2015 December, week 1

3rd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2019-05-05

  "Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the president of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it.   If after such Reconsideration two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.   But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively.   If any Bill shall not be returned by the president within 10 days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law." --- article 1 section 7 paragraph 2  

2015 December
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2015 December, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 December, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 December, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 December, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 December, week 5 (27-31) (15KB)

  "In the traditions which the Miamis gave of their own history they stated that they had been at war with the Cherokees and Chickasaws for so long a period of time that they had no account of any time when there had been peace between them." --- John Calvin Hover, Joseph D. Barnes, Walter D. Jones, Charlotte Reeve Conover, Willard Jarey Wright, Clayton A. Leiter, John Ewing Bradford & W.C. Culkins 1919 _Memoirs of the Miami Valley_ vol1of3 pg24 (pg46 in pdf)  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 December

3rd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression




Yom Shlishi



2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
disagreement over immigration and non-immigration policy goals

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Muslim invasion of Vienna, Germany, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, UK, USA (why is it that these pundits are so often decades behind the curve?) donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
can we learn, will we learn from Europe's errors?
Jewish World Review
World Net Daily
"Earlier this year, my column asked, 'Will the West defend itself?'.   I pointed out that America's leftists... believe that the U.S.A. should become more like Europe.   I wonder whether they also want to import European policies that created barbaric extremism among its Muslim population.   France's recent tragedy is not surprising, given some of its policies that are not widely publicized abroad.   France has no-go zones, which are officially called 'zones urbaines sensibles', or sensitive urban zones, where police are reluctant to go.   Some of these zones are dominated by Islamic extremists.   According to some reports, there is hardly a city in France that does not have at least one ZUS.   It is estimated that there are more than 750 such zones in France.   According to The Washington Times, 'France has Europe's largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah.'   It appears that much of France's Muslim population has no intention of joining the French culture.   Many French Muslims are hellbent on importing the failed components of their motherland, such as Shariah, the subjugation of women, suppression of free speech and honor killings.   But France is not alone in tolerating people who have little desire to abandon the culture from which they fled.   Ingrid Carlqvist has written an article titled 'Sweden Descends into Anarchy'.   Carlqvist says, 'Once upon a time, there was a safe [illfare] state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors.'   She adds: 'Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded.   Violent crime has increased by over 300%, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.'..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
on driver licenses for illegal aliens, state powers, and discrimination

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Nayla Rush _Center for Immigration Studies_
"refugee" advocates should leave Steve Jobs alone
"Following ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate's threats, the Paris terrorist attacks and unreliable [and lackadaisical] vetting measures, many in the United States have expressed their concerns about welcoming 'Syrian' 'refugees' into their country.   The [Obummer regime], in a gesture of appeasement, released a cartoon video for Americans to watch and 'see exactly what a potential refugee goes through to resettle in the U.S.A.'   Others, call on Steve Jobs to do the job.   In a senate Judiciary committee hearing in October that addressed the security implications of welcoming 'Syrian' 'refugees', senator Dick Durbin (in favor of re-settling not just 10K but 65K 'Syrian' 'refugees' next year), referred to 'Steve Jobs, the son of a Syrian immigrant' as another example of those who 'turned out to be pretty successful'.   More recently, at the 2015 American Music Awards, Jared Leto honored the victims of the Paris attacks and reminded the American people that: 'Many of us here are the sons and the daughters of immigrants', adding that Steve Jobs was, himself, the son of a Syrian immigrant.   True, Steve Jobs' biological father, Abdulfattah Jandali, was born to a prominent Syrian family.   Jandali grew up in Homs, Syria and later immigrated to [the United States of America] to pursue a degree in political science at the University of Wisconsin.   This is where he met Joanne Schieble, Steve's biological mother.   Joanne, of Swiss descent, grew up on a farm in Wisconsin.   Her father did not approve of her relationship with Addulfattah and, when she became pregnant in 1954, she decided to put the baby up for adoption.   Steve Jobs was adopted at birth by an American couple, Paul and Clara Jobs in San Francisco.   Paul Jobs, born and raised in Wisconsin, served in the Coast Guard during World War 2.   He moved to San Francisco after the war where he met and married Clara Hagopian in 1946.   Clara, the daughter of an Armenian family who fled to the U.S.A. following the 1915 Turkish genocide of the Armenians, was born in New Jersey.   The Jobs family moved from San Francisco to Mountain View in the heart of Silicon Valley when Steve was 5.   He grew up surrounded by engineers.   Steve recalled, 'It was really the most wonderful place in the world to grow up.'   Clara, his mother, taught him how to read as a toddler.   School was hard on him at the beginning: 'when I got there I really just wanted to do 2 things.   I wanted to read books because I loved reading books and I wanted to go outside and chase butterflies'.   Steve did not like the type of authority exercised in school and became a trouble-maker.   His father did not reprimand him, blaming the school, instead, for failing to challenge his brilliant son..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
it only takes 1: why we must stop importing jihad through Muslim immigration

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions: omnibus over-spending bill being floated will fund Obummer's over-spending and dangerous low-standards/no-standards excessive visas & excessive immigration schemes
Matthew Boyle: Breitbart
statement from Jeff Sessions

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
"Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals have been "re-settled" in 36 states... most in CA, TX, MI
"From 2011 March 15 through 2015 December 1, California received the most (261) Syrian refugees, Texas received the second most with 242, and Michigan has received the third most with 217.   Other states that have received 'Syrian' 'refugees' since 2011 March include: Arizona (182), Illinois (170), Pennsylvania (161), Florida (142), Kentucky (101), New Jersey (99), Ohio (89), Massachusetts (72), Georgia (69), North Carolina (56), New York (55), Connecticut (51), Maryland (43), Tennessee (42), Indiana (39), Washington (38), Idaho (37), Missouri (29), Virginia (26), Colorado (18), Louisiana (14), Utah (12), Kansas (8), Nevada (8), Minnesota (7), New Mexico (6), Oregon (6),New Hampshire (3), Oklahoma (3), Wisconsin (2), Arkansas (1), Maine (1), and West Virginia (1).   The [Obummer regime] plans to re-settle at least 10K Syrian refugees into the U.S.A. by the end of fiscal year 2016, which started in October.   As of Tuesday the [Obummer regime] has resettled 438 Syrian refugees in the U.S.A. this fiscal year.   The top receiving states this fiscal year has been California (53), Arizona (42), Pennsylvania (40), Kentucky (38), Ohio (37), Texas (35), Florida (31), and Michigan (30)..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Kipp Jones _Breitbart_
even Cher blasts USA government for unsafe "vetting" process for "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals beat up locals in restaurant in Velden, Bavaria, Germany (about 40 miles NE of Munich/Muenchen; 150 miles ESE from Frankfurt; less than 150 miles SSW of Leipzig); brawl in Hattersheim am Main (about 10 miles WSW of Frankurt); Tempelhof; Spandau

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
Cruz campaign criticized leftist media for sustaininig unconstitutional and illegal amnesty for illegally aliens, fighting against sensible border security & internal immigration law enforcement

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: it is hypocritical for Obummer to tell Turkey to secure their border with Syria while refusing to secure USA borders

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
poll: 48% of Germans want Angela Merkel removed at next election; 44% would be happy to see her stay

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra to fund conversion of inn to house, teach "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals... well, for 4 families
"The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is now in the refugee-housing business.   The world-famous ensemble on Monday presented a project that will turn a former inn southwest of Vienna into apartments for 4 refugee families.   Organizers say a public part of the building in the village of St. Aegyd will be used for German-language courses..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals stopped at Russia-Norway border; neither wants them

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Muslim initiations of force, & "migration" are in focus as Denmark citizens vote on opting out of EU

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Bashar al-Assad: yes, there are Muslim terrorists among "Syrian" "refugees" entering, traveling throughout Europe, the UK & USA

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
excellent EPI analysis of proposed OPT extension (from reasonable 3 months) to 12 months to 29 months to 36 months

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Barry Farber _WND_
how "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals "thank" their German hosts

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Barry Farber _WND_
USA executives refuse to hire able & willing USA citizens, many skirt law to favor cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics: Hamilton Growers, Green Giant, WM, J&R Baker Farms, Talbott's Honey, Coosaw Farms...
"'All you black American people, f you all... just go to the office and pick up your check.', the supervisor at Hamilton Growers told workers during a mass lay-off in 2009 June.   The following season, according to a lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, about 80 workers, many of them black, were simply told: 'All you Americans are fired.'...   In 2011 January, Talbott's Honey, a small honey producer, placed ads as required soliciting workers for jobs in Kimball, SD.   The ads, however, ran in Elkader, IA; Dalhart, TX; and Hobbs, NM -- towns that are hundreds of miles from Kimball [and, of course, not offering relocation or transportation assistance].   Talbott's then told the government there were no available American workers and got permission to import 12 foreign workers instead.   Sometimes the government actually abets this tactic.   In North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains, seasonal jobs cutting down Christmas trees in the frenzied weeks before the holiday pay well.   But year after year, the state's on-line job board has incorrectly posted those jobs in the wrong counties, sometimes hundreds of miles from any pine forests.   As a result, workers looking for Christmas tree work close to home face a peculiar paradox: The only way to find the openings nearby is to search in a far-away corner of the state.   Lawyers at Legal Aid of North Carolina have been complaining to the state Department of Commerce about the Christmas tree job posting discrepancies for years.   Yet despite repeated promises by state regulators to fix it, the issue persists, the lawyers said.   Indeed, officials in the state at times seem to make it easy for employers to avoid hiring Americans.   During the fiscal year that ended this July, the state's job bank tallied work orders seeking H-2 workers for 17,496 agricultural job openings, according to the North Carolina Department of Commerce.   More than 7K U.S.A. farm-workers had registered with the agency actively seeking work -- yet only 505 of them were referred to those jobs..."
These are some of the same scams they have been abusing in STEM fields since 1990.

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
crony socialist "Christian charities" push for fore "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals and increased federal government transfers to their executives
"...That campaign is led by Welcoming America, a 'non-profit' immigrant advocacy group run by 'Ashoka Fellow' David Lubell.     His group received its first funding in 2007 from the George Soros-financed Four Freedoms Foundation...   unless Congress decides this month to restrict the program's use of [tax-victims'] funds.   As Breitbart News reported previously, 5 of these 9 'voluntary agencies' dubbed VOLAGs, are Christian non-profit organizations.   They include Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, and World Relief Corporation, which is an arm of the National Association of Evangelicals..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Henry Cuellar (D-TX): we still have a problem with invaders
"Cuellar said, 'we still have a problem with so many people coming in.   Last year, we had 62K kids that came in.   40K of them unaccompanied, 6K - 22K of them with parents, this from Central America.   We had about 87, 90 Syrians that came in, this last fiscal year in south Texas.   And then also, Cubans.   We had about 45K Cubans that came in through the southwest part of the border, about 27K of them through my home-town of Laredo.'..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
LATimes framed/cropped photos to omit hijab-clad women from Sunday photo-spread of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Ron deSantis (R-FL) introduced bill to limit "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Castro regime in Cuba urges USA to not aid refugees fleeing communism

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
ex-wife of boss of Gulf cartel Los Metros, "Toro", was arrested on drunk driving charges and released the next day

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Ken Klukowski _Breitbart_
supremes to decide on Obummer's unconstitutional and illegal amnesties of illegal aliens before 2016 elections

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Rush Limbaugh: Obummer regime should choke on all of its irony on border security

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
corrupt STEM executives continue to oppose immigration reform due to their lust for cheap, young, pliant, foreign labor with flexible ethics
"Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg and his Internet-billionaire friends really don't want Donald Trump to be president because he will block their plans to increase immigration above the current inflow of 1M people per year...   Including Trump, 'there are several [good'GOP candidates] who... From a policy situation if we nominate any of those people we [corrupt executives] are going to lose.   No 2 ways about it.', said the director of the billionaires' lobbying group, Fwd.us, which also plans to hit pro-American House Representatives...   In 2013 and 2014, [Rob Jesmer] -- a former director of the [RINO senators' campaign-funding committee -- relied heavily on skewed polls to persuade some Republicans to back his bosses' failed push to import 33M more wage-reducing, productivity-cutting, welfare-supported workers who double as [tax-victim]-subsidized consumers.   That push failed because it was so unpopular in all corners of America that GOP voters in Virginia ejected the GOP's majority-leader Eric Cantor in his 2014 June primary, while other voters ejected 5 Zuckerberg-backed Dem/leftist/Red senators in November..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Jerry Markon _Jewish World Review_
Republicans warn Obummer regime not to "burrow" political appointees into federal work-force, but ineffectual and riddled with RINOs that they are, do nothing to block it donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
response to racist "black" student at Columbia U
World Net Daily donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Emma Brown _Jewish World Review_
Child in public school? You'll want to read about these changes decided yesterday (more federal meddling in things that are none of their business) donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
intellectual gifts galore!
World Net Daily donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
hateful show-boating students hard at work donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
Muslim celebrations of terrorist attacks, Turkey & Russia
World Net Daily

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
new report points to DC media cover-up of NJ Muslim celebrations of terrorist attacks on 2001/09/11

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
France & Belgium push sharing of intelligence after Muslim terrorist attacks of 2015-11-13

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Trump, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, Fiorina

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
_Conservative HQ_
11 days to save USA: defund Obummer's disastrous policies or be complicit in the destruction of our country
"On September 30 House Republicans had 2 votes to prove where they stood on stopping president Barack Hussein Obummer's destruction of our country, one on the Rule to bring to the Floor a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund Obummer's policies through 2015 December 11, and 1 on the bill itself.   In a show vote the bill to fund Obummer's policies passed with the support of 186 Democrats and only 91 Republicans, yet only 3 principled Republicans voted against the rule to bring the bill to the floor.   Conservatives have insisted that the final CR defund Planned Parenthood, defund Obummer's dangerous Syrian 'refugee' re-settlement scheme, defund Obummer's unconstitutional de facto amnesty for illegal aliens, defund ObummerDoesn'Care and prohibit any funds to bail-out failing or failed ObummerDoesn'Care co-ops.Conservatives have also demanded that any funding increases will have to be offset by spending cuts.   We have 11 days to stop the funding of Obummer's priorities; it is time to tell Republicans in congress that we demand an end to the show votes and that instead of giving Obummer a blank check for the final year of his regime they must exercise the power the Constitution gave them to stand as a check against Obummer's dangerous policies and unconstitutional actions..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Laura Ingraham
Dems/leftists/Reds attempt to sneak through unconstitutional legislation to infringe right to own and carry arms for our defense

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Laura Ingraham
there is no loop-hole that allows terrorists to legally buy arms
Sean Davis: Federalist

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer threatens unconstitutional executive action against right to own and carry arms for defense

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: we should take oil from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Germany rules out co-operation with Bashar al-Assad as cabinet meets to discuss campaign against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Ben Carson: allegation that Turkey is profiting by dealing with ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate should be investigated

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
British survey: Margaret Thatcher was most influential woman of the past 200 years
"...the survey by British pensions and insurance firm Scottish Widows highlighted the depth of her influence in the country.   With 28% of the vote, Thatcher beat scientist Marie Curie into second place with 24%.   They were followed by the queen with 18%, Diana, princess of Wales with 17% and women's rights campaigner Emmeline Pankhurst with 16%.   Nun Mother Teresa, British nurse Florence Nightingale, queen Victoria, U.S. civil rights activist Rosa Parks and U.S. television host Oprah Winfrey made up the rest of the top 10 most influential women..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
Red China's role as reserve currency under IMF to raise interest rates

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
GWU report: since 2014 March, 71 arrested in USA on ISIL-related charges; 56 in 2015

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
senator James Lankford (R-OK) report on government waste: solar beer, killer snails, un-licensed llamas

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Muslim missionaries proselytize in Africa

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Muslim missionaries proselytize in Africa

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Hispanic media must be held accountable for leftist bias

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
Bradley Byrne (R-AL): end abuse of government housing by tenants above poverty level

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
pope John Paul ii on abortion: we are dealing with murder... the pre-meditated killing of an innocent human being

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Eric Scheiner _Cybercast News Service_
New Orleans Saints' tight end Benjamin Watson: politicians enabling generational dependency harms black lives

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Chelsea Schilling _World Net daily_
race agitator threatened campus bombing, to shoot "black" men & women
Laura Ingraham
Richard Lewis: Breitbart
"Kayla-Simone McKelvey, a 24-year-old 'black' activist, Kean alumna and president of the Pan-African Student Union, slipped away from a Nov. 17 rally protesting racial intolerance and anonymously threatened to 'shoot every black woman and male at Kean University'..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Jerry Newcombe _World Net daily_
22 Christians react to attack on Planned Parenthood in Colorado

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Curtis Houck _Media Research Center News Busters_
abc suppressing coverage of latest e-mail messages from/to Hitlery Rotten Clinton; CBS & NBC barely cover vidence of her pre-meditated immorality and criminal misdeeds

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Joseph Farah _WND_
claim: 15% of female college freshmen are raped; 92% of campus rapes involve intoxication
news medical

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Nat Hentoff _World Net daily_
my love affair with reading; eye problems and collaboration with son Nick Hentoff

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
James Niccolai _"IT" News_/_IDG_
EFF to FTC: Google collecting data on students after promising not to do so
San Jose CA Mercury News/AP

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked _Breitbart_
Russia increasing bombings along Turkey-Syria border

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
in UK acid attacks increase, majority of targets are "white" men

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Benjamin Kew _Breitbart_
free speech victorious over crybullies at Bristol U

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Italian police arrested 4 Muslims plotting attack on pope

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
female Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers counter ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
RINO losership push Obummer over-spending bill; Paul Ryan needs to be defeated in 2016 primary

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
sheriff Joe Arpaios volunteer posse kicks off holiday watch to defend against terrorist attacks

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
UnitedHealth group CEO Stephen Hemsley: lost $425M on ObummerDoesn'tCare

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
armed peaceful protestors plan another demonstration at mosque in Richardson, Texas

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
"white supremacist" KKK Texas Rebel Knights plan rally at Irving, Texas mosque, 400 religious counter-demonstrators plan counter-rally

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Clifford D. May _Washington DC Times_
Israel has found a way to create fresh potable water in the Israeli desert
"...Go anywhere in Israel -- most of which is a desert and the rest of which is semi-arid -- and turn any faucet: Pure water, safe to drink, will flow.   It's a miracle -- right up there with turning water into wine.   The most complete explanation for how that miracle has been achieved and what it could mean for the world is the subject of a new book, Seth Siegel's _Let There Be Water: Israel's Solution for a Water-Starved World_..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
population growth: the elephant in the room at the Paris climate hysteria conspiracy

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Eric Worrall
shake-down in Paris by 3rd world: "developing" countries demand $1T in ransom

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Israeli aerostat providing over-watch at Paris climate conspiracy

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
shake-down in Paris by Obummer: massive extortion is the most elegant way to "stop" "climate change"

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
German scientist Friedrich-Karl Ewert: NASA made massive alterations to temperatures in data-sets
"A German scientist has accused the National Aeronautics and Space Agency's (NASA) Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) of altering temperature records between 2010 and 2012 to produce the illusion that the Earth has been warming since 1950.   GISS data-sets are used by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) to document global warming.   In a presentation at the 2012 EIKE Climate Conference in Germany, Professor Friedrich-Karl Ewert, a retired geologist and data expert from the University of Paderborn, said that he examined publicly available archived temperature records from 1,153 weather stations around the globe going back to 1881 and found evidence of 'massive' tampering by GISS between 2010 and 2012..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Anthony Watts
USGS projects large loss of Alaska permafrost by 2100

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Larua Ingraham
Carly Fiorina: delusional Obummer is more passionate about citizens owning arms for defense and our religion, possible distant future weather than Muslim terrorism today

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
FBI: on "black Friday" back-ground checks for small arms purchases shattered single-day record

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Ben Shapiro _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer's 8 most idiotic statements at Paris climate conspiracy

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Donald Trump criticized Barack Hussein Obummer on foreign policy & climate

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty has trap doors on environment; complicated, multi-party treaties are not in USA's interest

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Donald Trump criticized Barack Hussein Obummer for carrying on about climate while enabling World War 3

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
hateful climate activists desecrated memorial to victims of Muslim terrorism
"Over 300 climate change activists, left-wing extremists and fellow travelers were arrested yesterday as violence broke out in the Place de la Republique, the square that has become the focal point for locals intent on expressing their unity and solidarity with the Paris attacks victims..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Paris climate conspiracy: a terrible case of deja vu

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
in Paris for climate conspiracy, Obummer, Susan Rice, haughty John Kerry dine in style at USA tax-victim expense at fancy French restaurant

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
ding dong, god-father of global warming hysteria is dead
"His name was Maurice Strong (picture above, on the right), Canadian billionaire, diplomat and UN apparatchik, and though you may not have heard of him, he probably did more to make your world a more expensive, inconvenient, over-regulated, hectored, bullied, lied-to, sclerotic, undemocratic place than anyone post Hitler, Stalin and (his personal friend) Mao.   He's the reason, for example, that most of the world's 'leaders', 40K delegates and their attendant carbon mega-foot-print descended here on Paris yesterday in order to talk about magical fairy dust for 2 weeks and then charge you $1.5T (that's per year, by the way) for the privilege..."

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
report: world "leaders" producing 300K tons of CO & CO2 and partially-burned hydro-carbons in traveling to Paris climate conspiracy

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Benjamin Netanyahu & Mahmoud Abbas shook hands at Paris climate conspiracy

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Anthony Watts
USGS projects large loss of Alaska permafrost by 2100

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
E. Calvin Beisner _WND_
ways "climate change" models are dead wrong

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Brent Smith _WND_
Muslim initiations of force and fraud
common constitutionalist

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Jane M. Orient, MD _World Net daily_
senator Ted Cruz passes science test... most others failed

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
SecDef Ashton Carter: Islamic terrorism is a greater threat than climate

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
chairman of joint chiefs of staff general Joseph Dunford: we have not contained ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
former DIA head lieutenant-general Michael Flynn: it is only a matter of time before another major Muslim terrorist attack in USA

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Red China promised increased co-operation with Russia against Muslim terrorists

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Joel B. Pollak _Breitbart_
former DIA head lieutenant-general Michael Flynn: Obummer ignored ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate as part of re-election narrative

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Vladimir Putin: Turkey downed plane to protect ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate oil trade

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Lamar Alexander's new unconstitutional, intrusive education/indoctrinaction bill, 1,059 pages announced 2 days before vote

2015-12-01 (5776 Kislev 19)
Proposed Bills 2015

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Honor is more precious than glory." --- Jewish saying (source: Jewish World Review)  




Yom Rebiai



This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Tom Tancredo, (5) Donald Trump, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Rick Santorum, (9) Ann Coulter, (10) Ben S. Carson, (11) Mike Huckabee, (13) Thomas Sowell, (16) Ken Blackwell, (18) Allen West, (20) Tom Cotton, (21) Carly Fiorina, (23) Rand Paul, (25) Gary Johnson, (26) Jim Gilmore, (30) Alan Keyes, (25,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (102,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide voter registry, telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (210,000,000) Chris Christie, (309,998,000) Bernie Sanders, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz & Ron deSantis team up for Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
why so few Christians among "refugees"? DoS: emphasis on helping the most vulnerable
"...The official was responding on background to questions about the relatively small proportion of Christians among the refugees from war-torn 'Syria' [and other places in the Middle East and Africa] admitted into the U.S.A. -- 1.1% so far in fiscal year 2016, and 2.3% over the period since the conflict began in March 2011.   (The CIA World FactBook says that 10% of the Syrian population is Christian.)...   According to the department's Refugee Processing Center data-base, the exact figure for FY2015 is 1,682 admissions, of which 1,573 (93.5%) were Sunni Muslims.   An additional 53 (3.1%) were described as simply 'Moslem'.   (According to Minority Rights Group International, Muslims in Syria who are not Sunni or Shia are mostly Allawite -- president Bashar al-Assad's minority -- although there are also small numbers of Ismailis, another Shia sect who Sunni hard-liners do not regard as true Muslims.)   The remaining 56 refugees (3.3%) admitted in FY2015 comprise non-Muslim minorities -- 30 Christians (1.8%), 10 Shia, 6 Zoroastrians, 2 Bahai, 2 atheists, 5 of 'other religion', and 1 described as having 'no religion'...   The UNHCR currently has 2,181,293 'registered' 'Syrian' 'refugees' in Turkey, 1,075,637 in Lebanon, 633,644 in Jordan, 244,765 in Iraq, 127,681 in Egypt and 26,772 in North Africa -- a total of 4,289,792..."

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
religious freedom watch-dog: prioritize "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals targeted for religious reasons

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Michelle Fields & Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
GOP candidates for president differ over extra funding for "Syrian" "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal "re-settlement"

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Gallup poll: only 30% of Syrians want to remain in Syria

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
media down-play Mexico's role in spread of debilitating Aedes aegypti mosquito-borne virus chikungunya, hitting USA
syptons, transmission, prognosis

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump vindicated: 2001-09-16 CBS reported swarms of Muslims on NJ roof-tops celebrating Muslim terrorist attacks on 2001/09/11 (with video)

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Donald Trump on ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate & similar terrorism groups: sometimes you have to detain or kill their whole extended family to stop them from initiating force again and again

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
bomb threats shut down Piedras Negras - Eagle Pass bridge, evacuation of schools

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
violence rages in Mexico at Texas border as Gulf cartel leader escapes

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
strong majority -- 62% of USA citizens, 63% of Hispanics -- believe USA should not admit Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Tony Lee _Breitbart_
Nick Timothy -- former Home Office aide: UK government doesn't want to control or reduce immigration: same idiocy as RINO Yebbie Booosh to "save" socialist illfare abominations
"He wrote on the ConservativeHome website that the Treasury wanted high immigration to boost its own chances of balancing the books: 'There is a new reason why the Treasury is keener than ever on mass immigration.   A bigger population means a bigger economy overall which means the effect of spending cuts increases when the deficit is measured as a percentage of GDP.'   In last week's spending review, chancellor George Osborne based his figures on predictions that net migration would be at least 180K per year, contradicting the government's promise to reduce it to the 'tens of thousands'.   He hopes that by increasing the total amount of tax collected through new arrivals, the economy will look healthier.   Mr. Timothy added: 'It is well known that the Home Office would like to reform the student visa system further, reduce the number of work permits issued to foreign workers, change the way the asylum system works, and win greater control of immigration from other EU countries.   But many of these changes have been blocked already or will be blocked by other government departments, while the government's stated policy of trying to control EU migration through benefits changes has been blown out of the water by its promise to introduce the biggest pull factor of all: a new living wage of £9 an hour by 2020.'..."

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
Central Council of Muslims in Germany calling for cap on "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals in recognition of practical limits

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals clash with police on Greece-Macedonia border

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
NYT: RINOs (but especially the open-borders crowd) panicking over Donald Trump's popularity

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
when I'm elected I will appoint Donald Trump to build the border walls/fences
"The first portion of the interview focused on foreign policy, most notably radical Islam, culminating with a pledge by Cruz to defeat radical Islam if elected president.   Segueing to domestic issues, said Cruz, 'we need a president who stands with the working men and women, whether it is against amnesty; whether it is for sovereignty; whether it is against ObamaTrade -- and that is exactly where I am'.   Cruz also cited his 11 page immigration plan (available here).   Calling it a serious plan, he pointed out that, in part, it calls for building a wall, tripling border security, ending sanctuary cities, ending Welfare for people here illegally, ending catch and release, and finally, 'we will deport criminal illegal aliens'..."

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
representatives criticize House losership for going along with corrupt Obummer regime on admitting tens of thousands of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Diana West _WND_
dumping of 200 "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals -- men between 18 and late 30s -- on British village of 400 at Concourse, Earnley Manor parish, Chichester (about 68 miles SW of London; 37 iles West of Brighton; 142 miles West of Calais)

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Tom deWeese _WND_
thinking globally, acting locally... to stamp out freedom
American Policy Center
"...Beheadings, burning people alive, drowning them in cages as they are slowly lowered into a pool -- these apparently are not a threat according to ISD.   But citizens of European nations and the United States that express concern -- non-violent words -- about the flood of immigrants rushing across their borders, especially an invasion of radical Islamists who seek to change their culture, rape their women, and dismantle their governments -- that's a threat to world peace according to the ISD!   And this is what Attorney General Loretta Lynch, representing [Barack Hussein Obummer's regime at the UN], endorsed for our nation through the 'Strong Cities Network'..."

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mr. Minci's (E-2) beauty shop and the bankrupt H-2B employer

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Cuban refugees still blocked in Central America

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
a modest proposal: use the EB-5 program to cut the federal government debt

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Laura Ingraham
the rest of congress should be more like senator Jeff Sessions

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
resurgence of intolerance by the left "...After student mobs seized control of a campus building, the University of Chicago expelled 42 students and suspended 81 other students.   Seizing buildings was not nearly as much fun there, nor were outrageous demands met.   Clearly it was not inevitable that academic institutions would follow the path of least resistance.   Most of the leading academic institutions have multiple applications for every place available in the student body.   Students who are expelled for campus disruptions can easily be replaced by others on the waiting lists...   Why do donors continue to contribute millions of dollars to institutions that have become indoctrination centers, tearing down America, stifling dissent and turning group against group?   There is no compelling reason for either parents or donors to keep shelling out money to colleges and universities where intolerant professors and student activists impose their ideology on academic institutions.   Too often these are campuses with virtually no diversity of view-points, despite however much they may be obsessed with demographic diversity..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Jenna Johnson _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump in New Hampshire

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
initiators of force or fraud are responsible for initiating force or fraud

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Ramesh Ponnuru _Jewish World Review_
initiators of force or fraud are responsible for initiating force or fraud

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
initiators of force or fraud are responsible for initiating force or fraud: when pro-baby-murder mantras trump facts

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Kathleen Parker _Jewish World Review_
initiators of force or fraud are responsible for initiating force or fraud donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
deadly DC: land of no punishment for initiating force or fraud
Cybercast News Service donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Noah Feldman _Jewish World Review_
2 major cases non-leftists may win in this term of the supremes

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
war against Jews in USA colleges/universities donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
David Ignatius _Jewish World Review_
foreign interventionism: Shiite Iran & Sunni Saudi Arabia choosing president and prime-minister for Lebanon
2011-01-16: Joshua Teitelbaum: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: Sunni vs. Shiite in Saudi Arabia
2015-04-07: Wall Street Journal: Saudi Arabia vs. Iran: the Sunni-Shiite proxy wars

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
John Stossel _Jewish World Review_
the smear
World Net Daily
"I pointed out that after most states loosened gun laws to let people carry guns, 29 peer-reviewed studies examined the effect.     18 found less crime, 10 found no difference and only 1 found an increase...     So how is Lott 'discredited'?   Barrett says, 'He claims his data was lost on his hard drive.   Well, go re-create it!   He hasn't been able to!'   But that's false.   Lott's _More Guns, Less Crime_ study has been replicated often, including by the National Research Council and even by some critics.   After a hard-drive crash, Lott did lose data that supported a lesser point: 98% of the time, people only need to point a gun at a criminal for him to back down.   But Lott did replicate that survey (he got 95%, close results for statistical purposes).   That data is posted on his group's web-site and available to anyone who wants it...   His critics, instead of arguing facts, smear...   Lott isn't the only smear victim.   Many academics who don't toe the leftist line get attacked..."

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Dorie Greenspan _Jewish World Review_
recipe: no-bake cookies

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Aviva Goldfarb _Jewish World Review_
ways to ruin/improve family dinner donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
as Obummer regime sends inadequate numbers of soldiers to Iraq, Iraqi prime-minister Haider al-Abadi says "no need for foreign combat troops"

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
10 days to save USA: de-fund Planned Parenthood NOW!
Phyllis Schlafly: Town Hall

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Lana Shadwick _Breitbart_
efforts for Texas to secede from USA arise again

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Donald Trump: armed citizens would have quickly stopped carnage of terrorist attacks like the ones 2015-11-13 in Paris

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Red China is behind massive cyber-attack on Australian government

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Red China on human, livestock cloning crusade?: technology already exists

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Pakistani man killed his sister for voting

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
UNRWA teachers in Gaza=Palestine and Arab-occupied Eastern Israel glorify knife-attacks against "Zionist and Jewish apes & pigs"
"...Last year, UNRWA received a total of $1G in funding, largely from the EU and USA..."

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
Castro dictatorship ordered 5 churches demolished in Cuba

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Israel pays respect to US master-sergeant Roddie Edmonds who told Nazis "we are all Jews"

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Erik Rush _WND_
USA citizens often seem to be the last to be aware of Obummer treason: Obummer is effectively the commander in chief of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Joseph Farah _WND_
why have the Shrub & Obummer regimes so h377bent on dumping Bashar al-Assad, and no interest in arming and defending Christians and Jews in the Middle East?

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Phil Elmore _WND_
tech-savvy terrorists

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Ted Nugent _WND_
the biggest danger to "black" Americans is "black" initiators of force and fraud, i.e. thugs, i.e. gangsters

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Jack Cashill _WND_
3 types of Obummer blunders

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
ebola is back: Rwanda re-instates airport examinations

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Obummer has committed far more violence against the USA constitution, more high crimes & misdemeanors, than Richard Nixon ever could have

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Obummer plans to deploy only 200 special forces against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in Iraq & Syria

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Cherokee Guns billboard in NC: give me your tired, your poor, those who don't initiate force, keep your "Syrian" "refugees"

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
Texas sues DHS+HHS+DoS to block placement of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals there
"Citing the Refugee Act of 1980, attorney-general Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit in federal court to stop the federal government from placing 'Syrian' 'refugees' with non-profit organizations in Texas.   The act requires that the federal government consult with state authorities.   Reports indicate that the federal government plans to place additional 'Syrian' 'refugees' in Texas as soon as this coming Friday..."

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
David Keene _Washington DC Times_
many Jewish & Muslim Israelis co-exist peacefully

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Steven Crowder _Louder with Crowder_
seeking "man & woman on the street", absorbing the atmosphere around Detroit: real-time ride-along
video ("Detroit streets after midnight")

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Anthony Watts
climate craziness of the week: "global warming disaster could suffocate life on planet earth"

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Larry Kummer & Roger Pielke ii
"climate change" debate

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
why the corrupt Barack Hussein Obummer spared ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate petroleum: the looney priorities of the Obummer regime donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Liz Sly _Jewish World Review_
in Iraq there is growing belief that Obummer regime & ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate are allies
Laura Ingraham

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Monica Crowley _Jewish World Review_
Obummer 3-card monte on ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
Paris delusions
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
Susan Jones: Cybercast News Service: Obummer behaving like Algore at his most irrational

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Anthony Watts
Red China's 2400 new coal plants trump any COP21 treaties

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Anthony Watts
CFACT: skeptical climate documentary set to rock climate debate

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
BBC: behind the scenes drive to cobble together draconian power-mad climate treaty in Paris

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
Paris conspiracy may be doomed because Red Chinese know "climate change" is a hoax

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Anthony Watts
Michigan State U: skeptics of claims of catastrophic global warming abound

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer declared: 99.5% of leftist whackoes agree on warmist climate hysteria

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
power-mad Obummer wants to dictatorially "organize" the world around warmist climate hysteria

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Sam Batkins _Cybercast News Service_
Paris perspective: USA, UK, Western Civilization, advanced world must be made to pay dearly for Obummer's warmist climate hysteria ambitions

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
_Cybercast News Service_
Sean Hannity: I have a whole list of threats bigger and more urgent than "climate change"

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Rudy Giuliani: linking "climate change" to terrorism is like saying communism was caused by "climate change"

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Jane Chastain _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer declared war

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
_Cumberland PA Sentinel_
1927-12-02: Ford released Model A to follow Model T

2015-12-02 (5776 Kislev 20)
mass grave discovered on Durham U campus near/under cathedral & Palace Green library have been identified as remains of Scottish POWs from battle of Dunbar 1650, defeated by Cromwell's new model army
Richard Moss: Museum Crush: what happened
Rachel Reilly: London Daily Mail
History Scotland
Pam Graves, PhD: Culture 24
Martin Hannan: the National, Scotland
Danny Lewis: Smithsonian
Denise Chow: Live Science
Denise Chow: This Is Durham: who were they?
Dunbar U Scottish Soldiers Project

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Not an hour goes by without an attempted terrorist attack on civilians in Israel.   Not a Friday goes by when hatred of Jews, Israelis, Americans, and the West is not preached in Arabic and in almost every mosque on Earth." --- Phyllis Chesler 2003 _The New Anti-Semitism_ pg23  




Yom Chamishi



2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Chinese students at Rice become lobbyists supporting outrageous extension/expansion of OPT
Rice Thresher

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
fight brews over huge expansion of OPT to displace/exclude USA STEM students from internship opportunities

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
US ICE director Sarah Saldana: many countries oppose deportations from USA of illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
US ICE director Sarah Saldana struggles to rationalize dramatic decline in removals of illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
_Conservative HQ_
9 days to save USA: senator Jeff Sessions says GOP congress has "the overwhelming power" to stop Obummer's anti-constitutional, anti-USA practices

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
GOP senators & representatives: office of refugee re-settlement is violating federal law

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
Austrian leftists claim: welcoming "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals is "word of the year"; border fence is "misnomer of the year"

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
_Center for Immigration Studies_
Muslim integration/assimilation failed in Europe, failed in UK, failing in USA

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
preventing terrorist attacks through deportation, re-visited

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
new visa program to worry about: K-1 for fiance(e)s
"I have no idea whether the State Department official who interviewed Tashfeen Malik, the woman with a Pakistani passport who was involved in the shooting in San Bernardino yesterday, could have sensed her future, murderous behavior.   I doubt it.   I do know that someone granted her a K-1 visa (the 'Fiancé(e) Visa' for the prospective spouse of a citizen), that she came to the United States of America on this visa, and subsequently joined her citizen husband, Syed Farook, in the mass killing at the social services center.   What may not be known about the K-1 visa is that it is practically never denied.   Almost 4 years ago I wrote about visas that were hard to obtain and those that were easy, concluding from 2010 State Department data that K-1 and K-2 (the latter for the children of K-1s) visas were highly unlikely to be denied, with the number of issuances being 94.5 for every denial [2 denials for every 189 issued].   This was almost as clean a record as there was for NATO officials (who have a visa category all its own), where there was only 1 denial to 191.6 issuances..."

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Greg Miller _Jewish World Review_
naive Obummer DoS thought they could disrupt ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate with videos donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
taxing multi-nationals
"Whoever wins the White House next year will have to deal with an issue of almost-impenetrable complexity and contentiousness: How to tax multinational companies?   OT1H, large global firms -- which have never been shy about minimizing their taxes through deft accounting maneuvers -- are becoming more aggressive.   OTOH, so are governments, increasingly desperate to raise tax revenues to pay for aging societies and cover persistent budget deficits.   The latest evidence of the unavoidable collision is the proposed merger between the American drug giant Pfizer and the smaller Irish pharmaceutical company Allergan -- a combination that, if realized, would create a firm valued at roughly $160G and would legally convert Pfizer into an Irish corporation.   The deal is driven in part by tax savings.   Ireland's basic tax rate on corporate income is 12.5% compared with a maximum U.S.A. rate of 35%.   The proposed merger attests to a sea change in American corporate attitudes and behavior.   A decade ago, it was inconceivable that a huge blue-chip American company would jettison its U.S.A. legal identity..."

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
in Israel, the more things change...
"More than a decade after my 19th trip to Israel and the Middle East, this 20th visit shows how some things have changed, but the important ones remain the same.   What one notices first is the large amount of new construction, which suggests a certain Israeli permanency against religious opposition, hatred and threats of annihilation perhaps no other country has had to endure.   Second are the many prosperous Arab neighborhoods, which defies much of the propaganda broadcast to the world about how Israelis mistreat Arabs and Muslims, locking them in poverty.   About half an hour's drive from Jerusalem, I visit a plant that makes air-conditioning parts.   Moshe Lev-Ran, the international manager, who bears a slight resemblance to actor Lorne Greene of the old 'Bonanza' TV series, employs Jews and Muslims who he says work together without any problems.   Lev-Ran, who says he believes in equal pay for all, thinks prosperity is the key to peace in the region.   He admits to a 'left hand' world-view and given the periodic out-bursts of violence by some who are better off than they were before the 'occupation', he is likely engaging in wishful thinking that money is the key to peace..."

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
the spies who ruin us
World Net Daily
Washington DC Times
"...The government was secretly gathering data on all of us and using warrants that were not based on probable cause and that did not specifically describe the place to be searched or the person or thing to be seized.   When members of Congress realized that they, too, were being spied upon, the outrage grew.   That outrage and anger metastasized into a new law enacted earlier this year, called the USA Freedom Act, which took effect this week.   That law, its supporters have argued, will tame the National Security Agency into constitutional compliance and keep its 60K agents and contractors out of our private affairs.   In fact, it is now worse..."

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
Erdogan's Turkey is a dubious ally donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
Putin pouts
Washington DC Times

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Charles Hurt _Jewish World Review_
is Obummer unable and unwilling to carry out duties of the USA presidency?
Washington DC Times
"Is it now time to invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment?   Has our president officially lost his ability to discharge the powers and duties of his office?   Anyone who listened to President Obama speak to reporters in Paris on Tuesday would reasonably conclude it is high time to start drawing up the papers to transmit to congress for his removal.   If you are one of the millions and millions of literate Americans out there who have simply tuned this president out the past 3 or 4 years, that is certainly understandable.   But if you tuned in to the long, rambling, empty press conference, you would have been truly alarmed.   Without the use of the teleprompter, his speech can be described only as 'halting'.   It was impossible to count the number of times he seized up, able to deaden the silence with only a drawn-out 'uh', 'um' or 'ahhh'.   The White House dutifully scrubbed all the halts and stutters from the official transcript, and it was impossible to count them in real time.   But a sample of his incoherent word salad found him stuttering about every 15 words, which comes to more than 330 'uh-um-ahhs' in a single appearance..."

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
Chicagoland: a tale of 2 tragedies, why no march for murdered 9-year-old
World Net Daily

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
Planned Parenthood murderers vs. "those villainous Christians" donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Lauretta Brown _Cybercast News Service_
Trent Franks (R-AZ): the last thing I want to do is send more USA tax-victim dollars to Planned Parenthood

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
non-leftists defeat attempt by leftists/Reds/Dems to restore Planned Parenthood funding in omnibus over-spending bill

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Zachary Volkert _Inquisitr_
devout Muslim Syed Rezwan Farook, environmental specialist, & new wife Tashfeen Malik from Saudi Arabia bombed and shot up county meeting in San Bernardino over 3 miles from Planned Parenthood facility (and directly across the street from a golf course!), leave behind 6-month-old; leftist media mystified as to possible motives
Anna Giaritelli: Washington DC Examiner: estranged father says Syed Farook a very religious Muslim
Dan Brekke & David Marks: KQED
Michelle Moons & Raheem Kassem: Breitbart
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart
Patrick Goodenough: Cybercast News Service: suspects' brother-in-law (probably a sister's husband rather than his wifes brother) expressed family's shock at CAIR media briefing
Curtis Houck: Media Research Center News Busters: CNN guest posits that San Bernardino office holiday luncheon may have been offensive to Muslim terrorists
Ann Coulter: World Net Daily: Ukrainian (i.e. "white") American men are the most pacific in history
George Rasley: Conservative HQ: still ignoring religious test as required by existing law for refugees/asylum seekers, Paul Ryan?
John R. Lott ii: National Review
Laura Ingraham interview of John R. Lott ii (mp3): the number of people killed by "mass shootings" during Obummer's tenure is 424 casualties...Paris this year alone has 508 casualties
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart: the jihadis next door
Breitbart: Muslim newly-weds murdered co-workers who threw them baby shower
Charlie Spiering: Breitbart: Obummer says... work-place violence, wants more infringements on right to own and carry arms for defense
John Nolte: Breitbart: leftist media attack right to own and carry arms for defense, Donald Trump, non-leftists, refuse to consider Muslim terrorists
Jordan Schachtel: Breitbart: Ted Cruz notes that radical Islam is waging war against USA and Western Civilization
Jordan Schachtel: Breitbart: Dem/leftist/Red congress-critters visit DC mosque once led by Anwar al-Awlaki
Jeff Poor: Breitbart: Carly Fiorina notes that if it sounds like a Muslim terrorist and it looks like a Muslim terrorist attack...
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked: Breitbart: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate supporters speculate on-line whether "lone wolf" birds-of-a-feather carried out attack in San Bernardino
Joel B. Pollak: Breitbart: CA governor Moonbeam Brown off to Paris climate conspiracy
Breitbart: deputy-head of the illegal Islamic Movement in Israel, Sheikh Kamal Khatib, claims jihad is all West/non-Muslims' fault Jerusalem Israel Post
Frank J. Gaffney ii: Washington DC Times: it sure quacks like Muslim terrorism
Donald Lambro: Washington DC Times: more Americans murdered by Muslim terrorists
Deborah Simmons: Washington DC Times: infringements on right to own and carry arms or immigration reform?
Michael R. Chapman: Cybercast News Service: Rudy Giuliani notes that if you can't see that this is a terrorist act in a broader war you're a moron
Michael R. Chapman: Cybercast News Service: L. Brent Bozell iii notes that this is an act of war
Peggy Noonan: Wall Street Journal: the 1st amendment needs your prayers
W. Scott Lamb: Washington DC Times: Rand Paul pointed out that those who scoffed at prayers are snide, snotty, and arrogant
Andrea Noble & Guy Taylor: Washington DC Times: terrorists tried to scrub digital foot-prints the day before they attacked
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
non-leftists set to pass another repeal of unconstitutional ObummerDoesn'tCare; leftists/Reds/Dems vow to force vote for unconstitutional infringements of the right to own and carry arms

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Laura Ingraham
Jeff Sessions tells GOP & RINO losership to stop cowering over the prospect of a partial federal government shut-down and use constitutional power to rein in rogue Obummer regime

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
James Woods criticized media's blatant hypocrisy; OK to #PrayForParis, but not for USA

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer's new adviser Robert Malley once criticized Shrub regime for being too hostile towards Bashar al-Assad

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
IAEA: Iran development of nuclear weapons has continued for years after ayatollah Ali Khamenei supposedly issued religious decree against it

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Quinnipiac U poll: USA voters fear "home-grown terrorists", oppose admitting more "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Laura Ingraham
reject Obummer's "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals funding request
"A few weeks ago, the House conducted a meaningless distraction show vote on the Ryan refugee bill which -- as senator Sessions explained -- authorizes [Obummer] to bring in as many refugees as he wants from anywhere in the world.   The majority of the public says no to Muslim refugees, but Ryan waves them on in -- not just from Syria, but numerous countries which have already sent terrorists to the USA.   Most importantly: the Ryan bill was a show vote.   It is not the law, and even if it became the law -- which it won't -- it will not change anything.   Funding for refugees is about to expire.   All America has to do is tell Paul Ryan: don't give [Obummer] his refugee funds, but put new rules in place to protect America.   Tell the GOP to stop working for the billionaire interests, and start working for America's interests!   History doesn't have to repeat itself.   Americans can win this time -- if they try..."

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
president of European parliament: Christians are not safe on our continent

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
young Christian girl beaten & stripped to punish her uncle for dating a Muslim

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Israel has never had a "partner for peace" among Palestinians

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: no USA president should pressure Israel to give up land God gave them

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Donald Trump says he plans to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton slept-in, missed briefing on Muslim attack on USA consulate in Benghazi just days after it was carried out

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Muslim civilians who escaped: ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is a utopian failure

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
French counter-terrorism forces raided 2,235 homes, seized 334 weapons, arrested 232

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
House RINOs, losership & leftists conspire to pass new unconstitutional, intrusive education/indoctrinaction bill

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
watch: large deer collided with police car, went airborne, sprinted away in Kenton county KY

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Ellie Ismailidou _MarketWatch_
Bill Gross joins hundreds of other economists in thinking the Federal Reserve Board, European Central Bank & other central banks are casinos fabricating currencies, repeatedly doubling-down in Martingale strategy

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Valerie Richardson & Tom Howell ii _Washington DC Times_
legally armed citizenry would deter "mass-shootings" & terrorist attacks

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Moshe Kantor _Washington DC Times_
how war has changed "Global peace and security was once based on treaties between states.   War was largely a preoccupation of nations with conventional armies.   Today war has fundamentally changed and the threat has changed, but the methods used by governments to maintain world order have not.   Nation states no longer have the monopoly on weapons of mass destruction and disruption.   The world's major powers must come together to combat global terror and arrest the proliferation of nuclear weapons.   Dialogue between the United States and Russia is absolutely essential.   The 2 countries that control the vast majority of the world's nuclear weapons simply need to talk.   Political differences must be set aside, the stakes are too high.   Our leaders must focus on the existential threat of our time with unity, single-mindedness and courage..."

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Tonny Onyulo _Washington DC Times_
Ethiopia rail system reflects growing ties with Red China

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Herbert London _Washington DC Times_
Russia's aims in the Middle East

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Ryan Radia _Washington DC Times_
how to keep the Internet free and innovative

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Obummer, UN, Iran want past resolutions and measures against Iran's continuing development of nuclear weapons and delivery systems to be swept under the rug

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
resign, president Barack Hussein Obummer, resign

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Natalie Houston _Chronicle of Higher Education_
tune in to Focus at Will

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Ted Cruz remarks to Republican Jewish Coalition candidate forum

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Nick Reese _BroadBand Now_
10 small towns with blazing fast telecommunications
fiber to the premises by country

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Eric Worrall
former UN IPCC chairman, international redistributionist and warmist hysteric Wade Davis: why not a war against global warming?

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Anthony Watts
funding/wealth-redistribution row threatens Paris climate treaty warn Red China and India

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Charles G. Battig
COP21 and the madness of crowds

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Wim Rost
UN IPCC is not science: a separation of powers

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Anthony Watts
some first clips of new movie "Climate Hustle" air on Fox

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Jim Steele
is Antarctica's "climate change" natural or human CO2 driven? there is absolutely no consensus

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Eric Worrall
Red Chinese government accused of hacking Australian bureau of meteorology

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Eric Worrall
California government abandons distributed/dispersed roof-top solar, favors big/consolidated/concentrated/centrally-controlled utilities

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
president Barack Hussein Obummer's imaginary world

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
former FBI agent: terrorist attack in San Bernardino had nothing to do with "climate change"

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Steve Forbes _Washington DC Times_
Obummer regime's eco-fascist agenda shorts and undermines USA and Western Civilization's economy

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-12-03 (5776 Kislev 21)
_Popular Archaeology_
impression of Hezekiah's seal discovered in excavations in Jerusalem South of "Temple Mount"/"Haram al-Sharif", ESE of al-Aqsa mosque

This Date in History
Brainy History
Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In many countries -- perhaps most countries -- the establishment of law & order over large regions was a long & arduous process.   Yet those who today advocate that gov't's economic role is to preserve the essential frame-work of law & order, leaving more specific economic decisions to the market-place, are accused of saying that gov't should 'do nothing' -- even though   (1) it took centuries to accomplish what is today called 'nothing' &   (2) that 'nothing' has brought wide-spread economic benefits to great numbers of human beings.   The economic importance of law & order is demonstrated not only by the differing facility of attracting capital & immigration into areas where it is less established or better established, but also by comparison of the economic performances of different groups to be more subject to a reliable frame-work of law & order than are other groups." --- Thomas Sowell 1994 _Race & Culture_ pg 122  




Yom Shishi



2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
94.446M American not in labor force (NILF)
Laura Ingraham
Christopher Rugaber: Washington DC Times/AP: 211K additional jobs, seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate 5%

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
USAF chief-of-staff general Mark Welsh: after 25K cut, man-power shortage hitting every mission area

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
UN censured Guatemalas anti-coyote law (because it discourages human trafficking and invasion?!?)

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
_Conservative HQ_
8 days to save USA: Ted Cruz & Jeff Sessions demand truth about massive Muslim immigration terrorism threat

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Stephan Dinan _Washington DC Times_
raving corrupt congressional Reds/leftists/Dems asking supremes to reverse district and circuit courts to up-hold Obummer's unconstitutional & illegal amnesties of illegal aliens

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
numbers of "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals 20% higher than reported: now 5.3M; ethnic cleansing rampant by every faction

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Steven A. Camarota _Center for Immigration Studies_
failing to meet the challenge of Americanizing amp; educating children of immigrants
"After the federal government released the latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress -- the 'Nation's Report Card' -- we noted that children from poor families and from households that do not speak English continue to struggle.   School quality certainly matters, but at present our school system's ability to raise the achievement level of at-risk children is limited.   Unfortunately, there is no consensus on how to turn things around.   It seems very likely that immigration policy is exacerbating these challenges.   Almost one in three students receiving free or reduced-priced school lunch -- a common measure of poverty -- is from an immigrant-headed household, as are 73% of children who speak a language other than English at home.   For more context on achievement disparities, it may be helpful to put the performance of demographic sub-groups in [the United States of America] on an international scale.   The following tables rank the 34 OECD countries on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), a battery of tests administered in 2012.   Interspersed among the scores achieved by OECD countries are the scores of various U.S.A. sub-groups.   There is a wide variation in scores among those sub-groups.   Of course, international comparisons should always be interpreted with caution.   There is no guarantee that every country tested a representative sample of its student population, and some of the variation could simply reflect how closely each country happens to align its curriculum with the PISA.   Nevertheless, placing American sub-groups on an international scale gives us some idea of what the differences within our own country can be..."

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Costa Rica moves to Plan C on stranded Cubans

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
_Tampa Bay FL Tribune_
reform H-1B guest-work visa program for cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled STEM labor with flexible ethics

Visas Issued

The numbers of new/initial H-1B visas actually issued, OTOH, is what matters.   graphs   These numbers are available in the State Department's annual reports:
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1 set aside
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total issued
199658,327- - -58,327
199780,547- - -80,547
199891,360- - -91,360
1999116,513- - -116,513
2000133,290- - -133,290
2001161,643- - -161,643
2002118,352- - -118,352
2003107,196- - -107,196
yeargeneral allocation issuedH-1B1 set aside
for those from Chile
and Singapore
Total issued

State Department
law & policy, statistics, non-immigrant visas
FY2004-2008 pdf
FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report
FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report
FY2013 NIV Workload by Visa Category (pdf)
FY2014 Annual Report
FY2014 NIV Workload by Visa Category (pdf)
FY2015 NIV Workload by Visa Category table xviA (pdf)
FY2015 NIV Workload by Visa Category table xviB (pdf)
FY2016 NIV Workload by Visa Category table xviA (pdf)
FY2016 NIV Workload by Visa Category table xviB (pdf)

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Suzanne Fields _Jewish World Review_
and then they came for the Jews
Washington DC Times

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
USA government's, media's pathological denial of reality
"How much lower will America sink before it regains its senses?   Wednesday, 2 Muslims walked into [one of them had been inside and stepped out to meet his wife, don body armor and pick up rifle, hand-gun and pipe-bombs] a Christmas party at a community service center in San Bernardino, California where one worked.   They were wearing body armor and video cameras and carrying [semi-automatic] rifles, pipe bombs and pistols.   They opened fire, killed 14, and wounded 21.   The murderers, Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik were killed by police.   Speaking to the Daily News, Farook's father said his son, 'was very religious.   He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back.   He's Muslim.'   Farook's neighbor told the paper that over the past 2 years, Farook exchanged his Western dress for Islamic gowns and grew a beard [and had late-night Arabic male visitors delivering large packages, but was afraid to mention it to anyone for fear of being chided and harassed as ethnist].   These data points lead naturally to the conclusion that Farook and his wife were jihadists who killed in order to kill in the name of Islam.   But in America of 2015 December, natural conclusions are considered irresponsible, at best.   In an interview with CNN following the shooting, US president [Barack Hussein Obummer] said the massacre demonstrates that the US needs stricter gun laws.   As for the motives of the shooters, [Obummer] shrugged.   'We don't yet know the motives of the shooters.', he insisted.   IOW, while ignoring what in all likelihood drove Farooq and his wife to murder innocent people, [Obummer] laid responsibility for the carnage at the feet of his political opponents who reject his demands for stricter limitations on gun ownership..."

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
the CAIR effect: see something, do nothing
Cybercast News Service
Real Clear Politics
"While the White House pays lip service to homeland security vigilance, it consorts with Islamic terror sympathizers who attack vigilant citizens and law enforcement officers at every turn.   Yes, I'm looking at you, Council on American-Islamic Relations.   After seeing CAIR's bizarre press conference with the San Bernardino jihadists' family members, here's what I'd like to say to them:   You are not to be trusted.   You put damage control above border control and jihad control.   You are enemies of our national security and sovereignty.   Reminder: The feds designated CAIR an unindicted terror co-conspirator in 2007 in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation and others for providing support to Hamas jihadists.   Over the alleged objections of Dallas-area federal prosecutors, the [Obummer/Holder+Lynch] Justice Department's senior political appointees declined to press terror-financing charges against CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad.   Instead, the [regime] has rolled out the red carpet for CAIR officials 'hundreds' of times since 2009 on a 'range of issues'..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
Muslim terrorism has "hardly anything to do with Islam" (wink wink nudge nudge) donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Laura Ingraham
Ted Cruz: USA citizens must be armed for the defense of themselves, their neighbors, and the state
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Chris Cillizza _Jewish World Review_
Ted Cruz is the sleeping giant in the Republican primary

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
Cruz vs. Rubio a better GOP contest; but Trump + Cruz or Cruz + Huckabee or Cruz + Santorum or Trump + Huckabee or Trump + Santorum or Cruz + Fiorina or Cruz + Santorum are all better tickets for 2016 November

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
leftist media & RINOs push Ted Cruz vs. Marco Rubio run-off match, with aim of anointing Yebbie Booosh or Marco Rubio at convention

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Max Ehrenfreund _Jewish World Review_
contrary to conventional wisdom, the USA has actually had a major decline in gun violence... here is why donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
USA is a nation in search of leadership, not mush
Washington DC Times

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Hugh Naylor _Jewish World Review_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate money-makers take a hit

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
R' Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb _Jewish World Review_
man proposes & God disposes: VaYeishev/וישב/va yesheb
Bereishis/Genesis/בראשית/Brashith/be rashith 37:1 - 40:23

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Craig Millward _Cybercast News Service_
another NY county sheriff urges "licensed" arms owners to carry their weapons for the defense of themselves, neighbors, county, and state

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Putin repeats accusation that Turkey is buying petroleum from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, Obummer DoS denies it

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
why leftist media hate Donald Trump

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
why is the Obummer regime sponsoring addition of Montenegro to NATO

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
Obummer DoJ, DHS & racist SPLC collude to attack liberty via "Strong Cities Network"

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Laura Ingraham
initiations of force using firearms declining... except in gun-free zones
Awr Hawkins: Breitbart

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
news of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate link to Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino came after Obummer assurances of safety

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Andrew Blake _Washington DC Times_
Macy's sued for detaining suspected shop-lifters

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Stu Tarlowe _WND_
where is the 3rd terrorist mentioned by witnesses? Have we now become a nation of the arithmetically challenged, the journalistically challenged, and the cognitively challenged?

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Joseph Farah _WND_
why Jesus/Yahushaa celebrated Hanukkah/Chanukah; re-dedication

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Chris Hoffman _PCWorld_/_IDG_
Apple's Swift programming language is now open-source
Cade Metz: Wired
Marius Nestor: Linux Today
Kyt Dotson: Silicon Angle
Mac Daily News
Caitlin McGarry: MacWorld/IDG

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Eric Worrall
crony socialist Elon Musk: massive extortion would speed "clean energy" transition

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Anthony Watts
Rice U study: not all scientists are atheists

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Anthony Watts
CFACT presents 4 inconvenient facts about "global warming" at COP21 display

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Christopher Monckton
the robust pause resists a robust el Nino still no global warming for 18 years 9 months

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Anthony Watts
Columbia U shows they are still trying to erase Medieval warm period

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Eric Worrall
Tuvalu prime-minister Enele Sosene Sopoaga criticizes demands for evidence of global warming

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
"complete transformation" of USA energy system will wtop 0.04 degrees of global warming over 100 years, congress was told

2015-12-04 (5776 Kislev 22)
Proposed Bills 2015

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Proposed Bills 2015

  "Many thoughts are in man’s heart, but the counsel of HaShem -- only it will prevail.” --- Mishlei 19:21  




Yom Shabbat



2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)
Larry Kummer
activists go through 5 stages of grief for "climate chamge" campaign

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)
Anthony Watts
Algore practices stage-craft at Paris COP21 climate conspiracy with "fainting woman"

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)
Tim Ball
the ozone scare was a dry run for the "global warming" scare

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)
Kip Hansen
what are they really counting?

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)
Anthony R.E.
a simple demonstration of chaos and unreliability of computer models

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)
Proposed Bills 2015

2015-12-05 (5776 Kislev 23)
Robert Moore _Cenantua_
back to college at 50?

This Date in History
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Library of Congress
On This Day
Dates In History
Proposed Bills 2015

  "[In the 1880s, the Meiji leaders chose a] highly centralized, strictly controlled education system... more in keeping with the Confucian concept of the close relationship between education, morality, & government; & better adapted to building a strong & prosperous state than the decentralized & freer American system." --- Edwin O. Reischauer & John K. Fairbank 1965 _East Asia: The Modern Transformation_ pg 276 (quoted in Lawrence E. Harrison 1992 _Who Prospers?_ pp 126-127)  


2015 December, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 December, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 December, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 December, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 December, week 5 (27-31) (15KB)

Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

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  "The court bows to the lessons of experience & the force of better reasoning, recognizing that the process of trial & error, so fruitful in the physical sciences, is appropriate also in the judicial function." --- Louis Brandeis (quoted in Laurence H. Tribe 1985 _God Save This Honorable Court_ pg 124)  

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