This is me, raising my banners high, seeking people with whom I'd like to work, live, trade, support. All flags flying!
updated: 2019-02-20
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Economics and STEM job markets:
titles I look forward to finding:
_After GATT_
_After the Federal Reserve Scam: Recovering from a Century of Fraud & Force_
_Burying Keynes, Mao, Marx, & Stalin, and Thus Freeing the World_
_The Day Sili Valley Executives & Investors Discoverd Ethics_
_Defeating the BodyShoppers: Cross-Border & Domestic_
_Deliver Us from ObummerDoesn'tCare, Medicaid, Medicare, & the Socialist Insecurity Abomination_
_Economic Recovery from Keynesian Delusions, Frauds & Corruption_
_Free at Last!: Recovering from the Socialist Illfare State_
_Honest Money, Honest Trade_
_How to Avoid Getting Gigged_
_Recovering from FDR's Raw Deal_
_Up from Bretton Woods_
_Why the WTO Must Be Crushed to Achieve Free & Honest Trade_
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unknown 1857 _A Brief Popular Account of All the Financial Panics and Commercial Revulsions in the USA from 1690 to 1857 with a More Particular History of the 2 Great Revulsions of 1837 and 1857_ (72 pages)
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