2015 December, week 4

3rd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression

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updated: 2018-12-10

  "Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the president of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it.   If after such Reconsideration two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.   But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively.   If any Bill shall not be returned by the president within 10 days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law." --- article 1 section 7 paragraph 2  

2015 December
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2015 December, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 December, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 December, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 December, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 December, week 5 (27-31) (15KB)

  "In the traditions which the Miamis gave of their own history they stated that they had been at war with the Cherokees and Chickasaws for so long a period of time that they had no account of any time when there had been peace between them." --- John Calvin Hover, Joseph D. Barnes, Walter D. Jones, Charlotte Reeve Conover, Willard Jarey Wright, Clayton A. Leiter, John Ewing Bradford & W.C. Culkins 1919 _Memoirs of the Miami Valley_ vol1of3 pg24 (pg46 in pdf)  


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato Domenica


captain William Scott's flag for the Republic of Texas.

2015 December

3rd month of the 4th quarter of the 26th year of the Bush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression




Yom Rishon



This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Rick Santorum, (9) Ann Coulter, (10) Ben S. Carson, (11) Mike Huckabee, (12) Donald Trump, (13) Thomas Sowell, (16) Ken Blackwell, (18) Allen West, (19) Rand Paul, (20) Tom Cotton, (21) Carly Fiorina, (22) Gary Johnson, (26) Jim Gilmore, (28) Larry Elder, (40) Alan Keyes, (25,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (102,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide voter registry, telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (210,000,000) Chris Christie, (309,998,000) Bernie Sanders, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
382 of 383 "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals admitted into USA since 2015-11-13 Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, are Muslims, only 1 Christian though many Christians and Jews in Syria and Iraq have been attacked, murdered, and their churches and synagogues desecrated
"...374 Sunnis, 3 Shi'ites, and 5 described simply as 'Moslem'...   95 (24.8%) are men between the ages of 14 and 50.   88 (22.9%) are women 14-50, 92 (24%) are boys under 14; 89 (23.2%) are girls under 14; 10 (2.6%) are men older than 50, and 9 (2.3%) are women over 50.   The sole Christian is an adherent of the Greek Orthodox Church.   Syria's Christian community accounts for an estimated 10% of the population.   The main denominations include Greek Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Syriac Orthodox, Melkite Greek Catholic, Syriac Maronite, Armenian Catholic, Syrian Catholic, Chaldean Catholic and Assyrian..."

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)
"streiff" _True Blue Republican State_
Bill Clinton & Barack Hussein Obummer featured in ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate recruiting video

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)
Pamela Geller _WND_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals overwhelming Europe... and USA
"80% of 'migrants' who have recently come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren't really from Syria at all.   So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe?   An ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate operative gave the answer when he boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4K ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate jihadis had already entered Europe.   He explained their purpose: 'It's our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.'   These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: 'They are going like refugees', he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets..."

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)
_CBS 19_
while millions of USA citizen certified teachers remain unemployed or out of the labor force, foreign teachers flock to Mississippi teaching jobs

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)
Anthony Watts
Goddard Space Flight Center, Kate Marvel & Gavin Schmidt: examination of earth's recent history is important for predicting future global temperatures

2015-12-20 (5776 Tebet 08)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "...even to say that mankind has advanced, if only in particular spheres, is to say that some ways of doing things -- some cultures -- are better in some respects than others, that they are more effective for particular purposes.   Plain & obvious as cultural differences in effectiveness in different fields should be, there has developed in recent times a reluctance or a squeamishness about discussing it, & some use the concept of 'cultural relativism' to deny it." --- Thomas Sowell 1994 _Race & Culture_ pp 4-5  




Yom Sheni



2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Patrick Thibodeau _"IT" News_/_IDG_
BLS predicts 1% job growth for electrical engineers, 1% fewer jobs for electronics engineers over the next decade; IEEE*USA agrees

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
the haughty John Kerry to Iranian dictators: do not worry about USA increasing scrutiny of those entering using visa waiver program, the corrupt anti-USA Obummer regime will make sure your spies and operatives get in

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: USA government has been using the wrong (ineffective?, dysfunctional?) algorithms to search intelligence meta-data

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Philip van Doorn _MarketWatch_
Tim Cook over-simplifies alleged USA "skill problem": it is difficult for tool and die makers to earn a living
1984 May (unavailable)
1994 May (unavailable)
2000 May (unavailable)
2004 May
2014 May
Yes, Cook, Zuckerberg, Ellison, Gates, Barrett, et al. hate the very thought of giving up a little of their own excesses to invest in new-hire and retained employee training of any kind.

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Costa Rica - Cuba meeting yielded no solutions for stranded refugees from Cuba hoping to reach the USA

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
USA citizenry still being _Sold Out_ by federal government, business executives
"Last week we had the spectacle of the 2,009-page [over-spending bill] for the remainer of the 2016 fiscal year, in which the American people were once again sold out.   As Michelle and I describe in _Sold Out_, a massive bill like this becomes a free-for-all for lobbyists.   If the budget does not pass, the government could shut down.   Therefore, anything that gets into the budget bill can only be opposed by voting to shut down the government.   We learned that the budget bill was prepared by only about four congressmen and lobbyists.   In fact, members of congress had to learn what was in the bill from lobbyists.   If this country had a less-dysfunctional press corps, the public would know who the 4 congressmen were who served as the gate-keepers for the budget bill; who the lobbyists were who had access to the process of writing the budget bill; who the clients of those lobbyists were; and the connection between those clients and the gatekeeper congressmen.   Immigration is one of the policy areas affected by this process.   On page 701, nestled between appropriations, we find -- without even a heading -- an increase in the number of H-2B guest-workers...   Why is a provision increasing guestworkers buried in a budget bill like this?   You can bet your house and lives of your children that money changed hands.   In a softball interview with Michael Medved speaker Ryan says:   'there is also a little hysteria, hyperbole, and just innuendo with respect to this bill.   For instance the H-2b worker provision in here, which is an immigration thing, it's like 8K temporary workers for one year, is all this provision provides.'   The number of H-2B workers is limited to 66K per year under 8 U.S.C. §1184(g)(1)(B).   What this provision does for 2016 is exempt anyone admitted as an H-2B visa holder over the previous 3 years.   So how many workers is this?   If no one received and H-2B visa in more than one year between 2013 and 2015 and every one of those people applied for an H-2B visa in 2016, the bill quadruples the number of H-2B visas available (to 264K) That is an unlikely convergence of events but it represents the upper bound on the size of the increase.   If everyone who received and H-2B in 2013 also received an H-2B in 2014 and 2015, the bill doubles the number of H-2B visas available (to 132K).   This is also unlikely but represents the lower bound of the increase.   The correct answer here is that the bill increases the number of H-2B workers somewhere between doubling and quadrupling the number.   Keep in mind the reason lobbyists write increases in foreign labor using obscure language like this is to make the actual size of the increases obscure and debatable.   In any event, Paul Ryan is simply not telling the truth when he says the increase is 'like 8K'.   Speaker Ryan also uses the interview to down-play this issue: 'The committee passed it in July...   It's a tiny provision.'   But it if it's a tiny provision, Mr. speaker, then why is it in the budget bill at all?   Make no mistake about it folks.   This is government corruption.   Lobbyists could not get the bill passed through the front door but payola allows them to get it in through the back door.   As we describe in _Sold Out_, lobbyists have used this same mechanism of a budget bill to pass H-1B increases.   This particular change only lasts for a year but there is another, permanent change to the H-2B visa program buried on page 888.   This is a change to how the 'prevailing wage' is calculated that must be paid to H-2B visa holders:   'In the determination of prevailing wage for the purposes of the H-2B program, the secretary shall accept private wage surveys even in instances where Occupational Employment Statistics survey data are available unless the secretary determines that the methodology and data in the provided survey are not statistically supported.'   The purpose here is to allow employers to pay lower wages to these foreign workers.   Why would an employer bother submitting a private wage survey if the government provides one for free online unless that private wage survey had a lower prevailing wage?   The change from John Boehner to Paul Ryan has changed nothing in Washington.   The message in these kinds of antics from the [RINO losership] to the American public appears to be 'Vote for Donald Trump'."
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Costa Rica suspends the granting of temporary visas to Cubans fleeing the Castro regime

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Nayla Rush _Center for Immigration Studies_
welcoming "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals: not merely a matter of how many, but also "how?"

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino brings attention to immigration-through-marriage... or should
"...In a better world the government would quietly devise a better system of controls and add a lot of visa-processing staff to the embassies in nations which have sent us terrorists, while here at home Donald Trump would stop loudly calling for the denial of admission for all non-citizen Muslims..."

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Byron York _Washington DC Examiner_
Marco Rubio & Ted Cruz on immigration

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Patrick J. Buchanan _WND_
Mohammedanism is a political ideology for subjugating nations
"...As of 1960, the Great Wave of immigration into the United States from Southern and Eastern Europe had been halted for 35 years.   And the children of these millions had been largely assimilated and Americanized.   Yet, 50 years after the Turkish gastarbeiters were brought in the millions into Germany, and Algerians and other North Africans were brought into France, no such wholesale assimilation had taken place.   Why not?   Why are there still large, indigestible communities in France where French citizens do not venture and French police are ever on alert?   What inhibits the assimilation that swiftly followed the entry of millions of Catholics, Orthodox Christians and Jews into the United States from 1890 to 1920?   Might it have something to do with Islam and its inherent resistance to a diversity of faiths?   Set aside faith-based terrorism and Islamist terrorism, and consider the nations and regimes of the Middle and Near East.   Iran holds presidential elections every 4 years, but is a Shiite theocracy where the ayatollah is a virtual dictator.   Saudi Arabia is a Sunni kingdom and home to Wahhabism, a Sunni form of puritanism.   Those ruling regimes are rooted in Islam.   And while secular America embraces expressions of religious pluralism and sexual freedom, homosexuality and apostasy are often viewed as capital crimes in Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia.   Where Islam is the ruling faith, the Quran is secular law.   Catholic historian Hilaire Belloc saw our future on its way, even before World War 2: 'in the contrast between our religious chaos and the religious certitude still strong throughout the Mohammedan world...lies our peril..."

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
former USA counter-terrorism officers helped 149 Iraqi Christians escape ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
UN claims critics of proportions of Christian vs. Muslim refugees reaching Europe and USA are uninformed, unable to understand how complicated their processes are
"...The UN agency has been put on the defensive over concerns that only a handful of resettled refugees (just 62 of the 2,550 'Syrian' 'refugees' resettled in the United States) have made it stateside, as the years-long civil war continues to rage.   When asked about the lack of Christian refugees being freed from the grip of sectarian turmoil, Mason responded, 'We don't know...   We don't want to speculate.'   But other UN employees have suggested that Christians have instead gone to Lebanon, which has a demographic make-up of around 40% Christians...   Since the Paris terror attacks on 2015 November 13, just 1 of the 383 Syrian refugees admitted to the United States is a Christian.   374 are Sunni Muslims, three said they are loyal to the Shiite sect of Islam, and five came into the country as unaffiliated Muslims.   The lone Christian is a member of the Greek Orthodox Church, according to State Department data..."

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Eytan Kobre _Jewish World Review_
world-view contrasts at Chanukah: Obummer and Cruz donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Dan Lamothe _Jewish World Review_
one God: Muslim man in Christian hospital donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Dan Lamothe _Jewish World Review_
why former SecDef Chuck Hagel's coming out against the Obummer White House matters donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
Star Wars
"...[SF] was regarded as the up-market intellectual end of genre fiction. Then George Lucas came along, and hijacked the entire field, with little more than a guy with a bucket on his head, a dog with a stick-on moustache, a talking garbage can and a princess wearing two cinnamon rolls on her ears... It's supposed to be 'epic' and 'primal', but, if so, it beats me. A film such as, say, 'High Noon', which takes place in real time -- 90 minutes -- on one dusty monochrome main street lined with plywood house fronts and whose only special effect is Tex Ritter's plaintive rendition of the title song, is truly primal: it's big at its core. Star Wars, it seems to me, is epic only in the sense that the telephone book is epic..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Megan McArdle _Jewish World Review_
sheltered students go to college, avoid education donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
USA higher education is a house divided
"..Why is Purdue one of just 6 universities that have now aligned with the spirit of the Chicago policy?   Partly because of Daniels's leadership.   But also because Purdue, Indiana's land-grant institution, is true to the 1862 Morrill Act's emphasis on applied learning.   It graduates more engineers than any USA university other than Georgia Tech.   Purdue, tied with the University of California at Berkeley, awards more STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) under-graduate diplomas than all but 2 public research universities (Penn State and Texas A&M).   Among such universities, a higher percentage of Purdue students graduate in STEM fields than those of any school other than Georgia Tech and the University of California at San Diego.   Scientists and engineers live lives governed by the reality principle: Get the variables wrong, the experiment will fail, even if this seems insensitive; do the math wrong, the equation will tell you, even if that hurts your feelings.   Reality does not similarly regulate the production of Marxist interpretations of _Middlemarch_ or turgid monographs on the false consciousness of Parisian street sweepers in 1714.   Literature professors 'de-constructing' Herman Melville cause nothing worse than excruciating boredom in their students.   If engineers ignore reality, reality de-constructs their bridges..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Glenn Reynolds _Jewish World Review_
Dems'/leftists'/Reds' lack of compassion for victims of terrorist attacks donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Josh Rogin & Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
Russian arms in Syria block USA military efforts donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
family estrangement donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
_Cybercast News Service_
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty: worst 7 "Scrooges" of this Christmas+Chanukah season

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: shame on congress for forcing USA tax-victims to fund Planned Parenthood, a group whose leaders talk like Mengele and Nazi concentration and extermination camp commanders

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
"Miss Puerto Rico" suspended for expressing her religioius opinion that "Islamic God is not the same God as that of Christians & Jews"... even though many Muslims and Christians and Jews think the same

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
_Cybercast News Service_
Carly Fiorina: I am the lump of coal in Hitlery Rotten Clinton's stocking

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Christian female battalion formed to fight against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate in Syria

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Hezbollah terrorist Samir Kuntar, who murdered 4-year-old Israeli, her sister, their father, and a policeman in 1979, died in an aerial attack in Jaramana, Damascus, Syria: Hezbollah vows revenge
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Mark Finkelstein _Media Research Center News Busters_
Rick Santorum turned tables on Joe Scarborough suggestion; what are Muslims going to do to reach out to stop Muslim terrorists, to become Americans, to bring Islam out of the 7th century

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Nattasuda Anusonadisai _San Jose CA Mercury News_/_AP_
Thai government says it is not ignoring slavery/forced labor in its shrimping industry

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
RINO losership joining in on destruction of USA... again
"If one follows the war between Islamism and the West as we do, two developments have become public this week, one from Great Britain and one from France, that throw a harsh light on the abject surrender of [president Obummer] and the [RINO + Red/Leftist/Dem losership] in the face of the existential threat to constitutional liberty posed by the growing Muslim subversion of [the USA].   The first was the release of a report to parliament in the UK giving a broad brush outline of the subversive activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in that country.   What was publicly released was prime-minister Cameron's summary of findings of an internal review he commissioned 'to improve the government's understanding of the Muslim Brotherhood; establish whether the Muslim Brotherhood's ideology or activities, or those of individual members or affiliates, put at risk, damaged, or risked damaging the UK's national interests; and where appropriate inform policy'...     'Aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology and activities therefore run counter to British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, equality and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.   The Muslim Brotherhood is not the only movement that promotes values which appear intolerant of equality and freedom of faith and belief.   Nor is it the only movement or group dedicated in theory to revolutionising societies and changing existing ways of life.   But I have made clear this government's determination to reject intolerance, and to counter not just violent Islamist extremism, but also to tackle those who create the conditions for it to flourish'..."
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
_Conservative HQ_
RINO losership -- Ryan, McConnell, McCarthy -- join Reds/leftists/Des -- Reid, Pelosi, Gutierrez -- to over-turn elections of 2010, 2012, 2014 and celebrate destruction of the USA

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Douglas Ernst _WND_
Pat Robertson flays Yale scheme to treat Quran as respectable law book

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Steve Emerson & Pete Hoekstra _WND_
CAIR's latest links with Hamas
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
FBI, Dallas division's, North Texas Joint Terrorism Task Force and International Terrorism Squad (pdf)
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
Discover the Networks: Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
Discover the Networks: Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)
Christopher Massie: BuzzFeed: Loretta Sanchez 5% to 20% of Muslims striving to establish worldwide caliphate

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Dennis Prager _WND_
Dec. 25 is "my holiday, though not my holy day": say "Merry Christmas" -- don't let the grinches win

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Matthew Cochran _WND_
Wheaton College was entirely right to put a professor on administrative leave for claiming that Christians and Muslims worship the same god: the Christian and Muslim Gods are different
"Those who make this claim typically try to reduce the vast differences between these 2 religions' views of God to a matter of differing details about the same God...   Baylor's Francis Beckwith... [claims they use 2 names for the same entity and] He goes on to affirm that they are indeed the same because, as monotheistic concepts of God, both share identical properties—including the property of being completely unique in this godhood.   The differences Beckwith dismisses as instances of 'incomplete knowledge' and 'false beliefs' about the same object..."

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Phyllis Schlafly _WND_
Paul Ryan working against Republicans just as John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Nasty Pelosi: RINO losership, who believe they are "elite" are openly hostile to non-leftists

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Mychal Massie _WND_
a holiday shafting by Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Nasty Pelosi: inside-the-belt-way Republicans are not our friends... nor are their consultants

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Cheryl Benard _WND_
Mohammedans are not moderating
National Interest

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
sharia in Trans-Pacific Partnership: Islamic billionaires could bypass USA courts, acquire USA land and infrastructure

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
"UN peace-keepers" raped children as young as 9, management failed/refused to penalize them

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Aaron Klein & Ali Waked _Breitbart_
MidEast peace talks: Hamas negotiating pact with ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
schizo-Obummer: there is more fear of terrorism not from the many terrorist attacks since 1960, but because media are pursuing ratings

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Edwin Mora _Breitbart_
Iran-backed Houthis fire missiles into Saudi Arabia

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
C. Edmund Wright _Breitbart_
Rove-stupid: RINO super-PACs seeing big contributions taking back control of their own funds in wake of repeated back-stabbing of non-leftists, repeated lost elections
"...most of the donors who can pony up at this level are pretty darn smart and successful.   They have now realized that they can put together better teams and campaigns than isolated and incestuous nepotistic DC consultants can.   They are relying more on the insights of people from the real world than they are on the 'House of Cards' lobbyists, strategists and hacks who seem to turn up every election cycle regardless of past failures..."

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Adelle Nazarian _Breitbart_
California man discovered Iranian hackers in electricity control systems
"...[idiot] meters, which are used in about 45% of USA homes to measure electricity usage for conservation [and government power-madness] purposes, are also prone to hacks as a consequence of their flimsy security.   In addition, the decision to hook power plants up to the Internet over the last decade has given hackers new points of access..."

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Muslim women decry USA leftists donning hijab: would rather see Americans stand against the ideology of Islamism that represses women and demands Muslim women cover themselves

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Enrique Marquez denied bail on terrorism charges

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
more witnesses corroborate Donald Trump's mention of Muslims celebrating after 2001/09/11 terrorist attacks
this is not the only issue on which the media try to deny reality

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Frank Luntz group cut American Muslims' criticisms of USA government from focus-group reports

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Michael Patrick Leahy _Breitbart_
Virginia teacher of 9th-grade "Islamic calligraphy lesson" as part of world geography class circulated Koran/Quran, excluded Jewish Torah & Christian Bible

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
sultan of Brunei warns Muslims not to celebrate Christmas or face prison for 5 years or more, non-Muslims to celebrate strictly in private
Simon Kent: no "Santa hats" allowed in public

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
cousin queen Elizabeth 2 will deliver "overtly Christian" Christmas message

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Bashar al-Assad visits Roman Catholic church in Damascus

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
SpaceX Falcon 9 successfully launched, delivered 11 communications satellites, intact after landing at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Anthony Watts
a little known ancient historical building (constructed c. 3250BCE) in Newgrange, Ireland that marks the winter solstice
"vanderleun": American Digest

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Anthony Watts
the watermelons' war against employment: Britain's last deep coal mine closed

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Bob Tisdale
ending (or not) the mid-20th century Britain's global warming hiatus (NOAA ERSST.v4)

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Philip Lloyd
Paris pact chock full of allegations of "noble intentions"

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Eric Worrall
Gavin Schmidt's magic climate balance

2015-12-21 (5776 Tebet 09)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "In Israel, much of the adult population are army reservists in combat units, & many of them also carry small arms, further increasing the difficulty of executing a successful terror attack.   Such measures have the advantage that they are relatively unobtrusive, having next to no consequences for the civil liberties of the citizens, who are merely better prepared for an attack that may come." --- Binyamin Netanyahu 1995 _Fighting Terrorism_ pp 27-28  




Yom Shlishi



2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Jerry Kammer _Center for Immigration Studies_
human nature vs. the blank slate: food for thought from Steven Pinker and Edmund Burke
"...Another passage from Pinker made me think of the absurdly fanciful claims that some open-borders advocates make about the redemptive power of unlimited immigration.   Pinker writes of 'the astonishing claims from pundits and social critics about the malleability of the human psyche: that little boys quarrel and fight because they are encouraged to do so; that children enjoy sweets because their parents use them as a reward for eating vegetables; that teenagers get the idea to compete in looks and fashion from spelling bees and academic prizes'.   The open-borders types want us to believe that human societies are infinitely malleable and that those who want to limit immigration have been warped by right-wing indoctrination.   I think they should keep in mind the observation by Edmund Burke around the time of the French Revolution that the revolutionaries were 'so taken up with their theories about the rights of man that they have totally forgotten his nature'."

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
Mexico waves USA-bound refugees from Cuba through

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
over 1M "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals entered Europe in calendar year 2015
"...Nearly half of the total figure came from Syria, while 186K were from Afghanistan.   Germany has already seen its total pass 1M, but that also includes migrants from the Balkan countries within Europe..."

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
State Dept. form asks finces/fiancees if they are planning acts of terrorism; doesn't that make you feel all safe
"...Department of Homeland Security [DHS] whistle-blower Phillip Haney...   The application reveals a naiveté on the part of the State Department that it might believe someone would actually answer those questions honestly if they were actually planning terrorist activities or if they had supported terrorist organizations.   Or, perhaps there is some consolation in the fact that if they kill hundreds of Americans, we can always charge them with lying on a federal form.   The questions serve to increase the public's lack of confidence in the federal government's ability to screen would be terrorists from people seeking to enter the USA as immigrants.   While these questions are raised on a form screening people engaged to marry an American, one must wonder what questions are being asked of the 'Syrian' 'refugees' flooding into the USA and Texas...   'The way to really develop a case is to ask people, where are they born, what are their family members' names, their father, their mother, [siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins], where did they go to school, what organizations are they part of [neighbors, teachers, professors, employers, rabbis/priests/imams, landlords, friends, class-mates]?   [Get finger-prints, DNA cheek-swabs to compare -- now or in the future -- with relatives.   Have them connected to a polygraph and 64-contact (or more) brain-cap while you ask some of those questions, and analyze the data together with the audio-visual recording.   If it were not so expensive, you could use a functional NMR scan while asking the questions.   Study their faces, posture and gestures for tells during the interview.]   That's how you develop a case.   That's how you do what we call connecting the dots.'..."

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
WSJ poll: 56% of Americans want fewer or no "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
as "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis worsens Norway considering laws to discourage citizens from joining ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Danish towns do not have resources to cope with "migrant"/ "refugee"/ "asylum seeker"/ invader/ terrorist/ cross-border criminal crisis

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
London radio caller expressed concern that "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals killing and eating swans; host chides that would be ridiculous...(though I have known of the occasional legal immigrant from other parts of the world and USA natives express designs on city park ducks and geese)

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
UK West Country fox hunters yell at illegal aliens discovered hiding in hedges to "get off our land"
"...Gloucester Constabulary have confirmed that 12 of the men, all Iraqis and Iranians, were arrested in Arlington, but that a further half dozen or so were unaccounted for.   The last arrest was made at 16:00 last night, although the search, using police helicopters and dogs as well as officers on the ground, lasted until after 17:00.   Reports that men were in the River Severn appear to have come to nothing, as the Severn Area Rescue Association's life-boat at Sharpness was stood down without being mobilised..."

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
back-stabbing speaker Paul Ryan attempted to rationalize 200K more H-2B visas, when millions of able and willing USA citizens with the knowledge, skills, and willingness to do the work cannot get a call-back or interview
"...He's still low-balling the program, which his 2016 omnibus legislation quadruples in size, up from 66K foreign workers a year, up to a maximum of 264K foreign workers per year. 'This is a very small provision that was passed in the Homeland Security Appropriations bill last July.', he told Hewitt... Ryan is blaming the media for the resulting uproar, which will likely continue into 2016, even though the GOP's base has repeatedly shown in public opinion polls -- and in its backing for Donald Trump -- that the vast majority of voters oppose the high-immigration/low-wage strategy preferred by the GOP's business donors... The H-2B legislation 'received unanimous Republican votes in the committee. It's been sitting out there in the light of day since July.', he told Hewitt... The program puts USA workers [both citizens and green card grantees] at a huge competitive disadvantage, because they have to ask for higher wages than foreign migrants because they must pay the higher cost of living -- and of raising children -- in the USA. The H-2B program also allows companies to cut the wages paid to full-time American workers who supervise the migrant workers at landscaping jobs, at resorts, hotels, and other workplaces... wages for American blue-collar workers have been flat for decades, amid a high annual inflow of foreign workers. Each year, roughly 4M Americans turn 18, and face workplace competition from roughly 1M new migrants and 700K temporary workers. In 2013, [president Barack Hussein Obummer] brought in 2M new foreign workers..."

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
small positive buried in omnibus over-spending bill: increase in H-1B fees for bodyshops -- $4K for H-1B visas, $4,500 for L-1 visas

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
open borders, anyone?
"People who read blogs or publications from the Center for Immigration Studies will likely see the phrase 'open borders' on a regular basis.   Some may assume it's used hyperbolically.   After all, are there really people who advocate open borders?   There are.   They even have their own web-sites -- visit them if you wish; I'm not going to link to them, but you can find them easily enough.   But most often, when I use the phrase, I refer to a more subtle subset of open borders supporters -- people whose goals mirror those of overt advocates but who recognize that admitting it would antagonize whole swathes of the American public.   And so they clothe their goals in the language of moderation, all the while pitching as many wrenches as they can into the cogs of the legal and bureaucratic mechanisms established to ensure border control.   They often do this with the tacit assistance of law-makers -- and, certainly under this administration, the overt assistance of the White House.   So it isn't hyperbole when I use the phrase.   But what would open borders look like if they existed?   We got a taste of it with the Central American 'surge' during the summer of 2014 thanks to the [Obummer regime's] lax immigration policies (which, apparently, doesn't know of, or has willfully forgotten the lessons we should have learned from the Mariel boat-lift of 1980).   But now we've gotten a full-on view of an open borders environment in all its glory, courtesy of the migrant crisis that continues in Europe after a full year.   And a dismal, dystopic sight it is, replete with terrorism and crime;   nationality and identity fraud;   cheap, plentiful fake documents;   callous smugglers making fortunes at the expense of their cargo;   murder of some ["migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] by others based on their own intolerant religious views, even as they seek compassion and multicultural acceptance from their intended new hosts;   maritime deaths by the thousands;   and an overwhelmed and completely befuddled European Union (EU).   Sound attractive?   Even German chancellor Angela Merkel, who has done so much to encourage the human tidal wave, has stopped channeling her inner Jimmy Carter with 'open arms and open hearts' kinds of remarks (his comments helped precipitate the Mariel boat-lift).   But she still demands that the arrivals be parceled out in quotas among the EU members, including angry and resistant newer Eastern and Central European neighbors, most of whom are -- compared with Western Europe -- relatively impoverished and joined the EU in the first place to bootstrap themselves up.   Instead, they've gotten tagged with part of the bill for Greece bail-outs and demands that they absorb thousands of illegal aliens into their already struggling economies.   BBC World News tells us that the number of illicit arrivals to the EU in the past 12 months has hit the one million mark.   As I type this, EU leaders are meeting for the umpteenth time to ponder their navels and calibrate the next move in trying to stem the flow.   They seem to be clueless:   As a body, they've made token efforts at maritime 'interdiction' which truthfully look much more like search-rescue-resettlement than any enforcement effort, since no one is turned back.   They claim to have ramped up their anti-smuggling efforts, though there isn't much evidence that's working, given the mushroom-like growth of the industry (in no small measure thanks, ironically, to the EU's own ineffectual efforts at border control).   Amusingly, they also attempted to buy off Turkey -- one of the prime jumping-off points for the majority of ["migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] -- with several billion euros in aid, as well as vague promises to re-look at Turkey's integration into the EU.   That hasn't worked out as hoped.   News reports tell us that even as Europe moves into winter weather with all that entails, land- and seaward, there are still over 2K people making the journey into Europe daily.   Turkey's prime-minister, being the wily fellow that he is, has made a mockery of the deal, saying, in effect: "You give me sham assurances about EU membership and a boatload of money; in return, I take the money and give you sham policing against ["migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] exiting my country's borders.'   The whole thing would smack of a farcical comedy if it weren't so tragic and carry with it the potential for so much carnage.   Europe's Schengen agreement has done much to permit the stampede of ["migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals] to continue unabated.   The agreement, which includes most EU countries plus a few others, allows crossing of internal borders within the Schengen zone with virtually no immigration checks or barriers, once the zone has been penetrated.   The conjunction of the migrant crisis and Schengen policies directly contributed to the most recent Paris massacres, perpetrated in part by jihadists who floated through nations into France using bogus identities as a part of the flow.   Events have so disturbed the more recent EU members in the East that some have begun erecting significant physical barriers and instituting routine border patrols, both inward- and outward-directed.   Subsequent to the attacks, even France, old-line EU founder, has begun investing heavily in security measures that include not only beefing up their intelligence and law enforcement agencies, but also border checks to see who exactly is piercing their frontiers.   During this meeting of EU leaders that I mentioned at the outset, UK prime-minister David Cameron has said forthrightly that if rules regarding migrant entry and care are not changed, there is a strong possibility that British voters may vote to leave the EU in an upcoming referendum.   This is highly significant, even though Britain isn't a Schengen agreement member, because it could be the domino that starts the tumble.   Certainly the newest EU members must be asking themselves whether entry was worth the purchase price.   [Leftists] and enforcement critics in this country have often waxed eloquent about how we should be emulating the immigration policies of chic and progressive Europe, pointing to the Schengen agreement as the example par excellence of enlightened, post-national borderless travel, as if it were the equivalent of a Michelin-starred dining establishment.   But the evidence is in, and ordinary Americans need to consider what that means with all of its ugly ramifications."

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions warns that Marco Rubio's Gang of 8/8 Gangsters is scheming another push against immigration reform
"Sessions is emphasizing that powerful forces behind the Gang of Eight/8 Gangsters are only getting started, and the same special interest coalition is already planning its next push for open borders.   Sessions began his remarks with an effort to correct the record on claims from senator Rubio about senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).   'Every step of the way Ted Cruz was on my side and fought this legislation all the way through.', Sessions declared.   'People need to remember this because this election is going to decide: did the crowd who pushed that bill, are they in the White House?   And will they be able to continue their agenda?   Or will somebody else be there who will say, No.'   Sessions explained that despite the American people's clear repudiation of their plan, the Gang of Eight/8 Gangsters remains determined to implement their border-opening immigration agenda as soon as they have another chance.   'I will say one more time.', Sessions proclaimed, 'They are not through.   They are determined.   They've got money, interest groups, power, media that support this agenda and the next president who gets elected is going to determine what kind of immigration system we have.'   The remarks came during a Ted Cruz rally in Alabama... Sessions explained that after the American people rejected the 2007 immigration expansion push, the same group of immigration expansionists got back together to form the Gang of Eight/8 Gangsters and begin their efforts again:   'In 2013, the same group again, they spent a $1.5G to promote this legislation, they hired political consultants, they had pollsters hired and polling to try to spin the numbers in any way possible to advance this agenda, they had special interest groups, they met for months...'..."
Daniel Horowitz: Conservative Review: the Sessions-Cruz video Fox doesn't want you to see

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
RINO losership granted Obummer waiver authority on weak visa bill; does nothing to ramp up background investigations

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
the busybody left
World Net Daily donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
inspector Barack Clouseau
World Net Daily donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
why is Obummer making life easier for terrorists? donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Robert J. Samuelson _Jewish World Review_
the start-up slump: government & pundits are beginning to get a glimmer of a clue of som of the USA economy's dysfunctionalities that have been worsening over the last 3, or 5, or 10 decades
"...the number of start-ups has dropped sharply, from about 13% of all firms in the late 1980s to about 8% in 2011.   Now, a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research reports that the expansion of the remaining startups -- which traditionally has been much faster than the growth of existing companies -- has slowed considerably.   By some measures, it now barely exceeds the average of older companies...   Compared with the past, companies seem more reluctant to invest in the future.   'There is now robust evidence, from multiple data sources... of a pervasive decline in USA business dynamism over the last several decades.', says the study, which was released earlier this month.   It is NBER working paper 21766, authored by economists Ryan A. Decker of the Federal Reserve, John Haltiwanger of the University of Maryland, and Ron Jarmin and Javier Miranda of the Census Bureau." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Stephen Carter _Jewish World Review_
calling on Batman to explain our dark world donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Christine M. Flowers _Jewish World Review_
a book-store conversation turned to race donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
Republicans in congress surrendered without a fight to the dark side: Republicans have their biggest congressional majority since the Civil War, but behave as if they are powerless donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
surviving the season of the sophomores donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
_Conservative HQ_
non-leftists want Paul Ryan removed following omnibus betrayal

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Richard A. Viguerie _Conservative HQ_
Paul Ryan & Mitch McConnell & Kevin McCarthy (and Harry Reid & Nasty Pelosi) just made a huge in-kind donation to Donald Trump campaign for president

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
buyers' remorse: National Review editors join other non-leftists in criticizing omnibus over-spending/back-stabbing bill

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton named worst ethics violator of 2015 by the Foundation for Accountability and Government Trust (FACT)

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
after 6 USA soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by suicide bomber... Obummer goes golfing... again

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
UK Home Secretary ordered investigation of sharia courts

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
USA electricity control systems have been hacked at least a dozen times

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz & 29 other Republican congress-people to Obummer: shut down DC's terrorism-supporting PLO office

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate artillery targeted school in Eastern Syria killing 9 school-girls, wounding 20 other people

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
Carly Fiorina: Hitlery Rotten Clinton's lack of understanding of the threat from ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate is delusional and dangerous

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
Gallup poll of Republicans: 18% want a definitely not leftist GOP nominee, 42% want a non-leftist, 32% a moderate, while 7% prefer a leftist

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Kurt Russell: Bill Maher is not really libertarian
"...'...When I was a young guy, I was finding myself not quite being able to see the things that were going on and buy into a political culture.   I didn't know what to do, so I finally said, Why don't I go back and see what the Founding Fathers were all about, and see how that stacked up.   Well, I found them and I found libertarianism.   They were pretty radical guys, and damn smart, and I just believe in that old-time stuff and think they had great ideas.'..."

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
_Iowa Politics Now_
25 "poorest" members of congress

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
representative Trent Franks (R-AZ) to Barack Hussein Obummer: how much longer will you remain appalingly silent on ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate genocide of Christians?

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
_Cybercast News Service_
Falls Church VA police abuse "noise" ordinance to stop Christmas caroling outside abortion facility

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Houston restaurant chain, Berryhill Baja Grill, warns all who enter: "this store is politically incorrect"

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
HHS inspector-general to investigate Planned Parenthood's fetal tissue transfers

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Aaron Klein _Breitbart_
leftist media grinches claim Israel "stole" Bethlehem Christmas; distort facts, ignore Muslim occupation of Eastern Israel, Muslim attacks on Israelis, Muslim citizenship in Israel

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Ali Waked _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate issued sweeping ban on satellite dishes and receivers (a common tactic of brain-washers is to isolate their targeted victims/converts, cut off other sources of information)

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Mahmoud Abbas announces that Fatah/Palestinian Authority occupying Eastern Israel will start issuing "State of Palestine" passports in 2016
Jerusalem Israel Post
Discover the Networks: Fatah

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Patrick Howley _Breitbart_
Boko Haram has thrown 1M African children out of school (a common tactic of brain-washers is to isolate their targeted victims/converts, cut off other sources of information, and repeatedly chant or drill their talking points into them)

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Kenyan Muslims shield Christians from al-Shabab bus attack

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
Tunisia government shut down cell recruiting prospective wives for jihadis

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Eric Worrall
USA landed gentry demand medieval climate tithes

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Anthony Watts
Colorado State U: salty sea spray affects the life-times of clouds

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
David Bennett Laing
Colorado State U: interaction of effects of volcanoes and ozone

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Anthony Watts
Dartmouth claim: melting sea-ice increases Arctic precipitation and complicates climate predictions

2015-12-22 (5776 Tebet 10)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Simply put, pay from a job is a 'wage', and wages are not taxable. Congress has taxed *income*, not compensation (wages and salaries)." --- Supremes 1969 Conner v US 303 F Supp 1187  




Yom Rebiai



2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
claim: shortage of data-base engineers
"...'Out of the 4 (including me) data-base professionals I know, exactly none has received, over the last 3 years, an offer for permanent work at a higher salary than before.   We all get absurd low-ball offers all day long, but so what.'..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Eli Lake & Josh Rogin _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's treaty to let Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems, which has not been constitutionally ratified, would open doors wide for Iranian spies and operaties to enter USA
"When the administration presented the agreement to congress, lawmakers were told that new sanctions on Iran would violate the deal.   Now the [Obummer regime] is trying to side-step a recently passed provision to tighten rules on visas for those who have visited Iran.   Since the accord was struck last summer, the [corrupt Obummer regime's] emphasis on complying with its end of the deal has publicly eclipsed its efforts to pressure Iran.   In that time, Iranian authorities have detained two American dual nationals and sentenced a third on what most observers say are trumped up espionage charges.   Iran's military has conducted two missile tests, one of which the UN said violated sanctions, and engaged in a new offensive with Russia in Syria to shore up the country's dictator, Bashar al-Assad.   In the latest example of the USA effort to reassure Iran, the State Department is scrambling to confirm to Iran that it won't enforce new rules that would increase screening of Europeans who have visited Iran and plan to come to America.   There is concern the new visa waiver provisions, included in the omnibus budget Congress passed last week, would hinder business people seeking to open up new ventures in Iran once sanctions are lifted.   [Obummer regime] officials confirmed over the weekend that Secretary of State [the haughty] John Kerry sent his Iranian counterpart, Javad Zarif, a letter promising to use executive powers to waive the new restrictions on those who have visited Iran but are citizens of countries in the Visa Waiver Program.   These officials also told us that they have told Iranian diplomats that, because they are not specific to Iran, the new visa waiver provisions do not violate the detailed sequence of steps Iran and other countries committed to taking as part of the agreement.   Even so, the State Department is promising to sidestep the new rule.   At issue is a provision that would require travelers who visit certain countries -- including Iran, Sudan, Syria and Iraq -- to apply at a USA Embassy for a visa before coming to the USA, even if they are from a country for which such visas would normally be waived..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
GOP legislators criticize the haughty John Kerry over lax security of visa waiver program; a desperate attempt to appease the violent, terrorist-organization sponsoring regime in Tehran

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
Paul Ryan, ignoring DoL data, badly under-states likely devastation from H-2B expansion in omnibus over-spending bill
"...Depriving Americans of jobs apparently is not something he worries about.   He said that the provision will produce 'only' 8K extra workers.   But the Departments of Labor and Homeland Security earlier this year had set the impact at 50,500 extra workers, as explained below.   That's a more than 6-to-1 difference.   The H-2B program brings under-paid foreign workers into the country to do unskilled, non-agricultural labor, and is heavily used by landscaping companies and touring carnivals, among other employers, to staff their activities.   It is supposed to be a 'temporary' worker program, but it routinely uses the workers for 10 months of the year, followed by a 2-month unpaid vacation over the holidays.   The unstated objective of the program is to provide under-market, pliable workers to the employers.   Congress has set an upper limit of 66K on the number of workers in the program, but vested interests have persuaded the House and the Senate over the years to define the 66K admissions in such a way as to raise those limits substantially without appearing to do so.   The sneaky mechanism used by congress in the past, and used again in last week's omnibus [over-spending] bill is, to quote from the speaker's press release, designed 'to allow a worker who was counted against the cap in the last 3 years to return in 2006 without being counted against the limit'.   The wording above is loaded.   It is expressed as a boon for the worker rather than a big favor, in fact, for the exploitative employers.   Further it allows, theoretically, a quadrupling of the program, as Mark Krikorian noted in National Review.   As to the actual impact, Ryan quotes an estimate from the Congressional Budget Office of 8K more workers, without noting that the CBO sits directly under the thumb of the speaker and the majority-leader in the senate.   This is in sharp contrast to a much more sensible estimate of the extent of the increase over 66K that appeared in long, detailed Department of Homeland Security document earlier this year.   In that report DHS said that the congressional wording would change 65K to 115,500.   See page 196 of this 410-page report inserted in the Federal Register of 2015 April 29.   What was the methodology used by the Department of Labor, and cited by DHS?   The report stated:   '...additionally, a non-immigrant's H-2B classification may be extended for qualifying employment for a total stay of up to three years without being counted against the cap.   DoL assumes that half of all H-2B workers entering the United States (33K) in any year stay at least 1 additional year, and half of those workers (16,500) will stay a third year, for a total of 115,500 H-2B workers...'   Small quibble: 65K + 33K + 16,500 = 114,500.   My sense is that both DoL and DHS are a lot closer to this program than the Olympian CBO and the equally Olympian speaker of the House.   My own guestimate is that two-thirds of the H-2Bs return the following year, and half of that the next year, making the total neither 115,500 nor 114,500 but 132K, as I noted in an earlier post."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
Paul Ryan's un-persuasive response about the H-2B expansion in omnibus over-spending bill
"On Monday I was one of many to write about the travesty of Paul Ryan's corrupt business-as-usual-in-Washington-DC budget bill.   Yesterday, speaker Ryan responded to the critics, a response that shows how deprived of reality the leaders are in congress.   The main area of contention is the changes to the H-2B visa program.   (My colleague David North also addresses Ryan's assertions about the program.)   The speaker's response starts off with the heading, 'And Nothing Was 'Slipped' into the Bill Either'.   To which I have to ask, how stupid does speaker Ryan think we are?   The increase in H-2B visa is located on page 701 of the budget bill, nestled between two appropriations, with no heading, and no mention of H-2B.   Only the few people who know that 8 U.S.C. 1184(g) deals with visa quotas would have a clue reading this passage would know that this provision has nothing to do with appropriations...   This visa increase could not have been slipped into the bill any better.   The title of speaker Ryan's post is 'No, the Omnibus Doesn't Quadruple Visas for Foreign Workers'.   As I explained, the increase falls within a range of between doubling and quadrupling the visas available.   I also explained why these numbers are theoretical and that an actual quadrupling is unlikely.   Speaker Ryan goes on to say that that the increase is 'Only 8K Workers'.   In support of this he cites a letter from the director of the Congressional Budget Office (a letter written the same day as Ryan's posting), that states '8K additional workers would be in the United States' under this increase.   Again the speaker misses the point.   If the intent of the provision is only to increase the number of workers by 8K, why does not the bill simply state that it increases the number of workers by 8K?   The answer is obvious: the bill is written that way so that, as I wrote before, 'to make the actual size of the increases obscure and debatable'.   The speaker said of the increase that it is 'Only Temporarily'.   True enough, that increase is for only 1 year; does the speaker's assurance mean he'll make sure it's not renewed next year?   In addition, the speaker did not mention the other H-2B provision designed to undermine the wages of H-2B workers, found at page 888.   That provision is permanent.   (I discuss it toward the end of Monday's posting.)   The speaker goes on to downplay the visa increase because 'it was introduced as part of the base appropriations bill funding the Department of Homeland Security'.   Pray tell, Mr. speaker, why was a provision to increase the number of H-2B guest-worker visas approved by the Appropriations committee -- and not the Immigration sub-committee -- when it has nothing to do with appropriations?   Again, we all know the answer to that question:   By giving lobbyists special access to the appropriations process, their pet provisions get slipped into the budget, where they will not be considered separately; once in a budget bill, such a provision is nearly certain to pass.   That Mr. speaker, is corrupt government.   We might be able to understand if you said that you were new in the office, that you did not yet have firm control over the budget process, and that in the future you were going to put a stop to allowing special interests to get their pet provisions slipped into the massive budget.   But no, here you are defending the corrupt practices that Americans have become sick of.   Mr. speaker, by doubling down on corruption here, you have demonstrated that you epitomize the problem in Washington DC and are not part of the hoped-for solution."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
one more bit of evidence in the H-2B visa numbers controversy
"Congress, 9 years ago, passed legislation using exactly the same concept regarding the 2007 admissions, saying that alien workers in this category who had arrived in the three prior years would be admitted again without counting against the H-2B ceiling of 66K.   The Department of Homeland Security [DHS] dutifully counted these admissions.   There were 79,168 'returning H-2B workers' according to table 25 of the 2007 YearBook of Immigration Statistics.   That's just about 10 times the highly questionable estimate quoted by Ryan, and provided (apparently on extremely short notice) by the Congressional Budget Office [CBO].   The House passed the spending bill on December 18; the CBO estimate and the speaker's press release were both dated the same day, December 22."
The USA federal government works extremely quickly to do evil these days, and drag their heels exceedingly long against doing good.

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan's Christmas warning: American companies with record profits and record executive compensation, though flat production worker compensation will shut down without more cheap, young, pliant foreign labor with flexible ethics
"...Despite the nation's high levels of unemployment and stagnating wages, Ryan continued on to assert, without offering evidence in support of his claim, that corporations are facing a shortage of labor, which rendered the provision necessary...   The data, however, demonstrates Ryan's claim to be unsubstantiated.   As senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has highlighted, the Economic Policy Institute has documented how, 'wages were stagnant or declining for workers in all of the top 15 H-2B occupations between 2004 and 2014...   Unemployment rates increased in all but one of the top 15 H-2B occupations between 2004 and 2014, and all 15 occupations averaged very high unemployment rates...   Flat and declining wages coupled with such high unemployment rates over such a long period of time suggest a loose labor market—an over-supply of workers rather than an under-supply.'   Cries of so-called 'labor shortages' are frequently invoked by corporations and immigration expansionist who want to see large increases in low-wage labor.   As immigration attorney Ian Smith has explained, Ryan's resurrection and expansion of the controversial provision in senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)'s Gang of Eight [8 Gangsters] bill [S744] to increase guest-worker programs will disproportionately 'hurt America's most vulnerable workers' such as black workers, single women, the elderly, and first-generation immigrants.   While Ryan argues that more low-wage immigrant labor is needed to fill labor shortages, National Review's Rich Lowry has previously declared, 'The next time I hear a Republican strategist or a Republican politician say that there are jobs that Americans won't do, that person should be shot, he should be hanged, he should be wrapped in a carpet and thrown in the Potomac River.'   Ryan's push to expand immigration comes on top of the nation's existing federal policy of auto-pilot visa dispensations.   Under current policy, every day the USA brings in enough new immigrants to fill an overcrowded, metropolitan high school.   Every week, the USA brings in enough new immigrants to fill the Staples Center, where the Los Angeles Lakers play.   Every year, we add an immigrant population the size of Dallas.   And every 3 years, the USA adds another entire city of Los Angeles, made up of foreign-born immigrants...   electorate that is almost universally opposed (92% according to Pew) to immigration increases...   In a Tuesday column, Conservative Review's Daniel Horowitz highlighted the tension between the steadfast representation Democratic leaders give their progressive base as opposed to how 'Republican' 'leaders' seem to actively undermine the interests of their conservative base.   Horowitz wrote, 'Don't you just wish the Democrats had their version of Paul Ryan leading them in the House and senate?'"

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
2 Muslim brothers, 9 children, left wives behind, blocked at UK airport from flying into USA
"...'A gentleman said he was from British Border Control and he had a border control jacket on...   He said there was something wrong with my ESTA [Electronic System for Travel Authorization] and that I wouldn't be able to board...   He finally said they had had a call from Washington DC from homeland security.'   At first, Mr. Mohammad said he had no idea what the call could concern.   But, when questioned, he let slip that his brother, 'had a scenario 10 years ago when he went to see the holy mosque in Tel Aviv', presumably referring to the holy mosque in Jerusalem.   'He did not get in any trouble.', he said, but was detained because 'he is a bearded man', and was only held overnight because the guards did not work on Saturday.   His brother's wife later revealed that the BBC had reported that he had been detained for 8 days.   Speaking later on the same show, she said: 'My husband travelled to Israel with a couple of other gentlemen; a couple of older gentlemen and a couple of friends'.   She explained that it was 'about 8 years ago, before any kind of war or any thing of that kind of nature was going on -- you were allowed to travel to Israel'.   However, when pressed, she revealed that her husband was flat out denied entry to the country...   'they probably thought they were going to, you know, cause havoc or something'...   'CBS News reports 2 of the brothers in the Muslim family group, stopped from boarding a flight to the USA, hit positive for terror checks' — LBC Breaking"

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
German government searching for 12 "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals with fake passports similar to those used by Muslim terrorists who attacked Paris on 2015-11-13
"...According to one government official the country is 'seeing a loss of around 30% of the refugees', although he concedes that may not be the real total, admitting: 'We don't have the exact numbers.   We don't even know if they're still in Germany.'..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals to rub shoulders with actors at "Berlinale" movie festival

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Oliver Lane _Breitbart_
PEGIDA celebrates Christmas with 2nd annual Christmas Carols Against Islamification in Dresden

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Muslims chant death threats & attack non-Muslims: Sweden's Jews live in climate of fear
Times of Israel
"On a a chilly fall day, passersby on a central street in Sweden's third largest city, Malmö/Malmoe, were greeted with chants in Arabic urging the killing of Jews...   '...the protesters screamed', recalls Jehoshua Kaufman, head of communications for Malmö's Jewish community.   The protesters at the October pro-Palestinian rally were referring to the near-daily stabbings of Jews by Arab assailants over the past couple of months in Israel..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
USA sovereignty is under assault by Obummer and the corrupt judges

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Falls Church VA relents; Christmas caroling outside abortion facility resumed

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Josh Rogin & Eli Lake _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime is quietly "negotiating" for release of USA citizens from Syria donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Nat Hentoff & Nick Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
Obummer/Lynch DoJ fighting judge over actual justice reform donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Albert Hunt _Jewish World Review_
why Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are not Steve Forbes or Herman Cain
"There's a lot of loose talk in Republican politics about the battle that's supposedly raging between outsiders and the main-stream establishment.   Actually, the battle's over.   It's the outsiders in a romp.   Look at the poll numbers, as averaged by Real Clear Politics.   They show the relentlessly growing combined strength of the four main outsider presidential primary candidates: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina.   Only Cruz, a Texas senator who routinely defies his party, has held elective office.   Trump and Fiorina are business leaders and Carson is a retired neurosurgeon.   This month's polls show 64% of likely Republican primary voters favoring 1 of those 4...   It seems clear now that grass-roots Republican voters have a deeper, and probably more durable anti-establishment feeling than in other recent elections..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
when pollsters make fun of others' ignorance... without endeavoring to correct their own donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Walter E. Williams _Jewish World Review_
immorality and contempt for liberty donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
the politics of nutrition science
"In _Good Calories, Bad Calories_, Gary Taubes chronicled how the federal government went all-in for a low-fat, high-carbohydrate food pyramid.   The man most responsible, nutritionist and epidemiologist Ancel Keys, was convinced that America's fat-rich diet explained the rise in heart disease in the USA.   It was a plausible theory, but there was scarce evidence it was true.   In 1957, the American Heart Association concluded that the correlation between fat and heart disease 'does not stand up to critical examination'.   3 years later, the AHA reversed course, without any new evidence.   Keys had simply taken over the relevant committee and asserted that 'the best scientific evidence' was on his side.   Armed with a government grant, Keys went off to prove what he already believed.   He launched the Seven Countries Study, comparing the diets of populations he cherry-picked.   The study -- surprise! -- confirmed Keys' thesis.   Left unmentioned: Keys had data from 22 countries, and his correlations vanished in that sample..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Danielle Beyer & Bethany Carson _Iowa Politics Now_
young Iowa web-logger interviews each candidate for president: "they're nice, normal human beings with differences in beliefs"
Bethany Carson & Sarah Faith Carson: Liberty or Death

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate bans TV-watching, directs retreating terrorists to "commit atrocities"

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Nicole Russell _Conservative Review_
why do leftists try to make danger of ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate seem less?

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Ali Meyer _Cybercast News Service_
George Washington's Christmas poem: "assist me to sing the morn, on which the saviour of mankind was born"
"...The day after Washington took command of the army on 1775 July 4, he issued an order saying, 'The General most earnestly requires and expects due observance of those articles of war established for the government of the army, which forbid profane cursing, swearing, and drunkenness.   And in like manner he requires and expects of all officers and soldiers, not engaged in actual duty, a punctual attendance on Divine service, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense.'   About a year later on 1776 July 9, Washington issued another order defining a 'Christian soldier'.   It stated, 'The honorable Continental Congress having been pleased to allow a chaplain to each regiment, with the pay of thirty-three dollars and one-third per month, the colonels or commanding officers of each regiment are directed to procure chaplains accordingly, persons of good characters and exemplary lives, and to see that all inferior officers and soldiers pay them a suitable respect.'   'The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary, but especially so in times of public distress and danger'., reads the order.   'The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man will endeavor so to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country.'..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer White House inadvertently admitted that a child is a child even before birth

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime says Palestinian terrorists are their important partners

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Midhelle Malkin _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer regime trying to manufacture anti-Muslim "hate crime epidemic"
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton is ISIL's/ ISIS's/ Daesh's/ IS's/ caliphate's best recruiting tool

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
C-SPAN accused of main-streaming violence-encouraging Muslim organizations while willfully marginalizing reformers

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
John Carucci _Cybercast News Service_
Will Smith enlightened by role of doctor in "Concussion"
"Dr. Bennet Omalu... His study, in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh's pathology department, led to the discovery that the former players were suffering from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or CTE, an [initially apparently] asymptomatic brain disease.   The effects of the incurable disease don't show up until later in life and manifest as psychotic episodes, dementia, and suicide..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
as economy continues to slog through GHWBush-Clinton-Shrub-Obummer economic depression, AP continues to push artifically low "new normal" bench-mark for new-home sales

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
_Conservative HQ_
why are Barack Hussein Obummer & Paul Ryan ignoring patriot Phillip Haney?
When the name of the terrorist group that the San Bernardino extremists -- Sayed Farook and Tashfeen Malif -- were affiliated with became public, retired Department of Homeland Security [DHS] employee Phillip Haney told our friend Ginni Thomas of The Daily Caller News Foundation that he sat up straight in his chair.   'That's my case.', he exclaimed, hearing al-Huda and Tablighi Jamaat -- both movements a part of the Deobandi movement within Islam.   Yet Haney's work on the case had been shut down years before (in 2012) due to political correctness and the demands of outside of government Muslim 'civil rights' groups that claimed such work 'profiled' Muslims and violated the civil rights of foreign nationals.   'The [Obummer regime] was more concerned about the civil rights and liberties of foreign Islamic groups with terrorist ties than the safety and security of Americans.', Haney told Thomas.   Challenging these policy changes up his DHS chain of command, and then to the department's inspector-general, Thomas reports Haney's courage and tenacity to protect Americans only ended up putting a target on his own back.   Of Haney's records, 67 were deleted.   He faced discipline and retaliation, until he finally retired in July of this year after enduring significant personal and professional 'trauma and difficulty'.   Asked by Thomas whether the motivation to stop his work was political correctness or something more nefarious, Haney said, 'I think the players are pretty obvious at this point.   Islamic-based influence groups definitely play a role in controlling the narrative.   The administration side definitely plays a role in submitting to that narrative.   And combined together they create a potent force that has shattered our ability to do our job.'   Mr. Haney has also published an open letter to congress offering to testify and detailing how political correctness is blinding the United States to the threat posed by these foreign Islamist movements..."
Ginni Thomas: Daily Caller: Islamic groups control narrative of Obummer regime
Phillip Haney: open letter to congress
Fox: interview with Phillip Haney: could have prevented terrorist attack in San Bernardino

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Doug Bandow _Conservative HQ_
religious persecution in Middle East, Asia, Persia & Africa threatens us all

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Aaron Klein & Brenda J. Elliott _Breitbart_
Hamas terrorism cell nabbed at Soros-backed Bard College partner over bombing plans
"Most of the suspects in both cells were students at Al Quds University in Abu Dis, which is partnered with Bard College in New York.   Abu Dis is [an Eastern Israel] village near Jerusalem.   The Al-Quds Bard College for Arts and Sciences, located in Abu Dis, is a branch of Al Quds that 'represents the first dual-degree program between USA and Palestinian institutions of higher education'.   Al-Quds Bard College is also partnered with billionaire George Soros' Open Society Institute and the US Agency for International Development.   The Al Quds board of trustees has included Rashid Khalidi, who taught there for 16 years before he became the Edward Said professor of Arab studies at Columbia University.   Khalidi, a harsh critic of Israel, was a close personal friend to [Barack Hussein Obummer] when the 2 [propagandized] together at the University of Chicago.   Khalidi lectured at UC until 2003 while [Obummer] taught law there from 1993 until his election to the Senate in 2004.   Khalidi's wife, Mona, was president of the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN.   The group received financing from the Woods Fund, a Chicago non-profit where [Obummer] served as a paid director from 1999 to 2002 Dec. 11.   [Obummer] sat on the Woods Fund board alongside Bill Ayers, the unrepentant former member of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group.   Khalidi and [Obummer] reportedly lived in nearby faculty residential zones and the 2 families dined together a number of times.   In 2003, [Obummer] reportedly provided a glowing testimonial for Khalidi when the professor left U of Chicago to take a new position at Columbia University.   Earlier on Wednesday, the Shin Bet announced it had carried out a joint operation with the IDF and Israel Police in which 25 Hamas members were arrested as part of a terrorist cell based in Abu Dis, [an Eastern Israel] village near Jerusalem.   Most of the suspects were students at Al Quds University in Abu Dis..."
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Investigative Project: CAIR-Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood links
Discover the Networks: Muslim Brotherhood (MB)

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Republican legislators ridicule Paul Ryan's assertion that he trusts Harry Reid: they feel they've been burned 20 too many times by Reid

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
reverend Franklin Graham leaving Republican Party after too many abject surrenders to Reds/leftists/Dems with tax-victim funding of Planned Parenthood

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Pam Key _Breitbart_
CNN's Don Lemon cut off guest for mentioning some of Bill Clinton's misdeeds, before he could get started on Hitlery Rotten Clinton's corruption and felonies

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
ignorant ESPN analyst Doug Gottlieb claimed right to own and bear arms was not in USA constitution, was called on it, withdrew twit
"...1.   Amendments are part of the Constitution.   They represent a literal addition to it or -- in cases such as the repeal of prohibition -- a subtraction from it.   The Second Amendment was added to the constitution and ratified in 1791 because the Founding Fathers realized gun rights would be in jeopardy unless they were specifically and clearly hedged in via constitutional protections.   2.   To claim that protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not in the Constitution is tantamount to claiming the right for blacks to vote is not in the Constitution, that the right for women to vote is not in the Constitution, and that a ban on slavery is not in the constitution.   The right for blacks to vote appears in the 15th Amendment, the right for women to vote by the 19th Amendment, and slavery was abolished via the 13th Amendment..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Robert Wilde _Breitbart_
the corrupt Obummer exults in chipping it in while 6 families of USA soldiers make funeral arrangements

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
French interior-minister Bernard Cazeneuve says police foiled terrorist attack in Orleans

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
police in Montpellier, France arrested Muslim woman who had hollowed-out, foil covered fake pregnancy belly

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Merrill Hope _Breitbart_
2 Denton Texas churches got bomb threats, plan services with police protection

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Frances Martel _Breitbart_
Tajikistan has banned Christmas trees and festive meals

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Somalia has banned Christmas and New Year festivities for fear of Muslim terrorism

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
power-mad Federal Grinch Administration ruining Christmas RC UAV/drone gifts

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
celebrating Western Civilization and its global up-lift through RhodesMustRise
"...But won't all that gold be very expensive?...   What about all the other great figures from African history who have done so much to enrich the world?   Towering figures such as the explorer David Livingstone, the military hero [Charles George Gordon] of Khartoum, the orientalist Richard Burton, the explorer John Hanning Speke, and that amazing rugger player Francois Pienaar who was played in the movie by Matt Damon?   [Or Herbert Kitchener, who, on 1898-09-02, defeated the khalifa Abdullah/Abdallahi al-Taashi ibn Muhammad outside Omdurman helping stop slavery in Sudan, or medical missionary Albert Schweitzer?]   Well I can answer the first question at least and the solution is very simple: all we need to do is get the Africans to give us back the $1T in aid money we in the West have given them over the last 50 years..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Marco Rubio: thanks to Obummer, we're bombing USA military equipment captured and being used by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Russia to start construction of 2 nuclear reactors for Iran

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
explosion at Constantinople's/Istanbul's Sabiha Gökçen airport killed 1, injured another

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
Indonesia: terrorism suspects may have used ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate funding

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Mike Huckabee supports monitoring mosques, says Barack Hussein Obummer seems to be focused on protecting Islam, not USA citizens

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
RINO dropped out of election to replace John Boehner in Ohio's 8th district
"JD Winteregg, who is running for Boehner's congressional seat, reacted...   'Buckeye State Republicans expected the 8th District race to be one between Reynolds, state senator Bill Beagle, and state representative Tim Derickson.', noted Rojas.   'Upon exiting the race, Reynolds endorsed Derickson, with whom he was expected to split the vote in Butler County, while Beagle was expected to have more appeal in outlying areas.'...   Ohio's 8th District votes on March 15"

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
cable bills to increase again

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Zachary Leshin _Cybercast News Service_
Stephen Fincher (R-TN) introduced bill to combat recruiting of gangsters & terrorists in federal prisons

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Nate Church _Breitbart_
Boston Dynamics stealth robot reindeer
London Daily Mail
Mary Beth Griggs: Popular Science
Steven Melendez: FastCompany
Brad Reed: BGR
London Telegraph

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
over 100M medical records (EMRs/EHRs) hacked in 2015 (privacy violation is what HIPAA and ObummerDoesn'tCare were meant to facilitate and these numbers don't count the hundreds of millions of times your privacy has been violated by government bureaubums)

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Kyle Rearden _Last Bastille_
Charles Mullen's 1998-03-18 Socialist Insecurity Abomination letter leaves much room for government & private abuse
FPRN radio

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Christopher S. Rugaber _Detroit MI News_/_AP_
UMich consumer sentiment index rose from 91.3 in late-November to 92.6 in late-December
Trading Economics
St. Louis Fed
Federal Reserve Board St. Louis

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Jim Steele
2015 Arctic report card: NOAA failed walrus science

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Anthony Watts
UK National Oceanography Centre: missing heat found deep in the ocean

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Susan J. Crockford
more scientific evidence that polar bears are doing just fine -- 30% increase in population with some of them fat

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Barbara Hollingsworth _Cybercast News Service_
USA senate should refuse to ratify Paris climate treaty

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Eric Worrall
watermelon (red inside, green outside) fundamentalists attack celebrity "climate hypocrisy"

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Frank J. Gaffney ii _Breitbart_
will the red+green axis snuff free speech?
"10 years ago last week, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is arguably the world's most powerful multi-national organization, declared war on freedom of speech.   On 2005 December 8, the OIC unveiled a 10-year 'Program of Action' for imposing worldwide what Islamic supremacists call shariah blasphemy restrictions on expression that might 'offend' Muslims.   Shortly after [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] inauguration, his [regime] co-sponsored a resolution in the UN Human Rights Council that basically endorsed the OIC's goal.   In due course, what came to be known as UNHRC Resolution 16/18 was adopted with [Obummer regime] support..."

2015-12-23 (5776 Tebet 11)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win triumphs, though checkered by failure, than to take ranks with those poor spirits that neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." --- Theodore Roosevelt 1899-04-10  




Yom Chamishi



2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
confusion in job titles further muddies the waters

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
the death of gratitude: nowhere is the death of gratitude more acute than at our elite universities
"...Anonymous, long-dead benefactors are reduced to politically incorrect losers of the past who lacked today's affluent 18-year-old's sophisticated view of the world and supposedly unique morality.   But could today's student activists on beatific campuses have survived a covered wagon trip through the Utah desert, or a 19th-century Appalachian coal mine or a mission with a B-17 crew over Schweinfurt, Germany?   Many Americans oppose illegal immigration and want to slow down legal immigration not because the most welcoming nation in the world is suddenly xenophobic, nativist or racist, as cheaply alleged.   Too often, immigrants assume that America owes them rather than they owe America -- sort of like an uninvited guest moving into the house of the host and berating him over the menu and accommodations.   In Oregon, illegal immigrants are suing the state because their hosts voted not to extend driver's licenses to those who broke immigration law.   In Missouri, immigrants without legal immigration status are suing the state university, demanding lower tuition.   In Arizona, undocumented immigrants successfully sued a rancher who would not let them trespass through his property as they unlawfully entered the USA..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
John Sexton _Breitbart_
44% of Reds/leftists/Dems welcome "refugees" from Disney Aladdin's mythical Agrabah

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Caroline May _Breitbart_
report: DHS planning raids to deport some illegal alien "families" from "border surge"

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Israel reports record immigration of Jews from France in 2015

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
African "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals trashed small Italian town, demanded free wireless Internet access and a cleaner

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
Muslim man blocked in UK from flying into USA with his brother and 9 of their children (but not their wives), denied violence-prone links
"FB page set up at his home address was discovered, praising al-Qaeda and the Taliban.   On Tuesday Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, his brother and nine of their children were pulled from a queue at Gatwick airport by British Border Force guards and barred from traveling to the USA on the instruction of [USA DHS]...   it was reported last night the brothers 'hit positive for terror checks'...

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
David Cameron: Britain is Christian... and should therefore welcome "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals indiscriminately

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
William la Jeunesse _Fox_
in Obummer's second term deportations of illegal aliens have fallen

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
culture ain't dead yet: a rebuttal to Joseph Epstein donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Larry Elder _Jewish World Review_
15 questions in search of a Democrat/leftist/Red debate donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
a checking account can be a dangerous thing for an under-developed country: financial savvy vs. ignorance/incapability
"...There's some variance [in financial savvy] among the rich countries, too -- for example, it's higher in northern Europe than in Italy, Spain, Portugal, even France.   But the rich-country average is about twice as high as for BRICS -- Brazil, Russia, India, [Red China] and South Africa, the developing world's economic leaders.     That means in the BRICS, where most people have bank accounts, only a small minority have a basic understanding of what's happening with their money.   In South Korea, the country with the second best math scores in the world after Singapore, only 48% of people aged 15 to 35 are financially literate -- far fewer than the average in Germany and the USA, where the math test results aren't as great.   The understanding of basic finance is often about experience..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
if a president keeps us "safe" but unfree, he is simply not doing his job
"As if to promise a Christmas present, congress has just finished approving the finances of the federal government for the next few months.   Santa Claus would have done a better job.   During early 2016, congress will pay the government's bills by borrowing money from individual and institutional lenders.   Those folks will lend the feds all the money the feds need because the law requires the feds to pay them back.   The 'pay them back' ideology is a very curious one.   It is true that the full faith and credit of the federal government guarantees the payment of the government's debts.   Without that lawfully binding guarantee, who would lend money to an institution that carries a debt of $18.8T?   So the investors who have lent money to the feds know that their debts will be repaid in a timely manner.   Because the federal government spends $1.5T more annually than it collects in taxes and other revenue and because its payments of interest alone on the money it has borrowed will soon be about $1T a year, it can only repay its debts by borrowing more money.   Since 1911, the federal government has not repaid a debt from tax revenue.   It has always borrowed more money to pay its lenders.   This is known to economists as rolling over the debt..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Robert Emmett Tyrrell ii _Jewish World Review_
female warriors and the bottle
"It is apparently a little-known fact in the [Obummer regime] that girls are weaker than boys and that grown women are weaker than grown men.   Moreover, women training for combat positions suffer physical injuries at twice the rate of men, and they suffer significantly higher rates of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety after exposure to combat.   Of course, you probably knew this by simple observation or by reading the sports page and noting that women's athletic records are significantly lower than men's records.   But then, you are not in the [Obummer regime]..." donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Hitlery Rotten Clinton with her media lap-dogs
Becket Adams: Washington DC Examiner
"...Later in the day on Wednesday, Cruz did hit back...demonstrating that he gives even better than he gets.   Becket Adams of the Washington Examiner reports, 'The tweeted message depicted Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton walking two dogs.   The first dog is labeled The Washington Post, and the second dog is labeled The New York Times.'   Cruz's Tweet is good fun and carries with it a message that is something other than pure vindictive spite like the Post's cartoon.   Score yet another one in Ted's column..."

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Israeli woman died of Swine Flu, 6 others hospitalized in new out-break

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
Puerto Rico government wants $900M bail-out, paid $120M in bonuses to government employees

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Bradlee Dean _WND_
executive orders with no constitutional and statutory basis
"'Though defensive violence will always be a sad necessity in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrong-doers should dominate just men.' --- St. Augustine   The truth of Scripture has never been more obvious in American history when it comes to any one administration than the present one when it tells us, 'The wicked walk on every side [סביב, רשעים יתהלכון], when the vilest are exalted among the sons of men [כרם זלות, לבני אדם].' (Psalms/תהלים/Tehilim 12:9).   [Barack Hussein Obummer], along with his incompetent outlaws, have set their sights on law-abiding gun owners in an attempt to 'infringe' upon their rights (Amendment 2, Bill of Rights) during the last year of his incumbency.   He is doing this with permission from the American people.   As a matter of fact, he wants to bring forth more unconstitutional executive orders to accomplish this.   How does that work?   'Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it; and this I know, my lords: that where the law ends, tyranny begins.' --- William Pitt   First, understand that the Declaration of Independence underlies the Constitution.   It holds that the rights of the people come from God and that the powers of the government come from the people ('Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating unjust gain; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.' Exodus/Shemos/שמות/Shemuth/Names 18:21).   This is, in fact, the reason this government is at war [against] God and His people (Revelation 12:17).   Second, executive orders are defined:   'United States presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself.   Executive orders have the full force of law when they take authority from a legislative power which grants its power directly to the executive by the constitution, or are made pursuant to Acts of congress that explicitly delegate to the president some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation).   Like both legislative statutes and regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review, and may be struck down if deemed by the courts to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution...   There is no constitutional provision nor statute that explicitly permits executive orders.   The term executive power Article 2, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution, refers to the title of president as the executive.   He is instructed therein by the declaration take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed made in Article 2, Section 3, Clause 5 or face impeachment.   Most executive orders use these constitutional reasonings as the authorization allowing for their issuance to be justified as part of the president's sworn duties, the intent being to help direct officers of the USA executive carry out their delegated duties as well as the normal operations of the federal government: the consequence of failing to comply possibly being the removal from office.   An executive order of the president must find support in the constitution, either in a clause granting the president specific power, or by a delegation of power by congress to the president.'   Therefore, if the executive order is not congruent with [in compliance with] the United States Constitution, then it is simply 'null and void', period.   There is no judicial interpretation, no compromise nor debate.   Why?   It is because neither this nor any other administration has the power nor the authority to act out of their scope of authority..."

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Eric Worrall
1800s poverty diseases, malnutrition resurgent in Green Britain
UK Independent

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Willis Eschenbach
Palestinian climate change

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Larry Kummer
are we really "choking the ocean with plastic"? tracing the creation of an eco-myth

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Davis Swan
'twas the fright before Christmas

2015-12-24 (5776 Tebet 12)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "There should be nothing unreasonable in the events of the play; or, if there is something unreasonable, it should be outside the tragedy itself...   Since tragedy is an imitation of men who are better than ordinary, we ought to imitate the good portrait painters: although they reproduce the figure of a particular person, they none the less make it, as they paint it, more beautiful than it really is." --- Aristotle _Poetics_ section 15 (translated in Aristotle, Renford Bambrough, J.L. Creed & A.E. Wardman _The Philosophy of Aristotle_ pp 425)  




Yom Shishi



2015-12-25 (5776 Tebet 13)

2015-12-25 (5776 Tebet 13)
Jim Fletcher _WND_
the rise of America's gun: fascinating history of Glock firearms

2015-12-25 (5776 Tebet 13)
Patrice Lewis _WND_
party with a purpose

2015-12-25 (5776 Tebet 13)
"Don Quijones" & Wolf Richter
leaked secret negotiations to help Big Brother go global (TPP, TATIP, GATS, TFTP, & TiSA)

2015-12-25 (5776 Tebet 13)

2015-12-25 (5776 Tebet 13)
Eric Worrall
the end of food; incredible!

2015-12-25 (5776 Tebet 13)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "When [Semon E.] Bunkie Knudsen was 14 his father had given him his 1st car. He had simply taken all the pieces for a car & left them on a table in the garage.   It was Bunkie's job to assemble the car, which he did. The father encouraged his son to buy old wrecks for $25 or $30, repair them, & sell them at a profit.   The son was being taught that the most important thing he could do with his life was make something.   Often Bill Knudsen took Bunkie to 1 construction site or another, where they could look at what was going on.   These men were not just earning money, Bill Knudsen emphasized, they were creating something.   Later Bill Knudsen, on a trip to the West with his family, took Bunkie to the Bay Bridge in San Francisco & talked about its builders.   'There was nothing here before they did this.   What these men did will be here forever', he had said with a certain awe, '& it will make people's lives better.'" --- David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pg 378  




Yom Shabbat


2015-12-26: feast of Stephen

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
David Frum speaks the obvious... aimed at those for whom it is not -- the oblivious, "wine-sippin', Volvo-drivin', NPR-listenin' crowd"

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Benjamin Weingarten _GenFKD_
a closer look at unemployment rates and other measures of employment and unemployment
more graphs (for this issue, I especially recommend the graphs showing the components of the USA Civilian Population)

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Laura Ingraham
RINOs & leftist media really hate Trump and Trump voters
Michael Walsh: NYPost
MSFT JavaScript is still evil.

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Andrew C. McCarthy _National Review_
Islam & terrorism: schizo Obummer would have us believe that opposing initiation of force is fomenting initiation of force by Muslims
"Let's say you are an authentically moderate Muslim.   Perhaps you were born into Islam but have become secularist.   Or perhaps you consider yourself a devout Muslim but interpret Islam in a way that rejects violent jihad, rejects the concept that religious and civic life are indivisible, and rejects the principle that sharia's totalitarian societal frame-work and legal code must be imposed on the state.   Let's just take that as a given: You are no more inclined toward terrorism than any truly peaceful, moderate, pro-democratic non-Muslim.   So let me pop the question: Is there any insulting thing I could say, no matter how provocative, or any demeaning video I could show you, no matter how lurid, that could convince you to join ISIS?   Mind you, I am not asking whether, upon my insulting and provoking you, you would ever want to have anything to do with me again.   I am asking whether there is anything that could be said or done by me, or, say, Donald Trump, or Nakoula Basseley Nakoula -- the video producer (of 'Innocence of Muslims') whom [Hitlery Rotten Clinton and Barack Hussein Obummer] tried to blame for the Benghazi massacre -- that could persuade you to throw up your hands and join the jihad?   Is there anything so profoundly offensive to Islam that we could conjure up that would make a truly moderate, peaceful Muslim sign up for mass murder?   Torching and beheading?   Killing children?   Participating in systematic rape as a weapon of war?   I didn't think so..."
MSFT JavaScript is still evil.

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Matt Barber _WND_
appreciating religious freedom: cheering big win for Kim Davis and constitutional rights

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Diana West & Brent Bozell iii _Breitbart_
it is time to rally around Donald Trump...
and/or Ted Cruz and/or Rick Santorum and/or Ben Carson...)

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
leftist media failures of 2015

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Richard Lindzen
a recent exchange in the Boston Globe clearly illustrated the sophistry of the defense of global warming alarm

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Willis Eschenbach
the eighth first climate refugees
"...When I set out to write about bogus climate claims, I find myself in what I call a 'target-rich environment'.   Crazy ideas on the subject are not hard to find..."

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Paul Driessen
double standards in the Obummer regime EPA's attempt to whitewash its Gold King Mine disaster

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Andy May
the value of petroleum fuels

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Eric Worrall
is pope Francis backing away from the climate issue

2015-12-26 (5776 Tebet 14)
Proposed Bills 2015

  "We try to remember that medicine is for the patient.   We try to never forget that medicine is for the people.   It is not for the profits.   The profits follow, & if we have remembered that, they have never failed to appear.   The better we have remembered it, the larger they have been." --- George W. Merck (quoted in Eileen C. Shapiro 1995 _Fad Surfing in the BoardRoom_ pg 19)  


2015 December, week 1 (1-5) (15KB)
2015 December, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 December, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 December, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 December, week 5 (27-31) (15KB)

Proposed Bills 2015

Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt

USA Over-Population Clock
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population

  "Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection." --- Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemons) (quoted in Eileen C. Shapiro 1995 _Fad Surfing in the BoardRoom_ pg 66)  

Movies Coming Soon

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