jgo Work In Progress
updated: 2017-12-14
back to main jgo Reading Room index page
To Read: Computing
To Read: Economics and STEM job markets
To Read: Engineering
To Read: Movie-Making
To Read: Immigration
To Read: Careers
To Read: Law & Criminology
To Read: Education
To Read: Fiction
History To Read
- current/pending projects:
- Slooowwwly developing genealogy program in Objective-C with Cocoa (finished first pass of GEDCOM importer, diagramming and analysing GEDCOM 5.5.1, GEDCOM XML 6.0, GENTECH; beginning implementation of GEDCOM CML 6.0 and GEDC; implemented Dijkstra).
on-going projects:
* keeping economic and job market news bits and graphs of economic indicators updated and groomed
* genealogy for myself and friends' families
* fighting for life, liberty, truth, justice, property and privacy
see also Recent Readings and 2010 Readings and 2011 Readings and 2012 Readings and 2013 Readings and 2014 Readings and jgo's Reading Room.
a book I hope to see published: _Governing the Communists: The Evolution of Institutions for Individual Action_ ()
a book I hope to see published: _How to Reform the USA by Consistently and Effectively Penalizing Crony Socialists_ ()
- Not Yet Categorized
- _Plonk Family Cemetery Visitor's Guide_ (pdf)
- Scott Atlas 8888 _In Excellent Health_ ()
- John R. Lott ii 2013 _At the Brink: Will Obummer Push Us Over the Edge?_ ()
- Olympia Snowe 2013 _Fighting for Communist Ground_ ()
- Benjamin A. Kleinerman 2009 _The Discretionary President_ ()
- Geoffrey Pridham 1995 _Transitions to Democracy: Comparative Perspectives from Southern Europe, Latin America and Eastern Europe_ ()
- Thomas W. Pauken 2010 _Bringing America Home_ ()
- Eric Golub _Ideological Bigotry_ ()
- Eric Golub _Ideological Violence_ ()
- Eric Golub _Ideological Idiocy_ ()
- Michael Muhammad Knight 2011 _Why I Am a Five Percenter_ (304 pages)
- Russell K. Nieli _Wounds That Will Not Heal_ ()
- Steven Johnson 2002 _Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software_ ()
- Aaron Wildavsky 1988 _Searching for Safety_ ()
- Ulrich Beck 1992 _Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity_ ()
- Paul Kersey _The Tragic City_ ()
- Paul Kersey _Escape from Detroit_ ()
- Albert O. Hirschman 1991 _The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy_ ()
- Robert H. Frank 1985 _Choosing the Right Pond: Human Behavior and the Quest for Status_ ()
- Arthur J. Barsky 1988 _Worried Sick: Our Troubled Quest for Wellness_ ()
- John McPhee 1989 _The Control of Nature_ ()
- Allen Guttmann 1978 _From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sports_ ()
- John Marshall Carter & Arnd Krueger 1990 _Ritual to Record: Sports Records and Quantification in Pre-modern Societies_ ()
- E.A. Bryant 1992 _Natural Hazards_ ()
- James Harvey Young 1961 _The Toadstool Millionaires_ ()
- Anders Wijkman & Lloyd Timberlake 1984 _Natural Disasters: Acts of God or Acts of Man?_ ()
- Michael Eidenmuller 2008 _Great Speeches for Better Speaking: Listen and Learn from History's Most Memorable Speeches_ ()
- James C. Humes 2002 _Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln: 21 Powerful Secrets of the World's Greatest Speakers_ (224 pages)
- Richard Dowis 1999 _The Lost Art of the Great Speech: How to write One -- How to Deliver It_ (288 pages)
- Mark Monmonier 1991 _How to Lie with Maps_ ()
- Vaclav Havel 8888 _Summer Meditations_ ()
- Ali Farazmand 1997 _Modern Systems of Government: Exploring the Role of Bureaucrats and Politicians_ ()
- Michael Barone 8888 _Our Country_ ()
- Randy Jurgenson & Robert Cea 2007 _Circle of 6_ ()
- Vincent Cannato 2002 _The UnGovernable City_ ()
- C. Clark Kissinger _Discover the Networks: A Guide to the Political Left_ ()
- Andrew Ferguson 1996 _Fools' Names, Fools' Faces_ ()
- Manning Marable _Malcolm X: A Life of ReInvention_ ()
- Mary Antin 1912 _The Promised Land_ ()
- Larry Elder 2013 _Dear Father, Dear Son_ ()
- Anacreon
- Apuleius
- Clement of Alexandria
- Epictetus
- Hegesippus
- Homer
- Horace
- Jerome
- Titus Livy
- Ossian
- Terence
- Theocritus
- Virgil
- Xenophontis
- Jonah Berger 2013 _Contagious: Why Things Catch On_ (244 pages; 658.8342)
- Arthur C. Brooks 2006 _Who Really Cares?_ ()
- Peter Wood 2006 _A Bee in the Mouth: Anger in America Now_ ()
- Steve Hewitt 2010 _Snitch!: A History of the Modern Intelligence Informer_ ()
- Thomas Medvetz 2012 _Think Tanks in America_ ()
- Mark Blaxill & Ralph Eckardt 2009 _The Invisible Edge: Taking Your Strategy to the Next Level Using Intellectual Property_ ()
- Eric Kandel 2012 _The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present_ ()
- Amy Brann 2013 _Make Your Brain Work: How to Maximize Your Efficiency, Productivity and Effectiveness_ ()
- Tojo Thatchenkery & Carol Metzker 2006 _Appreciative Intelligence_ ()
- Bob Lutz 2013 _Icons and Idiots: Straight Talk on Leadership_ ()
- Bruce H. Westley 1953 _News Editing_ ()
- William Stephenson 1967 _The Play Theory of Communication_ ()
- Lewis Jordan 1960 _News: How It Is Written and Edited_ ()
- Alex Jones & Susan Tifft 8888 _The Trust: The Private and Powerful Family Behind the New York Times_ ()
- William McGowan 8888 _Gray Lady Down_ ()
- Julie Golob 2012 _SHOOT: Your Guide to Shooting and Competition_ ()
- Ramesh Ponnuru 8888 _The Party of Death_ ()
- Edmund Morris 8888 _This Living Hand_ ()
- To Read: Computing
- To Read: Economics and STEM job markets
- To Read: Engineering
- To Read: Movie-Making
- To Read: Immigration
- To Read: Careers
- To Read: Education
History To Read
To Read
Careers & Career Management
Law & Criminology
Neuro-Science and related topics
Conspiracy Theories and Other Weird Stuff
Other Books To Read
see also Recent Readings and 2010 Readings and 2011 Readings and 2012 Readings and 2013 Readings and 2014 Readings.
on-going projects:
* keeping economic and job market news bits and graphs of economic indicators updated and groomed
* genealogy for myself and friends' families
* fighting for life, liberty, truth, justice, property and privacy
back to main jgo Reading Room index page
Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, Warner Brothers, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.
External links may expire at any time.
Neither this page, nor the opinions expressed or implied in it are endorsed by Michael Badnarik, Ron Paul, Binyamin L. Jolkovsky, Bob Barr, Walter E. Williams, Wayne Allyn Root, Thomas Sowell, Warner Brothers, Gary Johnson, Peter Brimelow, president Donald Trump, nor by my hosts, Kermit and Rateliff.