara Jordan's plan for substantial immigration cuts in order to protect the American worker. As _Game Change_ author John Heilemann wrote in 1996, '[Ryan's] ties to the pro-immigration mafia ran deep'."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Laura Ingraham criticized Paul Ryan for supporting Islamic immigration without proper background investigations
"...'the tactics Ryan is employing here -- declaring falsely that his legislation will implement a so-called pause to the refugee re-settlement program -- is a fig-leaf and is no different than the rhetoric he used during the 2013 Gang of Eight [8 Gangsters] immigration expansion [and lowering standards] push [S744].', she said. Ingraham was focused on Ryan's effort to pass a bill that adds paperwork-requirements to [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] effort to bring in many more Muslim 'migrants'. Many Conservatives dismiss his bill as an insignificant obstacle to [Obummer's schemes]...."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: it is unwise for Paul Ryan to fund Obummer's "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal re-settlement scheme
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Rand Paul: visa waiver travelers should have to go through a "global entry" process to enter USA
"...Rand said, 'for the visa waiver countries, these are our friends, our allies, England, Germany, France, what I would say is, yes, you can come and visit us, come through global entry. That means you do a background check. If you're a businessman or woman from France, you come here all the time, we want you to come. We want to do business with France. But, I don't think it's asking too much to go through global entry. I went through the frequent flyer program to be able to fly in a less molested way in the United States. I think french travelers could do the same kind of thing. I think if we don't do that, we have to have a waiting period. Because, I think many of the...attackers in France, could have actually gotten on a plane. Some of them will probably turn out to be - have been on a watch list, but I think some of them will turn out to be people for whom we did not have any suspicion. But I think making people go through a process to visit our country, it's the only thing we can do. And it's actually a lot less expensive than sending a half a million young American sons and daughters back there for another war. I think another big land war in Iraq is a mistake, and I'm not for it.'..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Rand Paul forces Mitch McConnell to halt floor action on bill for "refugee" housing
"Paul also blasted Senate leadership on Thursday for not considering his amendment to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development funding bill that would have blocked any current refugees in the United States from getting public housing..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
House passed bill (HR4038) aimed at increasing scrutiny of "refugees"
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: Obummer is a bad president; he's not going to stop at just 10K "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: Obummer is more upset at non-leftists than with murderous terrorists; we need fundamental reforms to "visa waiver" program
"...Cruz said, 'instead of engaging in political warfare, how about the president do his job as commander-in-chief? He seems more upset that Republicans are calling for protecting this country than he is that ISIS terrorists murdered 129 people in Paris... And the president should be protecting this nation, not insulting you and me, and millions of Americans, calling us un-American, because we want to keep to defend this nation and we want to keep our children safe.'..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Bob Price & Brandon Darby _Breitbart_
5 men from Pakistan, 1 from Afghanistan, having entered via Mexico, caught 16 miles into Arizona
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate released video threatening th blow up White House
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Ben Shapiro talks at USC about Islamic agenda
"...During a roughly 45-minute lecture and extensive follow-up Q&A period, Shapiro detailed how anti-Israel organizations and initiatives on college campuses across the country have surged in number, even in just the last decade. 'The radical Islamic agenda on campus has gotten significantly stronger since I was on campus [at UCLA], and it was strong even then.', Shapiro said..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Lee Stranahan _Breitbart_
female suicide bombers attacked in Nigeria for second day
"...killed an estimated 15 people at a packed mobile phone market in Kano, Nigeria... only a day after a terrorist attack killed 32 and wounded 80 in the Northeast city of Yola... taken over 20K lives since 2009 and displaced over 2M in just the past 2 years..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Ezra Schwartz (USA teen), and Yaakov Don killed in Palestinian terror attack when their taxi was rammed and then fired on in Gush Etzion, Eastern Israel
Yeshiva World News
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
Palestinians attack in Tel Aviv & Eastern Israel, killing 1, wounding 3
"...Israel's HaAretz newspaper reports that the Palestinian attacker, a 26-year old from the [Eastern Israel] village of Dura, was provided with a permit to enter Israel about a month ago and told interrogators that he came to kill Jews. The assault in Tel Aviv was followed by a Palestinian shooting and car ramming attack targeting Israeli vehicles in Gush Eztion in [Eastern Israel]. According to initial reports, 3 people were killed and 4 others were wounded in that attack. Today's incident marks the first terrorist attack in central Israel in two-and-a-half weeks, and the first major attack since last Friday's killing of a rabbi and his son in the ancient [Eastern Israel] city of Hebron [Chebron]..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
Fatah official: "murdering Israeli women is our right"
"...JM, a member of Fatah's central committee, participated in the rally... 'It is the right of our young men to cause Israeli women to cry like our women are crying, even though our women make sounds of joy after their sons' and husbands' deaths as martyrs.', said Muhaisen... H, who stabbed R' Nehemiah Lavi and Aharon Bennett to death while they were walking with their wives and a 2-year-old child in the Old City of Jerusalem, was shot dead by Israeli police..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
daughter of rabbi murdered by Palestinians invites all Israel to her wedding
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Stockholm syndrome: the irony of Swedish official Margaret Wallstrom fingering Israel over Muslim terrorism around the world
"...Translation? The failure of Israel to sacrifice its own national security by carving up its own state and complete capitulation to Arab Palestinian demands, such as ridding historically Jewish lands of any Jews, and accepting terrorist attacks from its neighbors as a way of life, is the real cause of the brutal Paris attacks..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson talks with Breitbart London from Brussels Muslims-only zone of Molenbeek
"'I thought there would be military and police everywhere but I haven't seen it.' These were the first words the Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson said to me as we began our walk around the Brussels 'no go zone' [Muslims-only zone] of Molenbeek this week, just a few hours before police raided properties for the second time in the area in search for connections to the atrocities that rocked Paris and the Western world last week... 'It looks like parts of Malmo in Sweden.', Jimmie told me. 'It's the same. The Arab signs and Arab people everywhere. The big problem is that we are getting used to it.'... Almost every woman walking in Molenbeek was covered in a hijab. Almost every man in traditional, Islamic dress, replete with impressively-sized beards. You could hear very little French and almost no English, unlike elsewhere in Brussels. I asked Jimmie if he thought the people we saw, or maybe their children, had a chance of integrating? 'No, I don't think so...'..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
French National Assembly extends state of emergency for 3 months: searches, house arrests, electronic location monitoring, block Internet sites
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Jeff Knox _WND_
thankfully, we're not Paris... yet; the power-mad government has not rendered US citizens defenseless
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
DoS official Anne Richard: "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals are little threat, we stop tracking them after only 3 months, and don't examine people from Muslim terrorist countries more closely or track them longer
"...when asked by representative Lamar Smith (R-TX) if any of the nearly 2K Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S.A. so far have been arrested. Richard said that while they do not track Syrian refugees she had not heard of any arrests to date... 'Syrians are less of a threat, actually, because they have fled their country, they voted with their feet.', she said... The Texas law-maker expressed incredulity at Richard's claim pointing out that while the 'Syrian' 'refugees' 'may not have a [personal] record of terrorism, they may be would-be terrorists, they may be terrorists-in-training. Terrorists organizations have already said said they will use the refugee program to try to infiltrate the USA. And you say you are less worried about Syrian refugees than other refugees?'"
Then again, Faisal Shahzad from Pakistan voted with his feet before trying to blow up Times Square, Mohammed Atta voted with his feet before flying a commercial jet into an office tower in Manhattan...
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Syrians in Texas protest governor Greg Abbott's stand for proper background investigations of prospective refugees and asylees
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
prominent US citizen in NY who immigrated when he was 10 years ol joins millions of other Americans in recognizing that ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate already has terrorists in the USA
"...'I believe the terrorists from Syria have been coming into the United States, not only in the past few years, but way before that.', he said. 'I think they're already at work.'... 'We understand it is the goal of terrorists to intimidate and disrupt our democratic society.', he said. 'We will not submit. It's crucial that people go about their normal business recognizing the NYPD is providing extraordinary protection for the people of this city.'..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: we have to be a force on the internet to beat ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: Bill de Blasio made a terrible mistake by shutting down surveillance of mosques to detect incitement to initiation of force and fraud
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Mo Brooks (R-AL): of course congress should de-fund the insane "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal re-settlement scheme
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate chemical weapons are a very real threat to Western civilization
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
James O'Keefe video: "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals claim "Syrians" are using fake passports to get into Europe
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate attacks on French Jews are "no surprise", community on high alert after teacher was stabbed
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
in tests reporters say TSA misses weapons about 75% of the time
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
RINOs and leftists praise Paul Ryan for stabbing non-leftists in the back and endangering the USA
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
drivers of petroleum tank trucks were warned with illustrated & captioned leaflets before USA bombed the trucks
Bridget Johnson: PJMedia
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Sharon Randall _Jewish World Review_
a mother's smile in the rear-view mirror lights a life
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Ramesh Ponnuru _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's Department of indoctrination is not liberal enough
"...It's bad enough when universities decide to water down the rights of the accused and limit speech. It's worse when the federal government is telling them to do so. Congress hasn't forced the [Obummer regime] to prod colleges this way: The administration is stretching the law, at the expense of traditionally liberal concepts of due process and unrestricted speech..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Ilana Mercer _WND_
propaganda: Yale, Mizzou & your child's school: students' perverted sense of "justice" wasn't inculcated at college level
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Bob Unruh _WND_
did Obummer just say (again) that he's Muslim? (with video)
TEA Party.org
C-SPAN: did president Obummer just admit he was Muslim?
"Born to a Muslim father and raised in his early childhood by a Muslim step-father in a Muslim nation, where he was registered in school as Muslim, [Barack Hussein Obummer] has many ties to Islam that have caused some to doubt his profession of Christian faith. [Obummer], who as president has supported the Muslim Brotherhood, even referred in a television interview to 'my Muslim faith'. Apparently, he's done it again. The head-line on C-SPAN following a recent [Obummer] speech in Turkey read: 'Did President [Obummer] Just Admit He was Muslim?' 'I think on one hand non-Muslims cannot stereotype', [Obummer] said, 'but I also think the Muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being affected with this twisted notion that somehow they can killed innocent people.'..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Ingraham
the so-called "outsiders" are the main-stream: PPP poll: Trump 26%, Carson 19%, Cruz 14%, Fiorina 4%, Huckabee 4%, Rand Paul 2%
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Ingraham
contrary to "beltway wisdom", Donald Trump poll results continue to climb
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Ingraham
Dinesh D'Souza: Donald Trump is the most electrifying figure we have had in politics since Reagan (mp3)
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Laura Ingraham
messaging app "Telegram" has sut down 78 "channels" in 12 languages used by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
London Telegraph
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Red China vows revenge against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate for murdering hostage
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Bradlee Dean _WND_
** it seems everything Barack Hussein Obummer does is benefitting ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate; global elites are using "terror war" as tool for tyranny **
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Roman Catholic cardinal at the Vatican: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is a "Satanic terrorist organization"
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Douglas Ernst _WND_
Satanists seek to ally with Muslims in the USA after Muslim terrorist attacks on people in Paris, France
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
USA troops in Afghanistan killed due to poor oversight of contractors
"Poor oversight of government contractors in Afghanistan paved the way for [anti-government forces] to plant roadside bombs under highways and embankments that ultimately killed and wounded U.S.A. troops... At least 2,229 members of the U.S.A. military have been killed and another 20,093 wounded in Afghanistan since the war started in 2001 October, according to Pentagon figures..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
VietNam: Christians detained, beaten by police as part of new crack-down
"...prison terms for denouncing VietNam's human rights violations..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: indiscriminately admitting so-called Syrian so-called refugees is national suicide and insanity; There is nothing compassionate about it. There is nothing American about it. There's nothing rational about it.
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: there is no comparison whatsoever between today's so-called "Syrian" so-called "refugees" and Jewish refugees between 1933 and 1945
"'were there jewish terrorists threatening -- or organizations in Nazi Germany, in the third reich -- threatening to infiltrate, to secrete themselves within these populations. Of course not... And by the way, I supported refugees coming in here from VietNam. We went to war. The Democrats ended the war. They cut off funding, and there were people who had fought beside us, people who were going to be executed, people that had been part of South VietNam, and I felt then they should be, yes, those are real refugees. And we have a connection to those real refugees... There is a real threat if we allow these people in because we can't tell who's good and who's bad [and the Obummer regime doesn't even want to try]. The French couldn't tell. Let me tell you, here's a story... 3,700 illegal immigrant Threat Level One criminals released into the United States by the Department of Homeland Security. Remember this story from the summer? I read it, from Stephen Dinan. Murderers, rapists, other felons... We're talking about an enemy who is using this as an opportunity to secrete their terrorists within the population so we can't pick them out.', Levin said. '[As with the Soviet spies and operatives who infiltrated through Europe, Canada, South America and the USA beginning in 1917] We can't cherry pick them, we can't figure it out. That was not the same situation as the VietNamese. That was not the same situation as the Jews [fleeing the Nazis].'"
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
Brian Babin (R-TX) on Middle East "refugees": Mary and Joseph didn't have suicide bomb vests strapped on them, and some of these folks do
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
congress ask why USA has only 2 worn out ice-breakers in the Arctic while Russia has over 30
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz: John Kerry should resign because he's an apologist for radical Islamic terrorism
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Rand Paul proposed "Defend Our Capital Act" requiring DC government to issue concealed carry permits to recognize the right of US citizens to own and carry arms for the defense of themselves, their neighbors, and the government
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Kansas official praised & criticized for slide-show of criminals named Mohammed
"...The Kansas chapter of the [terrorist affiliated] Council on American-Islamic Relations urged Kansas political and religious leaders to repudiate views expressed a day earlier by Sedgwick County Commissioner Karl Peterjohn. The county includes the city of Wichita..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Newt Gingrich _Washington DC Times_
real war 2: defining success
"...Our enemies know they are at war with us. They routinely prove they will kill those who don't convert or submit to Islam and accept its superiority and the rule of sharia. These enemies extend well beyond the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. Boko Haram in Nigeria has killed more people than ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. Al-Qaeda is apparently growing again. The Taliban is gaining ground in Afghanistan. Islamic supremacists are proselytizing and recruiting around the world... The FBI has cases in all 50 states..."
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Mark Levin criticized Paul Ryan for his efforts to make USA more vulnerable to Muslim terrorism: this is on-going WW3
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Paul Ryan: we always have riders, ear-marks, restrictions, poison pills, set-asides, pork on appropriations bills
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Cliff Kincaid _Accuracy in Media_
Roman Catholic Church facilitates invasion of USA in exchange for massive diversion of funds from USA citizen tax-victims to church coffers
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
David Archibald
a Dalton-like amplitude for "solar cycle 25"
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Eric Worrall
is NOAA about to crack? "pause-buster" study under intense scrutiny
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Christopher Monckton
watch UK supremes wriggle, then help it come clean
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
Proposed Bills 2015
2015-11-19 (5776 Kislev 07)
_Popular Archaeology_
new clues about earliest humans in Americas: Monte Verde, Chile, 14K-19K years ago
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"If we spent less time trying to make this world a better place to live in, and more time trying to make ourselves better persons to live with, the world would be a better place to live in." --- R' Shraga Silverstein (source: Jewish World Review) |
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
errors and misquotes
Ian M. Smith: Hill
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Laura Ingraham
Obummer is trying to shield more than 80% of illegal aliens from deportation
Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
outrage at evil initiations of force beginning to recede?
Washington DC Times
"...[President Barack Hussein Obummer] usual insouciance in the face of threat from radical Islam stood out sharply against the universal outrage. He had boasted only an hour or so before the wholesale murder in Paris that he had 'contained' [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate]. In the hours afterward he doubled down on the absurd claim. But then the anger and the determination to do something began to recede, and it was clear that [Obummer] intended to leave response and retribution, if any, to others. He would continue to lead from the comfort of behind. The president of France led the way against evil, and [Obummer] was soon content to turn his ire and outrage against the real terror of right-thinking folk, the Republicans in Washington. 'Bigotry', not terrorism, was all that irritated the president. The subject of what to do about the gathering storm bores him... The president, grateful for allies wherever he finds them, lashes out at the Republicans for wanting to take precautions in admitting the 'refugees'... Outrage always dissipates, and a good thing, but it can sometimes accomplish a good end before it mellows. [President Obummer] is trying to make sure the outrage fades before it forces him to take due diligence. The incomplete vetting of 'Syrian' 'migrants', letting some of them leach across the border, is good enough. He dismisses the notion that migrants must be screened to exclude [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate] ringers. ''The idea that somehow they pose a more significant threat than the tourists who pour into the United States every single day just doesn't jive with reality.' [he correctly noted, raising the question: Why are tourists, business travelers, exchange visitors, guest-workers, foreign students not properly investigated before giving them visas?]..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
George Avalos _San Jose CA Mercury News_
17,300 more employed in over-priced, over-taxed, over-populated, over-crowded, over-regulated SF Bay area, 41,200 in all of California
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
"refugee" theater in USA federal government
"One of my staff accompanied me to yesterday's House immigration sub-committee hearing on 'Syrian' 'refugee' 're-settlement' and she said afterwards, 'We didn't learn anything.' Never having attended a congressional hearing, she was surprised by this. The Democrats followed the president's lead in dismissing concerns about security. I think one or another of them (Zoe Lofgren, Luis Gutierrez, and John Conyers ii, plus their witness, the head of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) ended up ticking off every cliché I'd expected: the 'wrong side of history', the Holocaust, the SS St. Louis, and the internment of the Japanese. (I don't think slavery came up.) The Republicans made more pertinent points. One question struck me in particular: after the State Department [DoS] and USCIS officials said how effective their interviews of refugees were in exposing liars, Goodlatte asked that, if that were so, how come there are 5M illegal aliens who were interviewed before they got their visas? They'd all promised to return home when their authorized time here expired, and obviously their lies were not exposed during their visa interviews. He didn't get a real answer. My only concern about the hearing was that its focus just on Syrian refugees might have been misunderstood as suggesting that they were the only area of concern regarding security. (Not to mention the broader issue of Muslim immigrant enclaves serving as the sea within which the terrorist fish can swim, as Mao might have said.) In truth, we have no way of vetting people from any of the failed states of the Islamic world, whether Somalia or Libya or Yemen or Afghanistan or Iraq. The latter 2 actually we have more intelligence on, having ruled them for a number of years, but even that information is of limited use; we admitted 2 Iraqis as 'refugees' who, we only discovered later, had been IED-makers back in Iraq. And the FBI fears dozens more such terrorists have been admitted as 'refugees'. Oh, and we re-settled nearly 9K Somali 'refugees' last year..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's sanctimony on the so-called Syrian so-called refugees
Real Clear Politics
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
debate over "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals erodes Dem/Red/leftist lead in Louisiana governor contest: David Vitter numbers increasing rapidly
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Michael Barone _Jewish World Review_
Obummer gets very angry... at reasonable USA citizens
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Obummer drove Sunnis into ISIL's/ ISIS's/ Daesh's/ IS's/ caliphate's arms
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's strategic bumbling/evil sometimes appears to be theater of the absurd until you add up all the causes and effects to see his bizarre premises
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
the violence-initiating Muslim challenge to the culture of light
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
doctor Ben S. Carson _Jewish World Review_
my plan to defeat ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's enabling of initiators of force and fraud
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
ululations of deranged (and deluded) college cry-babies
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Renee James _Jewish World Review_
connecting dots
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer & other anti-USA leftists are back to bleating about Christian terrorism
"failing to notice that unlike [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Fatah, Hizbollah] and their ilk, the hate-filled Westboro contingent hasn't thrown homosexuals off tall buildings. Then there are the feminists who love to make comparisons of Christianity and radical Islam by implying that Christians should be defined as abortion-clinic personnel killers. Late-term abortionist George Tiller was shot at his Lutheran church in 2009, and then you have to go back to Dr. Barnett Slepian being shot in his own home in 1998. How many tens of thousands have perished at the hands of Islamic radicals during that time frame? Christians immediately condemned the killing of abortionists, evil as they are, as immoral. By contrast, polls show millions of Muslims have expressed support for ISIS, and many millions more approve of terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Ted Cruz: it is because of Obummer & Clinton & Kerry that the Islamic initiators of force and fraud are winning in many parts of the world
"'have you noticed that the one time [president Barack Hussein Obummer and Hitlery Rotten Clinton] were willing to use military force is when using it benefits radical Islamic terrorists? Go back to the beginning of the administration, Libya. Listen, Gadhafi was a bad man. He had a terrible human rights record, but he had voluntarily handed over his nuclear weapons efforts. He was aiding the United States in going after radical Islamic terrorists. He was targeting the terrorists. And what did [Obummer] and Clinton do? They led NATO in bombing Gadhafi and doing everything they could to drive him out of power. And the consequence was they handed Libya [and possibly arms and ammunition] over to warring tribes of radical Islamic terrorists... They did the same thing in Egypt. Mubarak, again a flawed man, a dictator with a terrible human rights record, but he consistently stood as an ally with America against radical Islamic terrorists. What did [Obummer] and Clinton do? Pushed Mubarak out and pushed (in) the Muslim Brotherhood, which finances radical Islamic terrorism all over the globe... [President Obummer] and Hillary Clinton want to topple [Bashar al-Assad]. Assad is a bad man. If they succeed in toppling Assad, Syria will be taken over by radical Islamic terrorists, by al-Qaeda and al-Nusra and [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and Iran]...'..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Russia reports 3 waves of "massive" strikes against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
the perverse Obummer: keeping terrorists & non-uniformed combatants in Guantanamo and preventing them from engaging in terrorism and battle helps ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate wastes money
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
Pew report shows attrition of the illegal alien population is possible
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
the end of ObummerWorld
World Net Daily
"...his rhetoric is discordantly out of touch with reality... At a soccer game between Turkey and Greece in Istanbul, Turks booed during the moment of silence for the Paris dead and chanted 'Allahu Akbar'. Among 1.6G Muslims, hundreds of millions do not share our values regarding women's rights, abortion, homosexuality, free speech, or the equality of all religious faiths. Set aside the fanatics of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. Does Saudi Arabia share [Obummer's] views and values regarding sexual freedom and the equality of Christianity, Judaism and Islam? Is anything like the First Amendment operative across the Sunni or Shiite world, or in China?..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Marisa Martin _WND_
many Muslims would not recognize "peaceful values" if flaming pig lard were shoved up their noses
"The last time American Nohemi Gonzalez was in Paris, she was bleeding to death under a under a pile of slain Frenchmen. Gonzalez was a 23-year-old design student from California State University. Last week's slaughter by radical Muslems is unusual for a number of reasons. It wasn't the cruelty or psychotic aloofness (all standard Islamic genocide procedure). Concert-goers and restaurant patrons weren't noticeably Jewish or Christian. Some were even Muslim. Sad scrolling lists of the dead reveal some patterns. Trendy hip areas. Venues for the young and secular. Most of them were non-political and the sort who cheer on Muslim immigrants with open arms and good will. A host of young people in creative professions were gunned down in Paris -- artists, musicians, film makers, actors and more. Alban Denuit a 32-year-old sculptor was represented by Galerie Eponyme. Germain Ferey worked with audiovisual illustration. Two 29-year-old architects died: Quentin Mourier and Mohamed Amine Ibnolmobarak. Young mother Claire Camax and Caroline Prénat and Elodie Breuil were graphic designers, as well as our American girl Gonzalez. Fabrice Dubois worked in advertising and Djamila Houd was with a fashion house. Film director Maxime Bouffard perished, as well as actor Romain Feuillade. Even more musicians or those related to the music industry died because of Islam last week. They were gifted violinists, flutists and band members from Chile. Three young men and women worked for Universal Music France. They were students and instructors of music as well as a music journalist and a film composer. How will the art world respond or react to this? Millions of tweets of solidarity and condolence fly across the globe. Everything is tri-colored... except the [Barack Hussein Obummer] White House..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Mark Finkelstein _Media Research Center News Busters_
leftist media laying down cover: Ayman Mohyeldin said it is important to emphasize that we don't know the identities of the attackers and kidnappers in Mali
"Great point, Ayman. I mean, sure, they were yelling 'Allah Akhbar', and released hostages who could recite passages from the Koran. But can anyone prove they're not a bunch of Yale frat boys on early Spring Break wearing hideously inappropriate Halloween costumes? Or perhaps some insufficiently sensitive Mizzou administrators invading the safe space of the hotel guests?... Now, it's so that Mohyeldin also reported that there are al Qaeda-affiliated groups operating within Mali, and that other groups may be pledging allegiance to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. So if at some point Mohyeldin reported that it was not clear which radical Islamic terrorist group is responsible for the attack, that's useful information.... The same Mohyeldin who suggested that a Palestinian stabber in Jerusalem was unarmed when shot by police despite footage clearly showing a knife in his hand. What will it take for NBC to find a more objective Middle East reporter?"
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Muslim terrorists took 170 people hostage in Mali for a few hours before being defeated by police; we can and should thoroughly investigate every visitor, foreign student, guest-worker desiring to enter the USA
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
RINOs and GOP losership show bill (HR4038) won't stop a single terrorist from entering the USA; this reflects their values, their irresponsibility
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Laura Ingraham
Donald Trump won't rule out data-base, DNA, finger-prints for visa applicants, surveillance of those from countries with heavy terrorist presence
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Laura Ingraham
Tucker Carlson: "world improvement" should ot supersede USA needs (partial transcript and audio)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
blood of Muslim terroists' victims still stains buildings and streets, but leftist move on to proselytize for Islam
"15 years and 27K deadly Islamic attacks after [the Muslim terrorist attacks of 2001/09/11], the New York Times is 'Defend[ing] Islam From Being Hijacked by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate'. Where's the New York Times's piece on 'Defend[ing] Islam' from being 'hijacked' by al-Qaeda? Boko Haram? Hamas? Hezb'Allah [Hezbollah/Hizbollah/Hizballah]? Al-Shabaab? The Muslim Brotherhood? Or any of these other designated Islamic terrorist organizations: Abdullah Azzam Shaheed, Brigade, Abu Nidal Organization, Abu Sayyaf, al-Aqsa Foundation, al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Al-Badr, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, Al Ghurabaa, al-Haramain Foundation, Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, al-Qaeda in Iraq, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al-Shabaab, Takfir wal-Hijra, Al-Umar-Mujahideen, Ansar al-Islam, Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna, Ansar Dine, Ansaru, Armed Islamic Group of Algeria, Army of Islam, Osbat al-Ansar, Caucasus Emirate, Deendar Anjuman, Dukhtaran-e-Millat, East Turkestan Islamic Movement, East Turkestan Liberation Organization, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, El Kaide Terör Örgütü Türkiye Yapılanması, Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Haqqani network, Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, Harkat-al-Jihad al-Islami in Bangladesh, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Harakat-Ul-Mujahideen/Alami, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, Hezbollah Military Wing, Hezbollah External Security Organisation, Hilafet Devleti, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Hizbul Mujahideen, Hofstad Network, Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, Indian Mujahideen, Aden-Abyan Islamic Army, Islamic Jihad – Jamaat Mujahideen, Islamic Jihad Union, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Jabhat al-Nusra, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Jamaat Ul-Furquan Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh, Jamiat al-Islah al-Idzhtimai, Jamiat ul-Ansar, Jamiat-e Islami, Jemaah Islamiyah, Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid, Jund al-Sham, Jundallah, Kata'ib Hezbollah, Khalistan Commando Force, Khalistan Zindabad Force, Khuddam ul-Islam, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestine Liberation Front, Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, People's Congress of Ichkeria and Dagestan, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage, Stichting Al Aqsa, Students Islamic Movement of India, Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus, Taliban, Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, United Liberation Front of Assam, World Uygur Youth Congress...? IOW, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is nothing new. This 'hijacking' has been going on for quite some time, and is considerably more widespread than ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. Who is the New York Times trying to kid? In the wake of [the Muslim terrorist attacks of 2001/09/11], the New York Times went to their appointed moderate imam to sell the same steaming pile of dung that they are selling today. Their imam was Anwar al-Awlaki -- the imam of the 2001/09/11 Muslim terrorists and other jihadis. Fifteen years later, they have learned nothing. How did Anwar al-Awlaki not teach them anything? No. No mea culpa, no introspection. As an authority, the Times still cites Ibrahim Hooper of the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Where's Ibn Warraq? Robert Spencer? Bat Ye'or? Where are the scholars of Islam who explain what is happening and why? What's it going to take? There are daily attacks on Jews by Muslim terrorists who are incited to this genocide by their imams and their holy book; these pass unremarked by the Times and the rest of the main-stream media. A passenger jet is blown out of the sky in cause of Allah and it's forgotten by the elite press 2 weeks later. More than 20 jihad terror plots against New York City have been thwarted since 2001/09/11. There have been plots to blow up synagogues in New York City, and the New York City subway -- and the New York Stock Exchange, Ciigroup headquarters, JFK Airport, and more. None of these were thwarted by 'moderate Muslims'. A November report by the Department of Homeland Security shows there are 900 active investigations into jihadists here in the U.S.A..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
children in Laredo play football in park along Rio Grand/Rio Bravo... as international cartel smugglers run drugs across the field (and not a hint of a sign of fence in or along the river in that whole area; and no cattle grazing, either)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Arizona sheriff/congressional candidate Paul Babeu: the haughty John Kerry should resign after blaming victims of Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Kentucky governor-elect Matt Bevin criticizes racist cartoon aimed at his family and his opposition to admitting un-investigated "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
judge John Kane rules that federal government did not violate rights of suspect in terrorism case who is challenging use of NSA surveillance
"the National Security Agency's programs have the potential for abuse. But he said they were used appropriately in the case of Jamshid Muhtorov, who was accused in 2012 of providing material support to an Uzbek terrorist organization active in Afghanistan. The evidence against him consists largely of phone calls and Internet communications..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
in wake of his own public idiocy/malevolence WRT "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals, Obummer scheduled visit to "refugee center" in Malaysia
"...The center provides education and support to for refugees, particularly for Rohingya Muslims..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
9th graders in Utah were assigned to make ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate propaganda as home-work
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Christopher C. Hull _Breitbart_
group backed by George Soros and other extreme leftists has launched anti-USA campaign to maintain/increase flow of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals into USA
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
senate Reds/Dems/leftists plan to filibuster House losership's ineffectual token show bill related to executive agency approval for admitting ever more "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals into USA
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Sweden can't house all of the "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals arriving
"...Sweden has already imposed temporary border controls in response to the record influx of refugees, while authorities plan to shelter thousands of people in heated tents as well as venues such as ski resorts and a theme park. But now even these options have run out...
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Pew: from 2009 to 2014 more Mexicans have been leaving USA than entering
"The Pew Research Center found that slightly more than 1M Mexicans and their families, including American-born children, left the U.S.A. for Mexico from 2009 to 2014. During the same five years, 870K Mexicans came to the U.S.A., resulting in a net flow to Mexico of 140K... More than 16M Mexicans moved to the United States from 1965 to 2015... Republican Donald Trump calling for Mexico pay for a fence to run the entire length of the [roughly] 1,954-mile frontier. Pew said there were 11.7M Mexicans living in the U.S.A. last year, down from a peak of 12.8M in 2007. That includes 5.6M living in the U.S.A. illegally, down from 6.9M in 2007..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Louie Gohmert: Obummer has been "fundamentally harming" USA by leaving borders un-defended; it's just insane
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Gateshead London Jewish orthodox school evacuated as police detonate suspicious package
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
senator Tom Carper (D-DE): if I were a bad guy, I just might try coming into the USA under a visa waiver program, as a student or tourist (since the colleges and DHS hardly pretend to do any background investigations)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Sam Dorman _Cybercast News Service_
poll: 56% oppose admitting "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals to USA; 65% support sending significant and effective numbers of USA troops to fight ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Judson Phillips _Washington DC Times_
Obummer's stances on "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals and ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate are a real and present danger to the USA
"...It is official. [Barack Hussein Obummer] has abdicated American leadership in the world to the French. As we watch the approach to his final year of his petulant presidency, sane people are wondering what else he can do to America. Wonder no more. We now know. He wants to bring terrorism to the shores of America. [Obummer] announced he wanted to bring Syrian refugees to America. They arent just Syrian refugees. These refugees that are flooding Europe are 72% military-age males. Where are the women and children [Obummer] whines about? Where are the Syrian Christians? Of the Syrians allowed in so far as refugees, 2,098 of them are Muslim while only 53 are Christian. In short, [Obummer] wants to import military-age Muslim men in to America. What could possibly go wrong?..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Joshua Charles _WND_
"migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal blather; here's a rational compromise
"OT1H, you can quote Bible verses about the stranger, the 'sojourner' [the new convert, the foreigner... words used, translations and interpretations differ from place to place in the Bible/Torah] and helping those in need. That is legitimate. OTOH, you can also argue that if there are not proper measures in place to ensure that these people are not violent and are not in any way affiliated with extremely dangerous groups like [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Fatah, Hizbollah, al-Qaeda...], and that they do not present public health risks, that we should be wary of allowing them in. The compromise position, and the position I think satisfies the very reasonable moral and justified demands on both sides is that we should let refugees in, provided there is a system in place whereby we can verify that they will not be dangerous to public safety. What use is it to welcome those in need if our own people are put in danger?... Remember: [SOME of these] people have been the first victims of [ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, while others are members/agents/operatives]..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Joshua Charles _WND_
what the Torah/Bible and history (including both 1400 years ago and 60 years ago) tell us about immigration
"...While G-d told the Israelites 'Thou shalt not afflict the stranger' (Exodus 22:20), He also promised, 'And I shall protect your borders so that strangers and enemies will not fill your camp and become a thorn in your side' (Exodus 34:12). Speaking of borders, Nehemiah was told to build a wall around Jerusalem. He finished it in just 52 days, and included several beautiful gates, a story that should surely stir the heart of Donald Trump. As for migration, Jews the world over celebrate the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt on Passover. But the Bible's most famous migration story offers a decidedly mixed message for the open-borders crowd... G-d told Moses: 'I drive out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite' (Exodus 34:11)..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Michael Morris _Cybercast News Service_
poll: 56% disagree with Obummer; force- and fraud-initiating Muslims are at war against the USA and Western Civilization
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Joseph Farah _WND_
the ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate - KKK analogy
"The KKK has used Christian imagery, Christian symbols and even defenses of Christianity throughout its history. Adolf Hitler did so, too -- when it was convenient. He alternatively distanced himself from Christianity by referring to it as a Jewish sect when it suited his purposes. Likewise, the trappings of Christianity were misused for centuries to oppress people, justify genocide, condone forced conversions and perpetrate unspeakable horrors. But that's where the similarities end. Islam conquered the world using the same tactics ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is using today. The Islamic Empire was the largest in world history -- bigger than Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Persia, Rome and Britain. It lasted longer than any of them. And it all started small and grew fast... Muhammad slaughtered those who rejected his new religion. His followers did the same. Christianity began with a Jewish Messiah named Jesus, or Yeshua. He killed no one, though He gave His own life willingly to save the world. He preached love, forgiveness and offered grace. He told His followers to love their enemies. It took hundreds of years for the message to be twisted and distorted to the point where horrors were perpetrated in His name. So there is a fundamental difference between true Christianity and true Islam... How many 'Christian terrorist' organizations are there in the world? How many people are threatened by them? How many nations are under their spell or face destabilization at their hands? Here are just a select few Islamic terrorist groups... Abu Sayyaf, Philippines. al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, Egypt. al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, [Gaza Strip=Palestine and Eastern Israel]. al-Shabaab, Somalia. al-Qaida, worldwide. Ansar al-Islam, Iraq. Armed Islamic Group (GIA), Algeria. Boko Haram, Nigeria. Caucasus Emirate (IK), Russia. East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), China. Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Egypt. Fatah, Palestinian Authority. Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (IBDA-C), Turkey. Hamas, Gaza Strip and West Bank Harkat-ul-Mujahideen al-Alami, Pakistan. Hezbollah, Lebanon. Islamic Movement of Central Asia, Central Asia. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan. Jaish-e-Mohammed, Pakistan and Kashmir. Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna, Iraq. Jemaah Islamiyah, Indonesia. Lashkar-e-Taiba, Pakistan and Kashmir. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Pakistan. Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Philippines. Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, Morocco and Europe. Palestinian Islamic Jihad, [Gaza Strip=Palestine and Eastern Israel]. Taliban, Afghanistan. Tawhid and Jihad, Iraq... While the KKK is widely regarded by most everyone -- and certainly all rational observers -- as misrepresenting Christianity and the teachings of Jesus-Yeshua, the most famous Jew in history, it is beyond dispute that the KKK was founded as the military wing of one very specific political party. It's the party of Keith Ellison. It's the party of [Barack Hussein Obummer]. It's the party of [Hitlery Rotten Clinton]. It's the Democrat Party..."
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Discover the Networks: Islamic Jihad
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Carl Jackson _WND_
5 things you must do to prevent/defend against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate attacks in the USA
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Caroline B. Glick _WND_
who is being delusional?: Mahmoud Abbas's recent admission
Jerusalem Israel Post
canonical Caroline B. Glick site
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Howard Richman, Raymond Richman & Jesse Richman _WND_
the ugly Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty
American Thinker
"...So what's in the TPP? Here's a quick summary: A legislative body superior to congress [and the USA supreme court and the USA president]. A vehicle to pass [Obummer's insane] 'climate change' treaty. [Vastly increased] legal immigration. Reduced patent protection for U.S. pharmaceuticals [and software, and mechanical inventions, and movies from smaller creators]. Quotas on U.S. agricultural exports. Increased currency manipulation. Reduced U.S.A. power..."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Larry Klaymen _WND_
fight every step of the way, impeach, convict, remove both the Obummer regime and the RINO losership because it is already too late
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Laura Ingraham
ObummerDoesn'tCare collapse will likely result in tax-victim bail-out of protection rackets & state governments & federal agencies
Washington DC Examiner
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
R' Pinchas Winston _Torah.org_
Good Intentions
"'All that God does He does for the good.' (Brochos/Brochoth/Blessings 60b). And not just for the good, but for the best, bar none. It is not an easy pill to swallow, especially at this stage of history. But the sooner we do, the faster it can do its thing and bring with it the healing power of God."
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Eric Worrall
back to basics on climate for the Australia Institute
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
senator James Inhofe (R-OK): Americans don't agree to pay $3G for UN's ridiculous "climate change fund"
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
second worst warmist hysteria video ever
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Paul Driessen & Joe d'Aleo
warmist hysteria, terrorism, and a cold winter "refugee" crisis for COP21
"Even after the latest Paris massacres -- and preious radical Islamist atrocities in the USA, Frace, Britain, Canada, Spain, India, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and elsewhere -- politicians absurdly say hypothetical man-made global warming is the treatest threat facing humanity. In reality, fossil fuel contributions to 'climate change' pose few dangers to people on planet, and winters kill 20 times [as many] people [as] hot weather. After being assured snowy winters would soon be something only read about in history books, Europe was shaken by 5 brutally cold winters this past decade. Thousands died, because they were homeless, lived in drafty homes with poor heating systems, or could not afford adequate fuel... a Lancet medical journal study that analysed 74M deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries. It sould be required reading for the 40K+ bureaucrats, politicians, activists and promoters who will soon descend on paris, to enjoy 5-star hotels and restaurants while blathering endlessly about dire threats of global warming. They should ponder the fact that the Lancet study reflects normal [people] in peaceful countries. Even there, many more people die each year during the 4 winter months than in the 8 non-winter months. Indeed, there, even [the United States of America] experiences some 100K Excess Winter Deaths per year. In the United Kingdom, the winter death rate is about twice as high as in the USA: excess winter deaths range up to 50K per year -- due to the UK's poorer home insulation and heating systems, and much higher energy costs caused by its climate and renewable energy policie [despite all the warmth being constantly shipped in from the Gulf of Mexico]..."
2015-07-05: Joseph d'Aleo & Allan MacRae: ICECAP: Winters not Summers Increase Mortality and Stress the Economy -- next mini-ice-age approaching?
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Anthony Watts
exposing the well-funded & manufactured campaign of blame on the "Exxon knew 'climate change' would be dangerous" fiasco
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Anthony Watts
Friday funny: the root of all problems is "climate change"
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Anthony Watts
state judge in Washington: state legislators have a constitutional obligation to enact statutes aimed at curbing non-existent global warming
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
_Cybercast News Service_
Obummer in Malaysia: you'll see oceans rise... more drought, more flooding, bigger hurricanes & typhoons
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
co-founder of Weather Channel Joseph d'Aleo challenged NOAA's Winter forecast: it's non-sense
2015-11-20 (5776 Kislev 08)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of gov't, & which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons [e]ntrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, sub-divisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct gov't in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage & despair. The usurpers, clothed with the forms of legal authority, can too often crush the opposition in embryo. The smaller the extent of the territory, the more difficult will it be for the people to form a regular or systematic plan of opposition, & the more easy will it be to defeat their early efforts. Intelligence can be more speedily obtained of their preparations & movements, & the military force in the possession of the usurpers can be more rapidly directed against the part where the opposition has begun. In this situation there must be a peculiar coincidence of circumstances to insure success to the popular resistance. The obstacles to usurpation & the facilities of resistance increase with the increased extent of the state, provided the citizens understand their rights & are disposed to defend them. The natural strength of the people in a large community, in proportion to the artificial strength of the gov't, is greater than in a small, & of course more competent to a struggle with the attempts of the gov't to establish a tyranny. But in a confederacy the people, without exaggeration, may be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate. Power being almost always the rival of power, the general gov't will at all times stand ready to check the usurpation of the state gov'ts, & these will have the same disposition towards the general gov't. The people, by throwing themselves into either scale, will infallibly make it preponderate. If thier rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress. How wise will it be in them by cherishing the union to preserve to themselves an advantage which can never be too highly prized." --- Alexander Hamilton _Federalist_ #28 (reprinted in Jacob E. Cooke 1961 _The Federalist_ pp 178-179; quoted in Clayton E. Cramer 1994 _For the Defense of Themselves & the State_ pp 46-47) |
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
correction an elaboration of comments regarding the Durbin-Grassley bill (S2266), with historical reminders
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
job ad example: "Senior Modeler Advanced HealthCare Analytics"... plus 3 paragraphs of rant
"...In case you're a bit behind the times, 'analytics' is one of the currently-favored synonyms for 'statistics'. Other currently popular terms are 'predictive analytics', 'data science', 'data mining', 'Big Data', 'machine learning' and so on. The first sentence of the ad is likely a good description of the job: 'Designing and developing intelligent solutions working with health insurance claims data, preventing fruad, predictive modeling, statistical modeling, data mining, fraud analytics, deriving business insights, solving complex business prolems, improving decisions, analyzing medical policies, risk/revenue analysis, cutting out waste and abuse...' Now, look at the laundry list of 'required skills': 'MLR, SQL, SAS, SPSS, R Excel, univariate and multi-variate regression analysis, GRM, factor analysis, sampling methods, survey sampling, clustering, classification, CART, Decision Trees, CHAID, Linear Optimization.' This is my field, folks. If you recall, in my earlier post today, I quoted immigration lawyer Joel Stewart, a nd noted that he has 'literally written the book on the green card process' (_The PERM Book_). Well, I literally wrote the book on the R lanuage (_The Art of R Programming_). I've done research on regression and classification throughout my 3+ decade career, and am currently working on that, too. Etc. I even accidentally referred to Durbin-Grassley as 'Durbin/Watson' (a statistical time series method) in a recent post to my e-mail list. I point out my background because I 'know where the bodies are buried'. Unlike the other researchers in H-1B and related issues, I know in detail what is involved in typical jobs for which the 'Intels' (i.e. main-stream employers, not rent-a-programmer firms [bodyshops] like Infosys [and TCS and IBM Global Services and Accenture]) hire foreign students. Forgive the rant, but I have to say it's frustrating to see analysis and policy being pontificated by people who have no idea what CART is (it's that thing you push in the super-market, right?) or what Linux internals are. (Part 2 of rant.) It's also highly frustrating to me to continue to see my foreign students get jobs from the same employers who are rejecting older Americans I know who have the same qualifications, yes, including up-to-date skills. Again, this is what the other researchers and policy-makers on H-1B don't see. I don't begrudge the foreign students' success in their job search, and sometimes write good letters of reference for them, but this just ain't right. (Rant, part 3 of 3.) I mentioned the other day that I had received an angry, defensive message from one Hill staffer, someone I had really respected. This morning, I received a message from another Hill staffer, not angry but definitely cold. This guy is someone whom I really like and respect. And ironically, this guy himself arguably had his dream career in STEM ruined by H-1B. This is the world turned up-side down, folks. With that point being made, let me tell you: It's ridiculous to demand that the applicant known SPSS and SAS and R; one of the latter 2 is sufficient. There is similar redundancy in the rest of the laundry list. Given how specific skills list is, it might appear odd that the educational list is so broad: 'MS in Statistics, Computer Science, or other related Quant discipline'. This is likely because the foreign national they wish to hire actually is in some 'other related Quant discipline'; could be business, geography (GIS) or something like that, with a lot of course-work in 'analytics'. The listed salary is suspect, likely bait-and-switch, but certainly what a good candidate would get in an uber-expensive area like NYC. This is a text-book study of how employers circumvent recruiting requirements, and would continue to do so if the Durbin-Grassley bill were to pass. They tailor the ad so that ony the desired foreign worker 'qualifies'. It's the oldest trick in the book, and standard practice among the big main-stream employers in Sili Valley and throughout the nation. I mentioned earlier the [Cohen & Grigsby] videos and Stewart's 'arsenal of legal means to reject all U.S. workers who apply' remark, but those are only the tip of the ice-berg. The Department of Labor people are no dummies, a nd they understand that this is common. But the statutes and regulations are [intentionally] vague to put it mildly, lots of gray area, and in any case the DoL has no expertise in CART or Linux internals or whatever [well, maybe some one person in a cubicle at BLS knows CART and another, on another floor knows the other]. They really have to take the employers' word on the 'need' for the stated 'qualifications'. And need I point out that Durbin-Grassley [S2266] does nothing about this? Once again, folks -- business a s usual for the Intels [and MSFTs and Oracles and Acme Staffings and Siemens and GEs]. (And for the Southern California Edison's and Disneys, as I've explained.) It is, of course, no accident that this ad has phrasing like 'Sponsorship: Yes' and '2+ years of U.S. experience'. Durbin-Grassley does not try to adress this, but really, there is nothing Durbin-Grassley can do about such phrasing; the ad does not [explicitly] exclude American applicants [but only provides pretexts for such exclusion]. And last but not least, note that this 'Senior' position requires only 2 years of experience. Senior! I've shown so many examples over the years of this, which goes directly to the connection of H-1B and age discrimination in the tech fields. Employers use [and abuse] H-1B as a vehicle to hire young H-1Bs in lieu of older (35+) US citizens and permanent residents [i.e. green card holders, legal permanent residents]. What else can I say? Plain as day."
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
5 more "Syrians" detained at Laredo port of entry
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Christine Rousselle _Town Hall_
Saudi Arabia sentenced poet to death for his atheism
"A Saudi Arabian court has sentenced poet Ashraf Fayadh to death for atheism and renouncing Islam -- despite Fayadh's claims that he is a faithful Muslim. Fayadh thinks he is being targeted due to his longer hair and because he shared a video showing the country's religious police beating a man in public..."
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Cortney O'Brien _Town Hall_
new bill would allow fliers to use arms licenses at airport screenings
"Current TSA standards allow airport passengers to use their Costco membership cards at security check-points. Yet, concealed hand-gun 'licenses' are 'not acceptable forms of identification'. Congressmen Diane Black (R-TN) and Bill Flores (R-TX) have introduced a bill, the 'Non-Discriminatory Transportation Screening Act', demanding the agency recognize gun licenses as a legitimate form of ID..."
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Anthony Watts
the differences between sea surface temperature data-sets prevent us from knowing which el Nino was strongest according to NINO3.4 region temperature data
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Anthony Watts
RealClimate.org goes dark; is it permanent?
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Eric Worrall
did the haughty John Kerry just threaten those who are not climate hysterics with GeStaPo-like abuse?
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Christopher Monckton
keeping up the heat on the UK supreme court
"...The court at first broke the law by failing to reply on time to my freedom of information request about hits pantomime of hate against 'scientifically qualified, knowledgeable and influential' skeptics whose 'claims' its favoured leturer said it and its counterparts worldwide should 'scotch'. It then continued to break the law by sending not a single one of the docuemnts or records I had requested. Its excuse was that it would cost more than the statutory $1K limit to source and send the documents. Accordingly, I invited readers of WUWT to assist. Withing hours plenty came forward. Each of the 9 responders has been asked to send one of the following questions to the UK supreme court under section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act of 2000..."
2015-11-21 (5776 Kislev 09)
Proposed Bills 2015
This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015
"Always pay; for 1st or last, you must pay your entire debt. Persons & events may stand for a time between you & justice, but it is only a postponement. You must pay at last your own debt. If you are wise, you will dread a prosperity which only loads you with more." --- Ralph Waldo Emerson (quoted in James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg 1994 _The Great Reckoning_ pg 384) |
USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population
"The demand for taxes on income is backed by an inquisition into the tax payer's affairs -- one's personal life, how one runs one's business, & how one spends one's money. This is the power associated with despots, & every tax payer knows the tax system is a pocket of totalitarianism in an otherwise free society... When the rates of tax become progressive to the point of confiscation, they know they are being robbed, & any assertion that any one would consent to this kind of robbery is perfect nonsense." --- Charles Adams 1993 _For Good & Evil_ |
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