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updated: 2016-10-12
"Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the president of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the president within 10 days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law." --- article 1 section 7 paragraph 2 |
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"In the traditions which the Miamis gave of their own history they stated that they had been at war with the Cherokees and Chickasaws for so long a period of time that they had no account of any time when there had been peace between them." --- John Calvin Hover, Joseph D. Barnes, Walter D. Jones, Charlotte Reeve Conover, Willard Jarey Wright, Clayton A. Leiter, John Ewing Bradford & W.C. Culkins 1919 _Memoirs of the Miami Valley_ vol1of3 pg24 (pg46 in pdf) |
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2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
evil privacy-hating, privacy-violating Mark Zuckerberg backing bad immigration law perversion proposal which would allow unlimited invasion of Muslim terrorists along with cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled STEM labor with questionable ethics
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Sarah Palin _Breitbart_
Marion Maréchal-Le Pen and 16 centuries of Christian France
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Ildefonso Ortiz _Breitbart_
Honduran sexual predator caught illegally re-entering Texas 47 days after deportation
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Boston taxi-cab driver: I have not seen homelessness this bad in 42 year on the job
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
Edward Norton helped to raise over $300K for Michigan-bound "Syrian" "refugee" dubbed "the scientist" by some leftist web site based in NY
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Joseph Farah _WND_
Donald Trump's hair vs. Barack Hussein Obummer's eligibility
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Paul Sperry _WND_
more evidence that Islam is not a religion of peace: switch that turns good person into bad Muslim is not heretical outside forces
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Paul Sperry _WND_
can you reform a Muslim terrorist?
"...Can people brought up in a strict Islamic upbringing assimilate into American culture?... The dirty little secret is that mental health professionals have not found a cure. That is why the counseling sessions never end... As Americans, it is hard to imagine what it would be like to grow up in an Islamic country. And in the past few decades, being a child in an Arab country is different than it was before Jimmy Carter helped overthrow the shah of Iran in favor of the radical Islamic imam, Ayatollah Khomeini. Carter gave radical Islamists their first Islamic state in the modern era. Shortly after, he paid Iran $8G for the release of American hostages at the embassy in Tehran. You forgot how big of a disaster Carter was, didn't you? Before the fall of the shah, Muslims who emigrated from their homeland were educated professionals who were seeking opportunity in the West. But for the past few decades, as secular leaders fell to radical Muslims, Sharia law was implemented and only Islamic life and law has been taught to people brought up in the Arab world. The refugees who are migrating across Europe know only strict adherence to Islam. In the Western world, we take for granted our love of life and liberty and think everyone else in the world is brought up the same way. It isn't true. We also take for granted Western religion and spirituality. Most Americans believe in God and heaven, whether or not they're Christian. And, depending on your beliefs, you think good works or the grace of God is your ticket into the pearly gates. Islam does not guarantee a ticket into heaven except through one path: martyrdom. Allah may choose non-martyrs for admittance into heaven, but being a martyr for Islam is the only guaranteed way...."
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Pamela Geller _WND_
where is the 3rd Muslim terrorist in San Bernardino? : "3 white men in military fatigues"
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Ben Kinchlow _WND_
have or will terrorists awaken USA sleeping giant?
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Chuck Norris _WND_
"I'll take a bullet before you do"
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
reverend Jesse Lee Peterson _WND_
can the USA survive its traitors?
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Texas arms store: sales after Obummer terrorism speech eclipsed those of black Friday
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
after terrorist attack in San Bernardino, massive crowds turn out at Del Mar fair-grounds in northern San Diego county
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
in UK, Dept. of Education preparing to prosecute founders of 3 "un-registered" Muslim schools over hygiene violations, incitement to terrorism
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate presents the end of the world
Thomas D. Williams
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
3 House committees to investigate CentCom alterations of intelligence about ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate to paint rosier picture
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Ali Waked _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate purchased Houthis in order to execute them in videos
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
FBI recovered evidence from Seccombe lake related to Muslim terrorist attack in San Bernardino
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Gambian president Yahya Jammeh has declared his Muslim-majority country an Islamic republic
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
61M children left behind by parents as Red China opens migration from rural to urban areas
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Warner Todd Huston _Breitbart_
Chicago week-end crime toll: 2 dead, 27 wounded
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Martha McSally, Will Hurd & John Katko _Washington DC Times_
how to defeat ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Robert Knight _Washington DC Times_
leftism's false choices
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Craig Rucker
Paris COP21 treaty: watered down, but still dangerous
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Paul Driessen & Roger Bezdek
Paris COP21 treaty: voluntary, mushy
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Christopher Monckton _Cybercast News Service_
a death sentence for tens of millions
"On the concourse piano at the Gare du Nord in Paris, I played 'Armada Perdida', the haunting marche funèbre written by Tomás Luis de Victoria, the great Spanish counter-Reformation composer, to honor the 15K of his gallant countrymen who died when the fleet of Philip v of Spain was lost in a succession of violent storms off the coast of Scotland in the equinoctial gales of 1588. Once it was clear to me, taking the voices in the dismal, crony-capitalist-sponsored sheds at Le Bourget private airfield, that the annual UN Christmas climate pantomime would follow its usual meticulously choreographed Nuremberg-rally course, I saw no point in waiting for the now-traditional by-popular-demand one-night extension of this freak-show, the ritual announcement of 'success' in achieving a Solomon Binding agreement or the luvvies' mwa-mwa hugging and junketing at the cast party in the fleshpots of the red-light district surrounding the Folies Bergère. I bowed my head in mourning for the annual tens of millions whom these thousands of gibbering, custard-faced monsters in crumpled suits, living it up on lavish expense accounts paid for by you and me, had carelessly, callously condemned to an unnecessary, untimely, unconsidered, unnoticed, unreported, unforgivable death. After pouring out my sorrow in music, I joined the transcontinental train to Essen in the heart of Germany's once-throbbing Ruhr Valley, where the roaring furnaces of the once-great steel industry are falling silent one by one. There, at a high-level conference of professors, doctors of science and world-class climate-change researchers organized by the European Institute for Climate and Energy, I heard a steel-industry expert quietly, unemotionally describe the catastrophic effect that Angela Merkel's Energiewende was having on the industry he loved...
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Brian Sussman _WND_
climate scam: golden key to bring down capitalism & freedom
2015-12-13 (5776 Tebet 01)
Proposed Bills 2015
"A national goal of full employment should not bind us to the dangerous notion that any job is better than no job at all. If economic progress means anything, it signifies the gradual disappearance of drudgery, thankless tasks, repetitious work, & tedious jobs. The Marxists may have been the 1st to emphasize the problems of alienation, 'exploitation', & poor working conditions in the labor market, but evidence is growing that these problems are being eliminated more rapidly under capitalist societies than under Marxist regimes. Progress means an increase in the number of challenging work opportunities, jobs that not only pay well but are also exciting & fulfilling." --- Mark Skousen 1991 _Economics on Trial_ pp 121-122 |
Monday |
Montag |
Yom Sheni |
Lunedi |
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Rick Santorum, (9) Ann Coulter, (10) Ben S. Carson, (11) Mike Huckabee, (12) Donald Trump, (13) Thomas Sowell, (16) Ken Blackwell, (18) Allen West, (19) Rand Paul, (20) Tom Cotton, (21) Carly Fiorina, (22) Gary Johnson, (26) Jim Gilmore, (28) Larry Elder, (40) Alan Keyes, (25,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (102,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide voter registry, telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (210,000,000) Chris Christie, (309,998,000) Bernie Sanders, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Mark Steyn _Jewish World Review_
*** Europeans and Americans on the rampage!!! ***
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
no new proposed OPT rule has been published in today's Federal Register
"We previously reported that the DHS regulations allowing non-student graduates to work on student visas for 29 to 35 months on student visas under the Optional Practical Training program (OPT) were vacated by the U.S. district court in DC vacated for DHS's failure to give notice and comment. DHS crafted these regulations secretly, in cahoots with industry lobbyists, as a means to circumvent the H-1B visa quotas. Nonetheless, the district court delayed vacating the rule for 6 months (until 2016 February 12) to give DHS time to do something to lessen the impact. Rather than re-examine the wisdom of allowing non-students to work on student visas for years, DHS decided to use this grace period to double down and put in place a new rule to allow these aliens to work even longer. DHS tried to correct the defect of the original, secret rule-making by going through the motions and giving a sham notice and comment where the agency had already decided (and announced) the outcome in advance. The hope among supporters of this misguided policy was that the new rule would be in place by February 12 so that the extended work period could continue seamlessly. That ain't happening folks. A major regulation must be published in the Federal Register 60 days before it goes into effect. Today is the day and no regulation has been published. Ironically, supporters of the regulation undermined DHS's efforts here. The purpose of a comment period is to allow the public to raise issues with proposed regulations. DHS has to respond to the comments made during the comment period. Apparently foreign students were led to believe that the comment period is a vote. (In fact, the agency has to evaluate the merits of each issue raised and cannot consider the volume of comments on either side.) DHS was bombarded with useless comments like 'I vote to increase the stem Extention (sic) time period', with titles like 'Mass Mail Campaign 28'. DHS received over 43K comments on this proposed rule. By spamming DHS with comments, people claiming to be foreign students simply created more work for DHS by forcing the agency to wade through a larger volume of comments. DHS still has to respond to the comments and produce a final regulation. The regulation then has to be approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Finally, it has to be published in the Federal Register to go into effect 60 days later..."
"Respond to the comments"?! That appears to be one of those legal terms of art that defy in practice their plain AmerEnglish meaning. I have never known them to actually reform a proposed regulation in response to criticisms, nor to make a thoughtful response to criticisms.
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Marguerite Telford _Center for Immigration Studies_
"Syrian" "refugees" in Canada pose a security threat to the USA
"The significant national security threat presented by the United States' northern border receives minimal media coverage. But as the longest common border in the world, dramatically longer than the border the USA shares with Mexico, the USA-Canada border provides ample opportunity for illegal border crossers to enter the United States. After the recent terrorist attack in San Bernardino, CA, and Canada's pledge to take in a large number of Syrian refugees, Americans need to be aware of the national security threat existing to the north. Canada's first 300 Syrian refugees arrived from Turkey and Jordan last week. The government has pledged to take in 25K 'Syrian' 'refugees'. Despite knowledge of vetting difficulties, the new Liberal government hints that another 25K could be welcomed by the end of the year. That's 50K new permanent residents from an area with a widespread terrorist presence. The government had originally set January 1 as the date for having all of the refugees processed. But in the face of public concern the date has been pushed to the end of February. In addition, the government has said it will focus on families and not include unaccompanied males in the re-settlement program. But these small tweaks do not alleviate the safety hazards associated with the refugee resettlement program. Canada does not have access to different data-bases than the USA to detect criminal background or terrorist links; Canada does not have better access to contacts, documents, or criminal history in Syria than the USA. But Canada's new 'Liberal' government under prime-minister Justin Trudeau has refused to let the public's national security concerns deter it from opening wide the flood-gates to thousands of 'refugees' from a jihadi war zone. The previous Conservative government, which had also committed to admitting Syrian refugees (albeit in smaller numbers), at least seemed to recognize the risk; its immigration minister said earlier this year, 'We cannot ignore the risk of jihadi terrorists seeking to exploit the generosity of western nations like Canada.' The majority of these refugees, all receiving permanent residence, will settle in Toronto and Montreal -- cities in close proximity to the USA border. How many of these refugees will enter the United States to join the 11M+ illegal aliens already here? How many will join terrorist sleeper cells, which we are told exist in all 50 states? Evidence of the porous border was seen earlier this month when an illegal alien who had walked across the border was apprehended after his entry was reported by an American citizen. Border Patrol agents picked up the Guatemalan man in Vermont. His associates were found to be USA citizens, who were released. He merely walked across the border and into Vermont -- it can be just that easy. Other policy changes in Canada will exacerbate the security threat. Trudeau plans to lift the present visa requirement for Mexicans in 2016 March. Lifting the visa requirement also means removing the vetting process. Former prime-minister Harper said in the past that the visa requirements existed due to security and illegal immigration issues. Canada could alleviate the national security risk by redirecting its resettlement resources to take care of these UN-selected 'refugees' in their home region. They would know the language, be comfortable in their own culture, and be ready to go back into Syria to rebuild the country when the situation changes. More importantly, this option allows for more persecuted individuals to be helped. A recent CIS Backgrounder shows that 12 'refugees' could be taken care of in the Middle East for the cost of 1 being brought to the United States. One would think the number would be similar in Canada, which provides for essential services and income support until refugees become self-sufficient. Like the USA states, the provinces are likely to bear the brunt of the long-term costs. So how secure is the 5,525 mile USA-Canada border? It would not be exaggerating to say that Canada's 'refugees' could one day be illegal aliens in the USA, with the national security risk transferred to American citizens. NOTE: The Center for Immigration Studies will be leading a tour of the Canadian border in September, focusing on the region where New York, Vermont, Ontario, and Quebec meet."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Laura Ingraham
visa background investigation missed terrorists' "social media zealotry", advocacy of Muslim terrorism
Caroline May: Breitbart: DHS -- more concerned about protecting privacy of aliens than USA citizens -- refuses to examine "social media" postings during background checks of visa applicants
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Sharon Florentine _"IT" News_/_IDG_
Dice & TEKsystems: why high STEM talent turn-over is fault of STEM executives and managers
"...of the more than 400 [STEM executives and managers, and 1,500 STEM professionals] surveyed, 42% of [execs & managers] and 43% of [STEM professionals] say their organization struggles to retain [STEM] talent... Only 9% of [execs & managers] and 12% of [STEM professionals] expect people to stay with their employer for more than 5 years, and 34% of [execs & managers] and 29% of [STEM professionals] have no specific expectations for how long an employee will stay with the company... 87% of [STEM professionals] in the TEKsystems survey cite compensation as a motiation for turn-over, there are other factors... Workers want 'generous' benefits packages, vacation time, work-life balance, professional development and continuing education, company equity, and other programs... 78% of [execs & managers claimed] there is an education/traininig/professional development benefit in their organization, compared to only 38% of [STEM professionals]. 71% of [execs & managers claimed they offer] flexible and/or alternative scheduling options, compared to only 31% of [STEM professionals acknowledging the existence of such things worthy of the names]."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal decree for Donald Trump end election campaign jeered by Donald Trump, Ann Coulter & Roger Stone
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
national security experts meeting in Las Vegas
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Milo Yiannopoulos _Breitbart_
Sili Valley executives speak highly of Donald Trump... but only in private
"If you only read headlines about achingly politically correct tech founders like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Silicon Valley, for all its rapacious capitalistic instincts, is a hellhole of progressive hand-wringing. But that's not what I hear from CEOs and angel investors on the libertarian wing of the Valley, some of whom are so fed up with the state of[Obummer's] America they are openly discussing seasteading and carving California up into smaller states. They say Silicon Valley is distinctly unimpressed with Hillary Clinton and that fund-raising events have been surprisingly frosty affairs. They also point out that Silicon Valley's reputation for wacky leftist politics isn't the whole story... some San Francisco start-ups are left-wing through and through, particularly the 'social networks'... the tech industry is more politically diverse than it's given credit for... Valley insiders say that if he were to give them the visas they want -- admittedly a tough sell to his core supporters -- and sit down with founders from tech, media, gaming, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, he'd find an unlikely but significant base of support among some of Silicon Valley's most influential players..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
quotes from Donald Trump fans on his proposal for a temporary moratorium on visas
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Angela Merkel learning lesson; agrees to reduce immigration
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
UK petition calls for armed security guards outside synagogues and other schools
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
lots of fiancee/fiance (K-1) visa applicants get cold feet
"The amazingly high approval rate (99.7% in 2014) for K-1 visa applications -- that's the fiancé visa used by, among others, the woman [terrorist] in the San Bernardino massacre -- puzzles me. In an effort to find out more about that rate, discussed previously, I delved more deeply into K-1 visa process. What I found sheds minimal additional light on the basic question of the cause for the high approval rate (beyond official negligence), but I accidentally obtained some interesting information on this form of immigration by marriage. The finding: Close to half of the aliens initially slated for K-1 visas (and marriages) did not get married in the United States as planned, with cold feet on the part of aliens playing a more significant role in this attrition than any other cause. As background: The USA bends over backward to make it easy for citizen/alien marriages to lead to legal presence in the USA. Most alien spouses come in after their marriage to citizens or green card holders, and do so as immigrants. Other alien spouses of citizens (after the wedding) come in as K-3 non-immigrants and later adjust to immigrant status. The V-1 non-immigrant visa can be used in approximately the same way, but it applies to spouses of green card holders. In still another circumstance, the citizen files a petition for a non-immigrant K-1 visa for the alien fiancé and that fiancé then goes to a Department of State office overseas and applies for the visa. A K-1 beneficiary then has 6 months to come to the USA and has 90 days after arrival here to go through the marriage. K-2 visas, obtained in the same way, can be used to bring in the children, if any, of the alien. If the alien waits too long to make the trip, the visa expires. If the visa is used and the marriage does not take place within 90 days, then the visa expires and the one-time holder of it, if in the USA, becomes as illegal alien. There are, incidentally, no numerical limits on any of these systems for admitting alien spouses and would-be spouses, provided they are marrying citizens. If the marriage of the alien is to a green card holder there is about a one-year-long waiting period before the immigrant visa becomes available. In the case of the San Bernardino terrorists, Syed Rizwan Farook, a native-born USA citizen, presumably filed a petition (I-129F) that was approved by USCIS; after that his spouse-to-be, Tashfeen Malik, a native of Pakistan who had spent many years in an ultra-fundamentalist Islamic community in Saudi Arabia, successfully filed for the K-1 visa in Islamabad, Pakistan, as I reported earlier. The Los Angles Times subsequently wrote that she had lied about her residential address in Pakistan. Had this been noticed by our people in Islamabad it might have slowed, or perhaps terminated, her efforts to secure the visa. In a more detailed look at the whole picture in which K-1 documents are issued, then used or not used, I found the following sequence, and the resulting attrition rates..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Laura Ingraham
US ICE gave away $113M, says there are not enough illegal aliens they want to deport
2015-12-02: Stephen Dinan: Washington DC Times
"Even as they were pleading poverty in the federal courts, immigration officials gave away $113M this year, with Assistant Homeland Security secretary Sarah R. Saldana testifying to congress on Wednesday that they didn't need the money because there weren't enough illegal immigrants to hold or deport. Ms. Saldana, who runs U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE], the chief deportation agency, also said estimates of the illegal immigrant population in the USA could be as high as 15M. That is much more than the prevailing estimates of 11M to 12M, and it suggests a potentially bigger problem than the government has acknowledged. 'Probably every illegal alien could be removed. But that's 12M people -- or 15M, depending on what estimate you look at.', Ms. Saldana told the senate Judiciary committee. 'I don't think anybody who thinks that we can go about, rounding up people, with a $6.5G budget, as generous as that is, and as grateful as I am for it, believes that we can go and do that under that budget. There are reasons to make wise and smart and effective immigration priorities.' A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [US ICE] official down-played Ms. Saldana's estimate of the unauthorized population, saying the agency doesn't track that statistic and the director was citing it only informally..."
Soooo, they don't have anywhere near enough resources to fence the borders, nor to seriously guard them to fend off invaders. They don't have resources to use under-cover agents to investigate reported employers of illegal aliens, nor to seek and find visa over-stayers, nor to conduct proper, conscientious, thorough background investigations of visa applicants, nor to deport and remove known illegal aliens -- not even known convicted felon illegal aliens. But they have plenty of people and time and money to play stupid, corrupt games.
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Laura Ingraham
illegal aliens enjoy new facility in Texas
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Matthew Boyle _Breitbart_
senator Ted Cruz criticized Marco Rubio for breaking promises on amnesty for illegal aliens
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Michael Stein _Jewish World Review_
doctor reflects on health care in 15-minute doses
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
George Will _Jewish World Review_
these townsfolk are in court demanding substantive due process against their government
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
David Weigel _Jewish World Review_
Rand Paul, faced with debate snub, demands "the same treatment that Carly Fiorina was given"
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Gina Barreca _Jewish World Review_
I can't make this stuff up: a lthough I can't write fiction, I know it when I read it
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Lenore Skenazy _Jewish World Review_
the lost shall be found
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Chris Gersten _Jewish World Review_
Russia in Syria
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Bruce Bialosky _Jewish World Review_
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
women won 0.9% of seats in Saudi local elections
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Erick Erickson
if RINO losership broker Republican convention to reject all of the good non-leftist candidates, it could destroy the party
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
un-decided voters won't even consider RINO losership's Yebbie Booosh
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Mark J. FitzGibbons _Conservative HQ_
RINO David Brooks gets "nakedly ambitious" against senator Ted Cruz
"...Famed [leftist] Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, however, called Cruz 'off the charts brilliant', and that he was 'One of the sharpest students I had... I've had 10K students over my 50 years at Harvard... he has to qualify among the brightest of the students.' Cruz, the son of Cuban refugees, had no country club membership growing up, and worked extra jobs to help put himself through Ivy League schools. If only he had learned to press his slacks better he'd be an American success story, quite possibly presidential material, but alas, he's merely a climber in the world of David Brooks. Brooks also writes, 'According to The Boston Globe, a female law student who was giving [Cruz] a ride was shocked when he quickly asked her about her IQ and SAT scores.' That 'female law student' is Melissa Hart, now a [leftist] law professor at liberal University of Colorado Law School. She's an [Obummer] donor, pro-gay marriage debater, and recognized as an 'expert' in employment discrimination. Work that she is currently developing includes 'Arguing that [ObummerDoesn'tCare] should be understood as a civil rights measure and that the civil rights commitments underlying the law offer additional support for its constitutional legitimacy'..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Paul Ryan set to fund Obummer's Muslim invasion of the USA
"But they are not negotiating with [Obummer] to reduce government spending, or negotiating with conservatives to identify programs and regulations [and departments and agencies] to be de-funded. They are negotiating with themselves over how much more to spend on [Obummer's] priorities, and [the USA] and the quality of life for millions of working families will be the losers. The most dangerous of [Obummer's] many dangerous actions is his plan to bring 200K or more Muslim immigrants to America in the final year of his term. According to our friend Chad Pergram of Fox News, House Republicans are gearing up to attach a proposal to the omnibus that has been decried by senator Jeff Sessions and others as empowering [Obummer] to bring in an unlimited number of 'refugees'... As our friend Julia Hahn of Breitbart reported, Rich Lowry, Mark Levin, Jeff Sessions, and nonpartisan immigration control groups have explained that the Ryan-McCaul measure to screen Syrian and Iraqi 'refugees' will not in any way halt [Obummer's] Muslim 'refugee' re-settlement operation. It ignores completely 'refugees' from virtually all Muslim countries that have sent terrorists to America -- such as Somalia, Bosnia and Uzbekistan -- while still allowing the president to bring in as many 'Syrian' 'refugees' as he wants on top of that. According to a recent YouGov/Economist poll, 66% of women voters oppose bringing any 'Syrian' Muslim 'refugees' to the USA, meaning that the House plan which may be used to grease the skids for the omnibus, could further hurt the GOP with women voters..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Laura Ingraham
friend of Muslim terrorist in San Bernardino being investigated by FBI: plinking rifles that Marquez had purchased several years earlier
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Gallup poll: twice as many in USA are concerned about terrorism than about widespread ownership and carry of arms
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Obummer: taking fight to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate "harder than ever" (or hardly ever)
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Jordan Schachtel _Breitbart_
Bowe Bergdahl to face court-martial
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
William Bigelow _Breitbart_
local police, FBI investigating bulk cellular-phone purchases in Missouri
"On December 4, four dozen of these cell phones were purchased at a WM in Cape Girardeau. On December 5, 2 immigrants bought 59 cell phones from a Walmart in Lebanon. 32 cell phones were purchased in Macon. 50 were bought in Columbia. And Jefferson City police reported that 3 people bought over 50 of the phones at a Walmart there; the Jefferson police acknowledged that '3 men with accents' bought the phones, but stated that because they did not have a legal reason to detain them, they allowed them to leave. Such cell phones, nicknamed 'burners' [or burn-phones], can be bought and used anonymously, then thrown away so they cannot be traced–thus leading to fears of terrorist usage. Fears of a terrorist attack were stoked by the theft of numerous propane tanks in both Independence and Lee's Summit, Missouri..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
former radical Tawfik Hamid: a look inside violence-initiating Islam
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
art museums purging politically-incorrect works (and titles) from public display
"The cultural cleansing has occurred as the Rijksmuseum, in Amsterdam, and is endorsed by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) whose code of ethics is employed by many British Museums..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
John Hayward _Breitbart_
may the stupid be with you: PC meets "Star Wars"
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
7th-grader forced to cover up "Star Wars" shirt because of storm-trooper's blaster
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Monmouth U: Donald Trump surges to 41% in national poll
"...In this particular poll, Trump's closest rival, senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), sits at just 14% support. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) trails with just 10%; Ben Carson... with 9%. From there it just gets embarrassing: Jeb Bush (3%), John Kasich (3%), Chris Christie (2%), Carly Fiorina (2%), Mike Huckabee (2%), and senator Rand Paul (R-KY) (2%)..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
C. Edmund Wright _Breitbart_
Donald Trump goes RINO losership, attacking Cruz, Scalia...
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Curly Haugland _Breitbart_
GOP candidates must use 2016 convention to force primary/delegate reforms
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Simon Kent _Breitbart_
70 Paris airport employees have security passes revoked
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
Muslims attacked Christian in Bradford, England
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate issued fatwa against children with Down syndrome; murder 38 disabled just like their buddies the Nazis did
"The Islamic State has reportedly issued a fatwa ordering the elimination of children with Down syndrome and other congenital disabilities, reminiscent of Hitler's infamous 'Aktion T4' program, which administered forced 'euthanasia' on an estimated 300K disabled persons..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
mama-grizz Sarah Palin responded to ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate fatwa to murder children with Down syndrome: over my dead body
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
photo of military dog "Rocky", with purple heart, going viral
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Trent Baker _Breitbart_
drone vs. drone: Tokyo use faster, bigger drone with net to capture private drones
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
"One Direction" Hanukkah mash-up storms the Internet
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
extreme leftist principal, Eujin Jaela Kim, of Sunset Park, Brooklyn public school 169 banned pledge of allegiance, ThanksGiving, Christmas, stars, angels
Jessica Chasmar: Washington DC Times: chastised school administrators restore traditions
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Melanie Hunter _Cybercast News Service_
Obummer: USA military launched only 9K air missions against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate so far (completed significantly fewer; still refusing to directly arm or supply Kurds)
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Guy Taylor _Washington DC Times_
USA has mapped ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate sites, but not bombing them for fear of too many civilian casualties
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Rowan Scarborough _Washington DC Times_
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps general Joseph Dunford: USA commands, war plans are outdated
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
evangelical preacher in Belfast, Northern Ireland, James McConnell, on trial for "grossly offensive" descriptions of force-initiating Muslims
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham backs prayers at USAF Academy: since when is voluntary prayer "scandalous" or "putrid"?
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Pinal county AZ sheriff Paul Babeu urged citizens to arm themselves and train to defend against initiators of force
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
Rasmussen poll: majorities believe widespread arms ownership makes us safer
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
retired IDF dog now cheers up senior citizens
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Stephen K. Bannon & Alexander Marlow _Breitbart_
Ted Cruz Jacksonian Americanism vs. Marco Rubio Wilsonian cosmo-muck
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Jed Babbin _Washington DC Times_
2015's top 10 assaults on national security
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Jay Nordlinger _Washington DC Times_
children of monsters
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Ben S. Carson _Washington DC Times_
fear and courage in the age of terrorism
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Richard W. Rahn _Washington DC Times_
life, liberty and the killer state: Americans have much more to fear than terrorism: CDCP's death rates by cause
"...The risk of being murdered in the USA is also much lower than many think. The nation is about average in the world when it comes to the murder rate, but if you take out Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Chicago, the United States has one of the lowest murder rates in the world, despite or perhaps because of the high rate of legal gun ownership. Several of the cities with the highest rate of gun violence also have the most restrictive gun laws. Even though it is very unlikely that one would be killed by a lone wolf or small groups of terrorists, there is good reason to be very concerned about terrorist states. An outlaw state may be able to acquire nuclear weapons (think North Korea) or other weapons of mass destruction and the means to deploy them. Such weapons could kill tens of thousands or perhaps hundreds of thousands of people. Unfortunately, the options are limited when dealing with rogue states -- containment (including sanctions), conquering through invasion or decapitating the leadership. Containment can work when the leadership is basically rational and not aggressively expansionary (e.g., the Soviet Union in its latter years). Invasions can work if there is a credible plan for the post-conflict period (e.g., Germany and Japan), but can make matters worse without a realistic post-invasion plan (e.g., Iraq and Afghanistan). Decapitation means killing the leadership (perhaps repeated times as new dangerous leaders emerge) rather than undertaking a large invasion and occupation -- in cases such as ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate, it may be the least bad alternative. Many more people have been killed by their own governments -- well over 100M in the last century -- than terrorists have or are ever likely to kill. Living in a free society, with limited government and the rule of law, is the greatest insurance against a violent end. Thus, it is very disheartening to see a number of the presidential candidates advocating more restrictions on individual freedom and even socialist or police state programs, as if the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are annoyances to be ignored whenever it suits them..."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Bruce Fein _Washington DC Times_
distorting promotion of interstate commerce clause to play nanny-state
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Ian Hanchett _Breitbart_
Mark Levin: Donald Trump blew it on Scalia, Cruz... why would anybody support that who runs as a Republican?
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Mairead McArdle _Cybercast News Service_
Mark Levin: Paul Ryan is no better than John Boehner, continues to work mightily against Republicans and the USA constitution and citizenry
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Joe Kay _Cybercast News Service_
Pete Rose's plea for re-instatement denied by MLB commissioner Rob Manfred
"Rose placed numerous bets on the Cincinnati Reds to win from 1985-1987 while playing for and managing the team. In one of his first major actions, Manfred said in a four-page decision the career hits leader admitted he has kept on betting legally on horse racing and professional sports, including baseball... Rose was the 1963 National League Rookie of the Year, 1973 MVP and 1975 World Series MVP. A 3-time NL batting champion, he had 4,256 hits from 1963-1986, topping the mark of 4,191 set by Ty Cobb from 1905-1928."
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Eric Worrall
"carbon pricing" scheme being revived in Australia
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Anthony Watts
reporting from American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Anthony Watts
U of Alberta: length of day and sea level linked
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Eric Worrall
suing climate appeasers: the new watermelon el Dorado: energy firms being sued in co-ordinated campaign
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Anthony Watts
American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015: it is not the killer heat, but the killer humidity
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Anthony Watts
James Hanson at American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015: why are scientists "holding back" on sea level projections
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Anthony Watts
American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015: NASA says the re-purposed decades old TRIANA is actually doing something useful
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
3 things we must do after failure of COP21 to hatch binding treaty to sugjugate Western Civilization to climate hysteria
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Anthony Watts
Gavin's admission about the satellite record vs. the surface temperature record
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Anthony Watts
2015 November global surface (land + ocean) and lower troposphere temperature anomaly & model vs. data difference update
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Penny Starr _Cybercast News Service_
anti-science whackoes who back Paris conspiracy say we must abandon fossil fuels completely
2015-12-14 (5776 Tebet 02)
Proposed Bills 2015
"We need better schools & jobs. That's the way you stop the killing. You have to offer hope. If there's no hope, the killing will go on -- gun ban or not." --- Yephet Copeland 1993-01-18 _LA Times_ (quoted in Richard I. Mack & Timothy Robert Walters 1994-10-?? _From My Cold Dead Fingers: Why America Needs Guns_ pg 173) |
Tuesday |
Dienstag |
Yom Shlishi |
Martedi |
1791-12-15: Bill of Rights amendments 3-12 ratified by states
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Mirna Alfonso _Mountain View CA Patch_
Border Patrol made $370.4K meth-amphetaime seizure on San Diego free-way
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
of 276 "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals "re-settled" in USA since 2015-11-13 Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris, only 1 is Christian
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
_Conservative HQ_
TN state legislators oppose Obummer+Ryan+Haslam "Syrian" "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals invasion
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
pernicious Paul Ryan and Nasty Pelosi give Obummer funding for "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals in omnibus unconstitutional over-spending bill
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
hundreds of "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals entering Norway have several ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate snuff images and other Muslim terrorist materials on their phones
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Mary Chastain _Breitbart_
ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate dungeons
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
David Sherfinski _Washington DC Times_
Ben Carson called for declaration of war against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Nick Hallett _Breitbart_
Geert Wilders won "politician of the year" for 3rd time
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Bob Price _Breitbart_
5 years after murder of Brian Terry: there still isn't any accountability with the Obummer regime BATFE, the FBI, DEA or IRS for their roles in arming these criminals
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Dems/leftists/Reds' push to ramp up illegal immigration into USA is back-firing
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Todd Beamon _News Max_
reverend Franklin Graham: USA should have temporary moratorium on all immigration to make corrections
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
_News Max_/_AP_
Texas legislators: refugees, guest-workers, visitors, foreign students... should have to pass polygraph interrogation
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Larry Kudlow: Donald Trump has the "right spirit" in calling for temporary moratorium on visas to Muslims until we get a better handle on the in-flow
MSFT JavaScript is still evil.
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
let's use a more accurate set of initials for the OPT program: AAA
"The most recent survey of foreign students, Open Doors, shows substantial growth in the OPT program and also reports nations of origin for these recent alien alumni of USA colleges and universities. As discussed previously, the Optional Training Program is misnamed. It has nothing to do with training and is simply a program used by employers to hire recent foreign college graduates at below-market rates (neither employers nor OPT workers have to pay [Socialist Inecurity] or Medicare taxes, a boon to them and a blow to our seniors.) An employer can get a tax reduction of as much as $10K-$12K by hiring, say, an alien with a BA in plant sciences as compared to hiring a citizen or a green card holder with exactly the same credentials at exactly the same salary. And, as might be suspected, the [Obummer regime] wants to expand the program. The new information comes to us from the Institute for International Education in New York City, an advocate of cross-national education, and thus a supporter of more foreign students. Open Doors is an annual survey of international student advisers [with a personal financial interest in ever-increasing numbers of foreign students] who provide information about their own institutions. It is not a direct census of foreign students, but it is a useful measure of foreign student participation, particularly as numbers change over the years. Open Doors, like the [Obummer regime], regards OPT workers as students, and reports that there were 120,287 of them in the most recent estimate, as opposed to 105,997 for the prior year. That amounts to a 13% increase in these government-subsidized jobs for aliens. Given the [regime's] proposed expansion of the program -- which would provide most of the OPT workers with 36 months instead of [a reasonable 3 months, or the earlier 12 months or the judicially banned] 29 months in the no-pay-roll-tax status -- we can expect something like 140K of them in the next count. The Open Doors data, unlike the government data on this program described in my earlier blog, provides nation of origin information. It shows that OPT is a heavily Asian program and draws few of its workers from other places in the world. [Red China] is the nation with the most OPT workers (43,114), followed by India with 29,388 and South Korea with 6,635. Of the 120,287 workers, the report states that 93,418 are from Asia, as Open Doors defines Asia. Were it to use a more widely accepted definition the number would be higher, as the report counts 1,231 Turkish workers as European and 3,779 people from Middle East as African. The numbers, thus corrected, show 98,428 Asians, or 81.8% of the OPT population. Since these workers are all college graduates, maybe we should use the initials AAA for the program, standing for the Asian Alumni Association."
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Jessica Vaughan _Center for Immigration Studies_
yet another major failure to screen: educational institutions & employer/sponsors
"According to an internal USCIS document, immigration officers are not routinely utilizing the full range of available database checks to identify high-risk individuals, such as San Bernardino jihadist Sayed Rezwan Farook, who are trying to sponsor an immigrant. The most extensive checks are done only on prospective immigrants, not sponsors. This is a significant gap in the screening process that has been known for years, but never corrected. It's an easy fix, and if USCIS had done so years ago, when it recognized the gap, the government might have been more cautious about admitting Farook's partner and fiancé, Tashfeen Malik, and perhaps others who pose a similar risk. All alien applicants are run through several data-bases of information, including an FBI finger-print check, FBI name check (which covers information in FBI files), and a TECS (Treasury Enforcement Communications Systems) check [but, apparently not a DNA check, which would also disclose chains of close relatives]. The TECS check is designed to identify individuals suspected of or involved in violations of federal law and accesses general law enforcement warrants, lookouts, and the terror watch list, but does not receive a complete set of relevant information from the FBI. In contrast, those who seek to sponsor immigrants, also known as petitioners, do not submit fingerprints and are checked only through TECS. Back in 2008, the Fraud Detection and National Security Unit of USCIS studied the difference in results obtained from the FBI name checks and the TECS checks in identifying individuals who posed a security threat. Analysts pulled the records of approximately 1,800 individuals who had recently been identified within the pool of immigration benefits applicants as known or suspected terrorists. These individuals, who were either petitioners or benefits applicants (for visas, green cards, or other benefits), had all been flagged by the FBI name-check system. (Yes, I had the same thought, that's a lot of terrorists in about one year's worth of applicants!) Yet only 19% of these known or suspected terrorists who were flagged in the FBI name check system also had records in TECS. In other words, the TECS check alone could have detected only a fifth of the known or suspected terrorists who were found involved in an immigration benefits application that year. Said the report: 'This means the [national security] concerns would not have been identified outside the FBI name check process.' Considering that Farook apparently was known to counter-terrorism officials as a person of interest, even though he had not been arrested; if USCIS had a policy requiring the FBI name check in addition to the TECS check, there would have been an opportunity to prevent the admission of Malik and possibly prevent an attack. Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), chairman of the House Judiciary committee, has announced that he is preparing a bill that would address this vulnerability, and many others, in the visa and benefits screening process. Given the many gaps in this process that we now know exist, and other emerging reports about the abundance of fake documents produced by ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate that are available to anyone interested in hiding in the refugee flow, it would be prudent to hold off on further refugee admissions, and any immigration expansions, until these problems are [corrected."
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
John Miano _Center for Immigration Studies_
debate of GOP candidates for president... and immigration
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Dennis Prager _Jewish World Review_
why don't Republicans & Dems/leftists/Reds clearly state what they are fighting for & against, instead of only contending with this or that candidate
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Reds/Dems & leftist media attacking the truth (part 1)
"...Much empirical research over the years has confirmed Justice Scalia's concern that admitting black students to institutions for which their academic preparation is not sufficient can be making them worse off instead of better off. I became painfully aware of this problem more than 40 years ago, when I was teaching at Cornell University, and discovered that half the black students there were on some form of academic probation. These students were not stupid or uneducable. On the contrary, the average black student at Cornell at that time scored at the 75th percentile on scholastic tests. Their academic qualifications were better than those of three-quarters of all American students who took those tests. Why were they in trouble at Cornell, then? Because the average Cornell student in the liberal arts college at that time scored at the 99th percentile. The classes taught there -- including mine -- moved at a speed geared to the verbal and mathematical level of the top one percent of American students. The average white student would have been wiped out at Cornell. But the average white student was unlikely to be admitted to Cornell, in the first place. Nor was a white student who scored at the 75th percentile... Black students who scored at the 90th percentile in math had serious academic problems trying to keep up at MIT, where other students scored somewhere within the top 99th percentile..."
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Tammy Bruce _Jewish World Review_
Obummer's foreign policy plays into Koranic "prophecy"
Washington DC Times
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
Obummer regime, please continue to spew misinformation about firearms
Cybercast News Service
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Stephen Moore _Jewish World Review_
Barack Hussein Obummer -- proto-fascist
Washington DC Times: fascist left in the USA
"At the end of this sneering commentary, CNN launched into a fascinating tutorial on what a Fascist is. Here are several key characteristics of a fascist leader according to CNN: 'The superiority of the leader's instincts over abstract and universal reason.' 'The belief of one group that it is the victim, justifying any action.' 'The need for authority by natural leaders (always male) culminating in a national chief who alone is capable of incarnating the group's destiny.' Wait a minute. What modern politician best fits this description? Could it be... [Barack Hussein Obummer]. The [false] Messiah. The chosen one. The man who holds political rallies with gothic columns in giant amphitheaters who enters the stage as if he were a Greek god? The greatest demagogue of modern times, who convinced the vast electorate that they are 'victims' and that their key to happiness and prosperity is to take from the rich -- people, he says, who have way more wealth than they could possibly need. [President Obummer's] whole political success rests on identity politics -- of persuading blacks, Hispanics, Jews, women, the disabled, gays, students, the poor, immigrants, that they are victims of a vast American government conspiracy against them... many of the same people in Hollywood who just made a movie celebrating the communists/fascists of the 1950s within their ranks -- and portraying them sympathetically as blackballed victims, rather than subversive supporters of butchers who killed millions of Jews, blacks, gays, Christians, and dissidents. Many of the communists in Hollywood [and DC and NY], not least of all Trumbo, were avid supporters of Stalin and even remained so after his genocidal purges were well-documented. Even the Russians themselves have repudiated the savagery of Stalin -- but not the American left... But the real definition of a fascist is a leader who wants to use governmental power to suppress rights of individuals. It is the partnership of government and private industry for the collective good. Corporate cronyism is a classic form of fascism, which would include programs like [the crony scialist] Export-Import Bank. Fascism, communism, socialism, Naziism, progressivism, are all just variations on this same theme. These isms all feed on subjugating [i.e. violating] freedom..."
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Leanne Italie _Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Merriam-Webster declared "ism" to be "word of the year" for 2015
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Walter E. Williams _Cybercast News Service_
our timid military "leaders"
Jewish World Review
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Iranian Muslim theocrats ban import of 227 USA products
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Dave Boyer _Washington DC Times_
Iran missile tests violated UN ban say sanctions monitors
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
_Cybercast News Service_/_AP_
Islamic extremist arrested in Germany for recruiting, funding, supplying Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (JAMWA) terrorists
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
Planned Parenthood continues to sell baby parts
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Michelle Moons _Breitbart_
Carlsbad CA has largest sea-water desalinization plant in USA, using combination of coarse filtration & reverse osmosis
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
John Nolte _Breitbart_
ObummerDoesn'tCare is the biggest rip-off in history
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Patrick J. Buchanan _Cybercast News Service_
will RINO losership destroy the Republican Party?
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
tonight's "debate" among some of the RINO & Republican candidates for president
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
the most important question Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson must answer tonight
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Laura Ingraham
Patrick M. Buchanan: Paul Ryan is reading from leftist catechism
It's the elites in the country who have gotten us in all these wars in the Middle East and the cause of our open borders (mp3)
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Laura Ingraham
Larry Kudlow: Let the voters vote, that's what democracy is all about. This has worked very well, the RINO losership needs to stay out (mp3)
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Palestinian occupiers of Eastern Israel claims Palestinians' initiations of force are justified
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
L. Todd Wood _Washington DC Times_
Fatah, Hamas, ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate conspiring in Gaza Strip=Palestine
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
ICM poll: half of Brits want to leave EU
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Liam Deacon _Breitbart_
UK letting potential terrorists leave/travel
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
France has arrested 3 more in connection with 2015-11-13 and January terrorist attacks
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Awr Hawkins _Breitbart_
armed citizens save 90-year-old man who was under attack in Gwinnett county GA
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03)
Kellan Howell _Washington DC Times_
Vladimor Putin signed law declaring Russia can and will over-turn Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decrees
2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-15 (5776 Tebet 03) 2015-12-16
1773-12-16: Boston Tea Party
This afternoon, for president of the USA, I'm liking (1) Mark Levin, (2) Jeff Sessions, (3) Michelle Malkin, (4) Tom Tancredo, (6) Ted Cruz, (7) Rick Santorum, (9) Ann Coulter, (10) Ben S. Carson, (11) Mike Huckabee, (12) Donald Trump, (13) Thomas Sowell, (16) Ken Blackwell, (18) Allen West, (19) Rand Paul, (20) Tom Cotton, (21) Carly Fiorina, (22) Gary Johnson, (26) Jim Gilmore, (28) Larry Elder, (40) Alan Keyes, (25,000) Marco Rubio (i.e. far worse than Keyes, but far far far better than Yebbie Booosh), (102,000,000) Yebbie Booosh, (160,000,000) any native US citizen chosen at random from a nationwide voter registry, telephone directory or census list, (209,000,000) Lindsey Grahamnesty, (210,000,000) Chris Christie, (309,998,000) Bernie Sanders, (309,999,000) Hitlery Rotten Clinton, but at this stage the preference order is likely to change with the next corroborated bit of news that comes by.
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USA Over-Population Clock
_Cybercast News Service_
Mike Huckabee: if Islam is peaceful (does not advocate initiation of force) then Muslims should be begging everyone to attend their services and hear their sermons and congregational chat
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
lieutenant-general William G. Boykin (retired): Sharia means the destruction of the USA Constitution
Joseph Farah _WND_
Obummer's new ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate czar is Hamas pal
"How could [Barack Hussein Obummer] possibly do more to help ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate and radical jihadists around the world than he already has? If you asked me that question a few weeks ago, I would be stumped. But then he appointed a new ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate czar. And whom did he select? Did he pick a retired general who has studied ISIL tactics and strategy? Did he go for someone who has some achievement in his history -- military or otherwise? Did he name someone whose loyalty to the USA and its values could never be questioned? Did he choose someone who had good relations with our closest ally in the Middle East -- Israel? No, he didn't do any of those things. Of course, he didn't. It would be out of character for [Obummer] to do that. What he did instead was to select Rob Malley, a radical leftist foreign policy adviser he previously fired from his 2008 campaign for meeting with the terrorist group Hamas, a vicious critic of Israel, a long-time apologist for Yasser Arafat with whom his family had deep ties, a sympathizer with Palestinian terrorism, a man whose father is active in the Communist Party in Egypt and a person who blamed the failure of Bill Clinton's effort at peace talks between Ehud Barak and Arafat on Israel. So how do you think this appointment will work out? Malley, BTW, is assigned not to defeat ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate. He's charged with supporting 'our re-invigorated diplomatic track toward a political transition in Syria', according to White House spokesmouth Josh Earnest..."
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Clarice Feldman _WND_
reasons Barack Hussein Obummer is not who we are
American Thinker
"1. Dissing Allies and embracing Enemies... 2. Repeated unconstitutional acts... 3. Constant executive branch over-reaching. In addition to the unconstitutional actions of the president, he has engaged in numerous acts of overreaching. The Committee for Justice lists 25 such acts. In addition to those noted by Shapiro, this publication reminds us of these: refusal to build a fence along the Mexican border as required by law; authoring over 21 executive orders that restrict 2d Amendment rights; the administration's Fast & Furious Operation, which clearly was designed to create gun crimes and further erode the Constitutional right of citizens to bear arms -- and failure to dismiss Eric Holder when his attorney general refused to testify before Congress about it and was held in contempt; over-reaching regulations and mandates by his EPA, DoJ, IRS, FCC, EEOC, [both DoEs], and department of Interior. Some of the most serious wrongdoing includes: ...Without congressional approval, [Obummer] gutted the work requirement for welfare recipients passed by congress and signed into law by president Bill Clinton... In the bail-out of General Motors and Chrysler, [Obummer] illegally shortchanged bond holders in favor of Labor Unions, despite USA bankruptcy laws that specify that bond holders be first in line to be paid back... [Obummer] exposed the identity and method of operation of the Navy SEALs team that conducted the operation in Pakistan, thus exposing its members to a lifetime of risk because they have been targeted for assassination by Islamists. A short time after [Obummer] exposed the Navy SEALs' method of operation, 22 SEALs were shot down and killed in Afghanistan. It is a violation of law for the president or any American to reveal classified military secrets... [President Barack Hussein Obummer] established an extra-constitutional top secret 'kill list' of people (including Americans) who can be summarily killed on sight... [Obummer regime] officials twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in October of 2012 so as to avoid causing bad news for [Obummer] right before the election -- even though federal law (the 'WARN Act') requires such notices. Not only is this a violation of the WARN Act, it's also an unlawful use of federal officials for campaign purposes... 4. In his public actions he has undermined the rule of law... 5. He has honored thugs and ignored victims of racial and terrorist violence... 6. He has gone out of his way to insult the religious sensibilities of traditional Christians and Jews..."
Peter Hasson _Free Republic_
hateful racist leftist professors spew vulgar hate at Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas
Daily Caller
Anthony Watts
LSU: earth's tilt affects climate and "climate change"... exactly as we've always expected
Eric Worrall
COP21: shortest climate treaty honeymoon ever?
Cal Thomas _Jewish World Review_
hot air in Paris
Washington DC Times
Rich Lowry _Jewish World Review_
climate make-believe in Brazil, Kyoto,... and in Paris
_Jewish World Review_
George Carlin responded to Obummer's non-sense about "saving the planet"
Anthony Watts
CMU: vegetarian diets "worse" for climate than eating bacon
David Middleton
David Roberts: "consilience" or just plain silliness?
Anthony Watts
peaceful gestures at American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015
religion and climate addressed
Anthony Watts
American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015: new NASA satellite maps show humans have less of a finger-print on global air quality compared to 10 years ago
Anthony Watts
American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015: NASA suggests el Nino will lead to stronger, wetter atmospheric rivers, which may ease California's drought
Anthony Watts
American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015: Paris conspiracy (COP21)
Anthony Watts
USC: current climate models misrepresent el Nino
Mike Ferguson & Matt Hoffman _Billings MT Gazette_
snow-fall doubles record; schools closed
"Aaron Gilstad, National Weather Service meteorologist, said the 6.2 inches measured at the airport more than doubled the previous record for December 14 of 2.9 inches set in 1989. Other places in Montana and even other areas of Billings received significantly more... 9 inches at the NWS office on Overland Avenue and in Roscoe about 18 inches..."
Proposed Bills 2015
"From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink -- Greetings!" --- George Orwell/Eric Blair 1947 _Nineteen Eighty-Four_
Yom Rebiai
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
buried in omnibus over-spending bill... for now... $4K H-1B fee, $4.5K L-1 fee, but only for firms with more than 50% of employees on H-1B or L-1 visas
Steven Emerson _Jewish World Review_
USA's refugee, asylum, and visa waiver programs: naive, broken, lazy, bone-headed
white paper
Plus the lax visitor, student, exchange, fiance/fiancee, guest-work and legal-permanent-resident (green card) visa programs... all of which permit far far too many to enter the USA and none of which make more than a token effort at background investigations.
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
vetting Obummer's (and Shrub's & Clinton's & GHWBush's) neglectful, lax, heedless, remiss, lazy, bone-headed, unindustrious, unmindful, languorous, uninterested, unincentivized "vetters" at DHS
"...These hacks won't even vet each other. They place 'optics', 'diversity' and political protectionism above national security. Forget the red flags over San Bernardino. It's the giant white flag of surrender waving over DHS that's the real threat to our well-being."
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
Jack Cashill _WND_
where is San Bernardino's terrorist #3?
"Is it possible that there were more than two shooters during the Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino two weeks ago? Based on eyewitness testimony, the answer to that question is obviously yes. Is it possible that the authorities, with the media's help, would conceal this information from the American public? If the investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing 20 years ago offers any precedent, the answer to that question is obviously yes, too..."
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
in FY2013 corrupt anti-USA Obummer regime approved 2.999M too many cheap, young, pliant, low-skilled foreign laborers with questionable ethics
"...Citing un-named sources and statistics it obtained, the Free Beacon reports 2014 permits continued to be issued at record numbers -- including 1M green cards with work authorization, 1M employment-based non-immigrant visas for foreign workers, and 1.2M work-permit authorizations for foreign nationals. The 2014 number of foreign workers in the United States was 26M, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics [BLS]. Labor statistics show Hispanics accounted for 48.3% of the foreign-born labor force in 2014, and Asians accounted for 24.1%, the Free Beacon reports..."
Washington DC Free Beacon
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Rick Santorum channeled Conservative HQ in "debate"
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz (& Rand Paul) put Rubio on the ropes because of his bad positions on border security, visas, immigration
_Conservative HQ_
Ted Cruz & Rand Paul & Donald Trump & Rick Santorum
Laura Ingraham
senator Jeff Sessions released list of 30 recent terrorists admitted into USA
Caroline May: Breitbart
Caroline May _Breitbart_
omnibus over-spending bill cooked up by Reds/leftists/Dems & RINOs would quadruple H-2B visas for guest-workers of all skill levels in a variety of occupations to about 250K/year
Ian Smith: National Review
bad for USA citizens
Leo Hohmann: World Net Daily: borrows from 8 Gangsters bill to flood blue-collar job markets
Laura Ingraham
Rand Paul: How can Rubio support open borders but at the same time advocate a tough foreign policy? (mp3)
Joseph Farah _WND_
why Muslim immigration must be cut
"With all the debate about a moratorium on Muslim immigration, the main concern seems to be the threat of jihadist terrorism. That's understandable. It's an imminent threat. In fact, it is a brutal present reality. Anyone who denies it simply has his or her head in the sand -- or some other dark place. No, all Muslims are not terrorist jihadists. But since there are considerably more than 1G Muslims in the world and since the percentage of radicalized Islamic jihadists -- by deed or in spirit -- ranges from 5% to 20% [with polls showing as many as 36%, or even 50% of Muslims in some countries, advocating initiation of force], it's a crisis that cannot be ignored without the loss of more innocent life in the U.S.A... Slavery... Subjugation of women... Persecution of non-believers... Islam the fastest-growing religion in the world for two reasons: It coerces coverts; Muslims have a higher birth-rate [and over-crowding and over-population] than Christians and Jews... There are considerably more than 1G Chinese people in the world. They are, for the most part, not experienced with freedom. Would they be equipped to assimilate into America in big numbers if [Red China] suddenly allowed them to leave? I think not. We couldn't handle a flood of millions of Chinese people -- even though a significant majority of them might not be prone to violence and terrorism and they are hard-working people. Our national policy should be to foster freedom in countries that don't have it so we don't have to pay that price. Likewise, there are close to 1G Hindus in the world. They, too, are mostly peaceful, hardworking people. But could the U.S.A. maintain its cultural identity and its liberty by taking in millions of them? I think not."
Jane Chastain _WND_
the "refugee" grinch in the White House: crony socialist financial incentives drive Dem/Red/leftist desire for more Syrians
"Would you like to help 10,000 of them -- which is [Obummer's scheme] for the current year -- or 610K? Obviously, any caring person would like to help as many of these poor people as possible. Then why, oh why, would you want to bring them here when you can help 61 times that number in one of Syria's neighboring countries without the obvious threat? Last month, Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler released a exhaustive study for the Center for Immigration Studies, largely ignored by the media, on the cost of relocating these people. It shows that if your interest in purely compassion, [Obummer's scheme] makes no sense. The UN High Commission for Refugees has appealed for $4.533G to care for the 4.29M registered Syrian 'refugees' currently in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon for a year. That amounts to about $1,057 per 'refugee'. While that may seem like a low number, the poverty line in that area is roughly $1,402 per family. Clearly, caring for a family in a neighboring country is much less expensive than keeping that family out of poverty here where the line is $24K per year for the average family. Although, CIS did not attempt to include all relocation costs, its best conservative estimate was $64,370 per Middle Eastern 'refugee', or $257,481 per family for a period of five years. That is because these 'refugees' rely heavily on welfare; 91% receive food stamps and 68% receive cash assistance. Added to those costs are processing, temporary assistance and aid to the 'refugee'-receiving communities. Also, given the fact that these 'refugees' have, on average, 10.5 years of education, it is likely they will be a drain on the public for years to come..."
Nayla Rush _Center for Immigration Studies_
60% of applicants for asylum are interviewed by telephone... doesn't that make you feel safe
"I attended USCIS's Asylum Division Quarterly StakeHolder Meeting last week. It was led by John Lafferty, chief of the Asylum Division. Those present were, for the most part, USCIS staff and immigration lawyers in charge of representing asylum seekers and refugees. Here are a few things I learned: The Asylum Division suffers from a high staff turnover. Loss of trained staff means recruiting and training others to do the job. It is also understaffed. Officers have a hard time meeting quotas set by the president. In 2000, there were only 5K asylum cases and no back-log. There are now 120K cases, hence the back-log. The budget is tight. USCIS is considering increasing its fees -- but only for legal immigrants, since 'refugees' and asylum seekers are not charged. Officers interview asylum seekers by phone in 60% of the cases (except for families who are already in detention centers). They are under a lot of pressure, especially because they cannot see the interviewees. In answer to an attendee who suggested asylum seekers should be allowed to apply for work authorization alongside their asylum claim, Lafferty referred to the existing law that forbids it. (Since 1995, asylum seekers have been eligible for work authorization only if their case drags on for more than 6 months; see here for an overview of the 1995 reforms.) The questioner's rejoinder was nothing short of provocative; she said with a smile, 'They work illegally anyway, you know that...' Lafferty did not comment. So let me see if I got this right. The numbers of 'refugees' and asylum seekers are increasing in a way that is overwhelming staff members. Many choose to leave after a year or two. True, some may be promoted or move on to different government posts, as Lafferty explained, but others simply give up. We all know how important training and expertise are for jobs that require in-depth interviewing and screening. Asylum claims in general (like refugee ones) lack hard evidence, leaving 'credibility' as a major key towards a positive outcome. The insight or intuition of an officer conducting interviews is crucial in that context. Call me skeptical, but I don't see how this subjective assessment can be obtained through a telephone conversation. USCIS staff must be aware of the unreliability of such interview tools, hence the added pressure. But let me speculate further. What if the asylum seeker doesn't speak English? The USCIS officer is then left with a translator at the other end of the line -- not only can the officer not look the applicant in the eye, but he can't even hear the applicant's voice. Seriously? Let's move to the funding issue. With more asylum applicants to screen and process, and money getting scarce, law-abiding immigrants -- applying for green cards, citizenship, and the like -- will be asked to take on the added cost through higher fees. This actually penalizes those who follow the rules. Also likely are increasing delays in the processing of applications for legal immigrants. When law-makers decided to waive application fees for asylum seekers (and refugees) they were probably driven by a desire to help vulnerable victims in need of a break. The idea that million-dollar immigration law offices would be representing men and women seeking refuge was probably not considered. Even if these talented lawyers are working pro-bono here, someone is paying the tab. Powerful lobbies have taken on the asylum and refugee cause; perhaps it is time they handled their protégés' fees as well. What is certain is that legal immigrants should not have to bear the consequences of this [regime's pseudo-humanitarian] enthusiasm. You'd think those who follow the rules and do not make the news would be thanked, not penalized."
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
EB-5 program to be extended for another 9.5 months
Kausha Luna _Center for Immigration Studies_
emigration and trans-migration are among Mexican government's top public policy priorities
Chriss W. Street _Breitbart_
left wants to force workers in gig/contingent/bodyshop economy into supporting union thuggery
"The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' [BLS's] latest employer compensation cost figures estimate that the wages and salary of a full-time worker averaged $22.88 per hour in November. But the cost of benefits adds an additional $10.61, or 46%, for a total of $31.65 an hour. By turning employees into 'gig' workers, corporations save 30% by eliminating the 7.65% employer portion of [Socialist Insecurity and Medicare taxes -- as well as state unemployment compensation insurance, workers' compensation insurance, [ObummerDoesn'tCare] burdens, the company's 401K contributions, and any profit sharing contribution. Unions have fought hard to drive up all mandatory benefit costs in the private sector to narrow the benefit cost differences between union and non-union workers..."
Sarkis Zeronian _Breitbart_
German Jews fear open borders to "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals policy is putting them in jeopardy
Neil Munro _Breitbart_
RINO & Red/Dem/leftist loserships nestled scheme for 200K more H-2B guest-workers in omnibus over-spending bill
Thomas Sowell _Jewish World Review_
leftists/Reds/Dems & leftist media attacking the truth (part 2)
donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
office, cubicle, bull-pen, bodyshop; a brief history of disincentive and despair
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
why the war against widespread personal private ownership and carrying of arms continues to fail
Nat Hentoff & Nick Hentoff _Jewish World Review_
criminal justice reform... and perversion
Byron York _Jewish World Review_
Donald Trump and violence-advocating Muslims, by the numbers
Dick Morris _Jewish World Review_
politics: actions, stated values and goals and plans, trust, buzz, in-kind donations from biased media, money
"...The front-runner, Donald Trump, has spent about $250K on advertising. The current party runner-up, Ted Cruz, has invested just shy of $1M. In third place -- a distant third in the New York Times/CBS poll -- is Marco Rubio, who has spent over $14M on media. And bringing up the rear is [Yebbie Booosh], who has garnered a hearty 5% of the vote by spending over $35M on ads in his campaign and is en route to winning the John Connally Award for amount of money spent per delegate vote at the convention..."
donate to Jewish World Review Internet Education fund via Keren Yehoshua ve Yisroel
Bill Hoffmann _News Max_
Paul Ryan claims $1.1T budget deal advances Republican priorities...
...But in reality, the back-channel deal between extreme leftists and RINO losership continues the unconstitutional over-spending, continues to fully fund extreme leftists' priorities, and starves required and vitally necessary constitutional priorities.
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
2K-page, $1.2T RINO over-spending conspiracy funds Planned Parenthood
"The 2,009 page fiscal 2016 spending deal that the Republican House leadership released today authorizes $1,205,146,000,000 in federal outlays between now and the end of fiscal 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office [CBO], and it does not prohibit funding of Planned Parenthood, according to the House Appropriations committee. The spending bill is paired with a separate 233-page tax bill. 'We are maintaining all of our pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment, and we are making cuts to the UNFPA program.', House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the omnibus spending bill at a press conference today. Planned Parenthood is the nation's top abortion provider. In its latest annual report (2013-2014), it said that it did 327,653 abortions in [its] fiscal 2013 (which ended on 2013 Sept. 30), and that in the year that ended on 2014 June 30, it received $528.4M in government [tax-victim] health services grants and reimbursements..."
Susan Jones: Obummer regime reaction to over-spending bill: "we succeeded"
Stephen K. Bannon & Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan betrayed USA: $1.2T, 2K+ omnibus over-spending bill funds destruction of USA
Caroline May _Breitbart_
senator Jeff Sessions: omnibus over-spending bill is betrayal of USA voters; worsens flood of guest-workers, funds Obummer unconstitutional and illegal executive actions on immigration
"...'This will ensure that at least 170K green card, refugee and asylum approvals are issued to migrants from Muslim countries over just the next 12 months.', Sessions said. The Alabama law-maker continued, recalling that in his capacity as the chairman of the sub-committee on Immigration and the National Interest, he send a list of proposals for the omnibus to appropriators intended to 'improve immigration enforcement and block presidential lawlessness'. While those proposals were not included, funding for [Obummer's] 'refugee' effort was. 'The bill also funds sanctuary cities, allows the President to continue issuing visas to countries that refuse to repatriate violent criminal aliens, and funds the president's on-going lawless immigration actions -- including his unimpeded 2012 [unconstitutional & illegal] executive amnesty for alien youth.', Sessions argued..."
_Bloomberg_/_Ferenstein Wire_
omnibus over-spending bill hides new anti-constitutional privacy violation scheme
Michael W. Chapman _Cybercast News Service_
reverend Franklin Graham: Islam is not compatible with USA values
"Noting how Islamic law, sharia, contrasts with the U.S. Constitution and how women are treated under sharia, reverend Franklin Graham said he did not believe that Islam is compatible with American values, and added that all immigration should halt 'until we have a proper system to vet people'..."
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
anti-USA, anti-USA-constitution Obummer regime eager to run rough-shod over constitution for "gun control"; in a frenzy because public knows better
A.F. Branco: World Net Daily (cartoon)
A.F. Branco: Liberty Alliance (cartoon)
Tom Blumer _Media Research Center News Busters_
residential construction & ownership data not quite so rosy as Reuters would have us believe
Michael Brown _WND_
how to stay sane during political season
Ann Coulter _WND_
it's time for Yebbie Booosh, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Grahamnesty... to drop out
Andrew C. McCarthy _WND_
another reason to hate the media
Phil Elmore _WND_
why leftists hate facts: strangely deaf and dumb to science; spectacular, willful ignorance dressed up as love for science
Erik Rush _WND_
leftist media trying to blame Donald Trump for Barack Hussein Obummer's crimes
Larry Elder _WND_
a Hollywood Christmas story of hushed-tones conversation with conservative actors
Ted Nugent _WND_
last chance to get life-saving medicines to your child, the USA
"...Watching the Republican debates, I am somewhat relieved to see some occasional tough talk about so many tough issues by some of the candidates, but like so many Americans craving a return to a long lost, we the people, USA Constitution-based American Dream, I am not excited or convinced that any of the candidates represent anything resembling a perfect boat that will get the medicine to America. In these desperate times, the Nugent family will not wait for nor demand a perfect boat, for the alternative to the GOP boat is a guarantee that not only will the Dems/leftists/Reds fail to get the medicine we need, they will continue their insane throat stomping death wish on everything that makes America great..."
Philip Klein _Washington DC Examiner_
smearing Ted Cruz (or Rand Paul) as "isolationist" is absurd
Diana West _Breitbart_
What defines the GOP? What is a USA "conservative"?
"...Let's take a closer look at Continetti’s top four GOP markers: 1) internationalist in outlook; 2) pro-free trade; 3) pro-immigration; 4) support for American leadership in global institutions. At one time, such positions defined the Left side of the American political spectrum, even the far Left -- even the Communist Party USA! This is in not an exageration. The program Continetti describes as quintessentially Republican happens to intersect or mesh perfectly with the global systems helmed into existence, literally, by American Communist agents of the Kremlin at the time of or after World War 2 -- namely, to take the most prominent examples, Alger Hiss at the United Nations, and Harry Dexter White at the International Monetary Fund. What Continetti describes as 'pro-immigration', I take to mean as a position that is the opposite of immigration restriction as enacted by conservatives (in both parties) in the 1920s and 1950s, and perhaps even in line with the unceasing mass immigration mainly from the Third World that has been demographically and culturally and politically transforming the USA since the infamous, Ted-Kennedy-managed 1965 Immigration Act. Then there's free trade -- surely, the ultimate in free market economics, and, thus, an essence of what we think of as 'conservatism', right? Think again. I have long believed that bottom-line free trade which, for example, turned Americans into enablers of slave or quasi-slave labor in such dictatorships as Communist China, and bankrupters of our own manufacturing base in the USA, was a disaster. Not until I recently picked up _Toward Soviet America_, the 1932 book by Communist Pary USA chairman William Z. Foster, did I realize global free trade was also in sync with Communism's assault on our nation's character as well. In his predictions for Soviet America, many of which have come true as Marxist ideology has subverted our institutions, Foster writes: 'A Communist world will be a unified, organized world.' Remember Soviet agent Alger Hiss acted as the first UN secretary general in 1945. The economic system will be one great organization, based upon the principle of planning now dawning in the USSR..."
Huh, Matthew Continetti is not the only pundit pontificating along these who has a dreadfully myopic historical context.
John Nolte _Breitbart_
Donald Trump "won" "debate" as bubble-dumb media pretended to swoon over dreadful Lindsey Grahamnesty & Yebbie Booosh
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Pamela Geller: it was Ted Cruz's night
Jeff Poor _Breitbart_
Mark Levin chastises hypocrite Charles Krauthammer, obsessive Brit Hume for attacks on Ted Cruz & Donald Trump
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
CAIR aid to families of terrorists resembles Palestine/Hamas/Fatah rewards to families of suicide bombers & convicted terrorists serving prison sentences
Discover the Networks: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Discover the Networks: Fatah
Discover the Networks: Hamas
elderly Hasidic man was attacked in Manhattan
Pamela Geller _Breitbart_
yes, Muslims around the world really do hate the USA
"GOP candidates are being pilloried for their opposition to jihad, sharia, and ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate infiltration here in the USA. Countering the reasonable and rational, Foreign Policy warns us that the Muslim world hates us, citing Pew Research Center data and various other surveys of Muslim 'publics [that] have been asked whether they have a favorable or unfavorable view of the' USA... 'intense anti-American sentiment can be found in Egypt (53% held a very unfavorable view of America in 2014) and Jordan (51% very unfavorable in 2015)'... A November poll by the Pew Research Center revealed significant levels of support for ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate within the Muslim world. And another poll released in November shows that a third of Syrian refugees are ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate sympathizers. The Pew poll validates everything I have been saying and blows the fiction that the media, academic and cultural elites have been spinning, as in this Foreign Policy article, clear out of the water. Even worse, you can be absolutely sure that the real extent of this support is higher than the Pew data indicates. Much higher. These Muslims just admit to it. Others do not. Other surveys show that 58% of Muslims in the USA reject criticism of Islam as a right; 46% want such blasphemers punished legally. Twelve percent want them killed. 25% of Muslims in the USA think that jihad suicide bombings are justified in some circumstances. Do you think such people love America in any genuine sense?... this Muslim hatred for the USA predates this election. It predates 201/09/11 -- what was their excuse then? It predates the Hizballah bombing of our Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983. It predates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. It goes back to Muhammad..."
Charlie Spiering _Breitbart_
Barack Hussein Obummer, Valerie Jarrett, Michael Bloomberg conspire on how to infringe on constitutional right to own and carry arms
Peter Schweizer _Breitbart_
Federal Reserve Board quarter-percentage-point increase in interest rates is a small step toward cutting off Wall Street's monetary heroin
Eric Worrall
negative emissions: burning trees, burying the CO2
Ken Stewart
energy, CO2, and the pause
Ken Stewart
American GeoPhysical Union convention 2015: likely new phobia among the watermelon set: fracteria
Nicolas Loris _Cybercast News Service_
a vote for watermelon "climate fund" in RINOs' omnibus over-spending bill is a vote for worst parts of Paris scheme
Anthony Watts
airline traffic may create icy haze that "brightens" sky
Anthony Watts + Peter Wood
science vs. politics at AAAS, National Academy of Sciences, American Meteorological Society...
Holman W. Jenkins ii: WSJ: nuclear radiation paradigm shift
Anthony Watts
lessons learned from my failed Greenland prediction and NOAA's shifting goal-posts
Daniel Nussbaum _Breitbart_
California water board nixes latest fish-over-people drought scheme
Proposed Bills 2015
"Accounting always kills research." --- Charles Kettering (quoted in David Halberstam 1986 _The Reckoning_ pg 323)
Yom Chamishi
Ben Shapiro _Cybercast News Service_
security & civilization die where multi-culturalism is allowed to thrive: government continues to prove its inability to keep us safe
Mark Krikorian _Center for Immigration Studies_
crony socialism related to immigration/immigration law perversion is live ferment in USA House of Representatives
"Tucked into the 2K+ pages of Paul Ryan's monster [over-spending] bill to fund the federal government through the rest of this fiscal year are two immigration measures that testify to the strength of employer interests in bending immigration policy to their will. One is a change that would effectively quadruple the number of H-2B foreign workers. These are 'unskilled' non-farm workers (a companion program to the H-2A for farm-workers, and the H-1B for tech workers) who work in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, tourism, lifeguards, seafood processing -- you know, jobs Americans won't do. The measure inserted into the spending bill was originally introduced last month by four Republican members -- Chabot, Goodlatte, Harris, and Boustany. It consists of the common trick of nominally preserving the statutory cap (66K H-2B visas per year) but exempting certain groups from the cap -- in this case, any foreign worker who came in the prior three years. This would potentially quadruple the number of these 'seasonal' workers to more than a quarter million. Even under current law the seasonal nature of the visa is a lie; they're good for 10 months out of the year, so that they really are for permanent workers who take two-month unpaid vacations at Christmas time. (And just to highlight what a cronyist cesspool the H-2B visa program is, note that the current rules exempt from the cap all 'Fish roe processors, fish roe technicians and/or supervisors of fish roe processing.' Some West Coast lawmaker presumably sold his vote on another matter in exchange for this loophole.) The other donor-service provision slipped into the omnibus spending bill is a straight renewal of the scandal-plagued EB-5 investor visa program. The program sells permanent residence in the United States for the entire family in exchange for a $500K investment (usually in a high-end real estate development) that supposedly produces 10 jobs (though you can pay an economist to concoct a story about 'indirect' job creation). Fortune magazine last year published a deep dive into this sleazy program that's well-worth the time to read, so long as you've taken your blood-pressure meds. And my colleague David North has been following the program closely for years. The scandalous nature of this visa-selling scam was so apparent that the Republican chairmen and ranking Democrats of both the House and senate Judiciary committees got together to introduce a reform bill. The changes are modest, considering that this steaming pile of cronyism should simply be abolished, but they were better than nothing and had broad support. The reason these changes had a shot was that the program expires this month and would have to be reauthorized; you'd think that with Grassley, Leahy, Goodlatte, and Conyers behind them, the reforms would have been included as a condition of renewal. But then John Cornyn got together with Chuck Schumer to kill the measure. The program is being renewed for the remainder of the fiscal year with no changes. The chief EB-5 lobbyist crowed on twitter: 'So proud of our EB-5 Investment Coalition. Extension of the program for 10 months! TY Schumer Cornyn and Flake.' --laura reiff (@lfreiff) 2015 December 16. I suppose it should come as no surprise that a body that actually revived the expired Export-Import Bank would make sure that employers could wet their beaks through these immigration giveaways as well. But it's disconcerting nonetheless. (And in case you were wondering, the omnibus spending bill also fully funds [president Barack Hussein Obummer's] plans to 're-settle' 10K 'Syrian' 'refugees'. All thoroughly vetted, of course.)"
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
yet another Chinese alien sues yet another Chinese American in EB-5 case
Dan Cadman _Center for Immigration Studies_
a quick peek at House omnibus over-spending bill; raw sewage abounds
Norm Matloff _Upon Closer Inspection Norm Says No_
Cruz/Sessions H-1B+OPT bill
Ian Smith _National Review_
increase in H-2B guest-work visas is bad for USA workers regardless of skill level
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Paul Ryan built fence around his mansion's forder, does not fund already mandated 700 miles of USA border fence (along roughly 7,500 miles of land border)
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Diana West: RINO losership and Red/leftist/Dem elites are both pushing USA away from USA principles and constitution towards socialism
Donna Rachel Edmunds _Breitbart_
"migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals stormed chunnel armed with iron bars and hammers; as many as 1K
people riot over plans for new "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals center in Geldermalsen (about 18 miles SE of Utrecht, 90 miles NW of Duesseldorf, 69 miles NE of Antwerp, 40 miles E of Rotterdam); 2K of 27K population joined protest
Salvador Rodriguez _International Business Times_
can unemployed computer programmer land a job in Sili Valley before Christmas? (with graph)
"Finding a job in tech shouldn't be this hard... The 39-year-old software engineer, a father of 2, has more tha a decade of experience and newly minted credentials from a top... school... Sili Valley is still leaving behind slid candidates. Those with imperfect coding skills, lacking a degree from the 'right' schols or simply on the wrong side of 30 can find Sili Valley's job market unforgiving... black... African-Americans, who generally account for 3% or less of jobs, depending on the company... Last Fall, Webb decided to brush up on his programming skills, so he enrlled in a rigorous program at Hackreactor, a private 'coding academy' that boasts a job placement rate of 99%, with students earning lucrative jobs upon graduation. The average starting salary salary for a HackReactor graduate is $105K per year [in Sili Valley, where the median fixer-upper/starter home home requires income of $116/year]... the life of a free-lancer is tough. 'You don't get sick time. You don't get vacation time. It's hard to have a social life or a wife and kids or any of that other stuff because the basics aren't being taken care of.', Webb said... Since he lacks a college degree, Webb's skills get scrutiny. 'When you're self-taught, like I am, people want to see a portfolio.', Webb said. 'I was often working on non-disclosure agreements, contracts or' intranet web-sites... Webb figured that if he was going to find full-time work, he needed someone else to vouch for his skills. 'I needed a brand or something to augment my position in the market, in addition to teaching me what I didn't know.', Webb said... $17,780 tuition for a 30-month course at HackReactor... Webb [invested over] 1K hours total [this year] refining his skills..."
Victor Davis Hanson _Jewish World Review_
families of terrorists see no evil, speak no evil
Leonid Bershidsky _Jewish World Review_
EU sets off an on-line privacy revolution
"The new rules will drastically change how companies use people's data and perhaps reshape data-based businesses such as advertising and online retail. The idea of the new regulation is to establish the same data privacy rules across the EU -- something the European Commission says will result in savings of 2.3G euros ($2.5G) a year for businesses -- but also to hand to users full control of their personal data, which the EU defines broadly as 'any information relating to a data subject', or natural person. This means companies will have to explain exactly what information they are collecting, for what purposes and how long it will be retained. They will be forced to disclose all collected information to the user -- something Austrian law student Max Schrems expended a lot of effort extracting from FB, which led to the overruling by the European Court of Justice, of the 'safe harbor' data transfer deal between Europe and the U.S.A. in October. Companies will also have to erase data at the users' request if they have no legitimate reason for keeping it -- an extension of the difficult-to-enforce 'right to be forgotten'. Perhaps more importantly, companies will have to comply with the principles of 'privacy by design' and 'privacy by default', meaning the default settings of any service must ensure that as few data as possible are collected and retained...."
Raheem Kassam _Jewish World Review_
anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi/fascist, pro-Muslim, pro-ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate graffiti at vandalized Jewish cemetery in Poland
Jeff Jacoby _Jewish World Review_
mismatched black students pay a price for "affirmative action"
judge Andrew P. Napolitano _Jewish World Review_
updated secrets of the Hitlery Rotten Clinton chronicles
World Net Daily
Newt Gingrich _Jewish World Review_
RINO losers should worry about their own misdeeds, not how to undermine Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, & Rand Paul
Joel Bilbert _Breitbart_
watch "The Constitution Strikes Back, episode 8 -- the Cruzade", starring Ted Cruz
"...'The Constitution Strikes Back' should set a new standard for graphics in political satires. I have produced several political documentaries in recent years, through my company, 'Highway 61 Entertainment'. In my 2010 film, 'Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War and [Obummer's] Politics of Defeat', I highlighted Iran as a grave threat to the USA... Featured at the 2012 Republican National Convention, my 2012 film, 'Dreams from My Real Father', was an alternate history of [Barack Hussein Obummer's] life. My 2014 film, 'There's No Place Like Utopia', was a take off on the _Wizard of Oz_..."
Paul Greenberg _Jewish World Review_
my sister Lillian
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
lieutenant-general Sean McFarland commander campaign against ISIL/ ISIS/ Daesh/ IS/ caliphate: it is kind of difficult to "inflict support" on the Iraqis
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
Sunni Cairo-based Al-Azhar institution called the formation of the alliance against terrorism
"...While the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has 57 members, the Saudi-led coalition announced Tuesday currently boasts 34 Sunni nations. They include most of the Arab states -- although Syria and Iraq are notable exceptions -- Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and a handful of Islamic states in sub-Saharan Africa. Saudi Arabia's regional arch-rival, Shi'ite Iran, is another prominent omission..."
Patrick Goodenough _Cybercast News Service_
425 to 0, the USA House of Representatives on Wednesday passed legislation strengthening sanctions against Iran's terrorist proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah
Discover the Networks: Hezbollah/Hizbollah/HizbeAllah
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
SecDef Ashton Carter to USA troops in Iraq: this fight has to be fought... for Civilization against evil
Richard Scheinin _San Jose CA Mercury News_
insane over-crowded, over-taxed, over-regulated Sili Valley; where $650K for a 3-bed-room, 1,800-square-foot home on a postage-stamp lot in an industrial area is considered a great deal
Jeffrey A. Rendall _Conservative HQ_
Donald Trump lays waste to RINO mind control
George Rasley _Conservative HQ_
Paul Ryan == John Boehner; the horrid omnibus over-spending bill
"The massive 2K+ pages of this year's continuing resolution or omnibus appropriation were released at 01:20 on the night of the CNN Republican presidential debate, when all eyes would be focused on Las Vegas, not the smoke-filled rooms of Capitol Hill where this anti-conservative monstrosity was crafted. In what has become an annual litany, establishment Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan -- whose scruffy beard makes him look more like a frat boy after a kegger than the third ranking constitutional officer of the United States -- claimed this massive betrayal of conservatives was a 'compromise' resulting from divided government. The alleged conservatives of the Freedom Caucus who abandoned their support for the conservative reforms they called for when John Boehner was speaker to support Paul Ryan over conservative Daniel Webster have a lot to answer for now that Ryan has shown the conservative grassroots what he's really made of. Because, as is usual in such 'compromises', conservatives got nothing -- spending grew, funding for Planned Parenthood is included, funding of the welfare state grew, funding for the regulatory state grew, and funding for immigration, both legal and illegal grew, as did funding for the 'refugee' 're-settlement' programs that are bringing jihad to [the USA]. In truth the CR is not a compromise, it is [RINO] funding the priorities they share with Democrats and [president Obummer], who gave up nothing of substance to achieve the alleged 'compromise'. So deep is this betrayal of the conservative principles that Republicans claim to stand for that virtually every conservative organization of any note has come out in opposition to the bill. Heritage Action for America is key voting the bill and recommending a 'NO' vote. Heritage said, while the bill fails to achieve significant conservative policy victories, it appears to deliver substantial liberal priorities, including a two-year delay of [ObummerDoesn'tCare's] Cadillac tax. Many of the conservative policy riders touted by the Appropriations committee are pre-existing riders -- the Hyde amendment, a ban on funding [ObummerDoesn'tCare's] risk corridor bailouts, and the ban on transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay to military bases in America, just to name a few -- that have endured throughout Republican and Democrat control. Meanwhile, many important conservative riders were left out of the package. What's more, the $1.149T omnibus will spend at least significantly more than last year's bill and well above the previously established budget caps. Finally, conservatives have raised significant concerns about the closed-door, dual-track negotiations that led to both the omnibus and the tax extenders. The 233-page tax extenders package and 2,009-page omnibus were unveiled late Tuesday evening and earlier Wednesday morning, respectively, giving law-makers little time to decipher the policy implications of both bills. 'The good, the bad, and the ugly is the best way to classify this bill.', said David Williams, president of Taxpayers Protection Alliance. 'Despite recent changes in House leadership, there's been no change to a process that has continued to let down [tax-victims. A massive spending bill filed as deadlines to fund the government are running out has become an all too familiar way to pass major legislation. Congress is throwing a bunch of presents under the tree for taxpayers the night before Christmas and there's more than a few lumps of coal in [tax-victims'] stockings.' You may see the Taxpayers Protection Alliance report on the CR by clicking here. NumbersUSA and the American Energy Alliance are also key voting against speaker Ryan's betrayal of the conservatives who were hornswoggled into supporting him. Perhaps the most concise and devastating indictment of the Ryan - McConnell - [Obummer continuing resolution] came from the First Lady of the conservative movement Phyllis Schlafly and her Eagle Forum, who issued an action alert in opposition to the bill, saying 'After weeks of negotiations behind closed doors, the results are in, and once again, the American people lose while special interests and the president win.' Here are 5 of the biggest problems Eagle Forum identified with the omnibus [over-spending bill]: Spending. When Republicans controlled only the House, they got the White House and Harry Reid to impose budget caps in 2011, one of the few accomplishments of John Boehner's speakership. In October, although having control of both chambers, John Boehner surrendered this one accomplishment. The omnibus spends at these much higher levels set in the final Obama-Boehner budget deal, which was rejected by two-thirds of House Republicans. Life. Planned Parenthood will continue to receive funding. In fact, no pro-life victories can be found in the bill. Republican negotiators are left bragging about their ability to keep pro-life provisions that have been attached to funding bills for years. Immigration. No new restrictions are placed on 'refugee' 're-settlement' programs, sanctuary cities, or [president Obummer's unconstitutional] lawless amnesties. On the contrary, a provision was slipped in quadrupling H-2B visas in fiscal year 2016, bringing in tens of thousands more low-skilled workers. Environment. In exchange for lifting the crude oil ban, environmentalists are given free rein to advance their destructive agenda. Nothing in this omnibus will stop [president Obummer] from implementing the climate change agreement reached in Paris last week. Furthermore, the EPA can continue imposing new regulations in areas such as water and carbon emissions that will affect our daily lives in many ways. National Security. Our national security will be diminished. [President Obummer] can continue to implement his dangerous deal [to help Iran develop nuclear weapons and delivery systems]. Women will be allowed into combat units, lowering their overall effectiveness and increasing risks to men and women in the front lines. Please sign our open letter to congress demanding Republicans De-Fund [Obummer's] Disastrous Policies or be Complicit in the Destruction of Our Country and then call your Representative and senators (the Capitol Switchboard is 1-866-220-0044) and tell them to vote NO on the omnibus over-spending bill."
Joel Gehrke _National Review_
senator Jeff Sessions: omnibus over-spending bill is another betrayal of voters
Laura Ingraham
omnibus over-spending deal would increase federal government deficits and debt by hundreds of billions
Stephen Dinan & Dave Boyer: Washington DC Times
Laura Ingraham
House Freedom Caucus folds
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
Dems/leftists/Reds gloat, list non-leftist policies they reversed in omnibus over-spending bill
The author refers to Ryan "negotiating", just as they used to talk about Boehner "negotiating", when the truth is there was no negotiation. They both facilitate extreme leftist unconstitutional over-spending.
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
Paul Ryan's 11 gifts to Obummer and the Reds/Dems/leftists
senator Ted Cruz _Politico_
RINO losership continue surrendering to Obummer and the Reds/Dems/leftists
Laura Ingraham
Mike Huckabee: Paul Ryan, this over-spending bill is embarrassing: The rest of America and all conservatives just got screwed horribly in this deal and Paul Ryan wants us to stand up and applaud
Susan Berry _Breitbart_
Planned Parenthood serial murderers expected even more in tax-victim subsidies
Michelle Fields _Breitbart_
majority of USA House of Representatives turned against citizenry, voted for $622G tax/extortion increase
Julia Hahn _Breitbart_
Phyllis Schlafly: Paul Ryan working for the same anti-USA policies as Boehner, Obummer, Pelosi, Reid, McConnell
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Amity Shlaes on Calvin Coolidge and genuine budgeting in DC
Dan Riehl _Breitbart_
Pat Caddell: USA closer than ever to revolution against corrupt government
John Nolte _Breitbart_
5 times leftist media was caught lying about non-leftist meetings and conventions
Raheem Kassam _Breitbart_
recent history of San Bernardino terrorist's terrorism-linked, orthodox Islamic sect: beginning at Dar Al Uloom Islamiyah mosque
"On the Breitbart News Daily radio programme, whistleblower and former Department of Homeland Security official Philip Haney pointed to Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) -- a group known in Britain as the 'Army of Darkness' that has used aggressive tactics to build 'mega mosques' in my home country, and which has been linked to a number of high profile terrorist incidents. The links, some say, are coincidental. But this hardline Deobandi sect has found itself on the front lines of domestic terrorism cases on too many occasions now for anyone to leave this unchecked. Some of their members are also known for duplicitous behaviour -- even by fellow Muslims -- an understandable tactic when you consider that the group is militantly evangelical, and regards proselytising in the name of its interpretation of Islam as its highest calling. The Christian Science Monitor reported this month that the group vbegan as a revivalist movement for a beleaguered Muslim minority in British-ruled India' and 'has over the past century transformed into a global phenomenon that may have as many as 50M followers'... 'Tablighi Jamaat has always adopted an extreme interpretation of Sunni Islam, but in the past 2 decades, it has radicalized to the point where it is now a driving force of Islamic extremism and a major recruiting agency for terrorist causes worldwide'..."
Alex Swoyer _Breitbart_
Veterans Administration hospital bans holiday cheer, caroling, trees, menorah, wishes for "Merry Christmas": gets Ebenezer award
Deborah Danan _Breitbart_
archaeologists found 1500-year-old marble slab inscribed in Hebrew at Kursi along the East bank of the Sea of Galilee (about 4 miles SSW of Ramot, about 3 miles N of Ein Gev)
Thomas D. Williams _Breitbart_
25 prominent Orthodox rabbis declare partnership with Christians
Hamas official Khaled Mashaal advocates stabbing attacks, murder, terrorism against Israelis
Discover the Networks: Hamas
Nablus/Nabulus, Palestinian-occupied Eastern Israel: Palestinian ran at IDF soldiers brandishing a knife; he died
kiddies show on Palestinian TV: Israel will be eliminated, we will take it over, it is all ours, yadda yadda yadda
Allum Bokhari _Breitbart_
twit-meisters locked Adam Baldwin account for criticism of warriors for socialist injustice; raving leftists roam wild
George Will _Jewish World Review_
"...Matt Ridley, a member of a British coal-producing family and author of _The Rational Optimist_, notes that the path of mankind's progress, material as well as moral, has been from reliance on renewable but insufficient energy sources to today's 85% reliance on energy from fossil fuels. The progression has been from reliance on human (often slaves') muscles, to animal energy (first oxen, then horses), to burning wood and peat as stores of sunlight, to energy from water and wind, to, at last, fossil fuels. Sustained economic growth, a necessary prerequisite for scientific and technological dynamism, became possible, Ridley writes, when humanity was able to rely on 'non-renewable, non-green, non-clean power'. Because 'there appeared from underground a near-magical substance', Britain's landscape was spared: 'Coal gave Britain fuel equivalent to the output of 15M extra acres of forest to burn, an area nearly the size of Scotland. By 1870, the burning of coal in Britain was generating as many calories as would have been expended by 850 million laborers... The capacity of the country's steam engines alone was equivalent to 6M horses or 40M men.' And cheap coal produced the iron for new labor-saving machines..."
Eric Worrall
German continuous nuclear fusion reactor mile-stone
Eric Worrall
does the USA president have un-constrained constitutional power to send $Billions to the UN for climate
Kip Hansen
an ocean of plastic?
Larry Kummer
NOAA debunks hysteria about this el Nino; why don't we listen
Anthony Watts
the quality of temperature station siting matters for tracking temperature trends
Mike Flynn _Breitbart_
omnibus over-spending bill will unconstitutionally funnel billions to crony socialist wind & solar power projects
James Delingpole _Breitbart_
after COP21 fiasco the terror begins: crazed watermelons attack each other, cast crazier extremist than thou accusations
Willis Eschenbach
weather 2 months from now
Proposed Bills 2015
"When any man or woman goes on a dole something happens to them mentally & the quicker they are taken off the dole the better it is for them the rest of their lives." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) 1933-11 (quoted in Grace Adams 1939 _Workers on Relief_ pg 11, quoted in Marvin Olasky 1992 _The Tragedy of American Compassion_ pg 154)
Yom Shishi
Patrick Thibodeau _ComputerWorld_/_IDG_
despite waste of millions in USA STEM talent pool, Alan Greenspan is still calling for more H-1B visas for cheap, young, pliant labor with flexible ethics
year general allocation issued H-1B1
for those from Chile
and SingaporeTotal H-1B Visas Issued 1996 58,327 - - - 58,327 1997 80,547 - - - 80,547 1998 91,360 - - - 91,360 1999 116,513 - - - 116,513 2000 133,290 - - - 133,290 2001 161,643 - - - 161,643 2002 118,352 - - - 118,352 2003 107,196 - - - 107,196 2004 138,965 72 139,037 2005 124,099 275 124,374 2006 135,421 440 135,861 2007 154,053 639 154,692 2008 129,464 719 130,183 2009 110,367 621 110,988 2010 117,409 419 117,828 2011 129,134 418 129,552 2012 135,530 461 135,991 2013 153,223 571 153,794 2014 161,369 870 162,239 year general allocation issued H-1B1
for those from Chile
and SingaporeTotal H-1B Visas Issued
State Dapartment
FY2004-FY2008 pdf;
FY2006 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2007 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;
FY2008 table16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2009 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf;
FY2010 table 16A pdf, table 16B pdf
FY2011 Annual Report;
FY2012 Annual Report
FY2013 Annual Report
FY2013 NIV Workload by Visa Category (pdf)
NonImmigrant Visa Statistics
FY2014 NIV Workload by Visa Category (pdf)
Diala Shamas _Jewish World Review_
Trump's proposal banning Islamics isn't so far from official government policy
Michelle Malkin _Jewish World Review_
open-borders money backs "gangster" Marco Rubio
Human Events
Cybercast News Service
Town Hall
National Review
Investor's Business Daily
Patriot Post
Remember 1986
"FB, MSFT and Silicon Valley back Marco Rubio. Mark Zuckerberg is a 'social justice' CEO who panders to Hispanics with his pro-amnesty, anti-deportation [low standards, no background investigations] advocacy; FB is an H-1B visa dependent company working hard to obliterate hurdles to hiring an unlimited stream of cheap [young, pliant, ethically fexible] foreign tech workers. It's no coincidence that FB's lobbying outfit, FWD.us, was waging war on senator Cruz on-line this week in parallel with senator Rubio's disingenuous onstage attack. The DC front group, which Zuckerberg seeded in 2013 with nearly $40M during the Gang of 8 [8 Gangsters] fight, has consistently provided political protection for Rubio as he carried their legislative water. FWD.us's GOP subsidiary, 'Americans for a Conservative Direction', showered Rubio and pro-illegal alien amnesty [senator Lindsey Grahamnesty (R-SC)], with millions of dollars in media ad buys. The group also funded a deceptive, $150K ad campaign for immigration sell-out representative Renee Ellmers (R-NC), which falsely claimed she opposed amnesty to help her fend off a primary challenge. In all, FWD.us spent an estimated $5M on TV and radio spots in more than 100 GOP districts before the senate passed the Gang of 8 [8 Gangsters] bill [S744] in 2013 June. Zuckerberg personally donated to Rubio, as have pro-H-1B expansionist Silicon Valley CEOs from Oracle, Cisco and Seagate. MSFT, founded by leading ['infinite'] H-1B/amnesty cheer-leader Bill Gates, has been Rubio's #2 corporate donor the past 5 years..."
interview with Laura Ingraham (mp3)
Russ Hepler: Federalist Papers.org: open borders big bucks flowing into Rubio campaign
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (B&N)
_Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & BiPartisan BeltWay CarpWeasels Are [Destroying the Lives, Families, and Careers of the USA's] Best & Brightest Workers_ (amazon; 480 pages; 10.6MB)
Laura Ingraham
omnibus over-spending bill provides $1.6G to re-settle illegal aliens arriving at the border and being improperly admitted instead of repelled through 2018
Morgan Chalfant: Washington DC Free Beacon
Laura Ingraham
corrupt House, senate + Obummer regime's omnibus over-spending bill provides for 300K visas for Muslim "migrants"/ "refugees"/ "asylum seekers"/ invaders/ terrorists/ cross-border criminals per year
Julia Hahn: Breitbart
Susan Jones _Cybercast News Service_
Trey Gowdy: list of visa over-stayers should to to arms dealers (and NSA, telecommunications firms, colleges, schools, DMVs, local police, hotel managers, bankers, credit rating services, pawn shops...)
David North _Center for Immigration Studies_
San Bernardino : marriage fraud and murder, this time in spades
Laura Ingraham
Ted Cruz: Marco Rubio betrayed USA voters... again
Caroline B. Glick _Jewish World Review_
USA global leadership (isolationism vs. non-interventionism vs. interventionism vs. adventurism)
"...On the Republican side, things are more encouraging, but also more complicated. Republican presidential hopefuls are united in their rejection of [Obummer's] policy of ignoring the Islamic supremacist nature of the enemy. All reject the failed assumptions of [Obummer's] foreign policy. All have pledged to abandon them on their first day in office. Yet for all their unity in rejecting [Obummer's] positions, Republicans are deeply divided over what alternative foreign policy they would adopt. This divide has been seething under the surface throughout the [Obummer] presidency. It burst into the open at the Republican presidential debate Wednesday night..."
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Wesley Pruden _Jewish World Review_
the deadly dereliction of duty at the top: refusing to do what he is required to do, and doing a lot of what he is not permitted to do
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Emma Brown _Jewish World Review_
furor over Islam assignment leads Virginia school district to close for a day or two
"A Virginia school system has decided to close schools Friday after a high school geography assignment on world religions led to allegations of Islamic indoctrination and a slew of angry emails and phone calls. Augusta county school district officials said that there had been no specific threat of harm to students. But in a statement posted on the school district's web-site, officials said they were concerned about the 'tone and content of these communications'. 'We regret having to take this action, but we are doing so based on the recommendations of law enforcement and the Augusta County School Board out of an abundance of caution.', the statement says. Superintendent Eric Bond did not respond to questions about why he canceled school given the lack of a specific threat, or about whether he considered the original assignment improper. Members of the school board also did not respond to requests for comment. The school district serves about 10K students in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley west of Charlottesville, VA, about 150 miles from Washington, DC. A geography teacher at the district's Riverheads High in Staunton, Virginia, gave an assignment asking students to try their hand at calligraphy by copying a statement in Arabic, according to the Staunton News Leader. It was the Muslim statement of faith, according to the newspaper: 'There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.'..."
Jonah Goldberg _Jewish World Review_
what is bothering the citizenry of the USA?
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Mona Charen _Jewish World Review_
does conservatism matter in Republican nomination contest? (with not a word about what she means by "conservatism")
David Limbaugh _Jewish World Review_
RINOs must be careful not to go too far... oops. they already have
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Charles Krauthammer _Jewish World Review_
Obummer legacy or bust... which boils down to haring USA no matter what
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_Conservative HQ_
Rush Limbaugh leads truth squad against Rubio, says Cruz is and was against amnesty for illegal aliens
_Conservative HQ_
media responded to Richard Viguerie's personal endorsement of Ted Cruz
Laura Ingraham
Ted Cruz: speaker Ryan's omnibus over-spending bill is an absolute betrayal to the American people who put Republicans in office (mp3)
L. Brent Bozell iii & Tim Graham _Cybercast News Service_
CNN sashays with Satanists
Terence P. Jeffrey _Cybercast News Service_
bi-partisan "achievements": bigger government, worse schools
Bill Donohue _Cybercast News Service_
"A Charlie Brown Christmas" wrongly nixed at public school in Johnson county, Kentucky
J. Richard Pearcey _Cybercast News Service_
1st amendment was never meant to facilitate Christian-hating secular suppression of free exercise of religion in USA
Mark Judge _Cybercast News Service_
James Woods: this is the best video. So delicious watching Obummer lie directly into the camera again and again and again
Obummer lies video
Obummer lies video
Obummer lies video
Obummer lies video
16 Obummer lies in under 3 minutes video
Obummer lies and contradictions
Obummer says "Americans are just stupid"
garbage Obummer says
Laurie Cardoza-Moore _WND_
the "I hate Israel" crusade
Craige McMillan _WND_
corruption is the tie that binds in DC... and becoming more corrupt every month
Daniel Horowitz _Conservative Review_
the growing divide between non-leftists and RINO losership
Willis Eschenbach
Britain authorizes fracking under national parks
Eric Worrall
U of Queensland claim: climate change and crocodiles
Proposed Bills 2015
"...it is not possible to demonstrate the principles peculiar to each subject. If it were, the principles of these principles would be the principles of all things, & the science of those principles would be the supreme science. If a man knows by virtue of the higher causes, he knows a thing better than if he did not, since he knows the prior causes when he knows causes that have not themselves a cause. If he knows better & best, his knowledge or science is better or best." --- Aristotle _Logic_ "Posterior Analytics" Book 1 section 9 (translated in Aristotle, Renford Bambrough, J.L. Creed & A.E. Wardman _The Philosophy of Aristotle_ pg 173)
Yom Shabbat
Dan Neil _MarketWatch_
power-mad leftists are well on the road to depriving Americans of personal, private vehicles... and liberty, just as the bureaubums have deprived us of private flying cars decades after they have been developed
Eric Worrall
California government intensifies attack against individual energy independence
Anthony Watts
U of AL at Huntsville: trend analysis suggests we have already reached UN climate goal
Tim Ball
recent USA senate climate hearing "failed" because it continues to miss the point, the goals behind the goals, "credibility" and judgement
Proposed Bills 2015
"I ask you if anyone feels that this world is better after WW1 & 2 than it was before, when the Constitution of the USA was supreme with us & the American flag occupied 1st place in our hearts & minds?" --- Albert W. Hawkes (quoted in Garet Garrett 1953/1992 "Ex America" _The People's Pottage_ pg 58)
2015 December, week 2 (6-12) (15KB)
2015 December, week 3 (13-19) (15KB)
2015 December, week 4 (20-26) (15KB)
2015 December, week 5 (27-31) (15KB)
Proposed Bills 2015
Congressional candidate fund-raising, expenditures, and debt
World + USA Over-Population Clocks
Jimbo Wales's WikiPedia on World Over-Population
population density
countries by population density
USA states and counties by population density
World Atlas: states by population density
UK Office for National Statistics: population
"If men use their liberty in such a way as to surrender their liberty, are they thereafter any the less slaves? If people by a plebiscite elect a man despot over them, do they remain free because the despotism was of their own making?" --- Herbert Spencer 1884 _The New Toryism_
Movies Coming Soon
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